Search results for ""Author Gabriele""
Stanford University Press Healing Labor: Japanese Sex Work in the Gendered Economy
Contemporary Japan is home to one of the world's largest and most diversified markets for sex. Widely understood to be socially necessary, the sex industry operates and recruits openly, staffed by a diverse group of women who are attracted by its high pay and the promise of autonomy—but whose work remains stigmatized and unmentionable. Based on fieldwork with adult Japanese women in Tokyo's sex industry, Healing Labor explores the relationship between how sex workers think about what sex is and what it does and the political-economic roles and possibilities that they imagine for themselves. Gabriele Koch reveals how Japanese sex workers regard sex as a deeply feminized care—a healing labor—that is both necessary and significant for the well-being and productivity of men. In this nuanced ethnography that approaches sex as a social practice with political and economic effects, Koch compellingly illustrates the linkages between women's work, sex, and the gendered economy.
Columbia University Press Moments for Nothing: Samuel Beckett and the End Times
Samuel Beckett’s work has entranced generations of readers with its portrayal of the end times. Beckett’s characters are preoccupied with death, and the specters of cataclysm and extinction overshadow their barren, bleak worlds. Yet somehow, they endure, experiencing surreal and often comic repetitions that seem at once to confront finitude and the infinite, up to the limits of existence.Gabriele Schwab draws on decades of close engagement with Beckett to explore how his work speaks to our current existential anxieties and fears. Interweaving critical analysis with personal reflections, she shows how Beckett’s writing provides unexpected resources for making sense of personal and planetary catastrophes. Moments for Nothing examines the ways Beckett’s works have taken on new meaning in an era of crises—climate change, environmental devastation, and the COVID-19 pandemic—that are defined by both paralyzing stasis and pervasive uncertainty. They also offer a bracing depiction of aging and the end of life, exploring loneliness, vulnerability, and decay. Beckett’s particular vision of the apocalypse and his sense of persistence, Schwab argues, help us understand our times and even, perhaps, provide sanctuary and solace.Moments for Nothing features insightful close readings of iconic works such as Endgame, Happy Days, and the trilogy, as well as lesser-known writings including the thirty-five-second play Breath, which Schwab reconsiders in light of the pandemic.
Columbia University Press Imaginary Ethnographies: Literature, Culture, and Subjectivity
Through readings of iconic figures such as the cannibal, the child, the alien, and the posthuman, Gabriele Schwab analyzes literary explorations at the boundaries of the human. Treating literature as a dynamic medium that "writes culture"-one that makes the abstract particular and local, and situates us within the world-Schwab pioneers a compelling approach to reading literary texts as "anthropologies of the future" that challenge habitual productions of meaning and knowledge. Schwab's study draws on anthropology, philosophy, critical theory, and psychoanalysis to trace literature's profound impact on the cultural imaginary. Following a new interpretation of Derrida's and Levi-Strauss's famous controversy over the indigenous Nambikwara, Schwab explores the vicissitudes of "traveling literature" through novels and films that fashion a cross-cultural imaginary. She also examines the intricate links between colonialism, cannibalism, melancholia, the fate of disenfranchised children under the forces of globalization, and the intertwinement of property and personhood in the neoliberal imaginary. Schwab concludes with an exploration of discourses on the posthuman, using Samuel Beckett's "The Lost Ones" and its depiction of a future lived under the conditions of minimal life. Drawing on a wide range of theories, Schwab engages the productive intersections between literary studies and anthropology, underscoring the power of literature to shape culture, subjectivity, and life.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Armies of the Roman Republic 264-30 BC: History, Organization and Equipment
The period covered in this book saw the Roman Republic face its greatest military challenges. In 264 the Romans were pitted against the might of Carthage in the first of the three Punic Wars, which would push Rome to the brink but end with the destruction of this great rival city. In the following two centuries they would clash repeatedly with the Gauls, this recurrent threat finally overcome by Caesar's campaigns in Gaul. In this period they defeated the Hellenistic Successor states, proud heirs to the military legacy of Alexander the Great, a process completed by the annexation of Egypt in 30 BC. These wars, and others, made the Romans masters of all Western Europe and the whole Mediterranean basin, though failure against the Parthians limited their ambitions in the East. The Roman armies of this era were also employed against each other in the vicious civil wars that marked the end of the Republican period. Gabriele Esposito describes the tactics, organization, weapons and equipment of the Roman forces involved in these wars. He shows how the lessons of defeats and victories against such varied opponents in far-flung theatres, as well as social changes, forced a process of evolution and reforms that transformed Roman armies across this turbulent period. As usual, his clear, accessible text is supported by dozens of colour images of replica weapons and equipment in use.
Humboldt Glasgow 1969
Nova Science Publishers Inc Psychoanalysis and Complexity
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Armies of the Scythians and Sarmatians 700 BC to AD 450
The Scythians were a horse nomads from the central Eurasian steppes who migrated south and west into the region around the Black Sea from the seventh century BC which they dominated until replaced and absorbed by the very similar Sarmatians from the third century BC. A harsh life spent riding, herding and hunting on the steppes made them into tough warriors, and highly skilled horsemen and archers. Their armies were highly mobile, mostly comprising swift mounted archers capable of elusive hit-and-run attacks but with the wealthier warriors constituting a core of heavier cavalry, armoured and equipped for close combat. Over hundreds of years the Scythians fought, and often defeated, such notable opponents as the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Greeks and Macedonians. Their Sarmatian successors continued the tradition, being among the Romans' most dangerous opponents for several centuries.Gabriele Esposito discusses these remarkable warriors of the steppes, analysing what made them such form
Carcanet Press Ltd Halcyon
Gabriele d'Annunzio (1863-1938), the most influential and controversial Italian poet of the 20th century, published his masterpiece "Halcyon" in 1903. It is a carefully organized sequence of 88 lyrics which, to gain their full effect, must be read as a whole. Halcyon is a "solar diary" of a summer spent in Tuscany, part of the time with the legendary Eleanora Duse. The poems evoke specific times and places; more importantly, they conjure up emotions, memories and myths associated with each place. Beginning in early summer, they move through the seasons, changing in verse-form and mood, always delighting in the sensuous qualities of language. J.G. Nicholls's translation makes the richness and subtlety of d'Annunzio's poetry accessible to the English-speaking reader, and his introduction illuminates the complex themes and structure of the work. He provides a full glossary of places and references.
Austin Macauley Publishers The British in Italy: On the Trail of the English: A Secret Itinerary
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Wellington's Infantry: British Foot Regiments 1800-1815
The period covered in this book is one of the most famed and glorious for the British Army and the infantry were its backbone. Gabriele Esposito examines how the foot regiments were reformed and evolved to absorb the lessons of defeat in America and setbacks elsewhere to become the efficient and dependable bedrock of victory in the Napoleonic Wars. He details the uniforms, equipment and weapons of the infantry, along with their organization and tactics. Chapters are devoted to the Guards, the line regiments of foot, the Light Infantry and Rifles as well as Highland and Lowland Scots regiments. The author considers not only those units serving with Wellington in the Peninsular War and Waterloo Campaign, but all British infantry units, including those in Canada, the West Indies, India and elsewhere, not forgetting even the home defence Fencibles. Foreign units serving with the British army, most notably the King's German Legion, are also included. The work is lavishly illustrated with colour artwork.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Armies of the Germanic Peoples, 200 BC to AD 500: History, Organization and Equipment
Gabriele Esposito presents an overview of the military history of the Germanic peoples of this period and describes in detail the weapons and tactics they employed on the battlefield. He starts by showing how, from very early on, the Germanic communities were heavily influenced by Celtic culture. He then moves on to describe the major military events, starting with the first major encounter between the Germanic tribes and the Romans: the invasion by the Cimbri and Teutones. Julius Caesar's campaigns against German groups seeking to enter Gaul are described in detail as is the pivotal Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, which effectively halted Roman expansion into Germany and for centuries fixed the Rhine as the border between the Roman and Germanic civilizations. Escalating pressure of Germanic raids and invasions was a major factor in the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. The author's analysis explains how Germanic warriors were able to crush the Roman military forces on several occasions, gradually transformed the Roman Army itself from the inside and, after the fall of the Empire, created new Romano-Germanic Kingdoms across Europe. The evolution of Germanic weapons, equipment and tactics is examined and brought to life through dozens of colour photos of replica equipment in use.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Armies of the Hellenistic States 323 BC to AD 30: History, Organization and Equipment
This book provides a complete and detailed analysis of the organization and equipment employed by the armies of the Hellenistic States. After Alexander the Great's death in 323 BC, his immense Macedonian empire was divided between his ambitious generals, who in turn formed their own monarchies across Eastern Europe, Asia and North Africa. This work will follow the development of the Hellenistic military forces from the army bequeathed by Alexander the Great to the complex military machines that succumbed one by one in the wars against the expanding Romans. As decades and centuries progressed, Hellenistic warfare became always more sophisticated: the 'diadochi' (Alexander's successors) could field armies with thousands of men, chariots, elephants and siege machines; these came from all the territories of the former Macedonian Empire. The book will also show how Hellenistic forces were strongly influenced by Roman models during the last years of independence of their kingdoms. The states analysed are: Macedon, Seleucid Empire, Ptolemaic Egypt, Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, Armenia, Pergamon, Pontus, Cappadocia, Galatia, Bosporan Kingdom, Epirus, Sicily, Achaean League and Aetolian League.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Armies of Anglo-Saxon England 410-1066: History, Organization and Equipment
In the early 5th century, Germanic Angles, Saxons and Jutes crossed the North Sea in increasing numbers and began settling among the ruins of the former Roman province of Britannia. This led to centuries of warfare as these 'Anglo-Saxons' carved new, independent kingdoms at the point of the sword, fighting the native Britons and each other. From the late eighth century they also had to face the threat of the Vikings, at first as opportunistic raiders but increasingly bent on conquest. The last Viking invasion was defeated by Harold Godwinson at Stamford Bridge but he was defeated by the Normans in that same fatal year of 1066, ending the Anglo-Saxon Age. Gabriele Esposito gives an overview of Anglo-Saxon military history, narrating the great campaigns, such as those of Alfred the Great of Wessex and Harold Godwinson. He discusses in detail the composition of Anglo-Saxon forces, their tactics, weapons and equipment, detailing developments across the period. The informative, accessible text is supported by dozens of colour images showing replica Saxon war gear in use.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Napoleon's Cavalry, Artillery and Technical Corps 1799-1815: History, Organization and Equipment
The French Army of Napoleon could count on a brilliant mounted arm, consisting of three main types of cavalry: heavy, medium and light. The first, consisting of carabiniers and cuirassiers, was tasked with conducting frontal charges; the second, consisting of dragoons and lancers, could perform a variety of different duties; the third, consisting of hussars and mounted chasseurs, was tasked with scouting and skirmishing. The various regiments were all dressed in flamboyant uniforms and distinctive equipment. Perhaps more than any other troops they encapsulated the dash and glamour of Napoleonic warfare. Napoleon started his military career as an artillery officer and thus always paid great attention to the quality of his army's artillery, which consisted of both foot and horse units. Several of Bonaparte's greatest victories were achieved thanks to the superiority of his artillery, which was with undoubtedly the best in Europe during the period 1799-1815\. In addition to cavalry and artillery, the author also covers the minor technical corps' of Napoleon's army, such as the engineers and supply train. All are beautifully illustrated by the many colour plates in this book, and their organization, equipment and tactics described.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Armies of the Crusaders, 1096–1291: History, Organization, Weapons and Equipment
The Crusades were among the most astonishing historical events that took place during the Middle Ages. After centuries of relative isolation following the fall of the Roman Empire, Western Europe looked again towards the Middle East in search of lands to conquer. Incited by the Church to believe that the Holy Land must be ‘liberated’ from its Muslim rulers (who had by then occupied it for centuries), and that to do so would bring spiritual salvation, many thousands from all over Christian Europe ‘took the cross’ and joined the Crusades. Led by some of the most illustrious personalities of the age, such as Richard the Lionheart and Frederick Barbarossa, they fought numerous campaigns and even founded new ‘Crusader states’, some of which lasted for almost two centuries. Gabriele Esposito gives an overview of the key events of these campaigns, from the First Crusade in 1096 to the fall of Acre, the last Christian stronghold in the Holy Land, in 1291. He analyses the various contingents that made up the Crusader forces, describing their equipment and tactics and showing how they attempted to adapt to unfamiliar terrain and enemies. Included, of course, are the military orders (the Templar, Hospitaller and Teutonic knights) who combined the religious fervour of a monastic brotherhood with martial prowess, forming an elite core to the Christian forces. As usual, the informative text is lavishly illustrated with colour photos depicting replica weapons and equipment in use.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Are We Living in Another Migration Period?: Pandemics, Migrations and the Environmental Link
Duomo Ediciones Nuestro Cuerpo
Duomo Ediciones Que Sueño!
Duomo Ediciones Unicornio Arcoíris, El
Fórcola Ediciones Crónicas romanas la sociedad y la vida mundana de fines del Ottocento en Roma
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: PeriplosEl joven Gabriele d?Annunzio llegó a Roma a finales de 1881, dispuesto a conquistarla. Aunque la publicación de sus primeros poemas le permitió introducirse en los círculos literarios de la época, fueron su talento y su pluma, así como su matrimonio con la hija de la condesa di Gallese, los que le abrieron las puertas del cerrado y exclusivo mundo de los palacios romanos y de la vida de sociedad, de la que se convirtió en cronista privilegiado y perspicaz. En sus crónicas trató a aquellos orgullosos y rústicos príncipes romanos como refinados sibaritas y maestros de distinción, y sedujo a sus esposas e hijas adulándolas como un elegante retratista que, sin haberlas visto jamás, les prestaba cuellos de cisne, manos de hada, cinturas de avispa y ocurrencias de Madame de Staël.Trabajador incansable, d?Annunzio, al que se le puede considerar el primer periodista moderno, escribió cientos de crónicas y reportajes que publicó, bajo diversos
Universitatsverlag Winter Teaching Cultural Studies: Methods - Matters - Models
Hogrefe Verlag GmbH + Co. Sexueller Missbrauch an Kindern
Schnell & Steiner Geschichte Und Kulturelles Erbe Des Mittelalters: Umgang Mit Geschichte in Sachsen-Anhalt Und Andernorts
Don Bosco Medien GmbH Die 50 besten Spiele fr Deutsch als Zweitsprache
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Verzeichnis Des Deutschsprachigen Japanschrifttums 1992-1993: Nebst Erganzungen Zu Den Jahren 1980-1991
Trafalgar Square Games for Kids on Horseback: 16 Ideas for Fun and Safe Horseplay
Kohl Verlag Zusammenhänge erkennen
Oertel Und Spoerer GmbH 50 kleine Hunderassen
Christian Verlag GmbH Lunch in London
Edition Forsbach Besser leben mit Stress
Amrun Verlag & Buchhandel Highland Vampires Liebe ohne Morgen
Amrun Verlag & Buchhandel Wenn die Trume laufen lernen 2 LANZAROTE Roman
Wissner-Verlag Theaterpädagogik
Gaasterland Verlag Die letzte Karre Korn Das ehemalige Dorf Wollseifen im Nationalpark Eifel
Gaasterland Verlag 50 Schaupltze Eifeler Geschichte entdecken
Synergia Verlag Padma Die Kraft tibetischer Pflanzenmedizin
Innsalz, Verlag ... oda was
Edition Ost Im Verlag Das Abschied von Hans Modrow
Vier Tuerme GmbH Miteinander
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Lustiges Sprechzeichnen Eine spielerische Sprachfrderung 24 Hexengeschichten und dazu passende bungszeichen
Fe-Medienverlags GmbH Fürchte dich nicht du kleine Herde
Fe-Medienverlags GmbH Christliche Prinzipien des politischen Kampfes
Verbraucherzentrale NRW Bärenstarke Kinderkost
Auer-System-Verlag, Carl LifeBalance Kartenset Systemische Fragen zur Stressbewltigung BurnoutPrvention und Selbstfrsorge