Search results for ""Author Gabriele""
Abrams Peaches
In Peaches, a hopeful multigenerational story of love and healing from author Gabriele Davis and illustrator Kim Holt, a girl holds her mother’s memory close while carrying on an important family tradition: making peach cobbler together. Summer Sundays begin with picking.Rosy-ripe peaches dipping low to the ground,Sun-warmed and soft like Grandma’s lap. Side by side with Daddy and Grandma, a young girl is determined to take part in her family’s tradition of baking the perfect peach cobbler—just like her mama used to. From picking fruit to stirring and mixing to kneading the dough, it’s a little bit messy. But with sure hands to guide the girl step-by-step—and her mother’s memory hanging sweet in the air—she has the recipe for making Mama proud. This warmhearted and ultimately hopeful picture book shows that with a house full of love, eve
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Armies of the First Sino-Japanese War 1894–95
Describes how newly modernized Japan waged war against China in its first overseas campaign, marking its rapid transition into Asia's leading military power only 30 years after emerging from centuries of feudalism. After the Meiji restoration of the Japanese imperial regime in 1868–77, modernization along Western lines of Japan's industry, communications and land and naval forces advanced with remarkable speed and, by the 1890s, the rejuvenated nation was ready to flex its muscles overseas. The obvious opponent was the huge but medieval Chinese Empire, and the obvious arena for war was Korea, a nearby Chinese protectorate that Japan had long coveted. (A secondary campaign would be fought on Formosa/Taiwan, an autonomous Chinese island protectorate.) In this study, author Gabriele Esposito describes the bloodthirsty course of the Japanese campaign in China, using colour illustrations and photos to showcase the organization, equipment and appearance of the various Chinese forces (China had no true national army), the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy, and, for the first time in English, the Korean and Formosan participants. Japan's victory left it confident enough to challenge Imperial Russia and, nine years later, it defeated it at the Battle of Tsushima where two-thirds of the Russian fleet was destroyed by the Japanese Navy. This victory confirmed Japan's place as Asia's leading military power, soon to become a realistic rival to the West.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Ottoman Armies 1820–1914
This book describes and illustrates the armies of the embattled Ottoman Turkish Empire involved in 19th-century wars during the Empire’s long spiral of decline. During the so called ‘long 19th century’, between the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 and the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the difficulties faced by the Ottoman Turkish Empire were a recurrent factor in international geopolitics. Against a background of Russian–Ottoman rivalry, France and Britain supported the Empire during the Crimean War (1854–56), but not in the Russo–Turkish War (1877–78). Portraying the uniforms, arms and appearance of Ottoman troops during this period, this book traces the history of the Ottoman Empire throughout this period, when no fewer than ten wars of regional insurgency and foreign expansion against the Empire were fought in territories in south-eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Using rare photos and illustrations from Turkish, Balkan and other sources, author, Gabriele Esposito details the history of the multi-ethnic Ottoman armies periodic attempts to modernize which enabled them to win some victories at a tactical level. But the Empire – ‘the sick man of Europe’ – lacked a coherent strategy or sufficient resources, and failed attempts to crush regional uprisings and to defend borders, saw the steady loss of territories. Due to misgovernment and economic failure, unrest finally boiled over in 1908–09, reducing the sultan’s court to a largely ceremonial role, and installing a military government by the ‘Young Turks’ led by the general Enver Pasha. This book is a vivid description of the organization, operations, uniforms and equipment of one of the most active and varied armies of the ‘long 19th century’ and paints a detailed picture of the Ottoman Empire's struggle to maintain control of its territories.
Gabriele Verlag Dein Leben im Diesseits ist Dein Leben im Jenseits
Gabriele Verlag Die Botschaft aus dem All Band 4
Gabriele Verlag Die Sumpffliegen
Gabriele Verlag Der Glaubende ein Fatalist
Gabriele Verlag Die Botschaft aus dem All Band 4
Gabriele Verlag Worte über Krieg und Frieden
Gabriele Verlag Leben ist Einheit
Gabriele Verlag Liobani Ich erzähle hörst Du zu
Gabriele Verlag Lebe den Augenblick und Du siehst und erkennst Dich
Gabriele Verlag Die Seele auf ihrem Weg zur Vollendung
Gabriele Verlag Die groen kosmischen Lehren des Jesus von Nazareth an Seine Apostel und Jnger die es fassen konnten
Gabriele Verlag Ich Ich Ich. Die Spinne im Netz
Gabriele Verlag Der Schlaufuchs
Gabriele Verlag Das Rotkehlchen
Gabriele Verlag Die Degeneration schlechthin in dunkelster Ausprägung
Gabriele Verlag wiat mczyzn wczoraj i dzi
Gabriele Verlag Viel viel Leben
Gabriele Verlag Hoffnung und Vertrauen
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Are We Living in Another Migration Period?: Pandemics, Migrations and the Environmental Link
Duomo Ediciones Nuestro Cuerpo
Duomo Ediciones Que Sueño!
Duomo Ediciones Unicornio Arcoíris, El
Fórcola Ediciones Crónicas romanas la sociedad y la vida mundana de fines del Ottocento en Roma
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: PeriplosEl joven Gabriele d?Annunzio llegó a Roma a finales de 1881, dispuesto a conquistarla. Aunque la publicación de sus primeros poemas le permitió introducirse en los círculos literarios de la época, fueron su talento y su pluma, así como su matrimonio con la hija de la condesa di Gallese, los que le abrieron las puertas del cerrado y exclusivo mundo de los palacios romanos y de la vida de sociedad, de la que se convirtió en cronista privilegiado y perspicaz. En sus crónicas trató a aquellos orgullosos y rústicos príncipes romanos como refinados sibaritas y maestros de distinción, y sedujo a sus esposas e hijas adulándolas como un elegante retratista que, sin haberlas visto jamás, les prestaba cuellos de cisne, manos de hada, cinturas de avispa y ocurrencias de Madame de Staël.Trabajador incansable, d?Annunzio, al que se le puede considerar el primer periodista moderno, escribió cientos de crónicas y reportajes que publicó, bajo diversos
Universitatsverlag Winter Teaching Cultural Studies: Methods - Matters - Models
Schnell & Steiner Geschichte Und Kulturelles Erbe Des Mittelalters: Umgang Mit Geschichte in Sachsen-Anhalt Und Andernorts
Don Bosco Medien GmbH Die 50 besten Spiele fr Deutsch als Zweitsprache
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Verzeichnis Des Deutschsprachigen Japanschrifttums 1992-1993: Nebst Erganzungen Zu Den Jahren 1980-1991
Trafalgar Square Games for Kids on Horseback: 16 Ideas for Fun and Safe Horseplay
Kohl Verlag Zusammenhänge erkennen
Christian Verlag GmbH Lunch in London
Edition Forsbach Besser leben mit Stress
Plan9 Verlag Nordland 2061
Gaasterland Verlag Die letzte Karre Korn Das ehemalige Dorf Wollseifen im Nationalpark Eifel
Pomaska-Brand, Druck Splendor Solis Das Purpurbad der Seele Zweiundzwanzig Pforten der initiatischen Alchemie
Innsalz, Verlag ... oda was
Edition Ost Im Verlag Das Abschied von Hans Modrow
Vier Tuerme GmbH Miteinander
Nikol Verlagsges.mbH Lustiges Sprechzeichnen Eine spielerische Sprachfrderung 24 Hexengeschichten und dazu passende bungszeichen
Fe-Medienverlags GmbH Fürchte dich nicht du kleine Herde