Search results for ""author em"
Royal Botanic Gardens Things to do with Plants: 51 ways to connect with the botanical world
A guide to the ways in which plants enhance our daily lives, from the essential functions of making our planet habitable, through meeting basic needs, such as food and clothing, to inspiring our creativity. Explores the way in which plants are used and explains how their extraordinary properties make them perfect for the job. Each of the 51 ‘things’ offers a different activity or insight into how we can interact with plants, be it from making perfumes, or making tea, to reducing noise, improving office productivity, or building a den. From global to community, and to individual, there are a huge range of topics and activities included. This book offers an ecological journey into the world of plants and their importance in our daily lives, often in unusual ways, and will guide the reader to sustainably connect with the botanical bounty around us, for our own benefit, and the planet’s.
BookLife Publishing Light and Dark
The Crowood Press Ltd Theatrical Scenic Art
Theatrical Scenic Art is a detailed guide to the creative process of painting and preparing scenery for theatre. The book offers key insights into the role of the scenic artist, detailing the process from planning, budgeting and developing samples through to creating and delivering the final finishes. Topics covers include: design interpretation and realisation; choosing the right tools and equipment; drawing and colour theory; preparation for floor and frame painting; traditional and contemporary techniques for hard and soft scenery and, finally, a range of processes including creating textures, polystyrene carving, scenic faux finishes and sign writing. With personal insights from highly acclaimed designers, this practical guide offers advice on how to become a scenic artist, useful work experience, valid courses and career options for both freelance and fulltime painters.
Vintage Publishing My Own Story: Inspiration for the major motion picture Suffragette
Don't miss Meryl Streep as Emmeline Pankhurst in the major motion picture Suffragette.Emmeline Pankhurst grew up all too aware of the prevailing attitude of her day: that men were considered superior to women. When she was just fourteen she attended her first suffrage meeting, and returned home a confirmed suffragist. Throughout the course of her career she endured humiliation, prison, hunger strikes and the repeated frustration of her aims by men in power, but she rose to become a guiding light of the Suffragette movement. This is the story, in Pankhurst’s own words, of her struggle for equality.
Hardie Grant Books The Lotus Eaters
Delicately interweaving the past and present, The Lotus Eaters is a sharply written story of self-redemption from an exciting young voice in Australian memoir that dissects the patterns of blame and shame women can form around their bodies and relationships. Since childhood, Emily Clements’ sense of self had always been shaped by the opinions of others and her need to be liked. When a standoff with her best friend sees nineteen-year-old Emily stranded in Vietnam, she is alone for the first time and adrift in a new environment. With seemingly nothing to lose, she makes the biggest decision of her life – to stay. But Emily's attempts to bridge a yawning loneliness spur a downward spiral of recklessness, as she hurtles from one sexual encounter to the next. It will take a truly terrifying experience for her to understand that sex is both a weapon and a wound in her battle for self-worth and empowerment.
Amazon Publishing Return to Midnight
On the anniversary of a savage mass murder, a survivor returns to the scene of the crime—and all its buried secrets—in a twisting novel of suspense.Nearly ten years ago, five Ohio university students were murdered in an off-campus Victorian home. The media dubbed it the Midnight House Massacre. Ever since, survivor and novelist Margot Davis has wanted to forget it, and never again utter the killer’s name. Until she’s compelled to write her side of the story. To do that, she’s returning to Midnight House.It’ll be a chance for Margot to reconnect with other survivors, heal the trauma, and dispel the ugly conspiracy theories of obsessed true crime fanatics. But when news of Margot’s book gets out, she receives a threatening note that demands she stop lying. Or else. It chills Margot’s blood. Because she hasn’t been telling the whole truth.As the threats continue, each more sinister than the last, a
Kaleidoscope Publishing, Inc Fortnite
North Star Editions Amazing Young People: Louis Braille
Introduces readers to the life and legacy of Louis Braille. Vivid photographs and easy-to-read text give early readers an engaging and age-appropriate look at his invention of braille. Features include sidebars, a table of contents, two infographics, Making Connections questions, a glossary, and an index. QR Codes in the book give readers access to book-specific resources to further their learning.
North Star Editions Edge of the Abyss
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Despised: Why the Modern Left Loathes the Working Class
The typical contemporary Labour MP is almost certain to be a university-educated Europhile who is more comfortable in the leafy enclaves of north London than the party’s historic heartlands. As a result, Labour has become radically out of step with the culture and values of working-class Britain. Drawing on his background as a firefighter and trade unionist from Dagenham, Paul Embery argues that this disconnect has been inevitable since the Left political establishment swallowed a poisonous brew of economic and social liberalism. They have come to despise traditional working-class values of patriotism, family and faith and instead embraced globalisation, rapid demographic change and a toxic, divisive brand of identity politics. Embery contends that the Left can only revive if it speaks once again to the priorities of working-class people by combining socialist economics with the cultural politics of belonging, place and community. No one who wants to really understand why our politics has become so dysfunctional and what the Left can do to fix it can afford to miss this authentic, insightful and passionate book.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Earn It Save It Spend It Donate Money
How do people earn money? And how do they use the money once they earn it? In this book, you can find out why people donate their own money for others and the different ways in which people do this. You can also learn how to donate with the money you have.
Oxford University Press Alevel OxfordAQA International Extended Project Qualification EPQ 9695 Student Book
Please note this title is suitable for any student studying: Exam Board: OxfordAQA Level and subject: International Extended Project Qualification First teaching: 2023 First assessment: 2024 The only handbook that has been designed specifically to support the Oxford AQA International Extended Project Qualification (9695). This resource is invaluable for students who are embarking on their extended project and also for teachers guiding them through the process. It offers practical advice, hints and study tips to assist students in planning, recording and presenting their EPQ.
Oxford University Press Oxford International Primary English Workbook Level 4
A comprehensive blended print and digital English programme for Years 1 to 6, Oxford International Primary English offers a clear and coherent literacy and language course with inspiring and culturally diverse content that puts each child at the heart of the learning experience. For Primary Literacy teachers in International schools following the Cambridge, ENC or OIC curriculum, this course is underpinned by a strong digital offer. Oxford International Primary English Offers a flexible, forward-looking and engaging route through primary English based on international best practice, with coverage of a range of curricula and a strong focus on wellbeing to fully prepare children for their onward studies.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Theatre Lighting Design
This book provides an insight into the life of a professional lighting designer, through interviews with lighting designers at different stages of their careers plus a group interview with the designer and lighting team of the hit musical Billy Elliot. The designers featured are The interviewees are: Neil Austin, Natasha Chivers, Jon Clark, Paule Constable, Rick Fisher, Richard Howell, Howard Hudson, Jessica Hung Han Yun, Mark Jonathan, Amy Mae, Ben Ormerod, Bruno Poet, Jackie Shemesh and Johanna Town. Between them, they have worked all over the world on shows of every genre collecting many awards for their work along the way. They share inspiration and practical advice, useful to anyone embarking on a career in lighting, fascinating to anyone who enjoys going to the theatre, offering insights into: > approaching a new design; > dealing with the challenges each new show brings, from working with a new director to being part of a creative team in realising a piece; > the use of ligh
University Press of Kentucky Sky Watch
Anness Publishing Pilates: Simple techniques for a strong, lithe and healthier body
Pilates works all the muscle groups in your body - with dramatic results. It can streamline your figure, making you longer and leaner, give you incredible posture and physical presence, build up your strength, and free you from any persistent little aches and pains. Pilates focuses on gaining muscle alignment, achieving a flexible spine and obtaining what is called 'core strength' - when the abdominals and back muscles create a girdle of strength that supports your torso effortlessly. Pilates can align your muscles and teach you balance with easy, efficient movements. All the techniques in this visual guide are designed to be carried out safely at home by beginners. More advanced variations are also included to challenge you as you progress. The exercises are illustrated with 350 photographs, with diagrams of the target muscles being worked to keep you on the right track.
HarperCollins Publishers Pregnancy Surprise In Byron Bay Paramedics Fling To Forever
The bump in their reunionGP Molly has moved to Byron Bay to start fresh, leaving behind the relationship that left her unappreciated and unfulfilled. Then she's reunited with a blast from the pastnew temporary doctor Theo. His thrilling kiss once made her believe she deserved more. Now their chemistry has reignited, and exploring the spark between them for the few weeks Theo's in town is surely heartache-free? Until Molly gets a surprise: she's pregnant!It started one week in BrisbaneParamedic Leesa's instant attraction to doctor Nick while at a party is overwhelming and irresistible! Five days of fun is just what the doctor orderedand all they can offer emotionally. But fate has other ideas when Nick takes a permanent job where Leesa works. Suddenly there's no avoiding each other! And resuming their fling is inevitable Yet, having both been burned by difficult marriages, will they have the courage to take a chance on for ever?
New In Chess The Magnus Method: The Singular Skills of the Worlds Strongest Chess Player Uncovered and Explained
What is it that makes Magnus Carlsen the strongest chess player in the world? Why do Carlsens opponents, the best players around, fail to see his moves coming? Moves that, when you replay his games, look natural and self-evident? Emmanuel Neiman has been studying Carlsens games and style of play for many years. His findings will surprise, delight and educate every player, regardless of their level. He explains a key element in the World Champions play: instead of the absolute best move he often plays the move that is likely to give him the better chances. Carlsens singular ability to win positions that are equal or only very slightly favourable comes down to this: he doesnt let his opponents get what they hope for while offering them the maximum amount of chances to go wrong. In areas such as pawn play, piece play, exchanges as a positional weapon and breaking the rules in endgames, Neiman shows that Magnus Carlsen has brought a new understanding to the game. Neiman also looks at Carlsens key qualities that are not directly related to technique. Such as his unparalleled fighting spirit and his ability to objectively evaluate any kind of position and situation. Carlsen is extremely widely read and knows basically everything about chess. Whats more, as the most versatile player in the history of the game he is totally unpredictable. THE MAGNUS METHOD presents a complete analysis of the skills that make the difference. With lots of surprising and instructive examples and quizzes. Examining Carlsens abilities together with Emmanuel Neiman is a delightful way to unlock you own potential.
The Energy and Resources Institute, TERI Let's Get Active: Learning About Peoples and Places (An Illustrated Activity Book That Teaches Young Learners All About People and Exciting Places)
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag One Hundred Highlights: Precious manuscripts and books from the Trier City Library
The Trier City Library preserves bibliophilic treasures of the highest value, dating back to the 7th century. The Codex Egberti, the Trier Apocalypse, the Ada Evangelia or the Gutenberg Bible are particular treasures. This catalogue presents in words and images 100 of the most significant items from the collection. The library, which was created at the beginning of the 19th century, quickly developed into a huge depository of the abandoned manuscripts and prints of the secularized monasteries of the Trier area. In addition to magnificent manuscripts from the entire Middle Ages, there are numerous works from the early days of printing. Highlights of the collection include the Gutenberg Bible, the Schedelsche Weltchronik or the Catholicon created by Fust and Schöffer. Texts and fragments from the Old and Middle High German periods are also of great appeal, as are maps, atlases and autographs. This publication offers a representative cross-section of the collection and encourages you to visit the treasure-house that is the library at Trier.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) De 2 à 4 Maccabées: Étude d'une réécriture
Dans la présente monographie, Emmanuel Weiss étudie la façon dont l'auteur de 4 Maccabées combine plusieurs sources, dont la principale est certainement 2 Maccabées. Cet auteur ne se contente pas de reproduire le récit du martyre d'Éléazar et des sept frères, il le réécrit en profondeur. La théologie de 4 Maccabées se démarque de celle de 2 Maccabées: le lexique de la souveraineté y est transféré de Dieu à la Raison humaine qui, conformément aux représentations du stoïcisme tardif, est la partie supérieure de l'âme, qui a néanmoins besoin d'un guide, la Loi juive donnée par Dieu. Ce faisant, l'auteur de 4 Maccabées justifie paradoxalement une vision assez traditionnelle du Judaïsme en l'appuyant sur des conceptions empruntées à la culture dominante de langue grecque.
Editions Flammarion Africa: The Fashion Continent
NeWest Press Paper Caskets
Otago University Press To the Occupant
Otago University Press Landfall 237
Homebound Publications Michikusa House
After enduring a complicated recovery from eating disorders, Winona Heeley is struggling to return to normal life. Her mother recommends a change in scenery and arranges for Winona to stay with friends in rural Japan, at Michikusa House. The centuries’ old farmhouse hosts residents who want to learn about growing their own food and cooking with the seasons. Jun Nakashima, an aspiring kaiseki chef, is one such resident. Like Winona, Jun is a recovering addict and college dropout. While the two bond over culinary rituals, they change each other’s lives by reconstructing long-held beliefs about shame, identity, and renewal. But after Winona returns to her Midwest hometown, and despite her best efforts to keep in touch, Jun vanishes. Two years pass, and Win is about to drop out of university for a second time, a decision that irreparably fractures her relationship with her partner of nearly a decade. Refusing to accept permanent failure and disappointment, Winona once again seeks revival through gardening. Much to the chagrin of her parents, she accepts a job as a groundskeeper at a local cemetery and begins searching for Jun Nakashima once more.
Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press The Quest
What happens when you realize you've been living a lie?Emily has the life, selling what Time Magazine hails as the revolutionary new treatment for cancer. Her boyfriend's start-up gets acquired for almost half-billion dollars, and the view from their beachfront LA penthouse looks bright. Few know she's on a dangerous journey of extremes, riding an alluring threshold of risk, while languishing at hedonistic soirees. Nothing is too big, too excessive or ever enough.And then, Emily has a shock discovery that forces her to lose everything. She finds herself scraping rock bottom, filled with regret and a desperate longing for the life she can't return to.Enter grandfather alchemist-intuitive, James, a cross between Don Quixote and Forrest Gump, who does an MRI on her soul, revealing a body headed toward serious illness. He initiates her into an ancient paradigm, where women access a force deep within paving the way for radical personal realization.By w
Sarabande Books, Incorporated Stay Safe
At the center of this stellar collection are three sisters and their imaginative fear of grief. Their great-uncle was bitten by a shark, their mother has a brain tumor, their neighbor hangs himself from a tree—and to cope with these very real terrors, the oldest sister creates an intimate fantasy world. We hear stories of a mountain lion that slaughters a deer, a transparent body washed up on a beach, a selkie who ventures to shore and becomes their mother: “On land her pelt was heavy / like stewed velvet, so she taught herself / to take it off.” The sisters’ environment of ocean and sand, forests and farmhouses, forms a lush backdrop to many of these poems. But later, as the speaker ages, we find ourselves in the mountains, in an art museum, in a spacecraft where a recorded voice “has the soft accent of someone only a generation or two removed from Earth.” The voice in these poems is the perfect mix of grief and imagination, quiet and explosion. Stay Safe is delicate and extraordinary, a powerful debut.
Crossroad Press Bo Aku Undisputed King of the Forest
Studio Anorak Ltd Bearing Witness
Hungry Tomato Ltd KIDS SPRING CRAFTS: Kids Seasonal Crafts - STEAM
Hungry Tomato Ltd Elephants
Renard Press Ltd Black Hills
Set between the Black Hills of South Dakota in 1973 and East Coast suburbia in 1968, Black Hills picks out a stark portrait of intricate familial relationships, and how dark events in the past must be addressed before they take root. Toying with heavy themes, and engaging with the notions of American identity and domestic violence, Black Hills is a thought-provoking tour of one family's past that leaves a lasting impression.
National Galleries of Scotland William Bell Scott's Screen: A Pre-Raphaelite Romance
William Bell Scott’s screen, The King’s Quair, was commissioned by James Leathart, an important collector of Pre-Raphaelite art. The beautifully decorated folding screen took as its inspiration The Kingis Quair, a 15th-century Scots poem attributed to James I of Scotland. Depicting key scenes from the king’s 18-year imprisonment in Windsor Castle, it is adorned by exquisite botanical details and gold leaf. Split into three parts, this book reveals the history of the screen’s commission, details the remarkable imagery of the screen itself, and finally situates the screen in its historical context by explaining the fascinating personal relationships that were the backdrop to its creation, including Scott’s relationship with the artist and heiress Alice Boyd. Drawing together the chivalric medieval tale of an imprisoned, love-struck king with the vibrancy of the Pre-Raphaelite social circles in which Scott moved, the reader is given a vivid picture of how this captivating artwork was created. Illustrated with new photography of the screen, this book is a vital new part of the story of British, as well as Scottish art.
University College Dublin Press Rotten Prod: The Unlikely Career of Dongaree Baird
James 'Dongaree' Baird, a boilermaker in Harland and Wolff's shipyard, was one of hundreds of 'rotten Prods', and thousands of Catholics, driven from their place of work by loyalists in 1920. The expulsions marked the end of Belfast's 'two red years', distinguished by the massive engineering strike in 1919 and the municipal elections in 1920, in which Baird was elected to Belfast Corporation. Baird's case offers a rare insight into the city's brief radicalisation, the mentality of Protestant workers who opposed the partition of Ireland, and the reasons why loyalists targeted Labour as their most insidious enemy. As a leader of the expelled workers, Baird spoke to the Irish and British TUCs, but Irish Labour had no practical policy on the North and British trade unions feared that confronting loyalists would lose them members. Subsequently, Baird worked for the National Sailors' and Firemen's Union and the Irish Transport and General Workers' Union, when he led the farm labourers of Waterford in an epic strike against wage cuts and was nearly elected to Dail Eireann. In 1927 he and his family emigrated to Brisbane, Queensland, where his daughters Nora and Helene were decorated by the Australian government for services to music in schools. A compelling account of a rotten Prod and a Labour hero.
University College Dublin Press White Elephants: The Country House and the State in Independent Ireland, 1922-73
Grand, awe-inspiring and beautiful, the `Big House' is widely viewed as a jewel in the Irish landscape today. Despite this, the relationship between the country house and the state has long been complex and nuanced. Houses such as Castletown, Mote Park, and Shanbally Castle have faced sometimes insurmountable threats to their survival since the founding of the Free State. Against a backdrop of civil war and social upheaval, the fledging government of 1922 was unwilling to accept the burdensome gifts of these extravagant but ineffectual `white elephants' at a time when much of the population lived in poverty. From the 1920s to the 1970s, hundreds of former landlords' residences - often seen as symbols of British oppression - were sold on, demolished or simply abandoned to ruin. Despite the significant change that took place in terms of the perception of these houses as part of the national heritage, the relationship between the state post-independence and the country house has not been examined in detail to date. Analysing previously unused government records, White Elephants illustrates the complex attitudes of politicians such as Erskine Childers, Sean Moylan and Charles J. Haughey to the country house and the crucial role of senior civil servants in determining their fates. The actions of the Office of Public Works and the Land Commission are here analysed and weighed, while the effects of land division and the alienation of the Anglo-Irish class are seen through the often-revealing lens of Department of the Taoiseach and Department of Finance files. These previously unmined sources uncover the more personal history and attitudes behind decisions for demolition or salvation. Drawing on case studies of significant Irish houses including Bishopscourt, Derrynane, Dunsandle, Hazelwood, Killarney, Muckross and Russborough, White Elephants tracks the compelling development of the Irish country house from burden to heritage site, running in parallel with the development of Ireland from a fledgling state to taking its place in the international community of the EEC in 1973.
Luath Press Ltd Livingston Lives
A collection of photographs for the Livingston Development Corporation and associated commentary forms the basis of this lively and colourful history, celebrating the town’s 50th birthday. This collection will be supplemented by additional images, as well as material from the Livingston 50 schools archive project and extracts from the associated Twitter feed, painting a picture of Livingston today through the eyes of local residents.
Brightword Publishing A House Beautiful Home Business
Suitable for anyone who has a passion, skill or hobby involving interiors and an interest in turning this into a business, this title includes steps, useful links and expert advice.
Quality Chess UK LLP Grandmaster Repertoire 15 - The French Defence Volume Two
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Baked Clay Figurines and Votive Beds from Medinet Habu
This catalog presents the entire corpus of 272 baked clay figurines and votive beds excavated at Medinet Habu by the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago during their 1926-1933 campaign. The figurines represent women, women with children, men, deities, and animals. They date from the sixteenth century B.C. to the ninth century A.D., illustrating permanence and change in themes of clay figurines as well as stylistic development within each type. The group of votive beds and the stela made from votive bed molds is among the largest and most diverse collections of such material. Each object is fully described and illustrated and is accompanied by commentary on construction, symbolism, and function.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Ancient Egypt: Treasures from the Collection of the Oriental Institute
This fully-illustrated catalogue offers highlights of the Egyptian collection at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. A brief history of the collection is followed by a catalogue of seventy-seven objects, which date from the early third millennium BC to the eighth century AD. Many of these objects have not been previously published. The artefacts include statues, stelae, tools, games, clothing, coffins, figured ostraca, and papyri; each item is described, and its function and symbolism are discussed. Brief texts are translated. Appendices give museum registration numbers, provenance, and bibliographies.
Otago University Press Truth Garden
Everyman Chess The Starting Out: The Scotch Game
The Scotch Game is one of the oldest openings in chess and has a great history, but more recently it was catapulted back into the limelight due to the enterprise of World number one Garry Kasparov, who completely rejuvenated the opening with an abundance of original ideas for White. He utilized the opening in World Championship matches and other elite events, with very successful results. As a direct result of this, the Scotch Game, a dynamic and sharp opening, has once again become popular at all levels of chess. In this easy-to-read guide, Grandmaster and openings expert John Emms goes back to basics, studying the essential principles of the Scotch Opening and its numerous variations. Throughout the book there are an abundance of notes, tips, and warnings to guide improving players, while key strategies, ideas, and tactics for both sides are clearly illustrated.
Everyman Chess Simple Chess
It's been said many times before that chess is an easy game to learn, but a difficult one to master. The game is full of difficult questions such as, 'What do you do when your opponent is skilful enough to prevent both checkmate and material loss?' However, once the principal strategic ideas are recognised, then everything becomes much clearer and the game becomes much simpler. In this book Grandmaster and experienced chess writer John Emms provides the reader with the fundamental knowledge required to enter every game with confidence. * A complete introduction to chess strategy * Important positional ideas are covered * Ideal for club and tournament players
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Subjects and Subjectivities of International Criminal Law
This book provides a critical introduction to the core elements of international criminal law. It does so by provoking thought on what international criminal law is, or could be, by contrasting the practice of widely recognised state-based actors and institutions such as the International Criminal Court with practices associated with non-state actors in particular citizens' tribunals.International criminal law is now established as an essential legal and institutional response to atrocity. However, it faces a series of political and practical challenges. It is vital to consider its limits and potential, as well as the ways and extent to which those limitations might be addressed. Many actors with very different visions of its nature and parameters play a role in shaping the meaning of international criminal law whether that be in official or unofficial spaces.This book explores the principles and institutions of international criminal law alongside the alternative visions of it
Royal Society of Chemistry A Healthy, Wealthy, Sustainable World
This book explains to the general reader the roles of chemistry in various areas of life ranging from the entirely personal to the worryingly global. These roles are currently not widely appreciated and certainly not well understood. The book is aimed at educated laypeople who want to know more about the world around them but have little chemical knowledge. The themes relate to the importance of chemistry in everyday life, the benefits they currently bring, and how their use can continue on a sustainable basis. Topics include: Health - conquering the diseases and stresses which still threaten us. Food - the role of agrochemicals and food chemists. Water - drinking water; the seas as a resource of raw materials. Fuels - what are they and from what are they made? Plastics - what are the used for and can they be sustainable? Cities - what role has chemistry in modern life? Sport - chemistry has changed the game. The world stands at a crossroads. What route to the future should we take? The road to a sustainable city beckons, but what effect will this have on chemistry, which appears so dependent on fossil resources? Its products are part of everyday living, and without them we could regress to the world of earlier generations when lives were blighted by disease, famines, dirt, and pain. In fact the industries based on chemistry the chemical, agrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries could be sustainable and not only benefit those in the developed world but could be shared by everyone on this planet and for generations to come. This book shows how it might be achieved.
The Lilliput Press Ltd Thirsty Ghosts
Emer Martin’s is a radical, vital voice in Irish writing, as she challenges the history of silence, institutional lies, evasion and the mistreatment of women across mid-to-late twentieth-century Ireland. Two families inhabit this immersive polyvocal work, an intergenerational saga announced with The Cruelty Men (2018) and continued here as punk rockers and Magdalene laundries spiral into a post-colonial Ireland still haunted by its tribal undertow. Scenes surface from Ireland’s mythological past, Tudor plantations, workhouses and industrial schools, the Troubles laid bare, the transformative pre-digital decades playing out in this propulsive narrative. Thirsty Ghosts is epic in scope while intimate in focus. The Lyons, professionals in a newly independent state, are attacked by paramilitaries in their family home in Tyrone. The eccentric O’Conaills of Kerry, traumatized by displacement, find themselves in leafy Dublin 4. We encounter a servant who meets Henry VIII, a Lithuanian Jewish family who become part of the fabric of Dublin, and a wild young girl who escapes the laundry only to stumble into a psycho pimp. Related with dark humour, verve and high literary style, Thirsty Ghosts is a revelatory exploration of Ireland combining themes of power, class, fertility, violence and deep love, forces as universal as the old stories that permeate and illuminate each character’s life.
Luath Press Ltd Land of Stone: A Journey Through Modern Architecture in Scotland
'Welcome to a journey of remarkablebuildings and remarkable thoughts aboutthese buildings, shaped as they are by deep time, modern ideas and Scottish culture. Readers are sure to see new vistas in the land of stone open before them' From the Foreword by PROFESSOR ANDREW PATRIZIOWhat makes Scottish architecture Scottish?What ideas drive Scottish architecture?What has modern architecture in Scotlandmeant to the Scots?Ever since the ‘granny-tops’, rattling and clanking in the wind to draw smoke up the tenemental flues from open coal fires, caught my attention as a three-year-old, architecture and its many parts, purposes, processes and procedures has fascinated me. For me, architecture has always had profound significance. 'Land of Stone' seeks to disengage widely-held conceptions of what a Scottish architecture superficially looks like and to focus on the ideas and events – philosophical, political, practical and personal – that inspired architects and their clients to create the cities, towns, villages and buildings we cherish today.