Search results for ""Author Kind"
Allison & Busby Fire and Sword: An explosive adventure for Captain Daniel Rawson
CAPTAIN DANIEL RAWSON'S MOST DANGEROUS ESCAPADE YET Flanders, 1707. Returning to camp from a dangerous solo mission behind enemy lines, Captain Daniel Rawson finds himself stranded, with French soldiers in fierce pursuit. A kindly farmer helps Daniel hide and then to escape - but with dire consequences. Back in England there is political unrest. Queen Anne's favour has shifted causing the Duke of Marlborough to resign as Commander-in-Chief. And all the while, the treacherous and scheming Duc de Vendôme, is hell-bent on capturing Daniel, by any means at his disposal, including kidnapping the beautiful Amalia. With the odds stacked against him, Daniel, aided by his friend Henry Welbeck, must face his greatest challenge yet and fight for his life at the bloody battle of Oudenarde.
Running Press,U.S. The Humiliations of Pipi McGee
The first eight years of Penelope McGee's education have been a curriculum in humiliation. From her kindergarten self-portrait as a bacon with bobbs, to fourth grade when she peed her pants in the library thanks to a stuck zipper to seventh grade where...well, she doesn't talk about seventh grade. Ever.After hearing the guidance counsellor lecturing them on how high school will be a clean slate for everyone, Pipi--fearing that her eight humiliations will follow her into the halls of Northbrook High School--decides to use her last year in middle school to right the wrongs of her early education and save other innocents from the same picked-on, laughed-at fate. Pipi McGee is seeking redemption, but she'll take revenge, too.
Random House Children's Books Lemon Bird
When a small lemon shaped bird and her pumpkin dog friend are lost on their journey home, it doesn't stop them from reaching out and helping all the new friends they meet on their way! A chapter book middle grade novel about friendship and the unlimited power of kindess for fans of Narwhal and Jelly.Lemon Bird and her new best friend, Pupkin, are lost!It will take some quick thinking, and the help of those they meet on the way, to help these two friends make it back to their home. It's not long before Lemon Bird and Pupkin realize they can help those in need as well! After all, they may be lost but that doesn't mean they can't be a good friend.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: Path of the Diamond: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure
Minecraft meets Diary of a Wimpy Kid in book 4 of the very popular 8-Bit Warrior series of the journal of a young Minecraft villager who dares to dream of becoming a Minecraft warrior! THESE ARE THE REAL BOOKS BY CUBE KID! DIARY OF AN 8-BIT WARRIOR: PATH OF THE DIAMOND ​WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED AS WIMPY VILLAGER KINDLES 11 & 12. In the fourth in this series of four unofficial Minecraft adventure books, it’s time for our 12-year-old hero to choose his future vocation to study at the Minecraftia school. His options are less than tantalizing: farmer, butcher, crafter, miner. What this noob really wants is to be a warrior like his hero, Steve. So when he learns that the five best students in school that year will get the chance to start warrior training, it’s ON.
Random House USA Inc Furry Friends Forever: Elmo & Tango (Sesame Street)
Elmo and his adorable puppy, Tango, star in a sturdy board book based on the new Sesame Street specials Furry Friends Forever: Elmo Gets a Puppy! and Elmo and Tango's Mysterious Mysteries.Meet Tango--Elmo's adorable mixed-breed puppy! This sturdy board book is based on Sesame Street's new animated special Furry Friends Forever: Elmo Gets a Puppy. The youngest Sesame Street fans will love looking at the bright, colorful illustrations and hearing about all the fun things Elmo and Tango do together.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Kiss
Love, tragedy and hope conspire in Paris, when a kiss between two strangers changes everything.Isabelle Forrester is the wife of a Parisian banker who has long since shut her out of his heart. She has one secret pleasure: a long-distance friendship with a man who, like Isabelle, is trapped in a loveless marriage. To Bill Robinson, Isabelle is a kindred spirit. Agreeing to meet for a few precious, innocent days in London, they find their friendship changing, and they exchange their first, searching kiss. Time stands still – and tragedy strikes.A long journey begins – towards healing, hope and dreams of a seemingly impossible future. Isabelle and Bill cling to life. Together they must find the strength not only to embrace the future but to face what they have left behind.
Oxford University Press Inc No Longer Welcome: The Epidemic of Expulsion from Early Childhood Education
For over 15 years, researchers have described a crisis in our nations' early learning classrooms. Hundreds of children are expelled from childcare and preschool every day; a rate nearly three times that of kindergarten-12th grade students. While policymakers have taken steps to mitigate this crisis, disparities in who is expelled persist. Boys and Black children are routinely over-represented among those pushed out of the exact environments that are supposed to help prepare them for school. Each child's expulsion is symptomatic of a larger crisis--an overburdened, underfunded, undervalued, and fragmented early education system. In early childhood, expulsion is the result of a series of adult decisions made within constrained contexts and at times blind to downstream consequences: exhausted and underpaid teachers deciding how to expend their limited attention and energy in a chaotic classroom; administrators on razor-thin budgets deciding among hiring additional personnel, providing high-quality training, or investing in adequate classroom resources; fragmented state agencies separately deciding on standards and policies and allocating funds for early intervention and consultation services. By examining these complex causes, No Longer Welcome starts a critical conversation between and across sectors of the early childhood field. Parents, teachers, preschool administrators, researchers, and policymakers all have a role to play in ensuring that all children can be retained in high-quality early care and education settings. Drawing on her research and interviews with teachers, program administrators, parents, and policymakers, Dr. Zinsser presents the reader with a rich description of the myriad of factors contributing to the expulsion crisis. She presents a compelling argument for not only the importance of ending the practice of excluding young children but also outlines roles that each and every member of the field (from classroom aide to legislator) must play in sustaining this change.
New York University Press The End of Family Court: How Abolishing the Court Brings Justice to Children and Families
Explores the failures of family court and calls for immediate and permanent change At the turn of the twentieth century, American social reformers created the first juvenile court. They imagined a therapeutic court where informality, specially trained public servants, and a kindly, all-knowing judge would assist children and families. But the dream of a benevolent means of judicial problem-solving was never realized. A century later, children and families continue to be failed by this deeply flawed court. The End of Family Court rejects the foundational premise that family court can do good when intervening in family life and challenges its endless reinvention to survive. Jane M. Spinak illustrates how the procedures and policies of modern family court are deeply entwined in a heritage of racism, a profound disdain for poverty, and assimilationist norms intent on fixing children and families who are different. And the court’s interventionist goals remain steeped in an approach to equity and well-being that demands individual rather than collective responsibility for the security and welfare of families. Spinak proposes concrete steps toward abolishing the court: shifting most family supports out of the court’s sphere, vastly reducing the types and number of matters that need court intervention, and ensuring that any case that requires legal adjudication has the due process protections of a court of law. She calls for strategies that center trusting and respecting the abilities of communities to create and sustain meaningful solutions for families. An abolitionist approach, in turn, celebrates a radical imagination that embraces and supports all families in a fair and equal economic and political democracy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Reach and Teach Children and Teens with ADD/ADHD
The most up-to-date and comprehensive vital resource for educators seeking ADD/ADHD-supportive methods How to Reach and Teach Children and Teens with ADD/ADHD, Third Edition is an essential guide for school personnel. Approximately 10 percent of school-aged children have ADD/ADHD—that is at least two students in every classroom. Without support and appropriate intervention, many of these students will suffer academically and socially, leaving them at risk for a variety of negative outcomes. This book serves as a comprehensive guide to understand and manage ADHD: utilizing educational methods, techniques, and accommodations to help children and teens sidestep their weaknesses and showcase their numerous strengths. This new 2016 edition has been completely updated with the latest information about ADHD, research-validated treatments, educational laws, executive function, and subject-specific strategies. It also includes powerful case studies, intervention plans, valuable resources, and a variety of management tools to improve the academic and behavioral performance of students from kindergarten through high-school. From learning and behavioral techniques to whole group and individualized interventions, this indispensable guide is a must-have resource for every classroom—providing expert tips and strategies on reaching kids with ADHD, getting through, and bringing out their best. Prevent behavioral problems in the classroom and other school settings Increase students' on-task behavior, work production, and academic performance Effectively manage challenging behaviors related to ADHD Improve executive function-related skills (organization, memory, time management) Apply specific research-based supports and interventions to enable school success Communicate and collaborate effectively with parents, physicians, and agencies
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Collected Poems: with translations of Jacques Prévert
A.S.J. Tessimond (1902-1962) was one of the most individual, versatile and approachable voices in 20th century poetry. Influenced at first by the Imagists, his poetry is remarkable for its lucidity and formal exactness and for its witty, humane depiction of life in the modern city. Out of step with his contemporaries - both Pound and Eliot as well as Auden and his followers - Tessimond was always a marginalised figure, publishing only three collections in his lifetime, one in each decade from 1934 to 1958. Yet his work has been popular enough to be included in numerous anthologies and has been a perennial favourite with listeners of radio programmes such as Poetry Please. This edition is a long awaited reissue of the posthumous Collected Poems edited by his friend the writer Hubert Nicholson, who characterised his poems as 'beautiful, shapely, well wrought and elegant, whether in public of private mode', penetrating the heart of both London and England: 'His hallmark, his unique contribution to the body poetic, is to be found in those poems encapsulating urban types - and the institutions that shape and demarcate their lives, the popular press and radio, films, money, advertising, houses, tube stations, the implacable streets...He wrote a good deal about love, its hopes and ecstasies and its frustrations and sadness.' As Nicholson has pointed out, Tessimond wrote many poems in the first person, 'but they are not in the least egotistical. They are imaginative projections of himself into types, places, generalised Man, even God or Fate.' He was 'entirely a man of the city', his 'landscape' pieces depicting Hyde Park Corner, Chelsea Embankment, a Paris cafe and even an overcrowded bus in Jamaica. 'He loved the life around him and was a meditative as well as an observant man. He reflected, and reflected on, the passing show, kindly, honestly, and with wit and wisdom.' Tessimond has been described as an eccentric, a night-lifer, loner and flaneur. He loved women, was always falling in love, but never married. He suffered from frequent bouts of depression, alleviated neither by a succession of psychiatrists nor by electric shock therapy. The fact that he was plagued by self-doubt and was fiercely critical of his own work must have contributed to his work being too little published and too much neglected, despite being championed by an extraordinary variety of admirers, from Michael Roberts, John Lehmann and Ceri Richards to Bernard Levin, Maggie Smith, Bill Deedes and Trevor McDonald. Maggie Smith read his poem 'Heaven' at the funeral of Bernard Levin, for whom Tessimond was 'a quiet voice, which makes it easy to miss the resonances, but they are there, and although I doubt if he will achieve a widespread fame, I am sure that any future anthology of twentieth-century English verse that does not include a sample of his work will be less complete, less representative and less valuable than it might have been.' In an obituary for The Times, Tessimond's friend, the critic George Rostrevor Hamilton, said he was 'modest about his poetry, and sometimes thought it too small to be worthwhile. But over and above a dry wit and fancy, he had an exquisite feeling for words, meticulous but, like himself, without affectation. In his own way he was unrivalled.'
Tuttle Publishing Manabeshima Island Japan: One Island, Two Months, One Minicar, Sixty Crabs, Eighty Bites and Fifty Shots of Shochu
More than just a Japan travel guide, Manabeshima Island Japan paints a colorful and entertaining picture of a particular place and time in Japan.Japan is made up of thousands of sacred islands, artificial islands, industrial islands, resort islands, wild islands and exploding islands…but artist Florent Chavouet had only ever visited two of them. This graphic novel is the story of one summer when he decides to get to know one more—the tiny island of Manabeshima. This speck of dirt in the Inland Sea, off the coast of Osaka, has a total population of 300, and he sets himself the task of recording everything and everyone he meets there in quirky detail on the pages of his sketchbook. Whereas Chavouet's other best-selling book, Tokyo on Foot, focuses on the physical city, it is the local island inhabitants who form the heart of this new book. Chavouet's sensitive drawings and insightful captions create instant portraits of incredible literary depth. The cast of characters who are lovingly depicted includes Ikkyu-san, owner of the island's only bar (and the bar's three regulars—skinny guy, Day-Glo cap guy and greasy-haired guy); the young Nakamura family and their five kids; the layabout Shimura-san, a living relic from the hippie 1970s; Kurata-san the policeman; Reizo-san the island intellectual in his elegant Meiji-era home; Rock the Neanderthal fisherman; and a chorus of assorted grandmothers and cats—all of whom welcome Chavouet into their community as a kindred soul. Against a backdrop of fireworks, summer festivals, fishing expeditions, and the constant hum of the cicadas, Chavouet depicts these characters so vividly and sympathetically, and describes their rustic way of life in such simple and appealing terms that we find it as hard to finish the book as Chavouet found it to leave the island at the end of his enchanted summer holiday.
University of California Press Late Beethoven: Music, Thought, Imagination
In a series of powerful strokes, the music of Beethoven's last years redefined his legacy and enlarged the realm of experience accessible to the creative imagination. Maynard Solomon's "Late Beethoven" investigates the phenomenon of the final phase, focusing especially on the striking metamorphosis in Beethoven's system of beliefs that began early in his fifth decade and eventually amounted to a sweeping realignment of his views of nature, antiquity, divinity, and human purpose. Using the composer's letters, diaries, and conversation books, Solomon traces Beethoven's attraction to a constellation of heterogeneous ideas, drawn from Romanticism, Freemasonry, comparative religion, Eastern initiatory ritual, Mediterranean mythology, aesthetics, and classical and contemporary thought. Through these often arcane sources, Beethoven gained access to a vast reservoir of imagery and ideas with the potential to expand music's expressive and communicative reach. This 'multitude of productive images,' writes Solomon, 'provided kindling for the blaze of his imagination.' "Late Beethoven" is a rich tapestry of original perspectives on Beethoven's music. Solomon sees the Seventh Symphony as a deployment of the rhythms of antiquity in an effort to revalidate the premises of the Classical world; the Ninth as an essay on the prospects and limits of affirmative, monumental endings; and the 'Diabelli' Variations as a doorway to the universe of metaphoric significances that attach to beginnings. In the Violin Sonata in G, op. 96, Solomon finds a restoration of the full range of pastoral experience that the ancient poets had known. In the Grosse Fuge he locates issues of fragmentation and reassembly, and he suggests that pivotal passages of the last sonatas evoke sacred states of being. These stimulating perspectives illuminate the inner world within which Beethoven dwelled during his last fifteen years and the ways in which his thought and music may be interrelated. Written in accessible and eloquent prose, and with numerous music examples, "Late Beethoven" is a serious contribution to understanding this miraculous quantum leap in Beethoven's creative evolution.
Headline Publishing Group Children in Chains: A totally gripping and heart-racing crime thriller (DI Sterling Thriller Series, Book 2)
HE'S EVERY PARENT'S WORST NIGHTMARE . . .In the early hours of the morning, Detective Inspector Paolo Sterling receives a tip-off about a group of children being trafficked on to the streets of Bradchester as sex workers. Hoping he is one step closer to bringing down a notorious syndicate of twisted criminals, it soon becomes clear that Paolo and his team have been misled and that the gang have once again evaded arrest. Then a young girl is found dead in a shop doorway and, with all signs pointing towards the investigation, it quickly gathers momentum. As DI Sterling delves deeper into the darkest corners of society, he begins to unravel the most unimaginable crimes but with the shadowy leader always one step ahead, Paolo must work harder than ever before to bring the culprits to justice - before another child's life is taken.Lorraine Mace brings us the second unflinching and totally gripping instalment in her dark and gritty series featuring DI Paolo Sterling. Perfect for fans of Angela Marsons, M. J. Arlidge and Karin Slaughter.'Lorraine Mace has done it again. Crime fiction at its absolute finest' MARION TODD 'What an opening! Lorraine certainly knows how to write a gripping thriller. A chilling read' KAREN KINGLOVE FOR LORRAINE MACE'S WRITING:'I. Am. Not. Okay. That ending - mind blown!!!! Rage and Retribution deserves ALL the stars! It is AMAZING!' 5* Reader Review'Wow, just wow is all I can say. The whole series is just too good to miss.' 5* Reader Review'I am an absolutely massive fan of this series . . . the books are just getting better and better' 5* Reader Review'I am blown away by this story and LOVE everything about it. I cannot wait for the next instalment.' 5* Reader Review'OMG! That opening scene' 5* Reader Review'I could not put my kindle down while reading this!' 5* Reader Review
The History Press Ltd War in the Wilderness: The Chindits in Burma 1943-1944
War in the Wilderness is the most comprehensive account ever published of the human aspects of the Chindit war in Burma. The word ‘Chindit’ will always have a special resonance in military circles. Every Chindit endured what is widely regarded as the toughest sustained Allied combat experience of the Second World War. The Chindit expeditions behind Japanese lines in occupied Burma 1943–1944 transformed the morale of British forces after the crushing defeats of 1942. The Chindits provided the springboard for the Allies’ later offensives. The two expeditions extended the boundaries of human endurance. The Chindits suffered slow starvation and exposure to dysentery, malaria, typhus and a catalogue of other diseases. They endured the intense mental strain of living and fighting under the jungle canopy, with the ever-present threat of ambush or simply ‘bumping’ the enemy. Every Chindit carried his kit and weapons (equivalent to two heavy suitcases) in the tropical heat and humidity. A disabling wound or sickness frequently meant a lonely death. Those who could no longer march were often left behind with virtually no hope of survival. Some severely wounded were shot or given a lethal dose of morphia to ensure they would not be captured alive by the Japanese. Fifty veterans of the Chindit expeditions kindly gave interviews for this book. Many remarked on the self-reliance that sprang from living and fighting as a Chindit. Whatever happened to them after their experiences in Burma, they knew that nothing else would ever be as bad. There are first-hand accounts of the bitter and costly battles and the final, wasteful weeks, when men were forced to continue fighting long after their health and strength had collapsed. War in the Wilderness continues the story as the survivors returned to civilian life. They remained Chindits for the rest of their days, members of a brotherhood forged in extreme adversity.
Princeton University Press The Gifts of Athena: Historical Origins of the Knowledge Economy
The growth of technological and scientific knowledge in the past two centuries has been the overriding dynamic element in the economic and social history of the world. Its result is now often called the knowledge economy. But what are the historical origins of this revolution and what have been its mechanisms? In The Gifts of Athena, Joel Mokyr constructs an original framework to analyze the concept of "useful" knowledge. He argues that the growth explosion in the modern West in the past two centuries was driven not just by the appearance of new technological ideas but also by the improved access to these ideas in society at large--as made possible by social networks comprising universities, publishers, professional sciences, and kindred institutions. Through a wealth of historical evidence set in clear and lively prose, he shows that changes in the intellectual and social environment and the institutional background in which knowledge was generated and disseminated brought about the Industrial Revolution, followed by sustained economic growth and continuing technological change. Mokyr draws a link between intellectual forces such as the European enlightenment and subsequent economic changes of the nineteenth century, and follows their development into the twentieth century. He further explores some of the key implications of the knowledge revolution. Among these is the rise and fall of the "factory system" as an organizing principle of modern economic organization. He analyzes the impact of this revolution on information technology and communications as well as on the public's state of health and the structure of households. By examining the social and political roots of resistance to new knowledge, Mokyr also links growth in knowledge to political economy and connects the economic history of technology to the New Institutional Economics. The Gifts of Athena provides crucial insights into a matter of fundamental concern to a range of disciplines including economics, economic history, political economy, the history of technology, and the history of science.
Ebury Publishing Hell and High Water: My Epic 900-Mile Swim from Land’s End to John O'Groats
'Rain pelted down on the back of my neck and saltwater rushed down my throat as I tried to breathe into a wave. A foghorn started booming from a lighthouse in the distance. For a moment I thought it was a rescue siren for me. Imagine if I got rescued on day two. That would be embarrassing.'In June 2013 Sean Conway set out from Land’s End in his bid to be the first person to swim the length of Britain. It was a challenge so extreme that not only had it never been attempted before, but most of the sponsors Sean approached turned him down as they were worried that he would die trying.Landlocked Cheltenham – Sean’s hometown – isn’t really the ideal place to train for a long sea swim, and he only managed three miles in a local pool before setting off from Land's End. Once in the water Sean had to develop incredible mental strength to deal with the extreme cold and hours alone. He also needed to devise ways to take on the huge number of calories he needed to sustain him. On the support boat he and his three-man crew had to cope with storms, seasickness and living in close proximity for months. After taking a few jellyfish stings to the face, Sean decided to grow a huge beard to protect himself.The physical challenge was gruelling, but came with unexpected rewards. Sean swam with dolphins and seals and among stunning night-time phosphorescence. He had a unique view of the British coast, discovering tiny hidden coves and exploring shipwrecks. When there were problems with the support boat, Sean and his crew met many kindly people who were willing to come to their aid. From the first person to complete a British 'triathlon' - running, swimming and biking the length of Britain - this is Sean's remarkable and funny story about how anything is possible if you truly put your mind to it.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der unterschätzte Petrus: Zwei Studien
Da die erste Auflage dieses Buches bereits nach wenigen Monaten vergriffen war, drucken wir eine unveränderte 2. Auflage. Martin Hengels erste Studie "Petrus der Fels, Paulus und die Evangelientradition" geht von Matthäus 16,17-19 aus und fragt nach den Gründen, warum Petrus hier eine so einzigartige, alle anderen Apostel überragende Bedeutung im Urchristentum erhält. Nicht nur im ersten Evangelium, sondern auch in den anderen Evangelien, der Apostelgeschichte und selbst bei Paulus erweist er sich als "die apostolische Grundgestalt der Kirche". Schon das Evangelium des Petrusschülers Markus ist davon geprägt. Diese Bedeutung erstreckt sich über sein ganzes Wirken bis hin zum Märtyrertod in Rom. Der galiläische Fischer wird zum "Felsenmann" auf Grund seiner einzigartigen Wirksamkeit als theologischer Lehrer und Missionar, der souverän über Jesusüberlieferung verfügt, aber auch ein charismatischer Organisator gewesen sein muss. Daher erscheint er neben Paulus als die wichtigste Autorität für die apostolische Tradition. Seine Einmaligkeit verbietet es, von einer Fortführung des "Petrusamtes" in der Kirche zu sprechen.Die zweite Studie "Die Familie des Petrus und andere apostolische Familien" geht von der Tatsache aus, dass Petrus und andere Apostel verheiratet waren, und Familien für die urchristliche Mission entscheidende Bedeutung besaßen. Auffallend ist, dass trotz des Vordringens eines ehefeindlichen Enkratismus im 2. Jh. eine ganze Reihe von legendären Nachrichten über die Ehe und Kinder des Petrus überliefert sind."Das Buch legt niemand aus der Hand, ohne umfassend und kompetent belehrt, ja ein wenig besser gebildet zu sein. [...] Hengel bildet die Einzigartigkeit des Petrus heraus."Thomas Söding in Christ in der Gegenwart 58 (2006), S. 438
Headline Publishing Group The Killing House (Paula Maguire 6): An explosive Irish crime thriller that will give you chills
Long-buried secrets are being unearthed. And they're very close to home...Forensic psychologist Paula Maguire returns yet again to her hometown to investigate a spine-chilling case in THE KILLING HOUSE, the sixth novel in Claire McGowan's series. The Paula Maguire series is the perfect read for fans of Michael Connelly and Peter May.'A delicious spookiness is added to McGowan's customary mix of complex characterisation and sweat-inducing excitement, offering a new level of chilling thrills' - Sunday Mirror When a puzzling missing persons' case opens up in her hometown, forensic psychologist Paula Maguire can't help but return once more.Renovations at an abandoned farm have uncovered two bodies: a man known to be an IRA member missing since the nineties, and a young girl whose identity remains a mystery.As Paula attempts to discover who the girl is and why no one is looking for her, an anonymous tip-off claims that her own long-lost mother is also buried on the farm.When another girl is kidnapped, Paula must find the person responsible before more lives are destroyed. But there are explosive secrets still to surface. And even Paula can't predict that the investigation will strike at the heart of all she holds dear.What readers are saying about the Paula Maguire series:'I have loved every single book. It's the characters and their own personal lives that really stand out in Claire McGowan's novels''Claire McGowan knows how to pull us in. Her future releases are always lined up on my kindle way ahead of time!''McGowan keeps developing her characters to be more rounded and complex. I've really fallen in love with the character of Paula Maguire and I can't wait to read more about her'
Simon & Schuster Ltd Einstein: His Life and Universe
NOW A MAJOR SERIES 'GENIUS' ON NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, PRODUCED BY RON HOWARD AND STARRING GEOFFREY RUSHEinstein is the great icon of our age: the kindly refugee from oppression whose wild halo of hair, twinkling eyes, engaging humanity and extraordinary brilliance made his face a symbol and his name a synonym for genius. He was a rebel and nonconformist from boyhood days. His character, creativity and imagination were related, and they drove both his life and his science. In this marvellously clear and accessible narrative, Walter Isaacson explains how his mind worked and the mysteries of the universe that he discovered. Einstein's success came from questioning conventional wisdom and marvelling at mysteries that struck others as mundane. This led him to embrace a worldview based on respect for free spirits and free individuals. All of which helped make Einstein into a rebel but with a reverence for the harmony of nature, one with just the right blend of imagination and wisdom to transform our understanding of the universe. This new biography, the first since all of Einstein's papers have become available, is the fullest picture yet of one of the key figures of the twentieth century. This is the first full biography of Albert Einstein since all of his papers have become available -- a fully realised portrait of this extraordinary human being, and great genius.Praise for EINSTEIN by Walter Isaacson:- 'YOU REALLY MUST READ THIS.' Sunday Times 'As pithy as Einstein himself.’ New Scientist ‘[A] brilliant biography, rich with newly available archival material.’ Literary Review ‘Beautifully written, it renders the physics understandable.’ Sunday Telegraph ‘Isaacson is excellent at explaining the science. ' Daily Express
Enchanted Lion Books I Touched the Sun
A young boy goes on a journey to meet the Sun and discovers his inner light, in this wondrous picture book debut from the NYT-Bestselling graphic novelist of Not Funny Ha-Ha.A Marginalian Favorite Book of 2023!“A boy befriends the sun in a story that will fill readers with the deep warmth emanating from its two lead characters. I wasn’t prepared for this book and the affecting warmth of its wisdom.” —Cartoonist and illustrator R. Kikuo Johnson"A beautiful exploration of the inner light in all of us." —Cartoonist and animator Dash ShawHis mother says it's too far away. His dad says it's too hot. And his brother says he has more important things to do. But none of this discourages a young boy from pursuing his plan: to fly up into the sky to touch the Sun, whose light always feels so nice on his skin. And so, off he goes, all by himself.Warm and kindly, the Sun shows the boy the world from her perspective: her friends the clouds, the beaches upon which she shines down, the trees she's grown, the rainbows she creates. In return, the boy shares with her some of his dreams, fears, hopes, and uncertainties—complexities of the human condition that the Sun, as a cosmic force of constant light, has never experienced. In this way, the boy begins to understand something about the pattern of light and shadow that makes up every human life. And when it's time to part ways, the boy returns home to his family changed, with an inner light that reminds him that the cosmic force of the sun is in him, too, always, though darkness falls, though he sleeps and dreams, though doubts and fears and gloominess come, too.
Headline Publishing Group Love Me Tender: An unflinching, twisty and jaw-dropping thriller (Book Five, DI Sterling Series)
'Lorraine Mace has done it again. Crime fiction at its absolute finest' MARION TODD'What an opening! Lorraine certainly knows how to write a gripping thriller. A chilling read' KAREN KINGIF HE WANTS YOU . . . THERE'S NO ESCAPE.A brutal murder . . .Responding to a tip-off, newly promoted Detective Chief Inspector Paolo Sterling arrives at an apartment block to find the dismembered body of a young woman. And with no indication of a break-in, all signs suggest the killer was known to her.An abduction in plain sight . . . Then the victim's friend is snatched with no witnesses and the unanswered questions mount up.At the same time, Sterling's team are leading the surveillance of a local club, thought to be involved in a drug operation. But when one of his colleagues ends up in hospital close to death, Paolo begins to lose his grip.A detective on the edge . . .With the odds stacked against him, and time running out, can DCI Sterling uncover the truth before it's too late? Or will this case finally tip him over the edge?Lorraine Mace returns with the fifth instalment in her dark, gritty and unflinching DI Sterling series. Perfect for fans of Angela Marsons, M. J. Arlidge and Karin Slaughter.LOVE FOR LORRAINE MACE'S WRITING:'I. Am. Not. Okay. That ending - mind blown!!!! Rage and Retribution deserves ALL the stars! It is AMAZING!' 5* Reader Review'Wow, just wow is all I can say. The whole series is just too good to miss.' 5* Reader Review'I am an absolutely massive fan of this series . . . the books are just getting better and better' 5* Reader Review'I am blown away by this story and LOVE everything about it. I cannot wait for the next instalment.' 5* Reader Review'OMG! That opening scene' 5* Reader Review'I could not put my kindle down while reading this!' 5* Reader Review
Orion Publishing Co The Electricity of Every Living Thing: A Woman's Walk in the Wild to Find Her Way Home
Perfect for fans of The Salt Path and The Outrun, this book is a life-affirming exploration of wild landscapes, what it means to be different and, above all, how we can all learn to make peace within our own unquiet minds.'A windswept tale, beautifully told' Raynor Winn - The Salt Path 'A manifesto for the value of difficult people. I loved it' Amy Liptrot - The OutrunIn August 2015, Katherine May set out to walk the 630-mile South West Coast Path. She wanted to understand why she had stopped coping with everyday life; why motherhood had been so overwhelming and isolating, and why the world felt full of inundation and expectations she can't meet. Setting her feet down on the rugged and difficult path by the sea, the answer begins to unfold. It's a chance encounter with a voice on the radio that sparks a realisation that she has Asperger's Syndrome. The Electricity of Every Living Thing tells the story of the year in which Katherine comes to terms with her diagnosis. It leads to a re-evaluation of her life so far - a kinder one, which finally allows her to be different rather than simply awkward, arrogant or unfeeling. The physical and psychological journeys become inextricably entwined, and as Katherine finds her way across the untameable coast, she also finds the way to herself.What readers are saying about The Electricity of Every Living Thing:'This book showed a realistic view of how autism feels to some people, and it's explained so well''The astonishing sensitivity and awareness in her writing, both about the beautiful landscapes and nature around on her walks, and in relation to her family, friends and self put paid to many outdated myths about what it is like to be autistic''Compelling and transformative'
Little, Brown & Company Pearls of Wisdom: Little Pieces of Advice (That Go a Long Way)
First Lady Barbara Bush was famous for handing out advice. From friends and family to heads of state and Supreme Court justices and certainly to her staff, her advice ranged from what to wear, what to say or not say and how to live your life.She especially loved visiting with students of all ages, from kindergartners to college graduates. When she turned 80, she owned up to all her advice-giving and explained it this way: After all, in 80 years of living, I have survived 6 children, 17 grandchildren, 6 wars, a book by Kitty Kelly, two presidents, two governors, big Election Day wins and big Election Day losses and 61 years of marriage to a husband who keeps jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. So, it's just possible that along the way I've learned a thing or two.At the end of the day, she taught all of us some valuable lessons. As First Lady, she made a point of cuddling a baby with AIDS and hugging a young man who was HIV positive and whose family had rejected him, showing us by example the importance of compassion and the myth of fear. As a mother, she made sure we all knew that your children must come first and one of the most important things you can do is to read to them. As a friend and mentor, she showed that you had to be true to yourself and even at the end of her life, she taught us how to die with grace.Full of Barbara Bush's trademark wit and thoughtfulness, Pearls of Wisdom is a poignant reflection on life, love, family and the world by one of America's most iconic -- and beloved -- public figures.
HarperCollins Publishers The Runaway Orphans
‘Spellbinding. Once you start reading you don’t want to put it down. It is emotional and your heart will go out to these children… I loved it. I couldn’t put it down’ NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ The USA Today Bestseller Two sisters. One secret. A daring wartime journey… Desperate to escape their stepfather’s house, sisters Amy and Lillian stow away aboard a train full of children being evacuated from London and the threat of Hitler’s bombs. Arriving in the seaside town of Worthing, they are taken in by kindly Norah and her husband Jim. With their future now entrusted to strangers, can the girls finally find a safe harbour in these dark days of war? And will they find the strength to confront what they have been running from, when their past finally catches up with them? An absolutely heartbreaking and uplifting wartime story of courage, sisterhood and the power of love. Perfect for fans of Shirley Dickson, Glynis Peters and Lisa Wingate. Don’t miss the next chapter of the sisters’ story, The Lost Orphan, available to pre-order now! Readers love The Runaway Orphans: ‘Read this book in ONE sitting… Heartbreak, love… A story to lift your heart. Wonderful’ NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Impossible to put down… Heart-breaking and heart-warming all at the same time’ NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A very emotional book and had me in tears… Excellent 5*’ NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘So emotional that will touch your heart… A wonderful atmospheric journey and I enjoyed every single chapter ’ NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Gripping and emotional… Once I started it, I didn't want to put it down and read it in two sittings’ NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Oh this book had me on the edge of my seat so many times! I was rooting for those poor girls’ NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Wow… Loved all the characters… I enjoyed it so much I finished it within 24hrs. Would highly recommend’ NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘What a beautiful book. I couldn't stop reading until the last page’ NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘I loved this… Gripping and emotional. Once I started it, I didn't want to put it down and read it in two sittings’ NetGalley review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Hodder Education Caribbean Primary Mathematics Book 6 6th edition
Make teaching and learning mathematics relevant and enjoyable with the best-known Primary mathematics series in the Caribbean updated and revised for the 21st Century by practising teachers, with a new focus on self-directed learning, problem-solving and raising standards. - Ensure all requirements of primary schools in all Caribbean territories from kindergarten to primary school exit examination level are covered. - Engage students and make maths more relevant with real-life situations used throughout the book, including the front cover, showing Mathematics in action.- Reinforce knowledge and encourage progression with Assessment Bank, available separately to compliment the topics covered in this series.- Encourage students to understand and build their own learning with all key skills and concepts clearly introduced in sequence, demonstrating links between mathematical strands and other curriculum subjects.
Hodder Education Caribbean Primary Mathematics Book 2 6th edition
Make teaching and learning mathematics relevant and enjoyable with the best-known Primary mathematics series in the Caribbean updated and revised for the 21st Century by practising teachers, with a new focus on self-directed learning, problem -solving and raising standards. - Ensure all requirements of primary schools in all Caribbean territories from kindergarten to primary school exit examination level are covered. - Engage students and make maths more relevant with real-life situations used throughout the book, including the front cover, showing Mathematics in action.- Reinforce knowledge and encourage progression with Assessment Bank, available separately to compliment the topics covered in this series.- Encourage students to understand and build their own learning with all key skills and concepts clearly introduced in sequence, demonstrating links between mathematical strands and other curriculum subjects.
Bristol University Press From Greed to Wellbeing: A Buddhist Approach to Resolving Our Economic and Financial Crises
Despite our fitful attempts over decades at reform, the global financial system seems caught in cycles of boom and bust, instability, and scandal. In this timely new book, Joel Magnuson builds on the classic works of E. F. Schumacher and other kindred spirits to provide a Buddhist economics perspective on this recurring pattern, and offers new possibilities for real change. The book centers on the belief that greed, aggression, and delusion (Buddhism’s “three poisons”) are embedded within our financial institutions and that they perpetuate the continued widespread attachment to endless economic growth and financial accumulation that are responsible for social and ecological malaise. Arguing that mainstream economics fails to adequately address this cycle, Magnuson presents a new framework of Buddhist economics, helping readers gain a deeper understanding of current economic problems and offering a course toward genuine wellbeing.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Sweet Blue Flowers Vol. 2
A genre-defining saga of love and friendship between girls.Akira Okudaira is starting high school and is ready for exciting new experiences. And on the first day of school, she runs into her best friend from kindergarten at the train station! Now Akira and Fumi have the chance to rekindle their friendship, but life has gotten a lot more complicated since they were kids…Kyoko’s fiancé invites a group of her friends to join them at his family’s summer home. But the trip ends up including more than just ghost stories and horseback riding—Fumi can now confirm that she has feelings for Akira. And Akira learns more than she wants to about Kyoko’s private life with some accidental eavesdropping. After this, how can the girls just go back to school like nothing happened?
The History Press Ltd Suffolk Folk Tales
With its wild eroding sea, its gentle rolling fields and tall churches, Suffolk is a county of contrasts. It may seem a kindly and civilised place, but in that sea, in the reed beds, the woods and even down dark town streets lurk strange beasts, ghosts and tricksters. These thirty traditional tales retold by storyteller Kirsty Hartsiotis take you into a hidden world of green children and wildmen, of lovers from beyond the grave and tricksy fairy folk. Shaped by generations of Suffolk mardle and wit, in these stories you’ll discover the county’s last dragon, the secret behind Black Shuck, saintly King Edmund and heroic King Raedwald, haunted airfields, broken-hearted mermaids and the exploits of the county’s cunning folk. Embark on this journey around Suffolk and you’ll find you’re never far from a story.
Random House Children's Books Dr. Seuss Handwriting Workbook
LEARN TO WRITE WITH ALL YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS FROM DR. SEUSS! With 80+ pages of fun activities, games, and exercises, this friendly workbook gives kids aged 4-6 plenty of practice tracing the letters of the alphabet and numbers 0-9 alongside beloved friends like The Cat in The Hat, Horton, and The Lorax.Developed by education experts, this brand new Dr. Seuss Workbook offers a progressive, step-by-step approach to print handwriting. Young learners first learn how to correctly hold a pencil and form lines and shapes, then progress to lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers.Reinforced with plenty of practice and repetition, it also includes puzzles and activities for added fun!Also available from the Dr. Seuss Workbooks line:Dr. Seuss Cursive Workbook (9780593712450)Dr. Seuss Workbook: Preschool (9780525572190)Dr. Seuss Workbook: Kindergarten (9780525572206)Dr. Seuss Wipe-Clean Workbook: Lette
Pearson Education Limited Longman Student Atlas
Produced in collaboration with The Geographical Association, providing stimulating Geography resources you can trust. Ideal for use at GCSE with all levels & specifications. Develops a better understanding of how to use atlases with a unique ‘background to maps' section provided in the introduction. Encourages information gathering through a questioning approach that reinforces the benefits of map reading skills and data collation in the study of Geography. Contains 14 focus areas, with linking themes supported by comprehensive imagery and detailed statistics. Features new up-to-date reference maps for thorough information gathering. Encourages development with suggested future projections for geographical changes. Stunning high quality, up-to-date visuals from Dorling Kindersley. Addresses key themes across the curriculum and age ranges including citizenship, conflict, human rights, sustainability, environment, globalisation and physical geography.
The Book Guild Ltd Friends in Funchal
It is 1811 and Dr Robert Willan, a Quaker, leaves his practice in London, where he has dedicated his life to treating the poor, for Funchal, Madeira. There, he hopes that the year-round warm climate will help improve his health and enable him to return to his work and the service of God. During his harrowing course of treatment, he meets a group of unforgettable characters whose warmth, eccentricity and kindly humour provide medicine for the soul. Now known as ‘the father of dermatology’, Willan’s life is recounted in KG Fleury’s witty, often humorous style while vividly describing an island occupied by military forces, the ravages of consumption and the traumatic remedies that Willan must endure. At heart this is not a story of illness and suffering; rather it is a gentle, heart-warming tale of the power of true friendship and love.
SPCK Publishing The Silver Moth: Sequel to The Little White Horse
Maria Merryweather returns to Moonacre Manor with her granddaughter Rose to escape the horrors of the first world war bombings in London. The magical qualities of Moonacre Valley are rediscovered as Rose meets Wrolf, who is more lion than dog, and sees the little white horse, an entrancing unicorn. Rose soon discovers that the Merryweathers’ old foes, the de Noir clan, are once more spreading darkness and fear through the Valley under the influence of Hugo de Noir. With the help of her new friend, Devin, and a variety of animal companions can Rose uncover the mystery of the Silver Moth aeroplane, rescue a young woman and her baby, and help an unexpected kindred spirit, William de Noir? Beautiful, thrilling, and magical, The Silver Moth, returns to the fantasy world of the bestselling timeless classic The Little White Horse.
Page Street Publishing Co. The Succulent Bite: 60+ Easy Recipes for Over-the-Top Desserts
Elevate your go-to desserts from plain to outrageously gooey, creamy and chocolatey with Nico Norena, sweet treats connoisseur and creator of the hit blog The Succulent Bite. Dozens of delicious, drool-worthy recipes await you, each super-easy to make with only a few ingredients - perfect for satisfying any late-night craving. Take classic treats like Oreos®, Nutter Butters® and Snickers® and transform them into even more decadent desserts, including: • Nesquik® Ice Cream • Nutella® Oreo® Cheesecake • Marshmallow Fluff Mug Cake • Chips Ahoy!® Crêpe • Biscoff® Cookies Basque-Style Cheesecake • Banana S’mores Pop-Tarts® • Date Night Boozy Brownies • Kinder® Chocolate Latte Whether you’re looking to impress your friends or sate your own chocolate craze, this essential guide to extravagant sweets is guaranteed to revolutionise your dessert game.
Amazon Publishing Walk a Crooked Line
In the follow-up to the #1 Kindle bestseller Walk into Silence, a young girl takes her own life. But what—or who—drove her to it? When a teenager’s body is found at the base of the old water tower, Detective Jo Larsen is one of the first on the scene. Tragically, it appears to be a clear case of suicide. But the more Jo learns about Kelly Amster, the more she finds herself needing to understand why the high school sophomore would take that fatal plunge. As they interview family and friends, Jo and her partner, Hank Phelps, begin to fit together the pieces of a dark puzzle. Something happened to Kelly in their small town of Plainfield, Texas—and it sent the young girl straight over the edge. Haunted by the memories of her own childhood, Jo digs deep into the shadowy corners of a seemingly tight-knit community—to uncover a devastating secret…
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Theatre and Tourism
How does tourism impact theatre? How do theatrical ways of seeing, knowing, and acting shape tourism? How do economic and political processes like colonization or neoliberalization influence them both? And what is the future of these twinned global leisure industries? Theatre and tourism are kindred practices. Both engage their patrons in experiences of temporary escape to distant places, times, or different lives. Both stage expressive, communicative, embodied encounters in real time and space. Tourism and theatre are both sites of public pedagogy, cultural diplomacy, and cosmopolitan consciousness, promising pleasure and knowledge from the spectacle of others and elsewheres. This concise study explores the historical and contemporary entanglement of theatre and tourism, and speculates about the future as emerging technologies reshape both industries, offering new experiences of presence, embodiment, and mobility.
Headline Publishing Group The Chalk Girl
The little girl appeared in Central Park: red-haired, blue-eyed, smiling, perfect - except for the blood on her shoulder. It fell from the sky, she said, while she was looking for her uncle, who turned into a tree. Poor child, people thought. And then they found the body in the tree.For NYPD detective, Kathy Mallory, there is something about the girl that she understands. Mallory is damaged, they say, but she can tell a kindred spirit. And this one will lead her to a story of extraordinary crimes; murders stretching back fifteen years, blackmail and complicity and a particular cruelty that only someone with Mallory's history could fully recognise. In the next few weeks, Kathy Mallory will deal with them all ... in her own way.
Penguin Books Ltd The Book of Magic: From Antiquity to the Enlightenment
'. . . as when iron is drawn to a magnet, camphor is sucked into hot air, crystal lights up in the Sun, sulfur and a volatile liquid are kindled by flame, an empty eggshell filled with dew is raised towards the Sun . . .'This rich, fascinating anthology of the western magical tradition stretches from its roots in the wizardry of the Old Testament and the rituals of the ancient world, through writers such as Thomas Aquinas, John Milton, John Dee and Matthew Hopkins, and up to the tangled, arcane beginnings of the scientific revolution. Arranged historically, with commentary, this book includes incantations, charms, curses, Golems, demons and witches, as well as astrology, divination and alchemy, with some ancient and medieval works which were once viewed as too dangerous even to open. Selected and translated with an introduction and notes by Brian Copenhaver
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Migration als Bewegung: am Beispiel von Stuttgart und Lyon nach 1945
Anknüpfend an geschichts- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien zur räumlichen Mobilität von Menschen untersucht Bettina Severin-Barboutie Praktiken und Taktiken des Kommens, Gehens und Bleibens vom Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs bis in die 1980er Jahre, wobei auch Protestformen wie Hungerstreiks zur Sprache kommen. Als Beispiele dienen die Städte Stuttgart und Lyon, die einerseits Gemeinsamkeiten aufweisen, die sie gut vergleichbar machen, andererseits aber auch für die Fragestellung produktive Unterschiede besitzen. Für beide Städte werden Männer, Frauen und Kinder italienischer Staatsangehörigkeit analysiert, für Stuttgart ferner türkische Staatsangehörige und für Lyon in Algerien geborene Menschen muslimischer Religion und ihre Nachkommen.Die Autorin wirft neues Licht auf das Mobilitätsgeschehen nach 1945. Zum einen verabschiedet sie sich von der Vorstellung von Migration als Bewegung von A nach B und lotet unterschiedliche Formen, Richtungen, Funktionen und Deutungen menschlicher Bewegung durch den Raum aus. Beispielsweise beleuchtet sie Pendelbewegungen und verschiedene Arten und Semantiken der Rückkehr. Zum anderen gewährt sie Einblicke in Beziehungen zwischen unterschiedlichen Mobilitätsformen wie Arbeitskräftewanderungen und Urlaubsreisen und beleuchtet zugleich Wechselwirkungen zwischen Mobilität und Immobilität. Dadurch veranschaulicht sie nicht nur, dass menschliche Bewegung durch den Raum für das Verständnis von Migration ebenso relevant ist wie die Zeit vor und nach der Mobilität und entsprechend systematisch in deren historische Analyse einbezogen werden sollte. Sie generiert ebenfalls Fragen und eröffnet Perspektiven, die den Blick auf die Vergangenheit insgesamt erweitern könnten.
Academica Press An Idea Betrayed: Jews, Liberalism, and the American Left
In calling America "the almost chosen nation," Abraham Lincoln invoked at once the Old Testament and the Founders' belief in the two covenantal communities' common ideal: equal liberty. The Declaration of Independence proclaimed that ideal. Our Constitution instituted it. Although it took the Civil War to abolish the original sin of slavery, equal freedom defined the nation's philosophical foundation. Beginning late in the nineteenth century, however, that vision of liberty under constitutionally limited government mutated into progressivism. An aggressive mix of collectivism and scientism, fueled by Marxism and other toxic European ideologies, its early expression was eugenics, its later ambitious central planning. Meanwhile, an influx of immigrants during times of economic displacement would kindle widespread xenophobia, while populist distrust of financial profit, often associated with Jews, would stoke anti-Semitism. Over time, equal freedom fell into disrepute. Among the idea-elites, "right-wing" and "conservative" became pejoratives. But the rise of the Soviet Union and the aftermath of World War II proved a watershed for Americans, especially for American Jews, for those developments placed the liberal idea in a clarifying geopolitical context. Today, with equality and equity often used synonymously, a conflation of anti-capitalism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Zionism has gained prominence while Islamists make common cause with the enemies of freedom from within. Given the stakes, Jews must reassert the basic principles of their ancient tradition, which are also America's.
Mercer University Press A Light on Peachtree: A History of the Atlanta Woman's Club
The Atlanta Woman’s Club has steered the development and identity of Atlanta since 1895. Headquartered in the elegant and historic Wimbish House on Peachtree Street, the club symbolises both a vibrant past and continuing hope for this unique Southern city. Through their affiliation with the Georgia and General Federation of Women’s Clubs, members have helped improve the quality of life in Atlanta, the South, and the world in the fields of politics, human rights, poverty, the arts, education, health, conservation and the understanding of international affairs. As educational advocates, they worked to set the foundation of the Atlanta Public Kindergarten system and Georgia’s public library system. Along with other Georgia Federation of Women’s Club members, the Atlanta Woman’s Club is a vested owner of Tallulah Falls School, one of the most esteemed college preparatory private schools in the country. They helped establish the first farmers’ market in metro Atlanta and were instrumental in promoting the acquisition of a landing field and the building of what is now Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. Few are aware of the club’s enormous effect on its community and state, or its ties to the Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs (GaFWC) and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), both of which have been a major force in the history of Georgia and the nation. A Light on Peachtree: A History of the Atlanta Woman’s Club is the story of the remarkable efforts and accomplishments of the Atlanta Woman’s Club from 1895 to present time.
Little, Brown Book Group The Talented Mr Varg: A Detective Varg novel
The second book in Alexander McCall Smith's new DETECTIVE VARG series . . . 'Reading the novel feels like a form of meditation . . . There is much to enjoy' Scotsman'Wonderfully soothing and relaxing' Telegraph'Heaven is in the detail with this sort of escapist writing. It's like AA Milne meets Karl Ove Knausgaard' Financial Times Spring is coming slowly to Sweden - though not quite as slowly as Detective Ulf Varg's promised promotion at the Department of Sensitive Crimes. For Varg, referred by his psychoanalyst to group therapy at Malmö's Wholeness Centre, life now seems mostly a circle of self-examination, something which may or may not be useful when it comes to the nature of his profession and the particularly sensitive cases that have recently come to light.All in a day's work for Detective Varg, except that one of his new investigations involves fellow detective Anna; it will require every ounce of self-discipline he has in order to remain professional. The other, more curious case is centred around internationally successful novelist Nils Personn-Cederström. According to his girlfriend, Cederström is being blackmailed - but by whom and for what reason?Accompanied by his irritating but kindly colleague Blomquist, Varg begins his enquiries and soon the answers fall neatly into place. Nothing and no one is ever that simple, however, and not for the first time he learns as much about his own emotional and moral landscape as he does about the motives of others. Now Varg must make a possibly life-changing decision. Will he choose his own happiness over that of his heart's desire?
Little, Brown Book Group Overcoming Low Self-Esteem, 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques
Overcoming app now available via iTunes and the Google Play Store.'A thoroughly enjoyable read, and [I] would recommend trainee therapists read it also, as it will increase your understanding of the treatment of low self-esteem.' BABCP MagazineLow self-esteem can make life difficult in all sorts of ways. It can make you anxious and unhappy, tormented by doubts and self-critical thoughts. It can get in the way of feeling at ease with other people and stop you from leading the life you want to lead. It makes it hard to value and appreciate yourself in the same way you would another person you care about. Melanie Fennell's acclaimed and bestselling self-help guide will help you to understand your low self-esteem and break out of the vicious circle of distress, unhelpful behaviour and self-destructive thinking. Using practical techniques from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), this book will help you learn the art of self-acceptance and so transform your sense of yourself for the better.Specifically, you will learn: How low self-esteem develops and what keeps it going How to question your negative thoughts and the attitudes that underlie them How to identify your strengths and good qualities for a more balanced, kindly view of yourselfOvercoming self-help guides use clinically proven techniques to treat long-standing and disabling conditions, both psychological and physical. Many guides in the Overcoming series are recommended under the Reading Well Books on Prescription scheme.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Cameras, Combat and Courage: The Vietnam War by the Military's Own Photographers
What was it like to be a military combat photographer in the most photographed war in history the Vietnam War? Cameras, Combat, and Courage , a companion volume to "Shooting Vietnam", takes you there as you read the firsthand accounts and view the hundreds of photographs by men who lived the war through the lens of a camera. They documented everything from the horror of combat to the people and culture of a land they suddenly found themselves immersed in. Some even juggled cameras with rifles and grenade launchers as they fought to survive while carrying out their assignments to record the war. Cameras, Combat, and Courage also finally brings recognition to these unheralded military combat photographers in Vietnam that documented the brutal, unpopular, and futile war. Firsthand accounts and photographs by military photographers in Vietnam from the mid-1960s to the early 1970s, Cameras, Combat, and Courage puts the reader right alongside these men as they struggle to document the war and stay alive while doing it although some didn't survive. The cameras around their necks often shared space with a rifle or grenade launcher that enabled them to stay alive while performing their assigned military duties, killing, if necessary, to survive. Often, during a brief respite from trudging through swamps and rice paddies or jumping from a chopper into a hot landing zone, they would wander the streets of villages or even downtown Saigon, curiously photographing a people and a culture so strange and different to them. It is these photographs, of a kinder, more personal nature, removed from the horror and death of war that they also share with the reader. The accounts in this book come from young men thrust into a conflict half way around the world, and all who had their own unique perspective on the war. Some were seasoned photographers before the military, others had only recently held a camera for the first time.
Greystone Books,Canada Wings, Waves, and Webs: Patterns in Nature
A visually stunning introduction to patterns found in nature. Perfect for early STEM learning in preschool and kindergarten.From the dots on a ladybug to the spiral on a snail, patterns in nature can be found anywhere. This simple and playful concept book introduces the littlest of readers to both math and nature while engaging their creative potential. By the end, kids will be able to identify: Spots and stripes Spirals and symmetry Waves and honeycombs And more After learning about key patterns, the book’s final page—a striking sunflower—will inspire kids to find patterns for themselves. Vibrant and immersive, Wings, Waves & Webs invites young children to discover the beauty of the world around them.
University of Minnesota Press Back to the Sandbox: Art and Radical Pedagogy
An international group of artists and scholars reflects on the nature and significance of education in contemporary society, introducing new perspectives on learning and creativity Back to the Sandbox addresses critical issues of the education system from an intriguing new perspective: essays by leading thinkers juxtaposed with art projects, intended for kindergarten through adult. The core issues include democracy in education, creativity, transdisciplinarity, neuroplasticity, thinking versus memorizing, science versus art and humanities. Both artists and scholars explore specific topics while guided by one framing question central to educators’ and students’ concerns today: What education do we need? The volume includes several lead essays and eighteen shorter texts from international scholars. Based on an exhibition with the same name, Back to the Sandbox records an ongoing multifaceted project that comprises exhibitions, conferences, workshops, surveys, and online roundtables, connecting local communities with international networks. This groundbreaking publication will serve as both reference and inspiration to educators, students, artists, parents, policy makers, and everyone interested in education and art. Contributors: Peter Alheit, Georg-August-U, Gottingen, Germany; Eva Bakkeslett; Nicolas Buchoud; Nancy Budwig, Clark U; Cathy Burke, U of Cambridge; Luis Camnitzer; Teddy Cruz; Jim Duignan; Tony Eaude, U of Oxford; Bente Elkjaer, Aarhus U, Denmark; Priscila Fernandes; Fonna Forman; Liane Gabora, U of British Columbia; Henry Giroux, McMaster U, Ontario; Ken Goldberg, UC Berkeley; Michael Joaquin Grey; Ane Hjort Guttu; Jessica Hamlin, New York U; Yaacov Hecht; Knud Illeris, Danish School of Education, Copenhagen; Mannish Jain; Ronald Jones; Markus Kayser; Floris Koot; Eva Koťátková; Graziela Kunsch; Pamela Kuntz; Tyson E. Lewis, U of North Texas; Sugata Mitra, Newcastle U, London; James Mollison; Basarab Nicolescu, U Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris; Petr Nikl; Petr Payne; Renzo Piano; Howard Rheingold; Luboš Rychvalský; Andreas Schleicher; Calvin Seibert; Bára Štěpánová; Mark Tennant; Bruce E. Wexler, Yale U; Judy Willis; Conrad Wolfram; Hafthor Yngvason; Philip Zimbardo, Stanford U.
Pegasus Books Eartha & Kitt: A Daughter's Love Story in Black and White
A luminous and inspiring portrait of a Black pioneer and artistic force—Eartha Kitt—and one of the most moving mother/daughter stories in Hollywood history.In this unique combination of memoir and cultural history, we come to know one of the greatest stars the world has ever seen—Eartha Kitt—as revealed by the person who knew her best: her daughter. Eartha, who was a mix of Black, Cherokee, and white, is viewed by the world as Black. Kitt, her biological daughter, is blonde and light skinned. This is the story of a young girl being raised by her mother, who happened to be one of the most famous celebrities in the world. For three decades, they traveled the world together as mother and daughter. Even after Kitt got married and started a family of her own, she and Eartha were never far from each other’s sides Eartha had a very difficult childhood growing up in extreme poverty in South Carolina. She described herself as being “just a poor cotton picker from the South.” She did not have her own familial ties to lean on after being abandoned by her own mother as a toddler and having never known who her father was. She and Kitt were each other’s whole world. Eartha’s legacy is still felt today. Not only do we still listen to “Santa Baby” every Christmas, but many of today’s most influential artists consistently mention Eartha, paying tribute to her groundbreaking stances on social issues such as racial equality and women’s and LGBTQ rights. And she is still widely remembered for her definitive portrayal of Catwoman in the classic Batman television series, voicing the character Yzma in Disney’s The Emperor’s New Groove, and her many other movie and Broadway roles. In these pages, Kitt brings her mother to life so vividly, you will feel as if you'd met her. You’ll embrace her love of nature, exercise, simple food, and independence, along with her lessons on the importance of treating people kindly and always being true to yourself. Filled with love, life lessons, and poignant laughter, Eartha & Kitt captures the passion and energy of two remarkable women.
Tuttle Publishing Manabeshima Island Japan: One Island, Two Months, One Minicar, Sixty Crabs, Eighty Bites and Fifty Shots of Shochu
More than just a Japan travel guide, Manabeshima Island Japan paints a colorful and entertaining picture of a particular place and time in Japan.Japan is made up of thousands of sacred islands, artificial islands, industrial islands, resort islands, wild islands and exploding islands…but artist Florent Chavouet had only ever visited two of them. This graphic novel is the story of one summer when he decides to get to know one more—the tiny island of Manabeshima. This speck of dirt in the Inland Sea, off the coast of Osaka, has a total population of 300, and he sets himself the task of recording everything and everyone he meets there in quirky detail on the pages of his sketchbook. Whereas Chavouet's other best-selling book, Tokyo on Foot, focuses on the physical city, it is the local island inhabitants who form the heart of this new book. Chavouet's sensitive drawings and insightful captions create instant portraits of incredible literary depth. The cast of characters who are lovingly depicted includes Ikkyu-san, owner of the island's only bar (and the bar's three regulars—skinny guy, Day-Glo cap guy and greasy-haired guy); the young Nakamura family and their five kids; the layabout Shimura-san, a living relic from the hippie 1970s; Kurata-san the policeman; Reizo-san the island intellectual in his elegant Meiji-era home; Rock the Neanderthal fisherman; and a chorus of assorted grandmothers and cats—all of whom welcome Chavouet into their community as a kindred soul. Against a backdrop of fireworks, summer festivals, fishing expeditions, and the constant hum of the cicadas, Chavouet depicts these characters so vividly and sympathetically, and describes their rustic way of life in such simple and appealing terms that we find it as hard to finish the book as Chavouet found it to leave the island at the end of his enchanted summer holiday.