Search results for ""author alexander""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Essential Results in Chemical Physics & Physical Chemistry
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Play Ball!: Doughboys and Baseball during the Great War
Baseball is the most American game. No other sporting contest so closely reflects the American psyche and culture. Its uniqueness comes from the fact that part of the game is clearly defined and unchanged since play first began, while another part of the game fluctuates and changes constantly. And if baseball is the truest American game, the Doughboys of the Great War were its most loyal proponents. By 1918, there were over four million of them: two million in France fighting in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive and another two million in stateside training camps awaiting their turn to cross the Atlantic to the Western Front. Playing wherever they could find enough room to throw a ball, they brought the game with them into the front lines and then into the occupation of Germany. Sharing their military service, in combat and on the baseball diamond, were a number of famous professional ballplayers, managers, lawyers, politicians, and even an umpire.
Rowman & Littlefield The European Culture Area: A Systematic Geography
Now in a completely updated, full-color edition, this leading textbook has been thoroughly revised to reflect the sweeping economic, social, and political changes the past decade has brought to Europe and to incorporate new research and teaching approaches in regional geography. The authors have especially expanded their discussion of climate change and other environmental challenges facing Europe, migration and the rise of right-wing populist movements, and Brexit and other challenges facing the EU. They employ a cultural-historical approach that is ideally suited to facilitate understanding of Europe’s complex geographical character. Their topical organization—including environment, ethnicity, religion, language, demography, politics, industry, and urban and rural life—offers students a holistic understanding of the diverse cultural area that is Europe. Inclusive, rich in ideas, lively, interesting, and humanistic, The European Culture Area remains the text of choice for courses on the geography of Europe.
Aarhus University Press The Architecture of the Ancient Greek Theatre
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Jahrbuch Fur Liturgik Und Hymnologie. 39. Band 2000
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Principes de la Philosophie Pratique Premiere
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Homegrown: ISIS in America
How big is the threat posed by American ISIS supporters? How many Americans have joined ISIS and how many want to return to the United States? Compared to participation by Americans in other jihadist groups, the scale of American involvement in jihadist activity today is unprecedented. This book, from one of the leading counter-terror centres, draws on first-hand interviews with former American Islamic State members and law enforcement officials who tracked them, and includes detailed analysis of the court cases against them and their social media presence. Homegrown reveals how and why ISIS was able to radicalize and recruit a new generation of jihadist sympathizers in America.
Independent Institute,U.S. The Voluntary City: Choice, Community, and Civil Society
Assembling a rich history and analysis of large-scale, private and voluntary, community-based provision of social services, urban infrastructure, and community governance, this book provides suggestions on how to restore the vitality of city life. Historically, the city was considered a center of commerce, knowledge, and culture, a haven for safety and a place of opportunity. Today, however, cities are widely viewed as centers for crime, homelessness, drug wars, business failure, impoverishment, transit gridlock, illiteracy, pollution, unemployment, and other social ills. In many cities, government increasingly dominates life, consuming vast resources to cater to special-interest groups. This book reveals how the process of providing local public goods through the dynamism of freely competitive, market-based entrepreneurship is unmatched in renewing communities and strengthening the bonds of civil society.
Random House USA Inc One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich: Introduction by John Bayley
Hirmer Verlag Kristin Bauer: This is Like That: 2017 - 2022
This Is Like That: Kristin Bauer is a conceptually designed art book/object that archives the artist’s work from 2017-2020, including essays and dialogue from collaborating curators and writers exploring historic and contemporary influences and references connecting the artwork to the zeitgeist This Is Like That: Kristin Bauer archives the artist’s work from 2017-2020 in a limited edition book/object, designed by Alexander Kohnke with the artist. Incorporates silk-screened acetate pages and book jacket, with referential ephemera spanning print, silent film, marketing and propaganda, capturing the materiality, form and function of visual discourse in the artist’s work. With essays by Ginger Shulick Porcella, Deborah H. Sussman and Rachel Zebro, plus an artist-curator dialogue with Lauren R. O’Connell.
Hirmer Verlag Clifford Ross: Sightlines
Clifford Ross’s photographic and video practices over the past thirty years reveals one of the most incisive and technically sophisticated investigations of the nature of vision in the medium’s history. Sightlines showcases the range and depth of Clifford Ross’s art by presenting the inexhaustible variety of visual experience he has created with two primary subjects: mountain and sea. In our era of unprecedented environmental peril, his inventive exploration of the iconic subjects of the mountain and the sea convey powerful creative engagement with the landscapes that are both majestic and fragile.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Springer Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics
This key text is a major reference work – a totally authoritative handbook on a major current topic. It consolidates state-of-the-art information from the large number of disciplines used in Experimental Fluid Mechanics into a readable desk reference book. It comprises four parts: Experiments in Fluid Mechanics, Measurement of Primary Quantities, Specific Experimental Approaches, and Analyses and Post-Processing of Data. The book has been prepared for physicists and engineers in research and development in universities, in industry and in other research institutions. Both experimental methodology and techniques are covered fundamentally and for a wide range of application fields. A generous use of citations directs the reader to additional material on each subject.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Lehrbuch der Molekularen Zellbiologie
Der "kleine Alberts" ist die unbestrittene Nummer 1 unter den einführenden Lehrbüchern der Molekular- und Zellbiologie. Aus der Fülle der neuen und neuesten Erkenntnisse werden die unentbehrlichen Grundlagen der molekularen Zellbiologie sowie ihre Anwendungen in Medizin, Gen- und Biotechnologie herausgearbeitet, mit der Genauigkeit, Verlässlichkeit und Aktualität des großen Bruders "Molekularbiologie der Zelle" und illustriert durch 900 durchgehend farbige Abbildungen. 21 ganzseitige Übersichtstafeln zu komplexen Themen wie Stoffwechsel und Regulation, die bestens für die Prüfungsvorbereitung geeignet sind, Zusammenfassungen der wichtigsten Inhalte und Schlüsselbegriffe am Kapitelende, mehr als 400 Verständnisfragen, Übungsaufgaben und deren Lösungen sowie ein illustriertes Glossar mit mehr als 600 Begriffen machen das Lernen leicht. Die 5. Auflage wurde komplett überarbeitet und um aktuelle Themen ergänzt. Sie bietet u. a. eine bessere Einführung in die "schwierigen" Themen chemische Bindung und Membranpotential, ein neues Unterkapitel zur Rolle genetischer Faktoren bei der Entstehung von Krankheiten und berücksichtigt zahlreiche neue Erkenntnisse, u. a. zu Chromatin-Remodellierung, Genome Editing mit dem CRISPR/Cas-System, Optogenetik, Amyloidbildung, genomweite Assoziationsstudien, pluripotente Stammzellen u. v. m. Stimmern zur Vorauflage: "Der kleine Bruder des Alberts-Klassikers Molekularbiologie der Zelle versteht es [...], mit didaktischer Eleganz und herausragenden Illustrationen den Leser mit 20 Kapiteln vom Gen bis zur Entstehung von Krebs zu faszinieren." BIOspektrum 11/2012 "Der 'Alberts' ist völlig zu Recht das beliebteste einführende Lehrbuch der Zellbiologie. [...] Ein ausgefeiltes didaktisches Konzept vereinigt Bewährtes mit völlig Neuem [...]." (April 2012)
GINGKO The Phoenix Mosque and the Persians of Medieval Hangzhou: 2018
In the early 1250s Mongke Khan, grandson and successor of the mighty Mongol emperor, Genghis Khan, sent out his youngerbrothers Qubilai and Hulegu to consolidate his grip on power. Hulegu was welcomed into Iran while his older brother, Qubilai, continued to erode the power of the Song emperors of southern China. In 1276 he finally forced their submission and peacefully occupied their capital, Hangzhou. The city enjoyed a revival as the cultural capital of a united China and was soon filled with traders, adventurers, artists, entrepreneurs, and artisans from throughout the great Mongol Empire includinga prosperous, influential and seemingly welcome community of Persians. In 1281, one of their number, Al al-Din, built thePhoenix Mosque in the heart of the city where it still stands today. This study of the mosque and the Ju-jing Yuan cemetery,today as a lake-side public park, casts light on an important and transformative period in Chinese history, and perhaps themost important period in Chinese Islamic history. The book is published in the Persian Studies Series of the British Instituteof Persian Studies.
Historic Environment Scotland Who Built Scotland: Twenty-Five Journeys in Search of a Nation
'What we build always reveals things that are deeply and innately human. Because all buildings are stories, one way or another.' Kathleen Jamie, Alexander McCall Smith, Alistair Moffat, James Robertson and James Crawford travel across the country to tell the story of the nation, from abandoned islands and lonely glens to the heart of our modern cities. Whether visiting Shetland’s Mousa Broch at midsummer, following in the footsteps of pilgrims to Iona Abbey, joining the tourist bustle at Edinburgh Castle, scaling the Forth Bridge or staying in an off-the-grid eco-bothy, the authors unravel the stories of the places, people and passions that have had an enduring impact on the landscape and character of Scotland.
Historic Environment Scotland Who Built Scotland: A History of the Nation in Twenty-Five Buildings
Experience a new history of Scotland told through its places. Writers Kathleen Jamie, Alexander McCall Smith, Alistair Moffat, James Robertson and James Crawford pick twenty-five buildings to tell the story of the nation. Travelling across the country, from abandoned islands and lonely glens to the heart of our modern cities, these five authors seek out the diverse narrative of the Scottish people. Follow Kathleen Jamie as she searches for the traces of our first family hearths in the Cairngorms and makes a midsummer journey to Shetland to meet the unlikely new inhabitants of an Iron Age broch. Tour the wondrous and macabre Surgeons’ Hall with Alexander McCall Smith, or walk with him over sacred ground to Iona’s ancient Abbey. Join Alistair Moffat as he discovers a lost whisky village in the wilds of Strathconon, and climbs up through the vertiginous layers of history in Edinburgh Castle. Accompany James Robertson as he goes from the standing stones of Callanish to the humble cottage of Hugh MacDiarmid – via the engineering colossus of the Forth Rail Bridge. And journey with James Crawford from a packed crowd in Hampden Park, to an off-the-grid eco-bothy on the Isle of Eigg. Who Built Scotland is a landmark exploration of Scotland’s social, political and cultural histories. Moving from Neolithic families, exiled hermits and ambitious royal dynasties to highland shieling girls, peasant poets, Enlightenment philosophers and iconoclastic artists, it places our people, our ideas and our passions at the heart of our architecture and archaeology. This is the remarkable story how we have shaped our buildings and how our buildings, in turn, have shaped us.
James Currey ALT 37: African Literature Today
AFRICAN LITERATURE TODAY was established at a time of uncertainty and reconstruction but for 50 years it has played a leading role in nurturing imaginative creativity and its criticism on the African continent and beyond. Contemporary African creative writers have confidently taken strides which resonate all over the world. The daring diversities, stylistic innovations and enchanting audacities which characterize their works across many different genres resonate with readers beyond African geographic and linguistic boundaries. Writers in Africa and the diaspora seem to be speaking with collective and individual voices that compel world attention and admiration. And they arebeing read in numerous world languages. This volume's contributors recognize the foundations laid by the pioneer African writers as they point vigorously to contemporary writers who have moved African imaginative creativityforward with utmost integrity, and to the critics who continue to respond with unyielding tenacity. The founding Editor of ALT, Professor Eldred Durosimi Jones, recalls in an interview in this volume, the role ALT played in the evolution and stimulation of a wave of African literary studies and criticism in mid-20th century: "The 1960s saw a good deal of activity among scholars teaching African Literature throughout Africa and the world, and this ledto a series of conferences in African Literature in Dakar, Nairobi, and Freetown.around the idea of communication between the various English Departments which took an interest in African Literature. We decided on a bulletin, which was just a kind of newsletter between departments saying what was going was that bulletin that showed the potential of this kind of communication... after that we started African Literature Today as a journal inviting articles on the works of African writers." Contributors to the series demonstrate the impact of the growth in studies and criticism of African Literature in the 50 years since its founding. Series Editor: Ernest N. Emenyonu is Professor of Africana Studies at the University of Michigan-Flint, USA. Reviews Editor: Obi Nwakanma
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Brexit in the Workplace: A Psychology of Survival?
This timely book explores the psychological repercussions of Brexit in the workplace. Illustrating the mental and emotional impact of the Brexit process, interdisciplinary chapters demonstrate its effect on the wellbeing of workers and its implications for the welfare of the workforce in the future. Bringing together international contributors from a range of disciplines, this topical book focuses on key areas of workplace functioning, including higher education institutions, corporate social responsibility and the emerging experiences of businesses, migrant workers and politicians. The major psychological, political and economic implications for employers, employees and policy-makers are considered, and the importance after Brexit of actions that preserve and build on progress already achieved in the UK workplace are highlighted. Brexit in the Workplace will appeal to scholars and students of politics, psychology and business, as well as business leaders and policy-makers wishing to gain valuable insights into the range of issues facing the workforce in the current atmosphere of political change and uncertainty around Brexit.
Indiana University Press Rethinking the Gulag: Identities, Sources, Legacies
The Soviet Gulag was one of the largest, most complex, and deadliest systems of incarceration in the 20th century. What lessons can we learn from its network of labor camps and prisons and exile settlements, which stretched across vast geographic expanses, included varied institutions, and brought together inmates from all the Soviet Union's ethnicities, professions, and social classes?Drawing on a massive body of documentary evidence, Rethinking the Gulag: Identities, Sources, Legacies explores the Soviet penal system from various disciplinary perspectives. Divided into three sections, the collection first considers "identities"—the lived experiences of contingents of detainees who have rarely figured in Gulag histories to date, such as common criminals and clerics. The second section surveys "sources" to explore the ways new research methods can revolutionize our understanding of the system. The third section studies "legacies" to reveal the aftermath of the Gulag, including the folk beliefs and traditions it has inspired and the museums built to memorialize it. While all the chapters respond to one another, each section also concludes with a reaction by a leading researcher: geographer Judith Pallot, historian Lynne Viola, and cultural historian and literary scholar Alexander Etkind.Moving away from grand metaphorical or theoretical models, Rethinking the Gulag instead unearths the complexities and nuances of experience that represent a primary focus in the new wave of Gulag studies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Residential Construction
FUNDAMENTALS OF RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION THE NEW EDITION OF THE DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO PROFESSIONAL HOME CONSTRUCTION, FULLY UPDATED AND REVISED Fundamentals of Residential Construction provides clear, accurate, and accessible guidance to every step of single family and multifamily home construction, covering site preparation, project delivery methods, scheduling, foundations, framing, roofing, finishes, heating and cooling, plumbing and electrical, as well as emerging techniques such as prefabricated construction. Illustrated with more than 1,250 high-quality drawings, photographs, and photorealistic renderings throughout, this thorough textbook addresses all major construction systems: light wood frame, heavy timber, masonry, light gauge steel, steel frame, reinforced concrete construction, and outdoor structures. The fifth edition is thoroughly revised to reflect the industry’s latest methods, materials, technologies, and green building approaches, offering the most up-to-date explanations of today’s residential construction systems and current building codes, including the International Residential Code (IRC) and energy codes. This edition features entirely new materials sections on metals, plastics, and composite construction as well as expanded and updated content on ventilation, air-sealing, decks, and outdoor structures. Provides a solid foundation in residential construction methods, tools, and processes Discusses the latest codes, costs, trends, and best practices in design and construction Offers timely coverage of sustainable building, energy efficiency, multifamily construction, prefabricated building components, CAD/BIM planning tools, and carbon-conscious construction Includes access to a newly updated companion website with an instructor’s manual, chapter exercises, hands-on 3D interactive activities, and other supplementary resources Fundamentals of Residential Construction, Fifth Edition, remains essential reading for anyone looking to successfully complete a residential project. It is a perfect textbook for students in architecture, construction science, construction management, and building technology, and is a valuable reference for professional builders, construction managers, and designers.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Physics Of Quantum Information, The - Proceedings Of The 28th Solvay Conference On Physics
Ever since 1911, the Solvay Conferences have shaped modern physics. The format is quite different from other conferences as the emphasis is placed on discussion. The 28th edition held in May 2022 in Brussels and chaired by David Gross and Peter Zoller continued this tradition and addressed some of the most pressing open questions in the fields of quantum information, gathering many of the leading figures working on a wide variety of profound problems.The proceedings contain the 'rapporteur talks' giving a broad overview with unique insights by distinguished renowned scientists. These lectures cover the five sessions: The Physics of Quantum Information, Many-Body Entanglement, Quantum Information and Spacetime, Quantum Platforms, Quantum Algorithms.In the Solvay tradition, the proceedings also include the prepared comments to the rapporteur talks. The discussions among the participants — expert, yet lively and sometimes contentious — have been edited to retain their flavor and are reproduced in full. The reader is taken on a breathtaking ride through a fascinating field which is expanding rapidly.
Oxford University Press Physics on Your Feet: Berkeley Graduate Exam Questions
Physics on Your Feet (2nd Edition) is a significantly expanded collection of physics problems covering the broad range of topics in classical and modern physics that were, or could have been, asked at oral PhD exams at University of California at Berkeley. The questions are easy to formulate, but some of them can only be answered using an outside-of-the box approach. Detailed solutions are provided, from which the reader is guaranteed to learn a lot about the physicists' way of thinking. The book is also packed full of cartoons and dry humor to help take the edge off the stress and anxiety surrounding exams. This is a helpful guide for students preparing for their exams, as well as a resource for university lecturers looking for good instructive problems. No exams are necessary to enjoy the book!
Oxford University Press Physics on Your Feet: Berkeley Graduate Exam Questions
Physics on Your Feet (2nd Edition) is a significantly expanded collection of physics problems covering the broad range of topics in classical and modern physics that were, or could have been, asked at oral PhD exams at University of California at Berkeley. The questions are easy to formulate, but some of them can only be answered using an outside-of-the box approach. Detailed solutions are provided, from which the reader is guaranteed to learn a lot about the physicists' way of thinking. The book is also packed full of cartoons and dry humor to help take the edge off the stress and anxiety surrounding exams. This is a helpful guide for students preparing for their exams, as well as a resource for university lecturers looking for good instructive problems. No exams are necessary to enjoy the book!
Cornell University Press Labor Relations in a Globalizing World
Compelled by the extent to which globalization has changed the nature of labor relations, Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan, and Alexander J. S. Colvin give us the first textbook to focus on the workplace outcomes of the production of goods and services in emerging countries. In Labor Relations in a Globalizing World, they draw lessons from the United States and other advanced industrial countries to provide a menu of options for management, labor, and government leaders in emerging countries. They include discussions based in countries such as China, Brazil, India, and South Africa which, given the advanced levels of economic development they have already achieved, are often described as "transitional," because the labor relations practices and procedures used in those countries are still in a state of flux.Katz, Kochan, and Colvin analyze how labor relations functions in emerging countries in a manner that is useful to practitioners, policymakers, and academics. They take account of the fact that labor relations are much more politicized in emerging countries than in advanced industrialized countries. They also address the traditional role played by state-dominated unions in emerging countries and the recent increased importance of independent unions that have emerged as alternatives. These independent unions tend to promote firm- or workplace-level collective bargaining in contrast to the more traditional top-down systems. Katz, Kochan, and Colvin explain how multinational corporations, nongovernmental organizations, and other groups that act across national borders increasingly influence work and employment outcomes.
Holy Trinity Publications Healing Humanity: Confronting Our Moral Crisis
Western societies today are coming unmoored in the face of earth-shaking ethical and cultural paradigm shift. At its core is the question of what it means to be human and how we are meant to live. The old answers are no longer accepted; a dizzying array of options are offered in their stead. Underpinning this smorgasbord of lifestyles is a thicket of unquestioned assumptions, such as the separation of gender from biological sex, which not so long ago would have been universally rejected as radical notions.In the spring of 2019, a group of Orthodox Christian scholars drawn from a wide variety of academic disciplines met together to offer responses to the moral crisis our generation faces, elaborating upon its various forms and facilitating a fuller understanding of some of its theological and philosophical foundations. In doing so they offer support to all those who question the claims that are so forcefully insisted upon today – a clarity that will aid them in standing up and resisting trends that have already shown to be the cause of great suffering and unhappiness.Among the contributors to this volume are NY Times bestselling author Rod Dreher, Frederica Matthewes-Green, Dr David Bradshaw, Fr Chad Hatfield, and Fr Peter Heers. Collectively, these scholars remind us that it is only through our participation in the life of Christ, God who became man, that we can find the healing of our humanity through the restoration in us of His image, in which we were formed at the beginning of time.
Cornell University Press An Introduction to U.S. Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations
This comprehensive textbook provides an introduction to collective bargaining and labor relations with a focus on developments in the United States. It is appropriate for students, policy analysts, and labor relations professionals including unionists, managers, and neutrals. A three-tiered strategic choice framework unifies the text, and the authors’ thorough grounding in labor history and labor law assists students in learning the basics. In addition to traditional labor relations, the authors address emerging forms of collective representation and movements that address income inequality in novel ways. Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan, and Alexander J. S. Colvin provide numerous contemporary illustrations of business and union strategies. They consider the processes of contract negotiation and contract administration with frequent comparisons to nonunion practices and developments, and a full chapter is devoted to special aspects of the public sector. An Introduction to U.S. Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations has an international scope, covering labor rights issues associated with the global supply chain as well as the growing influence of NGOs and cross-national unionism. The authors also compare how labor relations systems in Germany, Japan, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa compare to practices in the United States. The textbook is supplemented by a website ( that features an extensive Instructor’s Manual with a test bank, PowerPoint chapter outlines, mock bargaining exercises, organizing cases, grievance cases, and classroom-ready current events materials.
Cornell University Press Labor Relations in a Globalizing World
Compelled by the extent to which globalization has changed the nature of labor relations, Harry C. Katz, Thomas A. Kochan, and Alexander J. S. Colvin give us the first textbook to focus on the workplace outcomes of the production of goods and services in emerging countries. In Labor Relations in a Globalizing World, they draw lessons from the United States and other advanced industrial countries to provide a menu of options for management, labor, and government leaders in emerging countries. They include discussions based in countries such as China, Brazil, India, and South Africa which, given the advanced levels of economic development they have already achieved, are often described as "transitional," because the labor relations practices and procedures used in those countries are still in a state of flux.Katz, Kochan, and Colvin analyze how labor relations functions in emerging countries in a manner that is useful to practitioners, policymakers, and academics. They take account of the fact that labor relations are much more politicized in emerging countries than in advanced industrialized countries. They also address the traditional role played by state-dominated unions in emerging countries and the recent increased importance of independent unions that have emerged as alternatives. These independent unions tend to promote firm- or workplace-level collective bargaining in contrast to the more traditional top-down systems. Katz, Kochan, and Colvin explain how multinational corporations, nongovernmental organizations, and other groups that act across national borders increasingly influence work and employment outcomes.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Metaphysique
Archaeopress Rome and Barbaricum: Contributions to the Archaeology and History of Interaction in European Protohistory
Rome and Barbaricum: Contributions to the archaeology and history of interaction in European protohistory asks the following questions: How did the ‘Barbarians’ influence Roman culture? What did ‘Roman-ness’ mean in the context of Empire? What did it mean to be Roman and/or ‘Barbarian’ in different contexts? The papers presented here explore the concepts of Romanisation and of Barbaricum from a multi-disciplinary and comparative standpoint, covering Germania, Dacia, Moesia Inferior, Hispania, and other regions of the Roman Empire. They deal with issues such as conceptual analysis of the term ‘barbarian’, military and administrative organization, inter-cultural and linguistic relations, numismatics, religion, economy, prosopographic investigations, constructing identities; and they present reflections on the theoretical framework for a new model of Romanisation.
Golden Guides from St. Martin's Press Trees: Revised and Updated
Brandeis University Press Transmitting Jewish History – Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi in Conversation with Sylvie Anne Goldberg
The deeply personal reflections of a giant of Jewish history. Scholar Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi (1932–2009) possessed a stunning range of erudition in all eras of Jewish history, as well as in world history, classical literature, and European culture. What Yerushalmi also brought to his craft was a brilliant literary style, honed by his own voracious reading from early youth and his formative undergraduate studies. This series of interviews paints a revealing portrait of this giant of history, bringing together exceptional material on Yerushalmi’s personal and intellectual journeys that not only attests to the astonishing breakthrough of the issues of Jewish history into “general history,” but also offers profound insight into being Jewish in today's world.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Systems Engineering Principles and Practice
A comprehensive and interdisciplinary guide to systems engineering Systems Engineering: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition is the leading interdisciplinary reference for systems engineers. The up-to-date third edition provides readers with discussions of model-based systems engineering, requirements analysis, engineering design, and software design. Freshly updated governmental and commercial standards, architectures, and processes are covered in-depth. The book includes newly updated topics on: Risk Prototyping Modeling and simulation Software/computer systems engineering Examples and exercises appear throughout the text, allowing the reader to gauge their level of retention and learning. Systems Engineering: Principles and Practice was and remains the standard textbook used worldwide for the study of traditional systems engineering. The material is organized in a manner that allows for quick absorption of industry best practices and methods. Systems Engineering Principles and Practice continues to be a national standard textbook for the study of traditional systems engineering for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. It addresses the need for an introductory overview, first-text for the development and acquisition of complex technical systems. The material is organized in a way that teaches the reader how to think like a systems engineer and carry out best practices in the field.
Stanford University Press At Odds With Aids: Thinking and Talking About a Virus
What does it mean to oppose AIDS, to be at odds with AIDS? What kind of rupture with history does AIDS represent? How does AIDS and what is said about AIDS relate to gay identity? How does AIDS relate to thinking and acting, particularly deconstructive thinking? The author confronts these questions from a broad philosophical background that ranges from Kant, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Heidegger to contemporary thought concerning gay activism and AIDS research, all brought together in an effort to find a philosophical language capable of doing justice to the singularity of lived experience in the shadow of AIDS. In examining what AIDS reveals about the conditions of existence, García Düttmann develops the idea of the “dis-unity” or “at-odds-ness” of existence, of the “non-belonging” that characterizes the marginalized, outcast, or abandoned, and exposes human existence itself. He analyzes what AIDS reveals about the character of history through two intertwined issues. First, he examines arguments bearing on the epochal significance of AIDS, the idea that AIDS reveals something uniquely characteristic of our time, hence that the epidemic marks a historical caesura. Second, he develops a theory of historical witnessing suggesting that the phenomena of historical event and bearing witness are not at all separate, but instead are co-originary, inhering in the same complex.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition
Originally published between 1932 and 1945, the eleven-volume Works of Edmund Spenser collects The Faerie Queene along with Spenser's minor poems, prose works, and Alexander C. Judson's The Life of Edmund Spenser.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Aircraft Aerodynamic Design: Geometry and Optimization
Optimal aircraft design is impossible without a parametric representation of the geometry of the airframe. We need a mathematical model equipped with a set of controls, or design variables, which generates different candidate airframe shapes in response to changes in the values of these variables. This model's objectives are to be flexible and concise, and capable of yielding a wide range of shapes with a minimum number of design variables. Moreover, the process of converting these variables into aircraft geometries must be robust. Alas, flexibility, conciseness and robustness can seldom be achieved simultaneously. Aircraft Aerodynamic Design: Geometry and Optimization addresses this problem by navigating the subtle trade-offs between the competing objectives of geometry parameterization. It beginswith the fundamentals of geometry-centred aircraft design, followed by a review of the building blocks of computational geometries, the curve and surface formulations at the heart of aircraft geometry. The authors then cover a range of legacy formulations in the build-up towards a discussion of the most flexible shape models used in aerodynamic design (with a focus on lift generating surfaces). The book takes a practical approach and includes MATLAB®, Python and Rhinoceros® code, as well as ‘real-life’ example case studies. Key features: Covers effective geometry parameterization within the context of design optimization Demonstrates how geometry parameterization is an important element of modern aircraft design Includes code and case studies which enable the reader to apply each theoretical concept either as an aid to understanding or as a building block of their own geometry model Accompanied by a website hosting codes Aircraft Aerodynamic Design: Geometry and Optimization is a practical guide for researchers and practitioners in the aerospace industry, and a reference for graduate and undergraduate students in aircraft design and multidisciplinary design optimization.
University of Texas Press Birds of Costa Rica: A Field Guide
At the biological crossroads of the Americas, Costa Rica hosts an astonishing array of plants and animals—over half a million species! Ecotourists, birders, and biologists come from around the world, drawn by the likelihood of seeing more than three or four hundred species of birds and other animals during even a short stay. To help all of these visitors, as well as local residents, identify and enjoy the wildlife of Costa Rica, Carrol Henderson published Field Guide to the Wildlife of Costa Rica in 2002, and it became the instant and indispensable guide.Now Henderson has created a dedicated field guide to the birds that travelers are most likely to see, as well as to the unique or endemic species that are of high interest to birders. Birds of Costa Rica covers 310 birds—an increase of 124 species from the earlier volume—with fascinating accounts of the birds' natural history, identification, and behavior gleaned from Henderson's forty years of traveling and birding in Costa Rica. All of the accounts include beautiful photographs of the birds, most of which were taken in the wild by Henderson. There are new updated distribution maps and a detailed appendix that identifies many of the country's best bird-watching locations and lodges, including contact information for trip planning purposes.
The University of Chicago Press Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, Volume 2: A Critical Edition
Alexander von Humboldt was the most celebrated modern chronicler of North and South America and the Caribbean, and this translation of his essay on New Spain--the first modern regional economic and political geography--covers his travels across today's Mexico in 1803-04. The work canvases both natural-scientific and cultural-scientific objects alike, combining the results of fieldwork with archival research and expert testimony. To show how people, plants, animals, goods, and ideas moved across the globe, Humboldt wrote in a variety of styles, bending and reshaping familiar writerly conventions to keep readers attentive to new inputs. Above all, he wanted his readers to keep an open mind when confronted with cultural and other differences in the Americas. Fueled by his comparative global perspective on politics, economics, and science, he used his writing to support Latin American independence and condemn slavery and other forms of colonial exploitation. It is these voluminous and innovative writings on the New World that made Humboldt the undisputed father of modern geography, early American studies, transatlantic cultural history, and environmental studies. This two-volume critical edition--the third installment in the Alexander von Humboldt in English series--is based on the full text, including all footnotes, tables, and maps, of the second, revised French edition of Essai politique sur le royaume de de Nouvelle Espagne from 1825-27, which has never been translated into English before. Extensive annotations and full-color atlases are available on the series website.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Gentle Introduction To Support Vector Machines In Biomedicine, A - Volume 1: Theory And Methods
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are among the most important recent developments in pattern recognition and statistical machine learning. They have found a great range of applications in various fields including biology and medicine. However, biomedical researchers often experience difficulties grasping both the theory and applications of these important methods because of lack of technical background. The purpose of this book is to introduce SVMs and their extensions and allow biomedical researchers to understand and apply them in real-life research in a very easy manner. The book is to consist of two volumes: theory and methods (Volume 1) and case studies (Volume 2).
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Transfer and Religion: Interactions between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century
This collaboration brings into conversation scholars of Jewish and Islamic studies, theologians, and cultural historians to shed new light on the enduring intertwining between the Abrahamic faiths in the Mediterranean and Central Europe since the Middle Ages. Drawing on interdisciplinary expertise, the volume presents a series of case studies reflecting - in either a constructive or a disruptive way - the interactions between the dynamics of transfer and the role of religion in society. The long durée of the book's chronology helps outline the making of religious transfers in the medieval times and their transformations up to the twentieth-century challenges of nationalism and secularism. Considering a variety of distinct implications and reactions to religious transfer, the volume contributes to pinpointing past and present challenges towards religious conceptions, doctrines and narratives in the interaction between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
The University of Chicago Press Essay on the Geography of Plants
The legacy of Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) looms large over the natural sciences. His 1799-1804 research expedition to Central and South America with botanist Aime Bonpland set the course for the great scientific surveys of the nineteenth century, and inspired such essayists and artists as Emerson, Goethe, Thoreau, Poe, and Church. The chronicles of the expedition were published in Paris after von Humboldt's return, and first among them was the 1807 "Essay on the Geography of Plants." Among the most cited writings in natural history, after the works of Darwin and Wallace, this work appears here for the first time in a complete English-language translation. Covering far more than its title implies, it represents the first articulation of an integrative "science of the earth," encompassing most of today's environmental sciences. Ecologist Stephen T. Jackson introduces the treatise and explains its enduring significance two centuries after its publication.
Klincksieck Chants d'Oiseaux
Otter-Barry Books Ltd A Child's Garden of Verses
First published in 1885, A Child’s Garden of Verses has delighted generations of children and adults. The complete collection of these favourite and familiar poems is here, from Bed in Summer, The Swing and The Land of Counterpane to The Lamplighter, My Shadow and Escape at Bedtime. They capture the imaginative, transformative aspects of childhood with a unique freshness and innocence. As Alexander McCall Smith says in his inspirational foreword, “Childhood is very brief. While the garden is still there, it should perhaps be visited.” This beautiful edition, with delicate and atmospheric watercolours by Kate Greenaway Medallist, Michael Foreman, will enchant a whole new generation of readers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic History
Volume 26 of "Research in Economic History" includes six papers, evenly divided between European and North American topics. On the European side, Stefano Fenoaltea and Carlo Ciccarelli provide new regional estimates of social overhead investment in Italy. Markus Lampe reports data on bilateral trade flows in Europe between 1857 and 1875. And Bernard Harris surveys the literature on gender, wealth, and health in England and Wales since industrialization. Turning west, Mark Kanazawa studies conflicts between ranchers and miners over who should bear the burden of taxation in nineteenth century California. Jason Taylor and Peter Klein examine Depression era cartel behavior under the National Industrial Recovery Act. Finally, James Butkiewicz mines archival material to provide a new perspective on and some rehabilitation of Eugene Meyer's role as Governor of the Federal Reserve Board between 1930 and 1933.
Liverpool University Press Nation State and Immigration: The Age of Population Movements
For the last two centuries, the nation state has posed a formidable challenge to multinational empires. It has served as a base for modernisation, secularisation and democratisation -- and also for the formation of totalitarian regimes. Today, the nation state faces challenges from multiple directions. National minorities demand self-determination while religious forces challenge secular governments, and global migration movements undermine the cultural uniformity once considered essential for the formation and preservation of nation states. This is the third of a three-volume set (detailed below) which addresses key challenges facing the contemporary nation state from a global perspective but with special emphasis on the Middle East and Israel. Publication reflects research conducted under the auspices of The Israel Democracy Institute's "Nation State Project", which analyses Israel's complex reality in which a Jewish majority contends with an Arab minority, ultra-Orthodox religious forces reject the authority of the nation state, and an immigrant society exhibits substantial cultural and ethnic variance. Volume III explores the cultural, social and political effects of immigration on the contemporary nation state -- its character, cohesion, and possible future, as well as on contemporary liberal democracy. Contributions deal with such issues as different liberal approaches to the issue of immigration and immigrant integration, nation-building narratives and their implications for immigrants and minorities, citizenship tests and integration policy in the United States and in Europe, as well as Israel's Law of Return and the debate about it and other aspects of immigration policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurial Growth: Individual, Firm, and Region
The latest volume of Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth examines many questions regarding growth. What decisions and designs of the entrepreneur lead to growth? What are the beginning stages of growth? Are there differences in what drives high growth entrepreneurship versus slower growth entrepreneurship? Are new firms adopting novel approaches to growth? How do growth rates and patterns change over the life of the firm? What policies, infrastructure, and capabilities are necessary to for entrepreneurial regional growth at the macro level? What are the foundational components necessary for growth across all levels of entrepreneurship?