Search results for ""INDIANA UNIVERSITY PRESS""
MH - Indiana University Press Megafauna Giant Beasts of Pleistocene South America
Considers really big animals and how they lived
MH - Indiana University Press Chicago Union Station
Railroad historian Fred Ash tells the story of Chicago Union Station and documents the impact it had on the growing city and the entire Midwest, including over 100 stunning photographs and the fascinating stories of businessmen, politicians, workers, and immigrants whose everyday lives were affected by the bustling transportation hub.
MH - Indiana University Press Menachem Begin and the IsraelEgypt Peace Process
MH - Indiana University Press Africans on Stage
How ethnological show business shaped European and American perceptions of Africa and Africans.
MH - Indiana University Press The Event
Offers the English-speaking reader intimate contact with one of the most basic Heideggerian concepts
MH - Indiana University Press The Memoir of Ilse Seger
MH - Indiana University Press Big Time The History of Big Ten Basketball 19721992
MH - Indiana University Press Mexicanos A History of Mexicans in the United States
MH - Indiana University Press The Tribal Challenge Alliances and Confrontations in the Israeli Negev
MH - Indiana University Press International Statebuilding in West Africa Civil Wars and New Humanitarianism in Sierra Leone Liberia and C244te dIvoire
MH - Indiana University Press From Siberian Prisoner to Dinosaur Egg Detective The Epic Odyssey of Karl Hirsch
MH - Indiana University Press Land of Refuge Immigration to Palestine 19191927
MH - Indiana University Press Taking Funny Music Seriously
MH - Indiana University Press Traveling Auteurs The Geopolitics of Postwar Italian Cinema
MH - Indiana University Press Entwined Homelands Empowered Diasporas Hispanic Moroccan Jews and Their Globalizing Community
MH - Indiana University Press Artificial Women Sex Dolls Robot Caregivers and More Facsimile Females
MH - Indiana University Press Midwest Bedrock The Search for Natures Soul in Americas Heartland
MH - Indiana University Press As the Dust of the Earth The Literature of Abandonment in Revolutionary Russia and Ukraine
MH - Indiana University Press Bush on the Home Front Domestic Policy Triumphs and Setbacks
MH - Indiana University Press Win or Else Soviet Football in Moscow and Beyond 19211985
MH - Indiana University Press Introduction to Philosophy
MH - Indiana University Press Books of the Mongolian Nomads
MH - Indiana University Press The Film Work of Norman McLaren
MH - Indiana University Press A History of Baroque Music
A study of the music of the Baroque period, with a focus on the 17th century. It examines composers and genres from Russia, the Ukraine, Slovenia, Croatia, and Latin America. It also includes musical examples from various genres and instrumental combinations.
MH - Indiana University Press Varanoid Lizards of the World
Monitor lizards (genus Varanus) have attracted a great deal of interest - these large and impressive lizards are often the centerpiece of reptile house exhibits. This title presents an account of virtually things important that is known about monitor lizards, beginning with species accounts and proceeding to various modern comparative analyses.
MH - Indiana University Press Music of the Sirens
The siren is the remarkable creature that has inspired music and its representations. This book brings together leading scholars and some talented newcomers in classics, music, media studies, literature, and cultural studies to consider the siren and her multifaceted relationships to music across human time and geography.
MH - Indiana University Press The Songs of Jimmie Rodgers
MH - Indiana University Press Dantes Vita Nuova New Edition A Translation and an Essay
MH - Indiana University Press Bush on the Home Front
A comprehensive assessment of George W. Bush's domestic policy record
MH - Indiana University Press Signs of Meaning in the Universe
Presents a journey through the universe of signs in search of how the natural world came to mean something to someone. This book shows that life at its most basic depends on the survival of messages, written in the code of DNA molecules, and on the tiny cell - the fertilized egg - that must interpret the message and from it construct an organism.
MH - Indiana University Press Life Lessons through Storytelling
Storytelling's positive impact on ethical development in children
MH - Indiana University Press The Poetics of Islamic Legitimacy
Opens the beauty and power of Arabic poetic masterpieces to Western readers.
MH - Indiana University Press The Grounds of Gaming
MH - Indiana University Press African Dinosaurs Unearthed
The story of expeditions into Africa in search of dinosaur bones.
MH - Indiana University Press Sacred Art Catholic Saints and Candomble Gods in Modern Brazil
Based on the words and works of working-class artists in Brazil, Sacred Art holds rich, fresh information for all who care about art and religion.
MH - Indiana University Press Performing Messiaens Organ Music
Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) was the most influential composer for the organ in the 20th century. Using Messiaen's own analytical and aesthetic notes as a point of departure, this title offers commentary on the performance of Messiaen's 66 organ works. It provides background information on the composition and premiere of each piece.
MH - Indiana University Press Philosophy as Passion
Drawing on Foucault's concept of ethics as an "art of living," this book shows how Beauvoir developed an individual ethic as an intellectual woman. It illustrates how closely Beauvoir's life and work were intertwined-how she lived her philosophy and philosophized her life.
MH - Indiana University Press Islamic Activism
A broad survey and analysis of Islamic activist movements throughout the Muslim world
MH - Indiana University Press The Great Debates
MH - Indiana University Press Erased from Space and Consciousness
MH - Indiana University Press Transforming Philosophy and Religion Loves Wisdom
Describes how various expressions of philosophy are transformed by the discipline of love. While it has been fairly common for philosophers to think about love, This work features 16 essays that go beyond the commonplace to show how philosophy is implicated in the ways of love.
MH - Indiana University Press Read in the Name of Your Lord
MH - Indiana University Press I Am Your Dust
MH - Indiana University Press Architecture in Indianapolis
MH - Indiana University Press Semiotics
MH - Indiana University Press Feminism Meets Queer Theory
Looks at ways in which feminist and queer theory complement and also contest each other. This volume focuses on the encounters of feminist and queer theories, on the ways in which basic terms such as male and female, man and woman, black, white, sex, gender, and sexuality change meaning as they move from one body of theory to another.
MH - Indiana University Press Humble Theory
MH - Indiana University Press Society of the Righteous Ibadhi Muslim Identity and Transnationalism in Tanzania