Search results for ""jovis verlag""
JOVIS Verlag Is There (Anti-)Neoliberal Architecture?
Over the last three decades neoliberal ideology has irreversibly changed our political and economic reality. But what—if any—relationship exists between neoliberalism and our built environment? Is There (Anti-)Neoliberal Architecture? seeks to complement the prevailingly geographical and sociological approaches to neoliberalism by (re)addressing the subject from the specific perspective of architectural theory. The articles collected in the volume focus on various dimensions of the contemporary architecture-system including: architectural practice, disciplinary status, discourse, exemplary projects, theoretical concepts etc. The result offers a multifaceted picture of architecture in the era of neoliberalism and its crisis. Contributions by Ole Fischer, Maria S. Giudici, Rixt Hoekstra, Tahl Kaminer, Ana Llorente, Olaf Pfeifer, Andreas Rumpfhuber, Ana Jeinić, Oliver Ziegenhardt, and
JOVIS Verlag Smart City in Practice
Smart Cities are being discussed all around the world. Information and communication technology is being implemented to contribute to solving current and future social challenges within cities. This book shows how a Smart City was actually developed over five years, as a Public-Private Partnership between Deutsche Telekom and the city of Friedrichshafen. The aim of the project was to enhance the quality of life of the citizens, to increase the locational advantages for businesses and to raise the level of interconnection in the urban society. The idea was put into practice over a five-year period and was accompanied by social-scientific research. The authors reveal the impact and purpose of the project, which provides a concrete contribution to the worldwide debate about Smart Cities.
JOVIS Verlag Die Stadtstraße
City streets form the backbone of public spaces. In addition to serve mobility, they provide opportunities for shopping, entertainment, strolling, and much more. They are urban spaces shaped and characterized by the facades of buildings. In the face of today's climatic requirements, how can we design the city streets of the future to be distinctive and inviting urban spaces? For over a decade, the Konferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt has dedicated itself to fundamental questions in urban development. The contributions in this volume present discussions from experts in both the theory and practice of a range of different disciplines, as well as from the heads of various German city planning departments, on how the functional and traffic needs of city streets can be combined with their architectural, urban design, and ecological requirements. Discusses the challenges and opportunities offered by urban streets Brings together contributions by renowned experts from bot
JOVIS Verlag Bauhaus Dessau: Architektur – Gestaltung – Idee
Das Bauhaus Dessau, von Walter Gropius entworfen und von 1925 bis 1932 Sitz der „Hochschule für Gestaltung Bauhaus Dessau”, zieht jährlich rund 80.000 Besucher aus dem In- und Ausland an, die auf der Suche nach den Wurzeln der gestalterischen Moderne des 20. Jahrhunderts sind. Nun liegt das erste Buch vor, in dem das UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe nach der umfassenden Sanierung vorgestellt wird. Bauhaus Dessau zeigt mit über 150 Farb- und Schwarzweißfotos die ganze architektonische und künstlerische Vielfalt und Qualität des Gebäudes. Der Band skizziert die Geschichte des Hauses, seine Funktionen und architektonischen Glieder sowie die von den Bauhäuslern selbst entworfene Innenausstattung. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf den Arbeiten und Produkten der Werkstätten, denn Architektur, Gestaltung und Idee des Bauhauses sind untrennbar miteinander verbunden. Bauhaus Dessau eignet sich als Begleiter beim Rundgang durch das Gebäude ebenso wie zum Nachschlagen einzelner Details.
JOVIS Verlag Kunst Haus Graz
Today, the Kunsthaus Graz is integral to the urban identity of Austria’s second-largest city. The “friendly alien” designed by architects Peter Cook and Colin Fournier has become a familiar object in the city since landing in 2003. But views on the building have changed with the times. Looking back at nearly twenty years of history since the building's creation, the book opens up a kaleidoscopic perspective with a primary focus on how the Kunsthaus is used. It contextualizes the Kunsthaus Graz both locally and globally while exploring its relation to those who use it. With written contributions by Barbara Steiner, Sophia Walk, Pablo von Frankenberg, Anselm Wagner, Katia Huemer, Niels Jonkhans, Elisabeth Schlögl, Peter Cook, and Colin Fournier, and photographic contributions by Arthur Zalewski and Martin Grabner
JOVIS Verlag Density, Architecture, and Territory: Five European Stories
Worldwide urbanization brings seemingly inescapable and uncontrollable forms of densification with it. Increasingly, cities are no longer defined by clearly visible borders. Instead they form open territories that are honeycombed with infrastructures and immaterial networks. This development requires a new understanding of density: density is not the product of piling square feet on top of one another, instead it is the result of vital connections between the different urban levels. Apart from a physical and economical dimension, density also has a social significance in particular, as a means of promoting and structuring human relations and therefore contributing to a good urban life.Density, Architecture, and Territory puts forward a model of density as a tool for sustainable urban development. Based on five European urban planning projects in Saintes, Utrecht, Copenhagen, Nantes, and Bregenz, various densification strategies are presented and analyzed. Discussions with the architect Kees Christiaanse, the philosopher Marc Armengaud, the landscape architect Henri Bava, and the economist Allain Sallez round off the publication.
JOVIS Verlag Slow Urban Planning: Tribsees’ Zukunft machen
Obwohl der öffentliche Raum im Osten Deutschlands nach der Wende aufwendig saniert wurde, leiden viele Kleinstädte und Dörfer unter Wegzug und Leerstand. So auch Tribsees in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, wo zurzeit 70 von 240 Häusern in der Innenstadt unbewohnt sind. Ein Team aus Künstler*innen und Student*innen rund um Ton Matton bespielte im Jahr 2020 einige dieser Häuser, um gemeinsam mit den Bewohner*innen Möglichkeiten und Konzepte für die Zukunft ihrer Stadt auszuloten: Mit viel Improvisation und nicht immer ganz im Rahmen des Gesetzes entstanden neue Erzählungen eines städtischen Miteinanders, das auf individueller Verantwortung, (Selbst-)Versorgung und lokaler Produktion basiert. Slow Urban Planning dokumentiert nicht nur das Projekt mit seinen künstlerischen Arbeiten, die etwa im Rahmen der Tribsees Centenniale entstanden. Es beleuchtet auch, wie stadtplanerische Prozesse gemeinhin verlaufen und wie Regelwerke angepasst werden könnten, um performative Prozesse besser zu integrieren.
JOVIS Verlag Asmara: Africa's Jewel of Modernity
Impressive photographs by Stefan Boness convey the unique atmosphere of Asmara as a living museum of modernity. Asmara, the capital of Eritrea, has one of the most extensive surviving ensembles of modernist architecture in the world. To this day, the influence of the former colonial power of Italy from the early 20th century remains visible. Many of the buildings, erected in the futuristic, expressionist, cubist or rationalistic style have been preserved and dominate the cityscape of Asmara. In 2017 UNESCO made the city a World Heritage Site in recognition of its outstanding modernist architecture. New, changed and revised edition of Asmara The Frozen City (2006). Text in English and German.