Search results for ""author paul f."
Liverpool University Press Father and Son in Confucianism and Christianity: A Comparative Study of Xunzi and Paul
Confucianism and Christianity are the foundation of Chinese and Western culture. The father-son relation is at the centre of Confucian thinking and the ethical natural relationship is the model for other familial, social and political relationships. The divine father-son relationship between God and Jesus is also at the centre of Christian consideration and likewise is the model of Christian familial, social and political relationships. The particular appeal of this book is to offer a religious and cultural comparative study from this most cardinal and crucial relationship. To date, scholarship has opined that the Confucian father-son relationship established on a consanguineous basis has no comparable aspects with the spiritual based Christian divine father-son relationship. The author provides a compelling argument, backed up by close scriptural and religious readings, to overturn this longstanding perception.
Westermann Schulbuch P.A.U.L. D. Paul. Allgemeine Ausgabe für die Oberstufe. Arbeitsheft
Westermann Schulbuch P.A.U.L. D. Paul 8. Arbeitsbuch Inklusion. Differenzierende Ausgabe
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der Vorhang vor dem Thron Gottes: Eine exegetisch-religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu Hebräer 6,19 f. und 10,19 f
Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies,US Sir Paul Rycaut: The Present State of the Ottoman Empire, Sixth Edition (1686)
Sir Paul Rycaut (1629–1700) was a diplomat, poet, translator and administrator. His Present State of the Ottoman Empire was the most important and influential work on its topic produced by an Englishman in the seventeenth century, and it served as a reference point for others writing on the same subject for nearly two hundred years. Rycaut’s book was considered the most informative and accurate text on its subject, and was widely-read in Europe as well as in England. It contains extensive discussions of Ottoman government, religion, and military matters, and may also be read as a subtext suggesting a middle road between absolutism and constitutional monarchy.This critical edition of Rycaut’s important work includes a full introduction, which discusses at length the historical background to the text, its reception at the time in which it was written and a discussion of its influence, as well as an extensive bibliography. This is the first modern edition of the work, and should be useful for general scholars of the period, specialists, and students alike.
Scribe Publications The Blessed Rita: the new novel from the bestselling Booker International longlisted Dutch author
‘In a certain sense, nothing had changed — two men in a house and a half-century passing without a ripple — but seen with the light from a different angle, none of it had remained the same.’ What is the purpose of a man? Living in a disused farmhouse with his elderly father, Paul Krüzen is not sure he knows anymore. The mill his grandfather toiled in is closed, the glory of the Great Wars is long past, and it has been many years since his mother escaped in the arms of a Russian pilot, never once looking back. What do they have to look forward to now? Saint Rita, the patron saint of lost causes, watches over Paul and his best friend Horseradish Hedwig, two misfits at odds with the modern world, while Paul takes comfort in his own Blessed Rita, a prostitute from Quezon. But even she cannot protect them from the tragedy that is about to unfold. In this darkly funny novel about life on the margins of society, Dutch sensation Tommy Wieringa asks what happens to those left behind.
Oneworld Publications Tuff: From the Man Booker prize-winning author of The Sellout
‘Beatty insistently finds poetry in the projects, dignity on the street.’ Guardian ‘Beatty’s blunt, impious, streetwise eloquence [is] transfixing’ New York Times ‘The writing here is seamless and teeming with momentum’ New York Times Book Review Winston ‘Tuffy’ Foshay is a 19-year-old, 24-stone ‘player-king’ to a hapless gang in Spanish Harlem, a denizen who breaks jaws and shoots dogs. His best friend is a disabled Muslim man who wants to rob banks, his guiding light is an ex-hippie Asian woman who worked for Malcolm X, and his wife he married over the phone whilst in jail. When the frustrated Tuffy agrees to run for City Council, so begins a zany, riotous concoction of nonstop hip-hop chatter and brilliant mainstream social satire, as the indomitable Beatty again demonstrates why he is hailed as one of the shrewdest cultural commentators and hilarious cutups of his generation.
Peeters Publishers Paul, misogyne ou promoteur de l'émancipation féminine?: Étude de 1 Co 11, 2-16
On peut s’interroger sur la pertinence aujourd’hui d’un texte qui s’intéresse à la tenue lors des assemblées de prière et semble viser surtout les femmes. Le difficile passage de 1 Co 11,2-16 a pu inspirer les deux voies d’interprétation suggérées par le titre : Paul misogyne ou chantre de l’émancipation féminine. L’auteur a voulu lire rigoureusement le texte, sans parti-pris, pour élucider tout ce que les expressions et mots obscurs de ce passage controversé peuvent signifier. Une telle entreprise exigeait de tenir compte de tout le texte sans en occulter quoi que ce soit, tout en tentant de comprendre le contexte et l’enjeu communautaire. Cette étude, qui départage dans le texte les pratiques que Paul cherche à promouvoir et les principes ou arguments qu’il utilise pour les appuyer, permet de discerner deux lignes argumentatives contrastées. Celles-ci révèlent l’attitude pastorale de Paul et sa reconnaissance du rôle de la femme « dans le Seigneur ». One can wonder how a passage addressing people’s hair or headdress – and as it seems mostly women’s – at prayer meetings can be relevant nowadays. This difficult passage (1 Co 11:2-16) has been read either as a proof of Paul’s sexism or as promoting women’s liberation. The author has tried to read this text rigourously, without any preconceived bias in as much as it is possible, to elucidate the meaning behind its many obscure words and expressions. This rather modest goal required taking into account the whole text, without leaving aside any controversial part, as well as trying to grasp its context and ecclesial dimension. Distinguishing within the text its sections where Paul tries to promote specific practices and those articulating the principles or arguments used to justify them, has revealed two distinct lines of arguments. Those show, as well as Paul’s pastoral stance, his positive attitude towards the role of women.
Picture Window Books Paul Revere's Ride: A Fly on the Wall History
Random House USA Inc Foursome: Alfred Stieglitz, Georgia O'Keeffe, Paul Strand, Rebecca Salsbury
Columbia University Press A Materialism for the Masses: Saint Paul and the Philosophy of Undying Life
Nietzsche and Freud saw Christianity as metaphysical escapism, with Nietzsche calling the religion a "Platonism for the masses" and faulting Paul the apostle for negating more immanent, material modes of thought and political solidarity. Integrating this debate with the philosophies of difference espoused by Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, and Pier Paolo Pasolini, Ward Blanton argues that genealogical interventions into the political economies of Western cultural memory do not go far enough in relation to the imagined founder of Christianity. Blanton challenges the idea of Paulinism as a pop Platonic worldview or form of social control. He unearths in Pauline legacies otherwise repressed resources for new materialist spiritualities and new forms of radical political solidarity, liberating "religion" from inherited interpretive assumptions so philosophical thought can manifest in risky, radical freedom.
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Die Engel von Paul Klee. Immerwährender Kalender
John Libbey & Co Terrytoons: The Story of Paul Terry and His Classic Cartoon Factory
Crossway Books In the Fullness of Time: An Introduction to the Biblical Theology of Acts and Paul
Richard B. Gaffin Jr. gives readers an accessible, exegetically grounded framework to study Paul and the book of Acts.
Museum of Fine Arts,Boston Paul Gauguin: Where Do we Come From? What Are We? Where Are we Going?
The life of Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) is one of the richest and most mythic in the history of Western art. Abandoning a career in banking, a family and his homeland, in the last decade of the nineteenth century he sailed from France to the South Seas to seek a life “in ecstasy, in peace and for art.” During his years in Tahiti, Gauguin brought forth a wealth of astonishing paintings, culminating in this monumental meditation on what he called the “ever-present riddle” of human existence posed in the work’s title. This compact introduction to Gauguin’s masterpiece explores its relation to European models as well as to the artist’s own companion pieces.
Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc The Idea of Perfection: The Poetry and Prose of Paul Valéry; A Bilingual Edition
Heir to Mallarmé and the symbolists, godfather to the modernists, Paul Valéry was a poet with thousands of readers and few followers, great resonance and little echo. Along with Rilke and Eliot, he stands as a bridge between the tradition of the nineteenth century and the novelty of the twentieth. His reputation as a poet rests on three slim volumes published in a span of only ten years. Yet these poems, it turns out, are inseparable from another, much vaster intellectual and artistic enterprise: the Notebooks. Behind the published works, behind the uneventful life of the almost forgotten and then exceedingly famous poet, there hides another story, a private life of the mind, that has its record in 27,000 pages of notes revealed in their entirety only after his death. Their existence had been hinted at, evoked in rumors and literary asides; but once made public it took years for their significance to be fully appreciated. It turned out that the prose fragments published in Valéry's lifetime were not the after-the-fact musings of an accomplished poet, nor his occasional sketchbook, nor excerpts from his private journal. They were a disfigured glimpse of a vast and fragmentary "exercise of thought," a restless intellectual quest as unguided and yet as persistent, as rigorous, and as uncontainable as the sea that is so often their subject. The Idea of Perfection shows both sides of Valéry: the craftsman of sublimely refined verse, and the fervent investigator of the limits of human intellect and expression. It intersperses his three essential poetic works-Album of Early Verse, The Young Fate, and Charms-with incisive selections from the Notebooks and finishes with the prose poem "The Angel." Masterfully translated by Nathaniel Rudavsky-Brody, with careful attention to form and a natural yet metrical contemporary poetic voice, The Idea of Perfection breathes new life into poems that are among the most beautiful in the French language and the most influential of the twentieth century.
Ridinghouse Reconstructing Cezanne: Sequence and Process in Paul Cezanne’s Works on Paper
Published in association with Luxembourg + Co. on the occasion of their 2019 exhibition Reconstructing Cezanne, this catalogue features in-depth analyses of Cezanne’s works on paper by Fabienne Ruppen, based on DNA examination of the papers he used for his watercolours and drawings, as well as extensive commentary on new horizons in Cezanne scholarship by expert Walter Feilchenfeldt, co-author of the artist’s online catalogue raisonné. At the core of this exploration are two watercolours that Cezanne produced from a large sheet of paper, which he divided into two sections for the purpose of capturing different landscapes: the Courtauld Gallery’s renowned La Montagne Sainte-Victoire, from 1885–87, and a Paysage Provençal in private ownership. Reconstructing Cezanne reunites these two works for the first time. This publication follows the decision of the Société Paul Cezanne and the family of the artist to spell the artist’s name without an acute accent.
Neissufer Verlag Taty und Paul im Einsatz für die Elfenwelt
University of California Press A Mobius Strip: Fin-de-Siecle Neuropsychiatry and Paul Mobius
“Möbius strip: a one-sided surface formed by holding one end of a rectangle fixed, rotating the opposite end through 180 degrees, and then applying it to the first end.”—Webster’s Third International Dictionary In this intriguing book, Francis Schiller describes the philosophy, life, and work of Paul Möbius, tracing through them the beginnings of modern neuropsychiatry. Freud called Möbius “a pioneer of psychotherapy.” The grandson of the inventor of the Möbius strip, he made important contributions to both neurology and psychiatry. The Leipzig physician had come to the study of medicine by way of philosophy. Consistent with his own “nonmaterialistic monism,” he sought a unifying solution to the age-old problem of the relationship between the mind and the brain. Schiller aptly uses the geometrical puzzle invented by Möbius’s grandfather to illustrate Möbius’s view of this relationship. A Möbius Strip is a unique exploration of nineteenth-century views of the “mind-body problem” and of the relationship between disorders of the brain and the psyche. It sheds light on the origins of modern psychotherapy and the concept of the unconscious, the formulation of hysteria as a psychogenic disorder, the localization of function in the brain, the relationship between neurology and psychiatry, and turn-of-the-century ideas about sex and behavior. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1982.
Penguin Books Ltd Scoundrel: The epic adventure thriller from the no.1 bestselling author of the Last Kingdom series
Paul Shanahan - part-time surveyor, erstwhile IRA arms dealer and sometime suspected CIA agent - is a full-time scoundrel. But he's the perfect man if you need an illicit operation done - and done well.So when five million dollars' worth of gold smuggled out of occupied Kuwait needs to get from Morocco to Miami by boat with no questions asked, Paul Shanahan is the name on everyone's lips.Except this time, Paul has other, more personal plans for the money. But first he must outwit the IRA, the CIA, British Intelligence and Palestinian terrorist Il Hayaween in order to prove how big a scoundrel he really is . . .
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Cracking the Foundation of the New Perspective on Paul: Covenantal Nomism versus Reformed Covenantal Theology
The New Perspective on Paul claims that the Reformed understanding of justification is wrong – that it misunderstands Paul and the Judaism with which he engages. The New Perspective’s revised understanding of Second Temple Judaism provides the foundation to a new perspective. This important book seeks to show that this foundation is fundamentally faulty and cannot bear the weight it needs to carry, thus undermining the entirety of the New Perspective on Paul itself.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Forschungen zur systematischen und ökumenischen Theologie: Stadien der Systembildung Paul Tillichs
Das Werk des deutsch-amerikanischen Theologen Paul Tillich (1886-1965) reicht in wissenschaftlicher Hinsicht von seiner ersten Dissertationsschrift 1910 bis hin zu seinen letzten Veröffentlichungen und Vorträgen in seinem Todesjahr. Stefan Dienstbeck untersucht dieses gewaltige Oeuvre, indem er im Werk Tillichs drei verschiedene Systemstadien identifiziert, diese herausarbeitet und im Einzelnen analysiert. Leitender Gesichtspunkt sind dabei keine historischen, sondern systematische Aspekte, die in den Einzelanalysen der Systemstadien im Detail erörtert und einer kritischen WÃ"rdigung unterzogen werden. Zentrale Texte sind dabei die in der aktuellen Tillich-Forschung bedeutende und bisher nur unbefriedigend berÃ"cksichtigte Systematische Theologie von 1913, systemtheoretische und kulturtheologische Schriften aus den zwanziger Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts sowie das opus magnum Tillichs, die dreibändige Systematische Theologie der fÃ"nfziger und sechziger Jahre.Die Untersuchung mÃ"ndet in eine Interpretation der Theologie Tillichs im Rahmen einer transzendentalen Strukturtheorie, welche die erkannten Aporien der einzelnen Systemstadien nicht einfachhin aufzulösen sucht, sondern in ein Gesamtverständnis integriert, das gerade die jeweils aporetische Form der Einzelstadien als notwendig fÃ"r das Gesamtwerk Tillichs erkennt. Erst in dieser Perspektive ist das theologische System Tillichs vor Missinterpretationen geschÃ"tzt und gewinnt den Wert, der ihm eigentlich zukommen sollte.Das Augenmerk von Stefan Dienstbeck ruht damit auf einer ausgewogenen Sicht auf das Werk Paul Tillichs. Sowohl die konkreten Ausformungsgestalten der Theologie Tillichs werden berÃ"cksichtigt als auch eine Ã"bergreifende Interpretation des theologischen Prinzips Tillichs geboten.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) L'accueil de l'autre dans sa diversité: La stratégie de médiation de Paul à l'égard des faibles et des forts à Rome (Romains 14,1-15,13)
Dans cette monographie, Filippo Alma propose une analyse exégétique et théologique du discours exhortatif de Paul en Rm 14,1-15,13, dans le contexte large de la lettre aux Romains et du christianisme naissant à Rome. À cet effet, après avoir rappelé les données principales du long débat existant notamment autour de l'identité socio-historique des "faibles dans la foi" et des forts, sur laquelle subsistent encore des obscurités, l'auteur expose un commentaire sensible aux outils de la rhétorique ancienne, et en particulier de la "rhétorique paulinienne". Cela aide l'auteur à saisir l'essence de la stratégie rhétorico-pastorale de médiation mise en place par Paul pour faire face à l'état de tension et de conflit, de mépris et de jugement, résultant des différentes pratiques des disciples de Jésus à Rome, vers le milieu du Ier siècle de notre ère.
Peeters Publishers L'autre et L'amitie Chez Aristote et Paul Ricoeur: Analyses Ethiques et Ontologiques
Paul Ric?ur, dans "Soi-meme comme un autre", porte une attention particuliere a l'ethique de l'amitie chez Aristote. Gaelle Fiasse expose dans son livre quels sont les enjeux ethiques et metaphysiques d'une telle lecture du philosophie grec. Elle montre comment Ric?ur s'approprie et se separe des differents sens de l'etre, puisque il rejette la substance au benefice de l'etre selon la puissance et l'acte. Elle revient ensuite aux textes d'Aristote pour repondre aux objections de Paul Ric?ur tout en dialoguant avec lui. Ce livre offre donc a la fois une nouvelle lecture d'Aristote et de Paul Ric?ur et une analyse du statut ethique et ontologique de l'autre a la lumiere de l'amitie.
Cornell University Press The Salvation of Israel: Jews in Christian Eschatology from Paul to the Puritans
The Salvation of Israel investigates Christianity's eschatological Jew: the role and characteristics of the Jews at the end of days in the Christian imagination. It explores the depth of Christian ambivalence regarding these Jews, from Paul's Epistle to the Romans, through late antiquity and the Middle Ages, to the Puritans of the seventeenth century. Jeremy Cohen contends that few aspects of a religion shed as much light on the character and the self-understanding of its adherents as its expectations for the end of time. Moreover, eschatological beliefs express and mold an outlook toward nonbelievers, situating them in an overall scheme of human history and conditioning interaction with them as that history unfolds. Cohen's close readings of biblical commentary, theological texts, and Christian iconography reveal the dual role of the Jews of the last days. For rejecting belief and salvation in Jesus Christ, they have been linked to the false messiah—the Antichrist, the agent of Satan and the exemplary embodiment of evil. Yet from its inception, Christianity has also hinged its hopes for the second coming on the enlightenment and repentance of the Jews; for then, as Paul prophesized, "all Israel will be saved." In its vast historical scope, from the ancient Mediterranean world of early Christianity to seventeenth-century England and New England, The Salvation of Israel offers a nuanced and insightful assessment of Christian attitudes toward Jews, rife with inconsistency and complexity, thus contributing significantly to our understanding of Jewish-Christian relations.
Peeters Publishers Paul Ricoeur. Bibliographie Primaire Et Secondaire. Primary and Secundary Bibliography 1935-2000
Already more than sixty years Paul Ricoeur enriches the international philosophical patrimony with an astonishing number of highly technical books and enlightening reflections on actual problems and situations. To serve the community of researchers in philosophy I have already published two systematic bibliographies of (and on) Ricoeur in 1985 and 1995. Encouraged by friends and colleagues I present now another updated bibliography as exhaustive as possible.
Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain Diller Scofidio + Renfro, EXIT. Based on an idea by Paul Virilio
Foundry Publishing Who Can Be Against Us?: Leadership Lessons from the Life of Paul
St Augustine's Press Humanism as Realism – Three Essays Concerning the Thought of Paul Elmer More and Irving Babbitt
Originally published in Polish in 2019 by The Lethe Foundation, this book demonstrates the relevance and importance of Paul Elmer More (1864–1937) and Irving Babbitt (1865–1933). Their collective legacy is one of responsible and truly thoughtful living. Their treatment of Humanists and their diagnosis of modernity is an important theme in this work, and the indication of the political consequences of humanism. This is a protreptic book. Its main goal is to encourage people to undertake independent studies or more generally, simply to think independently. If we want to think for ourselves, and not like preprogrammed humanoids, we can’t do so in a vacuum. We have to lean on something. In the Author’s view, the more than century-old writings of Paul Elmer More and Irving Babbitt are perfectly suited to the role of such a support for us, living in the here and now. They make it possible for us to dig ourselves out from underneath the heaps of opinions, “principles” or “theories” that allegedly can’t be rejected, that we’re obliged to follow, but that have a paralyzing and dumbing-down effect on us, making our lives from the outset seems like the dream of a childish old man." ––Taken from the Preface by Pawel Armada
Zondervan Academic Four Views on the Apostle Paul A Video Study 18 Lessons on Reformed Catholic PostNew Perspective and Jewish Understandings of Paul
Random House USA Inc The Second-Worst Restaurant in France: A Paul Stuart Novel (2)
Deutscher Wissenschafts V Friedrich Paul Graetz 18751968. Ein Untertan auf Reisen in Afrika
Columbia University Press A Materialism for the Masses: Saint Paul and the Philosophy of Undying Life
Nietzsche and Freud saw Christianity as metaphysical escapism, with Nietzsche calling the religion a "Platonism for the masses" and faulting Paul the apostle for negating more immanent, material modes of thought and political solidarity. Integrating this debate with the philosophies of difference espoused by Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, and Pier Paolo Pasolini, Ward Blanton argues that genealogical interventions into the political economies of Western cultural memory do not go far enough in relation to the imagined founder of Christianity. Blanton challenges the idea of Paulinism as a pop Platonic worldview or form of social control. He unearths in Pauline legacies otherwise repressed resources for new materialist spiritualities and new forms of radical political solidarity, liberating "religion" from inherited interpretive assumptions so philosophical thought can manifest in risky, radical freedom.
Capstone Press Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Whale: A Graphic Novel
Westermann Schulbuch P.A.U.L. D. Paul 9. Arbeitsheft. Für Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen Neubearbeitung
HarperCollins Publishers The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdös and the Search for Mathematical Truth
The biography of a mathematical genius. Paul Erdos was the most prolific pure mathematician in history and, arguably, the strangest too. ’A mathematical genius of the first order, Paul Erdos was totally obsessed with his subject – he thought and wrote mathematics for nineteen hours a day until he died. He travelled constantly, living out of a plastic bag and had no interest in food, sex, companionship, art – all that is usually indispensible to a human life. Paul Hoffman, in this marvellous biography, gives us a vivid and strangely moving portrait of this singular creature, one that brings out not only Erdos’s genius and his oddness, but his warmth and sense of fun, the joyfulness of his strange life.’ Oliver Sacks For six decades Erdos had no job, no hobbies, no wife, no home; he never learnt to cook, do laundry, drive a car and died a virgin. Instead he travelled the world with his mother in tow, arriving at the doorstep of esteemed mathematicians declaring ‘My brain is open’. He travelled until his death at 83, racing across four continents to prove as many theorems as possible, fuelled by a diet of espresso and amphetamines. With more than 1,500 papers written or co-written, a daily routine of 19 hours of mathematics a day, seven days a week, Paul Erdos was one of the most extraordinary thinkers of our times.
Orion Publishing Co The Death of an Owl: From the author of Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, a witty tale of scandal and subterfuge
Political chaos, MPs turning on each other, expediency and skulduggery at the highest echelons of government? No, not Brexit, but a brilliant political satire from the bestselling author of SALMON FISHING IN THE YEMEN'THE DEATH OF AN OWL will ring true with anyone who has ever hated politicians or fallen out of love' EVENING STANDARD'A pleasure to read' DAILY EXPRESSAndrew Landford, MP is driving home one night along a dark country lane when a barn owl flies into his windscreen. It is an accident, nothing more. But Andrew sits on a parliamentary committee concerned with the protection of endangered species, and the death of the owl threatens to destroy his hopes of reaching No. 10. Also in the car is Andrew's old Oxford friend and political adviser, Charles Fryerne. Will they be able to keep the crime under wraps, or will circumstances conspire against them? Paul Torday's last novel, and completed by his son Piers, this is a timely reminder that in politics, nothing is sacred...'A pleasure to read' Daily Express'Skeweringly accurate' Evening Standard'A compelling blend of morality and satire' Sunday Mirror'Witty and well-crafted - a delightful gothic fantasy' Guardian
Princeton University Press Empire for Liberty: A History of American Imperialism from Benjamin Franklin to Paul Wolfowitz
How could the United States, a nation founded on the principles of liberty and equality, have produced Abu Ghraib, torture memos, Plamegate, and warrantless wiretaps? Did America set out to become an empire? And if so, how has it reconciled its imperialism--and in some cases, its crimes--with the idea of liberty so forcefully expressed in the Declaration of Independence? Empire for Liberty tells the story of men who used the rhetoric of liberty to further their imperial ambitions, and reveals that the quest for empire has guided the nation's architects from the very beginning--and continues to do so today. Historian Richard Immerman paints nuanced portraits of six exceptional public figures who manifestly influenced the course of American empire: Benjamin Franklin, John Quincy Adams, William Henry Seward, Henry Cabot Lodge, John Foster Dulles, and Paul Wolfowitz. Each played a pivotal role as empire builder and, with the exception of Adams, did so without occupying the presidency. Taking readers from the founding of the republic to the Global War on Terror, Immerman shows how each individual's influence arose from a keen sensitivity to the concerns of his times; how the trajectory of American empire was relentless if not straight; and how these shrewd and powerful individuals shaped their rhetoric about liberty to suit their needs. But as Immerman demonstrates in this timely and provocative book, liberty and empire were on a collision course. And in the Global War on Terror and the occupation of Iraq, they violently collided.
Faithlife Corporation In This Way We Came to Rome: With Paul on the Appian Way
Astra Publishing House Paul Bunyan: The Invention of an American Legend: A TOON Graphic
Did you know that a mainstay of American folk culture was in fact created as an advertising ploy? Few people realize that Paul Bunyan, the legendary lumberjack, and his blue ox are the product of corporate marketing by a highly industrialized industry. Cartoonist NOAH VAN SCIVER shows us the myth creation as real life marketing man extraordinaire W.B. Laughead spins ever more wondrous tall tales. Van Sciver's story is bracketed by rich contributions from contemporary Native artists and storytellers with a very different connection to the land that the Bunyan myths often conceal. Readers will see how a lumberjack hero, a quintessential American fantasy, captures the imagination but also serves to paper over the seizure of homeland from First Peoples and the laying bare of America's northern forests. It's a tall tale with deep roots . . . in profit-making!
Penguin Books Ltd The Shadow Friend: The gripping new psychological thriller from the Richard & Judy bestselling author of The Whisper Man
THE GRIPPING NEW PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF RICHARD & JUDY BOOK CLUB PICK THE WHISPER MAN'Hugely atmospheric and deliciously creepy' Alex Michaelides, bestselling author of The Silent Patient'A surprising and moving finale that will live long in the memory' Daily Express_______THE VICTIM WAS YOUR FRIENDIt was just a silly game to start with. Paul never really believed in it.He never dreamed Charlie would take it so far.SO WAS THE MURDERERFor twenty years, Paul's tried to put his past behind him, but now his mother is dying, and he can't run any longer.But home isn't just full of bad memories. It's also the last place anyone saw Charlie alive.And Paul starts to wonder if Charlie might come back to finish what he started . . ._______'Alex North has outdone himself. The Shadow Friend is the work of a writer who is an absolute master of his craft' Jane Casey'Absorbing, headlong reading . . . As with all the best illusions, you are left feeling not tricked, but full of wonder' New York Times'Echoes of the chilling Slender Man myth' Crime Monthly Praise for Alex North 'The best crime novel of the decade' Steve Cavanagh, bestselling author of Thirteen 'First it's spooky. Then it's scary. Then it's terrifying. And then... well, dear reader, proceed at your own risk. An ambitious, deeply satisfying thriller - a seamless blend of Harlan Coben, Stephen King, and Thomas Harris. My flesh is still crawling' A. J. Finn, no.1 bestselling author of The Woman in the Window 'Alex North has achieved the seemingly impossible. The Whisper Man is a thriller that is both terrifying and utterly heartbreaking. Mesmerising and masterful' Mark Billingham 'A dark, creepy, thriller with a huge amount of heart. Damn, but Alex North can write!' Stuart MacBride
Lannoo Publishers The Peter Paul Rubens Atlas: The Great Atlas of the Old Flemish Masters
This is the first title in a new prestigious cultural tourism project by Lannoo Publishers. The Peter Paul Rubens Atlas illustrates the life of Rubens on a timeline: important dates and periods in the life of the Old Master are indicated and elaborated on in the main part of the book through text, images and maps. One of those maps could, for example show Peter Paul Rubens' stay in Italy or his diplomatic journeys, but it could also take the reader on a city walk through Antwerp, visiting places that are linked to Rubens and his work. The maps are designed to reflect the age in which the artist lived. More than striving for artistic comprehensiveness in terms of art history, these atlases are intended to reflect the context in which the artists lived, worked and flourished. Just think of the artistic exchange between Italy and Flanders, the influence of the Catholic Church and the religious strife of the time, the role of art promoters, etc. It goes without saying that the atlases are richly adorned with the work of the artists. The main goal of the three books that will make up the series is to encourage and help readers to further discover and interpret the Old Masters' work and the locations in which they lived.
Getty Trust Publications In Focus: Carleton Watkins – Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum
This volume is devoted to the smaller and more unusually-shaped works of Carleton E. Watkins, many of which have not been published before. The book also contains an overview of his life, and an edited transcript of a colloquium on his career.
University of Minnesota Press The Thoughtbook of F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Secret Boyhood Diary
When F. Scott Fitzgerald was fourteen and living in the Crocus Hill neighborhood of St. Paul, he began keeping a short diary of his exploits among his friends, friendly rivals, and crushes. He gave the journal a title page—Thoughtbook of Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald of St. Paul Minn. U.S.A.—and kept it securely locked in a box under his bed. He would later use The Thoughtbook as the basis for “The Book of Scandal” in his Basil Lee Duke stories, and brief sections were copied over the years for use by scholars and even published in Life magazine. “Are you going to the Ordways’? the Herseys’? the Schultzes’?” Here, for the first time, is a complete transcription of this charming, twenty-seven-page diary highlighting Fitzgerald’s escapades among the children of some of St. Paul’s most influential families—models for the families described in The Great Gatsby. Presented in a simple format for both scholars and general readers alike, The Thoughtbook of F. Scott Fitzgerald includes a new introduction by Dave Page that covers the history and provenance of the diary, its place and meaning in Fitzgerald’s literary development, and its revelations about his life and writing process.One of the earliest known works by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Thoughtbook provides a unique glimpse of Fitzgerald as a young boy and his social circle as they played among the grand homes of Summit Avenue, making up games, starting secret societies, competing with rivals, and (at all times) staying up-to-date on who exactly is vying for whose attention.
Edinburgh University Press Performing Ethics Through Film Style: Levinas with the Dardenne Brothers, Barbet Schroeder and Paul Schrader
Proposing a relationship between Levinasian ethics and film style, and bringing it into a productive dialogue with theories of performativity, this book explores this influence through three directorial bodies of work: those of Barbet Schroeder, Paul Schrader and the Dardenne Brothers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Frontiers in the Economics of Innovation and New Technology: Essays in Honour of Paul A. David
Recent research on the economics of innovation has acknowledged the importance of path dependence and networks in the evolution of economies and the diffusion of new techniques, products, and processes. These are topics pioneered by Paul A. David, one of the world's leading scholars in the economics of innovation. This outstanding collection provides a fitting tribute to the diversity and depth of Paul David's contributions. The papers included range from simulation models of the evolution of market structure in the presence of innovation, through historical investigations of knowledge networks and empirical analysis of contemporary networks, to the analysis of the diffusion of innovations using simulation and analytic models and of the diffusion of knowledge using patent data.With an emphasis on simulation models, data analysis, and historical evidence, this book will be required reading for researchers in innovation economics and regional development as well as economists, sociologists, and historians of innovation and intellectual property.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Frontiers in the Economics of Innovation and New Technology: Essays in Honour of Paul A. David
Recent research on the economics of innovation has acknowledged the importance of path dependence and networks in the evolution of economies and the diffusion of new techniques, products, and processes. These are topics pioneered by Paul A. David, one of the world's leading scholars in the economics of innovation. This outstanding collection provides a fitting tribute to the diversity and depth of Paul David's contributions. The papers included range from simulation models of the evolution of market structure in the presence of innovation, through historical investigations of knowledge networks and empirical analysis of contemporary networks, to the analysis of the diffusion of innovations using simulation and analytic models and of the diffusion of knowledge using patent data.With an emphasis on simulation models, data analysis, and historical evidence, this book will be required reading for researchers in innovation economics and regional development as well as economists, sociologists, and historians of innovation and intellectual property.