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University of Illinois Press Bach Perspectives, Volume 14: Bach and Mozart: Connections, Patterns, and Pathways
Today, the names Bach and Mozart are mostly associated with Johann Sebastian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. But this volume of Bach Perspectives offers essays on the lesser-known musical figures who share those illustrious names alongside new research on the legendary composers themselves. Topics include the keyboard transcriptions of J. S. Bach and Johann Gottfried Walther; J. S. Bach and W. A. Mozart's freelance work; the sonatas of C. P. E. Bach and Leopold Mozart; the early musical training given J. C. Bach by his father and half-brother; the surprising musical similarities between J. C. Bach and W. A. Mozart; and the latest documentary research on Mozart’s 1789 visit to the Thomasschule in Leipzig. An official publication of the American Bach Society, Bach Perspectives, Volume 14 draws on a variety of approaches and a broad range of subject matter in presenting a new wave of innovative classical musical scholarship.Contributors: Eleanor Selfridge-Field, Yoel Greenberg, Noelle M. Heber, Michael Maul, Stephen Roe, and David Schulenberg
Spokesman Books Genocide Old and New
Princeton University Press Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools - Revised Edition
This book provides the most comprehensive treatment of the theoretical concepts and modelling techniques of quantitative risk management. Whether you are a financial risk analyst, actuary, regulator or student of quantitative finance, Quantitative Risk Management gives you the practical tools you need to solve real-world problems. Describing the latest advances in the field, Quantitative Risk Management covers the methods for market, credit and operational risk modelling. It places standard industry approaches on a more formal footing and explores key concepts such as loss distributions, risk measures and risk aggregation and allocation principles. The book's methodology draws on diverse quantitative disciplines, from mathematical finance and statistics to econometrics and actuarial mathematics. A primary theme throughout is the need to satisfactorily address extreme outcomes and the dependence of key risk drivers. Proven in the classroom, the book also covers advanced topics like credit derivatives. * Fully revised and expanded to reflect developments in the field since the financial crisis* Features shorter chapters to facilitate teaching and learning* Provides enhanced coverage of Solvency II and insurance risk management and extended treatment of credit risk, including counterparty credit risk and CDO pricing* Includes a new chapter on market risk and new material on risk measures and risk aggregation
Troubador Publishing Amazing Albert The Hero!
In his imagination, Albert rescues and saves; he fights crime and fierce creatures; and he even flies to space. Albert is a secret Hero! But sometimes real life gets in the way of play and Albert forgets to use the potty… leading to unheroic accidents. Follow little Albert through his adventures as he discovers just how useful his potty can be! Aimed at nursery aged children, this beautifully illustrated rhyming story is a gentle introduction to toilet training. Promoting discussion through the fantasy and reality of Albert’s adventures, this book is ideal for those children (and their grownups!) who are fearful or won’t take to the potty, to make it fun and unintimidating. Amazing Albert The Hero! and his Power Potty sidekick could be just what you’re looking for when it’s time for YOUR little Super Hero to start toilet training.
Tyndale House Publishers A Christmas Carol
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Philosophical and Theological Writings
This volume brings together Rosenzweig's central essays on theology and philosophy, including two works available for the first time in English: the conclusion to Rosenzweig's book Hegel and the State, and Rosenzweig's famous letter to Rudolph Ehrenberg known as the Urzelle of the Star of Redemption, an essential work for understanding Rosenzweig, Weimar theology and philosophy, and German idealism and the existential reaction of the period. Additional selections are presented in new or revised translations. Introduction and notes by Franks and Morgan set Rosenzweig's works in context and illuminate his role as one of the key thinkers of the period.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Quickening of America: Rebuilding Our Nation, Remaking Our Lives
I highly recommAnd Quickening as an extremely useful and practicalguide. It reaffirms that personal and social change areintertwined; that each of us counts; that our lives do make adifference; and that, through involvement and by developing ourskills, we can make an even greater difference. --ReverAnd Jesse L. Jackson, president and founder, NationalRainbow Coalition An antidote to cynicism . . . an essential 'how-to' manual foranyone interested in translating values into positiveresults. --Ben Cohen, Ben & Jerry's Exploding the popular myths about public life, power, andself-interest that stop individuals from discovering the rewards ofpublic involvement, this thoughtful resource offers practicaladvice from ordinary Americans on how to get more involved. Detailsguidelines anyone can use to master the skills required to beeffective in public life.
Arcadia Publishing Northwestern Pacific Railroad
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die spirituelle Dimension in Coaching und Beratung
Coaching ist zurzeit eine der gefragtesten Beratungsleistungen in Organisationen fÃ"r die Lösung beruflicher Problemstellungen. Was jedoch zunehmend viele Coaches und Berater bewegt, sind Fragen nach dem grundlegenden Sinn ihrer Arbeit, nach der Passung des Berufs mit Ã"bergeordneten Lebenszielen und letztlich nach der eigenen Berufung in einem gröÃeren Zusammenhang. Gerade Menschen in den FÃ"hrungspositionen der Unternehmen haben zunehmend den Wunsch, mit ihrer Tätigkeit einen sinnstiftenden Beitrag zu leisten, gleichzeitig werden die Anforderungen im komplexen Organisationsalltag immer anspruchsvoller. Dort, wo die Sinndimension zu kurz kommt, werden Symptome wie Entfremdung und Burnout wahrscheinlicher, worunter schlieÃlich auch die reale Leistung der Menschen und Organisationen leidet.Die Auseinandersetzung mit dieser existenziellen Suche nach Sinn, persönlicher Weiterentwicklung und einem gröÃeren Eingebundensein ist seit jeher das Anliegen spiritueller Traditionen. Eine zeitgemäÃe Auseinandersetzung mit Spiritualität bietet daher fÃ"r die Profession des Coaching und der Beratung zukÃ"nftig eine wesentliche Ressource. Dazu stellt der Band konzeptuelle, methodische und theoretische Ansätze vor, die die Rolle spiritueller Haltung und Praxis im Setting von Einzel-Coaching, Beratung und Ausbildung beleuchten und Kompetenzen wie Achtsamkeit, Intuition und Inspiration im Kontext einer postmodernen Lebens- und Arbeitswelt fördern helfen.
Turtle Point Press Blue Label
“One part Scheherazade, two parts Boccaccio, a twist of Bolaño, and a dash of bitters. Blue Label is intoxicating, hilarious, and the best novel on the calamity that is today’s Venezuela.”—Carmen Boullosa "This deftly and idiomatically translated novel . . . a quest of sorts, as a high school student in Chávez's Venezuela tries to make sense of love and life . . . packs a punch on many levels: personal, political, and even mythic." —Kirkus Reviews (starred review) Eugenia Blanc, a young Caraqueñan and quintessential teenager at war with the world around her, has one aim: after graduating from high school, to abandon Venezuela definitively. She embarks on a spontaneous road trip in a banged-up Fiat with her rebellious classmate Luis Tévez, in search of her grandfather, the one person who can provide her with the documents that would allow her to leave the country. While Eugenia and Luis’s tentative, troubled romance unfolds during the Chávez era, the story also looks back at Venezuela’s “lost decade” of the 1990s, a time of intractable violence, inequality, corruption, and instability that led to Chávez’s election. With an unvarnished fluidity that brings to mind Jack Kerouac and a crazy-ass playlist that ranges from REM to Bob Dylan to El Canto del Loco to Shakira, Blue Label is an audacious, dark novel with a gut-punch of an ending; the prize-winning first book by a writer who has cemented his reputation as a major young Latin American voice.
Prometheus Books Human, All Too Human
Human, All Too Human (1878) is often considered the start of Friedrich Nietzsche's mature period. A complex work that explores many themes to which Nietzsche later returned, it marks a significant departure from his previous thinking. Here Nietzsche breaks with his early allegiance to Schopenhauer and Wagner, and establishes the overall framework of his later philosophy. In contrast to his previous disdain for science, now Nietzsche views science as key to undercutting traditional metaphysics. This he sees as a crucial step in the emergence of free spirits who will be the avant-garde of culture. In summing up the crucial change of perspective expressed in Human, All Too Human, Nietzsche used the following words in his later work Ecce Homo: "Human, All Too Human is a memorial of a crisis.... [W]ith this book I liberated myself from that in my nature which did not belong to me. Idealism does not belong to me...realities were altogether lacking in my knowledge, and the 'idealities' were worth damn all! A downright burning thirst seized hold of me: thenceforward I pursued in fact nothing other than physiology, medicine, and natural science." This is an essential work for anyone who wishes to understand Nietzsche's incisive critique of Western culture and values.
Crossway Books Art and Music: A Student's Guide
Created to help students better understand and evaluate art and music, this accessible guide introduces readers to the study of aesthetics in artistic expression.
John Wiley & Sons Inc People Analytics in the Era of Big Data: Changing the Way You Attract, Acquire, Develop, and Retain Talent
Apply predictive analytics throughout all stages of workforce management People Analytics in the Era of Big Data provides a blueprint for leveraging your talent pool through the use of data analytics. Written by the Global Vice President of Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics at Monster Worldwide, this book is packed full of actionable insights to help you source, recruit, acquire, engage, retain, promote, and manage the exceptional talent your organization needs. With a unique approach that applies analytics to every stage of the hiring process and the entire workforce planning and management cycle, this informative guide provides the key perspective that brings analytics into HR in a truly useful way. You're already inundated with disparate employee data, so why not mine that data for insights that add value to your organization and strengthen your workforce? This book presents a practical framework for real-world talent analytics, backed by groundbreaking examples of workforce analytics in action across the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Leverage predictive analytics throughout the hiring process Utilize analytics techniques for more effective workforce management Learn how people analytics benefits organizations of all sizes in various industries Integrate analytics into HR practices seamlessly and thoroughly Corporate executives need fact-based insights into what will happen with their talent. Who should you hire? Who should you promote? Who are the top or bottom performers, and why? Who is at risk to quit, and why? Analytics can provide these answers, and give you insights based on quantifiable data instead of gut feeling and subjective assessment. People Analytics in the Era of Big Data is the essential guide to optimizing your workforce with the tools already at your disposal.
Elsevier Health Sciences The Eye: Basic Sciences in Practice
The Eye: Basic Sciences in Practice provides highly accessible, one-stop coverage of all the essential basic science required by today's ophthalmologists and optometrists in training. It is also core reading for those embarking on a career in visual and ophthalmic science, as well as an invaluable, current refresher for the range of practitioners working in this area. Building on previous success, this fifth edition has been fully revised in line with current curricula, key research developments and clinical best practice. It succinctly incorporates critical developments in fast-moving fields related to the eye and vision, including genetics, pharmacology, microbiology, immunology, pathology, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy and imaging. Topical coverage includes: Major advances in the search for new genes underpinning disease in ophthalmology The emergence of new infections such as Ebola, Zika and COVID-19 The importance of the gastrointestinal tract as an immune organ and its functional dependence on the microbiome Key aspects of melanopsin, melatonin and new ways of light sensing Also, (print purchasers) benefit from access to the complete, fully searchable electronic text, with integrated video and other bonus materials to further explain and expand on key concepts. This combines to make The Eye a more flexible, comprehensive and engaging learning package than ever before. The only all-embracing textbook of the basic sciences suitable for trainee ophthalmologists, optometrists and vision scientists. Utilising an attractive page design with over 300 colour drawings and 200 photographs this is an attractive and accessible text to learn from. The text presents in a readable form an account of all the basic sciences necessary for an understanding of the eye - anatomy, embryology, genetics, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, immunology, microbiology and infection and pathology.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Complications in Orthopaedics: Adult Reconstruction
One of the hallmarks of a master surgeon is the ability to navigate a wide variety of inevitable difficult situations in surgery, whether errors in judgment, technical mistakes, or unavoidable outcomes. Under the leadership of series editor Dr. Stephen R. Thompson, the Complications in Orthopaedics series provides real-world guidance on recognizing and avoiding errors, as well as how to "course-correct during surgery. In this volume, Drs. P. Maxwell Courtney, Yale A. Fillingham, and a team of expert surgeons describe the most common errors and complications of adult reconstruction surgery, focusing on the knee and hip and demonstrating practical solutions that are integral to improving patient outcomes. Covers key topics such as Pain Management Following Total Hip Arthroplasty and Total Knee Arthroplasty, Achieving Balance and Stability During a Total Knee Arthroplasty, Unicompartmental Knee Arthoplasty, Neurovascular Injury in Total Hip Arthroplasty, Post-operative Periprosthetic Fractures in Total Hip Arthroplasty, Hip Preservation: Complications of PAO?, and many more. Describes and offers solutions to the most common or most devastating errors and complications in the practice of adult reconstruction surgery, combining the breadth of knowledge of academic surgeons with the in-the-trenches skills of community surgeons. Uses an easy-to-follow, standardized chapter format that covers preoperative errors, intraoperative issues, and postoperative complications. Includes procedural video clips to reinforce discussions in the text. Features a full-color design with numerous photographs, radiographs, and illustrations. Includes introductory material on relevant anatomy and necessary background information. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Createspace Independent Pub The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors
This richly illustrated book provides a comprehensive survey of the growing role of medical imaging studies in the detection, staging, grading, tissue characterization, and post-treatment follow-up of soft tissue tumors. For each tumor group, imaging findings are correlated with clinical, epidemiologic, and histologic data. The relative merits and indications of various imaging modalities are discussed and compared. Particular emphasis is placed on MRI because of its unique contrast resolution and multiplanar imaging capabilities. This third, revised and updated edition includes new chapters on genetics and molecular biology and on pathology of soft tissue tumors, with respect to the new World Health Organization (WHO) classification of soft tissue tumors. It aims to serve both as a systematic, descriptive textbook and as a rich pictorial database of soft tissue masses. The addition of numerous new illustrations of common and rare soft tissue tumors will further increase the scientific and educational value of this third edition.
Prototype Publishing Ltd. Intertitles: An anthology at the intersection of writing & visual art
Intertitles is an anthology of work situated at the intersection of writing and the visual arts. The anthology aims to explore their confluence and is conceived in response to a twofold observation: the increased presence of written, spoken and performed language in the work of visual artists and the simultaneous increase in visibility and circulation of the work and voices of writers in the visual arts arena.Bringing together a substantial and significant collection of work, the anthology recognises that both writers and artists are attracted to the possibilities of language as a material. Through essays, performance texts, scores, poetry and more, Intertitles plots a course through contemporary writing practices and lends perspective to the question of why this might be of particular interest at this moment in time.In art as in poetry, meaning is made in the very conditions of the encounter itself. The knowledge produced is not instructive or strictly informational but subjective and relational. Artists build the worlds that viewers may inhabit temporarily in the moment of their becoming. The physicality of these temporary utopias, however, is frequently realised in the contested spaces of our museums and galleries. This anthology asks if poetry, and the world it is capable of building outside of these normative structures, is poised to be the most constitutive form of all. Putting poetry into the social milieu, as a shared goal of artists and writers, might be understood as a gesture towards a truly radical reimagining.