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New In Chess Game Changer: AlphaZero's Groundbreaking Chess Strategies and the Promise of AI
It took AlphaZero only a few hours of self-learning to become the chess player that shocked the world. The artificial intelligence system AlphaZero had been fed nothing but the rules of the Royal Game when it beat the worlds strongest chess engine in a prolonged match. The selection of ten games published in December 2017 created a worldwide sensation: how was it possible to play in such a brilliant and risky style and not lose a single game against an opponent of superhuman strength? For Game Changer, Matthew Sadler and Natasha Regan investigated more than two thousand previously unpublished games by AlphaZero. They also had unparalleled access to its team of developers at DeepMind and were offered a unique look under the bonnet to grasp the depth and breadth of AlphaZeros search. Sadler and Regan reveal its thinking process and tell the story of the human motivation and the techniques that created AlphaZero. Game Changer also presents a collection of lucidly explained chess games of astonishing quality. Both professionals and club players will improve their game by studying AlphaZeros stunning discoveries in every field that matters: opening preparation, piece mobility, initiative, attacking techniques, long-term sacrifices and much more. The story of AlphaZero has a wider impact. Game Changer offers intriguing insights into the opportunities and horizons of Artificial Intelligence. Not just in solving games, but in providing solutions for a wide variety of challenges in society. With a Foreword by former World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov and an Introduction by DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis.
Taschen GmbH Marvel Comics Library. Silver Surfer. Vol. 1. 1968–1970
Introduced by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in the fertile pages of The Fantastic Four, the Silver Surfer quickly established himself as one of Marvel’s most far-out characters. Enslaved by Galactus to prowl the cosmos for the demi-god’s next planet-sized meal, the Surfer was as tragic a figure as any in comics—and he looked impossibly cool at the same time! A smash hit with fans and a regular supporting character in Fantastic Four, the character struck a creative nerve with Lee, who couldn’t wait to begin to tell some Surfer solo stories, but the timing had to be right.In the spring of 1968, things came together for both writer and character, with Lee giving the Surfer Marvel’s very first ongoing double-sized book. Lee also recruited artist John Buscema, who had recently been lending his extraordinary pencils to The Avengers. Together, they spun off a run of legendary tales that helped define the character forevermore.The feature stories from the entire 18-issue run of the 1968 Silver Surfer series are collected in this cosmic-sized XXL tome from the Eisner Award-winning Marvel Comics Library series. The most pristine pedigreed comics have been cracked open and photographed for reproduction in close collaboration with Marvel and the Certified Guaranty Company. Each page has been photographed as printed more than half a century ago, then digitally remastered using modern retouching techniques to correct problems with the era’s inexpensive, imperfect printing—as if hot off a world-class 1960s printing press. A custom paper stock was exclusively developed for this series to simulate the feel of the original comics.Texts by author and critic Douglas Wolk and Marvel artist and brother of John Buscema, Sal Buscema, accompany original artwork, photographs, and rare memorabilia. © 2023 MARVEL
Peeters Publishers Linguistique Et Ethnolinguistique. Anthologie D'articles Parus Entre 1961 Et 2003
Cet ouvrage est un recueil d'une quarantaine d'articles publies de 1961 a 2003 dans diverses revues, actes de colloques et ouvrages collectifs. Il permet de mieux apprecier la diversite et la coherence d'une reflexion poursuivie sur pres d'un demi-siecle et toujours fort active. Les premiers articles concernent les langues "Plateau" (Nigeria septentrional). Suivent des contributions sur le sango (langue vehiculaire de RCA) et sur la phonologie descriptive ou comparee de divers parlers, principalement oubanguiens et bantous (sara, ngbaka, monzombo, gbanziri, kirundi, ngando, mbati). Plusieurs concernent des problemes de description: definition des classes de mots/parties du discours et des unites a prendre en compte a differents niveaux descriptifs suivant une methode originale appelee systemique dynamique; ils relevent de la linguistique generale. Enfin, une bonne moitie des contributions illustre des problemes d'ethnolinguistique envisagee comme interaction reciproque entre la langue et le monde exterieur, propre a un groupe social: systemes de numeration, instruments de musiques, noms de plantes et taxinomie ethnique de celles-ci, litterature orale, lexique thematique, ideologies particulieres. En annexe, une bibliographie complete des travaux permet de resituer articles et ouvrages les uns par rapport aux autres.
Peeters Publishers La Neologie Lexicale Berbere (1945-1995)
La premiere partie de l'ouvrage comprend: (1) des generalites sur la langue berbere, et en particulier des rappels de systhematique oA' sont exposes les principales procedures traditionnelles de generation lexicale; (2) un chapitre sur l'amenagement linguistique qui contient des generalites ainsi que des developpements concernant le berbere. La deuxieme partie presente, selon l'ordre chronologique, les materiaux neologiques berberes produits depuis un demi-siecle: les premiers neologismes (1945), les pages lexicales du Bulletin de l'Academie berbere de Paris, la grammaire berbere de Mammeri (1976), l'Amawal (1974-1980), le Lexique francais-berbere de mathematiques (1984), la traduction berbere de la Declaration universelle des droits de l'homme (1990), le Vocabulaire de l'education de Boudris (1993), quelques materiaux neologques touaregs (Mali, Niger), etc. La mise en situation historique et l'analyse interne des materiaux produits constituent l'essentiel de cette partie qui contient aussi des elements d'approche critique. La troisieme partie concerne l'usage des neologismes. Un premier chapitre expose des etudes de cas qui abordent separement les principaux canaux de diffusion: la poesie, la neo-chanson berbere, la radio, la litterature moderne, le theatre, les revues et bulletins culturels, la presse politique kabyle et la television. Le second chapitre contient des elements d'analyse et des conclusions. La quatrieme et derniere partie contient un bilan linguistique global et une typologie des neologismes berberes, ainsi qu'un chapitre de propositions que pourrait integrer une perspective de resaississement de l'action neologique.
Verlag Peter Lang John Wilmot, comte de Rochester (1647-1680) : Œuvres- John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (1647-1680): Collected Works: Edition bilingue et critique, traduction par Florence Lautel-Ribstein- Bilingual Edition and Translation by Florence Lautel-R
Première édition bilingue anglo-française de l’œuvre de John Wilmot, comte de Rochester (1647-1680), l’ouvrage qui offre un appareil critique a pour objectif de faire connaître le poète au public français tout en poursuivant l’entreprise de la réhabilitation du « méchant comte » commencée outre-Manche il y a un demi-siècle. Une longue introduction insiste sur l’environnement littéraire et philosophique du poète où les sources du mouvement européen du libertinage de pensée prennent toute leur place. Florence Lautel-Ribstein propose en outre une réflexion approfondie sur l’approche traductive de textes parfois très complexes en raison de leur caractère poétique, de leur dimension ontologique ou de leur registre parodique. Plus de quatre-vingt textes lyriques, satiriques, philosophiques ainsi qu’une tragédie forment le corpus rochesterien à la paternité quasi certaine. Ils sont présentés ici avec leur traduction en regard. Chaque œuvre est accompagnée de l’historique de la publication de ses premières versions manuscrites ou imprimées, de notes textuelles et explicatives abondantes, ainsi que d’un commentaire qui, dans certains cas, est le premier du genre. L’introduction ainsi que les notices, notes et commentaires de cette édition sont rédigés en français. The introduction to this edition, as well as the annotations and commentaries, are written in French.
Peeters Publishers Karl Jaberg: linguistique romane, géographie linguistique, théorie du langage
Le linguiste suisse Karl Jaberg (1877-1958) fut une des figures marquantes de la romanistique du XXe siècle: co-directeur, avec J. Jud, du monumental Sprach- und Sachatlas Italiens und der Südschweiz (1928-1940), Jaberg fut aussi – comme en témoignent les articles réunis dans les deux volumes de ses Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungen und Erlebnisse (1937 et 1965) – un spécialiste de sémantique et d’onomasiologie, un dialectologue de terrain attentif aux phénomènes de variation, un précurseur dans le domaine des études de morphophonologie verbale, un linguiste praticien engagé dans des débats avec ses maîtres et collègues dialectologues (L. Gauchat, J. Gilliéron), ou avec des philologues idéalistes (K. Vossler, E. Lerch), des philosophes et psychologues du langage (A. Marty, W. Wundt), et des linguistes théoriciens (F. de Saussure, Ch. Bally, H. Schuchardt). Les contributions dans ce volume couvrent l’ensemble de l’÷uvre très vaste de Jaberg, s’étendant sur plus d’un demi-siècle. Le volume, contenant une dizaine d’illustrations (photos, cartes, dessins, …), se clôt par un «Dossier K. Jaberg» fournissant la bibliographie complète de l’auteur et un choix de textes peu connus. Contributions de: J.-C. Chevalier, A.-M. Fryba-Reber, C. Grassi, G. Hilty, R. Liver, C. Meul, G. Sanga, P. Swiggers, T. Telmon, S. Verleyen, P. Wunderli.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Darkness Falling: The Strange Death of the Weimar Republic, 1930-33
'Gripping and all too timely' James Hawes 'A brilliant mix of detailed research and vivid storytelling' Julia Boyd 'History at its very best – and a fabulous translation, too' Graham Hurley In March 1930, after the collapse of the coalition that had ruled Germany since 1928, President Hindenburg asked Heinrich Bruning, bespectacled and scholarly leader of the Catholic Centre Party, to form a government. Some three years later, in January 1933, Hindenburg appointed as chancellor the demagogic, virulently anti-Semitic leader of the National Socialist party. Within weeks, Adolf Hitler has begun the process of dismantling the flawed democracy of the Weimar Republic and replacing it with a one-party totalitarian state. Darkness Falling depicts in compelling fashion the serial crises and mounting violence of a febrile era. Peter Walther examines the slow death of Weimar through the prism of nine colourful protagonists, including leading German politicians of right, left and centre, the clairvoyant and occultist, Erik Jan Hanussen and the formidable American journalist Dorothy Thompson. He profiles these heterogeneous characters in intriguing detail, pulling together the threads of their lives to chart the demise of German parliamentary democracy and the rise of National Socialist tyranny. Along the way we gain fascinating insights into the machinations in the corridors of power to keep the 'Bohemian corporal' from the chancellorship, and the venality of the Nazi elite and its fellow travellers from the demi-monde of early 1930s Berlin. Walther evokes the louche nightlife of the German capital – 'a playground for charlatans and prophets, madmen and crooks' – memorably and atmospherically. A masterly fusion of meticulously researched historical writing and vividly propulsive storytelling, Darkness Falling is a distinctive and enthralling account of Germany's slide from democracy to dictatorship. Translated by Dr Peter Lewis.
Springer International Publishing AG The Ethics of Courage: Volume 1: From Greek Antiquity to the Middle Ages
This two-volume work examines far-reaching debates on the concept of courage from Greek antiquity to the Christian and mediaeval periods, as well as the modern era. Volume 1 begins with Homeric poetry and the politics of fearless demi-gods thriving on war. The tales of lion-hearted Heracles, Achilles, and Ulysses, and their tragic fall at the hands of fate, eventually give way to classical views of courage based on competing theories of rational wisdom and truth. Fears of the enemy and anxieties about suffering and death are addressed through the lenses and teachings of medicine, geography, military history, moral philosophy, and metaphysics. For early Christian thinkers, the ethics of fear, fate, and fealty to the Almighty supplant the voice of reason and the wisdom of virtue. Much of Christian doctrine's history is a long journey towards bridging the gap between Greek philosophy and devotion to God and spirits in heaven. Some Church Fathers attempt to dispel the fear of suffering through a joyful craving for martyrdom and the eternal blessings that follow. Others show openness to one or more of the following principles: the abstractions of moral philosophy, the metaphysics of Gnostic enlightenment, the gift of free will and intentionality, the growth of church authority and hegemony, and the intrinsic worth of life on Earth. Augustine, Ambrose, Cassian, and Chrysostom play a central role in revisiting the foundations of Christian fortitude along some or all of these lines. They lay the groundwork for the scholastic adaptations of faith-based rationalism proposed by Peter Lombard, Philip the Chancellor, Albert the Great, and Thomas of Aquinas. The mediaeval period ends with church dissidents and Protestant Reform leaders condemning Rome’s corruption and calling for a return to early Christian faith and the courage of godly fear, submission, suffering, and fate.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Darkness Falling: The Strange Death of the Weimar Republic, 1930-33
'Gripping and all too timely' James Hawes 'A brilliant mix of detailed research and vivid storytelling' Julia Boyd 'History at its very best – and a fabulous translation, too' Graham Hurley In March 1930, after the collapse of the coalition that had ruled Germany since 1928, President Hindenburg asked Heinrich Bruning, bespectacled and scholarly leader of the Catholic Centre Party, to form a government. Some three years later, in January 1933, Hindenburg appointed as chancellor the demagogic, virulently anti-Semitic leader of the National Socialist party. Within weeks, Adolf Hitler has begun the process of dismantling the flawed democracy of the Weimar Republic and replacing it with a one-party totalitarian state. Darkness Falling depicts in compelling fashion the serial crises and mounting violence of a febrile era. Peter Walther examines the slow death of Weimar through the prism of nine colourful protagonists, including leading German politicians of right, left and centre, the clairvoyant and occultist, Erik Jan Hanussen and the formidable American journalist Dorothy Thompson. He profiles these heterogeneous characters in intriguing detail, pulling together the threads of their lives to chart the demise of German parliamentary democracy and the rise of National Socialist tyranny. Along the way we gain fascinating insights into the machinations in the corridors of power to keep the 'Bohemian corporal' from the chancellorship, and the venality of the Nazi elite and its fellow travellers from the demi-monde of early 1930s Berlin. Walther evokes the louche nightlife of the German capital – 'a playground for charlatans and prophets, madmen and crooks' – memorably and atmospherically. A masterly fusion of meticulously researched historical writing and vividly propulsive storytelling, Darkness Falling is a distinctive and enthralling account of Germany's slide from democracy to dictatorship. Translated by Dr Peter Lewis.
Octopus Publishing Group A Waiter in Paris: Adventures in the Dark Heart of the City
SHORT LISTED FOR THE ACKERLEY PRIZE FOR AUTOBIOGRAPHY ***'This astonishing book describes a cruel, feral existence and is worthy of standing on the shelf next to George Orwell's Down And Out In Paris And London (1933) as another classic about human exploitation.' - Daily Mail'Chisholm's story is immersive and often thrilling ... He's a fine writer.' - WSJ'Kitchen Confidential for Generation Z' - Fortune'An English waiters riveting account of working in Paris' - Daily Mail'Visceral and unbelievably compelling' - Emerald Fennell'Vividly written and merciless in its detail' - Edward Stourton'An excellent book' - Strong Words magazine'A Dickensian tale of a young man's trial by fire in a French bistro gives rise to biting commentary on Parisian culture in Chisholm's intoxicating debut' - Publisher's Weekly'Ah, Paris... gastronomie magnifique and... insane shit going on behind the scenes. A Waiter in Paris charts Edward Chisholm's jaw-dropping experiences while serving tables in the French capital, a demi-monde of sadistic managers, thieves, fighting for tips and drug dealers. Seems like not much has changedsince George Orwell worked the same beat.' - Evening StandardA waiter's job is to deceive you. They want you to believe in a luxurious calm because on the other side of that door... is hell.Edward Chisholm's spellbinding memoir of his time as a Parisian waiter takes you below the surface of one of the most iconic cities in the world and right into its glorious underbelly. The waiter inhabits a world of inhuman hours, snatched sleep and dive bars; scraping by on coffee, bread and cigarettes, often under sadistic managers, with a wage so low you're fighting your colleagues for tips.It's physically demanding, frequently humiliating and incredibly competitive. And with a cast of thieves, narcissists, ex-Legionnaires, paperless immigrants and drug dealers, it makes for a compelling and eye-opening read.
Peeters Publishers Sirmium à l'époque des grandes migrations
Ce livre récapitule plus d'un demi-siècle de fouilles à Sirmium en se concentrant non sur tel ou tel bâtiment, comme l'ont déjà fait d'excellentes études antérieures, mais sur des dossiers envisagés autant que possible à l'échelle de l'ensemble du site, voire de la région, et sur toute la durée de l'Antiquité tardive, du IVe au VIIe siècle. Il rend ainsi enfin vraiment accessibles des données jusqu'ici dispersées dans des publications souvent difficiles d'accès. Sirmium a connu pendant cette période une histoire singulière: érigée en ville impériale au début du IVe siècle pendant la Tétrarchie, elle tombe rapidement aux mains d'envahisseurs divers (Huns, Ostrogoths, Gépides et Avars) qui se succèdent, malgré deux réoccupations par l'Empire romain d'Orient, jusqu'à ce que sa chute aux mains des Avars en 582 amorce un déclin irréversible. C'est donc un observatoire privilégié des points communs et des différences entre divers groupes humains d'une époque en interaction constante. Les différents types d'habitat installés dans les ruines du palais impérial, les nécropoles qui s'installent à l'intérieur de la ville, l'analyse anthropologique des ossements, la céramique «germanique», les nombreux objets en métal, os et verre trouvés surtout dans les tombes, un ensemble exceptionnel d'orfèvrerie et l'étude des monnaies circulant dans la région sont autant d'aspects divers de ce monde en changement, qui est loin de rompre pour autant avec la civilisation matérielle de l'Empire.
University of Notre Dame Press Just War and Christian Traditions
This much-needed anthology contains historically informed insights and analysis about Christian just war thinking and its application to contemporary conflicts. Recent Christian reflection on war has largely ignored questions of whether and how war can be just. The contributors to Just War and Christian Traditions provide a clear overview of the history and parameters of just war thinking and a much-needed and original evaluation of how Christian traditions and denominations may employ this thinking today. The introduction examines the historical development of Christian just war thinking, differences between just war thinking and the alternatives of pacifism and holy war, distinctions among Christian thinkers on issues such as the role of the state and “lesser evil” politics, and shared Christian theological commitments with public policy ramifications (for example, the priority of peace). The chapters that follow outline—from Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, and Anabaptist denominational perspectives—the positions of major church traditions on the ethics of warfare. The contributors include philosophers, military strategists, political scientists, and historians who seek to engage various and distinctive denominational approaches to the issues of church and state, war, peace, diplomacy, statecraft, and security over two thousand years of Christian history. Just War and Christian Traditions presents an essential resource for understanding the Judeo-Christian roots and denominational frameworks undergirding the moral structure for statesmanship and policy referred to as just war thinking. This practical guide will interest students, pastors, and lay people interested in issues of peace and security, military history, and military ethics. Contributors: John Ashcroft, Eric Patterson, J. Daryl Charles, Joseph E. Capizzi, Darrell Cole, H. David Baer, Keith J. Pavlischek, Daniel Strand, Nigel Biggar, Mark Tooley, and Timothy J. Demy.
University of Notre Dame Press Just War and Christian Traditions
This much-needed anthology contains historically informed insights and analysis about Christian just war thinking and its application to contemporary conflicts. Recent Christian reflection on war has largely ignored questions of whether and how war can be just. The contributors to Just War and Christian Traditions provide a clear overview of the history and parameters of just war thinking and a much-needed and original evaluation of how Christian traditions and denominations may employ this thinking today. The introduction examines the historical development of Christian just war thinking, differences between just war thinking and the alternatives of pacifism and holy war, distinctions among Christian thinkers on issues such as the role of the state and “lesser evil” politics, and shared Christian theological commitments with public policy ramifications (for example, the priority of peace). The chapters that follow outline—from Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, and Anabaptist denominational perspectives—the positions of major church traditions on the ethics of warfare. The contributors include philosophers, military strategists, political scientists, and historians who seek to engage various and distinctive denominational approaches to the issues of church and state, war, peace, diplomacy, statecraft, and security over two thousand years of Christian history. Just War and Christian Traditions presents an essential resource for understanding the Judeo-Christian roots and denominational frameworks undergirding the moral structure for statesmanship and policy referred to as just war thinking. This practical guide will interest students, pastors, and lay people interested in issues of peace and security, military history, and military ethics. Contributors: John Ashcroft, Eric Patterson, J. Daryl Charles, Joseph E. Capizzi, Darrell Cole, H. David Baer, Keith J. Pavlischek, Daniel Strand, Nigel Biggar, Mark Tooley, and Timothy J. Demy.
Headline Publishing Group Exit Stage Left: The curious afterlife of pop stars
**A SUNDAY TIMES, GUARDIAN & TELEGRAPH MUSIC BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022** **INDEPENDENT BOOK OF THE MONTH** **GUARDIAN BOOK OF THE DAY** **FINANCIAL TIMES 'BEST SUMMER BOOKS 2022' PICK** 'Incredibly moving.' - Guardian'Entertaining.' - Telegraph'Most books about pop stars focus on the way we turn average human beings into demi-gods. In writing a book about how they have to turn back into humans Nick Duerden has done both us and them a service.' - David Hepworth'Funny, poignant and often inspirational.' - Mat Osman The desire for adulation is a light that never goes out. We live in a culture obsessed by the notion of fame - the heedless pursuit of it; the almost obligatory subsequent fallout. But what's it like to actually achieve it, and what happens when fame abruptly passes, and shifts, as it does, onto someone else?This is the point at which pop stars are at their most heroic, because they don't give up. They keep on striving, keep making music, and refuse simply to ebb away. Some sustain themselves on the nostalgia circuit, others continue to beaver away in the studio, no longer Abbey Road, perhaps, so much as the garden shed. But all of them, in their own individual ways, still dare to dream.Exit Stage Left features tales of drug addiction, bankruptcy, depression and divorce, but also of optimism, a genuine love of the craft, humility and hope. This is a candid, laugh-out-loud and occasionally shocking look at what happens when the brightest stars fall back down to earth.'Exit Stage Left is the book I've long wanted to read about the PTSD-like after-effects of pop stardom - and Nick Duerden is the perfect writer for the job. The pop star's bittersweet lot is represented with flair and empathy.' - Pete Paphides, author of Broken Greek'Exit Stage Left is a funny and poignant book, drawing on Duerden's considerable experience as a journalist and interviewer . . . he understands what motivates this strange bunch of people.' - Andy Miller, Spectator'Fame is the brightest candle, but in this brilliant collection of interviews, Nick Duerden answers the question: what does a candle do after it's burned out?' - David Quantick 'Duerden finds fascinating layers of humanity, pathos, humour and wisdom in equal measure. A brilliant book, for artists and fans alike.' - Frank TurnerFeaturing brand new interviews with the likes of: Bob Geldof, Shaun Ryder, Robbie Williams, Roisin Murphy, Stewart Copeland, Billy Bragg, Wendy James, Alex Kapranos, Joan Armatrading, Leo Sayer, Gary Lightbody, Lisa Maffia, Tim Booth, Bill Drummond, Rufus Wainwright, David Gray, and Justin Hawkins.
Headline Publishing Group Exit Stage Left: The curious afterlife of pop stars
**A TELEGRAPH BEST MUSIC BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022** **INDEPENDENT BOOK OF THE MONTH** **GUARDIAN BOOK OF THE DAY** **FINANCIAL TIMES 'BEST SUMMER BOOKS 2022' PICK** 'Incredibly moving.' - Guardian'Funny and humane.' - Telegraph'Most books about pop stars focus on the way we turn average human beings into demi-gods. In writing a book about how they have to turn back into humans Nick Duerden has done both us and them a service.' - David Hepworth'Funny, poignant and often inspirational.' - Mat Osman The desire for adulation is a light that never goes out. We live in a culture obsessed by the notion of fame - the heedless pursuit of it; the almost obligatory subsequent fallout. But what's it like to actually achieve it, and what happens when fame abruptly passes, and shifts, as it does, onto someone else?This is the point at which pop stars are at their most heroic, because they don't give up. They keep on striving, keep making music, and refuse simply to ebb away. Some sustain themselves on the nostalgia circuit, others continue to beaver away in the studio, no longer Abbey Road, perhaps, so much as the garden shed. But all of them, in their own individual ways, still dare to dream.Exit Stage Left features tales of drug addiction, bankruptcy, depression and divorce, but also of optimism, a genuine love of the craft, humility and hope. This is a candid, laugh-out-loud and occasionally shocking look at what happens when the brightest stars fall back down to earth.'Exit Stage Left is the book I've long wanted to read about the PTSD-like after-effects of pop stardom - and Nick Duerden is the perfect writer for the job. The pop star's bittersweet lot is represented with flair and empathy.' - Pete Paphides, author of Broken Greek'Exit Stage Left is a funny and poignant book, drawing on Duerden's considerable experience as a journalist and interviewer . . . he understands what motivates this strange bunch of people.' - Andy Miller, Spectator'Fame is the brightest candle, but in this brilliant collection of interviews, Nick Duerden answers the question: what does a candle do after it's burned out?' - David Quantick 'Duerden finds fascinating layers of humanity, pathos, humour and wisdom in equal measure. A brilliant book, for artists and fans alike.' - Frank TurnerFeaturing brand new interviews with the likes of: Bob Geldof, Shaun Ryder, Robbie Williams, Roisin Murphy, Stewart Copeland, Billy Bragg, Wendy James, Alex Kapranos, Joan Armatrading, Leo Sayer, Gary Lightbody, Lisa Maffia, Tim Booth, Bill Drummond, Rufus Wainwright, David Gray, and Justin Hawkins.
Hodder & Stoughton Reclaiming: Essays on finding yourself one piece at a time ‘Yewande offers piercing honesty… a must-read book for anyone who has been on social media.’- The Skinny
Reclaiming is a brilliantly written and thought-provoking book. Through amazing story telling, Yewande highlights the richness in her culture that so many other black women can relate to. It was extremely gripping right from beginning. -- Oloni'This book highlights the topics and issues we still face in our society daily, including some that I've struggled with myself. I think it's hugely important we keep having these conversations and this book certainly helps do just that.' -- Olivia Bowen'Reclaiming is comforting, yet inspiring. Yewande has admirably opened up about her experiences growing up and facing difficulties such as colourism and mental health problems, how she's so bravely over come them and found her voice. I whole heartedly recommend this book to anyone mixed up in this complex generation looking for a relatable, authentic and aspirational read.' -- Demi Jones'I absolutely loved it. I think it's clear to anyone who's read Yewande's earlier essay that she's a phenomenal writer and talent, and this is an incredible debut. Empowering, instructive, loving & honest...the kind of text that makes me excited to be a reader' -- Beth McColl'I'm so proud of the strong, intelligent woman Yewande is. She is using her platform and own experiences to educate, inspire, empower and to help others!' -- Amy Hart'Reclaiming is more than just a book title. It's a statement. It's power. It's an announcement. It's a force I feel Yewande is making on behalf of all men and women of colour. Thank you Yewande.' -- Rachel Finni_____________________________________________________I am more than enough, and I am perfect with all my imperfections.In 2021, Yewande Biala wrote a searing viral essay on the debilitating effects of having your name constantly mispronounced or changed.From the incredible response to the essay, it was clear that there are still so many conversations to be had around the way that we as a society respond to each other, and the direct effect it is having on our sense of self. Reclaiming consists of interlinked essays covering a wide breadth of topics from struggling with your body image and mental health to navigating social media and dating apps without damaging your self-esteem.Each essay covers a different topic, affirming that maintaining your sense of self in a world that is not supportive of you is difficult, but not impossible. Nuanced, distinctly sharp, and full of wit, Reclaiming holds a mirror up to us all, and encourages us to like what we see.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Confessions of a Puppetmaster: A Hollywood Memoir of Ghouls, Guts, and Gonzo Filmmaking
“Confessions of a Puppetmaster is a fast, funny, wild ride through some wild times. Plus, Charlie compares me to Harrison Ford, so I’m all in!” —Bill MaherRenowned producer, director, and “B movie” showman Charles Band takes readers on a wild romp through Hollywood’s decidedly un-Oscar-worthy underbelly, where mayhem and zombies reign supreme, and cheap thrills and entertainment are king"This book is a blast. It made me want to stay up all night and watch terrible movies." —Peter Sagal"One of the most entertaining film bios ever." —Larry Karaszewski"Reads like a Tarantino film written by Hunter S. Thompson." —BooklistZombies, aliens, a little skin, lots of gore—and even more laughs—the cinematic universe of Charles Band is legendary. From the toilet-invading creatures of Ghoulies to the time-travelling bounty hunter in Trancers to the pandemic-crashed Corona Zombies, Band has spent four decades giving B-movie lovers exactly what they love. In Confessions of a Puppetmaster, this congenial master of Grindhouse cinema tells his own story, uncut.Born into a family of artists, Band spent much of his childhood in Rome where his father worked in the film industry. Early visits to movie sets sealed young Charlie’s fate. By his twenties he had plunged into moviemaking himself and found his calling in exploitation movies—quick, low-budget efforts that exploit the zeitgeist and feed people’s desire for clever, low-brow entertainment. His films crossed genres, from vampire flicks to sci fi to erotic musical adaptations of fairy tales. As he came into his own as a director, he was the first to give starring roles to household names like Demi Moore, Helen Hunt, and Bill Maher.Off set, Band’s life has been equally epic. Returning to his beloved Italy, he bought both Dino De Laurentiis’s movie studio and a medieval castle. After Romania’s oppressive communist regime fell, he circumvented the U.S. State Department to shoot films in Dracula’s homeland. He made—and then lost—a moviemaking fortune. A visionary, Band was also at the vanguard of the transition to home video and streaming, making and distributing direct-to-video movies long before the major studios caught on.In this revealing tell-all, Band details the dizzying heights and catastrophic depths of his four decades in showbiz. A candid and engaging glimpse at Hollywood’s wild side, Confessions of a Puppetmaster is as entertaining as the movies that made this consummate schlockmeister famous.
DK Let's Get Fizzical: More than 50 Bubbly Cocktail Recipes with Prosecco, Champagne, and Other Sparkli
Add some sparkle to your life with this irresistible cocktail recipe book, featuring over 50 drinks made from Champagne, Prosecco, Sekt, Cava, and other sparkling wines.Introducing Let’s Get Fizzical - an inspiring mix of classic cocktail recipes such as bellinis and mimosas, alongside exciting variations and twists, offering tips, tricks, presentation ideas, and technical know-how to make your cocktails as sensational for the eye as they are for the palate.Pop some bottles and dive on in to discover: • Over 50 cocktail recipes, including classics with creative reinventions. • Includes a Beginner’s Guide to Bubbles chapter which offers useful know-how and fun facts about how sparkling drinks are created and how they differ from one another. • Explains key words and phrases every sparkling wine lover should know, including “brut”, “sec,” spumante” and “frizzante”. • Lose the booze” panels for many recipes, giving a non-alcoholic option for anyone having a drinking day off. The introductory chapter, A Beginner’s Guide to Bubbles, explains the differences between sparkling wines to help you tell your spumante from your frizzante, or your extra-brut from your demi-sec. The Know Your Fizz section gives you the low-down on your favorite bubbles, whether that’s a budget Cava or a fancy Champagne.Get The Party Started gives you the drink mixing skills to impress your guests, from essential cocktail shaking techniques to the perfect glass shape.Everything you need to know about fizz is here, including insider secrets such as how to make sure your drink keeps its bubbles.Drink your way through the recipe-packed remainder of the book – master delicious classics, such as the Aperol Spritz and French 75, and discover how to make your drink a little bit special with creative reinventions and original cocktail recipes. If you ever feel the need for a drinking day off, many recipes feature a “lose the booze” option with all the flavor but none of the hangover!Why not add some sparkle to Valentine’s Day this year, and impress your partner with an array of home-made bubbly beverages, fresh, fizzy and full of flavor!Whatever your bubbly drink of choice, impress your guests and make every drink a celebration with Let’s Get Fizzical. If you love Let’s Get Fizzical, then why not try Let’s Get Tropical for an inspiring mix of classic cocktail recipes for the ultimate summer cocktail party!Cheers to that!
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Pierre Gilles, Itinéraires byzantins: Lettre à un ami. Du Bosphore de Thrace. De la topographie de Constantinople et de ses antiquités
Si l'on a pu qualifier Charles du Fresne, sieur Du Cange (1610-1688) de fondateur des études d'histoire byzantine, il faut reconnaître que, quatre générations plus tôt, Pierre Gilles (1489-1555) en fut le pionnier. Deux ouvrages rédigés en latin et publiés de façon posthume, Du Bosphore de Thrace et De la topographie de Constantinople, ont fait de lui une autorité incontestable pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux choses de Byzance. Pendant près d'un demi-millénaire, voyageurs, cosmographes, espions, historiens, archéologues, voire rédacteurs de guide touristique en ont fait leur miel, même si certains n'éprouvèrent pas toujours la nécessité de citer leur source. On a choisi d'en présenter, pour la première fois, une traduction complète en français, précédée de celle de la Lettre à un ami, que Gilles rédigea pour rendre compte de son voyage d'Istanbul à Tabriz et Alep, dans l'escorte du sieur d'Aramon, ambassadeur du roi de France auprès de Soliman le Magnifique. En tant qu'humaniste, Gilles considère que la vérité doit résider dans les textes transmis depuis l'Antiquité. Mais des travaux antérieurs dans le domaine de l'ichtyologie lui avaient montré que les enquêtes de terrain peuvent aussi apporter des améliorations et des compléments. Sa méthode consiste donc, dans un premier temps, à recueillir dans les sources antiques et médiévales, déjà imprimées ou encore inédites, les informations topographiques nécessaires à son propos. Puis il confronte celles-ci à ses propres observations, reflet des matérialités de son époque. S'il constate une contradiction entre texte et réalité, à lui de la résoudre, quitte à laisser, devant une aporie, l'éventuelle solution à de plus diligents. Maintenant, au lecteur qui voudra bien mettre ses pas dans ceux de Pierre Gilles, nous rappellerons la formule de son contemporain Rabelais: Croyez le, si voulez; si ne voulez, allez y veoir. Mais je sçay bien ce que je veidz.
Hodder & Stoughton Reclaiming: Essays on finding yourself one piece at a time ‘Yewande offers piercing honesty… a must-read book for anyone who has been on social media.’- The Skinny
Reclaiming is a brilliantly written and thought-provoking book. Through amazing story telling, Yewande highlights the richness in her culture that so many other black women can relate to. It was extremely gripping right from beginning. -- Oloni'This book highlights the topics and issues we still face in our society daily, including some that I've struggled with myself. I think it's hugely important we keep having these conversations and this book certainly helps do just that.' -- Olivia Bowen'Reclaiming is comforting, yet inspiring. Yewande has admirably opened up about her experiences growing up and facing difficulties such as colourism and mental health problems, how she's so bravely over come them and found her voice. I whole heartedly recommend this book to anyone mixed up in this complex generation looking for a relatable, authentic and aspirational read.' -- Demi Jones'I absolutely loved it. I think it's clear to anyone who's read Yewande's earlier essay that she's a phenomenal writer and talent, and this is an incredible debut. Empowering, instructive, loving & honest...the kind of text that makes me excited to be a reader' -- Beth McColl'I'm so proud of the strong, intelligent woman Yewande is. She is using her platform and own experiences to educate, inspire, empower and to help others!' -- Amy Hart'Reclaiming is more than just a book title. It's a statement. It's power. It's an announcement. It's a force I feel Yewande is making on behalf of all men and women of colour. Thank you Yewande.' -- Rachel Finni_____________________________________________________I am more than enough, and I am perfect with all my imperfections.In 2021, Yewande Biala wrote a searing viral essay on the debilitating effects of having your name constantly mispronounced or changed.From the incredible response to the essay, it was clear that there are still so many conversations to be had around the way that we as a society respond to each other, and the direct effect it is having on our sense of self. Reclaiming consists of interlinked essays covering a wide breadth of topics from struggling with your body image and mental health to navigating social media and dating apps without damaging your self-esteem.Each essay covers a different topic, affirming that maintaining your sense of self in a world that is not supportive of you is difficult, but not impossible. Nuanced, distinctly sharp, and full of wit, Reclaiming holds a mirror up to us all, and encourages us to like what we see.
Baen Books By Demons Posessed
SOMETHING IS PREYING ON THE GODS OF TAI-TASTIGON A crucial moment draws nigh leading to the ultimate showdown between Jame Knorth and Perimal Darkling, the supernatural entity that has pursued Jame’s people, the Kencyr, across multiple universes, destroying all in its wake. Can the Kencyr finally make an effective stand, or will another world fall into shadow? But now news arrives from Tai-tastigon, the vast city that formed Jame into the master thief, wily fighter, and godling-in-the-making that she has become. It seems something is preying on the gods of Tai-tastigon. The new Pantheon is falling, and the ancient city is in turmoil. The self-serving, beguiling demi-god leader of the Thieves Guild has coerced Jame into finding the soul of his missing brother by holding hostage people she loves. Jame She reluctantly returns to find a Tai-tastigon in turmoil, with citizen pitted against citizen, and day and night-time folk at one another’s throats. It seems many in the vast Lower Town have lost their shadows—not so funny when you realize that a shadow is cast by a soul. DISAPPEARING SOULS Some of the affected have gone mad. Some wander like ravening wraiths, attacking even family members by tooth and nail. Which means something is taking—or destroying—souls in the city. What’s more, in the city’s Temple District fearful gods are finding their very beings drained. Some have become so diminished they hide in the robes of their priests like mewling babes. Across the city, murder and mayhem have erupted. But whatever demon-wrought madness is afoot in Tai-tastigon will have to face the ultimate avatar of god That-Which-Destroys Itself. That would be one Jame Knorth. WHERE JAME KNORTH GOES, CHAOS WILL FOLLOW! About The Gates of Tagmeth: "The Kencyr live in one of the most deeply realized worlds in fantasy, a rich and complicated space that includes many cultures and riveting, three-dimensional characters. Full of dark wonder, wry humor, and the quirks of Jame’s inimitable personality, the newest installment in Hodgell’s life’s work demonstrates why it can be worthwhile for a writer to spend 40 years writing the same series."—Publishers Weekly About P.C. Hodgell’s Kyncyrath Series: "P.C. Hodgell writes the most strikingly weird and wonderful stories in epic fantasy today."—Charles Stross "Hodgell has crafted an…intricate fantasy with humor, tragedy, and a capable and charming female hero.”—Library Journal The Kencyrath Saga Seeker’s Bane Bound in Blood Honor's Paradox Sea of Time By Demons Possessed Omnibus Editions The Godstalker Chronicles Contains Kencyrath prequel novels God Stalk and Dark of the Moon
Peeters Publishers Dans les pas d'Imhotep: Mélanges offerts à Audran Labrousse
Parmi les multiples vies d’Audran Labrousse, celle de l’architecte-archéologue doit retenir toute notre attention. Homme de terrain insatiable, il parcourt les chantiers de fouille depuis un demi-siècle, sillonnant le Proche-Orient et l’Afrique de l’est avec son regard aiguisé et un sens inné des monuments et des civilisations qu’il côtoie. De Suse à Sedeinga, de Pétra à Jérusalem, il observe, analyse, et recense les vestiges des multiples sociétés qui se sont succédé dans ce croissant si fertile au carrefour de l’Afrique et de l’Asie. Fort de cette érudition qui le caractérise, c’est à Saqqâra qu’il trouve le mieux à exercer ses talents d’architecte et d’homme de terrain. La rencontre avec Jean Leclant et Jean-Philippe Lauer le convainc de consacrer ses efforts à la restitution des vestiges monumentaux qui font le renom de cette nécropole royale. Directeur pendant quarante ans des fouilles de la nécropole de Pépy Ier, il met au jour le complexe de ce roi et les ensembles des reines qui lui sont associés. Cet ouvrage se veut à l’image de ce travailleur infatigable. Ses amis et collègues présentent ici un témoignage de reconnaissance et lui offrent un ensemble de contributions qui toutes rendent hommage à l’œuvre entreprise, par des études archéologiques et d’histoire, des présentations de monuments ou d’objets inédits provenant pour l’essentiel de la vallée du Nil. Among Audran Labrousse's many lives, that of the architect and archaeologist must be the focus of our attention. An insatiable hands-on man, he has been travelling through excavation sites for half a century, criss-crossing the Near East and East Africa with his sharp eye and an innate sense of the monuments and civilizations he encounters. From Susa to Sedeinga, from Petra to Jerusalem, he observes, analyses and inventories the remains of the many societies that have succeeded one another in this very fertile crescent, at the crossroads of Africa and Asia. With this erudition that characterizes him, it is in Saqqara that he found the best way to exercise his talents as an architect and a man of action. His meeting with Jean Leclant and Jean-Philippe Lauer convinced him to devote his efforts to the restitution of the monumental remains this royal necropolis is famous for. As the Director of the excavations of the necropolis of Pepy I for forty years, he uncovered the complex of this king and the several queens associated with him. This book is intended to reflect the image of this indefatigable worker. His friends and colleagues hereby present a token of their gratitude and offer him a set of contributions, all of which paying tribute to the work undertaken, through archaeological and historical studies, presentations of monuments or unpublished objects, mainly originated from the Nile Valley.
Ebury Publishing Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World
Tim Ferriss, the #1 New York Times best-selling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, shares the ultimate choose-your-own-adventure book—a compilation of tools, tactics, and habits from 130+ of the world's top performers. From iconic entrepreneurs to elite athletes, from artists to billionaire investors, their short profiles can help you answer life's most challenging questions, achieve extraordinary results, and transform your life.From the author:In 2017, several of my close friends died in rapid succession. It was a very hard year, as it was for many people.It was also a stark reminder that time is our scarcest, non-renewable resource.With a renewed sense of urgency, I began asking myself many questions:Were my goals my own, or simply what I thought I should want?How much of life had I missed from underplanning or overplanning?How could I be kinder to myself?How could I better say “no” to the trivial many to better say “yes” to the critical few?How could I best reassess my priorities and my purpose in this world?To find answers, I reached out to the most impressive world-class performers in the world, ranging from wunderkinds in their 20s to icons in their 70s and 80s. No stone was left unturned.This book contains their answers—practical and tactical advice from mentors who have found solutions. Whether you want to 10x your results, get unstuck, or reinvent yourself, someone else has traveled a similar path and taken notes.This book, Tribe of Mentors, includes many of the people I grew up viewing as idols or demi-gods. Less than 10% have been on my podcast (The Tim Ferriss Show, more than 200 million downloads), making this a brand-new playbook of playbooks.No matter your challenge or opportunity, something in these pages can help.Among other things, you will learn:More than 50 morning routines—both for the early riser and those who struggle to get out of bed.How TED curator Chris Anderson realized that the best way to get things done is to let go.The best purchases of $100 or less (you'll never have to think about the right gift again).How to overcome failure and bounce back towards success.Why Humans of New York creator Brandon Stanton believes that the best art will always be the riskiest.How to meditate and be more mindful (and not just for those that find it easy).Why tennis champion Maria Sharapova believe that “losing makes you think in ways victories can’t.”How to truly achieve work-life balance (and why most people tell you it isn’t realistic).How billionaire Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz transformed the way he engages with difficult situations to reduce suffering.Ways to thrive (and survive) the overwhelming amount of information you process every day.How to achieve clarity on your purpose and assess your priorities.And much more.This reference book, which I wrote for myself, has already changed my life. I certainly hope the same for you.I wish you luck as you forge your own path.All the best,Tim Ferriss
Fons Vitae,US Al-Ghazali
Simon & Schuster The Girl Who Drew a Phoenix
Simon & Schuster Ltd King Midas: The Golden Touch
Synopsis coming soon.......
Lee & Low Books Inc Life Of A Genius
Wisdom Publications,U.S. The Secret of the Sand Castles
World Wisdom Books The Wisdom of Solomon
World Wisdom Books Zen and the Ten Oxherding Pictures
World Wisdom Books The Fantastic Adventures of Krishna
When a peaceful kingdom is overtaken by an evil demon, the Gods send the child Krishna to the rescue. Hidden amongst the poor and peaceful cow-herds, his amazing powers can’t stay hidden from the evil demon King for long, and soon he is under attack from giant birds, a whirlwind demon, and a snake eight miles long. Will Krishna be able to defeat the evil demon King and save the people from his terrible reign? Find out in The Fantastic Adventures of Krishna.
Shen's Books Confucius: Great Teacher of China
Simon & Schuster The Legend of the Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching
Henry Holt & Company Inc Liang and the Magic Paintbrush
Margaret K. McElderry Books The Hungry Coat: A Tale from Turkey
Rocky Nook Drawing and Illustrating Architecture
An insightful and comprehensive guide to mastering the art of drawing and illustrating architecture.
Scholastic US One Grain of Rice
World Wisdom Books Shiva
Simon & Schuster Ltd Gandhi
Presents the story of the great leader who succeeded in bringing about social and political change in India through nonviolent means.
Simon & Schuster The Magic Pillow
Henry Holt & Company Inc The Empty Pot
Simon & Schuster The Legend of Saint Nicholas
Simon & Schuster The Greatest Power
Square Fish Empty Pot Chinese Folktale
World Wisdom Books Guru Nanak: First of the Sikhs
Callisto Reference Soil Science
Wisdom Publications,U.S. The Illustrated Lotus Sutra