Search results for ""author alexander""
Brill Fast Liquid-Phase Processes in Turbulent Flows
This book deals with the fundamental laws of passing of fast liquid-phase chemical as well as heat and mass transfer processes in turbulent flows. The fundamental laws of passing of fast liquid-phase chemical and also heat and mass transfer processes in turbulent flows are considered in the book. Development of a macrokinetics approach is generalized to the analysis of fast chemical reactions mainly based on an example of cationic isobutylene polymerization, which falls into to a new class of liquid-phase processes. The ways of decision of the hydrodynamical, thermal and kinetic movement’s equations of reaction mixture in which the fast exothermic chemical reaction runs are described. The principles and laws of formation of the essentially new mode of quasi-plug-flow mode are considered in turbulent flows ensuring quasi-isothermal conditions in zone reaction. The principles of work and area of industrial use of tubular turbulent devices cylindrical reactor, divergent-covergent reactor, shell-and-tube reactor, and reactor with fractional introduction of reactants are considered.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Kartellrecht in Der Zeitenwende: Auf Dem Weg Zur 11. Und 12. Gwb-Novelle
V&R unipress GmbH Was bleibt von Galizien? Kontinuitäten – Brüche – Perspektiven: What Remains of Galicia? Continuities – Ruptures – Perspectives
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Beach Handball for Beginners: History, Organization, Rules and Gameplay
At the end of the 20th century, beach handball started capturing the attention of more and more people worldwide. Beach handball combines elements of indoor handball with free, creative game actions, the benefits of the sun, the beach, and the joy of playing outside. This book familiarizes readers with the philosophy and underlying concept of beach handball. Using a holistic teaching approach, it also demonstrates the advantages of this sport for beginners. For the benefit of coaches and teachers, the book contains tips on coaching behavior, organizing training, and how to design training/teaching sessions in a methodical didactic way. Numerous photos and streamable videos support putting theory into practice. As officials and referees are instrumental in the general development of the game, they have also been given due consideration in this work. Overall, this is a comprehensive introduction to a new sport covering all the information anyone needs to start playing beach handball.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Interviews mit Experten: Eine praxisorientierte Einführung
Die eminente Bedeutung von ExpertInneninterviews für die Forschungspraxis ist unumstritten. Sie gehören in vielen sozialwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen zur alltäglichen Forschungspraxis; sei es als eigenständige Erhebungsmethode, sei es als exploratives oder ergänzendes Instrument im Kontext quantitativer oder qualitativer Forschungsdesigns. Auf der anderen Seite sind ExpertInneninterviews trotz (oder wegen?) ihrer Praxisrelevanz methodisch wenig reflektiert. Dieses Defizit will der vorliegende Band beheben und eine übersichtliche, fundierte und an forschungspraktischen Problemen orientierte Einführung in Theorie und Praxis der ExpertInneninterviews bieten. Neben der Diskussion des methodologischen Hintergrunds und zentraler wissenssoziologischer Basisannahmen (ExpertInnenbegriff, Wissensformen) steht dabei insbesondere die Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Auswertung von ExpertInneninterviews im Mittelpunkt.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Korruption - Demokratie - Strafrecht: Ein Rechtsvergleich zwischen Brasilien und Deutschland
Korruption stellt eine Form der Machtausübung dar, die nicht nur in ökonomischer Hinsicht bedrohlich ist. Sie birgt auch ganz unmittelbare Risiken für demokratische Prozesse und Institutionen. Mit dem vorliegenden Band soll das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Korruption, Demokratie und Strafrecht aus der Perspektive von Brasilien und Deutschland beleuchtet werden - zweier Länder, die auf den ersten Blick vor unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen zu stehen scheinen. Während Korruption in Brasilien als ubiquitäres Problem der Eliten wahrgenommen wird, ist das Phänomen in Deutschland weniger sichtbar. Dieser Umstand darf aber, wie die hier veröffentlichen Beiträge belegen, nicht zu der Fehlvorstellung verleiten, dass Deutschland eine Vorbildfunktion zukäme.
Springer International Publishing AG Corporate Liability for Transboundary Environmental Harm: An International and Transnational Perspective
This open access book aims to elaborate on the legal prerequisites to establish the liability of corporations for transboundary environmental harm, not only by identifying existing liability rules, principles and standards but also by analysing their potential for further legal development. The authors consider international and transboundary liability law to currently be an underutilised tool for international environmental protection. The book seeks to address this by exploring what is needed in terms of legislative action and identifying options for judicial pliability, thereby providing an important legal contribution in furthering the development of an effective international and transnational environmental liability law regime.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Vehicle Electrification: On Water, in Air and Space
This book provides a comprehensive assessment and presentation of various feasible application of electric propulsion system, considering their weight, volume, reliability, and fault tolerance. The results of feasibility analysis can be used today or in the near future for development of electric propulsion system for the ships, planes, helicopters, and spacecrafts. To solve the above task, new theoretical approaches are applied, including combined random process methods, the Lz-transform technique for multistate systems, and statistical data processing.
Zone Books History and Obstinacy
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to Catalan Culture
Why Catalans insist on their identity. The tragic fate of the millenary personality of Catalonia has rarely been fully appreciated abroad. Since the early eighteenth century its national voice has been submerged and fractured by a centralist state intent on its arbitrary, unitarian vision of a homogenized Spain. Catalan difference has emerged sporadically in the persons of such irrepressible geniuses as Gaudí, Dalí, Miró and Bigas Luna but, in the configuration of modern Europe, the relentlessinevitability of the unified state has imposed and re-imposed its singular cultural voice. The present volume attempts to equip the English-speaking reader with a fuller understanding of the uniqueness and quality of the culture of Catalonia by providing a comprehensive portfolio of the creative contribution of the nation across a broad spectrum of achievement. Though the artistic wealth of the medieval period is acknowledged appropriately, this study, with its focus on the modern age, privileges excellence not only in the more conventional, academic spheres of history, music, language, literature and the arts but also explores the value of more basic, popular experience inareas such as sport, cinema, festivals, cuisine and the city of Barcelona. DOMINIC KEOWN is Reader in Catalan at the University of Cambridge. CONTRIBUTORS: Elisenda Barbé, Robert Davidson, Alexander Ibarz, Louise Johnson, Dominic Keown, Tess Knighton, Jaume Martí-Olivella, Dorothy Noyes, Montserrat Roser i Puig, Antoni Segura, Miquel Strubell.
American Psychological Association Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy reviews the theoretical underpinnings and practice of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), a treatment developed by Marsha Linehan to help complex clients, such as suicidal individuals and those with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and related problems. DBT has proven to be effective with a range of mental health issues that are often difficult to treat, including nonsuicidal self-harm, substance abuse, and eating disorders. DBT is a behavioral treatment that views emotion dysregulation as being the core of BPD and other disorders. Through regular individual therapy, group sessions, and phone coaching, therapists support clients while challenging them to learn more adaptive behaviors for managing their emotions as well as new life skills. In DBT, therapists also support each other by forming consultation teams. In addition to reviewing standard DBT, this book describes its applications and adaptations for various populations and settings. Case material demonstrates how to apply all elements of the DBT process in realistic clinical scenarios.
St. Martin's Publishing Group The Complete Book of Wills Estates Trusts 4th Edition
The classic legal guide with more than 100,000 copies in printnow substantially updated and revised!Whether grappling with modest or extensive assets, The Complete Book of Wills, Estates & Trusts has long been the indispensable guide for protecting an estate for loved ones. In this completely revised fourth edition, updated to cover the latest changes in estate law, attorneys Alexander A. Bove, Jr., and Melissa Langa synthesize their decades of field and classroom experience into honest, clear, and entertaining explanations of a host of complex legal topics, including: How to create a will and living trust How to use a trust to avoid probate and legal complications How trusts work and how to use trusts to save taxes How to contest a will and how to avoid a contest How to settle an estate or make a claim against one How to establish a durable power of attorney How to protect assets from creditorsIn their straightforward an
Poetry Wales Press A Cardiff Anthology
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Selections from The Federalist: A Commentary on The Constitution of The United States
These essays on the Constitution were written by busy men in the midst of an active public and professional life, written with immense haste, and without proper time for consultation.... Yet even when they first appeared, the Federalist papers were recognized as the best explanation of and defense of the Constitution available, and they took their place, almost at once, as a classic. Jefferson-no Federalist himself-pronounced the volume, when it appeared, the best commentary on the principles of government which has ever been written."-From the Introduction by Editor, Henry S. Commager. Includes bibliography.
Seagull Books London Ltd Drilling Through Hard Boards: 133 Political Stories
Max Weber famously described politics as “a strong, slow drilling through hard boards with both passion and judgment.” Taking this as his inspiration, Alexander Kluge brings readers yet another literary masterpiece. Drilling through Hard Boards is a kaleidoscopic meditation on the tools available to those who struggle for power. Weber’s metaphorical drill certainly embodies intelligent tenacity as a precondition for political change. But what is a hammer in the business of politics, Kluge wonders, and what is a subtle touch? Eventually, we learn that all questions of politics lead to a single one: what is political in the first place? In the book, Kluge masterfully unspools more than one hundred vignettes, through which it becomes clear that the political is more often than not personal. Politics are everywhere in our everyday lives, so along with the stories of major political figures, we also find here the small, mostly unknown ones: Elfriede Eilers alongside Pericles, Chilean miners next to Napoleon, a three-month-old baby beside Alexander the Great. Drilling through Hard Boards is not just Kluge’s newest fiction, it is a masterpiece of political thought.
Random House USA Inc The Federalist Papers
University of California Press A People's Guide to the San Francisco Bay Area
An alternative history and geography of the Bay Area that highlights sites of oppression, resistance, and transformation.A People’s Guide to the San Francisco Bay Area looks beyond the mythologized image of San Francisco to the places where collective struggle has built the region. Countering romanticized commercial narratives about the Bay Area, geographers Rachel Brahinsky and Alexander Tarr highlight the cultural and economic landscape of indigenous resistance to colonial rule, radical interracial and cross-class organizing against housing discrimination and police violence, young people demanding economically and ecologically sustainable futures, and the often-unrecognized labor of farmworkers and everyday people.The book asks who had—and who has—the power to shape the geography of one of the most watched regions in the world. As Silicon Valley's wealth dramatically transforms the look and feel of every corner of the region, like bankers' wealth did in the past, what do we need to remember about the people and places that have made the Bay Area, with its rich political legacies? With over 100 sites that you can visit and learn from, this book demonstrates critical ways of reading the landscape itself for clues to these histories. A useful companion for travelers, educators, or longtime residents, this guide links multicultural streets and lush hills to suburban cul-de-sacs and wetlands, stretching from the North Bay to the South Bay, from the East Bay to San Francisco. Original maps help guide readers, and thematic tours offer starting points for creating your own routes through the region.
Penguin Publishing Group The Federalist Papers Signet Classics
A DOCUMENT THAT SHAPED A NATIONAn authoritative analysis of the Constitution of the United States and an enduring classic of political philosophy. Written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, The Federalist Papers explain the complexities of a constitutional government—its political structure and principles based on the inherent rights of man. Scholars have long regarded this work as a milestone in political science and a classic of American political theory. Based on the original McLean edition of 1788 and edited by noted historian Clinton Rossiter, this special edition includes: ● Textual notes and a select bibliography by Charles R. Kesler ● Table of contents with a brief précis of each essay ● Appendix with a copy of the Constitution cross-referenced to The Federalist Papers ● Index of Ideas that lists the major political concepts discussed ● Co
Columbia University Press Fandango and Other Stories
In a bucolic idyll, a terrorist agonizes over the act of violence he is about to commit. On a remote island in the South Pacific, the investigation of a case of mass suicide reveals further mysteries. In a far-flung colony, a cynical trio sends an unwitting man into the wilderness in search of a chimera. Mixing romance and high adventure, intrigue and the fantastic, these magnificent tales by one of Russia’s most enduringly popular writers deftly probe the depths of human nature and desire.Fandango and Other Stories presents a selection of essential short fiction by Alexander Grin, Russia’s counterpart to Robert Louis Stevenson, Edgar Allan Poe, and Alexandre Dumas. By turns a sailor, a dockworker, a vagrant, a gold prospector, a lumberjack, a soldier, a deserter, an agitator, an exile, a prisoner, and a runaway, Grin wrote seven novels and over three hundred short stories that transport the reader to a realm of pure art and imagination. His ingenious plots explore conflicts of the individual and society in a romantic world populated by a cast of eccentric, cosmopolitan characters. Fandango and Other Stories includes works drawn from across the entirety of Grin’s varied career to encompass the range and sophistication of his writing. Bryan Karetnyk’s elegant translations bring Grin’s distinctive voice to a new generation of readers.
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs Anxious North: Indigenous Peoples of Soviet and Post Soviet Russia
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Seen From Here: A photographic-literary encounter with buildings by Aebi & Vincent Architekten
For more than 25 years, Swiss architects Bernhard Aebi and Pascal Vincent have been running their practice with offices in Bern and Geneva. Housing is one of the firm’s main fields of activity, yet it has also won a number of high-profile public commissions, such as the restoration and reconstruction of Switzerland’s national parliament building in Berne, the renovation of the Swiss National Bank’s Berne headquarters, and the south wing of Zurich’s main train station. The images by photographers Adrian Scheidegger and Alexander Jaquemet, both longtime companions of the architects, demonstrate how the spaces they created gradually and naturally integrate with their environment. Writer Gianna Molinari joined Scheidegger and Jaquemet on their expeditions to Aebi & Vincent’s buildings. Her literary snapshots supplement the images in this volume, stimulating our imagination of the inner life of these structures and their occupants.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften The Challenge of Non-Territorial Autonomy: Theory and Practice
This book explores and evaluates non-territorial autonomy (NTA), an important modality of ethnic and religious diversity management. Whereas multicultural liberal democracies sincerely champion equality and individual human rights, they often have considerable difficulty in accommodating culturally diverse minority communities. In most cases, minority communities do not reside within a compact space, making any territorial representation impossible. This brings into focus modalities of NTA as a possible alternative approach. NTA takes a variety of different forms, such as consociationalism or national cultural autonomy, and also encompasses other forms of representation, such as frameworks for accommodating indigenous peoples, juridical autonomy extended to religious communities, or elements of some models of multiculturalism. Using both theoretical and empirical approaches, and also including the work of legal practitioners, the essays within this volume examine the challenges and possible solutions offered by different NTA models for the effective participation of minorities in public life, addressing issues such as the limits and/or possibilities of implementing NTA models in liberal democracies, the extent to which NTA approaches can serve the goals of European integration and the European minority protection framework, and the possible role of NTA in resolving protracted territorial conflicts.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Essential Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers
Here, in a single volume, is a selection of the classic critiques of the new Constitution penned by such ardent defenders of states' rights and personal liberty as George Mason, Patrick Henry, and Melancton Smith; pro-Constitution writings by James Wilson and Noah Webster; and thirty-three of the best-known and most crucial Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. The texts of the chief constitutional documents of the early Republic are included as well.David Wootton's illuminating Introduction examines the history of such American principles of government as checks and balances, the separation of powers, representation by election, and judicial independence—including their roots in the largely Scottish, English, and French new science of politics. It also offers suggestions for reading The Federalist, the classic elaboration of these principles written in defense of a new Constitution that sought to apply them to the young Republic.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Federalist Papers
Tuttle Publishing Code of the Samurai: A Modern Translation of the Bushido Shoshinshu of Taira Shigesuke
Immerse yourself in the world of the Samurai with this classic text, translated and interpreted for the modern reader.Code of the Samurai is the four-hundred-year-old summary of the rules and expectations embodied in Bushido—the ancient Japanese "Way of the Warrior." Bushido has played a major role in shaping the behavior of modern Japanese government, corporations, society, and individuals, as well as in shaping modern Japanese martial arts within Japan and internationally.This accessible and enjoyable translation is by Thomas Cleary, the foremost translator of Asian martial classics, accompanied by the powerful line drawings of master illustrator Oscar Ratti, and a number of color photos. A new foreword by Alexander Bennett, a leading expert on Samurai history, explains the lasting importance of this classic work and its place within the canon of Japanese literature.This accesible classic is an indispensable resource to the corporate executive, student of the Asian Culture, martial artist, and those interested in Eastern philosophy or military strategy, as well as for those simply interested in Japan and its people.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Fullmetal Alchemist: The Abducted Alchemist: Second Edition
Complete the Fullmetal experience with these best-selling novels featuring original stories.Somewhere between magic, art and science exists a world of alchemy. And into this world travel Edward and Alphonse Elric—two brothers in search of the Philosopher's Stone, the ultimate alchemical treasure! You've read the manga and seen the anime. Complete the Fullmetal experience with these best-selling novels featuring original stories.Train lines destroyed in a series of devastating terrorist strikes—all without a single victim! A string of kidnappings targeting the friends and families of the military! Civilian anger mounts with every passing day, and the authorities seem powerless to catch the insurgents. Colonel Roy Mustang alone sees a connection between the two crime sprees, but he’ll have a tough time convincing his superiors at Central Command... At least, until Edward and Alphonse Elric find themselves in the middle of the investigation—and the kidnapping too!
Manning Publications GitOps and Kubernetes: Continuous Deployment with Argo CD, Jenkins X, and Flux
GitOps and Kubernetes introduces a radical idea—managing your infrastructure with the same Git pull requests you use to manage your codebase. In this in-depth tutorial, you’ll learn to operate infrastructures based on powerful-but-complex technologies with the same Git version control tools most developers use daily. GitOps and Kubernetes is half reference, half practical tutorial for operating Kubernetes the GitOps way. Through fast-paced chapters, you’ll unlock the benefits of GitOps for flexible configuration management, monitoring, robustness, multi-environment support, and discover tricks and tips for managing secrets in the unique GitOps fashion. Key Features · Multiple-environments management with branching, namespace, and configuration · Access Control with Git, Kubernetes, and Pipeline · Using Kubernetes with Argo CD, JenkinsX, and Flux · Multi-step deployment strategies like Blue-Green, Canary in a declarative GitOps model For developers familiar with Continuous Delivery principles and the basics of Git and Kubernetes. About the technology The tools to monitor and manage software delivery and deployment can be complex to set up and intimidating to learn. But with the “GitOps“ method, you can manage your entire Kubernetes infrastructure with Git pull requests, giving you a single control interface and making it easy to assess and roll back changes! Billy Yuen, Alexander Matyushentsev, Todd Ekenstam, and Jesse Suen are principal engineers for the Intuit platform. They are widely recognized as industry leads in GitOps for Kubernetes, having presented numerous related talks at industry conferences.
Pearson Education Limited Marketing Management, Global Edition
Start thinking like a marketer with the gold-standard text for today's Marketing Management. Marketing Management, 16th edition by Kotler, Keller, and Chernev, is the latest version of this landmark text, offering an extensive analysis of the latest theories and practices in the marketing environment. Ideal for undergraduates and graduates who want to follow a career in the field, the book introduces you to the Marketing Manager's way of thinking, focusing on the role, issues, and decisions that Managers face in alignment with company needs and objectives. The text's reader-friendly content provides balanced coverage and a clear structure that will guide you through the necessary steps to build, execute and manage successful marketing campaigns and compelling brands. The latest edition uses a multidisciplinary approach, providing in-depth knowledge and broader understanding of the essential marketing principles and core concepts. It will challenge your critical thinking and analytical skills with universal practical applications, covering a wider spectrum of products, services, and marketing strategies. A range of examples includes Wegmans, Starbucks, and Uniqlo, bringing first-hand experience regarding how a successful marketing strategy works in large-scale organisations. Reflecting recent changes and developments in the field, the book aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the best marketing practices and arm you with the knowledge and tools necessary for a successful future career in the field. Pearson MyLab® Marketing is not included. Students, if Pearson MyLab Marketing is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask- your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyLab Marketing should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Yale University Press Danny Lyon: Message to the Future
The first comprehensive overview of an influential American photographer and filmmaker whose work is known for its intimacy and social engagement Coming of age in the 1960s, the photographer Danny Lyon (b. 1942) distinguished himself with work that emphasized intimate social engagement. In 1962 Lyon traveled to the segregated South to photograph the civil rights movement. Subsequent projects on biker culture, the demolition and redevelopment of lower Manhattan, and the Texas prison system, and more recently on the Occupy movement and the vanishing culture in China’s booming Shanxi Province, share Lyon’s signature immersive approach and his commitment to social and political issues that concern those on the margins of society. Lyon’s photography is paralleled by his work as a filmmaker and a writer. Danny Lyon: Message to the Future is the first in-depth examination of this leading figure in American photography and film, and the first publication to present his influential bodies of work in all media in their full context. Lead essayists Julian Cox and Elisabeth Sussman provide an account of Lyon’s five-decade career. Alexander Nemerov writes about Lyon’s work in Knoxville, Tennessee; Ed Halter assesses the artist’s films; Danica Willard Sachs evaluates his photomontages; and Julian Cox interviews Alan Rinzler about his role in publishing Lyon’s earliest works. With extensive back matter and illustrations, this publication will be the most comprehensive account of this influential artist’s work.Published in association with the Fine Arts Museums of San FranciscoExhibition Schedule:Whitney Museum of American Art (06/17/16–09/25/16)de Young, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (11/05/16–03/12/17)Fotomuseum Winterthur (05/20/17–08/27/17)C/O Berlin Foundation (09/15/17–12/10/17)
Big Finish Productions Ltd Hamlet
Following the death of his father, the King of Denmark, young prince Hamlet returns home to find his mother married to his uncle: the late king's brother, Claudius. When he is later visited by the ghost of his own dead father, Hamlet learns how he was actually murdered by his own brother, and vows to take revenge. However, Hamlet's contemplative nature works against him, breeding doubt and hesitation at every turn, until the only certainties he has left are madness, betrayal and murder. Alexander Vlahos stars in this three-hour production of Shakespeare's most famous tragedy. This release also includes twenty-five minutes of roundtable interviews with the cast as they discuss the production Alexander Vlahos stars in this three-hour production of Shakespeare's most famous tragedy. CAST: Alexander Vlahos (Hamlet), Miles Richardson (Claudius), Tracey Childs (Gertrude), Terry Molloy (Polonius), Daniel Brocklebank (Horatio), Deirdre Mullins (Ophelia), Samuel Barnett (Laertes), Jolyon Westhorpe (Rosencrantz), Geoffrey Breton (Guildenstern), Barnaby Edwards (The Ghost), Youssef Kerkour (Barnardo), Alex Jordan (Francisco) and James Joyce (Marcellus).
Everyman Chess A Complete Guide to Benoni Systems and Structures
Two great books from the Everyman Chess Library, Starting Out: Benoni Systems by Alexander Raetsky and Maxim Chetverik and Starting Out: The Modern Benoni by Endre Vegh, brought together in one volume. ----- Starting Out: Benoni Systems is a study of all the crucial Benoni systems apart from the Modern Benoni. It presents diverse and practical options against the queen's pawn opening for dynamic, tactical players and solid, positional players alike. Included are such daring defences as the controversial Blumenfeld Counter-Gambit and the Benko Gambit, a favourite with uncompromising Grandmasters such as Veselin Topalov and Vassily Ivanchuk. On the other hand, Black also has the opportunity to adopt solid, respectable defences such as the Czech Benoni and the Schmid Benoni. ----- The Modern Benoni is one of Black's most ambitious and audacious defences to the queen's pawn opening, and it has been used with devastating effect by such legends as Mikhail Tal, Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov. From the very start Black creates an exceptional imbalance in the position, one which leads to dynamic play and gives Black real chances to seize the initiative. Both players must be fearless in their approach, as hesitation in the Modern Benoni often leads to disaster! ----- In this user-friendly book, International Master Endre Vegh goes back to basics, studying the fundamental principles of the Modern Benoni and its many variations. Throughout the book there are an abundance of notes, tips, warnings and exercises to help the improving player, while key strategies, ideas and tactics for both sides are clearly illustrated.
Tuttle Publishing The Heike Story: The Novel of Love and War in Ancient Japan
A page-turner by Japan's most popular writer of the immediate post-war era!Set in Japan's turbulent 12th century, this fast-paced novel recounts the titanic struggle between two leading Japanese clans—the Heike and the Genji—as they seek to pacify a fractured nation, ultimately turning on each other in their unbridled lust for power. Written by the great Eiji Yoshikawa, this classic work of fiction brings to life the wars, intrigues, feuds and romances surrounding the most dramatic episode in Japanese history. This new edition features a foreword and afterword by historian Alexander Bennett, who explains the backdrop of the novel and its importance as a towering work of modern fiction which sold millions of copies in Japan. Combining raw narrative power, pageantry and poetry, The Heike Story will enthrall readers interested in the drama and spectacle of ancient Japan.
V&R unipress GmbH Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht.: Von den Anfängen im 19. Jahrhundert bis zum modernen Zahlungsdiensterecht
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Jahrbuch Fur Liturgik Und Hymnologie: 2018
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Jahrbuch Fur Liturgik Und Hymnologie: 2015
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Beruflich in Bolivien: Trainingsprogramm Fur Manager, Fach- Und Fuhrungskrafte
Harrassowitz Oral Traditions in Ethiopian Studies
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Bibelhermeneutik und dogmatische Theologie nach Kant
Zur protestantischen Theologie gehört konstitutiv ihr Bibelbezug. Zugleich sind Stellung und Methodik der Bibelauslegung in der Theologie seit jeher und auch gegenwärtig sehr umstritten. Die Geschichte der modernen Bibelexegese ist unzertrennlich mit dem Namen Immanuel Kants verknüpft. Dessen religionsphilosophischer Zugriff auf die Bibel und das zugehörige Programm einer philosophischen Theologie sind daher Gegenstand vielfältiger kritischer wie affirmativer Studien. Erstmals liegt hier ein diskursiver Überblick über die Problematik vor, der sowohl Kants bibelhermeneutisches Programm als auch dessen dogmatische Konsequenzen auf dem gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand einer intensiven Sichtung unterzieht. Renommierte Autorinnen und Autoren aus Bibelwissenschaften und Systematischer Theologie nehmen historisch, rezeptionsgeschichtlich und gegenwartsbezogen die Frage nach Bibelhermeneutik und dogmatischer Theologie nach Kant in den Blick.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Festschrift für Rolf Stürner zum 70. Geburtstag: 1. Teilband: Deutsches Recht 2. Teilband: Internationales, Europäisches und ausländisches Recht
Im April 2013 vollendete Rolf Stürner sein siebzigstes Lebensjahr. Aus diesem Anlass widmen ihm Schüler, Kollegen, Weggefährten und Freunde aus Deutschland und Europa, Asien und Amerika diese Festschrift.Rolf Stürner ist einer der bedeutendsten Rechtswissenschaftler der Gegenwart, dessen Werk und Wirken von Rang nicht nur in Deutschland und Europa bekannt ist, sondern auch weltweit größte Anerkennung gefunden hat. Die reiche Palette seiner wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeitsfelder erstreckt sich über die ganze Breite der nationalen und komparativen, europäischen und internationalen Prozessualistik und Zivilistik. Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im deutschen Zivilprozessrecht, Zwangsvollstreckungs- und Insolvenzrecht, darüber hinaus insbesondere auch im Europäischen Zivilverfahrensrecht sowie in den Zivilverfahrensrechten der europäischen Staaten und der USA. Hinzu kommen das in- und ausländische Schuldrecht, das Sachenrecht, Erbrecht, Arzthaftungsrecht und Medizinrecht, Medienrecht sowie - last but not least - das Recht der Finanzprodukte. Mit seinem wissenschaftlichen Œuvre hat er nicht nur Beiträge zur Pflege und gestaltenden Fortentwicklung der zivilrechtlichen und zivilverfahrensrechtlichen Dogmatik geleistet, sondern auch prägende Maßstäbe für die Praxis und die Gesetzgebung gesetzt. Die in dieser Festschrift in zwei Bänden versammelten Beiträge reflektieren den besonderen Respekt und das hohe Ansehen, das er in Deutschland, Europa und der Welt genießt. Sie reichen vom deutschen Verfassungsrecht, Zivil- und Zivilverfahrensrecht über das Europarecht, das öffentliche Recht, das Straf- und Strafprozessrecht sowie die Grundlagen des Rechts bis hin zum Internationalen, Europäischen, ausländischen und vergleichenden Zivil- und Zivilverfahrensrecht.
De Gruyter LkSG
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Relire Autrement Qu'etre Ou Au-Dela de l'Essence
Brepols N.V. Metaphysics in the Twelfth Century: On the Relationship Among Philosophy, Science and Theology
AltaMira Press,U.S. Capitalizing on Catastrophe: Neoliberal Strategies in Disaster Reconstruction
In Capitalizing on Catastrophe an international group of scholars and professionals critically examine how local communities around the world have prepared for and responded to recent cataclysms. The book's principal focus is the increasing trend to rely on the private sector to deal with natural disasters and other forms of large-scale devastation, from hurricanes and tsunamis to civil wars and industrial accidents. Called 'disaster capitalism' by its critics, the tendency to contract private interests to solve massive, urgent public problems may be inevitable but is extremely problematic_especially with respect to peoples who need help the most. Can private relief groups give the highest priority to potential and actual victims of large disasters, for example, if that means devoting fewer resources to protecting tourism and other profitable industries? The high-profile contributors to this volume straightforwardly tackle such timely and difficult questions of great public concern.
Random House USA Inc The Mirror Man: A novel
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Persuasion
Elections are the means by which democratic nations determine their leaders, and communication in the context of elections has the potential to shape people's beliefs, attitudes, and actions. Thus, electoral persuasion is one of the most important political processes in any nation that regularly holds elections. Moreover, electoral persuasion encompasses not only what happens in an election but also what happens before and after, involving candidates, parties, interest groups, the media, and the voters themselves. This volume surveys the vast political science literature on this subject, emphasizing contemporary research and topics and encouraging cross-fertilization among research strands. A global roster of authors provides a broad examination of electoral persuasion, with international perspectives complementing deep coverage of U.S. politics. Major areas of coverage include: general models of political persuasion; persuasion by parties, candidates, and outside groups; media influence; interpersonal influence; electoral persuasion across contexts; and empirical methodologies for understanding electoral persuasion.
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Traumatischer Stress in Der Familie: Systemtherapeutische Losungswege