Search results for ""guilford publications""
Guilford Publications Word Journeys, Second Edition: Assessment-Guided Phonics, Spelling, and Vocabulary Instruction
*With more than 125,000 in print, this is a perennial bestseller for teachers (grades K-8) from a high-profile author. *35% new material includes a new chapter, updated research findings throughout, and several new reproducible forms. *This edition explains connections with Common Core standards and aligns more closely with Ganske's related bestsellers Word Sorts and More and Mindful of Words. *New activities, figures, and ideas for using technology have been added in response to teacher feedback. *Enhanced answer sheets make the widely used Developmental Spelling Analysis even more teacher friendly.
Guilford Publications Strategy Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities
Filling an important need for K-12 educators, this highly practical book provides a step-by-step guide to cognitive strategy instruction, one of the most effective instructional techniques for struggling learners. The authors present well-validated strategies that target self-regulated learning and study skills as well as performance in specific content areas, such as writing, reading, and math. Detailed classroom examples illustrate how to teach the strategies systematically and monitor student outcomes. More than 20 reproducible worksheets, checklists, and other tools are included; purchasers get access to a webpage where they can download and print these materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Chapter on lesson planning, including extensive sample lessons for two strategies. *Chapter on handwriting and spelling. *New material on response to intervention and on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). *Expanded coverage of working memory. *Additional strategies throughout the content-area chapters.
Guilford Publications Promoting Social Skills in the Inclusive Classroom
This indispensable book presents evidence-based tools and strategies for improving the social skills of all members of the inclusive classroom (K-6), especially students experiencing difficulties in this area. The authors explain why social competence is critical to school success and describe interventions, curricula, and instructional approaches that have been shown to be effective at the schoolwide, classroom, and individual levels. Procedures for conducting assessments and developing individualized intervention plans are detailed. Reproducible forms can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Everyday Talk: Building and Reflecting Identities
This engaging text explores how everyday talk--the ordinary kinds of communicating that people do in schools, workplaces, and among family and friends--expresses who we are and who we want to be. The authors interweave rhetorical and cultural perspectives on the "little stuff" of conversation: what we say and how we say it, the terms used to refer to others, the content and style of stories we tell, and more. Numerous detailed examples show how talk is the vehicle through which people build relationships. Students gain skills for thinking more deeply about their own and others' communicative practices, and for understanding and managing interactional difficulties. New to This Edition *Updated throughout to incorporate the latest discourse analysis research. *Chapter on six specific speech genres (for example, organizational meetings and personal conversation). *Two extended case studies with transcripts and discussion questions. *Coverage of digital communication, texting, and social media. *Additional cross-cultural examples. Pedagogical Features *A preview and summary in every chapter. *Accessible explanations of core concepts. *End-of-book glossary. *Endnotes that identify key authors and suggest further reading.
Guilford Publications Teaching Academic Vocabulary K-8: Effective Practices across the Curriculum
This book showcases effective ways to build the vocabulary knowledge K-8 learners need to engage meaningfully in reading, writing, and discussion on academic subjects. The distinguished authors draw on decades of classroom experience to explain what academic vocabulary is, how it fits into the Common Core State Standards, and how targeting vocabulary can enhance conceptual understanding in English language arts, social studies, and math and science. Rich classroom vignettes, teaching tips, and examples of student work are included. The book also features helpful figures, word lists, discussion questions, and recommended print and online resources.
Guilford Publications Teaching Academic Vocabulary K-8: Effective Practices across the Curriculum
This book showcases effective ways to build the vocabulary knowledge K-8 learners need to engage meaningfully in reading, writing, and discussion on academic subjects. The distinguished authors draw on decades of classroom experience to explain what academic vocabulary is, how it fits into the Common Core State Standards, and how targeting vocabulary can enhance conceptual understanding in English language arts, social studies, and math and science. Rich classroom vignettes, teaching tips, and examples of student work are included. The book also features helpful figures, word lists, discussion questions, and recommended print and online resources.
Guilford Publications Interviewing for Qualitative Inquiry: A Relational Approach
Engagingly written, this book builds the reader's skills for conducting in-depth interviews designed to address a particular research question. With an emphasis on the dynamics of the research relationship, Ruthellen Josselson artfully demonstrates the steps of a successful interview. Each step is illustrated with excerpts from interviews on diverse topics. The book describes how to structure interviews effectively, develop questions that elicit meaningful narratives, cultivate skills for empathic listening and responding, avoid common pitfalls, and deal with problems that develop in an interview. Pedagogical Features *Practice exercises adapted from Josselson's popular workshops. *Annotated examples of "good" and "bad" interviews. *A chapter on interviewing dos and don'ts. *Appendices with interview aids, sample follow-up questions, and a sample consent form.
Guilford Publications Clinical Work with Traumatized Young Children
Presenting crucial knowledge and state-of-the-art treatment approaches for working with young children affected by trauma, this book is an essential resource for mental health professionals and child welfare advocates. Readers gain an understanding of how trauma affects the developing brain, the impact on attachment processes, and how to provide effective help to young children and their families from diverse backgrounds. Top experts in the field cover key evidence-based treatments--including child-parent psychotherapy, attachment-based treatments, and relational interventions--as well as interventions in pediatric, legal, and community settings. Special sections give in-depth attention to deployment-related trauma in military families and the needs of children of substance-abusing parents.
Guilford Publications Understanding and Interpreting Educational Research
This user-friendly text takes a learn-by-doing approach to exploring research design issues in education and psychology, offering evenhanded coverage of quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods, and single-case designs. Readers learn the basics of different methods and steps for critically examining any study's design, data, and conclusions, using sample peer-reviewed journal articles as practice opportunities. The text is unique in featuring full chapters on survey methods, evaluation, reliability and validity, action research, and research syntheses. Pedagogical Features *An exemplar journal article at the end of each methods chapter, together with questions and activities for critiquing it (including, where applicable, checklist forms to identify threats to internal and external validity), plus lists of additional research examples. *Research example boxes showing how studies are designed to address particular research questions. *In every chapter: numbered chapter objectives, bulleted summaries, subheadings written as questions, a running glossary, and end-of-chapter discussion questions. * Electronic Instructor's Resource Manual with Test Bank, provided separately--includes chapter outlines; answers to exercises, discussion questions, and illustrative example questions; and PowerPoints.
Guilford Publications The Mood Repair Toolkit: Proven Strategies to Prevent the Blues from Turning into Depression
If you have trouble bouncing back from low moods or just feel stuck in the doldrums much of the time, renowned cognitive behavior therapist David A. Clark has a clear message: there are simple yet powerful steps you can take to feel better. This encouraging book presents 80 strategies you can use to reduce sadness, promote positive feelings of contentment and joy, and decrease your risk for full-blown depression. Vivid stories and concrete examples help you learn specific methods for:*Nipping negativity in the bud.*Making unhappiness less overwhelming.*Defusing self-criticism and rumination.*Boosting your energy and motivation for change. *Feeling more confident and hopeful every day.Using the practical tools in the book--forms, worksheets, and self-assessment quizzes--makes it easy to create and stick to a mood repair action plan. You can download and print additional copies of these tools as needed. The strategies that Dr. Clark provides are grounded in cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology research--and they work. Discover proven ways to start living a more satisfying and productive life.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Depression
An authoritative reference on depression and mood disorders, this volume brings together the field's preeminent researchers. All aspects of unipolar and bipolar depression are addressed, from genetics, neurobiology, and social-contextual risk factors to the most effective approaches to assessment and clinical management. Contributors review what is known about depression in specific populations, exploring developmental issues across the lifespan as well as gender and cultural variables. Effective psychosocial and biological treatments are described in detail. Each chapter offers a definitive statement of current theories, methods, and findings, and identifies key questions that remain to be answered. New to This Edition *Incorporates cutting-edge research (including findings from international, multisite, integrative, and longitudinal studies), treatment advances, and changes to diagnostic criteria in DSM-5. *Chapters on comorbidity with anxiety disorders and emotional functioning in depression. *Expanded coverage of bipolar disorder, now the focus of three chapters (clinical features, risk and etiological factors, and treatment). *Many new authors and extensively revised chapters.
Guilford Publications Grandparents as Parents: A Survival Guide for Raising a Second Family
If you're among the millions of grandparents raising grandchildren today, you need information, support, and practical guidance you can count on to keep your family strong. This is the book for you. Learn effective strategies to help you cope with the stresses of parenting the second time around, care for vulnerable grandkids and set boundaries with their often-troubled parents, and navigate the maze of government aid, court proceedings, and special education. Wise, honest, moving stories show how numerous other grandparents are surviving and thriving in their new roles. Updated throughout, and reflecting current laws and policies affecting families, the second edition features new discussions of kids' technology use and other timely issues.
Guilford Publications The Literacy Coach's Handbook, Second Edition: A Guide to Research-Based Practice
*A top seller, updated and expanded: includes the latest research, now covers PreK and grades 4-5, and addresses the Common Core standards and RTI. *Provides clear, indispensable guidance on coaches' day-to-day tasks. *Addresses the complexities of setting up a schoolwide literacy program and supporting teachers effectively. *From well-known, highly regarded authorities on coaching.
Guilford Publications Substance Abuse Treatment and the Stages of Change: Selecting and Planning Interventions
A widely adopted practitioner resource and course text, this book shows how to apply knowledge about behavior change in general -- and the stages-of-change model in particular -- to make substance abuse treatment more effective. The authors are leaders in the field who describe ways to tailor interventions for clients with varying levels of motivation or readiness to change. They draw on cutting-edge theory and research on the transtheoretical model to explain what works (and what doesn't work) at different stages of change. Rich clinical examples illustrate the "whats," "whys," and "how-tos" of using the stages-of-change model to inform treatment planning and intervention for individuals, groups, couples, and families. New to This Edition *Reflects the ongoing development of the stages-of-change model and research advances over the past decade. *Chapter on stage-based brief interventions in health care, social service, and community settings. *Group treatment chapter has been significantly revised. *Expanded coverage of the change processes relevant to each stage. See also Group Treatment for Substance Abuse, Second Edition, by Mary Marden Velasquez et al., a manual for a group-based approach grounded in the transtheoretical model.
Guilford Publications The Psychology of Prayer: A Scientific Approach
Reviewing the growing body of scientific research on prayer, this book describes what is known about the behavioral, cognitive, emotional, developmental, and health aspects of this important religious activity. The highly regarded authors provide a balanced perspective on what prayer means to the individual, how and when it is practiced, and the impact it has in people's lives. Clinically relevant topics include connections among prayer, coping, and adjustment, as well as controversial questions of whether prayer (for oneself or another) can be beneficial to health. The strengths and limitations of available empirical studies are critically evaluated, and promising future research directions are identified.
Guilford Publications Assessment for Intervention: A Problem-Solving Approach
Problem-solving assessment is an essential component of multi-tiered systems of support such as response to intervention (RTI) and positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS). This authoritative work provides a complete guide to implementing a wide range of problem-solving assessment methods: functional behavioral assessment, interviews, classroom observations, curriculum-based measurement, rating scales, and cognitive instruments. Prominent experts demonstrate the key role of assessment throughout the process of supporting at-risk students, from identifying academic and behavioral problems to planning and monitoring interventions. Several chapters include reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Reflects current education policy and best practices. *Seminal chapter on problem solving by Stanley L. Deno has been updated with a revised model. *All chapters now discuss assessment in the context of multi-tiered systems of support. *Chapter on working with culturally and linguistically diverse learners. *Chapter on graphing student data. See also Response to Intervention, Second Edition, by Rachel Brown-Chidsey and Mark W. Steege, which provides step-by-step guidelines and practical tools for implementing RTI schoolwide.
Guilford Publications Couple-Based Interventions for Military and Veteran Families: A Practitioner's Guide
Presenting couple-based interventions uniquely tailored to the mental health needs of military and veteran couples and families, this book is current, practical, and authoritative. Chapters describe evidence-based interventions for specific disorders—such as posttraumatic stress, depression, and substance abuse—and related clinical challenges, including physical aggression, infidelity, bereavement, and parenting concerns. Clear guidelines for assessment and treatment are illustrated with helpful case examples; 18 reproducible handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2 x 11 size. The book also provides essential knowledge on the culture of military families and the normative transitions and adjustments they face.
Guilford Publications Collaborative Case Conceptualization: Working Effectively with Clients in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Presenting an innovative framework for tailoring cognitive-behavioral interventions to each client's needs, this accessible book is packed with practical pointers and sample dialogues. Step by step, the authors show how to collaborate with clients to develop and test conceptualizations that illuminate personal strengths as well as problems, and that deepen in explanatory power as treatment progresses. An extended case illustration demonstrates the three-stage conceptualization process over the entire course of therapy with a multiproblem client. The approach emphasizes building resilience and coping while decreasing psychological distress. Special features include self-assessment checklists and learning exercises to help therapists build their conceptualization skills.
Guilford Publications Vocabulary Instruction: Research to Practice
This highly regarded work brings together prominent authorities on vocabulary teaching and learning to provide a comprehensive yet concise guide to effective instruction. The book showcases practical ways to teach specific vocabulary words and word-learning strategies and create engaging, word-rich classrooms. Instructional activities and games for diverse learners are brought to life with detailed examples. Drawing on the most rigorous research available, the editors and contributors distill what PreK-8 teachers need to know and do to support all students' ongoing vocabulary growth and enjoyment of reading. New to This Edition *Reflects the latest research and instructional practices. *New section (five chapters) on pressing current issues in the field: assessment, authentic reading experiences, English language learners, uses of multimedia tools, and the vocabularies of narrative and informational texts. *Contributor panel expanded with additional leading researchers.
Guilford Publications Inclusive Instruction: Evidence-Based Practices for Teaching Students with Disabilities
This accessible book presents research-based strategies for supporting K-8 students with high-incidence disabilities to become accomplished learners. The authors clearly describe the core components of effective inclusive instruction, showing how to recognize and respond to individual students' needs quickly and appropriately. Teachers are provided with essential tools for managing inclusive classrooms; planning a curriculum that fosters concept development across content areas, promotes strategic learning, and builds fluent skill use; and integrating technology into instruction. Case examples illustrate ways that special and general education teachers can work together successfully to solve complex learning problems and improve outcomes for students who are struggling.
Guilford Publications PTSD and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Events that lead to traumatic brain injury are often also psychologically traumatic. Addressing a growing need among mental health practitioners, this authoritative book brings together experts in both posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Chapters present empirically based best practices for conceptualization, assessment, and intervention. The book also addresses the biological and psychosocial mechanisms by which PTSD and mTBI complicate each other; management of commonly associated conditions, including chronic pain and substance abuse; special considerations in military contexts; and possible ways to improve the structure and cost-effectiveness of providing care in this challenging area.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Early Literacy Research
Building crucial bridges between theory, research, and practice, this volume brings together leading authorities on the literacy development of young children. The Handbook examines the full range of factors that shape learning in and out of the classroom, from basic developmental processes to family and sociocultural contexts, pedagogical strategies, curricula, and policy issues. Highlights of Volume 3 include cutting-edge perspectives on English language learning; innovative ways to support print knowledge, phonological awareness, and other code-related skills; and exemplary approaches to early intervention and teacher professional development.
Guilford Publications Adolescent Literacy in the Academic Disciplines: General Principles and Practical Strategies
From leading authorities in both adolescent literacy and content-area teaching, this book addresses the particular challenges of literacy learning in each of the major academic disciplines. Chapters focus on how to help students successfully engage with texts and ideas in English/literature, science, math, history, and arts classrooms. The book shows that while general strategies for reading informational texts are essential, they are not enough—students also need to learn processing strategies that are quite specific to each subject and its typical tasks or problems. Vignettes from exemplary classrooms illustrate research-based ways to build content-area knowledge while targeting essential reading and writing skills.
Guilford Publications Contingency Management for Adolescent Substance Abuse: A Practitioner's Guide
This practical manual is based on extensive research and the collaboration of hundreds of community-based therapists. It provides step-by-step guidelines for implementing contingency management (CM)—one of the most effective treatments for substance abuse—with adolescents and their caregivers. Strategies are detailed for assessing substance use disorders, developing individualized cognitive and behavioral interventions, using behavioral contracts and contingencies to reinforce abstinence, and overcoming frequently encountered treatment roadblocks. Extensive sample dialogues illustrate what CM looks like in action. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes more than three dozen reproducible handouts, checklists, and forms.
Guilford Publications In the Mind's Eye
From internationally renowned psychologist Dr. Arnold Lazarus, this book presents simple yet powerful imagery techniques that can help you greatly enhance your quality of life--by harnessing the power of your own mind. Dr. Lazarus draws on decades of research and clinical experience to provide new insights into common psychological problems and practical guidance for overcoming them. Whether used on their own or in conjunction with therapy, the easy-to-learn procedures described in this book have helped countless people:*Manage fear, anxiety, anger, and depression*Break free of bad habits, such as smoking and overeating*Build more pleasurable relationships*Improve work performance and creativity*Communicate better and feel more confident *Overcome tension headaches, insomnia, and more
Guilford Publications Psychodynamic Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
Early treatment literature on anorexia nervosa and bulimia reported almost exclusively on brief treatment approaches that entailed either psychopharmacological or cognitive-behavioral interventions. While this literature demonstrated that one-third of these patients were treatable with brief therapy and another one third showed improvement, the final one-third of these patients did not respond to brief interventions. Recent research indicates that this last group of patients may also suffer from significant personality disorders or Axis II co-morbidity. Considered difficult to treat, these patients require longer term, informed individual psychotherapy. Designed specifically to address the challenges of this difficult-to-treat population, this volume is the first to focus exclusively on exploring eating disorders from a psychodynamic perspective. Chapters are written by foremost clinicians in field who examine their current views regarding the etiology and treatment of this client population from a psychodynamic perspective. Part I, focusing on aspects of the self and questions of technique, covers such topics as the role of interpretation of transference and resistance; the relationship of bulimia, dissociation, and empathy; eating disorders as displacement from psychological self to body self; boundaries in the psychotherapeutic relationship; and an interpersonal psychoanalytic technique for treatment. Part II, addressing special subpopulations, discusses the implications of treating eating disorders with patients who also exhibit masochism, borderline personality disorder, and false-self/narcissistic disorders. This section also includes a unique chapter that delves into gender identity issues in male bulimia nervosa. Part III, reflecting feminist psychodynamic perspectives, offers new ways of thinking about development, countertransference, and the role of therapist in the treatment of women with eating disorders. Part IV examines the integration of such approaches as object relations and family systems, psychodynamic and behavior therapy, and offers discussion on disorders of the self in anorexia nervosa.Written primarily for the advanced clinician who treats clients with eating disorders, PSYCHODYNAMIC TREATMENT OF ANOREXIA NERVOSA AND BULIMIA is a valuable resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and other mental health practitioners who work with this difficult-to-treat population. It also serves as supplementary reading for advanced graduate courses that feature a component on eating disorders.
Guilford Publications Breaking Hearts: The Two Sides of Unrequited Love
Throughout history, unrequited love has inspired ballads, arias, poetry, drama, and literature. Almost always, however, the tale of the star-crossed lovers has been told from the point of view of the heartbroken pursuer. This illuminating new work explores unrequited love from both sides--that of the aspiring and eventually brokenhearted lover, and more unusually, that of the beloved, unwilling rejector. Based on systematically collected first-person accounts, BREAKING HEARTS shows how radically different and often contradictory the two experiences actually are.
Guilford Publications Meanings of Life
Who among us has not at some point asked, ``what is the meaning of life?'' In this extraordinary book, an eminent social scientist looks at the big picture and explores what empirical studies from diverse fields tell us about the human condition. MEANINGS OF LIFE draws together evidence from psychology, history, anthropology, and sociology, integrating copious research findings into a clear and conclusive discussion of how people attempt to make sense of their lives. In a lively and accessible style, emphasizing facts over theories, Baumeister explores why people desire meaning in their lives, how these meanings function, what forms they take, and what happens when life loses meaning. It is the most comprehensive examination of the topic to date.
Guilford Publications The Power of Maps
This volume ventures into terrain where even the most sophisticated map fails to lead--through the mapmaker's bias. Denis Wood shows how maps are not impartial reference objects, but rather instruments of communication, persuasion, and power. Like paintings, they express a point of view. By connecting us to a reality that could not exist in the absence of maps--a world of property lines and voting rights, taxation districts and enterprise zones--they embody and project the interests of their creators. Sampling the scope of maps available today, illustrations include Peter Gould's AIDS map, Tom Van Sant's map of the earth, U.S. Geological Survey maps, and a child's drawing of the world. THE POWER OF MAPS was published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Cooper Hewitt Museum, the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Design.
Guilford Publications The Healing Power of Play: Working with Abused Children
This book describes how therapists can both facilitate constructive play therapy and intervene in posttraumatic play to help children who have been traumatized by abuse or neglect achieve a positive resolution. Traditional techniques of play therapy are reviewed for their application to this population. Throughout, numerous therapeutic aids are described to enhance the child's capacity to communicate verbally or symbolically. To help clinicians translate theory into daily practice, the book presents six detailed clinical vignettes that offer step-by-step guidelines for assessment and intervention in different situations of abuse or neglect.
Guilford Publications The Family Guide to Getting Over OCD: Reclaim Your Life and Help Your Loved One
When a loved one has OCD, it's a constant struggle. It hurts to see your spouse so anxious or your teen spending so much time alone. You've tried logic, reassurance, even accommodating endless rituals--but, too often, these well-meaning attempts actually make OCD worse. Psychologist Jonathan Abramowitz has worked with countless families affected by OCD, and he understands the strain. He also knows you can turn things around. Grounded in state-of-the-art treatment research, this compassionate guide helps you change your own behavior to support your loved one's recovery. By gently but firmly encouraging the person you care about to face their fears, you can stop being controlled by the disorder, disentangle yourself from unhealthy patterns, and see your whole family grow more confident and hopeful. Vivid stories, dos and don'ts, and practical tools (which you can download and print for repeated use) help you follow the step-by-step strategies in this life-changing book.
Guilford Publications Adaptive Disclosure: A New Treatment for Military Trauma, Loss, and Moral Injury
A complete guide to an innovative, research-based brief treatment specifically developed for service members and veterans, this book combines clinical wisdom and in-depth knowledge of military culture. Adaptive disclosure is designed to help those struggling in the aftermath of traumatic war-zone experiences, including life threat, traumatic loss, and moral injury, the violation of closely held beliefs or codes. Detailed guidelines are provided for assessing clients and delivering individualized interventions that integrate emotion-focused experiential strategies with elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Reproducible handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Qualitative Research from Start to Finish, Second Edition
This book will help readers understand the practice of qualitative research--whether they want to do it, teach it, or just learn about it. All the major research phases are encompassed (startup, design, data collection, analysis, and composing), including newly emerging trends. Numerous easy-to-read vignettes show how other scholars have successfully implemented specific procedures. Equally distinctive, the book presents qualitative research as an adaptive craft. The array of choices among different procedures and methods enables readers to customize their own studies and to accommodate different worldviews and genres. New to This Edition: *Stronger discussion of different worldviews (e.g., constructivism, postpositivism, and pragmatism) and how they relate to different methodological choices. *Clearer emphasis on doing a generalized qualitative study, while acknowledging 12 specialized genres (e.g., action-based research, arts-based research, autoethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology, and others). *Expanded discussions of different kinds of qualitative study samples and of mixed methods. *New ideas on how to avoid getting stalled when analyzing qualitative data. *Consideration of an additional way of concluding a qualitative study: by taking action. Pedagogical Features *Chapters start with an abstract and end with a suggested exercise. *Key terms and concepts appear in boldface throughout the text and are listed in end-of-chapter recaps as well as in the book’s glossary. *Sections within each chapter start with a preview box: “What you should learn from this section." *An appendix presents a semester- or yearlong field-based project.
Guilford Publications Treating Explosive Kids: The Collaborative Problem-Solving Approach
The first comprehensive presentation for clinicians of the groundbreaking approach popularized in Ross Greene's acclaimed parenting guide, The Explosive Child, this book provides a detailed framework for effective, individualized intervention with highly oppositional children and their families. Many vivid examples and Q&A sections show how to identify the specific cognitive factors that contribute to explosive and noncompliant behavior, remediate these factors, and teach children and their adult caregivers how to solve problems collaboratively. The book also describes challenges that may arise in implementing the model and provides clear and practical solutions. Two special chapters focus on intervention in schools and in therapeutic/restrictive facilities.
Guilford Publications Handbook of PTSD, Third Edition: Science and Practice
Now in an extensively revised third edition with 65% new material, this is the authoritative reference on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Contributors examine the breadth of current knowledge on the mechanisms by which stressful events can alter psychological processes, brain function, and individual behavior. Risk and protective factors across development and in specific populations are explored. Reviewing the state of the science of assessment and treatment, the volume covers early intervention and evidence-based individual, couple/family, and group therapies. Conceptual and diagnostic issues are addressed and key questions for the next generation of researchers are identified. New to This Edition *Thoroughly revised to reflect the accelerating pace of scientific and clinical progress; includes a range of new authors. *Chapters on new topics: treatment of PTSD with comorbid disorders, and postmortem brain banking. *New chapters on previously covered topics, including DSM-5 and ICD-11 diagnostic criteria, the psychoneurobiology of resilience, and challenges in implementing clinical best practices. *New or updated discussions of such timely issues as treatment of refugees, telemental health, and technology-based interventions.
Guilford Publications Individualized Supports for Students with Problem Behaviors, Second Edition: Designing Positive Behavior Plans
Noted for providing everything needed to develop individualized positive behavior support (PBS) plans for students with pervasive behavioral challenges, this authoritative guide has been revised and expanded to reflect 15 years of changes in the field. The book walks practitioners through the PBS process, emphasizing a team-based approach and presenting assessment procedures, intervention strategies, and guiding questions. Detailed case examples illustrate ways to meet the diverse needs of students across abilities, grade levels (PreK-12), and problem behaviors. In a convenient large-size format, the book follows the sequence of a typical PBS course, making it ideal for use in teaching and training. New to This Edition *Incorporates current tools and practices within an expanded, whole-school PBS approach. *Chapters on multi-tiered systems of support and the fundamentals of classroom management. *Chapter on writing, monitoring, and evaluating a complete PBS plan. *Two extended case examples that run through many of the chapters. *“Commentaries from the Field” in which leading experts reflect on the contributions, challenges, and future directions of PBS.
Guilford Publications Effective Universal Instruction: An Action-Oriented Approach to Improving Tier 1
This accessible volume helps school leadership teams accomplish the crucial yet often overlooked task of improving universal instruction--Tier 1 within a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS). Strong universal instruction reduces the numbers of PreK-12 students who may need additional services and supports. Providing clear action steps and encouraging guidance, the expert authors present a roadmap for evaluating the effectiveness of Tier 1, identifying barriers to successful implementation, and making and sustaining instructional improvements. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes 27 reproducible checklists, worksheets, and forms. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications Friedman's Fables
Edwin H. Friedman has woven 24 illustrative tales that offer fresh perspectives on familiar human foibles and reflect the author's humor, pathos, and understanding. Friedman takes on resistance and other "demons" to show that neither insight, nor encouragement, nor intimidation can in themselves motivate an unmotivated person to change. These tales playfully demonstrate that new ideas, new questions, and imagination, more than accepted wisdom, provide each of us with the keys to overcoming stubborn emotional barriers and facilitating real change both in ourselves and others. Thought-provoking discussion questions for each fable are included. See also the downloadable audiobook, Friedman's Fables: Favorites Read by the Author, featuring 15 of the tales narrated in Dr. Friedman's inimitable style.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Emotion Regulation Third Edition
This definitive handbook is now in an extensively revised third edition with many all-new chapters and new topics. Leading authorities present cutting-edge knowledge about how and why people try to regulate their emotions, the consequences of different regulatory strategies, and interventions to enhance this key area of functioning. The biological, cognitive, developmental, and social bases of emotion regulation are explored. The volume identifies critical implications of emotion regulation for mental and physical health, psychopathology, educational achievement, prosocial behavior, and other domains. Clinical and nonclinical interventions are critically reviewed and state-of-the-art measurement approaches described. New to This Edition *Broader coverage to bring readers up to speed on the ever-growing literature--features 71 concise chapters, compared to 36 in the prior edition. *Reflects a decade of continuing, rapid advances in theory and research methods. *New sections on
Guilford Publications Safe and Healthy Schools: Practical Prevention Strategies
*Critical resource with over 15 years of updates: 25% new material includes the growth of tiered supports and universal prevention approaches, recent safety innovations, and new screening methods. *One of the few books on the topic to focus on practical implementation; ideal for K-12 school personnel without specialized training. *Comprehensive--an accessible guide to creating a complete school safety and violence prevention plan. *Authors are giants in the field and go-to experts in policy, research, and practice. *Includes chapters on bullying and harassment.
Guilford Publications Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy for Serious Mental Health Conditions
*World-renowned CBT developer Aaron Beck presents CT-R, his latest contribution to psychotherapy. *A strengths-based perspective on treating schizophrenia and other chronic, severe disorders. *Clients get more than symptom management: CT-R helps them hold jobs, maintain relationships, and lead full lives. *Broadly applicable--for psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, and other rehabilitation specialists working in community mental health centers; inpatient, residential, or correctional settings; or private practice. *Includes case examples, downloadable handouts, and specific techniques for tough symptoms, such as delusions, social disconnection, self-injury, substance abuse, and aggressive behavior.
Guilford Publications Exposure Therapy with Children and Adolescents
Exposure therapy is highly effective for treating anxiety disorders in children and adolescents, yet implementation with youth and their parents entails unique challenges. Packed with clinical examples, this concise book provides practical, developmentally savvy guidelines for conducting therapeutic exposure with 5- to 18-year-olds. At each stage of the process, it addresses clinicians' most common questions and concerns. Coverage includes how to build a strong initial assessment; develop a fear ladder; individualize exposure exercises for different problem areas, including phobia, social anxiety, worry, separation anxiety, and panic; and monitor progress. Also discussed is when and how to integrate exposure with relaxation and cognitive strategies.
Guilford Publications Psychoanalytic Diagnosis, Second Edition: Understanding Personality Structure in the Clinical Process
This acclaimed clinical guide and widely adopted text has filled a key need in the field since its original publication. Nancy McWilliams makes psychoanalytic personality theory and its implications for practice accessible to practitioners of all levels of experience. She explains major character types and demonstrates specific ways that understanding the patient's individual personality structure can influence the therapist's focus and style of intervention. Guidelines are provided for developing a systematic yet flexible diagnostic formulation and using it to inform treatment. Highly readable, the book features a wealth of illustrative clinical examples.New to This Edition *Reflects the ongoing development of the author's approach over nearly two decades. *Incorporates important advances in attachment theory, neuroscience, and the study of trauma. *Coverage of the contemporary relational movement in psychoanalysis. Winner--Canadian Psychological Association's Goethe Award for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Scholarship
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Bipolar Disorder, Second Edition
From leading scientist-practitioners, this pragmatic, accessible book provides a complete framework for individualized assessment and treatment of bipolar disorder. It addresses the complexities of working with individuals with broadly varying histories and clinical presentations, including those who have been recently diagnosed, those who are symptomatically stable, and those who struggle day to day to achieve symptom remission. Extensive case material illustrates proven strategies for conceptualizing patients' needs and working collaboratively to help them adhere to medication treatments, recognize the early warning signs of manic and depressive episodes, build coping skills, and manage specific symptoms. The second edition is a complete revision of the original volume, updated and restructured to be even more user friendly for clinicians.
Guilford Publications Treating the Trauma of Rape: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSD
Informed by the latest research and written by two of the leading authorities in the field, this invaluable resource presents step-by-step guidelines for assessing and treating sexual assault survivors suffering from PTSD. The book provides a clear review of the treatment literature and guides the clinician in designing individualized cognitive-behavioral treatment programs for traumatized women. Complete instructions are given for sensitively gathering needed information and delivering effective time-limited interventions. Enhancing the book's clinical utility are numerous case examples illustrating how to implement core cognitive-behavioral techniques and deal with common problems and complications in treatment.
Guilford Publications Psychopathology: From Science to Clinical Practice
The text of choice for instructors looking for an innovative, empirically based, and practice-oriented perspective on psychopathology is now in a revised and expanded second edition with 50% new material. The volume presents state-of-the-art information on the disorders most frequently seen in clinical practice, reviewing their etiology, DSM-5 classification, symptoms and clinical features, course, epidemiology, and associated comorbidities. With the goal of integrating science and practice, each chapter also provides substantive therapeutic guidelines derived from the research. Contributors identify underlying principles of change that clinicians can draw on to improve their effectiveness and offer critical guidance for assessment, case formulation, and evidence-based intervention. New to This Edition *Chapters on new topics--suicide, sleep difficulties, and sexual dysfunction. *New chapter on schizophrenia. *Updated throughout with current theory, findings, and clinical advances. *Increased attention to transdiagnostic concerns.
Guilford Publications Principles-Focused Evaluation: The GUIDE
How can programs and organizations ensure they are adhering to core principles--and assess whether doing so is yielding desired results? From evaluation pioneer Michael Quinn Patton, this book introduces the principles-focused evaluation (P-FE) approach and demonstrates its relevance and application in a range of settings. Patton explains why principles matter for program development and evaluation and how they can serve as a rudder to navigate the uncertainties, turbulence, and emergent challenges of complex dynamic environments. In-depth exemplars illustrate how the unique GUIDE framework is used to determine whether principles provide meaningful guidance (G) and are useful (U), inspiring (I), developmentally adaptable (D), and evaluable (E). User-friendly features include rubrics, a P-FE checklist, firsthand reflections and examples from experienced P-FE practitioners, sidebars and summary tables, and end-of-chapter application exercises.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Pediatric Psychology
Thousands of practitioners and students have relied on this handbook, now thoroughly revised, for authoritative information on the links between psychological and medical issues from infancy through adolescence. Sponsored by the Society of Pediatric Psychology, the volume explores psychosocial aspects of specific medical problems, as well as issues in managing developmental and behavioral concerns that are frequently seen in pediatric settings. The book describes best practices in training and service delivery and presents evidence-based approaches to intervention with children and families. All chapters have been rigorously peer reviewed by experts in the field. New to This Edition: *Chapters on rural health, the transition to adult medical care, prevention, and disorders of sex development. *Expanded coverage of epigenetics, eHealth applications, cultural and ethnic diversity, spina bifida, and epilepsy. *Many new authors; extensively revised with the latest information on clinical populations, research methods, and interventions. *Chapters on training and professional competencies, quality improvement and cost-effectiveness, and international collaborations. See also Clinical Practice of Pediatric Psychology, edited by Michael C. Roberts, Brandon S. Aylward, and Yelena P. Wu, which uses rich case material to illustrate intervention techniques.