Search results for ""Author Louis""
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Lecons Sur La Critique de la Raison Pure de Kant
Classiques Garnier Inventaire Des Fonds Montaigne Conserves a Bordeaux
Les Belles Lettres Euripide, Tragedies: Tome I: Le Cyclope - Alceste - Medee - Les Heraclides
Les Belles Lettres Demosthene, Plaidoyers Civils: Tome I: Discours XXVII - XXXVIII
Les Belles Lettres Demosthene, Plaidoyers Civils: Tome II: Discours XXXIX - XLVIII
Art / Books The Art of Rodin
Murphy & Moore Publishing Emerging Technologies in Aquaponics Food Production Systems
NY Research Press Electrical Power Systems: A Conceptual Approach
Skyhorse Publishing Riding for the Brand: A Western Trio
Louis L’Amour’s Western stories are beloved worldwide. Now, collected together for the first time in a single volume, are three of his finest tales of the West. The texts have been restored to their original appearances in magazines.In The Lion Hunter and the Lady,” Cat Morgan is plying his tradetrying to bag a mountain lion alive in order to sell it to a circus or zoo. As he and Long John William try to lure the cat from a tree, they’re interrupted by a lynch posse, the leader of which accuses Cat and Long John of running off his horse herdand they intend to hang them right where they stand!The Trail to Peach Meadow Cañon” tells of Mike Bastian, who has been raised by an outlaw chief, Ben Curry, and trained in frontier skills by Curry’s most trusted associates.Jed Ashbury was stripped and forced to run the gauntlet by the Indians in Riding for the Brand.” Able to outfit himself from the contents of a covered wagon that had been attacked and left behind, Jed also learns what the mission of those killed in the attack was and determines to push forward with itregardless of the consequences.Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction that takes place in the old West. Westernsbooks about outlaws, sheriffs, chiefs and warriors, cowboys and Indiansare a genre in which we publish regularly. Our list includes international bestselling authors like Zane Gray and Louis L’Amour, and many more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Skyhorse Publishing The Autism War: A Novel
Tony Colletti, a good suburban cop and father of a child with autism, finds himself drawn into the controversy over the apparent but rarely acknowledged connection between childhood vaccines and autism. His quest to uncover the truth forces him to risk all he holds dear while confronting corrupt government officials, the powerful pharmaceutical industry, and disturbing elements of his own past. Even while holding down his job and dealing with family crises, Colletti spearheads the drive to contend with industrial espionage, Russian gangsters, and sexual predators preying upon disabled children. He and his colleagues face powerful government and private factions that manipulate the media, fabricate scientific research, conduct shadowy judicial proceedings, and viciously attack those who question vaccine safety.In this gripping novel, government and industry have formed an unholy alliance that places profit ahead of children’s health, one that compels ordinary Americans to fight back to protect their families and the ideals of justice. In the tradition of Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People and echoing the infamous Minamata, Japan, mercury poisoning tragedy, The Autism War reminds us how a handful of dedicated citizens armed with convincing evidence can prevail over a complacent majority and overwhelming odds.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade, Yucca, and Good Books imprints, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fictionnovels, novellas, political and medical thrillers, comedy, satire, historical fiction, romance, erotic and love stories, mystery, classic literature, folklore and mythology, literary classics including Shakespeare, Dumas, Wilde, Cather, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press The Good Rebel: Understanding Freedom and Morality
The Good Rebel is a philosophical work, the methodology of which is nonetheless literary and historical. The book provides an original but historically informed and socially relevant commentary on modern conceptions of personal autonomy. Communitarian authors provide effective critiques of a liberal preoccupation with individualistic personal autonomy. Groarke does not contest the liberal emphasis on autonomy: instead he contests the way in which contemporary liberals define the concept of autonomy.
Red Wheel/Weiser Strange Electromagnetic Dimensions: The Science of the Unexplainable
Southern Music Company Andante and Scherzo Flute
Ivan R Dee, Inc Instant Shakespeare: A Proven Technique for Actors, Directors, and Teachers
What do the Dead Sea Scrolls and frog overlays have to do with performing Shakespeare? They're both part of Louis Fantasia's approach in Instant Shakespeare. Mr. Fantasia, the first American to direct at the Shakespeare Globe Centre and a distinguished member of the international theatre community, has developed a pragmatic and uniquely American performance technique. Expanded and refined in performances and workshops throughout the world, Instant Shakespeare allows performers, directors, and teachers of all cultures and levels of experience to demystify Shakespeare and perform his texts in ways that are clear, fresh, and unpretentious. Mr. Fantasia's methods are solidly grounded in a rigorous analysis of the text and structure of Shakespeare's plays, and enriched by his insight into Elizabethan performance practices gleaned from his intimate association with the reconstruction of the Globe. Through Instant Shakespeare, novices and professionals alike achieve the textual clarity, nuanced characters, and dynamic actions that drive the most vigorous Shakespearean performances. Mr. Fantasia's respectful but irreverent approach pinpoints the shortcomings of contemporary Shakespeare practice and training, particularly generic and postmodern interpretations, and confronts theatre artists with the importance of conscious personal responsibility for the creative process. Employing analogies from music and architecture, he insists upon the hard and sometimes tedious work that necessarily underlies solid artistic choices. Mr. Fantasia shows how to understand Shakespeare's vocabulary as well as the structure and essential dramatic event of each play. He provides exercise monologues, exercise scenes, and tools for textual analysis; explains correct breathing; and lays out his philosophies of training and performance.
North Carolina Office of Archives & History North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865: A Roster, Volume 1: Artillery
The Catholic University of America Press The Three Dynamisms of Faith: Searching for Meaning, Fulfillment, and Truth
Is the faith journey a matter of reflection, of emotion, or of obedience? Is there valid and convincing evidence that does enable human beings to assent to Jesus Christ and his message? What is the influence of cognitive assumptions and of affective tendencies in the art of believing? Should we distinguish faith and belief? And do we need more than one kind of conversion?Taking account of the widespread indifference, skepticism, and distrust of organized religion in the West, Louis Roy begins The Three Dynamisms of Faith with the human concern about hope and about a reachable happiness, both in our contemporary world and in the Bible. He then traces these themes in three historic giants of Christian thinking: Thomas Aquinas, John Henry Newman, and Bernard Lonergan, presenting their converging descriptions of the three dynamisms of Christian faith: the quests for meaning, for fulfillment, and for truth. Fr. Roy shows how The Three Dynamisms of Faith are lived in today’s culture and how they are systematically related; sometimes in alliance and sometimes in apparent opposition. Having led the reader to a plausible answer to the human condition in Catholicism, in his final chapter he discusses some classic issues that result: possible tensions between meaning and truth, between feelings and insight, and about the role of religious experience in becoming attuned to Christian revelation. All along, Fr. Roy describes concrete examples of problems that may occur in the journey of faith: blindness and distortions, the varieties of self-deception, the limitations of natural reason. Logical stages on the way to faith are also identified. A pastoral conclusion brings those multiple threads together; it insists on the legitimate diversity of emphases in people’s journeys, and it proposes a balance between the rich strengths available in persons and groups.
Hal Leonard Corporation 10 Pieces For Horn And Piano Op37 No4
Hal Leonard Corporation Ten Pieces for Oboe and Piano Op. 37 No. 2
Alfred Music Symphony No. 2, Op. 20: Sheet
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Symphonie 01 Op14 Sheet Kalmus Edition
Alfred Music Duets Volume I Op 67 148 Kalmus Edition
Alfred Music Early Keyboard Music Volume II 2 Kalmus Edition
Alfred Music The Very Easiest Studies Op 190 Kalmus Edition
Hal Leonard Corporation Louis Johnson
Random House USA Inc Fallon (Louis L'Amour's Lost Treasures): A Novel
Random House USA Inc To Tame a Land: A Novel
Random House USA Inc The Collected Short Stories of Louis L'Amour, Volume 6: The Crime Stories
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc From the Listening Hills: Stories
Random House USA Inc With These Hands: Stories
Random House USA Inc Radigan: A Novel
Random House USA Inc The Trail to Crazy Man: Stories
Random House USA Inc Night Over the Solomons: Stories
Random House USA Inc High Lonesome: A Novel
Random House USA Inc The Strong Shall Live: Stories
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc The Proving Trail: A Novel
Random House USA Inc The Californios: A Novel
Random House USA Inc Off the Mangrove Coast: Stories
Penguin Putnam Inc Gandhi: His Life and Message for the World
Random House USA Inc The Man Who Was Late: A Novel
Random House USA Inc Louis L'Amour's Lost Treasures: Volume 1: Mysterious Stories, Lost Notes, and Unfinished Manuscripts from One of the World's Most Popular Novelists
Random House USA Inc New Life of Hugo Gardner: A Novel
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Pale Blue Eye
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Mr. Timothy
Gingko Press, Inc U R Invited
MV - University of Washington Press Democratizing Water Governance in the Mekong Region
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