Search results for ""Author Louis""
Chicago Review Press The Curious Case of Kiryas Joel: The Rise of a Village Theocracy and the Battle to Defend the Separation of Church and State
Twenty years ago, in the middle of the night and on the last day of the legislative session, the New York State Legislature created a publicly funded school district to cater to the interests of a religious sect called the Satmar, an insular group of Hasidic Jews that objects to, among other things, female school bus drivers. The rapidly growing sect had bought land in rural Upstate New York, populated it solely with members of its faction, and created a village called Kiryas Joel that exerted extraordinary political pressure over both political parties. Marking the first time in American history that a governmental unit was established for a religious group, the legislature’s action prompted years of litigation that eventually went to the US Supreme Court.As today’s Supreme Court signals its willingness to view a religious viewpoint like any other speech and accord it equal protection, the 1994 case, Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet, stands as the most important legal precedent in the fight to uphold the separation of church and state. In The Curious Case of Kiryas Joel, plaintiff Louis Grumet opens a window onto the Satmar Hasidic community, where language, customs, and dress have led to estrangement from and clashes with neighboring communities, and details the inside story of his fight for the First Amendment and against New York’s most powerful politicians.Informed by numerous interviews with key figures such as Governor George Pataki, media accounts, court transcripts, and more, The Curious Case of Kiryas Joel not only tantalizes with a peek at cynical power politics driven by votes and Supreme Court justice squabbling and negotiation; it also provides an important demonstration of how a small, insular, and politically savvy religious group can grasp legal and political power. This story—a blend of politics, religion, cultural clashes, and constitutional tension—is an object lesson in the ongoing debate over freedom of versus freedom from religion.
Impact Publications A Map Through the Maze: A Guide to Surviving the Criminal Justice System
Dalkey Archive Press Stingray
Hailed by critics, "Stingray" has been described by its author as "a critical biography of my loving mother." With his father having abandoned his family for another woman, Se-young and his mother are forced to subsist on their own in the harsh environment of a small Korean farming village in the 1950s. Determined to wait for her husband's return, Se-young's mother hangs a dried stingray on the kitchen doorjamb; to her, it's a reminder of the fact that she still has a husband, and that she must behave as a married woman would, despite all. Also, she claims, when the family is reunited, the fish will be their first, celebratory meal together. But when a beggar girl, Sam-rae, sneaks into their house during a blizzard, the first thing she does is eat the stingray, and what follows is a struggle, at once sentimental and ideological, for the soul of the household.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower: The Presidency: Keeping the Peace
Completing a monumental project that began with publication of The War Years in 1970, this final set of volumes of The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower contains 1,783 documents drawn from Eisenhower's second term as president from 20 January 1957 to 20 January 1961. In these years Eisenhower worked hard to hold the focus of American national politics on the two major objectives he had set for his presidency in 1952: to sustain the policy of containment without precipitating a war with the Soviet Union and to reduce the role of the federal government in U.S. domestic affairs. In both cases, events at home and abroad intruded-diverting attention to immediate problems, endangering the peace, and forcing the White House to devote most of its leadership to the crises of the day. As president during this tense period, Eisenhower maintained an extensive and revealing correspondence with prominent individuals as well as with personal friends. These letters, together with the occasional entries made in his diary, shed considerable light upon the major national concerns of the 1950s. The volumes also include private and secret correspondence previously unavailable to scholars. Some of these items have been only recently declassified, and many appear here in print for the first time. Taken as a whole, the Eisenhower papers from 1957-61 provide firm documentary evidence of the manner in which Eisenhower dealt with the complex internal and external problems faced by all of our modern political leaders.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Papers of Thomas A. Edison: Competing Interests, January 1888–December 1889
This richly illustrated volume explores Edison's inventive and personal pursuits from 1888 to 1889, documenting his responses to technological, organizational, and economic challenges.Thomas A. Edison was received at the 1889 Paris Exposition Universelle—the World's Fair—as a conquering hero. Extravagantly fêted and besieged by well-wishers, he was seen, like Gustave Eiffel's iron tower, as a triumphal symbol of republicanism and material progress. The visit was a high-water mark of his international fame.Out of the limelight, Edison worked as hard as ever. On top of his work as an inventor, entrepreneur, and manufacturer, he created a new role as a director of research. At his peerless laboratory in Orange, New Jersey, he directed assistants working in parallel on multiple projects. These included the "perfected" phonograph; a major but little-recognized effort to make musical recordings for sale; the start of work on motion pictures; and improvements in the recovery of low-grade iron ore. He also pursued a public "War of the Currents" against electrical rival George Westinghouse. Keenly attuned to manufacturing as a way to support the laboratory financially and control his most iconic products, Edison created a new cluster of factories. He kept his manufacturing rights to the phonograph while selling the underlying patents to an outside investor in a deal he would regret. When market pressures led to the consolidation of Edison lighting interests, he sold his factories to the new Edison General Electric Company. These changes disrupted his longtime personal and professional relations even as he planned an iron-mining project that would take him to the New Jersey wilderness for long periods.The ninth volume of the series, Competing Interests explores Edison's inventive and personal pursuits from 1888 to 1889, documenting his responses to technological, organizational, and economic challenges. The book includes 331 documents and hundreds of Edison's drawings, which are all revealing and representative of his life and work in these years. Essays and notes based on meticulous research in a wide range of sources, many only recently available, provide a rich context for the documents.
Princeton University Press Mathematics for the Life Sciences
The life sciences deal with a vast array of problems at different spatial, temporal, and organizational scales. The mathematics necessary to describe, model, and analyze these problems is similarly diverse, incorporating quantitative techniques that are rarely taught in standard undergraduate courses. This textbook provides an accessible introduction to these critical mathematical concepts, linking them to biological observation and theory while also presenting the computational tools needed to address problems not readily investigated using mathematics alone. Proven in the classroom and requiring only a background in high school math, Mathematics for the Life Sciences doesn't just focus on calculus as do most other textbooks on the subject. It covers deterministic methods and those that incorporate uncertainty, problems in discrete and continuous time, probability, graphing and data analysis, matrix modeling, difference equations, differential equations, and much more. The book uses MATLAB throughout, explaining how to use it, write code, and connect models to data in examples chosen from across the life sciences. * Provides undergraduate life science students with a succinct overview of major mathematical concepts that are essential for modern biology* Covers all the major quantitative concepts that national reports have identified as the ideal components of an entry-level course for life science students* Provides good background for the MCAT, which now includes data-based and statistical reasoning* Explicitly links data and math modeling* Includes end-of-chapter homework problems, end-of-unit student projects, and select answers to homework problems* Uses MATLAB throughout, and MATLAB m-files with an R supplement are available online* Prepares students to read with comprehension the growing quantitative literature across the life sciences* A solutions manual for professors and an illustration package is available
WW Norton & Co Interpersonal Neurobiology and Clinical Practice
Books in the Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology have collectively sold close to one million copies and contributed to a revolution in cutting-edge mental health care. An interpersonal neurobiology of human development enables us to understand that the structure and function of the mind and brain are shaped by experiences; especially those involving emotional relationships. Here, the three series editors have enlisted some of the most widely read IPNB authors to reflect on the impact of IPNB on their clinical practice and offer words of wisdom to the hundreds of thousands of IPNB-informed clinicians around the world. Topics include: Dan Hill on dysregulation and impaired states of consciousness; Deb Dana on the polyvagal perspective; Bonnie Badenoch on therapeutic presence and Kathy Steele on motivational systems in complex trauma.
Yale University Press Van Gogh's Bedrooms
A fascinating look at the genesis and meaning of Van Gogh’s famed paintings of his bedroom Vincent van Gogh’s The Bedroom, a painting of his room in Arles, is arguably the most famous depiction of a bedroom in the history of art. The artist made three versions of the work, now in the collections of the Van Gogh Museum, the Art Institute of Chicago, and the Musée d’Orsay. This book is the first in-depth study of their making and their meaning to the artist. In Van Gogh’s Bedrooms, an international team of art historians, scientists, and conservators investigates the psychological and emotional significance of the bedroom in Van Gogh’s oeuvre, surveying dwellings as a motif that appears throughout his work. Essays address the context in which the bedroom was first conceived, the uniqueness of the subject, and the similarities and differences among the three works both on and below the painted surface. The publication reproduces more than 50 paintings, drawings, and illustrated letters by the artist, along with other objects that evoke his peripatetic life and relentless quest for “home.”Distributed for the Art Institute of ChicagoExhibition Schedule:Art Institute of Chicago (02/14/16–05/10/16)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Combinatorial Physics
The authors aim to reinstate a spirit of philosophical enquiry in physics. They abandon the intuitive continuum concepts and build up constructively a combinatorial mathematics of process. This radical change alone makes it possible to calculate the coupling constants of the fundamental fields which — via high energy scattering — are the bridge from the combinatorial world into dynamics. The untenable distinction between what is ‘observed’, or measured, and what is not, upon which current quantum theory is based, is not needed. If we are to speak of mind, this has to be present — albeit in primitive form — at the most basic level, and not to be dragged in at one arbitrary point to avoid the difficulties about quantum observation. There is a growing literature on information-theoretic models for physics, but hitherto the two disciplines have gone in parallel. In this book they interact vitally.
Rowman & Littlefield Improving America's Schools Together: How District-University Partnerships and Continuous Improvement Can Transform Education
Improving America's Schools Together: How District-University Partnerships and Continuous ImprovementCan Transform Education is the first definitive text on continuous improvement in school district-university partnerships, covering improvement methods, theory, research, and real cases across the country with practical improvement tools that can be adapted to any setting. Through an array of in-depth stories of district-university partnerships, the book aims to demonstrate how improvement science—as a shared method—can guide institutions of higher education and their local education agency partners to enact the types of infrastructures that foster leaders and educators capable of enhancing students’ learning outcomes and opportunity structures. Among other topics, readers will benefit from reading about how these partnerships developed course and program offerings for aspiring urban school leaders centered on local problems of practice; strengthened improvement capabilities within districts and schools; leveraged improvement science to transform how teachers are professionally supported; and spanned institutional boundaries through shared tools, frameworks, and practices. Through rich stories and detailed artifacts, including protocols, MOUs, and other practical tools, the authors provide deep insight and practical guidance on the mechanics of place-based, problem-focused, and improvement-minded district-university partnerships. Readers can assess their readiness and ability to work in such ways; identify the constraining and enabling conditions in their locales; and recognize the kinds of tools, resources, and strategies that allow for mutually-beneficial collaborations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Asthma, COPD, and Overlap: A Case-Based Overview of Similarities and Differences
Using illustrative case examples, this book thoroughly reviews similarities and differences between asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the overlap syndrome. It is important to highlight the distinctions because these commonly encountered conditions in respiratory and primary care share many similarities but have important differences often mistaken for each other. This can have serious implications for treatment, particularly as new treatments are targeted at specific phenotypes of the diseases. This practical guide shows how to distinguish between the diseases on a pathological and clinical basis so that appropriate management and treatment may be pursued.
Classiques Garnier Journaux de Voyage Et d'Education: Spa, Ete 1787
Classiques Garnier Oeuvres Choisies. Tome II: Ecrits Sur Le Divorce
Aspen Publishing First Amendment: [Connected Ebook]
Taylor & Francis Inc Particle Adhesion: Applications and Advances
Whenever a curved surface interacts with another surface, the principles of adhesion are at work. From the cells in your body to the dust on your glasses, intermolecular forces cause materials to attract one another. Elastic deformations resulting from these adhesive interactions store strain that can be liberated during particle detachment. Time dependent changes in adhesion can result from plastic deformation that both increases the real effective contact area and reduces the stored energy available to assist in particle removal.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Chronische Obstipation und Stuhlinkontinenz
Problemen mit dem Stuhlgang wird, gemessen an ihrer H{ufig- keit, in der Medizin relativ wenig Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. Demgegen}ber besteht ein erheblicher Bedarf an praktisch nutzbarer Information. Das vorliegende Buch - Ergebnis einer gr}ndlichen Diskussion namhafter Autoren - fa~t den derzeitigen Kenntnisstand zusammen. Es behandelt zun{chst die Grundlagen der Motilit{t und beschreibt alle wichtigen Untersuchungsmethoden. Im klinischen Teil werden Ursachen, Diagnostik und Therapiem|glichkeiten der chronischen Obstipation und der Stuhlinkontinenz dargestellt. Internisten, Gastroenterologen und Allgemein{rzte erhalten damit fundierte Informationen }ber in der Praxis h{ufig geklagte Beschwerden.
Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology,U.S. Zuni, Hopi, Copan: Early Anthropology at Harvard, 1890–1893
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 8 Volume Set
The Encyclopedia received the 2011 RUSA Award for Outstanding Business Reference Source AN UNPARALLELED UNDERTAKING The Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science is the first multi-volume encyclopedia devoted to advancing the areas of operations research and management science. The Encyclopedia is available online and in print. The Encyclopedia was honored with the distinction of an "Outstanding Business Reference Source" by the Reference and User Services Association DETAILED AND AUTHORITATIVE Designed to be a mainstay for students and professionals alike, the Encyclopedia features four types of articles at varying levels written by diverse, international contributors. Introductory articles provide a broad and moderately technical treatment of core topics. Advanced articles review key areas of research in a citation-rich format similar to that of leading review journals. Technical articles provide more detailed discussions of key concepts addressed in related articles. Case Studies/Historical Interludes present successful and/or interesting examples of operations research and management science methodology in practical or historical contexts. KEY FEATURES OF THE ENCYCLOPEDIA Offers the only cohesive multi-volume reference devoted to operations research and management science theory, methodology, and applications Includes over 600 articles with contributions from over 1,000 authors from 45 countries. Features an Editorial Board comprised of experts in the field who have vast experience in academia, industry, and government Designed to make the content useful and accessible to the widest possible readership Provides practical tools to maximize benefits and minimize cost and risk
American University in Cairo Press Palestinian Music in Exile: Voices of Resistance
A historical and contemporary study of Palestinian musicianship in exile in the Middle East, spanning half a century in disparate locationsPalestinian Music in Exile is a historical and contemporary study of Palestinian musicianship in exile in the Middle East, spanning half a century in disparate locations, including Gaza, Turkey, Kuwait, and Egypt. Grassroots musicians emerge here as powerful actors, their stories taking center stage, offering critiques of existing conditions, and new perspectives on displacement and the transmission of Palestinian narratives, and presenting alternative visions for the future.Louis Brehony argues that, under conditions of colonial relations and repeated displacement, the reclaiming of public space has gone hand in hand with aesthetic revolution, both broadening and traditionalizing the sounds of Palestine, and carrying messages of sumud (steadfastness) and resistance. Based on a decade’s research in Europe and the Middle East, this timely and inspiring collection of musical ethnographies provides a rich oral history of contemporary Palestinian musicianship and encompasses a broad range of experiences of the ghurba, or state of exile.
Plural Publishing Inc Educating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Model for High Quality Coaching
This book offers a unique coaching model with a practical approach for special education teachers and service providers. Educators face the challenge of accommodating students with complex neurodevelopmental disorders. By empowering special education personnel to participate as coaches, educators can go beyond simple accommodation and actively provide a less restrictive setting, dynamically assess skills, and build an effective coaching network to engage students throughout the entire school day. Throughout the book, readers will find vignettes that illustrate the reality of special education. Each vignette is concluded with evidence-based support that describes the positive results of the strategies implemented. This book introduces coaching methods that will guide teachers and instructional staff to create and maintain a "solutions focused" coaching community.Provided in this text are vignettes that illustrate the reality of special education. Additionally, approaches for addressing the real word needs of students with ASD are provided, along with evidence-based support that describes the positive results of the strategies described.This text also introduces coaching methods that will guide teachers and instructional staff to create and maintain a "solutions-focused" coaching community. This book serves as a clinical guide and delivers a practical discussion of high-quality coaching as an emerging best practice for supporting special educators (teachers and paraprofessionals) as well as school-based service providers (speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists). It is a valuable primary text for special education teachers in training, a resource for professional development personnel, and a tool for researchers and graduate students in education and teaching programs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurial Orientation: Epistemological, Theoretical, and Empirical Perspectives
Understanding the concept of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is of critical importance as organizations and individuals manage a world that is defined by increasing uncertainty and complexity. The need for organizations of all types and sizes to survive and thrive in such an environment demonstrates a clear need for both managers and academics to really understand EO. Building upon this foundational need to better understand EO and with both a scholarly desire to synthesize and the practical need to execute, this volume convenes some of the world's leading experts on EO to address some of the most pressing issues facing scholars and leaders in the world of practice. Within this volume, you'll discover cutting edge insights ranging from theorizing on the future of EO to an empirical investigation of its measurement. There are chapters that focus on international ventures and EO and a detailed call for a global, multidimensional view of EO. Other contributions provide contextual views of EO that examine its connections to digital work environments, family business, and more. Taken together, this volume provides readers with an overview of the current state of EO research and sets a compelling agenda for its future.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Review
With new and updated questions based on Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology 12th Edition content, this comprehensive review covers all the core material you need to know for board exam preparation and MOC exams. From basic science underpinnings to the most recent developments in medical and surgical care, more than 3,000 questions with detailed answers help you master the most important elements in urology. The high-yield, bulleted format and identical chapter structure as the parent text are designed for efficient, effective, targeted review-providing exactly the information you need for exam success. Keeps you up to date with key topics covered in Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology 12th Edition, such as minimally invasive and robotic surgery; advancements in urologic oncology, including innovative therapeutics for personalized medicine; new approaches to male infertility; technological advances for the treatment of stones; advances in imaging modalities., and much more. Covers new material on urinary tract imaging, complications of urologic surgery, urologic considerations in pregnancy, urologic considerations in transgender individuals, and more. Provides more than 3,000 multiple-choice questions and detailed answers, including highlighted "must-know" points in the answer explanations. Includes additional study points at the end of each chapter, as well as new pathology and imaging sections (with review questions) in relevant chapters. Features interactive questions, self-assessment tools, an extensive image bank, and more on Expert Consult. Helps you prepare for the written boards and MOC exams with confidence! This reliable, efficient review tool is written by the same team that has made Campbell-Walsh-Wein Urology the preeminent text in the field. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia The Other Side of the Sea A Novel
The first novel by this major Haitian author to be translated into English, The Other Side of the Sea expresses a powerful preoccupation with other shores - whether it is the ancestral Africa that still haunts Haitians, the America to which so many have emigrated, or even that final shore, the uncertain afterlife awaiting us all.