Search results for ""Author Leon""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 168
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 164
Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 164 begins by proposing that first-line chemotherapy of metastatic colorectal cancer consensus molecular subtypes appears to be a prognostic factor that is able to provide information about growth rate. The authors go on to review the current and future applications of bioartificial grafts and conduits in the bridging of peripheral nerve defects. Ginsenoside Rb1 and phosphoramidon are studied in the zebrafish model of diabetic retinopathy, a progressive proliferative and non-proliferative disorder of retina with alterations of the blood-retinal barrier. Basic knowledge on the events from follicle development to implantation crucial to achieve successful conception as well as contraception is presented, describing the mechanism of contraceptive action of Chhaya. Hydroxydaunorubicin, also known as doxorubicin, a metabolite of Streptomyces peucetius and a prominent family member of anthracycline antibiotics is studied. The authors also review the possible mechanisms by which doxorubicin provokes concomitant side effects and clinical disorders, as well as the damage-assaying biochemical markers and the metabolites in these conditions. Updated data with a systematic search through the largest medical information databases is used to assess the therapeutic and preventive role in urinary incontinence of pelvic floor rehabilitation in pregnancy and postpartum. In closing, recent studies on the host and lactic acid bacteria as well as probiotic interactions in terms of molecular and cellular mechanisms of action via signaling pathways, apoptosis, and heat shock proteins are reviewed.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 156
Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 156 first defines endovascular aortic aneurysm repair as the treating of an abdominal aortic aneurysm by placing a stent graft device over guide wires inside the aneurysmal aorta, with the aim of achieving secure fixation and sealing at non-diseased proximal and distal landing zones. Abdominal aortic aneurysm has an atherosclerotic origin; however, rare cases are immune-related, such as those from IgG4 or infections. Among the infectious agents, the authors discuss tuberculosis bacillus, the Salmonella typhi, but also Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Treponema pallidum. Next, the authors discuss fentanyl, a piperidine derivative opioid analgesic agent that has clinical uses worldwide, originally developed by Janssen and his collegues (Janssen 1959, 309). The systematic name is N-(1-(2-phenethyl)-4-piperidinyl-N-phenylpropanamide. Since its discovery in the heroin supply in 1979, fentanyl and fentanyl analogs have been linked with epidemics of accidental overdose and death. More recently, the increased contamination of heroin with fentanyl and fentanyl analogs has been associated with accelerated national opioid overdose death rates in the United States. Following this, an overview of the systemic and topical corticosteroids used in dermatology is provided, and new classification methods to improve efficacy and minimize side effects are discussed. The authors go on to discuss prostatitis, an infectious disease caused by several bacteria. Approximately 8.2% of men have been affected by prostatitis which damages the ejaculatory ducts, causing infertility. The silver tree, Abies alba Mill. is a monoecious tree from the Pinaceae family. The fir has several uses in food and cosmetic industry, as well as in phototherapy and traditional medicine. As such, the antimicrobial activities of the essential oils of Abies species against some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and yeasts are explored. The penultimate chapter focuses on arthrosis or osteoarthritis of the knee, a local disease of the knee joint, and presents a clinical manifestation of degenerative changes in affected joints. The authors explore how procedures of physical therapy and rehabilitation alone or in combination with pharmacologic treatment can relieve pain and improve function in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The concluding chapter describes current concepts regarding the correlation between tinnitus and cochlear implants. Possible physiopathological mechanisms of tinnitus reduction after cochlear implant may involve several aspects, such as habituation, acoustic masking, direct electrical nerve stimulation and cortical reorganization.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 149: Volume 149
This collection begins by discussing bendamustine, a nitrogen mustard derivative that consists of a meclorethamine group, butyric acid and a benzimidazole ring. Bendamustine has been synthesized in 1963, but in recent years it has been shown to be effective in treating lymphoproliferative diseases and solid tumors. Additionally, the authors present the efficacy of structure variation of bendamustine for the enhancement of the lipid membrane partitioning and tissue penetration, as well as drug-likeness. A total of 10 novel compounds are presented, wherein seven have higher Log P values and three have lower Log P values than that of bendamustine. Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 149 also discusses metabolic syndrome, a growing major clinical challenge for global health resultant from over-consumption of energy and obesity. Following this, the authors address the importance of antimicrobial resistance in human and veterinary medicine, focusing on antimicrobial peptides such as nisin as therapeutic alternatives. A study is presented wherein it is concluded that oligodendrocyte dysfunction in multiple system atrophy significantly affects subcortical anatomical pathways. Moreover, the spatial patterns of the glial cytoplasmic inclusions in multiple system atrophy contrast with those reported for filamentous neuronal inclusions in other neurodegenerative diseases. Next, the authors summarize the recent discoveries expounding how β-cell identity and heterogeneity evolve in diabetes mellitus, discussing a new perspective of β-cell function salvage in diabetes mellitus development. Yeast cell cycle arrest and its consequences are analyzed in the subsequent chapter. Cell cycle arrest results in programmed cell death, such as apoptosis, wherein cells are made to commit suicide. The penultimate study evaluates the effect of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on cognitive and neurophysiological functions in patients with moderate cognitive impairment. Lastly, to investigate the role of CD44 in the development of allergic respiratory inflammation, a mouse model of airway allergic inflammation induced by transnasal administration of helminthic and mite allergens is used to analyze bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and airway hyper responsiveness.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 148
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 144
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology. Volume 127
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 123
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 119
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 114
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 110
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine & Biology: Volume 107
Center for International Training & Education Through African Eyes: Culture and Society: Continuity and Change
In Volume 2 of Through African Eyes, we are introduced to African societies and cultures in all of their richness and diversity. Coming of age, family values, changing gender roles, rites of passage, the search for identity in a modern world, and many other aspects of African life are skillfully woven into a coherent narrative under the overarching themes of continuity and change.
Hodder & Stoughton Parallel Hells
'Trust me: you want to read this. It's the queer horror book of your dreams' Kirsty Logan'The short, twisted tales collected in Leon Craig's Parallel Hells have a laconic elegance that's both chilling and pleasurable' Financial TimesIn this deliciously strange debut collection, Leon Craig draws on folklore and gothic horror in refreshingly inventive ways to explore queer identity, love, power and the complicated nature of being human.In the thirteen darkly audacious stories of Parallel Hells we meet a golem, made of clay, learning that its powers far exceed its Creator's expectations; a ruined mansion which grants the secret wishes of a group of revellers and a notorious murderer who discovers her Viking husband is not what he seems.Asta is an ancient being who feasts on the shame of contemporary Londoners, who now, beyond anything, wishes only to fit in with a group of friends they will long outlive. An Oxford historian, in bitter competition with the rest of her faculty members, discovers an ancient tome whose sinister contents might solve her problems. Livia orchestrates a Satanic mass to distract herself from a recently remembered trauma and two lovers must resolve their differences in order to defy a lethal curse.'A glorious collection of short stories that reads as if Edgar Allan Poe and Shirley Jackson had a little queer baby' Big Issue'Impressive... Read Parallel Hells for a different take on vampires, demons and monsters you never knew existed... Craig's worlds appear effortless' Mslexia
Hachette Children's Group Healthy Kids Understand Puberty
Packed with physical facts and healthy hints - find out why healthy kids choose to understand puberty!Find out what happens to a body in puberty and why, and how these changes can affect your mental health. Whatever stage of maturity you''re facing, this book has something for everyone: from hormones and spots to emotional and relational health during puberty. And don''t forget about healthy eating - it is also key to managing puberty!The HEALTHY KIDS series encourages children aged 9-11 to make healthy lifestyle choices with knowledge that will benefit them throughout their lives. Discover positive, practical and to-the-point advice on everything from puberty and fitness, to staying safe and keeping clean.Books in the series:Healthy Kids: Eat Healthy FoodHealthy Kids: Exercise Your Body Healthy Kids: Keep Yourself Clean Healthy Kids: Keep Yourself SafeHealthy Kids: Understand Puberty
Visor Canto a Mi Mismo
Editorial Edaf, S.L. Enemigos del imperio
El Imperio español estaba formado por las piezas sueltas de unrompecabezas. Y muchas de las piezas contiguas estaban ocupadaspor enemigos de todo tipo. Tal dispersión hacía difícil defender a lavez tanto territorio disgregado. A pesar de ello, el Imperio españoltampoco perdió demasiado por la fuerza de las armas enemigas.Desde luego, una parte increíblemente pequeña habida cuenta ladispersión geográfi ca, los muchos frentes abiertos y la multitud deenemigos cuyo objetivo último era justamente ese: arrancar unbocado al gigante. Los territorios hispánicos se perdieron en sumayor parte por tratados, no por ocupación armada enemiga, y elfi nal del Imperio se produjo por la implosión de las guerras deemancipación americana. Solo los restos del Imperio, Cuba, PuertoRico y Filipinas cayeron en una última guerra calamitosa.Este libro se ocupa de naciones, pueblos, colectivos o inclusoindividuos que fueron enemigos del Imperio español, por
Skyhorse Publishing Teaching Is an Art: An A?Z Handbook for Successful Teaching in Middle Schools and High Schools
Drawing upon close to thirty years of teaching experience, Leon Spreyer provides teachers with practical information that is not always taught in teacher education courses. New and veteran teachers alike will find useful advice for managing their work both in and out of the classroom. The book covers eighty-two essential topics, including cooperative learning, managing parents, staff meetings, implementing tests, portfolios, setting rules, and much more.Highlights include:Practical advice on more than eighty subjectsBook suggestions and games for the classroomSuggestions for staying motivated and avoiding burnoutTeaching ability, wisdom, and fervor are not inborn; teachers learn the elements of their art. With that in mind, Spreyer provides information, games, book recommendations, specific lesson plans, and straightforward advice on all aspects of teaching, ranging from Back-to-School Night to power in the classroom, and from homework to substitute teachers. And he does it in a reader-friendly style, with easy-to-follow lists, examples, and suggested resources.
Skyhorse Publishing The Road Headed West: A 6,000-Mile Cycling Odyssey Through North America
Hal Leonard Corporation The Greek Myths: Puppet Plays for Children from Ovid's Metamorphoses
A cycle of eleven episodes told in Story Theater form a narrator speaking and life-sized puppets performing simultaneously ÊThe Greek MythsÊ tells the story of Greek mythology from the first moments of creation through its version of the story of the flood the reign of Zeus and the trials tribulations and joys during Zeus's long and continuing reign. It brings to life some of the most memorable episodes and characters in that saga: the Titans the Cyclops Zeus himself Echo and Narcissus Cupid and Psyche Theseus Orpheus and Euridice and many many more. This version of the stories by playwright Leon Katz is based on the Roman poet Ovid's epic poem ÊMetamorphosesÊ the most popular and witty retelling of the tales in Western literature.ÞÊThe Greek MythsÊ has an impressive track record. It ran for ten years in the Vagabond Puppet Company's production and during that time toured throughout the US. Its appeal has been strong with both young audiences and adults alike and was seen by thousands of theatregoers.ÞLois Bohovesky artistic director of the Vagabond Puppet Company explains For life-sized puppets performing Greek myths for children the script had to be exciting humorous and certainly accurate the language crystal clear and the poetry flowing naturally as speech ... We all know people like these gods ä Zeus for instance the consummate politician. The play is full of humor and the characters so well written that the actor's job is an easy one.
Alfred Music Priere a NotreDame Eighth Note Publications
Associated Music Publishers, Inc. Flutings for Paula Flute and Percussion
Hal Leonard Corporation Five Pieces for Piano To Be Played in One Movement 1987 Piano Solo
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Adventures Student Bk Level 3 Adventures in Music Listening
Hal Leonard Corporation LH for Leon Fleisher For Piano Left Hand
Columbia University Press Undoing the Liberal World Order: Progressive Ideals and Political Realities Since World War II
In the decades following World War II, American liberals had a vision for the world. Their ambitions would not stop at the water’s edge: progressive internationalism, they believed, could help peoples everywhere achieve democracy, prosperity, and freedom. Chastened in part by the failures of these grand aspirations, in recent years liberals and the Left have retreated from such idealism. Today, as a beleaguered United States confronts a series of crises, does the postwar liberal tradition offer any useful lessons for American engagement with the world?The historian Leon Fink examines key cases of progressive influence on postwar U.S. foreign policy, tracing the tension between liberal aspirations and the political realities that stymie them. From the reconstruction of post-Nazi West Germany to the struggle against apartheid, he shows how American liberals joined global allies in pursuit of an expansive political, social, and economic vision. Even as liberal internationalism brought such successes to the world, it also stumbled against domestic politics or was blind to the contradictions in capitalist development and the power of competing nationalist identities. A diplomatic history that emphasizes the roles of social class, labor movements, race, and grassroots activism, Undoing the Liberal World Order suggests new directions for a progressive American foreign policy.
Plassen Verlag Börse
Delius Klasing Vlg GmbH Praxisguide Fahrtensegeln
Duncker & Humblot Die Norminterdependenzen Des Grunderwerbsteuergesetzes Bei Umstrukturierungen Inlandischer Konzerne
Oldcastle Books Ltd Illiberal Europe: Eastern Europe from the Fall of the Berlin Wall to the War in Ukraine
Eighteen years have passed since ten countries from Central & Eastern Europe joined the European Union and more than three decades since the Berlin Wall was torn down in 1989 - but ignorance about what is popularly still called Eastern Europe is as widespread as ever. Slovenia still gets mixed up with Slovakia, the Slavs remain a mystery in a Europe apparently dominated by Romanic and Germanic nations and a country like the Czech Republic is labelled as Eastern European, although one needs to travel west to get from Vienna to Prague. First published in 2009 under the title What's so eastern about Eastern Europe?, this book is much more than a revised and updated version of the first edition. Its presentation of the political and cultural history of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, written in an accessible language is now complemented with recent developments in the region. The new edition digs into the reasons behind the illiberal turn in Poland, Hungary and elsewhere, putting the alleged democratic backslide into the wider context of European populism. Leon Marc offers a new and fresh perspective in explaining the roots of populism and social conservatism in the region, which the book sees in a mixture of historical factors, economic conditions, the heavy burden of Communist legacy, as well as a reaction to contemporary social developments in the West. Drawing on a wide range of literature, the book calls for more sensibility to these underlying causes, critical examination of the true European values, and for a coalition of defenders of Humanism and Judeo-Christian tradition as key pillars of its identity, in order to save Europe and its liberal democracy. This updated and expanded edition contains a brand new chapter bringing this book up to date with recent events, including Covid-19 and the Ukrainian conflict.
Hachette Children's Group How Does a Touch Screen Work HighTech Science
Touch screens have transformed our modern lives, allowing us to control equipment and communicate with each other through smart devices - all at the touch of a button. Discover how touch screens began as scientific resources, how they were changed into the fun and practical gadgets we use today and what the future of these adaptable and inventive devices could be. High-Tech Science is a series of four books that look at the revolutionary, cutting-edge science that we rely on to run our lives and keep our modern world working.
Hachette Children's Group How Does GPS Work HighTech Science
From its earliest uses in the US military to its role today in vehicle navigation, surveying and transport tracking, GPS has changed the way we travel, work and have fun. It has also become a crucial tool for emergency services, law enforcement officers and the monitoring of convicted criminals. Find out more about how GPS works and how this high-tech science affects your world.High-Tech Science is a series of four books that look at the revolutionary, cutting-edge science that we rely on to run our lives and keep our modern world working. It it closely linked with the Science and Design and Technology curriculums.
Columbia University Press Undoing the Liberal World Order: Progressive Ideals and Political Realities Since World War II
In the decades following World War II, American liberals had a vision for the world. Their ambitions would not stop at the water’s edge: progressive internationalism, they believed, could help peoples everywhere achieve democracy, prosperity, and freedom. Chastened in part by the failures of these grand aspirations, in recent years liberals and the Left have retreated from such idealism. Today, as a beleaguered United States confronts a series of crises, does the postwar liberal tradition offer any useful lessons for American engagement with the world?The historian Leon Fink examines key cases of progressive influence on postwar U.S. foreign policy, tracing the tension between liberal aspirations and the political realities that stymie them. From the reconstruction of post-Nazi West Germany to the struggle against apartheid, he shows how American liberals joined global allies in pursuit of an expansive political, social, and economic vision. Even as liberal internationalism brought such successes to the world, it also stumbled against domestic politics or was blind to the contradictions in capitalist development and the power of competing nationalist identities. A diplomatic history that emphasizes the roles of social class, labor movements, race, and grassroots activism, Undoing the Liberal World Order suggests new directions for a progressive American foreign policy.
Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij Problems of the Chinese Revolution
Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij The Chinese Revolution and the Theses of Comrade Stalin
St David's Press Brian Flynn: Little Wonder
Little Wonder is the story of Brian Flynn, the stylish yet tenacious midfielder from Port Talbot who, in the 1970s and '80s, enjoyed a successful top flight playing career with Burnley and Leeds United - where is still held in great affection by fans of both clubs - before moving on to Cardiff City, Doncaster Rovers, Bury, Limerick and finally to Wrexham as player manager. Flynn also won 66 caps for Wales and played a pivotal role when the rejuvenated national team reached the quarter-finals of the 1976 European Championships and were denied a place at the 1978 World Cup by Joe Jordan's infamous 'hand of god' at Anfield. Lovingly crafted by Leon Barton, Little Wonder is also the story of Flynn's 12 years as a club manager with Wrexham where, with solid team-building and cup heroics, he left a legacy that was subsequently squandered, and his two-year spell at Swansea City when he saved the club from relegation from the Football League and whose immense contribution was subsequently built upon to stunning effect. It is Brian Flynn's managerial legacy to Welsh international football, however, that has won him the plaudits of fellow managers, former teammates, the players themselves, and the Welsh nation when, as intermediate team manager under John Toshack, Flynn identified, nurtured and developed the 'golden generation', a group of talented teenagers and Welsh 'Anglos' who went on to become, at Euro 2016, most successful Welsh team in 140 years. Brian Flynn may only stand at 5 foot and 4 inches, but this small man from the town of steel has made a giant contribution to football and Little Wonder is his story.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Municipal Solid Waste in the U.S.: Facts, Trends & Perspective
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Back to the Front: A Memoir
Leon and his twin Norman were born in August 1929, the youngest of four children born to Mary and Mark Levy, immigrants from Lithuania. His father died when Leon was six; to heroic degree, his mother carried the family – financially, practically and emotionally – in her widowhood. Leon was an intensely bookish boy but left school aged sixteen to help makes ends meet through a series of jobs. Deeply affected by the events of the Second World War and the Holocaust, Leon was radicalised in the Hashomer Hatza’ir, a left-wing Zionist youth movement. He was seventeen when he joined the Communist Party and became a committed young activist. In 1953, at the age of twenty-four, Leon became a full-time trade unionist. ‘It was a defining moment in my life story,’ he writes. ‘It gave practical form to my political beliefs; it also determined the shape and scope of my life. It transpired that I would spend the next six decades and more working in trade unions, industrial relations and mediation. A comrade in the trade union movement nicknamed Leon, TsabaTsaba – which means “here, there and everywhere”. Anyone who reads Leon’s account of his years as a full-time unionist will agree that the soubriquet was well earned. (Alongside trade union work, Leon was also committed to the remarkable Discussion Club, which he co-founded and ran throughout the 1950s; he was also secretary of the South African Peace Council from 1951 to 1961.) In the mid-1950s, he was part of a small group of progressive trade unionists who pushed for the formation of the first non-racial trade union federation in South Africa. These aspirations were realised in March 1955 with the launch of the South African Congress of Trade Unions (SACTU). Later that year Leon was elected president and remained in that position for nine years. SACTU linked day-to-day concerns of workers with support for national liberation and the abolition of apartheid and was one of the five organisations which formed the Congress Alliance. As SACTU leader, Leon served on the committee that directed the activities of the Alliance; he was present at Kliptown when the Freedom Charter was adopted – and as SACTU president was one of the five original signatories of the Freedom Charter. Political activism of this order came at a high price. Leon Levy was served with banning orders and arrested several times; he was Accused No 4 of the 156 people arrested and charged with treason, and from November 1958 was one of the final 30 (and with Helen Joseph one of only two whites) who faced charges until the trial was finally dismissed in March 1961. He was detained for five months during the 1960 State of Emergency. In May 1963 he was the first person to be detained under the notorious General Laws Amendment Act, known as the 90-day Act. Unable to continue his work he chose to go into exile in the United Kingdom. There, he studied politics, economics and industrial relations at Oxford – and then applied what he had learned in a series of positions in industrial relations. After 1994, he was determined to make the skills and knowledge that he had acquired available to a democratic South Africa – and he and his wife Lorna returned to the country of their birth in 1997. In a remarkable final phase of his career, Leon took office shortly after his 70th birthday as a full-time commissioner for the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration – and spent the next 19 years in this capacity.
Pearson Education Limited Six Shakespeare Stories
Shakespeare's plays tell some of the best stories in the English language. In Six Shakespeare Stories Leon Garfield has turned them into short readable tales bringing the plays to life in an ideal introduction to Shakespeare.
American Enterprise Institute Riding the Tiger: Vladimir Putin's Russia and the Uses of War
Hodder & Stoughton Parallel Hells
'Trust me: you want to read this. It's the queer horror book of your dreams' Kirsty Logan'The short, twisted tales collected in Leon Craig's Parallel Hells have a laconic elegance that's both chilling and pleasurable' Financial TimesIn this deliciously strange debut collection, Leon Craig draws on folklore and gothic horror in refreshingly inventive ways to explore queer identity, love, power and the complicated nature of being human.In the thirteen darkly audacious stories of Parallel Hells we meet a golem, made of clay, learning that its powers far exceed its Creator's expectations; a ruined mansion which grants the secret wishes of a group of revellers and a notorious murderer who discovers her Viking husband is not what he seems.Asta is an ancient being who feasts on the shame of contemporary Londoners, who now, beyond anything, wishes only to fit in with a group of friends they will long outlive. An Oxford historian, in bitter competition with the rest of her faculty members, discovers an ancient tome whose sinister contents might solve her problems. Livia orchestrates a Satanic mass to distract herself from a recently remembered trauma and two lovers must resolve their differences in order to defy a lethal curse.'A glorious collection of short stories that reads as if Edgar Allan Poe and Shirley Jackson had a little queer baby' Big Issue'Impressive... Read Parallel Hells for a different take on vampires, demons and monsters you never knew existed... Craig's worlds appear effortless' Mslexia
Paul Dry Books Reading Ruth: Birth, Redemption, and the Way of Israel
Dake Publishing Finis Jennings Dake: His Life and Ministry
Columbia University Press Nations Without Nationalism
Kristeva points to Montesquieu's esprit general-his notion of the social body as a guaranteed hierarchy of private rights-in this humanistic plea for tolerance and commonality.
Wakefield Press Sweating Blood
First published in French in 1893, Sweating Blood describes the atrocities of war in 30 tales of horror and inhumanity from the pen of the "Pilgrim of the Absolute," Léon Bloy. Writing with blood, sweat, tears and moral outrage, Bloy drew from anecdotes, news reports and his own experiences as a guerilla fighter to compose a fragmented depiction of the 1870 Franco-Prussian War, told with equal measures of hatred and pathos, and alternating between cutting detail and muted anguish. From heaps of corpses, monstrous butchers, cowardly bourgeois, bloody massacres, seas of mud, drunken desperation, frightful disfigurement, grotesque hallucinations and ghoulish means of personal revenge, a generalized portrait of suffering is revealed that ultimately requires a religious lens: for through Bloy’s maniacal nationalism and frenetic Catholicism, it is a hell that emerges here, a 19th-century apocalypse that tore a country apart and set the stage for a century of atrocities that were yet to come. Léon Bloy (1846–1917) was born to a freethinking yet stern father and a pious Spanish–Catholic mother in southwestern France. Nourishing anti-religious sentiments in his youth, his outlook changed radically when he moved to Paris and came under the influence of Jules-Amédée Barbey d’Aurevilly. In his subsequent years of writing pamphlets, novels, essays, poetry and a multi volume diary, Bloy earned his dual nicknames of "The Pilgrim of the Absolute" through his unorthodox devotion to the Catholic Church and "The Ungrateful Beggar" through his endless reliance on the charity of friends to support him and his family.
Kahn & Averill Oboe
The talent and experience of the legendary virtuoso, Léon Goossens, with that of the contemporary composer, conductor and oboist, Edwin Roxburgh combine to produce this comprehensive handbook for the oboe. The history of the instrument is followed by illuminating chapters on baroque, classical, romantic and twentieth century music. The mark of Goossens’ long experience as an international soloist is woven into every page, whether in his observations about great soloists of the past or in pertinent views on modern recording methods. Edwin Roxburgh contributes a detailed explanation of extemporization and ornamentation in eighteenth-century music as well as an optimistic review of new developments in oboe playing and modern music. For the student, there is a whole section on reed making and performing techniques together with detailed advice for teachers. Extensive appendices cover manufacturers, repertoire, fingering charts, bibliography and discography.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Microstructurally Short Cracks in Polycrystals Described by Crystal Plasticity