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Intersentia Ltd The Acquisition of Immovables through Long-Term Use
Launched in 1993, The Common Core of European Private law is the oldest ongoing collective comparative law efort in Europe. Putting cases at their heart, each book in this series analyses a selected legal topic on the basis of real and fctional facts across diferent European and other jurisdictions. The likely outcome of the decision and its underlying legal rules are clearly set out case by case and jurisdiction by jurisdiction. In addition, the national reporters put the respective legal rules into the relevant cultural context. In this way, the collaborative efort brings not only the inner structures of national laws in Europe to the fore, but also the diferent cultural sensitivities forging their development in the frst place. It allows a reliable map of what is diferent and what is common in the various private laws across Europe to be drawn, without any specifc agenda for or against the further harmonisation of private law in Europe. The series comprises more than 20 volumes of work of more than 300 academics and is an invaluable tool to understand private law across Europe. In this book, which is part of the Common Core of European Private Law series, reporters consider legal institutions - such as the well-known acquisitive prescription and adverse possession - that allow squatters and other persons who have occupied the private or public land of others to acquire that land through mere long-term use. Rules permitting such acquisition have existed since Roman times and are said to promote legal certainty as regards ownership of land. The reporters investigate how these rules work in their legal systems today and whether this justifcation still holds water, especially given that land is now registered in most countries. Registration seems to obviate the necessity for rules permitting acquisition of land through mere long-term use, as land registration systems create clarity as to who owns the land. The continued existence of these rules also comprises a human-rights dimension. Landowners enjoy constitutional property protection under many constitutions and other legal instruments. The loss of protected ownership draws the constitutional validity of rules on long-term use into question. Yet, the rights to housing and human dignity are also relevant, especially where such users have lived on the land for extended periods and regard it as their home or where they are vulnerable to landlessness. As such, these rights must be balanced against each other. The reporters represent 19 jurisdictions from all over the world, including civil law, common law and mixed legal systems, and are from both the global north and the global south. A comparison between these legal systems and their experience with their rules on long-term use reveals a common core and guidelines against which these rules may be measured in other countries. As such, this book will be valuable to practitioners dealing with both private and public law, academic lawyers and government ofcials tasked with land use planning. With contributions by Miriam Anderson (University of Barcelona), Michel Boudot (Universite de Poitiers), Dmitry Dozhdev (Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences), Magdalena Habdas (University of Silesia in Katowice), Karoline Rakneberg Haug (Norwegian Parliamentary Ombud for Scrutiny of the Public Administration), Bjoern Hoops (University of Groningen), Eran S. Kaplinsky (University of Alberta), John A. Lovett (Loyola University New Orleans College of Law), Ernst J. Marais (University of Johannesburg), Francesco Mezzanotte (University of Roma Tre), Matti Ilmari Niemi (University of Eastern Finland), Alasdair Peterson (University of Glasgow), Hector Simon (University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona), Jozef Stefanko (University of Trnava), Johan Van de Voorde (University of Antwerp), Filippo Valguarnera (Stockholm University), Leon Verstappen (University of Groningen), Emma J.L. Waring (University of York) and Una Woods (University of Limerick).
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Diabetic Gourmet Cookbook: More Than 200 Healthy Recipes from Homestyle Favorites to Restaurant Classics
Scrumptious, healthy, crowd-pleasing recipes for people with diabetes and their loved ones The editors of Diabetic Gourmet Magazine understand that although people with diabetes must carefully monitor their eating habits, they still crave their favorite sweets and savory dishes. Now, with this all-new collection of healthy recipes that are perfect for everyday meals as well as for entertaining, you can enjoy making tasty dishes for yourself, your friends, and your family that are as good for you as they are delicious. The Diabetic Gourmet Cookbook features more than 200 original gourmet recipes complete with detailed nutritional information and diabetic exchanges for easy meal planning. By featuring healthy versions of traditional favorites-from pot roast to macaroni and cheese to banana cream pie-this mouthwatering collection shows how you can safely and effectively eat well if you have diabetes or special dietary needs and still enjoy wonderful food. You'll find easy-to-prepare recipes for appetizers, soups, salads, breads, desserts, sauces, and more along with a host of healthy cooking techniques-which makes The Diabetic Gourmet Cookbook essential for every health-conscious cook's kitchen. Pecan Winter Waffles * Huevos Rancheros * Blueberry Blintzes Topped with Lime Crema * Cranberry Apple Muffins * Baked Onion Rings * Brazilian Smoked Black Bean Soup * French Onion Soup * Refreshing Spring Tabbouleh * Spicy Thai Chicken * Crisp Cornmeal-Coated Catfish * Greek Gyros with Tzatziki Sauce * Chicken Francese * Creamy Coleslaw * Ginger-Lime Sugar Snap Peas * Cranberry-Orange Biscotti * Key Lime Cheesecake Squares * Georgia Peach Pie * Baklava * And many more tasty recipes!
Octopus Publishing Group A Year of Living Simply: The joys of a life less complicated
'Simply wonderful.' - BEN FOGLE'Kate's book has the warmth and calming effect of a log fire and a glass of wine. Unknit your brow and let go. It's a treat.' - GARETH MALONE'Kate Humble pours her enviable knowledge into attainable goals. It's a winning combination and the prize - a life in balance with nature - is definitely worth claiming.' - LUCY SIEGLE'As ever, where Kate leads, I follow. She has made me reassess and reset.' - DAN SNOW'Kate Humble's new book is a lesson in moving on from a tragedy and finding our place in the world' - WOMAN & HOME'A Year of Living Simply is timely, given that the pandemic has forced most of us, in some way to simplify our lives, whether we planned to or not. Kate wrote it before any of us were aware of the upcoming crisis, but it captures the current moment perfectly... It's not necessarily a "how to" book, more of a "why not try?" approach.' - FRANCESCA BABB, MAIL ON SUNDAY YOU'What I particularly love is her philosophy for happiness, which is the subject of her new book, A Year of Living Simply. The clue is in the title. Remember the basics. Instead of barging through the day on autopilot, really stop to think about the tiniest little things that added a moment of joy. No, of course stopping and smelling the flowers won't cure all our ills and woes. But taking the time to savour the things that bring pleasure, really being in that moment and appreciating it, can remind you that most days have moments that buoy your mood.' - JO ELVIN, MAIL ON SUNDAY YOUIf there is one thing that most of us aspire to, it is, simply, to be happy. And yet attaining happiness has become, it appears, anything but simple. Having stuff - The Latest, The Newest, The Best Yet - is all too often peddled as the sure fire route to happiness. So why then, in our consumer-driven society, is depression, stress and anxiety ever more common, affecting every strata of society and every age, even, worryingly, the very young? Why is it, when we have so much, that many of us still feel we are missing something and the rush of pleasure when we buy something new turns so quickly into a feeling of emptiness, or purposelessness, or guilt?So what is the route to real, deep, long lasting happiness? Could it be that our lives have just become overly crowded, that we've lost sight of the things - the simple things - that give a sense of achievement, a feeling of joy or excitement? That make us happy. Do we need to take a step back, reprioritise? Do we need to make our lives more simple? Kate Humble's fresh and frank exploration of a stripped-back approach to life is uplifting, engaging and inspiring - and will help us all find balance and happiness every day.
Three Rooms Press MAINTENANT 17: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art
When a war ends provisionally, the agreement is called a ceasefire. But when peace ends, there is only war. War and peace are co-dependent. Perhaps it is now time for a “Peacefire.” In Maintenant 17: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art, nearly 250 artists from more than 40 countries explore the concept of the end of both war and peace, exploring provocative outsider ideas as dada has done since its inception. With searing cover art by Uta Kaxniashvili, this issue of the renowned journal elaborates on dada’s original premise as an antiwar movement. The Maintenant series, established in 2008, explores themes of politics, humanity, philosophy, and current concerns from an antiwar, anarchic (and often eye-opening) perspective. Past issues include work by artists Mark Kostabi, Raymond Pettibon, Joel Hubaut, Heide Hatry, Avelino de Araujo, Pawel Kuczynski, Inas Al-Soqi, Giovanni Fontana, Nicole Eisenmann, Syporca Whandal, and Kazunori Murakami; past writers have included Gerard Malanga, Charles Plymell, Andrei Codrescu, Harry E. Northup, Malik Crumpler, Maw Shein Win, and more, with a strong contingent of artist-writers from the world of punk rock, including Thurston Moore, Mike Watt, Bibbe Hanson and more. Critics have praised the series since its inception. Seattle Book Review calls Maintenant, “A smorgasbord for those who are sick and tired of it.” Tribe LA dubs the journal, "A compilation of leading Dada-influenced artists from around the world that is timely and relevant.” Serbia's Madjan Magazine proclaims that the Maintenant series proves "Dada is not dead." The Maintenant series is archived in leading institutions worldwide, including Museum of Modern Art New York. Contributors to Maintenant 17 include: Derek Adams • Mariam Ahmed • Jamika Ajalon • Youssef Alaoui • Linda J. Albertano • Austin Alexis • Joel Allegretti • Daina Almario-Kopp • Hala Alyan • Jim Andrews • Wayne Atherton • Liz Axelrod • Mahnaz Badihian • David Barnes • Amy Barone • Vittore Baroni • Tchello d’ Barros • Gaby Bedetti • Regina Lafay Bellamy • C. Mehrl Bennett • Volodymyr Bilyk • Mark Blickley • Clemente Botelho • Gedley Belchior Braga • Michael Georg Bregel • Kathy A. Bruce • Imanol Buisan • Fork Burke • Billy Cancel • Peter Carlaftes • Wendy Cascade • Nick Cash • Mutes César • Sarah M. Chen • Nguyễn Bá Chung • Hal Citron • Lynette Clennell • Andrei Codrescu • William Cody • Chuck Connelley • Roger Conover • Anothony Cox • Malik Ameer Crumpler • Raf Cruz • Tchello d’Barros • Wer Da • Steve Dalachinsky • Allison A. Davis • Holly Day • Avelino De Araujo • Francesca Dharmakan-Bremner • Natalie DiFusco • Dario Roberto Dioli • Rachel Dixon • Sam Dodson • Carol Dorf • Eric Drooker • Robert Duncan • Salvatore Esposito • Fong Fai • Agenta Falk • Massimo Fantuzzi • Jeff Farr • Becky Fawcett • Rich Ferguson • Maria Filek • Cheryl J. Fish • Kathleen Florence • Robert C. Ford • Dorothy Friedman • Thomas Fucaloro • Ignacio Galilea • Sandra Gea • Kat Georges • Christian Georgescu • Robert Gibbons • Gordon Gilbert • James J. Gleeson • Mark Glista • Ed Go • Gemma Goette • John Goodby • Odeon Grace • S.A. Griffin • Fausto Grossi • Meghan Grupposo • Egon Guenther • Genco Gülan • Ana Maria Guta • Bibbe Hansen • Jesper Hasseltoft • Heide Hatry • Jeffrey Hecker • László 2 Hegedűs • Aimee Herman • Robert Hieger • Karen Hildebrand • Mark Hoefer • Juleigh Howard-Hobson • Matthew Hupert • Frie J. Jacobs • Annaliese Jakimides • Marta Janik • Mathias Jansson • Lisa Marie Jarlborn • Debra Jenks • Dale Jensen • Jerry Johnson • Boni Joi • Milana Juventa • Jerry Kamstra • Suzi Kaplan Olmsted • Christine Karapetian • Adeena Karasick • Uta Kaxniashvili • Marina Kazakova • Oladipo Kehinde • Trần Đăng Khoa • Doug Knott • Kollasch • Daniel Kolm • Gregory Kolm • Ron Kolm • Daina Kopp • Mark Kostabi • Paul Kostabi • Inna Krasnoper • Paweł Kuczyński • Béné Kusendila • Wang Lan • Gary Lawless • Mercedes Lawry • David Lawton • Jane LeCroy • Sarah Legow • Patricia Leonard • Linda Lerner • Martin H. Levinson • Alexander Limarev • Frédéric Lipczynski • Richard Loranger • Mina Loy • Ruggero Maggi • Sara Maino • Gerald Malanga • Jaan Malin • Jessica Manack • Fred Marchant • Marronage • Bronwyn Mauldin • Jesse McCloskey • Pierre Merejkowsky • Ashley Miller • Lois Kagan Mingus • Charles Mingus III • Richard Modiano • Mike M. Mollett • Thurston Moore • Luiz Morgadinho • Karen Neuberg • James B. Nicola • Gerald Nicosia • Lance Nizami • Harry E. Northup • Anna O’Meara • Ruth Oisteanu • Valery Oisteanu • Marc Olmsted • John Olson • Jane Ormerod • Yuko Otomo • Bibiana Padilla Maltos • Csaba Pál • Erzsébet Palásti • Lisa Panepinto • Gay Pasley • John S. Paul • Giorgia Pavlidou • James Penha • Puma Perl • Robert Petrick • Raymond Pettibon • Charles Plymell • Kai Pohl • Leslie Prosterman • Renaat Ramon • Nicca Ray • Mado Reznik • D.M. Rice • Travis Richardson • Wes Rickert • Benjamin Robinson • Bruce Robinson • Edel Rodriguez • Mykyta Ryzhykh • Martina Salisbury • Paulo Sanches • Kellie Scott-Reed • Beatriz Seelaender • Jack Seiei • Silvio Severino • Sheree Shatsky • Susan Shup • Jeff Shutt • Bertholdus Sibum • Denise Silk-Martelli • Zoltán Simon • Angela Sloan • Katherine R. Sloan • Phil Demise Smith • Valerie Sofranko • Paul Sohar • J. R. Solonche • Pere Sousa • Orchid Spangiafora • Dd. Spungin • Marilyn Stablein • Alex Starr • Laurie Steelink • Eva Helene Stern*** • Christine Stoddard • Thomas Stolmar • Rich Stone • W.K. Stratton • Belinda Subraman • Neal Skooter Taylor • Robin Tomens • Zev Torres • John J. Trause • Ann Firestone Ungar • Yrik Max Valentonis • Anoek Van Praag • Nico Vassilakis • Maggs Vibo • Lynnea Villanova • Voxx Voltair • Barbara Vos • Silvia Wagensberg • George Wallace • Scott Wannberg • Mike Watt • Poul R. Weile • Ingrid Wendt • Benjamin B. White • Brenda Whiteway • A. D. Winans • Francine Witte • Yaryan • Gerald Yelle • Andrena Zawinski • Larry Zdeb • Nina Zivancevic • Lorene Zarou-Zouzounis • Joanie HF Zosike
John Murray Press Jeremy Hardy Speaks Volumes: words, wit, wisdom, one-liners and rants
The best of the best from the Comedians' Comedian 2020'If you loved Jeremy Hardy, or if you know anyone who did, this is the most brilliant present because it's got every part of his voice in it' DAWN FRENCH'Well good evening, my name is Jeremy Hardy and I'm a comedian who likes to make wry witty satirical observations about the society we live in -- but I prefer to keep them to myself, thank you very much.'Edited by his wife, Katie Barlow and his long-time producer David Tyler, this comprehensive celebration of Jeremy Hardy's work is introduced by Jack Dee and Mark Steel. Further reflections on Jeremy come from Rory Bremner, Paul Bassett Davies, Jon Naismith, Francesca Martinez, Sandi Toksvig, Victoria Coren Mitchell, Andy Hamilton, Graeme Garden and Hugo Rifkind. Katie Barlow also provides a moving Afterword.Jeremy Hardy, who died in February 2019, was perhaps the most distinctive and brilliant comedian to arise from the 80s Alternative Comedy circuit. He regularly entertained the millions who heard his outrageous rants on The News Quiz, his legendary singing on I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue, or his hilarious monologues and sketches on the award-winning Jeremy Hardy Speaks to The Nation and Jeremy Hardy Feels It. Often referred to as 'the comedian's comedian', Jeremy's comedy could be both personal and political, ranging in topics from prison reform to parenting, from British identity to sex. His comedy could be biting, provocative and illuminating, but it could also be surreal, mischievous and, at times, very silly. And while Jeremy's unwavering socialism was a thread that ran throughout his comedy, his greatest skill was that, whatever their political beliefs, Jeremy always brought his audience along with him.Jeremy Hardy Speaks Volumes is a fitting celebration of this brilliant comedian. Introduced by Jack Dee and Mark Steel and containing material from his stand-up to his radio monologues and political satire to the joyfully silly gems, as well as tributes from his friends and fellow comedians, it is curated to encompass everything about Jeremy that fans adored. Edited by Katie Barlow and David Tyler, Jeremy Hardy Speaks Volumes is wise, daft, outrageous, personal and, above all, very funny: like Jeremy himself.'Ground-breakingly brilliant, off-the-register funny' JACK DEE'A one-off. Part genius, part naughty schoolboy' SANDI TOKSVIG'Unfussy, unshowy, principled, self-deprecating, hugely loved and admired by his fellow comedians and funnier than the lot of us put together' RORY BREMNER
University of Minnesota Press Jesuit Letters From China, 1583-84
Jesuit Letters From China, 1583–84 was first published in 1986. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.The first eight letters from Jesuit missionaries on mainland China were written in 1583–84 and published in Europe in 1586. M Howard Rienstra's translated marks their first appearance in English. The letters chronicle the patient efforts of Michele Ruggieri and the famed Matteo Ricci to learn Chinese, to gain acceptance in Chinese society, and to explain Christianity to a highly sophisticated non-Christian culture. They also described the China of the late Ming dynasty (1368–1644), a country whose immense size and population had excited the imagination of Europeans for generations.It was Francis Xavier's dream that this mighty kingdom and civilization be opened to the Christian gospel. His dream was at least tentatively fulfilled when Michele Ruggieri was granted residence first in Canton and then in Chao-ch'ing in 1583. Accompanied first by Francesco Pasio and later by Matteo Ricci, Ruggieri initiated the Christian mission in China. Their letters, published initially as an appendix to a volume of Jesuit letters from Japan, were abbreviated and censored by their European editor. In edited form, the letters appeared in 1586 in one French, on German, and three Italian editions.The China of Ruggieri and Matteo Ricci had remained, however, both suspicious of, and closed to, foreigners - a fact which the original letters do not gloss over. Rienstra was carefully compared the abbreviated and censored versions of these letters in their originals, still preserved in the Jesuit archives in Rome. The letters in general indicate how tenuous the Jesuits' situation was and note candidly that only two baptisms had been performed on the mainland during their stay. These results stand in marked contracts to the reports from Japan of tens of thousands of baptisms and to the reports from Portuguese Macao, where Chinese converts were compelled to wear European cloths and to take European names.Such Europeanization was thought to be inappropriate to a successful Christian mission in China. Though criticized at the time by their colleagues in Macao, Ruggieri, Pasio, and Ricci committed themselves to a program of cultural respect and accommodation. They learned both written and spoken Chinese, ingratiated themselves with the ruling classes by exhibiting their learning and courtesy, and appeared to have become Chinese themselves. When Matteo Ricci became Ruggieri's successor and his name became synonymous with the success of the Jesuit mission in China, it was to these methods that its success was owed. Unfortunately, the prevailing European ethnocentrism could not accept the concept of cultural accommodation. The editors thus censored the letters to convey the impression of a triumphant and culturally superior Christian mission in China.Jesuit Letters From China is a publication of the James Ford Bell Library at the University of Minnesota.