Search results for ""author frances"
University of Notre Dame Press Many Faces of Beauty
The volume The Many Faces of Beauty joins the rich debate on beauty and aesthetic theory by presenting an ambitious, interdisciplinary examination of various facets of beauty in nature and human society. The contributors ask such questions as, Is there beauty in mathematical theories? What is the function of arts in the economy of cultures? What are the main steps in the historical evolution of aesthetic theories from ancient civilizations to the present? What is the function of the ugly in enhancing the expressivity of art? and What constitutes beauty in film? The sixteen essays, by eminent scientists, critics, scholars, and artists, are divided into five parts. In the first, a mathematician, physicist, and two philosophers address beauty in mathematics and nature. In the second, an anthropologist, psychologist, historian of law, and economist address the place of beauty in the human mind and in society. Explicit philosophical reflections on notoriously vexing issues, such as the historicity of aesthetics itself, interculturality, and the place of the ugly, are themes of the third part. In the fourth, practicing artists discuss beauty in painting, music, poetry, and film. The final essay, by a theologian, reflects on the relation between beauty and God. Contributors: Vittorio Hösle, Robert P. Langlands, Mario Livio, Dieter Wandschneider, Christian Illies, Francesco Pellizzi, Bjarne Sode Funch, Peter Landau, Holger Bonus, Pradeep A. Dhillon, Mark W. Roche, Maxim Kantor, Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf, Mary Kinzie, Dudley Andrew, and Cyril O’Regan.
The University of Chicago Press Posterity: Inventing Tradition from Petrarch to Gramsci
Reading a range of Italian works, Rubini considers the active transmittal of traditions through generations of writers and thinkers. Rocco Rubini studies the motives and literary forms in the making of a “tradition,” not understood narrowly, as the conservative, stubborn preservation of received conventions, values, and institutions, but instead as the deliberate effort on the part of writers to transmit a reformulated past across generations. Leveraging Italian thinkers from Petrarch to Gramsci, with stops at prominent humanists in between—including Giambattista Vico, Carlo Goldoni, Francesco De Sanctis, and Benedetto Croce—Rubini gives us an innovative lens through which to view an Italian intellectual tradition that is at once premodern and modern, a legacy that does not depend on a date or a single masterpiece, but instead requires the reader to parse an expanse of writings to uncover deeper transhistorical continuities that span six hundred years. Whether reading work from the fourteenth century, or from the 1930s, Rubini elucidates the interplay of creation and the reception underlying the enactment of tradition, the practice of retrieving and conserving, and the revivification of shared themes and intentions that connect thinkers across time. Building on his award-winning book, The Other Renaissance, this will prove a valuable contribution for intellectual historians, literary scholars, and those invested in the continuing humanist legacy.
Duke University Press Detours: A Decolonial Guide to Hawai'i
Many people first encounter Hawai‘i through the imagination—a postcard picture of hula girls, lu‘aus, and plenty of sun, surf, and sea. While Hawai‘i is indeed beautiful, Native Hawaiians struggle with the problems brought about by colonialism, military occupation, tourism, food insecurity, high costs of living, and climate change. In this brilliant reinvention of the travel guide, artists, activists, and scholars redirect readers from the fantasy of Hawai‘i as a tropical paradise and tourist destination toward a multilayered and holistic engagement with Hawai‘i's culture and complex history. The essays, stories, artworks, maps, and tour itineraries in Detours create decolonial narratives in ways that will forever change how readers think about and move throughout Hawai‘i. Contributors. Hōkūlani K. Aikau, Malia Akutagawa, Adele Balderston, Kamanamaikalani Beamer, Ellen-Rae Cachola, Emily Cadiz, Iokepa Casumbal-Salazar, David A. Chang, Lianne Marie Leda Charlie, Greg Chun, Joy Lehuanani Enomoto, S. Joe Estores, Nicholas Kawelakai Farrant, Jessica Ka‘ui Fu, Candace Fujikane, Linda H. L. Furuto, Sonny Ganaden, Cheryl Geslani, Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez, Noelani Goodyear-Ka‘ōpua, Tina Grandinetti, Craig Howes, Aurora Kagawa-Viviani, Noelle M. K. Y. Kahanu, Haley Kailiehu, Kyle Kajihiro, Halena Kapuni-Reynolds, Terrilee N. Kekoolani-Raymond, Kekuewa Kikiloi, William Kinney, Francesca Koethe, Karen K. Kosasa, N. Trisha Lagaso Goldberg, Kapulani Landgraf, Laura E. Lyons, David Uahikeaikalei‘ohu Maile, Brandy Nālani McDougall, Davianna Pōmaika‘i McGregor, Laurel Mei-Singh, P. Kalawai‘a Moore, Summer Kaimalia Mullins-Ibrahim, Jordan Muratsuchi, Hanohano Naehu, Malia Nobrega-Olivera, Katrina-Ann R. Kapā‘anaokalāokeola Nākoa Oliveira, Jamaica Heolimelekalani Osorio, No‘eau Peralto, No‘u Revilla, Kalaniua Ritte, Maya L. Kawailanaokeawaiki Saffery, Dean Itsuji Saranillio, Noenoe K. Silva, Ty P. Kāwika Tengan, Stephanie Nohelani Teves, Stan Tomita, Mehana Blaich Vaughan, Wendy Mapuana Waipā, Julie Warech
University of Toronto Press Raffaello Borghini's Il Riposo
Raffaello Borghini's Il Riposo (1584) is the most widely known Florentine document on the subject of the Counter-Reformation content of religious paintings. Despite its reputation as an art-historical text, this is the first English-language translation of Il Riposo to be published. A distillation of the art gossip that was a feature of the Medici Grand Ducal court, Borghini's treatise puts forth simple criteria for judging the quality of a work of art. Published sixteen years after the second edition of Giorgio Vasari's Vite, the text that set the standard for art-historical writing during the period, Il Riposo focuses on important issues that Vasari avoided, ignored, or was oblivious to. Picking up where Vasari left off, Borghini deals with artists who came after Michaelangelo and provides more comprehensive descriptions of artists who Vasari only touched upon such as Tintoretto, Veronese, Barocci, and the artists of Francesco I's Studiolo. This text is also invaluable as a description of the mid-sixteenth century reaction against the style of the 'maniera,' which stressed the representation of self-consciously convoluted figures in complicated works of art.The first art treatise specifically directed toward non-practitioners, Il Riposo gives unique insight into the early stages of art history as a discipline, late Renaissance art and theory, and the Counter-Reformation in Italy.
Oxford University Press Mona Lisa: The People and the Painting
Read this book and the world's most famous image will never look the same again. For the world's greatest cultural icon still has secrets to reveal - not the silly secrets that the 'Leonardo loonies' continue to advance, but previously unknown facts about the lives of Leonardo, his father, Lisa Gherardini, the subject of the portrait, and her husband Francesco del Giocondo. From this factual beginning we see how the painting metamorphosed into a 'universal picture' that became the prime vehicle for Leonardo's prodigious knowledge of the human and natural worlds. We learn about the new money of the ambitious merchant who married into the old gentry of Lisa's family. We discover Lisa's life as a wife and mother, her association with sexual scandals, and her later life in a convent. We meet, for the first time, previously undiscovered members of Leonardo's immediate family and discover new information about his early life. The tiny hill town of Vinci is placed before us, with its widespread poverty. We find out about the career and possessions of his father, a notable lawyer in Florence. The meaning of the portrait that resulted from these human circumstances is vividly illuminated though Renaissance love poetry and verses specifically dedicated to Leonardo. We come to understand how Leonardo's sciences of optics, psychology, anatomy and geology are embraced in his poetic science of art. Recent scientific examinations of the painting disclose how it evolved to assume its present appearance in Leonardo's experimental hands. Above all, we cut through the suppositions and the myths to show that the portrait is a product of real people in a real place at a real time. This is the book that brings back a sense of reality into the creation of the portrait of Lisa del Giocondo. And the actual Mona Lisa, it turns out, is even more astonishing and transcendent than the Mona Lisa of legend.
Acantilado De Buonaparte y de los Borbones
Este panfleto, escrito entre el invierno y la primavera de 1814 para preparar el retorno de los Borbones al trono de Francia, fue para Chateaubriand uno de esos gestos resueltos e instintivos que nacen de la imaginación y dinamitan todos los puentes tras de sí. El autor tenía como misión convencer a los franceses de que, para evitar una nueva república o la instauración de un gobierno extranjero, era preciso restituir la confianza en los Borbones y juntos acabar con el poder absoluto, dotando a Francia de una monarquía constitucional. Pero la frialdad y la lucidez del periodista político se mezclan de manera imprevisible y conducen a una marea inquietante. En el cesarismo de Napoleón se entrevé el nacimiento de un mito moderno que no es copia de ninguno antiguo: aparece la figura del dictador, y no del tirano. Chateaubriand quiere esbozar un retrato particular, pero termina describiendo en detalle a los dictadores que hemos visto señorear en el siglo xx.
Penguin Books Ltd The Positive Ageing Plan: The Expert Guide to Healthy, Beautiful Skin at Every Age
'This book will make you rethink everything the world has erroneously told you about ageing' Farrah Storr, Editor of Elle *****When we look in the mirror we want to see a fresh-faced, radiant and confident version of ourselves and Dr Vicky Dondos has spent fifteen years helping her clients see just that. In The Positive Ageing Plan she shares her advice for how you can enjoy an effortless, confident glow, at every age.The aim isn't to look younger, but to look and feel good about yourself and your appearance throughout your life. In this empowering guide, Dr Vicky demystifies the ageing process, reveals the products that are worth investing in and shows you how to create your own personalized programme, so that you can care for your own health and appearance in a way that works for you, your schedule and your budget.The expert advice in this book will help you:- Better understand your own skin- Find the skincare approach that works for you- Learn radiance-boosting lifestyle tips- Get the lowdown on the cosmetic treatments available to you- Above all, appreciate your own natural beautyWhatever your reasons for picking up this book, it is a science-based, straight-talking, judgement-free guide to finding the best options for your skin and will help you grow the confidence that comes with looking great.*****'Tatler's finest ... one of the most rigorous, skilled, clever and charming specialists out there.' Francesca White, Tatler Beauty Editor 'A brilliant book! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and learned so much. I finished it feeling empowered and in control' Lily Boulle, Founder & Managing Director of Sleep Siren
Duke University Press Becoming: The Photographs of Clementina, Viscountess Hawarden
Clementina, Viscountess Hawarden (1822–1865) produced over eight hundred photographs during her all-too-brief life. Most of these were portraits of her adolescent daughters. By whisking away the furniture and bric-a-brac common in scenes of upper-class homes of the Victorian period, Lady Hawarden transformed the sitting room of her London residence into a photographic studio—a private space for taking surprising photos of her daughters in fancy dress. In Carol Mavor’s hands, these pictures become windows into Victorian culture, eroticism, mother-daughter relationships, and intimacy.With drama, wit, and verve, Lady Hawarden’s girls, becoming women, entwine each other, their mirrored reflections and select feminine objects (an Indian traveling cabinet, a Gothic-style desk, a shell-covered box) as homoerotic partners. The resulting mise-en-scène is secretive, private, delicious, and arguably queer—a girltopia ripe with maternality and adolescent flirtation, as touching as it is erotic. Luxuriating in the photographs’ interpretive possibilities, Mavor makes illuminating connections between Hawarden and other artists and writers, including Vermeer, Christina Rossetti, George Eliot, Lewis Carroll, and twentieth-century photographers Sally Mann and Francesca Woodman. Weaving psychoanalytic theory and other photographic analyses into her work, Mavor contemplates the experience of the photograph and considers the relationship of Hawarden’s works to the concept of the female fetish, to voyeurism, mirrors and lenses, and twins and doubling. Under the spell of Roland Barthes, Mavor’s voice unveils the peculiarities of the erotic in Lady Hawarden’s images through a writerly approach that remembers and rewrites adolescence as sustained desire. In turn autobiographical, theoretical, historical, and analytical, Mavor’s study caresses these mysteriously ripped and scissored images into fables of sapphic love and the real magic of photography.
University of Nebraska Press Surrealist Ghostliness
In this study of surrealism and ghostliness, Katharine Conley provides a new, unifying theory of surrealist art and thought based on history and the paradigm of puns and anamorphosis. In Surrealist Ghostliness, Conley discusses surrealism as a movement haunted by the experience of World War I and the repressed ghost of spiritualism. From the perspective of surrealist automatism, this double haunting produced a unifying paradigm of textual and visual puns that both pervades surrealist thought and art and commemorates the surrealists’ response to the Freudian unconscious. Extending the gothic imagination inherited from the eighteenth century, the surrealists inaugurated the psychological century with an exploration of ghostliness through doubles, puns, and anamorphosis, revealing through visual activation the underlying coexistence of realities as opposed as life and death. Surrealist Ghostliness explores examples of surrealist ghostliness in film, photography, painting, sculpture, and installation art from the 1920s through the 1990s by artists from Europe and North America from the center to the periphery of the surrealist movement. Works by Man Ray, Claude Cahun, Brassaï and Salvador Dalí, Lee Miller, Dorothea Tanning, Francesca Woodman, Pierre Alechinsky, and Susan Hiller illuminate the surrealist ghostliness that pervades the twentieth-century arts and compellingly unifies the century’s most influential yet disparate avant-garde movement.
Silvana The Gianfranco Luzzetti Collection: At the Museo delle Clarisse
This book presents the Gianfranco Luzzetti collection housed in the historic complex of the former convent of the Clarisse in Grosseto, a new museum in the city. The collection is the result of the donation to the Municipality, in 2018, of over 60 works from the personal heritage of Luzzetti, an antiquarian from Grosseto, deeply linked to his land. The paintings, of great quality, trace Italian art from the 14th to the 19th century, with particular attention to Florentine art of the 17th century. The collection includes masterpieces by Antonio Rossellino, Giambologna, Rutilio Manetti, Passignano, Niccolò di Pietro Lamberti, Corrado Giaquinto, Camillo Rusconi, Pier Dandini and Giovanni di Tano Fei, as well as important works by Donatello and Beccafumi and works already donated to the Municipality of Grosseto in past years, of Santi di Tito and Cigoli. This volume, with introductory texts regarding the history of the site, the birth of the Museum and the Collection, is complemented by an anthology of writings by Luzzetti and bibliographic apparatuses. Research and texts: Sandro Bellesi, Marco Ciampolini, Roberto Contini, Elena Dubaldo, Lucia Ferri, Claudia Ganci, Cecilia Luzzetti, Gianfranco Luzzetti, Andrea Marchi, Mauro Papa, Marcella Parisi, Francesca Perillo, Gianluca Sposato, Angelo Tartuferi. Italian edition, with English translation in the appendix.
Unicorn Publishing Group Titian’s Lost Last Supper: A New Workshop Discovery
This intriguing book investigates the very rare discovery of a huge, lost, Last Supper painting produced in the workshop of Tiziano Vecellio, known as Titian. The discoloured canvas hung neglected in a parish church for 110 years until the conservator and art historian Ronald Moore removed centuries of discoloured varnish and began to appreciate that something exceptional was being revealed. Following extensive scientific examination, signatures and dates appeared whilst it also became apparent that some faces were actually portraits. The early history of the painting in a Venetian convent was discovered with the enthusiastic help of the modern Venetian, Count Francesco da Mosto, whose family knew Titian. The many painters of Titian's workshop are considered with careful circumspection to determine possible contributors to the Last Supper and the remarkable reason for the many changes, or pentimenti, are explained. After 10,500 hours of research and the translation of countless Italian documents and books, the full history of the painting has been revealed. We now know that the painting is far more than a Last Supper from Titian's workshop, painted by at least five artists over twenty years, but is actually a painting within a painting involving other prominent painters and a denouement unparalleled in Renaissance art.
Princeton University Press Invisible Listeners: Lyric Intimacy in Herbert, Whitman, and Ashbery
When a poet addresses a living person--whether friend or enemy, lover or sister--we recognize the expression of intimacy. But what impels poets to leap across time and space to speak to invisible listeners, seeking an ideal intimacy--George Herbert with God, Walt Whitman with a reader in the future, John Ashbery with the Renaissance painter Francesco Parmigianino? In Invisible Listeners, Helen Vendler argues that such poets must invent the language that will enact, on the page, an intimacy they lack in life. Through brilliantly insightful and gracefully written readings of these three great poets over three different centuries, Vendler maps out their relationships with their chosen listeners. For his part, Herbert revises the usual "vertical" address to God in favor of a "horizontal" one-addressing God as a friend. Whitman hovers in a sometimes erotic, sometimes quasi-religious language in conceiving the democratic camerado, who will, following Whitman's example, find his true self. And yet the camerado will be replaced, in Whitman's verse, by the ultimate invisible listener, Death. Ashbery, seeking a fellow artist who believes that art always distorts what it represents, finds he must travel to the remote past. In tones both tender and skeptical he addresses Parmigianino, whose extraordinary self-portrait in a convex mirror furnishes the poet with both a theory and a precedent for his own inventions. By creating the forms and speech of ideal intimacy, these poets set forth the possibility of a more complete and satisfactory human interchange--an ethics of relation that is uncoerced, understanding, and free.
Profile Books Ltd A Famished Heart: The Sunday Times Crime Club Star Pick
'A fabulous closed-room mystery that will keep you guessing' - DENISE MINA 'Fabulous Dublin-based crime. Very much in the vein of Tana French' - JO SPAIN 'This creeps up on you until you're hooked' - HEAT THEY DID IT TO THEMSELVES BUT SOMEONE WAS WATCHING The Macnamara sisters hadn't been seen for months before anyone noticed. It was Father Timoney who finally broke down the door, who saw what had become of them. Berenice was sitting in her armchair, surrounded by religious tracts. Rosaleen had crawled under her own bed, her face frozen in terror. Both had starved themselves to death. Francesca Macnamara returns to Dublin after decades in the US to find her family in ruins. Meanwhile, Detectives Vincent Swan and Gina Considine are convinced that there is more to the deaths than suicide. Because what little evidence there is, shows that someone was watching the sisters die... A compelling mystery that will keep you reading late into the night, perfect for readers of Val McDermid, Denise Mina, Tana French and Jo Spain. ________________________________________ *** SUNDAY TIMES CRIME CLUB STAR PICK *** *** AN IRISH TIMES CRIME BOOK OF THE YEAR *** 'A terrific new gem of Irish noir, written with a light touch' - SUNDAY TIMES 'Sombre, psychological nuanced and compassionate... gripping' - IRISH TIMES 'Intriguing, compelling and highly entertaining. Formidably impressive' - LIZ NUGENT 'Thrilling... will keep you guessing until the very end' - MY WEEKLY 'Infused with depth, darkness and acute psychological drama' - HERALD
Polis Books The Man In Milan
For fans of Daniel Silva and David Baldacci comes a gripping thriller based on real world events that will have you riveted until the final page is turned. When NYPD detectives Paul Rossi and Hamilton P. Turner begin investigating the Sutton Place murder of an Italian air force pilot, the last thing they expect is that they will and find themselves sucked into the potential cover-up of the Ustica massacre, the most horrific aviation crime in Italian history, in which all 81 souls on board perished, where Italian President Francesco Cossiga blamed a missile deployed by the French Navy for the disaster. But as they begin investigating, Rossi, recovering from a broken marriage, and Turner, an African-American opera buff, poet, and former lawyer with ambitions to be mayor, come up against NYPD bureaucratic obstacles and stonewalling by the Italian Consulate in NYC. Lieutenant Laura Muro, the policewoman sister of the victim, comes to New York to aid the investigation, but soon the trio find themselves in the crosshairs of the Gladio, Italy’s powerful, shadowy political cabal whose reach extends to the highest reaches of New York political and ruling class. From New York to Italy, Rossi, Turner, and Muro must uncover the shocking truth about one of the most notorious disasters in airline history, and how this infamous act ties to the present-day murder. Riveting, erudite, and surprising at every turn, THE MAN IN MILAN announces a major new voice in international thriller fiction.
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press Conrad in Italy
Conrad in Italy provides international students and researchers with a variety of critical approaches. Richard Ambrosini surveys Conrad's reception within the Italian academy. Franco Marenco's essay on "Heart of Darkness" outlines Conrad's centrality in English Modernism. Alessandro Serpieri deals with Conrad's impressionistic treatment of space in The Secret Agent and other texts. Giuseppe Sertoli focuses on Conrad's debt to the Comtesse de Boigne's Memoires and to James's Portrait of a Lady in the writing of Suspense. Fausto Ciompi investigates the isotopy of dream in Lord Jim and other early novels. Elio Di Piazza reads the The Mirror of the Sea as an inquiry into British and Russian empires. Maria Teresa Chialant's study of "Amy Foster" and "Tomorrow" accounts for the interest of Italian critics in Conrad's minor works. Francesco Marroni unfolds the moral structure of "The Secret Sharer". Nicoletta Vallorani tackles the theme of the double in "The Secret Sharer" from the perspective of the art of photography. Luisa Villa illuminates the complex structure of Chance in the light of Conrad's re-elaboration of the Victorian multi-plot novel. Mario Domenichelli proposes a reading of Conrad's cooperation with Ford. The Inheritors is the subject of Mario Curreli's essay on Conrad's debt to H.G. Wells, Zangwill, and Drumont, while it places the issue of fourth-dimension in the context of European colonialisms. Marialuisa Bignami's survey of Conrad's influence on Primo Levi and Marilena Saracino's intertextual analysis of "Heart of Darkness" and Luigi Guarneri's Tenebre sul Congo are two exercises in dialogic reading which confirm Conrad's well-established reception in Italian culture.
Karnac Books Beyond the Binary: Essays on Gender
The increase in the number of non-binary children and adults in our society raises important treatment questions as well as much controversy. It seems essential that analysts and candidates grapple with the challenges this change in society presents. As we struggle in our psychoanalytic societies to diversify our membership and broaden our understanding of difference, this collection offers an opportunity for further discussion and study of one of the most important issues of our time. The opening essay by editor Shari Thurer provides a clear overview of recent cultural changes and the evolution of thinking about gender identification by the American Psychoanalytic Association. Next is an autobiographical essay by long-term non-binary individual Robin Haas plus a clinical reflection on Haas’ contribution by Rita Teusch. A recent account of an individual becoming non-binary from Francesca Spence is followed by the reactions of their parents, L. Harry Spence and Robin Ely. After that are psychoanalytic thoughts about the body and gender by Malkah Notman and reflections on gender from Dan Jacobs. The book ends with an extensive bibliography on the subjects of transsexuality and non-binary gender by Oren Gozlan Beyond the Binary: Essays on Gender introduces readers to current ideas about gender fluidity and choice, as well as giving voice to those who have chosen to be non-binary. This is a must-read for all practising clinicians that will help broaden their perspective on this growing issue. This is the fourth publication sponsored by the Library Committee of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute and the first published by Phoenix.
Antoni Bosch Editor, S.A. El futuro de Europa: Reforma o declive
En este provocador libro, los economistas Alberto Alesina y Francesco Giavazzi señalan que, si Europa no toma pronto medidas, es casi inevitable que se intensifique su declive económico y político. Si no se emprende una reforma global, las sobreprotegidas y superreguladas economías de Europa occidental continental continuarán perdiendo velocidad y su influencia política acabará siendo casi inapreciable. Eso no significa que Alemania, Francia, España y otros países que hoy son prósperos vayan a empobrecerse; su nivel de vida continuará siendo holgado. Pero acabarán siendo casi irrelevantes en el panorama mundial. En El futuro de Europa, Alesina y Giavazzi (que son europeos) esbozan las medidas que debe tomar Europa para impedir su eclipse económico y político.Según los autores, Europa tiene mucho que aprender de Estados Unidos. Los europeos trabajan menos y tienen más vacaciones que los estadounidenses; valoran sobre todo la seguridad y la estabilidad del empleo. Alesina y Giavazzi sostienen que los estadounidenses trabajan más y un número mayor de horas y están más dispuestos a soportar los altibajos de una economía de mercado. Los europeos valoran su Estado de bienestar; los estadounidenses aborrecen el gasto público. Estados Unidos es un crisol de culturas; los países europeos tienen dificultades para absorber la población inmigrante. Alesina y Giavazzi advierten de que para que Europa ponga freno a su declive, tiene que adoptar un modelo parecido al de libre mercado de Estados Unidos.Las recomendaciones de Alesina y Giavazzi sobre la forma en que Europa debe afrontar las cuestiones relacionadas con la productividad de los trabajadores, la regulación del mercado de trabajo, la globalización, la financiación de la enseñanza superior y de la investigación tecnológica, la política fiscal y sus sociedades multiétnicas suscitarán sin duda controversias, al igual que su visión de la Unión Europea y del euro. Pero su llamada de atención sonará alta y clara para todo aquel al que le preocupe el futuro de Europa.
Edition Axel Menges Villa Lante, Bagnia
Text in German. The Villa Lante in Bagnaia near Viterbo is outstanding among 16th-century Italian gardens. It is not particularly large, but it is the undisputed highlight of this epoch, the heyday of Italian horticulture, not just because it is outstandingly well maintained, but also because of its unique formal qualities and its extremely complex iconographic programme. The present monograph attempts to establish what triggers the intense sense of beauty with which visitors to the gardens are confronted. It is immediately clear that it is essential to analyse the form of the garden -- here the extremely precise treatment of central perspective as a device is of considerable interest -- but close attention has also to be paid to the significance of the individual elements and the connections between them. This examination brings an elaborate accumulation of various sign systems to light, which seem to have the astonishing characteristic of not being entirely reconcilable, indeed they appear to build in contradictions as a basic constant. From this develops a panorama of the late 16th century, presenting the tangled pathways of perception of the gardens in all their complex relations, from the various late Renaissance garden types, via philosophy, the response to antiquity, perception of nature, perspective, harmony, literature, theatre and religion, and on to models of time and the forms it takes. Against this background the garden of the Villa Lante, which belonged to the scholarly cardinal and inquisitor Francesco Gambara, proves to be a difficult -- and perhaps not entirely successful -- balancing act between Renaissance traditions and the thrust of the Counter-Reformation, but showing at the same time, as a kind of 'apotheosis of the artwork', a surprising affinity with the present day.
HarperCollins Publishers The Silence
Longlisted for the New Blood Dagger Award 2021 'A darkly gripping and addictive read. I tore through it in a few days’ ESTHER FREUD 'Deeply engrossing … an exquisite literary thriller’ PHILIPPA EAST ‘Emotionally wrenching’ WALL STREET JOURNAL ‘Impossible to put down’ TREVOR WOOD A missing woman 30 years ago, in the suffocating heat of a Sydney summer, the Greens’ next-door neighbour Mandy disappeared without a trace. A cold case reopened In 1997, in a basement flat in Hackney, Isla Green is awakened by a call in the middle of the night: her father is under suspicion of Mandy’s murder. A devastating secret How well does Isla know her father? Is he capable of doing something terrible? And is there another secret in their community – a conspiracy of silence which stretches deep into Australia’s past? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ‘An atmospheric, convincing portrayal of the way that the decisions we make, both individually and collectively, reverberate down the years’ GUARDIAN ‘Allott uses the scandal of Australia’s stolen children to devastating effect in this memorable debut’ SUNDAY TIMES 'A riveting mystery, beautifully unwound. The Silence excavates dark, decades-old secrets buried in human hearts, in families and in nations. I read it in one weekend’ ERIN KELLY ‘An impressive and beautifully written, Australian-set debut with the devastating subject of the Stolen Generation at its core’ FIONA MITCHELL ‘Tense, atmospheric and brilliantly paced. The Silence is fraught with disturbing secrets and powerful emotions. I loved it’ FRANCESCA JAKOBI ‘A brooding, suspenseful debut’ SUNDAY MIRROR ‘A suspenseful, beautifully crafted debut for fans of Celeste Ng and Jane Harper’ TELEGRAPH AUSTRALIA ‘Intricate and suspenseful… [a] stellar debut’ NEW YORK JOURNAL OF BOOKS
Little, Brown Book Group Notorious: a scandalous read perfect for fans of Danielle Steel
'New Zealand's Queen of Royal Romance' Women's Day*Loosely based on one of history's greatest unsolved mysteries - the Princes in the Tower - and the royal enigma that was Richard III* __________EVERYONE WANTS TO BE FAMOUSEveryone has heard of the Snows. Belle, world-famous singer of Woodville fame. Her husband Teddy, acclaimed actor by day, notorious party animal by night. Their children: Emma, Pearl, Crystal, Elfred and River.EVERYONE EXCEPT EMMA SNOW Emma Snow wants three things in the world: to become a writer, own a cat, and never think about Rowan Bosworth again. Darkly handsome with a tragic past, Emma should know better than to be in love with him. She's never sure whether he actually likes her, or if she's just a pawn in one of the twisted games he likes to play.EMMA SNOW WANTS TO BE EXCEPTIONALOne Valentine's Day, a terrible event occurs which rips the Snow family apart. Determined to uncover the truth, Emma is forced to delve into the dark underbelly of her celebrity family - and once and for all decide whether to think with her heart or her head . . When you're surrounded by rumours, it's difficult to see the truth . . .___________________Believe the rumours - EVERYONE is talking about Olivia Hayfield's NOTORIOUS! 'Rich people behaving badly' Booklist'Ingenious and addictive' Francesca Hornak 'A delicious read' Renee Rosen'Hayfield has channelled the best of Jilly Cooper into a novel that's an ingenious adaption of history' The Listener'A clever whodunnit with a bonus love story that'll have you hooked' Women's Day'Racy historical fiction ... I whooped when it arrived' The Spinoff
Lake View Press The Cineaste Interviews: On the Art and Politics of the Cinema
Roger Ebert wrote the foreword to this collection of 35 in-depth interviews with the world's leading filmmakers and critics, from Fonda to Fassbinder, from Canby to Costa-Gavras, from Sarris to Sayles. Cineaste, America's leading magazine on the art and politics of the cinema, has become known for its in-depth interviews with filmmakers and film critics of international stature. The best of these interviews are now collected in this volume. The interviews: Constantin Costa-Gavras, Glauber Rocha, Miguel Littin, Bernardo Bertolucci, Ousmane Sembene, Elio Petri, Dusan Makavejev; Gillo Pontecorvo; Alain Tanner, Jane Fonda, Francesco Rosi, Lina Wertmuller, Roberto Rossellini, Tomas Gutierrez Alea, Gordon Parks, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, John Howard Lawson, Paul Schrader, Agnes Varda, Bertrand Tavernier, Andrew Sarris, Bruce Gilbert, Jorge Semprun, Vincent Canby, John Berger, Andrzej Wajda, John Sayles, Krzysztof Zanussi, Molly Haskell, Budd Schulberg, Satyajit Ray. The unique value of these interviews will be the comments by the filmmakers on the crucial artistic and political decisions confronted in the making of their films, many of which have become classics of their kind. The filmmakers and critics talk about their own development, films which influenced their work, and the continuing controversies and alternative approaches in filmmaking. They take on their critics and their own previous positions with a clarity and forcefulness to be expected from some of the leading practitioners of their art. The interviews are introduced with a foreword by Roger Ebert, television commentator and critic for the Chicago Sun-Times. Mr. Ebert discusses the relation of art and politics and some of the common perspectives which unite filmmakers of different cultures and of diverse artistic and political temperaments. Among the subjects of these wide-ranging talks are: the choice between popular and experimental forms of narrative; the filmmaker's responsibility to society; blacks and women in the movies; the rise of third world filmmaking; Hollywood's left and progressives; the conditions of filmmaking in different societies; the challenges of independent production; different forms of censorship, from the U.S. to Poland; trends in criticism and auteur theory to feminism; the power of the reviewer.
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd Rome: The Passenger
The Passenger collects the best new writing, photography, and reportage from around the world. Its aim, to break down barriers and introduce the essence of the place. Packed with essays and investigative journalism; original photography and illustrations; charts, and unusual facts and observations, each volume offers a unique insight into a different culture, and how history has shaped the place into what it is today. Brimming with intricate research and enduring wonder, The Passenger is a love-letter to global travel. IN THIS VOLUME, Marco D’Eramo, Nicola Lagioia, Matteo Nucci, and Francesco Piccolo among other Italian writers tell of a city which, despite appearances, slips further down the ranking of the world’s most liveable cities. To the problems faced by all large capitals, Rome has added a list of calamities of its own: widespread corruption, the resurgence of fascist movements, rampant crime. A seemingly hopeless situation perfectly symbolised by the fact that Rome currently leads the world in the number of self-combusting public buses. However, if we look closer, this narrative is contradicted by just as many signs that point in the opposite direction. The majority of Romans wouldn’t consider “betraying” their hometown, and the many newcomers are often indistinguishable from the natives in the profound love that binds them to the city, leading to a lack of the mass emigration. Rome is a place of contradictions, yet to understand Rome and “fix” its problems, we should consider it a normal city, “not unlike Chicago or Manchester.” Only, incomparably more beautiful.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Many Geographies of Urban Renewal: New Perspectives on the Housing Act of 1949
The consequences of the federal Housing Act of 1949—which supported the clearance and redevelopment of “blighted” areas across the nation—were felt by communities of all sizes, not just large cities. The Many Geographies of Urban Renewal presents a more comprehensive view of the federal urban renewal program by situating the experiences of large cities like Baltimore, MD and Philadelphia PA alongside other geographies, such as the small city of Waterville, ME, suburban St. Louis County in Missouri, the State of New York, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and others. Chapters identify trends and connections that cut across jurisdictional boundaries, investigate who used federal funds, how those funds were used, and examine the profound short and long-term consequences of the program. Taken as a whole, the essays showcase the unexpected diversity of how different communities used the federal urban renewal program. The Many Geographies of Urban Renewal allows us to better understand what was arguably the most significant urban policy of the 20th century, and how that policy shaped the American landscape. Contributors include Francesca Russello Ammon, Brent Cebul, Robert B. Fairbanks, Leif Fredrickson, Colin Gordon, David Hochfelder, Robert K. Nelson, Benjamin D. Lisle, Stacy Kinlock Sewell and the editor.
University of Notre Dame Press Many Faces of Beauty
The volume The Many Faces of Beauty joins the rich debate on beauty and aesthetic theory by presenting an ambitious, interdisciplinary examination of various facets of beauty in nature and human society. The contributors ask such questions as, Is there beauty in mathematical theories? What is the function of arts in the economy of cultures? What are the main steps in the historical evolution of aesthetic theories from ancient civilizations to the present? What is the function of the ugly in enhancing the expressivity of art? and What constitutes beauty in film? The sixteen essays, by eminent scientists, critics, scholars, and artists, are divided into five parts. In the first, a mathematician, physicist, and two philosophers address beauty in mathematics and nature. In the second, an anthropologist, psychologist, historian of law, and economist address the place of beauty in the human mind and in society. Explicit philosophical reflections on notoriously vexing issues, such as the historicity of aesthetics itself, interculturality, and the place of the ugly, are themes of the third part. In the fourth, practicing artists discuss beauty in painting, music, poetry, and film. The final essay, by a theologian, reflects on the relation between beauty and God. Contributors: Vittorio Hösle, Robert P. Langlands, Mario Livio, Dieter Wandschneider, Christian Illies, Francesco Pellizzi, Bjarne Sode Funch, Peter Landau, Holger Bonus, Pradeep A. Dhillon, Mark W. Roche, Maxim Kantor, Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf, Mary Kinzie, Dudley Andrew, and Cyril O’Regan.
Gagosian Gallery Damien Hirst: For Heaven's Sake
For Heaven's Sake was produced for the Damien Hirst: Forgotten Promises inaugural exhibition at Gagosian Gallery, Hong Kong in 2011. The book title, named after the artwork "For Heaven's Sake" (2008), includes full-color plates of the skull, including fabrication shots and installation shots at the Hong Kong exhibition where this life-size human baby skull cast in platinum and covered in 8,128 pavé-set perfect diamonds: 7,105 natural fancy pink diamonds and 1,023 white diamonds on the fontanel was shown for the first time. Also included are 8 unique preliminary drawings by the artist. This spectacular memento mori was cast from an original skull that formed part of a nineteenth-century pathology collection that Hirst acquired some years ago. As Hirst says: "Diamonds are about perfection and clarity and wealth and sex and death and immortality. They are a symbol of everything that's eternal, but then they have a dark side as well." The book includes a short text by curator, writer and critic, Francesco Bonami published in both Chinese and English. Bonami is the Manilow Senior Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. He is also the artistic director of the Fondazione Sandretto ReRebaudengo per l'Arte in Turin, Fondazione Pitti Discovery in Florence and the Centro di Arte Contemporanea Villa Manin. He was the director of the 50th Biennale di Venezia of Visual Arts in 2003.
Harvard University Press Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Volume 112
This volume includes: Olga Levaniouk, “The Dreams of Barčin and Penelope”; Paul K. Hosle, “Bacchylides’ Theseus and Vergil’s Aristaeus”; Vayos Liapis, “Arion and the Dolphin: Apollo Delphinios and Maritime Networks in Herodotus”; Nino Luraghi, “The Peloponnesian Peace: Herodotus, Thucydides, and the Ideology of the Peace of Nikias”; Andrea Capra, “The Staging and Meaning of Aristophanes’ Assemblywomen”; Konstantine Panegyres, “Moses, Pharaoh, and the Waters of the Nile: Artapanus FGrHist 726 F 3”; Roy D. Kotansky, “Underworld and Celestial Eschatologies in the ‘Orphic’ Gold Leaves”; Vittorio Remo Danovi, “New Citations from the Libri Etruscorum and Varro in Vergilian Scholia”; T. H. M. Gellar-Goad, “Tears and Personified Nature in Juvenal 15.131–140 and Lucretius 3.931–962”; Tristan Power, “Textual Conjectures on Catullus 55.9-12”; Francesco Rotiroti, “From Beneficent God to Maddened Bull: The Shepherd of Men in the Works of Virgil”; J. S. C. Eidinow, “The Critic and the Farmer: Horace, Maecenas, and Virgil in Horace Carm. 1.1”; Shirley Werner, “The Rules of the Game: Imitation and Mimesis in Horace Epistles 1.19”; Francis Newton, “Ovid Met. 1: Jupiter’s Plebeians, the Titles of Augustus, and the Poet’s Exile”; Simona Martorana, “Omission and Allusion: When Statius’ Hypsipyle Reads Ovid’s Heroides 6”; Michael Zellmann-Rohrer, “The Chronokratores in Greek Astrology, in Light of a New Papyrus Text: Oxford, Bodl. MS Gr. Class. B 24 (P) 1–2”; Konstantine Panegyres, “ΒΟΜΒΟΣ: Heliodorus Aethiopica 9.17.1”; Andrew C. Johnston, “Aemilius and the Crown: Rome and the Hellenistic World of the Alexander Romance.”
Rare Bird Books The Good Family Fitzgerald
The Fitzgeralds are buttressed by wealth and privilege, but they are also buffeted by crisis after crisis, many of their own creation. Even so, they live large, in love and in strife, wielding power, combating adversaries and each other. The Good Family Fitzgerald is a saga of money and ambition, crime and the Catholic Church, a sprawling, passionate story shaped against a background of social discord.Padraic Fitzgerald is the up-from-nothing, aging patriarch whose considerable business interests appear anything but legitimate, but he has bigger problems than law enforcement. A widower, Paddy becomes enmeshed with a young woman who will force him to re-examine his cardinal assumptions. Meanwhile, he has cultivated thorny relationships with his four children, all of whom struggle over the terms of connection with their father. Anthony—oldest son, principled criminal defense attorney, designated prince of the family—and his cherished Francesca are devastated by tragedy. In the aftermath, Frankie comes to play a vital role in Fitzgerald lore. Philip is a charismatic Catholic priest spectacularly torn between his lofty ideals and aspirations and his all-too-human flaws and longings. Matty has wandered aimlessly, but once he finds his purpose, he precipitates turmoil in all quarters. Colleen, the youngest, is a seeker who styles herself the outsider and the conscience of the clan. Her hands are full, as no Fitzgerald is left untested or unscathed, and by the end the whole family, as well as those venturing into their realm, will be stunned into illumination.
Baen Books 1636: Flight of the Nightingale
ADVENTURE SET TO THE MUSIC OF TIME!Time waits for no one, but for the residents of 17th-century Europe, the future comes calling—ahead of time! Due to a temporal disturbance known as the Ring of Fire, the 20th-century town of Grantville, West Virginia, finds itself transported through time and space to Central Europe in the year 1632. Massive political and social upheavals take place. But change happens on a smaller, human scale, too.In “The Flight of the Nightingale” down-timer Francesca Caccini is inspired by the arrival of Grantville to seek a different destiny from what would have been her lot in a future without the up-timer intrusion—that is, to die with a reputation as a brilliant composer and performer, but to later be essentially forgotten by all but the cognoscenti. And in “Bach to the Future,” Johann and his brothers commit themselves to preserve, protect, and promote their family’s heritage from the future, even if in this future there will be no Johann Sebastian Bach!Two novels set in Eric Flint’s best-selling Ring of Fire series shine a light on the overlooked corners of the Ring of Fire universe, where small actions can have life-altering consequences. About 1636: The Devil's Opera, by Eric Flint and David Carrico:“Another engaging alternate history from a master of the genre.”—Booklist“. . . an old-style police-procedural mystery, set in 17th century Germany. . . . the threads . . . spin together . . . to weave an addictively entertaining story. . . . a strong addition to a fun series.”—The Galveston County Daily News
Columbia University Press Worldmaking in the Long Great War: How Local and Colonial Struggles Shaped the Modern Middle East
Winner, 2023 Robert L. Jervis and Paul W. Schroeder Best Book Award, International History and Politics Section, American Political Science AssociationHonorable Mention, 2023 Barrington Moore Award, Comparative and Historical Sociology Section, American Sociological AssociationHonorable Mention, 2023 Francesco Guicciardini Prize for Best Book in Historical International Relations, Historical International Relations Section, International Studies AssociationIt is widely believed that the political problems of the Middle East date back to the era of World War I, when European colonial powers unilaterally imposed artificial borders on the post-Ottoman world in postwar agreements. This book offers a new account of how the Great War unmade and then remade the political order of the region. Ranging from Morocco to Iran and spanning the eve of the Great War into the 1930s, it demonstrates that the modern Middle East was shaped through complex and violent power struggles among local and international actors.Jonathan Wyrtzen shows how the cataclysm of the war opened new possibilities for both European and local actors to reimagine post-Ottoman futures. After the 1914–1918 phase of the war, violent conflicts between competing political visions continued across the region. In these extended struggles, the greater Middle East was reforged. Wyrtzen emphasizes the intersections of local and colonial projects and the entwined processes through which states were made, identities transformed, and boundaries drawn. This book’s vast scope encompasses successful state-building projects such as the Turkish Republic and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as short-lived political units—including the Rif Republic in Morocco, the Sanusi state in eastern Libya, a Greater Syria, and attempted Kurdish states—that nonetheless left traces on the map of the region. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Worldmaking in the Long Great War retells the origin story of the modern Middle East.
Archaeopress Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 38 2008
CONTENTS: Abdol Rauh Yaccob, British policy on Arabia before the First World War: an internal argument; Adrian G. Parker &. Jeffrey I. Rose, Climate change and human origins in southern Arabia; Alexandrine Guérin & Faysal Abdallah al-Na’imi, Nineteenth century settlement patterns at Zekrit, Qatar: pottery, tribes and territory; Anthony E. Marks, Into Arabia, perhaps, but if so, from where?; Audrey Peli, A history of the Ziyadids through their coinage (203– 442/818–1050); Aurelie Daems & An De Waele, Some reflections on human-animal burials from pre-Islamic south-east Arabia (poster); Brian Ulrich, The Azd migrations reconsidered: narratives of ‘Amr Muzayqiya and Mālik b. Fahm in historiographic context; Christian Darles, Derniers résultats, nouvelles datations et nouvelles données sur les fortifications de Shabwa (Hadramawt); Eivind Heldaas Seland, The Indian ships at Moscha and the Indo-Arabian trading circuit; Fabio Cavulli & Simona Scaruffi, Stone vessels from KHB-1, Ja’lān region, Sultanate of Oman (poster); Francesco G. Fedele, Wādī al-Tayyilah 3, a Neolithic and Pre-Neolithic occupation on the eastern Yemen Plateau, and its archaeofaunal information; Ghanim Wahida, Walid Yasin al-Tikriti & Mark Beech, Barakah: a Middle Palaeolithic site in Abu Dhabi Emirate; Jeffrey I. Rose & Geoff N. Bailey, Defining the Palaeolithic of Arabia? Notes on the Roundtable Discussion; Jeffrey I. Rose, Introduction: special session to define the Palaeolithic of Arabia; Julie Scott-Jackson, William Scott-Jackson, Jeffrey Rose & Sabah Jasim, Investigating Upper Pleistocene stone tools from Sharjah, UAE: Interim report; Krista Lewis & Lamya Khalidi, From prehistoric landscapes to urban sprawl: the Masn’at Māryah region of highland Yemen; Michael J. Harrower, Mapping and dating incipient irrigation in Wadi Sana, Hadramawt (Yemen); Mikhail Rodionov, The jinn in Hadramawt society in the last century; Mohammed A.R. al-Thenayian, The Red Sea Tihami coastal ports in Saudi Arabia; Mohammed Maraqten, Women’s inscriptions recently discovered by the AFSM at the Awām temple/Mahram Bilqīs in Marib, Yemen; Nasser Said al-Jahwari & Derek Kennet, A field methodology for the quantification of ancient settlement in an Arabian context; Rémy Crassard, The “Wa’shah method”: an original laminar debitage from Hadramawt, Yemen; Saad bin Abdulaziz al-Rāshid, Sadd al-Khanaq: an early Umayyad dam near Medina, Saudi Arabia; Ueli Brunner, Ancient irrigation in Wādī Jirdān; Vincent Charpentier & Sophie Méry, A Neolithic settlement near the Strait of Hormuz: Akab Island, United Arab Emirates; Vincent Charpentier, Hunter-gatherers of the “empty quarter of the early Holocene” to the last Neolithic societies: chronology of the late prehistory of south-eastern Arabia (8000–3100 BC); Yahya Asiri, Relative clauses in the dialect of Rijal Alma’ (south-west Saudi Arabia); Yosef Tobi, Sālôm (Sālim) al-Sabazī’s (seventeenth-century) poem of the debate between coffee and qāt; Zaydoon Zaid & Mohammed Maraqten, The Peristyle Hall: remarks on the history of construction based on recent archaeological and epigraphic evidence of the AFSM expedition to the Awām temple in Mārib, Yemen
Little, Brown Book Group One Last Chance: The most uplifting love story you'll read this year
An uplifting and moving love story about second chances and destiny, perfect for fans of Jojo Moyes, Josie Silver and Holly Miller.'Emotionally heart wrenching!'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ reader review'It's been so long since a book properly made me cry . . . I was sobbing'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ reader review'I couldn't put it down. Emotional and beautifully written'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ reader review'A love story to remember'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ reader review________Have you ever wondered What If . . . ?Lou feels like she is stuck on the wrong path: alone, in a city far from home, watching other people being happy. When the man she's in love with announces his engagement to someone else, Lou is consumed by 'what ifs'.Then she finds herself slipping back in time to a night two years ago, where one small decision changed everything.Suddenly, Lou has a chance to fix her mistakes. But as she finds herself stuck in a loop, living out alternate versions of her life, her choices lead her down roads she could never have imagined.And in each life, she notices her path intersecting with one person again and again . . .Lou is about to realise that the greatest love stories aren't the ones we expect, but the ones we choose to fight for.________Readers are falling in LOVE with One Last Chance . . .'Reminiscent of Matt Haig's The Midnight Library and Rebecca Serle's In Five Years' Booklist'A heart-wrenching emotional rollercoaster' Ashley Winstead'Jost threads her novel with humour' The Times'An absorbing love story . . . Heartbreakingly poignant' Samantha Young'Tugs at the heartstrings' Publisher's Weekly'Captivating and poignant' Annette Christie'Gorgeous, heart-breaking' Saskia Sarginson'Moving, compelling' Francesca Hornak'Irresistible' Margarita Montimore'Full of hope and heart' Glendy Vanderah
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Move Like A Lion
Get up off the sofa and start moving with former Blue Peter presenter Radzi Chinyanganya, in his first children's book.Learn to walk like a crab, swing like a monkey, and slide like a penguin in this book from the Winter Olympics presenter that helps children have fun and get active, all the while learning about favourite animals. Simple exercises show children different activities they can easily do, any time and any place, with no extra equipment required!Inside the pages of this entertaining children's book, you'll discover: - 40 delightful activities where readers mimic the movements of their favourite animals- A fun fusion of animal facts (science) and physical education to create an engaging and unique experience- Charming illustrations and step-by-step instructions that show children how to do different posesAll of the moves in the book are modelled on the natural movements of the animals and can be easily integrated into the day, with an exercise to do when you wake up, suggestions for ones to do during the day, and a relaxing exercise to help children settle down for bedtime. Radzi wants every child to enjoy the amazing way exercise can make you feel. Illustrations by Francesca Rosa accompany the exercises, showing young readers exactly what they need to do for each one. Ideal for both active kids and children who are a bit more reluctant to go out and play, this exciting new book teaches them about the natural world as they have fun moving their bodies.
And Other Stories This Is How We Come Back Stronger: Feminist Writers On Turning Crisis Into Change
40 feminist writers come together to respond to the crisis of 2020 - and what happens next - in this unique and essential fundraising** collection edited by the Feminist Book Society! **20% from EVERY BOOK SOLD goes to Women's Aid and Imkaan** Spring 2020. The moment everything changed. The moment stark gender inequalities were brought ever more prominently to the fore, even as, all around the world, lives retreat behind closed doors. More important than ever was - and is - the message, to womxn of all backgrounds and experiences, you are not alone. How we can, and will, come together to fight inequalities has fundamentally changed. So, what happens now? Hard-hitting but ultimately uplifting, published on the one-year anniversary of lockdown for the US and the UK, This Is How We Come Back Stronger is an essential intersectional feminist collection for our times. In essays, interviews, fiction, and more, forty feminist writers from both sides of the Atlantic reflect on what matters most to them right now, and what comes next. With brand new contributions from:Akasha Hull, Amelia Abraham, Catherine Cho, Dorothy Koomson, Fatima Bhutto, Fox Fisher, Francesca Martinez, Gina Miller, Glory Edim, Hafsa Qureshi, Helen Lederer, Jenny Sealey, Jess Phillips, Jessica Moor, Jude Kelly, Juli Delgado Lopera, Juliet Jacques, Kate Mosse, Kerry Hudson, Kuchenga, Laura Bates, Lauren Bravo, Layla Saad, Lindsey Dryden, Lisa Taddeo, Mariam Khan, Melissa Cummings-Quarry and Natalie Carter, Michelle Tea, Mireille Harper, Molly Case, Radhika Sanghani, Rosanna Amaka, Sara Collins, Sarah Eagle Heart, Shirley Geok-lin Lim, Sophie Williams, Stella Duffy, Virgie Tovar, Yomi Adegoke . . .
Chronicle Books Pawmistry: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe with Cats
From the past hidden in their paws to the future predicted by their leftover kibble, discover the true magic of cats in this hilarious guide to feline divination. Pawmistry is a tongue-in-cheek guide to the feline oracle and the supernatural signs your cat may leave behind. Written and illustrated by the beloved creator of Cat Tarot Megan Lynn Kott, this playful and informative book offers instruction in a number of types of divination to practice with your cat, where messages and portents may be delivered by scattered cat toys, particular tail positions, and sleeping on your face. What does that barf in your shoe really mean? You may even consider learning the dark magic of their litterbox leavings (if you dare). Each section includes write-in pages to record your own cat's messages from the universe, and a removable, fold-out Feline Divination Board included with the book will allow you to take your arcane partnership to the next level. MAKE CAT PLAY TIME PAWMISTRY TIME: Using the easy step-by-step instructions, turn your cat's daily routine into opportunities for mystical discovery. Play with toys to consult the oracles! Discover messages from the universe in leftover kibble! Dare to read the dark portents hidden in their litterbox! FOR CAT LOVERS: This is a unique gift for the "crazy cat person" in your life—even if it's yourself! Learn the mystical meanings behind the "slow blink" or the past hidden in your kitty's bean toes, and celebrate the magic of cats. DIY SHAREABLE CONTENT: Along with playful instructions and illustrations, the book also includes a fold-out Feline Divination Board—a talking board for cats—which not only makes for a fun interactive element, but also a perfect photo opportunity to share with friends. GREAT GIFT: This playful book is perfect for a birthday present, white elephant gift exchange, or to celebrate a new cat adoption. Add it to the shelf alongside You Need More Sleep: Advice From Cats by Francesco Marciuliano, Ask Baba Yaga by Taisia Kitaiskaia, and Crafting with Cat Hair by Kaori Tsutaya and Amy Hirschman.
Victionary DARK INSPIRATION: 20th Anniversary Edition: Grotesque Illustrations, Art & Design
There is something morbidly fascinating about the dark and grotesque. Although it is human nature to tiptoe around the uncomfortable (or avoid it altogether), some artists are inspired by the unsettling to create intriguing works of art that push the boundaries of normality and provoke viewers into exploring their fears and taboos. There are also others who use them as springboards of the imagination to express their innermost feelings and question the often-grim realities of existence.In conjunction with Victionary’s 20th anniversary, the new edition of ‘DARK INSPIRATION’ combines most of the projects from the first two best-selling titles of the same name along with new work into one meaty celebration of the macabre. Featuring chilling depictions of childhood reveries, folklore, mysteries, and death in a variety of styles and interpretations, each project serves unconventionally as a celebration of life in all its gruesome glory. With contributions from: Aitch, Akino Kondoh, Aleksandra Waliszewska, Alessandro Sicioldr Bianchi, Alex Garant, Alice Lin, Amandine Urruty, Audrey Kawasaki, Bene Rohlmann, Dadu Shin, Dan Hillier, Daniel Martin Diaz, Danny Van Ryswyk, David Ho, dromsjel, Eero Lampinen, Eika, Elisa Ancori, Erik Mark Sandberg, Evelyn Bencicova, Fabian Mérelle, Fiona Roberts, Francesco Brunotti, Francois Robert, Fuco Ueda, Gabriel Isak, Giacomo Carmagnola, Guim Tió Zarraluki, Hannes Hummel, Heiko Müller, James Jean, Januz Miralles, Jeff Mcmillan, Jesse Auersalo, Jim Johnson Tsang, Jon Beinart, Jules Julien, Justin Nelson, Kate Macdowell, Katy Horan, Kayan Kwok, Kim Simonsson, Kotaro Chiba, Lala Gallardo, Lola Dupre, Lostfish, Mariana Magdaleno, merve morkoç (Lakormis), Mia Mäkilo, Michael Reedy, Miranda Meeks, Nadja Jovanovic, Nicoletta Ceccoli, Oleg Dou, Olivia Knapp, Paola Rojas H & David Perez, Paul Hollingworth, Raffaello De Vito, Raul Oprea aka Saddo, Richard Colman, Ryan Oliver, Sergio Mora / Agency Rush, Tara McPherson, Till Rabus, Tim Lee, Yido, Yoshitoshi Kanemaki, Yuka Yamaguchi, Yury Ustsinau, and Zhou Fan
Cultureshock Media Ltd Aesthetic Dining: The Art Restaurant Around the World
"I went to Noma and interviewed René (Redzepi). We were talking about art and food but the restaurant was closed. Everybody asked me how was the food, what did you eat - and he basically gave me some marmite. The best marmite I've ever had." - David Shrigley “This is not a coffee table book….notions of ‘taste’ get a grilling, while there are some fruity artist interviews....that make for entertaining accompaniments.” - Melanie Gerlis, The Financial Times “This comprehensive and expansive explorations of art restaurants marries the nourishment of senses, both visual and taste, along with the meeting of minds.” - Chris Corbin, Corbin and King group “A new and unique book.” - Layla Maghribi, The National News This is the definitive guide to Art Restaurants — a new way to appreciate food. Christina Makris, collector of art and a Patron of The Tate and RA, takes the reader on a tour of 25 of the world's greatest art restaurants, from New York to Hong Kong and Cairo to London. Makris traces their stories, details the art highlights, and meets artists, restaurateurs and chefs including Vik Muniz, Julian Schnabel and Tracy Emin. A captivating guide to where great art and memorable food meet. Restaurants featured include: Abou el Sid, Cairo; Bibo, Hong Kong; Casa Lever, New York; Chateau la Coste, Aix en Provence; Colombe d'Or, St Paul de Vence; Currency Exchange Café, Chicago; del Cambio, Turin; Dooky Chase, New Orleans; Gunton Arms, Norwich; Hix Soh, London; Kronenhalle, Zurich; Langan's, London; Lucio's, Sydney; Michael's, Santa Monica; Mr Chow, London; Osteria Francescana, Modena; Paris Bar, Berlin; Red Rooster, New York; Scott's, London; Sketch, London; The Ivy, London. Including interviews with: Ai Weiwei; Antony Gormley; Beatriz Milhazes; Bill Jacklin; Conrad Shawcross; Damien Hirst; David Bailey; David Hockney; David Shrigley; Gary Hume; John Beard; John Olsen; Julian Schnabel; Maggi Hambling; Michael Craig-Martin; Michael Landy; Peter Blake; Polly Morgan; Sanford Biggers; Tracey Emin; Vik Muniz.
Jonglez Secret Venice
Allow the award-winning Secret Venice guide you around the unusual and unfamiliar. Step off the beaten track with this fascinating Venice guide book and let our local experts show you the well-hidden treasures of an amazing city. Ideal for local inhabitants, curious visitors and armchair travellers alike. The places included in our guides are unusual and unfamiliar, allowing one to step off the beaten track. Now in it's 6th edition, Secret Venice features 270+ secret and unusual locations. Inside Secret Venice : Discover the secrets of St. Mark's Basilica without any tourist, decipher the capitals of the palace of the Doges, take the only underground canal in Venice, look out for of the alchemical sculpture of the winged horse, open your eyes to traces of the Teriaca, this miracle drink that was long made in Venice, tear up the paintings of the Scuola di San Rocco according to the principles of the Hebrew Kabbalah or the construction of San Francesco della Vigna according to those of the musical Kabbalah, visit an underground graveyard, push the doors of palaces and monasteries to walk in unsuspected gardens, admire the extraordinary forgotten library of the Venice seminary, sleep in a sublime room hidden in a palace, go shopping at the women's prison market of the Giudecca, play petanque in the heart of the city, make a retreat in a wonderful monastery of the lagoon ... *Secret Venice was singled-out as the Travel Guide of the Year at the Independent Publisher Awards (2011)* Don't miss - Each chapter of this Secret Venice travel guide book corresponds to a different part of the city so that one can always find a hidden or secret place to discover. Perfectly planned walks - Make sure that you do not miss any Secret location, by discovering each one featured in this guide by planning a walking tour of each part of the city.
Arnoldsche Art Meets Jewellery: 20 Years of Galerie Slavik Vienna
The Viennese gallery Slavik has been exhibiting international contemporary jewellery art of the highest quality for 20 years. The rotating bronze disc above the entrance beckons the visitor to enter into a unique universe and into a singular architectonic design concept. As a meeting place for artists, collectors and museum professionals from all over the world, it is the goal of the gallery owner Renate Slavik to provide a deeper understanding of the fascinating nature of contemporary jewellery art. Since 1990 the former antique dealer has supported unique, handcrafted jewellery with her enthusiasm and vision. "Art on the body" made of paper, synthetic material, tin as well as traditional "ingredients" like gold, pearls and diamonds are displayed in her changing exhibitions. In the gallery artistic impetus has been provided by Annelies Planteydt and Gijs Bakker from Holland; from international masters of studio jewellery such as Giampaolo Babetto or from the Padua School of Francesco Pavan. The gallery's repertoire includes avant-garde jewellery by Annamaria Zanella, Jacqueline Ryan, Stefano Marchetti and Giovanni Corvaja as well as the geometrical creations of David Watkins or the golden bracelet discs by Okinari Kurokawa. The Catalan Massana School of Joaquim Capdevila and Ramon Puig Cuyas with their colourful, narrative style; Helfried Kodre's brooches and ring sculptures as a three-dimensional, spatially-extended implementation of geometry; Michael Becker's clear, architectonic language of form; or the works with moving surfaces by Yasuki Hiramatsu represent different expressions of contemporary jewellery work. The doors stand wide open to the up-and-coming generation of craftsmen - one of the gallery owner's favourite tasks is to scout out young talent such as Miriam Hiller or Isabell Schaupp.
Oxford University Press Inc The Mind of the Artist: Personality and the Drive to Create
What is "the artist type"? How is an artist's mind structured? What are the links between creativity and mental health? Are there particular personality traits and psychological experiences that great artists have in common? Are most artists really mad? What defines the artist's personality? This book answers these questions by way of a deep, multi-angled, psychological analysis of the personality-based roots of creativity and the creative process. It draws on decades of scientific research focused on the central, mysterious trait of Openness, the true unifying glue behind everything creative. Featuring dozens of notable creators such as John Coltrane, Diane Arbus, Francesca Woodman, David Bowie, Frida Kahlo, Jack Kerouac, John Lennon, and others, this book showcases the nuances of an artist's mind beyond oversimplified formulas that falsely connect art to mental illness, painting a more authentic picture of the structure of the artist's psychology. Ultimately, this book reveals that the "torture" in an artist's perceived image has more to do with personality, creative processes, states of mind, and a need to express trauma symbolically, repeating it in the form of art. As an eminent psychobiographer with an award-winning career as a personality and creativity psychologist, Dr. William Todd Schultz yet again offers his unique perspective on a fascinating topic that is both engaging and insightful. In exploring the precise nature of inner chaos in a wide range of renowned artists, this book takes an enchanting dive into the artistic abyss for all those interested in creativity, personality, and psychology, including both general and academic readers.
Thames & Hudson Ltd M to M of M/M (Paris) Vol. 2
The definitive overview of one of the world’s most experimental and distinctive graphic-design studios. Originally established in 1992 by Michaël Amzalag and Mathias Augustyniak as a graphic design studio, M/M (Paris) have since defied categorisation, becoming one of the most radical creative practices of today through their influential work across the contemporary cultural sphere. By collaborating with fashion designers and brands such as Alexander McQueen, Loewe, Louis Vuitton, Miuccia Prada, Jonathan Anderson, Nicolas Ghesquière and Yohji Yamamoto; musicians Björk, Étienne Daho, Kanye West, Lou Doillon, Madonna and Vanessa Paradis; contemporary artists including François Curlet, Philippe Parreno, Pierre Huyghe and Sarah Morris; and rethinking the iconic titles Interview magazine, Purple Fashion and Vogue Paris, M/M have been building a visual atlas of the creative landscape since the early 1990s. In this illustrated A to Z, beginning and ending with the letter M, interviews with Michaël Amzalag and Mathias Augustyniak frame over 850 images of their projects. A series of conversations with rarely heard luminaries – designers Peter Saville, Experimental Jetset, Cornel Windlin and Katsumi Asaba; fashion designers Miuccia Prada and Jonathan Anderson; artist Francesco Vezzoli; cinematographer Darius Khondji; chef Jean-François Piège; theatre director Arthur Nauzyciel and curator Hans Ulrich Obrist – are interspersed, providing a thought-provoking insight into the minds of one of the world’s most distinctive creative duos. A foreword by Donatien Grau and an afterword by Éric Troncy bookend contributions by Emanuele Coccia, Jo-Ann Furniss, Alison M. Gingeras, Étienne Hervy, Emily King, Philippe Rouyer and Akira Takamiya. Edited by Grace Johnston, volume two of M to M of M/M (Paris) completes the first volume of M/M’s monograph published in 2012, and now republished by Thames & Hudson.
Columbia University Press Worldmaking in the Long Great War: How Local and Colonial Struggles Shaped the Modern Middle East
Winner, 2023 Robert L. Jervis and Paul W. Schroeder Best Book Award, International History and Politics Section, American Political Science AssociationHonorable Mention, 2023 Barrington Moore Award, Comparative and Historical Sociology Section, American Sociological AssociationHonorable Mention, 2023 Francesco Guicciardini Prize for Best Book in Historical International Relations, Historical International Relations Section, International Studies AssociationIt is widely believed that the political problems of the Middle East date back to the era of World War I, when European colonial powers unilaterally imposed artificial borders on the post-Ottoman world in postwar agreements. This book offers a new account of how the Great War unmade and then remade the political order of the region. Ranging from Morocco to Iran and spanning the eve of the Great War into the 1930s, it demonstrates that the modern Middle East was shaped through complex and violent power struggles among local and international actors.Jonathan Wyrtzen shows how the cataclysm of the war opened new possibilities for both European and local actors to reimagine post-Ottoman futures. After the 1914–1918 phase of the war, violent conflicts between competing political visions continued across the region. In these extended struggles, the greater Middle East was reforged. Wyrtzen emphasizes the intersections of local and colonial projects and the entwined processes through which states were made, identities transformed, and boundaries drawn. This book’s vast scope encompasses successful state-building projects such as the Turkish Republic and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as short-lived political units—including the Rif Republic in Morocco, the Sanusi state in eastern Libya, a Greater Syria, and attempted Kurdish states—that nonetheless left traces on the map of the region. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Worldmaking in the Long Great War retells the origin story of the modern Middle East.
Cornell University Press Petrarchism at Work: Contextual Economies in the Age of Shakespeare
The Italian scholar and poet Francesco Petrarch (1304–1374) is best remembered today for vibrant and impassioned love poetry that helped to establish Italian as a literary language. Petrarch inspired later Renaissance writers, who produced an extraordinary body of work regarded today as perhaps the high-water mark of poetic productivity in the European West. These "Petrarchan" poets were self-consciously aware of themselves as poets—as craftsmen, revisers, and professionals. As William J. Kennedy shows in Petrarchism at Work, this commitment to professionalism and the mastery of poetic craft is essential to understanding Petrarch’s legacy. Petrarchism at Work contributes to recent scholarship that explores relationships between poetics and economic history in early-modern European literature. Kennedy traces the development of a Renaissance aesthetics from one based upon Platonic intuition and visionary furor to one grounded in Aristotelian craftsmanship and technique. Their polarities harbor economic consequences, the first privileging the poet’s divinely endowed talent, rewarded by the autocratic largess of patrons, the other emphasizing the poet’s acquired skill and hard work. Petrarch was the first to exploit the tensions between these polarities, followed by his poetic successors. These include Gaspara Stampa in the emergent salon society of Venice, Michelangelo Buonarroti in the "gift" economy of Medici Florence and papal Rome, Pierre de Ronsard and the poets of his Pléiade brigade in the fluctuant Valois court, and William Shakespeare and his contemporaries in the commercial world of Elizabethan and early Stuart London. As Kennedy shows, the poetic practices of revision and redaction by Petrarch and his successors exemplify the transition from a premodern economy of patronage to an early modern economy dominated by unstable market forces.
University of Notre Dame Press Church and Galileo
"The ‘Galileo affair’ has been the object of innumerable studies, which (taken as a whole) have spread nearly as much fog as they have sunshine. The studies in this volume, many of them based at least in part on newly discovered or released sources, have convincingly blown away much of that fog. This is easily the most important volume on the ‘Galileo affair’ ever produced." –David C. Lindberg, University of Wisconsin This collection of first-rate essays aims to provide an accurate scholarly assessment of the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and Galileo. In 1981, Pope John Paul II established a commission to inquire into the Church’s treatment of Galileo "in loyal recognition of wrongs, from whatever side they came," hoping this way to "dispel the mistrust . . . between science and faith." When the Galileo Commission finally issued its report in 1992, many scholars were disappointed by its inadequacies and its perpetuation of old defensive stratagems. This volume attempts what the Commission failed to provide—a historically accurate, scholarly, and balanced account of Galileo and his difficult relationship with the Roman Catholic Church. Contributors provide careful analyses of the interactions of the Church and Galileo over the thirty years between 1612 and his death in 1642. They also explore the attitudes of theologians to the Copernican innovation prior to Galileo's entry into the fray; survey the political landscape within which he lived; assess the effectiveness (or otherwise) of censorship of his work; and provide an analysis and occasional critique of the Church’s later responses to the Galileo controversy. The book is divided into three sections corresponding to the periods before, during, and after the original Galileo affair. Particular attention is paid to those topics that have been the most divisive among scholars and theologians. The Church and Galileo will be welcomed by all those interested in early modern history and early modern science. Contributors: Michel-Pierre Lerner, Irving A. Kelter, Michael Shank, Ernan McMullin, Annibale Fantoli, Mariano Artigas, Rafael Martínez, William R. Shea, Francesco Beretta, Stéphane Garcia, John Heilbron, Michael Sharratt, and George Coyne.
Headline Publishing Group The Summer She Vanished: An addictive and unputdownable crime thriller for summer 2023
'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Heart-pounding . . . Definitely one of the best books this year' 'A tense, propulsive and twisty story . . . I was utterly drawn to Boweridge and its simmering secrets' ALI LOWE----A MURDERED WOMAN. A MISSING GIRL.A SMALL TOWN WITH A DARK PAST . . . Summer, 1972. Sister Francesca Pepitone was found strangled in a parking lot on the outskirts of Boweridge. A week later, seventeen-year-old Minna Larson disappeared. No one has seen or heard from her since. The cases were never linked, and neither was solved. For some, it was a scar that never healed. Others simply forgot.Now, over forty years later, Minna's niece Maggie learns that days before vanishing, Minna was telling people she knew who had murdered Sister Fran, and that she had the evidence to prove it.Except no one believed her because there was one thing everyone could agree on . . . Minna LiesHOW LONG CAN A SMALL TOWN BURY ITS PAST?----Readers are HOOKED on The Summer She Vanished'⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ A tangled tale of dark secrets . . . a captivating page-turner''⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Family secrets, small towns . . . Jessica has hit the nail on the head' '⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Just got better and better . . . And the ending? I never saw that coming!''⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Gripped me from page one . . . A must-read''⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Such a twisty plot''⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ A wonderful blend of cold case, police procedural, and cozy mystery that unravelled in perfect time''⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Dramatic and full of twists . . . I really didn't want to put it down'A blistering and shocking thriller that takes you on a taut and compelling journey to find the truth behind the story of a missing teen, a murdered nun, and the dark secret that connects them. Perfect for fans of SWEET LITTLE LIES, THE ROANOKE GIRLS and THE GIRLS WHO DISAPPEARED.
David Zwirner Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball
Hailed by Peter Schjeldahl in The New Yorker as “the most original, controversial, and expensive American artist of the past three and a half decades,” Jeff Koons has come to reign as a master of the market, a wry puppeteer with a “formidable aesthetic intelligence.” His elaborate, exquisitely produced sculptures draw from a contemporary lexicon of consumerism — often featuring large-scale reproductions of toys, household items, or luxury goods — while simultaneously holding up a mirror to the very culture from which they are extracted. These references to popular media are evidenced not merely in his choice of subject matter but also in his visual techniques: his sculptures frequently comprise smooth, mirrored surfaces, and his paintings employ bright and saturated colors. Jeff Koons: Gazing Ball — the first catalogue on the artist’s work to be published by David Zwirner — was produced on the occasion of the major 2013 exhibition at the gallery in New York, which marked the world debut of his Gazing Ball series, a brand new body of work that occupies an important place in the trajectory of his practice. Conceptually derived from the mirrored ornaments encountered on many suburban lawns, including those of Koons’s childhood hometown in rural Pennsylvania, every sculpture is anchored by a blue “gazing ball” of hand-blown glass. These are situated atop large, white-plaster sculptures that have been alternately modeled after iconic works from the Greco-Roman era, including the Farnese Hercules and the Esquiline Venus, or after such quotidian objects from the contemporary residential landscape as a rustic mailbox, a birdbath, and an inflatable garden snowman. Created in close collaboration with Koons, this elegant publication echoes the classic design of a 1970 Picasso catalogue that the artist admires. Inside, vivid color plates of the sculptures in situ capture the stark contrast between the pristine whiteness of the plaster and the highly reflective spheres. In their perfect contours and smooth, glistening surfaces, the gazing balls implicate audience as well as context — mirroring both and offering playful yet powerful meditations on the dialogue between gaze and reflection. “While all of the sculptures are grounded in their own distinct narratives, derived from Art History and suburban towns,” writes Francesco Bonami in his catalogue essay, “the seemingly fragile and delicate gazing ball establishes that sense of uncertain equilibrium that exists between history and fantasy, magic and materiality, mass culture and exclusive beauty.”
John Murray Press Jeremy Hardy Speaks Volumes: words, wit, wisdom, one-liners and rants
The best of the best from the Comedians' Comedian 2020'If you loved Jeremy Hardy, or if you know anyone who did, this is the most brilliant present because it's got every part of his voice in it' DAWN FRENCH'Well good evening, my name is Jeremy Hardy and I'm a comedian who likes to make wry witty satirical observations about the society we live in -- but I prefer to keep them to myself, thank you very much.'Edited by his wife, Katie Barlow and his long-time producer David Tyler, this comprehensive celebration of Jeremy Hardy's work is introduced by Jack Dee and Mark Steel. Further reflections on Jeremy come from Rory Bremner, Paul Bassett Davies, Jon Naismith, Francesca Martinez, Sandi Toksvig, Victoria Coren Mitchell, Andy Hamilton, Graeme Garden and Hugo Rifkind. Katie Barlow also provides a moving Afterword.Jeremy Hardy, who died in February 2019, was perhaps the most distinctive and brilliant comedian to arise from the 80s Alternative Comedy circuit. He regularly entertained the millions who heard his outrageous rants on The News Quiz, his legendary singing on I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue, or his hilarious monologues and sketches on the award-winning Jeremy Hardy Speaks to The Nation and Jeremy Hardy Feels It.Often referred to as 'the comedian's comedian', Jeremy's comedy could be both personal and political, ranging in topics from prison reform to parenting, from British identity to sex. His comedy could be biting, provocative and illuminating, but it could also be surreal, mischievous and, at times, very silly. And while Jeremy's unwavering socialism was a thread that ran throughout his comedy, his greatest skill was that, whatever their political beliefs, Jeremy always brought his audience along with him.Jeremy Hardy Speaks Volumes is a fitting celebration of this brilliant comedian. Introduced by Jack Dee and Mark Steel and containing material from his stand-up to his radio monologues and political satire to the joyfully silly gems, as well as tributes from his friends and fellow comedians, it is curated to encompass everything about Jeremy that fans adored. Edited by Katie Barlow and David Tyler, Jeremy Hardy Speaks Volumes is wise, daft, outrageous, personal and, above all, very funny: like Jeremy himself.'Ground-breakingly brilliant, off-the-register funny' JACK DEE'A one-off. Part genius, part naughty schoolboy' SANDI TOKSVIG'Unfussy, unshowy, principled, self-deprecating, hugely loved and admired by his fellow comedians and funnier than the lot of us put together' RORY BREMNER
Paul Holberton Publishing Ltd Guercino: Virtuoso Draftsman
Accompanying an exhibition of drawings by Guercino from the collection of the Morgan Library & Museum, Guercino: Virtuoso Draftsman offers an overview of the artist’s graphic work, ranging from his early genre studies and caricatures, to the dense and dynamic preparatory studies for his paintings, and on to highly finished chalk drawings and landscapes that were ends in themselves. Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, known as Guercino (1591-1666), was arguably the most interesting and diverse draftsman of the Italian Baroque era, a natural virtuoso who created brilliant drawings in a broad range of media. The Morgan owns more than twenty-five works by the artist, and these are the subject of a focused exhibition, supplemented by a handful of loans from public and private New York collections, to be held at the Morgan in the autumn of 2019. This volume accompanies that exhibition. It includes an introductory essay on Guercino’s work as a draftsman followed by entries on the Guercino drawings in the Morgan’s collection. These include sheets from all moments of the artist’s career. His early awareness of the work of the Carracci in Bologna is documented by figures drawn from everyday life as well as brilliant caricatures; two drawings for Guercino’s own drawing manual are further testament to his interest in questions of academic practice. Following his career, a range of preparatory drawings includes studies made in connection with his earliest altarpieces as well as his mature masterpieces, including multiple studies for several projects, allowing the visitor to see Guercino’s mind at work as he reconsidered his ideas. The Morgan’s holdings also include studies for engravings as well as highly finished landscape and figure drawings that were independent works. Guercino: Virtuoso Draftsman continues a series of exhibition catalogues focused on highlights from the Morgan’s collection. Previous volumes include Power and Grace: Drawings by Rubens, Van Dyck, and Jordaens and Thomas Gainsborough: Experiments in Drawing, also published by Paul Holberton. While some of the Morgan’s Guercino drawings are well known, they have never been exhibited or published as a group, and the selection includes a number of new acquisitions.
Intersentia Ltd The Acquisition of Immovables through Long-Term Use
Launched in 1993, The Common Core of European Private law is the oldest ongoing collective comparative law efort in Europe. Putting cases at their heart, each book in this series analyses a selected legal topic on the basis of real and fctional facts across diferent European and other jurisdictions. The likely outcome of the decision and its underlying legal rules are clearly set out case by case and jurisdiction by jurisdiction. In addition, the national reporters put the respective legal rules into the relevant cultural context. In this way, the collaborative efort brings not only the inner structures of national laws in Europe to the fore, but also the diferent cultural sensitivities forging their development in the frst place. It allows a reliable map of what is diferent and what is common in the various private laws across Europe to be drawn, without any specifc agenda for or against the further harmonisation of private law in Europe. The series comprises more than 20 volumes of work of more than 300 academics and is an invaluable tool to understand private law across Europe. In this book, which is part of the Common Core of European Private Law series, reporters consider legal institutions - such as the well-known acquisitive prescription and adverse possession - that allow squatters and other persons who have occupied the private or public land of others to acquire that land through mere long-term use. Rules permitting such acquisition have existed since Roman times and are said to promote legal certainty as regards ownership of land. The reporters investigate how these rules work in their legal systems today and whether this justifcation still holds water, especially given that land is now registered in most countries. Registration seems to obviate the necessity for rules permitting acquisition of land through mere long-term use, as land registration systems create clarity as to who owns the land. The continued existence of these rules also comprises a human-rights dimension. Landowners enjoy constitutional property protection under many constitutions and other legal instruments. The loss of protected ownership draws the constitutional validity of rules on long-term use into question. Yet, the rights to housing and human dignity are also relevant, especially where such users have lived on the land for extended periods and regard it as their home or where they are vulnerable to landlessness. As such, these rights must be balanced against each other. The reporters represent 19 jurisdictions from all over the world, including civil law, common law and mixed legal systems, and are from both the global north and the global south. A comparison between these legal systems and their experience with their rules on long-term use reveals a common core and guidelines against which these rules may be measured in other countries. As such, this book will be valuable to practitioners dealing with both private and public law, academic lawyers and government ofcials tasked with land use planning. With contributions by Miriam Anderson (University of Barcelona), Michel Boudot (Universite de Poitiers), Dmitry Dozhdev (Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences), Magdalena Habdas (University of Silesia in Katowice), Karoline Rakneberg Haug (Norwegian Parliamentary Ombud for Scrutiny of the Public Administration), Bjoern Hoops (University of Groningen), Eran S. Kaplinsky (University of Alberta), John A. Lovett (Loyola University New Orleans College of Law), Ernst J. Marais (University of Johannesburg), Francesco Mezzanotte (University of Roma Tre), Matti Ilmari Niemi (University of Eastern Finland), Alasdair Peterson (University of Glasgow), Hector Simon (University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona), Jozef Stefanko (University of Trnava), Johan Van de Voorde (University of Antwerp), Filippo Valguarnera (Stockholm University), Leon Verstappen (University of Groningen), Emma J.L. Waring (University of York) and Una Woods (University of Limerick).