Search results for ""author frances"
University of Nebraska Press Surrealist Ghostliness
In this study of surrealism and ghostliness, Katharine Conley provides a new, unifying theory of surrealist art and thought based on history and the paradigm of puns and anamorphosis. In Surrealist Ghostliness, Conley discusses surrealism as a movement haunted by the experience of World War I and the repressed ghost of spiritualism. From the perspective of surrealist automatism, this double haunting produced a unifying paradigm of textual and visual puns that both pervades surrealist thought and art and commemorates the surrealists’ response to the Freudian unconscious. Extending the gothic imagination inherited from the eighteenth century, the surrealists inaugurated the psychological century with an exploration of ghostliness through doubles, puns, and anamorphosis, revealing through visual activation the underlying coexistence of realities as opposed as life and death. Surrealist Ghostliness explores examples of surrealist ghostliness in film, photography, painting, sculpture, and installation art from the 1920s through the 1990s by artists from Europe and North America from the center to the periphery of the surrealist movement. Works by Man Ray, Claude Cahun, Brassaï and Salvador Dalí, Lee Miller, Dorothea Tanning, Francesca Woodman, Pierre Alechinsky, and Susan Hiller illuminate the surrealist ghostliness that pervades the twentieth-century arts and compellingly unifies the century’s most influential yet disparate avant-garde movement.
Silvana The Gianfranco Luzzetti Collection: At the Museo delle Clarisse
This book presents the Gianfranco Luzzetti collection housed in the historic complex of the former convent of the Clarisse in Grosseto, a new museum in the city. The collection is the result of the donation to the Municipality, in 2018, of over 60 works from the personal heritage of Luzzetti, an antiquarian from Grosseto, deeply linked to his land. The paintings, of great quality, trace Italian art from the 14th to the 19th century, with particular attention to Florentine art of the 17th century. The collection includes masterpieces by Antonio Rossellino, Giambologna, Rutilio Manetti, Passignano, Niccolò di Pietro Lamberti, Corrado Giaquinto, Camillo Rusconi, Pier Dandini and Giovanni di Tano Fei, as well as important works by Donatello and Beccafumi and works already donated to the Municipality of Grosseto in past years, of Santi di Tito and Cigoli. This volume, with introductory texts regarding the history of the site, the birth of the Museum and the Collection, is complemented by an anthology of writings by Luzzetti and bibliographic apparatuses. Research and texts: Sandro Bellesi, Marco Ciampolini, Roberto Contini, Elena Dubaldo, Lucia Ferri, Claudia Ganci, Cecilia Luzzetti, Gianfranco Luzzetti, Andrea Marchi, Mauro Papa, Marcella Parisi, Francesca Perillo, Gianluca Sposato, Angelo Tartuferi. Italian edition, with English translation in the appendix.
Unicorn Publishing Group Titian’s Lost Last Supper: A New Workshop Discovery
This intriguing book investigates the very rare discovery of a huge, lost, Last Supper painting produced in the workshop of Tiziano Vecellio, known as Titian. The discoloured canvas hung neglected in a parish church for 110 years until the conservator and art historian Ronald Moore removed centuries of discoloured varnish and began to appreciate that something exceptional was being revealed. Following extensive scientific examination, signatures and dates appeared whilst it also became apparent that some faces were actually portraits. The early history of the painting in a Venetian convent was discovered with the enthusiastic help of the modern Venetian, Count Francesco da Mosto, whose family knew Titian. The many painters of Titian's workshop are considered with careful circumspection to determine possible contributors to the Last Supper and the remarkable reason for the many changes, or pentimenti, are explained. After 10,500 hours of research and the translation of countless Italian documents and books, the full history of the painting has been revealed. We now know that the painting is far more than a Last Supper from Titian's workshop, painted by at least five artists over twenty years, but is actually a painting within a painting involving other prominent painters and a denouement unparalleled in Renaissance art.
Punto de Lectura Aviso de muerte
La nueva voz de la novela negra francesa, sucesora de Fred Vargas y ganadora de los premios Polar en Séries, Arsène Lupin de Literatura Policiaca y de los Lectores de Livre de Poche, regresa con una nueva e hilarante aventura de la brigada más peculiar.Lejos de haber alcanzado la gloria tras la brillante e inesperada resolución de su primer caso, Capestan y su estrafalaria brigada son vistos como traidores por el resto de sus colegas. Siguen relegados en el rincón más oscuro de la policía judicial y matan el tiempo decorando el árbol de Navidad o jugando al billar. Solo Anne mantiene la fe en su valía. Aun así, habría preferido evitar la investigación que le han asignado: el asesinato del comisario Serge Rufus, padre de su exmarido Paul. Capestan siempre odió a su suegro, pero todavía no ha sido capaz de olvidar al hijo. Mientras tanto, un hombre en Provenza descubre su nombre en un monumento a los caídos, perturbadora premonición que se cumplirá de inmediato y que hará que l
Editorial Bóveda Sin aliento por ti una fogosa aprendiz un atractivo guardabosques una pasin prohibida desbordante
Una fogosa aprendiz. Un atractivo guardabosques. Una pasión prohibida, desbordante.SEXO Y ESCÁNDALO EN LA ÉPOCA DE DOWNTON ABBEYUna novela apasionante y provocadora ambientada en la Inglaterra de los años 20Una mujer con un pasadoNoviembre de 1921. Madeline, la joven pupila francesa de Ash, duque de Belfield, huye de las habladurías y chismorreos que ha provocado en Londres.Una relación impetuosaPero Belfield Hall no es el refugio tranquilo que ella se esperaba. Allí conoce a Nathan Mallory, cuyas técnicas de seducción son sobrecogedoras y adictivas. Al mismo tiempo, las pesadillas del pasado siguen acosándola.Un secreto al descubiertoMientras tanto, Madeline descubre que su tutor, el duque, también alberga un amor imposible... por Sophie, su antigua criada. Si Madeline quisiera, podría hacer que Sophie y Ash se reunieran de nuevo, aunque sería a costa de su propia felicidad. Además, hay quienes están dispuestos a hacer cualquier cosa con tal de impedirlo.Has
Editorial Crítica La era de la revolución 17891848
La era de la revolución inicia el panorama de la historia contemporánea del mundo que Eric Hobsbawm comenzó con este libro y concluyó con su Historia del siglo XX. El gran historiador británico nos ofrece en esta obra, reconocida como un clásico de la historiografía de nuestro tiempo no en vano Peter Laslett la definió como un libro brillante, poderoso y fascinante-, una visión global de las transformaciones que tuvieron lugar entre 1789 y 1848, desde la Revolución francesa y el despegue de la industrialización británica hasta la revolución de 1848 y el Manifiesto comunista. Una visión que no se limita a los acontecimientos políticos y a los avances económicos, sino que abarca temas tan diversos como los nacionalismos, las luchas campesinas, el movimiento obrero, las ideas religiosas, la ciencia o las artes. La era de la revolución es un libro esclarecedor sobre los orígenes y los fundamentos del mundo contemporáneo.
Editorial Edaf, S.L. lvaro de Bazn capitn general del mar ocano
Es excepcional en la Historia Naval del mundo que un granmarino destaque igualmente al mando de buques tandistintos como galeones y galeras, en escenarios tan disímilescomo el Mediterráneo y el Atlántico y contra enemigos tanvariados como temibles. No lo es menos que brille igualmentecomo gran táctico y como gran estratega, como vencedor enbatallas puramente navales y en operaciones anfibias, tan eficazcomo subordinado y como jefe supremo, aparte de que fueraexcelente diplomático y se preocupara del último de sussubordinados, hasta merecer el título de ?padre de los soldados?que le dedicó Cervantes. Álvaro de Bazán reunió todas estasvirtudes, por eso consideramos que su figura no tieneparalelos en la Historia.El ascenso del Imperio español le debió mucho a Bazán:desde el freno a los corsarios franceses a la salvación deMalta; desde la decisiva victoria en Lepanto a la anexión dePortugal, que convirtió a España en el mayor
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. Principio y causalidad según Tomás de Aquino
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Colección de pensamiento medieval y renacentistaDescripción: 576 p. 24x17 cmEsta obra de Cornelio Fabro, dedicada al concepto de participación del ser en las criaturas, ha sido un hito importante en los estudios orientados a la metafísica del Doctor Angélico. Desde su primera edición en 1939 ha figurado entre las bibliografías esenciales de tesis doctorales e investigaciones monográficas de diverso signo. El esclarecimiento que hace del ser como acto es una exégesis precisa, profunda y documentada, que valora la repercusión de la actualidad del ser en los diversos ámbitos de la filosofía: ontología, psicología, gnoseología, moral, etc. La presente edición, primera en castellano, corresponde a la edición francesa de 1960. Cornelio Fabro (1911-1995). Filósofo y teólogo, fue profesor en las universidades Católica de Milán, Perugia, Lateranense, y la Urbaniana de Roma. Sus investigaciones sobre metafísica, psicología y ética se desarrollan sobre
Editorial Tecnos El gobierno de los jueces y la lucha contra la legislacin social en los Estados Unidos La experiencia americana del control judicial de la Clsicos del Pensamiento Spanish Edition
En pleno debate acerca de la conveniencia de completar el entramado institucional de la III República Francesa con la introducción de un órgano que ejerciera la jurisdicción constitucional, Edouard Lambert publica El gobierno de los jueces (1921), obra en la que lleva a cabo un análisis crítico de la justicia constitucional en los Estados Unidos. Haciéndose eco de las principales aportaciones de la literatura jurídica estadounidense del momento, Lambert pone de manifiesto los inconvenientes que conlleva la atribución a un órgano judicial de la facultad de revisar la obra del legislador. En particular, subraya sus efectos retardatarios para una necesaria evolución del Derecho norteamericano que supiera dar respuesta a las demandas crecientes de protección expresadas por los sectores sociales desfavorecidos, y su propensión a amparar los intereses de los grandes conglomerados industriales y financieros. El transcurso del tiempo no ha mermado el interés que reviste la lectura de la obra d
Getty Trust Publications Eyewitness Views - Making History in Eighteenth-Century Europe
Canaletto, Bernardo Bellotto, Luca Caravarijs, Giovanni Paolo Panini, Francesco Guardi, Hubert Robert-these renowned view painters are perhaps best known for their expansive canvases depicting the ruins of Rome or the canals of Venice. Many of their most splendid paintings, however, feature important contemporary events. Little explored by scholars, they stand out by virtue of their extraordinary artistic quality, vibrant atmosphere, and historical interest. Imbued with a sense of occasion, even drama, and often commissioned by or for rulers, princes, and ambassadors as records of significant events in which they participated, these occasions motivated some of the greatest artists of the era to produce their most exceptional work. Lavishly illustrated and exhaustively researched, this volume provides the first-ever comprehensive study-in any language-of this type of view painting. In examining these paintings alongside the historical events depicted in them, Peter Bjorn Kerber carefully reconstructs the meaning and context these paintings possessed for the artists who produced them and the patrons who commissioned them, as well as for their contemporary viewers. This vital book represents a major contribution to the field of view painting studies and will be an essential resource to scholars and enthusiasts.
St Martin's Press The Loft Generation: From the de Koonings to Twombly: Portraits and Sketches, 1942-2011
The Loft Generation: From the de Koonings to Twombly; Portraits and Sketches, 1942–2011 is an invaluable account by an artist at the center of a landmark era in American art. Edith Schloss writes about the painters, poets, and musicians who were part of the postwar movements and about her life as an artist in New York and later in Italy, where she continued to paint and write until her death in 2011. Schloss was born in Germany and moved to New York City during World War II. She became part of a thriving community of artists and intellectuals that included Elaine and Willem de Kooning, Larry Rivers, John Cage, and Frank O’Hara. She married the photographer and filmmaker Rudy Burckhardt. She was both a working artist and an incisive critic, and was a candid and gimlet-eyed witness of the close-knit community that was redefining the world of art. In Italy she spent time with Giorgio Morandi, Cy Twombly, Meret Oppenheim, and Francesca Woodman. In The Loft Generation, Schloss creates a rare and irreplaceable up-close record of an era of artistic innovation and the colorful characters who made it happen. There is no other book like it. Her canny observations are indispensable reading for all critics and researchers of this vital period in American art.
Drawn and Quarterly Art Comic
Matthew Thurber s Art Comic is a blunt and hilarious assault on the swirling hot mess that is the art world. From sycophantic fans to duplicitous gallerists, fatuous patrons to self-aggrandizing art stars, he lampoons each and every facet of the eminently ridiculous industry of truth and beauty. Follow Cupcake, the Matthew Barney obsessive; Epiphany nee Tiffany Clydesdale, the divinely inspired performance artist; Ivanhoe, a modern knight in search of artistic vengeance, and his squire, Turnbuckle. Each artist is more ridiculous than the last, yet they are tested and transformed by the even more absurd machinations of Thurber s fantastical art world. Can the Free Little Pigs destroy this blighted system? Will The Group continue its indirect assassination of promising young artists? Can artistic integrity exist in this world amid the capitalist co-opting, petty rivalries, otherworldly portals, heavenly interventions, and murders at sea? Art Comic is brimming with references and cameos, outsize personalities and shuddering nonsense?Robert Rauschenberg smashes a beer bottle, Francesca Woodman, a wineglass. In the center of it all, Thurber s twisted drawings and laugh-out-loud dialogue convey a complicated picture of an industry at the intersection of fantasy and reality. Part scathing condemnation, part irreverent appreciation, Thurber s comics skewer the art world in a way only an art lover can.
Boom! Studios Saban's Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 8
The Necessary Evil event continues as Tommy must prove he’s worthy of becoming the White Ranger, while Jason, Trini and Zack must decide if they will become the new OMEGA RANGERS - even if it means deceiving everyone they hold dear.THE TRUE ORIGIN OF THE WHITE RANGER! The critically-acclaimed Necessary Evil event continues, as the Power Rangers are left reeling from the events of their war with Lord Drakkon in Shattered Grid. But perhaps none is more affected than Tommy Oliver, formerly the Green Ranger, and now without purpose...until Zordon brings him a new opportunity. But what will take for Tommy to prove he’s worth of being the all-new WHITE RANGER? Meanwhile, Jason, Trini and Zack must decide if they will become the new OMEGA RANGERS - even if it means deceiving everyone they hold dear. The writing duo of New York Times bestseller Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and the GLAAD Award-nominated Sina Grace (Iceman) join artists Francesco Mortarino (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and Eduardo Francisco (Adventures of Superman) to answer some of the biggest questions in Power Rangers history! Collects Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #25-28.
University of Notre Dame Press Humanophone
The poetry in Humanophone, the third volume from award-winning poet Janet Holmes, celebrates composers and creators such as Harry Partch, Raymond Scott, Leon Theremin, and George Ives, who had to invent new instruments to capture the music heard in their “mind’s ear.” Taking its title from a George Ives invention—an instrument made from a group of humans, each of whom sings a single note, arrayed like a xylophone—Humanophone appears on its surface to be about music. But its real subject is the artist’s creative dilemma—how to deliver a new idea, whether it be a song or a poem, through existing media. Holmes works language into a variety of forms both familiar—syllabics, couplets, villanelles, sonnets—and engagingly new. With everything from kumquats to abandoned wedding pictures, Clara Bow to Bill Robinson, Keats’s belle dame to Dante’s Francesca, feng shui to a recipe for octopus, Humanophone celebrates how the body shapes art from the world it is given. In Humanophone, Holmes not only chronicles events such as Harry Partch’s transformation of glass chemical containers from the Berkeley Radiation Lab into the melodious and beautiful Cloud-Chamber Bowls, but also traces a playful path through the familiar, as a trombone’s upwards glissando becomes “a backwards pratfall/in brass.” Engaging a broad array of subjects, Holmes’s poetry is as delightful as it is thoughtful, as simple as it is complex.
Anaya Multimedia Los vikingos no tenan cuernos y otros cotilleos ancdotas y despropsitos de los mejores momentos de la historia
A que ni te imaginabas que la mozzarella la creó en Italia Lucrecia Borgia? Conoces la teoría que dice que Napoleón perdió la batalla de Waterloo por culpa de un ataque de hemorroides? Sabías que los dientes de los soldados caídos en Waterloo acabaron en las dentaduras postizas de los europeos más ricos? Te han contado alguna vez los magnicidios que acabaron con 5 presidentes del gobierno español como si fuera un partido de fútbol? A que no sospechabas que Isabel la Católica tenía fobia al ajo? Y que los vikingos conquistaron Sevilla y los acabaron echando a gorrazos? Te imaginas un día normal en la vida del verdugo que cortó más de 2000 cabezas en la Revolución francesa? Sabías que los guiris eran los liberales que luchaban en las guerras carlistas? Habías pensado que llegaría a tus manos la entrevista, en exclusiva, a la pierna amputada, al ojo perdido y al antebrazo machacado de don Blas de Lezo? Qué relación tiene la muerte de Leslie Howard, el actor de Lo que el viento se llevó, c
La increíble historia de una de las figuras más enigmáticas del medievo.1412. Francia se encuentra inmersa en una larga y sangrienta guerra con Inglaterra por el trono del país, que, además, está dividido en dos facciones: los borgoñones y los armagnacs, enfrentados por hacerse con el gobierno del reino durante la regencia del enajenado Carlos VI. Mientras tanto, en la pequeña aldea de Domrémy, llega al mundo una niña llamada a cambiar el destino de Europa: Juana de Arco.Todo empezó con unas voces, las de san Miguel, santa Catalina y santa Margarita, que le encomendaron una misión divina: ayudar al delfín, el hijo de Carlos el Loco, a hacerse con la corona francesa, devolver al enemigo inglés al mar y derrotar a los traidores borgoñones. Así, Juana, una adolescente normal y corriente, se transformó en una guerrera y lideró al ejército armagnac a la victoria en una época en la que el lugar de las mujeres estaba en el hogar.A partir del testimonio de testigos contemporáneos, ene
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Spad Fighters: The Spad A.2 to XVI in World War I
This book presents the evolution of one of the most famous French-made fighter aircraft of WWI—the fast, rugged Spad. From humble beginnings this airplane became the mount for such famous WWI aces as Frenchmen Georges Guynemer and René Fonck, American Eddie Rickenbacker, Italian Francesco Baracca, and many others. Illustrated with rare WWI-era photographs, this book examines how the Spad was conceived, built, and flown. Examples of surviving Spad aircraft are highlighted, as well as where they may be seen today all over the world. The book also profiles several still-existing aerodromes in the US where visitors can see a Spad being built, such as the Golden Age Air Museum in Pennsylvania. Or pay a visit to the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome in New York and see the only flying Spad VII replica in the world! Part of the Legends of Warfare series.
Lake View Press The Cineaste Interviews: On the Art and Politics of the Cinema
Roger Ebert wrote the foreword to this collection of 35 in-depth interviews with the world's leading filmmakers and critics, from Fonda to Fassbinder, from Canby to Costa-Gavras, from Sarris to Sayles. Cineaste, America's leading magazine on the art and politics of the cinema, has become known for its in-depth interviews with filmmakers and film critics of international stature. The best of these interviews are now collected in this volume. The interviews: Constantin Costa-Gavras, Glauber Rocha, Miguel Littin, Bernardo Bertolucci, Ousmane Sembene, Elio Petri, Dusan Makavejev; Gillo Pontecorvo; Alain Tanner, Jane Fonda, Francesco Rosi, Lina Wertmuller, Roberto Rossellini, Tomas Gutierrez Alea, Gordon Parks, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, John Howard Lawson, Paul Schrader, Agnes Varda, Bertrand Tavernier, Andrew Sarris, Bruce Gilbert, Jorge Semprun, Vincent Canby, John Berger, Andrzej Wajda, John Sayles, Krzysztof Zanussi, Molly Haskell, Budd Schulberg, Satyajit Ray. The unique value of these interviews will be the comments by the filmmakers on the crucial artistic and political decisions confronted in the making of their films, many of which have become classics of their kind. The filmmakers and critics talk about their own development, films which influenced their work, and the continuing controversies and alternative approaches in filmmaking. They take on their critics and their own previous positions with a clarity and forcefulness to be expected from some of the leading practitioners of their art. The interviews are introduced with a foreword by Roger Ebert, television commentator and critic for the Chicago Sun-Times. Mr. Ebert discusses the relation of art and politics and some of the common perspectives which unite filmmakers of different cultures and of diverse artistic and political temperaments. Among the subjects of these wide-ranging talks are: the choice between popular and experimental forms of narrative; the filmmaker's responsibility to society; blacks and women in the movies; the rise of third world filmmaking; Hollywood's left and progressives; the conditions of filmmaking in different societies; the challenges of independent production; different forms of censorship, from the U.S. to Poland; trends in criticism and auteur theory to feminism; the power of the reviewer.
University of Toronto Press Raffaello Borghini's Il Riposo
Raffaello Borghini's Il Riposo (1584) is the most widely known Florentine document on the subject of the Counter-Reformation content of religious paintings. Despite its reputation as an art-historical text, this is the first English-language translation of Il Riposo to be published. A distillation of the art gossip that was a feature of the Medici Grand Ducal court, Borghini's treatise puts forth simple criteria for judging the quality of a work of art. Published sixteen years after the second edition of Giorgio Vasari's Vite, the text that set the standard for art-historical writing during the period, Il Riposo focuses on important issues that Vasari avoided, ignored, or was oblivious to. Picking up where Vasari left off, Borghini deals with artists who came after Michaelangelo and provides more comprehensive descriptions of artists who Vasari only touched upon such as Tintoretto, Veronese, Barocci, and the artists of Francesco I's Studiolo. This text is also invaluable as a description of the mid-sixteenth century reaction against the style of the 'maniera,' which stressed the representation of self-consciously convoluted figures in complicated works of art.The first art treatise specifically directed toward non-practitioners, Il Riposo gives unique insight into the early stages of art history as a discipline, late Renaissance art and theory, and the Counter-Reformation in Italy.
Editorial Berenice De la influencia de las pasiones en la felicidad de los individuos y las naciones reflexiones sobre el suicidio
Madame Staël (París, 1766-1817). Conoció, siendo niña, en las tertulias de su madre, a escritores ilustrados como Diderot y DAlembert. Participó en la Revolución francesa, se enfrentó a Napoleón y, expulsada de Francia, tomó contacto con figuras alemanas como Goethe y Schiller, siendo uno de los grandes representantes del Romanticismo. Es reconocida hoy día como una gran escritora de ficción, introductora de la literatura alemana en Francia y pionera de los estudios literarios comparatistas. Unió razón hacia los temas ilustrados: la libertad individual, la prosperidad del Gobierno, la formación del espíritu..., añadiendo una intensa reivindicación del papel de la mujer como individuo autónomo. Escribió novelas, ensayos y trabajos históricos y críticos. Algunas de sus obras son Acerca de la literatura considerada en sus relaciones con las instituciones sociales, Alemania o Corinne.
Mondadori Electa Living the Alps
An interior design book showing how the alpine context, with its snowy landscapes and forests, influences the choice of colors, materials, and atmospheres.This book addresses a very specific topic within interior architecture, namely that of mountains, where the context of the surrounding landscape is strongly associated with the local identity.The houses published in this volume are all located in the Swiss Alps: in the canton of Ticino and in Engadine. They have been renovated and redeveloped, their interior spaces demolished and rethought. Francesca Neri Antonello is a master of domesticating natural and raw materials, using them to create a warm intimacy that is indispensable for designing the interiors of those who live with the cold alpine temperatures.Her projects center around stone, iron, and above all wood, which is often recovered or burned to obtain the characteristic burnished color. Wood is a living matter, the bearer of memory and, as the a
Arnoldsche Padua School: Modern Jewellery from Three Generations of Goldsmiths
The Padua School originated from the Istituto Pietro Selvatico in Padua. The distinctive features of this jewelry are the use of gold reminiscent of the goldsmith's art in antiquity and a modern and abstract formal expression within the group. Mario Pinton, who brought the goldsmith movement international recognition and acclaim in the 1950s and '60s, is credited with founding the experimental goldsmith movement in Padua. Francesco Pavan has enlarged the scope of the Padua School with his kinetic and geometric formal idiom. The breakthrough on the international jewelry scene took place in the late 1960s with Giampaolo Babetto, under whose support the geometric and Minimalist tendency was most pronounced. Other distinguished artists in jewelry such as Graziano Visintin, Renzo Pasquale, Annamaria Zanella, Stefano Marchetti and Giovanni Corvaya continued along these lines or went their own highly individual ways by experimenting with the use of new materials including plastic. The work of these crea
Boom! Studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Book Three Deluxe Edition
The third crossover collection of Ranger teams, converging into the monumental Mighty Morphin Powers #100!As the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers struggle with the emotional aftermath of a recent tragedy, they are forced to face their most dangerous foe yet… Death itself. How did the Gold Omega Ranger become the terrifying being known as The Death Ranger? What does Dark Specter intend to do with his very own Ranger, and does the past hold the key that will save the Power Rangers in the present? The combined power of writers Ryan Parrott, Mat Groom, and Paul Allor, artists Marco Renna, Moisés Hidalgo, Kath Lobo, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Francesco Mortarino, Dan Mora, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Eleonora Carlini, Miguel Mercado, and Hendry Prasetya bring fans into the boldest new era in Power Rangers history! Also includes an ALL NEW 10 page short story written and illustrated by cartoonist Shawn Daley! Collects Mighty Morphin #17-22, Power Rangers #17-22, Mighty Morphin Pow
Historia del Arte con nombre de mujer
Una Historia del Arte, desde la prehistoria hasta nuestros días, contada a través de las mujeres que la protagonizaron, con ilustraciones a todo color, por el autor de "Eso no estaba en mi libro de Historia del Arte".Mira como una mujer y pinta como un hombre. Eso decían de la vanguardista francesa Émilie Charmy en pleno siglo xx, o de la española Elena Brockman, una de las pocas artistas con obra en el Museo del Prado. Esta frase condensa muchas de las claves para entender la difícil aceptación en torno a la actividad artística femenina a lo largo de la historia. Ese silencio es posterior a sus creaciones: si tras las guerras la historia la escriben los vencedores, los manuales de arte solo se escribieron desde una perspectiva masculina. Pero, acaso no se expresaron las mujeres desde el inicio de los tiempos? El historiador Manuel Jesús Roldán reconstruye la Historia del Arte siguiendo el orillado rastro de las artistas que en todas las épocas y por todos los continentes pintaron,
Editorial Tecnos Un embajador florentino en la Espaa de los Reyes Catlicos
El volumen contiene una rigurosa introducción que da paso a cinco escritos de Francesco Guicciardini. Son obras que hacen referencia a la España de Fernando el Católico: Diario del Viaje a España, Discurso de Logroño; Informe sobre España y otros dos escritos más breves, referentes al Gran Capitán. Discurso Quinto: Si el Gran Capitán debe aceptar la empresa de Italia, Discurso Sexto: Razones por las que el Gran Capitán debe desistir y no aceptar la empresa. El Discurso de Logroño constituye, sin embargo, una excepción, puesto que no se refiere a asuntos relacionados con España, sino que parte de la compleja y azarosa vida florentina y la constante preocupación que muestra Guiciardini por salvar a su ciudad de los ejércitos extranjeros que habían establecido en Italia sus campos de batalla, unido al problema de la falta del vivere civile que había corrompido la vida política de la ciudad. Guicciardini enviado como embajador ante el rey Católico, antes de haber cumplido la edad reglament
Jardín y rizoma el giardino renacentista como cartografía nómada de Ficino a Deleuze
Los jardines renacentistas ?aquellos vergeles de las villas florentinas de los Medicis, que personajes como Cosme el Viejo o Lorenzo el Magnífico mandaron construir en lugares de ensueño como Fiesole, Careggi, Poggio, Castello o Boboli?, son los protagonistas de este original ensayo de María del Carmen Molina Barea. Entre sus avenidas y parterres, los filósofos humanistas neoplatónicos, liderados por Marsilio Ficino y Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, encuentran el lugar privilegiado para que el alma pulule, se expanda y deleite, y el individuo, al recorrerlos, como si se internase en un laberinto, se pierda a sí mismo, se extravíe como sujeto y se metamorfosee. El modelo de jardín del humanismo florentino logra su máxima expresión plástica, literaria y filosófica en el libro El sueño de Polifilo ?narrado como un relato en clave, editado en Venecia por Aldo Manuzio, atribuido a Francesco Colonna, y considerado por los bibliófilos como el más hermoso libro impreso de todos los tiempos?, do
labutxaca Un secret de lEmpord
Agost de 1935. Carretera d?Albons a Viladamat. Un Rolls-Royce avança a tota velocitat i s?estavella. Al seu interior hi viatgen el príncep Mdivani i la seva amant, la baronessa Thyssen.Juliol de 1992. Dos homes que s?acaben de conèixer rememoren l?accident i el secret que s?hi amaga. La conversa desplega la història dels ocupants del cotxe i les seves relacions amb personatges del moment, com Sert o Dalí, i també les dues guerres mundials, la Guerra Civil espanyola, l?auge del nazisme, les vils accions de la Gestapo, la vida desenfrenada dels aristòcrates decadents i la misèria dels refugiats catalans als camps francesos. I, enmig del caos, la dignitat d?un poblet que, desafiant l?enemic, preserva el seu gran secret. L?espiral de la novella, com la tramuntana que sovint bufa a Albons, s?emporta el lector a recórrer, en un relat vertiginós que el deixarà sense alè, els moments cabdals de l?Europa d?entreguerres.Només puc pensar en tu. Només vull pensar en tu. Sí,
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd Rome: The Passenger
The Passenger collects the best new writing, photography, and reportage from around the world. Its aim, to break down barriers and introduce the essence of the place. Packed with essays and investigative journalism; original photography and illustrations; charts, and unusual facts and observations, each volume offers a unique insight into a different culture, and how history has shaped the place into what it is today. Brimming with intricate research and enduring wonder, The Passenger is a love-letter to global travel. IN THIS VOLUME, Marco D’Eramo, Nicola Lagioia, Matteo Nucci, and Francesco Piccolo among other Italian writers tell of a city which, despite appearances, slips further down the ranking of the world’s most liveable cities. To the problems faced by all large capitals, Rome has added a list of calamities of its own: widespread corruption, the resurgence of fascist movements, rampant crime. A seemingly hopeless situation perfectly symbolised by the fact that Rome currently leads the world in the number of self-combusting public buses. However, if we look closer, this narrative is contradicted by just as many signs that point in the opposite direction. The majority of Romans wouldn’t consider “betraying” their hometown, and the many newcomers are often indistinguishable from the natives in the profound love that binds them to the city, leading to a lack of the mass emigration. Rome is a place of contradictions, yet to understand Rome and “fix” its problems, we should consider it a normal city, “not unlike Chicago or Manchester.” Only, incomparably more beautiful.
Pitch Publishing Ltd El Más Grande: The Story of River Plate, Argentina's Biggest Club
El Más Grande is the story of Argentina's biggest and most successful football club, River Plate. From their humble origins in the southern districts of Buenos Aires, River grew into one of the largest clubs in South America, earning the nickname 'The Millionaires' as they established themselves at the iconic Monumental Stadium. Over the years, River have propelled some of the greatest talents on the continent to fame, whilst enchanting generations of fans with their stylish play. The book journeys back to the 'máquina' team of the 1940s, arguably the most attractive club side of the pre-television era, with its fabled frontline of Moreno, Loustau, Pedernera, Labruna and Muñoz. It takes us through the great sides of the 1950s, 70s and 90s right up to the all-conquering reign of present coach Marcelo Gallardo. Along the way, we discover the great players who have worn the distinctive white shirt with the red sash - from Bernabé Ferreyra, Alfredo Di Stéfano and Enzo Francescoli to Manchester City's new signing Julián Álvarez.
Antoni Bosch Editor, S.A. El futuro de Europa: Reforma o declive
En este provocador libro, los economistas Alberto Alesina y Francesco Giavazzi señalan que, si Europa no toma pronto medidas, es casi inevitable que se intensifique su declive económico y político. Si no se emprende una reforma global, las sobreprotegidas y superreguladas economías de Europa occidental continental continuarán perdiendo velocidad y su influencia política acabará siendo casi inapreciable. Eso no significa que Alemania, Francia, España y otros países que hoy son prósperos vayan a empobrecerse; su nivel de vida continuará siendo holgado. Pero acabarán siendo casi irrelevantes en el panorama mundial. En El futuro de Europa, Alesina y Giavazzi (que son europeos) esbozan las medidas que debe tomar Europa para impedir su eclipse económico y político.Según los autores, Europa tiene mucho que aprender de Estados Unidos. Los europeos trabajan menos y tienen más vacaciones que los estadounidenses; valoran sobre todo la seguridad y la estabilidad del empleo. Alesina y Giavazzi sostienen que los estadounidenses trabajan más y un número mayor de horas y están más dispuestos a soportar los altibajos de una economía de mercado. Los europeos valoran su Estado de bienestar; los estadounidenses aborrecen el gasto público. Estados Unidos es un crisol de culturas; los países europeos tienen dificultades para absorber la población inmigrante. Alesina y Giavazzi advierten de que para que Europa ponga freno a su declive, tiene que adoptar un modelo parecido al de libre mercado de Estados Unidos.Las recomendaciones de Alesina y Giavazzi sobre la forma en que Europa debe afrontar las cuestiones relacionadas con la productividad de los trabajadores, la regulación del mercado de trabajo, la globalización, la financiación de la enseñanza superior y de la investigación tecnológica, la política fiscal y sus sociedades multiétnicas suscitarán sin duda controversias, al igual que su visión de la Unión Europea y del euro. Pero su llamada de atención sonará alta y clara para todo aquel al que le preocupe el futuro de Europa.
Edition Axel Menges Villa Lante, Bagnia
Text in German. The Villa Lante in Bagnaia near Viterbo is outstanding among 16th-century Italian gardens. It is not particularly large, but it is the undisputed highlight of this epoch, the heyday of Italian horticulture, not just because it is outstandingly well maintained, but also because of its unique formal qualities and its extremely complex iconographic programme. The present monograph attempts to establish what triggers the intense sense of beauty with which visitors to the gardens are confronted. It is immediately clear that it is essential to analyse the form of the garden -- here the extremely precise treatment of central perspective as a device is of considerable interest -- but close attention has also to be paid to the significance of the individual elements and the connections between them. This examination brings an elaborate accumulation of various sign systems to light, which seem to have the astonishing characteristic of not being entirely reconcilable, indeed they appear to build in contradictions as a basic constant. From this develops a panorama of the late 16th century, presenting the tangled pathways of perception of the gardens in all their complex relations, from the various late Renaissance garden types, via philosophy, the response to antiquity, perception of nature, perspective, harmony, literature, theatre and religion, and on to models of time and the forms it takes. Against this background the garden of the Villa Lante, which belonged to the scholarly cardinal and inquisitor Francesco Gambara, proves to be a difficult -- and perhaps not entirely successful -- balancing act between Renaissance traditions and the thrust of the Counter-Reformation, but showing at the same time, as a kind of 'apotheosis of the artwork', a surprising affinity with the present day.
HarperCollins Publishers The Silence
Longlisted for the New Blood Dagger Award 2021 'A darkly gripping and addictive read. I tore through it in a few days’ ESTHER FREUD 'Deeply engrossing … an exquisite literary thriller’ PHILIPPA EAST ‘Emotionally wrenching’ WALL STREET JOURNAL ‘Impossible to put down’ TREVOR WOOD A missing woman 30 years ago, in the suffocating heat of a Sydney summer, the Greens’ next-door neighbour Mandy disappeared without a trace. A cold case reopened In 1997, in a basement flat in Hackney, Isla Green is awakened by a call in the middle of the night: her father is under suspicion of Mandy’s murder. A devastating secret How well does Isla know her father? Is he capable of doing something terrible? And is there another secret in their community – a conspiracy of silence which stretches deep into Australia’s past? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ‘An atmospheric, convincing portrayal of the way that the decisions we make, both individually and collectively, reverberate down the years’ GUARDIAN ‘Allott uses the scandal of Australia’s stolen children to devastating effect in this memorable debut’ SUNDAY TIMES 'A riveting mystery, beautifully unwound. The Silence excavates dark, decades-old secrets buried in human hearts, in families and in nations. I read it in one weekend’ ERIN KELLY ‘An impressive and beautifully written, Australian-set debut with the devastating subject of the Stolen Generation at its core’ FIONA MITCHELL ‘Tense, atmospheric and brilliantly paced. The Silence is fraught with disturbing secrets and powerful emotions. I loved it’ FRANCESCA JAKOBI ‘A brooding, suspenseful debut’ SUNDAY MIRROR ‘A suspenseful, beautifully crafted debut for fans of Celeste Ng and Jane Harper’ TELEGRAPH AUSTRALIA ‘Intricate and suspenseful… [a] stellar debut’ NEW YORK JOURNAL OF BOOKS
Little, Brown Book Group Notorious: a scandalous read perfect for fans of Danielle Steel
'New Zealand's Queen of Royal Romance' Women's Day*Loosely based on one of history's greatest unsolved mysteries - the Princes in the Tower - and the royal enigma that was Richard III* __________EVERYONE WANTS TO BE FAMOUSEveryone has heard of the Snows. Belle, world-famous singer of Woodville fame. Her husband Teddy, acclaimed actor by day, notorious party animal by night. Their children: Emma, Pearl, Crystal, Elfred and River.EVERYONE EXCEPT EMMA SNOW Emma Snow wants three things in the world: to become a writer, own a cat, and never think about Rowan Bosworth again. Darkly handsome with a tragic past, Emma should know better than to be in love with him. She's never sure whether he actually likes her, or if she's just a pawn in one of the twisted games he likes to play.EMMA SNOW WANTS TO BE EXCEPTIONALOne Valentine's Day, a terrible event occurs which rips the Snow family apart. Determined to uncover the truth, Emma is forced to delve into the dark underbelly of her celebrity family - and once and for all decide whether to think with her heart or her head . . When you're surrounded by rumours, it's difficult to see the truth . . .___________________Believe the rumours - EVERYONE is talking about Olivia Hayfield's NOTORIOUS! 'Rich people behaving badly' Booklist'Ingenious and addictive' Francesca Hornak 'A delicious read' Renee Rosen'Hayfield has channelled the best of Jilly Cooper into a novel that's an ingenious adaption of history' The Listener'A clever whodunnit with a bonus love story that'll have you hooked' Women's Day'Racy historical fiction ... I whooped when it arrived' The Spinoff
La Esfera de los Libros, S.L. Agustina de Aragón la mujer y el mito
Zaragoza, julio de 1808. Una mujer de poco más de veinte años arranca el botafuego de las manos de un artillero muerto y dispara el cañón que éste tenía a su cargo. Su intervención, tan arriesgada como valiente, obligó a retroceder a la tropa francesa que amenazaba la zaragozana puerta del Portillo y permitió al general Palafox reestructurar la defensa. La mujer había nacido en Barcelona en 1768, se llamaba Agustina Saragossa y pasaría a la historia como Agustina de Aragón.Poco más se sabe de ella. El mito la convierte en la más popular de las heroínas de la Guerra de la Independencia pero, tras su gesta y después de recibir de la Corona el cargo y sueldo vitalicios de alférez de Infantería como reconocimiento a su valentía, su nombre se pierde para la historia. Qué fue de Agustina al finalizar la contienda? Y aún más, qué hacía en Zaragoza la joven esposa de un artillero que por entonces se hallaba de operaciones en Belchite? Desde cuándo reposan sus restos en Zaragoza si murió en
University of Notre Dame Press Many Faces of Beauty
The volume The Many Faces of Beauty joins the rich debate on beauty and aesthetic theory by presenting an ambitious, interdisciplinary examination of various facets of beauty in nature and human society. The contributors ask such questions as, Is there beauty in mathematical theories? What is the function of arts in the economy of cultures? What are the main steps in the historical evolution of aesthetic theories from ancient civilizations to the present? What is the function of the ugly in enhancing the expressivity of art? and What constitutes beauty in film? The sixteen essays, by eminent scientists, critics, scholars, and artists, are divided into five parts. In the first, a mathematician, physicist, and two philosophers address beauty in mathematics and nature. In the second, an anthropologist, psychologist, historian of law, and economist address the place of beauty in the human mind and in society. Explicit philosophical reflections on notoriously vexing issues, such as the historicity of aesthetics itself, interculturality, and the place of the ugly, are themes of the third part. In the fourth, practicing artists discuss beauty in painting, music, poetry, and film. The final essay, by a theologian, reflects on the relation between beauty and God. Contributors: Vittorio Hösle, Robert P. Langlands, Mario Livio, Dieter Wandschneider, Christian Illies, Francesco Pellizzi, Bjarne Sode Funch, Peter Landau, Holger Bonus, Pradeep A. Dhillon, Mark W. Roche, Maxim Kantor, Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf, Mary Kinzie, Dudley Andrew, and Cyril O’Regan.
Gagosian Gallery Damien Hirst: For Heaven's Sake
For Heaven's Sake was produced for the Damien Hirst: Forgotten Promises inaugural exhibition at Gagosian Gallery, Hong Kong in 2011. The book title, named after the artwork "For Heaven's Sake" (2008), includes full-color plates of the skull, including fabrication shots and installation shots at the Hong Kong exhibition where this life-size human baby skull cast in platinum and covered in 8,128 pavé-set perfect diamonds: 7,105 natural fancy pink diamonds and 1,023 white diamonds on the fontanel was shown for the first time. Also included are 8 unique preliminary drawings by the artist. This spectacular memento mori was cast from an original skull that formed part of a nineteenth-century pathology collection that Hirst acquired some years ago. As Hirst says: "Diamonds are about perfection and clarity and wealth and sex and death and immortality. They are a symbol of everything that's eternal, but then they have a dark side as well." The book includes a short text by curator, writer and critic, Francesco Bonami published in both Chinese and English. Bonami is the Manilow Senior Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. He is also the artistic director of the Fondazione Sandretto ReRebaudengo per l'Arte in Turin, Fondazione Pitti Discovery in Florence and the Centro di Arte Contemporanea Villa Manin. He was the director of the 50th Biennale di Venezia of Visual Arts in 2003.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Many Geographies of Urban Renewal: New Perspectives on the Housing Act of 1949
The consequences of the federal Housing Act of 1949—which supported the clearance and redevelopment of “blighted” areas across the nation—were felt by communities of all sizes, not just large cities. The Many Geographies of Urban Renewal presents a more comprehensive view of the federal urban renewal program by situating the experiences of large cities like Baltimore, MD and Philadelphia PA alongside other geographies, such as the small city of Waterville, ME, suburban St. Louis County in Missouri, the State of New York, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and others. Chapters identify trends and connections that cut across jurisdictional boundaries, investigate who used federal funds, how those funds were used, and examine the profound short and long-term consequences of the program. Taken as a whole, the essays showcase the unexpected diversity of how different communities used the federal urban renewal program. The Many Geographies of Urban Renewal allows us to better understand what was arguably the most significant urban policy of the 20th century, and how that policy shaped the American landscape. Contributors include Francesca Russello Ammon, Brent Cebul, Robert B. Fairbanks, Leif Fredrickson, Colin Gordon, David Hochfelder, Robert K. Nelson, Benjamin D. Lisle, Stacy Kinlock Sewell and the editor.
The Catholic University of America Press Dogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's 'Ad Limina Apostolorum'
The conversation of this book is structured around five major documents from the Second Vatican Council, each of which Barth commented upon in his short but penetrating response to the Council, published as Ad Limina Apostolorum. In the two opening essays, Thomas Joseph White reflects upon the contribution that this book seeks to make to contemporary ecumenism rooted in awareness of the value of dogmatic theology; and Matthew Levering explores the way in which Barth’s Ad Limina Apostolorum flows from his preconciliar dialogues with Catholic representatives of the nouvelle théologie and remain relevant to the issues facing Catholic theology today. The next two essays turn to Dei Verbum, the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; here Katherine Sonderegger (Protestant) reflects on scripture and Lewis Ayres (Catholic) reflects on tradition. The next two essays address the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, which touches upon central differences of Catholic and Protestant self-understanding. Christoph Schwöbel (Protestant) analyzes visible ecclesial identity as conceived in a Protestant context, while Thomas Joseph White (Catholic) engages Barth’s Reformed criticisms of the Catholic notion of the Church. The next two essays take up Nostra Aetate: Bruce McCormack (Protestant) asks whether it is true to say that Muslims worship the same God as Christians, and Bruce D. Marshall (Catholic) explores the implications of the Council’s reflections on the Jewish people. The next two essays take up the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes: John Bowlin (Protestant) makes use of the thought of Aquinas to consider the promise and perils of the document, while Francesca Aran Murphy (Catholic) engages critically with George Lindbeck’s analysis of the document. The next two essays explore Unitatis Redintegratio: Hans Boersma (Protestant) asks whether the ecumenical intention of the document is impaired by its insistence that the unity of the Church is already present in the Catholic Church, and Reinhard Hütter (Catholic) systematically addresses Barth’s questions regarding the document. The noted ecumenist and Catholic theologian Richard Schenk brings the volume to a close by reflecting on “true and false ecumenism” in the post-conciliar period.
Hatje Cantz Ruttkowski;68 – 10 Years
More Than Just a Gallery Ruttkowski;68 celebrates its 10th year anniversary! As homage to his early deceased friend, DJ Sven Ruttkowski, born in 1968, Nils Müller founded the gallery in his friend’s former apartment at Bismarckstrasse 68 in Cologne, in 2010. The gallery quickly expanded in Cologne and now also has a space in Paris. Ruttkowski;68 broadens the notion of art through radical authenticity, references to subcultures, pop culture as well as art history. This book provides an insight into the most exciting exhibitions and sets a platform to tell the stories of artists, friends, and supporters of the gallery. A space that is more than just an exhibition space—a space where not only creating art, but a way of living is celebrated. Ruttkowski;68 represents the following artists: Hendrik Beikirch, Jenny Brosinski, Asger Carlsen, Francesco Igory Deiana, Lars Eidinger, Philip Emde, Jårg Geismar, Henrik Godsk, Antwan Horfee, Mark Jenkins, Paa Joe, Conny Maier, Stefan Marx, Filippo Minelli, Christian Rex van Minnen, Joakim Ojanen, C.O. Paeffgen, Parra, Ricardo Passaporte, Frédéric Platéus, Devin Troy Strother, Stefan Strumbe, Pablo Tomek, Fabian Treiber, Henrik Vibskov, Thomas Wachholz, and Daniel Weissbach.
HarperCollins Publishers The Society for Soulless Girls
’TWISTY, SEXY, SMART ’ – Kiran Millwood-Hargrave ‘A MODERN GOTHIC GEM’ – Samantha Shannon ‘OH SO ROMANTIC’ – Alexandra Christo ‘AS SEDUCTIVE AS IT IS SINISTER’ – Kate Dunn ‘THE SAPPHIC DARK ACADEMIA OF DREAMS – Francesca May A dark academia thriller romance with a supernatural twist. From the winner of the Comedy Women in Print Prize Ten years ago, four students lost their lives in the infamous North Tower murders at the elite Carvell College of Arts, forcing Carvell to close its doors. Now Carvell is reopening, and fearless student Lottie is determined to find out what really happened. But when her roommate, Alice, stumbles upon a sinister soul-splitting ritual hidden in Carvell’s haunted library, the North Tower claims another victim. Can Lottie uncover the truth before the North Tower strikes again? Can Alice reverse the ritual before her monstrous alter ego consumes her? And can they stop flirting for literally fifteen seconds in order to do this? Exploring possession and ambition, lust and bloodlust, femininity and violence, The Society of Soulless Girls is perfect for fans of Ace of Spaces, The Secret History and The Inheritance Games.
Alfaguara Charlotte
Una experiencia de lectura única Ganadora del Premio Renaudot y del Goncourt des Lycéens Favorita de los libreros y los lectores 1. en las listas francesas de más vendidosGracias por esta joya. La he leído en una noche. Si vemos la literatura como una forma de culto, hay libros como ermitas, otros como iglesias. Este sería una extraordinaria catedral. Conchi Beltrán, Librería Goya (Bilbao)Charlotte Salomon, pintora alemana de origen judío, abandona Berlín tras una relación amorosa que dejará en ella una huella definitiva. Huyendo de los nazis, se refugia en el sur de Francia junto a sus abuelos, quienes custodian un secreto que Charlotte no debe conocer. Allí compone su fascinante autobiografía, una obra única que, ya acechada por el peligro, decide poner a buen recaudo en una maleta que entrega a su médico, a quien confiesa: "Es toda mi vida".El autor que cautivó a más de un millón de lectores con La delicadeza asombra y conmueve con una novela que, como la obra de Charlotte
Siendo lo más universal en la vida del mundo el dolor y el infortunio, atender a ello parecería la tarea urgente del nuevo libro de Juan Carlos Pajares, pues así lo anuncia el mismo título: desamparo. Pero no es sólo eso, es también una poética, la poética del desamparo. No es la estética o la poesía de tal estado. Es poética porque es, de nuevo, política, es moral, y sigue siendo oblicuidad entre lo nombrado, lo atraído sin un centro fijo, en la movilidad del hallazgo o del azar. Lo escrito y algo más. Ahora se ha abolido el calendario gregoriano, aflora el de la revolución francesa; qué acierto, salirse del santoral para llamar a los meses y los días con otros nombres tan hermosos: el día carbón, el 2 del mes nevoso; el día violeta, el 8 del mes ventoso, aquel almanaque secreto es ahora republicano. Trabajos y días, mirar, leer las noticias, volver a mirar, vivir. Como si al que sólo mira le envolviese lo mirado y se le despertase una conciencia, una conciencia que busca y quisiera o
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Collection MER
Marcos Martín Blanco and Elena Rueda began to acquire artworks in 1979. Over the years, the MER Foundation has gathered more than 800 works and includes important pieces from the best contemporary artists. The collection specialises in European and American figuration since 1980. This attention to figuration as distinct from painting and photography, has led Marcos and Elena to seek the masterpieces of artists such as Eric Fischl, Francesco Clemente, David Salle, Cindy Sherman, Thomas Ruff, Marlen Dumas, Lisa Yuscavage, Merilyn Minter, Luis Gordillo and Cecily Brown. The collection includes more than 180 artists: Miquel Barceló, José María Sicilia, Antoni Tàpies, Mompó, Palazuelo, Gordillo, Zóbel or Soledad Sevilla, among the Spanish artists, and Warhol, LeWitt, Oelen, Basquiat, David Sala or Julian Schnabel, among the international ones. In 2004 it was awarded the Collecting Prize by the ARCO art fair. This catalogue includes two introductory texts by Patricio Pron and Dan Cameron, one a more literary and personal appraisal of the founder and the collection, and the other one a technical and critical view.
Rizzoli International Publications Maine and American Art
Published on the occasion of Maine's bicentennial, the book considers more than 200 major artworks of American art from the Farnsworth Art Museum's impressive holdings and details how the state has figured prominently in the development of American art. The volume includes artists as diverse as Andrew Wyeth, Marsden Hartley, Georgia O'Keeffe, Francesco Clemente, Robert Rauschenberg, and Alex Katz, among others. Through their work, a fascinating depiction of the state--and indeed of the development of American art--emerges. In addition to the more than 200 artworks, the volume will feature two historic sites: the Farnsworth Homestead (the National Register of Historic Places home of founder Lucy Copeland Farnsworth) and the National Historic Landmark Olson House, inspiration for some 300 works by Andrew Wyeth, including Christina's World. The book also considers the founder Lucy Copeland Farnsworth's distinctive vision to create a museum, library, and historic house, placing her among the few and still under-recognized women who created museums throughout the United States in the early twentieth century.
Reaktion Books Petrarch: Everywhere a Wanderer
Born in Tuscany in 1304, Italian poet Francesco Petrarca is widely considered one of the fathers of the modern Italian language. His writings inspired the Humanist movement and, subsequently, the Renaissance, but few figures are as complex or as misunderstood. He was a devotee of the ancient pagan Roman world and a devout Christian, a lover of friendship and sociability, yet at times an intensely private and almost misanthropic man. He believed life on earth was little more than a transitory pilgrimage, and took himself as his most important subject-matter. Christopher S. Celenza provides the first general account of Petrarch's life and work in English in over thirty years, and considers how his reputation and identity have changed over the centuries. He brings to light Petrarch's unrequited love for his poetic muse, Laura, the experiences of his university years, the anti-institutional attitude he developed as he sought a path to modernity by looking toward antiquity, and his endless focus on himself. Drawing on both Petrarch's Italian and Latin writings, this is a revealing portrait of a paradoxical figure: a man of mystique, historical importance and endless fascination.
Alfaguara Toda pasin apagada
La mejor novela de Vita Sackville-West, admirada por Virginia Woolf y convertida en un clásico.Toda la elegancia, toda la ironía y, bajo una tersa superficie, una buena dosis de veneno. Una lectura muy sabrosa.Rosa MonteroSe preguntó qué heridas eran más profundas: las desgarradas heridas de la realidad, o las hondas e invisibles magulladuras de la imaginación.Lord Slane, baluarte del Imperio y gran estadista, ha muerto. Le sobreviven su viuda y seis hijos dispuestos a ocuparse de ella. Pero Lady Slane tiene otros planes: la sumisa esposa y complaciente madre quiere al fin vivir su propia vida. En una pequeña casa, en Hampstead, rememorará sus sueños de una juventud y pasará dulcemente el tiempo que el destino le conceda junto a aquellos que ha escogido: una doncella francesa, el carpintero y hasta un excéntrico millonario, enamorado de ella en la India cincuenta años atrás.Toda pasión apagada es una de las obras maestras de Vita Sackville-We
Duke University Press Detours: A Decolonial Guide to Hawai'i
Many people first encounter Hawai‘i through the imagination—a postcard picture of hula girls, lu‘aus, and plenty of sun, surf, and sea. While Hawai‘i is indeed beautiful, Native Hawaiians struggle with the problems brought about by colonialism, military occupation, tourism, food insecurity, high costs of living, and climate change. In this brilliant reinvention of the travel guide, artists, activists, and scholars redirect readers from the fantasy of Hawai‘i as a tropical paradise and tourist destination toward a multilayered and holistic engagement with Hawai‘i's culture and complex history. The essays, stories, artworks, maps, and tour itineraries in Detours create decolonial narratives in ways that will forever change how readers think about and move throughout Hawai‘i. Contributors. Hōkūlani K. Aikau, Malia Akutagawa, Adele Balderston, Kamanamaikalani Beamer, Ellen-Rae Cachola, Emily Cadiz, Iokepa Casumbal-Salazar, David A. Chang, Lianne Marie Leda Charlie, Greg Chun, Joy Lehuanani Enomoto, S. Joe Estores, Nicholas Kawelakai Farrant, Jessica Ka‘ui Fu, Candace Fujikane, Linda H. L. Furuto, Sonny Ganaden, Cheryl Geslani, Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez, Noelani Goodyear-Ka‘ōpua, Tina Grandinetti, Craig Howes, Aurora Kagawa-Viviani, Noelle M. K. Y. Kahanu, Haley Kailiehu, Kyle Kajihiro, Halena Kapuni-Reynolds, Terrilee N. Kekoolani-Raymond, Kekuewa Kikiloi, William Kinney, Francesca Koethe, Karen K. Kosasa, N. Trisha Lagaso Goldberg, Kapulani Landgraf, Laura E. Lyons, David Uahikeaikalei‘ohu Maile, Brandy Nālani McDougall, Davianna Pōmaika‘i McGregor, Laurel Mei-Singh, P. Kalawai‘a Moore, Summer Kaimalia Mullins-Ibrahim, Jordan Muratsuchi, Hanohano Naehu, Malia Nobrega-Olivera, Katrina-Ann R. Kapā‘anaokalāokeola Nākoa Oliveira, Jamaica Heolimelekalani Osorio, No‘eau Peralto, No‘u Revilla, Kalaniua Ritte, Maya L. Kawailanaokeawaiki Saffery, Dean Itsuji Saranillio, Noenoe K. Silva, Ty P. Kāwika Tengan, Stephanie Nohelani Teves, Stan Tomita, Mehana Blaich Vaughan, Wendy Mapuana Waipā, Julie Warech
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Move Like A Lion
Get up off the sofa and start moving with former Blue Peter presenter Radzi Chinyanganya, in his first children's book.Learn to walk like a crab, swing like a monkey, and slide like a penguin in this book from the Winter Olympics presenter that helps children have fun and get active, all the while learning about favourite animals. Simple exercises show children different activities they can easily do, any time and any place, with no extra equipment required!Inside the pages of this entertaining children's book, you'll discover: - 40 delightful activities where readers mimic the movements of their favourite animals- A fun fusion of animal facts (science) and physical education to create an engaging and unique experience- Charming illustrations and step-by-step instructions that show children how to do different posesAll of the moves in the book are modelled on the natural movements of the animals and can be easily integrated into the day, with an exercise to do when you wake up, suggestions for ones to do during the day, and a relaxing exercise to help children settle down for bedtime. Radzi wants every child to enjoy the amazing way exercise can make you feel. Illustrations by Francesca Rosa accompany the exercises, showing young readers exactly what they need to do for each one. Ideal for both active kids and children who are a bit more reluctant to go out and play, this exciting new book teaches them about the natural world as they have fun moving their bodies.