Search results for ""Author Frances"
Editorial Crítica Los ecos de la Marsellesa
Este libro aborda un tema tan importante como desatendido en la historiografía de la Revolución Francesa: la historia, no de la Revolución misma, sino de su recepción e interpretación. Todos nosotros ?nos dice Hobsbawm? formulamos por escrito la historia de nuestro tiempo cuando volvemos la vista hacia el pasado y, en cierta medida, luchamos en las batallas de hoy con trajes de época. Pero quienes solo escriben sobre la historia de su propio tiempo no pueden comprender el pasado y lo que este trajo consigo. Quienes han juzgado los acontecimientos de 1789 separándolos de los dos siglos de historia del mundo dominados por los ecos de la Marsellesa, se condenan a no entender hasta qué punto la Revolución trasformó el mundo, irreversiblemente, al dar a los pueblos la convicción de que podían cambiar la historia por sí mismos. Por otra parte, los valores reivindicados por los revolucionarios, junto a los de la razón y la Ilustración, siguen siendo una herencia valiosa que nos conviene prese
Alienta Editorial No ests sola la desgarradora historia de una madre a quien la injusticia de la justicia separ de su hijo
Carolina disfruta de una apacible vida en Milán como reputada diseñadora de moda. Atrás quedan los años de sufrimiento bajo el yugo de un padre maltratador y por la muerte de su hermana. Sin embargo, el fortuito encuentro con Francesco, su novio de la adolescencia, provocará un giro en su vida. Incapaz de resistirse a los encantos de este empresario, exdrogadicto y sometido a una madre autoritaria, Carolina iniciará un descenso a los infiernos con un matrimonio desgraciado y un marido violento.El nacimiento del pequeño Mateo tampoco conseguirá mejorar la convivencia y después de dos años de insultos, vejaciones físicas y psíquicas Carolina abandonará el hogar con su hijo. Será el inicio de una batalla legal en los tribunales por la custodia, en la que psiquiatras, investigadores privados y asistentes sociales sacarán los trapos sucios de uno y de otro.Una lucha feroz en la que todo vale y que se alargará durante diez años, hasta que una inesperada noticia cambiará el curso de los
Forma Edizioni Marginalia
Four Calabrian artists who trained during the 1970s, four different poetic paths and a communion of intentions. After Marginalia, the first group exhibition held in 1979, their path split across Italy, to reunite in 2021 in an exhibition bearing the same title. Francesco Correggia held the chair of Decoration Department in Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. He initially focused on performances and site- specific actions, before turning to painting. Luigi Magli lives in Cosenza. He’s interested in semiotics and the language of art, investigating matter and its expressive possibilities through his ‘personal expressionism’. Rocco Pangaro lives in Rende. He teaches Artistic Anatomy at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catanzaro. His research is wedged in the relationship between the artistic intervention and the place that hosts it. Giovanni Vatrella moved to Gorizia. He incorporates reality in his works, showing and concealing it at the same time behind thin canvases. The book, edited by Bruno Corà, highlights the affinities and divergences of these artists. It is accompanied by a rich apparatus of significant archive images.
Punto de Lectura Aviso de muerte
La nueva voz de la novela negra francesa, sucesora de Fred Vargas y ganadora de los premios Polar en Séries, Arsène Lupin de Literatura Policiaca y de los Lectores de Livre de Poche, regresa con una nueva e hilarante aventura de la brigada más peculiar.Lejos de haber alcanzado la gloria tras la brillante e inesperada resolución de su primer caso, Capestan y su estrafalaria brigada son vistos como traidores por el resto de sus colegas. Siguen relegados en el rincón más oscuro de la policía judicial y matan el tiempo decorando el árbol de Navidad o jugando al billar. Solo Anne mantiene la fe en su valía. Aun así, habría preferido evitar la investigación que le han asignado: el asesinato del comisario Serge Rufus, padre de su exmarido Paul. Capestan siempre odió a su suegro, pero todavía no ha sido capaz de olvidar al hijo. Mientras tanto, un hombre en Provenza descubre su nombre en un monumento a los caídos, perturbadora premonición que se cumplirá de inmediato y que hará que l
Editorial Bóveda Sin aliento por ti una fogosa aprendiz un atractivo guardabosques una pasin prohibida desbordante
Una fogosa aprendiz. Un atractivo guardabosques. Una pasión prohibida, desbordante.SEXO Y ESCÁNDALO EN LA ÉPOCA DE DOWNTON ABBEYUna novela apasionante y provocadora ambientada en la Inglaterra de los años 20Una mujer con un pasadoNoviembre de 1921. Madeline, la joven pupila francesa de Ash, duque de Belfield, huye de las habladurías y chismorreos que ha provocado en Londres.Una relación impetuosaPero Belfield Hall no es el refugio tranquilo que ella se esperaba. Allí conoce a Nathan Mallory, cuyas técnicas de seducción son sobrecogedoras y adictivas. Al mismo tiempo, las pesadillas del pasado siguen acosándola.Un secreto al descubiertoMientras tanto, Madeline descubre que su tutor, el duque, también alberga un amor imposible... por Sophie, su antigua criada. Si Madeline quisiera, podría hacer que Sophie y Ash se reunieran de nuevo, aunque sería a costa de su propia felicidad. Además, hay quienes están dispuestos a hacer cualquier cosa con tal de impedirlo.Has
Indiana University Press Before the Chinrest: A Violinist's Guide to the Mysteries of Pre-Chinrest Technique and Style
Drawing on the principles of Francesco Geminiani and four decades of experience as a baroque and classical violinist, Stanley Ritchie offers a valuable resource for anyone wishing to learn about 17th-18th-and early 19th-century violin technique and style. While much of the work focuses on the technical aspects of playing the pre-chinrest violin, these approaches are also applicable to the viola, and in many ways to the modern violin. Before the Chinrest includes illustrated sections on right- and left-hand technique, aspects of interpretation during the Baroque, Classical, and early-Romantic eras, and a section on developing proper intonation.
Pepitas de calabaza Tranva 83
Tranvía 83 se desarrolla en un indeterminado país africano que vive, a la vez que una profunda recesión, una nueva fiebre del oro. Turistas de todas las nacionalidades y lenguas llegan a la Ciudad-País con un único deseo: hacer fortuna explotando la riqueza mineral escondida en las entrañas de esa tierra. Por el día trabajan en las minas, y por la noche se reúnen para beber, comer y bailar en el club Tranvía 83, una auténtica guarida de forajidos poblada por antiguos niños soldados, turistas con ánimo de lucro, prostitutas, madres solteras, aprendices de brujo. y por Lucien, un escritor que, huyendo de las extorsiones y la censura, encuentra refugio en Ciudad-País e intenta seguir allí su recto camino de afirmación de su escritura, mientras los personajes más turbios del lugar gravitan a su alrededor.Tranvía 83 ha sido considerada como uno de los últimos y más brillantes fenómenos culturales en lengua francesa, razón por la que ha sido traducida a idiomas como el inglés, alemán, ita
Oxford University Press Machiavelli's Broken World
Machiavelli was painfully aware of living in a disastrous moment of Italy's history: foreign invasions, occupations and shattered states. He was harshly critical of Italy's princes (such as Francesco Sforza), its professional military class (especially Cesare Borgia), and the Church (Pope Julius II), and this is a study of his evaluation of their failures and of their underlying causes. He believed that the root of Italy's political weakness was the excessive ambition of its elite classes, who, like their counterparts in ancient Rome, were prepared to overthrow governments that obstructed their ambition. Machiavelli formulates this phenomenon, first theoretically, then historically in the context of the Florentine Republic's descent into family-based factionalism, which culminated in the brittle Medici regime. The most damaging tyranny, according to Machiavelli, was the collective tyranny of wealthy elites ready to undermine law and government to preserve and augment their power and wealth.
Actes Sud Djamel Tatah
A unique look at the works of Djamel Tatah and those of the minimalist artists in the Lambert Collection. Djamel Tatah’s refined paintings reveal the way in which humanity can assert itself as a presence in the world. From reality, ordinary life and world events, the artist paints life-size figures which seem to be suspended in time, set in unspecified places and caught up in a world of silence. Reinterpreting solitude as virtue, Tatah intends to surpass reality, experimenting with colour, light and line to explore his feelings of being part of the world. This catalogue creates a dialogue between the collection’s minimalist artists such as Robert Barry, Robert Ryman, Robert Mangold, Richard Serra, Sol LeWitt and Brice Marden, among others, and Tatah’s sober refined life-size figures, which somehow seem suspended in time and detached from the world. The artist draws inspiration from everyday situations or major news events to create a metaphysical representation of contemporary man. While Djamel Tatah’s work shows a clear relationship with modernist and contemporary monochrome painting, it is also part of a more classical tradition. Hence, the Paris School of Fine Art (ENSBA), where has taught since 2008, has loaned over fifty works from its own illustration collection, works by Delacroix, Matisse, Corneille de Lyon, Cimabue, Giotto, Piero della Francesca, and more, with a view to broadening the dialogue with Djamel Tatah’s work over time.
Vais a decir que estoy loco Narrativa Band 108
Ahora me duermo, ahora me despierto, ahora me duermo. Así es la vida de Francesc Ascás, un extravagante joven que oye voces y dice cosas raras, que dibuja cómics y está enganchado a las predicciones de una maga televisiva, y todo ello encerrado en el piso donde vive, con la única luz que le ofrecen las rendijas de las persianas bajadas. Hasta que un día aparece muerta Blanca Benito, su vecina y única amiga, y será entonces cuando la policía lo acusa de homicidio, por ser el loco de la escalera, porque ya se sabe que un loco es capaz de todo.Bajo esta trama, Andreu Martín nos adentra en una rueda de la fortuna rebosante de imprevistos y sucesos de todo tipo, donde finalmente todo el mundo te toma por loco porque los locos siempre dicen que no lo están, de manera que cuando uno dice que no está loco, enseguida piensan que está como una cabra. Y precisamente aquí es donde el lector jugará un papel relevante: descubrir quién realmente lo está y quién no, quién dice la verdad y quién mi
GEDISA Caos y catstrofe Un debate sobre las teoras crticas entre amrica latina y europa Comunicacinserie comunicologa latina Spanish Edition
El objetivo de este ensayo es plantearse las tensiones que se presentan en las teorías críticas entre América Latina y Europa, de manera fundamental, en un inicio, las críticas alemanas y francesas, y en un paso posterior, anglosajonas e italianas del siglo XX e inicios del XXI. La noción de crítica de la comunicación se articula sobre lo político, lo visual y lo cultural. En este libro no se considera a la comunicación como transparencia, consenso, acuerdo y mediación universal, sino como acciones que desajustan los consensos tanto epistémicos, políticos como sociales, sobre los que se construyen los sistemas.Desde los estudios culturales, post y decoloniales, se critica a lo largo de sus páginas (no sin conflictos) a la cultura sustantiva, al sujeto como centro de la historia y la narración. Lo visual y lo cultural permiten deconstruir la mirada única y cuestionar la concepción de que la imagen es una construcción unidireccional (por ejemplo, la idea de que hay una imagen del mund
HarperCollins Publishers The End of Summer
''An enthralling, layered triumph'' SUNDAY TIMES, Thriller of the Month''An elegant, provocative, twisting thriller hugely entertaining and beautifully written'' CHRIS WHITAKER''So brilliant I stayed up into the early hours to finish it'' PRIMA, Book of the MonthYour mother is not who you think she isWhen the phone rings in Judy McVee's Languedoc farmhouse, she knows her past has finally caught up with her. It's her daughter, frantically asking why there are journalists on her London doorstep making terrible accusations.Decades earlier, Judy was a girl with big plans to ensnare a rich husband, to make something of herself, to rise above her upbringing and leave behind past tragedies. Wealthy young widower Rory Harrington seemed the perfect target but Judy hadn't reckoned on actually falling in love with him.Now her daughter Francesca, who has secrets of her own, must come to terms with the realisation that the mother she thought she knew wasn't real. Where has Judy gone and was anyt
Canelo The Cornish Blacksmith's Daughter: An enthralling wartime saga
The Great War rages in Europe. Will two Cornish women overcome tragedy and scandal to expose the truth?Verity Tregorran is one of the local blacksmith’s nine daughters, and madly in love with the boy next door, Ned Chegwidden, who is now serving in the trenches of World War I. She must withhold her true feelings for Ned from her parents, who would be horrified to learn of her attachment to someone outside the family’s strict Christian sect.On the coastal path one evening, Verity witnesses something suspicious on the cliffs which causes her to fear the involvement of German spies. There’s only one person she can turn to: Effie Dawes, wife of the local police constable. Effie faces tragedy as her husband fights overseas, while scandal threatens to rock Verity’s family, but the two friends remain determined in their efforts to discover what really happened on the cliffs…An enthralling wartime saga perfect for fans of Lynn Johnson and Francesca Capaldi.
University of Notre Dame Press Dante's "Vita Nova": A Collaborative Reading
This original volume proposes a novel way of reading Dante’s Vita nova, exemplified in a rich diversity of scholarly approaches to the text. This groundbreaking volume represents the fruit of a two-year-long series of international seminars aimed at developing a fresh way of reading Dante’s Vita nova. By analyzing each of its forty-two chapters individually, focus is concentrated on the Vita nova in its textual and historical context rather than on its relationship to the Divine Comedy. This decoupling has freed the contributors to draw attention to various important literary features of the text, including its rich and complex polysemy, as well as its structural fluidity. The volume likewise offers insights into Dante’s social environment, his relationships with other poets, and Dante’s evolving vision of his poetry’s scope. Using a variety of critical methodologies and hermeneutical approaches, this volume offers scholars an opportunity to reread the Vita nova in a renewed context and from a diversity of literary, cultural, and ideological perspectives. Contributors: Zygmunt G. Barański, Heather Webb, Claire E. Honess, Brian F. Richardson, Ruth Chester, Federica Pich, Matthew Treherne, Catherine Keen, Jennifer Rushworth, Daragh O’Connell, Sophie V. Fuller, Giulia Gaimari, Emily Kate Price, Manuele Gragnolati, Elena Lombardi, Francesca Southerden, Rebecca Bowen, Nicolò Crisafi, Lachlan Hughes, Franco Costantini, David Bowe, Tristan Kay, Filippo Gianferrari, Simon Gilson, Rebekah Locke, Luca Lombardo, Peter Dent, George Ferzoco, Paola Nasti, Marco Grimaldi, David G. Lummus, Helena Phillips-Robins, Aistė Kiltinavičiūtė, Alessia Carrai, Ryan Pepin, Valentina Mele, Katherine Powlesland, Federica Coluzzi, K. P. Clarke, Nicolò Maldina, Theodore J. Cachey Jr., Chiara Sbordoni, Lorenzo Dell’Oso, and Anne C. Leone.
Mondadori Electa Living the Alps
An interior design book showing how the alpine context, with its snowy landscapes and forests, influences the choice of colors, materials, and atmospheres.This book addresses a very specific topic within interior architecture, namely that of mountains, where the context of the surrounding landscape is strongly associated with the local identity.The houses published in this volume are all located in the Swiss Alps: in the canton of Ticino and in Engadine. They have been renovated and redeveloped, their interior spaces demolished and rethought. Francesca Neri Antonello is a master of domesticating natural and raw materials, using them to create a warm intimacy that is indispensable for designing the interiors of those who live with the cold alpine temperatures.Her projects center around stone, iron, and above all wood, which is often recovered or burned to obtain the characteristic burnished color. Wood is a living matter, the bearer of memory and, as the a
Arnoldsche Padua School: Modern Jewellery from Three Generations of Goldsmiths
The Padua School originated from the Istituto Pietro Selvatico in Padua. The distinctive features of this jewelry are the use of gold reminiscent of the goldsmith's art in antiquity and a modern and abstract formal expression within the group. Mario Pinton, who brought the goldsmith movement international recognition and acclaim in the 1950s and '60s, is credited with founding the experimental goldsmith movement in Padua. Francesco Pavan has enlarged the scope of the Padua School with his kinetic and geometric formal idiom. The breakthrough on the international jewelry scene took place in the late 1960s with Giampaolo Babetto, under whose support the geometric and Minimalist tendency was most pronounced. Other distinguished artists in jewelry such as Graziano Visintin, Renzo Pasquale, Annamaria Zanella, Stefano Marchetti and Giovanni Corvaya continued along these lines or went their own highly individual ways by experimenting with the use of new materials including plastic. The work of these crea
University of Minnesota Press Ends of Cinema
At the dawn of the digital era in the final decades of the twentieth century, film and media studies scholars grappled with the prospective end of what was deemed cinema: analog celluloid production, darkened public movie theaters, festival culture. The notion of the “end of cinema” had already been broached repeatedly over the course of the twentieth century—from the introduction of sound and color to the advent of television and video—and in Ends of Cinema, contributors reinvigorate this debate to contemplate the ends, as well as directions and new beginnings, of cinema in the twenty-first century.In this volume, scholars at the forefront of film and media studies interrogate multiple potential “ends” of cinema: its goals and spaces, its relationship to postcinema, its racial dynamics and environmental implications, and its theoretical and historical conclusions. Moving beyond the predictable question of digital versus analog, the scholars gathered here rely on critical theory and historical research to consider cinema alongside its media companions: television, the gallery space, digital media, and theatrical environments. Ends of Cinema underscores the shared project of film and media studies to open up what seems closed off, and to continually reinvent approaches that seem unresponsive. Contributors: Caetlin Benson-Allott, Georgetown U; James Leo Cahill, U of Toronto; Francesco Casetti, Yale U; Mary Ann Doane, U of California Berkeley; André Gaudreault, U de Montréal; Michael Boyce Gillespie, City College of New York; Mark Paul Meyer, EYE Filmmuseum; Jennifer Lynn Peterson, Woodbury U, Los Angeles; Amy Villarejo, Cornell U.
Nórdica Libros Esto es París
Miroslav ?a?ek logró plasmar el espíritu de ciudades y países a través de sus reconocibles y maravillosas ilustraciones. Su serie de libros Esto es? comenzó con Esto es París, que se publicó por primera vez en 1959. Surgió durante un viaje de varias semanas a la ciudad francesa. En él capta las impresiones que le transmite la ciudad, recreando su atmósfera llena de vida con ironía y humor, así como las costumbres de sus habitantes.Quería pintar París de una manera completamente diferente... París, cómo es realmente. Como lo vi cuando vine por primera vez, y también como lo veo ahora. Con todo ello, transportó a sus jóvenes (y no tan jóvenes) lectores a ciudades, países y lugares de todo el mundo: Londres, Múnich, Roma, Nueva York, San Francisco, Cabo Cañaveral, Hong Kong...
El viejo nombre de Trafalgar, la punta de occidente, sigue resonando hoy en día más allá de las cartas náuticas, topónimo impreso en la memoria colectiva de tres naciones europeas merced al encarnizado combate que allí tuvo lugar el 21 de octubre de 1805 entre las escuadras francoespañola y británica. Más de doscientos años después, nuestros conocimientos y nuestra perspectiva sobre la batalla se han enriquecido gracias al trabajo conjunto de investigadores españoles, franceses y británicos, que, en lugar de intercambiar mortales cañonazos desde sus navíos, ponen en común trabajo de archivo, hipótesis y conclusiones.Una labor colosal de la que se nutre este libro, una obra colectiva que ha conseguido reunir en sus páginas a algunos de los más destacados especialistas de España, Francia y Reino Unido sobre la batalla de Trafalgar para ofrecer una síntesis renovada acerca de las cuestiones más importantes relacionadas con este crucial hecho de armas: desde la política internacional h
University of Minnesota Press Superhumanity: Design of the Self
A wide-ranging and challenging exploration of design and how it engages with the self The field of design has radically expanded. As a practice, design is no longer limited to the world of material objects but rather extends from carefully crafted individual styles and online identities to the surrounding galaxies of personal devices, new materials, interfaces, networks, systems, infrastructures, data, chemicals, organisms, and genetic codes. Superhumanity seeks to explore and challenge our understanding of “design” by engaging with and departing from the concept of the “self.” This volume brings together more than fifty essays by leading scientists, artists, architects, designers, philosophers, historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists, originally disseminated online via e-flux Architecture between September 2016 and February 2017 on the invitation of the Third Istanbul Design Biennial. Probing the idea that we are and always have been continuously reshaped by the artifacts we shape, this book asks: Who designed the lives we live today? What are the forms of life we inhabit, and what new forms are currently being designed? Where are the sites, and what are the techniques, to design others? This vital and far-reaching collection of essays and images seeks to explore and reflect on the ways in which both the concept and practice of design are operative well beyond tangible objects, expanding into the depths of self and forms of life. Contributors: Zeynep Çelik Alexander, Lucia Allais, Shumon Basar, Ruha Benjamin, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, Daniel Birnbaum, Ina Blom, Benjamin H. Bratton, Giuliana Bruno, Tony Chakar, Mark Cousins, Simon Denny, Keller Easterling, Hu Fang, Rubén Gallo, Liam Gillick, Boris Groys, Rupali Gupte, Andrew Herscher, Tom Holert, Brooke Holmes, Francesca Hughes, Andrés Jaque, Lydia Kallipoliti, Thomas Keenan, Sylvia Lavin, Yongwoo Lee, Lesley Lokko, MAP Office, Chus Martínez, Ingo Niermann, Ahmet Ögüt, Trevor Paglen, Spyros Papapetros, Raqs Media Collective, Juliane Rebentisch, Sophia Roosth, Felicity D. Scott, Jack Self, Prasad Shetty, Hito Steyerl, Kali Stull, Pelin Tan, Alexander Tarakhovsky, Paulo Tavares, Stephan Trüby, Etienne Turpin, Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Eyal Weizman, Mabel O. Wilson, Brian Kuan Wood, Liam Young, and Arseny Zhilyaev.
Duke University Press Detours: A Decolonial Guide to Hawai'i
Many people first encounter Hawai‘i through the imagination—a postcard picture of hula girls, lu‘aus, and plenty of sun, surf, and sea. While Hawai‘i is indeed beautiful, Native Hawaiians struggle with the problems brought about by colonialism, military occupation, tourism, food insecurity, high costs of living, and climate change. In this brilliant reinvention of the travel guide, artists, activists, and scholars redirect readers from the fantasy of Hawai‘i as a tropical paradise and tourist destination toward a multilayered and holistic engagement with Hawai‘i's culture and complex history. The essays, stories, artworks, maps, and tour itineraries in Detours create decolonial narratives in ways that will forever change how readers think about and move throughout Hawai‘i. Contributors. Hōkūlani K. Aikau, Malia Akutagawa, Adele Balderston, Kamanamaikalani Beamer, Ellen-Rae Cachola, Emily Cadiz, Iokepa Casumbal-Salazar, David A. Chang, Lianne Marie Leda Charlie, Greg Chun, Joy Lehuanani Enomoto, S. Joe Estores, Nicholas Kawelakai Farrant, Jessica Ka‘ui Fu, Candace Fujikane, Linda H. L. Furuto, Sonny Ganaden, Cheryl Geslani, Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez, Noelani Goodyear-Ka‘ōpua, Tina Grandinetti, Craig Howes, Aurora Kagawa-Viviani, Noelle M. K. Y. Kahanu, Haley Kailiehu, Kyle Kajihiro, Halena Kapuni-Reynolds, Terrilee N. Kekoolani-Raymond, Kekuewa Kikiloi, William Kinney, Francesca Koethe, Karen K. Kosasa, N. Trisha Lagaso Goldberg, Kapulani Landgraf, Laura E. Lyons, David Uahikeaikalei‘ohu Maile, Brandy Nālani McDougall, Davianna Pōmaika‘i McGregor, Laurel Mei-Singh, P. Kalawai‘a Moore, Summer Kaimalia Mullins-Ibrahim, Jordan Muratsuchi, Hanohano Naehu, Malia Nobrega-Olivera, Katrina-Ann R. Kapā‘anaokalāokeola Nākoa Oliveira, Jamaica Heolimelekalani Osorio, No‘eau Peralto, No‘u Revilla, Kalaniua Ritte, Maya L. Kawailanaokeawaiki Saffery, Dean Itsuji Saranillio, Noenoe K. Silva, Ty P. Kāwika Tengan, Stephanie Nohelani Teves, Stan Tomita, Mehana Blaich Vaughan, Wendy Mapuana Waipā, Julie Warech
Editorial Barrett Hacia cualquier otra parte
Inspirado por La terre en rond, un mítico libro de viajes que narra la vuelta al mundo a principios de los años 60 de dos franceses a bordo de un Citroën 2CV, un joven gallego llamado Jorge Sierra se ilusiona con el reto de emular su viaje. Tras encontrar un compañero de aventuras para llevar a cabo el proyecto, se ocupa de preparar un 2CV al cual bautiza como Naranjito, por el color butano de su chapa. Antes de partir, dos amigos se unen al proyecto y preparan otro 2CV. En septiembre de 2008 los dos coches ponen rumbo a Francia, sin embargo, en Estambul, cuando apenas llevaban un par de meses de viaje Jorge Sierra se queda solo.Es en ese momento crucial donde comienza este libro. Un viaje en solitario desde Estambul hasta Sídney haciendo lo que más le gusta: interactuando con la gente y conociendo culturas diferentes. Casi cuatro años de carretera cargados de experiencias y anécdotas.Un diario de viaje interactivo y con un diseño muy especial, ya que serán los lectores los encar
Arcadia Educar millor onze converses per acompanyar famlies i mestres
Recull d?onze entrevistes a personalitats del món de l?educació: CARME THIÓ, JAUME CELA, MARIA JESÚS COMELLAS, JAUME FUNES, EVA BACH, GREGORIO LURI, MARIANO FERNÁNDEZ ENGUITA, JOAN MANUEL DEL POZO, ROSER SALAVERT, JOSÉ ANTONIO MARINA, FRANCESCO TONUCCI.Carles Capdevila creu que educar és apassionant i que també ho és parlar-ne, des de l?experiència i des de la reflexió. L?humor i la responsabilitat no són incompatibles en aquest terreny, i tot allò que pugui fomentar confiança i alegria entre tots els agents implicats contribueix a crear un teixit de complicitats imprescindible en la tasca d?educar.Les onze converses que recollim en aquest llibre són una invitació al debat: professionals de procedències diverses i visions ben diferents ens permeten conèixer no solament els camins que han consolidat les seves vocacions sinó l?ambició de fer bé les coses cada dia a les aules, al carrer i a casa.Si hi ha una cosa que es proposa aquest llibre és acompanyar les famílies i els mestr
Qué hacer con la extrema derecha en Europa el caso del Frente Nacional
En otoño de 2013 Guillermo Fernández se quedó atónito frente al televisor, al ver a Marine Le Pen defender a los jóvenes españoles que habían tenido que emigrar por la política noeliberal de la Unión Europea: Cómo? Qué hace una ultraderechista tomando partido por gente como yo?. El auge de la extrema derecha en Europa es el fruto investigación que emprendió entonces para responderse a tal pregunta.En estas páginas el autor describe la evolución del Frente Nacional en sus 50 años de vida: desde los días del carismático pero monolítico Jean Marie Le Pen, al proyecto transversal de su sobrina Marine. Cómo consiguió el partido ultra cambiar el voto de los bastiones tradicionales de la izquierda? Quién está detrás de su estrategia para atraerse al sector LGTBI? Por qué once millones de franceses consideraron en 2017 que Marine Le Pen era la candidata que mejor protegía sus intereses? Este es un libro esencial y novedoso para entender en profundidad el fenómeno que ha sacudido Europa, per
University of California Press Dreaming with Open Eyes: Opera, Aesthetics, and Perception in Arcadian Rome
Dreaming with Open Eyes examines visual symbolism in late seventeenth-century Italian opera, contextualizing the genre amid the broad ocularcentric debates emerging at the crossroads of the early modern period and the Enlightenment. Ayana O. Smith reevaluates significant aspects of the Arcadian reform aesthetic and establishes a historically informed method of opera criticism for modern scholars and interpreters. Unfolding in a narrative fashion, the text explores facets of the philosophical and literary background and concludes with close readings of text and music, using visual symbolism to create readings of gender and character in two operas: Alessandro Scarlatti's La Statira (Rome, 1690), and Carlo Francesco Pollarolo's La forza della virtù (Venice, 1693). Smith’s interdisciplinary approach enhances our modern perception of this rich and underexplored repertory, and will appeal to students and scholars not only of opera, but also of literature, philosophy, and visual and intellectual cultures.
Historia del Arte con nombre de mujer
Una Historia del Arte, desde la prehistoria hasta nuestros días, contada a través de las mujeres que la protagonizaron, con ilustraciones a todo color, por el autor de "Eso no estaba en mi libro de Historia del Arte".Mira como una mujer y pinta como un hombre. Eso decían de la vanguardista francesa Émilie Charmy en pleno siglo xx, o de la española Elena Brockman, una de las pocas artistas con obra en el Museo del Prado. Esta frase condensa muchas de las claves para entender la difícil aceptación en torno a la actividad artística femenina a lo largo de la historia. Ese silencio es posterior a sus creaciones: si tras las guerras la historia la escriben los vencedores, los manuales de arte solo se escribieron desde una perspectiva masculina. Pero, acaso no se expresaron las mujeres desde el inicio de los tiempos? El historiador Manuel Jesús Roldán reconstruye la Historia del Arte siguiendo el orillado rastro de las artistas que en todas las épocas y por todos los continentes pintaron,
Boom! Studios Saban's Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 6
The first year of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers concludes with an epic confrontation against an unexpected enemy and the arrival of a new student who’ll change their lives forever – plus, a special look at what the Power Rangers do during Spring Break! EVERYTHING’S BEEN LEADING TO THIS EPIC BATTLE – THE POWER RANGERS VERSUS ALPHA ONE! Is this the end? Alpha One is bent on revenge against Zordon, his creator, and willing to kill anyone in his way, including the Power Rangers!. But when it looks as though their combined strength might not be enough to stop their unexpected foe, the Power Rangers must reach deep and ask themselves just how far they are willing to go to save Zordon, Angel Grove, and the rest of humanity from Alpha One’s plans. Plus, it’s Spring Break for the Rangers, and the first time since they received their Power Coins that they’ll be apart. As they each embark on their own week-long vacation, these teenagers with attitude discover that being a hero doesn’t always mean having to morph! Writers Ryan Parrott (Star Trek: Manifest Destiny) & Marguerite Bennett (Batwoman) are joined by an all-star cast of artists including Eleonora Carlini, Francesco Mortarino, Jim Towe (Riverdale) and more for stories that reveal the untold truth from the first year of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers history. Collects Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers: Forever Rangers and Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers: Back to School.
BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House Poirot’s Finest Cases: Eight full-cast BBC radio dramatisations
John Moffatt stars as the Belgian detective Hercule Poirot.The ABC Murders: A chilling letter sets the sleuth on the trail of an enigmatic killer.After the Funeral: A wealthy businessman is dead, and his sister thinks it was murder.Death on the Nile: Poirot is in Egypt when a chilling murder takes place.Peril at End House: Whilst on holiday, the sleuth encounters a young woman, a hat and a bullet.The Murder of Roger Ackroyd: Mrs Farrars is found dead, one year after the death of her husband.Murder on the Orient Express: Poirot is aboard a snowbound train when a passenger is found murdered.Three Act Tragedy: Poirot is one of the guests at a party when a clergyman dies whilst sipping a cocktail.The Mysterious Affair at Styles: Poirot and Captain Hastings become re-acquainted in a quiet English village in 1916.These BBC Radio 4 full-cast dramatisations showcase eight of the finest cases in Hercule Poirot’s career. Based on the original novels by Agatha Christie, they feature a cast of outstanding actors playing an array of likely suspects…Starring: John Moffat, Simon Williams, Nichola McAuliffe, Jill Balcon, Hugh Dickson, Sean Arnold, Susan Jameson, Nichols Boulton, Philip Jackson, Annabelle Dowler, Hilda Schroder, George Cole, Gemma Saunders, Andrew Wincott, Terence Edmond, Bryan Pringle, David Thorpe, Elizabeth Conboy, Rosemary Leach, Donald Sinden, Stratford Johns, Tom George, Sylvia Syms, Sian Phillips, Francesca Annia, Frank Windsor, Peter Polycarpu, Desmond Llewelyn, Andre Maranne, Siriol Jenkins, Kate Binchy, Joss Ackland
Alianza Editorial Cdiz Episodios Nacionales 8 primera serie
El gran friso narrativo de los Episodios Nacionales sirvió de vehículo a Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920) para recrear en él, novelescamente engarzada, la totalidad de la compleja vida de los españoles ?guerras, política, vida cotidiana, reacciones populares? a lo largo del agitado siglo XIX. Baluarte de la resistencia frente a los franceses, Cádiz se convierte en síntesis de una nueva España en la que pugnan el deseo de reformar sus instituciones y las posturas tenaces e irreductibles ante el invasor. A través de Gabriel de Araceli, de guarnición en la Isla, Galdós nos da en el presente episodio una visión directa de aquel denso y brillante mundo gaditano en el que se cruzan y entremezclan héroes de ficción y protagonistas históricos.
Editorial CCS Fuentes salesianas Don Bosco y su obra
Respondiendo a las indicaciones del Capítulo General XXVII para que se traduzcan las Fuentes Salesianas (CG XXVII n. 67.6), EDITORIAL CCS presenta este esperado volumen. El libro comienza con una introducción que sitúa a Don Bosco en la historia, la pedagogía y la espiritualidad de su tiempo. El contenido está estructurado en tres partes: Escritos y documentos para la historia de Don Bosco y de la obra salesiana (Francesco Motto), Escritos y testimonios de Don Bosco acerca de la educación y la escuela (José Manuel Prellezo), Escritos y testimonios de Don Bosco sobre la vida espiritual (Aldo Giraudo). La obra se completa con las fuentes, la bibliografía y un índice temático que facilitará el empleo sistemático del contenido.
Editorial Anagrama S.A. Solal
Cuando apareció Solal, la primera novela de Albert Cohen, el éxito fue inmediato y la crítica francesa le saludó como un escritor extraordinario, a pesar de la novedad y complejidad de su propuesta narrativa. En ella aparecían por primera vez sus inolvidables personajes: el joven Solal y sus atrabiliarios y desternillantes Esforzados, Saltiel, Comeclavos, Salomon, Michaël, Mattathias. También sus grandes temas: la búsqueda del Absoluto a través del amor, los juegos de seducción con reglas refinadas hasta el delirio, el tormento de los celos, la muerte; la omnipresencia del judaísmo: Solal, en una fulgurante carrera, pasa de la efervescencia resignada del ghetto a las intrigas sociopolíticas del mundo occidental
Officina Libraria Battista Franco: Drawings
Giovanni Battista Franco (before 1510 - 1561) was an Italian mannerist painter, draughtsman and engraver. Native of Venice, he spent the first part of his career in Rome, but by 1536 had settled in Florence. Back in Rome by 1542, he painted a fresco of the Capture of Saint John the Baptist for the Oratorio di San Giovanni Decollato. In 1545 he was summoned by Duke Guidobaldo II to Urbino, where he painted frescoes in the Duomo (destroyed). The last ten years of his career were spent in Venice, where among his significant works are a Baptism of Christ for San Francesco della Vigna and the ceiling decoration of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi and the Biblioteca Marciana. Franco is better known as a draughtsman and recent scholars such as A. E. Popham found much to praise in 'Franco's extraordinary skill, with his rather scratchy but effective line, and his combination of Michelangelesque and Raphaelesque forms.' Among his drawings there are numerous studies of antique subjects taken from Roman sarcophagi. Text in French.
Oxford University Press Mona Lisa: The People and the Painting
Read this book and the world's most famous image will never look the same again. For the world's greatest cultural icon still has secrets to reveal - not the silly secrets that the 'Leonardo loonies' continue to advance, but previously unknown facts about the lives of Leonardo, his father, Lisa Gherardini, the subject of the portrait, and her husband Francesco del Giocondo. From this factual beginning we see how the painting metamorphosed into a 'universal picture' that became the prime vehicle for Leonardo's prodigious knowledge of the human and natural worlds. We learn about the new money of the ambitious merchant who married into the old gentry of Lisa's family. We discover Lisa's life as a wife and mother, her association with sexual scandals, and her later life in a convent. We meet, for the first time, previously undiscovered members of Leonardo's immediate family and discover new information about his early life. The tiny hill town of Vinci is placed before us, with its widespread poverty. We find out about the career and possessions of his father, a notable lawyer in Florence. The meaning of the portrait that resulted from these human circumstances is vividly illuminated though Renaissance love poetry and verses specifically dedicated to Leonardo. We come to understand how Leonardo's sciences of optics, psychology, anatomy and geology are embraced in his poetic science of art. Recent scientific examinations of the painting disclose how it evolved to assume its present appearance in Leonardo's experimental hands. Above all, we cut through the suppositions and the myths to show that the portrait is a product of real people in a real place at a real time. This is the book that brings back a sense of reality into the creation of the portrait of Lisa del Giocondo. And the actual Mona Lisa, it turns out, is even more astonishing and transcendent than the Mona Lisa of legend.
Acantilado De Buonaparte y de los Borbones
Este panfleto, escrito entre el invierno y la primavera de 1814 para preparar el retorno de los Borbones al trono de Francia, fue para Chateaubriand uno de esos gestos resueltos e instintivos que nacen de la imaginación y dinamitan todos los puentes tras de sí. El autor tenía como misión convencer a los franceses de que, para evitar una nueva república o la instauración de un gobierno extranjero, era preciso restituir la confianza en los Borbones y juntos acabar con el poder absoluto, dotando a Francia de una monarquía constitucional. Pero la frialdad y la lucidez del periodista político se mezclan de manera imprevisible y conducen a una marea inquietante. En el cesarismo de Napoleón se entrevé el nacimiento de un mito moderno que no es copia de ninguno antiguo: aparece la figura del dictador, y no del tirano. Chateaubriand quiere esbozar un retrato particular, pero termina describiendo en detalle a los dictadores que hemos visto señorear en el siglo xx.
Profile Books Ltd An Extra Pair of Hands: A story of caring and everyday acts of love
'Inspiring' GUARDIAN 'Heartbreaking' INDEPENDENT 'I loved it' ADAM KAY 'Beautiful' MATT HAIG 'Luminous' NICCI GERRARD 'Essential reading' MADELEINE BUNTING 'A celebration' CHRISTIE WATSON ----- A Best Book for Summer in The Times, Guardian and The i Independent Book of the Month ----- Caring is an issue that affects us all - as bestselling novelist Kate Mosse knows all too well. Kate has cared in turn for her father and mother, and for Granny Rosie, her 90-year-old mother-in-law. Along the way she has experienced the joys, challenges and frustrations shared by an invisible army of carers. At the heart of this care lie everyday acts of love, and the realisation that, sooner or later, most of us will come to rely on an extra pair of hands. ----- 'Lifts the spirits without pulling punches' IAN RANKIN 'Irresistible' RACHEL JOYCE 'Questions how and why we fetishise independence when the reality of human experience is always interdependence' GUARDIAN, BOOK OF THE DAY 'Heartfelt, funny and at times heartbreaking. 10/10' INDEPENDENT 'Utterly beautiful' FRANCESCA SEGAL
Boom! Studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Book Two Deluxe Edition
The unveiling of a new Green Ranger and Lord Zedd’s true identity, bound in a deluxe hardcover, featuring never before seen content!Even the most bitter of old foes will have their enemy status called into question as some of the most epic and mind blowing events in Power Rangers history come together in this deluxe hardcover! As a new Green Ranger appears, one who is neither Lord Drakkon nor Tommy, both the Mighty Morphin team and the new Power Rangers on the scene will have to contend with a dark secret from Zordon’s past… one revealing the long-debated true identity of Lord Zedd! In addition, calamity looms for fan-favorites Andros and Zhane from the hit series Power Rangers in Space. Discover their past growing up on KO-35, their journey to becoming Rangers, and the epic battle that changed their lives forever... Superstar writer Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), fan favorite artist Francesco Mortarino (Firef
Chronicle Books Ballerina Project
With over one million followers on Instagram, Ballerina Project has the largest network of followers in the world for ballet and has become an online phenomenon. Created by New York City-based photographer Dane Shitagi over the span of eighteen years, Ballerina Project has become the most significant, unique, and creative photographic archive of renowned ballerinas in the world. The artistry, strength, and dedication of over fifty accomplished ballerinas are beautifully captured here with over 170 inspiring photographs in both black-and-white and full color. Iconic locations across the globe including New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Buenos Aires, London, Rome, and Paris create a timeless backdrop to these remarkable portraits. This unique book is bound in pink satin cloth with gold foil stamping and a pink satin ribbon marker. Introductions by renowned principal ballerinas Isabella Boylston and Francesca Hayward are included. This is an ideal gift for any aspiring ballerina or ballet photographer.
Princeton University Press Erosion
From Erosion: SAN SEPOLCRO Jorie Graham ...How clean the mind is, holy grave. It is this girl by Piero della Francesca, unbuttoning her blue dress, her mantle of weather, to go into labor. Come, we can go in. It is before the birth of god. No-one has risen yet to the museums, to the assembly line bodies and wings to the open air market. This is what the living do: go in. It's a long way. And the dress keeps opening from eternity to privacy, quickening. Inside, at the heart, is tragedy, the present moment forever stillborn, but going in, each breath is a button coming undone, something terribly nimble-fingered finding all of the stops. Jorie Graham grew up in Italy and now lives in northern California.She has received grants from the Ingram-Merrill Foundation, the Bunting Institute, and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.Her first book, Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts (Princeton, 1980), won the Great Lakes Colleges Association Award as the best first book of poems published in 1980.
Hodder & Stoughton Vendetta: The Mafia, Judge Falcone and the Quest for Justice
On 23 May 1992 the Mafia assassinated its 'Number One Enemy', the legendary prosecutor Judge Falcone, with a motorway bomb that also killed his wife Francesca and three bodyguards. Fifty-seven days later, the Mafia killed Falcone's friend and colleague, Judge Paolo Borsellino, with a car bomb outside his mother's home that also killed five bodyguards. These two murders changed forever how Italy viewed the Mafia. VENDETTA tells the inside story of the assassination plots and the investigation that followed. Follain reveals Borsellino's desperate race against time to find out who killed his friend while knowing he was next on the list and reveals the daring undercover police mission which unmasked the killers.Based on new and exclusive interviews and the testimony of investigators, Mafia supergrasses, survivors, relatives and friends, VENDETTA recounts the events hour-by-hour, minute-by-minute as the Mafiosi plan and carry out the murders, and as the police hunt them down.
Boom! Studios Expanse The Dragon Tooth Vol. 2
Fire up the Epstein Drive and get ready to set course for the second story arc of the record-breaking series, The Expanse!Ten years have passed since the stunning climax of the first arc of The Expanse: Dragon Tooth, legendary comics writer Andy Diggle (The Losers, Green Arrow: Year One) and artist Francesco Pisa (Stable) continue the series that has enraptured fans. As mysterious technological troubles and human disconnection abounds on an interstellar scale, problems arise with the Laconia gate that could prove deadly. In an effort to gather more intel on the Laconia gate and the Transport Union, Dhillon sends his compromised agents on a suicide run… The Rocinante crew hunt down an elite cadre of deep-cover operatives who’ll stop at nothing to cover their tracks—no matter how many innocents they kill in the process. And when the true enemy hides among you… trust can be a dangerous thing… Collects The Expanse: Dragon Tooth issues #5-8.
Prestel RE/SISTERS: A Lens on Gender and Ecology
Reflecting on a range of themes, from extractive industries to the politics of care, this timely exhibition catalog looks at environmental and gender justice as indivisible parts of a global struggle. A culturally diverse selection of works by Laura Aguilar, melanie bonajo, Xaviera Simmons, Minerva Cuevas, Barbara Kruger, Nadia Huggins, Ana Mendieta, Sim Chi Yin, Pamela Singh, Francesca Woodman and others are presented alongside works of an activist nature to demonstrate how women are regularly at the forefront of advocating and caring for the planet. Amplifying these visions are illuminating essays by experts in the field, including Professor Kathryn Yusoff, Professor Astrida Neimanis, Professor Catriona Sandilands and Professor Elizabeth DeLoughrey, that consider a diverse range of pertinent topics such as hydrofeminism, the body as earth, queer ecologies, and environmental racism. Together these texts and important artworks reveal how the oppression of women, feminized bodies and indigenous, Black and trans communities and the degradation of the planet are inextricably linked—and the ways in which understanding our environment can resist and overcome the logic of capitalist economies.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The History and Life Stories of European Women in the Arts: From the Middle Ages to the Present
Offering historical identity fortified by the presence of women belonging to the various areas of creative and intellectual life, this book allows readers to understand greater contexts of their identity. The history of female artists is an indicator of how social identity was erased from the historiography which asserted itself in nineteenth-century Europe. Analysis of the biographical pathways traced here reveals how women in the Middle Ages and beyond have been active protagonists of the arts, received reviews, as well as had an authoritative role as the esteemed and attentive witnesses of the society around them.Reconstruction of social relationships, intellectual and creative production as well as of the life stories of some of Europe’s most important female artists, foregrounds this omission and highlights their extraordinary nature.The different stories contained in this book narrate the lives and works of Hildegard von Bingen, Francesca Caccini, Mary Wollstonecraft, George Sand, Lou Andreas Salomé and Elke Mascha Blankenburg.By reinforcing the awareness of social and historical origins, the informed reader is better equipped to tackle their futures and build up their personalities.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Accidental Producer: How Anyone Can Get Their Show on Stage
Found yourself organising a show that you didn’t mean to? Or frustrated that no one else is producing your show and just want to do it yourself? You’re not alone. The Accidental Producer is the first-timer’s guide to getting a play, musical or anything else on stage. This step by step handbook explains every stage of the production process, from funding your project to selling the show and everything in between. Written by an experienced theatre producer this book additionally shares the perspectives of eleven industry specialists you might encounter on your journey. · Park Theatre Artistic Director, Jez Bond on how to connect to a venue decision maker · Fleabag producer, Francesca Moody on the secrets to success at the Edinburgh Fringe · Arts Council England Relationship Manager, Paula Varjack on how securing their funding actually works · Press representative, Chloe Nelkin on how to maximise a show’s press coverage · Agent, Alex Segal on approaching star actors This much-needed book’s liberating message is that anyone can produce a successful show, especially if they have in their armoury the advice of those that have come before.
Manchester University Press Women Beware Women by Thomas Middleton
Women Beware Women is among the most powerful and adroitly plotted of Jacobean tragedies. Written by Thomas Middleton, a later contemporary of Shakespeare, the play deals with topics of enduring fascination such as sexual and financial greed, the sexual exploitation of women by a manipulative older woman, murderous revenge and the sexual predatoriness of a man in a position of power. The storyline is based on the most public of Medici scandals in late sixteenth-century Florence, with the Grand Duke Francesco seducing and then marrying a beautiful Venetian runaway, after arranging the murder of her Florentine lower-class husband. The tragedy ends with a spectacular masque involving misdirected poison, flaming gold, poisoned arrows, poisoned smoke, physical mishaps and numerous deaths.This edition is designed for the classroom and for the reader interested in the best in Renaissance drama.
La Esfera de los Libros, S.L. Agustina de Aragón la mujer y el mito
Zaragoza, julio de 1808. Una mujer de poco más de veinte años arranca el botafuego de las manos de un artillero muerto y dispara el cañón que éste tenía a su cargo. Su intervención, tan arriesgada como valiente, obligó a retroceder a la tropa francesa que amenazaba la zaragozana puerta del Portillo y permitió al general Palafox reestructurar la defensa. La mujer había nacido en Barcelona en 1768, se llamaba Agustina Saragossa y pasaría a la historia como Agustina de Aragón.Poco más se sabe de ella. El mito la convierte en la más popular de las heroínas de la Guerra de la Independencia pero, tras su gesta y después de recibir de la Corona el cargo y sueldo vitalicios de alférez de Infantería como reconocimiento a su valentía, su nombre se pierde para la historia. Qué fue de Agustina al finalizar la contienda? Y aún más, qué hacía en Zaragoza la joven esposa de un artillero que por entonces se hallaba de operaciones en Belchite? Desde cuándo reposan sus restos en Zaragoza si murió en
University of Nebraska Press Surrealist Ghostliness
In this study of surrealism and ghostliness, Katharine Conley provides a new, unifying theory of surrealist art and thought based on history and the paradigm of puns and anamorphosis. In Surrealist Ghostliness, Conley discusses surrealism as a movement haunted by the experience of World War I and the repressed ghost of spiritualism. From the perspective of surrealist automatism, this double haunting produced a unifying paradigm of textual and visual puns that both pervades surrealist thought and art and commemorates the surrealists’ response to the Freudian unconscious. Extending the gothic imagination inherited from the eighteenth century, the surrealists inaugurated the psychological century with an exploration of ghostliness through doubles, puns, and anamorphosis, revealing through visual activation the underlying coexistence of realities as opposed as life and death. Surrealist Ghostliness explores examples of surrealist ghostliness in film, photography, painting, sculpture, and installation art from the 1920s through the 1990s by artists from Europe and North America from the center to the periphery of the surrealist movement. Works by Man Ray, Claude Cahun, Brassaï and Salvador Dalí, Lee Miller, Dorothea Tanning, Francesca Woodman, Pierre Alechinsky, and Susan Hiller illuminate the surrealist ghostliness that pervades the twentieth-century arts and compellingly unifies the century’s most influential yet disparate avant-garde movement.
Silvana The Gianfranco Luzzetti Collection: At the Museo delle Clarisse
This book presents the Gianfranco Luzzetti collection housed in the historic complex of the former convent of the Clarisse in Grosseto, a new museum in the city. The collection is the result of the donation to the Municipality, in 2018, of over 60 works from the personal heritage of Luzzetti, an antiquarian from Grosseto, deeply linked to his land. The paintings, of great quality, trace Italian art from the 14th to the 19th century, with particular attention to Florentine art of the 17th century. The collection includes masterpieces by Antonio Rossellino, Giambologna, Rutilio Manetti, Passignano, Niccolò di Pietro Lamberti, Corrado Giaquinto, Camillo Rusconi, Pier Dandini and Giovanni di Tano Fei, as well as important works by Donatello and Beccafumi and works already donated to the Municipality of Grosseto in past years, of Santi di Tito and Cigoli. This volume, with introductory texts regarding the history of the site, the birth of the Museum and the Collection, is complemented by an anthology of writings by Luzzetti and bibliographic apparatuses. Research and texts: Sandro Bellesi, Marco Ciampolini, Roberto Contini, Elena Dubaldo, Lucia Ferri, Claudia Ganci, Cecilia Luzzetti, Gianfranco Luzzetti, Andrea Marchi, Mauro Papa, Marcella Parisi, Francesca Perillo, Gianluca Sposato, Angelo Tartuferi. Italian edition, with English translation in the appendix.
Unicorn Publishing Group Titian’s Lost Last Supper: A New Workshop Discovery
This intriguing book investigates the very rare discovery of a huge, lost, Last Supper painting produced in the workshop of Tiziano Vecellio, known as Titian. The discoloured canvas hung neglected in a parish church for 110 years until the conservator and art historian Ronald Moore removed centuries of discoloured varnish and began to appreciate that something exceptional was being revealed. Following extensive scientific examination, signatures and dates appeared whilst it also became apparent that some faces were actually portraits. The early history of the painting in a Venetian convent was discovered with the enthusiastic help of the modern Venetian, Count Francesco da Mosto, whose family knew Titian. The many painters of Titian's workshop are considered with careful circumspection to determine possible contributors to the Last Supper and the remarkable reason for the many changes, or pentimenti, are explained. After 10,500 hours of research and the translation of countless Italian documents and books, the full history of the painting has been revealed. We now know that the painting is far more than a Last Supper from Titian's workshop, painted by at least five artists over twenty years, but is actually a painting within a painting involving other prominent painters and a denouement unparalleled in Renaissance art.