Search results for ""Taylor Francis Inc""
Taylor & Francis Inc Design of Digital Video Coding Systems: A Complete Compressed Domain Approach
A discussion of a compressed-domain approach for designing and implementing digital video coding systems, which is drastically different from the traditional hybrid approach. It demonstrates how the combination of discrete cosine transform (DCT) coders and motion compensated (MC) units reduces power consumption and hardware complexity.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Superior Project Organization: Global Competency Standards and Best Practices
This text describes global best practices, competencies, and standards of superior project organizations based on research conducted by the Top 500 Project Management Forum. It details the results of seven years of benchmarking and the bottom line value of project organizations in large functional enterprises. The text also highlights enhancements in professional image, job performance, and personal earnings.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fundamentals of Infrastructure Engineering: Civil Engineering Systems, Second Edition,
Based on the author's extensive experience, this book presents recent advances in systems theory and methodology for infrastructure engineering. It highlights modern approaches to the analysis, design, construction, implementation, management, and maintenance of large-scale infrastructure systems and projects, including transportation and water resources. This thoroughly updated and expanded second edition covers contemporary state-space methods for systems modeling and design, user-friendly interactive programs for outcomes research, advanced techniques for control of water supply systems and pipe networks, and Eigenvalue, hydraulic, and discount rate computations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Organo-Clay Complexes and Interactions
"Provides comprehensive coverage of the structures, properties, and interactions of organo-clay complexes as well as their role in the origin of life. Presents current techniques in nuclear magnetic resonance, differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetry, visible spectroscopy, and infrared and thermal-infrared spectroscopy for the analysis of fine structures in organo-clay complexes."
Taylor & Francis Inc Emulsions, Foams, and Thin Films
This volume presents the acomplishments of over 85 internationlly renowned scientists whose work was influenced by Professor Wasan's groundbreaking research on interfacial phenomena at The Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago.
Taylor & Francis Inc Seafood Enzymes: Utilization and Influence on Postharvest Seafood Quality
"Reviews specific enzymes and enzyme groups studied in recent years, delves into the relationship between enzymes and seafood quality, covers the application of enzymes as seafood processing aids, and focuses on the recovery of useful enzymes as by-products from seafood waste. Details the control of enzyme activity in seafood products."
Taylor & Francis Inc Computational Methods in Surface and Colloid Science
This volume presents computer simulation methods and mathematical modelling of physical processes used in surface science research. It offers in-depth analysis of advanced theoretical approaches to behaviours of fluids in contact with porous, semiporous and nonporous solid surfaces. The book also explores interfacial systems for a wide variety of phenomena, including: absorption, flotation, osmosis, and colloidal stability.
Taylor & Francis Inc Bioinorganic Catalysis
"Provides the latest research results and suggests new topics for interdisciplinary study of metal ions, catalysis, and biochemical systems. Second Edition highlights potential applications; includes new chapters on zinc and FeS clusters; presents new X-ray analysis of metalloenzymes; and more."
Taylor & Francis Inc The Long Lives of Medieval Art and Architecture
Traditional histories of medieval art and architecture often privilege the moment of a work’s creation, yet surviving works designated as "medieval" have long and expansive lives. Many have extended prehistories emerging from their sites and contexts of creation, and most have undergone a variety of interventions, including adaptations and restorations, since coming into being. The lives of these works have been further extended through historiography, museum exhibitions, and digital media. Inspired by the literary category of biography and the methods of longue durée historians, the introduction and seventeen chapters of this volume provide an extended meditation on the longevity of medieval works of art and the aspect of time as a factor in shaping our interpretations of them. While the metaphor of "lives" invokes associations with the origin of the discipline of art history, focus is shifted away from temporal constraints of a single human lifespan or generation to consider the continued lives of medieval works even into our present moment. Chapters on works from the modern countries of Italy, France, England, Spain, and Germany are drawn together here by the thematic threads of essence and continuity, transformation, memory and oblivion, and restoration. Together, they tell an object-oriented history of art and architecture that is necessarily entangled with numerous individuals and institutions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Shipping Law Handbook
Anyone who deals with shipping disputes requires access to a mass of source materials. These include international conventions, statutes and statutory instruments, arbitration rules, and the most commonly encountered bills of lading, charterparties, insurance clauses, guarantees and other contracts. Details of the parties to the international conventions are also required. The Shipping Law Handbook collects all this material in one convenient and easy-to-use volume.The Handbook deals with the following areas: arrest, jurisdiction and applicable law; arbitration; limitation of liability; cargo claims; collision; marine insurance; oil pollution; salvage, toward and general average; standard forms. Each section has an introduction which gives a brief overview of the materials included, setting them in their context, and noting probably future developments. The Handbook has been fully revised for this sixth edition. New items include: the European Judgments Regulation (Recast) 2012, the LMAA Terms 2017, the Insurance Act 2015, the York-Antwerp Rules 2016, the Inter-Club Agreement 1996 (amended 2011), Barecon 2017, Congenbill 2016, NYPE 2015 and updated lists of parties to international conventions.The Handbook is a highly practical work, which anyone involved in shipping will wish to keep conveniently to hand. It is an essential reference work for shipping lawyers, arbitrators, P&I Clubs and their correspondents, shipowners, ship masters, agents and brokers.
Taylor & Francis Inc Mining and the Environment: From Ore to Metal
The history of mining is replete with controversy of which much is related to environmental damage and consequent community outrage. Over recent decades, this has led to increased pressure to improve the environmental and social performance of mining operations, particularly in developing countries. The industry has responded by embracing the ideals of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Mining and the Environment identifies and discusses the wide range of social and environmental issues pertaining to mining, with particular reference to mining in developing countries, from where many of the project examples and case studies have been selected. Following an introductory overview of pressing issues, the book illustrates how environmental and social impact assessment, such as defined in "The Equator Principles", integrates with the mining lifecycle and how environmental and social management aims to eliminate the negative and accentuate the positive mining impacts. Practical approaches are provided for managing issues ranging from land acquisition and resettlement of Indigenous peoples, to the technical aspects of acid rock drainage and mine waste management. Moreover, thorough analyses of ways and means of sharing non-transitory mining benefits with host communities are presented to allow mining to provide sustainable benefits for the affected communities. This second edition of Mining and the Environment includes new chapters on Health Impact Assessment, Biodiversity and Gender Issues, all of which have become more important since the first edition appeared a decade ago.The wide coverage of issues and the many real-life case studies make this practice-oriented book a reference and key reading. It is intended for environmental consultants, engineers, regulators and operators in the field and for students to use as a course textbook. As much of the matter applies to the extractive industries as a whole, it will also serve environmental professionals in the oil and gas industries.Karlheinz Spitz and John Trudinger both have multiple years of experience in the assessment of mining projects around the world. The combination of their expertise and knowledge about social, economic, and environmental performance of mining and mine waste management has resulted in this in-depth coverage of the requirements for responsible and sustainable mining.
Taylor & Francis Inc Condition Monitoring and Faults Diagnosis of Induction Motors: Electrical Signature Analysis
The book covers various issues related to machinery condition monitoring, signal processing and conditioning, instrumentation and measurements, faults for induction motors failures, new trends in condition monitoring, and the fault identification process using motor currents electrical signature analysis. It aims to present a new non-invasive and non-intrusive condition monitoring system, which has the capability to detect various defects in induction motor at incipient stages within an arbitrary noise conditions. The performance of the developed system has been analyzed theoretically and experimentally under various loading conditions of the motor. Covers current and new approaches applied to fault diagnosis and condition monitoring. Integrates concepts and practical implementation of electrical signature analysis. Utilizes LabVIEW tool for condition monitoring problems. Incorporates real-world case studies. Paves way a technology potentially for prescriptive maintenance via IIoT.
Taylor & Francis Inc Polymeric Liquids & Networks: Structure and Properties
Polymeric Liquids and Networks: Structure and Properties is the first book of two by William W. Graessley that presents a unified view of flexible-chain polymer liquids and networks. The topics of both volumes range from equilibrium properties to dynamic response, finite deformation behavior and non-Newtonian flow. The second book will be titled Polymeric Liquids and Networks: Dynamics and Rheology. These various aspects of the field were developed over the past 70 years by researchers from many academic disciplines. The infusion of fresh viewpoints continually invigorated and enriched the field, making polymeric liquids and networks a truly interdisciplinary subject. The lack of a common terminology and perspective, however, has led to compartmentalization, making it difficult for a newcomer, even one technically trained, to gain a broad appreciation of the field and to see the relationships among its various parts. The aim of these two books, without diluting the substance, is to achieve a desired unity.Polymeric Liquids and Networks emphasizes fundamental principles and a molecular viewpoint. The conceptual basis of theories underlying each topical area is explained with derivations sometimes outlined briefly and sometimes given in detail. Technical terminology is kept to a minimum necessary for coherent presentation. The goal of the text is to provide an informed understanding rather than detailed technical proficiency. Theory, experiment, and simulation are woven together as appropriate for achieving a balanced view. The books are designed to serve academic and industrial needs, consolidating the understanding of topics with both practical and fundamental significance, and written from a technical but non-specialized perspective.The books deal mainly with non-polar and weakly polar species and largely with results derived from experiments on structurally well-defined systems. The objective is not to ignore the more complex systems, which are pervasive in both nature and industry and important in their own right. Much space is devoted to structural distributions, their characterization and their effect on properties. It is rather to provide a framework for better understanding of all polymeric liquids by identifying, in the simplest possible circumstances, the universal attributes of a chain-like and flexible molecular structure.
Taylor & Francis Inc Theory for Today's Musician Workbook
Theory for Today’s Musician, Third Edition, recasts the scope of the traditional music theory course to meet the demands of the professional music world, in a style that speaks directly and engagingly to today’s music student. It uses classical, folk, popular, and jazz repertoires with clear explanations that link music theory to musical applications. The authors help prepare students by not only exploring how music theory works in art music, but how it functions within modern music, and why this knowledge will help them become better composers, music teachers, performers, and recording engineers.This broadly comprehensive text merges traditional topics such as part writing and harmony (diatonic, chromatic, neo-tonal and atonal), with less traditional topics such as counterpoint and musical process, and includes the non-traditional topics of popular music songwriting, jazz harmony and the blues. The accompanying companion website provides interactive exercises that allow students to practice foundational theory skills. Written by experienced authors, both active classroom teachers for many years, Theory for Today’s Musician is the complete and ideal theory text to enable today’s student to accomplish their musical goals tomorrow.Updated and corrected throughout, the Third Edition includes: Expanded coverage of atonality and serialism, now separated into two chapters. Broadened treatment of cadences, including examples from popular music. Substantially rewritten chapter on songwriting. Interactive features of the text simplified to two types, "Concept Checks" and "Review and Reinforcement," for greater ease of use. New and updated musical examples added throughout. Charts, illustrations, and musical examples revised for increased clarity. Audio of musical examples now provided through the companion website. The accompanying Workbook offers exercises and assignments to accompany each chapter in the book. A companion website houses online tutorials with drills of basic concepts, as well as audio.The paperback WORKBOOK is also paired with the corresponding hardback TEXTBOOK in a discounted PACKAGE (9780815371731).
Taylor & Francis Inc Practical Military Ordnance Identification, Second Edition
The threat variables associated with military ordnance are enormous, requiring the application of a structured process to identify unknown munitions. The focus of Practical Military Ordnance Identification, Second Edition is the application of a practical deductive process to identify unknown ordnance items that are commonly recovered outside military control.The author supplies a seven-step procedure to identify unknown munitions by their category, group, and type. Detailed logic trees help users narrow down the possibilities in order to accurately identify ordnance. The book covers the safety precautions associated with each category and group of ordnance. It describes many ordnance construction characteristics and explains the fundamentals of military ordnance fuzing. Appendices define terms and supply abbreviations and acronyms used to describe military ordnances.Coverage new to this edition include: a list of conventional markings; additional safety precautions to take; an expanded list of high explosives; additional technical details on explosives effects; hazards associated with pyrotechnics, pyrophorics, smoke compounds, and incendiaries; a section on pre-1870 projectiles, hand grenades, landmines, underwater ordnances, and rockets; and details on Man-Portable-Air-Defense-Systems (MANPADS) missile systems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Environmental Hazards: Assessing Risk and Reducing Disaster
The seventh edition of Environmental Hazards provides a much expanded and fully up-to-date overview of all the extreme environmental events that threaten people and what they value in the 21st century globally. It integrates cutting-edge materials to provide an interdisciplinary approach to environmental hazards and their management, illustrating how natural and human systems interact to place communities of all sizes, and at all stages of economic development, at risk. Part 1 defines basic concepts of hazard, risk, vulnerability and disaster and explores the evolution of hazards theory. Part 2 employs a consistent chapter structure to demonstrate how individual hazards occur, their impacts and how the risks can be assessed and managed.This extensively revised edition includes: Fresh perspectives on the reliability of disaster data, disaster risk reduction, risk and disaster perception and communication, and new technologies available to assist with environmental hazard management The addition of several new environmental hazards including landslide and avalanches, cryospheric hazards, karst and subsidence hazards, and hazards of the Anthropocene More boxed sections with a focus on both generic issues and the lessons to be learned from a carefully selected range of up-to-date extreme events An annotated list of key resources, including further reading and relevant websites, for all chapters More colour diagrams and photographs, and more than 1,000 references to some of the most significant and recent published material New exercises to assist teaching in the classroom, or self-learning This carefully structured and balanced textbook captures the complexity and dynamism of environmental hazards and is essential reading for students across many disciplines including geography, environmental science, environmental studies and natural resources.
Taylor & Francis Inc College Physics Essentials Eighth Edition TwoVolume Set
This new edition of College Physics Essentials provides a streamlined update of a major textbook for algebra-based physics. The first volume covers topics such as mechanics, heat, and thermodynamics. The second volume covers electricity, atomic, nuclear, and quantum physics. The authors provide emphasis on worked examples together with expanded problem sets that build from conceptual understanding to numerical solutions and real-world applications to increase reader engagement.Including over 900 images throughout the two volumes, this textbook is highly recommended for students seeking a basic understanding of key physics concepts and how to apply them to real problems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Principles of Mucosal Immunology
This respected graduate-level textbook provides comprehensive and accessible coverage of the basic and clinical aspects of the mucosal immune system, addressing the major components of the mucosal barrier ̶ gastrointestinal, upper and lower respiratory, ocular, and genitourinary mucosal immune systems ̶ in a highly user-friendly style. The editors of and contributors to the book, all internationally-recognized leaders, present the current principles, concepts, and basic processes involved in mucosal immunology, mucosal diseases, and host defense at mucosal surfaces. Topics discussed include the development and structure of the mucosal immune system and its cellular constituents, host-microbe relationships, infection, mucosal diseases, and vaccines. The second edition has been carefully updated throughout to reflect the latest developments from clinical research and key literature has been fully updated.
Taylor & Francis Inc Developmental Neurobiology
Developmental Neurobiology tells the extraordinary process of neural development by showing how the scientific discoveries were made and how the hypotheses evolved over time. Each chapter explores the specific mechanisms of development while highlighting the key experiments and methods used to make those discoveries—including descriptions of, and experiments utilizing, both invertebrate and vertebrate animal models. This distinctive approach provides the essential facts while strengthening the reader’s appreciation of the scientific method. Discussions of neurodevelopmental disorders and therapeutic approaches to them will captivate those interested in the more clinical aspects of the field. With its clear illustrations and easy-to-follow writing style, Developmental Neurobiology presents an accessible approach to neural development for undergraduate students.
Taylor & Francis Inc Case Studies in Allergic Disorders
Case Studies in Allergic Disorders is designed for undergraduate and graduate students in immunology, medical students, and resident physicians. It describes the basic cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of commonly occurring allergic diseases and introduces the rationale for targeted treatment of allergy. Replicating the successful approach of Case Studies in Immunology, the book presents mechanisms of hypersensitivity through a selection of clinical cases that reinforce and extend the basic science. The cases are largely drawn from the records of Children’s Hospital Boston. Linking the discussion of pathogenesis to actual clinical presentation establishes important connections between the bench and bedside. The book can be used as either a stand-alone text or asa companion to Janeway’s Immunobiology and The Immune System.
Taylor & Francis Inc The New Labor Radicalism and New York City's Garment Industry: Progressive Labor Insurgents During the 1960s
First published in 2000. This study examines how Progressive Labor, an antirevisionist offshoot of the Communist Party USA, attempted to revolutionize the labor front in New York City’s garment industry during the 1960s. An ideologically driven group, whose founders were loyal to Stalinism and attracted by Maoism, Progressive Labor set out in 1962 to become the vanguard of the American working class.
Taylor & Francis Inc Transnational Marketing in the Information Age
First Published in 1999. New questions of transnational, multi-cultural marketing utilizing advanced technologies add entirely new facets to the basic marketing issues of product, price, promotion, and distribution. The information presented in this volume discusses the need for true transnational marketing, and presents an example of what that may entail.
Taylor & Francis Inc Management Aptitude of Entrepreneurs
First Published in 2000. The basic problems investigated in this book arose from the author's speculation that many individuals who have what it takes to be an entrepreneur may simply not have what it takes to be an effective manager. In fact, some of the characteristics that are essential to the entrepreneurial drive may be detrimental to the development of solid management skills. This may be one reason that so many entrepreneurs fail in business-- Certain elements in their personality make-up may actually prevent them from being, or even becoming, good managers.The overall objective of the study was to learn if there is a significant relationship between entrepreneurs and professional managers in terms of their basic aptitudes toward managing. The research was carried out by examining a number of the most important underpinning psychosocial aspects that have been demonstrated as valid predictors of management performance.
Taylor & Francis Inc Managing Capital Resources for Central City Revitalization
First Published in 2000. This book and its companion volume, Human Capital Investment fo r Central City Revitalization, are the products of a two-year endeavor by the National Center for the Revitalization of Central Cities. The National Center is a consortium of academic institutions that analyzes critical problems facing America’s central cities, evaluates strategies to address those problems, and recommends policy alternatives.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fiction by Nineteenth-Century Women Writers: A New England Sampler
In an era following the Civil War which saw change and transformation everywhere, new magazines emerged to record and report the change. Responding to the call for material to fill their pages, writers in regions such as New England, the West, and the South answered, most often with short stories. In fact, short fiction became the literature of choice for an emerging mass audience. And increasingly the voices of women writers found resonance in the pages of Harper's New Monthly ,Putnam's , and Galaxy , to name a few of the newly established magazines. In New England, writers such as Sarah Orne Jewett, Mary Wilkins Freeman, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Louisa May Alcott, Harriet Prescott Spofford, Sarah Johnson Prichard, and Rose Terry Cooke found a voice within the pages of these magazines. Although read widely in the late nineteenth century, increasingly these women writers-with a few exceptions-began to be marginalized early-on in the twentieth century. Besides expanding the canon, this collection of selected short stories by these seven New England writers attempts to restore what has been for many of them in this century either a diminished or even a lost voice.
Taylor & Francis Inc Understanding Elvis: Southern Roots vs. Star Image
Although the importance of Elvis Presley's Southern heritage has long been recognized, few have considered the complex connection between the performer's career and his Southern roots. This study investigates how that identity affected each stage of Presley's career. Elvis Presley's career can be divided into three phases, each of which is signified by a specific image. Each image is coded by a certain style of music, mode of dress, and arena of performance. The evolution from one career phase to another was instigated by a specific event and represented a deliberate calculation on the part of Presley's manager to attract a wider audience. The first stage spans the years 1956 through 1958, after the singer was introduced to a national audience and before he was drafted into the army. His image as a notorious rock 'n' roller created a national controversy and was spurred by negative depictions of Presley in the media-many attributing his controversial performing style and appearance to his Southern background. His music was a fusion of rhythm and blues and country-western; or, two types of music indigenous to the South and foreign to the mainstream entertainment industry based in New York City. The second phase of Elvis' career included his stint as a movie star, in which most aspects of his Southern identity were extracted from his leading man image to enhance his appeal to the mainstream. And, finally, the last stage of his career focused on his image as a Las Vegas performer. Despite the gaudy costumes, Elvis reconnected to his identity as a Southerner in the 1970s by returning to country music and songwriters as a source of inspiration.
Taylor & Francis Inc Infancy and Culture: An International Review and Source Book
Infancy and Culture: An International Review and Source Book provides a cross-indexed, annotated guide to social and behavioral studies of infants of color. Derived from five major data bases of published scientific literature, this volume was designed to elevate the scientific study of infants of color to a level reflecting their majority status in the world's population. While the vast majority of the world's infants are infants of color, a scan of 175 journals only resulted in 386 studies. This crisply underscores the need to intensify studies of cross-culture and within-culture variability, in order to broaden our understanding of the cultural impact on social and behavioral development during the first few years of human life. Infancy and Culture takes a small step in that direction by cataloging the extant literature by geographic region, and by cross-indexing it by topical content. Citations are numbered consecutively throughout the text and both author and subject indexes are pegged to the citation number, not to page numbers, thereby facilitating one's search for all published literature related to a particular topic. Finally, the editors provide a brief summary of the research for each chapter in the volume.
Taylor & Francis Inc Bod XXIII: Indexes to the Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts with Addenda, Corrigenda, List of Watermarks, and Related Bodleian
Garland's magnificent facsimile series of the manuscripts of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in the Bodleian Library, Oxford ( The Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts , 22 volumes, 1986-1997) is now made complete by the publication of its Index-volume. Volume XXIII provides the key to the contents of the Shelleyan notebooks and papers in all their complexity: poems, prose, translations, fragments, calculations, drawing and doodles, addresses and other miscellaneous jottings. The accumulated findings provide a treasure-trove of information about the Shelley's lives: their writings and readings, and echoes of classical and later authors; the people they met, corresponded with, rented houses from, or saw perform; the towns they visited, the very houses in which they lived, the lakes and rivers they sailed and the mountains they climbed. The intellectual and physical data of these manuscripts will help open new vistas for students of their lives, thought and creative writing.
Taylor & Francis Inc Europe Since 1945: An Encyclopedia
Europe Since 1945: An Encyclopedia is a comprehensive reference work of some 1,700 entries in two volumes. Its scope includes all of Europe and the successor states to the former Soviet Union. The volumes provide a broad coverage of topics, with an emphasis on politics, governments, organizations, people, and events crucial to an understanding of postwar Europe. Also includes 100 maps and photos.
Taylor & Francis Inc History of Science in United States: An Encyclopedia
This Encyclopedia examines all aspects of the history of science in the United States, with a special emphasis placed on the historiography of science in America. It can be used by students, general readers, scientists, or anyone interested in the facts relating to the development of science in the United States. Special emphasis is placed in the history of medicine and technology and on the relationship between science and technology and science and medicine.
Taylor & Francis Inc Evaluation Practice: How To Do Good Evaluation Research In Work Settings
Professional accountability has become central to both public and private sectors. Governments have emphasized and even developed empirical models, logic modeling, and evidence-based practice in the programs they support, and not-for-profit, for-profit and NGO entities increasingly rely on systematic strategies such as strategic planning, marketing research, outcome measures, and benchmarking to identify needs and determine success. Evaluation Practice bridges the apparent gap between practice and research to present a logical, systematic model to guide all professional thinking and action within the context of everyday professional life. Their framework embraces diverse theories, action, and sets of evidence from a range of professional and disciplinary perspectives.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Depression in Adolescents
Depressive disorders are among the most common types of psychopathology in the United States. Adolescent-onset depressive disorders represent particularly insidious conditions because of their strong association with chronic and recurrent emotional problems in adulthood. This handbook offers authoritative reviews of research on the nature, causes, and treatments for depression in adolescents. It covers the breadth of this research, focusing on etiology, predictors, and the interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors in adolescent depression. Highlighting both recent studies on treatment of adolescent depression and the prevention programs directed at high-risk youth, the book also covers assessment, diagnosis, and epidemiology, and related and comorbid conditions. Handbook of Depression in Adolescents is an invaluable and comprehensive resource for students and practitioners alike.
Taylor & Francis Inc Intersections of Multiple Identities: A Casebook of Evidence-Based Practices with Diverse Populations
Over the past two decades, there has been an increase in the need to prepare and train mental health personnel in working with diverse populations. In order to fully understand individuals from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds, practitioners need to begin to examine, conceptualize, and treat individuals according to the multiple ways in which they identify themselves. The purpose of this casebook is to bridge the gap between the current practice of counseling with the newest theories and research on working with diverse clientele. Each chapter is written by leading experts in the field of multicultural counseling and includes a case presentation with a detailed analysis of each session, a discussion of their theoretical orientation and how they have modified it to provide more culturally appropriate treatment, and an explanation of how their own dimensions of diversity and worldviews enhance or potentially impede treatment. This text is a significant contribution to the evolving area of multicultural counseling and will be a valuable resource to mental health practitioners working with diverse populations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Intersections of Multiple Identities: A Casebook of Evidence-Based Practices with Diverse Populations
Over the past two decades, there has been an increase in the need to prepare and train mental health personnel in working with diverse populations. In order to fully understand individuals from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds, practitioners need to begin to examine, conceptualize, and treat individuals according to the multiple ways in which they identify themselves. The purpose of this casebook is to bridge the gap between the current practice of counseling with the newest theories and research on working with diverse clientele. Each chapter is written by leading experts in the field of multicultural counseling and includes a case presentation with a detailed analysis of each session, a discussion of their theoretical orientation and how they have modified it to provide more culturally appropriate treatment, and an explanation of how their own dimensions of diversity and worldviews enhance or potentially impede treatment. This text is a significant contribution to the evolving area of multicultural counseling and will be a valuable resource to mental health practitioners working with diverse populations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Women, Men and News: Divided and Disconnected in the News Media Landscape
This multi-authored scholarly volume explores the divide between men and women in their consumption of news media, looking at how the sexes read and use news, historically and currently, how they use technology to access their news, and how today’s news pertains to and is used by women. The volume also addresses diversity issues among women’s use of news, considering racial, ethnic, international and feminist perspectives. The volume is intended to help readers understand adult news use behavior--a critical and timely issue considering the state of newspapers and television news in today’s multi-media news environment.
Taylor & Francis Inc A New Paradigm for Global School Systems: Education for a Long and Happy Life
This volume—a major new contribution to Joel Spring’s reportage and analysis of the intersection of global forces and education—offers a new paradigm for global school systems. Education for global economic competition is the prevailing goal of most national school systems. Spring argues that recent international studies by economists, social psychologists, and others on the social factors that support subjective well-being and longevity should serve as a call to arms to change education policy; the current industrial-consumer paradigm is not supportive of either happiness or long life.Building his argument through an original documentation, synthesis, and critique of prevailing global economic goals for schools and research on social conditions that support happiness and long life, Spring: *develops guidelines for a global core curriculum, methods of instruction, and school organizations; *translates these guidelines into a new paradigm for global school systems based on progressive, human rights, and environmental educational traditions; *contrasts differing ways of seeing and knowing among indigenous, Western, and Confucian-based societies, concluding that global teaching and learning involve a particular form of holistic knowing and seeing; and*proposes a prototype for a global school—an eco-school that functions to protect the biosphere and human rights and to support the happiness and well-being of the school staff, students, and immediate community—and for a global core curriculum based on holistic models for lessons and instruction. The book concludes with Spring’s retelling of Plato’s parable of the cave—in which educators break the chains that bind them to the industrial-consumer paradigm and rethink their commitment to humanity’s welfare.
Taylor & Francis Inc Effort: A Behavioral Neuroscience Perspective on the Will
In Effort: A Behavioral Neuroscience Perspective on the Will, author Jay Schulkin presents a two-fold thesis: there is no absolute separation of the cognitive and non-cognitive brain, and there are diverse cognitive systems, many of which are embodied in motor systems that underlie self-regulation. Central to this thesis is that dopamine is the one neurotransmitter that underlies the diverse senses of effort, and is apparent in most everyday activity, whether solving a problem in our head or moving about. As scientific literature abounds with studies of decision-making and effort, this book emphasizes the importance of demythologizing our understanding of cognitive systems in order to link motivation, behavioral inhibition, self-regulation, and will.Effort will benefit researchers and students in neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, cognitive psychology, clinical psychology, social psychology, as well as anyone with interest in this topic.
Taylor & Francis Inc Multilevel Analysis of Individuals and Cultures
In this book, top specialists address theoretical, methodological, and empirical multilevel models as they relate to the analysis of individual and cultural data. Divided into four parts, the book opens with the basic conceptual and theoretical issues in multilevel research, including the fallacies of such research. Part II describes the methodological aspects of multilevel research, including data-analytic and structural equation modeling techniques. Applications and models from various research areas including control, values, organizational behavior, social beliefs, well-being, personality, response styles, school performance, family, and acculturation, are explored in Part III. This section also deals with validity issues in aggregation models. The book concludes with an overview of the kinds of questions addressed in multilevel models and highlights the theoretical and methodological issues yet to be explored. This book is intended for researchers and advanced students in psychology, sociology, social work, marriage and family therapy, public health, anthropology, education, economics, political science, and cultural and ethnic studies who study the relationship between behavior and culture.
Taylor & Francis Inc Learner-Centered Leadership: Research, Policy, and Practice
Many new approaches to school improvement are being proposed in the current climate of assessment and school accountability. This book explores one of these approaches, a new model of leadership training known as Learner-Centered Leadership (LCL). It is built around the fundamental idea that learning and learning communities are natural processes that, when properly harnessed, can lead to the highest levels of professional engagement and problem solving. Key features of this exciting new approach to school leadership include the following:Broad-based and Generative—The book’s narratives vividly illustrate the extraordinary ability of LCL to generate new approaches to leadership development. For example, encouraging and assisting school leaders to reflect on their own leadership attributes relative to the implementation of the school mission to ensure high teacher efficacy and student learning. In this respect the volume contributes significantly to the field of school leadership and professional development by extending above and beyond a narrow focus on instructional leadership. Practice Oriented—By creating communities that encourage conversation and analysis the new data-driven models of school improvement are more likely to be successfully implemented. Without analytical discourse, the process of interpreting school data and transforming it into practice would be largely lost. Conceptually Appropriate—The realization that everyone within a school (students, teachers, administrators) belongs to the same learning community minimizes status differences and encourages teamwork. The LCL administrator is much less likely to be authoritarian and power-oriented and much more likely to be transformative and student outcome focused. This book is appropriate for master’s level courses and certification seminars, and for inservice workshops dealing with school leadership.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Internet and Health Care: Theory, Research, and Practice
The Internet and Health Care: Theory, Research, and Practice presents an in-depth introduction to the field of health care and the Internet, from international and interdisciplinary perspectives. It combines expertise in the areas of the social sciences, medicine, policy, and systems analysis. With an international collection of contributors, it provides a current examination of key issues and research projects in the area. Methods and data used in the chapters include personal interviews, focus groups, observations, regional and national surveys, online transcript analysis, and much more. Sections in the book cover:*e-Health trends and theory; *searching, discussing, and evaluating online health information at the individual level of analysis; *discussing health information at the group or community level; and *implementing health information systems at the regional and social level. The Internet and Health Care will prove useful for university educators and students in the social, public health, and medical disciplines, including Internet researchers. It is also oriented to professionals in many disciplines who will appreciate an integrative theoretical, empirical, and critical analysis of the subject matter, including developers and providers of online health information.
Taylor & Francis Inc Phonology for Communication Disorders
This textbook describes the approaches to phonology that are most relevant to communication disorders. It examines schools of thought in theoretical phonology, and their relevance to description, explanation and remediation in the clinical context.A recurring theme throughout the book is the distinction between phonological theories that attempt elegant, parsimonious descriptions of phonological data, and those that attempt to provide a psycholinguistic model of speech production and perception.This book introduces all the relevant areas of phonology to the students and practitioners of speech-language pathology and is a companion volume to the authors’ Phonetics for Communication Disorders.
Taylor & Francis Inc Preventing Talent Loss
Preventing Talent Loss provides a comprehensive model of giftedness and talent for all educators including teachers, counselors, and administrators. By presenting a summary of theory-driven, evidence-based knowledge, Hong and Milgram offer innovative and practical solutions for meeting the challenge of coping with talent loss. This monumental book distinguishes the important difference between expert talent and creative talent. While other books focus on how to improve the process of identifying the gifted and talented, Preventing Talent Loss provides educators with the means to individualize their curriculum and instruction in regular classrooms.
Taylor & Francis Inc Self Continuity: Individual and Collective Perspectives
This volume is the first to bring together the fast-growing research on self-continuity from multiple perspectives within and beyond social psychology.The book covers individual and collective aspects of self-continuity, while a final section explores the relationship between these two forms. Topics include environmental and cultural influences on self-continuity; the interplay of autobiographical memory and personal self-continuity; the psychological function of self-continuity; personal and collective self-continuity; and resistance to change. The volume is rounded off with commentaries on the central issues and themes that have been discussed.The book provides a unique sourcebook for this important topic and will appeal not only to upper-level students and researchers in social psychology, but, in view of the multiple perspectives represented in the volume, it will also appeal to cognitive, developmental, and personality psychologists.
Taylor & Francis Inc Stereotype Dynamics: Language-Based Approaches to the Formation, Maintenance, and Transformation of Stereotypes
This volume addresses the role of communication in stereotype dynamics, while placing the phenomenon of social stereotypes appropriately in the socio-cultural context. Stereotype Dynamics assembles top researchers in the field to investigate stereotype formation, maintenance, and transformation through interpersonal facets of communication.Section one presents meta-theoretical perspectives, strongly informed by theories and empirical research. Subsequent parts address the following research questions in the perspectives of language-based communication: What do the signs in a language mean, and how do the meanings of the signs shape stereotypes? How do people use those signs intentionally or unintentionally? Is language use biased in some way? How do language users' identities affect the meaning of a particular language use in social context? What are the social consequences of language-based communication? Does language-based communication provide a basis for the formation, maintenance, and transformation or social stereotypes? This timely book is ideal for advanced students, scholars, and researchers in social psychology, and related disciplines such as human communications and sociolinguistics. It is also appropriate for use as a supplement in upper level courses on prejudice and stereotyping.
Taylor & Francis Inc Learning, Training, and Development in Organizations
This scholarly book in SIOP’s Organizational Frontier series looks at research on enhancing knowledge acquisition and its application in organizations. It concentrates on training, design and delivery given the changing nature of work and organizations. Now that work is increasingly complex, there is greater emphasis on expertise and cognitive skills. Advances in technology such as computer simulations and web-based training are necessitating a more active role for the learner in the training process. In the broad context of the organization systems, this book promotes learning and development as a continuous lifelong endeavor.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Syllable in Speech Production: Perspectives on the Frame Content Theory
As a testament to the scope of Peter MacNeilage’s scholarly work across his 40 year career, contributions to this tribute volume represent a broad spectrum of the seminal issues addressed by phonetic and evolutionary science over a number of years. Approaches to the problems raised by attempting to understand these fundamental topics are illustrated in the broad diversity of paradigms represented in the volume. This diversity in itself is a tribute to the breadth of scholarly questions pursued by MacNeilage across his career.Chapters are arranged around five thematic areas. Two themes, Evolutionary Perspectives on Speech Production and Acquisition of Speech, reflect the major thrust of Peter’s scholarly career over the past 25 years. The other themes are reflective of the broad implications of MacNeilage’s work for scholars in disparate scientific domains. One of the strengths of this volume is the unitary focus of contributions by scientists from diverse scientific backgrounds in considering the applicability of the Frame Content Theory within their own scholarly perspectives. Thematic strands in the volume include: - Evolutionary Perspectives on Speech Production - Neurobiological Aspects of Speech - Perception / Action Relationships - Acquisition of Speech Production Skill - Modeling and Movement - Alternative Perspectives on the Syllable.
Taylor & Francis Inc Implementing an Inpatient Smoking Cessation Program
Implementing an Inpatient Smoking Cessation Program serves as a step-by-step manual for implementing a cost-effective tobacco cessation program for hospitalized patients. Based on the Staying Free program, which has evidenced among the highest cessation rates reported in the scientific literature, this book is the result of decades of research by the authors. Although the book reviews a tobacco cessation program, the process is applicable to most behavioral interventions in acute- or long-term care settings.The book details the administrative responsibilities involved in designing, implementing, delivering, evaluating, and maintaining an inpatient tobacco cessation program. Its how-to approach focuses on the skills needed to: determine the work that needs to be done, select the appropriate interventions and providers, pay for and market the program, and create systems to keep the program alive. It provides algorithms for forecasting program enrollment and information on how to budget the program. Readers can then use this information as a blueprint for implementing their own program. A chapter on workflow provides a "virtual tour" of what to expect from the first 48 hours through the first year. Written in an accessible style with insightful interviews with actual providers, Implementing an Inpatient Smoking Cessation Program:*summarizes the literature on tobacco use, including the causal health effects and cost-effectiveness of cessation programs, to help readers build a case for a program;*reviews the clinical guidelines and advantages that support an inpatient program; and*provides tips on how to develop an effective program including insight into where the bottlenecks are likely to occur, and how to avoid them. Implementing an Inpatient Smoking Cessation Program is intended for health care administrators, providers, researchers, educators, and students in health care administration, public health, community and health psychology, (behavioral) medicine, nursing, respiratory therapy, and rehabilitation.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Interpersonal, Cognitive, and Social Nature of Depression
The true integration of interpersonal, social psychology, and cognitive-behavioral approaches is the most important theoretical issue in the field of the psychology of depression, and yet it has not been well addressed in any forum. The Interpersonal, Cognitive, and Social Nature of Depression was written to provide cutting-edge research and theoretical perspectives on this issue. Its goal is to concretize and celebrate an integrative approach to the understanding of depression, and to foster its sequelae, by bringing together primary figures from interpersonal, cognitive, and behavioral viewpoints for state-of-the-art treatment of the psychology of depression. In addition, this book provides:* an integration of these perspectives on depression research to help guide researchers in developing projects;* up-to-date research findings to help researchers update their knowledge of depression research;* a detailed review of studies evaluating the effectiveness of cognitive therapy for treatment and prevention of depression;* focused chapters on issues related to depression in childhood and adolescence; and* chapters presenting research focusing on both the manic and depressed phases of bipolar disorder. This text will appeal to a diverse audience from several sources: clinical practitioners, sociology, psychology, psychiatry, researchers, and graduate students in these fields.