Search results for ""Taylor Francis Inc""
Taylor & Francis Inc Information Delivery in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fee-Based Information Services in Libraries
Face the information explosion with confidence!Information Delivery in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fee-Based Information Services in Libraries will guide newcomers and established practitioners alike through the major issues facing fee-based library information services today. Those new to this area will find helpful introductions to these issues, presented by seasoned practitioners with years of experience managing successful services or consulting in specialized areas of the information industry. Veteran information service managers will find thought-provoking discussions designed to stimulate the continuous service improvements that are so critical to success in today's rapidly changing information marketplace.Start-up and operation of a fee-based library information service is much like starting and running a small business, with familiar issues such as marketing, price setting, and monitoring the general business environment. In other ways, however, managing these services is even more challenging because of special considerations such as operating within a larger organization, copyright compliance, and changing trends in the information industry. Information Delivery in the 21st Century clarifies all of these issues, putting you in control of your situation.Information Delivery in the 21st Century, based upon sessions presented at the 1997 Fourth International Fee-Based Information Services in Libraries Conference, will give you a better understanding of: pricing policies copyright compliance writing business plans working with a parent organization trends in the information industryHere is the knowledge you’ll require to lead your library through the early years of the new century. Information Delivery in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fee-Based Information Services in Libraries is the essential guide you need!
Taylor & Francis Inc Maltreatment in Early Childhood: Tools for Research-Based Intervention
Detect and put a stop to child abuse!For mental health professionals, social workers, legal professionals, and policy makers, Maltreatment in Early Childhood: Tools for Research-Based Intervention examines strategies and ideas for professional training in child protection in the United States. Derived from presentations at the San Diego Conference Responding to Child Maltreatment, this book addresses current assessment issues, the intersection of child maltreatment and other social problems, the history of child protection, and the intricacies of courtroom testimonies, and provides guidance for case management. Through insight into research and case studies, Maltreatment in Early Childhood explores effective approaches to child-friendly services, multivictim cases, therapy, and victim recantation to help you assist sexually abused children or children who have witnessed domestic abuse.Addressing a variety of challenges that face all those involved with youth in need of assistance due to abuse, this informative book examines why children of different racial identities may display different secret-keeping behavior, and presents a variety of approaches that encourage clients to talk about their situation. Maltreatment in Early Childhood explores child abuse from a historical and political context, and discusses key issues relating to all facets of this social problem, including: understanding the pros and cons of asking children to recall their experiences through specific types of questions, such as invitational questions and less preferred questions, which may or may not reveal true answers deciding if the Validity Checklist, the second part of the Analysis procedure, is able to determine truthfulness of allegations in child sexual abuse cases testing the efficacy of the model designed at the National Children's Advocacy Center (NCAC), which may be used to validate abuse and determine if children's statements are accurate overcoming difficulties in the child protection system, including the probability of multiple interviews and potential contamination of children's narratives by a variety of sources, to produce fair evaluations and successful prosecutionsWith tables and charts that will help you easily explore research findings, Maltreatment in Early Childhood provides you with the information you need in order to determine the truth of children's statements, how to present statements in court, and how to affect changes that will protect and assist victims of childhood sexual abuse.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Role of the Hospitality Industry in the Lives of Individuals and Families
The Role of the Hospitality Industry in the Lives of Individuals and Families explores the evolution of the hospitality industry and the relationships between hospitality providers, their families, and the guests they serve. Focusing on the human aspect of the business, this text will give hospitality providers a better understanding of the human relations issues that they or their employees may face and show them how your services affect guests. Offering research and insight into customs and traditions that have influenced modern services, The Role of the Hospitality Industry in the Lives of Individuals and Families will teach you how to better meet the needs of guests at the national or international level while learning how the industry affects employees and their lives outside of work.The Role of the Hospitality Industry in the Lives of Individuals and Families discusses many different themes that relate to the improvement of the profession for both guests and employees, such as the spiritual, philosophical, and historical provisions of hospitality; the human resource and work issues of employees in the industry; consumer and family demands; and marketing strategies for hospitality organizations. In addition, this text discusses many issues that affect guests and that affect you as an employer or employee, such as: responding to the needs of travelers for a “home away from home” dealing with the social and health issues of guests recognizing the changing food habits of Americans and their impact on the hospitality industry examining the frequently negative attitude of Americans toward service hospitality employees balancing a career in the hospitality industry and family life researching the frequency of fast food patronage by older adults and the importance of hotel/motel services to older adults to determine if areas of service need improvement protecting employees from overly demanding guests balancing compassion, generosity, and idealism with the corporate profit maximization mandateThe Role of the Hospitality Industry in the Lives of Individuals and Families also examines the cultural relationships fostered by the hospitality industry as a benefit and proof of quality services. Complete with ideas for further research, this text will help you and your employees evaluate the personal effects of the hospitality industry and help provide better services to guests.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Ideal Gay Man: The Story of Der Kreis
Discover the deliciously succulent homosexual world of the early 1900s!The Ideal Gay Man: The Story of Der Kreis gives you the history of the influential international gay journal Der Kreis, published in Switzerland from 1932--1967. You’ll gain fascinating insight into the journal’s origins, its development, and the reasons for its demise. Entertaining and informative, this book points out how the events of the day relating to the gay movement were reflected in and influenced by Der Kreis.Der Kreis was the world’s most important journal promoting the legal and social rights of gay men. Literary historians, gay theory scholars, and general readers will be intrigued by the generous selection of articles from the English section of the journal, as well as the English translations from the French and German sections. The Ideal Gay Man is a fascinating collection of history and entertainment. Some topics you’ll explore are: the beginning of the publication Der Kreis why Der Kreis stopped publication sections on the English writers, French writers, and German writers of Der Kreis articles on morality and the public’s changing perceptions of homosexuality man and boy love and the differences between leading and seductionThe Ideal Gay Man studies this amazingly influential gentlemen’s journal and provides you with a flattering and long overdue inclusion into gay studies material. You will explore the homosexual world during a turbulent time of intolerance and discover how the events relating to the gay movement were reflected in and influenced by Der Kreis.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Shahids: Islam and Suicide Attacks
Suicide terror has become a fundamental strategic weapon in the confrontation between Fundamentalist Islam and its adversaries and now constitutes a threat to world welfare and security. The Shahids proposes that the nature of this terror changed after the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11. In this first book to be published on the subject, the author offers both an interpretation and an overall picture of a worldwide phenomenon that is not yet fully recognized, even in Israel, which remains a central arena for the perpetration of suicide attacks by terror organizations.The Shahids analyzes the general phenomenon of Islamic suicide attacks, and provides the reader with tools, comparative analyses, and comprehensive information enabling enlightened examination about suicide attacks worldwide. After a review of the historical development of the religious and ideological values legitimating suicide attacks, the volume explores the ways in which all terror organizations are both alike and different. It focuses on the countries that support terror--Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia--discusses suicide attacks perpetrated by women and the suicide attackers' mothers, and shows how various countries have put an end to suicide attacks. It scrutinizes testimony drawn from confiscated documents regarding the approach of terror leaders and the administrative support of various organizations for suicide attacks, while offering descriptions and direction on ways to contend with this challenge. It explores the possibilities and recommendations for an international struggle against suicide attacks through the implementation of recently published, innovative ideas proposed by UN Organizations, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch.The Shahids maps out the overall phenomenon of suicide attacks, as well as identifies various organizations and central key figures through comparative cross-sections.
Taylor & Francis Inc Order and Legitimacy: Political Thought in National Spain
A growing body of readers is rediscovering Francis Graham Wilson's tremendous contribution to the study of politics and humane learning. In this volume he offers an extensive assessment of the nature of politics and the search for order in Spanish politics, concentrating on the central figures who defended the Church and communities during the Spanish Civil War. The book argues for the uniqueness of Spain among the other countries of Europe. For Wilson, the most salutary attribute of Spanish politics is found in the assemblage of smaller groupings of the citizenry within the larger society in communities; and it is in the smaller association that the most important aspects of moral, social and political life were nurtured. Part 1 includes assessments of three eminent Spanish traditionalists, Juan Donoso Cortés, Jaime Balmes, and Menéndez Pelayo, as well as studies of central figures from the period of the Spanish Civil War—José Antonio and Ramiro de Maeztu. The final chapters are taken from an unpublished book-length manuscript, "An Anchor in the Latin Mind," that Wilson had completed at the time of his death in 1976, and was recently discovered by the editors. For Wilson, Latin thinkers possess advantages others do not—a political realism that can be reinvigorated. The recovery of Spanish traditionalism, according to this book, is dependent upon a return to the self-understanding of the ordering principles of Spanish politics and society. Wilson's affirmation of a Spanish traditionalist inheritance during his lifetime encouraged a return to authentic popular rule and a greater appreciation of Spanish achievements in politics and the moral life.
Taylor & Francis Inc Eudemus of Rhodes
Eudemus of Rhodes was a pupil of Aristotle in the second half of the fourth century BCE. When Aristotle died, having chosen Theophrastus as his successor, Eudemus returned to Rhodes where it appears he founded his own school. His contributions to logic were significant: he took issue with Aristotle concerning the status of the existential "is," and together with Theophrastus he made important contributions to hypothetical syllogistic and modal logic. He wrote at length on physics, largely following Aristotle, and took an interest in animal behavior. His histories of geometry, arithmetic, and astronomy were of great importance and are responsible for much of what we know of these subjects in earlier times.Volume 11 in the series Rutgers Studies in Classical Humanities is different in that it is composed entirely of articles that discuss Eudemus from a variety of viewpoints. Sixteen scholars representing seven nations have contributed essays to the volume. A special essay by Dimitri Gutas brings together for the first time the Arabic material relating to Eudemus. Other contributors and essays are: Hans B. Gottschalk, "Eudemus and the Peripatos"; Tiziano Dorandi, "Quale aspetto controverso della biografia di Eudemo di Rodi"; William W. Fortenbaugh, "Eudemus' Work On Expression"; Pamela M. Huby, "Did Aristotle Reply to Eudemus and Theophrastus on Some Logical Issues?"; Robert Sharples, "Eudemus Physics: Change, Place and Time"; Han Baltussen, "Wehrli's Edition of Eudemus of Rhodes: The Physical Fragments from Simplicius' Commentary on Aristotle's Physics"; Sylvia Berryman, "Sumphues and Suneches: Continuity and Coherence in Early Peripatetic Texts"; Istvbn Bodnbr, "Eudemus' Unmoved Movers: Fragments 121-123b Wehrli"; Deborah K. W. Modrak, "Phantasia, Thought and Science in Eudemus"; Stephen White, "Eudemus the Naturalist"; J orgen Mejer, "Eudemus and the History of Science"; Leonid Zhmud, "Eudemus' History of Mathematics"; Alan C. Bowen, "Eudemus' History of Early Greek Astronomy: Two Hypotheses"; Dmitri Panchenko, "Eudemus Fr. 145 Wehrli and the Ancient Theories of Lunar Light"; and Gbbor Betegh, "On Eudemus Fr. 150 Wehrli.""[Eudemus of Rhodes] marks a substantial progress in our knowledge of Eurdemus. For it enlarges the scope of the information available on this author, highlights the need of, and paves the way to, a new critical edition of the Greek fragments of his works, and provides a clearer view of his life, thought, sources and influence. In all these respects, it represents a necessary complement to Wehrli's edition of Eudemus' fragments." -Amos Bertolacci, The Classical BulletinIstvbn Bodnbr is a member of the philosophy department at the Eotvos University in Budapest, where he teaches and does research on ancient philosophy. He has been a junior fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies and most recently has been an Alexander von Humboldt Stipendiat in Berlin at the Max Plank Institut for Wissenschaftsgeschichte and at the Freie Universitot.William W. Fortenbaugh is professor of classics at Rutgers University. In addition to editing several books in this series, he has written Aristotle on Emotion and Quellen zur Ethik Theophrastus. New is his edition of Theophrastus's treatise On Sweat.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Historiography of Psychoanalysis
Today Sigmund Freud's legacy seems as hotly contested as ever. He continues to attract fanaticism of one kind or another. If Freud might be disappointed at the failure of his successors to confirm many of his so-called discoveries he would be gratified by the transforming impact of his ideas in contemporary moral and ethical thinking. To move from the history of psychoanalysis onto the more neutral ground of scholarly inquiry is not a simple task. There is still little effort to study Freud and his followers within the context of intellectual history. Yet in an era when psychiatry appears to be going in a different direction from that charted by Freud, his basic point of view still attracts newcomers in areas of the world relatively untouched by psychoanalytic influence in the past. It is all the more important to clarify the strengths and the limitations of Freud's approach.Roazen begins by delving into the personality of Freud, and reassesses his own earlier volume, Freud and His Followers. He then examines "Freud Studies" in the nature of Freudian appraisals and patients. He examines a succession of letters between Freud and Silberstein; Freud and Jones; Anna Freud and Eva Rosenfeld; James Strachey and Rupert Brooke. Roazen includes a series of interviews with such personages as Michael Balint, Philip Sarasin, Donald W. Winnicott, and Franz Jung. He explores curious relationships concerning Lou Andreas-Salome, Tola Rank, and Felix Deutsch, and deals with biographies of Freud's predecessors, Charcot and Breuer, and contemporaries including Menninger, Erikson, Helene Deutsch, and a number of followers. Freud's national reception in such countries as Russia, America, France, among others is examined, and Roazen surveys the literature relating to the history of psychoanalysis. Finally, he brings to light new documents offering fresh interpretations and valuable bits of new historical evidence.This brilliantly constructed book explores the vagaries of Freud's impact over the twentieth century, including current controversial issues related to placing Freud and his theories within the historiography of psychoanalysis. It will be of interest to psychoanalysts, intellectual historians, and those interested in the history of ideas.
Taylor & Francis Inc Sociology of Religion: An Historical Introduction
In adopting an international perspective that goes beyond the conventional framework of western theology, this volume bridges the divide between European and North American scholars through its careful retrieval of their common theoretical and research interests. Cipriani provides a critical analysis of both classical thought and contemporary currents in this readable text, aimed at both experts and students. He has achieved a broadening in the scientific approach to the study of religion.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Silent Language of Psychotherapy: Social Reinforcement of Unconscious Processes
Therapeutic changes occur in many places, and among animals as well as humans. A theory that attempts to explain therapeutic changes should be based on principles that apply not only to those changes occurring during the hour, but also to those observed in the educational process, in interpersonal relations, and in the social milieu, as well as with animals. It would be desirable to discover principles broad enough to provide a deeper understanding of therapeutic change in this wide variety of situations.Experienced therapists appear to be similar in what they are doing, although they may disagree as to why they do it. In spite of the arguments about theoretical formulations, it can be observed that during an hour with a patient many psychotherapists may not follow their own theories too well. There probably is some relevance in a comparison of psychotherapy with a concept formation test: the subject gives the correct answers but is unable to state why he did so or what principles he followed in making his choices. The therapist, too, may help a patient but he is often uncertain as to "why" and "how." It is very likely that the effective principles in therapeutic work rest on processes that are more general than the specific principles advanced by different schools.This volume combines the elements of psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral therapy in a theoretical system that focuses on the importance of patient-therapist interaction, especially in terms of the exchange of subtle or covert communication cues. In this significantly updated and expanded edition of their classic text, Beier and Young analyze recent developments in new areas of practice facing today's therapist: managed care and the clinical impact of the control of healthcare delivery; and biological intervention and other issues related to psychotropic medication.
Taylor & Francis Inc Everyday Ethics for Practicing Planners
"This book is on the suggested reading list for planners preparing to take the AICP exam. As veteran planner the author points out, the most troublesome conflicts for planners aren't between good and bad, they're between competing good, neither of which can be fully achieved. The 54 real-world scenarios described here typify the tough moral dilemmas that confront today's practioners. The author offers planners a way to recognize the ethical conflicts that arise in everyday practice, analyze them using ""practical moral reasoning,"" apply relevant sections of the AICP Code of Ethics and the APA/AICP Ethical Principles in Planning (both of which are included in full), and decide on the best course of action. The author tells a series of stories-each one a sticky situation that could confront a typical planner. Barrett points out the ethical issues, identifies possible alternatives, and cities relevant sections of the AICP Code. Finally, the author discusses the pros and cons of each alternative. Five particularly complex scenarios are especially intended for group discussion. Individuals studying for the AICP exam will find this book indispensable. But it also should be required reading for every planner who struggles to act ethically and for planning student who wants to understand how professionals define and serve the public interest. Planning agencies, private consulting firms, and planning commissions can use its realistic scenarios to jump start group discussions and workshops on ethical planning."
Taylor & Francis Inc Economic Evaluation of Cancer Drugs: Using Clinical Trial and Real-World Data
Cancer is a major healthcare burden across the world and impacts not only the people diagnosed with various cancers but also their families, carers, and healthcare systems. With advances in the diagnosis and treatment, more people are diagnosed early and receive treatments for a disease where few treatments options were previously available. As a result, the survival of patients with cancer has steadily improved and, in most cases, patients who are not cured may receive multiple lines of treatment, often with financial consequences for the patients, insurers and healthcare systems. Although many books exist that address economic evaluation, Economic Evaluation of Cancer Drugs using Clinical Trial and Real World Data is the first unified text that specifically addresses the economic evaluation of cancer drugs. The authors discuss how to perform cost-effectiveness analyses while emphasising the strategic importance of designing cost-effectiveness into cancer trials and building robust economic evaluation models that have a higher chance of reimbursement if truly cost-effective. They cover the use of real-world data using cancer registries and discuss how such data can support or complement clinical trials with limited follow up. Lessons learned from failed reimbursement attempts, factors predictive of successful reimbursement and the different payer requirements across major countries including US, Australia, Canada, UK, Germany, France and Italy are also discussed. The book includes many detailed practical examples, case studies and thought-provoking exercises for use in classroom and seminar discussions. Iftekhar Khan is a medical statistician and health economist and a lead statistician at Oxford Unviersity’s Center for Statistics in Medicine. Professor Khan is also a Senior Research Fellow in Health Economics at University of Warwick and is a Senior Statistical Assessor within the Licensing Division of the UK Medicine and Health Regulation Agency. Ralph Crott is a former professor in Pharmacoeconomics at the University of Montreal in Quebec, Canada and former head of the EORTC Health Economics Unit and former senior health economist at the Belgian HTA organization.Zahid Bashir has over twelve years experience working in the pharmaceutical industry in medical affairs and oncology drug development where he is involved in the design and execution of oncology clinical trials and development of reimbursement dossiers for HTA submission.
Taylor & Francis Inc Introduction to Proteins: Structure, Function, and Motion, Second Edition
Introduction to Proteins provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art introduction to the structure, function, and motion of proteins for students, faculty, and researchers at all levels. The book covers proteins and enzymes across a wide range of contexts and applications, including medical disorders, drugs, toxins, chemical warfare, and animal behavior. Each chapter includes a Summary, Exercises, and References.New features in the thoroughly-updated second edition include: A brand-new chapter on enzymatic catalysis, describing enzyme biochemistry, classification, kinetics, thermodynamics, mechanisms, and applications in medicine and other industries. These are accompanied by multiple animations of biochemical reactions and mechanisms, accessible via embedded QR codes (which can be viewed by smartphones) An in-depth discussion of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) A wider-scale description of biochemical and biophysical methods for studying proteins, including fully accessible internet-based resources, such as databases and algorithms Animations of protein dynamics and conformational changes, accessible via embedded QR codes Additional features Extensive discussion of the energetics of protein folding, stability and interactions A comprehensive view of membrane proteins, with emphasis on structure-function relationship Coverage of intrinsically unstructured proteins, providing a complete, realistic view of the proteome and its underlying functions Exploration of industrial applications of protein engineering and rational drug design Each chapter includes a Summary, Exercies, and References Approximately 300 color images Downloadable solutions manual available at For more information, including all presentations, tables, animations, and exercises, as well as a complete teaching course on proteins' structure and function, please visit the author's website.Praise for the first edition"This book captures, in a very accessible way, a growing body of literature on the structure, function and motion of proteins. This is a superb publication that would be very useful to undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and instructors involved in structural biology or biophysics courses or in research on protein structure-function relationships." --David Sheehan, ChemBioChem, 2011"Introduction to Proteins is an excellent, state-of-the-art choice for students, faculty, or researchers needing a monograph on protein structure. This is an immensely informative, thoroughly researched, up-to-date text, with broad coverage and remarkable depth. Introduction to Proteins would provide an excellent basis for an upper-level or graduate course on protein structure, and a valuable addition to the libraries of professionals interested in this centrally important field." --Eric Martz, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 2012
Taylor & Francis Inc Forensic Human Identification: An Introduction
Identity theft, criminal investigations of the dead or missing, mass disasters both by natural causes and by criminal intent – with this as our day to day reality, the establishment and verification of human identity has never been more important or more prominent in our society. Maintaining and protecting the integrity of out identity has reached levels of unprecedented importance and has led to international legislation to protect our human rights.Forensic Human Identification: An Introduction examines the variety of biological indicators that are available to investigators and illustrates the basic principles of each discipline. While DNA and fingerprints are clearly the favored methods of identification, they require a prior record and verifiable baseline for comparison. When these tools cannot be used it is necessary to employ those biological factors with higher variation and lower diagnostic probability. This reference introduces a number of different specialties such as, foot- and earprinting, dental interventions, skeletal anomalies, tattoos, facial reconstruction, personal effects, and handwriting. While recognizing that no single factor is an absolute indicator of identity, the contributors explain how a multitude of factors taken into summative consideration can establish a probability for confirmation. They discuss the difference between positive and probable identification and the use of exclusion to confirm identity. Using three high profile case studies, the book addresses the context of human identification in today’s society and illustrates the use of techniques described in the text. Heavily referenced and using more than 120 charts, figures, photographs, and tables, Forensic Human Identification: An Introduction provides detailed introductory and extended information to newcomers and experts alike on the wide range of identification techniques in international practice.
Taylor & Francis Inc Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy Bentham's (1748-1832) writings in social and political thought were both theoretical and practical. As a theorist, he made important contributions to the modern understanding of the principle of utility, to ideas of sovereignty, liberty and justice and to the importance of radical reform in a representative democracy. As a reformer, his ideas regarding constitutionalism, revolution, individual liberty and the extent of government have not only played an important role in eighteenth and nineteenth century debates but also, together with his theoretical work, remain relevant to similar debates today. This volume includes essays from leading Bentham scholars plus an introduction, surveying recent scholarship, by Frederick Rosen, formerly Director of the Bentham Project and Professor Emeritus of the History of Political Thought, University College London.
Taylor & Francis Inc Operative Pediatric Surgery
The eighth edition of the acclaimed text Operative Pediatric Surgery continues to provide a unique level of comprehensive detail on the full range of surgically treatable conditions presented in neonate and childhood as well as in utero. Written by expert international authors, all chapters cover both minimal access and open surgery, with operative techniques illustrated by both high-quality colour line artwork, operative photographs, and a library of video clips. Encompassing the full range of pediatric surgery operations that both trainee and experienced pediatric surgeons require, this established operative guide is the standard reference for the pediatric surgeon and will ensure that they can access the most up to date and authoritative information to benefit their clinical practice.• ensures authoritative coverage of all aspects of pediatric surgery•includes the latest operative techniques•reviews alternative surgical approaches•aids visualisation by the inclusion of over 1000 illustrations•establishes total confidence
Taylor & Francis Inc Gene Control
The new edition of Gene Control has been updated to include significant advances in the roles of the epigenome and regulatory RNAs in gene regulation. The chapter structure remains the same: the first part consists of pairs of chapters that explain the mechanisms involved and how they regulate gene expression, and the second part deals with specific biological processes (including diseases) and how they are controlled by genes. Coverage of methodology has been strengthened by the inclusion more explanation and diagrams.The significant revision and updating will allow Gene Control to continue to be of value to students, scientists and clinicians interested in the topic of gene control.
Taylor & Francis Inc Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery: A Practical Guide
Minimally invasive cardiac surgery(MICS) is an integral component of every future cardiac surgeon’s training. There continues to be a growing global demand towards less invasive surgical techniques. Both cardiologist and cardiac surgeon form "heart teams" to provide patients with novel, minimally invasive procedures, with all their benefits. Less invasive techniques are often complex and require special knowhow and skills. This book offers an innovative approach to learning, utilizing QR code technology, which refers the reader to essential audio-visual material, which, along with the didactic text, focuses on practical aspects of minimally invasive cardiac surgery. In modern Heart Teams, and with the advent of the hybrid era, surgeons will only be able to survive if they have state-of-the-art skills in less invasive technologies, which can be incorporated in the hybrid theatre and/or trans-catheter arena. This text accompanies the surgeon along this path, and provides clinical advice and practical solutions, beyond the necessary basic knowledge. Which courses to visit, which videos to watch, which centres to join for serious training? How best to exploit public and multimedia? How to consent a patient into a MICS procedure? How to set up a MICS program or practice? In the era of value driven outcomes, and a shift towards shorter and better patient journeys, MICS is a skill that no heart surgeon can be without. Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery: A Practical Guide is a teaching resource, reference book and manual written by surgeons who both operate and teach the procedures described within. Provides access to online resources via QR codes Includes links to videos and the e-version of the text Acts as a gateway to a huge choice of minimally invasive cardiac surgery materials
Taylor & Francis Inc Forensic Psychology: The Basics
This edition of Forensic Psychology: The Basics continues to provide an essential and accessible overview of a dynamic and fascinating discipline. Providing an engaging introduction to the core topics within Forensic Psychology, the text combines a discussion of theory with information about the role of a professional forensic psychologist. This edition has been fully updated throughout to include additional coverage of: Offender profiling and rehabilitation The role of psychology in crime prevention Psychological factors relating to terrorism Established topics including police psychology, the psychology of crime and delinquency, victimology and victim services, and correctional psychology are also considered in this invaluable guide. It will be essential reading for students across a range of disciplines, from psychology to criminology to law, or general readers seeking a concise and jargon-free introduction.
Taylor & Francis Inc Water Science for Food Health
Taylor & Francis Inc Developing Healthy Stepfamilies: Twenty Families Tell Their Stories
View the inner workings of healthy stepfamilies through the stories of twenty families as they discuss how their households operate. This enlightening book takes a deeper look at what adults and children in stepfamilies say about such issues as discipline, money, family roles and relationships with ex-spouses, and the development of new traditions and rituals. Incorporating actual words of family members, Developing Healthy Stepfamilies shows many ways in which stepfamilies function well through adapting new and different “rules” to fit their circumstances. The book concentrates on positive rather than negative aspects of stepfamily life to help dim the image of stepfamilies as problematic and also to instill hope in would-be stepfamilies by normalizing their differences from biologically based families. Written with the intention of disseminating information and increasing understanding about stepfamily functioning, this book is useful for stepfamilies, their friends and relatives, and professionals such as teachers, clergy, physicians, and counselors. Developing Healthy Stepfamilies draws a colorful picture of the creativity and flexibility such families have brought to their lives and relationships. Emphasizing what works in stepfamilies instead of what does not, the book illustrates the process of integrating a stepfamily, the value of humor and patience, and the richness that can unfold for all members of the family. The author, a family therapist and educator, has drawn together information direct from stepfamily members themselves, providing readers with first-hand knowledge of the daily workings of this fast growing family form. A showcase of stepfamilies that are functioning well, Developing Healthy Stepfamilies helps show would-be stepfamilies that “it can be done.” This is not a book of instructions; it illuminates the many ways in which stepfamilies can and do function. Some of the topics covered in the book include: definitions of a stepfamily a historical review demographics suggestions for new stepfamilies from established ones genograms of the families participating in the study As a group, stepfamilies are different from biologically based families in form and function. These differences are important for the families, and for those working with them, to recognize and accept as normal. Although intended to be an informative text for professionals and students in fields such as counseling and social work, this book also serves as a source of hope and encouragement for stepfamilies and prospective stepfamilies themselves.
Taylor & Francis Inc Communication Theory
Communication is the most complex and elevating achievement of human beings. Most people spend up to 70 percent of our waking hours engaged in some form of communication. Listening and responding to the messages of others occupies much of this time; the rest is taken up by talking, reading, and writing. An additional consideration is the rich assortment of nonverbal cues humans share, which also constitute a form of communication. All together, the stream of verbal and nonverbal information that bombards our senses is composed of as many as 2,000 distinguishable units of interaction in a single day. The kinds of interaction change constantly: morning greetings, cereal labels, bus signs, charts, traffic lights, hate stares, graffiti, coffee shop chat, gestures, laughter, and head nods: The themes are endless. All of this constitutes subject matter for the study of communication.The book seeks to acquaint students with a basic understanding of the process of human communication. The breadth and scope of subject matter is adaptable to a number of approaches to the first course in communication, whether theoretical, practical, contemporary, or traditional in orientation.The framework of this book introduces five topics of central interest to the field of communication theory. Part I describes the process of communication as it unfolds in face-to-face environments. Part II considers the symbolic significance of interpersonal behavior. Part III examines the organization of communicative acts and shows why human interactions tend to become more synchronous over time. Part IV explores the complex problem of understanding other people, demonstrating the tendency of understanding to become intersubjective. Part V accounts for the communicative significance of several basic human environments--communities, organizations, media, institutions, and culture.
Taylor & Francis Inc Multiscale Materials Modelling
Written by an international team of contributors under the guidance of a distinguished editor, this book summarizes key techniques and their applications. The various chapters cover the spectrum of scales in modelling methodologies, including electronic structure calculations, mesoscale and continuum modelling. The book discusses dislocation behaviour and plasticity as well as the modelling of structural materials such as metals, polymers and ceramics. Multiscale materials modelling will be a valuable reference for both the modelling community and those in industry wanting to know more about how multiscale materials modelling can help optimise product and process design.
Taylor & Francis Inc Understanding A3 Thinking: A Critical Component of Toyota's PDCA Management System
Winner of a 2009 Shingo Research and Professional Publication Prize. Notably flexible and brief, the A3 report has proven to be a key tool In Toyota’s successful move toward organizational efficiency, effectiveness, and improvement, especially within its engineering and R&D organizations. The power of the A3 report, however, derives not from the report itself, but rather from the development of the culture and mindset required for the implementation of the A3 system.In Understanding A3 Thinking, the authors first show that the A3 report is an effective tool when it is implemented in conjunction with a PDCA-based management philosophy. Toyota views A3 Reports as just one piece in their PDCA management approach. Second, the authors show that the process leading to the development and management of A3 reports is at least as important as the reports themselves, because of the deep learning and professional development that occurs in the process. And finally, the authors provide a number of examples as well as some very practical advice on how to write and review A3 reports.
Taylor & Francis Inc Pocket Prescriber Pulmonary Medicine
Pocket Prescriber Pulmonary Medicine is a concise, up-to-date prescribing guide containing all the ‘must-have’ information that clinical professionals treating patients with respiratory conditions need to know. This book provides focused information for all health professionals prescribing drugs for or to patients with a respiratory condition and is an essential guide for pulmonologists, intensive care physicians, emergency medicine doctors and general practitioners and nurse prescribers, in training and in practice.
Taylor & Francis Inc Gynaecology by Ten Teachers 20th Edition and Obstetrics by Ten Teachers 20th Edition Value Pak
First published in 1919 as ''Diseases of Women'', Gynaecology by Ten Teachers is well established as a concise, yet comprehensive, guide within its field. The twentieth edition has been thoroughly updated by a new team of ''teachers'', integrating clinical material with the latest scientific developments that underpin patient care. Each chapter is highly structured, with learning objectives, definitions, aetiology, clinical features, investigations, treatments, case histories and key point summaries and additional reading where appropriate. New themes for this edition include ''professionalism'' and ''global health'' and information specific to both areas is threaded throughout the text. Along with its companion Obstetrics by Ten Teachers, the books will continue to provide an accessible ''one stop shop'' in obstetrics and gynaecology for a new generation of doctors.
Taylor & Francis Inc Clinical Pediatric Surgery: A Case-Based Interactive Approach
Written in a unique and innovative style, this book presents pediatric surgery in an interactive clinical context. Each chapter is built upon a specific disease or group of diseases, beginning with a typical case, presented interactively, just as it would be in encountered in clinical practice. These are actual cases that have been encountered by the author and are likely to be managed on any pediatric surgical service. The discussion that follows presents the most relevant issues pertaining to the topic, drawing on the index case, as well as multiple other cases that depict the entire spectrum of the disease or anomaly. The carefully selected suggested readings emphasize sentinel papers, high-quality reviews, and the best and most recent evidence published on the subject. A large number of illustrations help bring the clinical concepts to light. A number of high-quality videos provide a dynamic atlas of common procedures. The book is useful to the entire range of pediatric surgical trainees and practitioners, from the medical student or resident rotating on pediatric surgery, to the fellow preparing for certification, to the seasoned surgeon looking for an update on a particular subject or preparing for recertification. A large number of other physicians will find this book very useful, including general surgeons who evaluate and treat childhood surgical diseases, paediatricians and pediatric hospitalists who co-manage patients with surgeons, and obstetricians, pathologists, and radiologists who work closely with pediatric surgeons. Key FeaturesProvides a hands-on guide to the management of typical clinical scenarios for all pediatric surgery trainees and other professionals involved in the care of childhood surgical diseasePresents more than 300 cases, covering the whole spectrum of pediatric surgery, illustrated in full-color and with an accompanying e-bookAllows the reader to apply their knowledge to real-life situations and assess their level of expertise by the use of a case-based Q&A format
Taylor & Francis Inc Utilizing Forensic Technologies for Unidentified Human Remains: Death Investigation Resources, Strategies, and Disconnects
In missing and unidentified investigations, an abyss of dissonance seems to exist between law enforcement and the community they serve that all too often creates grating wounds that may never heal. Utilizing Forensic Technologies for Unidentified Human Remains: Death Investigation Resources, Strategies, and Disconnects bridges this abyss.This is the first book that provides comprehensive coverage of the tools for forensic, law enforcement, and investigative professionals to explain how to utilize the vast repositories of online databases of evidence that can help investigators solve cold cases.Bringing together crucial information in a single, non-technical resource, the book reviews the use of the NCIC, CODIS, NamUs, IDENT, IAFIS, and NDIR databases. It employs a cross-disciplinary approach to forensic evidence and includes dozens of examples where these techniques have concluded in positive results.The book presents the material in a blended medium of both conceptual and nonfiction environments so that students, educators, investigators, families, and the public at large can easily understand. It includes dozens of examples that illustrate cases where current databases and investigative tools have yielded positive identification results.Helping to unite families and law enforcement, this book will assuage future dissonance through understanding and transparency. After reading this book, you will gain the understanding required to develop effective strategies for the investigation of unresolved cases with a deep sense of purpose for both family and law enforcement.
Taylor & Francis Inc Clinical Pediatric Nephrology
The third edition of a bestseller, this book provides insight from a wide array of international contributors in the field of pediatric nephrology. Copiously illustrated with photomicrographs and clinical diagrams, the third edition reflects current advances in the field. Each chapter contains a set of questions, directed at helping fellows succeed at the American Pediatric Nephrology Board examination. New information for this edition includes changes in treatment options for hyponatremia, and updates on hyperparathyroidism and transplantation. Text boxes highlight important "take home points" throughout the chapters. Clinical Pediatric Nephrology, Third Edition will be a valuable reference for clinicians in nephrology, pediatrics and urology, and any professional involved in the care of children with renal diseases seeking a reliable contemporary text.
Taylor & Francis Inc Aircraft Propulsion and Gas Turbine Engines
Aircraft Propulsion and Gas Turbine Engines, Second Edition builds upon the success of the book’s first edition, with the addition of three major topic areas: Piston Engines with integrated propeller coverage; Pump Technologies; and Rocket Propulsion. The rocket propulsion section extends the text’s coverage so that both Aerospace and Aeronautical topics can be studied and compared. Numerous updates have been made to reflect the latest advances in turbine engines, fuels, and combustion. The text is now divided into three parts, the first two devoted to air breathing engines, and the third covering non-air breathing or rocket engines.
Taylor & Francis Inc Toyota Kaizen Methods: Six Steps to Improvement
Toyota Kaizen Methods: Six Steps to Improvement focuses on the skills and techniques practiced inside Toyota Motor Corporation during the past decades. This workbook focuses on the actual training course concepts and methods used by Toyota to develop employee skill level, a core element of Toyota’s success. It is not a book about holding Western-style five-day Kaizen events, which were in reality quite rare during the development of Toyota’s production system and are virtually nonexistent today inside Toyota. Written by two of Toyota’s most revered and experienced trainers, the book — Traces the origins of Kaizen since the inception of Toyota Motor Corporation Articulates the basic six-step Kaizen improvement skills pattern taught inside Toyota Helps practitioners of Kaizen improve their own skill level and confidence by simplifying concepts and removing any mystery in the process Provides homework assignments and a wealth of forms for analyzing work processes If you take the time to study the concepts detailed here, you will be reviewing the same methods and techniques that were harnessed by generations of Toyota supervisors, managers, and engineers. These techniques are not the secret ingredient of Lean manufacturing; however, mastery of these timeless techniques will improve your ability to conduct improvement in almost any setting and generate improvement results for your organization.
Taylor & Francis Inc Imaging of the Pelvis, Musculoskeletal System, and Special Applications to CAD
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique used in biomedical imaging and radiology to visualize internal structures of the body. Because MRI provides excellent contrast between different soft tissues, the technique is especially useful for diagnostic imaging of the brain, muscles, and heart.In the past 20 years, MRI technology has improved significantly with the introduction of systems up to 7 Tesla (7 T) and with the development of numerous post-processing algorithms such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), functional MRI (fMRI), and spectroscopic imaging. From these developments, the diagnostic potentialities of MRI have improved impressively with an exceptional spatial resolution and the possibility of analyzing the morphology and function of several kinds of pathology.Given these exciting developments, the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Handbook: Imaging of the Pelvis, Musculoskeletal System, and Special Applications to CAD is a timely addition to the growing body of literature in the field. Offering comprehensive coverage of cutting-edge imaging modalities, this book: Discusses MRI of the urinary system, pelvis, spine, soft tissues, lymphatics, and brain Explains how MRI can be used in fetal, pediatric, forensic, postmortem, and computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) applications Highlights each organ’s anatomy and pathological processes with high-quality images Examines the protocols and potentialities of advanced MRI scanners such as 7 T systems Includes extensive references at the end of each chapter to enhance further study Thus, the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Handbook: Imaging of the Pelvis, Musculoskeletal System, and Special Applications to CAD provides radiologists and imaging specialists with a valuable, state-of-the-art reference on MRI.
Taylor & Francis Inc Supporting Children with OCD to Understand and Celebrate Difference: A Get to Know Me Workbook and Guide for Parents and Practitioners
The ‘Get to Know Me’ resources aim to support children, with those around them, who may have additional/special educational needs. They are designed to empower the professionals and adults who support those with identified needs. Developed by child psychologist Dr Louise Lightfoot, the series includes activities specific to anxiety, depression and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). In supporting the social and emotional health of students, it equips them with the ability to thrive, personally and academically. This book has been created for key adults (teachers, therapists and parents) as a complement to the picture book and draw along versions of Tidy Tim – a traditional narrative story exploring thoughts, feelings and sensations experienced by many children with OCD. The activities in this book offer practical tools and strategies to support the child and those around them in addition to the information specific to the condition to improve understanding of a child’s needs to promote empathy and acceptance.Picture book and draw along versions of Tidy Tim are available separately, and as part of the Get to Know Me: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) set.
Taylor & Francis Inc Silver Matilda: Get to Know Me: Depression
The ‘Get to Know Me’ series is aimed at children with additional needs and those who support them in the classroom. Developed by child psychologist Dr Louise Lightfoot and illustrated by Catherine Hicks, the resources in this series include activities specific to anxiety, depression and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This book, Silver Matilda, has been designed to support the individual child but also to be used in whole class teaching, to encourage an empathetic and inclusive environment.In this book, we meet Silver Matilda, a bird with silver feathers known for her beauty and graceful flight. The story follows Matilda as she loses her bright feathers and ashamed, hides away from the world until one day an owl comes and sits with her. The owl shows Matilda empathy and stays with her whilst she recovers and watches as she becomes stronger through her experience.This book was written with children with depression in mind, providing an opportunity to relate to Matilda’s thoughts, feelings, behaviours and experiences. However, children with a range of needs may benefit from the story. The book is written in a narrative style, so it does not use diagnostic labels and is not intended for this purpose. Instead the focus is on creating a common language which children can understand and use to make sense of how they are feeling.A practitioner guidebook (ISBN 9780815349433) and draw along version (ISBN 9780815349464) are also available.