Search results for ""author christo"
University of Texas Press Today the Struggle: Literature and Politics in England during the Spanish Civil War
Many writers, from Aristophanes to Joseph Heller, have written about politics. But at certain periods in history, often at times of conflict and turmoil, writers have consciously used their literary talents to support or oppose a specific cause. The 1930s, a decade of widespread social and political breakdown, was such a period.Today the Struggle examines the political involvement of those leading British writers who dedicated their talents to the defense of Nationalists or Loyalists during the Spanish Civil War and who saw that war as symbolic of their own Right-Left dialogue.Conservatives like William Butler Yeats and T. S. Eliot and Roman Catholics like Evelyn Waugh were passionately anti-Communist. They viewed fascism as a bulwark against communism but were unwilling to support the Franco cause actively. Other pro-Nationalists were not so hesitant: Roy Campbell and Wyndham Lewis were ardent participants in the fight against the British left wing.Pro-Loyalists, united only in their antifascism, ranged from conservative to anarchist in political commitment. Their literary contributions included fine poems by W. H. Auden and Stephen Spender, experimental drama by Auden and Christopher Isherwood, and impassioned prose by Rex Warner, George Orwell, and Aldous Huxley.Katharine Hoskins’s principal interest in Today the Struggle is to discover how and why certain writers supported specific political actions, to ascertain the effectiveness of their efforts, and to evaluate the influence of these efforts on their work.
Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture
Focusing on the past, present, and future of American eighteenth-century studies.In a section commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Howard D. Weinbrot, Felicity A. Nussbaum, and Heather McPherson trace the history of the Society. Logan J. Connors, Jason H. Pearl, Jessica Zimble, Adam Schoene, Rebecca Messbarger, and Morgan Vanek then assess the disciplinary divides that still stymie the field. Melissa Hyde's Presidential Address recovers the lives and careers of two female artists in Paris. Laurent Dubois's Clifford Lecture examines the centrality of theater to political action in Saint-Domingue.In the next section, "Consumption and Remediation," Alison DeSimone, Amy Dunagin, Erica Levenson, and Julia Hamilton consider the reception in England of foreign music and theater, including Italian opera, French comic troupes, and abolitionist "African" songs. These are followed by Michael Edson's investigation of marginalia in Anne Hamilton's Epics of the Ton and Anaclara Castro-Santana's rethinking of the relation between Sophia Western and the Jacobite celebrity Jenny Cameron in Tom Jones.In "Teaching Tough Texts," Anne Greenfield, Holly Faith Nelson and Sharon Alker, and W. Scott Howard offer innovative tactics for engaging students. The penultimate section, "Eighteenth-Century Bodies," features essays by Olivia Carpenter on the politics of The Woman of Colour and Meghan Kobza on masquerade costumes. The final section, "Disability in the Eighteenth Century," assembles work by Travis Chi Wing Lau, Madeline Sutherland-Meier, D. Christopher Gabbard, Jason S. Farr, Hannah Chaskin, and Declan Kavanagh that aims to push the field forward toward more historically nuanced interpretations of disability.
University of Notre Dame Press Liturgical Song and Practice in Dante's Commedia
This study explores ways in which Dante presents liturgy as enabling humans to encounter God. In Liturgical Song and Practice in Dante’s “Commedia,” Helena Phillips-Robins explores for the first time the ways in which the relationship between humanity and divinity is shaped through the performance of liturgy in the Commedia. The study draws on largely untapped thirteenth-century sources to reconstruct how the songs and prayers performed in the Commedia were experienced and used in late medieval Tuscany. Phillips-Robins shows how in the Commedia Dante refashions religious practices that shaped daily life in the Middle Ages and how Dante presents such practices as transforming and sustaining relationships between humans and the divine. The study focuses on the types of engagement that Dante’s depictions of liturgical performance invite from the reader. Based on historically attentive analysis of liturgical practice and on analysis of the experiential and communal nature of liturgy, Phillips-Robins argues that Dante invites readers themselves to perform the poem’s liturgical songs and, by doing so, to enter into relationship with the divine. Dante calls not only for readers’ interpretative response to the Commedia but also for their performative and spiritual activity. Focusing on Purgatorio and Paradiso, Phillips-Robins investigates the particular ways in which relationships both between humans and between humans and God can unfold through liturgy. Her book includes explorations of liturgy as a means of enacting communal relationships that stretch across time and space; the Christological implications of participating in liturgy; the interplay of the personal and the shared enabled by the language of liturgy; and liturgy as a living out of the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love. The book will interest students and scholars of Dante studies, medieval Italian literature, and medieval theology.
University of Pennsylvania Press Nature and Culture in the Early Modern Atlantic
In the sixteenth-century Atlantic world, nature and culture swirled in people's minds to produce fantastic images. In the South of France, a cloister's painted wooden panels greeted parishioners with vivid depictions of unicorns, dragons, and centaurs, while Mayans in the Yucatan created openings to buildings that resembled a fierce animal's jaws, known to archaeologists as serpent-column portals. In Nature and Culture in the Early Modern Atlantic, historian Peter C. Mancall reveals how Europeans and Native Americans thought about a natural world undergoing rapid change in the century following the historic voyages of Christopher Columbus. Through innovative use of oral history and folklore maintained for centuries by Native Americans, as well as original use of spectacular manuscript atlases, paintings that depict on-the-spot European representations of nature, and texts that circulated imperfectly across the ocean, he reveals how the encounter between the old world and the new changed the fate of millions of individuals. This inspired work of Atlantic, European, and American history begins with medieval concepts of nature and ends in an age when the printed book became the primary avenue for the dissemination of scientific information. Throughout the sixteenth century, the borders between the natural world and the supernatural were more porous than modern readers might realize. Native Americans and Europeans alike thought about monsters, spirits, and insects in considerable depth. In Mancall's vivid narrative, the modern world emerged as a result of the myriad encounters between peoples who inhabited the Atlantic basin in this period. The centuries that followed can be comprehended only by exploring how culture in its many forms—stories, paintings, books—shaped human understanding of the natural world.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Theologie der Liebe Gottes in den johanneischen Schriften: Zur Semantik der Liebe und zum Motivkreis des Dualismus
Für die Interpretation der johanneischen Schriften galt seit Bultmann ein tiefgreifender Dualismus als bestimmende Kategorie. Dieser wurde religionsgeschichtlich entweder aus gnostischen oder aus frühjüdisch-qumranischen Kreisen hergeleitet. Enno Edzard Popkes arbeitet demgegenüber exegetisch heraus, daß das Netzwerk der vielfältigen Aussagen über die Liebe Gottes zur Welt, Jesu zu den Jüngern oder der Jünger untereinander die Tragweite der dualistischen Aussagen einschränkt und einen anderen Schlüssel zum Verständnis sowohl der Johannesbriefe als auch des Johannesevangeliums bietet. Der Autor erstellt eine ausführliche Analyse aller durch dualistische und liebessemantische Motive geprägten Texte der johanneischen Schriften und stützt das erhobene Verständnis durch sorgfältige religionsgeschichtliche Vergleiche ab. So zeigt sich die "Theologie der Liebe Gottes" im ersten Johannesbrief und die narrativ ausgestaltete "dramaturgische Christologie der Liebe Gottes" im Johannesevangelium, durch die deutlich wird, inwiefern das Leben und der Tod Jesu in österlicher Perspektive als ein Geschehen der Liebe Gottes verstanden werden können.
University of Illinois Press Custome Is an Idiot: JACOBEAN PAMPHLET LITERATURE ON WOMEN
Containing the complete and annotated texts of six pamphlets written between 1609 and 1620, "Custome Is an Idiot" makes an invaluable contribution to the scholarship on early modern British cultural history, specifically on competing opinions about the role of women in society. During the early seventeenth century a fierce debate raged in British intellectual society regarding the role of women, how much is ordained by God, and how much is merely custom. The pamphlets that circulated at the time reveal a great deal about the terms of the debate, and these six constitute a significant body of primary literature, allowing the contending voices to be heard anew. Included here are two pamphlets about gossips by Samuel Rowlands, William Heale's treatise against wife-beating, Christopher Newstead's argument for the superiority of women, and Hic Mulier and Haec Vir, two pamphlets that address the theme of cross-dressing. Introductions by Susan Gushee O'Malley place each pamphlet in a wider context, and detailed annotations shed light on the individual texts.
The History Press Ltd South London Murders
Over the centuries South London has witnessed literally thousands of murders: those included within the pages of this book have shocked, fascinated and enthralled the public and commentators for generations. Some of them were milestones in the annals of crime detection sucha s those in which fingerprinting and DNA testing were used for the first time. Well-remembered crimes are featured alongside those that have been forgotten for centuries - from St Alphege's murder in Greenwich in the eleventh century, to the seedy murder of Christopher Marlowe, playwright and secret agent, in Deptford in the late sixteenth century, and from the murders of Lambeth prostitutes by a crazed hospital doctor at around the same time as Jack the Ripper, to Croydon's notorious Craig and Bentley case in 1952. Based on original documents, trial and inquest transcripts, personal stories and contemporary newspaper reports, as well as visits to the crime scenes today, South London Murders in a study of cases that have shocked both capital and country.
University of Notre Dame Press Pope Francis and Mercy: A Dynamic Theological Hermeneutic
This theological study examines how Pope Francis lives out mercy in his own Petrine ministry and calls for it to be lived out by the people of God. The centerpiece of Pope Francis’s pontificate from the very first days has been his proclamation of the importance of the mercy of God. While facing global problems of climate change, terror, political destabilization, refugees, and dire poverty, the Holy Father has articulated the mission of the Church through mercy, love, and forgiveness to reveal the compassion of God for all and particularly for those most vulnerable existing on the margins of society. In this compelling study, Gill Goulding, CJ, examines for the first time the critical and determinative role of mercy in Francis’s papacy using his homilies, allocutions, encyclicals, and addresses as primary sources. Goulding traces the theme of mercy in Francis’s thought, attending to its Ignatian foundations and its Christological, Trinitarian, and ecclesiological significance for the Church today, particularly the impact of his reappropriation and elevation of the discourse of mercy on the work of the Curia in Rome. Goulding enters into dialogue with other theologians, including Romano Guardini, Walter Kasper, and Hans Urs von Balthasar, to demonstrate a continuity between Francis and his predecessors, especially Benedict XVI, in this area of mercy. In addition, Goulding argues that the influence of St. Ignatius Loyola, in particular his Spiritual Exercises, needs to be taken into account, paying special attention to Francis’s call for the practice of discernment. Throughout Pope Francis and Mercy, Goulding lays the groundwork for future research and suggests a wider appreciation of the necessary tools to enable an engagement with mercy in our contemporary world.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Plattformökonomie im Gesundheitswesen: Health-as-a-Service – Digitale Geschäftsmodelle für bessere Behandlungsqualität und Patient Experience
Dieses Buch zeigt, wie neue Health-as-a-Service-Geschäftsmodelle zu einer besseren Patientenerfahrung und zugleich Kostensenkungen beitragen können. Im Gesundheitssektor entstehen neue digitale Geschäftsmodelle der Plattformökonomie, die Vorteile für alle am Markt der Gesundheitsdienstleistung Beteiligten Akteuren – inklusive des Patienten – bringen können. Digitale, datengetriebene Gesundheitsangebote werden zu einer messbaren Verbesserung der Behandlungsqualität führen und zugleich die Effizienz der Leistungserbringung steigern. Dazu werden vermehrt auch Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz und des Maschinellen Lernens eingesetzt. Zudem erwarten Patienten, die in der Zukunft mehrheitlich der Gruppe der Digital Natives angehören werden, zunehmend eine individuelle Betreuung (Patienten-Journey). Alle Leistungsanbieter im Gesundheitsbereich müssen systematisch prüfen, welche Health-as-a-Service-Geschäftsmodelle entwickelt und wie diese erfolgreich umgesetzt werden können. Dieses Buch bietet dafür den fundierten Leitfaden.Inhalte aus folgenden Themenbereichen Die Grundlagen der Plattformökonomie für das Gesundheitswesen verstehen Wie Plattformen und Marktplätze das Gesundheitswesen verändern Erfolgsfaktoren von Plattform-Geschäftsmodellen im Gesundheitswesen KI als Enabler für Plattform-Geschäftsmodelle der Zukunft Mit Beiträgen von: Dr. med. Henri Michael von Blanquet – Precision Medicine Alliance, Föhr, Deutschland Tobias Chrobok – Erlangen, Deutschland Timo Frank – Ada Health GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Julian Gansen – Mementor GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Clemens von Guenther – Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, Deutschland Anisa Idris – Ada Health GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Dr. Florian Koerber – Flying Health GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Dr. Lara Maier – goetzpartners Holding AG, München, Deutschland Marius Mainz – GET.ON Institut für Online Gesundheitstrainings GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Manon Mandel – München, Deutschland Prof. Dr. Alessandro Monti – CBS International Business School, Köln, Deutschland Prof. Dr. Volker Nürnberg – BearingPoint GmbH, Frankfurt, Deutschland Prof. Dr. Erika Raab – MSH Medical School Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland Prof. Dr. Christoph Rasche – Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Deutschland Prof. Dr. Dominik Rottenkolber – Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland Dr. Alexander Schachinger – EPatient Analytics GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Frank Stratmann –, Schmallenberg, Deutschland Sophia Strube – Ada Health GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland Mario Unterbrunner – CHECK24 Vergleichsportal, München, Deutschland Stephanie Widmaier – BearingPoint GmbH, Frankfurt, Deutschland Henry Alexander Wittke – Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg
Henry Holt & Company Inc Künstlers in Paradise
Julian Künstler comes from New York City to L.A. like many a lost twenty-something: to find a job writing in the entertainment industry. But this is 2020 and his temporary visit turns into an extended stay, trapped by the lockdown in a little house in Venice with his glamorous, eccentric, and ancient grandmother. Ninety-three-years old, Mamie came to Los Angeles from Vienna at eleven with her parents in 1939 among a wave of Jewish musicians, directors, and intellectuals escaping Hitler. As the months roll on, she begins to tell Julian her stories of the eminent emigres she’s known and the magical world they inhabited as their old world was destroyed - people like Arnold Schoenberg, Christopher Isherwood, and Greta Garbo. Not quite all her stories, however. The pandemic isolates Julian from his world, but from Mamie he learns of the world that came before him and how much the past holds of the future. A tender, sharply wrought comic novel about exile, the power of stories handed down and handed on, and the power of stories held secretly in the heart.
John Catt Educational Ltd Tools for Teachers: How to teach, lead, and learn like the world's best educators
If the sky was the limit, what would you do to become the best educator that you can be? In 2016, Ollie Lovell asked himself this same question, and concluded that asking the world’s foremost leaders in education what they do would be a great place to start.And so he did just that. Over the past five years, Ollie has spoken to sixty of the world’s most prominent teachers, leaders, and education researchers. With guests including John Hattie, Tom Sherrington, Anita Archer, Dylan Wiliam, Jim Knight, Judith Hochman, Jay McTighe, Tom Bennett, Daisy Christodoulou, Bill Rogers, Daniel Willingham, and many more, Ollie digs deep to work out what works in education, and what doesn’t. This book aims to share those insights with you. It summarises the most useful techniques, tactics and mental models from these sixty conversations, and presents them in a clear, practical, and actionable form for you to start improving your teaching and learning from the first page. Tools for Teachers will help you to teach, lead, and learn like the world’s best educators.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Libya and the Global Enduring Disorder
We no longer inhabit a world governed by international coordination, a unified NATO bloc, or an American hegemon. Traditionally, the decline of one empire leads to a restoration in the balance of power, via a struggle among rival systems of order. Yet this dynamic is surprisingly absent today; instead, the superpowers have all, at times, sought to promote what Jason Pack terms the 'Enduring Disorder'. He contends that Libya's ongoing conflict--more so than the civil wars in Yemen, Syria, Venezuela or Ukraine--constitutes the ideal microcosm in which to identify the salient features of this new era of geopolitics. The country's post-Qadhafi trajectory has been moulded by the stark absence of coherent international diplomacy; while Libya's incremental implosion has precipitated cross-border contagion, further corroding global institutions and international partnership. Pack draws on over two decades of research in and on Libya and Syria to highlight the Kafkaesque aspects of today's global affairs. He shows how even the threats posed by the Arab Spring, and the Benghazi assassination of US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, couldn't occasion a unified Western response. Rather, they have further undercut global collaboration, demonstrating the self-reinforcing nature of the progressively collapsing world order.
Duke University Press Method as Method
In 1960, Japanese scholar of Chinese literature Takeuchi Yoshimi gave a pair of lectures titled “Asia as Method,” in which he considered how one might engage with Western theory from an East Asian perspective. Since then, it has been fashionable to use the “X as method” formulation to take what might have otherwise been an object of analysis and use it to elaborate an innovative methodology. Drawing inspiration from the numerous recent books and articles built around that formulation, contributors to this issue propose breaking the linkage between methodologies and objects or phenomena that inspired them and then applying them to a broader array of topics. Essays address the meanings that get left out in the process of translation, artistic representations of garbage, indigenous eco-fiction from Inner Mongolia, the role of cannibalism in a popular Hong Kong television series, and the implications of Taiwan legalizing same-sex marriage. The issue focuses on topics related to China in hopes of reassessing the assumptions that have come to define the concept of "China" and its relationship to the West. Contributors. Yomi Braester, Hsiao-hung Chang, Margaret Hillenbrand, Chun-kit Ko, Belinda Kong, Petrus Liu, Laikwan Pang, Christopher Rea, Carlos Rojas, Shuang Shen, Robin Visser, Lorraine Wong
Princeton University Press Saving God: Religion after Idolatry
In this book, Mark Johnston argues that God needs to be saved not only from the distortions of the "undergraduate atheists" (Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris) but, more importantly, from the idolatrous tendencies of religion itself. Each monotheistic religion has its characteristic ways of domesticating True Divinity, of taming God's demands so that they do not radically threaten our self-love and false righteousness. Turning the monotheistic critique of idolatry on the monotheisms themselves, Johnston shows that much in these traditions must be condemned as false and spiritually debilitating. A central claim of the book is that supernaturalism is idolatry. If this is right, everything changes; we cannot place our salvation in jeopardy by tying it essentially to the supernatural cosmologies of the ancient Near East. Remarkably, Johnston rehabilitates the ideas of the Fall and of salvation within a naturalistic framework; he then presents a conception of God that both resists idolatry and is wholly consistent with the deliverances of the natural sciences. Princeton University Press is publishing Saving God in conjunction with Johnston's forthcoming book Surviving Death, which takes up the crux of supernaturalist belief, namely, the belief in life after death.
Harvard Department of the Classics Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Volume 97: Greece in Rome: Influence, Integration, Resistance
Volume 97 of Harvard Studies in Classical Philology is a special issue, entitled “Greece in Rome,” comprising revised versions of papers presented at a Loeb Classical Conference on the question of the Greek influence on Roman culture, with a particular though not exclusive emphasis on the Augustan period. The papers reflect the complexity of the relationship between the cultures involved—Greek, Roman, and Italic—and span many fields: history, literature, philosophy, linguistics, religion, and the visual arts.Contributors include: G. W. Bowersock, “The Barbarism of the Greeks”; John Scheid, “Graeco Ritu: A Typically Roman Way of Honoring the Gods”; Calvert Watkins, “Greece in Italy outside Rome”; Gisela Striker, “Cicero and Greek Philosophy”; Brad Inwood, “Seneca in His Philosophical Milieu”; Bettina Bergmann, “Greek Masterpieces and Roman Recreative Fictions”; Elaine K. Gazda, “Roman Sculpture and the Ethos of Emulation: Reconsidering Repetition”; Ann Kuttner, “Republican Rome Looks at Pergamon”; Cynthia Damon, “Greek Parasites and Roman Patronage”; Richard F. Thomas, “Vestigia Ruris: Urbane Rusticity in Virgil’s Georgics”; R. J. Tarrant, “Greek and Roman in Seneca’s Tragedies”; Christopher P. Jones, “Graia Pandetur ab Urbe”; Albert Henrichs, “Graecia Capta: Roman Views of Greek Culture”; and Sarolta A. Takács, “Alexandria in Rome.”
Yale University Press Poulenc: A Biography
An authoritative account of the life and work of Francis Poulenc, one of the most prolific and striking figures in twentieth-century classical music"An assured overview of Poulenc’s life and work."—Alex Ross, New Yorker“Essential reading for anyone interested in the French musical culture of Poulenc’s time. This is the biography the composer deserves.”—Christopher Dingle, BBC Music Magazine, Named one of the Best Books on Classical Music in 2020 by BBC Music Magazine Francis Poulenc is a key figure in twentieth-century classical music, as well as an unorthodox and striking individual. Roger Nichols draws upon Poulenc's music and other primary sources to write an authoritative life of this great artist. Although associated with five other French composers in what came to be called “Les Six”, Poulenc was very much sui generis in personality and in his music, where he excelled over a wide repertoire—opera, songs, ballet scores, chamber works, piano pieces, sacred and secular choral works, orchestral works and concertos. This book fully covers this wide range, while also describing the vicissitudes of Poulenc's life and the many important relationships he had with major figures such as Satie, Ravel, Stravinsky, Diaghilev, Cocteau and others.
Indiana University Press The Carnivorous Dinosaurs
The meat-eating dinosaurs, or Theropoda, include some of the fiercest predators that ever lived. Some of the group's members survive to this day—as birds. The theropod/bird connection has been explored in several recent works, but this book presents 17 papers on a variety of other topics. It is organized into three parts. Part I explores morphological details that are important for understanding theropod systematics. Part II focuses on specific regions of theropod anatomy and biomechanics. Part III examines various lines of evidence that reveal something about theropods as living creatures.The contributors are Ronan Allain, Rinchen Barsbold, Kenneth Carpenter, Karen Cloward, Rodolfo A. Coria, Philip J. Currie, Peter M. Galton, Robert Gay, Donald M. Henderson, Dong Huang, James I. Kirkland, Yoshitsugu Kobayashi, Eva B. Koppelhus, Peter Larson, Junchang Lü, Lorrie A. McWhinney, Clifford Miles, Ralph E. Molnar, N. Murphy, John H. Ostrom, Gregory S. Paul, Licheng Qiu,J. Keith Rigby, Jr., Bruce Rothschild, Christopher B. Ruff, Leonardo Salgado, Frank Sanders, Julia T. Sankey, Judith A. Schiebout, David K. Smith, Barbara R. Standhardt, Kathy Stokosa, Darren H. Tanke, François Therrien, David Trexler, Kelly Wicks, Douglas G. Wolfe, and Lowell Wood.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Wort und Glaube: Band 3: Beiträge zur Fundamentaltheologie, Soteriologie und Ekklesiologie
Die hier vereinten Beiträge, von denen mehr als ein Drittel unveröffentlicht und das Übrige verstreut publiziert war, schlagen die Brücke von theologischer Grundlagenbesinnung in weite Bereiche der Dogmatik. Nachdem die Lehre von Gott schon im zweiten Band den Schwerpunkte gebildet hatte, fällt nun auf Soteriologie und Ekklesiologie das Hauptgewicht. Dabei umfaßt "Soteriologie", dem Wortsinn gemäß, die Lehre von der Sünde und die Christologie ebenso wie auch Pneumatologie und Eschatologie. Die Ekklesiologie bildet einen besonderen Komplex. In ihm werden die Beziehungen zwischen dem Grundgeschehen von Kirche und ihren geschichtlich bedingten Lebensäußerungen bedacht. Die voranstehenden Beiträge zur Fundamentaltheologie sind für alle weiteren Aufsätze wegweisend. Mit dem Thema "Erfahrung" schlägt der erste Aufsatz den Grundton des Ganzen an. Dementsprechend rücken immer wieder die Probleme in den Brennpunkt, die durch die Neuzeit aufgebrochen sind. Für deren Behandlung ist charakteristisch, daß die vorherrschende Orientierung an Luther und Schleiermacher zu kritischer Offenheit für Grundfragen heutigen Denkens (in Anthropologie, Psychotherapie oder Politik) befähigt. So wird der Leser zu konzentriertem Mitdenken im theologischen Spannungsfeld überlieferter und gegenwärtiger Erfahrung eingeladen.
ACC Art Books Barron & Larcher Textile Designers
"A design isn't dozens of little objects, or hungry-looking rectangular windowpanes: it is something that becomes a design by repeating, giving you something that a single pattern doesn't give you. " - (Phyllis Barron, Dartington 1964) During the 1920s and 1930s, Phyllis Barron (1890-1964) and Dorothy Larcher (1882-1952) were at the forefront of a revival in hand block-printing in Britain. As designer-makers they formed a unique partnership, producing innovative textiles and seeing the entire process through from beginning to end. Using whatever materials they could muster - fabric ranging from balloon cotton to prison sheets and velvet, and everyday items such as combs and car mats for printing - and pushing the boundaries of what could be achieved with predominantly natural dyes, these two remarkable women ran a successful business that lasted from 1923 until the outbreak of World War II. Nearly one hundred years on, another special collaboration between the Craft Studies Centre in Farnham, Christopher Farr Cloth and Ivo Prints, has brought a selection of Barron and Larcher's work back into production. The warm welcome they have received across the globe is a testament to the timeless quality of great design.
Headline Publishing Group Ten Rules for Faking It: Can you fake it till you make it when it comes to love?
'Impossible to read without smiling - escapist romantic comedy at its finest' Lauren Layne'Once you start reading, you won't be able to put it down' Lyssa Kay AdamsWhat happens when your love life becomes the talk of the town?As birthdays go, this year Everly Dean has hit rock bottom. If catching her boyfriend cheating with his assistant wasn't enough, Everly's rant about Simon the Snake, a.k.a. Cheating Ex, accidentally being broadcast live on the radio really sealed the deal... When public humiliation turns her into a viral sensation with a string of potential dates, and suddenly there's some serious chemistry with her cute but until now distant boss Chris, Everly - the woman who could win a gold medal in people-avoidance - is going to have to dig deep. They say fake it till you make it, and Everly's making a list: The Ten Rules for Faking It. Because sometimes making the rules can find you happiness when you least expect it.'This is a Hallmark movie in book form' Helen Hoang'A funny, sweet rom com from a fresh, sparkling new voice' Andie J. Christopher
Icon Books Rooms of One's Own: 50 Places That Made Literary History
Writers' relationships with their surroundings are seldom straightforward. While some, like Jane Austen and Thomas Mann, wrote novels set where they were staying (Lyme Regis and Venice respectively), Victor Hugo penned Les Misérables in an attic in Guernsey and Noël Coward wrote that most English of plays, Blithe Spirit, in the Welsh holiday village of Portmeirion.Award-winning BBC drama producer Adrian Mourby follows his literary heroes around the world, exploring 50 places where great works of literature first saw the light of day. At each destination - from the Brontës' Yorkshire Moors to the New York of Truman Capote, Christopher Isherwood's Berlin to the now-legendary Edinburgh café where J.K. Rowling plotted Harry Potter's first adventures - Mourby explains what the writer was doing there and describes what the visitor can find today of that great moment in literature.Rooms of One's Own takes you on a literary journey from the British Isles to Paris, Berlin, New Orleans, New York and Bangkok and unearths the real-life places behind our best-loved works of literature.
HarperCollins Publishers Winnie-the-Pooh: Piglet Does a Very Grand Thing
When Owl’s house is blown down in a blusterous storm there’s only one Small Animal who can save the day. This story first appeared in A.A.Milne’s The House at Pooh Corner, accompanied by E.H.Shepard’s original, iconic decorations. Classic Winnie-the-Pooh Story Piglet Does a Very Grand Thing – With The Original Text By A.A.Milne And Decorations By E.H.Shepard It’s A Timeless Gift For Fans Of All Ages. Collect The Range. When Owl’s house is blown down in a blusterous storm there’s only one Small Animal who can save the day. This story first appeared in A.A.Milne’s The House at Pooh Corner. This book is all the more special due to E.H.Shepard’s decorations, which are shown in full, glorious colour. They contributed to him being known as ‘the man who drew Pooh’. Look out for all the titles in the collection: Winnie-the-Pooh and the Wrong Bees Winnie-the-Pooh: Pooh Goes Visiting Winnie-the-Pooh: Piglet Meets a Heffalump Winnie-the-Pooh: Piglet Does a Very Grand Thing Winnie-the-Pooh: Eeyore Has a Birthday Winnie-the-Pooh: A House is Built for Eeyore Winnie-the-Pooh: Pooh Invents A New Game Winnie-the-Pooh: Eeyore Loses a Tail The nation’s favourite teddy bear has been delighting generations of children for over 95 years. Milne’s classic children’s stories – featuring Piglet, Eeyore, Christopher Robin and, of course, Pooh himself – are gently humorous while teaching lessons about friendship and kindness. Pooh ranks alongside other beloved character such as Paddington Bear, and Peter Rabbit as an essential part of our literary heritage. Whether you’re 5 or 55, Pooh is the bear for all ages.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Barbarians of Wealth: Protecting Yourself from Today's Financial Attilas
How the actions of a few in Europe destroyed the prosperity of the many (and how it's happening again now in America) After the fall of the Roman Empire, vicious barbaric tribes including the Hunds lead by Atilla, the Mongols, Charlemagne and the Vikings invaded Europe, plundering property and destroying homes. But, they didn't just steal and destroy property in the villages; they also stole and destroyed any prosperity the villagers had previously enjoyed. What's worse is the barbarians of the Dark Ages did all of this not out of any deeply held religious or political belief, but, rather, for the oldest reason in the book – their own personal financial gain. Some things never change. Barbarians of Wealth examines how the greedy, self-serving decisions of a select group of politicians and financial institutions negatively impacts the economy and, ultimately, destroys America's prosperity and the American way of life. Compelling and engaging, the book Details how Goldman Sachs peddled mortgage backed securities up and down Wall Street while secretly betting against their demise Discusses how Sanford Weill, founder of Citigroup spent $100 million lobbying for the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act that prevented the merger of commercial and investment banks and got his way. Examines Christopher Dodd, head of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, has enriched himself while driving down the prosperity of his constituents Offers up examples of other modern barbarians, including the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, Hank Paulson, and Timothy Geithner. Highlights greed driven tactics of Wall Street corporations including JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, and Salomon Brothers. Barbarians of Wealth is a timely must read for hard-working Americans concerned with their prosperity, as well as for those fascinated with the inner workings of Washington and Wall Street.
National Portrait Gallery Publications Cecil Beaton’s Bright Young Things
Cecil Beaton (1904–1980) is one of the most celebrated British Portrait photographers of the twentieth century and is renowned for his images of elegance, glamour and style. His influence on portrait photography was profound and lives on today in the work of many contemporary photographers.Beaton used his camera, his ambition and his larger-than-life personality to mingle with a flamboyant and rebellious group of artists, writers, socialites and partygoers. These ‘Bright Young Things’ captured the spirit of the roaring twenties and thirties as they cut a dramatic swathe through the epoch. Beaton quickly developed a reputation for his beautiful, often striking and fantastic photographs, which culminated in his portraits of Queen Elizabeth in 1939. More than a photographer, Beaton became a society fixture in his own right. In a series of themed chapters, covering Beaton’s first self-portraits and earliest sitters to his time at Cambridge and as principle society photographer for Vogue and Vanity Fair, over 60 leading figures who sat for him are profiled and the dazzling parties, pageants and balls of the period are brought to life. Among this glittering cast are Beaton’s socialite sisters Baba and Nancy Beaton, Stephen Tennant, the Mitfords, Siegfried Sassoon, Evelyn Waugh and Daphne Du Maurier. Beaton’s photographs are complemented by a wide range of letters, drawings and ephemera and contextualised by artworks created by those in his circle, including Christopher Wood, Rex Whistler and Henry Lamb.
Oldcastle Books Ltd The President and the Provocateur: The Parallel Lives of JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald
The President and the Provocateur explores the parallel lives of John F. Kennedy, born into wealth and celebrity, destined for glory and a violent death, and of Lee Harvey Oswald, born into poverty and obscurity, murdered in police custody and convicted - without a lawyer or a trial - of the killing of JFK. 50 years after both men were murdered, Alex Cox provides a chronological account of their lives' strange intersections, their shared interests, and the increasing body of evidence which suggests that Lee Harvey Oswald was working for some branch of the government - most likely the FBI or IRS - as an infiltrator of subversive groups, and agent provocateur. The President and the Provocateur draws on five decades of accumulated evidence that Oswald was an intelligence agent and agent provocateur. Far from being an active Communist, Oswald was mainly interested in infiltrating right-wing groups (including the White Russian community of Fort Worth, the National States Rights Party, the Minutemen, and the Cuban Alpha 66 terrorist organization in Dallas and New Orleans). From this perspective his alleged purchasing of guns by mail may be the actions of someone attempting to build a case against right-wing gun-runners and their suppliers - something the IRS and Senator Christopher Dodd's Subcommittee were also doing, at exactly the same time. The possibility that Oswald was sent as a spy to Russia has been raised before, but this is the first book to detail Oswald's continued pattern of intelligence-gathering and infiltration of political groups on his return to the USA.
Rutgers University Press Movie Comics: Page to Screen/Screen to Page
As Christopher Nolan’s Batman films and releases from the Marvel Cinematic Universe have regularly topped the box office charts, fans and critics alike might assume that the “comic book movie” is a distinctly twenty-first-century form. Yet adaptations of comics have been an integral part of American cinema from its very inception, with comics characters regularly leaping from the page to the screen and cinematic icons spawning comics of their own. Movie Comics is the first book to study the long history of both comics-to-film and film-to-comics adaptations, covering everything from silent films starring Happy Hooligan to sound films and serials featuring Dick Tracy and Superman to comic books starring John Wayne, Gene Autry, Bob Hope, Abbott & Costello, Alan Ladd, and Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. With a special focus on the Classical Hollywood era, Blair Davis investigates the factors that spurred this media convergence, as the film and comics industries joined forces to expand the reach of their various brands. While analyzing this production history, he also tracks the artistic coevolution of films and comics, considering the many formal elements that each medium adopted and adapted from the other. As it explores our abiding desire to experience the same characters and stories in multiple forms, Movie Comics gives readers a new appreciation for the unique qualities of the illustrated page and the cinematic moving image.
Princeton University Press Ugliness and Judgment: On Architecture in the Public Eye
A novel interpretation of architecture, ugliness, and the social consequences of aesthetic judgmentWhen buildings are deemed ugly, what are the consequences? In Ugliness and Judgment, Timothy Hyde considers the role of aesthetic judgment—and its concern for ugliness—in architectural debates and their resulting social effects across three centuries of British architectural history. From eighteenth-century ideas about Stonehenge to Prince Charles’s opinions about the National Gallery, Hyde uncovers a new story of aesthetic judgment, where arguments about architectural ugliness do not pertain solely to buildings or assessments of style, but intrude into other spheres of civil society.Hyde explores how accidental and willful conditions of ugliness—including the gothic revival Houses of Parliament, the brutalist concrete of the South Bank, and the historicist novelty of Number One Poultry—have been debated in parliamentary committees, courtrooms, and public inquiries. He recounts how architects such as Christopher Wren, John Soane, James Stirling, and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe have been summoned by tribunals of aesthetic judgment. With his novel scrutiny of lawsuits for libel, changing paradigms of nuisance law, and conventions of monarchical privilege, he shows how aesthetic judgments have become entangled in wider assessments of art, science, religion, political economy, and the state.Moving beyond superficialities of taste in order to see how architectural improprieties enable architecture to participate in social transformations, Ugliness and Judgment sheds new light on the role of aesthetic measurement in our world.
University of California Press Road Trip to Nowhere: Hollywood Encounters the Counterculture
How a new generation of counterculture talent changed the landscape of Hollywood, the film industry, and celebrity culture. By 1967, the commercial and political impact on Hollywood of the sixties counterculture had become impossible to ignore. The studios were in bad shape, still contending with a generation-long box office slump and struggling to get young people into the habit of going to the movies. Road Trip to Nowhere examines a ten-year span (from 1967 to 1976) rife with uneasy encounters between artists caught up in the counterculture and a corporate establishment still clinging to a studio system on the brink of collapse. Out of this tumultuous period many among the young and talented walked away from celebrity, turning down the best job Hollywood—and America—had on offer: movie star. Road Trip to Nowhere elaborates a primary-sourced history of movie production culture, examining the lives of a number of talented actors who got wrapped up in the politics and lifestyles of the counterculture. Thoroughly put off by celebrity culture, actors like Dennis Hopper, Christopher Jones, Jean Seberg, and others rejected the aspirational backstory and inevitable material trappings of success, much to the chagrin of the studios and directors who backed them. In Road Trip to Nowhere, film historian Jon Lewis details dramatic encounters on movie sets and in corporate boardrooms, on the job and on the streets, and in doing so offers an entertaining and rigorous historical account of an out-of-touch Hollywood establishment and the counterculture workforce they would never come to understand.
Little, Brown Book Group An Orc on the Wild Side
'Uniquely twisted . . . cracking gags' - Guardian'Holt doesn't skimp on the flashes of brilliance' - SFX'Clever, funny, tirelessly inventive' - Christopher MooreWINTER IS COMING, SO WHY NOT GET AWAY FROM IT ALL?Being the Dark Lord and Prince of Evil is not as much fun as it sounds, particularly if you are a basically decent person. King Mordak is just such a person. Technically he's more goblin than person, but the point is that he is really keen to be a lot less despicable than his predecessors. Not that the other goblins appreciate Mordak's attempts to redefine the role. Why should they when his new healthcare program seems designed to actually extend life expectancy, and his efforts to end a perfectly reasonable war with the dwarves appear to have become an obsession? With confidence in his leadership crumbling, what Mordak desperately needs is a distraction. Perhaps some of these humans moving to the Realm in search of great homes at an affordable price will be able to help? An Orc on the Wild Side is the latest comic masterpiece from one of the funniest writers in fantasy.Books by Tom Holt: J.W. Wells & Co. Series The Portable Door In Your Dreams Earth, Air, Fire and Custard You Don't Have to Be Evil to Work Here, But It Helps The Better Mousetrap May Contain Traces of Magic YouSpace Series Doughnut When It's A Jar The Outsorcerer's Apprentice The Good, the Bad and the Smug Other recent novelsBlonde BombshellLife, Liberty and the Pursuit of SausagesThe Management Style of the Supreme BeingsAn Orc on the Wild Side
Vintage Publishing The Time Traveller's Guide to Restoration Britain: Life in the Age of Samuel Pepys, Isaac Newton and The Great Fire of London
The past is a foreign country: this is your guidebook.If you could travel back in time, the period from 1660 to 1700 would make one of the most exciting destinations in history. It is the age of Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London; bawdy comedy and the libertine court of Charles II; Christopher Wren in architecture, Henry Purcell in music and Isaac Newton in science - the civil wars are over and a magnificent new era has begun.But what would it really be like to live in Restoration Britain? Where would you stay and what would you eat? What would you wear and where would you do your shopping? The third volume in the series of Ian Mortimer's bestselling Time Traveller's Guides answers the crucial questions that a prospective traveller to seventeenth-century Britain would ask.People's lives are changing rapidly - from a world of superstition and religious explanation to rationalism and scientific calculation. In many respects the period sees the tipping point between the old world and the new as fear and uncertainty, hardship and eating with your fingers give way to curiosity and professionalism, fine wines and knives and forks. Travelling to Restoration Britain encourages us to reflect on the customs and practices of daily life - and this unique guide not only teaches us about the seventeenth century but makes us look with fresh eyes at the modern world.'Ian Mortimer is a historical truffle hound... His book is a delightful read.' Sunday Times
Edinburgh University Press Memento
Ambiguous, complex and innovative, Christopher Nolan's Memento has intrigued audiences and critics since the day of its release. Memento is the archetypal 'puzzle film', a noir thriller about a man with short-term memory loss seemingly seeking revenge for the death of his wife but finding it increasingly difficult to navigate through the facts. Truth, memory and identity are all questioned in a film that refuses to give easy answers or to adhere to some of the fundamental rules of classical filmmaking as the film makes use of some audacious stylistic and narrative choices, including a unique (for American cinema) editing pattern that produces a dizzying and highly disorienting effect for the spectator. The book introduces Memento as an important independent film and uses it to explore relationships between "indie," arthouse and commercial mainstream cinema while also examining independent film marketing practices, especially those associated with Newmarket, the film's producer and distributor. Finally, the book also locates Memento within debates around key film studies concepts such as genre, narrative and reception. Key features: * Presents an overview of Newmarket that maps the company's development from an independent financier to producer and distributor * Explores aspects of narrative complexity in contemporary films and examines Memento as an example of a 'puzzle film' * Considers Memento in relation to genre categories of noir and neo-noir * Examines the marketing of Memento and locates it within independent film marketing practices and strategies
Troubador Publishing Nicky Samuel: My Life and Loves
When beautiful heiress Nicky Samuel (1951-2019) left school at the age of 16, she was caught up in the world of Sixties London. Her first job was with Yoko Ono, and she soon fell in love with the owner of the fashionable hippy boutique ‘Granny Takes a Trip’, Nigel Waymouth, whom she married and with whom she later attended the legendary Isle of Wight Pop Concert. She spent time with celebrities such as Andy Warhol, Jane Fonda, Roger Vadim, Bob Dylan, Keith Richards, and Robert Mapplethorpe. At nineteen, Nicky became a fashionable hostess. She was photographed by Norman Parkinson for Vogue; and her close friends included Mick and Bianca Jagger, Christopher Gibbs, David Hockney, Anita Pallenberg and the eccentric, reclusive heroin addict John Paul Getty Jr. Her marriage broke up when she became involved in a passionate menage-a-trois involving the film-director Donald Cammell. In 1974, Nicky married homosexual jewellery designer, New York socialite and fortune-hunter Kenneth Jay Lane. Her social success was such that she was featured as a ‘New Beauty’ by Time Magazine. However, she became so unhappy and drug-addicted that she attempted suicide in the London Ritz. Nicky’s is exactly the kind of superficially glamorous life to which many star-struck and celebrity-hungry people aspire; this memoir is also a uniquely vivid experience of a vanished world.
Inter-Varsity Press The Glory of God and Paul: Text, Themes and Theology
The apostle Paul’s theology of divine glory has its foundations in the biblical drama of creation, fall, redemption and consummation, and in the identity of Jesus as revealed in his teachings, life, death and resurrection. In The Glory of God and Paul, Christopher Morgan and Robert Peterson explore Paul’s view of the triune God – as one who is intrinsically glorious, and, through uniting his people to Christ, shares that glory with his people. Examining key parts of the New Testament letters, they show how the Pauline theology of glory is rooted in the Old Testament as well as in Jesus, revealing a God who joyfully displays his glory through his creation and whose people respond by glorifying him. Covering a range of topics, including the Trinity, salvation, eschatology and more, this new volume in the NSBT series ultimately shows that God intends his glory to have an impact on many areas of believers’ lives: their gradual transformation ‘from glory to glory’ occurs as they meditate and reflect on the splendour of the Lord. Full of accessible insights, The Glory of God and Paul is a brilliant addition to the New Studies in Biblical Theology series. It will leave you with a greater understanding of Pauline theology and how it is still relevant for Christians today. It is ideal for students, pastors and anyone looking for a study of Paul the apostle that digs deeply into his epistles, particularly in relation to his teachings on divine glory.
Workman Publishing To Me, He Was Just Dad: Stories of Growing Up with Famous Fathers
“The lowdown on what it’s like to be raised by a legend. Frequently funny and consistently intimate. . . . A great read.” —BookPage “Those searching for a moving Father’s Day gift need look no further.”—Publishers Weekly Men like John Wayne and John Lennon, Nolan Ryan and Bruce Lee, Cesar Chavez, Christopher Reeve, and Miles Davis have touched the lives of millions. But at home, to their children, they were not their public personas. They were Dad. Maybe Davis didn’t leave the office at five o’clock to come home and play catch with his son Erin, but the man we see through Erin’s eyes is so alive, so real, so not the “king of cool” (he taught his son to box, made a killer pot of chili, watched MTV alongside him) that it brings us to a whole new appreciation for the artist. Each of these forty first-person narratives—intimate, heartfelt, unvarnished, surprising, and profoundly universal—shows us not only a very different view of a figure we thought we knew but also a wholly fresh and moving idea of what it means to be a father.
Duke University Press Sensing Sound: Singing and Listening as Vibrational Practice
In Sensing Sound Nina Sun Eidsheim offers a vibrational theory of music that radically re-envisions how we think about sound, music, and listening. Eidsheim shows how sound, music, and listening are dynamic and contextually dependent, rather than being fixed, knowable, and constant. She uses twenty-first-century operas by Juliana Snapper, Meredith Monk, Christopher Cerrone, and Alba Triana as case studies to challenge common assumptions about sound—such as air being the default medium through which it travels—and to demonstrate the importance a performance's location and reception play in its contingency. By theorizing the voice as an object of knowledge and rejecting the notion of an a priori definition of sound, Eidsheim releases the voice from a constraining set of fixed concepts and meanings. In Eidsheim's theory, music consists of aural, tactile, spatial, physical, material, and vibrational sensations. This expanded definition of music as manifested through material and personal relations suggests that we are all connected to each other in and through sound. Sensing Sound will appeal to readers interested in sound studies, new musicology, contemporary opera, and performance studies.
Edinburgh University Press Scotland and the Union: 1707-2007
A comprehensive examination of the past, present and future prospects of the Anglo-Scottish Union, this book is written by the cream of the academic talent in modern Scottish history and Scottish politics. It appeals to a wide readership while conforming to the highest standards of scholarship and no other volume considers the entire 300-year experience of Union - from its origins in the early 18th century to the historic parliamentary victory of the SNP in May 2007. All the key themes and questions are covered here: " why the Union took place " its growing acceptance in the eighteenth century " the central role of the Scots in the British Empire and the impact on Scotland " the politics of unionism " the challenge of nationalism " Thatcherism and the Union " Devolution and prospects for the future. Contributions come from Christopher A. Whatley, Allan I. Macinnes, Karen Bowie, Alexander J. Murdoch, Ewen A. Cameron, William L. Miller, Richard Findlay, Brian Ashcroft, Charlie Jeffrey, John Curtice and Neal Ascherson. This is the essential text for understanding one of the most burning issues in British public life today.
The Catholic University of America Press Dogma and Ecumenism: Vatican II and Karl Barth's 'Ad Limina Apostolorum'
The conversation of this book is structured around five major documents from the Second Vatican Council, each of which Barth commented upon in his short but penetrating response to the Council, published as Ad Limina Apostolorum. In the two opening essays, Thomas Joseph White reflects upon the contribution that this book seeks to make to contemporary ecumenism rooted in awareness of the value of dogmatic theology; and Matthew Levering explores the way in which Barth’s Ad Limina Apostolorum flows from his preconciliar dialogues with Catholic representatives of the nouvelle théologie and remain relevant to the issues facing Catholic theology today. The next two essays turn to Dei Verbum, the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation; here Katherine Sonderegger (Protestant) reflects on scripture and Lewis Ayres (Catholic) reflects on tradition. The next two essays address the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, which touches upon central differences of Catholic and Protestant self-understanding. Christoph Schwöbel (Protestant) analyzes visible ecclesial identity as conceived in a Protestant context, while Thomas Joseph White (Catholic) engages Barth’s Reformed criticisms of the Catholic notion of the Church. The next two essays take up Nostra Aetate: Bruce McCormack (Protestant) asks whether it is true to say that Muslims worship the same God as Christians, and Bruce D. Marshall (Catholic) explores the implications of the Council’s reflections on the Jewish people. The next two essays take up the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes: John Bowlin (Protestant) makes use of the thought of Aquinas to consider the promise and perils of the document, while Francesca Aran Murphy (Catholic) engages critically with George Lindbeck’s analysis of the document. The next two essays explore Unitatis Redintegratio: Hans Boersma (Protestant) asks whether the ecumenical intention of the document is impaired by its insistence that the unity of the Church is already present in the Catholic Church, and Reinhard Hütter (Catholic) systematically addresses Barth’s questions regarding the document. The noted ecumenist and Catholic theologian Richard Schenk brings the volume to a close by reflecting on “true and false ecumenism” in the post-conciliar period.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Your Last Breath, Olfactory and After The Rainfall
Your Last Breath: 1876 - Christopher leaves his young family behind to work in Norway. He will map the uncharted mountains for the very first time. 1999 - Anna's body freezes after an extreme skiing accident and her heart stops. But doctors gradually warm her until it miraculously starts beating again. 2011 - Freija, a successful business woman, has just lost her father. She travels to scatter his ashes in Norway. 2034 - Nicholas explains a medical breakthrough which saved his life as a baby, whereby the human body can be 'suspended in animation.' Spanning 150 years, Your Last Breath piece fuses movement, live piano score and video unravelling the landscapes of the heart and our own personal geographies. It was a Fringe First Winner in 2011 and will be touring, potentially to Scandinavia, in the Spring. After the Rainfall: Throughout history, the study of ants (myrmecology) has been used as an analogy for human behaviour. This piece uses myrmecology as a prism through which to view the present day. Navigating the arid Egyptian desert, continental Europe, the British Museum and a quiet village green, this piece is a patchwork of multidimensional narratives about the aftermath of the Empire. Curious Directive conjure a world where multimedia, movement and sound unpick Britain's relationship to artefacts, mining and the secret life of ants. An epic, thumping, passionate story asking questions about the relationship between our past, present and into eternity. A collaboration between Curious Directive, Watford Palace Theatre and Escalator East to Edinburgh, and it will play at the Edinburgh Festival (Pleasance Dome, 4-27 August) followed by a run at the Watford Palace Theatre. Olfactory: Over 10,000 different smells drift across our planet in various configurations. Olfactory gives you a choice to craft your identity and to decode the invisible molecules floating through the air. Who do you want to be in the future? This miniature explores our invisible relationship with perfumes and smell.
Goose Lane Editions A Personal Calligraphy
Winner of the Newfoundland and Labrador Writers' Association Prize for Non-FictionMary Pratt is famous throughout Canada for her luminous paintings and prints. Her 1995 exhibition, The Art of Mary Pratt: The Substance of Light, drew record-breaking crowds on its tour of Canada. It also resulted in an unprecedented amount of press coverage on the biographical content of her work. The accompanying book by Tom Smart sold more than 6,000 copies and made almost every "best book of the year" list in Canada.Mary Pratt: A Personal Calligraphy features Mary's own writings, drawn and adapted from her personal journals, the essays that she has written for numerous publications ranging from The Globe and Mail to The Glass Gazette, and the lectures that she has given at many public events. For the first time, Mary has written her own book in her own words, rather than rely on others to write about her. Treating both public and private issues, she writes of her childhood in Fredericton — her connection to her family, life in Salmonier as a young mother, her decision to pursue her own career as an artist, and her complicated relationship with her husband, Christopher. She writes about public issues — the death of Joey Smallwood, the 50th anniversary of Newfoundland's entry into Confederation, and the cod fishery. She writes about the images that interest her and influence her art, and the process of painting. Like her paintings, Pratt's writing packs a sucker punch. At first it appears to be a paean to the pleasures of house and home, until the more disturbing aspects subtly reveal themselves. Ironing shirts become an erotic act; a memory of visiting the local market with her grandmother conjures images of violence; dead chickens, meticulously plucked, and carcasses of cattle, meticulously flayed, suggest rituals of sacrifice.In Spring of 2001, Mary Pratt was awarded the Newfoundland and Labrador Writers' Association prize for Non-fiction for A Personal Calligraphy.
Headline Publishing Group Love from the Pink Palace: Memories of Love, Loss and Cabaret through the AIDS Crisis, for fans of IT'S A SIN
*SHORTLISTED FOR THE RSL CHRISTOPHER BLAND PRIZE 2023**SHORTLISTED FOR THE POLARI FIRST BOOK PRIZE 2023*'I read the book in one go. I laughed and cried like a baby, and was transported back to a time of innocence, clouded by the enormity of the harsh reality . . . Just amazing' CATHERINE ZETA JONES'As it happens, I was also a Jill in the eighties - but not half as good a Jill as real Jill' DAWN FRENCH'Jill met the crisis head on . . . She held the hands of so many men. She lost them, and remembered them, and somehow kept going' RUSSELL T DAVIESA heartbreaking, life-affirming memoir of love, loss and cabaret through the AIDS crisis, from IT'S A SIN's Jill NalderWhen Jill Nalder arrived at drama school in London in the early 1980s, she was ready for her life to begin. With her band of best friends - of which many were young, talented gay men with big dreams of their own - she grabbed London by the horns: partying with drag queens at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, hosting cabarets at her glamorous flat, flitting across town to any jobs she could get.But soon rumours were spreading from America about a frightening illness being dubbed the 'gay flu', and Jill and her friends now found their formerly carefree existence under threat.In this moving memoir, IT'S A SIN's Jill Nalder tells the true story of her and her friends' lives during the AIDS crisis -- juggling a busy West End career while campaigning for AIDS awareness and research, educating herself and caring for the sick. Most of all, she shines a light on those who were stigmatised and shamed, and remembers those brave and beautiful boys who were lost too soon.'Thank God for people like [Jill] . . . I cannot recommend this book highly enough' MICHAEL BALL'An engaging, moving account' TIMES SATURDAY REVIEW'Simultaneously devastating and uplifting' GRAZIA'Engrossing, heart-breaking and inspiring' MATT CAIN
Headline Publishing Group Love from the Pink Palace: Memories of Love, Loss and Cabaret through the AIDS Crisis, for fans of IT'S A SIN
*SHORTLISTED FOR THE RSL CHRISTOPHER BLAND PRIZE 2023**SHORTLISTED FOR THE POLARI FIRST BOOK PRIZE 2023*'I read the book in one go. I laughed and cried like a baby, and was transported back to a time of innocence, clouded by the enormity of the harsh reality . . . Just amazing' CATHERINE ZETA JONES'As it happens, I was also a Jill in the eighties - but not half as good a Jill as real Jill' DAWN FRENCH'Jill met the crisis head on . . . She held the hands of so many men. She lost them, and remembered them, and somehow kept going' RUSSELL T DAVIESA heartbreaking, life-affirming memoir of love, loss and cabaret through the AIDS crisis, from IT'S A SIN's Jill NalderWhen Jill Nalder arrived at drama school in London in the early 1980s, she was ready for her life to begin. With her band of best friends - of which many were young, talented gay men with big dreams of their own - she grabbed London by the horns: partying with drag queens at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, hosting cabarets at her glamorous flat, flitting across town to any jobs she could get.But soon rumours were spreading from America about a frightening illness being dubbed the 'gay flu', and Jill and her friends now found their formerly carefree existence under threat.In this moving memoir, IT'S A SIN's Jill Nalder tells the true story of her and her friends' lives during the AIDS crisis -- juggling a busy West End career while campaigning for AIDS awareness and research, educating herself and caring for the sick. Most of all, she shines a light on those who were stigmatised and shamed, and remembers those brave and beautiful boys who were lost too soon.'Thank God for people like [Jill] . . . I cannot recommend this book highly enough' MICHAEL BALL'An engaging, moving account' TIMES SATURDAY REVIEW'Simultaneously devastating and uplifting' GRAZIA'Engrossing, heart-breaking and inspiring' MATT CAIN
Hodder & Stoughton Identity, Ignorance, Innovation: Why the old politics is useless - and what to do about it
'D'Ancona makes his case well... The book is well written and thoughtful' -- The Times'A heartfelt attempt to renew liberal ideals for the coming decades... How sorely our public debate needs others to express themselves similarly.' -- Henry Mance, Financial Times'An urgent and exhilarating account of how populism, prejudice & polarisation have corrupted objective truth and public discourse. D'Ancona's sparkling prose provides an explanation of how we got here and, crucially, how we might get out.' -- James O'Brien'A book so rich in thought, wisdom and persuasion I find myself sharing the ideas within it with everyone I meet... In the much-mourned absence of Christopher Hitchens, d'Ancona is fast becoming the voice of enlightenment for our bewildered age.' -- Emily Maitlis'A tonic for our times that blows open any complacency following Trump's defeat that the demise of populism and nativism is inevitable. In beautifully written prose, D'Ancona puts forward hopeful ideas and timely inspiration for a progressive politics to replace it.' -- David Lammy'A brilliant, lucid, fearless tract, just what the historical moment ordered.' -- Andrew O'Hagan'D'Ancona's regular practical suggestions help to take it beyond mere theory and into the real world... Decision-makers would do well to read it.' -- Charlotte Henry, TLS***This is a call to arms. The old tools of political analysis are obsolete - they have rusted and are no longer fit for purpose. We've grown lazy, wedded to the assumption that, after ruptures such as Brexit, the pandemic, and the rise of the populist Right, things will eventually go 'back to normal'.Award-winning political writer Matthew d'Ancona invites you to think afresh: to seek new ways of challenging political extremism, bombastic populism and democratic torpor on both Left and Right. In this ground-breaking book, he proposes a new way of understanding our era and plots a way forward. With rigorous analysis, he argues that we need to understand the world in a new way, with a framework built from the three I's: Identity, Ignorance and Innovation.
Harvard Department of the Classics Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Volume 101
Volume 101 of Harvard Studies in Classical Philology includes the following contributions: Stephen Scully, “Reading the Shield of Achilles: Terror, Anger, Delight”; Hugh Lloyd-Jones, “Zeus, Prometheus, and Greek Ethics”; Robert W. Wallace, “An Early Fifth-Century Athenian Revolution in Aulos Music”; Lucia Athanassaki, “Transformations of Colonial Disruption into Narrative Continuity in Pindar’s Epinician Odes”; Christina Clark, “Minos’ Touch and Theseus’ Glare: Gestures in Bakkhylides 17”; Peter Grossardt, “The Title of Aeschylus’ Ostologoi”; John Gibert, “Apollo’s Sacrifice: The Limits of a Metaphor in Greek Tragedy”; Albert Henrichs, “Hieroi Logoi and Hierai Bibloi: The (Un)Written Margins of the Sacred in Ancient Greece”; David M. Engel, “Women’s Role in the Home and the State: Stoic Theory Reconsidered”; James J. Clauss, “Once upon a Time on Cos: A Banquet with Pan on the Side in Theocritus Idyll 7”; Alexander Sens, “Pleasures Recalled: A.R. 3.813–814, Asclepiades, and Homer”; Christopher S. Mackay, “Quaestiones Pisonianae: Procedural and Chronological Notes on the S.C. De Cn. Pisone Patre”; Alex Hardie, “The Pindaric Sources of Horace Odes 1.12”; Charles E. Murgia, “The Date of the Helen Episode”; Mark Toher, “Nicolaus and Herod in the Antiquitates Judaicae”; W. S. Watt,† “Notes on the Anthologia Latina”; D. R. Shackleton Bailey, “New Readings in Valerius Maximus”; and R. Sklenář, “The Cosm(et)ology of Claudian’s ‘In Sepulchrum Speciosae.’”
The Catholic University of America Press The Cleansing of the Heart: The Sacraments as Instrumental Causes in the Thomistic Tradition
Recalling the Biblical and Patristic roots of the Church’s sacramental identity, the Second Vatican Council calls the Church the ‘visible sacrament’ of that unity offered through Christ (LG 9). ‘Sacrament’ in this sense not only describes who the Church is, but what she does. In this regard, the Council Fathers were careful to establish a strong connection between the symbolic nature of the Church’s sacraments and their effect on those who received them. Reginald Lynch is concerned with the cleansing of the heart—a phrase borrowed from St. Augustine and employed by Aquinas, which describes the effects that natural elements such as water or bread have on the human person when taken up by the Church as sacramental signs. Aquinas’ approach to sacramental efficacy is unique for its integration of diverse theological topics such as Christology, merit, grace, creation and instrumentality. While all of these topics will be considered to some extent, the primary focus of The Cleansing of the Heart is the sacraments understood as instrumental causes of grace. This volume provides the historical context for understanding the development of sacramental causality as a theological topic in the scholastic period, emphasizing the unique features of Aquinas’ response to this question. Following this, relevant texts from Aquinas’ early and later work are examined, noting Aquinas’ development and integration of the idea of sacramental causality in his later work. The Cleansing of the Heart concludes by contrasting alternatives to Aquinas’ theory of sacramental causality that subsequently emerged. The rise of humanism introduced many changes within rhetoric and philosophy of language that had a profound effect on some theologians during the Modern period. This book provides historical context for understanding the most prominent of these theories in contrast to Aquinas, and examines some of their theological implications.
University of Minnesota Press Film as Philosophy
Film and philosophy have much in common, and books have been written on film and philosophy. But can films be, or do, philosophy? Can they “think”? Film as Philosophy is the first book to explore this fascinating question historically, thematically, and methodically.Bringing together leading scholars from universities across the globe, Film as Philosophy presents major new research that leads film studies and philosophy into a productive dialogue. It provides a uniquely sweeping, historical overview of the confluence of film and philosophy for more than a century, considering films from Jean Renoir, Lars von Trier, Jørgen Leth, David Lynch, Michael Haneke, and others; the written works of filmmakers who also theorized on the medium, including Sergei Eisenstein and Jean Epstein; and others who have written on cinema, including Hugo Münsterberg, Béla Balázs, André Bazin, Henri Bergson, Gilles Deleuze, Stanley Cavell, Alain Badiou, Jacques Rancière, and many more. Representing a major step toward establishing a media philosophy that puts the status, role, and function of film into a new perspective, Film as Philosophy removes representational techniques from the center of inquiry, replacing these with the medium’s ability to “think.” Hence it accords film with “agency,” and the dialogue between it and philosophy (and even neuroscience) is negotiated anew.Contributors: Nicole Brenez, U of Paris 3–Sorbonne; Elisabeth Bronfen, U of Zurich; Noël Carroll, CUNY; Tom Conley, Harvard U; Angela Dalle Vacche, Georgia Institute of Technology; Gregory Flaxman, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Alex Ling, Western Sydney U; Adrian Martin, Monash U; John Ó Maoilearca, Kingston U, London; Robert Sinnerbrink, Macquarie U, Sydney; Murray Smith, U of Kent, Canterbury; Julia Vassilieva, Monash U, Melbourne; Christophe Wall-Romana, U of Minnesota; and Thomas E. Wartenberg, Mount Holyoke College.
University of Pennsylvania Press Saving Shame: Martyrs, Saints, and Other Abject Subjects
Virginia Burrus explores one of the strongest and most disturbing aspects of the Christian tradition, its excessive preoccupation with shame. While Christianity has frequently been implicated in the conversion of ancient Mediterranean cultures from shame- to guilt-based and, thus, in the emergence of the modern West's emphasis on guilt, Burrus seeks to recuperate the importance of shame for Christian culture. Focusing on late antiquity, she explores a range of fascinating phenomena, from the flamboyant performances of martyrs to the imagined abjection of Christ, from the self-humiliating disciplines of ascetics to the intimate disclosures of Augustine. Burrus argues that Christianity innovated less by replacing shame with guilt than by embracing shame. Indeed, the ancient Christians sacrificed honor but laid claim to their own shame with great energy, at once intensifying and transforming it. Public spectacles of martyrdom became the most visible means through which vulnerability to shame was converted into a defiant witness of identity; this was also where the sacrificial death of the self exemplified by Christ's crucifixion was most explicitly appropriated by his followers. Shame showed a more private face as well, as Burrus demonstrates. The ambivalent lure of fleshly corruptibility was explored in the theological imaginary of incarnational Christology. It was further embodied in the transgressive disciplines of saints who plumbed the depths of humiliation. Eventually, with the advent of literary and monastic confessional practices, the shame of sin's inexhaustibility made itself heard in the revelations of testimonial discourse. In conversation with an eclectic constellation of theorists, Burrus interweaves her historical argument with theological, psychological, and ethical reflections. She proposes, finally, that early Christian texts may have much to teach us about the secrets of shame that lie at the heart of our capacity for humility, courage, and transformative love.
University of California Press Daring Pairings: A Master Sommelier Matches Distinctive Wines with Recipes from His Favorite Chefs
The best wine and food pairings create harmony among unexpected flavors. Chardonnay, Riesling, and Merlot are classic pairing choices, but less conventional grape varieties like Albarino, Grenache, Gruner Veltliner, Malbec, and Tempranillo are becoming increasingly popular, coveted by those with curious palates and a taste for good value. In "Daring Pairings", the adventurous companion to the acclaimed "Perfect Pairings", Master Sommelier Evan Goldstein shows how anyone can bring these emerging, exciting varieties to the table. He ventures into wine's new frontiers, exploring the flavors and pairing potential of thirty-six distinctive grapes from around the world, including Argentina, Spain, Italy, Greece, and France. In his entertaining and approachable style, Goldstein offers advice on crafting unforgettable wine and food pairings, suggests wines for everyday and special occasions, and recommends producers and importers. Thirty-six star chefs present recipes specially tailored to Goldstein's wine selections, and full-color photographs display these dishes in delectable splendor. This authoritative, down-to-earth guide reveals that pairing food and wine is no great mystery - anyone willing to explore or experiment can create bold and memorable combinations. It comes with recipes and commentary from: Nate Appleman, Dan Barber, Ben Barker, Paul Bartolotta, Michelle Bernstein, Floyd Cardoz, Robert Del Grande, Tom Douglas, Suzanne Goin, Joyce Goldstein, Christopher Gross, Fergus Henderson, Gerald Hirigoyen, Philippe Jeanty, Douglas Keane, Hubert Keller, Loretta Keller, David Kinch, Evan Kleiman, Mourad Lahlou, Michael Leviton, Emily Luchetti, Laurent Manrique, Lachlan M. Patterson, Cindy Pawlcyn, Anne S. Quatrano, Michael Romano, Susan Spicer, Frank Stitt, Craig Stoll, Ethan Stowell, Charlie Trotter, Larry Tse, Richard Vellante, Vikram Vij, and, Kate Zuckerman.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Leo the Great
Pope Leo I’s theological and political influence in his own time (440-461) and beyond far outweighs the amount of attention he has received in recent scholarship. That influence extended well beyond Rome to the Christian East through his contribution to preparations for the Council of Chalcedon and its outcome. For this he was alternately praised and vilified by the opposing parties at the Council. Leo made his views known through letters, and a vast number of homilies. While so many of these survive, Leo and his works have not been the subject of a major English-language socio-historical study in over fifty years. In this brief introduction to the life and works of this important leader of the early church, we gain a more accurate picture of the circumstances and pressures which were brought to bear on his pontificate. A brief introduction surveys the scanty sources which document Leo’s early life, and sets his pontificate in its historical context, as the Western Roman Empire went into serious decline, and Rome lost its former status as the western capital. Annotated translations of various excerpts of Leo’s letters and homilies are organised around four themes dealing with specific aspects of Leo’s activity as bishop of Rome: Leo as spiritual adviser on the life of the faithful Leo as opponent of heresy the bishop of Rome as civic and ecclesiastical administrator Leo and the primacy of Rome. Taking each of these key elements of Leo’s pontifical activities into account, we gain a more balanced picture of the context and contribution of his best-known writings on Christology. This volume offers an affordable introduction to the subject for both teachers and students of ancient and medieval Christianity.