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JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der sprechende Gott: Gesammelte Studien zum Hebräerbrief
In methodologischer Vielfalt spiegeln die dreizehn Beiträge dieses Sammelbandes facettenreich und in engem Kontakt zur aktuellen Forschung den Gang der Hebräerbrief-Exegese der beiden letzten Jahrzehnte wider. Ihr Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Gottesbild, der Christologie, der intertextuellen Gewinnung und symbolsprachlichen Entwicklung biblischer Aussageweisen, dem Verhältnis zwischen Israel und der Kirche, der Hoffnungs- und Angstgeschichte des Urchristentums und der ethischen Grundlegung kirchlicher Sozialität. Was diese unterschiedlichen Felder verbindet, sagt der Hebräerbrief in seinem ersten Satz: Gottes Selbstmitteilung in der Verheißungsgeschichte Israels und im Christus-Drama, das diese Geschichte verbürgt und vollendet und die Glaubens- und Lebensgeschichte der Getauften sehr konkret verwandelt. Der hinführende Beitrag wirbt dafür, die hermeneutischen Chancen dieses ungewöhnlichen Schreibens wahrzunehmen, das in Wissenschaft und Kirche Vielen noch immer wie ein Fremdkörper im Neuen Testament erscheint. Biblisch orientiert, denkerisch anspruchsvoll, rhetorisch gezielt und (gegen manches Vorurteil) lebenspraktisch kompetent, legt der Hebräerbrief den 'sprechenden Gott' aus, um christliche Identität in der Krise einer Schwellenzeit zu begründen und zu vertiefen. Er ist weder 'weltfremd' noch 'schwierig'. Er ist der erste Versuch einer offenen christlichen Redekultur und, gerade mit seiner aufschreckenden Leidenschaft, ein Pionierstück der theologischen Vernunft.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Kulttheologie des Hebräerbriefes: Eine exegetisch-religionsgeschichtliche Studie
Der Hebräerbrief macht die unüberbietbare Heilsbedeutung von Erniedrigung, Tod und Erhöhung Christi neu und vertieft einsichtig, indem er sie kulttheologisch und damit soteriologisch deutet. Georg Gäbel zeichnet diese kulttheologische Neuinterpretation der Tradition unter breiter Berücksichtigung von für den Hebräerbrief teils noch nicht ausgewertetem religionsgeschichtlichen Material differenziert nach. Der Brief deutet den irdischen Weg Christi als die Erfüllung des Willens Gottes, die in der Selbsthingabe bis in den Tod kulminiert. Komplementär dazu begreift er die Erhöhung Christi als Eintritt ins himmlische Allerheiligste, als hohepriesterliche Investitur und so auch als Darbringung seines Selbstopfers, das die Annullierung der Sünden bewirkt und zugleich das himmlische Heiligtum reinigt und den himmlischen Kult inauguriert. Christologie und Deutung der Adressatensituation sind aufeinander hin entworfen: Die Adressaten sind die Gemeinde des Neuen Bundes, die dem himmlischen Heiligtum und seinem Kult zugehört. Die Taufe ist die Bundesinitiation, welche die Gewissen reinigt, Zutritt zum himmlischen Heiligtum und Befähigung zur Kultteilnahme gewährt. Dem entspricht der Verzicht auf Teilnahme an irdischem Kult. An deren Stelle tritt ein Leben auf Erden in eschatologischer Reinheit, Glaube und Gehorsam, das sich am irdischen Weg Christi orientiert und auf himmlische Herrlichkeit zielt.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der lebendige Gott: Gotteslehre als Arbeit am Begriff
Anhand der Leitfrage "Was meint die Rede vom 'lebendigen Gott' der Sache nach?" entfaltet Joachim Ringleben einen konsequenten Gedankengang, der mit dem intensiv interpretierten und spekulativ begriffenen "Namen" Gottes Ex 3, 14 einsetzt und zu einem neuen Begriff von Gottes Sein als ein zeitlich-ewiges Sichhervorbringen führt, dessen logische und theologische Bedingungen er (im Anschluss an die philosophisch-theologische Denkgeschichte) detailliert diskutiert; sie kreisen um das Konzept eines "Werdens zu sich".Die daraus abgeleiteten Begriffe göttlicher Einheit-mit-sich und Persönlichkeit ermöglichen eine bestimmte (un-metaphorische) Fassung der Lebendigkeit und Allmacht Gottes. Aus deren Kombination ergeben sich neuartige Überlegungen zu den traditionellen Themen: Schöpfung, Ewigkeit, Offenbarung, göttliche Liebe, Allgegenwart und Allwissenheit, Gottes Herrsein und Geistsein.Seine Gedankenentwicklung kulminiert in einer Neuinterpretation der Trinitätslehre (mit einem neuen Konzept der Logik von Dreiheit), und sie vollendet sich sachgemäß in einer Eschatologie, die von Gottes lebendigem Zeit-Ewigkeits-Verhältnis her begriffen wird.Dieser inhaltlichen Gotteslehre sind knappe "Prolegomena" vorgeschaltet, die auf das Verhältnis von Gotteserkenntnis und Gottesbegriff, Denken und Glaube sowie Gott und Glaube konzentriert sind. Die wesentlichen biblischen und christologischen Bezüge dieser Arbeit am Gottesbegriff werden überall mit reflektiert.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Widow's Welcome
There's power in stories. This is a story of power. Dead bodies aren't unusual in the alleyways of Fenest, capital of the Union of Realms. Especially not in an election year, when the streets swell with crowds from near and far. Muggings, brawls gone bad, debts collected – Detective Cora Gorderheim has seen it all. Until she finds a Wayward man with his mouth sewn shut. His body has been arranged precisely by the killer and left conspicuously, waiting to be found. Cora fears this is not only a murder, but a message. As she digs into the dead man's past, she finds herself drawn into the most dangerous event in the Union: the election. In a world where stories win votes, someone has gone to a lot of trouble to silence this man. Who has stopped his story being told? _______________________________________________________ 'An utterly absorbing tale set in a fascinating world' MICK FINLAY. 'If you love storytelling, you'll love this' S.J. MORDEN. 'It's rare to find such a richly imagined world about the art of myth and storytelling' CHRISTOPHER FOWLER. 'Irresistibly thrilling, weaving together gaslit crime, fantasy and mystery... I can't wait for more' TIM MAJOR. 'There is more than meets the eye in this gripping and inventive debut... Rife with intrigue, deceit and cultural tension' JAMES AITCHESON.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Dünkirchen 1940: The German View of Dunkirk
'Kershaw’s book is a welcome rebalancing; a thoughtful, well-researched and well-written contribution to a narrative that has long been too one-sided and too mired in national mythology.' The Times The British evacuation from the beaches of the small French port town of Dunkirk is one of the iconic moments of military history. The battle has captured the popular imagination through LIFE magazine photo spreads, the fiction of Ian McEwan and, of course, Christopher Nolan’s hugely successful Hollywood blockbuster. But what is the German view of this stunning Allied escape? Drawing on German interviews, diaries and unit post-action reports, Robert Kershaw creates a page-turning history of a battle that we thought we knew. Dünkirchen 1940 is the first major history on what went wrong for the Germans at Dunkirk. As supreme military commander, Hitler had seemingly achieved a miracle after the swift capitulation of Holland and Belgium, but with just seven kilometres before the panzers captured Dunkirk – the only port through which the trapped British Expeditionary force might escape – they came to a shuddering stop. Only a detailed interpretation of the German perspective – historically lacking to date – can provide answers as to why. Dünkirchen 1940 delves into the under-evaluated major German miscalculation both strategically and tactically that arguably cost Hitler the war.
Abrams Crossing the River: Seven Stories That Saved My Life, A Memoir
A powerful exploration of grief and resilience that combines memoir, reportage, and lessons in how to heal Everyone deals with grief in their own way. Helen MacDonald found solace in training a wild goshawk. Cheryl Strayed found comfort in hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. For Carol Smith, a Pulitzer Prize–nominated journalist struggling with the sudden death of her seven-year-old son Christopher, the way to cross the river of sorrow was through work.In Crossing the River, Smith recounts how she faced down her crippling loss through reporting a series of profiles of people coping with their own intense challenges, whether a freak accident, a debilitating injury, or a terrifying diagnosis. Smith deftly mixes the stories of these individuals and their families with her own account of how they helped her heal. General John Shalikashvili, once the most powerful member of the American military, taught Carol how to face fear with discipline and endurance. Seth, a young boy with a rare and incurable illness, shed light on the totality of her son’s experiences, and in turn helps readers see that the value of a life is not measured in days.This is a beautiful and profoundly moving book, an unforgettable journey through grief, and a valuable, illuminating read for anyone coping with loss.
Duke University Press In Search of First Contact: The Vikings of Vinland, the Peoples of the Dawnland, and the Anglo-American Anxiety of Discovery
In Search of First Contact is a monumental achievement by the influential literary critic Annette Kolodny. In this book, she offers a radically new interpretation of two medieval Icelandic tales, known as the Vinland sagas. She contends that they are the first known European narratives about contact with North America. After carefully explaining the evidence for that conclusion, Kolodny examines what happened after 1837, when English translations of the two sagas became widely available and enormously popular in the United States. She assesses their impact on literature, immigration policy, and concepts of masculinity. Kolodny considers what the sagas reveal about the Native peoples encountered by the Norse in Vinland around the year A.D. 1000, and she recovers Native American stories of first contacts with Europeans, including one that has never before been shared outside of Native communities. These stories contradict the dominant narrative of "first contact" between Europeans and the New World. Kolodny rethinks the lingering power of a mythic American Viking heritage and the long-standing debate over whether Leif Eiriksson or Christopher Columbus should be credited as the first discoverer. With this paradigm-shattering work, Kolodny shows what literary criticism can bring to historical and social scientific endeavors.
The University of Chicago Press Not-Forgetting: Contemporary Art and the Interrogation of Mastery
Explores contemporary art that challenges deadly desires for mastery and dominion. Amid times of emboldened cruelty and perpetual war, Rosalyn Deutsche links contemporary art to three practices that counter the prevailing destructiveness: psychoanalytic feminism, radical democracy, and war resistance. Deutsche considers how art joins these radical practices to challenge desires for mastery and dominion, which are encapsulated in the Eurocentric conception of the human that goes under the name “Man” and is driven by deadly inclinations that Deutsche calls masculinist. The masculinist subject—as an individual or a group—universalizes itself, claims to speak on behalf of humanity, and meets differences with conquest. Analyzing artworks by Christopher D’Arcangelo, Robert Filliou, Hans Haacke, Mary Kelly, Silvia Kolbowski, Barbara Kruger, Louise Lawler, Martha Rosler, James Welling, and Krzysztof Wodiczko, Deutsche illuminates the diverse ways in which they expose, question, and trouble the visual fantasies that express masculinist desire. Undermining the mastering subject, these artworks invite viewers to question the positions they assume in relation to others. Together, the essays in Not-Forgetting, written between 1999 and 2020, argue that this art offers a unique contribution to building a less cruel and violent society.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Abraham's Faith in Romans 4: Paul's Concept of Faith in Light of the History of Reception of Genesis 15:6
The concept of faith is at the core of Paul's theology, and the classic assage for his understanding of pistis is Genesis 15:6. After discussing the history of scholarship on the Pauline concept of faith, Benjamin Schließer explores the literary, tradition-historical and structural questions of Genesis 15 and offers a detailed exegesis of verse 6 with its fundamental terms "count", "righteousness", and "believe". He then points to the theological significance of this testimony on Abraham for the Jewish identity; it comes into sight in a multifaceted and nuanced process of reception, from later Old Testament texts (Psalm 106; Nehemiah 9) to a broad array of literature from Second Temple Judaism (Septuagint, Sirach 44, Jubilees 14, 4QPseudo-Jubilees, 4QMMT, 1Maccabees, Philo). In the final and most substantial step, he asks about Paul's "hermeneutics of faith": How does Paul, in his exegesis of the Genesis quote in Romans 4, come to view Abraham as the father of all believers? What is the concept of faith that he develops on the basis of Genesis 15:6? Taking into account the manifold textual and thematic links between Romans 4, Romans 3:21-31, and Romans 1:16-17, a unique, twofold structure of "faith" discloses itself: Pistis designates first a divinely established sphere of power, i.e., a new, christologically determined salvation-historical reality, and second human participation in this reality, i.e., individual believing in the community of believers. Particularly the first aspect is generally overlooked in modern scholarship.
Abrams Vanity Fair 100 Years: From the Jazz Age to Our Age
Vanity Fair 100 Years showcases a century of personality and power, art and commerce, crisis and culture—both highbrow and low. In the sumptuous 384-page coffee table book, the editors of Vanity Fair have created the definitive history of the most talked-about magazine of our day. From its inception in 1913, through the Jazz Age and the Depression, to its reincarnation in the boom-boom Reagan years (after a 47-year hiatus), to the image-saturated Information Age, Vanity Fair has presented the modern era as it has unfolded—using wit, imagination, peerless literary narrative and bold, groundbreaking imagery. The most innovative voices in popular culture are all compiled within these pages (from Robert Benchley, Jacques Cocteau and Dorothy Parker, to William Styron, Christopher Hitchens and Dominick Dunne) along with the greatest magazine illustrators, artists and photographers of all time—most notably Edward Steichen and Annie Leibovitz, who, through Vanity Fair, virtually invented the modern celebrity portrait. Writers Sam Kashner and Nancy Schoenberger contribute an essay on the incomparable Frank Crowninshield and the birth of the Jazz Age Vanity Fair, Jim Windolf chronicles the magazine’s rebirth in 1983, and Frank DiGiacomo gives the history of the glamorous Vanity Fair Oscar Party.
Princeton University Press Knowledge Lost: A New View of Early Modern Intellectual History
A compelling alternative account of the history of knowledge from the Renaissance to the EnlightenmentUntil now the history of knowledge has largely been about formal and documented accumulation, concentrating on systems, collections, academies, and institutions. The central narrative has been one of advancement, refinement, and expansion. Martin Mulsow tells a different story. Knowledge can be lost: manuscripts are burned, oral learning dies with its bearers, new ideas are suppressed by censors. Knowledge Lost is a history of efforts, from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, to counter such loss. It describes how critics of ruling political and religious regimes developed tactics to preserve their views; how they buried their ideas in footnotes and allusions; how they circulated their tracts and treatises in handwritten copies; and how they commissioned younger scholars to spread their writings after death.Filled with exciting stories, Knowledge Lost follows the trail of precarious knowledge through a series of richly detailed episodes. It deals not with the major themes of metaphysics and epistemology, but rather with interpretations of the Bible, Orientalism, and such marginal zones as magic. And it focuses not on the usual major thinkers, but rather on forgotten or half-forgotten members of the “knowledge underclass,” such as Pietro della Vecchia, a libertine painter and intellectual; Charles-César Baudelot, an antiquarian and numismatist; and Johann Christoph Wolf, a pastor, Hebrew scholar, and witness to the persecution of heretics.Offering a fascinating new approach to the intellectual history of early modern Europe, Knowledge Lost is also an ambitious attempt to rethink the very concept of knowledge.
Fordham University Press Revelation in the Vernacular
Association of Catholic Publishers 2022 Excellence in Publishing Awards: First Place, Theology Catholic Media Association, Honorable Mention in Theology: Morality, Ethics, Christology, Mariology, and Redemption Unveiling divine mysteries across continents and centuries. Revelation in the Vernacular retrieves a hermeneutics of the vernacular that is rooted en lo cotidiano, in everyday life and experience. Traversing time and geography, Ruiz remaps a theology of revelation done latinamente, beginning with sixteenth-century encounters of Spanish colonizers with Indigenous peoples in the Caribbean. Drawing on the theology of the Incarnation articulated by Fray Luis de León (1527–91), he offers rich resources for interreligious engagement by believers in today’s religiously diverse world. Through an analysis of the documents of the 2019 Amazonian Synod, including Querida Amazonia, the Postsynodal Exhortation by Pope Francis, he explores a culture of encounter and dialogue that has been a hallmark of this pontificate. From the inscriptions in the caves of la Isla de Mona through the writings of the Latin American Bishops (CELAM), this book establishes a solid basis on which to discern the “Seeds of the Word” in our times.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Many Reasons to Intervene: French and British Approaches to Humanitarian Action
In the humanitarian field those we rather mockingly call 'French doctors' seem always to be in the vanguard, the first to arrive in any critical situation. If they hold such a position in modern humanitarian intervention it is because these French doctors - first and foremost Medecins Sans Frontieres and its 'little sister' Medecins du Monde - have created a style of humanitarian action that combines intervention in crises with critical assessment of and commentary on the human tragedies -- wars, famines, earthquakes -- in which they find themselves involved. The humanitarian practices we are familiar with today were devised, through trial and errors, by agencies in the United States, Great Britain and Switzerland. France was the last to join the group of so-called 'founder democracies' in the humanitarian field. A closer examination of the history of humanitarianism reveals that it was by drawing on already existing forms of action that MSF, MDM and many others gradually developed its particular brand of intervention, which combines relief practices learnt from the Red Cross with efforts to mobilise public opinion using strategies invented by Amnesty International. The contributors to this volume assess the competing French and 'Anglo-Saxon' models of intervention in the hope of learning from both and formulating approaches to humanitarianism for the twenty-first century. CONTRIBUTORS: Philippe Ryfman, Hugo Slim, Egbert Sondorp, Francois Grunewald, Hugh Goyder, Sami Makki, James Darcy, Christophe Courtin, Adeel Jafferi.
Princeton University Press The Economic Sociology of Capitalism
This book represents a major step forward in the use of economic sociology to illuminate the nature and workings of capitalism amid the far-reaching changes of the contemporary era of global capitalism. For the past twenty years economic sociologists have focused on mesa-level phenomena of networks, but they have done relatively little to analyze capitalism as an overall system or to show how such phenomena emerge from and shape the dynamics of capitalism. The Economic Sociology of Capitalism seeks to change this, by presenting both big-picture analyses of capitalism and more focused pieces on institutions crucial to capitalism. The book, which includes sixteen chapters by leading scholars in economic sociology, is organized around three broad themes. The first section addresses core issues and problems in the new study of capitalism; the second considers a variety of topics concerning America, the leading capitalist economy of the world; and the third focuses attention on the question of convergence stemming from the global transformation of capitalism and the challenge of explaining institutional change. The contributions, which follow a foreword by economic historian Avner Greif and the editor's introduction, are by Mitchel Abolafia, James Baron and Michael Hannan, Mary C. Brinton, John Campbell, Gerald Davis and Christopher Marquis, Paul DiMaggio and Joseph Cohen, Peter Evans, Neil Fligstein, John Freeman, Francis Fukuyama, Ko Kuwabara, Victor Nee, Douglass C. North, AnnaLee Saxenian, Richard Swedberg, and Viviana Zelizer.
Columbia University Press Culture of the Fork: A Brief History of Everyday Food and Haute Cuisine in Europe
We know where he went, what he wrote, and even what he wore, but what in the world did Christopher Columbus eat? The Renaissance and the age of discovery introduced Europeans to exotic cultures, mores, manners, and ideas. Along with the cross-cultural exchange of Old and New World, East and West, came new foodstuffs, preparations, and flavors. That kitchen revolution led to the development of new utensils and table manners. Some of the impact is still felt-and tasted-today. Giovanni Rebora has crafted an elegant and accessible history filled with fascinating information and illustrations. He discusses the availability of resources, how people kept from starving in the winter, how they farmed, how tastes developed and changed, what the lower classes ate, and what the aristocracy enjoyed. The book is divided into brief chapters covering the history of bread, soups, stuffed pastas, the use of salt, cheese, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, the arrival of butter, the quest for sugar, new world foods, setting the table, and beverages, including wine and tea. A special appendix, "A Meal with Columbus," includes a mini-anthology of recipes from the countries where he lived: Italy, Portugal, Spain, and England. Entertaining and enlightening, Culture of the Fork will interest scholars of history and gastronomy-and everyone who eats.
Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press Zheng He
Text in Arabic. This book aims to shed light on one of the most prominent figures in human history: the Chinese sailor and Muslim admiral Zheng-He (in Arabic, Hajji Mahmoud Shams). The book examines his geographical discoveries and his seafaring travels. Zheng-he visited all of the countries located on the coasts of the Indian Ocean, South Asia, and African East coast during the first third of the fifth century (Hijri calendar), between 1405 1433). His voyages were known as Rahlat Al-Kanz, or Voyages of Treasure, and were a compilation of seven different marine expeditions over the course of 28 years. An important issue explored in this book is that of Zheng-Hes arrival to the American territories, a discovery that he made before Christopher Columbus. Specialists in history, geography, and archaeology provide their opinion and research regarding this claim.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Alternative Investments: An Allocator's Approach
Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to explore new areas within the alternative investment arena or a new industry participant seeking to establish a solid understanding of alternative investments, Alternative Investments: An Allocator's Approach, Fourth Edition (CAIA Level II curriculum official text) is the best way to achieve these goals. In recent years, capital formation has shifted dramatically away from public markets as issuers pursue better financial and value alignment with ownership, less onerous and expensive regulatory requirements, market and information dislocation, and liberation from the short-term challenges that undergird the public capital markets. The careful and informed use of alternative investments in a diversified portfolio can reduce risk, lower volatility, and improve returns over the long-term, enhancing investors' ability to meet their investment outcomes. Alternative Investments: An Allocator's Approach (CAIA Level II curriculum official text) is a key resource that can be used to improve the sophistication of asset owners and those who work with them. This text comprises the curriculum, when combined with supplemental materials available at, for the CAIA Level II exam. "Over the course of my long career one tenet has held true, 'Continuing Education'. Since CalSTRS is a teachers' pension plan, it is no surprise that continuing education is a core attribute of our Investment Office culture. Overseeing one of the largest institutional pools of capital in the world requires a cohesive knowledge and understanding of both public and private market investments and strategies. We must understand how these opportunities might contribute to delivering on investment outcomes for our beneficiaries. Alternative Investments: An Allocator's Approach is the definitive core instruction manual for an institutional investor, and it puts you in the captain's chair of the asset owner."—Christopher J. Ailman, Chief Investment Officer, California State Teachers’ Retirement System "Given their diversified cash flow streams and returns, private markets continue to be a growing fixture of patient, long-term portfolios. As such, the need to have proficiency across these sophisticated strategies, asset classes, and instruments is critical for today's capital allocator. As a proud CAIA charterholder, I have seen the practical benefits in building a strong private markets foundation, allowing me to better assist my clients."—Jayne Bok, CAIA, CFA, Head of Investments, Asia, Willis Tower Watson
HarperCollins Publishers Winnie-the-Pooh: Goodnight Pooh A bedtime peep-through book
Christopher Robin outside in the wood, Sweetly the sun sets, just as it should. Peep through, Winnie-the-Pooh! What do you see inside? Winnie-the-Pooh is getting ready for bed, in this delightful rhyming story with peep-through holes to play peepo! Join Pooh and his friends from the Hundred Acre Wood in a cosy bedtime story. Young Winnie-the-Pooh fans will love this bright and colourful storybook with sturdy board pages that's ideal for reading and sharing together. Milne’s classic children’s stories – featuring Piglet, Owl, Rabbit, Eeyore and, of course, Pooh himself – are both heart-warming and funny, teaching lessons of friendship and reflecting the power of a child’s imagination like no other story before or since. Pooh ranks alongside other beloved character such as Paddington Bear and Peter Rabbit as an essential part of our literary heritage.
Little, Brown & Company The Way Home
Christopher Flynn is trying to get it right. After years of trouble and rebellion that enraged his father and nearly cost him his life, he has a steady job in his father's company, he's seriously dating a woman he respects, and, aside from the distrust that lingers in his father's eyes, his mistakes are firmly in the past.One day on the job, Chris and his partner come across a temptation almost too big to resist. Chris does the right thing, but old habits and instincts rise to the surface, threatening this new-found stability with sudden treachery and violence. With his father and his most trusted friends, he takes one last chance to blast past the demons trying to pull him back. Like Richard Price or William Kennedy, Pelecanos pushes his characters to the extremes, their redemption that much sweeter because it is so hard fought. Pelecanos has long been celebrated for his unerring ability to portray the conflicts men feel as they search and struggle for power and love in a world that is often harsh and unforgiving but can ultimately be filled with beauty.
Gibson Square Books Ltd The King's Henchman: Henry Jermyn
Charles II's succession to the throne came at a time of national turbulence: his father had been beheaded, Oliver Cromwell had usurped his right to reign. England was at sea among Europe's constantly shifting allegiances. But Henry Jermyn, a Suffolk commoner, lover to the queen mother and possibly even father to the king, was there to keep the royal family together. Jermyn's deft way of secretly manipulating government and raising an army almost prevented Civil War. He was instrumental in saving the monarchy and set in motion the rise of the British Empire. A duellist, soldier and spymaster, Jermyn was close to the great men of the 17th century: Francis Bacon (his kinsman), Louis XIV, Cardinal Richelieu, Inigo Jones, Samuel Peypys, Christopher Wren and Thomas Hobbes (whose Leviathan he inspired). The King's Henchman is a story of love, family, regicide, adversity and last-minute escapes, set against the backdrop of bloody Civil War. It is also the remarkable love story of a commoner and a royal who together shared a vision for Britain and created St James's Square and Greenwich Park as its first grand expression.
Profile Books Ltd Why Does the World Exist?: One Man's Quest for the Big Answer
'Why is there a world rather than nothing at all?' remains the most curious and most enduring of all metaphysical mysteries. Moving away from the narrower paths of Christopher Hitchens, Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking, the celebrated essayist Jim Holt now enters this fascinating debate with his broad, lively and deeply informed narrative that traces all our efforts to grasp the origins of the universe. With sly humour and a highly original personal approach Holt takes on the role of cosmological detective. Suggesting that we might have been too narrow in limiting our suspects to God and the Big Bang, he tracks down, among others, an eccentric Oxford philosopher, a Nobel Laureate physicist, a French Buddhist monk, and John Updike just before he died, to pursue this cosmic puzzle from every angle. As he pieces together a solution - while offering useful insights into time, consciousness, and eternity - he sheds fascinating new light on the meaning of existence. A New York Times bestseller on first publication, this new paperback edition provides a much-needed new take on history's greatest conundrum, in the vein of previous bestsellers like Michael Brooks' 13 Things that Don't Make Sense.
Rutgers University Press The Modern British Horror Film
When you think of British horror films, you might picture the classic Hammer Horror movies, with Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, and blood in lurid technicolor. Yet British horror has undergone an astonishing change and resurgence in the twenty-first century, with films that capture instead the anxieties of post-Millennial viewers. Tracking the revitalization of the British horror film industry over the past two decades, media expert Steven Gerrard also investigates why audiences have flocked to these movies. To answer that question, he focuses on three major trends: “hoodie horror” movies responding to fears about Britain’s urban youth culture; “great outdoors” films where Britain’s forests, caves, and coasts comprise a terrifying psychogeography; and psychological horror movies in which the monster already lurks within us. Offering in-depth analysis of numerous films, including The Descent, Outpost, and The Woman in Black, this book takes readers on a lively tour of the genre’s highlights, while provocatively exploring how these films reflect viewers’ gravest fears about the state of the nation. Whether you are a horror buff, an Anglophile, or an Anglophobe, The Modern British Horror Film is sure to be a thrilling read.
The History Press Ltd Alastair Sim: The Real Belle of St Trinian's
Alastair Sim was an enigmatic character both on and off the screen. His idiosyncratic style of acting in films such as The Belles of St Trinian's endeared him to a cinema-going audience desperate to escape the day-to-day dreariness of an invasive, bureaucratic post-war Britain. In private, he was a curiously contradictory character, prejudiced and yet tolerant, thoughtful but sometimes inconsiderate. To examine the life of this extraordinary man, this biography contains original contributions from around thirty actors and actresses, including Sir Ian McKellen and Ronnie Corbett.It is supported by extensive research, including interviews with the playwright Christopher Fry, the television producer John Howard Davies and actors who appeared on stage with Alastair as far back as the 1940s. This book also explores Alastair's life outside of films, including his marriage to Naomi Sim (whom he first met when she was twelve), his career as an elocution teacher, his extensive work on stage (including his theatrical endeavours with James Bridie), his championship of youth and his stalwart refusal to sign autographs. Alastair Sim offers a rare and fascinating insight into the life of one of Britain's most respected and best-loved actors.
Rizzoli International Publications Rolling Stone: The Illustrated Portraits
For more than fifty years, Rolling Stone magazine has been the defining voice in musical journalism. Alongside its timeless cover images and groundbreaking criticism, the magazine s illustrations have given popular culture a new iconography. Drawing on five decades of the magazine s archives and with a focus on more contemporary artists and issues, this stunning book collects more than 200 of the most iconic illustrations to have graced its pages from portraits of major cultural figures (from Bob Dylan to Barack Obama, Oprah to Madonna) to depictions of key moments in recent history (from Woodstock to Trump s election). Some of the greatest names in art and design have defined the magazine s illustrated lexicon, from modern heroes like Milton Glaser and Ralph Steadman to subversive contemporary artists such as Christoph Niemann and Mark Ryden. Organized creatively by thematic connection juxtaposing a legend of one world alongside another and collecting portfolios on specific subjects and with anecdotes from some of the artists and subjects alongside the images themselves, the book presents a whimsical illustrated history of contemporary culture filtered through the Rolling Stone lens.
Simon & Schuster Hidden Pictures
Nancy, Bess, and George must find the truth behind a photographic mystery in this nineteenth book of the Nancy Drew Diaries, a fresh approach to the classic mystery series.Nancy and her friends are spending the weekend in a small mountainside town called Shady Oaks. The local museum is displaying a never-before-seen collection from famous nature photographer, Christopher DeSantos. So the usually sleepy town is now filled with tourists. But it’s not just the dramatic lighting of the old black and white photographs that people have come to see. Newspapers all over the country have picked up the story of two visitors who went missing in Shady Oaks only to turn up in the old DeSantos photographs, seemingly frozen in time. What’s more, there was a rumor that DeSantos was cursed by his former partner after a disagreement. Now everyone is wondering if the legend is real. Nancy, Bess, and George are convinced that there is another explanation to be found. But it quickly becomes clear that someone is making sure they don’t find it. Can these three teenage sleuths solve this mystery before it’s too late?
Faber & Faber The Faber Book of Beasts
'The Faber Book of Beasts is a generous and intelligent round- up of old favourites, new juxtapositions, and poems we mightn't know about ... Will set heads shaking, as well as nodding with pleasure.' Independent William Wordsworth's 'To a Skylark'W.B. Yeats' 'Leda and the Swan'Elizabeth Bishop's 'The Moose'D.H. Lawrence's 'Bat'Marianne Moore's 'Elephants'William Blake's 'The Tyger' Gerard Manley Hopkins' 'The Windhover'Thom Gunn's 'The Snail'Seamus Heaney's 'Otter'John Donne's 'The Flea'Christopher Smart's 'My Cat Jeoffry''Baa Baa Black Sheep' From childhood rhymes to canonical classics, Homer to Ted Hughes, this eclectic poetry anthology celebrating the earth's creatures brims with beastly delights. Celebrated poet Paul Muldoon's bestiary shows that we are 'most human in the presence of animals', whether tame or wild, common or exotic, mammals or reptiles, real or imaginary - and the result is a must-read for animal-lovers of all ages everywhere.'Animals bring the best out in us [and make] the best art ... Elephants, skunks, otters, hedgehogs and hippos feature in Muldoon's menagerie; how charming it is to observe how they nuzzle along together in his engaging anthology.' Irish Times
Thames & Hudson Ltd Caribbean Art
A new, updated and expanded edition of this classic survey on the history of Caribbean art, featuring the work of over 100 artists from the period of colonialism to the present day. Caribbean Art presents and discusses the diverse, fascinating and highly accomplished work of Caribbean artists, whether indigenous or from the diaspora, popular or ‘high’ culture, rural or urban based, politically radical or religious. This expanded edition has a new preface, and has been updated to reflect on recent challenges to the ideological premises and institutions of conventional art-historical practice and their connections to histories of colonialism, Eurocentricity and race. Two new chapters focus on public monuments linked to the history of the Caribbean, and the intersections between art and tourism, raising important questions about cultural representation. Featuring the work of internationally recognized artists such as Sonia Boyce, Christopher Cozier, Wifredo Lam, Ana Mendieta, Ebony G. Patterson, Hervé Télémaque, and more than 100 others working across a variety of media, this new edition makes an important contribution to the understanding of Caribbean art and its context, in ways that invite and encourage further explorations on the subject.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Forgotten Songs and Stories of the Sea
Stirring tales of heroism at sea have been engrained in the annals of maritime history since time immemorial. Christopher Columbus's discovery of the New World, Queen Elizabeth I's defeat of the Spanish Armada, and Horatio Nelson's victory at Trafalgar are just some of Britain's most memorable naval triumphs. But what about the lesser-known tales from our seafaring past? The Victorian who invented a swimming machine in order to cross the English Channel; the capture of a 'real-life' mermaid; the lost pirate treasure of Alboran; the ghost of a murdered sailor who still haunts the streets of Portsmouth; and the daring explorers who vanished into the blue yonder, leaving behind nothing but a cryptic message in a champagne bottle - these are just some of our quirky naval stories that have been chronicled in verse and archived in newspaper clippings, and forgotten with the passage of time. Historian and genealogist Caroline Rochford has compiled 200 traditional songs and stories into this book, which offers an exciting, entertaining and eye-opening glimpse into our long lost maritime past.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to the Works of Alfred Döblin
A volume of carefully focused essays illuminating the works of one of the leading 20th-century German writers. Alfred Döblin (1878-1957) was one of the great German-Jewish writers of the 20th century, a major figure in the German avant-garde before the First World War and a leading intellectual during the Weimar Republic. Döblin greatly influenced the history of the German novel: his best-known work, the best-selling 1929 novel Berlin Alexanderplatz, has frequently been compared in its use of internal monologue and literary montage to James Joyce's Ulysses and John Dos Passos's Manhattan Transfer . Döblin's oeuvre is by no means limited to novels, but in this genre, he offered a surprising variety of narrative techniques, themes, structures, and outlooks. Döblin's impact on German writers after the Second World War was considerable: Günter Grass, for example, acknowledged him as "my teacher." And yet, while Alexanderplatz continues to fascinate the reading public, it has overshadowed therest of Döblin's immense oeuvre. This volume of carefully focused essays seeks to do justice to such important texts as Döblin's early stories, his numerous other novels, his political, philosophical, medical, autobiographical, and religious essays, his experimental plays, and his writings on the new media of cinema and radio. Contributors: Heidi Thomann Tewarson, David Dollenmayer, Neil H. Donahue, Roland Dollinger, Veronika Fuechtner, Gabriele Sander, Erich Kleinschmidt, Wulf Koepke, Helmut F. Pfanner, Helmuth Kiesel, Klaus Müller-Salget, Christoph Bartscherer, Wolfgang Düsing. Roland Dollinger is Associate Professor of German at Sarah Lawrence College; Wulf Koepke is Professor Emeritus of German at Texas A&M University; Heidi Thomann Tewarson is Professor of German at Oberlin College.
University of California Press Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 3: The Complete and Authoritative Edition
The surprising final chapter of a great American life. When the first volume of Mark Twain's uncensored Autobiography was published in 2010, it was hailed as an essential addition to the shelf of his works and a crucial document for our understanding of the great humorist's life and times. This third and final volume crowns and completes his life's work. Like its companion volumes, it chronicles Twain's inner and outer life through a series of daily dictations that go wherever his fancy leads. Created from March 1907 to December 1909, these dictations present Mark Twain at the end of his life: receiving an honorary degree from Oxford University; railing against Theodore Roosevelt, founding numerous clubs; incredulous at an exhibition of the Holy Grail; credulous about the authorship of Shakespeare's plays; relaxing in Bermuda; observing (and investing in) new technologies. The Autobiography's "Closing Words" movingly commemorate his daughter Jean, who died on Christmas Eve 1909. Also included in this volume is the previously unpublished "Ashcroft-Lyon Manuscript," Mark Twain's caustic indictment of his "putrescent pair" of secretaries and the havoc that erupted in his house during their residency. Fitfully published in fragments at intervals throughout the twentieth century, Autobiography of Mark Twain has now been critically reconstructed and made available as it was intended to be read. Fully annotated by the editors of the Mark Twain Project, the complete Autobiography emerges as a landmark publication in American literature. Editors: Benjamin Griffin and Harriet Elinor Smith Associate Editors: Victor Fischer, Michael B Frank, Amanda Gagel, Sharon K Goetz, Leslie Diane Myrick, Christopher M Ohge.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 11 - Volume 1 - Solo
Solo finds Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor with the TARDIS all to himself - but not for long...This set contains two stories: Blood of the Time Lords by Timothy X Atack. The book known as The Dischord Grimoire is an incredibly powerful tome, believed capable of altering the true passage of time itself. And the Doctor has it in the TARDIS. Wanting to look into this mysterious opus further, he decides to take it to an old friend in The Recusary - a monastery-like retreat on a moon of Gallifrey. But he's chosen an inauspicious time to arrive. Something else is visiting The Recusary. And this something hasn't brought a book with it... but death. The Ravencliff Witch by David Llewellyn. The TARDIS lands in Ravencliff, a small town on the English coast that stands in the shade of a newly built power station. And that just happens to be haunted. Every now and then a spectral figure is glimpsed on the beach - the Ravencliff witch. And every time she appears, it's the prelude to disaster. The Doctor has to solve the mystery of her appearances if he wants to prevent a catastrophe. But he won't have to do it alone - as he has the help of Margaret Hopwood, a renowned sculptor destined to play a big part in his life. CAST: Tom Baker (The Doctor), Nerys Hughes (Margaret Hopwood), Annette Badland (Eminent Sedanya), Nicholas Briggs (John Fairweather), Trevor Cooper (Silas Keynes), James Dreyfus (The Master/Haku/Cohort/Mandelbrot), Richard Earl (Gordon Miles), Susan Kyd (Codal Thark), Adrian Lukis (Ansillon), Christopher Naylor (Cohort 2/Honourable Loric), Emma Noakes (Elanora), Lucy Pickles (Celia Banks), Dell Segal (Amanda Keynes), Jane Slavin (Cohort 1/Honourable Aligen). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Guernica Editions,Canada The Canticles I: (MMXVII): (mmxvii)
The second part of Book I of "The Canticles" continues the dialogue -- as dramatic monologues -- of those who fostered the transatlantic slave trade, or who demonized the image of the Negro in the Occident; as well as those who struggled for liberation and/or anti-racism. In this work, Dante can critique Christopher Columbus and Frederick Douglass can upbraid Abraham Lincoln; Elizabeth Barrett Browning can muse on her African racial heritage and its implications for child-bearing, while Karl Marx can excoriate Queen Victoria. Book II will focus on Black folk readings of Scripture, Hebrew and Greek, with a few other religious texts canvassed too. Book III will narrate the rise of the African Baptist Association of Nova Scotia.
Inter-Varsity Press John: Tyndale New Testament Commentary
Among the Gospels, John's is unique. Its structure incorporates long conversations and extended debates, and much of its content is not found elsewhere. Jesus' relationship to the Father and his teaching on the Holy Spirit are given special prominence. Ultimately, faith, believing in Jesus, is at the centre - with signs highlighted to provoke faith and stories of those who responded to Jesus as examples of faith. Colin Kruse shows how the Fourth Gospel weaves its themes of belief and unbelief into its rich Christology. This exegetical commentary on the Gospel of John is part of the Tyndale New Testament Commentaries series designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means.
HarperCollins Publishers Winnie-the-Pooh: The World of Winnie-the-Pooh
Rediscover A.A.Milne’s delightful tales in this classic story collection containing Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner. The adventures of Pooh and friends in the Hundred Acre Wood are brought to life in this beautiful edition containing E.H.Shepard’s original line decorations. Meet the best bear in all the world for the first time in Winnie-the-Pooh, where he gets into a tight place, nearly catches a Woozle and heads off on an ‘expotition’ to the North Pole with the other animals. The adventures continue in The House at Pooh Corner, where Pooh meets the irrepressible Tigger for the first time, learns to play Poohsticks and sets a trap for a Heffalump. Heart-warming and funny, A.A.Milne’s masterpiece reflects the power of a child’s imagination like no other story before or since. The Winnie-the-Pooh stories are timeless children's classics that appeal to fans of all ages. Do you own all the classic Pooh titles? Winnie-the-PoohThe House at Pooh CornerWhen We Were Very YoungNow We Are SixReturn to the Hundred Acre WoodThe Best Bear in All the WorldOnce There Was a Bear The nation’s favourite teddy bear has been delighting generations of children for over 95 years. Milne’s classic children’s stories – featuring Piglet, Eeyore, Christopher Robin and, of course, Pooh himself – are gently humorous while teaching lessons about friendship and kindness. Pooh ranks alongside other beloved character such as Paddington Bear, and Peter Rabbit as an essential part of our literary heritage. Whether you’re 5 or 55, Pooh is the bear for all ages.
HarperCollins Publishers The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun
Unavailable for more than 70 years, this early but important work is published for the first time with Tolkien’s ‘Corrigan’ poems and other supporting material, including a prefatory note by Christopher Tolkien. Set ‘In Britain’s land beyond the seas’ during the Age of Chivalry, The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun tells of a childless Breton Lord and Lady (the ‘Aotrou’ and ‘Itroun’ of the title) and the tragedy that befalls them when Aotrou seeks to remedy their situation with the aid of a magic potion obtained from a corrigan, or malevolent fairy. When the potion succeeds and Itroun bears twins, the corrigan returns seeking her fee, and Aotrou is forced to choose between betraying his marriage and losing his life. Coming from the darker side of J.R.R. Tolkien’s imagination, The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun, together with the two shorter ‘Corrigan’ poems that lead up to it and which are also included, was the outcome of a comparatively short but intense period in Tolkien's life when he was deeply engaged with Celtic, and particularly Breton, myth and legend. Originally written in 1930 and long out of print, this early but seminal work is an important addition to the non-Middle-earth portion of his canon and should be set alongside Tolkien’s other retellings of myth and legend, The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún, The Fall of Arthur and The Story of Kullervo. Like these works, it belongs to a small but important corpus of his ventures into ‘real-world’ mythologies, each of which in its own way would be a formative influence on his own legendarium.
Peeters Publishers The Letter and the Spirit: On the Forgotten Documents of Vatican II
At the time the expectations related to the Council were rather high. At its convocation Pope John XXIII expressed clearly that he expected nothing less than a new Pentecost from it. In the very last speech of the first session of the Council, Christopher Butler OSB stated: `the theology of the Church is in some way being reborn’ and he reminded the council fathers to see: `we have the opportunity to show to the eyes of the whole world that are turned upon us a new vision of the unchanging Christ’. What has become of this vision, what has become of the spirit and the letter of the Council more than fifty years after its closure? In this volume we have identified several areas where the question of the interpretation of the Council seems by no means settled. They regard divine revelation and human freedom, mission and dialogue, education and vocation, lay and ordained ministry in the Church. In light of the developments since the Council which rise new questions, the interpretation of both, the forgotten and unforgotten documents of Vatican II continues in critical reflection and fruitful discussion of still unresolved but all the more pressing issues.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Jesus von Nazareth, der Mensch Gottes: Eine gegenwärtige Besinnung
Jesus von Nazareth fordert uns zur Auseinandersetzung heraus, wenn wir ihn in dem verstehen, was er war und wofür er sich einsetzte: für das Kommen des Reiches Gottes bei den Menschen und für den Anbruch eines neuen Lebens der Versöhnung über alle Ausgrenzungen und Zerwürfnisse hinweg. Das gegenwärtig sich vollziehende Reich Gottes bestimmt auch Jesu Heilungen und seine Ethik. Dadurch aber geriet er in einen für ihn tödlichen Konflikt. Durch sein Wirken und seine Botschaft sahen sich seine Zeitgenossen genötigt, sich klar zu werden, wofür sie ihn hielten, und sich entweder zu ihm zu bekennen oder ihn abzulehnen. Noch in seiner Hinrichtung am Kreuz hielt er die unbedingte Liebe Gottes zu allen Menschen durch. Mit ihr ist er gestorben und in ihr ist er 'auferstanden', in Einheit mit Gott und jedem lebendig, dem er einleuchtet und dem er so als Christus Gott erschließt. - Diese Interpretation von Traugott Koch erklärt an der Person Jesu, wie es zum neutestamentlichen Christusbekenntnis und zur kirchlichen Christologie, aber auch zur Trennung zwischen Judentum und Christentum kam. Gleichzeitig stellt sie Jesus als geistige Provokation dar.
Beaufort Books Raising the Baton
When Christopher Straw was a little boy in Fort Littleton, PA, he wanted to be the first man to land on the moon. That was before the advent of Astronauts. He never reached the moon but when he grew up he was heavily involved in the new industry of U.S. space exploration.When Anna Lane was a little girl in Charleston, SC she craved a career as an actress who would have roles singing and dancing on Broadway and in Hollywood movies. She achieved those goals early with the addition of being in a new medium called television, where she became a star.When Raj Bhavnani was a little boy living on the outskirts of Sholapur, India, he wanted to appear knowledgeable in any and all things with the objective of becoming a world leader. To have such a triumph, he wanted to travel to lands beyond India. As an adult, many of his passions became realized.Raising the Baton is written as though the reader is in a first-row seat at a concert and the conductor has taken his standing position at the podium. He faces the orchestra; his back to the audience, and with one stroke the baton is watched by all those in attendance. The fuller and unlimited meaning for the three major figures is recorded within the book.
National Geographic Books I Lie for a Living: Greatest Spies of All Time
Top Secret is definitely not the right word for the International Spy Museum—its launch in 2002 made news and it has been high-profile ever since, with attendance growing by leaps and bounds. The International Spy Museum Handbook of Practical Spying has already been declassified to the delight of those in the need-to-know. Now, following up on that success, here’s an illustrated biographical who’s who of spydom from biblical days to recent times. I Lie for a Living is a regular rogue’s gallery of history’s most accomplished intriguers and intelligence operatives, famous and infamous alike. It’s amazing how colourful some of these characters are, like 16th century playwright, brawler and secret agent Christopher Marlow or Virginia Hall and Josephine Baker, femmes fatales both. Organized into ten thematic chapters, this light-hearted but clear-eyed look at lone-wolf moles, double agents, and intricate triple-crosses unmasks a wide-ranging roster from covert patriots whose unheralded heroism sometimes cost them their lives to mercenary traitors for sale to the highest bidder, like Benedict Arnold or Aldrich Ames.
Prestel Art Nouveau: 50 Works Of Art You Should Know
The heyday of the Art Nouveau style was relatively short, spanning the decades immediately before and after 1900. However it was a tremendously important period, not only for its radical shift away from the academic and romantic movements of the late 19th century, but also for its embrace of nature and natural forms. This authoritative, accessible and beautifully illustrated book explores fifty of the most important works of the Art Nouveau style. From Mackmurdo's jacket design of Christopher Wren's City Churches to Sykes' sculpture, The Spirit of Ecstasy, each work is presented in double-page spreads that chronologically trace Art Nouveau's development and breadth-from architecture, Gaudi's Sagrada Familia, and from graphic arts, Toulouse-Lautrec's poster advertising the Divan Japonais, to home decor, lamps by Tiffany and Daum Freres and to painting, Munch's Madonnas and Walter Crane's Neptune's Horses. Each entry includes a full-page illustration and concise explanatory texts. An introductory essay on the history and legacy of Art Nouveau, along with brief biographies of the artists featured in the book, making this a comprehensive yet compact reference work.
Prestel 13 Architects Children Should Know
Buildings of every shape and size and from all corners of the world, populate this colourful and beautifully produced book that introduces children to history's most iconic architectural feats and the people behind them. In lively illustrated spreads, young readers will learn how Christopher Wren reconstructed an 11th-century cathedral after London's great fire of 1666 to become the St Paul's Cathedral that we know today and how its dome survived the Blitz. They will find out how Thomas Jefferson, in building his plantation, Monticello, created a new architecture for a new nation. They will be introduced to the genius of Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe and Zaha Hadid and can examine in detail the wonders of the Eiffel Tower, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain and Rome's most beautiful theatre. The book proceeds chronologically, accompanied by a timeline to offer helpful historical context. Each architect's entry includes a concise biography, illustrations of major works and lively texts that speak directly to young readers. Additional information about the buildings pictured, suggestions for further reading and online resources will satisfy the most curious of minds.
John Blake Publishing Ltd The Grinning Killer: Chris Halliwell - How Many Women Do You Have to Kill to Be a Serial Killer?: The Story Behind ITV's A Confession
A study of the sex killer Chris Halliwell who, having been arrested in 2011 for one murder, led police to the scene of a second. But the senior police officer blew it . . .Superintendent Steve Fulcher of Hampshire Police had not followed procedure, an error that was to see him severely censured, leading to his retirement from the force. Due to this monumental error in judgement infamous killer Christopher Halliwell could not be convicted of a second murder, despite his openly admitting having committed it. Fulcher was suspended for gross misconduct, and later quit the force. Halliwell, imprisoned for the first murder, was later convicted of the second, after a long and tortuous process of collecting new evidence. But among sixty items of women's clothing found when Halliwell's home was searched, only a few pieces belonged to his two known victims. For this and other reasons, the police, including Fulcher, remain convinced that he has killed other women known to have disappeared...This is a riveting account of a clever, dangerous and secretive killer, and of a police officer whose instincts led him to a second murder, but whose methods eventually brought about the end of his own career.
Faithlife Corporation The Theology of Benedict XVI
God's rottweiler or shepherd of the faithful? There's no doubt about Benedict XVI's theological legacy. He's been at the center of every major theological controversy in the Catholic Church over the last fifty years. But he remains a polarizing figure, misunderstood by supporters and opponents alike. A deeper understanding of Benedict's theology reveals a man dedicated to the life and faith of the church. In this collection of essays, prominent Protestant theologians examine and commend the work of the Pope Emeritus. Katherine Sonderegger, Kevin Vanhoozer, and Carl Trueman-among others-present a full picture of Benedict's theology, particularly his understanding of the relationship between faith and reason and his pursuit of truth for the church. The global Christian faith can learn from Benedict's insight into the modern church and his desire to safeguard the future of the church by leaning on the wisdom of the ancient church. Contributors: Tim Perry Ben Myers Katherine Sonderegger Gregg R. Allison Kevin J. Vanhoozer R. Lucas Stamps Christopher R. J. Holmes Fred Sanders Carl R. Trueman David Ney Peter J. Leithart Joey Royal Annette Brownlee Preston D. S. Parsons Jonathan Warren P. (Pagán)
Orion Publishing Co The Traitor's Gate: Book 2
It's Christmas-time, and Finmere Tingewick Smith (Fin to his friends) is back in Orrery House, with Christopher, one of his two best friends. They're there for the Initiation of the new Knights of Nowhere. The boys have tried to find some normalcy after their recent adventures, but they're badly missing Joe. He's stuck in the Nowhere, guarding two of the Five Eternal Stories that weave all the worlds together; they're held inside his own body. In the Somewhere, Christmas is a time of glad tidings and gifts and goodwill, Christmas trees, carols and the celebration of good things. But there is no Christmas in the Nowhere, and in both worlds, things are not as settled as they look, for Justin Arnold-Mather is getting ready to make his move. In the Nowhere, something is moving through the streets, attacking people - random victims - and leaving them mad and disfigured. And in Orrery House, a tiny crack has appeared in the Prophecy table.The Prophecy is coming alive. The battle lines will be drawn between even the closest of friends, for the fight is on. The Dark King is rising.
University of Toronto Press After the New Atheist Debate
The first decade of the twenty-first century saw a number of best-selling books which not only challenged the existence of god, but claimed that religious faith was dangerous and immoral. The New Atheists, as writers such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett have become known, sparked a vicious debate over religion's place in modern society. In After the New Atheist Debate, Phil Ryan offers both an elegant summary of this controversy and a path out of the cul-de-sac that this argument has become. Drawing on the social sciences, philosophy, and theology, Ryan examines the claims of the New Atheists and of their various religious and secular opponents and finds both sides wanting. Rather than the mutual demonization that marks the New Atheist debate, Ryan argues that modern society needs respectful ethical dialogue in which citizens present their points of view and seek to understand the positions of others. Lucidly written and clearly argued, After the New Atheist Debate is a book that brings welcome clarity and a solid path to the often contentious conversation about religion in the public sphere.
Faber & Faber Danny Boyle: Authorised Edition
In this revelatory career-length biography, produced through many hours of interviews with Danny Boyle, he talks frankly about the secrets behind the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games as well as the struggles, joys and incredible perseverance needed to direct such well-loved films as Trainspotting, Slumdog Millionaire, 28 Days Later and Shallow Grave.Throughout his career Danny Boyle has shown that he has an incredible knack of capturing the spirit of the times, be they the nineties drug scene, the aspirations of noughties Indian slum-dwellers or the things that make British people proud of their nation today, from the NHS to the internet. In 2012, Danny Boyle was the Artistic Director for the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games. He has been awarded an Oscar, a Golden Globe Award and two BAFTA awards for directing such influential British films as Shallow Grave, Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, Sunshine and Slumdog Millionaire. He has worked alongside such actors as Cillian Murphy, Ewan McGregor, Christopher Eccleston, Kelly Macdonald, Dev Patel and Rose Byrne. In this in-depth biography, Amy Raphael captures the optimism and determination of a driven individual in full career flight.
Send The Light Paul in Syria: The Background to Galatians
What motivated the apostle Paul from his Damascus road experience through to the end of his life? That is the question driving this powerfully argued work by leading New Testament scholar Paul Barnett. Dr Barnett proposes that an understanding of Paul's years in Syria-Cilicia is critical for understanding his visit to Jerusalem, the mission to Galatia, the counter-mission of the 'agitators', the dispute with Cephas in Antioch and the implied dispute with James. Read this work and see Galatians in a different light. COMMENDATIONS "If you are remotely interested in New Testament Studies, especially the writings of Paul, this is an outstanding book to read. Paul Barnett does an excellent job in casting light on the lengthy period of time the Apostle spent in Syria and Cicilia. While in Syria, Paul formed his theology, which Barnett brings out extremely informatively. Barnett reflects on how Paul would have influenced the writings of Peter and James. This book is stimulating, informative and an invaluable resource. For anyone who takes the New Testament writings of Paul seriously, this book brings it all together and is a must-read." - Peter Christofides, Dean of Students, Lecturer in New Testament, Vose Seminary, Perth, Western Australia
Kerber Verlag Anything goes?: Berlin Architectures of the 1980s
In 1987, Berlin as a whole became a laboratory for architecture. A wide range of notable buildings with a unique density was created in the East and the West in connection with the city’s 750th anniversary. While the buildings were vilified at the time, they now appear as important witnesses to a “postmodern” era of building, which called the traditional architecture of the modern living environment into question. Today, the buildings have disappeared, been modified, or are threatened with demolition. For the first time, the exhibition and publication examine the significance of the architectural visions developed in East and West Berlin in the final decade before the fall of the Berlin Wall. Architects included: Hinrich and Inken Baller, Christian Enzmann and Bernd Ettel, John Hejduk with Moritz Müller, Josef Paul Kleihues, Michael Kny and Thomas Weber, Hans Kollhoff, Dorothea Krause, Rob Krier, Peter Meyer, Frei Otto with Hermann Kendel, Martin Küenzlen and Günther Ludewig, Manfred Prasser, Günter Stahn, Helmut Stingl, James Stirling and Michael Wilford, Peter Stürzebecher, Kjell Nylund and Christof Puttfarken, Oswald Mathias Ungers, Solweig Steller-Wendland, and many more.