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Inter-Varsity Press When God's voice is heard: The Power Of Preaching
"Good preaching is the present Word of God to his people", argues J. I. Packer. And it is to communicate this that is our first calling. In this inspiring collection of essays, experienced preachers explore the different aspects of preaching.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Star Wars The Mandalorian The Manga Vol. 2
The Mandalorian and The Child are on the run, and nowhere is safe!The Mandalorian, a solitary bounty hunter, is sent to secure the Child at the request of a ruthless Imperial Remnant, which is all that remains of the once all-powerful Galactic Empire. The journey to return his passenger to the client proves more dangerous than anyone could have ever imagined, but the Child demonstrates a mysterious power that changes everything about the Mandalorian’s mission. Based on the series created by Jon Favreau and written by Jon Favreau, Dave Filoni, Christopher Yost, and Rick Famuyiwa.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Zeloten: Untersuchungen zur jüdischen Freiheitsbewegung in der Zeit von Herodes I. bis 70 n. Chr.
Die vorliegende Neuauflage von Martin Hengels epochemachender Untersuchung über die Zeloten und die jüdische Freiheitsbewegung im ersten nachchristlichen Jahrhundert ist auch 50 Jahre nach ihrem Erscheinen für die Forschung noch immer unentbehrlich. In ihr wurde zum ersten Mal im Detail das Profil der vierten jüdischen Partei neben den Pharisäern, Sadduzäern und Essenern historisch und theologisch beschrieben. Hengel argumentierte, dass die treibende Kraft hinter dem jüdischen Aufstand gegen Rom nicht in erster Linie soziale Unruhen waren, sondern theologische Motive aus den jüdischen heiligen Schriften, die von den Zeloten in ein konkretes theo-politisches Programm mit messianischen Ansprüchen weiterentwickelt wurden. Wer immer sich mit der jüdischen Geschichte des Heiligen Landes im 1. Jahrhundert unserer Zeitrechnung beschäftigt, kommt an diesem Werk nicht vorbei. Neben seiner Bedeutung für die jüdische Geschichte stellt dieses Buch zugleich den Auftakt für Hengels lebenslange Beschäftigung mit den jüdischen Messiaserwartungen und seinen Studien zum historischen Jesus und der Entstehung der Christologie dar.Die deutsche Neuauflage von 1976 ist seit längerem vergriffen. Noch zu Lebzeiten Martin Hengels und in Absprache mit dem Autor hat sich der Verlag daher entschieden, eine behutsam bearbeitete Neuauflage herauszubringen. Roland Deines skizziert in einem Nachwort die Wirkungsgeschichte des Buches, die durch es ausgelösten Kontroversen sowie den aktuellen Stand der Erforschung des jüdischen Aufstandes gegen Rom.Mit der Aufnahme dieses Titels ist nun das gesamte Werk von Martin Hengel bei Mohr Siebeck erhältlich.
Pan Macmillan Bella Poldark
Bella Poldark is the twelfth and final novel in Winston Graham's hugely popular Poldark series, which has become a television phenomenon starring Aidan Turner.Cornwall 1818. We continue the tale of Ross and Demelza; of the wayward Valentine Warleggan, whose existence keeps open the old wounds of the feud between Ross and George; of Bella, the Poldarks' youngest daughter, whose precocious talent as a singer is encouraged by her old flame, Christopher Havergal, and by a distinguished French conductor, who has more in mind than Bella's music; of Clowance, the Poldarks' widowed daughter, who considers remarriage to one of two rival suitors; and of a murderer who stalks the villages of west Cornwall.
Walker Books Ltd The Tudors: Kings, Queens, Scribes and Ferrets!
Hear all about the Tudors from the great scribe Arthur Inkbott – history like it's never been told before!Join Marcia Williams on a journey through Tudor times with Arthur Inkblott, Queen Elizbeth I’s favourite scribe and his pet ferret, Smudge. Meet Henry VIII and his six wives, fight the Spanish Armada, see Shakespeare’s plays performed for the very first time and sail around the world with Christopher Columbus!Packed with jokes, comic illustrations and fascinating facts, this hugely entertaining fictional biography will make you look at the Tudors in a whole new light!
Nosy Crow Ltd The Nowhere Thief
A mind-bending multiverse adventure about theft, family, and finding your home.Twelve-year-old Elsbeth has an extraordinary power: she can travel to parallel worlds and bring objects back with her. But as freak weather events become more frequent and a strange boy, Idris, starts to turn up everywhere she travels, she has to ask herself: does her gift come with a price?Fans of Christopher Edge, Ross Welford and Jessica Townsend will love this fast-paced story and mind-blowing plot! Perfect for readers aged 9 and up.
Baker Publishing Group Interpreting Scripture with the Great Tradition – Recovering the Genius of Premodern Exegesis
The rise of modernity, especially the European Enlightenment and its aftermath, has negatively impacted the way we understand the nature and interpretation of Christian Scripture. In this introduction to biblical interpretation, Craig Carter evaluates the problems of post-Enlightenment hermeneutics and offers an alternative approach: exegesis in harmony with the Great Tradition. Carter argues for the validity of patristic christological exegesis, showing that we must recover the Nicene theological tradition as the context for contemporary exegesis, and seeks to root both the nature and interpretation of Scripture firmly in trinitarian orthodoxy.
Gaia Ediciones Cáncer la sorprendente verdad la teoría metabólica la dieta cetogénica y una nueva y esperanzadora vía para la curación del cáncer
Una nueva y esperanzadora forma de abordar el tratamiento de todos los tipos de cáncer.El experto en biología molecular Travis Christofferson aporta en esta obra una excelente combinación de historia médica y ciencia vanguardista que arroja luz y esperanza sobre una de las enfermedades más extendidas del mundo.Cáncer: la sorprendente verdad describe la lucha de la humanidad por comprender los procesos celulares que se confabulan para causar este trastorno, y muestra que las terapias contra el cáncer no obtienen los resultados esperados porque se basan, erróneamente, en la idea de que se enfrentan a una enfermedad genética.El autor explora entonces novedosas y prometedoras terapias no tóxicas nacidas de la emergente teoría metabólica del cáncer, cuyo objetivo es recuperar la salud de las células afectadas concibiendo el tratamiento como la rehabilitación suave e integral de un metabolismo celular disfuncional, en lugar de abordarlo como una guerra sin cuartel.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Studien zum Petrusevangelium
Unter den christlichen Apokryphen, die in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten das Interesse der Forschung zum frühen Christentum weckten, spielt das am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts entdeckte Evangelium nach Petrus eine herausragende Rolle. Der Text wurde häufig vor allem wegen seines angeblichen Doketismus und seines Antijudaismus in den Blick genommen, oft wurde auch die These vertreten, er enthalte eine sehr frühe Quelle zur Passion Jesu. Demgegenüber nehmen die hier gesammelten Beiträge von Tobias Nicklas eine andere Perspektive auf das Petrusevangelium ein: Sie diskutieren zum Beispiel bisher kaum berücksichtigte Textzeugen des Petrusevangeliums, entwickeln ein neues Paradigma zur Beschreibung seines Verhältnisses zu den kanonischen Evangelien, vergleichen seine Christologie mit derjenigen antiker Märtyrertexte und bieten differenzierte Überlegungen zu seiner Darstellung von Juden.
Hodder & Stoughton The Wit of Cricket: Second Innings
THIS BUMPER COLLECTION OF THE FUNNIEST ANECDOTES, JOKES AND STORIES FROM CRICKET'S BEST-LOVED PERSONALITIES PROVES THAT CRICKET IS STILL A FUNNY GAME - EVEN WHEN RAIN STOPS PLAY! With a new introduction by Jonathan Agnew. In this updated and expanded edition of the popular THE WIT OF CRICKET you can read many more hilarious anecdotes about legendary cricketers such as Richie Benaud, Ian Botham, Donald Bradman, Geoff Boycott, Andrew Flintoff, Joe Root and Ben Stokes. There also dozens of humorous gaffes and giggles from the commentary box by Jonathan Agnew, Henry Blofeld, Christopher Martin-Jenkins, Dan Norcross and others - not to mention sledging, short-sighted umpires, streakers, and the phantom sock snipper in the England dressing-room!
Little, Brown Book Group Palimpsest: A Memoir
This is a memoir of the first 40 years of Gore Vidal's life, ranging back and forth across a rich history. He spent his childhood in Washington DC, in the household of his grandfather, the blind senator from Oklahoma, T.P. Gore, and in the various domestic situations of his complicated and exasperating mother, Nina. Then come schooldays at St Albans and Exeter; the army; life as a literary wunderkind in New York, London, Rome and Paris in the '40s and '50s; sex in an age of promiscuity; and a campaign for Congress in 1960. His cast includes Tennessee Williams, the Kennedys, Eleanor Roosevelt, Truman Capote, Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward, Christopher Isherwood, Jack Kerouac, Jane and Paul Bowles, Santayana, Anais Nin, Norman Mailer, Leonard Bernstein and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, among others.
The University of Chicago Press The Varieties of Atheism: Connecting Religion and Its Critics
Thoughtful essays to revive dialogue about atheism beyond belief. The Varieties of Atheism reveals the diverse nonreligious experiences obscured by the combative intellectualism of Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hitchens. In fact, contributors contend that narrowly defining atheism as the belief that there is no god misunderstands religious and nonreligious persons altogether. The essays show that, just as religion exceeds doctrine, atheism also encompasses every dimension of human life: from imagination and feeling to community and ethics. Contributors offer new, expansive perspectives on atheism’s diverse history and possible futures. By recovering lines of affinity and tension between particular atheists and particular religious traditions, this book paves the way for fruitful conversation between religious and non-religious people in our secular age.
Penguin Books Ltd The Black Cloud
A 1959 classic 'hard' science-fiction novel by renowned Cambridge astronomer and cosmologist Fred Hoyle. Tracks the progress of a giant black cloud that comes towards Earth and sits in front of the sun, causing widespread panic and death. A select group of scientists and astronomers - including the dignified Astronomer Royal, the pipe smoking Dr Marlowe and the maverick, eccentric Professor Kingsly - engage in a mad race to understand and communicate with the cloud, battling against trigger happy politicians. In the pacy, engaging style of John Wyndham and John Christopher, with plenty of hard science thrown in to add to the chillingly credible premise (he manages to foretell Artificial Intelligence, Optical Character Recognition and Text-to-Speech converters), Hoyle carries you breathlessly through to its thrilling end.
Cornerstone Quicksilver
As extraordinary an achievement as Cryptonomicon, Quicksilver is Neal Stephenson's first novel in his acclaimed Baroque Cycle.Neal Stephenson follows his international bestseller, the WWII thriller Cryptonomicon, with a novel set in the 16th and 17th centuries, in a world of war, scientific, religious and political turmoil. With a cast of characters that includes Newton, Leibniz, Christopher Wren, Charles II, Cromwell and the young Benjamin Franklin, Stephenson again shows his extraordinary ability to get inside a place and time; as he did for the futures of his science fiction (Snowcrash,The Diamond Age) and for WWII (Cryptonomicon), here he does for the England of the Civil War and the Europe of the Wars of Religion and the Scientific Revolution. Quicksilver is yet another tour-de-force from a writer who is simply unique.
Editorial Hispano Europea S.A. Proteínas verdes
Encuadernación: Rústica.Colección: Cocina bio.Las proteínas vegetales tienen un sitio de honor en toda alimentación equilibrada. Están presentes en la familia de los alimentos pobres en fibras, en grasas y sin colesterol: son las legumbres.Te has olvidado de las legumbres secas, las alubias, los garbanzos y los guisantes, las lentejas? Ahora las recuperarás, junto a otras menos conocidas como el tempe, el miso, el tofu...Cécile y Christophe Berg revisan estos alimentos esenciales y los recuperan de manera intensiva para que formen parte de una dieta sana. Pragmáticos sin prejuicios, nos proponen preparar legumbres de manera habitual a través de variedades de cocción rápida, de harinas, de conservas y de congelados.El resultado: una cuarentena de recetas originales y tónicas, como palitos crujientes de judías negras, albóndigas de guisantes secos, barritas energéticas de garbanzos, mousse de tofu suave... Las proteínas verdes también son golosas y apetecibles!
Vaso Roto Ediciones La reparación de la poesía
El poeta irlandés Seamus Heaney pronunció las conferencias que componen este libro durante los cinco años (1989-1994) en que fue catedrático de poesía en la Universidad de Oxford. En la primera de ellas, Heaney celebra la especial habilidad de la poesía para reparar y preservar el equilibrio espiritual del mundo y hacer de contrapeso de las fuerzas hostiles y opresivas que lo atraviesan. En las siguientes procede a explorar cómo esta reparación se manifiesta en un amplio abanico de poemas y poetas, incluyendo Hero y Leandro de Christopher Marlowe, La balada de la cárcel de Reading de Oscar Wilde y la obra de John Clare, W. B. Yeats, Dylan Thomas, Elizabeth Bishop y Philip Larkin, entre otros. El conjunto de estos ensayos es una prueba manifiesta de la creencia de Heaney en que la poesía, en palabras de Yorgos Seferis, tiene la fuerza suficiente para ayudar.Heaney no fue solo un gran poeta, sino un crítico lúcido, profundo y lleno de empatía que formó el gusto de varias generaciones
Verso Books The Liberal Defence of Murder
A war that has killed more than a million Iraqis was a "humanitarian intervention", the US army is a force for liberation, and the main threat to world peace is posed by Islam. These are the arguments of a host of liberal commentators, including such notable names as Christopher Hitchens, Kanan Makiya, Michael Ignatieff, Paul Berman, and Bernard-Henri Lévy. In this critical intervention, Richard Seymour unearths the history of liberal justifications for empire, showing how savage policies of conquest-including genocide and slavery-have been retailed as charitable missions. From the Cold War to the War on Terror, Seymour argues that colonialist notions of "civilization" and "progress" still shape liberal pro-war discourse, concealing the same bloody realities.In a new afterword, Seymour revisits the debates on liberal imperialism in the era of Obama and in the light of the Afghan and Iraqi debacles.
Cornerstone Wayward
''Move over King, Chuck Wendig is the new voice of modern American horror'' Adam Christopher__________________________________________________________________________The thrilling sequel to the bestselling Wanderers, a ''career-defining epic [that] deserves its inevitable comparisons to Stephen King''s The Stand''. (Publishers Weekly)Five years ago, they walked across America to a destination only they knew. The sleepwalkers, as the rest of the country named them, were followed by their shepherds: friends and family who gave up everything to protect them.They finally stopped in Ouray, a small town of Colorado that would become one of the last outposts of human civilisation. Because the sleepwalking epidemic was just the first in a chain of events that led to the end of the world - and the birth of a new one.The shepherds and the sleepwalkers, now awake, strive to rebuild the world that was taken from them. Amo
Manchester University Press Dr Faustus 1616
This is an edition of Christopher Marlowe’s play Dr Faustus as it was printed in its revised and augmented form in 1616. It follows the publication of the Malone Society edition of the 1604 text in 2018. This is one of the most celebrated of all Elizabethan plays, famous for its treatment of the damnation of Faustus and his struggles with his divided conscience. It combines spectacular visual effects with sophisticated theological discussion.The edition reproduces in facsimile the only surviving copy of the play, which is held in the British Library. The differences from the 1604 text, including revisions and additional passages, are fully described and analysed, and placed in the context of changing theatre practices at the time. A major feature of the edition is that it identifies the printer of the 1616 text, whose name has been hitherto unknown.
Inter-Varsity Press The Big Ego Trip: Finding True Significance In A Culture Of Self-Esteem
After decades of trying to feel good about ourselves, why do we still hunger for meaning and significance? Glynn Harrison argues that self-esteem ideology has led us down a psychological cul-de-sac that risks causing more harm than good, and today’s culture of narcissism and entitlement is the pay-off. Healthy psychological development and fulfilment come from seeing the self as part of something bigger. To achieve the sense of significance that we long for, we need a worldview capable of generating meaning and purpose. The Christian gospel calls us beyond the goal of self-esteem, encouraging us to stop judging ourselves, embrace our identity in God’s big story and look outwards to the pursuit of his glory. This is the only sure foundation for biblically based optimism, confidence and personal resilience. ‘An important and timely book.’ Christopher Ash
Quercus Publishing Yellowhammer: The gripping second murder mystery in the DI Nicholas Lowry series
A body on an embankment. A blast at a farmhouse. A burden on Colchester CID'Rounded characters, a terrific sense of time and place and masterful plotting . . . a 24-carat holiday read' GuardianFox Farm is, thanks to two corpses, neither picturesque nor peaceful. The body in its kitchen belongs to eminent historian Christopher Cliff, who has taken his own life. The second, found on the property boundary, remains unidentified.To catalyze his investigation, DI Nick Lowry enlists the services of DC Daniel Kenton and WPC Jane Gabriel. And the team soon find themselves interrogating enigmatic neighbors, antiques merchants, jilted lovers and wronged relatives.Only when they fully open their eyes and minds will they begin to unpick a web of rural rituals, dodgy dealings and fragmented families - and uncover not just one murder, but two.
BBC Audio, A Division Of Random House Winnie The Pooh
Alan Bennett reads A.A. Milne's much-loved stories about a small bear and his friends. What is the connection between a bear of very little brain and a honey pot? Usually it's the very sticky paw of Winnie the Pooh, as he takes a break between adventures for a little something. In these five stories, taken from the book 'Winnie-the-Pooh', Pooh goes visiting and gets into a tight place, Eeyore loses a tail, Piglet meets a Heffalump, Eeyore has a birthday and gets two presents, and an expedition is mounted to the North Pole! As usual they are accompanied by Kanga, Roo, Rabbit and Owl - to say nothing of Pooh's very clever young human friend, Christopher Robin. Now with a musical introduction, Alan Bennett's delightful readings bring each and every character in the forest to life.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Emperor of Nihon-Ja (Ranger's Apprentice Book 10)
The Emperor of Nihon-Ja is the tenth thrilling book in John Flanagan’s Ranger’s Apprentice series – over eight million sold worldwide.When Horace travels to the exotic land of Nihon-Ja, it isn’t long before he finds himself pulled into a battle that is not his – but one he knows in his heart he must wage. A kingdom teeters on the edge of chaos when the Nihon-Ja emperor, a defender of the common man, is forcibly overthrown, and only Horace, Will and his companions can restore the emperor to the throne. Victory lies in the hands of an inexperienced group of fighters, and it’s anybody’s guess who will make the journey home to Araluen . . . Perfect for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, T.H. White’s The Sword in the Stone, Christopher Paolini’s Eragon series and Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Sorcerer in the North (Ranger's Apprentice Book 5)
The Sorcerer in the North is the fifth thrilling book in John Flanagan’s Ranger’s Apprentice series – over eight million sold worldwide.Will is finally a full-fledged Ranger with his own fief to look after – but his new land is already under threat. The Grimsdell Forest is being haunted by eerie voices and the terrifying figure of the Night Warrior. Could this really be the work of sorcery? Joined by his friend Alyss, Will is suddenly thrown headfirst into an extraordinary adventure. As Will battles growing hysteria, traitors, and most of all, time, Alyss is taken hostage, and Will is forced to make a desperate choice between his mission and his friend. Perfect for fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, T.H. White’s The Sword in the Stone, Christopher Paolini’s Eragon series and Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series.
Dutton Books for Young Readers Winnie-the-Pooh Classic Edition Gift Set
A deluxe two-book set of A.A. Milne’s classic stories about Winnie-the-Pooh in beautiful collectible edition formats. The perfect gift for any occasion and an essential part of every family’s bookshelf.For almost a century, Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends—Piglet, Owl, Tigger, Kanga, Roo, and the ever doleful Eeyore—have endured as the unforgettable creations of A. A. Milne, who wrote two books of Pooh’s adventures for his son, Christopher Robin, and Ernest H. Shepard, who lovingly gave them shape through his iconic and beautiful illustrations. These characters and their stories are timeless treasures of childhood that continue to speak to all of us with the kind of freshness and heart that distinguishes true storytelling.This deluxe two-book set includes the classic gift editions of Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner. Each title is artfully crafted in the style of the American first editions, with gold foil stamping and illustrated endpapers.The perfect gift for holiday, to welcome a new baby, or for your favorite collector and book lover.
Fresco Fine Art Publications Relational Undercurrents: Contemporary Art of the Caribbean Archipelago
Relational Undercurrents accompanies an exhibition curated by Tatiana Flores for the Museum of Latin American Art in Long Beach, California, which forms part of the Getty Foundation's Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA. This initiative examines the artistic legacy of Latin America and U.S. Latinos through a series of exhibitions and related programs. This exhibition catalog and volume edited by Flores and Michelle Ann Stephens calls attention to the artistic production of the Caribbean islands and their diasporas, challenging the conventional geographic and conceptual boundaries of Latin America. The editors offer an "archipelagic model," which proposes a mapping of the Caribbean from the perspective of its islands as distinct from its continental coasts. The exhibition, organized around the four themes of Conceptual Mappings, Perpetual Horizons, Landscape Ecologies, and Representational Acts, highlights thematic continuities in the art of the insular Caribbean, placing Hispanophone artists in visual conversation with those from Anglophone, Francophone, Dutch, and Danish backgrounds. It includes over eighty artists, among them Tania Bruguera, Allora & Calzadilla, Christopher Cozier, Jorge Pineda, Edouard Duval-Carrié, and Ebony G. Patterson. In accompanying essays, curators, critics, and scholars discuss particular artistic traditions in Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Haitian art and theorize the broader decolonial and archipelagic conceptual frameworks within which such works are produced. Relational Undercurrents will be on display that the Museum of Latin American Art from September 2017 through January 2018. Publication by the Museum of Latin American Art in collaboration with Fresco Books / SF Design, LLC. Distributed by Duke University Press.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Inception and Philosophy: Because It's Never Just a Dream
A philosophical look at the movie Inception and its brilliant metaphysical puzzles Is the top still spinning? Was it all a dream? In the world of Christopher Nolan's four-time Academy Award-winning movie, people can share one another's dreams and alter their beliefs and thoughts. Inception is a metaphysical heist film that raises more questions than it answers: Can we know what is real? Can you be held morally responsible for what you do in dreams? What is the nature of dreams, and what do they tell us about the boundaries of "self" and "other"? From Plato to Aristotle and from Descartes to Hume, Inception and Philosophy draws from important philosophical minds to shed new light on the movie's captivating themes, including the one that everyone talks about: did the top fall down (and does it even matter)? Explores the movie's key questions and themes, including how we can tell if we're dreaming or awake, how to make sense of a paradox, and whether or not inception is possible Gives new insights into the nature of free will, time, dreams, and the unconscious mind Discusses different interpretations of the film, and whether or not philosophy can help shed light on which is the "right one" Deepens your understanding of the movie's multi-layered plot and dream-infiltrating characters, including Dom Cobb, Arthur, Mal, Ariadne, Eames, Saito, and Yusuf An essential companion for every dedicated Inception fan, this book will enrich your experience of the Inception universe and its complex dreamscape.
University of Pennsylvania Press Secularism in Question: Jews and Judaism in Modern Times
For much of the twentieth century, most religious and secular Jewish thinkers believed that they were witnessing a steady, ongoing movement toward secularization. Toward the end of the century, however, as scholars and pundits began to speak of the global resurgence of religion, the normalization of secularism could no longer be considered inevitable. Recent decades have seen the strengthening of Orthodox movements in the United States and in Israel; religious Zionism has grown and radically changed since the 1960s, and new and vibrant nondenominational Jewish movements have emerged. Secularism in Question examines the ways these contemporary revivals of religion prompt a reconsideration of many issues concerning Jews and Judaism from the early modern era to the present. Bringing together scholars of history, religion, philosophy, and literature, this volume illustrates how the categories of "religious" and "secular" have frequently proven far more permeable than fixed. The contributors challenge the problematic assumptions about the development of secularism that emerge from Protestant European and American perspectives and demonstrate that global Jewish experiences necessitate a reappraisal of conventional narratives of secularism. Ultimately, Secularism in Question calls for rethinking the very terms that animate many of the most contentious debates in contemporary Jewish life and far beyond. Contributors: Michal Ben-Horin, Aryeh Edrei, Jonathan Mark Gribetz, Ari Joskowicz, Ethan B. Katz, Eva Lezzi, Vivian Liska, Rachel Manekin, David Myers, Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin, Andrea Schatz, Christophe Schulte, Daniel B. Schwartz, Galili Shahar, Scott Ury.
McGill-Queen's University Press Iconoclasm: The Breaking and Making of Images
Iconoclasm – the alteration, destruction, or displacement of icons – is usually considered taboo or profane. But, on occasion, the act of destroying the sacred unintentionally bestows iconic status on the desecrated object. Iconoclasm examines the reciprocity between the building and the breaking of images, paying special attention to the constructive power of destructive acts. Although iconoclasm carries with it inherently religious connotations, this volume examines the shattering of images beyond the spiritual and the sacred. Presenting responses to renowned cultural anthropologist and theorist Michael Taussig, these essays centre on conceptual iconoclasm and explore the sacrality of objects and belief systems from historical, cultural, and disciplinary perspectives. From Milton and Nietzsche to Paul Newman and Banksy, through such diverse media and genres as photography, the popular romance novel, pornography, graffiti, cinema, advertising, and the dictionary, this book questions how icons and iconoclasms are represented, the language used to describe them, and the manner in which objects signify once they are shattered. An interdisciplinary, disconnected, and non-linear consideration of the historical and contemporary relationship between the sacred and the profane, Iconoclasm disrupts entrenched views about the revered or reviled idols present in most aspects of daily life. Contributors include T. Nikki Cesare Schotzko (Toronto), Christopher van Ginhoven Rey (Pomona College), Helen Hester (West London), Emily Hoffman (Arkansas Tech), Natalie B. Pendergast (Yukon College), Beth Saunders (Maryland), Adam Swann (Glasgow), Michael Taussig (Columbia), Angela Toscano (Iowa), Brendon Wocke (Perpignan).
New Harbinger Publications The Self-Compassion Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness and Compassion Skills to Overcome Self-Criticism and Embrace Who You Are
Your teen years are a time of change, growth, and-all too often-psychological struggle. To make matters worse, you are often own worst critic. The Self-Compassion Workbook for Teens offers valuable tools based in mindfulness and self-compassion to help you overcome self-judgment and self-criticism, cultivate compassion toward yourself and others, and embrace who you really are. As a teen, you're going through major changes-both physically and mentally. These changes can have a dramatic effect on how you perceive, understand, and interpret the world around you, leaving you feeling stressed and anxious. Additionally, you may also find yourself comparing yourself to others-whether its friends, classmates, or celebrities and models. And all of this comparison can leave you feeling like you just aren't enough. So, how can you move past feelings of stress and insecurity and start living the life you really want? Written by psychologist Karen Bluth and based on practices adapted from Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer'sMindful Self-Compassion program, this workbook offers fun and tactile exercises grounded in mindfulness and self-compassion to help you cope more effectively with the ongoing challenges of day-to-day life. You'll learn how to be present with difficult emotions, and respond to these emotions with greater kindness and self-care. By practicing these activities and meditations, you'll learn specific tools to help you navigate the emotional ups and downs of the teen years with greater ease.Life is imperfect-and so are we. But if you're ready to move past self-criticism and self-judgment and embrace your unique self, this compassionate guide will light the way.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Religion und Religionen im Deutschen Idealismus: Schleiermacher - Hegel - Schelling
Schleiermacher, Hegel und Schelling zählen zu den Klassikern der modernen Religionsphilosophie - einer Disziplin, an deren Gründung sie maßgeblich beteiligt waren. In ihren religionsphilosophischen Werken entwickeln sie nicht nur eine allgemeine Theorie der Religion überhaupt und eine besondere Theorie der christlichen Religion, sondern widmen sich auch und gerade der historischen Vielfalt der Religionen. Sie setzen sich dabei einerseits von Religionstheorien der Aufklärung ab, welche die Religionen auf einen konstanten vernünftigen Kern reduzieren und ihre Unterschiede als zufälliges Beiwerk verbuchen. Zugleich wenden sie sich andererseits gegen eine unkritische Gleichsetzung der christlichen Religion mit dem Wesen der Religion. Im Gegenzug zu beiden Positionen suchen Schleiermacher, Hegel und Schelling vielmehr auf je eigene Weise einen Begriff von Religion zu entwickeln, der dem Reichtum der Religionen, ihren Unterschieden und ihrer Geschichte gerecht wird. Ihr Unternehmen, die Vielfalt der Religionen auf einen angemessenen Begriff zu bringen, stellt für die heutigen Debatten in Philosophie, Theologie und Religionswissenschaft zweifellos eine Herausforderung dar und lädt zur Überprüfung der eigenen Voraussetzungen ein. Denn die drei Klassiker ziehen sich nicht auf Urteilsenthaltung zurück, sondern nehmen die divergierenden Wahrheitsansprüche der Religionen ernst und unterziehen sie einer kritischen Würdigung. Wie sie das tun, wird im vorliegenden Band von international renommierten Experten auf den Gebieten der Schleiermacher-, Hegel- und Schellingforschung rekonstruiert und diskutiert. Mit Beiträgen von:Thomas Buchheim, Richard Crouter, Stefan Gerlach, Wilhelm Gräb, Jens Halfwassen, Friedrich Hermanni, Eilert Herms, Stephen Houlgate, Wilhelm G. Jacobs, Christian König, Amit Kravitz, Thomas A. Lewis, Burkhard Nonnenmacher, Jan Rohls, Friedrike Schick, Ulrich Schlösser, Christoph Schwöbel, Henning Tegtmeyer, Roberto Vinco, Martin Wendte, Paul Ziche
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Beyond Biblical Theologies
Ziel des vorliegenden Sammelbandes, der die gleichnamige internationale Tagung (2009) am Krupp-Kolleg in Greifswald dokumentiert, ist die Formulierung neuer Perspektiven "Biblischer Theologien" vor dem Hintergrund bereits vorliegender Ergebnisse. Ausgangspunkte bieten die ersten Summen aus den jeweiligen theologischen Disziplinen: Altes bzw. Neues Testament und Systematische Theologie. Von hier aus behandeln die Einzelbeiträge verschiedene Fragestellungen, die sowohl Kontroversen als auch die Fundamente und Perspektiven auf Quellen jenseits des Kanons berücksichtigen. Die aus unterschiedlichen theologischen Disziplinen beigesteuerten Zugänge werden so in ein interdisziplinäres Gespräch zwischen Exegese und Systematik eingebunden und eröffnen einen nahezu enzyklopädisch-theologischen Blick auf das Thema "Biblische Theologie". Zudem ergeben sich Leitlinien einer internationalen und generationenübergreifenden Diskussion, da sowohl etablierte und anerkannte Wissenschaftler als auch Nachwuchsforscher aus Deutschland, England, den Niederlanden, Schottland, Schweden und den USA beteiligt sind. Die Autorinnen und Autoren befassen sich mit paradigmatischen Zugängen über Quellen und konkrete Fragestellungen, aber auch mit hermeneutischen Einschätzungen und übergreifenden Themen in der aktuellen Diskussion. Schwerpunkte markieren, neben einer Psaltertheologie, Fragen der Rezeption biblischer Themen und Texte, der Gültigkeit und kerygmatischen Programmatik gesamtbiblischer Ansätze und insbesondere die Kontroversen zwischen den europäischen, vor allem deutschsprachigen, und nordamerikanischen Diskussionslagen zum Thema. Mit Beiträgen von:Hans-Christoph Askani, Heinrich Assel, John Barton, Stefan Beyerle, Tomas Bokedal, Christfried Böttrich, John J. Collins, Michael Coors, Beate Ego, Gösta Hallonsten, Eva Harasta, Joel S. Kaminsky, Corinna Körting, Ulrike Mittmann, Georg Pfleiderer, Enno Edzard Popkes, Anathea Portier-Young, Ferdinand R. Prostmeier, Gregor Reichenbach, Eckart David Schmidt, Stefan Schorch, Rudolf Smend, Philipp Stoellger, Jaques van Ruiten, Petra von Gemünden, Michael Welker.
Fordham University Press Looking for Law in All the Wrong Places: Justice Beyond and Between
For many inside and outside the legal academy, the right place to look for law is in constitutions, statutes, and judicial opinions. This book looks for law in the “wrong places”—sites and spaces in which no formal law appears. These may be geographic regions beyond the reach of law, everyday practices ungoverned or ungovernable by law, or works of art that have escaped law’s constraints. Looking for Law in All the Wrong Places brings together essays by leading scholars of anthropology, cultural studies, history, law, literature, political science, race and ethnic studies, religion, and rhetoric, to look at law from the standpoint of the humanities. Beyond showing law to be determined by or determinative of distinct cultural phenomena, the contributors show how law is itself interwoven with language, text, image, and culture. Many essays in this volume look for law precisely in the kinds of “wrong places” where there appears to be no law. They find in these places not only reflections and remains of law, but also rules and practices that seem indistinguishable from law and raise challenging questions about the locations of law and about law’s meaning and function. Other essays do the opposite: rather than looking for law in places where law does not obviously appear, they look in statute books and courtrooms from perspectives that are usually presumed to have nothing to say about law. Looking at law sideways, or upside down, or inside out defamiliarizes law. These essays show what legal understanding can gain when law is denied its ostensibly proper domain. Contributors: Kathryn Abrams, Daniel Boyarin, Wendy Brown, Marianne Constable, Samera Esmeir, Daniel Fisher, Sara Ludin, Saba Mahmood, Rebecca McLennan, Ramona Naddaff, Beth Piatote, Sarah Song, Christopher Tomlins, Leti Volpp, Bryan Wagner
Metropolitan Museum of Art In America: A Lexicon of Fashion
Articulating eight decades of American style through the emotive language of clothing—from celebrated designers that established the modern legacy of sportswear to emerging creatives shaping the future of fashion in the United States “The design of the exhibition and the catalog is straightforward and compartmentalized, allowing the clothes to speak for themselves and contain their own narratives.”—Laird Borrelli-Persson, This new presentation of American fashion features a revised vocabulary that emphasizes its expressive qualities. Stunning new photography showcases over 100 garments from the 1940s to the present that offer a timely new perspective on the diverse and multifaceted nature of American fashion. The catalogue features works that display qualities such as belonging, comfort, desire, exuberance, fellowship, joy, nostalgia, optimism, reverence, spontaneity, strength, and sweetness by designers, from the pioneers who established the nation’s style to the up-and-coming creatives shaping its future. In America: A Lexicon of Fashion includes designs by Gilbert Adrian, Geoffrey Beene, Thom Browne, Bonnie Cashin, Willy Chavarria, Telfar Clemens, Dauphinette (Olivia Cheng), Oscar de la Renta (Fernando Garcia and Laura Kim), Denim Tears (Tremaine Emory), Perry Ellis, Tom Ford, Rudi Gernreich, Halston, Elizabeth Hawes, Carolina Herrera, Conner Ives, Charles James, Donna Karan, KidSuper (Colm Dillane), Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren, LRS (Raul Solís), Vera Maxwell, Claire McCardell, Norman Norell, Heron Preston, Pyer Moss (Kerby Jean-Raymond), Christopher John Rogers, Collina Strada (Hillary Taymour), Diane von Furstenberg, Vera Wang, and many more. Published by The Metropolitan Museum of Art/Distributed by Yale University Press Exhibition Schedule: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (September 18, 2021–September 5, 2022)
Yale University Press An Introduction to the Gospel of John
When Raymond E. Brown died in 1998, less than a year after the publication of his masterpiece, An Introduction to the New Testament, he left behind a nearly completed revision of his acclaimed two-volume commentary on the Gospel of John. The manuscript, skillfully edited by Francis J. Moloney, displays the rare combination of meticulous scholarship and clear, engaging writing that made Father Brown’s books consistently outsell other works of biblical scholarship. An Introduction to the Gospel of John represents the culmination of Brown’s long and intense examination of part of the New Testament. One of the most important aspects of this new book, particularly to the scholarly community, is how it differs from the original commentary in several important ways. It presents, for example, a new perspective on the historical development of the Gospels, and shows how Brown decided to open his work to literary readings of the text, rather than relying primarily on the historical, which informed the original volumes. In addition, there is an entire section devoted to Christology, absent in the original, as well as a magisterial new section on the representation of Jews in the Gospel of John.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC T&T Clark Reader in Edward Schillebeeckx
This reader shows why Edward Schillebeeckx remains one of the most influential Catholic theologians of the 20th century. Spanning more than half a century and including several texts that appear in English for the first time, it enables students to understand how Edward Schillebeeckx’s thought resonates with current debates in theology, for instance on ecology and secularization. T&T Clark Reader in Edward Schillebeeckx includes selections from both pre- and post-Conciliar texts that illustrate the evolution in Schillebeeckx’s thought, while also pointing towards the deep underlying continuity which comes from his essential commitment to his faith. His Christological Trilogy, which was a touchstone for doctrinal controversy and methodological progress, is represented here, as well as important works on ministry, the sacraments, hermeneutics, secularization, and the environment. These complex theological topics are broken down in every chapter with the help of explanatory notes, discussion questions and further reading suggestions. This reader is an essential resource which will enable students to contextualize and unpack the rich layers within Schillebeeckx’s theology.
HarperCollins Publishers The Return of the King (The Lord of the Rings, Book 3)
The Return of the King is the third part of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic adventure, The Lord of the Rings. The Companions of the Ring have become involved in separate adventures as the quest continues. Aragorn, revealed as the hidden heir of the ancient Kings of the West, joined with the Riders of Rohan against the forces of Isengard, and took part in the desperate victory of the Hornburg. Merry and Pippin, captured by orcs, escaped into Fangorn Forest and there encountered the Ents. Gandalf returned, miraculously, and defeated the evil wizard, Saruman. Meanwhile, Sam and Frodo progressed towards Mordor to destroy the Ring, accompanied by Sméagol–Gollum, still obsessed by his ‘preciouss’. After a battle with the giant spider, Shelob, Sam left his master for dead; but Frodo is still alive – in the hands of the orcs. And all the time the armies of the Dark Lord are massing. The text of this edition has been fully corrected and revised in collaboration with Christopher Tolkien and is accompanied by fifteen watercolour paintings from Alan Lee.
Baraka Books Bigotry on Broadway
In this hard-hitting anthology, Ishmael Reed and Carla Blank have invited a diverse group of informed and accomplished writers, both women and men, who are rarely heard to comment on the long-standing bigotry on Broadway towards many different ethnic minorities.How do intellectuals and scholars feel about how members of their ethnic groups are portrayed on Broadway? How would we know? Very few of them have the power to rate which plays and musicals are worthy and which are flops, and above all, be heard or read. The American critical fraternity is an exclusive club.In this hard-hitting anthology, Ishmael Reed and Carla Blank have invited a diverse group of informed and accomplishes writers, both women and men, who are rarely heard to comment on the long-standing bigotry on Broadway towards many different ethnic minorities.Contributors include Lonely Christopher, Tommy Curry, Jack Foley, Emil Guillermo, Claire J. Harris, Yuri Kageyama, Soraya McDonald, Nancy Mercado, Aimee Phan, Betsy Theobald Richards, Shawn Wong, David Yearsley, and the editors.Under review are Madame Butterfly, the Irving Berlin songbook, Oklahoma, South Pacific, Miss Saigon, Flower Drum Song, Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, The Color Purple, The Book of Mormon, West Side Story and Hamilton.
Edinburgh University Press Katherine Mansfield and the Garden Party and Other Stories
The last collection of short stories published in her lifetime, The Garden Party and Other Stories would solidify Katherine Mansfield's place as the most prominent modernist short story writer of her generation. Early reviewers of the collection commented on the similarities it shared with her previous collection, Bliss and Other Stories; however, while contemporary reviews were mixed, many emphasised the psychological power of her stories, praising how she was able to bring her characters to life in a way simple action could not. While it contains some of Mansfield's most sophisticated and well-loved stories, several of the stories in The Garden Party initially appeared in the Sphere, and thus were often dismissed as inferior. Mansfield herself felt some of these stories fell short of her desired effect, though recent scholarship has revealed their greater complexity. The essays in this volume, by both seasoned and newer Mansfield scholars, work to continue this conversation. The collection also includes Mansfield-inspired short fiction, two translations of memorial poems dedicated to Mansfield by Chinese and French contemporaries with accompanying notes, and a recently re-discovered book review by Mansfield. In addition, Sydney Janet Kaplan provides a reflection on her personal meeting with Christopher Isherwood, a writer heavily influenced by the life and work of Mansfield
Liverpool University Press The Plays of Maura Laverty: Liffey Lane, Tolka Row, A Tree in the Crescent
Published here for the first time, Maura Laverty’s plays Liffey Lane, Tolka Row and A Tree in the Crescent are rooted in 1950s Dublin, its territories and enclaves. Teeming with the lives of the poor, the ambitious, the trapped and the struggling, the plays are moving, funny and vividly alive. They capture the capital in a state of transformation – reaching for modernisation while still enmired in stagnant class divisions, poor housing and narrow social values. Key to all three plays are questions of home, the lives of women and girls, and the impact of conservative government policies and church attitudes. Already a public figure in Irish life, and an influencer before her time through her fiction, cookery books and broadcasting, Laverty’s plays met with huge success when staged in 1951 and 1952 by Hilton Edwards of the Gate Theatre Company at Dublin’s Gaiety and Gate Theatres and on tour. Laverty’s trilogy is a significant and long-awaited part of the twentieth-century Irish theatrical canon. This volume presents the Trilogy, including a preface by Christopher Fitz-Simon, who knew and worked with Laverty. The editors’ introduction contextualises Laverty’s work and considers the theatrical values of the plays.
Sweet Cherry Publishing Good Enough
Book 10 in the horseriding series for readers aged 9+, Apley Towers! In the shade of the Giant’s Throne Mountain, and on the coast of the Indian Ocean, Port St. Christopher is home to Apley Towers; a riding school for girls and boys, young or old, who learn what it means to be a true horse rider. Angela is forced to face up to her former bully, Gemma Larkin, when she finds out that she’s set to compete against Sagittarius Stables in an upcoming competition. With the support of Apley Towers, Angela is desperate to beat Gemma once and for all. But how can Angela prove herself to anyone else, if she can’t even convince herself? Luckily, the kodas are there to help her deal with a past she thought she’d left behind. About the Apley Towers series: Set in the shade of Giant's Throne Mountain on the South African coast of the Indian Ocean, this adventure- and friendship-filled series stars the students of a horseback riding school, Apley Towers, who learn valuable life lessons with horses and humans alike. Kaela, Trixie, Angela, and Phoenix learn what it means to be a true rider and a good friend, with plenty of detail of the African animals and landscapes of the area that readers will love. All titles are also leveled for classroom use, including GRLs.
Duke University Press Empires of Vision: A Reader
Empires of Vision brings together pieces by some of the most influential scholars working at the intersection of visual culture studies and the history of European imperialism. The essays and excerpts focus on the paintings, maps, geographical surveys, postcards, photographs, and other media that comprise the visual milieu of colonization, struggles for decolonization, and the lingering effects of empire. Taken together, they demonstrate that an appreciation of the role of visual experience is necessary for understanding the functioning of hegemonic imperial power and the ways that the colonized subjects spoke, and looked, back at their imperial rulers. Empires of Vision also makes a vital point about the complexity of image culture in the modern world: We must comprehend how regimes of visuality emerged globally, not only in the metropole but also in relation to the putative margins of a world that increasingly came to question the very distinction between center and periphery.Contributors. Jordanna Bailkin, Roger Benjamin, Daniela Bleichmar, Zeynep Çelik, David Ciarlo, Natasha Eaton, Simon Gikandi, Serge Gruzinski, James L. Hevia, Martin Jay, Brian Larkin, Olu Oguibe, Ricardo Padrón, Christopher Pinney, Sumathi Ramaswamy, Benjamin Schmidt, Terry Smith, Robert Stam, Eric A. Stein, Nicholas Thomas, Krista A. Thompson
Workman Publishing Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage
Saints are ordinary men and women who touch the world in extraordinary and inspiring ways. Sometimes they prevail, sometimes they come to a tragic end-but always they change the world they live in for the better. In this freshly told and boldly illustrated book, children will find the stories of the best-known and best-loved saints, from Augustine to Mother Teresa (officially canonized as St. Teresa of Calcutta). Meet Joan of Arc, whose faith inspired her to lead an army when the king's courage failed. Francis of Assisi, whose gentleness tamed a man-eating wolf. Christopher, whose medal is often worn by travelers. Valentine, a bishop in the time of ancient Rome who spoke so often of Christ's love that his saint's day, February 14, has been associated with courtly love since the Middle Ages. St. Thomas Aquinas, the great teacher. Peter Claver, who cared for hundreds of thousands of people on slave ships after their voyage as captives. Bernadette, whose vision of Mary instructed her to dig the spring that became the healing waters of Lourdes. Each tale is more vivid than the last; also included in each entry are the saint's dates, location, emblems, and patronage. Taken together, they create a rich and entertaining history of faith and courage.
University of Notre Dame Press What Is Ethically Demanded?: K. E. Løgstrup's Philosophy of Moral Life
This collection of essays by leading international philosophers considers central themes in the ethics of Danish philosopher Knud Ejler Løgstrup (1905–1981). Løgstrup was a Lutheran theologian much influenced by phenomenology and by strong currents in Danish culture, to which he himself made important contributions. The essays in What Is Ethically Demanded? K. E. Løgstrup's Philosophy of Moral Life are divided into four sections. The first section deals predominantly with Løgstrup's relation to Kant and, through Kant, the system of morality in general. The second section focuses on how Løgstrup stands in connection with Kierkegaard, Heidegger, and Levinas. The third section considers issues in the development of Løgstrup's ethics and how it relates to other aspects of his thought. The final section covers certain central themes in Løgstrup's position, particularly his claims about trust and the unfulfillability of the ethical demand. The volume includes a previously untranslated early essay by Løgstrup, "The Anthropology of Kant’s Ethics," which defines some of his basic ethical ideas in opposition to Kant’s. The book will appeal to philosophers and theologians with an interest in ethics and the history of philosophy. Contributors: K. E. Løgstrup, Svend Andersen, David Bugge, Svein Aage Christoffersen, Stephen Darwall, Peter Dews, Paul Faulkner, Hans Fink, Arne Grøn, Alasdair MacIntyre, Wayne Martin, Kees van Kooten Niekerk, George Pattison, Robert Stern, and Patrick Stokes.
Columbia University Press Critical Theory in Critical Times: Transforming the Global Political and Economic Order
We live in critical times. We face a global crisis in economics and finance, a global ecological crisis, and a constant barrage of international disputes. Perhaps most dishearteningly, there seems to be little faith in our ability to address such difficult problems. However, there is also a more positive sense in which these are critical times. The world's current state of flux gives us a unique window of opportunity for shaping a new international order that will allow us to cope with current and future global crises. In Critical Theory in Critical Times, eleven of the most distinguished critical theorists offer new perspectives on recent crises and transformations of the global political and economic order. Essays from Jurgen Habermas, Seyla Benhabib, Cristina Lafont, Rainer Forst, Wendy Brown, Christoph Menke, Nancy Fraser, Rahel Jaeggi, Amy Allen, Penelope Deutscher, and Charles Mills address pressing issues including international human rights and democratic sovereignty, global neoliberalism, novel approaches to the critique of capitalism, critical theory's Eurocentric heritage, and new directions offered by critical race theory and postcolonial studies. Sharpening the conceptual tools of critical theory, the contributors to Critical Theory in Critical Times reveal new ways of expanding the diverse traditions of the Frankfurt School in response to some of the most urgent and important challenges of our times.
Loose Chippings Books Not Dark Yet: A Very Funny Book About a Very Serious Game
Of all the books about cricket, Mike Harfield's "Not Dark Yet" brings a rare authenticity to the subject. This is a book by a genuine cricketer and a genuine cricket fan with a talent for capturing the spirit of this special game in his witty prose. David Lloyd, aka Bumble, laughed so much he agreed to write the Foreword. He even showed the book to Christopher Martin-Jenkins who found it 'very entertaining and enjoyable'. Reading the book raises the spirits with its cheerful jollity. The mixture of banter and eclectic cricketing information carries the reader along, making for both easy and captivating reading. Loosely based around Mike Harfield's captaincy of a cricket XI over 30 years, Not Dark Yet is both the humorous story of his team's efforts and his often irreverent take on first-class and international cricket. For 30 years the Mike Harfield XI has withstood atrocious umpiring, dreadful hangovers, bad haircuts and a woeful lack of talent, only to encounter an even greater adversity - middle age. Spiced with humour and plenty of banter about fellow team-mates and international players alike, their captain's tales convey an authentic picture of one team's endeavours, to which cricketers and non cricketers will easily relate.