Search results for ""Author Christo"
Classical Press of Wales Praise and Blame in Roman Republican Rhetoric
Addresses strategies of vituperation and eulogy within the Republic, and examines the mechanisms and effects of praise and blame.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, 1275-1504: IX: Henry V. 1413-1422
A major contribution to the history of Parliament, to medieval English history, and to the study of the English constitution. ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW The rolls of parliament were the official records of the meetings of the English parliament from the reign of Edward I (1272-1307) until the reign of Henry VII (1485-1509), after which they were superseded by the journals of thelords, and, somewhat later, the commons. The nine parliaments held during the reign of Henry IV (1399-1413) witnessed some of the most dramatic encounters between king and commons of the middle ages, especially those of the first seven years of the reign. Principles which were to become staples of parliamentary debate, such as the demand for redress of grievances before grant of supply, insistence on the accountability to parliament of royal ministers, and the right of those who granted taxes to determine how they should be used (appropriation of supply) were openly demanded and to some extent conceded by the king. These demands reached a climax in the Long Parliament of 1406,which lasted for nine months, twice as long as any previous English parliament, and witnessed a prolonged stand-off between king and commons. The second half of the reign saw more docile parliaments, although the struggle betweenthe king and his son, the future Henry V, for control of the executive produced some dramatic parliamentary moments such as an attempt to force the king to abdicate. These early fifteenth-century parliaments also witnessed the passing of some extremely interesting social and religious legislation on matters such as heresy, law and order and the regulation of labour. The rolls from the period are reproduced in their entirely, complented by a full translation of all the texts from the three languages used by the medieval clerks (Latin, Anglo-Norman and Middle English). Chris Given-Wilson is Professor of Late Medieval History, University of St Andrews.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Jeremiah: Grace In The End
The Prophet Jeremiah addressed the people of Judah and Jerusalem over a forty-year period leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC. The book of Jeremiah addressed the exiles, especially those in Babylon, in the years after the catastrophe. First of all then, says Chris Wright, we must encounter Jeremiah the prophet who, from his youth to old age, delivered the word of God to the people of Israel at the most terrifying time in all their troubled history. Understanding his times is essential to understanding his life and message. Next, we must strive to grasp how this enormous book (the second longest in the Bible, after Psalms) has been put together. And finally, if Jeremiah spoke in his day, and if the book still speaks today, in both cases it is because of the God who called the man to speak and commanded the book to be written. So we must encounter the God of Jeremiah, an encounter that should be both profoundly disturbing and ultimately reassuring, as it was for him. In the end, Jeremiah is a book of the victory of God's love and grace. His redemptive, reconstructive work fills the book's future horizon - a future that we see fulfilled in the New Testament through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah; and ultimately in God's dwelling with his redeemed people forever in the new creation.
Edinburgh University Press Wittgenstein and Political Theory: The View from Somewhere
Ludwig Wittgenstein was arguably the most important philosopher of the twentieth century. Although his writings have influenced a range of philosophical and cultural movements, this effect was not felt strongly in political theory. Indeed, the most comprehensive study of Wittgenstein and political theory was published over thirty five years ago. Wittgenstein and Political Theory, newly available in paperback, sets out to reconnect Wittgenstein with a range of problems and trends within contemporary political theory. The central argument of the book is that Wittgenstein offers scholars doing the difficult work of theorizing political life today an orientation and array of useful conceptual and critical tools. In particular, Wittgenstein's remarks on perception are brought to bear on theory's historical and etymological roots in clear seeing. The effect of these remarks is to free the theorist to explore the city of language and shed fresh light on political concepts such as liberty, dignity, dissent, and ideology. This book is designed to be read by graduate students and advanced undergraduates who are interested in both Wittgenstein's philosophy and strategies for achieving political vision in this age where politics has been replaced by bureaucracy as the predominant form of public order, and now takes the form of dissent. Key Features *Presents a clear, accessible exposition of Wittgenstein's philosophy, including his remarks on perception *Carefully describes the terrain of contemporary political theory *Introduces a tradition of political theory that counters the epic tradition
Wolters Kluwer Health Cornea Print eBook with Multimedia
Developed at Philadelphia’s world-renowned Wills Eye Hospital, the Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology series covers the most clinically relevant aspects of ophthalmology in a highly visual, easy-to-use format. Vibrant, full-color photos and a consistent outline structure present a succinct, high-yield approach to the seven topics covered by this popular series: Cornea, Retina, Glaucoma, Oculoplastics, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, and Uveitis. This in-depth, focused approach makes each volume an excellent companion to the larger Wills Eye Manual as well as a practical stand-alone reference for students, residents, and practitioners in every area of ophthalmology. The updated Cornea volume includes: Expert guidelines for the differential diagnosis and treatment of cornea diseases seen by the ophthalmic resident, general ophthalmologist, and cornea specialist Up-to-date information
Moonstone Press Crime in Kensington
“How many times have I told you that we must appear to run this hotel as commercial proposition?” Newly arrived in London, journalist Charles Venables has been invited by his friend Viola to stay – at least temporarily – at a residential hotel in Kensington. But there is something amiss at the genteel Garden Hotel. The prices are far too low. The residents are jittery and upset. On arriving, Charles overhears a threatening discussion between the proprietors Mr & Mrs Budge that suggests they are blackmailing some tenants. When the bedridden Mrs Budge disappears into thin air, it is clear that more than one inhabitant of the hotel has something to hide. Is it Egyptian medical student Eppiloki who believes Charles is working undercover? The elderly Miss Geranium who receives messages from the prophet Ezekial, the fanatical Reverend Septimus Blood, or the cat-loving Miss Mumby? Soon, a set of gruesome discoveries point to murder, and Charles must work with Detective Inspector Bray of Scotland Yard to prevent the killer from acting again. Crime combines an intricate plot with an appealing sense of humour and ironic tone: “Viola had two passions in her life, her art and her bridge. Charles had hoped to be a third but he was beginning to abandon hope. He felt that while he might make her a satisfactory partner in life, he would certainly let her down at bridge.” Long out of print, we are delighted to reissue Crime in Kensington with a new introduction.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Photochemistry, Volume 23
Setting the pace for progress and innovation . . .ADVANCES IN PHOTOCHEMISTRYMore than a simple survey of the current literature, Advances in Photochemistry offers critical evaluations written by internationally recognized experts. These pioneering scientists offer unique and varied points of view of the existing data. Their articles are challenging as well as provocative and are intended to stimulate discussion, promote further research, and encourage new developments in the field.In this volumeSpectroscopy and Photochemistry of Polyatomic Alkaline Earth-Containing MoleculesPETER F. BERNATHPhotochemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear PolarizationMARTIN GOEZPhotophysics of Gaseous Aromatic Molecules: Excess Vibrational Energy Dependence of Radiationless ProcessesEDWARD C. LIMLanthanide Complexes of Encapsulating Ligands as Luminescent DevicesNANDA SABBATINI, MASSIMO GUARDIGLI, AND ILSE MANETAdvances in the Measurement of Correlation in Photoproduct MotionCHRISTOPHER G. MORGAN, MARCEL DRABBELS, AND ALEC M. WODTKE
Canongate Books Tamburlaine Must Die
London, 1593. A city on edge. Under threat from plague and war, strangers are unwelcome, suspicion is wholesale, severed heads grin from the spikes on Tower Bridge. Playwright, poet and spy, Christopher Marlowe walks the city's mean streets with just three days to find the murderous Tamburlaine, a killer escaped from the pages of his most violent play.Tamburlaine Must Die is the searing adventure of a man who dares to defy both God and the state and whose murder remains a taunting mystery to the present day.
Fordham University Press Dante For the New Millennium
The twenty-five original essays in this remarkable book constitute both a state of the art survey of Dante scholarship and a manifesto for new understandings of one of the world’s great poets. The fruit of an historic conference called by the Dante Society of America, the essays confront a range of important questions. What theories, methods, and issues are unique to Dante scholarship? How are they changing? What is the essence of the distinctive American Dante tradition? Why—and how—do we read Dante in today’s global, postmodern culture? From John Ahern on the first copies of the Commedia to Peter Hawkins and Rachel Jacoff on Dante after modernism, the essays shed brilliant new light on Dante’s texts, his world, and what we make of his legacy. The contributors: John Ahern, H. Wayne Storey, Guglielmo Gorni, Teodolinda Barolini, Gary P. Cestaro, Lino Pertile, F. Regina Psaki, Steven Botterill, Giuseppe Mazzotta, Alison Cornish, Robert M. Durling, Manuele Gragnolati, Giuliana Carugati, Susan Noakes, Zygmunt Baranski, Christopher Kleinhenz, Ronald L. Martinez, Ronald Herzman, Amilcare Iannucci, Albert Russell Ascoli, Michelangelo Picone, Jessica Levenstein, David Wallace, Piero Boitani, Peter Hawkins, and Rachel Jacoff.
New York University Press Latino/a Popular Culture
Scholars from the humanities and social sciences analyze representations of Latinidad in a diversity of genres Latinos have become the largest ethnic minority group in the United States. While the presence of Latinos and Latinas in mainstream news and in popular culture in the United States buttresses the much-heralded Latin Explosion, the images themselves are often contradictory. In Latino/a Popular Culture, Habell-Pallán and Romero have brought together scholars from the humanities and social sciences to analyze representations of Latinidad in a diversity of genres—media, culture, music, film, theatre, art, and sports—that are emerging across the nation in relation to Chicanas, Chicanos, mestizos, Puerto Ricans, Caribbeans, Central Americans and South Americans, and Latinos in Canada. Contributors include Adrian Burgos, Jr., Luz Calvo, Arlene Dávila, Melissa A. Fitch, Michelle Habell-Pallán, Tanya Katerí Hernández, Josh Kun, Frances Negron-Muntaner, William A. Nericcio, Raquel Z. Rivera, Ana Patricia Rodríguez, Gregory Rodriguez, Mary Romero, Alberto Sandoval-Sánchez, Christopher A. Shinn, Deborah R. Vargas, and Juan Velasco. Cover artwork "Layering the Decades" by Diane Gamboa, 2002, mixed media on paper, 11 X 8.5". Copyright 2001, Diane Gamboa. Printed with permission.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Atlas of Dream Lands
A keepsake collection of maps depicting legendary and real places for the lover of literature, history, and cartography. This exploration of the "Mythical Elsewhere" explores a wide array of places, from the well known to the obscure, through the eyes of historians, explorers, conquerors, and writers across the ages. Lose yourself in the past as you travel to such destinations as Troy, the Mughal Empire, the Congo, the river Nile, El Dorado, and many more. Since time immemorial, dreamlands like these have haunted the accounts of great explorers, erudite historians, and the minds of humankind. Over the centuries, these lands have become imbued with a mysterious aura, but through the maps and descriptions in this unique atlas, they are able to be visited once again. Embark on this poetic exploration of the world, accompanied by the great explorers of antiquity and Renaissance as well as poets, scholars, and novelists of all eras. Let such greats as Herodotus, Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, and Heinrich Schliemann be your guide on this journey to dreamlike places that are sometimes imagined and imaginary but, to those who believe, always “perfectly real.” It's a trip you will never forget.
DC Comics Superman '78
In the late 1970s moviegoers were thrilled by the words You ll believe a man can fly!, which introduced actor Christopher Reeve as the silver screen s charming new Man of Steel. These adventures are set in a world where superheroes are strange, thrilling, and romantic. These stories, written by comics veteran Robert Venditti (Hawkman, Green Lantern, Justice League) with crisply drawn art by Wilfredo Torres, feature colourful villains like Brainiac and Lex Luthor, as well as the heroism of Superman and the determined grit of reporter Lois Lane. Collects the first 12 chapters of the Superman 78 digital comics series.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Sexualität und Geschlecht bei Paulus: Die Spannung zwischen "Inklusivität" und "Exklusivität" des paulinischen Ethos am Beispiel der Sexual- und Geschlechterrollenethik
Bei der inhaltlichen Gestalt der Ethik des Paulus geht die Forschungsdiskussion mehrheitlich davon aus, dass deren Spezifikum in ihrer theologischen, insbesondere christologischen Begründung liege, während sie inhaltlich nahezu deckungsgleich sei mit den Traditionen der jüdischen sowie paganen Umwelt; man spricht daher oft von materialethischer "Inklusivität". Johanna Körner geht der Frage, exemplarisch am Bereich der Sexual- und Geschlechterethik, nach, indem sie theologische mit soziokulturellen sowie traditions- und religionsgeschichtlichen Aspekten verbindet. Dabei zeigt sich, dass Paulus zwar grundlegend von seiner jüdischen Herkunftstradition geprägt bleibt. Gleichwohl kann nicht pauschal von materialethischer "Inklusivität" gesprochen werden, da er diese Überzeugungen in mehrheitlich "heidenchristlichen" Gemeinden zu etablieren sucht, wo sie sich von denjenigen der unmittelbaren Umwelt unterscheiden (sollen), also in ihrem konkreten Kontext funktional "exklusiv" sind. Vor dem Hintergrund der oft behaupteten Zentralstellung der Christologie bei Paulus ist festzuhalten, dass diese in diesem Teilbereich seiner Ethik eine eher untergeordnete Rolle spielt, während schöpfungstheologische Argumente im Vordergrund stehen.
Chosen Press The Clock of the Years: A Gerald and Joy Finzi Anthology
Compiled from the Finzi Friends newsletter, The Clock of the Years is a fascinating anthology of writings on Gerald Finzi, his family and his circle. The Clock of the Years is an anthology compiled to celebrate 25 years of the Finzi Friends Newsletter. It includes freshly edited and revised pieces that have been long out of print or only available to society members, with many new pieces appearing in print for the first time. The collection is enhanced by fascinating archive material from private collections, including many previously unseen photographs of Finzi and his circle. Contents include: Anthony Boden on Finzi at the 3 Choirs Festival; Joy Finzi on Ralph Vaughan Williams; Kenneth Leighton's memories of Finzi; Stephen Banfield on writing his biography of the composer; Philip Thomas on Finzi's Clarinet Concerto; Christopher Stunt on Finzi and Thomas Hardy; Hugh Cobbe on the correspondence of Finzi and Vaughan Williams; Diana McVeagh, Myfanwy Thomas and Ursula Vaughan Williams on Joy Finzi; Howard Ferguson on Elgar; Philip Langridge on Intimations of Immortality; Christopher Finzi on recording Dies natalis; etc.
Penguin Books Ltd Ghost Children
Ghost Children is a compassionate and gritty examination of love and loss from one of Britain's most-loved writers, Sue TownsendHow can she leave the past behind when he won't let her? Seventeen years ago Angela Carr aborted an unwanted child. The child's father, Christopher Moore, was devastated by the loss and he retreated from the world. Unable to accept what had happened between them both went their separate ways. However, when Christopher makes a horrifying discovery whilst out walking his dog on the heath he finds that he is compelled to confront Angela about the past. As they start seeing each another again can they avoid the mistakes of the past? And will their future together be eclipsed by those mistakes of yesterday? 'Gripping and disturbing. Utterly absorbing' Independent 'Bleak, tender and deeply affecting. Seldom have I rooted so hard for a set of fictional individuals' Mail on Sunday 'Leaves one gasping for more' Daily Telegraph 'Engrossing, memorable and moving' Guardian 'Startling and raw' Observer
Boydell & Brewer Ltd British Musical Criticism and Intellectual Thought, 1850-1950
This collection provides an in-depth look at musical criticism between the mid-nineteenth and the mid-twentieth century. British music between the mid-nineteenth and the mid-twentieth century reflected changes and developments in society, education, philosophy, aesthetics, politics and the upheaval of wars, often signifying a distinctively British national history. All of these changes informed the published work of contemporary music critics. This collection provides an in-depth look at musical criticism during this period. It focusses on major figures such as Grove,Parry, Shaw, Dent, Newman, Heseltine, Vaughan Williams, Dyson, Lambert and Keller, yet does not neglect less influential but nevertheless significant critics. Sometimes a seminal work forms the subject of investigation; in otherchapters, a writer's particular stance is highlighted. Further contributions closely analyse the now famous polemics by Shaw, Heseltine and Lambert. The book covers a range of themes from the historical, scientific and philosophical to matters of repertoire, taste, interdisciplinary influence, musical democratisation and analysis. It will be of interest to scholars and students of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century British music and music in Britain as well as to music enthusiasts attracted to standard works of popular music criticism. JEREMY DIBBLE is Professor of Music at Durham University. JULIAN HORTON is Professor of Music at Durham University. Contributors: KAREN ARRANDALE, SEAMAS DE BARRA, PHILIP ROSS BULLOCK, JONATHAN CLINCH, SARAH COLLINS, JEREMY DIBBLE, JULIAN HORTON, PETER HORTON, CHRISTOPHER MARK, AIDAN J. THOMSON, PAUL WATT, HARRY WHITE, BENNETT ZON, PATRICKZUK
Deutscher Klassikerverlag Courasche Springsinsfeld Wunderbarliches Vogelnest III Rathstbel Plutonis Text und Kommentar
Morstadt, A. Der Abenteuerliche Simplicissimus
Hamburger Lesehefte Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus
FISCHER Taschenbuch Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus
Creative Media Partners, LLC Die abenteuer des Simplicissimus
Verlag G. Mainz Wind Noise Reduction
With the technological progress, devices, such as mobile phones, tablet computers or hearing aids, can be used in a large variety of every-day situations for mobile communication. Acoustic background noise signals, which are picked up with the desired speech signal, can impair the signal quality and the intelligibility of a conversation. A special noise type is generated outdoors, if the microphone is exposed to a wind stream resulting in strong-rumbling noise, which is highly non-stationary. As a result, conventional approaches for noise reduction fail in the case of noise induced by wind turbulences.This thesis is focused on the development of signal processing concepts, which reduce the undesired effects of wind noise. The key contributions are: Signal analysis of wind noise Digital signal model for wind noise generation Signal processing algorithms for detection and reduction of wind noise signals.All these topics are considered with the focus
Rizzoli International Publications GUCCI: The Making Of
An unprecedented publication showcasing Gucci as never before, including thought-provoking essays, commentaries, and authoritative anecdotes along with previously unpublished contemporary and archival photographs. Published in conjunction with the opening of the new Gucci Museum in Florence, Gucci is the ultimate celebration of the world-renowned fashion house. Told through a loose grouping of words, concepts, shapes, and moods, the book tells its story through new conceptual forms and the free links between images, symbols, and objects. Edited by Gucci Creative Director Frida Giannini, with essays and inserts by contributors including Katie Grand, Peter Arnell, Rula Jebreal, Christopher Breward and Stefano Micelli, Gucci: The Making Of is a dynamic record of a much-coveted brand that will be a must this season for anyone with a love of fashion and an interest in contemporary culture. This comprehensive volume showcases the genius of the fashion house through an exclusive lens with inside looks into the inspirations behind the design.This gorgeous book designed by Arnell offers an in-depth look into Gucci’s origins, identity, influence, and innovation, including fabrication methods and appropriation of signature materials, past and present, and its influence among high society and Hollywood. The book is a heartfelt and personalized tribute to the heritage and influence of this iconic, multifaceted brand. In recognition of its ongoing partnership with UNICEF and the release of this luxury edition, Gucci will make a donation of US $250,000 to support UNICEF's Schools for Africa initiative.
MP-SYR Syracuse University P Corresponding Voices v. 3
Part of the poetry series ""Corresponding Voices"", this title features the work of five celebrated poets: Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Ana Maria Fuster Lavin, Christopher Kennedy, Tonia Leon, and Zeeshan Sahil.
University of Alberta Press Wisdom Engaged: Traditional Knowledge for Northern Community Well-Being
"I listened to my mum, my dad, my gramma, that is why I am still here. That is how you stay alive." —Mida Donnessey Wisdom Engaged demonstrates how traditional knowledge, Indigenous approaches to healing, and the insights of Western bio-medicine can complement each other when all voices are heard in a collaborative effort to address changes to Indigenous communities’ well-being. In this collection, voices of Elders, healers, physicians, and scholars are gathered in an attempt to find viable ways to move forward while facing new challenges. Bringing these varied voices together provides a critical conversation about the nature of medicine; a demonstration of ethical commitment; and an example of building successful community relationships. Contributors: Alestine Andre, Janelle Marie Baker, Robert Beaulieu, Della M. Cheney, Stakawas, Katsawa, Mida Donnessey, Mabel English, Christopher Fletcher, Fort McKay Berry Group, Annie B. Gordon, Celina Harpe-Cooper, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Leslie Main Johnson, Thea Luig, Art Mathews, Sim’oogit T’enim Gyet, Linda G. McDonald, Ruby E. Morgan, Bernice Neyelle, Morris Neyelle, Keiichi Omura, Mary Teya, Nancy J. Turner, Walter Vanast, Darlene Vegh.
Dutton Books for Young Readers The House at Pooh Corner: Classic Gift Edition
Following the instant success of the first edition replica of Winnie-the-Pooh, this gorgeous collectible edition of The House At Pooh Corner completes the set of A. A. Milne's beloved books about Winnie-the-Pooh and friends.For over ninety years, Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends--Piglet, Owl, Tigger, and the ever doleful Eeyore--have endured as the unforgettable creations of A. A. Milne, who wrote this book for his son, Christopher Robin, and Ernest H. Shepard, who lovingly gave Pooh and his companions shape through his illustrations. Now fans can continue to celebrate the legacy of Pooh with a beautiful new gift edition. Crafted as a replica of the first American edition of The House At Pooh Corner, published in 1928 by E. P. Dutton, this elegant edition features a textured case, gold foil stamping, and illustrated endpapers. It is the ideal gift for both new readers and passionate collectors and is the perfect companion to the Classic Gift Edition of Winnie-the-Pooh.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Science of Story: The Brain Behind Creative Nonfiction
Bringing together a diverse range of writers, The Science of Story is the first book to ask the question: what can contemporary brain science teach us about the art and craft of creative nonfiction writing? Drawing on the latest developments in cognitive neuroscience the book sheds new light on some of the most important elements of the writer’s craft, from perspective and truth to emotion and metaphor. The Science of Story explores such questions as: · Why do humans tell stories? · How do we remember and misremember our lives - and what does this mean for storytelling? · What is the value of writing about trauma? · How do stories make us laugh, or cry, make us angry or triumphant? Contributors: Nancer Ballard, Mike Branch, Frank Bures, J.T. Bushnell, Katharine Coles, Christopher Cokinos, Alison Hawthorne Deming, David Lazar, Lawrence Lenhart, Alan Lightman, Dave Madden, Jessica Hendry Nelson, Richard Powers, Sean Prentiss, Julie Wittes Schlack, Valerie Sweeney Prince, Ira Sukrungruang, Nicole Walker, Wendy S. Walters, Marco Wilkinson, Amy Wright.
Scarecrow Press Guide to U.S. Map Resources
More than fourteen years have passed since the second edition of the Map and Geography Round Table's Guide to U.S. Map Resources appeared in 1990. The third edition offers users a detailed snapshot of and guide to hundreds of map collections and cartographic resources in libraries and repositories throughout the nation. Substantial changes have occurred within library map collections over the past decade and a half, and not surprisingly, the computer has been at the core of most of these innovations. Geographic information systems (GIS), the World Wide Web, email, Portable Document Format, data sets, the Internet and digitization have all played revolutionary roles in transforming libraries—and map collections in particular—over the past fifteen years. Today's librarian who works with maps is no longer limited by the contents of his or her own map and atlas collection. In many cases the librarian can turn to the Internet and locate a map or data set physically located in a library hundreds of miles away. However, this is not always the case. But knowing which collection may contain a needed cartographic item can be a valuable first step in locating the item in question. As map collections everywhere continue to grow, new maps, digital files, aerial photos, and atlases become available to users every day. This detailed, timely, and reliable guide to these varied and still somewhat "hidden" cartographic collections—and their personnel—serves as a useful reference tool, especially in this digital age, when library online catalogues are immediately and readily accessible.
Titan Books Ltd Alita: Battle Angel - The Official Movie Novelization
In the twenty-sixth century, a female cyborg is rescued from the scrap heap by a scientist... The official novelization to the highly anticipated science fiction film Alita: Battle Angel, based on Yukito Kishiro's Battle Angel Alita manga, set to be released on July 20, 2018. The film is directed by Robert Rodriguez, written and produced by James Cameron (Titanic, Avatar) and stars Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly, Ed Skrein, Jackie Earle Haley and Mahershala Ali.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Ein literaturgeschichtlicher Vergleich
Florian Herrmann unternimmt den Versuch, den Passionsbericht des Markusevangeliums in den Kontext frëhjëdischer und pagan-antiker Todesberichte einzuordnen. Im literaturgeschichtlichen Vergleich wird die christologische Akzentsetzung der Passionserzählung deutlich. Die Vergleichsbasis bilden 50 Todesberichte aus der ganzen Antike, die in deutscher Übersetzung gesammelt zur Verfëgung gestellt werden - vom Tod des Sokrates bis zu rabbinischen Martyrien. Berëcksichtigt werden nicht nur Martyrien und Märtyrerakten, sondern auch Biographieschlësse und Todesberichte in historiographischen und polemischen Werken.Die Methode der Untersuchung orientiert sich an den literarischen Strategien, mit denen die Texte das Todesereignis deutend in Literatur umsetzen. Sie nimmt narratologische Fragestellungen auf und macht sie fër einen literaturgeschichtlichen Vergleich fruchtbar. Die aus den Vergleichstexten ablesbaren Darstellungsstrategien bilden das Feld, in das der Passionsbericht eingeordnet wird. Es zeigt sich, dass sich die Markuspassion in ihren literarischen Mitteln, ihrem Geltungsanspruch und auch in ihren Produktionsbedingungen weitgehend problemlos in den Kontext der untersuchten pagan-antiken und frëhjëdischen Texte einfëgen lässt, dass sie diese Mittel aber in den Dienst einer christologischen Durchformung der Erzählung stellt. Dagegen vermeidet es Markus, Jesu Sterben als einen "edlen Tod" zu deuten. Es ergeben sich zudem Aufschlësse fër eine differenzierte eigene Gattung.
The University of Chicago Press Exotic No More, Second Edition: Anthropology for the Contemporary World
In this new edition of the anthropological classic Exotic No More, some of today's most respected anthropologists demonstrate the tremendous contributions that anthropological theory and ethnographic methods can make to the study of contemporary society. With chapters covering a wide variety of subjects--the economy, religion, the sciences, gender and sexuality, human rights, music and art, tourism, migration, and the internet--this volume shows how anthropologists grapple with a world that is in constant and accelerating transformation. Each contributor uses examples from their adventurous fieldwork to challenge us to rethink some of our most firmly held notions. This fully updated edition reflects the best that anthropology has to offer in the twenty-first century. The result is both an invaluable introduction to the field for students and a landmark achievement that will set the agenda for critical approaches to the study of contemporary life. Contributors: Ruben Andersson, Philippe Bourgois, Catherine Buerger, James G. Carrier, Marcus Colchester, James Fairhead, Kim Fortun, Mike Fortun, Katy Gardner, Faye Ginsburg, Roberto J. Gonz lez, Tom Griffiths, Chris Hann, Susan Harding, Faye V. Harrison, Laurie Kain Hart, Richard Jenkins, George Karandinos, Christopher M. Kelty, Melissa Leach, Margaret Lock, Jeremy MacClancy, Sally Engle Merry, Fernando Montero, Matt Sakakeeny, Anthony Alan Shelton, Christopher B. Steiner, Richard Ashby Wilson
SPCK Publishing Why God Won't Go Away: Engaging With The New Atheism
The recent rise of the New Atheism has aroused great general interest, thrown up questions of fundamental importance, and started a fascinating conversation. Why God Won't Go Away invites us to join in. The volume opens with a survey of the main ideas of the New Atheism, as expressed in the works of Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens. We then examine the core views of the movement closely, making due reference to its 'virtual community' of websites and blogs. Subjects explored include: whether religion is delusional and evil, the belief that human beings are fundamentally good, whether we should have faith only in what can be proved through reason and science, the idea that the best hope for humanity is a 'New Enlightenment' The result is a lively and highly thought-provoking volume that poses a number of interesting questions. Why is religion experiencing a resurgence in the twenty-first century, when we are meant to have grown out of such a primitive fixation? Has the New Atheism's fascination with rationality led to a fatal underestimation of the longing of the human heart to adore? And if, as Christopher Hitchens writes in exasperation, religion is 'ineradicable', doesn't this tiresome fact suggest that dismissing belief in God as irrational and unscientific might just be a waste of time?
Peeters Publishers L'Eglise Armenienne Et Le Grand Schisme D'Orient
Cette etude de developpement historique de l'Eglise armenienne durant la periode pre-islamique des grandes controverses christologiques s'adresse particulierement a ses relations avec la Perse sassanide dont l'importance n'a pas ete suffisamment appreciee jusqu'a present dans les analyses de l'etendue de sa propre evolution et des circonstances et causes de sa rupture eventuelle avec les Eglises de Byzance et de Georgie. Cet examen a ete base en large partie sur les documents officiels contemporains qui ont ete traduits in extenso dans son appendice.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der erste Brief des Petrus
Gerald Wagner und François Vouga bieten eine philologische, literaturwissenschaftliche, historisch-kritische und theologische Auslegung des 1. Petrusbriefes. Den Kommentar kennzeichnet ein besonderes Interesse an der systematisch klaren und im neutestamentlichen Kanon einzigartigen Erwählungstheologie, am rhetorischen Aufbau des Gedankengangs und an der sozialen und politischen Relevanz der dem Brief immanenten Argumentation. Deutlich wird dabei: Der Brief entwickelt eine durchdachte Offenbarungstheologie der Geschichte, die die hohe Verantwortung von Ehefrauen, Ehemännern, Sklaven und Staatsbürgern begründet, im Alltag verändernd auf Mitmenschen und Gesellschaft einzuwirken - gegründet im Vertrauen auf Gott, der Ausgegrenzte erwählt, und nach dem Vorbild des gewaltlosen Jesus. Die Adressaten unterstützen sich gegenseitig als Geschwisterschaft des Hauses Gottes: Sie teilen Konflikte und Sorgen und lernen voneinander für diese Verantwortung. Detaillierte Exegesen, die sich mit den einzelnen Fragen des Textes befassen und mit der neueren, internationalen Auslegungsgeschichte auseinandersetzen, führen zu folgender Hypothese: Der erste Petrusbrief entwickelt eine christologisch begründete reflektierte Strategie des Gewaltverzichts, mit welcher die Christinnen und Christen, die in ihrem Glauben eine Orientierung und einen Sinn ihrer Existenz gefunden haben, von ihrer Hoffnung in ihren Häusern und in der hellenistischen Gesellschaft Rechenschaft ablegen.Für Bibliotheken gelten bei diesem Titel abweichende Konditionen; bitte wenden Sie sich an den Vertrieb.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Framing the Subjects and Objects of Contemporary EU Law
This timely book invites the reader to explore the lexicon of 'subjects' and 'objects' of EU law as a platform from which several dilemmas and omissions of EU law can be researched. It includes a number of case studies from different fields of law that deploy this lexicon, structuring the contributions around three principal elements of EU law: its transformations, crises and external-internal dynamics. The carefully structured case studies cover a wide range of areas in EU law, such as constitutional law, administrative law, external relations, trade and citizenship and present perspectives from a variety of EU Member States. The expert contributors explore how to discuss, analyze and frame core elements of a supranational legal order. This broad-ranging and collaborative research effort presents a fresh, critical perspective on contemporary EU law. The book offers a reflection on recent crises of the EU, such as Brexit, looking beyond the field of law to present solutions that apply theories of political economy, social theory and political theory. This thought-provoking narrative of EU law will be of interest to scholars in this field as well as to those in public international law, international relations, sociology, governance and political science.Contributors include: S. Bardutzky, A.D. Casteleiro, E. Christodoulidis, J. Corkin, S. Douglas-Scott, M. Everson, E. Fahey, F. Jacobs, E. Korkea-aho, D. Kostakopoulou, D. Kukovec, S. Poli, S. Rodin, M. Ruffert, A. Tataryn, A. Tryfonidou, J. van Zeben, S. Velluti, I. Vianello
Sweet Cherry Publishing Made Powerful
Book 2 in the horseriding series for readers aged 9+, Apley Towers! In the shade of the Giant’s Throne Mountain, and on the coast of the Indian Ocean, Port St. Christopher is home to Apley Towers; a riding school for girls and boys, young or old, who learn what it means to be a true horse rider. When a mysterious new rider arrives at Apley, Kaela and Trixie are immediately on the defensive. Not only is she dangerously talented, she insists on wearing expensive sunglasses whilst she rides. Who is this Sunglasses-Girl and why does she persist in pointing out Kaela and Trixie’s flaws? It’s down to Kaela to solve the puzzle of Angela May, and figure out a few things for herself along the way. About the Apley Towers series: Set in the shade of Giant's Throne Mountain on the South African coast of the Indian Ocean, this adventure- and friendship-filled series stars the students of a horseback riding school, Apley Towers, who learn valuable life lessons with horses and humans alike. Kaela, Trixie, Angela, and Phoenix learn what it means to be a true rider and a good friend, with plenty of detail of the African animals and landscapes of the area that readers will love. All titles are also leveled for classroom use, including GRLs.
Fordham University Press A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology: The Summa Halensis
A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology presents for the first time in English key passages from the Summa Halensis, one of the first major installments in the summa genre for which scholasticism became famous. This systematic work of philosophy and theology was collaboratively written mostly between 1236 and 1245 by the founding members of the Franciscan school, such as Alexander of Hales and John of La Rochelle, who worked at the recently founded University of Paris. Modern scholarship has often dismissed this early Franciscan intellectual tradition as unoriginal, merely systematizing the Augustinian tradition in light of the rediscovery of Aristotle, paving the way for truly revolutionary figures like John Duns Scotus. But as the selections in this reader show, it was this earlier generation that initiated this break with precedent. The compilers of the Summa Halensis first articulated many positions that eventually become closely associated with the Franciscan tradition on issues like the nature of God, the proof for God’s existence, free will, the transcendentals, and Christology. This book is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand the ways in which medieval thinkers employed philosophical concepts in a theological context as well as the evolution of Franciscan thought and its legacy to modernity. A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology is available from the publisher on an open-access basis.
Inter-Varsity Press Rejoice!: Advent in All the Scriptures
25 Bible meditations based on Scripture verses and teaching nuggets from John Stott, with commentary and prayers from Christopher Wright. Accessible and bite-sized, fresh and exciting, each meditation deepens our appreciation of the timeless spiritual truths of Advent and Christmas. Introduction: The God who comes and comes - and comes again Week 1 The God who comes in Scripture's story 1 God comes rejoicing in creation 2 God comes questioning sinners 3 God comes promising a meal 4 God comes bringing life and light 5 God comes sending light to the nations 6 God comes to put things right 7 God comes bringing a whole new world Week 2 The God who came in person 8 My rock and my salvation 9 God comes to the rescue 10 God comes to speak 11 God comes for a meal 12 God comes to stay 13 God comes to forgive 14 God comes to lead the way Week 3 The God who came as promised 15 The One who came to do God's will 16 The promise of God's return 17 The promise of a ruler from Bethlehem 18 The promised herald of salvation 19 The promise of a transformed world 20 The promised light for the nations 21 The promised sin-bearing Servant Week 4 The God who will come in Glory 22 Creation rejoices 23 Creation renewed 24 Creation redeemed 25 Immanuel: God with us!
Hogrefe Publishing The ABCs of CBASP: A Guide to the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy for Therapists and Supervisors
Follows a client, his therapist, and the supervisor through a course of CBASP Uses first person perspectives and dialog with theoretical sections Provides prompts and structure for sessions Lists exercises to check understanding Includes printable tools for clinical use Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) is designed to help patients with chronic depression improve the negative social and personal impacts of this disorder. This volume, written by experienced practitioners of CBASP, creatively explores the principles and practice of CBASP in a new, unusual, and engaging fashion. Interspersed between theoretical chapters, you will find yourself in the therapy room with Maggie (the therapist) and Chris (the patient). Using authentic dialog, you will experience how the different stages of therapy unfold: How, from their first-person perspectives, Christopher and Maggie experience the application of the CBASP model, and how Helen (the supervisor) helps Maggie to understand difficult encounters in therapy. This book helps you prepare for your CBASP sessions by providing essential information and prompts in a clearly arranged manner, as well as exercises to verify your progress and learning goals. This creative and descriptive approach to understanding the hopes, fears, and concerns of patients and therapists engaged in a course of CBASP psychotherapy is essential reading for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, other mental health professionals, as well as students wanting to know how to successfully apply CBASP.
Princeton University Press The Nation-State in Question
Has globalization forever undermined the state as the mighty guarantor of public welfare and security? In the 1990s, the prevailing and even hopeful view was that it had. The euphoria did not last long. Today the "return of the state" is increasingly being discussed as a desirable reality. This book is the first to bring together a group of prominent scholars from comparative politics, international relations, and sociology to systematically reassess--through a historical lens that moves beyond the standard focus on the West--state-society relations and state power at the dawn of the twenty-first century. The contributors examine the sources and forms of state power in light of a range of welfare and security needs in order to tell us what states can do today. They assess the extent to which international social forces affect states, and the capacity of states to adapt in specific issue areas. Their striking conclusion is that states have continued to be pivotal in diverse areas such as nationalism, national security, multiculturalism, taxation, and industrial relations. Offering rich insights on the changing contours of state power, The Nation-State in Question will be of interest to social scientists, students, and policymakers alike. John Hall's introduction is followed by chapters by Peter Baldwin, John Campbell, Francesco Duina, Grzegorz Ekiert, Jeffrey Herbst, Christopher Hood, Anatoly Khazanov, Brendan O'Leary, T. V. Paul, Bernard Yack, Rudra Sil, and Minxin Pei. The conclusion is by John Ikenberry.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Effective Use of Creative Writing in the Treatment of Addiction to Chemical Substances
It has long been established that addiction or SUD -- Substance Use Disorder -- ruins lives and leads to illness, destruction of families, and death. Chasing the "high" often brings the user closer to death each time the use is increased even though the person may choose to ignore the risk. Effective treatment is essential to help recovering addicts change their lives and become productive citizens, leading happy lives in perpetual sobriety. Helping them adjust their focus from shame and guilt to improved self-esteem and renewed sense of purpose in life is essential for avoiding prolonged substance abuse. In addition to traditional approaches, the use of creative writing as a treatment modality can help the addicted person obtain and deploy the tools necessary to remain sober. In this way, creative writing can help actualize the whole person. Inviting people with addictions to share their creative writing with the world helps them to connect their experiences, observations, and recommendations to others. This book is a collaborative effort between research, facilitation, and contributions of the creative men at St. Christopher's Inn. Adding to the variety and depth of the creative productions is the incorporation of post-program writing from men who have completed the program at St. Christopher's and have remained connected in this special endeavour. This allows a window into the minds of the longer-term recovering addicts, especially relating to the tools that help them through life's persistent challenges. With this book, we hope to show that writing does help in the treatment of chemical addiction.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Old is Better: New Testament Essays in Support of Traditional Interpretations
Current study of the New Testament features many new interpretations. Robert Gundry's book finds them largely wanting and defends traditional ones. Several of its essays have never been published before. Most of the rest, though previously published, have been updated and otherwise revised, sometimes heavily. Topics include theological diversity, symbiosis between theology and genre criticism, pre-Papian tradition concerning Mark and Matthew as apostolically Johannine, Secret Mark as secondary, mishnaic jurisprudence as compatible with Jesus' blasphemy, Matthew as not Christian Jewish, Matthean soteriology, criticism of H. D. Betz on the Sermon on the Mount, P. Oxy. 655 as secondary to Q 12:22b-31, resurrection as uniformly physical, criticism of nonreductive physicalism, criticism of the new perspective on Paul, nonimputation of Christ's righteousness, puberal sexual lusts in Romans 7:7-25, cruciform rather than incarnational emphasis in Philippians 2:6-11, Thessalonian eschatology, John's sectarianism, the pervasiveness of John's Word-Christology, Revelation's angelomorphic Christology, and the New Jerusalem.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Von Jesus zur neutestamentlichen Theologie: Kleine Schriften II
Der zweite Band der Kleinen Schriften des Zürcher Neutestamentlers versammelt 22 Beiträge aus fast 20 Jahren, die sich historisch und philologisch dem theologischen Anspruch der Texte des Neuen Testaments widmen. Der Bogen reicht dabei von der impliziten Christologie und der apokalyptischen Eschatologie in der Verkündigung Jesu über die Modelle der Deutung seines Todes, den religiösen Hintergrund und den geistigen Weg des Paulus und Fragen seiner Rechtfertigungs- und Kreuzestheologie bis hin zum Heilsverständnis, der Ekklesiologie und Eschatologie des Neuen Testaments und zu Fragen der Konstruktion einer Theologie des Neuen Testaments. Leitende Überzeugung ist dabei, dass das Neue Testament historisch und theologisch zu lesen ist und dass seine Interpretation auch für Fragen der gegenwärtigen Glaubenspraxis fruchtbar zu machen ist.
Baker Publishing Group 10 Answers for Atheists – How to Have an Intelligent Discussion About the Existence of God
With notable nonbelievers such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens featured prominently in the media, it is no surprise that many Christians wonder how best to answer the growing number of atheist arguments they encounter every day. 10 Answers for Atheists is a one-of-a-kind resource from respected Christian apologist Alex McFarland that looks closely at the philosophical assumptions at the root of atheism and agnosticism and exposes the logical, historical, and conceptual fallacies that perpetuate unbelief. Readers will find easy-to-understand charts and clear explanations of key beliefs, as well as trustworthy, biblical answers to the honest questions posed by atheists and agnostics. Every reader, no matter where he or she falls on the spectrum of belief, will hear a call to thoughtful engagement with the historic Christian faith.
Chronicle Books Rothko: The Color Field Paintings
Mark Rothko's iconic paintings are some of the most profound works of twentieth-century Abstract Expressionism. This collection presents fifty large-scale artworks from the American master's color field period (1949-1970) alongside essays by Rothko's son, Christopher Rothko, and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art curator of painting and sculpture Janet Bishop. Featuring illuminating details about Rothko's life, influences, and legacy, and brimming with the emotional power and expressivecolor of his groundbreaking canvases, this essential volume brings the renowned artist's luminous work to light for both longtime Rothko fans and those discovering his work for the very first time. A textured case and large-scale tip-on on the front cover round out this sumptious package.
Peeters Publishers Polymetis: Melanges En L'honneur De Francoise Bader
Francoise Bader, par ses recherches et son enseignement en linguistique du grec ancien et en grammaire comparee des langues indo-europeennes, a marque les esprits de plusieurs generations d'eleves, d'auditeurs et de lecteurs. Ces Melanges portent aussi temoignage de l'atmosphere chaleureuse de ses seminaires ou beaucoup de chercheurs, qui etaient jeunes alors, ont trouve un terrain favorable pour faire leurs premiers pas de chercheur. Les contributions reunies dans ce volume par ses collegues, amis et disciples, attestent de la fecondite intellectuelle et de la variete des recherches de Francoise Bader. Ses travaux ont porte non seulement sur la linguistique, mais sur la mythologie et la poetique grecques et indo-europeennes. On trouvera dans la premiere partie de ce volume, consacree au grec, le reflet de l'impulsion qu'elle a donne a l'etymologie grecque, y compris a l'etymologie et a l'interpretation des toponymes, anthroponymes et theonymes, sans oublier la dialectologie. Les contributions de specialistes d'autres langues (sanscrit vedique, langues slaves, italiques, etrusque), qui forment la seconde partie de ce volume, font echo a une oeuvre qui embrasse l'ensemble du domaine indo-europeen. La derniere partie aborde l'histoire meme de la grammaire comparee et ses methodes. Ce volume reunit des contributions d'A. Blanc, M.P. Bologna, D. Briquel, M. Casevitz, A. Christol, L. Dubois, P. Flobert, J.-L. Garcia-Ramon, J. Hadas-Lebel, J. Kellens, J.S. Klein, Ch. de Lamberterie, Cl. Le Feuvre, A. Lemarechal, B. Lincoln, Fr. Mawet, Cl. Moussy, J.-L. Perpillou, D. Petit, G. Rocca, C. de Simone, Fr. Skoda, P. Swiggers, C. Watkins, et des regrettes P. Monteil et X. Tremblay.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Thomas von Aquins Kommentar zum Johannesevangelium: Teil 1
The commentary of Thomas Aquinas on the Gospel of John is a masterpiece of Christian exegesis. According to Otto Hermann Pesch, who translated and edited several volumes of the German edition of Thomas Aquinas, this commentary immediately preceded his development of Christology in the Summa Theologiae and represents Thomas at the pinnacle of his exegetic skills. His take on the Gospel begins with a systematic ordering of what the Evangelist intended and how he went about realising it. Based on this framework he then provides the various interpretations, for example, factual-historical ones concerning aspects of the Jewish religion and everyday life, the topography of the Holy Land, the meaning of certain names of towns and persons or the chronology of the events in the life of Christ. Thomas always attempts to find explanations for the differences present in the other Gospels. Further, especially in the first 11 lectiones, he refers to Aristotle and many questions with philosophical implications (for example, of the meaning of the term "word" - logos). Next, Thomas relates the verse from the Gospel in question to other Biblical and non-Biblical texts. He also devotes much effort to the disputes going on with the heresies, which he attempts to refute by showing the contradiction in their arguments with the Bible.