Search results for ""Author Christo"
Hamburger Lesehefte Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus
FISCHER Taschenbuch Der abenteuerliche Simplicissimus
Creative Media Partners, LLC Die abenteuer des Simplicissimus
Verlag G. Mainz Wind Noise Reduction
With the technological progress, devices, such as mobile phones, tablet computers or hearing aids, can be used in a large variety of every-day situations for mobile communication. Acoustic background noise signals, which are picked up with the desired speech signal, can impair the signal quality and the intelligibility of a conversation. A special noise type is generated outdoors, if the microphone is exposed to a wind stream resulting in strong-rumbling noise, which is highly non-stationary. As a result, conventional approaches for noise reduction fail in the case of noise induced by wind turbulences.This thesis is focused on the development of signal processing concepts, which reduce the undesired effects of wind noise. The key contributions are: Signal analysis of wind noise Digital signal model for wind noise generation Signal processing algorithms for detection and reduction of wind noise signals.All these topics are considered with the focus
Scarecrow Press Guide to U.S. Map Resources
More than fourteen years have passed since the second edition of the Map and Geography Round Table's Guide to U.S. Map Resources appeared in 1990. The third edition offers users a detailed snapshot of and guide to hundreds of map collections and cartographic resources in libraries and repositories throughout the nation. Substantial changes have occurred within library map collections over the past decade and a half, and not surprisingly, the computer has been at the core of most of these innovations. Geographic information systems (GIS), the World Wide Web, email, Portable Document Format, data sets, the Internet and digitization have all played revolutionary roles in transforming libraries—and map collections in particular—over the past fifteen years. Today's librarian who works with maps is no longer limited by the contents of his or her own map and atlas collection. In many cases the librarian can turn to the Internet and locate a map or data set physically located in a library hundreds of miles away. However, this is not always the case. But knowing which collection may contain a needed cartographic item can be a valuable first step in locating the item in question. As map collections everywhere continue to grow, new maps, digital files, aerial photos, and atlases become available to users every day. This detailed, timely, and reliable guide to these varied and still somewhat "hidden" cartographic collections—and their personnel—serves as a useful reference tool, especially in this digital age, when library online catalogues are immediately and readily accessible.
Dutton Books for Young Readers The House at Pooh Corner: Classic Gift Edition
Following the instant success of the first edition replica of Winnie-the-Pooh, this gorgeous collectible edition of The House At Pooh Corner completes the set of A. A. Milne's beloved books about Winnie-the-Pooh and friends.For over ninety years, Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends--Piglet, Owl, Tigger, and the ever doleful Eeyore--have endured as the unforgettable creations of A. A. Milne, who wrote this book for his son, Christopher Robin, and Ernest H. Shepard, who lovingly gave Pooh and his companions shape through his illustrations. Now fans can continue to celebrate the legacy of Pooh with a beautiful new gift edition. Crafted as a replica of the first American edition of The House At Pooh Corner, published in 1928 by E. P. Dutton, this elegant edition features a textured case, gold foil stamping, and illustrated endpapers. It is the ideal gift for both new readers and passionate collectors and is the perfect companion to the Classic Gift Edition of Winnie-the-Pooh.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Science of Story: The Brain Behind Creative Nonfiction
Bringing together a diverse range of writers, The Science of Story is the first book to ask the question: what can contemporary brain science teach us about the art and craft of creative nonfiction writing? Drawing on the latest developments in cognitive neuroscience the book sheds new light on some of the most important elements of the writer’s craft, from perspective and truth to emotion and metaphor. The Science of Story explores such questions as: · Why do humans tell stories? · How do we remember and misremember our lives - and what does this mean for storytelling? · What is the value of writing about trauma? · How do stories make us laugh, or cry, make us angry or triumphant? Contributors: Nancer Ballard, Mike Branch, Frank Bures, J.T. Bushnell, Katharine Coles, Christopher Cokinos, Alison Hawthorne Deming, David Lazar, Lawrence Lenhart, Alan Lightman, Dave Madden, Jessica Hendry Nelson, Richard Powers, Sean Prentiss, Julie Wittes Schlack, Valerie Sweeney Prince, Ira Sukrungruang, Nicole Walker, Wendy S. Walters, Marco Wilkinson, Amy Wright.
Hogrefe Publishing The ABCs of CBASP: A Guide to the Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy for Therapists and Supervisors
Follows a client, his therapist, and the supervisor through a course of CBASP Uses first person perspectives and dialog with theoretical sections Provides prompts and structure for sessions Lists exercises to check understanding Includes printable tools for clinical use Cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP) is designed to help patients with chronic depression improve the negative social and personal impacts of this disorder. This volume, written by experienced practitioners of CBASP, creatively explores the principles and practice of CBASP in a new, unusual, and engaging fashion. Interspersed between theoretical chapters, you will find yourself in the therapy room with Maggie (the therapist) and Chris (the patient). Using authentic dialog, you will experience how the different stages of therapy unfold: How, from their first-person perspectives, Christopher and Maggie experience the application of the CBASP model, and how Helen (the supervisor) helps Maggie to understand difficult encounters in therapy. This book helps you prepare for your CBASP sessions by providing essential information and prompts in a clearly arranged manner, as well as exercises to verify your progress and learning goals. This creative and descriptive approach to understanding the hopes, fears, and concerns of patients and therapists engaged in a course of CBASP psychotherapy is essential reading for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, other mental health professionals, as well as students wanting to know how to successfully apply CBASP.
Princeton University Press The Nation-State in Question
Has globalization forever undermined the state as the mighty guarantor of public welfare and security? In the 1990s, the prevailing and even hopeful view was that it had. The euphoria did not last long. Today the "return of the state" is increasingly being discussed as a desirable reality. This book is the first to bring together a group of prominent scholars from comparative politics, international relations, and sociology to systematically reassess--through a historical lens that moves beyond the standard focus on the West--state-society relations and state power at the dawn of the twenty-first century. The contributors examine the sources and forms of state power in light of a range of welfare and security needs in order to tell us what states can do today. They assess the extent to which international social forces affect states, and the capacity of states to adapt in specific issue areas. Their striking conclusion is that states have continued to be pivotal in diverse areas such as nationalism, national security, multiculturalism, taxation, and industrial relations. Offering rich insights on the changing contours of state power, The Nation-State in Question will be of interest to social scientists, students, and policymakers alike. John Hall's introduction is followed by chapters by Peter Baldwin, John Campbell, Francesco Duina, Grzegorz Ekiert, Jeffrey Herbst, Christopher Hood, Anatoly Khazanov, Brendan O'Leary, T. V. Paul, Bernard Yack, Rudra Sil, and Minxin Pei. The conclusion is by John Ikenberry.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der erste Brief des Petrus
Gerald Wagner und François Vouga bieten eine philologische, literaturwissenschaftliche, historisch-kritische und theologische Auslegung des 1. Petrusbriefes. Den Kommentar kennzeichnet ein besonderes Interesse an der systematisch klaren und im neutestamentlichen Kanon einzigartigen Erwählungstheologie, am rhetorischen Aufbau des Gedankengangs und an der sozialen und politischen Relevanz der dem Brief immanenten Argumentation. Deutlich wird dabei: Der Brief entwickelt eine durchdachte Offenbarungstheologie der Geschichte, die die hohe Verantwortung von Ehefrauen, Ehemännern, Sklaven und Staatsbürgern begründet, im Alltag verändernd auf Mitmenschen und Gesellschaft einzuwirken - gegründet im Vertrauen auf Gott, der Ausgegrenzte erwählt, und nach dem Vorbild des gewaltlosen Jesus. Die Adressaten unterstützen sich gegenseitig als Geschwisterschaft des Hauses Gottes: Sie teilen Konflikte und Sorgen und lernen voneinander für diese Verantwortung. Detaillierte Exegesen, die sich mit den einzelnen Fragen des Textes befassen und mit der neueren, internationalen Auslegungsgeschichte auseinandersetzen, führen zu folgender Hypothese: Der erste Petrusbrief entwickelt eine christologisch begründete reflektierte Strategie des Gewaltverzichts, mit welcher die Christinnen und Christen, die in ihrem Glauben eine Orientierung und einen Sinn ihrer Existenz gefunden haben, von ihrer Hoffnung in ihren Häusern und in der hellenistischen Gesellschaft Rechenschaft ablegen.Für Bibliotheken gelten bei diesem Titel abweichende Konditionen; bitte wenden Sie sich an den Vertrieb.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Framing the Subjects and Objects of Contemporary EU Law
This timely book invites the reader to explore the lexicon of 'subjects' and 'objects' of EU law as a platform from which several dilemmas and omissions of EU law can be researched. It includes a number of case studies from different fields of law that deploy this lexicon, structuring the contributions around three principal elements of EU law: its transformations, crises and external-internal dynamics. The carefully structured case studies cover a wide range of areas in EU law, such as constitutional law, administrative law, external relations, trade and citizenship and present perspectives from a variety of EU Member States. The expert contributors explore how to discuss, analyze and frame core elements of a supranational legal order. This broad-ranging and collaborative research effort presents a fresh, critical perspective on contemporary EU law. The book offers a reflection on recent crises of the EU, such as Brexit, looking beyond the field of law to present solutions that apply theories of political economy, social theory and political theory. This thought-provoking narrative of EU law will be of interest to scholars in this field as well as to those in public international law, international relations, sociology, governance and political science.Contributors include: S. Bardutzky, A.D. Casteleiro, E. Christodoulidis, J. Corkin, S. Douglas-Scott, M. Everson, E. Fahey, F. Jacobs, E. Korkea-aho, D. Kostakopoulou, D. Kukovec, S. Poli, S. Rodin, M. Ruffert, A. Tataryn, A. Tryfonidou, J. van Zeben, S. Velluti, I. Vianello
Sweet Cherry Publishing Made Powerful
Book 2 in the horseriding series for readers aged 9+, Apley Towers! In the shade of the Giant’s Throne Mountain, and on the coast of the Indian Ocean, Port St. Christopher is home to Apley Towers; a riding school for girls and boys, young or old, who learn what it means to be a true horse rider. When a mysterious new rider arrives at Apley, Kaela and Trixie are immediately on the defensive. Not only is she dangerously talented, she insists on wearing expensive sunglasses whilst she rides. Who is this Sunglasses-Girl and why does she persist in pointing out Kaela and Trixie’s flaws? It’s down to Kaela to solve the puzzle of Angela May, and figure out a few things for herself along the way. About the Apley Towers series: Set in the shade of Giant's Throne Mountain on the South African coast of the Indian Ocean, this adventure- and friendship-filled series stars the students of a horseback riding school, Apley Towers, who learn valuable life lessons with horses and humans alike. Kaela, Trixie, Angela, and Phoenix learn what it means to be a true rider and a good friend, with plenty of detail of the African animals and landscapes of the area that readers will love. All titles are also leveled for classroom use, including GRLs.
Fordham University Press A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology: The Summa Halensis
A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology presents for the first time in English key passages from the Summa Halensis, one of the first major installments in the summa genre for which scholasticism became famous. This systematic work of philosophy and theology was collaboratively written mostly between 1236 and 1245 by the founding members of the Franciscan school, such as Alexander of Hales and John of La Rochelle, who worked at the recently founded University of Paris. Modern scholarship has often dismissed this early Franciscan intellectual tradition as unoriginal, merely systematizing the Augustinian tradition in light of the rediscovery of Aristotle, paving the way for truly revolutionary figures like John Duns Scotus. But as the selections in this reader show, it was this earlier generation that initiated this break with precedent. The compilers of the Summa Halensis first articulated many positions that eventually become closely associated with the Franciscan tradition on issues like the nature of God, the proof for God’s existence, free will, the transcendentals, and Christology. This book is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand the ways in which medieval thinkers employed philosophical concepts in a theological context as well as the evolution of Franciscan thought and its legacy to modernity. A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology is available from the publisher on an open-access basis.
Inter-Varsity Press Rejoice!: Advent in All the Scriptures
25 Bible meditations based on Scripture verses and teaching nuggets from John Stott, with commentary and prayers from Christopher Wright. Accessible and bite-sized, fresh and exciting, each meditation deepens our appreciation of the timeless spiritual truths of Advent and Christmas. Introduction: The God who comes and comes - and comes again Week 1 The God who comes in Scripture's story 1 God comes rejoicing in creation 2 God comes questioning sinners 3 God comes promising a meal 4 God comes bringing life and light 5 God comes sending light to the nations 6 God comes to put things right 7 God comes bringing a whole new world Week 2 The God who came in person 8 My rock and my salvation 9 God comes to the rescue 10 God comes to speak 11 God comes for a meal 12 God comes to stay 13 God comes to forgive 14 God comes to lead the way Week 3 The God who came as promised 15 The One who came to do God's will 16 The promise of God's return 17 The promise of a ruler from Bethlehem 18 The promised herald of salvation 19 The promise of a transformed world 20 The promised light for the nations 21 The promised sin-bearing Servant Week 4 The God who will come in Glory 22 Creation rejoices 23 Creation renewed 24 Creation redeemed 25 Immanuel: God with us!
Allison & Busby The Ullswater Undertaking
Spring has brought many new beginnings into the world of florist Persimmon ''Simmy'' Brown. Not only has her baby arrived, but she and her fiancé Christopher have moved to the historic village of Hartsop in the Lake District - and they still intend to say their vows before the height of summer. But when a former acquaintance of Christopher''s reminds him of a promise he made a decade previously, their lives soon take a sinister - and deadly - turn. Yet even with a young baby to consider Simmy cannot ignore her instinct to investigate, especially with the personal link to her soon-to-be husband. Ably assisted by her would-be detective friend Ben, can Simmy puzzle out this reckoning from the past and protect her family in time for the wedding bells to chime?
Allison & Busby The Ullswater Undertaking: The intriguing English cosy crime series
Spring has brought many new beginnings into the world of florist Persimmon 'Simmy' Brown. Not only has her baby arrived, but she and her fiancé Christopher have moved to the historic village of Hartsop in the Lake District - and they still intend to say their vows before the height of summer. But when a former acquaintance of Christopher's reminds him of a promise he made a decade previously, their lives soon take a sinister - and deadly - turn. Yet even with a young baby to consider Simmy cannot ignore her instinct to investigate, especially with the personal link to her soon-to-be husband. Ably assisted by her would-be detective friend Ben, can Simmy puzzle out this reckoning from the past and protect her family in time for the wedding bells to chime?
Titan Books Ltd Alita: Battle Angel - The Official Movie Novelization
In the twenty-sixth century, a female cyborg is rescued from the scrap heap by a scientist... The official novelization to the highly anticipated science fiction film Alita: Battle Angel, based on Yukito Kishiro's Battle Angel Alita manga, set to be released on July 20, 2018. The film is directed by Robert Rodriguez, written and produced by James Cameron (Titanic, Avatar) and stars Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly, Ed Skrein, Jackie Earle Haley and Mahershala Ali.
MP-FLO Uni Press of Florida Bioarchaeology and Identity in the Americas
Presents an important shift in the interpretation of skeletal remains in the Americas. This title aims to demonstrate how bioarchaeologists can uniquely contribute to our understanding of the formation, representation, and repercussions of identity. It highlights the importance of skeletal evidence in helping us better understand our past.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Studies on ancient Near Eastern artefacts and the Bible inspired by the work of Othmar Keel
Zu den augenfälligsten Verdiensten des wissenschaftlichen Werks von Othmar Keel gehört es, Bilder als eigenständiges Quellenmaterial fÃ"r die Erforschung der altorientalischen Kultur- und Religionsgeschichte dokumentiert und interpretiert, biblische Texte systematisch mit altorientalischen Bildern in Verbindung gebracht und damit die Bibelwissenschaft um einen eigenen Interpretationszugang und Forschungszweig bereichert zu haben. Mit den in diesem Band versammelten Studien danken SchÃ"lerinnen und SchÃ"ler, Freundinnen und Freunde einem ungewöhnlich vielseitigen und engagierten Wissenschaftler fÃ"r viele Einsichten und AnstöÃe, die er ihnen in jahrelanger Forschungspartnerschaft vermittelt hat.Teil I bietet Erstveröffentlichungen von bislang unpublizierten altorientalischen Artefakten. In Teil II werden bereits bekannte Bildquellen neu analysiert und interpretiert. Teil III bringt biblische Texte ins Gespräch mit der Ikonographie und situiert sie im weiten Horizont der altorientalischen Religionsgeschichte.
Archaeopress Aristotle’s Meteorologica: Meteorology Then and Now
Aristotle’s Meteorologica concentrates on the meteorological aspects of Aristotle’s work published as Meteorologica books A-D, and on how they compare now with our understanding of meteorology and climate change. In other words, how well did Aristotle fair when he tried to explain weather 2,300 years ago when there was only logic, eye observation, and past experience, with only primitive instrumentation and a few personalized measurements? While there are scientific issues behind Aristotle’s writings, this book is written for the non-specialist. The book uses simple examples to present its case, which will be easily followed by general readers.
University Press of America Trade Warriors: The Guide to the Politics of Trade and Foreign Investment
This volume, packed with facts, examines Congress and the Bush administration's decisions on trade and investment. It takes the reader behind the scenes of the politics of trade and foreign investment in the United States, reports what American policy makers privately expect from Japan and the united Europe in the 1990s, and explains why the Bush administration is bowing to protectionist pressures. The first part offers a history, analysis, and chronology of U.S. trade policy spanning almost 200 years. The second part offers summaries of how members of Congress voted on trade issues, personal and political background on 35 Senators and 45 Representatives, ratings by business and labor groups, trade staff contacts for each member, key staff members on trade-related committees, and more. Of tremendous use to American and foreign businessmen, diplomats, lawyers, lobbyists, union officials, journalists, and professors of economics, business, public policy, and history.
Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA The Pacatnamu Papers, Volume 2: The Moche Occupation
This volume includes the results of a five-year excavation (1983-1987) at Pacatnamu, Peru, combining archaeological excavation with physical anthropology, botany, zoology, textile analysis, ethnography, and ethnohistory. Focuses on the period of Moche occupation. Bilingual in English and Spanish.
Arcadia Publishing Ocean Grove in Vintage Postcards
William Morrow & Company The Children of Húrin
Random House USA Inc Creep, Leap, Crunch! A Food Chain Story
William Morrow & Company The Fall of Arthur
William Morrow & Company Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo
Oxford University Press Let America Be America Again: Conversations with Langston Hughes
A collection of interviews, speeches, and essays by Langston Hughes. Let America Be America Again: Conversations with Langston Hughes is a record of a remarkable man talking. In texts ranging from early interviews in the 1920s, when he was a busboy and scribbling out poems on hotel napkins, to major speeches, such as his keynote address at the First World Festival of Negro Arts in Dakar, Senegal, in 1966, Hughes's words further amplify the international reputation he established over the course of five decades through more widely-published and well-known poems, stories, novels, and plays. In these interviews, speeches, and conversational essays, the writer referred to by admirers as the "Poet Laureate of the Negro Race" and the "Dean of Black Letters" articulated some of his most powerful critiques of fascism, economic and racial oppression, and compromised democracy. It was also through these genres that Hughes spoke of the responsibilities of the Black artist, documented the essential contributions of Black people to literature, music, and theatre, and chronicled the substantial challenges that Black artists face in gaining recognition, fair pay, and professional advancement. And it was through these pieces, too, that Hughes built on his celebrated work in other literary genres to craft an original, tragic-comic persona--a Blues poet in exile, forever yearning for and coming back to a home, a nation, that nevertheless continues to disappoint and harm him. A global traveler, Hughes's words, "Let America be America Again" were, throughout his career, always followed by a caveat: "America never was America to me."
Birkhauser Verlag AG Comprehensive Cardiovascular Medicine in the Primary Care Setting
The thoroughly updated second edition of this key textbook provides an authoritative discussion of cardiovascular disease for the practicing primary care clinician. It examines a variety of disease states with emphasis on risk factors, risk estimation, and established cardiac disease. The book also explores the co-morbid conditions that surround cardiovascular disease. It includes key points, algorithms, case studies, recommendations on evidence-based practice, and summary boxes. A key resource for the busy practitioner, the Second Edition of Comprehensive Cardiovascular Medicine in the Primary Care Setting is designed to give residents, fellows, and primary care physicians the skills to confidently perform assessments, initiate and maintain efficacious therapy, and know when a referral to a cardiologist is advisable.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Essential Echocardiography: A Review of Basic Perioperative TEE and Critical Care Echocardiography
Building on the success of the previous edition, this review book includes all of the original content plus several new chapters dedicated to the education and implementation of transthoracic echocardiography and point-of-care ultrasonography. Chapters feature board review-style questions and answers to assist readers with board exam preparation. This book also includes the most up-to-date echocardiography content and practice guidelines. This book fills an educational gap in the perioperative and critical care echocardiography landscape. It addresses essential perioperative and critical care echocardiography topics in an accessible manner for those who provide acute care and resuscitation in any environment, including the operating room, intensive care unit, and the emergency department. Essential Echocardiography, 2nd edition, is expertly written for the practitioner with limited knowledge of echocardiography preparing for either the Examination of Special Competence in Basic Perioperative TEE (Basic PTEeXAM) or the Examination of Special Competence in Critical Care Echocardiography (CCEeXAM).
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Handbook on the Political Economy of War
The Handbook on the Political Economy of War highlights and explores important research questions and discusses the core elements of the political economy of war.By defining political economy and war in the broadest sense, this unique Handbook brings together a wide range of interdisciplinary scholars from economics, political science, sociology, and policy studies to address a multitude of important topics. These include an analysis of why wars begin, how wars are waged, what happens following the cessation of war, and various alternatives to conflict. Other sections explore civil war and revolution, the arms trade, political and economic systems, and post-conflict reconstruction and nation building. Erudite yet accessible, this comprehensive reference work will prove to be an engaging and enlightening read for policymakers, academics, and students of political science, economics, public policy, and sociology.
CABI Publishing Psocids as Global Pests of Stored Products
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Legal Responses to Transnational and International Crimes: Towards an Integrative Approach
The boundaries between core crimes and transnational crimes are blurring. Should prosecution and trial of transnational crimes be transferred from national to international jurisdictions? Or should criminal law repression in respect of such crimes remain the prerogative of the state? Cutting edge contributions to this book demonstrate that there is no ?one-size-fits-all? answer to these questions.Addressing the distinctions and commonalities of transnational and international crimes, eminent contributors discuss the implications of this relationship in the realm of law enforcement. This book critically reflects on the connection between ?core crimes? of the International Criminal Court including; war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, aggression, and several newly emerging transnational crimes. In view of this gradual merger of the categories, one of the major questions is whether the distinction in legal regime is still warranted. Significantly, the human rights consequences of transnational criminal law enforcement are brought to attention in this timely study. Academics and students of law, officials, policy makers and practicing criminal lawyers, will all greatly benefit from the crucial insight into the future of handling transnational crime.Contributors include: I. Bantekas, M. Bo, N. Boister, H. Bosdriesz, I. Braber, N. Bussolati, A. Chehtman, M.L. Ferioli, S. Gless, C. Jalloh, G. Nessi, H. Olasolo, C. Paulussen, H. van der Wilt, D. van Leeuwen, S. Wirken
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Data Analysis and Applications 1: Clustering and Regression, Modeling-estimating, Forecasting and Data Mining
This series of books collects a diverse array of work that provides the reader with theoretical and applied information on data analysis methods, models, and techniques, along with appropriate applications.Volume 1 begins with an introductory chapter by Gilbert Saporta, a leading expert in the field, who summarizes the developments in data analysis over the last 50 years. The book is then divided into three parts: Part 1 presents clustering and regression cases; Part 2 examines grouping and decomposition, GARCH and threshold models, structural equations, and SME modeling; and Part 3 presents symbolic data analysis, time series and multiple choice models, modeling in demography, and data mining.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Applied Ethics
Applied or practical ethics is perhaps the largest growth area in philosophy today, and many issues in moral, social, and political life have come under philosophical scrutiny in recent years. Taken together, the essays in this volume – including two overview essays on theories of ethics and the nature of applied ethics – provide a state-of-the-art account of the most pressing moral questions facing us today. Provides a comprehensive guide to many of the most significant problems of practical ethics Offers state-of-the-art accounts of issues in medical, environmental, legal, social, and business ethics Written by major philosophers presently engaged with these complex and profound ethical issues
Taylor & Francis Inc RFID and Auto-ID in Planning and Logistics: A Practical Guide for Military UID Applications
As RFID technology is becoming increasingly popular, the need has arisen to address the challenges and approaches to successful implementation. RFID and Auto-ID in Planning and Logistics: A Practical Guide for Military UID Applications presents the concepts for students, military personnel and contractors, and corporate managers to learn about RFID and other automatic information capture technologies, and their integration into planning and logistics functions. The text includes comparisons of RFID with technologies such as bar codes, satellite tags, and global positioning systems and provides a decision model for choosing the appropriate technology for a given application.By providing the histories, current use, and future applications of RFID and automatic identification technologies (AIT), the book discusses supply chain planning and logistics uses for these technologies. It addresses the fundamental relationships in RFID, including how antennae, integrated circuitry, and substrate work together. The text provides detailed information for troubleshooting design issues and an understanding of passive, semi-passive, and active tags, so an informed choice of technology type can be made. It describes the unique identification (UID) standards necessary for military contractors and how to use RFID and AIT to meet those requirements.This book is unique in the depth of material presented, making it appropriate for engineers, students, and operational personnel as a resource for foundational concepts for integrating logistics and RFID. A comprehensive reference, this volume can is an academic text, a practitioner’s handbook, and a military contractor’s UID guide for using RFID and AIT technologies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Battery Systems Engineering
A complete all-in-one reference on the important interdisciplinary topic of Battery Systems Engineering Focusing on the interdisciplinary area of battery systems engineering, this book provides the background, models, solution techniques, and systems theory that are necessary for the development of advanced battery management systems. It covers the topic from the perspective of basic electrochemistry as well as systems engineering topics and provides a basis for battery modeling for system engineering of electric and hybrid electric vehicle platforms. This original approach gives a useful overview for systems engineers in chemical, mechanical, electrical, or aerospace engineering who are interested in learning more about batteries and how to use them effectively. Chemists, material scientists, and mathematical modelers can also benefit from this book by learning how their expertise affects battery management. Approaches a topic which has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years Topics covered include: Electrochemistry; Governing Equations; Discretization Methods; System Response and Battery Management Systems Include tables, illustrations, photographs, graphs, worked examples, homework problems, and references, to thoroughly illustrate key material Ideal for engineers working in the mechanical, electrical, and chemical fields as well as graduate students in these areas A valuable resource for Scientists and Engineers working in the battery or electric vehicle industries, Graduate students in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Measurement and Assessment
Volume 2, Measurement and Assessment of The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences (EPID) is organized into four volumes that look at the many likenesses and differences between individuals. Each of these four volumes focuses on a major content area in the study of personality psychology and individuals' differences. The first volume, Models and Theories, surveys the significant classic and contemporary viewpoints, perspectives, models, and theoretical approaches to the study of personality and individuals' differences (PID). The second volume on Measurement and Assessment examines key classic and modern methods and techniques of assessment in the study of PID. Volume III, titled Personality Processes and Individuals Differences, covers the important traditional and current dimensions, constructs, and traits in the study of PID. The final volume discusses three major categories: clinical contributions, applied research, and cross-cultural considerations, and touches on topics such as culture and identity, multicultural identities, cross-cultural examinations of trait structures and personality processes, and more. Each volume contains approximately 100 entries on personality and individual differences written by a diverse international panel of leading psychologists Covers significant classic and contemporary personality psychology models and theories, measurement and assessment techniques, personality processes and individuals differences, and research Provides a comprehensive and in-depth overview of the field of personality psychology The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences is an important resource for all psychology students and professionals engaging in the study and research of personality.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cocktail Investing: Distilling Everyday Noise into Clear Investment Signals for Better Returns
The automatic filter against bad, irrelevant, outdated investing information Cocktail Investing takes a look at investing in a different, catalyst-driven light to form a more cohesive, globally relevant investing lens. With a focus on the intersection of economics, demographics, psychographics, technology, policy, and more, this book helps readers build a more profitable portfolio based on what they see everyday rather than following the herd on Wall Street. Industry experts expose the actionable, observable, and recognizable trends that surround us daily, and show readers how to recognize these trends for themselves and translate them into wiser investing decisions without getting sidetracked by media clutter and bad advice. Given today's ever-increasing deluge of information, the average investor faces the challenge of sorting through the babble to decipher what it means, and learn how, where, and why they should be investing given the current economic environment and the uncertain future. This book provides an 'off' switch, helping readers apply an automatic mental filter to the incoming cacophony, to filter out only what they can use for smarter money moves. Read the economy like a professional investor Filter out useless and misleading data Recognize 'go' signals, and identify the beneficiaries Identify cyclical and structural changes that have reshaped business models The economic climate has changed drastically, and traditional practices are no longer getting results. Modern investing requires a whole new approach, and Cocktail Investing is the clear, insightful guide for putting it into action.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Handbook on the Political Economy of War
The Handbook on the Political Economy of War highlights and explores important research questions and discusses the core elements of the political economy of war.By defining political economy and war in the broadest sense, this unique Handbook brings together a wide range of interdisciplinary scholars from economics, political science, sociology, and policy studies to address a multitude of important topics. These include an analysis of why wars begin, how wars are waged, what happens following the cessation of war, and various alternatives to conflict. Other sections explore civil war and revolution, the arms trade, political and economic systems, and post-conflict reconstruction and nation building. Erudite yet accessible, this comprehensive reference work will prove to be an engaging and enlightening read for policymakers, academics, and students of political science, economics, public policy, and sociology.
William Morrow & Company Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary
John Wiley & Sons Inc The 123s of ABC in SAP: Using SAP R/3 to Support Activity-Based Costing
Incorporate the Benefits of Activity-Based Costing into the Efficiencies of Your SAP R/3 System Given SAP's dominance in the enterprise resource planning (ERP) market, many companies and their managers encounter SAP AG applications in some form or another. Many of these organizations have recognized the value of utilizing Activity-Based Costing/Management concepts to perform more accurate cost assignments or drive performance initiatives. Managers are then faced with trying to determine how Activity-Based Costing can be incorporated into the SAP environment. The 123s of ABC in SAP is the first book of its kind designed to help business managers understand the capabilities of the SAP R/3 business application to support Activity-Based Costing, Management, and Budgeting. Divided into three parts-the conceptual foundation, the capabilities of SAP ABC, and integration with other tools-the book provides readers with the following: * An explanation of how Activity-Based Costing can be used with SAP * Helpful hints for implementing ABC into SAP * Insights into the most common difficulties and potential solutions when implementing ABC into SAP * Summary tables that highlight key decisions to be made, implementation hints, and organizational challenges * Detailed descriptions of SAP software applications to support the Activity-Based Costing approach as well as the integration of SAP R/3 with Oros software * Examples of the tandem usage of Resource Consumption Accounting with Activity-Based Costing
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Encyclopaedic Companion to Medical Statistics
During the last twenty years statistical methodology has become of central importance in research studies in medicine and also in day-to-day clinical practice. The medical literature is now liberally punctuated not only with relatively routine statistical terms such as p-value, t-test, confidence interval, and correlation, but also with more esoteric items such as hazard function, multilevel model, generalized estimating equations and crossover design. Consequently researchers in medicine and clinicians who are not primarily statisticians need to have a source that provides readable accounts of these terms so that they can understand at least the essence of the statistical aspects of both the design and analysis of a reported investigation. The Encyclopedic Companion to Medical Statistics is that source, containing readable accounts of over 500 statistical topics central to current medical research, with each entry being written by an expert in the field. Examples and graphical material supplement the written material in many entries, and extensive cross-referencing sign posts the reader to other entries that are likely to be relevant.
William Morrow & Company The History of Middle-Earth, Part One
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Thorp and Covich's Freshwater Invertebrates: Keys to Nearctic Fauna
Thorp and Covich's Freshwater Invertebrates: Keys to Nearctic Fauna, Fourth Edition presents a comprehensive revision and expansion of this trusted professional reference manual and educational textbook—from a single North American tome into a developing multivolume series covering inland water invertebrates of the world. Readers familiar with the first three editions will welcome this new volume. The series, now entitled Thorp and Covich’s Freshwater Invertebrates, (edited by J.H. Thorp), began with Volume I: Ecology and General Biology, (edited by J.H. Thorp and D.C. Rogers). It now continues in Volume II with taxonomic coverage of inland water invertebrates of the Nearctic zoogeographic region. As in previous editions, all volumes of the fourth edition are designed for multiple uses and levels of expertise by professionals in universities, government agencies, and private companies, as well as by undergraduate and graduate students.
Leuven University Press Quaestiones de divinis praedicamentis XXVIII-XXXII: Quaestiones de divinis praedicamentis XXVIII-XXIX et Quaestiones de potentia et actu volendi I-III
Critical edition of James of Viterbo’s final questions De divinis praedicamentis and his De potentia et actu volendiJames of Viterbo (ca. 1255–1307), Augustinian friar, master of theology at the University of Paris, and archbishop of Naples, was one of the leading philosophers and theologians of the later thirteenth century. This volume completes the critical edition of his academic works and presents his last two questions De divinis praedicamentis and his three annexed questions on the will (De potentia et actu volendi). These questions, deriving from disputations James held as Augustinian regent master of theology at the University of Paris (1293–1297), offer rich discussions of important topics: whether the plurality of divine persons and attributes entails an order of priority within God and how causality may be attributed to God. The questions on the will cover issues at the core of later medieval debates on human freedom: on the unity of the will as a power of the soul, whether the will is the primary agent in human action, and whether the will is free with respect to all its acts.This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).
Original Falcon Press Dogma Daze
Original Falcon Press Why is Dr Hyatt? DVD: Gossiping with the Doctor