Search results for ""author bernd"
Faber & Faber Selected Poems Bernard O'Donoghue
Winner of the Whitbread Prize for Poetry, Bernard O'Donoghue's poems have long captivated readers with their lyricism, their grace and with what John Burnside has called their 'scrupulous honesty'. This judicious selection, made by the author himself, draws on twenty years of work and presents O'Donoghue at his most mesmeric: often recalling the rural Cork of his upbringing as seen against the exile of his adulthood, ever alive to the desire but impossibility of return.
Harvard University Press Bernard Berenson: Formation and Heritage
Bernard Berenson (1865–1959) put the connoisseurship of Renaissance art on a firm footing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His monument is the library and collection of Italian painting, Islamic miniatures, and Asian art at Villa I Tatti in Florence. The authors in this collection of essays explore the intellectual world in which Berenson was formed and to which he contributed. Some essays consider his friendship with William James and the background of perceptual psychology that underlay his concept of “tactile values.” Others examine Berenson’s relationships with a variety of cultural figures, ranging from the German-born connoisseur Jean Paul Richter, the German art historian Aby Warburg, the Boston collector Isabella Stewart Gardner, and the American medievalist Arthur Kingsley Porter to the African-American dance icon Katherine Dunham, as well as with Kenneth Clark, Otto Gutekunst, Archer Huntington, Paul Sachs, and Umberto Morra.Bernard Berenson: Formation and Heritage makes an important contribution to the rising interest in the historiography of the discipline of art history in the United States and Europe during its formative years.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Winning At Retail: Developing a Sustained Model for Retail Success
Praise for Winning At Retail "Winning at Retail offers the most effective strategies available for retailers. At McDonald's, the 'Quick-EST' model is crucial, because being close and convenient to where our customers live, work, and shop helps us create maximum value. If you want to harness your company's strengths to become a leader in your category-and stay in tune with what your customers want-this is the book for you." -Jim Rand, Senior Vice President of Business Development, McDonald's Corporation "Winning at Retail provides a thoughtful approach to retail differentiation. Ander and Stern warn of the 'treacherous middle' into which retailers too easily drift. They inspire us to avoid this peril through case studies of retailers who have assumed leadership through courageous choice." -Robert L. Price, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Wawa "In a difficult retail environment, this book provides crucial guidance for staying on top of your competition-by taking the customer seriously and leveraging your strengths to provide experiences that increase customer loyalty. Will Ander and Neil Stern elegantly argue that you can't always be the biggest, fastest, and trendiest place on the block, but it takes only one of these 'Ests' to be a category leader. Businesses big and small can benefit from the carefully distilled lessons in this book." -Bernd Schmitt, Professor of Marketing, Columbia Business School and author of Customer Experience Management
Little Brown and Company Where'd You Go, Bernadette
Aleta Ediciones Astaroth y Bernadette
De Gruyter Die Geschichte der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf seit 1945: Herausgegeben von der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Seit über 200 Jahren bildet die Kunstakademie Düsseldorf Maler, Bildhauer, Bühnenbildner und Architekten aus. Zahlreiche Künstler von internationalem Rang haben hier studiert oder unterrichtet. Der Band beschreibt in 30 reich bebilderten Beiträgen Leben und Lehre an dieser bedeutenden Hochschule. Ausgehend von einem Rückblick auf die Gründung der unstakademie Düsseldorf widmen sie sich der Hochschule zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus sowie ihrem Wiederaufbau nach 1945 und den Auseinandersetzungen Ende der 1960er Jahre. Dank herausragender Professoren wie Bernd Becher, Joseph Beuys, Jörg Immendorff und Gerhard Richter konnte sich die Akademie in den letzten Jahrzehnten als richtungsweisende Kunsthochschule etablieren. Persönliche Erinnerungen zahlreicher Lehrender runden den Band ab.
Insel Verlag GmbH Das Lied von Bernadette
Hirmer Verlag Bernard Schultze: A Bright Wisp, a Glistening Wind: A 100th Birthday Celebration
31 May 2015 would have been Bernhard Schultze’s one-hundredth birthday. On the occasion of this anniversary the publication featuring approximately eighty works of art honours the extensive oeuvre of one of the most important Art Informel artists. As a co-founder of the QUADRIGA artists’ group Bernhard Schultze made an important contribution to the establishment of Art Informel in Germany. This art movement rejected both realistic figuration and “formulaic” geometric abstraction, drawing instead on intuitive creative powers. The book presents delicately coloured and black-and-white drawings and boldly colourful oil paintings as well as Schultze’s important reliefs and sculptures. Texts by art historians, authors, psychoanalysts and fellow artists and texts and poems by Bernhard Schultze himself paint a multifaceted picture of this important post-war artist’s oeuvre
NordSüd Verlag AG Weihnachten mit Bernadette
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) In memoriam Ulrich Weber: Reden und Vorträge anlässlich der akademischen Gedenkfeier für Ulrich Weber
Der Band gibt die Reden und Vorträge wieder, die anlässlich der akademischen Gedenkstunde für den im Dezember 2013 verstorbenen Tübinger Strafrechtslehrer Ulrich Weber am 23.1.2015 in Tübingen gehalten wurden. Er enthält - neben der Begrüßungsansprache des Dekans - einen Vortrag von Wolfgang Grunsky über persönliche Erinnerungen an Ulrich Weber. Anschließend wird das akademische Werk Webers in Vorträgen seiner vier Schüler vorgestellt: Der Vortrag von Wolfgang Mitsch hebt Webers Interesse am Zivilrecht hervor, der Vortrag von Bernd Heinrich zeichnet das Werk Webers zum Urheberstrafrecht. Dem Vortrag von Eric Hilgendorf zum Wirken Ulrich Webers im Bereich der Strafrechtsdogmatik und dem Vortrag von Detlev Sternberg-Lieben zum Werk Webers im Bereich des Wirtschaftsstrafrechts folgt eine Fortführung der von Ulrich Weber verfassten Schriften im Anschluss an die im Jahr 2004 erschienene Festschrift.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Shephelah: Papers Presented at a Colloquium of the Swiss Society for Ancient Near Eastern Studies Held at the University of Bern, September 6, 2014
btb Taschenbuch Wo steckst du Bernadette
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Reichsstadt und Reformation: Neue Ausgabe
Bernd Moellers Reichsstadt und Reformation (1962) gehört zu den klassischen Texten der protestantischen Kirchengeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Die Studie gilt als Initial einer sozialhistorischen Reformationsgeschichtsschreibung und hat die wissenschaftliche Diskussion bis in die 1980er Jahre wesentlich stimuliert und begleitet. Moeller untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen städtischen Rechtsvorstellungen und Mentalitäten des späten Mittelalters und theologischen Leitvorstellungen der oberdeutschen und der schweizerischen Reformation und arbeitet bemerkenswerte Affinitäten heraus. Von diesen Analysen ergeben sich typologische Perspektiven zur Unterscheidung zwischen lutherischer und oberdeutsch-reformierter Reformation, die die weitere Diskussion bestimmt haben. In einer Bilanz der Forschungsdebatte hat Moeller 1987 die lebhaften Kontroversen diskutiert.Dem Buch ist ein Essay vorangestellt, in dem Thomas Kaufmann die wissenschaftsgeschichtliche und werkbiographische Bedeutung von "Reichsstadt und Reformation" aus der Retrospektive eines weiteren Vierteljahrhunderts seit Erscheinen der zweiten Ausgabe reflektiert.
Prestel Unconscious Places: Thomas Struth
Thomas Struth is one of the best-known photographers to come out of the school of Bernd and Hilla Becher. In this celebrated volume, Struth presents a series of urban streetscapes from cities such as Edinburgh, Lima, Pyongyang, Naples, and New York City, all taken in similar conditions—devoid of human activity. Struth refers to these mundane buildings, unpopulated streets and anonymous facades as “unconscious places”—environments that are imbued with meaning only by the viewer. Captured with exquisite technical prowess and presented with powerful, restrained neutrality, Struth’s images allow us to fully appreciate a city’s character—from its telephone wires above to the pavement below. Renowned sociologist Richard Sennett’s illuminating essay reveals how Struth’s sober, lucid photography leads the viewer to create their own conclusions, rather than forcing a perspective. The resulting interplay among photographer, viewer, and landscape may hold the key to understanding how architecture affects our daily lives.
Little, Brown & Company Where'd You Go, Bernadette
btb Taschenbuch Wo steckst du Bernadette Roman
Ediciones Catedra, S.A. La Casa De Bernada Alba
Ignatius Press The Song of Bernadette
New Directions Publishing Corporation A Bernadette Mayer Reader
“What a clear, insistent health there is here––as if the so-called world were seriously the point, which it is, and we could actually live in it, which we do. Truly this is the best How To book I've read in years. Bernadette Mayer makes a various world of real people in real times and places, a fact of love and loving use. She has impeccable insight and humor. She is a consummate poet no matter what’s for supper or who eats it. Would that all genius were as generous.” —Robert Creeley
NordSüd Verlag AG Bernadette Mrchen und Erzhlungen
Prestel The Düsseldorf School of Photography
Now reissued in an attractively priced, compact edition, this classic and authoritative survey is the first detailed account of a seminal era in photographic history.Inspired and guided by Bernd and Hiller Becher, themselves pioneers in the area of documentary photography, the artists of Germany’s Düsseldorf School not only pushed the boundaries of their teachers’ practice, but also ushered in three generations of technical and compositional achievement that is rivalled in importance only by the arrival of color photography. This book introduces readers to the historic, cultural, and scientific environments in which the Bechers’ practice thrived. It explores the teaching philosophies with which they encouraged their students, and considers the qualities that highlight the Düsseldorf School: intricate detail, large scale, painterly distance combined with an immersive quality. The plate section, organized by artist, features 160 beautifully reproduced images by Andreas Gursky, Thomas Struth, Thomas Ruff, Candida Höfer, Axel Hütte, Laurenz Berges, Elger Esser, Simone Nieweg, Jörg Sasse, and Petra Wunderlich.
Ignatius Press Bernadette: Our Lady's Little Servant
Simon & Schuster The Hysterical Girls of St. Bernadettes
An all-girls school is struck with mysterious cases of screaming hysteria in this chilling dark academia thriller haunted by a deeply buried history clawing to the light.For over a hundred years, girls have fought to attend St. Bernadette’s, with its reputation for shaping only the best and brightest young women. Unfortunately, there is also the screaming. When a student begins to scream in the middle of class, a chain reaction starts that impacts the entire school. By the end of the day, seventeen girls are affected—along with St. Bernadette’s stellar reputation. Khadijah’s got her own scars to tend to, and watching her friends succumb to hysteria only rips apart wounds she’d rather keep closed. But when her sister falls to the screams, Khad knows she’s the only one who can save her. Rachel has always been far too occupied trying to reconcile her overbearing mother’s expectations with her own sec
Greystone Books,Canada Taming Fruit: How Orchards Have Transformed the Land, Offered Sanctuary, and Inspired Creativity
A captivating cultural and scientific history of orchards, for readers of Michael Pollan's The Botany of Desire and Mark Kurlansky’s Salt. Throughout history, orchards have nourished both body and soul: they are sites for worship and rest, inspiration for artists and writers, and places for people to gather. In Taming Fruit, award-winning writer Bernd Brunner interweaves evocative illustrations with masterful prose to show that the story of orchards is a story of how we have shaped nature to our desires for millennia. As Brunner tells it, the first orchards may have been oases dotted with date trees, where desert nomads stopped to rest. In the Amazon, Indigenous people maintained mosaic gardens centuries before colonization. Modern fruit cultivation developed over thousands of years in the East and the West. As populations expanded, fruit trees sprang from the lush gardens of the wealthy and monasteries to fields and roadsides, changing landscapes as they fed the hungry. But orchards don’t just produce fruit; they also inspire great artists. Taming Fruit shares paintings, photographs, and illustrations alongside Brunner's enchanting descriptions and research, offering a multifaceted-—and long-awaited—portrait of the orchard.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Sprich nicht drüber, aber halte dich dran: Die Macht impliziter Regeln in Systemen
Jeder kennt es, alle spüren es: In Unternehmen und Organisationen wirken unsichtbare Regeln, denen alle unterworfen sind. Aber wie geht man mit Regeln um, nach denen alle handeln, die aber nirgendwo festgeschrieben sind?Versteckte Systemregeln sind in jeder Organisation und in jedem Unternehmen zu finden. Sie sind meist Ergebnis der Geschichte des jeweiligen Systems und bestimmen in hohem Maße, was in ihm möglich ist und was nicht. Entscheidend ist die Tatsache, dass diese Regeln weder offen kommuniziert oder kritisiert werden noch auf den ersten Blick erkennbar sind. Wie kommt man diesen versteckten Regeln auf die Spur? Wie wirken sie auf das Verhalten einzelner? Bernd Sprenger zeigt, wie Antworten in der systemischen Beratung gefunden werden können. Er erläutert die impliziten Systemregeln verschiedener organisationaler Kontexte, von der Kirche über Familienunternehmen bis zu Universitäten, und beleuchtet Handlungsoptionen für Beratende.
Peter Lang Group Ag, International Academic Publishers Siedlung Und Verkehr Im Roemischen Reich: Roemerstrassen Zwischen Herrschaftssicherung Und Landschaftspraegung- Akten Des Kolloquiums Zu Ehren Von Prof. H. E. Herzig Vom 28. Und 29. Juni 2001 in Bern
Faber & Faber The House of Bernarda Alba
Finished just two months before the author's murder on 18 August 1936 by a gang of Franco's supporters, The House of Bernarda Alba is now accepted as Lorca's great masterpiece of love and loathing.Five daughters live together in a single household with a tyrannical mother. When the father of all but the eldest girl dies, a cynical marriage is advanced which will have tragic consequences for the whole family. Lorca's fascinatingly modern play, rendered here in an English version by David Hare, speaks as powerfully as a political metaphor of oppression as it does as domestic drama. The House of Bernarda Alba premiered at the National Theatre, London, in March 2005.
Lexington Books Rhetoric and Governance under Trump: Proclamations from the Bullshit Pulpit
Rhetoric and Governance under Trump: Proclamations from the Bullshit Pulpit analyzes the rhetoric of Donald Trump to argue that Trump’s deeply illiberal rhetoric, cruel policies, corruption, disruptive foreign policy, and disdain for the rule of law makes him a textbook populist. However, his embrace of mainstream conservative policies and the culture war narratives that come with them made him a rather conventional Republican. Being more plutocrat than populist, Trump had to bridge this fundamental contradiction by employing populist and polarizing rhetoric, alongside fabricated crises, to uphold the veneer of being an anti-status quo politician. Bernd Kaussler, Lars J. Kristiansen, and Jeffrey Delbert argue that, for Trump, bullshit, confrontational politics, and fear has emerged as a vital political strategy. Through an analysis of Trump’s first three years in office, the authors find that President Trump governed using a communication strategy that a) denied facts, relied heavily on bullshit, lies, and fabricated counter-narratives; b) attacked news outlets and the opposition to foster identity-based polarization in order to sideline critics and stir up factions for specific political ends; and c) dismissed legitimate criticism of policies and the conduct of the administration and the president himself as “fake news.” Kaussler, Kristiansen, and Delbert argue that the repeated use of this strategy, along with a mixture of public complacency and concerted efforts on the part of his own party, has allowed Trump to work toward normalizing these lies and cover-ups throughout his tenure, only further exacerbating the highly polarized and partisan political environment in the United States. Scholars of rhetoric, communication, political science, and media studies will find this book particularly useful.
De Gruyter Lehrmedien der Kunstgeschichte: Geschichte und Perspektiven kunsthistorischer Medienpraxis
Die kunsthistorische Forschung und Lehre ist aufs Engste mit der Mediengeschichte verzahnt. Durch die Digitalisierung ergeben sich hier neue Perspektiven. Der Band wirft vor diesem Hintergrund einen differenzierten Blick auf die Vielfalt kunsthistorischer Lehrmedien, indem er nach der Geschichte, den Prämissen, aber auch den Grenzen kunsthistorischer Medienpraxis fragt. Fallstudien widmen sich den unterschiedlichen Medien und ihrer Verwendung für die Wissensproduktion innerhalb der Kunstgeschichte. Beiträge u.a. von Alexandra Axtmann, Peter Bell, Matthias Bruhn, Bernd Carqué, Ortwin Dally, Ute Dercks, Philipp Goldbach, Erkki Huhtamo, Joseph Imorde, Rossella Monaco, Hubert Locher, Maria Männig, Susanne Müller-Bechtel, Robert S. Nelson, Franziska Scheuer, Barbara Schrödl, Andreas Zeising.
NordSüd Verlag AG Grimms Märchen Illustriert von Bernadette
Ignatius Press Bernadette: The Little Girl from Lourdes
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Butcher of Berner Street: A Leo Stanhope Case
The latest atmospheric mystery from the author of the Richard and the Judy Book Club choice, The House on Half Moon Street. 'Exceptional – you hear and smell and taste Victorian London' Sarah Hilary The headlines scream warnings about the ‘Butcher of Berner Street!’ and the journalist behind them – Leo Stanhope – is secretly thrilled to see the effect his words are having. Leo is used to covering more mundane issues, but when an anonymous letter summons him to a club in East London, only for the owner of the club to be found murdered shortly afterwards, Leo sees a story worth pursuing. Not to mention an opportunity to make a name for himself. Yet the more Leo digs, the stranger the story becomes, taking him from the club to a nearby convent, and into the past of a very unusual woman. But he is not the only one hunting for a killer. And it seems Leo’s newspaper reports may have put someone else in grave danger… The Butcher of Berner Street is a brilliantly atmospheric, characterful Victorian mystery, perfect for fans of Antonia Hodgson, Abir Mukherjee and Andrew Taylor. ____________________ The latest Leo Stanhope case, The Blood Flower, is available to pre-order now - out July 2022! ____________________
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Vatican Heresy: Bernini and the Building of the Hermetic Temple of the Sun
In 16th century Italy, in the midst of the Renaissance, two powerful movements took hold. The first, the Hermetic Movement, was inspired by an ancient set of books housed in the library of Cosimo de' Medici and written by the Egyptian sage Hermes Trismegistus. The movement expounded the return of the "true religion of the world" based on a form of natural magic that could draw down the powers of the heavens and incorporate them into statues and physical structures. The other movement, the Heliocentric Movement launched by Copernicus, was a direct challenge to the Vatican's biblical interpretation of a geocentric world system. Declared a heresy by the Pope, those who promoted it risked the full force of the Inquisition. Exploring the meeting point of these two movements, authors Robert Bauval and Chiara Hohenzollern reveal how the most outspoken and famous philosophers, alchemists, and scientists of the Renaissance, such as Giordano Bruno and Marsilio Ficino, called for a Hermetic reformation of the Christian religion by building a magical utopic city, an architectural version of the heliocentric system. Using contemporary documents and the latest cutting-edge theses, the authors show that this Temple of the Sun was built in Rome, directly in front of the Vatican's Basilica of St. Peter. They explain how the Vatican architect Bernini designed St. Peter's Square to reflect the esoteric principles of the Hermetica and how the square is a detailed representation of the heliocentric system. Revealing the magical architectural plan masterminded by the Renaissance's greatest minds, including Bernini, Jesuit scholars, Queen Christine of Sweden, and several popes, the authors expose the ultimate heresy of all time blessed by the Vatican itself.
Oxford University Press George Bernard Shaw: A Very Short Introduction
George Bernard Shaw has been called the second greatest playwright in English (after William Shakespeare) and one of the inventors of modern celebrity as the most famous public intellectual of his time. Beginning in the 1880s, as a critic and as a playwright, he transformed British drama, bringing to it intellectual substance, ethical imperatives, and modernity itself, setting the theatrical course for the subsequent century. That his legacy endures seventy years after his death is testament to the prescience of his thinking and his prolific creativity. This Very Short Introduction looks at Shaw's life, starting with his upbringing in Ireland, and then takes a chronological approach through his works. Considering Shaw's committed antagonism on behalf of a range of socio-political issues; his use of comedy as a mode for communicating serious ideas; and his rhetorical style that pushes conventional boundaries, Christopher Wixson provides an overview of the creative evolution of core themes throughout Shaw's long career. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
University of Texas Press History, Tragedy, Theory: Dialogues on Athenian Drama
Greek tragedy has held sway over the imagination of audiences for well over two millennia. This collection of essays on Athenian drama, the proceedings of a conference held at the University of Texas at Austin in 1992, demonstrates that Greek tragedy still retains its power to provoke debate and to engage the interest of specialists and non-classicists alike.The book includes essays by seven of the foremost scholars of Greek drama—Helene Foley, Michelle Gellrich, Peter W. Rose, David Rosenbloom, Richard Seaford, Bernd Seidensticker, and Froma I. Zeitlin. These writers explore the work of all three great tragedians, Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, and approach them from a variety of perspectives on history and theory, including poststructuralism and Marxism. They investigate the possibilities for coordinating theoretically informed readings of tragedy with a renewed attention to the pressure of material history within those texts. The collection thus represents a response within classics to "New Historicism" and the debates it has generated within related literary disciplines.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Leonard Bernstein and Washington, DC: Works, Politics, Performances
Bold new essays demonstrate how Leonard Bernstein influenced American culture, society, and politics through his conducting, composing, political relationships, and activism. Composer, conductor, activist, and icon of twentieth-century America, Leonard Bernstein (1918-90) had a rich association with Washington, DC. Although he never lived there, the US capital was the site of some of the most important moments in his life and work, as he engaged with the nation's struggles and triumphs. By examining Bernstein through the lens of Washington, DC, this book offers new insights into his life and music from the 1940s through the 1980s, including his role in building the city's artistic landscape, his political-diplomatic aims, his works that received premieres and other early performances in Washington, and his relationships with the nation's liberal and conservative political elites. The collection also contributes new perspectives on twentieth-century American history, government, and culture, helping to elucidate the political function of music in American democracy. The essays in Leonard Bernstein and Washington, DC, all newly written by leading authorities, situate this important American cultural figure in the seat of United States government. The result is a fresh new angle on Leonard Bernstein, American politics, and American culture in the second half of the twentieth century.
Liguori Publications Saint Bernadette: Blessed Are the Righteous
Museum of New Mexico Press (Red Crane Books) Death of Bernadette Lefthand: A Novel
Penguin Books Ltd The Dancing Face: A collection of rediscovered works celebrating Black Britain curated by Booker Prize-winner Bernardine Evaristo
A sensational, original thriller that examines the powerful link between identity, sacrifice and possession, and questions our compulsive need to chase after ambitions that leave devastation in their wakeUniversity lecturer Gus knows that stealing the priceless Benin mask, The Dancing Face, from a museum at the heart of the British establishment will gain an avalanche of attention.Which is exactly what he wants.But such a risky theft will also inevitably capture the attention of characters with more money, more power, and fewer morals.Naively entangling his loved ones in his increasingly dangerous pursuit of righteous reparation, is Gus prepared for what it will cost him?'This book is brutal, deep, cunning and unbearably beautiful' Independent Selected by Booker Prize-winning author Bernardine Evaristo, this series rediscovers and celebrates pioneering books depicting black Britain that remap the nation.
Manchester University Press La Casa De Bernarda Alba: By Federico García Lorca
Completed only two months before the author's execution in Granada at the age of thirty-eight, La casa de Bernarda Alba marks the completion of Lorca's 'trilogia de la tierra española' and is commonly held to be his greatest play. The theme of vitality and repression that runs as a leitmotif through his writings takes on a clearer social dimension in the 'drama de mujeres en los pueblos de España', with the presentation of a household of five unmarried daughters tyrannised by their mother's excessive concern with social class and obscurantist village morality.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Im Kosmos zu Hause: Wie astronomische Fotografien unsere Sicht auf die Welt verändern
Wir Menschen wissen bereits seit über 400 Jahren, dass wir uns unverschämterweise nicht im Zentrum des Universums befinden. Dennoch war die Überraschung groß, als mit Beginn der Raumfahrt die ersten Fotografien der blauen Erdkugel auftauchten. Umweltaktivisten erschraken vor der Fragilität der Atmosphäre, Philosophinnen distanzierten sich vom Menschen und Landschaftsfotografen entdeckten fremde Welten in der bereits bekannten. Bernd Pröschold hat in Wüstenlandschaften, im Erdorbit und sogar in der Tiefsee außerirdisch anmutende Motive aufgespürt und zu einem essayistischen Bildband im Querformat verarbeitet. Vor kosmischer Kulisse zeichnet er die Konturen eines zweibeinigen Wesens, dessen Schicksal viel enger mit dem Weltall verwoben ist, als unsere Alltagserfahrung es erahnen lässt. Wir begeben uns auf einen visuellen Streifzug durch extraterrestrische Bildwelten, bereichert durch Zitate und Anekdoten – ein Muss für alle Naturfreunde, Philosophen und Weltraum-Fans.
Harvard University Press Bumblebee Economics: With a New Preface
Here is a brilliant introduction to insect and plant ecology focusing on one of nature’s most adaptive creatures, the bumblebee. Survival for the bumblebee depends on its ability to regulate body temperature through a complex energy exchange, and it is this management of energy resources around which Bernd Heinrich enters his discussion of physiology, behavior, and ecological interaction. Along the way, he makes some amusing parallels with the theories of Adam Smith—which, Heinrich observes, work rather well for the bees, however inadequate they may be for human needs.Bumblebee Economics uniquely offers both the professional and amateur scientist a coherent biological model that goes beyond any particular species or level of biological organization. Rich in specific detail and including an extensive appendix on the rearing of bumblebees, as well as a full-color guide to field identification, this book organizes practical knowledge according to a new criterion.In a new preface, Heinrich ranges from Maine to Alaska and north to the Arctic as he summarizes findings from continuing investigations over the past twenty-five years—by himself and others—into the wondrous “energy economy” of bumblebees.
Liverpool University Press Bernardin de Saint-Pierre: Colonial Traveller, Enlightenment Reformer, Celebrity Writer
Although posterity has generally known Bernardin de Saint-Pierre for his bestselling Paul et Virginie, his output was encyclopaedic. Using new sources, this monograph explores the many facets of a celebrity writer in the Ancien Régime, the Revolution and the early nineteenth century. Bernardin attracted a readership to whom, irrespective of age, gender or social situation, he became a guide to living. He was nominated by Louis XVI to manage the Jardin des plantes, by Revolutionary bodies to teach at the École normale and to membership of the Institut. He deplored unquestioning adherence to Newtonian ideas, materialistic atheism and human misdeeds in what could be considered proto-ecological terms. He bemoaned analytical, reductionist approaches: his philosophy placed human beings at the centre of the universe and stressed the interconnectedness of cosmic harmony. Bernardin learned enormously from travel to Eastern Europe and the Indian Ocean. He attacked slavery, championed a national education system and advocated justice for authors. Fresh information and interpretation show that he belonged to neither the philosophe or anti-philosophe camp. A reformist, he envisioned a regenerated France as a nation of liberty offering asylum for refugees. This study demonstrates the range of thought and expression of an incontournable polymath in an age of transformation.
Penguin Books Ltd Incomparable World: A collection of rediscovered works celebrating Black Britain curated by Booker Prize-winner Bernardine Evaristo
A visceral reimagining of 1780s London, showcasing the untold stories of African-American soldiers grappling with their post-war freedom 'Remarkable' David DabydeenIn the years just after the American revolution, London was the unlikely refuge for thousands of black Americans who fought for liberty on the side of the British.Buckram, Georgie and William have earned their freedom and escaped their American oppressors, but on the streets of London, poverty awaits with equal cruelty.Ruthless, chaotic and endlessly evolving, London forces them into a life of crime, and a life on the margins. Their only hope for a better future is to concoct a scheme so daring, it will be a miracle if it pays off.Bursting with energy and vivid detail, Incomparable World boldly uncovers a long-buried narrative of black Britain.'Adventurous and exuberant . . . a rollicking thriller [that] pulsates with vivacity' Bernardine EvaristoSelected by Booker Prize-winning author Bernardine Evaristo, this series rediscovers and celebrates pioneering books depicting black Britain that remap the nation.
JOVIS Verlag Club Hybrid: Ein Sommer in der Nebelzone
Im südlichen Graz, dort, wo Einfamilienhäuser, Gewerbe und Industrie aufeinandertreffen, entstand im Rahmen des Grazer Kulturjahres 2020 der Demonstrativbau Club Hybrid. Mit wechselnden Gästen und täglichem Programm wurde der Club im Sommer 2021 zur Werkstatt und Bühne in der urbanen Nebelzone der Stadt. Es wurde experimentiert, ausgestellt und diskutiert. Club Hybrid. Ein Sommer in der Nebelzone bringt die beteiligten Menschen, Objekte, Räume und Ereignisse in einem Buch zusammen. Entlang von sechs Themenfeldern wird die Genese des Clubs von der Standortsuche über die Architekturkonstruktion bis zur Programmfindung erzählt. Gastbeiträge von Bernd Vlay, Agency Apéro, Emily Trummer, Rudolf Kohoutek und Oliver Elser ergänzen und vertiefen einzelne Themen und blicken über den Rand des Projekts hinaus. Das Cover des Buches ist zugleich ein Poster.
Stanford University Press Dawn: Thoughts on the Presumptions of Morality, Volume 5
Dawn is the most recent volume to appear in the first complete, critical, and annotated English edition of all of Nietzsche's work. The edition, organized originally by Ernst Behler and Bernd Magnus, is a translation of the celebrated Kritische Studienausgabe in 15 Bänden (1980) edited by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari. The book is the first to appear under the editorial direction of Alan D. Schrift, Keith Ansell-Pearson, and Duncan Large, and to incorporate subsequent corrections to the 1980 edition. Continuing the positivistic turn of Human, All Too Human, Dawn is the second installment in the free spirit trilogy that culminated in The Joyful Science. One of Nietzsche's "yes-saying" books, it marks his first significant confrontation with morality and offers glimpses of many of the signature themes in his mature works. Dawn has come to be admired in recent years for its ethical naturalism, psychological observations, and therapeutic insights. Presented in Nietzsche's aphoristic style, it is a text with hidden riches, one that must be read between the lines and one that the discerning reader will admire and cherish.