Search results for ""author bernd"
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Psychology of Gift-Giving
Gift-giving is an economically significant area of consumer behavior. For we are constantly buy gifts: for Christmas and Mother’s Day, for birth and baptism, for the start of school and exams, for engagements and weddings, for birthdays or as souvenirs. Moreover, gift-giving is a very important psychological phenomenon, based on voluntariness, but also representing a duty and requiring compliance with rules. Thus, gift giving is by no means always associated with joy, but also with stress in the search for a perfect gift and disappointment when gifts fail.The book presents central results of psychological research on gift-giving. These provide answers to the following questions, among others: What ‘secret’ rules of giving and receiving do we follow? What messages do we send with our gifts? How do certain characteristics - such as the amount of the price or empathy - influence satisfaction with a Gift-giving is an economically significant area of consumer behavior. For we are constantly buy gifts: for Christmas and Mother’s Day, for birth and baptism, for the start of school and exams, for engagements and weddings, for birthdays or as souvenirs. Moreover, gift-giving is a very important psychological phenomenon, based on voluntariness, but also representing a duty and requiring compliance with rules. Thus, gift giving is by no means always associated with joy, but also with stress in the search for a perfect gift and disappointment when gifts fail. The book presents central results of psychological research on gift-giving. These provide answers to the following questions, among others: · What ‘secret’ rules of giving and receiving do we follow? · What messages do we send with our gifts? · How do certain characteristics - such as the amount of the price or empathy - influence satisfaction with a gift? · What mistakes should we avoid when giving gifts in romantic relationships? · When is a monetary gift appropriate and when is it not? The Author Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. em. Bernd Stauss held the Chair of Service Management at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. What mistakes should we avoid when giving gifts in romantic relationships? When is a monetary gift appropriate and when is it not? The presentation of psychological gift-giving research is supplemented by references to gift-giving episodes in fiction by authors such as Paul Auster, Jonathan Franzen, Margaret Mitchell, and Thomas Mann. These illustrate the scientific findings and allow us to emotionally comprehend the experience of giving and receiving.The AuthorProf. Dr. Dr. h.c. em. Bernd Stauss held the Chair of Service Management at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Anthropologie des Alten Testament: Grundfragen - Kontexte - Themenfelder
Neben der 'Theologie des Alten Testaments' und der 'Literatur- und Religionsgeschichte Israels' gehört die 'Anthropologie' zu den Kernthemen der alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft. Das Lehrbuch von Bernd Janowski bearbeitet dieses Thema in umfassender Weise, indem es sich in sieben Abschnitte gliedert: Einführung, Lebensphasen, Personbegriff, Soziales Handeln, Welterfahrung, Anthropologien im Alten Testament, Resümee. Ein ausführlicher Quellenhang veranschaulicht das Thema anhand ausgewählter Texte und Bilder aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. "Bernd Janowski hat [...] einen großartigen Gesamtentwurf vorgelegt, der schon jetzt als Standardwerk bezeichnet werden kann. Galt bis dahin die Anthropologie des Alten Testaments von Hans Walter Wolff aus dem Jahr 1973 als maßgebliches Werk, so dürfte nun die beeindruckende Darstellung des emeritierten Tübinger Alttestamentlers an deren Stelle treten."Ludger Schwienhoerst-Schönberger in Christ in der Gegenwart , Nr. 21/2019, S. 226 "Bernd Janowskis monumentales opus magnum, in dem eine lebenslange Beschäftigung mit anthropologischen Themen der Bibel ihren Höhepunkt erreicht, darf schon jetzt als das künftig unentbehrliche Standardwerk zu allen Fragen im Umkreis bezeichnet werden. [...] Eine uneingeschränkte Leseempfehlung, die jedem Interessierten dringend ans Herz gelegt sei!"Friedhelm Hartenstein in Theologische Literaturzeitung 144, Buch des Monats (Juli/August 2019) "Bernd Janowski hat mit seiner Anthropologie des Alten Testaments ein materialreiches Kompendium vorgelegt, ein Nachschlagewerk, ein Lesebuch, ein Lehrwerk, ein kluges Buch, von dem sich die interessierte Leserschaft gern zum Nach- und Selberdenken anregen lässt. Zweifellos liegt für die alttestamentliche Anthropologie hier ein Referenzwerk vor."Achim Behrens in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung , 115 (2020), S. 449-452 "[...] ein wahres Meisterwerk, das jede/r Student/in der Theologie zu Rate ziehen wird. Auch die Fachexegese darf sich über ein äußerst hilfreiches Handbuch freuen, das man durcharbeiten und auf das man immer wieder als Nachschlagewerk zurückgreifen wird."Thomas Hieke in Biblische Notizen , 184 (2020), S. 149-150 "Dieses Buch stellt die alttestamentliche Anthropologie erfrischend neu, übersichtlich und umfassend dar und ist ein unschätzbarer Beitrag nicht nur zur alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft, sondern ebenfalls zur praktischen Theologie. Darüber hinaus sei es ausdrücklich als Nachschlagewerk oder zur Gesamtlektüre in Studium, Vikariat und Pfarramt empfohlen."Lukas Altvater auf "Insgesamt kann allen die Anschaffung dieses Standardwerkes, das man mit Gewinn und mit Genuss liest, nur empfohlen werden."Kathrin Gies in Theologische Revue 118, Juli 2022 "Janowskis 'Anthropologie' füllt eine seit Jahrzehnten überfällige Lücke der alttestamentlichen Theologie und Exegese und wird allein aus diesem Grund schon zu einem Standardwerk avancieren."Benedikt Collinet in bbs 12.2020, "Mit seiner Anthropologie des Alten Testaments ist Bernd Janowski ein großer Wurf gelungen, dem man eine lange Halbwertszeit wünscht! Nicht nur für Studierende, sondern für jeden, der sich mit der Gedankenwelt des Alten Testaments auseinandersetzen möchte, ist das Handbuch nur zu empfehlen."Fabian Brand auf
New Directions Publishing Corporation Revulsion: Thomas Bernhard in San Salvador
An expatriate professor, Vega, returns from exile in Canada to El Salvador for his mother’s funeral. A sensitive idealist and an aggrieved motor mouth, he sits at a bar with the author, Castellanos Moya, from five to seven in the evening, telling his tale and ranting against everything his country has to offer. Written in a single paragraph and alive with a fury as astringent as the wrath of Thomas Bernhard, Revulsion was first published in 1997 and earned its author death threats. Roberto Bolano called Revulsion Castellanos Moya’s darkest book and perhaps his best: “A parody of certain works by Bernhard and the kind of book that makes you laugh out loud.”
Emerald Publishing Limited Using Economic Indicators in Analysing Financial Markets
Economic indicators provide invaluable insights into how different economies and financial markets are performing, enabling practitioners to adjust their investment strategies in order to gain knowledge about markets and to achieve higher returns. However, in order to make the right decisions, you must know how to interpret the relevant indicators. Using Economic Indicators in Analysing Financial Markets provides this important guidance. The first and second part of Using Economic Indicators in Analysing Financial Markets focuses on the short-term analysis, explaining exactly what the indicators are, why they are significant, where and when they are published, and how reliable they are. In the third part, author Bernd Krampen highlights medium and long-term economic trends: It is shown how some previously discussed and additional market indicators like stocks, bond yields, commodities can be employed as basis for forecasting both GDP growth and inflation. This includes the estimation of possible future recessions. In the fourth part the predominantly good forecast properties of sentiment indicators are illustrated examining the real estate market, which is rounded up by an introduction into psychology and Behavioural Finance providing further tips and tricks in analysing financial markets. Using Economic Indicators in Analysing Financial Markets is an invaluable resource for investors, strategists, policymakers, students, and private investors worldwide who want to understand the true meaning of the latest economic trends to make the best decisions for future profits on financial markets.
Quercus Publishing The Standardization of Demoralization Procedures: a world of spycraft, betrayals and surprising fates
'The best novel I've encountered this year, brilliant and funny and profound, producing some of the most complex, fascinating characters I've ever known. As far as I'm concerned, the novel is an instant classic' Jaroslav Kalfar, author of Spaceman of Bohemia'This is art of the highest order, a masterpiece of restraint, insight and style' Matthew Thomas, author of We Are Not Ourselves9th November 1989, East Berlin, the day the Berlin Wall will fall - Bernd Zeiger, a Stasi agent whose life's work, a manual on the demoralisation of political opponents, once made him renowned now faces an ailing psyche and the fading twilight of his career. His whole life has been reduced to a preoccupation with the disappearance of Lara, a young waitress at his local café. Twenty-five years earlier, during the Cold War, a physicist Johannes Held had been sent by the East Germans to infiltrate a US military operation in the Arizona desert, where teleportation and other paranormal activities were being investigated. On his return to Germany he refused to divulge what he had learned there and Zeiger was summoned to obtain his confession. The torturer and the tortured strangely became friends. But Zeiger soon betrayed Held - a treachery that haunts him to this day and one that will prove to be connected to Lara's disappearance. Darkly comic and hauntingly surreal, The Standardization of Demoralization Procedures examines obsession, Cold War paranoia and the dwindling career of a Stasi operative. Set against the brutal backdrop of communist East Germany, Hofmann's debut captures the fate of humanist fantasies under an extreme surveillance state.
Siglio Press Bernadette Mayer: Memory: 2020
A revered classic of 1970s New York conceptualism, Bernadette Mayer’s Memory synthesizes writing and photography in this prescient “emotional science project” A New York Times Book Review 2020 holiday gift guide pick In July 1971, Bernadette Mayer embarked on an experiment: for one month she shot a roll of 35mm film each day and kept a journal. The result was a conceptual work that investigates the nature of memory, its surfaces, textures and material. Memory is both monumental in scope (over 1,100 photographs, two hundred pages of text and six hours of audio recording) and a groundbreaking work by a poet who is widely regarded as one of the most innovative experimental writers of her generation. Presaging Mayer’s durational, constraint-based diaristic works of poetry, it also evinces her extraordinary—and often unheralded—contribution to conceptual art. Mayer has called Memory “an emotional science project,” but it is far from confessional. This boldly experimental record follows the poet’s eye as she traverses early morning into night, as quotidian minutiae metamorphose into the lyrical, as her stream of consciousness becomes incantatory. In text and image, Mayer constructs the mercurial consciousness of the present moment from which memory is—as she says—“always there, to be entered, like the world of dreams or an ongoing TV show.” This publication brings together the full sequence of images and text for the first time in book form, making space for a work that has been legendary but mostly invisible. Originally exhibited in 1972 by pioneering gallerist Holly Solomon, it was not shown again in its entirety until 2016 at the Poetry Foundation in Chicago and then again in 2017 in New York City at the CANADA Gallery. The text was published without the photographs in 1975 by North Atlantic Books in an edition that has long been out of print. Bernadette Mayer (born 1945) is the author of over 30 books, including the acclaimed Midwinter Day (1982), a book-length poem written during a single day in Lenox, Massachusetts, The Desires of Mothers to Please Others in Letters (1994) and Work and Days (2016), which was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. Associated with the New York School as well as the Language poets, Mayer has also been an influential teacher and editor. In the art world, she is best known for her collaboration with Vito Acconci as editors of the influential mimeographed magazine 0 TO 9.
Yale University Press The Recording Machine: Art and Fact during the Cold War
A revealing look at the irrevocable change in art during the 1960s and its relationship to the modern culture of fact This refreshing and erudite book offers a new understanding of the transformation of photography and the visual arts around 1968. Author Joshua Shannon reveals an oddly stringent realism in the period, tracing artists’ rejection of essential truths in favor of surface appearances. Dubbing this tendency factualism, Shannon illuminates not only the Cold War’s preoccupation with data but also the rise of a pervasive culture of fact. Focusing on the United States and West Germany, where photodocumentary traditions intersected with 1960s politics, Shannon investigates a broad variety of art, ranging from conceptual photography and earthworks to photorealist painting and abstraction. He looks closely at art by Bernd and Hilla Becher, Robert Bechtle, Vija Celmins, Douglas Huebler, Gerhard Richter, and others. These artists explored fact’s role as a modern paradigm for talking, thinking, and knowing. Their art, Shannon concludes, helps to explain both the ambivalent anti-humanism of today’s avant-garde art and our own culture of fact.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die unbegrenzte Auslegung: Zum Wandel der Privatrechtsordnung im Nationalsozialismus
Die Auseinandersetzung mit den Staatsverbrechen der beiden totalitären deutschen Diktaturen gehört erst seit 2021 (!) zum Kanon der Juristenausbildung in Deutschland. Die 1968 in erster Auflage verlegte Habilitationsschrift von Bernd Rüthers bietet eine umfassende Darstellung und Analyse der Entwicklung des Zivilrechts im Nationalsozialismus. Das nunmehr bereits in 9. Auflage erscheinende Standardwerk will zum notwendigen Diskurs über die juristischen Methodenfragen beitragen und eignet sich ganz besonders auch für Studierende, die sich ein Bild von den rechtsmethodischen "Auslegungsakrobatiken" der NS-Zeit machen wollen.
Yale University Press Common Ground: German Photographic Cultures across the Iron Curtain
A groundbreaking examination of post-war photography in East and West GermanyThis ambitious publication is the first book to thoroughly evaluate the photography that emerged during Germany’s geopolitical division from the 1950s to the 1980s. With richly illustrated and exhaustively researched analyses of photographic projects from East and West Germany, including exhibitions, photo-essays, private archives, and photo-books, Common Ground constructs a comparative perspective, examining how sequence, seriality, and repetition were mobilized to produce forms of solidarity and political agency.Author Sarah James places German postwar photography in the context of Soviet, American, and European photographic developments; the specific cultural experiences of the Cold War; and the shifting politics of German identity. By reconsidering the relationship between divergent cultures of the pre-war Weimar period and the Cold War era, Common Ground prompts new readings of major figures such as Bernd and Hilla Becher, Karl Blossfeldt, and August Sander, as well as historically neglected figures such as Karl Pawek, Evelyn Richter, and Rudolf Schäfer. The result is a groundbreaking study of the political and pedagogical functions of documentary photography.
Marsilio Accrochage
Accrochage brings together about seventy works from the Pinault Collection produced by thirty artists since the 1970s. The works-never shown before in the Venetian venues of the collection-are the outcome of minimal gestures and artistic research focused on the theme of the void. Fabio Mauri, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Sol LeWitt, Charles Ray, Roman Opalka, Bernd Lohaus, Thomas Schutte, Goshka Macuga, and Niele Toroni are only some of the artists taking part in a show that becomes a place of meeting, rela- tions, questions, and comparison between different ways of practicing art.
Peeters Publishers Text and Image: Proceedings of the 61e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Geneva and Bern, 22-26 June 2015
This book contains the proceedings of the 61e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, which was held in Geneva and Bern in Switzerland from 22nd until 26th June 2015. The overarching conference theme “Text and Image” addressed a topic of fundamental importance for historical research on ancient Near Eastern cultures and societies. The aim of the conference was to stimulate an interdisciplinary dialogue between the closely related, but increasingly diverging disciplines of Near Eastern Archaeology and Assyriology. Fifty-one articles are published in three languages, including contributions to the main topic and to a number of workshops organized in the context of the RAI, as well as reports on an extraordinary session devoted to cultural heritage.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The House Of Bernarda Alba: La casa de Bernarda Alba
Bernarda Alba is a widow, and her five daughters are incarcerated in mourning along with her. One by one they make a bid for freedom, with tragic consequences. Lorca's tale depicts the repression of women within Catholic Spain in the years before the war. The House of Bernarda Alba is Lorca's last and possibly finest play, completed shortly before he was murdered by Nationalist sympathisers at the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. Inspired by real characters and described by the author as 'a true record of village life', it is a tragic tale of frustration and explosive passions in a household of women rulled by a tyrannical mother. Edited with invaluable student notes - a must for students of Spanish drama
Duke University Press Viapolitics: Borders, Migration, and the Power of Locomotion
Vehicles, their infrastructures, and the environments they traverse are fundamental to the movement of migrants and states' attempts to govern them. This volume's contributors use the concept of viapolitics to name and foreground this contested entanglement and examine the politics of migration and bordering across a range of sites. They show how these elements constitute a key site of knowledge and struggle in migratory processes and offer a privileged vantage point from which to interrogate practices of mobility and systems of control in their deeper histories and wider geographic connections. This transdisciplinary group of scholars explores a set of empirically rich and diverse cases: from the Spanish and European authorities' attempts to control migrants' entire trajectories to infrastructures of escort of Indonesian labor migrants; from deportation train cars in the 1920s United States to contemporary stowaways at sea; from illegalized migrants walking across treacherous Alpine mountain passes to aerial geographies of deportation. Throughout, Viapolitics interrogates anew the phenomenon called “migration,” questioning how different forms of contentious mobility are experienced, policed, and contested. Contributors. Ethan Blue, Maribel Casas-Cortes, Julie Y. Chu, Sebastian Cobarrubias, Glenda Garelli, Charles Heller, Sabine Hess, Bernd Kasparek, Clara Lecadet, Johan Lindquist, Renisa Mawani, Lorenzo Pezzani, Ranabir Samaddar, Amaha Senu, Martina Tazzioli, William Walters
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Menschenwerden Weltenseele und Weltengeist Erster Teil Der Mensch als leiblichseelische Wesenheit in seinem Verhltnis zur Welt Dreizehn Vortrge Stuttgart Bern und Dornach 1921
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Goethe Yearbook 19
New essays on diverse topics from the Age of Goethe, with a special section on Goethe scholarship's role in the establishment of Germanistik. The Goethe Yearbook is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America, encouraging North American Goethe scholarship by publishing original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Volume 19 of the Goethe Yearbook continues to investigate the connection between Goethe's scientific theories and his aesthetics, with essays on his optics and his plant morphology. A special section examines the central role that Goethe philology has had in establishing practices that shaped the history of Germanistik as a whole. The yearbookalso includes essays on legal history and the novella, Goethe Lieder, esoteric mysticism in Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, and Werther's sexual pathology. The volume also includes three essays re-examining Goethe's aesthetics in the context of the history of deconstruction, as well as the customary book review section. Contributors: Beate Allert, Frauke Berndt, Sean Franzel, Stefan Hajduk, Bernd Hamacher, Jeffrey L. High, Francien Markx, Lavinia Meier-Ewert, Ansgar Mohnkern, Rüdiger Nutt-Kofoth, Edward T. Potter, Chenxi Tang, Robert Walter. Daniel Purdy is Associate Professor of German at Pennsylvania State University. Book review editor Catriona MacLeod is Associate Professor of German at the University of Pennsylvania.
Diaphanes AG Timing of Affect – Epistemologies of Affection
Affect, or the process by which emotions come to be embodied, is a burgeoning area of interest in both the humanities and the sciences. For Timing of Affect, Marie-Luise Angerer, Bernd Bosel, and Michaela Ott have assembled leading scholars to explore the temporal aspects of affect through the perspectives of philosophy, music, film, media, and art, as well as technology and neurology. The contributions address possibilities for affect as a capacity of the body; as an anthropological inscription and a primary, ontological conjunctive and disjunctive process; as an interruption of chains of stimulus and response; and as an arena within cultural history for political, media, and psychopharmacological interventions. Showing how these and other temporal aspects of affect are articulated both throughout history and in contemporary society, the editors then explore the implications for the current knowledge structures surrounding affect today.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Goethe Yearbook 16
Groundbreaking essays highlighting Goethe's relevance to contemporary theoretical debates and Goethe criticism of recent decades. The Goethe Yearbook, first published in 1982, is a publication of the Goethe Society of North America and is dedicated to North American Goethe Scholarship. It aims above all to encourage and publish original English-language contributions to the understanding of Goethe and other authors of the Goethezeit, while also welcoming contributions from scholars around the world. Goethe Yearbook 16 presents innovative interpretations by young scholars of Goethe's most prominent works. A special section on 20th-century theory, co-edited by Angus Nicholls, demonstrates the poet's importance within areas of contemporary debate such as postcolonial criticism and Heideggerian phenomenology. The volume includes Judith Ryan's 2007 Presidential Address to the Goethe Society on the aphorisms in Die Wahlverwandtschaften and the Wanderjahre, as well as essays on aspects of Hermann und Dorothea, Iphigenie, Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, and Prometheus. Readers will also find a surprising interpretation of Schiller on subjectivity and military strategy, and a feminist archival history of the Hamburg actress Charlotte Ackermann. Contributors: Volker C. Dörr, Mary Helen Dupree, Ellis Dye, Bernd Hamacher, Katrin Kohl, Michael Mandelartz, Jan Mieszkowski, Angus Nicholls, Charlton Payne, Mattias Pirholt, Myriam Richter, Judith Ryan, and Christian Weber. Daniel Purdy is Associate Professor of German at Pennsylvania State University. Book review editor Catriona MacLeod is Associate Professor of German at the University of Pennsylvania.
Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd Table Tennis with Timo Boll: More Than 50 Instructional Photo Series. His Game, His Technique, His Know-How
In this book, Timo Boll and Bernd-Ulrich Gross provide the reader with as much information as possible about modern table tennis. Timo’s exceptional technique and successful game are analyzed in more than 50 instructional photo series with nearly 700 serial photos and more than 100 individual photos. The left-hander is considered the master of rotation. This book will tell you exactly why. Timo’s many checks and tips provide a wealth of information for one’s own practice. His thoughts on tactics and playing philosophy, as well as information on racket material and training, complete the book. It is a tutorial for all players and coaches who want to take their game to the next level. The extensive photo material will be a valuable resource for achieving ambitious goals in table tennis.
Pennsylvania State University Press The Life of Bernini
Initially published by Penn State Press in 1965, Catherine Enggass’s translation of Filippo Baldinucci’s Life of Bernini was the first English-language edition of this historic biography. Out of print for many years, The Life of Bernini is now available in a new paperback edition with an introduction by Maarten Delbeke, Evonne Levy, and Steven F. Ostrow, the editors of Bernini’s Biographies.Baldinucci’s unusual stand-alone biography of Bernini, begun while his subject was still alive, offers important insights into contemporary perceptions of the artist, the motivations of its author, and the nature of literary biography in seventeenth-century Italy.
Faber & Faber Leonard Bernstein
A new edition of Humphrey Burton's celebrated biography of Leonard Bernstein, published to coincide with the centenary of his birth. With a new introduction by the author.'Humphrey Burton's biography remains the essential account of American music's dominant figure.' Alex RossComposer, pianist, author, television teacher, Harvard lecturer, cultural icon, humanist and conductor without peer, Leonard Bernstein's versatility was legendary. He captivated Broadway with such hits as On the Townand West Side Story and introduced middle America to classical music with his Young People's Concerts on television. He composed three symphonies and a full-length opera, and he inspired the world's leading orchestras to give some of the most memorable performances of the twentieth century.Humphrey Burton was given exclusive access to Bernstein's rich legacy of letters and papers, and the book draws on hundreds of interviews with family, friends and colleagues to reveal Bernstein's fascinating and complex personality. His compelling narrative captures Bernstein's high-spirited vitality on the page, providing a frank account of his homosexuality and his marriage and chronicling the lifelong conflict between the rival claims of Bernstein's conducting and composing careers.'Burton's style is spare and unobtrusive: the picture he paints is a vivid one. So much energy. So much intelligence . Burton also demonstrates that behind Leonard Bernstein's flamboyance (and the increasingly embarrassing public behaviour) there remained honesty of purpose and generosity of spirit. This biography is imbued with the same virtues. It is a book of exceptional quality.' The Times'Humphrey Burton has written a book worthy of a great man.' Daily Telegraph'This book brings Bernstein's exuberant vitality to the page, showing why he became one of the most celebrated musical figures of the [twentieth] century.' Gramophone'The richness of the tapestry makes all the names, dates and places a compelling read, since at every turn we are in the company of an exceedingly alive man.' O
Duke University Press Viapolitics: Borders, Migration, and the Power of Locomotion
Vehicles, their infrastructures, and the environments they traverse are fundamental to the movement of migrants and states' attempts to govern them. This volume's contributors use the concept of viapolitics to name and foreground this contested entanglement and examine the politics of migration and bordering across a range of sites. They show how these elements constitute a key site of knowledge and struggle in migratory processes and offer a privileged vantage point from which to interrogate practices of mobility and systems of control in their deeper histories and wider geographic connections. This transdisciplinary group of scholars explores a set of empirically rich and diverse cases: from the Spanish and European authorities' attempts to control migrants' entire trajectories to infrastructures of escort of Indonesian labor migrants; from deportation train cars in the 1920s United States to contemporary stowaways at sea; from illegalized migrants walking across treacherous Alpine mountain passes to aerial geographies of deportation. Throughout, Viapolitics interrogates anew the phenomenon called “migration,” questioning how different forms of contentious mobility are experienced, policed, and contested. Contributors. Ethan Blue, Maribel Casas-Cortes, Julie Y. Chu, Sebastian Cobarrubias, Glenda Garelli, Charles Heller, Sabine Hess, Bernd Kasparek, Clara Lecadet, Johan Lindquist, Renisa Mawani, Lorenzo Pezzani, Ranabir Samaddar, Amaha Senu, Martina Tazzioli, William Walters
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Photography After Conceptual Art
Photography After Conceptual Art presents a series of original essays that address substantive theoretical, historical, and aesthetic issues raised by post-1960s photography as a mainstream artistic medium Selected by Choice as an Outstanding Academic Title for 2011 Appeals to people interested in artist's use of photography and in contemporary art Tracks the efflorescence of photography as one of the most important mediums for contemporary art Explores the relation between recent art, theory and aesthetics, for which photography serves as an important test case Includes a number of the essays with previously unpublished photographs Artists discussed include Ed Ruscha, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Douglas Huebler, Mel Bochner, Sherrie Levine, Roni Horn, Thomas Demand, and Jeff Wall
WW Norton & Co Extreme North: A Cultural History
People have perennially projected their fantasies onto the North as a frozen no-man’s-land full of marauding Vikings or as the unspoiled landscape of a purer, more elemental form of life. Bernd Brunner recovers the encounters of adventurers with its dramatic vistas, fierce weather, exotic treasures and indigenous peoples—and with the literary sagas that seemed to offer an alternate (“whiter” and “superior”) cultural origin story to those of decadent Greece or Rome, and the moralistic “Semitic” Bible. The Left has idealised Scandinavian social democracy. The Right borrows from a long history of crackpot theories of Northern origins. Nordic phenotypes characterised eugenics, which in turn influenced America’s limits on immigration. The North, Brunner argues, was as much invented as discovered. A valuable contribution to intellectual history, full of vivid documentation, Extreme North is an enlightening journey through a place that is real, but also, in fascinating and very disturbing ways, imaginary.
Arnoldsche Gemstone / Art: Renaissance to the Present Day
Gemstones have always been, since time immemorial, heavily charged with meaning and have even been regarded as magical objects. For that reason they have also been an art medium since the early modern age and have shaped as art symbols - in the form of the crystal - both Romanticism and Modernism, for example in the works of Caspar David Friedrich, Lyonel Feininger and many more. In the latter half of the twentieth century, not only have such artists as Bernd Munsteiner, Ute Eitzenhofer and Bernhard Schobinger rediscovered the gemstone; through the Hochschule fur Edelstein und Schmuck Trier/Idar-Oberstein and other similar specialist institutions it is also undergoing a revival in today's art production - right up to Damien Hirst.
Universitatsverlag Winter Bern Von Der Reichenau 'de Nigromantia Seu Divinatione Daemonum Contemnenda' Sowie Drei Predigten ('de Pascha', 'in Epiphania Domini', 'in Caena Domini'): Edition, Ubersetzung, Kommentar
Birkhauser Verlag AG Die Werke von Johann I und Nicolaus II Bernoulli: Band 2: Mathematik II
This volume contains 17 mathematical works by Johann Bernoulli, written between 1680 – when he was only 13 years old and studied mathematics with his brother Jacob – and 1732, when he was 65 years old. Five of the works are handwritten manuscripts, and another three belong to the Anekdota, which he published in the fourth volume of his Opera Omnia. The book features also seven works by other authors: John Craig, Jacob Hermann, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, and Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus. Another work included in this book was co-written by Johann Bernoulli and Samuel Klingenstjerna. The texts presented here are divided into two parts: the first consists of a substantial untitled paper (Ms. 27) that contains, in a sequence numbered by the author, 120 propositions on various subjects that Bernoulli explored over a very long period of time, namely from 1685 to the first decades of the 18th century. In turn, the second part is composed of a series of articles and manuscripts devoted to problems on the rectification and transformation of curves, on geodesics, and on spherical epicycloids. In addition to information on the rapid advances in mathematics during this period, the volume also shares fascinating insights into the connections between the mathematicians.
Liverpool University Press Imperative of Narration: Beckett, Bernard, Schopenhauer, Lacan
This is the first book to deal with the self-reflexive nature of narration of Beckett and Bernhard. Samuel Beckett's and Thomas Bernhard's works are representative of a persisting perplexity with regard to language. The texts of both authors are marked by their narrator's obsessive need to write, which is inextricably intertwined with their profound suspicion of language. The perpetuation of the narration is explained as an imperative, a simultaneously conscious and unconscious command which forces the artist to submit to the creative process. The author places this inexplicable force of the imperative within the context of Arthur Schopenhauer's aesthetic theory and Jacques Lacan's concept of desire. The attempt to define and interpret the two authors' prose and drama is displaced by this sense of the infinity of desire (Lacan) and by the eternal becoming of the will (Schopenhauer), which reveal themselves to lie at the heart of Beckett's and Bernhard's creativity.
Harvard University Press Field Notes on Science and Nature
Once in a great while, as the New York Times noted recently, a naturalist writes a book that changes the way people look at the living world. John James Audubon’s Birds of America, published in 1838, was one. Roger Tory Peterson’s 1934 Field Guide to the Birds was another. How does such insight into nature develop?Pioneering a new niche in the study of plants and animals in their native habitat, Field Notes on Science and Nature allows readers to peer over the shoulders and into the notebooks of a dozen eminent field workers, to study firsthand their observational methods, materials, and fleeting impressions.What did George Schaller note when studying the lions of the Serengeti? What lists did Kenn Kaufman keep during his 1973 “big year”? How does Piotr Naskrecki use relational databases and electronic field notes? In what way is Bernd Heinrich’s approach “truly Thoreauvian,” in E. O. Wilson’s view? Recording observations in the field is an indispensable scientific skill, but researchers are not generally willing to share their personal records with others. Here, for the first time, are reproductions of actual pages from notebooks. And in essays abounding with fascinating anecdotes, the authors reflect on the contexts in which the notes were taken.Covering disciplines as diverse as ornithology, entomology, ecology, paleontology, anthropology, botany, and animal behavior, Field Notes offers specific examples that professional naturalists can emulate to fine-tune their own field methods, along with practical advice that amateur naturalists and students can use to document their adventures.
Prestel A New Art: Photography and Impressionism
In the 19th century, numerous photographers chose the same motifs as Impressionist painters: the forest of Fontainebleau, the cliffs of Étretat or the modern metropolis of Paris. They, too, studied the changing light, seasons and weather conditions. From its inception, photographers pursued artistic ambitions, as evidenced by their experimentation with composition and perspective, by means of various technical procedures. Until the First World War, the relationship between photography and painting was characterized both by competition and mutual influence. The exhibition and catalogue examine these interactions and illuminate the development of the new medium from the 1850s to its establishment as an autonomous art form around 1900. With contributions by: Dominique De Font-Réaulx, Monika Faber, Matthias Krüger, Ulrich Pohlmann, Esther Ruelfs, Helene Von Saldern, Bernd Stiegler, and Daniel Zamani.
Princeton University Press Solomon's Knot: How Law Can End the Poverty of Nations
Sustained growth depends on innovation, whether it's cutting-edge software from Silicon Valley, an improved assembly line in Sichuan, or a new export market for Swaziland's leather. Developing a new idea requires money, which poses a problem of trust. The innovator must trust the investor with his idea and the investor must trust the innovator with her money. Robert Cooter and Hans-Bernd Schfer call this the "double trust dilemma of development." Nowhere is this problem more acute than in poorer nations, where the failure to solve it results in stagnant economies. In Solomon's Knot, Cooter and Schfer propose a legal theory of economic growth that details how effective property, contract, and business laws help to unite capital and ideas. They also demonstrate why ineffective private and business laws are the root cause of the poverty of nations in today's world. Without the legal institutions that allow innovation and entrepreneurship to thrive, other attempts to spur economic growth are destined to fail.
Penguin Books Ltd Bernard and the Cloth Monkey: A collection of rediscovered works celebrating Black Britain curated by Booker Prize-winner Bernardine Evaristo
WINNER OF THE SAGA PRIZE 1997: a literary award for trailblazing new Black British novelists'A quietly outstanding work of fiction . . . an exemplary novel' Bernardine Evaristo A shattering portrayal of family, guilt and unshakable bonds as a family's deepest secrets explosively unravel When Anita finally returns home to London after a long absence, everything has changed. Her father is dead, her mother is away, and she and her sister Beth are alone together for the first time in years. They share a house. They share a family. They share a past. Tentatively, they reach out to one another for connection, but the house echoes with words unspoken. Dazzling and heart-breaking, Bernard and the Cloth Monkey is a searing portrait of family, a rebellion against silence and a testament to the human capacity for survival.Selected by Booker Prize-winning author Bernardine Evaristo, this series rediscovers and celebrates pioneering books depicting black Britain that remap the nation.
Rowman & Littlefield The Devil at Genesee Junction: The Murders of Kathy Bernhard and George-Ann Formicola, 6/66
Today you’d call Ballantyne suburban, but back then, at the start of the summer of 1966, it was country — just a cluster of houses, some of them shacks, on or near Ballantyne Road, in the Town of Chili, NY. And while June 25 started like any other day it would end in a nightmare. In The Devil at Genesee Junction, veteran crime writer, Michael Benson, returns to his formerly rural hometown to take on the double homicide of his friends Kathy Bernhard and George-Ann Formiciola that took place that night. The two girls were missing for a month and then found in the bushes horribly mutilated. The double homicide changed the author’s childhood suddenly, and drastically. He went from living in a rural playland, to being encased in fear, wondering who among them was the werewolf who cut up Kathy and George-Ann. This heinous crime was never resolved, and didn’t go away. In recent years, the author has teamed up with a victim’s mom, and a local private investigator to delve deep into the 6/66 murders, developing along the way some strong new leads and shocking details. Together they have heated up this icy cold case, and their investigation has led them in a startling new direction.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The History and Practice of Economics: Essays in Honour of Bernard Corry and Maurice Peston, Volume Two
This second volume of essays in honour of Bernard Corry and Maurice Peston focuses on labour economics, the history of economic thought and the development of the economics profession, specifically addressing teaching and policy advice issues. The authors discuss areas Bernard Corry and Maurice Peston have been particularly influential in. They address issues including labour markets, Malthus's methodology, the relationship between Alfred Marshall and Adam Smith, the eighteenth century origins of modern economics, monetary policy and education.
Casemate Publishers Capital of Spies: Intelligence Agencies in Berlin During the Cold War
For almost half a century, the hottest front in the Cold War was right across Berlin. From summer 1945 until 1990, the secret services of NATO and the Warsaw Pact fought an ongoing duel in the dark. Throughout the Cold War, espionage was part of everyday life in both East and West Berlin, with German spies playing a crucial part of operations on both sides: Erich Mielke's Stasi and Reinhard Gehlen's Federal Intelligence Service, for example.The construction of the wall in 1961 changed the political situation and the environment for espionage - the invisible front was now concreted and unmistakable. but the fundamentals had not changed: Berlin was and would remain the capital of spies until the fall of the Berlin Wall, a fact which makes it all the more surprising that there are hardly any books about the work of the secret services in Berlin during the Cold War. Journalist Sven Felix Kellerhoff and historian Bernd von Kostka describe the spectacular successes and failures of the various secret services based in the city.
Tate Publishing Bernard Makes A Splash!
WILL BERNARD EVER GET OVER HIS NERVES AND SHOW EVERYONE WHAT HE CAN DO? Bernard has been the swimming pool manager for a long time, and practices his diving at night when no one else is around. When his swimming pool holds a contest for high-diving hounds from around the world, he hopes that he can work up enough courage to compete. This lovely story from the author of The Wobbly Waitress is a heart-warming tale about trying new things, even when we might need a bit of help to find the courage to do it. * Gives readers the positive message that all you need is a little bit of courage and self-confidence and you can do anything * A distinct and humerous rhyming text about the difficulties of putting yourself out there and trying something new * Lisa Stickley's fun and colourful illustrations bring her wonderful characters to life * Lisa Stickley was nominated for the Kate Greenaway Children's Book Award 2018
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Religionspädagogik angesichts des Judentums: Grundlegungen - Rekonstruktionen - Impulse
Das Christentum hat in der Antike entscheidende Impulse zum Aufbau einer Lehr-Lern-Kultur aus dem Judentum übernommen, diese Verbindung zum Judentum jedoch später weithin aus dem Blick verloren. Vor diesem Hintergrund sucht Bernd Schröder Brücken für das Gespräch zwischen gegenwärtiger christlicher Religionspädagogik und Judentum.In den Blick kommt dabei die Praxis jüdischen Lernens im heutigen Israel sowie in Deutschland, doch im Mittelpunkt stehen Ansätze deutschsprachiger jüdischer Religionsdidaktik aus der Zeit vor der Schoah ebenso wie Theorien jüdischen Lehrens und Lernens aus dem heutigen Israel.Gerahmt werden diese materialen Rekonstruktionen von Überlegungen zum Stellenwert des christlich-jüdischen Gesprächs für Praktische Theologie und Religionspädagogik. Beide können nicht vom Judentum handeln, ohne den Diskurs mit ihm zu pflegen.
SteinerBooks, Inc Educating Traumatized Children: Waldorf Education in Crisis Intervention
Since 2006, international relief organisation Friends of Waldorf Education (FWE) has partnered with Steiner-Waldorf doctors, psychologists and therapists to carry out emergency education crisis interventions around the world. They've worked with traumatised children and young people in war zones and disaster areas in many countries, including Lebanon, China, the Gaza Strip, Indonesia, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan and most recently Japan, following the tsunami and nuclear disaster there.In this important book, FWE head Bernd Ruf explains what the organisation does, and how the principles of Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy are put into practice in such challenging situations. He focuses especially on their work in Japan, exploring processes and experiences, including the anthroposophical understanding of trauma itself.Educating Traumatized Children offers much-needed insight into their little-known area of education and healing for traumatised children. This book will be valuable not only for those working in disaster and conflict areas, but for any teacher or parent who is caring for a traumatised child.
University of Toronto Press Bernard Shaw and Gilbert Murray
Unlikely friends and collaborators, Bernard Shaw and Gilbert Murray carried on a lively and wide-ranging correspondence for more than fifty years. When they began exchanging letters in the late 1890s, Shaw was a renowned Fabian propagandist, reviewer, and author of anti-conventional plays. Murray was a classicist and translator of ancient Greek drama who would eventually become Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford. Beginning with their shared distaste for the popular "well-made plays" of the era, their correspondence quickly expanded into collaboration - Murray helped revise Shaw's Major Barbara, in which he appears as a character - and discussion of a vast range of issues ranging from alphabet reform and psychic phenomena to the League of Nations and international politics. This collection of 171 letters, most never before published, finally makes the fascinating Shaw/Murray correspondence available. With explanatory headnotes and footnotes by Charles A. Carpenter, Bernard Shaw and Gilbert Murray offers insight into an unusual literary and political friendship.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Religionspädagogische Ökumenik: Weltweites polyzentrisch-plurales Christentum als Bildungsreligion
Die Weitergabe und Aneignung christlicher Religion geschieht auf vielerlei Weise - nicht zuletzt durch Lehren und Lernen. Den Impuls dazu hat das Christentum durch Jesus den Lehrer aus den Gepflogenheiten des Judentums der Antike erhalten.Vor diesem Hintergrund unternimmt Bernd Schröder - erstmals - eine religionspädagogische "Weltreise" durch ausgewählte Länder und Konfessionskulturen der Gegenwart. Er skizziert so die Vielfalt der Lernkulturen unter dem Dach des weltweiten polyzentrischen Christentums. Sichtbar werden Handlungsformate und Lernorte von der Sonntagsschule bis zur Liturgie, von der christlichen Pfadfinder-Bewegung bis zur Basisgemeinde. Erkennbar werden unterschiedliche Begründungsmuster und Leitbilder von Bildung im Zeichen christlicher Religion.Die tour d'horizon bestätigt, dass Lehren und Lernen vielerorts eine enorme Rolle spielt. Allerdings kann keineswegs das gesamte Christentum unbesehen als Bildungsreligion gelten.
Duke University Press Constructing the Pluriverse: The Geopolitics of Knowledge
The contributors to Constructing the Pluriverse critique the hegemony of the postcolonial Western tradition and its claims to universality by offering a set of “pluriversal” approaches to understanding the coexisting epistemologies and practices of the different worlds and problems we inhabit and encounter. Moving beyond critiques of colonialism, the contributors rethink the relationship between knowledge and power, offering new perspectives on development, democracy, and ideology while providing diverse methodologies for non-Western thought and practice that range from feminist approaches to scientific research to ways of knowing expressed through West African oral traditions. In combination, these wide-ranging approaches and understandings form a new analytical toolbox for those seeking creative solutions for dismantling Westernization throughout the world. Contributors. Zaid Ahmad, Manuela Boatcă, Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, Raewyn Connell, Arturo Escobar, Sandra Harding, Ehsan Kashfi, Venu Mehta, Walter D. Mignolo, Ulrich Oslender, Issiaka Ouattara, Bernd Reiter, Manu Samnotra, Catherine E. Walsh, Aram Ziai
Duke University Press Constructing the Pluriverse: The Geopolitics of Knowledge
The contributors to Constructing the Pluriverse critique the hegemony of the postcolonial Western tradition and its claims to universality by offering a set of “pluriversal” approaches to understanding the coexisting epistemologies and practices of the different worlds and problems we inhabit and encounter. Moving beyond critiques of colonialism, the contributors rethink the relationship between knowledge and power, offering new perspectives on development, democracy, and ideology while providing diverse methodologies for non-Western thought and practice that range from feminist approaches to scientific research to ways of knowing expressed through West African oral traditions. In combination, these wide-ranging approaches and understandings form a new analytical toolbox for those seeking creative solutions for dismantling Westernization throughout the world. Contributors. Zaid Ahmad, Manuela Boatcă, Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, Raewyn Connell, Arturo Escobar, Sandra Harding, Ehsan Kashfi, Venu Mehta, Walter D. Mignolo, Ulrich Oslender, Issiaka Ouattara, Bernd Reiter, Manu Samnotra, Catherine E. Walsh, Aram Ziai
Simon & Schuster Ltd Be More Bernard
Perfect for fans of Jim Field and Julia Donaldson, Be More Bernard is the brilliant story of a disco bunny who will encourage us all to chase our dreams and embrace our differences.When the other bunnies bounced, I bounced. When they hopped, I hopped. When they slept, I did too. Like them, I dreamed. But MY dreams weren't the same. They were less . . . rabbity. Bernard has decided that he's not going to be like all the other bunnies any more. He's not going to twitch his nose and prick his ears. And while others might dream of carrots, Bernard's dreams are altogether more...disco!He starts small, but when he finally gets to groove with grace and jive with joy at Bertie and Brenda's Bunny Ball, Bernard shows the world that being yourself is the very best thing a bunny can be.From the author of the Sainsbury's Book Award-winning You Must Bring a Hat and the illustrator of the award-winning Littlest Yak series and Treacle Street series!
Harvard University Press Bernard Berenson: Formation and Heritage
Bernard Berenson (1865–1959) put the connoisseurship of Renaissance art on a firm footing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His monument is the library and collection of Italian painting, Islamic miniatures, and Asian art at Villa I Tatti in Florence. The authors in this collection of essays explore the intellectual world in which Berenson was formed and to which he contributed. Some essays consider his friendship with William James and the background of perceptual psychology that underlay his concept of “tactile values.” Others examine Berenson’s relationships with a variety of cultural figures, ranging from the German-born connoisseur Jean Paul Richter, the German art historian Aby Warburg, the Boston collector Isabella Stewart Gardner, and the American medievalist Arthur Kingsley Porter to the African-American dance icon Katherine Dunham, as well as with Kenneth Clark, Otto Gutekunst, Archer Huntington, Paul Sachs, and Umberto Morra.Bernard Berenson: Formation and Heritage makes an important contribution to the rising interest in the historiography of the discipline of art history in the United States and Europe during its formative years.
Reaktion Books Leonard Bernstein
Leonard Bernstein was one of twentieth-century music's most successful and recognizable figures. In a career spanning five decades he conducted many of the world's leading orchestras, and composed scores for landmark musicals such as Candide and West Side Story. Published to tie in with the 100th anniversary of Bernstein's birth, this engaging new biography provides a concise overview of the life and work of this prodigiously talented, fascinating and controversial musician. Drawing on over thirty years of study, leading scholar Paul R. Laird describes Bernstein's work as a conductor, composer, music educator and commentator, evaluating all his major compositions. Laird explores the impact of his complicated personal life on his professional work, including his homosexuality and many affairs with men, and his strong yet difficult marriage. The author also describes Bernstein's iron self-belief, which enabled him to negotiate risky and challenging musical situations that resulted in passionate, if sometimes mixed, reviews. Featuring original insights into Bernstein's life, including the author's interview with Bernstein in 1982, this is an ideal introduction to Bernstein's eclectic musical style, showing where it fits in the larger world of twentieth-century music.
ActarD Inc Europa: Jordi Bernado
NordSüd Verlag AG Postkartenset Bernadette
Desclée De Brouwer Cómo ganarse a las personas el arte de hacer contactos
Cuál es el secreto de las personas a las que se les abren todas las puertas como por arte de magia, de la gente que avanza por la vida sonriente y alegre y parece conseguir cuanto se propone?Son personas que tienen encanto y carisma.Con estas cualidades captan fácilmente la voluntad de los demás en favor de sus intereses e ideas. Bernd Görner nos enseña mediante múltiples ejemplos cómo ganarnos la confianza de las personas en la esfera profesional y privada, y a conquistar con elegancia el corazón de nuestros interlocutores, tanto en encuentros breves y desenfadados como en conversaciones formales.