Search results for ""University of British Columbia Press""
University of British Columbia Press Supporting Indigenous Children's Development: Community-University Partnerships
Supporting Indigenous Children’s Development challenges and offers an alternative to the imposition of best practices on communities by outside specialists. It tells the story of an unexpected partnership initiated by an Aboriginal tribal council with the University of Victoria’s School of Child and Youth Care. The partnership has produced a new approach to professional education, in which community leaders are co-constructors of the curriculum and implementation proceeded only if both parties are present and engaged. Word of this “generative curriculum” has spread to numerous Aboriginal communities and now over sixty communities have participated in the First Nations Partnerships Program. Jessica Ball and Alan Pence show how this innovative program has strengthened community capacity to design, deliver, and evaluate culturally appropriate programs to support young children’s development.
University of British Columbia Press Governing with the Charter: Legislative and Judicial Activism and Framers' Intent
Since the introduction of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982, the question of judicial power and its relationship to parliamentary democracy has been an important one in Canadian politics. Some critics, suspicious of what they perceive as the "activism" of "unelected and unaccountable" judges, view the increased power of the Supreme Court as a direct challenge to parliament. But has parliamentary democracy been weakened by judicial responses to the Charter?In Governing with the Charter, James Kelly clearly demonstrates that our current democratic deficit is not the result of the Supreme Court’s judicial activism. On the contrary, an activist framers’ intent surrounds the Charter, and the Supreme Court has simply, and appropriately, responded to this new constitutional environment. While the Supreme Court is admittedly a political actor, it is not the sole interpreter of the Charter, as the court, the cabinet, and bureaucracy all respond to the document, which has ensured the proper functioning of constitutional supremacy in Canada.Kelly analyzes the parliamentary hearings on the Charter and also draws from interviews with public servants, senators, and members of parliament actively involved in appraising legislation to ensure that it is consistent with the Charter. He concludes that the principal institutional outcome of the Charter has been a marginalization of Parliament and that this is due to the Prime Minister’s decision on how to govern with the Charter.A significant contribution to law and society studies, Governing with the Charter will be widely read by political scientists, legal scholars, parliamentarians, public servants, and students of the machinery of government.
University of British Columbia Press Negotiating Identities in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Montreal
Negotiating Identities in 19th- and 20th-Century Montrealilluminates the cultural complexity and richness of a modernizing cityand its people. The chapters focus on sites where identities wereforged and contested over crucial decades in Montreal’s history.Readers will discover the links between identity, place, and historicalmoment as they meet vagrant women, sailors in port, unemployed men ofthe Great Depression, elite families, shopkeepers, reformers, notaries,and social workers, among others. This is a fascinating study thatexplores the intersections of state, people, and the voluntary sectorto elucidate the processes that took people between homes andcemeteries, between families and shops, and onto the streets. This bookwill be of interest to a wide range of social and cultural historians,critical geographers, students of gender studies, and those wanting toknow more about the fascinating past of one of Canada’s mostlively cities.
University of British Columbia Press Law and Risk
The study and practice of risk analysis, risk management, and thecommunication of risk has been the subject of heated debates. This isno less so when law is added to the mix. Despite the law’sconstant search for certainty, the concept of risk itself is inherentlyuncertain. From the precautionary principle to the role of researchethics boards, risk remains a value-laden term, difficult to define andeven more difficult to address. This book looks at law and risk in a variety of contexts andprovides insight into how courts use and interpret risk and how the lawallocates risk, as well as examining the regulation of riskyactivities. To demonstrate the linkages between law and risk, theessays tackle some difficult topics, including dangerous offenders, sexoffender notification, drug courts, genetic research, pesticide use,child pornography, and tobacco advertising. This careful consideration of whether the law adequately andappropriately responds to risk will be of interest to students andscholars of law and the social sciences, as well as to lawpractitioners and lawmakers.
University of British Columbia Press Defending Rights in Russia: Lawyers, the State, and Legal Reform in the Post-Soviet Era
Lawyers often play pivotal roles in building democracies. PamelaJordan’s engaging study of the Russian bar (advokatura) providesa richly textured portrait of how, after the USSR’s collapse,practising lawyers called advocates began to assume new, self-definedroles as contributors to legal reform and defenders of rights inRussia. Using the historical institutionalism approach as her analyticalframework and drawing from comparative literature on legal professions,Jordan argues that the post-Soviet advokatura as an institution gainedmore, although not complete, autonomy from the state as it struggled toredefine itself as a profession. Advocates formed new bar associationsand law offices and now have a broader range of ways to defendclients’ rights than they did during the Soviet era. Jordansuggests that advocates’ work is supporting the growth of civilsociety and the strengthening of human rights in Russia. Jordan concludes that, in a measured way, advocates redistributedsocial and political power by means of their role as intermediaryactors between state and societal forces. However, she also warns thatsuch gains could be reversed if the Putin regime continues to flout dueprocess rights.
University of British Columbia Press Good Government? Good Citizens?: Courts, Politics, and Markets in a Changing Canada
Good Government? Good Citizens? explores the evolving concept of the citizen in Canada at the beginning of this century. Three forces are at work in reconstituting the citizen in this society: courts, politics, and markets. Many see these forces as intersecting and colliding in ways that are fundamentally reshaping the relationship of individuals to the state and to each other.How has Canadian society actually been transformed? Is the state truly in retreat? Do individuals, in fact, have a fundamentally altered sense of their relationship to government and to each other? Have courts and markets supplanted representative politics regarding the expression of basic values? Must judicialized protection of human rights and minority interests necessarily mean a diminished concern for the common good on the part of representative politics? To what extent should markets and representative politics maintain a role in the protection of human rights and minority interests? Will representative politics ever hold the public trust again?Good Government? Good Citizens? responds to these questions. It does so by examining the altered roles of courts, politics, and markets over the last two decades. It then examines a number of areas to gauge the extent of the evidence regarding transformations that have occurred because of these changing roles. There are chapters on the First Peoples, cyberspace, education, and on an ageing Canada. The book concludes with reflections on the “good citizen” at the dawning of the new century.Of particular interest to professors and students of law and political science, Good Government? Good Citizens? will appeal to anyone interested in the changing face of Canada and its citizens.
University of British Columbia Press Brute Souls, Happy Beasts, and Evolution: The Historical Status of Animals
In this provocative inquiry into the status of animals in human society from the fifth century BC to the present, Rod Preece provides a wholly new perspective on the human-animal relationship. He skillfully demonstrates that, counter to prevailing intellectual opinion, ethical attitudes toward animals are neither restricted to the twentieth century nor the result of Darwin’s theory of evolution. They have been part of Western thought and culture for centuries.With his usual eloquence, Preece builds a cogent and persuasive argument, challenging current assumptions about the historical status of animals in Western civilization. He dispels the notion that animals were denied ethical consideration by Christian doctrine, refutes the claim that the Cartesian conception of animals as automata was widely embraced, and proves that "theriophily" -- the notion of animal superiority over humans -- was given greater credence than is commonly recognized. The exhaustive research and breadth of knowledge that Preece reveals in this book are matched by his belief in our ethical responsibilities to animals.Brute Souls, Happy Beasts, and Evolution will be required reading for those from animal scientists to animal philosophers to animal rights activists who have an interest in the history and philosophy of animal ethics.
University of British Columbia Press Building Health Promotion Capacity: Action for Learning, Learning from Action
Building Health Promotion Capacity explores the professional practice of health promotion and, in particular, how individuals and organizations can become more effective in undertaking and supporting such practice.The book is based on the experiences of the Building Health Promotion Capacity Project (1998-2003), a continuing education and applied research venture affiliated with the Saskatchewan Heart Health Program.The project studied the process of capacity development in relation to practitioners and regional health districts in Saskatchewan. For health promotion practitioners across Canada and beyond, this book provides a coherent framework for effective professional practice. Leaders in health sector organizations will develop a firmer grasp of how to support health promotion practice and how to recruit and retain individual practitioners with a high level of capacity. Policy makers will improve their knowledge of environments that support the health promotion capacity of individuals and organizations. Scholars will learn about the nature of health promotion capacity and about a methodology for its study.
University of British Columbia Press First Nations Sacred Sites in Canada's Courts
The sacred sites of indigenous peoples are under increasing threat worldwide as a result of state appropriation of control over ancestral territories, coupled with insatiable demands on lands, waters, and natural resources. Yet because they spiritually anchor indigenous peoples’ relationship with the land, they are crucial to these peoples’ existence, survival, and well-being. Thus, threats to sacred sites are effectively threats to indigenous peoples themselves.In recent decades, First Nations peoples of Canada, like other indigenous peoples, have faced hard choices. Sometimes, they have chosen to grieve in private over the desecration and even destruction of their sacred sites. At other times, they have mounted public protests, ranging from public information campaigns to on-the-ground resistance. Of late, they have also taken their fight to the courts. First Nations Sacred Sites in Canada’s Courts is the first work to examine how the courts have responded. Informed by elements of a general theory of sacred sites and supported by a thorough analysis of nearly a dozen cases, the book demonstrates not merely that the courts have failed to treat First Nations sacred sites fairly but also why they have failed to do so.The book does not end on a wholly critical note, however, but suggests practical ways in which courts can improve their handling of the issues. Finally, it shows that Canada too has something profound at stake in the struggle of First Nations peoples for their sacred sites.
University of British Columbia Press Humanitarianism, Identity, and Nation: Migration Laws in Canada and Australia
Refugees are on the move around the globe. Prosperous nations are rapidly adjusting their laws to crack down on the so-called “undeserving.” Australia and Canada have each sought international reputations as humanitarian do-gooders, especially in the area of refugee admissions.Humanitarianism, Identity, and Nation traces the connections between the nation-building tradition of immigration and the challenge of admitting people who do not reflect the national interest of the twenty-first century. Catherine Dauvergne argues that in the absence of the justice standard for admitting newcomers, liberal nations instead share a humanitarian consensus about letting in needy outsiders. This consensus constrains and shapes migration law and policy. In a detailed consideration of how refugees and others in need are admitted to Australia and Canada, she links humanitarianism and national identity to explain the current shape of the law.If the problems of immigration policy were all about economics, future directions would be easy to map. If rights could trump sovereignty, refugee admission would be straightforward. But migration politics has never been simple. Humanitarianism, Identity, and Nation is a welcome antidote to economic critiques of immigration, and a thoughtful contribution to rights talk. It is a must-read for everyone interested in transforming migration laws to meet the needs of the twenty-first century.
University of British Columbia Press Tournament of Appeals: Granting Judicial Review in Canada
Canada’s Supreme Court decides cases with far-reaching effects on Canadian politics and public policies. When the Supreme Court sets cases on its agenda, it exercises nearly unrestrained discretion and considerable public authority. But how does the Court choose these cases in the first place?Tournament of Appeals investigates the leave to appeal process in Canada and explores how and why certain cases “win” a place on the Court’s agenda and others do not. Drawing from systematically collected information on the process, applications, and lawyers that has never before been used in studies of Canada’s Supreme Court, Flemming offers both a qualitatively and quantitatively-based explanation of how Canada’s justices grant judicial review.The first of its kind, this innovative study will draw the attention of lawyers, academics, and students in Canada as well as in the Commonwealth or Europe, where the appeals process in the high courts is similar to that of Canada.
University of British Columbia Press Insiders and Outsiders: Alan Cairns and the Reshaping of Canadian Citizenship
Insiders and Outsiders celebrates the work of Alan Cairns, one of the most influential Canadian social scientists of the contemporary period. Few scholars have helped shape so many key debates in such a wide range of topics in Canadian politics, from the electoral system and federalism, to constitutional and Charter politics, to questions of Aboriginal citizenship.This volume contains engaging and critical analyses of Cairns’ contributions by a diverse group of scholars -- political scientists, legal scholars, historians, and policymakers, many of them leaders in their own fields. It includes assessments of his role as a public intellectual, his interpretation of Canada’s electoral system, his views on federalism and on Canadian unity, his approach to Aboriginal/non-Aboriginal relations, and his writings on citizenship and diversity. The book will be of particular interest to students and scholars of Canadian politics, history, and society, especially those examining ssues such as the Charter of Rights, Aboriginal politics, federalism, multiculturalism, political institutions, and political change. It should also be of interest to a larger public that follows the Canadian political scene, and that shares Cairns’ concerns with broad questions of citizenship, diversity, and national unity.
University of British Columbia Press Second Growth: Community Economic Development in Rural British Columbia
Broader political and economic changes are dramatically reshaping rural and small-town communities in British Columbia and across Canada. Increasingly, however, much of the responsibility for community-based prosperity and survival is falling to communities themselves.This book is drawn from a three-year participatory research project with four communities in British Columbia: two municipalities and two Aboriginal communities. The first part of the book examines historical and contemporary forces of restructuring, linking the development of rural communities with the legacy of resource development and Aboriginal marginalization across the province. The second part of the book presents the theoretical and practical dynamics of the community economic development (CED) process and outlines a variety of strategies communities can initiate to diversify their local economies.Second Growth advances understanding of local development by addressing two important deficiencies in the CED literature. First, CED is a rapidly expanding field that requires enhanced theoretical direction and historical analysis. Second, there is a need for systematic case study analyses of CED strategies in rural, small-town conditions. As communities struggle to confront complex forces of change, sound theoretical frameworks and tested best practices are important tools in facilitating the prospects for a second growth in rural and small-town communities.The book will appeal to educators and students of rural and economic geography, policy makers, and citizens who wish to better understand the transformations taking place across the rural landscape.
University of British Columbia Press Collective Insecurity: The Liberian Crisis, Unilateralism, and Global Order
Africa’s notorious civil wars and seemingly endless conflicts constitute one of the most intractable threats to global peace and security in the post-Cold War era. This book provides both a superb analysis of the historical dysfunction of the post-colonial African state generally and, more specifically, a probing critique of the crisis that resulted in the tragic collapse of Liberia.Using a historical deconstruction and reconstruction of the theories and practice of international law and politics, Ikechi Mgbeoji ultimately shows that blame for this endless cycle of violence must be laid at the feet of both the Western powers and African states themselves. He further posits that three measures – a reconstructed regime of African statehood, legitimate governance, and reform of the United Nations Security Council – are imperatives for the creation of a stable African polity. In the post-9/11 era, this holistic and multilateral approach to collective security remains the world's best route to peace and socio-political stability.Collective Insecurity is a vital addition to the study of international law and will be of interest to students and practitioners of international law and international relations, and those with an interest in security studies, politics, and African studies.
University of British Columbia Press Journey to the Ice Age: Discovering an Ancient World
At the end of the Ice Age, small groups of hunter-gatherers crossed from Siberia to Alaska and began the last chapter in the human settlement of the earth. Many left little or no trace. But one group, the Early Paleo-Indians, exploded onto the archaeological record about 11,500 radiocarbon years ago and expanded rapidly throughout North America, sending splinter groups into Central and perhaps South America as well. Journey to the Ice Age explores the challenges faced by the Early Paleo-Indians of northeastern North America. A revealing, autobiographical account, this is at once a captivating record of Storck’s discoveries and an introduction to the practice, challenges, and spirit of archaeology.
University of British Columbia Press Hidden Agendas: How Journalists Influence the News
Few books in Canada empirically and systematically examine the role journalists play in the news-making process. While there are several books that look at how journalists do their jobs, and others that examine the political process, none - until now - have analyzed the opinions of journalists and how the news is reported.Focusing primarily on the political orientation of journalists, Miljan and Cooper investigate the link between what journalists believe about politics and how they report political issues. Using data gathered from interviews with over 800 Canadians and some 270 journalists, the authors compare how the attitudes of journalists differ from those of the general population, and how the journalists’ opinions influence the daily news. By examining the way they respond to questions on the economy, social issues, and national unity, and comparing these responses with how the stories were reported in Canadian news outlets, the book arrives at the controversial conclusion that journalists, moreso than the owners of the media, are the architects of the news, engineering not only its drama, but also its ideological thrust.A must-read for anyone interested in politics and the media, this book should be read by journalists, politicians, academics, and all Canadians who are concerned about the hidden agendas of journalists.
University of British Columbia Press Taking Stands: Gender and the Sustainability of Rural Communities
Environmental activism in rural places frequently pits residentswhose livelihood depends on resource extraction against those who seekto protect natural spaces and species. While many studies have focusedon women who seek to protect the natural environment, few have exploredthe perspectives of women who seek to maintain resource use. This book goes beyond the dichotomies of "pro" and"anti" environmentalism to tell the stories of these women.Maureen Reed uses participatory action research to explain theexperiences of women who seek to protect forestry as an industry, alivelihood, a community, and a culture. She links their experiences topolicy making by considering the effects of environmental policychanges on the social dynamics of workplaces, households, andcommunities in forestry towns of British Columbia’s temperaterainforest. The result is a critical commentary about the socialdimensions of sustainability in rural communities. A powerful and challenging book, Taking Stands provides acrucial understanding of community change in resource-dependentregions, and helps us to better tackle the complexities of gender andactivism as they relate to rural sustainability. Social andenvironmental geographers, feminist scholars, and those engaged inrural studies, environmental sustainability, community planning, andpolicy making will find it invaluable.
University of British Columbia Press The Oriental Question: Consolidating a White Man's Province, 1914-41
Patricia Roy’s latest book, The Oriental Question, continues her study into why British Columbians – and many Canadians from outside the province – were historically so opposed to Asian immigration. Drawing on contemporary press and government reports and individual correspondence and memoirs, Roy shows how British Columbians consolidated a “white man’s province” from 1914 to 1941 by securing a virtual end to Asian immigration and placing stringent legal restrictions on Asian competition in the major industries of lumber and fishing. While its emphasis is on political action and politicians, the book also examines the popular pressure for such practices and gives some attention to the reactions of those most affected: the province’s Chinese and Japanese residents.The Oriental Question is a critical investigation of a troubling period in Canadian history. It will be of vital interest to scholars of British Columbian and Canadian history and politics and of Asian, diaspora, ethnicity, and immigration studies.
University of British Columbia Press The Integrity Gap: Canada's Environmental Policy and Institutions
This thoughtful collection exposes the gap between rhetoric andperformance in Canada’s response to environmental challenges.Canadians, despite their national penchant for environmentaldiscussion, have fallen behind their G-8 peers in both domesticcommitments and international actions. In a cogent examination of theissue, eight authors demonstrate how Canada’s configuration ofpolitical and economic institutions has limited effective environmentalpolicy. Canadian environmental institutions, the authors argue, haveproduced an integrity gap: the sustainability rhetoric adopted bypolicymakers fails to achieve concrete results. In an analysis thatpenetrates several policy domains and combines various disciplinary,sectoral, and geographic perspectives, the authors demonstrate howCanada fell from leader to laggard within the internationalenvironmental community. Placing the study of Canadian environmental policy within a soundtheoretical framework for the first time, this book makes a significantcontribution to existing policy scholarship. It will find anenthusiastic audience among political scientists, neo-institutionaltheorists, policy analysts, and students at both undergraduate andgraduate levels.
University of British Columbia Press Emerging from the Mist: Studies in Northwest Coast Culture History
Our understanding of the precontact nature of the Northwest Coast has changed dramatically over the last twenty years. This book brings together the most recent research on the culture history and archaeology of a region of longstanding anthropological importance, whose complex societies represent the most prominent examples of hunters and gatherers.Combining archaeology, ethnohistory, and ethnography, this collection investigates several aspects of this cultural complexity, carrying on the intellectual traditions of Donald H. Mitchell and Wayne Suttles. Its interdisciplinary approach creates a broader context in which to interpret the past. The generously illustrated chapters address a wide range of topics, and include original and penetrating analyses of the fur trade, migration, household structures, and precontact metallurgy and architecture.Emerging from the Mist updates and expands our understanding of the nature and evolution of precontact Northwest Coast society to reveal the vibrant, rich cultures that existed there. Scholars and students of archaeology and anthropology, and those with an interest in Northwest Coast history, will find this volume especially rewarding.
University of British Columbia Press The Co-Workplace: Teleworking in the Neighbourhood
Thanks to telecommunications breakthroughs, almost half of all jobsin North America and Europe could today be performed away from atraditional office. Millions of office workers are already working fromhome, and while some appreciate the flexibility of home-based telework,others find that they are bound to their employers by an"electronic leash." This book explores the"co-workplace" - a new type of neighbourhood-based facilityoffering the benefits of remote work while maintaining boundariesbetween workplace and home. Borrowing from the experience of cooperative artists' studios,business incubators, and the corner copy shop, the new co-workplacewould be planned by the people who would really use it. It would beclose to home with access to such amenities as meeting rooms,childcare, food services, and recreation facilities. It would combinethe infrastructure of a good corporate office with the healthyconvenience of walking to work. In The Co-workplace, Johnsondraws lessons from spaces used collaboratively by software developers,artists, lawyers, and other professionals. This book explains why office infrastructure can be important forproductivity as well as the quality of work life. While the workprocess benefits from peace, quiet, and protection from interruption,creativity and innovation thrive amid opportunities for socialinteraction and synergy. The Co-workplace tackles one of thecentral policy and planning issues of our time and, as such, will bevital reading for those in urban planning, communications, work &leisure studies, and women’s studies.
University of British Columbia Press The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 40, 2002
Since its advent in 1961, The Canadian Yearbook of International Law has had three main objectives: to make available to Canadians and the international community a systematic presentation of the best Canadian thought on problems of international law; to promote the development of Canadian research on international law; and to make available documents and commentaries that reveal the practice of Canadian institutions in matters of international law. UBC Press is honoured to have been involved with this venerable project, and is proud to celebrate the publication of its fortieth volume this year.Issued annually under the auspices of the Canadian Branch of the International Law Association (Canadian Society of International Law) and the Canadian Council on International Law, the Yearbook contains articles of lasting significance in the field of international legal studies; a notes and comments section; a digest of international economic law; a section on current Canadian practice in international law; a digest of important Canadian cases in the fields of public international law, private international law, and conflict of laws; a list of recent Canadian treaties; and book reviews.
University of British Columbia Press Feminist Activism in the Supreme Court: Legal Mobilization and the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund
Since 1980, the Canadian women’s movement has been an active participant in constitutional politics and Charter litigation. This book, through its focus on the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF), presents a compelling examination of how Canadian feminists became key actors in developing the constitutional doctrine of equality, and how they mobilized that doctrine to support the movement’s policy agenda.The case of LEAF, an organization that had as its goal the use of Charter litigation to influence legal rules and public policy, provides rich ground for Manfredi’s keen analysis of legal mobilization. In a multitude of areas such as abortion, pornography, sexual assault, family law, and gay and lesbian rights, LEAF has intervened before the Supreme Court to bring its understanding of equality to bear on legal policy development. This study offers a deft examination of LEAF’s arguments and seeks to understand how they affected the Court’s consideration of the issues. Perhaps most importantly, it also contemplates the longterm effects of the mobilization, and considers the social impact of the legal doctrine that has emerged from LEAF cases.A major contribution to law and society studies, Feminist Activism in the Supreme Court is unparalleled in its analysis of legal mobilization as an effective strategy for social movements. It will be widely read and welcomed by legal scholars, political scientists, lawyers, feminists, and activists.
University of British Columbia Press Bioregionalism and Civil Society: Democratic Challenges to Corporate Globalism
Bioregionalism and Civil Society addresses the urgent needfor sustainability in industrialized societies. The book explores thebioregional movement in the US, Canada, and Mexico, examining itsvision, values, strategies, and tools for building sustainablesocieties. Bioregionalism is a philosophy with values and practicesthat attempt to meld issues of social and economic justice andsustainability with cultural, ecological, and spiritual concerns.Further, bioregional efforts at democratic social and cultural changetake place primarily in the sphere of civil society. Practically, Carr argues for bioregionalism as a place-specific,community movement that can stand in diverse opposition to thehomogenizing trends of corporate globalization. Theoretically, theauthor seeks lessons for civil society-based social theory andstrategy. Conventional civil society theory from Europe proposes a dualstrategy of developing strong horizontal communicative action amongcivic associations and networks as the basis for strategic verticalcampaigns to democratize both state and market sectors. However, thistheory offers no ecological or cultural critique of consumerism. Bycontrast, Carr integrates both social and natural ecologies in a civilsociety theory that incorporates lessons about consumption and culturaltransformation from bioregional practice. Carr’s argument that bioregional values and community-buildingtools support a diverse, democratic, socially just civil society thatrespects and cares for the natural world makes a significantcontribution to the field of green political science, social changetheory, and environmental thought.
University of British Columbia Press Elections
Open and competitive elections governed by widely accepted rules and procedures are essential to the legitimacy of any political system. Elections assesses the history and development of five building blocks of the Canadian electoral regime: the franchise, electoral districts, voter registration, election machinery, and plurality voting.Arguing that on balance the Canadian electoral system is truly democratic, John Courtney demonstrates its vast improvements over the years. The right to vote is now generously interpreted. The process of redrawing electoral districts is no longer in the hands of elected officials. Voter registration lists include all but a small share of eligible voters. And those who manage and supervise elections on behalf of all citizens are honest and trustworthy officials. Using the recent push for reform of the plurality vote system as one example, Courtney also examines why certain electoral institutions have been amenable to change and others have not.In a democracy it is important for citizens to understand the most essential parts of their own electoral system. Elections is an ideal primer for undergraduate students, journalists, politicians, and citizens interested in the current state of Canadian democracy.
University of British Columbia Press Canada and the End of Empire
Sir John Seeley once wrote that the British Empire was acquired in “a fit of absence of mind.” Whatever the truth of this comment, it is certainly arguable that the Empire was dismantled in such a fit. This collection deals with a neglected subject in post-Confederation Canadian history – the implications to Canada and Canadians of British decolonization and the end of empire.Canada and the End of Empire looks at Canadian diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom and the United States, the Suez crisis, the changing economic relationship with Great Britain in the 1950s and 1960s, the role of educational and cultural institutions in maintaining the British connection, the royal tour of 1959, the decision to adopt a new flag in 1964, the efforts to find a formula for repatriating the constitution, the Canadianization of the Royal Canadian Navy, and the attitude of First Nations to the changed nature of the Anglo-Canadian relationship. Historians in Commonwealth countries tend to view the end of British rule from a nationalist perspective. Canada and the End of Empire challenges this view and demonstrates the centrality of imperial history in Canadian historiography.An important addition to the growing canon of empire studies and imperial history, this book will be of interest to historians of the Commonwealth, and to scholars and students interested in the relationship between colonialism and nationalism.
University of British Columbia Press Frigates and Foremasts: The North American Squadron in Nova Scotia Waters 1745-1815
The first comprehensive study of naval operations involving NorthAmerican squadrons in Nova Scotia waters, Frigates and Foremasts offersa masterful analysis of the motives behind the deployment of Royal Navyvessels between 1745 and 1815, and the navy’s role on the WesternAtlantic. Interweaving historical analysis with vivid descriptions of pivotalevents from the first siege of Louisbourg in 1745 to the end of thewars with the United States and France in 1815, Julian Gwyn illuminatesthe complex story of competing interests among the Admiralty, NavyBoard, sea officers, and government officials on both sides of theAtlantic. In a gripping narrative encompassing sea battles,impressments, and privateering, Gwyn brings to life key events andcentral figures. He examines the role of leadership and the lack of it,not only of seagoing heroes from Peter Warren to Philip Broke, but alsoof land-based officials, such as the various Halifax naval yardcommissioners, whose important contributions are brought to light.Gwyn’s brilliant evocation of people and events, and thescholarship he brings to bear on the subject makes Frigates andForemasts a uniquely authoritative history. Wonderfully readable, itwill attract both the serious naval historian and the general readerinterested in the ‘why’ and ‘what’ of navalhistory on North America's eastern seaboard.
University of British Columbia Press Regulating Lives: Historical Essays on the State, Society, the Individual, and the Law
This book examines Canadian experiences of social control, moralregulation, and governmentality during the late nineteenth and earlytwentieth centuries. Informed by the wealth of theoretical andhistorical writings that have recently emerged on these subjects, thecontributors explore diverse state, social, legal, and human encounterswith the regulation of lives in British Columbia and Canadian history.Incest in the criminal courts, racial-ethnic dimensions of alcoholregulation, public health initiatives around venereal disease, and theseizure and indoctrination of Doukhobor children, among other issues,are examined in these nine original essays. This collection will interest scholars, researchers, practitioners,and students of a wide range of contexts including law, history,sociology, criminology, women’s studies, Native studies, socialwork, and political science.
University of British Columbia Press Personal Relationships of Dependence and Interdependence in Law
At their simplest level, human relationships are about ties between people. These ties, however, are anything but simple; rather, they are complex interdependencies whose dynamic reciprocity of obligations and interests is not always represented in our legal thinking. This collection explores the intersection of interdependency and the law, and contemplates some of the key issues at stake in the way the law interprets and addresses human relationships.Part of a series that questions fundamental concepts of law, this book looks critically at the legal concepts that have framed these relationships: contract, fiduciary duty, the “duty to act fairly,” the impartiality of decision makers, and privileged communication. Many of these obscure the element of interdependency. The authors argue that interdependency is a fruitful critical - and human - framework by which to re-evaluate some of our traditional legal concepts.The book will be of interest to law and society scholars and students, as it presents a different critical framework through which to analyze traditional human relationships.
University of British Columbia Press Sex and Borders: Gender, National Identity and Prostitution Policy in Thailand
Prostitution in Thailand has been the subject of media sensationalism for decades. Bangkok’s brothels have become international icons of “third world” women’s exploitation in the global sex trade. Recently, however, sex workers have begun to demand not pity, but rights as workers in the global economy.This book explores how Thai national identity in such an economy is linked to prostitution and gender. Jeffrey asserts that certain images of “The Prostitute” have silenced discourses of prostitution as work, while fostering the idea of the peasant woman as the embodiment of national culture. This idea, coupled with a will to shape the modern state through the behaviour of middle-class men, has been a main concern of Thai prostitution policy. Gender, Jeffrey argues, has become the mechanism through which states respond to the contradictory pressures of globalization and nation-building.Sex and Borders is essential reading for those interested in gender studies, Southeast Asian studies, and the politics of prostitution.
University of British Columbia Press Aboriginal Autonomy and Development in Northern Quebec and Labrador
The Canadian North is witness to some of the most innovative efforts by Aboriginal peoples to reshape their relations with “mainstream” political and economic structures. Northern Quebec and Labrador are particularly dynamic examples of these efforts, composed as they are of First Nations territories that until the 1970s had never been subject to treaty but are subject to escalating industrial demands for natural resources.The essays in this volume illuminate the process of indigenous autonomy and development in northern Quebec and Labrador. Contributors include academic specialists, Aboriginal leaders, and professionals employed within Aboriginal governments who address key conditions for autonomy and development: the definition and redefinition of national territories as cultural orders clash and mix; control of resource bases and maintenance of environments upon which northern regional economies can depend; renewal and reworking of cultural identity; and the healing of community as people cope with the damage inflicted by continued colonial intrusion into Aboriginal lands and lives.This book will be important to all those who seek a deeper understanding of northern and Aboriginal realities. It concerns issues that we cannot, as a society, afford to neglect.
University of British Columbia Press This Blessed Wilderness: Archibald McDonald's Letters from the Columbia, 1822-44
The twenty-five years between 1821 and 1846 were turbulent but important years in the history of the fur trade in the Pacific Northwest: 1821 saw the merger of the Hudson’s Bay Company and the North West Company, and 1846 saw the signing of the Oregon Treaty, which established the Canada-U.S. border.Archibald McDonald was a man who experienced these changes first hand. As a senior HBC officer, he was sent to the Columbia District headquarters at Fort George in 1821 to oversee the recently absorbed NWC posts and assets. After the merger, McDonald went on to direct operations at Thompson River (1826-28), Fort Langley (1828-33), and Fort Colvile (1833-44).During his tenure in the Pacific Northwest, letters were McDonald’s only link with the outside world. Collected here for the first time by Jean Murray Cole, these public and private letters to friends, business colleagues, missionaries, botanists, and many others provide a fascinating narrative of the expansion of the fur trade at a critical time in its history. McDonald’s witty and ironic style make these informative letters highly readable and entertaining. They are an invaluable primary resource for historians of the fur trade and the Pacific Northwest, anthropologists, geographers, and specialists in native studies. More general readers will be fascinated by these amusing snapshots of early settlement in the Pacific Northwest.
University of British Columbia Press Rebuilding Canadian Party Politics
Canadian party politics collapsed in the early 1990s. This book is about that collapse, about the end of a party system, with a unique pattern of party organization and competition, that had governed Canada’s national politics for several decades, and about the ongoing struggle to build its successor. Rebuilding Canadian Party Politics discusses the breakdown of the old party system, the emergence of the Reform Party and the Bloc Québécois, and the fate of the Conservative and New Democratic Parties. It focuses on the internal workings of parties in this new era, examining the role of professionals, new technologies, and local activists.To understand the ambiguities of our current party system, the authors attended local and national party meetings, nomination and leadership meetings, and campaign kick-off rallies. They visited local campaign offices to observe the parties’ grassroots operations and conducted interviews with senior party officials, pollsters, media and advertising specialists, and leader-tour directors.Written in a lively and accessible style, this book will interest students of party politics and Canadian political history, as well as general readers eager to make sense of the changes reshaping national politics today.
University of British Columbia Press Heavy Traffic: Deregulation, Trade, and Transformation in North American Trucking
Canada and the United States exchange the world's highest level of bilateral trade, valued at $1.4 billion a day. Two-thirds of this trade travels on trucks. Heavy Traffic examines the way in which the regulatory reform of American and Canadian trucking, coupled with free trade, has internationalized this vital industry.Before deregulation, restrictive entry rules had fostered two separate national highway transportation markets, and most international traffic had to be exchanged at the border. When the United States deregulated first, the imbalance between its opened market and Canada’s still-restricted one produced a surprisingly difficult bilateral dispute. American deregulation was motivated by domestic incentives, but the subsequent Canadian deregulation blended domestic incentives with transborder rate comparisons and concerns about trade competitiveness.Daniel Madar shows that deregulation created a de facto regime of free trade in trucking services. Removing regulatory barriers has enabled Canadian and American carriers to follow the expansion of transborder traffic that began with the Canada–US Free Trade Agreement and continues with NAFTA. The services available with deregulated trucking have also supported sweeping changes in industrial logistics. As transborder traffic has surged, the two countries’ carriers – from billion-dollar corporations to family firms – have exploited the latitude provided by deregulation.This book is a valuable contribution to our understanding of the policy processes and economic conditions that led to trucking deregulation. As a study in public policy formation and the international effects of reform, it will be of interest to students and scholars of political economy, international relations, and transportation.
University of British Columbia Press White Gold: Hydroelectric Power in Canada
During the past fifty years, Canadians have seen many of their white-water rivers dammed or diverted to generate electricity primarily for industry and export. The rush to build dams increased utility debts, produced adverse consequences for the environment and local communities, and ultimately resulted in the layoff of 25,000 employees. White Gold looks at what went wrong with hydro development, with the predicted industrial transformation, with the timing and magnitude of projects, and with national and regional initiatives to link these major projects to a trans-Canada power grid.Karl Froschauer examines five major hydroelectric projects -- Niagara Falls (Ontario), Churchill Falls (Labrador), James Bay (Quebec), the Nelson River (Manitoba), and the Peace River (British Columbia) -- applying a political economic perspective that unifies his analysis of patterns of hydro development in Canada. He points out that in the 1960s and 70s federal and interprovincial conflicts over transmission line ownership, hydro plant investments, extra-provincial authority, and export agendas undermined several national and regional power grid initiatives. He then argues that if the provinces had chosen to integrate their power project within a national electricity network, substantial technical, economic, and environmental advantages could have resulted. Instead of providing the infrastructure for a national power grid and serving as a force for indigenous secondary industry, the provincial expansions of Canada's hydro resources have merely fostered continued dependence on branch-plant industrial development and staples export and have created vast surpluses of electricity for continental, rather than national, use.Meticulously researched and documented, White Gold is the first comprehensive study of hydroelectric power development in Canada. Its useful analytical framework and provincial comparisons illuminate and critique the path of development over the last century and offer lessons for the future.
University of British Columbia Press Parties, Candidates, and Constituency Campaigns in Canadian Elections
Political scientists have traditionally examined the democraticprocess at the macro level. With its unique micro-level focus,Parties, Candidates, and Constituency Campaigns in CanadianElections provides the first systematic analysis of the localconstituency campaigns that are the basis of elections and democracy inCanada. By taking a detailed look at campaigns in seven B.C. ridings duringthe 1988 "free-trade" election -- the last under the oldthree-party system -- Anthony Sayers develops a typology of candidatesand campaigns. The dynamics of local associations, nominations, andcampaigns, including those of former prime minister Kim Campbell andNew Democrat Svend Robinson, as well as key strategic events and therole of the media, are reconstructed from interviews with candidates,campaign managers, party strategists, volunteers, and journalists. The1993 and 1997 elections are then invoked to show that the insightsdrawn about the nature of constituency politics remain relevant to thenew party system. This important contribution to the study of Canadian electionsforcefully argues that knowledge of the dynamics at the local level isessential to a full understanding of Canadian polity, its underlyingsocial basis, and the factors that determine successful electioncampaigns. As such, Parties, Candidates, and Constituency Campaignsin Canadian Elections will intrigue not only political scientistsand students of Canadian politics but also election candidates andparty strategists.
University of British Columbia Press Talk and Log: Wilderness Politics in British Columbia
For more than three decades, British Columbia's old growthforests have been a major source of political conflict. In Talk andLog, Jeremy Wilson presents a comprehensive account of the rise ofthe wilderness movement, examines the forest industry's politicalstrategies, and analyzes the inner workings of the policy process. Wilson describes a number of major political battles, such as thoseresulting in preservation of South Moresby, the Carmanah, and theValhalla wilderness, and investigates the factors that pushed thegovernment towards a more comprehensive approach to expanding theprotected areas system. He considers a wide range of forest policydevelopments and assesses the effectiveness of government and industryattempts to contain the wilderness movement. In the final part, heexplores the Harcourt NDP government's reform initiatives,including the Commission on Resources and Environment (CORE), theProtected Areas Strategy, and the Forest Practices Code. Talk and Log illuminates the forces behind controveriesthat have divided British Columbians, preoccupied the provincialgovernment, and drawn the attention of people across Canada and theworld. By discussing the patterns and trends underlying the past threedecades of wilderness politics, Wilson identifies the currents likelyto dominate B.C. wilderness debates in decades to come.
University of British Columbia Press Japanese Historians and the National Myths, 1600-1945: The Age of the Gods and Emperor Jinmu
Ancient tales tell of Japan's creation in the Age of the Gods, and of Jinmu, a direct descendant of the Sun Goddess and first emperor of the imperial line. These founding myths went unchallenged until Confucian scholars in the Tokugawa period initiated a reassessment of the ancient history of Japan. The application of Western theories of modern scientific history in the Meiji period further intensified the attacks on traditional beliefs. However, with the rise of ultranationalism following the Meiji Constitution of 1889, official state ideology insisted on the literal truth of these myths, and scholars who argued otherwise soon met with public hostility and government suppression.In Japanese Historians and the National Myths, John Brownlee examines how Japanese historians between 1600 and 1945 interpreted the ancient myths of their origins. These myths lay at the core of Japanese identity and provided legitimacy for the imperial state. Focusing on the theme of conflict and accommodation between scholars on one side and government and society on the other, Brownlee follows the historians' reactions to pressure and trends and their eventual understanding of history as a science in the service of the Japanese nation.This is the first comprehensive study of modern Japanese historians and their relationship to nationalism. It breaks new ground in its treatment of Japanese intellectual history and provides new insights into the development of Japan as a nation. Japanese Historians and the National Myths will prove invaluable to scholars of Japanese history on both sides of the Pacific, as well as to those interested in political ideology, nationalism, censorship, and mythology.
University of British Columbia Press The International Politics of Whaling
Whales: large, mysterious, intelligent – and endangered. In 1986, a global moratorium on whaling was issued by the International Whaling Commission. However, that decision was not without controversy. Some countries, such as Norway, continue to whale in defiance of the ban. In this fascinating book, Peter Stoett combines ecological sensitivity with a hard assessment of the political realities of the international regime to examine this important issue.The International Politics of Whaling examines contemporary whaling issues with an emphasis on three factors: our knowledge of whales and current whale populations and the impact of whaling; the actors and institutions involved in the debate over whaling; and the ethical dimension. Reluctantly, he concludes that the current global moratorium on whaling is problematic and that we must focus instead on habitat preservation in order to protect whales more effectively.
University of British Columbia Press A Stake in the Future: Redefining the Canadian Mineral Industry
A Stake in the Future is a comprehensive study of theWhitehorse Mining Initiative, which was first conceived by the leadersin the Canadian mining industry. The goal was to revitalize the miningindustry, attract new investment and forge an alliance with majorstakeholders such as government, environmental groups, First Nations,the mining industry, and labour. The book examines the political,cultural, and policy issues involved in developing a new consenus-basedapproach to resolving land and resource use disputes with particularfocus on a national multi-stakeholder initiative in the mineralsector. The authors discuss the changing public policy environment, thegrowing use of alternative dispute resolution, the challenges posed byconsensus-based processes in developing a common vision, and theimplications of such processes for representative democracy.
University of British Columbia Press Life in Stone: A Natural History of British Columbia's Fossils
Life in Stone is the first book to focus on British Columbia's fossils. Each of its chapters is written by a specialist for a general audience, and each is devoted to a separate fossil group that is particularly well represented in the province. Richly illustrated with photographs and drawings, Life in Stone will provide fascinating reading for anyone interested in learning more about the animals and plants that inhabited British Columbia during prehistoric times.
University of British Columbia Press The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 33, 1995
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law is issued annually under the auspices of the Canadian Branch of the International Law Association (Canadian Society of International Law) and the Canadian Council on International Law.The Yearbook contains articles of lasting significance in the field of international legal studies, a notes and comments section, a digest of international economic law, a section on current Canadian practice in international law, a digest of important Canadian cases in the fields of public international law, private international law, and conflict of laws, a list of recent Canadian treaties, and book reviews.
University of British Columbia Press Life in 2030: Exploring a Sustainable Future for Canada
Life in 2030 is a ground-breaking, practical, and, aboveall, positive vision of life in twenty-first-century Canada. As we moveinto the next century, the development of sustainable andenvironmentally benign patterns of resource utilization andsocioeconomic development is an essential priority. In this book, JohnRobinson and his co-authors investigate the possibility and impacts ofa sustainable future for Canada. Based on research initiated by the Sustainable Society Project in1988, Life in 2030 is unique in that it uses backcastinginstead of forecasting to trace the path of Canada forty years into thefuture to the year 2030. Instead of predicting the most likely futurebased on current trends, the authors set out a desirable future anddiscuss the changes that would need to occur between 1990 and 2030 toarrive at this future vision. This vision, derived from ethical,political, and ecological principles, is not viewed as definitive, forthe authors hope to inspire others to conceive of, and work towards,their own visions of a sustainable future. Life in 2030 makes a significant contribution tointerdisciplinary studies on the environment and sustainability becauseit develops a scenario that allows for an evaluation of the changesrequired to achieve a sustainable society. This book is requiredreading for anyone interested in a sustainable future environment. Italso provides an original and provocative look at life in Canada in thetwenty-first century.
University of British Columbia Press Achieving Sustainable Development
The recent United Nations Conference on the Environment andDevelopment, popularly known as the Earth Summit, was a milestone eventfor sustainable development. In dealing with ecological anddevelopmental issues concurrently, it brought the internationalenvironmental agenda to the fore. Canada was the first industrializedcountry to announce that it would be a signatory to the BiodiversityConvention, and by furthering future forestry and global warmingconventions, it played an important leadership role. Achieving Sustainable Development explores how well Canadahas met the Earth Summit's targets and attempts to find ways inwhich the public can become involved in such issues. Its authors stressthe importance of integration of information from various fields andseek to stimulate the exchange of knowledge among the academiccommunity, government, non-governmental organizations and industry. Thecontributors look far beyond merely identifying and analyzing selectedissues and problems. To facilitate public discussion and to affectpolicy development, at least one initiative is proposed and detailedfor each problem identified. Achieving Sustainable Development provides an overallintroduction to critical subjects in sustainable development --industrial growth, women, institutional arrangements, industrialpractices, and aboriginal peoples. Most importantly, it argues for theimmediate development of a research and policy agenda for Canada andsuggests mechanisms for its implementation.
University of British Columbia Press Four Centuries of Special Geography: An Annotated Guide to Books that Purport to Describe All the Countries in the World Published...
Geography as an academic discipline dates back to the last fewdecades of the nineteenth century. However, during the precedingcenturies a large body of English-language literature relevant to thefield of special geography was published. Four Centuries of SpecialGeography lists all the works published before 1888 and includesdescriptions of each entry and notes on later editions. Francis Sitwell has written an extensive introduction in which heprovides a detailed guide to the organization and contents of thebibliography. He also evaluates special geography as a genre whichcontributed to scholarly discourse from the sixteenth to the nineteenthcenturies. In addition, he examines the genre as a whole and discussesits relation to the evolving world of ideas during the same timeperiod. The result of several years of data-gathering, this book will be avaluable research tool for anyone seeking to examine aspects of thedevelopment of the field of geography in the years before it wasdefined as a distinct academic discipline. It will also be useful tothose whose research focuses on the acquisition and transmission ofgeographical knowledge prior to the twentieth century, in particular onthe place of geography in educational curricula.
University of British Columbia Press The Struggle for Social Justice in British Columbia: Helena Gutteridge, the Unknown Reformer
Helena Gutteridge was a socialist and feminist whose vision helpedto shape social reform legislation in British Columbia in the firstdecades of the twentieth century, and also one of the first women thereto hold high political office. She was born in England in 1879. A militant suffragist, tutored bythe Pankhursts, she learned the politics of confrontation early.Emigrating to Vancouver in 1911, she found the suffrage movement theretoo polite and organized the B.C. Woman's Suffrage League to helpworking women fight for the vote. And she kept on organizing. As ajourneyman tailor she was a power in her union local, and as the onlywoman on the Vancouver Trades and Labor Council -- their 'rebelgirl' -- she championed the rights of workers and organized womento fight for themselves. In the 1930s, as a member of the feisty newpolitical movement, the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, shejoined in the struggles of the unemployed for work and wages. Then, in1937, as the first woman ever elected to Vancouver City Council, sheled the fight for low-income housing. As was typical for women of her class and time, Helena did not keeppersonal records, nor did organizational records exist to any extent.Irene Howard made it her task, over a period of years, to search outand assemble details of Helena's life and career, and to interviewold comrades who knew Helena and the turbulent times in which shelived. Herself a miner's daughter, the author brings to her subjectan affectionate regard and sympathy qualified by the larger view of thescholar and researcher. The result is a lively biography, shot throughwith humour and pathos, that pays homage to Helena Gutteridge and tomany of the people who have been inspired by a cause and who havetaught us about the politics of caring.
University of British Columbia Press A Complex Culture of the British Columbia Plateau: Traditional Stl'atl'imx Resource Use
Early hunter/gatherer societies have traditionally been considered basically egalitarian in nature. This assumption, however, has been challenged by contemporary archaeological and anthropological research, which has demonstrated that many of these societies had complex social, economic, and political structures.This volume considers two British Columbia Native communities – the Lillooet and Shuswap communities of Fountain and Pavilion – and traces their development into complex societies. The authors explore the relation between resource characteristics and hunter/gatherer adaptations and examine the use of fish, animal, and plant species, documenting their availability and the techniques used in their gathering, processing, and storing. The book also shows how cultural practices, such as raiding, potlatching, and stewardship of resources, can be explained from a cultural ecological point of view. An important contribution to the study of hunting and gathering cultures in the Northwest, this book is the most detailed examination of the subsistence base of a particular hunting and gathering group to date. Its exploration of the reasons why complex hunting and gathering societies emerge, as well as the ecological relationships between cultures and resources, will make an important contribution to the study of cultural ecology and contemporary archaeology.
University of British Columbia Press Grassroots Politicians: Party Activists in British Columbia
Grassroots Politicians is the first systematic account ofparty activists at the provincial level in Canada. To understand thepattern of political polarization in British Columbia, the authorsexamine the values and beliefs of those at the party cores -- thepeople behind the party images who elect leaders, nominate candidates,and work in electoral campaigns. In the New Democratic Party they playa crucial role in determining policy, in the Social Credit they help toshape party direction and governing style by their choice of leader,and, among the Liberals, they form the small band that keeps the partyalive in the province. The authors challenge the view that Social Credit is a homogeneouslyright-wing party and that the New Democrats have clearly opted for thepolitical centre. They record how party profiles have changed over theyears -- Social Credit activists becoming better educated, wealthier,and less diverse in terms of ties to national parties, while the NDP isnow more middle-class, white collar, and professional. They exploresuch questions as why individuals stay in a weak party like the B.C.Liberals, how the New Democrats interpret successive Social Creditvictories, and to what extent B.C. activists are similar to those inother provinces or in national parties. They offer an analysis of theleadership selection process in each party and a detailed account ofthe convention that chose Bill Vander Zalm. By examining the attitudesand ideologies of party activists, they are able to pinpoint theirlocations on the left/right spectrum, identify internal divisions, andassess the problems and opportunities they pose for party leaders andelection strategies. As the British Columbia case illustrates, partymilitants carry distinctive subcultures which have a significant impacton the ongoing dynamics and immediate outcomes in competitive partysystems. The study also shows that the partisan involvement ofactivists in national political parties is one of the major forces thatlinks the otherwise separate provincial and federal political worldsinhabited by British Columbians.