Search results for ""University of British Columbia Press""
University of British Columbia Press The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol 03, 1965
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law is issued annually under the auspices of the Canadian Branch of the International Law Association (Canadian Society of International Law) and the Canadian Council on International Law.The Yearbook contains articles of lasting significance in the field of international legal studies, a notes and comments section, a digest of international economic law, a section on current Canadian practice in international law, a digest of important Canadian cases in the fields of public international law, private international law, and conflict of laws, a list of recent Canadian treaties, and book reviews.
University of British Columbia Press Front-Wave Boomers: Growing (Very) Old, Staying Connected, and Reimagining Aging
Boomers are heading into (very) old age following a pandemic, a time of overt ageism and shamefully deficient eldercare. The front wave, now in their seventies, are on the brink of life changes that will be challenging for everyone – family, friends, and for the health care system too.Recognizing the dire need to tackle these changes, journalist and sociologist Gillian Ranson, a front-wave boomer herself, investigates what they are doing to prepare for old age. Whether an “elder orphan” living in subsidized housing, a busy grandparent doing daycare pickups, a small business owner phasing into retirement, or a wife learning to cope with a husband’s dementia, they all share one thing – they need intimate, caring social ties to other people. Just as the baby boomer generation transformed life for teenagers and youth in the 1960s, they now have a chance to create a better way to grow old. Their stories hold lessons for us all.
University of British Columbia Press Am I Safe Here?: LGBTQ Teens and Bullying in Schools
“Am I safe here?” LGBTQ students ask this question every day within the school system. In this timely book, Donn Short treats students as the experts, asking them to shine a light on the marginalization and bullying faced by LGBTQ youth. They identify what makes a school safe – insightfully explaining that safety doesn’t come merely from security cameras and dress codes, but from a culture that values equity and social justice. The students reveal the reality of going to school in an environment that implicitly endorses homophobia, heterosexism, and heteronormativity, sharing their ideas about how to change school culture. They envision a future in which LGBTQ youth are an expected, respected, and celebrated part of school life.Am I Safe Here? offers a path to creating equitable and inclusive schools, drawing on the spontaneous and relevant words of LGBTQ students to show that nothing less than a total culture change is needed.
University of British Columbia Press Knowing the Past, Facing the Future: Indigenous Education in Canada
In 1867, Canada’s federal government became responsible for the education of Indigenous peoples: Status Indians and some Métis would attend schools on reserves; non-Status Indians and some Métis would attend provincial schools. The system set the stage for decades of broken promises and misguided experiments that are only now being rectified in the spirit of truth and reconciliation.Knowing the Past, Facing the Future traces the arc of Indigenous education since Confederation and draws a road map of the obstacles that need to be removed before the challenge of reconciliation can be met. This insightful volume is organized in three parts. The opening chapters examine colonial promises and practices, including the treaty right to education and the establishment of day, residential, and industrial schools. The second part focuses on the legacy of racism, trauma, and dislocation, and the third part explores contemporary issues in curriculum development, assessment, leadership, and governance.This diverse collection reveals the possibilities and problems associated with incorporating Traditional Knowledge and Indigenous teaching and healing practices into school courses and programs.
University of British Columbia Press Land and the Liberal Project
Canada was a small country in 1867, but within twenty years its claims to sovereignty spanned the continent. With Confederation came the vaunting ambition to create an empire from sea to sea. How did Canada lay claim to so much land so quickly? Land and the Liberal Project examines the tactics deployed by Canadian officialdom from the first articulation of expansionism in 1857 to the consolidation of authority following the 1885 North-West Resistance. Éléna Choquette contends that although the dominion purported to absorb Indigenous lands through constitutionalism, administration, and law, it often resorted to force in the face of Indigenous resistance. She investigates the liberal concept that underpinned land appropriation and legitimized violence: Indigenous territory and people were to be improved, the former by agrarian capitalism, the latter by enforced schooling.By rethinking this tainted approach to nation making, Choquette's clear-eyed exposé of the C
University of British Columbia Press Boosters and Barkers
University of British Columbia Press Suing for Silence: Sexual Violence and Defamation Law
Suing for Silence is a groundbreaking examination of how men accused of sexual violence use defamation lawsuits as a weapon to silence those who attempt to hold them accountable.As Mandi Gray demonstrates, Canadian defamation law helps perpetuate the myth that false allegations of sexual violence are common. Gray draws on media reports, courtroom observations, and interviews with silence breakers, activists, and lawyers to examine the societal and individual implications of so-called liar lawsuits. She argues that their purpose is not to achieve justice but to intimidate, silence, and drain the resources of those who speak out against sexual violence and even report their own assaults – and to discourage others from doing the same.This meticulous work reveals the gendered underpinnings of Canadian defamation law, which has long protected men’s reputations at the expense of women’s sexual autonomy. Sexual violence discourse must have adequate protection if it is to be heard.
University of British Columbia Press A Culture of Justification: Vavilov and the Future of Administrative Law
Canadian administrative law was bedevilled for many decades by uncertainty and confusion. In 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada sought to bring this chaos to an end in its landmark decision Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v Vavilov. In A Culture of Justification, Paul Daly explains why Canada’s administrative law was uncertain and confusing, and he assesses the proposition that Vavilov provides a roadmap to a brighter future. Looking at administrative law from its historic origins in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England, identifying the complexity of its underlying structure, and describing divergent judicial attitudes to the growing administrative state, Daly builds a framework for understanding why multiple previous reform efforts failed and why Vavilov might very well succeed. This engaging study shows readers how a newly emerged “culture of justification” allows courts and citizens to insist on the reasoned exercise of public power by the administrative state.
University of British Columbia Press The Slow Rush of Colonization: Spaces of Power in the Maritime Peninsula, 1680–1790
In 1760, after Montcalm’s defeat at the Plains of Abraham, the French Empire was definitively expelled from the Saint Lawrence Valley. This history is well known. Less well known is that this decisive victory had its roots almost a hundred years earlier, when settler colonial systems of power first took root on the peripheries of the Maritime Peninsula (the places known today as Quebec, Maritime Canada, and New England). Drawing on the concept of spaces of power, historian Thomas Peace demonstrates that despite imperial changes of power and settler colonial incursions on their Lands, local Mi’kmaw, Wabanaki, Peskotomuhkati, Wolastoqiyik, and Wendat nations continued to experience the contested Peninsula as a cohesive whole, rather than one defined by subsequent colonial borders. This engaging history shows how overlapping concepts of space and power – shaped deeply by Indigenous agency and diplomacy – defined relationships in the eighteenth-century Maritime Peninsula and how, following the Seven Years’ War, this history was brushed aside as settlers flooded into the Peninsula, laying the groundwork from which Canada and the United States would develop.
University of British Columbia Press Reckoning with Racism: Police, Judges, and the RDS Case
In 1997, complacency about the racial neutrality of a predominantly white judiciary was shattered as the Supreme Court of Canada considered a complaint of judicial racial bias for the first time. The judge in question was Corrine Sparks, the country’s first Black female judge.Reckoning with Racism considers the RDS case. A white Halifax police officer had arrested a Black teenager, placed him in a choke hold, and charged him with assaulting an officer and obstructing arrest. In acquitting the teen, Judge Sparks remarked that police sometimes overreacted when dealing with non-white youth. The acquittal held, but most of the white appeal judges critiqued her comments, based on the tradition that the legal system was non-racist unless proven otherwise. That became a matter of wide debate.This book assesses the case of alleged anti-white judicial bias, the surrounding excitement, the dramatic effects on those involved, and the significance for the Canadian legal system.
University of British Columbia Press Feminism’s Fight: Challenging Politics and Policies in Canada since 1970
Feminism’s Fight explores and assesses feminist strategies to advance gender justice for women through Canadian federal policy over the past fifty years, from the 1970 Report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women to the present. The authors evaluate changing government orientations through the 1990s and 2000s, revealing the negative impact on most women’s lives and the challenges for feminists. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated misogyny and related systemic inequalities. Yet it has also revived feminist mobilization and animated calls for a new and comprehensive equality agenda for Canada. Feminism’s Fight tells the crucial story of a transformation in how feminism has been treated by governments and asks how new ways of organizing and new alliances can advance a feminist agenda of social and economic equality.
University of British Columbia Press Power Played: A Critical Criminology of Sport
This innovative collection convincingly argues that modern sport can be characterized by unequal and problematic power relations that are inextricably linked to issues of violence, harm, deviance, and punishment.On the one hand, sport is a mainstay of community building, an expression of solidarity, and a means to mental and social health. On the other, there is the star player who commits sexual violence, the trans athlete whose achievements are dismissed as fraudulent, or the racist and abusive nationalism of the impassioned sports fan. From drawing connections between head trauma and athletic violence to exploring the social meanings of sport in prison, contributors to this volume reimagine sport as an important unit of analysis for critical criminologists.Messages about crime, violence, and punishment in sport mirror broader relations of power that exist off the field. Situated at the intersections of sport, sporting culture, and crime, Power Played blows the whistle on the harm, violence, and exploitation embedded within.
University of British Columbia Press Constitutionalizing Criminal Law
Constitutionalizing Criminal Law calls for an overhaul of the way the Supreme Court of Canada has developed the relationship between criminal and constitutional law. After the adoption of the Charter of Rights, the court employed principles of criminal law theory when striking down criminal laws. More recently, it has invoked principles of instrumental rationality in doing so. In both cases, the court has consistently turned to the concept of fundamental justice under section 7 of the Charter to constitutionally challenge criminal laws in place of specifically enumerated rights. The existence of multiple avenues to challenge criminal laws constitutionally raises the question: Which set of rights should the court employ? This book persuasively argues that rights decisions should be based on enumerated rights where possible, the principles of instrumental rationality abandoned, and the principles of criminal law theory invoked only when an unjust criminal law cannot otherwise be challenged under the Charter.
University of British Columbia Press Constitutionalizing Criminal Law
Constitutionalizing Criminal Law calls for an overhaul of the way the Supreme Court of Canada has developed the relationship between criminal and constitutional law. After the adoption of the Charter of Rights, the court employed principles of criminal law theory when striking down criminal laws. More recently, it has invoked principles of instrumental rationality in doing so. In both cases, the court has consistently turned to the concept of fundamental justice under section 7 of the Charter to constitutionally challenge criminal laws in place of specifically enumerated rights. The existence of multiple avenues to challenge criminal laws constitutionally raises the question: Which set of rights should the court employ? This book persuasively argues that rights decisions should be based on enumerated rights where possible, the principles of instrumental rationality abandoned, and the principles of criminal law theory invoked only when an unjust criminal law cannot otherwise be challenged under the Charter.
University of British Columbia Press Pleasure and Panic: New Essays on the History of Alcohol and Drugs
Booze, dope, smokes, and weed. Mind-altering, mood-changing substances have been part of human society for millennia. And the history of drugs and alcohol is infused with what we understand as their proper and improper use.Pleasure and Panic reveals how cultural fears and social, political, and economic disparities have always been deeply embedded in attitudes about drugs and alcohol. Long before John Lennon testified at Canada’s Le Dain Commission in favour of marijuana decriminalization, social movements existed to challenge the view that consumption of mind-altering substances, especially by young people, posed a danger to society. The contributors to this collection explore how drugs and alcohol intersect with diverse histories, including gender, medicine, popular culture, and business.Pleasure and Panic brings a dispassionate voice to current debates about liberalizing drug and alcohol laws and challenges existing ideas about how to deal with the so-called problems of drug and alcohol use.
University of British Columbia Press Screening Out: HIV Testing and the Canadian Immigration Experience
What happens when people with HIV apply to immigrate to Canada? Screening Out takes readers through the process of seeking permanent residency, illustrating how mandatory HIV testing and the medical inadmissibility regime are organized in such a way as to make such applications impossible. This ethnographic inquiry into the medico-legal and administrative practices governing the Canadian immigration system shows how this system works from the perspective of the very people toward whom this exclusionary health policy is directed.As Laura Bisaillon demonstrates, mandatory immigration HIV screening triggers institutional practices that are highly problematic not only for would-be immigrants, but also for those bureaucrats, doctors, and lawyers who work within that system. She provides a vital corrective to state claims about the functioning of – and the professional and administrative practices supporting – mandatory HIV testing and medical examination, pinpointing how and where things need to change.
University of British Columbia Press Screening Out: HIV Testing and the Canadian Immigration Experience
What happens when people with HIV apply to immigrate to Canada? Screening Out takes readers through the process of seeking permanent residency, illustrating how mandatory HIV testing and the medical inadmissibility regime are organized in such a way as to make such applications impossible. This ethnographic inquiry into the medico-legal and administrative practices governing the Canadian immigration system shows how this system works from the perspective of the very people toward whom this exclusionary health policy is directed.As Laura Bisaillon demonstrates, mandatory immigration HIV screening triggers institutional practices that are highly problematic not only for would-be immigrants, but also for those bureaucrats, doctors, and lawyers who work within that system. She provides a vital corrective to state claims about the functioning of – and the professional and administrative practices supporting – mandatory HIV testing and medical examination, pinpointing how and where things need to change.
University of British Columbia Press A Liberal-Labour Lady: The Times and Life of Mary Ellen Spear Smith
A Liberal-Labour Lady restores British Columbia’s first female MLA and the British Empire’s first female cabinet minister to history. An imperial settler, liberal-labour activist, and mainstream suffragist, Mary Ellen Smith (1863–1933) demanded a fair deal for “deserving” British women and men in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.Born in England in 1863, the daughter and wife of miners, she emigrated to Nanaimo, BC, in 1892. As she became a well-known suffragist and her husband Ralph won provincial and federal elections, the power couple strove to shift Liberal parties leftward to benefit women and workers, while still embracing global assumptions of British racial superiority and bourgeois feminism’s privileging of white women. Ralph’s 1917 death launched Mary Ellen as a candidate in a tumultuous 1918 Vancouver by-election. In the BC legislature until 1928, Smith campaigned for better wages, pensions, and greater justice, even as she endorsed anti-Asian, settler, and pro-eugenic policies. Simultaneously intrepid and flawed, Mary Ellen Smith is revealed to be a key figure in early Canada’s compromised struggle for greater justice.
University of British Columbia Press Behind Closed Doors: The Law and Politics of Cabinet Secrecy
In an era where government transparency and accountability are considered fundamental values, does Cabinet secrecy still have a place? The legal and political rules that protect the confidentiality of collective decision-making at the highest level of the state executive have come under increasing scrutiny in Canada.Behind Closed Doors: The Law and Politics of Cabinet Secrecy is the first comprehensive work on this controversial doctrine. Yan Campagnolo defends the practice of Cabinet secrecy by demonstrating that it is essential to the proper functioning of responsible government, while finding that the statutory provisions that support secrecy at the federal level are excessively broad and possibly unconstitutional. Employing a comparative analysis of the rules that apply provincially in Canada and in the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, this meticulous work proposes a feasible solution: specific reforms that would achieve a better balance between transparency and confidentiality.
University of British Columbia Press The Heart of Toronto: Corporate Power, Civic Activism, and the Remaking of Downtown Yonge Street
From the 1950s to the 1970s, downtown North America was reconfigured for the suburban age. Municipal officials planned renewal schemes, merchant groups lobbied for street improvements, developers built bigger and taller. Everywhere, attention turned to the problems and possibilities at the commercial and civic heart of cities.The Heart of Toronto follows one such example of reinvention: downtown Yonge Street. Efforts to keep pace with, or even lead, urban change included the street’s conversion into a car-free public space, a clean-up campaign targeting the sex industry, and the construction of North America’s largest urban shopping mall. These revitalization projects were all connected to wider trends of postwar decentralization, economic restructuring, and cultural transformation.Interweaving histories of development, civic activism, and corporate clout, The Heart of Toronto widens our understanding of the actors and power dynamics involved in remaking downtown in Canada’s largest city – a process that is far from over.
University of British Columbia Press Changing of the Guards: Private Influences, Privatization, and Criminal Justice in Canada
Although service outsourcing has spread throughout Canada’s prisons and jails, into its police, courts, and national security institutions, and along the border in recent decades, the expanding scope and pace of corporate involvement in criminal justice functions has not been closely investigated.Changing of the Guards provides a comprehensive assessment of privatization and private influence across the twenty-first-century Canadian criminal justice system. It illuminates the many consequences of public–private arrangements for law and policy, transparency, accountability, the administration of justice, equity, and public debate. Within the contexts of policing, sentencing, imprisonment, border control, and national security, the contributors explore crucial questions about legitimacy, policy diffusion, racism, inequality, corruption, and democracy itself.Changing of the Guards is a long overdue account of the social, political, and historical uniqueness of the Canadian criminal justice field, and the key issues raised by this trenchant analysis are relevant both within and beyond Canada.
University of British Columbia Press Changing of the Guards: Private Influences, Privatization, and Criminal Justice in Canada
Although service outsourcing has spread throughout Canada’s prisons and jails, into its police, courts, and national security institutions, and along the border in recent decades, the expanding scope and pace of corporate involvement in criminal justice functions has not been closely investigated.Changing of the Guards provides a comprehensive assessment of privatization and private influence across the twenty-first-century Canadian criminal justice system. It illuminates the many consequences of public–private arrangements for law and policy, transparency, accountability, the administration of justice, equity, and public debate. Within the contexts of policing, sentencing, imprisonment, border control, and national security, the contributors explore crucial questions about legitimacy, policy diffusion, racism, inequality, corruption, and democracy itself.Changing of the Guards is a long overdue account of the social, political, and historical uniqueness of the Canadian criminal justice field, and the key issues raised by this trenchant analysis are relevant both within and beyond Canada.
University of British Columbia Press A Legacy of Exploitation: Early Capitalism in the Red River Colony, 1763–1821
It is unlikely that buyers of the Hudson’s Bay Company’s “iconic multistripe” point blanket these days reflect on the historically exploitative relationship between the company and Indigenous producers. This critical re-evaluation of the company’s first planned settlement at Red River uncovers that history. As a settler-colonialist project par excellence, the Red River Colony was designed to undercut Indigenous peoples’ troublesome” autonomy and better control their labour. Susan Dianne Brophy upends standard historical portrayals by foregrounding Indigenous peoples’ autonomy as a driving force of change. A Legacy of Exploitation offers a comprehensive account of legal, economic, and geopolitical relations to show how autonomy can become distorted as complicity in processes of dispossession. Ultimately, this book challenges enduring yet misleading national fantasies about Canada as a nation of bold adventurers.
University of British Columbia Press Evaluating Urban and Regional Plans
The first text of its kind in Canada, Evaluating Urban and Regional Plans provides both a theoretical foundation and pragmatic guidance for plan evaluation.
University of British Columbia Press Forging Diasporic Citizenship: Narratives from German-Born Turkish Ausländer
Around the world, a new kind of diasporic citizenship is appearing, especially among diasporic people such as German-born Berliners of Turkish origin. Drawing on interviews conducted over a fifteen-year period, Forging Diasporic Citizenship explores the dynamics of everyday life for these Ausländer (or “outsiders”). These people are obliged to define themselves by their Otherness, but it is their relatedness to German society that transgresses traditional concepts of both German and Turkish identity. In this work of narrative research, Gül Çalışkan explores the tensions between the experience of displacement and the politics of accommodation as the Ausländer make claims to citizenship, articulate the ways they are rooted, and seek to achieve recognition. Through examining the social encounters, life events, and everyday practices of these German-born Ausländer, Forging Diasporic Citizenship constructs a theoretically sophisticated, transnationally applicable hypothesis regarding the nature of modern citizenship and multiculturalism.
University of British Columbia Press Canadian Labour Policy and Politics
Canadian Labour Policy and Politics is essential reading for undergraduates studying Canada’s labour market. This comprehensive textbook traces the causes and rise of labour inequities and outlines solutions for a more sustainable future.Written in clear and accessible language by leading experts and practitioners, this book demonstrates how and why laws and public policy – intended to protect workers – often leave employees vulnerable and with little economic or social security. Based on up-to-date data and framed in the context of international developments, this essential text provide readers with real-world examples and case studies of how globalization, labour laws, employment standards, COVID-19, and other issues affect workers on and off the job.Canadian Labour Policy and Politics invites students into defining a policy agenda for developing greater economic equality and political inclusiveness while fostering a green recovery. Key features include chapter summaries and outlines, suggestions for further reading, and glossaries of key terms.
University of British Columbia Press Women, Film, and Law: Cinematic Representations of Female Incarceration
Entertainment and profit constitute the driving force behind popular representations of women in correctional facilities. But the creative influence of film and television also generates legal meaning. The women-in-prison (WIP) genre can leave viewers feeling both empathetic toward the women portrayed in these representations and troubled about the crimes for which they have been convicted.Focusing on five exemplary WIP films and a television series – Ann Vickers, Caged, Caged Heat, Stranger Inside, Civil Brand, and Orange Is the New Black – Women, Film, and Law asks how fictional representations explore, shape, and refine beliefs about women who are incarcerated. From melodrama to exploitation, and from theatre screenings to on-demand film, television programs, and music videos, these texts bring into view the legal, economic, and political structures that criminalize women differently from men, and that target those women who are already marginalized.Women, Film, and Law convincingly argues that popular depictions of women’s imprisonment can illuminate the multiple forms of social exclusion and oppression experienced by criminalized women.
University of British Columbia Press Neighbourhood Houses: Building Community in Vancouver
Neighbourhood Houses draws on a five-year study to document and contextualize the neighbourhood house movement in Vancouver. Social disconnection has led many observers to declare that urban communities are weakening and fragmenting. Nonetheless, the local community is where most aspects of everyday life occur, where people establish their homes and pursue their ambitions. It offers a secure haven in an unpredictable, globalized world. Neighbourhood houses are community hubs providing services such as public recreation, child care, health care, and adult literacy classes, bringing urban newcomers and neighbours together. Contributors to this book outline the history of the Vancouver network, its relationship with local government and other organizations in the region, the programs and activities offered, and the experiences of participants. While globalization and migration create fragmented and disconnected societies in modern urban cities, this timely study demonstrates that place-based community organizations can provide an antidote.
University of British Columbia Press A Cooperative Disagreement: Canada-United States Relations and Revolutionary Cuba, 1959–93
A Cooperative Disagreement demonstrates how Canada and the United States successfully kept divergent policies on revolutionary Cuba from damaging their bilateral relationship. Covering the period from 1959 to the end of the Cold War, John Dirks investigates the efforts of Canadian and US diplomats and bureaucrats to cooperate despite their respective approaches toward Cuba. Washington sought the downfall of the communist regime through political and economic isolation. Ottawa chose engagement instead. The burden fell largely on Canada, as the smaller power, to mitigate potential frictions. Ultimately, these two North American powers continued to adhere to the hard policy boundaries set by their own governments while establishing a mutually beneficial relationship on issues of intelligence, travel, and other areas of engagement with Cuba. Drawing on archival documents from both sides of the border, many newly declassified, this comprehensive study reveals how officials in Ottawa and Washington managed to preserve bilateral harmony despite ongoing policy divergence
University of British Columbia Press Nursing Shifts in Sichuan: Canadian Missions and Wartime China, 1937–1951
Nursing Shifts in Sichuan illuminates one of the most consequential additions to early-twentieth-century health care in China. In 1943, the Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) was forced to evacuate to the Canadian West China Mission in Chengdu, Sichuan. As part of an extraordinary mass migration to Free China during the Japanese occupation, the refugee PUMC was hosted by the Canadian West China Mission for the next three years.During that period, the PUMC transformed nursing at the Canadian mission, initiating the second university nursing program in the country. Both programs were closed by the new Communist government in 1951. When China reopened degree programs thirty-five years later, it was PUMC alumnae who helped restart them.In the contemporary era of exponential increases in East–West educational exchanges, Nursing Shifts in Sichuan offers both a cautionary tale about the fragility of transnational relations and a testament to the resilience of educated women.
University of British Columbia Press Frontiers of Feminism
Frontiers of Feminism shines new light on the recent history of feminist movements, using the examples of Italy and Quebec to bring an international perspective to major themes, strategies, and modes of organizing.
University of British Columbia Press Upholding Indigenous Economic Relationships: Nehiyawak Narratives
What is the relationship between economic progress in the land now called Canada and the exploitation of Indigenous peoples? And what gifts embedded within Indigenous world views speak to miyo‐pimâtisiwin ᒥᔪ ᐱᒫᑎᓯᐃᐧᐣ (the good life), and specifically to good economic relations?Upholding Indigenous Economic Relationships draws on the knowledge systems of the nehiyawak ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐊᐧᐠ (Cree people) to make two central arguments. The first is that economic exploitation was the initial and most enduring relationship between newcomers and Indigenous peoples. The second is that Indigenous economic relationships are constitutive: connections to the land, water, and other human and nonhuman beings form us as individuals and as peoples. This groundbreaking study employs previously overlooked Indigenous economic theories and relationships, and provides contemporary examples of nehiyawak renewing these relationships in resurgent ways. In the process, Upholding Indigenous Economic Relationships offers tools that enable us to reimagine how we can aspire to the good life with all our relations.
University of British Columbia Press From Wardship to Rights: The Guerin Case and Aboriginal Law
This book tells the story of a First Nation’s single-minded quest for justice. In 1958, the federal government leased a third of the small Musqueam Reserve in Vancouver to an exclusive golf club at far below market value. When the band members discovered this in 1970, they initiated legal action. Their tenacity led to the 1984 decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in Guerin v. The Queen.In Guerin, the Court held that the government has a fiduciary duty towards Indigenous peoples – an obligation to act in their best interests. This landmark decision is explored in this book, written by an Aboriginal rights lawyer who served as one of the legal counsel for the Musqueam and argued on their behalf all the way to the highest court. Jim Reynolds provides an in-depth analysis, considering the context, the case and decision, and the major impact that Guerin had on Canadian law, politics, and society.The Guerin case changed the relationship between governments and Indigenous peoples from one of wardship to one based on legal rights. It was a seismic decision with implications that resonate today, not only in Canada but also in other Commonwealth countries.
University of British Columbia Press Cataloguing Culture: Legacies of Colonialism in Museum Documentation
How does material culture become data? Why does this matter, and for whom? As the cultures of Indigenous peoples in North America were mined for scientific knowledge, years of organizing, classifying, and cataloguing hardened into accepted categories, naming conventions, and tribal affiliations – much of it wrong. Cataloguing Culture examines how colonialism operates in museum bureaucracies. Using the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History as her reference, Hannah Turner organizes her study by the technologies framing museum work over two hundred years: field records, the ledger, the card catalogue, the punch card, and eventually the database. She examines how categories were applied to ethnographic material culture and became routine throughout federal collecting institutions.As Indigenous communities encounter the documentary traces of imperialism while attempting to reclaim what is theirs, this timely work shines a light on access to and return of cultural heritage.
University of British Columbia Press The Solidarity Encounter: Women, Activism, and Creating Non-Colonizing Relations
On the heels of recent revelations of past and ongoing injustices, reconciliation and solidarity by Indigenous and non-Indigenous people is even more urgent. But it is a complex endeavour.In The Solidarity Encounter, Carol Lynne D’Arcangelis links interviews with activists and her own self-reflections to current scholarship to take readers into the fraught terrain of solidarity organizing. Multi-issue coalitions such as Idle No More, #NoDAPL, MMIWG2SQ, Black Lives Matter, and Fridays for Future all depend on the collaboration of diverse communities and on avoiding harmful detours into historically derived helping behaviours. D’Arcangelis grapples with this key tension: colonizing behaviours that result when white women centre their own goals and frameworks as they participate in activism with Indigenous women and groups.The Solidarity Encounter concludes by offering strategies for respecting boundaries between self and other, providing a constructive framework for non-colonizing solidarity that can be applied in any context of unequal power.
University of British Columbia Press To Share, Not Surrender: Indigenous and Settler Visions of Treaty Making in the Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia
Too often, history and knowledge of Indigenous-settler conflict over land take the form of confidential reports prepared for court challenges. To Share, Not Surrender offers an entirely new approach, opening scholarship to the public and augmenting it with First Nations community expertise. The authors take us back to when James Douglas and his family relocated to Fort Victoria on Vancouver Island in 1849, critically tracing the transition from treaty-making in the colony of Vancouver Island to reserve formation in the colony of British Columbia. Informed by the spirit of cel’aṉ’en – “our culture, the way of our people” – this multivocal work includes essays, translations/interpretations of the treaties into the SENĆOŦEN and Lekwungen languages, and contributions by participants of the Songhees, Huu-ay-aht, and WSANEC peoples.As an all-embracing exploration of the struggle over land, To Share, Not Surrender advances the urgent task of reconciliation in Canada.
University of British Columbia Press Writing the Hamat'sa: Ethnography, Colonialism, and the Cannibal Dance
Long known as the Cannibal Dance, the Hamat̓sa is among the most important hereditary prerogatives of the Kwakwa̱ka̱ꞌwakw of British Columbia. In the late nineteenth century, as anthropologists arrived to document the practice, colonial agents were pursuing its eradication and Kwakwa̱ka̱ꞌwakw were adapting it to endure. In the process, the dance – with dramatic choreography, magnificent bird masks, and an aura of cannibalism – entered a vast library of ethnographic texts.Writing the Hamat̓sa offers a critical survey of attempts to record, describe, and interpret the dance over four centuries. Going beyond postcolonial critiques of representation that often ignore Indigenous agency in the ethnographic encounter, Writing the Hamat̓sa focuses on forms of textual mediation and Indigenous response that helped transofrm the ceremony from a set of specific performances into a generalized cultural icon.This meticulous work illuminates how Indigenous people contribute to, contest, and repurpose texts in the process of fashioning modern identities under settler colonialism.
University of British Columbia Press He Thinks Hes Down
Offering fresh insights and raising important questions, this historical exploration of appropriation traces the ways in which gender and race were negotiated through the popular culture of the Civil Rights Era.
University of British Columbia Press A Better Justice
Women are the fastest growing group of incarcerated people in Canada. While feminist criminologists advocate for community alternatives to imprisonment, they often do so without offering a corresponding analysis of existing community programs. And critical criminologists rarely consider gender in their assessment of the options.This book brings these criminological strands together in a concise and carefully reasoned analysis of alternative justice programs for criminalized women. Drawing on interviews with staff and documents from alternative justice agencies, Amanda Nelund finds that alternative programs neither reproduce dominant justice system norms nor provide complete alternatives. Instead, formal and informal practices reflect the tension between neoliberal and social justice approaches. A Better Justice? calls attention to the potential that alternative programs have for both alignment with and opposition to criminal justice norms. It is in the potenti
University of British Columbia Press Fossilized: Environmental Policy in Canada's Petro-Provinces
Thanks to increasingly extreme forms of oil extraction, Canada’s largest oil-producing provinces underwent exceptional economic growth from 2005 to 2015. Yet oil’s economic miracle obscured its ecological costs. Fossilized traces this development trajectory, assessing how the governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador offered extensive support for oil-industry development, and exploring the often downplayed environmental effects of extraction.Angela Carter investigates overarching institutional trends, such as the restructuring of departments that prioritized extraction over environmental protection, and identifies regulatory inadequacies related to environmental assessment, land-use planning, and emissions controls. Her detailed analysis situates these policy dynamics within the historical and global context of late-stage petro-capitalism and deepening neoliberalization of environmental policy.Fossilized reveals a country out of step with the transition unfolding in response to the climate crisis. As the global community moves toward decarbonization, Canada’s petro-provinces are instead doubling down on oil – to their ecological and economic peril.
University of British Columbia Press Faith or Fraud: Fortune-Telling, Spirituality, and the Law
The growing presence in Western society of non-mainstream faiths and spiritual practices poses a dilemma for the law. For example, if a fortune teller promises to tell the future in exchange for cash, and both parties believe in the process, has a fraud been committed? Building on a thorough history of the legal regulation of fortune-telling laws in four countries, Faith or Fraud examines the impact of people who identify as “spiritual but not religious” on the future legal understanding of religious freedom. Traditional legal notions of religious freedom were conceived in the context of organized religion. Jeremy Patrick examines how the law needs to adapt to a contemporary spirituality in which individuals can select concepts drawn from multiple religions, philosophies, and folklore to develop their own idiosyncratic belief systems. Faith or Fraud exposes the law’s failure to recognize individual spirituality as part of modern religious practice, concluding that legal understanding of freedom of religion has not evolved along with religion itself.
University of British Columbia Press A Great Revolutionary Wave: Women and the Vote in British Columbia
Suffrage in British Columbia – and elsewhere in Canada – is best understood as a continuum: although white settler women achieved the federal vote in 1917, it would take another thirty years before the provincial government would remove race-based restrictions on voting rights.British Columbia is often overlooked in the national story of women’s suffrage. A Great Revolutionary Wave challenges that omission and the portrayal of suffragists as conservative, traditional, and polite. Lara Campbell follows the propaganda campaigns undertaken by suffrage organizations and traces the role of working-class women in the fight for political equality. She demonstrates the connections between British Columbian and British suffragists and examines how racial exclusion and Indigenous dispossession shaped arguments and tactics for enfranchisement. A Great Revolutionary Wave rethinks the complex legacy of suffrage by considering both the successes and limitations of women’s historical fight for political equality. That legacy remains relevant today as Canadians continue to grapple with the meaning of justice, inclusion, and equality.
University of British Columbia Press Challenge the Strong Wind: Canada and East Timor, 1975–99
In 1975, Indonesian forces overran East Timor, just days after it declared independence from Portugal. Canadian officials knew the invasion was coming and endorsed Indonesian rule in the ensuing occupation. Challenge the Strong Wind recounts the evolution of Canadian government policy toward East Timor from 1975 to its 1999 independence vote. During this time, Canadian civil society groups and NGOs worked in support of Timorese independence activists by promoting an alternative Canadian foreign policy that focused on self-determination and human rights. After following the lead of key pro-Indonesian allies in the 1970s and ’80s, Ottawa eventually yielded to pressure from these NGOs and pushed like-minded countries to join it in supporting Timorese self-rule. David Webster draws on previously untapped government and non-government archival sources to demonstrate that a clear-eyed view of international history must include both state and non-state perspectives. The East Timor conflict serves as a model of multilevel dialogue, citizen diplomacy, and novel approaches to resolving complex disputes.
University of British Columbia Press Canada's Mechanized Infantry: The Evolution of a Combat Arm, 1920–2012
Canada’s Mechanized Infantry explores the largely ignored development of the infantry in the Canadian Army after the First World War. Although many modern studies of technology and war focus on tanks and armour, soldiers from the Second World War onward have discovered that success really depends on a combination of infantry, armour, and artillery to form combat teams. Peter Kasurak demonstrates how the army implemented successful infantry vehicles and doctrine to ultimately further its military goals during the Second World War. In the postwar period, however, progress was slowed by a top-down culture and an unwillingness to abandon conventional thinking on the primacy of foot infantry and regimental organization. This insightful book is the first to examine the challenges that have confronted the Canadian Army in transforming its infantry from First World War foot soldiers into a twenty-first-century combat force integrating soldiers, vehicles, weapons, and electronics.
University of British Columbia Press Canadas Mechanized Infantry
Canada's Mechanized Infantry explores the largely ignored development of the infantry in the Canadian Army after the First World War. Although many modern studies of technology and war focus on tanks and armour, soldiers from the Second World War onward have discovered that success really depends on a combination of infantry, armour, and artillery to form combat teams. Peter Kasurak demonstrates how the army implemented successful infantry vehicles and doctrine to ultimately further its military goals during the Second World War. In the postwar period, however, progress was slowed by a top-down culture and an unwillingness to abandon conventional thinking on the primacy of foot infantry and regimental organization. This insightful book is the first to examine the challenges that have confronted the Canadian Army in transforming its infantry from First World War foot soldiers into a twenty-first-century combat force integrating soldiers, vehicles, weapons, and electronics.
University of British Columbia Press In the Spirit of ’68: Youth Culture, the New Left, and the Reimagining of Acadia
The 1960s were a victorious decade for francophones in New Brunswick, who witnessed the election of the first Acadian premier and the opening of a French-language university. But in 1968, students took to the streets, demanding further concessions. Belliveau debunks the idea that students were simply heirs to a long line of nationalists seeking more rights for francophones. The student movement emerged in the late 1950s as an expression of the province’s changing youth culture and then evolved as students drew inspiration from the New Left. They shifted allegiance from liberalism to radical communitarianism and ultimately fuelled a new brand of Acadian nationalism in the 1970s.
University of British Columbia Press Out of Milk: Infant Food Insecurity in a Rich Nation
“Did you ever go to bed and wonder if your child was getting enough to eat?” For food insecure mothers, the worry is constant, and babies are at risk of going hungry. Through compelling interviews, Lesley Frank answers the breastfeeding paradox: why women who can least afford to buy infant formula are less likely to breastfeed. She reveals that what and how infants are fed is linked to the social and economic status of those who feed them. She exposes the reality of food insecurity for formula-fed babies, the constraints limiting mothers’ ability to breastfeed, and the lengths to which mothers must go to provide for their children. In a country that leaves the problem of food insecurity to charities, public policies are failing to support the most vulnerable populations.Out of Milk calls out the pressing need to establish the economic and social conditions necessary for successful breastfeeding and for accessible and safe formula feeding for families everywhere.
University of British Columbia Press Crossing Law’s Border: Canada’s Refugee Resettlement Program
The UN Refugee Agency considers resettlement – the selection and transfer of refugees from the state where they seek asylum to another state that volunteers to take them – a tool of refugee protection and an expression of international burden sharing. In this account of Canada’s resettlement program from the Indochinese crisis of the 1970s to the Syrian crisis of the 2010s, Shauna Labman explores how rights, responsibilities, and obligations intersect in the absence of a legal scheme for refugee resettlement. In particular, she examines the role of the law on the voluntary act of resettlement and the effect of resettlement on asylum policies. This pathbreaking book looks at the interplay between resettlement and asylum in one of the world’s most successful refugee protection programs and shows how resettlement can either complement or complicate in-country asylum claims at a time when refugee crises and fear of outsiders are causing countries to close their borders to asylum-seekers around the world.