Search results for ""Author Hans Ulrich""
Thieme Publishing Group Pocket Atlas of Acupuncture and Trigger Points
This concise pocket-sized acupuncture guide is what professionals have been asking for! It is the first pocket atlas to cover all the major body and ear acupuncture points, including extensive coverage of the trigger points. Detailed descriptions of the localization, needling depth, indications, and functions of each point are provided. The different schools of ear acupuncture (e.g., Chinese vs. Nogier), often a source of confusion for practitioners, are presented side by side, usually in full-page illustrations, enhancing this book's usefulness as a daily reference guide. The presentation of three acupuncture therapy systems follows a clear didactic concept: All points are shown in text and image, and the localization of the points is aided by means of anatomic drawings and photographs. Coming from diverse specialties, the authors provide you with the most complete, useful, and accurate information available. Acupuncture points are described using the "visual-didactic processing system," which is rapidly gaining praise and recognition for its easy-to-use format. The clearly written text is augmented by high-quality color images. Hecker's Pocket Atlas of Acupuncture and Trigger Points is ideal as a quick reference in your daily practice or as an exam preparation guide. This wealth of information makes it invaluable to experienced practitioners and to novices alike.
Reykjavik Art Museum Santiago Sierra: The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Book Marks: Revisiting the Hungarian Art of the 60s and 70s: Artist Interviews by Hans Ulrich Obrist
Jan Thorbecke Verlag Antike Im Mittelalter: Fortleben - Nachwirken - Wahrnehmung
Dr Ludwig Reichert Musiktherapie Im Traditionellen Und Modernen China
Cahiers d'art Cahiers d'Art - Christo: 47th Year
Cahiers d'art Cahiers d'Art 2016-2017: Gabriel Orozco
Cahiers d'art Cahiers d’Art N°1-2, 2013: Rosemarie Trockel: 37th year
Phaidon Press Ltd Now is Better
As seen in Design Matters with Debbie Millman, PRINT Magazine, The Slowdown, and Design Boom Stefan Sagmeister’s newest project encourages long-term thinking and reminds us that many things in the world are improving Initially conceived in 2020 as the world entered pandemic lockdown, Stefan Sagmeister has created a book that looks at the state of the world today, illuminating, through collected data, how far we’ve come, and encouraging us to think about where we can go from here. Statistics are vividly brought to life, as numbers are transformed into graphs, inlaid into nineteenth-century paintings, embroidered canvases, lenticular prints, and hand-painted water glasses. The book includes a foreword from psychologist and leading authority on language and the mind, Steven Pinker; a featured essay by graphic designer and historian Steven Heller; and a conversation between Sagmeister and Hans Ulrich Obrist, curator and artistic director of Serpentine Galleries in London and will appeal to all visually minded readers, providing a positive reaction to the tumultuous news cycle of recent years. Published in softcover with flaps Now is Better is contained within a die-cut slipcase and accompanied by a lenticular print designed by Sagmeister. Now is Better is an intriguing and thoughtful visual meditation on our daily lives.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany Frederic Tuten: On a Terrace in Tangier - Works on Cardboard
Verlag F'Ur Moderne Kunst 1995-2015 Jubilee: Evn Collection
Hirmer Verlag Eduardo Terrazas (Spanish Edition): Cosmos
"Cosmos" offers new approaches on the stunning art works of Eduardo Terrazas (* 1936). Four well known authors present a multidisciplinary vision on the artists ongoing series "Possibilities of a Structure". Which suggests at once a curiosity in the fabric of our universe and a profoundly human hope for an underlying rationality behind the chaos of the world. Eduardo Terrazas has explored a lifetime’s worth of questions about the nature of the universe through the microcosm of his images. He derives his visual reflections with a basic geometric structure and a technique that is inspired by the Huichol tablas from Mexican indigenous tribes. His highly colourful and playful series "Possibilities of a Structure" – of which Cosmos is a subseries – has been an ongoing project since 1974 and comprises over 650 works until today: an artistic exploration of the boundaries of the infinite.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Briefwechsel: Band III: 1896-1905
Dieser dritte Band von Wilhelm Diltheys Briefwechsel enthält ausgewählte Briefe von und an Dilthey aus den Jahren 1896-1905. Die hier größtenteils erstmalig aus den Nachlässen Diltheys und seiner zahlreichen Briefpartner edierten und kommentierten Briefe geben Aufschluss über die Lebens- und Arbeitssituation Diltheys während seiner letzten zehn Jahre als ordentlicher Professor der Philosophie an der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin bis zu seiner Emeritierung im Juli 1905. Einen inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt der Briefe dieses Bandes bildet durchgehend vor allem Diltheys Initiierung, Organisation und Leitung der Kant-Akademieausgabe. Ein weiterer Arbeitsschwerpunkt Diltheys liegt seit ca. 1900 in seinem Engagement für die Durchführung einer interuniversitär geplanten Leibniz-Akademieausgabe und seinen damit zusammenhängenden eigenen Forschungen, Aktivitäten und Schriften. Neben diesen beiden Großprojekten, an denen Dilthey maßgeblich und federführend beteiligt war, arbeitete er unermüdlich am zweiten Band des Lebens Schleiermachers und der Fortsetzung zur Grundlegung der Geisteswissenschaften parallel weiter, in der Hoffnung beides noch fertigstellen zu können. Darüber hinaus veranschaulichen gerade die Briefe dieses Zeitraums Diltheys teilweise chaotischen Arbeitsstil sowie den fordernden Umgang mit seinen engsten Mitarbeitern, wie etwa Paul Menzer, Alfred Heubaum, Paul Ritter und Herman Nohl.
Cahiers d'art KIM YONG-IK
Verlag fur moderne Kunst GmbH Aesthetics of Globalization
Stanford University Press What Is Life?: The Intellectual Pertinence of Erwin Schrödinger
Erwin Schrödinger (1887–1961) is best known as a co-recipient of the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics for his development of a mathematical description of quantum mechanics. Today, many experts also consider him the father of bioengineering, and philosophers grant him an important role in the development of an ecological philosophy of nature. Here, four leading scientists and humanists reveal the ongoing contributions of Schrödinger's thought and unfold its controversial potential. They remind us that, in addition to being a great scientist, Schrödinger was also a great thinker whose intellectual provocations far exceed his historical impact. Their insights will be valued by biologists, philosophers, physicists—and a wide range of the scientifically curious alike.
Stanford University Press What Is Life?: The Intellectual Pertinence of Erwin Schrödinger
Erwin Schrödinger (1887–1961) is best known as a co-recipient of the 1933 Nobel Prize in Physics for his development of a mathematical description of quantum mechanics. Today, many experts also consider him the father of bioengineering, and philosophers grant him an important role in the development of an ecological philosophy of nature. Here, four leading scientists and humanists reveal the ongoing contributions of Schrödinger's thought and unfold its controversial potential. They remind us that, in addition to being a great scientist, Schrödinger was also a great thinker whose intellectual provocations far exceed his historical impact. Their insights will be valued by biologists, philosophers, physicists—and a wide range of the scientifically curious alike.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Handbuch des evangelischen Kirchenrechts
Das evangelische Kirchenrecht gilt als unübersichtlich. Die föderale Verfasstheit der Kirche schafft eine Vielzahl von Rechtsebenen und abweichenden Detailregelungen. Umso wichtiger ist es für Wissenschaft und Praxis, den Überblick zu behalten. Erstmals im deutschen Sprachraum überhaupt hilft dabei ein Handbuch: Es stellt anschaulich die Grundlagen des evangelischen Kirchenrechts und das Organisationsrecht der Kirche dar. Es beleuchtet die Rechtsstellung der Mitglieder und juristischen Personen. Es bietet einen Überblick zu unterschiedlichen Handlungsfeldern der Kirche. Das kirchliche Dienst- und Arbeitsrecht wird ebenso angesprochen wie das Finanz- und Vermögensrecht. Die einzelnen Beiträge, verfasst von den führenden Expertinnen und Experten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, gehen auf die geschichtliche Entwicklung und den staatskirchenrechtlichen Rahmen ein und bieten Antworten auf die relevanten Rechtsfragen des evangelischen Kirchenrechts.