Search results for ""Author Thomas"
Niemeyer C.W. Buchverlage Der Dämon der Tredici
Dietz Verlag J.H.W. Nachf Europa 2050
Pustet, Friedrich GmbH Gott denken Gott glauben
Butzon & Bercker Die Nachfolge Christi
Brunnen-Verlag GmbH Offenbarung fr heute
Bergverlag Rother Elsass
Bergverlag Rother Premiumwege Pfälzerwald
Books on Demand Der lngste Weg Roman
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Das Bevölkerungsgesetz
BoD - Books on Demand Die kleine rote Henne und andere Kindergeschichten
Ars Vivendi Der Genussforscher Silbermedaille beim GAD 2022
riva Verlag Krafttraining Das Handbuch fr Einsteiger Muskeln aufbauen Kraft steigern Verletzungsfrei trainieren
Emons Verlag Regatta in den Tod
facultas.wuv Universitäts Traumafokus
G&G Verlagsges. Tom Turbo Die Jagd nach der blauen Banane
Link, Carl Verlag Das große Handbuch Personal Führung in der Kita
Rowohlt Verlag GmbH Große Erwartungen
Hermann Luchterhand Verla Taktik im familiengerichtlichen Verfahren
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Ausserungsdelikte: Spiegelungen Eines Politisierten Strafrechts
Knaur Taschenbuch Thunderhead
SCM Brockhaus, R. Der heilige Hafen
C.H. Beck Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Outlook Verlag The Imitation of Christ: in large print
KARAMA Ja, Nein, Vielleicht? - Kreuze an! BowlenBuch 1905
Kohlhammer Korperbilder - Krankenmorde: Die Nationalsozialistische T4-Aktion Und Die Reaktion Von Angehorigen
Reclam Philipp Jun. Von der Nachfolge Christi
Schoeningh Verlag Darstellendes Spiel und Theater Schlerband
Springer International Publishing AG Quantum Biology of the Eye
As we enter the quantum era, new research on applying the rules of quantum physics to biology, which was previously considered impossible, has revolutionized our understanding and our concept of molecular and atomic particles behavior and their interactions.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Test Bias in Employment Selection Testing: A Visual Introduction
This book provides students with a concise introduction to test bias from a psychometric point-of-view without statistics. It uses easy to understand graphs to explain complex technical approaches to test bias giving readers a highly sought-after knowledge enabling them to be better consumers of tests.Studies performed by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) consistently show that selection is a key competency for Human Resource (HR) professionals. Knowledge of test bias is a key component to effectively and legally performing this highly valued HR function. Unfortunately, test bias is rarely covered in HR classes or is presented in a highly technical manner geared to individuals with strong statistical and mathematical backgrounds. This book, requiring no previous statistical or mathematical knowledge, can be used as a supplemental textbook for any class that deals with selection, staffing, or measurement at the undergraduate or graduate level.
Arc Humanities Press "The Perils of Persiles and Sigismunda, a Northern Saga" by Miguel de Cervantes
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to U.S. Federal Securities Law
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. Covering all aspects of federal securities law, this Advanced Introduction provides an excellent understanding of how U.S. securities regulation works, particularly as this emerging area of law becomes more prevalent for those working or involved in general corporate and commercial practices. It examines the definition of securities and how modern investment opportunities may be subject to this regulation as well as more traditional forms such as stocks or bonds. Key Features: Providing up to date information on the latest developments in securities law Presenting complex material in a clear and comprehensive format and defining key concepts Thoroughly reviewing significant Supreme Court cases, alongside the noteworthy statues and Securities and Exchange Commission Rules This informative book will be invaluable reading for practitioners and others engaged in the business and securities world looking for a detailed overview of U.S. securities law. It will also be a useful resource for lawyers, scholars, and policy advisors.
Levine Querido Control Freaks
Counterpoint Cosmogenesis: An Unveiling of the Expanding Universe
Pegasus Books Everyone Knows But You
An FBI agent finds himself in the insular world of a fishing village on the Maine coast where the rules are different—sometimes lethally so.After his wife and two children are killed in a car crash, Ryan Tapia starts a new life in Maine. But his first case there is a puzzling oddball—the corpse of a fisherman washes up on federal land, while the man’s boat drifts into waters that are part of an Indian reservation. Ryan quickly learns the nuances of Maine life as he delves into two illicit coastal trades: hard drugs and rare fish. Many of the locals are happy to see that particular fisherman dead. What’s more, they are not shy about noting that Ryan must have screwed up pretty badly to be posted to such a remote location as Bangor, Maine. Undaunted, Ryan works to understand the unforgiving way of life on Liberty Island, where people live by an older, harsher code. Adrift on a sailboat one day, he encounters a man from the Malpense tribe, l
Hazelden Information & Educational Services Almost Anorexic
Getty Trust Publications Reims on Fire - War and Reconciliation between France and Germany
As the site of royal coronations, Reims cathedral was a monument to French national history and identity. But after German troops bombed the cathedral during World War I, it took on new meaning. The French reimagined it as a martyr of civilisation, as the rupture between the warring states. The resulting battle of words and images stressed the differences between German "Kultur" and French "civilisation". Artists and intelligentsia caricatured this entrenched cultural dichotomy, influencing portrayals of the two nations in the international press. Ultimately, despite a history of mutual respect, the bombing of the cathedral caused all social, scientific, artistic, and cultural ties between Germany and France to be severed for decades. This book explores the structure's breadth of meaning in symbolic, art historical, and historical arenas, including competing claims over the origins of Gothic art and architecture as national style and issues of monument preservation and restoration. It highlights how vulnerable art is during war and how the destruction of national monuments can set the tone for international conflict. Gaehtgens articulates how these nations began to mend their relationship in the decades after World War II, starting with the courageous vision of Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer, and how the cathedral of Reims was eventually transformed into a site of reconciliation and European unification.
MQ - University of Nebraska Press Father of the Tuskegee Airmen John C. Robinson
Lerner Publishing Group Trailblazing Space Scientists
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Using Scenarios: Scenario Planning for Improving Organizations
Taylor & Francis Inc Criminal Enterprise Investigation
Many cities, towns, and municipalities across the United States have criminal organizations operating within their jurisdictions. This book gives the investigator a guide to probing, evaluating, and analyzing local criminal organizations, with the goal of disrupting and dismantling criminal operations. Subjects covered include investigative field techniques, identification of enterprise vulnerabilities, and an in-depth look into FBI task forces. Intended for law enforcement and other criminal justice professionals, Criminal Enterprise Investigation provides readers with a critical "how to" guide to overcoming criminal enterprise in their communities. Features: Provides step-by-step guide to dismantling criminal organizations Includes real-life examples of successful investigations Covers a wide range of criminal groups, including domestic terrorists, drug cartels, gangs, white-collar criminals, and robbery and extortion rings For those working to combat criminal organizations, this book is an essential guide to best practices. Criminal Enterprise Investigation provides the theory, techniques, and real-world examples necessary to overcome criminal activity for those of any level of expertise, from seasoned criminal justice professionals to those just beginning their careers.
New York University Press Playing War: Military Video Games After 9/11
Explores the culture that made military shooter video games popular, and key in understanding the War on Terror No video game genre has been more popular or more lucrative in recent years than the “military shooter.” Franchises such as Call of Duty, Battlefield, and those bearing Tom Clancy’s name turn over billions of dollars annually by promising to immerse players in historic and near-future battles, converting the reality of contemporary conflicts into playable, experiences. In the aftermath of 9/11, these games transformed a national crisis into fantastic and profitable adventures, where seemingly powerless spectators became solutions to these virtual Wars on Terror. Playing War provides a cultural framework for understanding the popularity of military-themed video games and their significance in the ongoing War on Terror. Matthew Payne examines post-9/11 shooter-style game design as well as gaming strategies to expose how these practices perpetuate and challenge reigning political beliefs about America’s military prowess and combat policies. Far from offering simplistic escapist pleasures, these post-9/11 shooters draw on a range of nationalist mythologies, positioning the player as the virtual hero at every level. Through close readings of key games, analyses of marketing materials, and participant observations of the war gaming community, Playing War examines an industry mobilizing anxieties about terrorism and invasion to craft immersive titles that transform international strife into interactive fun.
New York University Press Criminal Trials and Mental Disorders
The complicated relationship between defendants with mental health disorders and the criminal justice system The American criminal justice system is based on the bedrock principles of fairness and justice for all. In striving to ensure that all criminal defendants are treated equally under the law, it endeavors to handle similar cases in similar fashion, attempting to apply rules and procedures even-handedly regardless of a defendant’s social class, race, ethnicity, or gender. Yet, the criminal justice system has also recognized exceptions when special circumstances underlie a defendant’s behavior or are likely to skew the defendant’s trial. One of the most controversial set of exceptions –often poorly articulated and inconsistently applied – involves criminal defendants with a mental disorder. A series of special rules and procedures has evolved over the centuries, often without fanfare and even today with little systematic examination, that lawyers and judges apply to cases involving defendants with a mental disorder. This book provides an analysis of the key issues in this dynamic interplay between individuals with a mental disorder and the criminal justice system. The volume identifies the various stages of criminal justice proceedings when the mental status of a defendant may be relevant, associated legal and policy issues, the history and evolution of these issues, and how they are currently resolved. To assist this exploration, the text also offers an overview of mental disorders, their relevance to criminal proceedings, how forensic mental health assessments are conducted and employed during these proceedings, and their application to competency and responsibility determinations. In sum, this book provides an important resource for students and scholars with an interest in mental health, law, and criminal justice.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Build Buzz-Worthy Video Blogs
Have you ever wondered how people create such engaging video blogs? Learn how to plan, shoot, edit and post vlogs. It's time to put your video-blogging skills to the test. And action!
Edinburgh University Press Shakespeare'S Fugitive Politics
Establishes Shakespeare's plays as some of the period's most speculative political literature 'Shakespeare's Fugitive Politics' makes the case that Shakespeare's plays reveal there is always something more terrifying to the king than rebellion. The book seeks to move beyond the presumption that political evolution leads ineluctably away from autocracy and aristocracy toward republicanism and popular sovereignty. Instead, it argues for affirmative politics in Shakespeare the process of transforming scenes of negative affect into political resistance. 'Shakespeare's Fugitive Politics' argues that Shakespeare's affirmative politics appears not in his dialectical opposition to sovereignty, absolutism, or tyranny; nor is his affirmative politics an inchoate form of republicanism on its way to becoming politically viable. Instead, this study claims that it is in the place of dissensus that the expression of the eventful condition of affirmative politics takes place a fugitive expression that the sovereign order always wishes to shut down. Key FeaturesPromotes a new understanding of 'fugitive democracy'Establishes the presence of a form of alternative politics in early modern drama, articulated through the contours of theories of sovereigntyExplores how the parameters of contemporary radical politics take shape in major Shakespeare plays, including 'Coriolanus', 'King John', 'Henry V', 'Titus Andronicus', 'The Winter's Tale' and 'Julius Caesar'