Search results for ""Author Thomas"
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Big Data: Rahmenbedingungen im europäischen Datenschutz- und Immaterialgüterrecht und übergreifende Reformperspektive
Die regulatorischen Herausforderungen der Datenökonomie sind in aller Munde. Die vorliegende Studie leistet einen aktuellen Beitrag zur Konkretisierung und Präzisierung der Diskussion für Wissenschaft und Praxis aus immaterialgüter- und datenschutzrechtlicher Perspektive.Der Stand der lex lata wird für die Praxis und als Basis für weitere wissenschaftliche Diskussion umfassend aufbereitet. Dabei wird insbesondere auch der Geschäftsgeheimnisschutz nach dem aktuellen GeschGehG und der EU-Geschäftsgeheimnis-Richtlinie zentral mit behandelt. Zudem diskutieren die Autoren aktuelle Reformprojekte unter Berücksichtigung der Vorschläge der Kommission für den Digital Markets Act und den Digital Services Act. Auf dieser breiten Basis werden schließlich aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht weitere wesentliche Reformperspektiven aufgezeigt, die von den Leitgedanken der Innovation durch wirksamen Wettbewerb und Datenzugang sowie materieller Privatautonomie auf der Basis eines angemessenen Ausgleichs der einschlägigen Grundrechtspositionen bestimmt sind.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Objections Aux Meditations - Reponses
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin de l'Homme
Classiques Garnier Theatre Complet
Cato Institute,U.S. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America--Arabic
Bilingual Arab/English Constitution and Declaration of Independence
Cantata Learning Orange
Kodansha America, Inc Nobu Miami: The Party Cookbook
Nobu Miami is based in a location blessed with the best, freshest seafood possible. This cookbook features a number of signature plates and focuses on party finger-foods, playing on the festive atmosphere of Miami and the city's particular style, from beach-view-terrace to private yacht. It offers more than 70 recipes with full colour photographs. Nobu Miami is based in a location blessed with the best, freshest seafood possible, and Nobu Miami: The Party Cookbook' is a cookbook with a fresh twist: while featuring a number of signature plates, it also turns its eye on party'
Andrews McMeel Publishing Cat Ninja: Welcome to the 'Burbs: Volume 4
Everyone’s favorite feline superhero is back for even more hilarious adventures set in the Cat Ninja-verse. Catch up with Cat Ninja, Master Hamster, and the rest of the family as they face...the suburbs!When Dad buys a new house outside the city, the kids are less than excited about new neighbors, backyard barbecues, and quiet, tree-lined streets. And they’re not alone—a summer in the suburbs is enough to make Cat Ninja miss the villains of Metro City! Our hero and his family feel like fish out of water when they arrive in Peaceful Valley, but it won’t be long before Dad’s new neighborhood reveals its scaly, golden underbelly. This volume includes: Five full-length comics One bonus Cat Ninja Tale
Simon & Schuster Audio Cursed
Harvard Business Review Press Project Management for Profit: A Failsafe Guide to Keeping Projects On Track and On Budget
No More Headaches, Hypertension, or Heartburn If your work involves projects, then this book is for you. It will show every company owner and project manager--at businesses large and small--how to run projects differently. You'll benefit if you've ever: * been over budget on a project * exceeded a timeline on a project * worked on a project that completely stalled as you neared the finish line * lost money on a sure-thing project and had no idea why * noticed that scope and feature creep held you back * watched a project take three times as long as planned * felt too embarrassed to perform a review of your successes and failures * wondered whether your project actually made any money By the time you finish the book, you'll be ready to implement Project Management for Profit in your own company--and be prepared to keep your projects on track and on budget.
Marvel Comics Invaders Omnibus
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Financial Accounting for Managers
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose-Leaf Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Financial Accounting
Abrams Film: A World History
Organized both chronologically and thematically, a comprehensive overview of film history ranges from its earliest origins, through the eventful era of the twentieth century, to the present day, charting significant cinematic movements and genres, detailing the evolution of the movie industry, and profiling the great directors and actors, past and present.
Alfred Music Smooth: For a Minimum of Five Steel Drums, Drumset, and Optional Bass Guitar, Conductor Score & Parts
Random House USA Inc The Transylvanian Trilogy, Volumes II & III: They Were Found Wanting, They Were Divided; Introduction by Patrick Thursfield
Skira Heliopolis 21
Kehrer Verlag The Look Of Sound
Prestel Year in the Garden: 365 Inspirational Gardens and Gardening Tips
Anyone who loves their garden knows that there’s something happening in nature every day of the year. Whether it’s the first crocus of spring, summer’s explosion of colors, fall’s abundant harvest, or the renewing dormancy of winter these outdoor sanctuaries offer daily opportunities for investigation, contemplation, and appreciation. This stunning daybook offers 365 elegant photos of some of the world’s most exquisite gardens, following the yearly cycle of growth and rebirth. Each photo is accompanied by engaging texts such as planting tips, design techniques, natural history, and botanical facts that provide both ideas and helpful information. In addition, there is room on each spread for gardeners to record and preserve their own daily observations and reflections. The perfect keepsake for gardeners of all levels of expertise, this beautiful daybook deepens the rewards of gardening all year round.
S. Hirzel Verlag Letzte Wege in Die Freiheit: Sechs Pfadfinderinnen Im Widerstand Gegen Den Nationalsozialismus
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Tacita Dean: The Dante Project
Books on Demand Corona und das Rätsel der Immunität: Ermutigende Gedanken, wissenschaftliche Einsichten und soziale Ideen zur Überwindung der Corona-Krise
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Geburtshilfe akut: Ein Leitfaden für Kreißsaal und Station
Sicherheit für Kreißsaal und Wochenbett - Verlässliches PraxiswissenÜber viele Jahre entwickelt und im täglichen Klinikeinsatz bewährt und ausgereift, ist dieser praktische Leitfaden nun für alle Geburtshelfer zugänglich.Er bietet schnelle Orientierung und sofort einsetzbare Handlungsanweisungen für alle Situationen rund um die tägliche Kreißsaal-Routine, die Beratung und Betreuung der Schwangeren, unkomplizierte Geburten und Kaiserschnitte bis hin zu komplizierten Geburtsverläufen und geburtshilflichen Notfällen.Das Wissen basiert auf aktuellen Leitlinien und ist knapp, präzise und übersichtlich zusammengestellt: Häufige Fragen der werdenden Eltern Begleitung durch alle Phasen des Geburtsvorgangs Der richtige Einsatz von Medikamenten Was tun in Notfallsituationen Alles Wichtige bei der Versorgung der Patientin und des Neugeborenen „Geburtshilfe akut“ – ein unentbehrlicher Begleiter für die Kitteltasche
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppenanalyse: Ein Lehr- und Lernbuch für Klinik und Praxis
Young professionals in psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine often have to lead groups without being trained to do so. This textbook teaches the basics of group therapy based on the Göttingen model. This concept, which has been continuously developed for forty years, works with diverse forms of groups and makes reference to the special interactional character within the group. Examples and questions stimulate the reader to put what they have learned into practice on a daily basis. The use of the Göttingen model enables the different clinical pictures to be dealt with. Corresponding modifications of group therapy have been developed. The experience gathered in this book comes from the regular advanced training of the Göttingen working group on the use of psychoanalysis in groups and takes into account the current state of research and recent developments in this field.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Promotion eines furchtbaren Juristen: Roland Freisler und die Juristische Fakultät der Universität Jena
Roland Freisler, der berüchtigte Präsident des nationalsozialistischen Volksgerichtshofes, der zahlreiche Menschen in Schauprozessen zum Tode verurteilt hat und als Urbild des "furchtbaren Juristen" (Ingo Müller nach Rolf Hochhuth) gilt, wurde von der Juristischen Fakultät der Universität Jena im Jahre 1922 zum "Dr. iur. utr." mit der Bestnote "summa cum laude" promoviert. In seiner arbeitsrechtlichen Dissertation zu dem Thema "Grundsätze der Betriebsorganisation" hatte er sich mit den Grundlagen des in der damals noch jungen Weimarer Republik neuen Betriebsräterechtes auseinandergesetzt. Erst- und Zweitgutachter des damaligen Verfahrens sollten in der Rechtswissenschaft der NS-Zeit eine prominente Rolle spielen. Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert unter Einbeziehung umfangreicher Originaldokumente die Beziehungen Freislers zur damaligen Juristischen Fakultät der Universität Jena und ordnet sie in die Zeitumstände ein.
De Gruyter Briefe
Briefe gehörten für Warburg zu den wichtigsten Formen des gedanklichen Austausches. In der Korrespondenz mit Familie, Freunden und Kollegen äußerte er sich ausführlich über seine Ideen und Forschungen. Die Briefauswahl dokumentiert und kommentiert in Form einer indirekten Biographie Leben und Werk vom Beginn des Studiums 1886 bis zu Warburgs Tod 1929, also von den ersten Referaten bis zur Arbeit am unvollendet gebliebenen Mnemosyne-Atlas. An die Seite des wissenschaftlichen Autors Warburg tritt dabei ein geistreich und literarisch formulierender Verfasser, der auch das politische Zeitgeschehen kritisch beobachtet und kommentiert. Der Band stellt Warburgs Briefe in einer exemplarischen und kommentierten Auswahl von ca. 800 Schreiben vor.
Springer International Publishing AG Psychological Significance and Difference Between Tools Use by Humans and Animals: P. Y. Galperin's Dissertation
This book represents the very first, so far unpublished, translation of Piotr Galperin’s (1902-1988) dissertation, defended in 1938 during his employment in the All-Ukrainian Psycho-Neurological Academy (AUPA) in Kharkiv, Ukraine. In his candidate dissertation Galperin examined the differences in tool use between humans and animals and argued that there was a fundamental difference between tools developed and used by humans and the auxiliary means used by animals. Galperin showed that human use of tools totally differs from the way tools are utilised by animals as ‘an extension’ of their limbs. He suggested that tools created and used by humans encapsulate cultural and historical experience developed in human practices which have to be mastered. Human engagement with these tools reorganise the existing and enhance the development of new psychological functions and that human consciousness originates and develops in the external tool-mediated activities. The development of new psychological functions stimulates the systemic and meaningful organisation of human consciousness. In addition, as opposed to animal mind, human consciousness undergoes developmental transformations initiated in tools- and speech-mediated activities.Galperin’s research reveals the unity of the external tool-mediated and the internal psychological activity of humans. These findings are influential as they adopted the foundations of the theory of Vygotsky and extended them without changing the essence of Vygotsky’s legacy. Galperin’s dissertation can be considered as a missing jig-saw puzzle which connects the legacy of Vygotsky, the contribution of Leontiev and their followers who worked in the cultural-historical and activity traditions. This translation of the dissertation in English makes it available for the cultural-historical scholars in the West and provides insights into the invaluable contributions of Piotr Galperin.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband IV Textkritischer Anhang
Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden,vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der vierte Teilband enthält den textkritischen Apparat.Dieser Band ist der vierte Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält den kritischen Apparat und Index zu den Texten in den ersten drei Teilbänden dieses Sets. This volume is the fourth part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It is the Critical Apparatus and the Index for the edited texts available in the first three volumes of the set.
Hodder Gibson TeeJay National 4 Mathematics: Book 2
Build students' confidence and skills throughout the National 4 Maths course as they follow the tried-and-tested TeeJay approach.This book provides hundreds of practice questions, with progression and consolidation - the core TeeJay philosophy - underpinning every exercise and chapter.- Use National 4: Book 1, followed by National 4: Book 2, to cover the entire National 4 course- Contains 3 revision chapters covering Numeracy, Expressions and Formulae, and Relationships- Every chapter ends with 'What Have I Learned?' exercises for revision and assessment- Review exercises between each chapter enable students to revisit topics from Book 1- Plenty of non-calculator exercises are included in the book to enhance numeracy skills- Answers for all questions are in the back of the book; answers for 'What Have I Learned?' are available on the TeeJay Maths website
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Institutions of the Enlarged European Union: Continuity and Change
How have the main institutions and decision-making processes of the EU responded to the arrival of new member states? This book assesses the actual state of the EU institutions in the years after the 2004 enlargement, examining each of the main institutional actors as well as trends in legislative output, implementing measures and non-legislative approaches. The contributors outline the key changes as well as patterns of continuity in the institutional politics of the EU.The analysis finds that breakdown has been avoided by a combination of assimilation of the new member states and adaptation of the system, without any fundamental transformation of the institutions. Nonetheless, they conclude that it is not just 'business as usual'. The streamlining and formalization of procedures, together with increased informal practices, has implications for transparency and accountability. Widening has not prevented deepening of European integration, but it has deepened normative concerns about the democratic legitimacy of that process which will remain very much on the agenda of the enlarged EU.This nuanced approach to the complexities of studying institutional politics and change contains important new and original data. As such it will be invaluable for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students of EU politics and administrative science, as well as researchers, practitioners and journalists working in the fields of European studies more widely.
CABI Publishing Invasive Plant Ecology and Management: Linking Processes to Practice
Bringing together ecology and management of invasive plants within natural and agricultural ecosystems, this book bridges the knowledge gap between the processes operating within ecosystems and the practices used to prevent, contain, control and eradicate invasive plant species. The book targets key processes that can be managed, the impact of invasive plants on these ecosystem processes and illustrates how adopting ecologically based principles can influence the ecosystem and lead to effective land management.
Panini Publishing Ltd Marvel Platinum Deluxe Edition: The Definitive Incredible Hulk
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to UNCITRAL
As one of the most important international organisations in the sphere of international trade law, UNCITRAL aims to further the progressive unification of the law of international trade. This comprehensive Companion delineates the range of issues considered at UNCITRAL, as well as assessing the potential for future work and reforms.Split into four key thematic sections, the book starts by providing an institutional background to UNCITRAL, before moving on to discuss the topic of dispute resolution, including contributions on international arbitration, mediation, and online dispute resolution. Further chapters then explore key topics in international contract law, especially relating to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The final section of the Companion consists of chapters on a variety of matters considered at UNCITRAL, namely, micro, small and medium-sized businesses; insolvency; secured transactions; negotiable instruments; public procurement; electronic commerce and transport law. A diverse selection of contributors from a variety of legal backgrounds come together to present the past, present and future prospects of UNCITRAL instruments.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Urban Development in China
In recent decades, China has undergone an extraordinary transformation from an overwhelmingly rural population to that of a predominantly urban one. This major new Handbook examines and explores the key features and implications of this urbanising process from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Using three overarching themes - progress and enhancement, dislocation and tension, and the unique features of Chinese urban development - leading experts in the field provide a contemporary analysis of critical issues affecting China today. This includes the nature of urban change, governance and migration, and how this has impacted the politics, culture, economy and environment. Unprecedented in depth and breadth, contributors both from within mainland China and across the globe offer varied analyses and perspectives of continuity and reform in policies that allow China to continue to evolve. Sections also cover individuality, the urban-rural interface and possible future policy directions, with crucial discussion about continuing urbanisation in an increasingly interconnected world.Essential reading for academics and students of urban and Chinese studies, this Handbook provides a timely and much needed reference work for those who want to better understand China's urbanisation experiences. Contributors include: A.-M. Broudehoux, Y. Cai, K.W. Chan, F. Chen, L. Chen, E. Cheng, H. Chiang, M.Y. Cho, B. Guan, D.R. Hammond, P. Hao, T. Heberer, T. Johnson, K. Kan, G. Lang, V.J. Li, S. Liu,Y. Liu, T.-l. Lui, B. Miao, J. Qian, L. Tao, J. Wang, L. Wang, B. Wissink, R.W.Y. Wong, Y. Wu, X. Yang, R. Yep, X. Zhang
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Lutoslawski's Worlds
Witold Lutoslawski was one of the most important composers of the twentieth century, whose significance extends far beyond his native Poland. His vita is just as captivating as his compositionally path-breaking music. Witold Lutoslawski (1913-1994) was one of the most important composers of the twentieth century. His significance extends far beyond his native Poland: his classical music was premiered by internationally renowned performers likethe LaSalle Quartet and Krystian Zimerman, and his symphonies, concertante, chamber, instrumental and vocal music are produced by the leading labels of the recording industry. Lutoslawski's vita is just as captivating as his compositionally path-breaking music. He lived through the Second World War and brutal German oppression of Poland, negotiated the challenges of Soviet influence and fluctuating local politics during Poland's post-war transition to communism, and finally strove for a new voice in the post-Stalin Thaw of the mid-1950s. Lutoslawski's Worlds is a landmark volume which looks at the multi-faceted spheres that informed the composer's life and works andrepresents a new departure in the study of his music. Throughout his life, he steered musicologists away from the connections between his extraordinary biography and concert music. He also sought to minimize scholarly attention to the many other spheres of creative activity - popular music, theatre music, film scoring, propaganda music, and educational music - that occupied him. In this volume, for the first time, the world's leading Lutoslawski scholars consider the full range of his musical output and the biographical, cultural and historical contexts in which those musics were created. It contends that all of Lutoslawski's worlds are equally worthy of study, because each represents an opportunity better to understand the life and music of a figure of paramount importance to the critical and cultural history of twentieth-century music.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Management Education for the World: A Vision for Business Schools Serving People and Planet
For many years commentators have described what is wrong with business schools - characterizing them as the breeding grounds of a culture of greed and self-enrichment in global business at the expense of the rest of society and of nature. Management Education for the World is a response to this critique and a handbook for those seeking to educate and create knowledge for a new breed of business leaders. It presents a vision for the transformation of management education in service of the common good and explains how such a vision can be implemented in practice. The 50+20 vision, as it is also known, was developed through a collaborative initiative between the Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative, the World Business School Council for Sustainable Business and the U.N.-backed Principles of Responsible Management Education and draws on the expertise of sustainability scholars, business and business school leaders and thought leaders from many other walks of life.This book explores the 21st century agenda of management education, identifying three fundamental goals: educating and developing globally responsible leaders, enabling business organizations to serve the common good, and engaging in the transformation of business and the economy. It is a clarion call of service to society for a sector lost between the interests of faculty, business and the schools themselves at the expense of people and planet. It sees business education stepping up to the plate with the ability of holding and creating a space to provide responsible leadership for a sustainable world embodied in the central and unifying element of the 50+20 vision, the collaboratory. Management Education for the World is written for everyone concerned or passionate about the future of management education: consultants, facilitators, entrepreneurs and leaders in organizations of any kind, as well as policymakers and others with an interest in new and transformative thinking in the field. In particular, teachers, researchers, students and administrators will find it an invaluable resource on their journey.
The Pragmatic Programmers Agile Web Development with Rails 6
Learn Rails the way the Rails core team recommends it, along with the tens of thousands of developers who have used this broad, far-reaching tutorial and reference. If you're new to Rails, you'll get step-by-step guidance. If you're an experienced developer, get the comprehensive, insider information you need for the latest version of Ruby on Rails. The new edition of this award-winning classic is completely updated for Rails 6 and Ruby 2.6, with information on system testing, Webpack, and advanced JavaScript. Ruby on Rails helps you produce high-quality, beautiful-looking web applications quickly - you concentrate on creating the application, and Rails takes care of the details. Rails 6 brings many improvements, and this edition is updated to cover the new features and changes in best practices. We start with a step-by-step walkthrough of building a real application, and in-depth chapters look at the built-in Rails features. Follow along with an extended tutorial as you write a web-based store application. Eliminate tedious configuration and housekeeping, seamlessly incorporate Ajax and JavaScript, send and receive emails, manage background jobs with ActiveJob, and build real-time features using WebSockets and ActionCable. Test your applications as you write them using the built-in unit, integration, and system testing frameworks, internationalize your applications, and deploy your applications easily and securely. New in this edition is coverage of Action Mailer, which allows you to receive emails in your app as well as ActionText, a zero-configuration rich text editing feature. Rails 1.0 was released in December 2005. This book was there from the start, and didn't just evolve alongside Rails, it evolved with Rails. It has been developed in consultation with the Rails core team. In fact, Rails itself is tested against the code in this book. What You Need: All you need is a Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux machine to do development on. This book will take you through the steps to install Rails and its dependencies. If you aren't familiar with the Ruby programming language, this book contains a chapter that covers the basics necessary to understand the material in the book.
Workman Publishing Peel + Discover: Dinosaurs
An interactive sticker book that makes learning stick! A fun way to learn about dinosaurs with stickers, activity pages, and lots of facts! Featuring stickers of spiky stegosaurs, four-winged microraptors, deadly tyrannosaurs, underwater plesiosaurs, and the massive diplodocus, which was longer than 3 school buses! Create your own wildlife scenes as you learn about some of the most fascinating dinosaurs that ever walked the earth.How Peel + Discover works: 1.Read a question, then peel the sticker to reveal the answer. 2.Sticker and draw to decorate the activity pages—make them your own! 3.Once all the stickers are peeled, removed the overlay for a Peel + Discover surprise.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Frankenstein: New World
SAP Press SAP Business ByDesign: Business User Guide
Tired of relying on ancient documentation and outdated Google results to run SAP Business ByDesign? Look no further! Whether you’re just learning to navigate from screen to screen or you’re ready to dive straight in to core operations, you’ll get the step-by-step instructions you need. You’ll find information on all your keys tasks, from creating sales orders and handling service requests to paying suppliers and approving time sheets. If you’re using SAP Business ByDesign, this is the book for you!Highlights include: 1) Navigation 2) Master data 3) Customer relationship management (CRM) 4) Service management 5) Supplier relationship management (SRM) 6) Supply chain planning 7) Warehouse management 8) Project management 9) Financial and management accounting 10) Human resources (HR) 11) Reporting and analytics 12) Administration
Edinburgh University Press Thaddeus of Warsaw
Hodder Education AQA A Level Physics Student Book 2
Exam Board: AQALevel: AS/A-levelSubject: PhysicsFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2017AQA ApprovedExpand and challenge your students' knowledge and understanding of Physics with textbooks that build mathematical skills, provide practical assessment guidance and support for all 5 topic options.- Provide support for all 5 topic options: Astrophysics is covered in the book, with Turning Points in Physics, Engineering Physics, Medical Physics and Electronics available to download online.- Offers guidance for the mathematical requirements of the course with worked examples of calculations and a dedicated 'Maths in Physics' chapter- Measures progress and assess learning throughout the course with Test Yourself and Stretch and Challenge Questions to extend the most able pupils beyond A-level- Supports all 12 required practicals with applications, worked examples and activities included in each chapter- Develops understanding and enable self- and peer-assessment with free online access to 'Test yourself' answers.DOWNLOADABLE OPTION TOPIC CHAPTERS To request your downloadable copies please email
Hodder Education AQA A Level Physics Student Book 1
Exam Board: AQALevel: AS/A-levelSubject: PhysicsFirst Teaching: September 2015First Exam: June 2016AQA ApprovedExpand and challenge your students' knowledge and understanding of Physics with textbooks that build mathematical skills and provide practical assessment guidance. - Offers support for the mathematical requirements of the course with worked examples of calculations and a dedicated 'Maths in Physics' chapter- Measures progress and assess learning throughout the course with Test Yourself and Stretch and Challenge Questions to extend the most able pupils beyond A-level- Supports all 12 required practicals with applications, worked examples and activities included in each chapter- Develops understanding and enable self- and peer-assessment with free online access to 'Test yourself' answers.AQA A-level Physics Year 1 Student Book includes AS-level.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Microbiology and Infectious Diseases on the Move
The Medicine on the Move series provides fully flexible access to subjects across the curriculum in a unique combination of print and mobile formats ideal for the busy medical student and junior doctor. No matter what your learning style, whether you are studying a subject for the first time or revisiting it during exam preparation, Medicine on the Move will give you the support you need.This innovative print and app package will help you to connect with the topics of microbiology and infectious diseases, to learn, understand, and enjoy them, and to cement your knowledge in preparation for exams and future clinical practice.By using this resource in print or as an app, you really will experience the opportunity to learn medicine on the move.