Search results for ""author "george"""
Kampa Verlag Maigret und sein Toter
Kampa Verlag Maigret und die Keller des Majestic
Kampa Verlag Maigret und sein Neffe
Kampa Verlag Maigret in der Liberty Bar
Kampa Verlag Maigret und Pietr der Lette
Kampa Verlag Maigret in New York
Kampa Verlag Maigret macht Ferien
Kampa Verlag Maigret lsst sich Zeit
NIMBUS Boulevard des Philosophes
Diaphanes Verlag Die dunkle Kammer 124 Trume
Ligaran Le Mirage
Le Livre de poche Maigret et la jeune morte Ldp Simenon
Le Livre de poche Un echec de Maigret
Librairie generale francaise Maigret et le fantome
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. Amor Et Psyche Oracle
Quarto Publishing PLC Superpowers of Nature: Wild Wonders of the World
Superpowers of Nature is a fascinating, quirky photographic book featuring the amazing superpowers in the animal kingdom. With incredible photos and fascinating text, this book is a celebration of biodiversity and nature. From the platypus to the peregrine falcon, find out all about these amazing animals and the extraordinary abilities that make them the superheroes of our planet. For example: An octopus's brain is distributed all over its body The tropical frog causes potential predators to wretch violently The plumed basilisk can run for its life on water! For each animal discover their superpower, super stats and super facts about them, as well as information about how they used their super skills in the wild. With an important message about protecting the rich biodiversity of our planet, Superpowers of Nature is a stunning photographic book for kids fascinated by the animal kingdom and the weird wonders it has to offer. This book is from the Animal Powers series, which celebrates the weird, extraordinary, and truly amazing powers of some of nature's most incredible animals, while celebrating biodiversity and encouraging young readers to value the natural world around them. Also available is Superheroes of Nature, which showcases the true heroes of the animal kingdom.
ISTE Editions Ltd GcNcTique Des Domestications
Silvana Gauchos
Iconic figure of the Argentinian pampa and the Patagonian steppe, the gaucho has instilled his soul into these seemingly endless expanses. Like the harsh and lonely land that shaped him, the gaucho has always fascinated city dwellers in search of wild breakaways. Contemporary gauchos certainly have little in common with their distant forerunners - whether pariahs or guerillas - except perhaps for self-denial in the face of continuing spartan life conditions as the inevitable price of their relative freedom. Nevertheless, insidious changes in their natural environment are increasingly compromising their resilience. This book is a tribute to these forerunners of a long-standing Argentine tradition and to the Correntino gauchos, humble heirs to a remarkable human epic. Text in English and French.
Faros Books Who Stole the Sun?
This is the story about a quiet and peaceful village where everything was fine until the moment that someone took the sun away! But why would someone do such a funny thing?
Librairie generale francaise Maigret a New York
Librairie generale francaise Maigret et le clochard
Librairie generale francaise Maigret et la grande perche
Le Livre de poche Maigret au Picratt's
Librairie generale francaise Maigret hesite
Class Publishing Ltd Law and Ethics for Paramedics: An Essential Guide
In order to tackle ethical and legal intricacies with confidence, it is paramount that paramedics acquire firm understanding and knowledge as a foundation for their practice. This essential guide equips you with the expertise needed to adeptly navigate these complexities, enabling you to address them with assurance when they arise. With contributions from experienced paramedic authors, each chapter skilfully amalgamates the crucial principles of ethical thinking and UK law. This expanded third edition has also been meticulously updated with the latest case law and legislative changes. It presents revised ethical considerations, providing valuable insights to enhance your day-to-day practice and empower you to make sound judgements, while real-world examples ensure relevance and applicability to your professional journey. With this book at your side, you will be able to successfully navigate the legal and ethical landscape you are faced with, helping you make a positive impact to patient care and reinforcing your commitment to professional excellence. Key features: • Brand new content on applied ethics, the role of the coroner’s court in England and Wales and patients’ refusal of blood products. • Robustly evidence-based with updated case law throughout. • Clear explanations of complex topics such as mental capacity, mental health, medical treatment of children and organ donation. • Case studies to help you apply your knowledge to the real world. • Aligned to the Health and Care Professions Council’s standards of proficiency for paramedics, to give you the confidence you need to deliver safe and professional patient care.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Battle of the Odon
The Battle of the Odon evokes the clash between the British Army and the II SS-Panzer Korps, as they attacked across the Odon Valley during Operation "Epsom" in June 1944. Using contemporary photographs and documents, this book provides day-by-day details of the operation that what just one part of what is commonly referred to as the 'Battle of Normandy'.
Penguin Books Ltd Three Bedrooms in Manhattan
'One of his most erotic and emotionally charged stories' The Times Two people who didn't know each other and who had come together by a miracle in the great city, and who now clung desperately to each other, as if already they felt a chilly solitude settling in.A divorced actor and a lonely woman, both adrift in New York, meet by chance in an all-night diner. It is the start of something, though neither is sure what. As they move through neon-lit streets, bars, rented rooms and cheap motels, these two lost souls struggle to understand what it is that has brought them, in spite of themselves, inexorably together.'Simenon casts his characteristic spell from the opening lines. There is an evanescent, hallucinatory, almost dreamlike quality throughout' Daily Telegraph'Three Bedrooms in Manhattan is about how we resist love, how we get dragged into it, spat out, dragged back in against our will' Los Angeles Times
Cornerstone No Wind of Blame
Tragedy befalls the Carter family following an eventful visit from a Russian prince and a scandalous blackmail letter. The murder of Wally Carter generates a bewildering mystery - how does one shoot a man crossing a narrow bridge without being near the murder weapon when it is fired? The superlatively analytical Inspector Hemingway reveals his unnerving talent for solving a fiendish problem.
Cornerstone They Found Him Dead
The sixtieth birthday party of Silas Kane was marred by argument and dissension amongst his family. And then, the morning after the celebrations, Kane is found dead at the foot of a cliff. The theory that Silas accidentally lost his way in the fog is confirmed when the coroner returns a verdict of death by misadventure.But then Kane's nephew and heir is murdered and threats are made on the next in line to the fortune, throwing a new and sinister light on Silas Kane's death. All clues point to an elderly lady of eighty as the killer. But as the redoubtable Superintendent Hannasyde delves further into the case he discovers that nothing is quite as it seems...
Cornerstone Behold, Here's Poison
When Gregory Matthews, patriarch of the Poplars is found dead one morning, imperious Aunt Harriet blames it on the roast duck he ate for supper. After all, she had warned him about his blood pressure. But a post-mortem determines that the cause of death is much more sinister. Murder. By poison.Suspicion falls immediately amongst his bitter, quarrelsome family. Each has a motive; each, opportunity. It falls to Superintendent Hannasyde to sift through all the secrets and lies and discover just who killed Gregory Matthews, before the killer strikes again...
Les Belles Lettres Ovide, Les Metamorphoses: Tome I: Livres I-V
Hachette Children's Group Cities of the World: Cities of South America
An engaging and visually exciting look at some of South America's major cities.This series offers readers of 9 and up an engaging and visually exciting look at some of the world's major cities. Cityscapes draw in the reader with facts about the iconic buildings that help to shape each city's unique identity. Data-packed pages give the essential details about each featured city, including where to go, what to do and things to eat on a visit, as well as information about the city's history. The cities of South America covered in the book are Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Bogota, Columbia; Santiago, Chile; Caracas, Venezuela; Quito, Ecuador; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Cuzco, Peru; Montevideo, Uruguay; Georgetown, Guyana; La Paz, Bolivia; Paramaribo, Suriname; Santa Cruz, Bolivia; Lima, Peru; Manaus, Brazil; Cuenca, Ecuador; Potosi, Bolivia; Cartagena, Columbia and Asuncion, Paraguay.Titles in the 6-book series feature the cities of Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America and South America.
Palgrave Macmillan On Becoming a Leadership Coach: A Holistic Approach to Coaching Excellence
This book focuses on coaching leaders in the context of the organizational systems within which they lead, drawing on the curriculum of the Georgetown University Leadership Coaching Certificate Program, one of the premier coach training programs in the world and the only one with this particular focus.
Gaia Ediciones Perspectivas desde el mundo real conversaciones en Moscú Essentuki Tbilisi Berlín Londres París Nueva York y Chicago según fueron recordadas por sus alumnos
Perspectivas desde el mundo real contiene una cuidadosa selección de intercambios y charlas del periodo comprendido entre 1914 y 1930. Estos apuntes han sido reunidos por algunos alumnos, dotados de una memoria excepcional, que estuvieron presentes en las reuniones que se celebraban casi todas las noches alrededor de Gurdjieff y que se esforzaban posteriormente por reconstruir lo que habían escuchado. La fidelidad de estas notas a la palabra de su maestro ha sido reconocida por muchas personas que estuvieron presentes en las reuniones.Se incluye, además, un texto fundamental, Vislumbres de la Verdad, muy antiguo ya que data de 1915: es el relato que hace un alumno ruso de su primer encuentro con Gurdjieff. En cuanto a los aforismos que cierran la obra, estaban inscritos en las paredes del Study House de Prieuré d'Avon, en Fontainebleau, al sur de París, donde Gurdjieff había establecido su Instituto para el desarrollo armónico del hombre.
Gaia Ediciones Encuentros con hombres notables 2 Del todo y de todo
Estos relatos concebidos inicialmente para ser leídos en alta voz en un círculo restringido de alumnos y de invitados hablan del período menos conocido de la vida del maestro espiritual Gurdjieff: su infancia, su juventud y las primeras etapas de su búsqueda.No se trata de una autobiografía en el sentido estricto de la palabra. Para Gurdjieff, el pasado solo merece ser narrado en la medida en que resulte ejemplar. Lo que élsugiere en estos relatos no son ejemplos para imitar exteriormente, sino toda una manera de ser frente a la vida, un testimonio que nos toca directamente y nos hace presentir una realidad de otro orden.
Abada Editores El hombre que andaba en el color
El artista es un inventor de lugares. Da forma, da carne a espacios improbables, imposibles o impensables: aporías, fábulas.
Classiques Garnier Memoranda
btb Taschenbuch Der unterbrochene Wald
Hachette Livre - BNF La Réforme Administrative
Arsenal Pulp Press The Dictionary Of Homophobia: A Global History of Gay & Lesbian Experience
Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd. Hitler and His God: The Background to the Hitler Phenomenon
Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd The Species of Class Mammalia
Olympia Publishers Love Has Made a Choice
SPCK - St Vlads Scripture Readings in Orthodox Worship
Peeters Publishers "L'ivresse De La Liberte": La Revolution De 1908 Dans L'Empire Ottoman
En juillet 1908, les officiers de l'armee de Macedoine entraient en dissidence et contraignaient sous la menace le sultan d'Istanbul a retablir la constitution ottomane, suspendue depuis trente ans, et a reunir le parlement : la revolution jeune turque etait en marche. Accueillie avec enthousiasme, dans l'"ivresse de la liberte", elle marqua profondement l'histoire des Balkans, du Proche et du Moyen-Orient au XXe siecle. Il etait temps de revisiter cette "revolution oubliee".Partant d'abord en quete des origines de la revolution, le present ouvrage etudie la mise en place du nouveau regime au niveau du gouvernement, de l'administration et des communautes. Puis, il nous emmene dans les provinces de l'empire, parties prenantes elles aussi de la revolution, avant d'analyser 1908 comme un evenement "global", en interaction et en resonance avec son environnement geographique et le reste du monde.
Peeters Publishers La Version Armenienne Des Oeuvres D'Aphraate Le Syrien, II: T.