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University of Nebraska Press Citizen Akoy: Basketball and the Making of a South Sudanese American
2019 Foreword INDIES Award, Honorable Mention for Adventure, Sports & Rec 2020 Nebraska Book Award Akoy Agau led Omaha Central High School to four straight high school basketball state championships (2010–13) and was a three‑time All‑State player. One of the most successful high school athletes in Nebraska’s history, he’s also a South Sudanese refugee. At age four, Akoy and his family fled Sudan during the Second Sudanese Civil War, and after three years in Cairo, they came to Maryland as refugees. They arrived in Omaha in 2003 in search of a better future. In Omaha the Agaus joined the largest South Sudanese resettlement population in the United States. While federal resources and local organizations help refugees with housing, health care, and job placement, the challenge to assimilate culturally was particularly steep. For Akoy basketball provided a sense of belonging and an avenue to realize his potential. He landed a Division 1 basketball scholarship to Louisville for a year and a half, then played at Georgetown for two injury‑plagued seasons before he graduated in the spring of 2017. With remaining eligibility, he played for Southern Methodist University while pursuing a graduate degree. In a fluid, intimate, and joyful narrative, Steve Marantz relates Akoy’s refugee journey of basketball, family, romance, social media, and coming of age at Nebraska’s oldest and most diverse high school. Set against a backdrop of the South Sudanese refugee community in Omaha, Marantz provides a compelling account of the power of sports to blend cultures in the unlikeliest of places.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The King's Bench: Bailiwick Magistrates and Local Governance in Normandy, 1670-1740
An examination of kings' courts and lords' courts in Normandy that opens a new chapter in the debate over absolutism, sovereignty, and the nature of the state in early modern France. Hidden deep in the countryside of France lay early modern Europe's largest bureaucracy: twenty- to thirty-thousand royal bailiwick and seigneurial courts that served more than eighty-five percent of the king's subjects. The crowncourts and lords' courts were far more than arenas of litigation, in the modern sense. They had become the nexus of local governance by the middle of the seventeenth century, a rich breeding ground for men who controlled the villages, towns, and bailiwicks of France. Yet even as the centralizing state was reaching its zenith under Louis XIV, the king's largest permanent bureaucracy became increasingly alienated and cut adrift from the crown, many decades before the French Revolution. In The King's Bench, Zoë Schneider vividly brings to life the teeming world of the local courts, with their magistrates and jailers, townspeople and peasants. Together they contested that vital border where the private world of families and property collided with the public commonwealth. Schneider chronicles the transformation of local governance after the mid-seventeenth century, as judges and their courts became the face of public order in the countryside. With this richly detailed local study of Normandy in the seventeenth and early-eighteenth centuries, Zoë Schneider opens a new chapter in the debate over absolutism, sovereignty, and the nature of the state in early modern France. Zoë A. Schneider has taught at Georgetown University and with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
APA Publications Insight Guides Explore Washington (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
Insight Guides Explore: pocket-sized books to inspire your on-foot exploration of top international destinations. Now with free eBook.Experience the best of Washington, DC with this indispensably practical Insight Explore Guide. From making sure you don't miss out on must-see attractions like Museum Mile, to discovering hidden gems, including the International Spy Museum and Dumbarton Oaks, the easy-to-follow, ready-made walking routes will help you plan your trip, save you time, and enhance your exploration of this fascinating city.Practical, pocket-sized and packed with inspirational insider information, this will make the ideal on-the-move companion to your trip to Washington, DC Enjoy over 12 irresistible Best Routes to walk, from The Mall to the Whitehouse and Georgetown to Foggy Bottom Features concise insider information about landscape, history, food and drink, and entertainment options Invaluable maps: each Best Route is accompanied by a detailed full-colour map, while the large pull-out map provides an essential overview of the area Discover your destination's must-see sights and hand-picked hidden gems Directory section provides invaluable insight into top accommodation, restaurant and nightlife options by area, along with an overview of language, books and films Includes an innovative extra that's unique in the market - all Insight Explore Guides come with a free eBook Inspirational colour photography throughoutAbout Insight Guides: Insight Guides has over 40 years' experience of publishing high-quality, visual travel guides. We produce around 400 full-colour print guide books and maps as well as picture-packed eBooks and apps to meet different travellers' needs. Insight Guides' unique combination of beautiful travel photography and focus on history and culture together create a unique visual reference and planning tool to inspire your next adventure.
New York University Press The Rule of Law: Nomos XXXVI
From the sprawling remnants of the Soviet empire to the southern tip of Africa, attempts are underway to replace arbitrary political regimes with governments constrained by the rule of law. This ideal which subordinates the wills of individuals, social movements--and even, sometimes, democratically elected majorities--to the requirements of law, is here explored by leading legal and political thinkers. Part I of The Rule of Law examines the interplay of democracy and the rule of law, while Part II focusses on the centuries-old debate about the meaning of the rule of law itself. Part III takes up the constraints that rationality exercises on the rule of law. If the rule of law is desirable partly because it is rational, then departures from that rule might also be desirable in the event that they can be shown to be rational. Part IV concentrates on the limits of the rule of law, considering the tensions between liberalism and the rule of law which exist despite the fact that reasoned commitment to the rule of the law is preeminently a liberal commitment. Contributing to the volume are: Robert A. Burt (Yale University), Steven J. Burton (University of Iowa), William N. Eskridge, Jr. (Georgetown University), John Ferejohn (Stanford University), Richard Flathman (Johns Hopkins University), Gerald F. Gaus (University of Minnesota, Duluth), Jean Hampton (University of Arizona), Russell Hardin (University of Chicago), James Johnson (University of Rochester), Jack Knight (Washington University), Stephen Macedo (Harvard University), David Schmidtz (Yale University), Lawrence B. Solum (Loyola Marymount University), Michael Walzer (Princeton University), Catherine Valcke (University of Toronto), and Michael P. Zuckert (Carleton College).
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Unmade in China: The Hidden Truth about China's Economic Miracle
If you look carefully at how things are actually made in China - from shirts to toys, apple juice to oil rigs - you see a reality that contradicts every widely-held notion about the world's so-called economic powerhouse. From the inside looking out, China is not a manufacturing juggernaut. It's a Lilliputian. Nor is it a killer of American jobs. It's a huge job creator. Rising China is importing goods from America in such volume that millions of U.S. jobs are sustained through Chinese trade and investment. In Unmade in China, entrepreneur and Georgetown University business professor Jeremy Haft lifts the lid on the hidden world of China's intricate supply chains. Informed by years of experience building new companies in China, Haft's unique, insider’s view reveals a startling picture of an economy which struggles to make baby formula safely, much less a nuclear power plant. Using firm-level data and recent case studies, Unmade in China tells the story of systemic risk in Chinese manufacturing and why this is both really bad and really good news for America.
Princeton University Press The Hidden Curriculum: First Generation Students at Legacy Universities
A revealing look at the experiences of first generation students on elite campuses and the hidden curriculum they must master in order to succeedCollege has long been viewed as an opportunity for advancement and mobility for talented students regardless of background. Yet for first generation students, elite universities can often seem like bastions of privilege, with unspoken academic norms and social rules. The Hidden Curriculum draws on more than one hundred in-depth interviews with students at Harvard and Georgetown to offer vital lessons about the challenges of being the first in the family to go to college, while also providing invaluable insights into the hurdles that all undergraduates face.As Rachel Gable follows two cohorts of first generation students and their continuing generation peers, she discovers surprising similarities as well as striking differences in their college experiences. She reveals how the hidden curriculum at legacy universities often catches first generation students off guard, and poignantly describes the disorienting encounters on campus that confound them and threaten to derail their success. Gable shows how first-gens are as varied as any other demographic group, and urges universities to make the most of the diverse perspectives and insights these talented students have to offer.The Hidden Curriculum gives essential guidance on the critical questions that university leaders need to consider as they strive to support first generation students on campus, and demonstrates how universities can balance historical legacies and elite status with practices and policies that are equitable and inclusive for all students.
HarperCollins Publishers Sex Cult Nun
‘Both inspiring and disturbing, Sex Cult Nun unravels Jones’ complicated upbringing, the trauma she endured as a result and her eventual path to liberation.’ TIME ‘A moving story about family, courage, religious oppression, and more, and readers will have their heads spinning.’ SHONDALAND ‘Her gripping memoir—like Educated—takes you inside a disturbing childhood and leaves you marvelling at the resilience of the human spirit’ PEOPLE MAGAZINE Faith Jones was raised to be part of an elite army preparing for the End Times. Isolated on a farm in Macau, she practised devotions and read letters of prophecy written by her grandfather, the leader of the now infamous cult, The Children of God. A direct decedent of the founding family, Faith featured in international media coverage – she was celebrated as extraordinary and then published doubly as a sharp reminder that she was not. With indomitable grit, Faith created a world of her own, pilfering books and educating herself in secret. At the age of 23, she escaped, abandoning her history, her inheritance and her legacy. While her childhood friends succumbed to addiction, suicide and prostitution, Faith fought her way into Georgetown University and went on to establish a successful career in law. Sex Cult Nun is an enthralling coming-of-age story that gives fascinating insight into the closed and complex world of extreme belief. Exploring the issues of psychological and physical control, Faith draws on her hard-won insight to interrogate the binaries of good and evil, and shed light on the insidiousness of oppression. At its heart, this extraordinary story is a stark warning about the consequences of surrendering our rights and responsibilities.
Baen Books A Civil Campaign
ONE CUNNING PLAN TOO MANY. . . ?It's spring in Vorbarr Sultana, and a young person's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love . . . money . . . bio-genetics . . . love . . . lack of money . . . incompatible planetary sexual mores . . . love . . . District succession scandals . . . the Emperor's wedding . . . and, of course, love . . . Lord Miles Vorkosigan, youngest Imperial Auditor to be appointed by the Emperor since the Time of Isolation, has a problem all his new power can't solve: unrequited love for the beautiful Vor widow Ekaterin Vorsoisson. Ekaterin is violently allergic to marriage as a result of her first exposure. But as Miles learned from his late career in galactic covert ops, if a frontal assault won't do, go to subterfuge. He has a cunning plan . . .Lord Mark Vorkosigan has a problem: his love for the sunny Kareen, daughter of Commodore Koudelka, has just become unrequited again. But if all his new money can't solve their dilemma, perhaps a judicious blending of science and entrepreneurial scheming might. He has a cunning plan . . ."It's another winner with all kinds of unexpected adventures . . . Georgette Heyer has met her match for intrigue and STYLE! A sprightly conducted romance with twists and turns that could only happen in a Vorkosigan-inspired novel. . . . Boy, can she write!” -Anne McCaffrey
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Tools of Policy Formulation: Actors, Capacities, Venues and Effects
The development of the policy analysis field has had at least two quite different trajectories. One started in the US, emphasizing the policy formulation stage, while the other developed largely in Europe, highlighting the implementation process. This volume indicates how the two paths have intersected. The thirteen chapters offer new insights to both groups and draw on a broad span of literatures to explore this topic, with contributions from nearly forty individuals across the globe. Its discussion of tools of policy formulation, as well as the analysis of actors, capacities, venues and effects, sets the structure for a future agenda.'- Beryl Radin, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University, US'In this important collection, Andrew Jordan and John Turnpenny have thrown new light on an important and neglected topic: the tools needed to make more effective policies. Policymakers themselves have become ever more engaged in using these new analytical techniques and the service that this book performs is to foster a better understanding of them, showing the role of the broader political environment. The editors and contributing authors to this well-written and engaging book really have done an excellent job.'- Peter John, University College London, UKPolicy analysts are accustomed to thinking in terms of tools and instruments. Yet an authoritative examination of the tools which have been developed to formulate new policies is missing. This book is the first of its kind to distinguish the defining characteristics of the main policy formulation tools, and offer a fresh way of understanding how, why and by whom they are selected, as well as the effects they produce in practice.The editors bring together thirteen specially commissioned chapters that, for the first time, explore the tools and their features in a comparable fashion, including: scenarios, indicators, computerized models, cost-benefit and multi-criteria analysis. They develop a novel analytical framework for understanding the form and function of the main tools, which encompasses definitions of key terms, a typology and relevant theoretical explanations.This book will appeal to postgraduate students, scholars and researchers of policy analysis, public policy, decision making and public management. It will also encourage developers and practitioners of policy formulation tools to reflect critically on their work.Contributors: C. Adelle, G. Atkinson, S. Bartke, D. Benson, C. Boswell, T. Bournaris, D. Christopherson, E. Cuppen, B. Evans, C. Fleming, C.D. Gamper, M. Hisschemoller, M. Howlett, A.J. Jordan, P. Kautto, H. Kuittinen, L.E. Larsen, M. Lehtonen, R. Maas, W. Mcdowall, A. Migone, C. Moulogianni, M. Pérez-Soba, T. Rayner, E. Rodrigues, S.-R. Saarela, G. Spinardi, B. Sterk, S.L. Tan, P.Taylor, C. Turcanu, J. Turnpenny, P. Upham, M. Van Ittersum, S. Warghade, S. Weiland, A. Wellstead, S. Yearley
Peepal Tree Press Ltd The Journey to Le Repentir
Winner of the Guyana Prize Caribbean Award 2011 (Poetry).This is an immensely ambitious collection of poems, the fruit of more than a dozen years' work since the publication of Mark McWatt's Guyana prize-winning collection The Language of Eldorado in 1994 (his first collection Interiors won the Commonwealth Poetry prize in 1989). Strands of autobiography, a deeply sensuous ecology of place, historical narratives; the inner world of imagination and the often difficult realities of the postcolonial nation are interwoven in the collection's bold but carefully worked out architecture.The four parts of the book represent at one level linear phases of a life: childhood; adolescence and young manhood; maturity and the first intimations of ageing. Within each section there is an intersecting narrative sequence that sometimes complements, sometimes expands and sometimes run counter to the 'personal' narratives. In 'Mercator', poems in the voice of a nameless Elizabethan sea captain searching for Eldorado intertwine with semi-autobiographical poems about a boy's discovery of self and world in the remote northwest district of Guyana. In 'The Dark Constellation', poems about love and awakening sexuality are connected to a series of poems about Guyana's vast and powerful rivers. 'The Museum of Love' features a wholly imaginative narrative about the restless spirit of a young black boy, murdered by a plantation manager, who inhabits a sculpture in a museum and with his ragamuffin followers wreaks havoc on the works of art during the night. This is intercut with a sequence of poems on the theme of independence in life and politics, poems that reflect on the contrary impulses of creation and destruction. The final section 'Le Repentir' (which is the name of the main cemetery in Georgetown), explores a historical (and true) story of an accidental fratricide and the themes of guilt and expiation. This narrative connects to poems about mid-life and thoughts about old age and death.Mark McWatt is the recently retired Professor of West Indian literature at UWI, Cave Hill. He is joint editor of the Oxford Book of Caribbean Verse(2005).
Little, Brown Book Group Blame It on the Duke
'Georgette Heyer with a sexy twist' - Eloisa JamesHave you heard? The future Duke of Barrington has just been gambled away by his father. To an heiress!The delicious details thus far . . . Nicolas, Lord Hatherly, never intended to marry - nor add to the 'mad' Hatherly line - but now he must honor his father's debt to a social-climbing merchant or lose the family estate.A notoriously wild marquess, won by her father at a game of cards, is the very last thing Miss Alice Tombs wants. She's spent the last three seasons repelling suitors in spectacular fashion so she'd be at liberty to explore the world. She'll just have to drive this one away as well.Until Nick proposes an utterly tempting arrangement: one summer together to prove the legitimacy of their union, then Alice is free to travel while Nick revels in the time he has left before the Hatherly "madness" takes hold.It will be easy to walk away after a few months of make-believe wedded bliss - won't it? Alice and Nick are about to find out . . . one sultry night at a time.This ought to be fun . . .Praise for Lenora Bell:'How the Duke was Won is exciting and emotional - evocative of the best of the genre. If you've been looking for a bold, new voice in historical romance, the search ends here. Lenora Bell is it!' Sarah MacLean'Fresh, flirty, and fabulous! The new Belle of Historical Romance!' Kerrelyn Sparks
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Linguistics
"The first edition of this Handbook is built on surveys by well-known figures from around the world and around the intellectual world, reflecting several different theoretical predilections, balancing coverage of enduring questions and important recent work. Those strengths are now enhanced by adding new chapters and thoroughly revising almost all other chapters, partly to reflect ways in which the field has changed in the intervening twenty years, in some places radically. The result is a magnificent volume that can be used for many purposes." David W. Lightfoot, Georgetown University "The Handbook of Linguistics, Second Edition is a stupendous achievement. Aronoff and Rees-Miller have provided overviews of 29 subfields of linguistics, each written by one of the leading researchers in that subfield and each impressively crafted in both style and content. I know of no finer resource for anyone who would wish to be better informed on recent developments in linguistics." Frederick J. Newmeyer, University of Washington, University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University "Linguists, their students, colleagues, family, and friends: anyone interested in the latest findings from a wide array of linguistic subfields will welcome this second updated and expanded edition of The Handbook of Linguistics. Leading scholars provide highly accessible yet substantive introductions to their fields: it's an even more valuable resource than its predecessor." Sally McConnell-Ginet, Cornell University "No handbook or text offers a more comprehensive, contemporary overview of the field of linguistics in the twenty-first century. New and thoroughly updated chapters by prominent scholars on each topic and subfield make this a unique, landmark publication."Walt Wolfram, North Carolina State University This second edition of The Handbook of Linguistics provides an updated and timely overview of the field of linguistics. The editor's broad definition of the field ensures that the book may be read by those seeking a comprehensive introduction to the subject, but with little or no prior knowledge of the area. Building on the popular first edition, The Handbook of Linguistics, Second Edition features new and revised content reflecting advances within the discipline. New chapters expand the already broad coverage of the Handbook to address and take account of key changes within the field in the intervening years. It explores: psycholinguistics, linguistic anthropology and ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistic theory, language variation and second language pedagogy. With contributions from a global team of leading linguists, this comprehensive and accessible volume is the ideal resource for those engaged in study and work within the dynamic field of linguistics.
Avalon Travel Publishing Moon Washington DC (Second Edition): Neighborhood Walks, Historic Highlights, Beloved Local Spots
From strolling the National Mall to hobnobbing at happy hour, get to know the nation's capital with Moon Washington DC. *Navigate the Neighbourhoods: Follow one of our guided neighbourhood walks through the National Mall, Dupont Circle, U Street, and more*Explore the City: Snap the perfect photo of the Washington Monument, stand where MLK delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech, and visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. Walk the halls of Frederick Douglass's home, journey through the incredible Smithsonian museums, or tour the U.S. Capitol from dome to crypt. Paddleboat along the Potomac during cherry blossom season and shop the boutiques in Georgetown*Get a Taste of DC: Chow down on a late-night half-smoke at Ben's Chili Bowl or grab brunch and a new book from Busboys and Poets. Dig into diverse, authentic fare from Ethiopia, Afghanistan, the Philippines, and more, savour Michelin-starred seafood at a waterfront restaurant, or order up a Chesapeake crab cake at a neighbourhood joint*Bars and Nightlife: Watch a groundbreaking performance at the Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, catch a live band at the 9:30 Club, or dance to a DJ set at the Black Cat. Sip scotch where former presidents once did, try a five-course cocktail tasting menu, or kick back with a beer and chips at a quintessential DC dive bar* Local Advice: DC journalist Samantha Sault shares her love of the nation's capital*Strategic, Flexible Itineraries including the three-day best of DC, four days with kids, and day trips to Alexandria, Annapolis and Easton, and Shenandoah National Park*Tips for Travelers including where to stay and how to navigate the Metro, plus advice for international visitors, LGBTQ+ travellers, seniors, travellers with disabilities, and families *Maps and Tools like background information on the history and culture of DC, full-colour photos, colour-coded neighbourhood maps, and an easy-to-read foldout map to use on the goWith Moon Washington DC's practical tips and local insight, you can experience the best of the city. Expanding your trip? Check out Moon Virginia & Maryland. Visiting more of America's cities? Try Moon Boston or Moon New York City.
McGraw-Hill Education Driven by Intention: Own Your Purpose, Gain Power, and Pursue Your Passion as a Woman at Work
A game-changing guide for women who want to transform the way they work and create their own success—from an award-winning global diversity expert.In today’s world, it takes more than ambition to succeed. It takes intention. But intention without clarity, deliberate words, and calculated actions is meaningless. According to Michelle Gadsden-Williams, a global expert in diversity, workplace culture, and career building, intention is more than just setting goals. It’s seamlessly executing and achieving them. In this groundbreaking guide, she shows women how to both show up authentically and, more importantly, do the work that gets results. Her research-based insights, real-world strategies, and self-empowering exercises provide all the tools you need to: Create clear goals and intentions—then follow through with words and actions. Bridge the gap between who you are and how you present yourself at work. Pursue what matters most by aligning your goals and behaviors with your values. "Strengthen your squad" and build authentic, affirmative relationships. Navigate career “swerves” and avoid the fallout from burnout. Driven by Intention not only offers practical advice on a wide range of workplace challenges, it explores the inspiring successes (and occasional stumbles) of real working women today—including Mellody Hobson, President and Co-CEO of the largest black-owned asset management firm, Ariel Investments; Georgene Huang and Romy Newman, the CEO and Co-Founder and President and Co-Founder of Fairygodboss; Sheri Salata who had extraordinary success as the Co-President of the Oprah Winfrey Network and President of Winfrey’s Harpo Productions; and Angela Yee the host of the wildly popular, nationally syndicated morning show, The Breakfast Club, along with DJ Envy and Charlamagne tha God. Filled with unvarnished truths, hard-won wisdom, hands-on tips, and heartfelt insights, Driven by Intention is a book for impact seekers who want to make a real difference at work, in the world, and in their own lives—on their own terms.
Elliott & Thompson Limited How We Met: A Memoir of Love and Other Misadventures
"This beautiful, romantic memoir grabs you from the first page and won't let you go. Told with heart, wit and quiet restraint, How We Met is the story of how we can transcend the expectations of others and arrange our own happiness in life and in love." - Viv Groskop; You can't choose who you fall in love with, they say.; If only it were that simple.; Growing up in Walsall in the 1990s, Huma straddled two worlds - school and teenage crushes in one, and the expectations and unwritten rules of her family's south Asian social circle in the other. Reconciling the two was sometimes a tightrope act, but she managed it. Until it came to marriage.; Caught between her family's concern to see her safely settled down with someone suitable, her own appetite for adventure and a hopeless devotion to romance honed from Georgette Heyer, she seeks temporary refuge in Paris and imagines a future full of possibility. And then her father has a stroke and everything changes.; As Huma learns to focus on herself she begins to realise that searching for a suitor has been masking everything that was wrong in her life: grief for her father, the weight of expectation, and her uncertainty about who she really is. Marriage - arranged or otherwise - can't be the all-consuming purpose of her life. And then she meets someone. Neither Pakistani nor Muslim nor brown, and therefore technically not suitable at all. When your worlds collide, how do you measure one love against another?; As much as it is about love, How We Met is also about falling out with and misunderstanding each other, and how sometimes even our closest relationships can feel so far away. Warm, wise and ultimately uplifting, this is a coming-of-age story about what it really means to find 'happy ever after'.
Little, Brown Book Group One Fine Duke
'Georgette Heyer with a sexy twist' Eloisa JamesReady.Raised in the countryside by her overprotective uncle, Mina Penny's dream of a triumphant London season is finally here. She determined her perfect match long ago: Rafe Bentley, the wickedest rake of them all. There's only one very large, very unyielding obstacle: Rafe's brother Andrew, the reclusive Duke of Thorndon.Aim.This was supposed to be simple. Duke goes to London. Duke selects suitable bride. Love match? Not a chance. But when Drew meets Mina, she complicates everything. How can a lady armed with such beauty and brains fall for his irresponsible degenerate of a brother? Drew vows to save her from heartbreak and ruin, no matter the cost.Desire!But Mina is no damsel in distress. She's daring, intuitive, passionate . . . and halfway to melting Drew's cold heart. And although Mina thought she knew exactly what she wanted, one breathtakingly seductive kiss from Andrew changes everything. Now Mina must decide between long-held dreams and dangerous new desires. Could her true destiny lie in the arms of a duke?Praise for Lenora Bell:'How the Duke was Won is exciting and emotional - evocative of the best of the genre. If you've been looking for a bold, new voice in historical romance, the search ends here. Lenora Bell is it!' Sarah MacLean'Fresh, flirty, and fabulous! The new Belle of Historical Romance!' Kerrelyn Sparks'A charming romp of a romance' Kirkus Reviews
John Wiley & Sons Inc Empirical Asset Pricing: The Cross Section of Stock Returns
“Bali, Engle, and Murray have produced a highly accessible introduction to the techniques and evidence of modern empirical asset pricing. This book should be read and absorbed by every serious student of the field, academic and professional.” Eugene Fama, Robert R. McCormick Distinguished Service Professor of Finance, University of Chicago and 2013 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences “The empirical analysis of the cross-section of stock returns is a monumental achievement of half a century of finance research. Both the established facts and the methods used to discover them have subtle complexities that can mislead casual observers and novice researchers. Bali, Engle, and Murray’s clear and careful guide to these issues provides a firm foundation for future discoveries.” John Campbell, Morton L. and Carole S. Olshan Professor of Economics, Harvard University “Bali, Engle, and Murray provide clear and accessible descriptions of many of the most important empirical techniques and results in asset pricing.” Kenneth R. French, Roth Family Distinguished Professor of Finance, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College “This exciting new book presents a thorough review of what we know about the cross-section of stock returns. Given its comprehensive nature, systematic approach, and easy-to-understand language, the book is a valuable resource for any introductory PhD class in empirical asset pricing.” Lubos Pastor, Charles P. McQuaid Professor of Finance, University of Chicago Empirical Asset Pricing: The Cross Section of Stock Returns is a comprehensive overview of the most important findings of empirical asset pricing research. The book begins with thorough expositions of the most prevalent econometric techniques with in-depth discussions of the implementation and interpretation of results illustrated through detailed examples. The second half of the book applies these techniques to demonstrate the most salient patterns observed in stock returns. The phenomena documented form the basis for a range of investment strategies as well as the foundations of contemporary empirical asset pricing research. Empirical Asset Pricing: The Cross Section of Stock Returns also includes: Discussions on the driving forces behind the patterns observed in the stock market An extensive set of results that serve as a reference for practitioners and academics alike Numerous references to both contemporary and foundational research articles Empirical Asset Pricing: The Cross Section of Stock Returns is an ideal textbook for graduate-level courses in asset pricing and portfolio management. The book is also an indispensable reference for researchers and practitioners in finance and economics. Turan G. Bali, PhD, is the Robert Parker Chair Professor of Finance in the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. The recipient of the 2014 Jack Treynor prize, he is the coauthor of Mathematical Methods for Finance: Tools for Asset and Risk Management, also published by Wiley. Robert F. Engle, PhD, is the Michael Armellino Professor of Finance in the Stern School of Business at New York University. He is the 2003 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, Director of the New York University Stern Volatility Institute, and co-founding President of the Society for Financial Econometrics. Scott Murray, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance in the J. Mack Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University. He is the recipient of the 2014 Jack Treynor prize.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Plutonium: How Nuclear Power’s Dream Fuel Became a Nightmare
This book provides a readable and thought-provoking analysis of the issues surrounding nuclear fuel reprocessing and fast-neutron reactors, including discussion of resources, economics, radiological risk and resistance to nuclear proliferation. It describes the history and science behind reprocessing, and gives an overview of the status of reprocessing programmes around the world. It concludes that such programs should be discontinued. While nuclear power is seen by many as the only realistic solution to the carbon emission problem, some national nuclear establishments have been pursuing development and deployment of sodium-cooled plutonium breeder reactors, and plutonium recycling. Its proponents argue that this system would offer significant advantages relative to current light water reactor technology in terms of greater uranium utilization efficiency, and that separating out the long-lived plutonium and other transuranics from spent fuel and fissioning them in fast reactors would greatly reduce the duration of the toxicity of radioactive waste. However, the history of efforts to deploy this system commercially in a number of countries over the last six decades has been one of economic and technical failure and, in some cases, was used to mask clandestine nuclear weapon development programs. Covering topics of significant public interest including nuclear safety, fuel storage, environmental impact and the spectre of nuclear terrorism, this book presents a comprehensive analysis of the issue for nuclear engineers, policy analysts, government officials and the general public. "Frank von Hippel, Jungmin Kang, and Masafumi Takubo, three internationally renowned nuclear experts, have done a valuable service to the global community in putting together this book, which both historically and comprehensively covers the “plutonium age” as we know it today. They articulate in a succinct and clear manner their views on the dangers of a plutonium economy and advocate a ban on the separation of plutonium for use in the civilian fuel cycle in view of the high proliferation and nuclear-security risks and lack of economic justification." (Mohamed ElBaradei, Director General, International Atomic Energy Agency (1997-2009), Nobel Peace Prize (2005))"The 1960s dream of a ‘plutonium economy’ has not delivered abundant low-cost energy, but instead has left the world a radioactive legacy of nuclear weapons proliferation and the real potential for nuclear terrorism. Kang, Takubo, and von Hippel explain with power and clarity what can be done to reduce these dangers. The governments of the remaining countries whose nuclear research and development establishments are still pursuing the plutonium dream should pay attention.” (Senator Edward Markey, a leader in the US nuclear-disarmament movement as a member of Congress since 1976)"The authors have done an invaluable service by putting together in one place the most coherent analysis of the risks associated with plutonium, and the most compelling argument for ending the practice of separating plutonium from spent fuel for any purpose. They have given us an easily accessible history of the evolution of thinking about the nuclear fuel cycle, the current realities of nuclear power around the world and, arguably most important, a clear alternative path to deal with the spent fuel arising from nuclear reactors for decades to centuries to come." (Robert Gallucci, Chief US negotiator with North Korea (1994); Dean, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service (1996-2009); President, MacArthur Foundation (2009-2014))
Skyhorse Publishing JFK and Mary Meyer: A Love Story
Mary Pinchot Meyer was possibly the only woman John F. Kennedy ever loved. Follow their affair in this fictional diary of the woman murdered for asking too many questions after the JFK assassination. John F. Kennedy said he needed sex every three days or he got a headache. In the White House, he never had a headache. Kennedy met Mary Pinchot in 1935, when he was eighteen and she was sixteen. Twenty years later, when she was living in Virginia and married to Cord Meyer, a high-ranking CIA official, she was Jack and Jackie Kennedy’s next-door neighbor. In 1962, she was an artist, divorced, living in Washington—and Kennedy’s first serious romance. Mary Pinchot Meyer was more than a bedmate. She was Kennedy’s beacon light: his sole female adviser, spending mornings in the Oval Office, and, at night, discussing issues. After the 1964 election, Kennedy said, he would divorce Jackie and marry her. After the assassination, Mary didn’t believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, and she shared that view, loudly and often, in Washington’s most elite circles. Her ex-husband urged her to be silent, but when the report of the Warren Commission was released, she was even more loudly critical. On October 10, 1964, two days before her forty-forth birthday, as she walked in Georgetown, a man shot her in the head and the heart. That night, Mary's best friend called her sister. “Mary had a diary,” she said. “Get it.” The diary was filled with sketches, notes for paintings—and ten pages about an affair with an unnamed lover. Her sister burned it. In JFK and Mary Meyer: A Love Story, Jesse Kornbluth recreates the diary Mary might have written. Working from a timeline of Kennedy’s presidency and every documented account of their public relationship, he has written a high-octane thriller that tracks this secret, doomed romance—and invites readers to solve Mary’s murder.
Baen Books A Civil Campaign
ONE CUNNING PLAN TOO MANY. . . ?It's spring in Vorbarr Sultana, and a young person's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love . . . money . . . bio-genetics . . . love . . . lack of money . . . incompatible planetary sexual mores . . . love . . . District succession scandals . . . the Emperor's wedding . . . and, of course, love . . . Lord Miles Vorkosigan, youngest Imperial Auditor to be appointed by the Emperor since the Time of Isolation, has a problem all his new power can't solve: unrequited love for the beautiful Vor widow Ekaterin Vorsoisson. Ekaterin is violently allergic to marriage as a result of her first exposure. But as Miles learned from his late career in galactic covert ops, if a frontal assault won't do, go to subterfuge. He has a cunning plan . . .Lord Mark Vorkosigan has a problem: his love for the sunny Kareen, daughter of Commodore Koudelka, has just become unrequited again. But if all his new money can't solve their dilemma, perhaps a judicious blending of science and entrepreneurial scheming might. He has a cunning plan . . ."It's another winner with all kinds of unexpected adventures . . . Georgette Heyer has met her match for intrigue and STYLE! A sprightly conducted romance with twists and turns that could only happen in a Vorkosigan-inspired novel. . . . Boy, can she write!” -Anne McCaffrey
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Tools of Policy Formulation: Actors, Capacities, Venues and Effects
The development of the policy analysis field has had at least two quite different trajectories. One started in the US, emphasizing the policy formulation stage, while the other developed largely in Europe, highlighting the implementation process. This volume indicates how the two paths have intersected. The thirteen chapters offer new insights to both groups and draw on a broad span of literatures to explore this topic, with contributions from nearly forty individuals across the globe. Its discussion of tools of policy formulation, as well as the analysis of actors, capacities, venues and effects, sets the structure for a future agenda.'- Beryl Radin, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University, US'In this important collection, Andrew Jordan and John Turnpenny have thrown new light on an important and neglected topic: the tools needed to make more effective policies. Policymakers themselves have become ever more engaged in using these new analytical techniques and the service that this book performs is to foster a better understanding of them, showing the role of the broader political environment. The editors and contributing authors to this well-written and engaging book really have done an excellent job.'- Peter John, University College London, UKPolicy analysts are accustomed to thinking in terms of tools and instruments. Yet an authoritative examination of the tools which have been developed to formulate new policies is missing. This book is the first of its kind to distinguish the defining characteristics of the main policy formulation tools, and offer a fresh way of understanding how, why and by whom they are selected, as well as the effects they produce in practice.The editors bring together thirteen specially commissioned chapters that, for the first time, explore the tools and their features in a comparable fashion, including: scenarios, indicators, computerized models, cost-benefit and multi-criteria analysis. They develop a novel analytical framework for understanding the form and function of the main tools, which encompasses definitions of key terms, a typology and relevant theoretical explanations.This book will appeal to postgraduate students, scholars and researchers of policy analysis, public policy, decision making and public management. It will also encourage developers and practitioners of policy formulation tools to reflect critically on their work.Contributors: C. Adelle, G. Atkinson, S. Bartke, D. Benson, C. Boswell, T. Bournaris, D. Christopherson, E. Cuppen, B. Evans, C. Fleming, C.D. Gamper, M. Hisschemoller, M. Howlett, A.J. Jordan, P. Kautto, H. Kuittinen, L.E. Larsen, M. Lehtonen, R. Maas, W. Mcdowall, A. Migone, C. Moulogianni, M. Pérez-Soba, T. Rayner, E. Rodrigues, S.-R. Saarela, G. Spinardi, B. Sterk, S.L. Tan, P.Taylor, C. Turcanu, J. Turnpenny, P. Upham, M. Van Ittersum, S. Warghade, S. Weiland, A. Wellstead, S. Yearley
The Catholic University of America Press Jesuit Colleges and Universities in the United States: A History
Jesuit Colleges and Universities in the United States provides a comprehensive history of Jesuit higher education in the United States, weaving together the stories of the fifty-four colleges and universities that the Jesuits have operated (successfully and unsuccessfully) since 1789. It emphasizes the connections among the institutions, exploring how certain Jesuit schools like Georgetown University gave birth to others like Boston College by sharing faculty, financial resources, accreditation, and even presidents throughout their history. The book also explores how the colleges responded to common challenges—including anti-Catholic prejudice in the United States, the push from government authorities to modernize their shared curriculum, and the pull from Roman authorities to remain loyal to Catholic tradition.The story is comprehensive, covering the colonial era to the present, and takes a fresh look at themes like the rise of the research university in the 1880s and the administrative reforms of the 1960s. It also provides a modern and timely perspective on the role of Jesuit colleges in racial justice, women's education, and other civil rights issues, drawing attention to underappreciated Jesuit contributions in these areas. Michael Rizzi draws from both published and archival sources on the history of each institution to construct a single narrative, identifying common themes, challenges, and trends. Through the eyes of Jesuit colleges, it traces the evolution of American higher education and the role of Catholics in the United States over more than two centuries.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Washington DC City Map
From Lonely Planet, the world's leading travel guide publisher Durable and waterproof, with a handy slipcase and an easy-fold format, Lonely Planet Washington DC City Map is your conveniently-sized passport to traveling with ease. Get more from your map and your trip with images and information about top city attractions,& transport maps, itinerary suggestions, extensive street and site index, and practical travel tips and directory. With this easy-to-use, full colour navigation tool in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of Washington DC, so begin your journey now! Durable and waterproof Easy-fold format and convenient size Handy slipcase Full colour and easy-to-use Extensive street and site index Images and information about top city attractions Handy transport maps Practical travel tips and directory Itinerary suggestions Covers Capitol Hill, Adams Morgan, Logan Circle, Columbia Heights, Kalorama, Woodley Park, Pleasant Plains, Meridian Hill, Le Droit Park, Georgetown, Upper Northeast DC, Dupont Circle, Bloomingdale, Foggy Bottom, Penn Quarter, National Mall, Rosslyn, Southwest DC, Arlington, Courthouse Check out Lonely Planet Washington DC, our most comprehensive guidebook to the city, covering the top sights and most authentic off-beat experiences. Or check out Lonely Planet Pocket Washington DC, a handy-sized guide focused on the can't-miss experiences for a quick trip. About Lonely Planet: Since 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel media company with guidebooks to every destination, an award-winning website, mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet covers must-see spots but also enables curious travellers to get off beaten paths to understand more of the culture of the places in which they find themselves. The world awaits! Lonely Planet guides have won the TripAdvisor Traveler's Choice Award in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Plays from Romania: Dramaturgies of Subversion: Lowlands; The Spectator Sentenced to Death; The Passport; Stories of the Body (Artemisia, Eva, Lina, Teresa); The Man Who Had His Inner Evil Removed; Sexodrom
Plays from Romania: Dramaturgies of Subversion reflects the diversity of dramatic writing exploring the past and present of Romania, and takes stock thirty years after the collapse of communism. In addition to plays originally written in Romanian, the collection includes work by German, Hungarian and Roma authors born and/or working in Romania, and brings together plays written during the communist period and its aftermath. The plays included in the collection, edited and translated by Jozefina Komporaly and fully published for the first time in English, demonstrate broad variety in terms of form and content – ranging from family dramas to allegories, and absurdist experiments to modular texts rooted in open dramaturgy – and are the work of both individual playwrights and the results of collective creation. These works share a preoccupation with critically reflecting urgent concerns rooted in Romanian realities, and are notable dramaturgical experiments that push the boundaries of the genre. In addition, these plays also seek novel ways to examine universal experiences of the human condition, such as love, loss, abuse, betrayal, grief, violence, manipulation and despair. This unique anthology celebrates the renewed vitality and variety of writing for the stage after 1990, and endeavours to place Romanian theatre in a forward-looking transnational context. Lowlands ('Niederungen') by Herta Müller, adapted for the stage by Mihaela Panainte (German) This stage adaptation is based on a volume of short stories by Herta Müller written in German in 1982 and focuses on the perspective of a child narrator, by way of a series of episodes that centre on mundane aspects of daily life in a remote village against the backdrop of the oppressive atmosphere of mid-twentieth century Romania. The Spectator Sentenced to Death ('Spectatorul condamnat la moarte') by Matéi Visniec (Romanian) This play is a bitter parody of the Stalinist justice system, which totally disregards the fundamental question whether the accused is actually guilty or not. The Passport ('Kalucsni') by György Dragomán (Hungarian) This play is set pre-1989 in a typical small town in the Transylvanian province of Romania, in which the lives of the various social classes, and the fate of the persecuted and that of those who persecute are closely intertwined. The Man Who Had His Inner Evil Removed ('Omul din care a fost extras raul') by Matéi Visniec (Romanian) This topical play is a sharp reflection on the voluntary servitude in which we place ourselves, often unawares, in conditions of our contemporary consumer culture, and a fierce critique of increasingly dominant tendencies to abandon moral criteria in political life. Stories of the Body (Artemisia, Eva, Lina, Teresa) ('A test történetei') by András Visky (Hungarian) The cycle Stories of the Body comprises four plays based on real life stories as experienced by remarkable women (including Mother Teresa and Italian Renaissance painter Artemisia Gentileschi), and are connected to various cities including Budapest, Cluj/Kolozsvár, Kolkata and Rome, from the 17th to the 21st century. Sexodrom by Giuvlipen Theatre Company (Mihaela Dragan, Antonella Lerca Duda, Nicoleta Ghita, Zita Moldovan, Bety Pisica, Oana Rusu, Raj Alexandru Udrea), based on a concept by Bogdan Georgescu.(Roma) This is a work of collective creation by members of the Roma Theatre company Giuvlipen, aiming to bring to public attention taboo subjects, to enhance the visibility of Roma performers and to experiment with new forms of theatre-making in a Romanian context.
Springer International Publishing AG United Nations Peace Operations in a Changing Global Order
“I have seen the UN perform on a changing global stage in many UN missions. This book examines how the UN must continue to evolve amongst changing state actors, differing regional organisations and a constant global paradigm shift. It is essential material for enhancing one’s understanding of the nature of international conflict and for the continued relevance of the UN as a key stakeholder and participant in world affairs.”—Maj. Gen. Kristin Lund, Head of Mission and Chief of Staff, UN peacekeeping mission in the Middle East (UNTSO)“This outstanding collection is a must-read for anyone interested in the central challenges of peacekeeping today. From big ideas about changes in global order, to more focused analyses of policing and the protection of civilians, this book provides a comprehensive overview of where peacekeeping is now, and what we may expect in the future.”—Lise Morjé Howard, Associate Professor, Georgetown University“The book analyses recent developments in UN peacekeeping in the context of the historic changes underway in the global order. I would recommend it to policy makers, peacekeepers and scholars who wish to understand, optimise and improve the effectiveness of modern peacekeeping.”—Lt. Gen. Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz, former Force Commander in the UN missions in the DRC (MONUSCO) and Haiti (MINUSTAH)“Peacekeeping has been the most visible UN activity in its primary mandate to maintain international peace and security. In a world in disarray, as security threats mutate and the world order shifts away from US primacy and fresh challenges arise, the UN must respond with nimbleness and flexibility to stay relevant. This exceptional collection of analyses by experts from both the global North and South will be of interest to practitioners and scholars alike – highly recommended.”—Ramesh Thakur, Professor, Australian National University“Peacekeeping is not what it was even a decade ago: global power is shifting, new types of conflicts are emerging, and demands on the United Nations and regional organizations are growing. Anyone interested in contemporary conflict resolution and the changing character of international peace operations should read this excellent book.”—Roland Paris, Professor of International Affairs, University of Ottawa“This book is an insightful and forward-looking scholarly contribution to debates within the United Nations. It shows how profound the recent changes affecting peace operations are and pushes us all to rethink our assumptions about conflict, peace and the role of international organizations. It could not come at a better moment.”—Jean-Marie Guehenno, UN High-level Advisory Board on Mediation, former UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping OperationsThis open access book explores how UN peace operations are adapting to four transformational trends in the changing global order: (1) the rebalancing of relations between states of the global North and the global South; (2) the rise of regional organisations as providers of peace; (3) the rise of violent extremism and fundamentalist non-state actors; and (4) increasing demands from non-state actors for greater emphasis on human security. It identifies emerging conflict and peace trends (robustness of responses, rise of non-state threats, cross-state conflicts) and puts them in the context of tectonic shifts in the global order (rise of emerging powers, North–South rebalancing, emergence of regional organisations as providers of peace). The volume stimulates a discussion between practitioners and academics from the global North and South, and offers an analysis of how the international community collectively makes sense of the changing global order and its implications for UN peace operations.
Open University Press Reconsidering Neighbourhoods and Living with Dementia: Spaces, Places, and People
“This book holds the story of a monumental research effort… It provides a moving, thoughtful, understanding of what “neighbourhood” means and is a beacon for efforts aimed at improving the quality of life of all involved.”Steven R. Sabat, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA“It is indicative reading for educators, researchers, clinicians and policy makers nationally and internationally. By grounding the underpinning research in the lived experience of people with dementia, the book’s appeal extends to voluntary and community groups. Reading it is a must!”Assumpta Ryan, Professor of Ageing and Health, Ulster University, UK“A remarkable contribution to the ‘Reconsidering Dementia’ series.”Bob Woods, Emeritus Professor, Bangor University, UKThis book provides research based insights into the lived experience of dementia, aging in place and the use of participatory and creative social research approaches in the field of dementia studies. For the first time the key findings of one of the UKs largest funded social science research projects, the Neighbourhoods study, are assembled into one accessibly written blueprint for dementia care aiding better understanding of the place and position of those living with dementia in the home and neighbourhood context.Reconsidering Neighbourhoods and Living with Dementia highlights the importance of home for people living with dementia and that neighbourhoods are seen to be relational, virtual, technological, connected, lived, remembered, and imagined, and to exist within and across time. The book is organised under five key parts:•The Lived Neighbourhood•Neighbourhoods, Measurement and Technology•Neighbourhoods and Big Data•Personal Well-Being and Neighbourhood Programme Support•Bringing it Together and Future Directions This comprehensive book is appropriate to a wide range of readers and disciplines including those living with dementia, the related health and voluntary professions, family carers, practitioners, academics, and students undertaking a variety of courses aligned to gerontology, dementia studies and human geography.The Reconsidering Dementia Series is an interdisciplinary series published by Open University Press that covers contemporary issues to challenge and engage readers in thinking deeply about the topic. The dementia field has developed rapidly in its scope and practice over the past ten years and books in this series will unpack not only what this means for the student, academic and practitioner, but also for all those affected by dementia.Series Editors: Dr Keith Oliver and Professor Dawn Brooker MBE.John Keady is a mental health nurse who has been involved in dementia care for over 30 years. Since 2006, he has held a joint appointment between the University of Manchester and the Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust. He was the Chief Investigator of the Neighbourhoods study.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Last Refuge of the Knights Templar: The Ultimate Secret of the Pike Letters
A modern-day thriller centered on authentic historical letters encoded with Templar and Rosicrucian secrets • Includes the actual text of recently discovered correspondence between two famous 19th-century Masonic leaders, Albert Pike and Colonel J. W. B. MacLeod Moore • Follows the protagonists, Thomas and Janet, as they seek to protect the Pike letters’ secret from the Vatican and its fanatical Jesuit hitman as well as others who desire to use the letters’ secret for world domination • Also includes a short biography of controversial Masonic icon Albert Pike Centered on recently discovered, authenticated correspondence between two famous 19th-century Masonic leaders, Confederate General Albert Pike and British Colonel James Wilson Bury MacLeod Moore, this modern-day thriller follows Thomas, a direct descendant of Col. Moore, and Janet Rose, a direct descendant of the Merovingian Kings and House of David, as they risk their lives to protect the letters and the Templar and Rosicrucian secrets encoded within them. As Thomas and Janet discover, everyone--from the Church to the White House to Confederate sympathizers and the KKK--seeks the ancient knowledge contained within the letters, knowledge that would allow a singular entity to control the world and bring all of the great religions to their knees. Pitted against a psychotic and sexually perverted Jesuit priest, tasked by the Vatican’s inner circle to retrieve the Pike letters, the couple is aided by two Templar guardians and a modern-day practicing alchemist, Janet’s grandfather. As Thomas and Janet’s love for one another grows, the couple transcends to a higher level of understanding, unaware that they are following the same ancient morals and dogma found within the 33 degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, as defined by none other than Albert Pike himself. Part fact, part fiction, the novel, with its 33 initiatory chapters, provides a rare glimpse into the inner circles of modern-day Freemasonry, along with revelations of ancient alliances between Native Americans and the Templars. Set in Georgetown, in the heart of Washington, D.C., the story ends with a dramatic unveiling of the ultimate New World secret sought by so many factions: the location of the last Knights Templar refuge in the New World, where the lost treasure of the Templars, including sacred knowledge of the Holy Family--the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene--remains to this day.
Harvard Business Review Press Energy Rising: The Neuroscience of Leading with Emotional Power
Your success in life—at work and at home—rises when you harness the energy that powers your brain. A neuropsychologist explains how.Your drive to create change, catalyze impact, and build relationships all come from neuroelectrical energy—real, electrical impulses—firing in your brain. Who you are as a person depends on how you work with this energy. When this energy rises within you, you feel empowered and dynamic. But when this energy falls, you feel down, stressed, and defeated.You may feel as if you don't control your emotional energy, that it's an inevitable consequence of the world around you and the forces bearing down on you. But that's not the case. To reach your full potential, you can learn to recognize and harness the energy in your brain. Leading neuropsychologist Julia DiGangi will teach you how through eight "codes." Some of the codes will surprise you. All will fortify you. You will learn why these codes work and how to apply them to your own challenges through exercises and reflections.When you start viewing your life less about the activities you do and more about the natural energies within and around you, your power to live and lead with impact grows exponentially. Energy Rising offers you a provocative and neuroscientifically accurate path to greater emotional power, influence, and connection, both at work and at home.DiGangi's lab and clinical work have been conducted at Harvard, Columbia, Georgetown University, the University of Chicago, DePaul, and the University of Illinois Chicago. Her fMRI and EEG research has helped business leaders, parents, couples, educators, and military leaders. Her work, rooted in resilience after extreme stress, will show you how to effectively deal with struggles you currently face. She tells the stories of business leaders, parents, couples—and even combat veterans and trauma survivors—who used the eight codes to rise.Get ready to feel your energy rising.
Open University Press A-Z of Play in Early Childhood
This indispensible guide uses a unique glossary format to explore some of the key themes in play in early childhood, many of which regularly arise for students, tutors, parents and practitioners. As well as covering key concepts, theories and influential figures in the field, the book considers important aspects of each construct and highlights the complexity of play in early childhood. Each section of the book: Outlines key aspects of a construct in relation to play Includes a wide range of references Summarizes research from an international perspective Offers insights from other well known figures with expertise in play This book takes the stance that play is vital to children’s holistic development, self-efficacy and well-being and that play, and playful learning and teaching, is the essential ingredient in order for children to develop enthusiastic dispositions to learning. This positive view of play draws on the author’s extensive experience and observations of children playing in preschool settings, early years classrooms, out in the park and in different home situations. This essential reference book is vital reading for all those working and playing with young children and students on early childhood courses.“Janet writes in a brilliantly authoritative style as she draws in research and researchers who surround quite contentious and complex issues. This is a scholarly text and is to be trusted.”Dr Kathy Goouch, Reader in Education, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK“In this fascinating and engaging text, Janet Moyles does not attempt to define play...This text will be invaluable to early childhood students and practitioners and to all those interested in extending their thinking about play.”Professor Trisha Maynard, Director, Research Centre for Children, Families and Communities, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK“This book certainly works a useful dictionary to remind us of what (for example) ‘epistemic play’ means, but I would advise readers to approach it more playfully... The imaginative use of photographs to illustrate entries, combined with illustrative examples, helps to make distinctions between the different types/aspects of play, and unobtrusive referencing is available for those who have been inspired to pursue particular interests further.”Dr Jan Georgeson, Research Fellow in Early Education Development, Plymouth University, UK“Janet’s brilliant idea - coupled with her characteristic meticulous application - has provided early childhood education and care with a rich treasure trove: a book to use for reference, as a starting point for reflection, a spark for debate and, importantly, a reiteration of the central role of play in the lives of children.”Tricia David, Emeritus Professor, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Joanstown and Other Poems
Between the title poem and other poems in the collection, Michael Gilkes sets up a dialogue about memory and experience through time. Joanstown celebrates, in the voice of both younger and older selves, the interweaving of a loved woman and a place. The elegant Georgetown of the 1940s, with its 'cross-stitching of avenues, bridges, canals' is transfigured by the presence of the beloved as she becomes the city's embodiment. The very concreteness of the recreation of a time when happiness came so easily, and of the genesis of a marriage whose seeming perfection leads to hubris, is made the more moving for the reader by the framing awareness of its evanescence.But there are other frames that transform the experience of loss into the consolations of art. In exploring the ancient hinterland of metamorphosis behind metaphor, Gilkes puts change at the heart of life. There is the transformation by love's fire of the lumpen boy, the class clown, 'a quasi-Quasimodo humped over a wooden desk', into the transfigured bridegroom whose 'body... floated towards the organ loft', or of the town's zinc roofs which 'curled like leaves' over the burning city, or of Joanstown's innocence inverted in the horror of Jonestown: 'carnage in paradise'. Another frame uses the base elements. In Guyana, fire and flood represent a constant cycle of destruction and renewal. This offers a rich source of visual metaphor but also brings to the poems a sense of time beyond the linearity of loss. The mud, rivers and rainforest of Guyana give birth, for instance, to the iridescent imagination of Wilson Harris, the 'steersman' whose example Gilkes so gracefully acknowledges.There are poems of lyric grace, intellectual playfulness and ironic wit; poems where Gilkes brings a painter's eye to his descriptions of both urban Guyana and its rainforests. Carefully sculpted sonnets, dramatic monologues, a pithy Creole letter and a calypso narrative show the range of Gilkes' voice, revealing him to be not only one of the Caribbean's most distinguished critics and dramatists, but a poet of major accomplishment. Joanstown won the 2002 Guyana Prize as the best collection of poetry.Michael Gilkes was born in Guyana in 1933 and left in 1961, but has never strayed far from Guyana and the Caribbean. He is one of the region's foremost literary critics and playwrights, as well as an actor, director, film-maker and university lecturer.
Bradt Travel Guides Guyana
This new third edition of Bradt's Guyana remains the only guidebook available to this South American gem, a jungle-clad country teeming with exotic wildlife. Thoroughly researched, easy to use and interesting to read, Bradt's Guyana is written and updated by writers who have lived in and promoted Guyana for many years and is an ideal companion for all travellers, from wildlife watchers to fishermen, anthropologists to conservationists and 'voluntourists'. Guyana is a destination on the rise, described - justifiably - by the tourist board as 'South America Undiscovered'. This new edition of Bradt's Guyana has been updated to include all the latest developments, ranging from how to see harpy eagles at Warapoka to new culinary experiences, local tour operators, 4x4 self-drive and new hotels. Truly off the beaten track, Guyana is one of the most fascinating and least-known countries in the Americas. It is also the only English-speaking country in South America. The jewel in its crown is the mouth-droppingly beautiful Kaieteur Falls, which is nearly five times the height of Niagara and the world's tallest single-drop waterfall. Culturally Caribbean, its capital Georgetown is a curious melting-pot of quaint Dutch and British colonial architecture, steel drums, boisterous nightlife, rum shops with world-class rum, cricket and tropical sea breezes. It is also the gateway to the lush interior which is full to the brim with fascinating flora and fauna including monkeys, black caiman, harpy eagles, giant anteaters, otters and the mighty jaguar. With Bradt's Guyana, discover all of this, plus where to stay in community lodges and see the rainforest through the eyes of Amerindian guides, where to watch turtles nesting on the beach, how to explore the moody Essequibo river (the largest between the Orinoco and the Amazon), and how to visit the million-acre rainforest reserve of Iwokrama for the ultimate authentic wildlife experience. This third edition of Bradt's Guyana is the key book to plan an expedition into its densely forested lush interior, often accessible only by boat or small aircraft, before taking some 'time to lime' in a hammock in one of its tropical waterfront resorts.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Seattle City Map
From Lonely Planet, the world's leading travel guide publisher Durable and waterproof, with a handy slipcase and an easy-fold format, Lonely Planet Seattle City Map is your conveniently-sized passport to traveling with ease. Get more from your map and your trip with images and information about top city attractions, walking tour routes, transport maps, itinerary suggestions, extensive street and site index, and practical travel tips and directory. With this easy-to-use, full colour navigation tool in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of Seattle, so begin your journey now! Durable and waterproof Easy-fold format and convenient size Handy slipcase Full colour and easy-to-use Extensive street and site index Images and information about top city attractions Handy transport maps Walking tour routes Practical travel tips and directory Itinerary suggestions Covers Ballard, Beacon Hill, Belltown, Capitol Hill, Central District, Columbia, Denny Triangle, Downtown, Eastlake, First Hill, Fremont, Georgetown, Green Lake, High Point, Interbay, International District, Laurelhurst, Little Saigon, Lower Queen Anne, Madison Park, Madison Valley, Madrona, Magnolia, Montlake, Phinney Ridge, Pioneer Square, Portage Bay, Queen Anne, Rainier Valley, Ravenna, Sand Point, Seattle Center, Sodo, South Lake Union, The Waterfront, U District, Wallingford, West Edge, West Seattle Check out Lonely Planet Seattle, our most comprehensive guidebook to the city, covering the top sights and most authentic off-beat experiences. Or check out Lonely Planet Pocket Seattle, a handy-sized guide focused on the can't-miss experiences for a quick trip. About Lonely Planet: Since 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel media company with guidebooks to every destination, an award-winning website, mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet covers must-see spots but also enables curious travellers to get off beaten paths to understand more of the culture of the places in which they find themselves. The world awaits! Lonely Planet guides have won the TripAdvisor Traveler's Choice Award in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. 'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves, it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times
American University in Cairo Press Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics, no. 42: Literature Confronting Mortality
A wide-ranging, multi-disciplinary collection of essays that decenter, critique, and problematize predominant notions of the meaning of mortality for human creativityThis issue of Alif explores the ways in which humans have come to confront their mortality across time and space. Contributions question the nature of loss, grief, and the possibility of an afterlife. Is death only an interlude? Perhaps simply the end? How have people used literature and the arts to conceptualize its relentless presence in our existence?The articles in this issue decenter, critique, and problematize predominant notions of the meaning of mortality for human creativity. They provide a wide scope of responses to mortality, anthropologically, philosophically, and psychologically. They shed light on different cultural receptions of loss, annihilation, and mortality, ranging from India to Yemen, Palestine to Iraq, the Island of Lampedusa to the war-ravished city of Beirut, among many other locales. Death is dealt with in an intimate fashion through the exploration and reinterpretation of modern and classical elegiac poetry, children’s picturebooks, fictional accounts of war, grief, and displacement, and dramatic treatments of dying and the afterlife.Contributors: Hajjaj Abu Jabr, Egyptian Academy of Arts, Cairo, EgyptKaram AbuSehly, Beni-Suef University, Beni Suef, EgyptHala Amin, Beni-Suef University, Beni Suef, EgyptShaimaa El-Ateek, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaMohamed Birairi, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt, and American University in Cairo, Cairo, EgyptElliott Colla, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USASaeed Elmasry, Cairo University, Cairo, EgyptShaimaa Gohar, Ain Shams University, Cairo, EgyptWalid El Khachab, York University, Toronto, CanadaYasmine Motawy, American University in Cairo, Cairo, EgyptDani Nassif, University of Münster, Münster, GermanyAndrea Maria Negri, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, GermanyMarwa Ramadan, Zagazig University, Zagazig, EgyptCaroline Rooney, University of Kent, Kent, United KingdomTania Al Saadi, Stockholm University, Stockholm, SwedenMay Telmissany, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, CanadaShahla Ujayli, American University of Madaba, Madaba, Jordan
Peepal Tree Press Ltd Vincent Roth, A Life in Guyana, Volume 2: The Later Years 1924-1935
The second part of Vincent Roth's memoirs of a life in Guyana covers the years between 1923 and 1935 when a second bout of blackwater fever nearly killed him and forced his retirement from working in the interior.In addition to his job as a government surveyor (one task was to survey a mere 400,000 acres between the Demerara and Berbice rivers) Roth was appointed as Warden of the Mazaruni, a post which combined being magistrate, inspector of weights and measures and regulator of the diamond and gold mining in the area - tasks which brought him into a world far from the proprieties of colonial Georgetown. There are vivid accounts of the Saturday night festivities when hundreds of prospectors and the 'women of the fields', gaudy birds of paradise, gathered at the trading posts for music, drinking, gambling and much more.What comes over is a picture (a mixed and contradictory one) of Guyana as, on the whole, an enterprising and pioneering society. Much of Roth's work was concerned with surveying the lots of farmers and gold and diamond prospectors - people creating if not great wealth, at least making things happen. But he also has a sharp eye for grandiose follies; interior enterprises built on dreams of wealth but inadequate foundations of knowledge. Their memorials lie in the ruins of mines collapsing into bush. And though Roth has an acerbic view of jumped-up officialdom and bureaucratic incompetence, he neverthess gives a picture of a country that worked, where the mail and the daily papers reached the remotest parts of the interior, but where the obliterating power of nature over human effort had to be constantly resisted. His accounts of roadbuilding and ideas for agricultural schemes suggest possibilities not yet realised in the Guyana of the present.In this volume, Roth grows from energetic and opinionated young manhood to a more relaxed and unbuttoned maturity. There is an affectionate portrayal of his relations with his father (and samples of Roth senior's appalling jokes!) and with his two sons who join him on his later expeditions. An epilogue, written by his son-in-law, Michael Bennett, takes Roth's story beyond the days of his journal to note the contribution he made to Guyana in his journalism, his historical writing and his work with the museum and the zoological gardens.Between 1907 and 1964, Vincent Roth contributed immensely to the development of Guyana, first as a surveyor in the interior, then as a journalist, historian and naturalist.
Random House USA Inc Fodors Washington D.C.
Whether you want to explore the Smithsonian Museums, stroll along the Wharf, or dine in the city''s increasingly sophisticated restaurant scene, the local Fodor''s travel experts in Washington D.C. are here to help! Fodor''s Washington D.C. guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos.Fodor''s Washington D.C. travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 20 DETAILED MAPS and a FREE PULL-OUT MAP to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “What to Buy,” “Under the Radar,” “D.C. with kids,” and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, music, and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “What to Watch and Read Before You Visit,” and “What to Eat and Drink” LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: The Washington Monument, the White House, the Capitol Building, the National Mall, the Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian museums, Arlington National Cemetery, Georgetown''s boutiques, U Street''s restaurants, Alexandria, Mount Vernon, Annapolis, Baltimore, and more. Planning on visiting other parts of the east coast? Check out Fodor''s New York City, Fodor''s Boston, and Fodor''s Maine Coast.*Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR''S AUTHORS: Each Fodor''s Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor''s has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Skyhorse Publishing The 7 Secret Keys to Startup Success: What You Need to Know to Win
Finally, a new kind of business startup book—packed full of practical advice plus essential legal information you really need but don’t get in business school or anywhere else!The 7 Secret Keys to Startup Success is the one book every entrepreneur should have. David J. Muchow, an award-winning, thirty-year serial entrepreneur and lawyer, gives you practical legal and business advice covering every aspect of entrepreneurship—and it’s fun to read! It includes all the basics of building and growing a business—management, fundraising, marketing, intellectual property, and risk management—plus much more, like how to avoid the hidden mistakes that cause “Startup Suicide” and kill 80 percent of startups in the first year. There are also model legal forms and charts along with fun-to-read stories and examples. Muchow, who teaches law, business, and entrepreneurship at Georgetown University, has advised hundreds of businesses on how to succeed. The book reveals key mistakes that can kill businesses. For example, blogging about your new products can prevent getting a patent. And giving away too much equity and picking the wrong partners can be fatal. At the macro level, the book describes why the US should create a National Ecosystem to Support Startups (NESS) to increase our competitiveness, which could take startups from a concept to commercialization in just ninety days and speed up the patent process.This unique guide, which focuses on both the business and legal aspects of startups, is a must-have for every aspiring entrepreneur, small business owner, startup incubator, student, and for business and law schools. In The7 Secret Keys to Startup Success, you will learn: How to cut legal expenses and manage lawyers How to fire employees and partners without getting sued Patent, trademark and copyright strategies and tricks How to raise money without SEC problems How to avoid the financial “Valley of Death” What “to do” but also “what not to do" to avoid “startup suicide.” Business books can be fun! Enjoy the many business stories, such as how Ivanka Trump was sued for trademark infringement over her Hettie Sandal design and Oprah Winfrey’s battle to protect her intellectual property for O Magazine. At the end of each chapter are examples, inspired by Muchow’s years as a foreign agent and federal prosecutor, which demonstrate the principles in that chapter. They’re told by Professor Scooter Magee, the Startup Expert, as he helps startups prevent Startup Suicide and achieve success while fighting the CIA and others. Think Professor Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark meets Bar Rescue or Silicon Valley! Enjoy Scooter’s adventures while learning the critical real-life startup legal and business lessons that can help you be successful. In short, The 7 Secret Keys to Startup Success is a new kind of startup book—it’s like having both an expert attorney and a consultant by your side every step of the way on your startup’s journey to success—while enjoying the ride!
Little, Brown Book Group Bridgerton: The Duke and I (Bridgertons Book 1): The Sunday Times bestselling inspiration for the Netflix Original Series Bridgerton
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'A veritable treat' Daily MailThe first novel in Julia Quinn's worldwide bestselling Bridgerton novels, now a series created by Shondaland for Netflix. This is the story of Daphne Bridgerton and the Duke: welcome to the ballrooms of Regency London . . . ________________________________________Can there be any greater challenge to London's Ambitious Mamas than an unmarried duke? Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, April 1813By all accounts, Simon Basset is on the verge of proposing to his best friend's sister, the lovely - and almost-on-the-shelf - Daphne Bridgerton. But the two of them know the truth - it's all an elaborate plan to keep Simon free from marriage-minded society mothers. And as for Daphne, surely she will attract some worthy suitors now that it seems a duke has declared her desirable . . .Their ruse works like a charm - at first. But as Daphne waltzes across ballroom after ballroom with Simon, it's hard to remember that their courtship is a complete sham. Maybe it's his devilish smile, certainly it's the way his eyes seem to burn every time he looks at her. It wasn't the plan, but it seems she's falling for the duke, for real. And amidst the glittering, gossipy, cut-throat world of London's elite, there is only one certainty: love ignores every rule . . .Find out why readers love Julia Quinn . . .'Light, pacy and full of feisty heroines' Guardian on the Bridgerton series'Julia Quinn's Bridgerton books take all of the classic tropes we know and love . . . and gives them a thoroughly modern twist. I can't focus on anything else' Stylist'Quinn is a master of historical romance' Entertainment Weekly'A smart, funny touch' Time Magazine'Like an episode of Downton Abbey mixed with a great rom-com' iBooks Best Books of March'Powered by a surfeit of dazzling wit and graced with a cast of unforgettable characters' Booklist'A romance readers will not want to put down . . . Hooray Julia!' Romance Reviews Today'Quinn writes delightfully fast-paced, funny, sparkling and bright romance' Romantic Times'The next best thing to Georgette Heyer' Gloss'Julia Quinn is one of the best historical romance novelists of our time' Heroes and Heartbreakers'Quinn excels in writing stories full of joy and delight, where laughter trembles on the edges' Happy Ever After'Full of wit, charm and smouldering attraction . . . an unputdownable story that I think romance fans will treasure' Harlequin Junkie'Quinn is incomparable! The latest addition to her beloved Bridgerton series is funny, charming, witty and wildly romantic' RT Book Reviews
Random House USA Inc Fodor's Washington, D.C.: with Mount Vernon and Alexandria
Whether you want to explore the Smithsonian Museums, stroll along the Wharf, or dine in the city's increasingly sophisticated restaurant scene, the local Fodor's travel experts in Washington D.C. are here to help! Fodor's Washington D.C. guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos.Fodor's Washington D.C. travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 20 DETAILED MAPS to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “What to Buy,” “Under the Radar,” “D.C. with kids,” and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, music, and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “What to Watch and Read Before You Visit,” and “What to Eat and Drink” LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: The Washington Monument, the White House, the Capitol Building, the National Mall, the Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian museums, Arlington National Cemetery, Georgetown's boutiques, U Street's restaurants, Alexandria, Mount Vernon, Annapolis, Baltimore, and more. Planning on visiting other parts of the east coast? Check out Fodor's New York City, Fodor's Boston, and Fodor's Maine Coast.*Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor's has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Sourcebooks, Inc The India Fan
"A mesmerizing story of blackmail, romance, and deception."—Associated PressA parson's daughter, Druscilla Delaney is enthralled by her wealthy, glamorous neighbors—the Framlings—and their handsome son, Fabian. They gift her with a priceless heirloom, a beautiful fan that brings with it a terrible curse. Beautiful as its peacock feathers may be, the priceless fan hidden deep in the Framling mansion has a legacy of death and destruction. And Druscilla has no idea she's been marked by its curse. But the fan's dark past might prove less of a danger than Fabian Framling himself. Dark, brooding, and dominating, will he be the one to save her from the fan's cruel fate…or cause her demise? Including elements of historical romance and romantic suspense, The India Fan is a spellbinding tale from the Queen of Gothic Romance. Fast-paced and gripping, fans of Georgette Heyer, Mary Stewart, and Daphne Du Maurier will be awestruck by this Victorian gothic thriller complete with romance, murder, and mayhem. Other Titles from Victoria HoltPride and the Peacock: To secure her inheritance, Jessica Clavering agrees to a marriage of convenience, but will her handsome new husband's desire for her ever surpass his obsession with a famously cursed opal?The Shivering Sands: Caroline Verlaine's sister has gone missing and no one can tell her why. The only option is to go where Roma was last seen—an estate with a deadly history. The Time of the Hunter's Moon: According to legend, a girl will see her future husband at the time of the hunter's moon. But when the handsome stranger revealed to Cordelia Grant disappears after an all-too-brief encounter, she has to wonder: Was he merely an apparition...or something more?What readers are saying about The India Fan"The India Fan was beautiful. It was long and complex and draining. It was gripping.""Once you start, you can't put it down.""A knock-out novel of mysticism and murder…""This book brings memories!!! I read it when I was in high school and it remains one of my favorite books to read."What reviewers are saying about The India Fan "…romance, curses, dark secrets, and a Gothic tale of epic proportions"—My Book Addiction and More"…an absolutely engrossing read. The story-telling is excellent and I found the historical background fascinating."—Romantic Historical Lovers"Enthralling."—The New York Times Book Review"Fresh and steadily compelling."—Kirkus"Readers will savor this sweeping coming-of-age tale"—Publishers Weekly"The India Fan is one of those epic stories that you can completely immerse yourself in and it will stay in your memory for years."—Great HistoricalsWhat everyone is saying about the Queen of Gothic Romance Victoria Holt"Victoria Holt's writing is captivating"—Bookfoolery"She spins history with romance and intrigue and always leaves me wanting more.""Holt's stories are spell turners.""I love her books! I have read all of them again and again. She is a wonderful storyteller.""One of the supreme writers of gothic romance, a compelling storyteller whose gripping novels have thrilled millions."—RT Book Reviews