Search results for ""Author Louis""
Ökobuch Verlag GmbH Htten von Kindern selbst gebaut
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Qu'est-Ce Que Le Cosmopolitisme?
Les Belles Lettres Le de Architectura de Vitruve
Les Belles Lettres Antiphon Discours. Fragments
Baraka Books Lets Move on
A&U Children's Prince of Afghanistan
Prometheus Books Rampage Nation: Securing America from Mass Shootings
In the past decade, no individual act of violence has killed more people in the United States than the mass shooting. This well-researched, forcefully argued book answers some of the most pressing questions facing our society: Why do people go on killing sprees? Are gun-free zones magnets for deadly rampages? What can we do to curb the carnage of this disturbing form of firearm violence? Contrary to conventional wisdom, the author shows that gun possession often prods aggrieved, mentally unstable individuals to go on shooting sprees; these attacks largely occur in places where guns are not prohibited by law; and sensible gun-control measures like the federal Assault Weapons Ban-which helped drastically reduce rampage violence when it was in effect-are instrumental to keeping Americans safe from mass shootings in the future. To stem gun massacres, the author proposes several original policy prescriptions, ranging from the enactment of sensible firearm safety reforms to an overhaul of how the justice system investigates potential active-shooter threats and prosecutes violent crimes. Calling attention to the growing problem of mass shootings,Rampage Nationdemonstrates that this unique form of gun violence is more than just a criminal justice offense or public health scourge. It is a threat to American security.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Chewing Tobacco Tin Tags: 1870-1930
Among the least known of collectibles, tobacco tags are truly part of our American history and culture. Most of these beautiful little pieces of art are over 100 years old and come in various sizes and shapes, many very colorful. They have been collected since the 1870s, and continue to be sought after today. This reference will be welcomed by collectors, old and new. With a listing of over 6000 tin tags described and priced, 2000 illustrated tags, plus the many other illustrated and related features, this new work will fill the void and bring hours of pleasure to tobacco tag fanciers.
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. ChildrenS Album Op 210 Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Concerto No 8 Op 47 Kalmus Edition
Alfred Music Concerto No 2 Kalmus Edition
University Press of Kansas Reconsidering Judicial Finality: Why the Supreme Court Is Not the Last Word on the Constitution
Federal judges, legal scholars, pundits, and reporters frequently describe the Supreme Court as the final word on the meaning of the Constitution. The historical record presents an entirely different picture. A close and revealing reading of that record, from 1789 to the present day, Reconsidering Judicial Finality reminds us of the “unalterable fact,” as Chief Justice Rehnquist once remarked, “that our judicial system, like the human beings who administer it, is fallible.” And a Court inevitably prone to miscalculation and error, as this book clearly demonstrates, cannot have the incontrovertible last word on constitutional questions.In this deeply researched, sharply reasoned work of legal myth-busting, constitutional scholar Louis Fisher explains how constitutional disputes are Settled by all three branches of government, and by the general public, with the Supreme Court often playing a secondary role. The Court’s decisions have, of course, been challenged and reversed in numerous cases—involving slavery, civil rights, child labor legislation, Japanese internment during World War II, abortion, and religious liberty. What Fisher shows us on a case-by-case basis is how the elected branches, scholars, and American public regularly press policies contrary to Court rulings—and regularly prevail, although the process might sometimes take decades. From the common misreading of Marbury v. Madison, to the mistaken understanding of the Supreme Court as the trusted guardian of individual rights, to the questionable assumptions of the Court's decision in Citizens United, Fisher’s work charts the distance and the difference between the Court as the ultimate arbiter in constitutional matters and the judgment of history.The verdict of Reconsidering Judicial Finality is clear: to treat the Supreme Court’s nine justices as democracy’s last hope or as dangerous activists undermining democracy is to vest them with undue significance. The Constitution belongs to all three branches of government—and, finally, to the American people.
Random House USA Inc The Sky-Liners/Galloway
Random House USA Inc Beyond the Great Snow Mountains: Stories
Random House USA Inc Killer, Come Hither: A Novel
Random House USA Inc Dutchman's Flat: Stories
Random House USA Inc West from Singapore: Stories
Random House USA Inc Buckskin Run: Stories
Random House USA Inc Fair Blows the Wind: A Novel
Farrar, Straus and Giroux The Free World: Art and Thought in the Cold War
HarperCollins Publishers Inc We Are Paper Toys: Print-Cut-Fold-Glue-Fun
Arranged by artists, "We Are Paper Toys!" is the most creative book of its kind available. From paper toy sketches and templates to final design layouts and finished products, each paper toy design features step-by-step instructions on how to create and personalize it. Toy designers and artists reveal why paper toys are so fun to create, how they have personalized their designs, and what suggestions they have for new toy makers. Best of all, design templates for each toy can be easily downloaded from the artists' websites so readers can print, cut, and fold their paper toys together themselves.
A A Balkema Publishers New Advances in Modal Synthesis of Large Structures: Non-linear Damped and Non-deterministic Cases: Proceedings of the international conference MV2, Lyon, France, 5-6 October 1995
The modal analysis of the structures appears to be an essential tool to master their dynamic behaviour. Particularly, the modal synthesis methods combined with the updating technics of the Finite Element models lead to the definition of strategies peculiarly efficient. At present, several developments are being carried out in order to spread these procedures to the latest requirements in structural dynamics: Vibro-acoustic . behaviour; Stochastic approach; Non-linear analysis; Introduction of composite materials. The target of the MV2 International Conference was to take stock of the new methods suggested and to assess their effectiveness. The interest in this book is to gather original works that rely on high-level approaches although these works are clearly intended to industrual applications.
All Verlag Bruno Brazil 04 Die erstarrte Stadt
Vsa Verlag Über die Reproduktion
Vsa Verlag Ideologie und ideologische Staatsapparate
Reise Know-How Rump GmbH So sind sie die sterreicher Die Fremdenversteher von Reise KnowHow
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH & Co Holes
Unionsverlag Der grosse Regen
Diogenes Verlag AG Versteckt versteckt nicht entdeckt
Klett Sprachen GmbH Holes
Les Editions Du Cenacle Fiche de lecture Aurélien de Louis Aragon (Analyse littéraire de référence et résumé complet)
Polari Press Chatham House Rules
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Cardturner
When Alton's ageing, blind uncle asks him to attend bridge games with him, he agrees. After all, it's better than a crappy summer job in the local shopping mall, and Alton's mother thinks it might secure their way to a good inheritance sometime in the future. But, like all apparently casual choices in any of Louis Sachar's wonderful books, this choice soon turns out to be a lot more complex than Alton could ever have imagined. As his relationship with his uncle develops, and he meets the very attractive Toni, deeply buried secrets are uncovered and a romance that spans decades is finally brought to conclusion. Alton's mother is in for a surprise!
WW Norton & Co Trauma Essentials: A Mental Health Quick Reference Guide
This Quick Reference Guide places the essentials of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB)—the theory of interconnection between brain, mind and relationships—at the practitioner’s fingertips. Designed to be at the therapist’s side for easy reference, a 8.5"×11" laminated card presents a facet of this omnipresent topic in six easy-to-follow panels. Readers will find diagnosis criteria and treatment modalities for various forms of trauma as well as an overview of attachment theory and the essential neuroscience concepts of attachment. Quick Reference Guides are perfect as a brief refresher for the practitioner as well as a tool for their students and clients.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Introducing Contemplative Studies
The first book-length introduction to an exciting new interdisciplinary field—written by an internationally recognized leader of the Contemplative Studies movement This is the first book-length introduction to a growing and influential interdisciplinary field focused on contemplative practice, contemplative experience, and contemplative pedagogy. Written by an internationally recognized leader in the area, Introducing Contemplative Studies seeks to provide readers with a deep and practical understanding of the nature and purpose of the field while encouraging them to find a place of their own in an increasingly widespread movement. At once comprehensive overview, critical reflection, and visionary proposal, the book explores the central approaches and issues in Contemplative Studies, tackles questions and problems that sometimes go unaddressed, and identifies promising new developments. The author also discusses contemplative pedagogy, an experiential approach to teaching and learning informed by and expressed as contemplative practice. This is a major introduction to a fast emerging interdisciplinary field that will be invaluable to those interested in the area. The only comprehensive introduction to the emerging, interdisciplinary field of Contemplative Studies Written by a distinguished leader in the Contemplative Studies movement who is founding Co-Chair of the Contemplative Studies Group of the American Academy of Religion Informed by ten years of research and practice, the book explores the field’s varied approaches and expressions Offers critical reviews of trends which will create discussions both within and outside the Contemplative Studies Liberally illustrated with both images and charts Introducing Contemplative Studies is a must-read for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, teachers and scholars in Contemplative Studies, as well as anyone who is curious about contemplative practice, meditation, contemplative experience, contemplative pedagogy, contemplative science, and, of course, the exciting field of Contemplative Studies generally.
Duke University Press From Washington to Moscow: US-Soviet Relations and the Collapse of the USSR
When the United States and the Soviet Union signed the first Strategic Arms Limitation Talks accords in 1972 it was generally seen as the point at which the USSR achieved parity with the United States. Less than twenty years later the Soviet Union had collapsed, confounding experts who never expected it to happen during their lifetimes. In From Washington to Moscow veteran US Foreign Service officer Louis Sell traces the history of US–Soviet relations between 1972 and 1991 and explains why the Cold War came to an abrupt end. Drawing heavily on archival sources and memoirs—many in Russian—as well as his own experiences, Sell vividly describes events from the perspectives of American and Soviet participants. He attributes the USSR's fall not to one specific cause but to a combination of the Soviet system's inherent weaknesses, mistakes by Mikhail Gorbachev, and challenges by Ronald Reagan and other US leaders. He shows how the USSR's rapid and humiliating collapse and the inability of the West and Russia to find a way to cooperate respectfully and collegially helped set the foundation for Vladimir Putin’s rise.
Baker Publishing Group Principles of Biblical Interpretation
This textbook covers the history of hermeneutical principles, the proper conception of the Bible, grammatical interpretation, and historical and theological interpretation.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Victorian Novel
This inspiring survey challenges conventional ways of viewing the Victorian novel. Provides time maps and overviews of historical and social contexts. Considers the relationship between the Victorian novel and historical, religious and bibliographic writing. Features short biographies of over forty Victorian authors, including Wilkie Collins, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, and Robert Louis Stevenson. Offers close readings of over 30 key texts, among them Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847) and Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897), as well as key presences, such as John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress (Pt 1, 1676, Pt 2, 1684). Also covers topics such as colonialism, scientific speculation, the psychic and the supernatural, and working class reading.
Random House Publishing Group Mojave Crossing 11 Sacketts
Louis L’Amour takes William Tell Sackett on a treacherous passage from the Arizona goldfields to the booming town of Los Angeles. Tell Sackett was no ladies’ man, but he could spot trouble easily enough. And Dorinda Robiseau was the kind of trouble he wanted to avoid at any time—even more so when he had thirty pounds of gold in his saddlebags and a long way to travel. But when she begged him for safe passage to Los Angeles, Sackett reluctantly agreed. Now he’s on a perilous journey through the most brutal desert on the continent, traveling with a companion he doesn’t trust . . . and headed for a confrontation with a deadly gunman who also bears the name of Sackett.
Random House USA Inc The Cherokee Trail: A Novel
Random House Publishing Group RIVERS WEST
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanotechnology: Basic Calculations for Engineers and Scientists
A practical workbook that bridges the gap between theory and practice in the nanotechnology field Because nanosized particles possess unique properties, nanotechnology is rapidly becoming a major interest in engineering and science. Nanotechnology: Basic Calculations for Engineers and Scientists-a logical follow-up to the author's previous text, Nanotechnology: Environmental Implications and Solutions-presents a practical overview of nanotechnology in a unique workbook format. The author has developed nearly 300 problems that provide a clear understanding of this growing field in four distinct areas of study: * Chemistry fundamentals and principles * Particle technology * Applications * Environmental concerns These problems have been carefully chosen to address the most important basic concepts, issues, and applications within each area, including such topics as patent evaluation, toxicology, particle dynamics, ventilation, risk assessment, and manufacturing. An introduction to quantum mechanics is also included in the Appendix. These stand-alone problems follow an orderly and logical progression designed to develop the reader's technical understanding. "This is certain to become the pacesetter in the field, a text to benefit both students of all technical disciplines and practicing engineers and researchers." -Dr. Howard Beim, Professor of Chemistry, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy "Dr. Theodore has covered most of the important nanotechnology subject matter in this through simple, easy-to-follow problems." -John McKenna, President and CEO, ETS, Inc.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Chemical Reactor Analysis and Applications for the Practicing Engineer
This books format follows an applications-oriented text and serves as a training tool for individuals in education and industry involved directly, or indirectly, with chemical reactors. It addresses both technical and calculational problems in this field. While this text can be complimented with texts on chemical kinetics and/or reactor design, it also stands alone as a self-teaching aid. The first part serves as an introduction to the subject title and contains chapters dealing with history, process variables, basic operations, kinetic principles, and conversion variables. The second part of the book addresses traditional reactor analysis; chapter topics include batch, CSTRs, tubular flow reactors, plus a comparison of these classes of reactors. Part 3 keys on reactor applications that include non-ideal reactors: thermal effects, interpretation of kinetic data, and reactor design. The book concludes with other reactor topics; chapter titles include catalysis, catalytic reactors, other reactions and reactors, and ABET-related topics. An extensive Appendix is also included
Random House USA Inc Holes
Random House USA Inc Bendigo Shafter (Louis L'Amour's Lost Treasures): A Novel
Random House Publishing Group Down the Long Hills Louis LAmours Lost Treasures
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Small Steps