Search results for ""author manus"
Asian Educational Services Gurkhali Manual
Nova Science Publishers Inc Organ Manufacturing
WW Norton & Co Eight Old English Poems
Included are the texts of Caedmon’s Hymn, The Battle of Brunanburh, The Dream of the Rood, The Battle of Maldon, The Wanderer, The Seafarer, Deor, and, newly added in response to changes within the Old English curriculum, The Wife’s Lament. Prepared by R. D. Fulk, the Third Edition introduces a number of important improvements to the book’s scope and coverage. The texts are based on manuscript authority and are sparingly emended, following the best scholarly editions.
Manuel Azaa
Esta biografía nos habla del Azaña político, del hombreque defiende la causa aliada durante la Gran Guerra,que fue presidente del Ateneo de Madrid y que,sobre todo, deja su impronta reformista en el primerbienio de la República. La obra nos muestra, con rigory toda clase de detalles, al Azaña que se convirtióen figura republicana por excelencia, hasta tal puntoque llegó a identificarse a la República con Azaña ya Azaña con la República, e incluso se le culpó deldesenlace de la Guerra Civil, cuando no de su mismocomienzo.Pero esta biografía nos habla también del Azañaliterario, del escritor que funda La Pluma, dirige larevista España, destaca como traductor y es autor deobras admirablemente escritas, que le hacen merecedordel Premio Nacional de Literatura.Y nos habla, al hilo del Azaña político y del Azaña literario,del Azaña más humano, del hombre de carney hueso que vive con un pathos muy intenso, aunquealgo t
Houghton Library of the Harvard College Library The Houghton Library, 1942–1967: A Selection of Color Reproductions
Celebrating Harvard’s Houghton Library’s twenty-fifth anniversary, this large and sumptuous volume highlights the diversity and value of the Houghton’s collections. It contains reproductions ranging from ancient and medieval manuscripts to the earliest printed books to the works of some of the twentieth-century’s most important and interesting authors, artists, and designers. This work is intended not merely to celebrate the achievement of the past, but also to suggest the exciting vistas of the future.
Broadman & Holman Publishers Pastors Manual
Georg Thieme Verlag Manuelle TriggerpunktTherapie
Asian Educational Services Conservation Manual
Verve Poetry Press Faulty Manufacturing
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Sustainable Manufacturing
According to the NACFAM (National Council for Advanced Manufacturing, USA) Sustainable Manufacturing is defined "as the creation of manufactured products that use processes that are non-polluting, conserve energy and natural resources, and are economically sound and safe for employees, communities, and consumers." The book covers Sustainable Manufacturing techniques such as materials and manufacturing for renewable energies; clean manufacturing technology; ecological manufacturing; energy-efficient manufacturing; remanufacturing; recycling of materials; environmentally conscious design and manufacturing processes; sustainable advanced manufacturing systems; manufacturability in sustainable product design; education and training for sustainable manufacturing.
Cengage Learning, Inc Communication Manual
Oxford University Press Inc Manufacturing Catastrophe
American economic history has traditionally been told as a narrative of industrialization and affluence collapsing into globalization and industrial decay. Offering a reappraisal of this pattern, Manufacturing Catastrophe traces the successive rise and fall of the whaling, textile, garment, electronics, and high-tech industries in Massachusetts over the past two hundred years. It shows how business, labor, and political leaders repeatedly mobilized the lure of crisischeap labor, low taxes, and generous manufacturing subsidiesto pull and push both capital and workers across the continents, repeatedly remaking the pioneering industrial cities of Fall River and New Bedford. Workersranging from migrating Azorean seamen to British weavers to Quebecois farmersand capitalistsincluding mobile manufacturers, globetrotting whalers, and multinational conglomeratorsparticipated in the creation of regional growth and, with it, American industrial ascendance. Exploring the paradoxical and recurring
Hatje Cantz HP Zimmer (German edition): es gibt im Moment keine besseren Künstler als uns in Deutschland, HP Zimmer, Tagebuch 1957 – 1965
The book offers representative excerpts from the manuscript reviewed by the artist in the early 1990s. Stylistically aware and (self-)critical, the author comments on the cultural and social climate in postwar Germany. He offers new insights into the German art scene of the postwar period and its European network, the relations between the SPUR group and the Situationist International around Guy Debord - provocations and scandals included.
Pindar Press Pictures as Language: How the Byzantines Exploited Them
Christopher Walter, in his research on Byzantine art, has been particularly concerned by the significative value of iconography. The Byzantines, perhaps more than other cultural groups, were aware that pictures could "speak". The form and content of their "message" is explored here in a series of twenty-six articles, together with the use to which this "message" could be put. The first group of six articles is concerned with manuscript illustration. The second group of six articles shows how pictures could be used for ecclesiological purposes, not only to set out the universal mission of the Church. and its relations with political authorities, but also the relations of a local Church with the ensemble. A third group of three articles is concerned with the use of pictures in order to instruct the faithful on the raison d'être of the liturgy. The fourth group of seven articles studies the use of pictures to make better known to the populace the role of saints in the life of terrestrial men. Finally two articles document the use of iconography on apotropaic objects like amulets. In an epilogue the author brings up to date the bibliography of the subjects studied in these articles.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Battleship Bismarck: A Design and Operational History
This new book on _Bismarck_ offers a forensic analysis of the design, operation and loss of Germany's greatest battleship and draws on survivors' accounts and the authors" combined decades of experience in naval architecture and command at sea. Their investigation into every aspect of this battleship has taken fifty-six years of painstaking research, during which time they conducted extensive interviews and corresponded with the ship's designers and the survivors of the battle of the Denmark Strait and Bismarck's final battle. Albert Schnarke, for instance, the former gunnery officer of _Tirpitz_, _Bismarck_'s sister ship, aided the authors greatly by translating and supplying manuscript materials from those who had participated in the design and operations. Survivors of _Bismarck_'s engagements contributed to this comprehensive study including D B H Wildish, RN, damage control officer aboard HMS _Prince of Wales_, who located photographs of battle damage to his ship. After the wreck of _Bismarck_ was discovered in June 1989, the authors served as technical consultants to Dr Robert Ballard, who led three trips to the site. Film maker and explorer James Cameron has contributed a chapter, which gives the reader a comprehensive overview of his deep-sea explorations on _Bismarck_ and it is illustrated with his team's remarkable photographs of the wreck. The result of nearly six decades of research and collaboration, this new work is an engrossing and encyclopaedic account of the events surrounding one of the most epic naval battles of World War Two. And _Battleship Bismarck_ finally resolves some of the major questions around her career, not least the most profound one of all: Who sank the _Bismarck,_ the British or the Germans?'
Pindar Press Studies in Early Christian and Medieval Irish Art, Volume III: Sculpture and Architecture
Over the past fifty years, Françoise Henry has been the leading authority on the history of early Irish art. A pupil of Henri Focillon, she united two traditions of scholarship, one French and one Irish, and her understanding of the European context within which the art of early Christian Ireland developed has had a profound influence on subsequent research. These three volumes bring together the articles that Dr. Henry published on Irish art and its European links. The first volume is concerned with enamel and metalwork, a field in which the author specialized from the beginning. Émailleurs d'Occident looks at Western enamels, among which the Irish examples figure prominently, and the development of Irish enamelling is treated separately in the following study. Metalwork is also featured, in the form of a number of Dr. Henry's important studies on hanging-bowls, croziers, and chalices. The second volume deals with Irish manuscript illumination. Since a number of the articles reprinted here were published in collaboration with Geneviève Marsh-Micheli, this volume, as Françoise Henry wished, is published as a joint work, and includes an independent article by Mrs. Marsh-Micheli on the Irish manuscripts of St. Gall and Reichenau. The manuscripts dealt with here cover the entire span of Christian Celtic art in Ireland, from the earliest works of the seventh and eighth centuries to the later manuscripts of the period between the Norman Conquest and the final collapse of Gaelic civilisation in Ireland in the late sixteenth century. There are joint studies of Irish manuscripts in Continental and English collections, and a valuable review by Françoise Henry of the facsimile edition of the Book of Lindisfarne. The third volume of Françoise Henry's Studies features her papers on early Christian architecture and sculpture in Ireland. They include one of the author's earliest contributions, Les origines de l'iconographie irlandaise, and the subject of Irish sculpture, particularly the high crosses and cross-slabs, remained one of Françoise Henry's main interests. Her list of dated inscriptions on early Irish graveslabs helps to provide a chronology for this type of monument that is of unique value. The author's studies of the monastic sites represent a particularly valuable contribution to the archaeology of early Christian Ireland. This comprises the results of nearly fifty years of field-work in some of the more inaccessible areas of Ireland. Two of the papers reprinted here carry the study of Irish sculpture into the post-Norman period, with notes on the carved decoration of the Irish Cistercian monasteries, and a figure in Lismore Cathedral.
Birkhauser Konstruktion: Manual
People involved in architecture need to be familiar with construction methods in order to be in control of their designs. New technical requirements impact on our buildings and call for up-to-date specialist knowledge, which leads to new forms of architecture. This handbook uses clearly comprehensible 3D isometric diagrams to introduce the world of contemporary construction, from concept through to the detail; photographs are used to illustrate the content. The three main chapters deal with the structure, the building envelope, and the fit-out, starting with a clear introduction to the construction principles of modern building methods. Using drawings of selected built examples at scales of 1:10 and 1:20, a deeper examination of details is possible.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers A Complete ABA Curriculum for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum with a Developmental Age of 7 Years Up to Young Adulthood: A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual Including Supporting Materials for Teaching 140 Advanced Skills
The first comprehensive ABA program designed specifically for individuals on the autism spectrum aged approximately 7 years up to young adulthood, this complete step-by-step resource contains everything needed to teach advanced skills such as organizational skills, advanced self-care skills, academic and vocational skills and advanced skills for daily living. Evidence-based, the resource guides instructors step-by-step through using ABA to teach over 140 advanced skills. The program can be individualized to meet the needs and interests of the individual, and instructions are given on how to do this. Accompanying online downloadable content contains the teaching materials needed to implement the program, including over 1000 color picture cards and worksheets, printable copies of the curriculum programs, data forms and checklists. The author also provides guidance on creating an effective ABA teaching environment, as well as a wealth of practical teaching strategies for ensuring therapy success.This is an unparalleled resource for professionals working with children and young people with ASDs who are looking for a robust and ready-to-implement ABA curriculum. It will be a valuable tool for behaviour analysts, teachers, psychologists, occupational therapists, and students in these fields, as well as to parents working with professionals to implement an ABA program.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Additive Manufacturing Technologies
This textbook covers in detail digitally-driven methods for adding materials together to form parts. A conceptual overview of additive manufacturing is given, beginning with the fundamentals so that readers can get up to speed quickly. Well-established and emerging applications such as rapid prototyping, micro-scale manufacturing, medical applications, aerospace manufacturing, rapid tooling and direct digital manufacturing are also discussed. This book provides a comprehensive overview of additive manufacturing technologies as well as relevant supporting technologies such as software systems, vacuum casting, investment casting, plating, infiltration and other systems. Reflects recent developments and trends and adheres to the ASTM, SI and other standards; Includes chapters on topics that span the entire AM value chain, including process selection, software, post-processing, industrial drivers for AM, and more; Provides a broad range of technical questions to ensure comprehensive understanding of the concepts covered.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Electrophysiology
Manual of Electrophysiology is a comprehensive guide to cardiac electrophysiology, brought together by a team of US based experts in this field. The book focuses on current understanding and the most recent advances in electrophysiology. Consisting of 16 chapters, the book begins with basic understanding of the mechanisms of arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), the pharmacology of antiarrhythmic drugs, and an introduction to electrophysiology studies. Various arrhythmias are discussed in detail, from tachycardia and bradycardia to cardiomyopathy and Brugada Syndrome. The latter part of the book provides a number of therapeutic guidelines for heart conditions, including surgical and catheter ablation of cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac resynchronisation therapy and ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring. With 350 full colour images and illustrations enhancing practical advice on the diagnosis and therapy of cardiac diseases, Manual of Electrophysiology provides indispensable guidance for physicians, clinicians and cardiologists. Key Points Essential guide to cardiac electrophysiology from a team of experts at the Universities of California and Iowa Discusses the most recent advances in the field Provides therapeutic guidelines for a number of heart conditions 350 full colour images and illustrations
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Steel Detailers' Manual
This highly illustrated manual provides practical guidance on structural steelwork detailing. It: · describes the common structural shapes in use and how they are joined to form members and complete structures · explains detailing practice and conventions · provides detailing data for standard sections, bolts and welds · emphasises the importance of tolerances in order to achieve proper site fit-up · discusses the important link between good detailing and construction costs Examples of structures include single and multi-storey buildings, towers and bridges. The detailing shown will be suitable in principle for fabrication and erection in many countries, and the sizes shown will act as a guide to preliminary design. The third edition has been revised to take account of the new Eurocodes on structural steel work, together with their National Annexes. The new edition also takes account of developments in 3-D modelling techniques and it includes more CAD standard library details.
Pelagic Publishing Bat Workers' Manual
Detailed information on all aspects of bat surveying - The Bat Workers' Manual is an essential reference for anyone wishing to obtain a licence to carry out bat work in the UK. With excellent drawings by Tom McOwat. The manual incorporates required changes and includes recommendations on the handling of bats, vaccinations against EBLV and a list of contact details for finding up-to-date advice on the subject. Updated information on legislation, and other advice, has also been included. This version of The Bat Workers' Manual is a reprint of the 3rd edition (with no change or updates from the 3rd edition 1861075588, published in 2004)
Gaia Ediciones Fundamentos de la mediacin familiar The Fundamentals of Family Mediation Manual prctico para mediadores Practical Manual for Mediators
Encuadernación: Rústica.Colección: Kaleidoscopio.La mediación familiar es una actividad consolidada en todo el mundo: miles de parejas se han servido de ella a la hora de separarse, obteniendo múltiples ventajas a muy diferentes niveles: personal, social, económico, legal... Pero cuál es la verdadera función de un mediador? Cómo puede llegar a capacitarse?Fundamentos de la mediación familiar describe detalladamente cada etapa del proceso mediador. Diseñado como un práctico manual complementario a la formación, puede utilizarse para resolver casi cualquier problema surgido en un caso de separación al suministrar toda la información básica necesaria.Abogados, jueces, terapeutas familiares, asistentes sociales, médicos, psicólogos, asesores y todos aquellos que entiendan la mediación como un método válido de Resolución de Conflictos lo encontrarán imprescindible; las parejas en ruptura, enormemente aclaratorio.Cómo dirimir las diferencias habituales que se dan en una parej
University of California Press Writing about Music: A Style Sheet
Where do you place the hyphen in "Beethoven" if it breaks between two lines? How do you cite John Coltrane's album A Love Supreme? Is it "premiere" or "premiere"? The answers and much more can be found in this definitive resource for authors, students, editors, concert producers - anyone who deals with music in print. Extending the principles devised for the classical repertoires, this revised and expanded edition now includes examples from world music, rock, jazz, popular music, and cinema. This essential volume covers some of the thorniest issues of musical discourse: how to go about describing musical works and procedures in prose, the rules for citations in notes and bibliography, and proper preparation of such materials as musical examples, tables, and illustrations. One section discusses program notes, while others explain the requirements for submitting manuscripts and electronic files, and outline best practices for student writers. An appendix lists common problem words. Updates include greatly simplified citations of Internet locators, the recognition of multiple platforms, and the expectation of paperless transmission and storage of work. Cited as the authority by The Chicago Manual of Style, this classic handbook is the go-to source for anyone writing about music.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Manual de diálisis
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Golden Atlas: The Greatest Explorations, Quests and Discoveries on Maps
'Stunning...divine' Stephen Fry ‘A fabulous book, good enough to eat with a spoon! Marvellous’ John Lloyd, creator of QI ‘Perfect for the armchair adventurer historian, this is a rich visual exploration of some of the most beautiful charts ever created’ National Geographic 'Introduces us to a whole different way of looking at maps. Great illustrations, most engaging - the author is just a mine of information' Simon Mayo's Books of the YearThe Golden Atlas is a spectacular visual history of exploration and cartography, a treasure chest of adventures from the chronicles of global discovery, illustrated with a selection of the most beautiful maps ever created. The book reveals how the world came to be known, featuring a magnificent gallery of exceptionally rare hand-coloured antique maps, paintings and engravings, many of which can only be found in the author's collection. Arranged chronologically, the reader is taken on a breathtaking expedition through Ancient Babylonian geography and Marco Polo's journey to the Mongol Khan on to buccaneers ransacking the Caribbean and the voyages of seafarers such as Captain Cook and fearless African pathfinders. Their stories are told in an engaging and compelling style, bringing vividly to life a motley collection of heroic explorers, treasure-hunters and death-dealing villains - all of them accompanied by eye-grabbing illustrations from rare maps, charts and manuscripts. The Golden Atlas takes you back to a world of darkness and peril, placing you on storm-lashed ships, frozen wastelands and the shores of hostile territories to see how the lines were drawn to form the shape of the modern world. The author's previous book, The Phantom Atlas, was a critically acclaimed international bestseller, described by Jonathan Ross as 'a spectacular, enjoyable and eye-opening read' and this new book is sure to follow suit.
Almuzara Manual de Debate
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Manufacturing Processes
Provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of a wide range of state-of-the-art materials manufacturing processes Modern manufacturing is at the core of industrial production from base materials to semi-finished goods and final products. Over the last decade, a variety of innovative methods have been developed that allow for manufacturing processes that are more versatile, less energy-consuming, and more environmentally friendly. This book provides readers with everything they need to know about the many manufacturing processes of today. Presented in three parts, Modern Manufacturing Processes starts by covering advanced manufacturing forming processes such as sheet forming, powder forming, and injection molding. The second part deals with thermal and energy-assisted manufacturing processes, including warm and hot hydrostamping. It also covers high speed forming (electromagnetic, electrohydraulic, and explosive forming). The third part reviews advanced material removal process like advanced grinding, electro-discharge machining, micro milling, and laser machining. It also looks at high speed and hard machining and examines advances in material modeling for manufacturing analysis and simulation. Offers a comprehensive overview of advanced materials manufacturing processes Provides practice-oriented information to help readers find the right manufacturing methods for the intended applications Highly relevant for material scientists and engineers in industry Modern Manufacturing Processes is an ideal book for practitioners and researchers in materials and mechanical engineering.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Everything DiSC Manual
Johns Hopkins University Press The History of the Barometer
For two centuries the barometer has been an indispensable laboratory instrument. Yet, despite its revolutionary influence on science, W. E. Knowles Middleton here offers the first complete history of the barometer as a scientific tool. Middleton relies on research from Western European documents and manuscripts of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He begins his story with a pre-history of the barometer, the Torricellian experiment, the subsequent experiments and controversies in the 1640s, and the barometric experiments during the remainder of the century. Later chapters are concerned with the mercury barometer as a scientific instrument, discussing the efforts to expand the scale to render the instrument portable, and to attain greater accuracy. These chapters follow accounts of mercury barographs, the history of the corrections to the barometer, the history of the mercury barometer in North America, and the luminescence that appears when a barometer is moved in the dark. The final chapters discuss barometers other than those using the weight of a column of mercury. A large number of the more interesting barometers seen by the author in his extensive travels appears in the appendix. Nearly 200 figures and diagrams depict the wide variety of barometers studied by the author over his long career at the Smithsonian Institution.
Laxmi Publications Manufacturing Technology II
Wolters Kluwer Health Genital Dermatology Manual
Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023! Practical and highly illustrated, Genital Dermatology Manual, 4th Edition, by Drs. Libby Edwards and Peter J. Lynch, helps clinicians at all levels of experience arrive at an accurate diagnosis for both common and rare genital dermatologic lesions. More than 500 full-color photographs are arranged by appearance for rapid identification, offering superb visual guidance even for conditions not previously encountered. This easy-to-use reference is ideal for any clinician who sees men and women with disorders of the external genitalia, including dermatologists, gynecologists, urologists, primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, and physician assistants. Arranges core chapters by disease presentation, such as patches and plaques, papules and nodules, and ulcers Includes variable morphologies, making it easier to arrive at a correct diagnosis even when encountering an atypical appearance of a common condition—for example, herpes simplex virus infection is discussed in chapters on blisters, erosions and ulcers, and special issues of immunosuppressed patients Updates include more clinical photographs throughout; an expanded therapy section including sinus tract un-roofing, vestibulectomy, lysis of adhesions and therapy of clitoral pseudocyst and phimosis; a new chapter on patient education; and new coverage of transgender and cosmetic issues Features chapters on special issues such as symptoms (itching and pain), immunosuppression, and pediatric, psychologic, and geriatric aspects of genital conditions Offers increased information on diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, as well as patient handouts suitable for copying and distribution Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
World Scientific Europe Ltd Manufacturing Operations Management
The main purpose of this book is to introduce the essential theories and tools for production (manufacturing operations) management for students in engineering, junior professionals in supply chain and production managers who are starting their career in a manufacturing firm.With a focus on selected key techniques and a practical application of these skills, the book uses a real-world inspired case studies while providing readers with in-depth exploration. Designed as a coaching handbook for instructors or motivated self-learners, it is an ideal resource for project-based learning.It is suitable for graduates in technology management and engineering, and professionals in the field of manufacturing who want to revise their practical knowledge while enhancing theoretical background.
Taylor & Francis Inc Computer-Aided Design, Engineering, and Manufacturing: Systems Techniques and Applications, Volume V, The Design of Manufacturing Systems
In the competitive business arena companies must continually strive to create new and better products faster, more efficiently, and more cost effectively than their competitors to gain and keep the competitive advantage. Computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided engineering (CAE), and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) are now the industry standard. These seven volumes give the reader a comprehensive treatment of the techniques and applications of CAD, CAE, and CAM.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Timber Construction Manual
THE DEFINITIVE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY SOURCE FOR BUILDING WITH WOOD NOW IN A THOROUGHLY UPDATED SIXTH EDITION Since its first publication in 1966, Timber Construction Manual has become the essential design and construction industry resource for building with structural glued laminated timber. Timber Construction Manual, Sixth Edition provides architects, engineers, contractors, educators, and related professionals with up-to-date information on engineered timber construction, including the latest codes, construction methods, and authoritative design recommendations. Content has been reorganized to flow easily from information on wood properties and applications to specific design considerations. Based on the most reliable technical data available, this edition has been thoroughly revised to encompass: A thorough update of all recommended design criteria for timber structural members, systems, and connections An expanded collection of real-world design examples supported with detailed schematic drawings New material on the role of glulam in sustainable building practices The latest design and construction codes, including the 2012 National Design Specification for Wood Construction, AITC 117-2010, and examples featuring ASCE 7-10 and IBC 2009 More cross-referencing to other available AITC standards on the AITC website Since 1952, the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF TIMBER CONSTRUCTION has been the national technical trade association of the structural glued laminated timber industry. AITC-recommended building and design codes for wood-based structures are considered authoritative in the United States building industry.
Society of Manufacturing Engineers Fundamentals of Manufacturing
Fundamentals of Manufacturing, Third Edition provides a structured review for the Manufacturing Technologist and Manufacturing Engineer Certification Examinations. This book has been updated according to the most recent version of the Manufacturing Fundamentals “Body of Knowledge” published by the Certified Manufacturing Technologist and Certified Manufacturing Engineer Oversight & Appeals Committee of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers.This body of knowledge is an outstanding reference for industry and academia as a standard baseline for foundational manufacturing knowledge. Reviewed by subject matter experts, the major areas of manufacturing science covered include mathematics, applied engineering science, materials, product design, manufacturing processes, production systems, automated systems and control, quality, manufacturing management, and personal effectiveness. In each area, the topics emphasised are those fundamental to basic manufacturing processes and practices.Sample problems and questions at the conclusion of each chapter are provided for practice. Answers are included to confirm the problem-solving process. A selection of over 40 SME video clips, comprising over 3 hours of content, is available online to complement study.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers ICU Manual
This practical guide provides a multidisciplinary, clinically oriented approach to the management of patients in intensive care. The book discusses the complete range of specialties, including cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, neurology, toxicology, and much more. Each condition is presented in a step by step process, covering pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and other considerations such as age/developmental issues. The comprehensive appendices section covers essential data and assessment for the management of critically ill patients including discussion on drugs, dosages and side effects, clinical scores, indices and equations, normal biochemical values, ICU rounds and more. The text is highly illustrated with clinical images, diagrams and tables, and includes recent articles and current guidelines on management of sepsis and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Key points Practical guide to management of patients in intensive care Covers complete range of specialties, presented in a step by step, clinically oriented approach Comprehensive appendices section covers drugs, clinical scores, biochemical values and much more Includes recent articles and current guidelines on management of sepsis and DVT
Taylor & Francis Ltd Industrial Manufacturing
The Technical Committee on Mechatronics formed by the International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, in Prague, Czech Republic, adopted the following definition for the term: Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of precision mechanical, electronic control and systems thinking in the design products and manufacturing process Due to developments in powerful computers, including microprocessors and Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICS), computational techniques, diverse technologies, advances in the design process of products and other factors, the field of mechatronics has evolved as a highly powerful and most cost effective means for product realization.
Editorial Alma Manual de Vida
Vida Publishers Manuel del Ministro
University Press of Mississippi Tearing Down the Lost Cause: The Removal of New Orleans's Confederate Statues
In Tearing Down the Lost Cause: The Removal of New Orleans's Confederate Statues James Gill and Howard Hunter examine New Orleans's complicated relationship with the history of the Confederacy pre- and post-Civil War. The authors open and close their manuscript with the dramatic removal of the city's Confederate statues.On the eve of the Civil War, New Orleans was far more cosmopolitan than Southern, with its sizable population of immigrants, Northern-born businessmen, and white and Black Creoles. Ambivalent about secession and war, the city bore divided loyalties between the Confederacy and the Union. However, by 1880 New Orleans rivaled Richmond as a bastion of the Lost Cause. After Appomattox, a significant number of Confederate veterans moved into the city giving elites the backing to form a Confederate civic culture.While it's fair to say that the three Confederate monuments and the white supremacist Liberty Monument all came out of this dangerous nostalgia, the authors argue that each monument embodies its own story and mirrors the city and the times. The Lee monument expressed the bereavement of veterans and a desire to reconcile with the North, though strictly on their own terms. The Davis monument articulated the will of the Ladies Confederate Memorial Association to solidify the Lost Cause and Southern patriotism. The Beauregard Monument honored a local hero, but also symbolized the waning of French New Orleans and rising Americanization. The Liberty Monument, throughout its history, represented white supremacy and the cruel hypocrisy of celebrating a past that never existed.While the book is a narrative of the rise and fall of the four monuments, it is also about a city engaging history. Gill and Hunter contextualize these statues rather than polarize, interviewing people who are on both sides including citizens, academics, public intellectuals, and former mayor Mitch Landrieu. Using the statues as a lens, the authors construct a compelling narrative that provides a larger cultural history of the city.
Russell Enterprises Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual
Editorial CEP, S.L. rea jurdica. Manual
Encuadernación: Rústica.Colección: Formación especializada. FECHA DE PUBLICACIÓN miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012CONTENIDOEl presente manual contiene el material adecuado para la preparación eficaz de las pruebas de selección para Vigilantes de Seguridad y sus especialidades, cuyo calendario de convocatorias para el año 2012, ha sido publicado en el B.O.E. n 2 de 3 de enero de 2012./La materia correspondiente al módulo o área jurídica se presenta estructurada en los siguientes bloques temáticos: / - Derecho Constitucional/- Derecho Penal/- Derecho Procesal Penal/- Derecho Administrativo Especial/- Derecho Laboral. /El rigor de los contenidos, el carácter pedagógico en la estructura y exposición de la materia y la continua utilización de recursos didácticos hacen de este manual un texto de calidad y un excelente material formativo.
Octopus Publishing Group Whisky The Manual
Lenos Verlag Das Mädchen Manuela
Drawn and Quarterly The Envelope Manufacturer
The Envelope Manufacturer documents the hardships and gradual disintegration of the career of an independent small business owner. The book begins as the head of the manufacturing company is already deep in financial straights: he struggles to deal with a series of late payments and dwindling orders and he finds ways to keep his company running by perilously deferring certain invoices. Ultimately, the pressures of his role begin to have an effect on him psychologically; he begins to talk to himself and he occasionally cannot distinguish the difference between reality and his imaginings. Even his personal life suffers, as his wife becomes disillusioned with the detached, dispassionate man he has become. Set in the mid twentieth century, just before the end of the period when most goods were still produced domestically, The Envelope Manufacturer chronicles the gradual demise of a small company as it struggles to adapt to a changing economic landscape.
Sample Magic The Producers Manual