Search results for ""Author Lee""
Bloodaxe Books Ltd First Person Sorrowful
Ko Un has long been a living legend in Korea, both as a poet and as a person. Allen Ginsberg once wrote, 'Ko Un is a magnificent poet, combination of Buddhist cognoscenti, passionate political libertarian, and naturalist historian.' When a writer has published as much as Ko Un has in the course of more than fifty years of writing, it is hard to know where to begin, what to translate. For this collection, his translators have selected a hundred or so poems from the five collections published since the year 2002, collections acclaimed by Korean critics as bringing poetry to a new level of cosmic reference. Nothing shows more clearly his stature as a writer than the variety of themes and emotions found in his most recent work. Readers here have access for the first time to many of the poems Ko Un has produced in the 21st century, as he approaches his eightieth year, his energy and originality unabated. As Michael McLure wrote years ago: 'Ko Un's poetry has the old-fashionedness of a muddy rut on a country road after rain, and yet it is also as state-of-the-art as a DNA micro-chip.' That remains true today. "First Person Sorrowful" is Ko Un's first book to be published in the UK, and has an introduction by Sir Andrew Motion.
University of Nebraska Press Russian Formalist Criticism: Four Essays, Second Edition
The Russian formalists emerged from the Russian Revolution with ideas about the independence of literature. They enjoyed that independence until Stalin shut them down. By then, however, they had produced essays that remain among the best defenses ever written for both literature and its theory. Included here are four essays representing key points in the formalists’ short history. Victor Shklovsky’s pioneering “Art as Technique” (1917) defines the literary as a way to make us see familiar things as if for the first time. His 1921 essay on Tristram Shandy makes that eccentric novel the centerpiece for a theory of narrative. A section from Boris Tomashevsky’s “Thematics” (1925) inventories the elements of stories. In “The Theory of the ‘Formal Method’” (1927), Boris Eichenbaum defends Russian Formalism against various attacks. An able champion, he describes Formalism’s evolution, notes its major figures and works, clears away decayed axioms, and rescues literature from “primitive historicism” and other dangers. These essays set a course for literary studies that led to Prague structuralism, French semiotics, and postmodern poetics. Russian Formalist Criticism has been honored as a Choice Outstanding Academic Book of the Year by the American Library Association.
Watson-Guptill Publications Draw 50 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals
This title includes the tyrannosaurus and triceratops, as well as less-familiar creatures. It is aimed at children aged 5 and upwards. This teaches aspring artists how to draw with ease by following simple, step-by-step instructions. Celebrated author Lee J. Ames has compiled an amazing array of creatures who, at one time, ruled the earth. Included in these pages are the commonly known tyrannosaurus, the brontosaurus and the triceratops, as well as less-familiar creatures, such as the anatosaurus (a duck-billed dinosaur). Ames' illustration style and renowned drawing method had made him a leader in the step-by-step drawing manual, and the 27 books in his "Draw 50" series have sold more than 3 mililon copies. It's easy to draw dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals when it's done the "Draw 50" way.
Watson-Guptill Publications Draw 50 Monsters
This is aimed at children aged 5 to 11 years old. Draw 50 Monsters teaches aspiring artists how to draw with ease by following simple, step-by-step instructions. Celebrated author Lee J. Ames shows readers how to draw an array of frightening characters, including werewolves, zombies and warlocks and features well-known characters such as Darth Vader, the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Frankenstein's monster, the Phantom of the Opera and many others. Ames' illustration style and renowned drawing method has made him a leader in the step-by-step drawing manual and the 27 books in his Draw 50 series have sold more than three million copies. Ames's instruction allows seasoned artists to refine their technique and guides amateurs to develop their own artistic abilities. Even the youngest artists can make these spooky characters look great. It's easy to draw monsters when it's done the Draw 50 way.
The Chinese University Press Ordinary Days – A Memoir
The memoir Ordinary Days by the scholar and critic Leo Ou-fan Lee and his wife Esther Lee Yuk Ying brings to this Hong Kong series an intensely personal touch, consciously echoing the great sentimental memoir of the eighteenth century, Shen Fu’s Six Chapters of a Floating Life. With disarming candour, Leo and Esther lay bare their hearts to share with us their story of love and suffering, charting in a series of memorable chapters their shared spiritual quest. Set partly against the recent backdrop of some of Hong Kong’s most turbulent years, partly in the far-flung diaspora of the Chinese intelligentsia, this is a revealing record of the inner life of a highly cultivated modern Chinese couple.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Back Book
Eighty percent of Americans experience back pain in varying degrees at some point in their lives. In fact, back pain is second only to the common cold as a reason why people visit a doctor. In The Back Book, Johns Hopkins surgeons Ziya L. Gokaslan and Lee Hunter Riley explain the causes and complexities of back pain and the various paths to diagnosis and treatment. Stressing the importance of individualized treatment, they discuss the process of establishing a treatment plan that is acceptable to the person with pain as well as to the attending physician. They also: ? lay out reasonable expectations for surgical and nonsurgical treatment? illuminate the possibilities, risks, and limitations of back surgery? describe how to select a surgeon and the importance of choosing the right one Informative and reassuring, The Back Book provides readers with the knowledge they need to understand their back pain and get started on the route to relief.
Arcadia Publishing Lower Saucon Township, Pa
Rowman & Littlefield The Privatization Process: A Worldwide Perspective
Future historians will undoubtedly describe the 1980s and 1990s as the era of privatization, when an unprecedented amount of worldwide control was transferred from the public sector to private ownership. This dynamic process, fueled by the fall of communist regimes across Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, is currently among the most hotly debated topics in the U.S. policy community. This volume examines the promises and pitfalls of national and global privatization, providing a variety of perspectives on how privatization can best be achieved. Supported by a wealth of empirical evidence, the contributors assess the institutional changes and economic impact of this worldwide phenomenon.
Taylor & Francis Inc Pharmacology and Treatment of Substance Abuse: Evidence and Outcome Based Perspectives
Given the prevalence of substance abuse in general clinical populations, it is important for healthcare providers to have knowledge and skill in the treatment of these problems. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) involves the integration of the best evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. This text is designed as a bridge for practitioners that will provide up-to-date evidence reviews as well as information on how to best keep up with emerging trends in the field. The editors have gathered expert authors to provide a much needed summary of the current status of the evidence based practice for both the assessment and treatment of specific substance use disorders.
Cambridge University Press The Impact of Climate Change Mitigation on Indigenous and Forest Communities: International, National and Local Law Perspectives on REDD+
The international legal framework for valuing the carbon stored in forests, known as 'Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation' (REDD+), will have a major impact on indigenous peoples and forest communities. The REDD+ regime contains many assumptions about the identity, tenure and rights of indigenous and local communities who inhabit, use or claim rights to forested lands. The authors bring together expert analysis of public international law, climate change treaties, property law, human rights and indigenous customary land tenure to provide a systemic account of the laws governing forest carbon sequestration and their interaction. Their work covers recent developments in climate change law, including the Agreement from the Conference of the Parties in Paris that came into force in 2016. The Impact of Climate Change Mitigation on Indigenous and Forest Communities is a rich and much-needed contribution to contemporary understanding of this topic.
Kerber Verlag John Peter Askew: WE II - Photographs from Russia 1996-2017
John Peter Askew’s pictures show us the poetry of the everyday. Three years in the editing, WE II is a companion volume to WE which Charlotte Cotton described as “A wonderful book... a beautiful, close, incredibly touching and vast photographic story…” While WE II is an epic portrait across generations of a single family from the easternmost point in Europe, these photographs transcend their particular circumstances. Askew pays attention to our 'best selves', asking us to imagine the possibility of a better, more playful world, and pointing towards who we might yet become. This work, stretching back over a quarter of a century, is a timely and idiosyncratic chronicle, embracing friendship, communality, and kindness.
Potomac Books Inc Spy Ships: One Hundred Years of Intelligence Collection by Ships and Submarines
Almost from the first days of seafaring, men have used ships for “spying” and intelligence collection. Since early in the twentieth century, with the technological advancements of radio and radar, the U.S. Navy and other government agencies and many other navies have used increasingly specialized ships and submarines to ferret out the secrets of other nations. The United States and the Soviet Union/Russia have been the leaders in those efforts, especially during the forty-five years of the Cold War. But, as Norman Polmar and Lee J. Mathers reveal, so has China, which has become a major maritime power in the twenty-first century, with special interests in the South China Sea and with increasing hostility toward the United States. Through extensive, meticulous research and through the lens of such notorious spy ship events as the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, the North Korean capture of the USS Pueblo, and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s success in clandestinely salvaging part of a Soviet submarine with the Hughes Glomar Explorer, Spy Ships is a fascinating and valuable resource for understanding maritime intelligence collection and what we have learned from it.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Orthodontics: Current Principles and Techniques
Comprehensive, cutting-edge content addresses contemporary orthodontic practice! Orthodontics: Current Principles and Techniques, 7th Edition provides an evidence-based approach to orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, and clinical techniques, including esthetics, genetics, temporary anchorage devices, aligners, technology-assisted biomechanics, and much more. New to this edition are seven chapters, covering topics like AI, maxillary expansion in adults, Class II correctors, and autotransplantation. Newly authored chapters on orthognathic surgery and the craniofacial team, the periodontal-orthodontic interface, interdisciplinary treatment, and accelerated tooth movement, among others, address current perspectives. The 7th edition comes with access to an enhanced eBook version, which includes videos and additional visuals to show concepts difficult to explain with words alone. Readers can also find additional, online-only chapters and a fully searchable version of the text. Respected editors Lee Graber, Katherine Vig, and Greg Huang are joined by new editor Pádhraig Fleming, along with expert contributors from around the world. This text provides the most current and comprehensive collection of orthodontic knowledge, making it the go-to book for orthodontic residents and practitioners! Comprehensive coverage provides a one-stop resource for the field of orthodontics, including foundational theory and the latest on the materials and techniques used in today's practice. Experienced, renowned editors lead a team of expert, international contributors to provide the most authoritative clinical practice and supporting science from the best and brightest in the industry. More than 3,400 images include a mixture of radiographs, full-color clinical photos, and anatomic or schematic line drawings, showing examples of treatment, techniques, and outcomes. Detailed, illustrated case studies show the decision-making process, highlighting the consequences of various treatment techniques over time. Extensive references make it easy to look up the latest in orthodontic research and evidence-based information, and all references also appear online. Enhanced ebook, included with every print purchase, features a fully searchable version of the text and bonus online-only chapters, instructional videos, and more. NEW! Seven chapters cover topics such as AI, maxillary expansion in adults, Class II correctors, and autotransplantation. Newly authored chapters on aligners, orthognathic surgery, the periodontal-orthodontic interface, interdisciplinary and computer-assisted treatment, temporary anchorage devices, and accelerated tooth movement, among others, address current perspectives. UPDATED! Relevant literature and evidence-based practices are featured throughout the text. NEW! Additional photos and illustrations visually reinforce key concepts and procedures.
BenBella Books The Jack Reacher Field Manual: An Unofficial Companion to Lee Child's Reacher Novels
You don't know Jack--Jack Reacher, that is ...In The Jack Reacher Field Manual: An Unofficial Companion to Lee Child's Reacher Novels, from ex-Army major and New York Times bestselling author George Beahm, get up-close and personal with Reacher like never before. The only book of its kind, the Field Manual draws on 17 years of interviews, novels, stories, and more to demystify author Lee Child's larger-than-life, name-taking, quick-thinking one-man avenger. Child calls the Reacher novels "almost entirely autobiographical," and The Jack Reacher Field Manual seamlessly integrates the literary creator and his creation to provide the most complete portrait of Jack Reacher available. Dive into Jack Reacher's life with: - A detailed dossier on Reacher and his life at West Point and in the Army's Military Police Corps - Reacher's rules of engagement, including how he handles a street brawl - A full-color drifter's roadmap of the US, detailing the places Reacher has visited in the novels - Reacher's philosophy for surviving under the radar - A biography on Child and an A-to-Z list of the key people, places, and things in his life - And more, including a glossary of US Army acronyms that appear in the series and a comprehensive reading list of Reacher novels, novellas, and stories The Jack Reacher Field Manual belongs in the fatigue jacket of any fan craving more information about this internationally popular literary antihero.