Search results for ""Author Lee""
Flame Tree Publishing Asian Ghost Short Stories
Another deluxe edition of new writing and neglected perspectives. Asian ghosts and supernatural beings – from India to Sri Lanka, China to Korea, Japan to the Philippines – can be both terrifying and comforting. Underpinned by strong cultural beliefs in the cycles of life and ancestor worship, the nature of Asian spirits differs from that of their counterparts in other areas of the world. The possibility is more instinctually accepted that ghosts remain with us, as part of the world, whether we can see them or not. Featured here are all kinds of stories from across East, South and Southeast Asia: classic weird tales by the likes of Pu Songling, Rabindranath Tagore, S Mukerji, Im Bang and Yi Ruk, Lafcadio Hearn and Yei Theodora Ozaki, are complemented by stories by Asian writers of today. An egui (the Chinese version of a 'hungry ghost') is exorcised, a vicious jiangshi (Chinese zombie-like revenant) is encountered in the night, a Bengali shakchunni (the ghost of an unsatisfied bride) poignantly seeks love with devastating effect, a family is haunted by vengeful Korean gwishin, and the iconic Japanese tragedies of Oiwa and O-Kiku are revisited. New, contemporary and notable writers featured are: Joshua Bartolome, Eliza Chan, the late Eugie Foster, T.M. Hurree, Nur Nasreen Ibrahim, Frances Lu-Pai Ippolito, K.P. Kulski, Monte Lin, Usman T. Malik, Samuel Marzioli, Rena Mason, Lena Ng, Ayida Shonibar, Karen Tay, Emily Teng, Yilin Wang, Alda Yuan, Yi Izzy Yu and John Yu Branscum (translating Ji Yun). The Flame Tree Gothic Fantasy, Classic Stories and Epic Tales collections bring together the entire range of myth, folklore and modern short fiction. Highlighting the roots of suspense, supernatural, science fiction and mystery stories, the books in Flame Tree Collections series are beautifully presented, perfect as a gift and offer a lifetime of reading pleasure.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Compliance and Enforcement of Environmental Law
The Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law is a landmark reference work, providing definitive and comprehensive coverage of this dynamic field. Each volume probes the key elements of law, the essential concepts, and the latest research through concise, structured entries written by international experts. Each entry includes an extensive bibliography as a starting point for further reading. The mix of authoritative commentary and insightful discussion will make this an essential tool for research and teaching, as well as a valuable resource for professionals and policymakers. Countries throughout the world have adopted increasingly comprehensive environmental laws over recent years. Even so, immense challenges remain to achieve desired sustainability outcomes. One of the key problems in bridging the gap between legal requirements and sustainability outcomes is deficiencies in compliance and enforcement programs. Compliance and Enforcement of Environmental Law, one of the constituent volumes in the Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, brings together leading experts to provide a detailed overview of critical issues associated with assuring compliance with environmental laws. The expert entries are structured around key topics, including: compliance promotion, private governance, common law causes of action, writing enforceable rules, monitoring and reporting requirements, administrative enforcement, civil judicial enforcement, assessment of civil penalties, and criminal liability. The book addresses efforts to maximize the value of limited resources and evaluate the effectiveness of relevant tools. It also reviews both regulatory and non-regulatory compliance mechanisms. Each entry includes a detailed bibliography to facilitate more in-depth research. Providing a broad overview, concise explanations and avenues for research, this assessment of environmental law compliance and enforcement is an indispensable tool for students, academics and practitioners.Contributors include: M.-E. Arbour, P. Asbeek-Brusse, K. Barker, N.S Bryner, L. Collins, M. de Bree, H. de Haas, R.E. Deming, R.L. Glicksman, B. Grigg, N. Gunningham, D. Hindin, C. Holley, R.L. Juni, H.H. Kang, S.F. Mandiberg, D.L. Markell, H. McCready, H. McLeod-Kilmurray, S.H. Metzenbaum, J.G. Miller, J.A. Mintz, L.C. Paddock, M.T. Sanders, J.P. Shimshack, J. Silberman, D. Sinclair, S.L. Stafford
Cornell University Press Show Time: The Logic and Power of Violent Display
In Show Time, Lee Ann Fujii asks why some perpetrators of political violence, from lynch mobs to genocidal killers, display their acts of violence so publicly and extravagantly. Closely examining three horrific and extreme episodes—the murder of a prominent Tutsi family amidst the genocide in Rwanda, the execution of Muslim men in a Serb-controlled village in Bosnia during the Balkan Wars, and the lynching of a twenty-two-year old Black farmhand on Maryland's Eastern Shore in 1933—Fujii shows how "violent displays" are staged to not merely to kill those perceived to be enemies or threats, but also to affect and influence observers, neighbors, and the larger society. Watching and participating in these violent displays profoundly transforms those involved, reinforcing political identities, social hierarchies, and power structures. Such public spectacles of violence also force members of the community to choose sides—openly show support for the goals of the violence, or risk becoming victims, themselves. Tracing the ways in which public displays of violence unfold, Show Time reveals how the perpetrators exploit the fluidity of social ties for their own ends.
RAND Health Sector Reform in the Kurdistan Regioniraq: Financing Reform, Primary Care, and Patient Safety
Scarecrow Press Censored Books: Critical Viewpoints
New in Paperback! This collection of sixty-three essays provides assistance to the growing number of students, teachers, librarians, and parents who find themselves confronting a censorship situation. The contributors are both authors—of fiction, drama, and poetry for adults, children, and adolescents—and teachers of literature, writing about the books that are most frequently challenged in schools and libraries. Part I provides six authors' perspectives on censorship by omission and commission. Part II provides responses and defenses of individual books. Paperback edition available May 2001.
Yale University Press Biodiversity and Climate Change: Transforming the Biosphere
An essential, up-to-date look at the critical interactions between biological diversity and climate change that will serve as an immediate call to action The physical and biological impacts of climate change are dramatic and broad‑ranging. People who care about the planet and manage natural resources urgently need a synthesis of our rapidly growing understanding of these issues. In this all‑new sequel to the 2005 volume Climate Change and Biodiversity, leading experts in the field summarize observed changes, assess what the future holds, and offer suggested responses. From extinction risk to ocean acidification, from the future of the Amazon to changes in ecosystem services, and from geoengineering to the power of ecosystem restoration, this book captures the sweep of climate change transformation of the biosphere.
Ebury Publishing The Guv'nor and Me: My Life with Lenny McLean
Don't cross The Neck.As the right-hand man to 'The Guv’nor' himself, Lenny McLean, John 'The Neck' Houchin is a living legend and is now telling his story for the first time. John trained daily with Lenny in the gym to achieve his huge bulk and neck, all 23 inches of it, required to frighten the hell out of troublemakers. As the enforcers for the Krays and the Richardsons, they worked together regularly over many years 'sorting out' whatever needed sorting. These are the mean streets of London back when swift justice as well as fearless loyalty were the order of the day. A new insider take from one of the most notorious characters of the time, this book is full of chippy dialogue, gangster banter, the biggest brawls, old school honour codes and pithy reflection on the changing times – from the hard men to the high life.
Bloodaxe Books Ltd Maninbo: Peace & War
Ko Un has long been a living legend in Korea, both as a poet and as a person. Allen Ginsberg once wrote, 'Ko Un is a magnificent poet, combination of Buddhist cognoscente, passionate political libertarian, and naturalist historian.' Maninbo (Ten Thousand Lives) is the title of a remarkable collection of poems by Ko Un, filling thirty volumes, a total of 4001 poems containing the names of 5600 people, which took 30 years to complete. Ko Un first conceived the idea while confined in a solitary cell upon his arrest in May 1980, the first volumes appeared in 1986, and the project was completed 25 years after publication began, in 2010. Unsure whether he might be executed or not, he found his mind filling with memories of the people he had met or heard of during his life. Finally, he made a vow that, if he were released from prison, he would write poems about each of them. In part this would be a means of rescuing from oblivion countless lives that would otherwise be lost, and also it would serve to offer a vision of the history of Korea as it has been lived by its entire population through the centuries. A selection from the first 10 volumes of Maninbo relating to Ko Un's village childhood was published in the US in 2006 by Green Integer under the title Ten Thousand Lives. This edition is a selection from volumes 11 to 20, with the last half of the book focused on the sufferings of the Korean people during the Korean War. Essentially narrative, each poem offers a brief glimpse of an individual's life. Some span an entire existence, some relate a brief moment. Some are celebrations of remarkable lives, others recall terrible events and inhuman beings. Some poems are humorous, others are dark commemorations of unthinkable incidents. They span the whole of Korean history, from earliest pre-history to the present time. Poetry Book Society Recommended Translation.
INSTAP Academic Press Kavousi IIA: The Late Minoan IIIC Settlement at Vronda: The Buildings on the Summit
This volume is the second in the series of final reports on the work of the Kavousi Project and the first volume on the cleaning (1982-1984) and excavations (1987-1992) at the mountain sites located above the modern village of Kavousi in eastern Crete. These sites, Vronda and the Kastro, shed light on the Early Iron Age, the transitional period in Cretan history known popularly as the Dark Ages, thereby elucidating the way of life of the people who lived in the area of Kavousi during that period and how their culture changed over time. Kavousi IIA is devoted to the excavation of material from the Late Minoan IIIC settlement at Vronda, particulary the houses on the summit of the Vronda ridge (Buildings A-B, C-D, J-K, and Q), along with earlier (Building P) and later (Building R) structures around them.
Simon & Schuster How to Write a Mystery: A Handbook from Mystery Writers of America
From 70 of the most successful mystery writers in the business, an invaluable guide to crafting mysteries—from character development and plot to procedurals and thrillers—“this is a writing guide that readers and writers will turn to again and again” (Booklist, starred review). Mystery Writers of America (MWA) is known for providing unparalleled resources on the craft, art, and business of storytelling, helping writers of all levels improve their skills for nearly a century. Now, this handbook helps authors navigate the ever-shifting publishing landscape—from pacing, plotting, the business side of publishing, to the current demand for diversity and inclusivity across all genres, and more. Featuring essays by a new generation of bestselling experts on various elements of the craft and shorter pieces of crowd-sourced wisdom from the MWA membership as a whole, the topics covered can be categorized as follows: —Before Writing (rules; genres; setting; character; research; etc.) —While Writing (outlining; the plot; dialogue; mood; etc.) —After Writing (agents; editors; self-pub; etc.) —Other than Novels (short stories; true crime; etc.) —Other Considerations (diverse characters; legal questions; criticism) Also included is a collection of essays from MWA published authors—including Jeffery Deaver, Tess Gerritsen, and Charlaine Harris—selected by bestselling authors Lee Child and Laurie King and arranged thematically answering, “What piece of writing advice do you wish you’d had at the beginning of your career?” “Everything you wanted to know about how to plan, draft, write, revise, publish, and market a mystery” (Kirkus Reviews), this inclusive manual provides practical, current, easily digestible advice for new and established authors alike.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany Uncooperative Contemporaries: Art Exhibitions in Shanghai C. 2000
Hampton Roads Publishing Co Tuning In: A Journalist, 6 Trance Channelers and Messages from the Other Side
National Geographic Kids The Skull in the Rock: How a Scientist, a Boy, and Google Earth Opened a New Window on Human Origins (Science & Nature)
Rowman & Littlefield Strong in the Struggle: My Life as a Black Labor Activist
In the 1950s the notorious House Un-American Activities Committee launched a ruthless smear campaign and outright attack against hundreds of labor leaders, teachers, leftists, Communists, civil servants, filmmakers, civil rights activists, and many others it accused of conspiring to overthrow the government. On the basis of little or no evidence individuals were dragged before HUAC and harassed and threatened. Many lost their jobs or were jailed if they did not cooperate with a Committee that flagrantly trampled the right of freedom of speech and condemned individuals for association with progressive causes. One man who stood tall and refused to cooperate with the diabolical Committee was Lee Brown, an African American labor activist and a leader of an interracial union of waterfront workers in New Orleans. For his courageous act Brown soon lost his freedom but not his dignity. He was tried and unjustly convicted of violating the Taft-Hartley Act that prohibited Communist Party members from also serving as the leaders of labor unions. Brown spent more than two years in federal prison but his militancy and commitment to the struggle for workers' rights and civil rights remained undiminished. Strong in the Struggle tells the powerful story of the political awakening of Brown as a youth from the rural South, his life from childhood among poor black farmers, his encounters with the Jim Crow system of racial segregation and racial violence, his discovery of the changes that could be won when working people organized into unions, his rise to leadership and his time of imprisonment, and his continuing advocacy of the ideals of racial equality and socialism. Told in his own words, it is an engaging story that follows him as a young man from Louisiana to Texas as a shipyard worker, to Arizona as a railroad worker, to Los Angeles and Hollywood where he worked in restaurants and as a bit-part actor during World War II, to the docks of New Orleans and the great hotels of San Francisco as the Civil Rights an
Astra Publishing House Paul Bunyan: The Invention of an American Legend: A TOON Graphic
Did you know that a mainstay of American folk culture was in fact created as an advertising ploy? Few people realize that Paul Bunyan, the legendary lumberjack, and his blue ox are the product of corporate marketing by a highly industrialized industry. Cartoonist NOAH VAN SCIVER shows us the myth creation as real life marketing man extraordinaire W.B. Laughead spins ever more wondrous tall tales. Van Sciver's story is bracketed by rich contributions from contemporary Native artists and storytellers with a very different connection to the land that the Bunyan myths often conceal. Readers will see how a lumberjack hero, a quintessential American fantasy, captures the imagination but also serves to paper over the seizure of homeland from First Peoples and the laying bare of America's northern forests. It's a tall tale with deep roots . . . in profit-making!
University of Minnesota Press The Great Minnesota Cookie Book: Award-Winning Recipes from the Star Tribune's Holiday Cookie Contest
Eighty delicious, imaginative recipes from the Star Tribune’s beloved annual cookie contest, with mouth-watering pictures and bakers’ stories It’s cold in Minnesota, especially around the holidays, and there’s nothing like baking a batch of cookies to warm the kitchen and the heart. A celebration of the rich traditions, creativity, and taste of the region, The Great Minnesota Cookie Book collects the best-loved recipes and baking lore from fifteen years of the Star Tribune’s popular holiday cookie contest. Drop cookies and cutouts, refrigerator cookies and bars; Swedish shortbread, Viennese wafers, and French–Swiss butter cookies; almond palmiers; chai crescents and taffy treats; snowball clippers, cherry pinwheels, lime coolers, and chocolate-drizzled churros: a dizzying array and all delightful, the recipes in this book recall memories of holidays past and inspire the promise of happy gatherings to come. These are winning cookies in every sense, the best of the best chosen by the contest’s judges, accompanied by beautiful photographs as instructive as they are enticing. A treat for any occasion, whether party, bake sale, or after-school snack, each time- and taste-tested recipe is perfect for starting a tradition of one’s own.
Guilford Publications Essential Assessment Skills for Couple and Family Therapists
Showing how to weave assessment into all phases of therapy, this indispensable text and practitioner guide is reader friendly, straightforward, and practical. Specific strategies are provided for evaluating a wide range of clinical issues and concerns with adults, children and adolescents, families, and couples. The authors demonstrate ways to use interviewing and other techniques to understand both individual and relationship functioning, develop sound treatment plans, and monitor progress. Handy mnemonics help beginning family therapists remember what to include in assessments, and numerous case examples illustrate what the assessment principles look like in action with diverse clients. See also the authors' Essential Skills in Family Therapy, Third Edition: From the First Interview to Termination, which addresses all aspects of real-world clinical practice, and Clinician's Guide to Research Methods in Family Therapy.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds – Don't Pet the Plants!: Band 07/Turquoise
Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds features exciting fiction and non-fiction decodable readers to enthuse and inspire children. They are fully aligned to Letters and Sounds Phases 1–6 and contain notes in the back. The Handbooks provide support in demonstration and modelling, monitoring comprehension and expanding vocabulary. If you’re not allowed a pet, then why not keep a plant? When Grace's plants grow and flourish her family begins to wonder if plants are easier than animals after all… Turquoise/Band 7 offers literary language and extended descriptions, with longer sentences and a wide range of unfamiliar terms. The focus sounds in this book are: /n/ kn /m/ mb /r/ wr /s/ c, ce, sc /zh/ s /sh/ ti, ci, ssi, s Pages 22 and 23 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
HarperCollins Publishers Frederick Douglass: Civil Rights Leader: Band 16/Sapphire (Collins Big Cat)
Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right level Antislavery campaigner, author, diplomat and political statesmen, Frederick Douglass was one of the greatest men of his age. Having been enslaved himself, Frederick fought publicly against slavery and was an inspiration in the fight for social and political change. Written by Amanda Mitchison, find out about this life-long battle to fight for equality. Sapphire/Band 16 books offer longer reads to develop children's sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically. Text type: A biography Curriculum links: History, Citizenship This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.
Little, Brown Book Group Match Up
FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER ... Lee Child's Jack Reacher will team up with Kathy Reichs' Temperance Brennan to unmask a cunning killer. Val McDermid's Tony Hill and Carol Jordan work with Peter James's Roy Grace on a very unusual murder case.These are just some of the never-before-seen pairings in Match Up - a brand new collaboration between the world's famous crime writers. Edited be international bestseller Lee Child, this exclusive page-turning anthology promises the same thrills and chills brought to you by the previous collection, Face Off. Read on for the full list of author and character pairings:Diana Gabaldon's Claire Randall Fraser + Steve Berry's Cotton MaloneLisa Scottoline's Bennie Rosato + Nelson DeMille's John Corey Sandra Brown's Lee Coburn + C.J. Box's Joe PickettKathy Reichs's Temperance Brennan + Lee Child's Jack ReacherVal McDermid's Tony Hill + Peter James's Roy GraceCharlaine Harris's Harper Connelly + Andrew Gross's Ty HauckGayle Lynds's Liz Sansborough + David Morrell's RamboKarin Slaughter's Jeffrey Tolliver + Michael Koryta's Lincoln PerryLara Adrian's Lucan Thorne + Christopher RiceJ.A. Jance's Ali Reynolds + Eric Van Lustbader's Bravo ShawLisa Jackson's Regan Pescoli + John Sandford's Lucas Davenport
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins BRS Pediatrics
Now featuring more than 400 board-style questions with complete answers and explanations, BSR Pediatrics, Second Edition prepares medical students for success in pediatric rotations, shelf exams, and the UMSLE Step 2 with a comprehensive overview of general and subspecialty pediatrics presented in the popular Board Review Series outline format. Concise descriptions, clinical correlations, numerous figures, and nearly 100 tables detail the essentials of pediatrics, accompanied by case-based review questions at the end of each chapter and a comprehensive end-of-book exam to build test-taking confidence and help your students excel in clerkship. Board Review Series outline format distills essential information in a manageable, student-friendly presentation. Thoroughly revised content reflects the latest advances in general and subspecialty pediatrics. Expanded question banks at the end of each chapter test comprehension and identify areas of weakness. Expanded end-of-book comprehensive examination with detailed answers and rationales readies students for the rigors of the exam experience. eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd State and Local Retirement Plans in the United States
State and Local Retirement Plans in the United States explains how economic and political events have shaped the development of pension plans in the last century, and it argues that changes in the structure and generosity of these plans will continue to shape policy and funding in the future. It also brings to bear a new rationale to the policies behind public sector pension plans. The authors use the history of how early public pension plans were established, how they matured and how they have grown in generosity to analyse what changes may be expected in years to come. Unique in its scope, this comprehensive history of the development of public sector pension plans in the United States during the twentieth century expands upon current ideas relating to the changing economic environment, the passage and evolution of social security and the expansion of the public sector. With the exception of military pension plans, which date from the eighteenth century, the first public sector plans, dating from the late nineteenth century, were established to cover teachers, police officers and firefighters in large cities. Over time, these retirement plans were extended to other public sector workers and the local plans were often merged with plans for state workers; all of these date from the twentieth century. Here, the authors show just how pension coverage for public sector workers expanded steadily, through the first half of the twentieth century, so that by the 1960s the vast majority of public sector workers were covered by a plan. This analysis demonstrates how economic events and shifts in public policy at the federal, state and local levels helped to shape public sector retirement plans. The authors also compare public plans with private sector plans, and the final chapter focuses on recent changes in public pensions in response to the `Great Recession', concurrent sharp declines in equity markets and the aging of the public workforce. Scholars and students of economics, history and public policy, public administrators, policymakers and all those with an interest in policy development will find the analyses discussed and conclusions drawn here of significance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Read Nonprofit Financial Statements: A Practical Guide
EXPERT GUIDANCE ON HOW TO READ, INTERPRET, AND USE NONPROFIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS—UPDATED TO INCLUDE THE NEW FASB STANDARD FOR NONPROFIT FINANCIAL REPORTING Whether you’re a nonprofit executive unfamiliar with the language of financial statements or a seasoned pro, this book is the only guide you’ll need to correctly interpret those critical documents, refresh your skills and familiarize yourself with the new FASB nonprofit reporting standards. The intent behind the recent FASB accounting standards update was to improve the clarity and usefulness of nonprofit financial statements. But making sense of those statements can still be tough for the uninitiated. Accountants and non-accountants who use and prepare nonprofit financial statements need guidance on how to interpret and implement these new FASB standards. Written for both audiences, this book: Clearly defines accounting terminology and concepts, while offering numerous examples of financial statements reflecting both the old and new FASB standards Steers you, line-by-line, through financial reports, providing in-depth explanations of the differences between the old and new standards Provides numerous illustrations to help you quickly feel at home with the format of nonprofit financial statements Offers exercises to help you gain insight into the core concepts of nonprofit financial statements and reinforce your command of those concepts In addition to the new FASB standards, this expanded edition includes: A new chapter on reserves, a long-standing challenge for nonprofits A new section on general financial analysis, outlining what financial statement readers should look for to stay informed and satisfy their responsibility regardless of their role A new chapter on benchmarking to help nonprofits measure performance against industry peers How to Read Nonprofit Financial Statements, Third Edition is an invaluable resource for anyone who reads, interprets, or prepares these all-important documents.
Rutgers University Press Headline Hollywood: A Century of Film Scandal
Hollywood has long been associated with scandal--with covering it up, with managing its effects, and, in some cases, with creating and directing it. In putting together Headline Hollywood, Adrienne McLean and David Cook approach the relationship between Hollywood and scandal from a fresh perspective. The contributors consider some of the famous transgressions that shocked Hollywood and its audiences during the last century, and explore the changing meaning of scandal over time by zeroing in on issues of power: Who decides what crimes and misdemeanors should be circulated for public consumption and titillation? What makes a Hollywood scandal scandalous? What are the uses of scandal? The essays are arranged chronologically to show how Hollywood scandals have evolved relative to changing moral and social orders. This collection will prove essential to the field of film studies as well as to anyone interested in the character and future direction of American culture. Contributors are Mark Lynn Anderson, Cynthia Baron, James Castonguay, Nancy Cook, Mary Desjardins, Lucy Fischer, Lee Grieveson, Erik Hedling, Peter Lehman, William Luhr, Adrienne L. McLean, Susan McLeland, and Sam Stoloff. Adrienne L. McLean is an assistant professor of film studies at the University of Texas at Dallas. David A. Cook is a professor of film and media studies at Emory University. He is the author of A History of Film Narrative.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Essence of Anesthesia Practice
Highly regarded by anesthesiologists, residents, and nurse anesthetists, Essence of Anesthesia Practice, 4th Edition by Drs. Lee A. Fleisher, Michael F. Roizen, and Jeffrey Roizen, is a trusted resource for point-of-care anesthesia management. Concise, easy-to-find summaries cover a single clinical topic for both common and rare conditions. A renewed focus on diseases and drugs makes this edition even more useful when formulating anesthesia plans and mastering the core knowledge of anesthesia practice. Features a unique, easy-to-follow, consistent format that covers a single clinical topic on each page, with a review of its problems, causes, comorbidities, and anesthesia implications. Helps you understand the interactions of common drugs and alternative medicine so that you can develop effective anesthesia plans. Includes more than 105 new disease topics (with more coverage of rarer diseases) and new drug information featuring 20 new drugs that patients take on an outpatient basis. Offers fresh insights on nearly 550 topics - many authored by new contributors to this edition. Keeps you current with the latest perioperative anesthetic implications including anticipated problems, drug interactions, and special concerns. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, images, videos (including video updates), glossary, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
The University of Chicago Press Congress Overwhelmed: The Decline in Congressional Capacity and Prospects for Reform
Congress today is falling short. Fewer bills, worse oversight, and more dysfunction. But why? In a new volume of essays, the contributors investigate an underappreciated reason Congress is struggling: it doesn't have the internal capacity to do what our constitutional system requires of it. Leading scholars chronicle the institutional decline of Congress and the decades-long neglect of its own internal investments in the knowledge and expertise necessary to perform as a first-rate legislature. Today's legislators and congressional committees have fewer--and less expert and experienced--staff than the executive branch or K Street. This leaves them at the mercy of lobbyists and the administrative bureaucracy. The essays in Congress Overwhelmed assess Congress's declining capacity and explore ways to upgrade it. Some provide broad historical scope. Others evaluate the current decay and investigate how Congress manages despite the obstacles. Collectively, they undertake the most comprehensive, sophisticated appraisal of congressional capacity to date, and they offer a new analytical frame for thinking about--and improving--our underperforming first branch of government.
The University of Chicago Press Congress Overwhelmed: The Decline in Congressional Capacity and Prospects for Reform
Congress today is falling short. Fewer bills, worse oversight, and more dysfunction. But why? In a new volume of essays, the contributors investigate an underappreciated reason Congress is struggling: it doesn't have the internal capacity to do what our constitutional system requires of it. Leading scholars chronicle the institutional decline of Congress and the decades-long neglect of its own internal investments in the knowledge and expertise necessary to perform as a first-rate legislature. Today's legislators and congressional committees have fewer--and less expert and experienced--staff than the executive branch or K Street. This leaves them at the mercy of lobbyists and the administrative bureaucracy. The essays in Congress Overwhelmed assess Congress's declining capacity and explore ways to upgrade it. Some provide broad historical scope. Others evaluate the current decay and investigate how Congress manages despite the obstacles. Collectively, they undertake the most comprehensive, sophisticated appraisal of congressional capacity to date, and they offer a new analytical frame for thinking about--and improving--our underperforming first branch of government.
Distributed Art Publishers Lee Alexander McQueen: Mind, Mythos, Muse
McQueen’s iconic fashion juxtaposed with historic textiles and works of art, revealing the designer’s dynamic approach to storytelling One of the most significant contributors to fashion between 1990 and 2010, British designer Lee Alexander McQueen was both a conceptual and a technical virtuoso. His critically acclaimed collections synthesized his unique training in Savile Row tailoring, theatrical design and haute couture with a remarkable breadth and depth of encyclopedic and autobiographical references spanning time, geography, mediums and technology. McQueen’s singular viewpoint produced exquisitely constructed, thought-provoking, often subversive or allegorical fashion. Taking a reflective look at McQueen’s artful design process, this book documents the designer’s diverse sources of inspiration by displaying McQueen’s imaginative fashions alongside related artworks. McQueen's encyclopedic references range from ancient Greece and Rome to Tibetan silk brocade patterns, 17th-century Dutch painting, the prints of Goya and the films of Stanley Kubrick. In each of these cases and beyond, examples of McQueen’s imaginative and extraordinary work are displayed alongside artworks from LACMA’s permanent collection. Spanning art from a multitude of mediums, eras and cultures, this publication provides a new and innovative assessment of McQueen’s work and highlights his mindful approach to storytelling and construction through fashion. Lee Alexander McQueen (1969–2010) was one of the most important fashion designers at the turn of the 21st century. In 2011, following his death, the Costume Institute in New York organized an enormously successful retrospective of his work at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Rowman & Littlefield Understanding and Creating Digital Texts: An Activity-Based Approach
Given the increased use of digital reading and writing tools in the classroom, this book provides secondary and college English language arts teachers with activities and classroom examples for using a range of different digital tools—blogs, wikis, websites, annotations, Twitter, mapping, forum discussions, etc.—to engage students in understanding and creating digital texts. It therefore integrates reading and writing instruction through goal-driven activities supported by uses and affordances of digital tools. This book also provides a framework for designing these activities that encourage students to define purpose and audience, make connections between digital texts and people, collaborate with others, employ alternative modes of communication and gain new perspectives, and constructing identities; practices that are linked to addressing the high school English Language Arts Common Core State Standards. The book also describes ways to use digital tools to support these practices—for example, using digital tools to foster students’ collaborative reading and writing. The book also describes use of digital feedback and e-portfolio tools to foster students’ reflection on their uses of these practices.
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Meeting Accreditation Standards: A Pharmacy Preparation Guide
It’s the only book to cover all the latest major accreditation standards. Highlights include: Major changes including revised survey processes and streamlined standards to emphasize CMS’s focus on safety and improving the quality of patient care New chapters for the fourth accreditation organization CIHQ, Antimicrobial Stewardship, and Pain Management Addresses the standards and requirements effective from July 2019 to the extent that they are known Contains the most up-to-date medication management (MM) standards and requirements and the medicationrelated 2019 NPSGs and their requirements This book reflects the accrediting industry’s increased emphasis on safety for the patient, employees, and the general public. Tothat end, it aims to help pharmacies comply with critical standards and incorporate them into their everyday practice. This edition includes the most current updates, revised examples of forms and documents, updated checklists, and an expanded more complete index for easier search capabilities. Additionally, the authors put this latest data into context with compliance strategies you can use in your everyday practice.
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co New Third Steps In Latin
Cornell University Press Walking on a Washing Line: Poems of Kim Seung-Hee
Kim Seung-Hee's poetry is usually described in Korea as "feminist," "subversive," and "surrealist." Most important is the way her poetic voices differ radically from any other Korean poet's, male or female. Her work has sometimes found a readier acceptance among readers of the English translations than among Koreans reading the originals, who are often puzzled by the seeming lack of conventional poetic themes and female sensitivity. Bilingual volume in English/Korean.
Plural Publishing Inc Medical Speech-Language Pathology: A Desk Reference
"Medical Speech-Language Pathology: A Desk Reference, Fourth Edition'' is an easily accessible quick reference that details procedures, practices and terminology aimed specifically at the needs of the medically based speech-language pathologist. The purpose of this text is to advance the practices of SLP clinicians and help them to become comfortable with the principles and practices found in hospitals and related settings so they can practice their profession and take their place among other health care providers with confidence and competence. Key Features: *Find what you need quickly with concise, comprehensive definitions that are practical and well-organized. *Includes information related to working with children and newborns in almost every chapter. *Reinforce skills related to career development with the Clinical Competencies discussed at the end of each chapter. In medical settings, the speech-language pathologist's treatment decisions may directly affect health and safety as well as communication; thus, clinicians who work in medical settings should have a basic understanding of the conditions that bring patients to the hospital or clinic and what is being done to manage them. This text is intended to provide that basic understanding as a handy reference for clinicians who are practicing or are in training to practice speech-language pathology in hospitals and in other health care-related facilities, such as rehabilitation programs, private practice, outpatient clinics, nursing homes, and home health agencies. It is also intended as a desk reference for clinicians who work in school and preschool settings, where children with medically related communication and swallowing disorders are a part of the caseload.
Watson-Guptill Publications Draw 50 Athletes
This title features favourite athletes from sports such as baseball, basketball, football, tennis and skiing. Acclaimed author Lee J. Ames shows readers how to draw dozens of athletes with a comprehensive, step-by-step approach. This title is suitable for children age 5+. Targeted at young aspiring artists seeking to develop their technical skill and build a repertoire of subjects, Lee J. Ames' "Draw 50" series shows you how to draw with ease using his signature step-by-step method. His clear instructions help budding artists explore their interests in a fun, familiar way. With over three million copies in print, the "Draw 50" series has successfully shown children how to create everything from a robin to a spaceship, Tyrannosaurus Rex to skyscrapers, and UFOs to racing cars.
Turner Publishing Company 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids
Do your kids need to move more and lose some weight? In 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids you will discover fun, inexpensive, and nontraditional ways to get your kids off the couch and outside playing. These activities are for all children, not just the already fit or sports-obsessed. With bonus tips and stories from fitness celebrities, this easy-to-read, humorous guide will help you: Role model an active lifestyle Use TV to get your kids in shape Turn household chores into exercise Teach your child to play alone Create memories and rituals that get the whole family moving
John Wiley & Sons Inc Professional Bread Baking
Professional Bread Baking is not only a cookbook providing an array of recipes and formulas for finished loaves. The title dives deeper into the discussion about bread, providing a detailed reference that will be indispensable for a baker. Written by an Associate Professor at the Culinary Institute of America, Professional Bread Baking provides the tools needed to mix, ferment, shape, proof, and bake exceptional artisanal bread.
Riverbend Publishing Found Photos of Yellowstone: Yellowstone's History in Tourist and Employee Photos
Granite Peak Publications Through Early Yellowstone: Adventuring by Bicycle, Covered Wagon, Foot, Horseback, and Skis
Honorable Mention, 2016 Foreword Indies Award in Travel An anthology of entertaining accounts of travel through Yellowstone, this book takes readers back to 1871, before it was a tourist destination, through the time when autos were allowed into the park. The adventurers include an intrepid mother who posted the sign “Park or Bust” on her family’s covered wagon, a strong cyclist and a hiker who traversed the whole park for fun, an expert guide on skis, and a New York horsewoman who presented park management with a plan for an interconnected circuit of bridle trails. Along with numerous historical photos and artwork, the book features a color gallery of watercolor paintings by Thomas Henry Thomas from 1884 and have never been seen outside of Wales.
Oxford University Press Inc Research Integrity: Best Practices for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
The primary goal of science is to "get it right," meaning that scientists seek to accurately document the world as it is. While erroneous conclusions and flawed theories can and do occur, they can only be tolerated as long as reliable mechanisms of self-correction exist, but an array of recent evidence suggests that this is not always the case. This book offers a behavioral science perspective on how scientific practice becomes compromised and provides recommendations for improvement. Broadening the discussion of research integrity beyond replication, publication biases, statistics, and methods, this book addresses the full complexity of the issue and serves academics and policy makers concerned with the reliability and validity of scientific findings across the social sciences. It tackles challenges presented by published reports and textbooks, addresses the ways that institutional review boards (IRBs) can influence the course of research, and discusses the weaknesses of meta-analysis, which is often recommended as a possible corrective measure for suboptimal scientific practice. The book concludes with an organizing framework to investigate how scientists' behaviors can impact the reliability and validity of scientific research.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Decision Making in Environmental Law
The Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law is a landmark reference work, providing definitive and comprehensive coverage of this dynamic field. Each volume probes the key elements of law, the essential concepts, and the latest research through concise, structured entries written by international experts. Each entry includes an extensive bibliography as a starting point for further reading. The mix of authoritative commentary and insightful discussion will make this an essential tool for research and teaching, as well as a valuable resource for professionals and policymakers.Environmental issues are at the heart of some of the most complex and consequential decisions that society must face in pursuit of a more sustainable future. They encompass the international, national, and local levels and engage all branches of government. Decision Making in Environmental Law, one of the constituent volumes in the Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, brings together some of the leading experts in the field and provides a structured overview of the various dimensions of decision making from an environmental law perspective. The concise and accessible chapters provide an international scope and detailed bibliographies that allow readers to explore issues in depth. Topics include: the role of treaties, common law tools, rulemaking, access to information, regulatory structures, market-based and trading mechanisms, monitoring and reporting, voluntary programs and private regulation, environmental impact analysis, public engagement and environmental justice, administrative and judicial review, and the role of environmental courts and tribunals. This volume offers a complete exploration of the complicated issue of environmental decision making. It is ideal as an introduction for students, as a reference point for scholars, and as a comprehensive guide for practitioners.Contributors include: W.L. Andreen, J. Broderick, C. Bruch, N.S. Bryner, W.W. Buzbee, C. Coglianese, K.S. Coplan, E. Daly, E.A. DeGroff, J.C. Dernbach, D.M. Driesen, H. Elliott, K.H. Engel, V.B. Flatt, R.L. Glicksman, E. Hammond, R.L. Hill, S.B. Krolikowski, B.C. Karkkainen, I.E. Kornfeld, G.J. S. Leal, M. Lee, G. Levitt, S.E. Light, J. Makowiak, D.R. Mandelker, B.C. Mank, J.R. May, K. Morrow, J. Nash, S.F. Nolon, D. Owen, L.C. Paddock. C. Pring, G. Pring, A. Sinden, W.M. Tabb, G. Van Hoorick, M.P. Vandenbergh, M.A. Wenisch, J.A. Wentz, M.C. Wood, S. Zellmer
Museum of Modern Art OBJECT: PHOTO: Modern Photographs: The Thomas Walther Collection 1909-1949
OBJECT:PHOTO shifts the dialogue about modernist photography from an emphasis on the subject and the image to the actual photographic object, created by a certain artist at a particular time and present today in its unique physicality. This shift is especially significant for a study of the period during which photography developed a distinctive formal language. A growing awareness of the rarity of images made between the two world wars has altered historians’ considerations, encouraging new approaches privileging the originality of each work and the density of references each contains. This richly illustrated publication culminates a four-year collaborative research endeavor between The Museum of Modern Art’s Departments of Photography and Conservation, and nearly 30 visiting scholars, on the material and aesthetic evolution of avant-garde photography in the early twentieth century. The 341 modernist photographs known as The Thomas Walther Collection, a major museum acquisition made in 2001, is presented in its entirety, establishing a new standard of depth for the medium. Essays by curators, researchers, and conservators consider the history of collecting from this era to the present and how deepening knowledge has shifted the perspective on the medium; the material facts of the Walther pictures as a baseline for understanding the development of photographic materials in this era; and how the intellectual formation of the writers of critical photographic publications of the era and the societal and cultural pressures of that historical moment inflected the photography’s sense of its own history. Together with thematic, object-based case studies of groups of pictures that demonstrate new approaches in specific, divergent examples, these contributions reanimate the dialogue on this formative era in photography.
University of South Carolina Press Heaven Is a Beautiful Place: A Memoir of the South Carolina Coast In Conversation with William P. Baldwi
Born in 1928 in the small coastal town of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Genevieve “Sister” Peterkin grew up with World War II bombing practice in her front yard, deep-sea fishing expeditions, and youthful rambles through the lowcountry. She shared her bedroom with a famous ghost and an impatient older sister. But most of all she listened. She absorbed the tales of her talented mother and her beloved friend, listened to the stories of the region’s older residents, some of them former slaves, who were her friends, neighbors, and teachers.In this new edition she once again shares with readers her insider’s knowledge of the lowcountry plantations, gardens, and beaches that today draw so many visitors. Beneath the humor, hauntings, and treasures of local history, she tells another, deeper story - one that deals with the struggle for racial equality in the South, with the sometimes painful adventures of marriage and parenthood, and with inner struggles for faith and acceptance. This edition includes a new foreword by coastal writer and researcher Lee G. Brockington and a new afterword by coauthor and lowcountry novelist William P. Baldwin.
University of South Carolina Press Heaven Is a Beautiful Place: A Memoir of the South Carolina Coast In Conversation with William P. Baldwi
Born in 1928 in the small coastal town of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Genevieve “Sister” Peterkin grew up with World War II bombing practice in her front yard, deep-sea fishing expeditions, and youthful rambles through the lowcountry. She shared her bedroom with a famous ghost and an impatient older sister. But most of all she listened. She absorbed the tales of her talented mother and her beloved friend, listened to the stories of the region’s older residents, some of them former slaves, who were her friends, neighbors, and teachers.In this new edition she once again shares with readers her insider’s knowledge of the lowcountry plantations, gardens, and beaches that today draw so many visitors. Beneath the humor, hauntings, and treasures of local history, she tells another, deeper story - one that deals with the struggle for racial equality in the South, with the sometimes painful adventures of marriage and parenthood, and with inner struggles for faith and acceptance. This edition includes a new foreword by coastal writer and researcher Lee G. Brockington and a new afterword by coauthor and lowcountry novelist William P. Baldwin.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Government Policies and the Delayed Economic Recovery
The slow recovery from the recession of 2007–9 raises fundamental economic and public policy concerns. Government Policies and the Delayed Economic Recovery examines some possible causes of the weak recovery and presents empirical evidence that too much policy activism and other policy shortcomings have held back economic growth.The book examines a wide range of policies that have led to the delayed economic recovery, from increased regulation to ineffective programs that have driven up the public debt. Although their opinions are not always the same, together the contributors reveal a common theme: the delayed recovery has been due to the enactment of poor economic policies and the failure to implement good ones. The authors conclude their analysis by providing a framework for how policies should change to restore strong economic growth.