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John Wiley & Sons Inc The Sixth Sense: Accelerating Organizational Learning with Scenarios
This book helps managers move beyond the idea that the future of business will resemble the past and allows them to use scenarios to imagine multiple perspectives. The concepts of organizational realities, experience, and beliefs are explored to encourage and embrace change in business organizations for a successful future.
University of Washington Press Heaven on the Half Shell: The Story of the Oyster in the Pacific Northwest
Heaven on the Half Shell offers a thoroughly researched and richly illustrated history of the Pacific Northwest’s beloved bivalve, the oyster. Starting with the earliest evidence of sea gardens and clam beds from 11,500 years ago, this book covers the history of oyster cultivation through contemporary aquaculture in coastal Washington, Oregon, British Columbia, northern California, and southeastern Alaska. Generations of oyster farmers, Native and non-Native, have weathered many challenges to continue the harvest. Their vivid individual accounts are braided together with significant history, such as the major contributions of Japanese immigrants prior to World War II and the 1994 Rafeedie decision that affirmed shellfish harvesting rights held by Northwest tribes. The book also sheds light on the innovations that made oysters an enduringly popular food, from the creation of so-called sexless oysters that could be consumed year-round to breakthroughs in contemporary oyster cuisine. Now fully updated and expanded—and chock-full of “oysterabilia”—this classic text shares new insights on emerging challenges to the oyster farmer’s life as well as increased coverage of the roles of women and contemporary tribes in building this cultural tradition, past and present. Newcomers and aficionados alike will also be delighted by the carefully selected recipes, both historic and contemporary, from the region’s top chefs. As the old saying goes, when the tide is out, the table is set.
Indiana University Press Africanisms in American Culture, Second Edition
An important work in the field of diaspora studies for the past decade, this collection has inspired scholars and others to explore a trail blazed originally by Melville J. Herskovits, the father of New World African studies. Since its original publication, the field has changed considerably. Africanism has been explored in its broader dimensions, particularly in the area of white Africanisms. Thus, the new edition has been revised and expanded. Joseph E. Holloway has written three essays for the new volume. The first uses a transnational framework to examine how African cultural survivals have changed over time and readapted to diasporic conditions while experiencing slavery, forced labor, and racial discrimination. The second essay is "Africanisms in African American Names in the United States." The third reconstructs Gullah history, citing numerous Africanisms not previously identified by others. In addition, "The African Heritage of White America" by John Phillips has been revised to take note of many more instances of African cultural survivals in white America and to present a new synthesis of approaches.
University of Illinois Press The Measurement of Meaning
In this pioneering study, the authors deal with the nature and theory of meaning and present a new, objective method for its measurement which they call the semantic differential. This instrument is not a specific test, but rather a general technique of measurement that can be adapted to a wide variety of problems in such areas as clinical psychology, social psychology, linguistics, mass communications, esthetics, and political science. The core of the book is the authors' description, application, and evaluation of this important tool and its far-reaching implications for empirical research.
The University of Chicago Press Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment
Although the rational choice approach toward political behavior has been severely criticized, its adherents claim that competing models have failed to offer a more scientific model of political decisionmaking. This measured but provocative book offers precisely that: an alternative way of understanding political behavior based on cognitive research.The authors draw on research in neuroscience, physiology, and experimental psychology to conceptualize habit and reason as two mental states that interact in a delicate, highly functional balance controlled by emotion. Applying this approach to more than fifteen years of election results, they shed light on a wide range of political behavior, including party identification, symbolic politics, and negative campaigning.Remarkably accessible, Affective Intelligence and Political Judgment urges social scientists to move beyond the idealistic notion of the purely rational citizen to form a more complete, realistic model that includes the emotional side of human judgment.
Channel View Publications Ltd Rural Tourism Development: Localism and Cultural Change
Rural tourism represents a merging of perhaps two of the most influential yet contradictory features of modern life. Not only are the forces of economic, social, cultural, environmental and political change working to redefine rural spaces the world over, but broad global transformations in consumption and transportation patterns are reshaping leisure behaviour and travel. For those concerned with both the nature of change in rural areas and tourism development, the dynamics and impacts of integrating these two dramatic shifts are not well known but yet are becoming increasingly provocative discourses for study. This book links changes at the local, rural community level to broader, more structural considerations of globalization and allows for a deeper, more theoretically sophisticated consideration of the various forces and features of rural tourism development. While Canadian in content, the cases and discussions presented in this book can be considered generally relevant to any rural region, continentally and globally, that has undertaken or is considering rural tourism development.
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Sherlock Holmes: A Gripping Casebook of Stories: A Gripping Casebook of Stories
Cambridge University Press More: Utopia
This is a fully revised edition of one of the most successful volumes in the Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought series. Incorporating extensive updates to the editorial apparatus, including the introduction, suggestions for further reading, and footnotes, this third edition of More's Utopia has been comprehensively re-worked to take into account scholarship published since the second edition in 2002. The vivid and engaging translation of the work itself by Robert M. Adams includes all the ancillary materials by More's fellow humanists that, added to the book at his own request, collectively constitute the first and best interpretive guide to Utopia. Unlike other teaching editions of Utopia, this edition keeps interpretive commentary - whether editorial annotations or the many pungent marginal glosses that are an especially attractive part of the humanist ancillary materials - on the page they illuminate instead of relegating them to endnotes, and provides students with a uniquely full and accessible experience of More's perennially fascinating masterpiece.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Revolution & War in Contemporary Ukraine: The Challenge of Change
What are the reasons behind, and trajectories of, the rapid cultural changes in Ukraine since 2013? This volume highlights: the role of the Revolution of Dignity and the Russian-Ukrainian war in the formation of Ukrainian civil society; the forms of warfare waged by Moscow against Kyiv, including information and religious wars; Ukrainian and Russian identities and cultural realignment; sources of destabilisation in Ukraine and beyond; memory politics and Russian foreign policies; the Kremlins geopolitical goals in its 'near abroad'; and factors determining Ukraines future and survival in a state of war. The studies included in this collection illuminate the growing gap between the political and social systems of Ukraine and Russia. The anthology illustrates how the Ukrainian revolution of 20132014, Russias annexation of the Crimean peninsula, and its invasion of eastern Ukraine have altered the post-Cold War political landscape and, with it, the regional and global power and security dynamics.
CAEZIK SF & Fantasy Conversations From the Edge: The Galaxy's Edge Interviews
Avatar Press Fevre Dream
RAND Penaid Nonproliferation: Hindering the Spread of Countermeasures Against Ballistic Missile Defenses
Liberty Fund Inc Epistemological Problems of Economics
Random House USA Inc Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief's Tribute to America's Warriors
The History Press Ltd The Titanic Expeditions: Diving to the Queen of the Deep: 1985–2021
The remains of the world’s most famous passenger liner, RMS Titanic, were discovered off the coast of Newfoundland in 1985, seventy-three years after it sank. Since then there have been numerous deep-water expeditions to the wreck site, yet little has ever been revealed about the details of these operations.Now, in this fully updated book, Eugene Nesmeyanov recounts all the major Titanic expeditions from 1985 to 2021, taking us on a journey alongside the scientists, cinematographers and other specialists who have visited the legendary wreck 2½ miles below the surface of the North Atlantic. A thorough analysis of the sophisticated technical equipment used is presented, along with historical, biological and other scientific findings, and rare material from official archives and private collections.
Hal Leonard Corporation Mary Poppins: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
University of California Press Symbolic Analysis Cross-Culturally: The Rorschach Test
This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1989.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Linear Regression Analysis
Concise, mathematically clear, and comprehensive treatment of the subject. * Expanded coverage of diagnostics and methods of model fitting. * Requires no specialized knowledge beyond a good grasp of matrix algebra and some acquaintance with straight-line regression and simple analysis of variance models. * More than 200 problems throughout the book plus outline solutions for the exercises. * This revision has been extensively class-tested.
Alclare Pty Ltd Taste with Your Face: Adventures in Healthy Eating
1517 Media 1 Enoch: The Hermeneia Translation
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. A Clinical Guide to the Treatment of the Human Stress Response
This new edition emphasizes the unique contribution of this longstanding text in the integration of mind/body relationships. The concept of stress, as defined and elaborated in Chapter 1, the primary efferent biological mechanisms of the human stress response, as described in Chapter 2, and the link from stress arousal to disease, as defined in Chapter 3, essentially remains the same. However, updates in microanatomy, biochemistry and tomography are added to these chapters. All other chapters will be updated as well, as there has been significant changes in the field over the past eight years.
Oxford University Press Lord Byron - The Major Works
This authoritative edition was originally published in the acclaimed Oxford Authors series under the general editorship of Frank Kermode. It brings together a unique combination of Byron's poetry and prose - all the major poems, complemented by important letters, journals, and conversations - to give the essence of his work and thinking. Byron is regarded today as the ultimate Romantic, whose name has entered the language to describe a man of brooding passion. Although his private life shocked his contemporaries his poetry was immensely popular and influential, especially in Europe. This comprehensive edition includes the complete texts of his two poetic masterpieces Childe Harold's Pilgrimage and Don Juan, as well as the dramatic poems Manfred and Cain. There are many other shorter poems and part of the satire English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. In addition there is a selection from Byron's inimitable letters, extracts from his journals and conversations, as well as more formal writings. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Dover Publications Inc. The Enchiridion: a Stoic's Guide to Contentment and Tranquility
Prestel Lari Pittman: Declaration of Independence
One of the most prolific and exuberant painters of the past three decades, Lari Pittman creates works that mirror the social fabric of his time. This dazzling volume follows Pittman's trajectory as his visual language evolved and his technical mastery grew ever more sophisticated. From his early works- defiant affirmations of identity in the increasingly conservative 1980s-to his more recent subjects that feature emblems of cultural regression and commercialism, Pittman's paintings are uniquely operatic and ambitious. This book features over sixty paintings and thirty drawings, including Pittman's mural- scale series Flying Carpets. Alongside these illustrations are essays that place Pittman's imagery within both Modernism and recent histories of Los Angeles; and examine the work's political commentary as well as its many literary references. Serving as a cipher for the political tensions around the body and transcultural identity, Lari Pittman emerges as an artist who speaks truth to power through a visual language that reflects the contemporary world.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Web Engineering: 11th International Conference, ICWE 2011, Paphos, Cyprus, June 20-24, 2011, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web Engineering, held in Paphos, Cyprus, in June 2011. The 22 revised full papers and 15 revised poster papers presented together with 2 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from 90 submissions for inclusion in the book. The papers topics cover a broad range of areas, namely, the Semantic Web, Web Services, Mashups, Web 2.0, Web quality, Web development, etc.
Heritage House Publishing Co Ltd kā-āciwīkicik / The Move
Heritage House Publishing Co Ltd kā-āciwīkicik / The Move
Mark Twain Media U.S. History, Grades 6 - 12: People and Events 1865-Present
Rowman & Littlefield Until I Could Be Sure: How I Stopped the Death Penalty in Illinois
Until I Can Be Sure is a memoir of how a one man set aside his prior beliefs – and pressure from the public and politicians – to take on a culture and a system of punishment that Americans long have grappled with, even as much of the rest of the civilized world has consigned it to the dustbin of history.
Oklahoma City Museum of Art Breaking the Mold: Selections from the Washington Gallery of Modern Art, 1961-1968
Breaking the Mold focuses on paintings from a pivotal time, one of transition from postwar abstract expressionism to new artistic developments. It includes works on paper, paintings, and sculpture by fifty artists including Josef Albers, Richard Diebenkorn, Ellsworth Kelly, Morris Louis, and Marcel Duchamp.The Washington Gallery of Modern Art (WGMA) was founded in Washington, DC, on October 28, 1961, to increase the national and international attention given to contemporary art in the nation's capital, with an expressed purpose to exhibit and collect contemporary works of art. In 1968, the museum's collection was sold to the Oklahoma Art Center.This historically important collection from the former Washington gallery played an important role in the collection and cultivation of contemporary American art movements from the 1950s and 1960s, including late abstract expressionism, color field painting, minimalism, and pop art.
Novello & Co Ltd As Pants The Hart
Yale University Press Mutual Accompaniment and the Creation of the Commons
A landmark book that maps a radical model not only for the “helping” professions but for the work of solidarity This timely and pathbreaking volume maps a radical model of accompaniment, exploring its profound implications for solidarity. Psychosocial and ecological accompaniment is a mode of responsive assistance that combines psychosocial understanding with political and cultural action. Accompaniment—grounded in horizontality, interdependence, and potential mutuality—moves away from hierarchical and unidirectional helping-profession approaches that decontextualize suffering. Watkins envisions a powerful paradigm of mutual solidarity with profound implications for creating commons in the face of societal division and indifference to suffering.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Handbook of Chronic Total Occlusions
Chronic total occlusions (CTO) are common, and found in approximately one third of patients with significant coronary artery disease who undergo angiography. CTO constitute one of the main criteria when selecting between angioplasty and bypass surgery. Angioplasty for CTO is intricate and requires excellent operator skill, but even when performed under the best circumstances, it is plagued by lower success rates when compared to non-total occlusions. The main difficulty with CTO lies not with choosing which stent to use, but rather occurs during earlier steps of crossing the lesion and advancing the wire into the true lumen of the distal vessel. Having accomplished this, the rates of restenosis are prohibitively high. Mehran, Dangas and an international team of experienced operators offer the reader sound advice on the evaluation and management of CTO in both the coronary and peripheral vascular systems. Their practical guidance should aid all those working with this difficult subset of patients.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Adam Eterno: A Hero For All Time: From the Pages of Thunder
1580, London. Adam Eterno was working as an assistant to the great alchemist Erasmus Hemlock who had just achieved his life's goal – creating the 'Elixir of Life'! Adam swallowed the potion, defying his masters orders. With his last breath, Erasmus placed a curse upon Adam, wishing him immortality. Unless Adam is struck over the head with a solid gold object, he is, "doomed to wander through the labyrinths of time...!"From the high seas of 1770 to the Western Front in 1916, follow Adam Eterno's earliest adventures, beautifully illustrated with black and white art by Solano Lopez (Janus Stark), Tom Kerr (Kelly's Eye) and Colin Page (Billy's Boots) and originally published in the pages of Thunder.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Hunger Games and Philosophy: A Critique of Pure Treason
A philosophical exploration of Suzanne Collins's New York Times bestselling series, just in time for the release of The Hunger Games movie Katniss Everdeen is "the girl who was on fire," but she is also the girl who made us think, dream, question authority, and rebel. The post-apocalyptic world of Panem's twelve districts is a divided society on the brink of war and struggling to survive, while the Capitol lives in the lap of luxury and pure contentment. At every turn in the Hunger Games trilogy, Katniss, Peeta, Gale, and their many allies wrestle with harrowing choices and ethical dilemmas that push them to the brink. Is it okay for Katniss to break the law to ensure her family's survival? Do ordinary moral rules apply in the Arena? Can the world of The Hunger Games shine a light into the dark corners of our world? Why do we often enjoy watching others suffer? How can we distinguish between what's Real and Not Real? This book draws on some of history's most engaging philosophical thinkers to take you deeper into the story and its themes, such as sacrifice, altruism, moral choice, and gender. Gives you new insights into the Hunger Games series and its key characters, plot lines, and ideas Examines important themes such as the state of nature, war, celebrity, authenticity, and social class Applies the perspective of some of world's greatest minds, such as Charles Darwin, Thomas Hobbes, Friedrich Nietzsche, Plato, and Immanuel Kant to the Hunger Games trilogy Covers all three books in the Hunger Games trilogy An essential companion for Hunger Games fans, this book will take you deeper into the dystopic world of Panem and into the minds and motivations of those who occupy it.
University of Toronto Press A History of Canadian Legal Thought: Collected Essays
This volume in the Osgoode Society's distinguished series on the history of Canadian law is a collection of the principal essays of Professor Emeritus R.C.B. Risk, one of the pioneers of Canadian legal history and for many years regarded as its foremost authority on the history of Canadian legal thought. Frank Scott, Bora Laskin, W.P.M. Kennedy, John Willis and Edward Blake are among the better known figures whose thinking and writing about law are featured in this collection. But this compilation of the most important essays by a pioneer in Canadian legal history brings to light many other lesser known figures as well, whose writings covered a wide range of topics, from estoppel to the British North America Act to the purpose of legal education. Written over more than two decades, and covering the immediate post-Confederation period to the 1960s, these essays reveal a distinctive Canadian tradition of thinking about the nature and functions of law, one which Risk clearly takes pride in and urges us to celebrate.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd European Welfare Futures: Towards a Theory of Retrenchment
European Welfare Futures presents a clear and up-to-date analysis of developments in social policy in the main EU member states. It provides a systematic account of welfare retrenchment and assesses the competing explanations of this process. The authors provide convincing evidence for the view that an 'ever closer union' in social policy will require a much more difficult process than that which led to monetary union. The book makes a major contribution to understanding how welfare policy in Europe will develop over the next few years. It offers an original and wide-ranging account of the forces affecting the direction of policy, and stresses the role of social and political institutions in explaining why countries differ. European Welfare Futures will be essential reading for undergraduates, graduate students and scholars in social policy, sociology, political science, area studies and international relations courses. It will also be of great interest to policy-makers in the EU, especially in the areas of pensions, health, social care and unemployment.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Maximum Entropy Econometrics: Robust Estimation with Limited Data
In the theory and practice of econometrics the model, the methodand the data are all interdependent links in informationrecovery-estimation and inference. Seldom, however, are theeconomic and statistical models correctly specified, the datacomplete or capable of being replicated, the estimation rulesoptimal and the inferences free of distortion. Faced with theseproblems, Maximum Entropy Economeirics provides a new basis forlearning from economic and statistical models that may benon-regular in the sense that they are ill-posed or underdeterminedand the data are partial or incomplete. By extending the maximumentropy formalisms used in the physical sciences, the authorspresent a new set of generalized entropy techniques designed torecover information about economic systems. The authors compare thegeneralized entropy techniques with the performance of the relevanttraditional methods of information recovery and clearly demonstratetheories with applications including * Pure inverse problems that include first order Markov processes,and input-output, multisectoral or SAM models to * Inverse problems with noise that include statistical modelssubject to ill-conditioning, non-normal errors, heteroskedasticity,autocorrelation, censored, multinomial and simultaneous responsedata, as well as model selection and non-stationary and dynamiccontrol problems Maximum Entropy Econometrics will be of interest to econometricianstrying to devise procedures for recovering information from partialor incomplete data, as well as quantitative economists in financeand business, statisticians, and students and applied researchersin econometrics, engineering and the physical sciences.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dynamical Systems and Control
The 11th International Workshop on Dynamics and Control brought together scientists and engineers from diverse fields and gave them a venue to develop a greater understanding of this discipline and how it relates to many areas in science, engineering, economics, and biology. The event gave researchers an opportunity to investigate ideas and techniques from outside their own fields of expertise, enabling a cross-pollination of dynamics and control perspectives. Now there is a book that documents the major presentations of the workshop, providing a foundation for further research.The range and diversity of papers in Dynamical Systems and Control demonstrate the remarkable reach of the subject. All of these contributed papers shed light on a multiplicity of physical, biological, and economic phenomena through lines of reasoning that originate and grow from this discipline.The editors divide the book into three parts. The first covers fundamental advances in dynamics, dynamical systems, and control. These papers represent ideas that can be applied to several areas of interest. The second part deals with new and innovative techniques and their application to a variety of interesting problems, from the control of cars and robots, to the dynamics of ships and suspension bridges, and the determination of optimal spacecraft trajectories. The third section relates to social, economic, and biological issues. It reveals the wealth of understanding that can be obtained through a dynamics and control approach to issues such as epidemics, economic games, neo-cortical synchronization, and human posture control.
Columbia University Press Conservation Genetics in the Age of Genomics
Genome sequencing enables scientists to study genes over time and to test the genetic variability of any form of life, from bacteria to mammals. Thanks to advances in molecular genetics, scientists can now determine an animal's degree of inbreeding or compare genetic variation of a captive species to wild or natural populations. Mapping an organism's genetic makeup recasts such terms as biodiversity and species and enables the conservation of rare or threatened species, populations, and genes. By introducing a new paradigm for studying and preserving life at a variety of levels, genomics offers solutions to previously intractable problems in understanding the biology of complex organisms and creates new tools for preserving the patterns and processes of life on this planet. Featuring a number of high-profile researchers, this volume introduces the use of molecular genetics in conservation biology and provides a historical perspective on the opportunities and challenges presented by new technologies. It discusses zoo-, museum-, and herbarium-based biological collections, which have expanded over the past decade, and covers the promises and problems of genomic and reproductive technology. The collection concludes with the philosophical and legal issues of conservation genetics and their potential effects on public policy.
Imperial College Press Delta-sigma Modulators: Modeling, Design And Applications
This important book deals with the modeling and design of higher-order single-stage delta-sigma modulators. It provides an overview of the architectures, the quantizer models, the design techniques and the implementation issues encountered in the study of the delta-sigma modulators. A number of applications are discussed, with emphasis on use in the design of analog-to-digital converters and in frequency synthesis. The book is education- rather than research-oriented, containing numerical examples and unsolved problems. It is aimed at introducing the final-year undergraduate, the graduate student or the electronic engineer to this field.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Supply Chain And Finance
This book describes recently developed mathematical models, methodologies, and case studies in diverse areas, including stock market analysis, portfolio optimization, classification techniques in economics, supply chain optimization, development of e-commerce applications, etc. It will be of interest to both theoreticians and practitioners working in economics and finance.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pearls in Glaucoma Therapy
Pearls in Glaucoma Surgery discusses the treatment of glaucoma. Beginning with an introduction to the disease, ophthalmologists are guided through the various tests and use of optical coherence tomography (OCT), glaucoma diagnosis (GDx) and Heidelberg retina tomography (HRT). The book describes different treatment methods and when and how to use them, also taking into account other medical conditions such as pregnancy.
Museum Tusculanum Press Tocharian and Indo-European Studies 17
Ovid Technologies Guía para las rotaciones clínicas. Procedimientos y destrezas
Para los estudiantes de medicina, el paso del aula a la clínica representa una importante transición educativa, llena de nuevas y ricas oportunidades de aprendizaje y desafíos. Guía para las rotaciones clínicas. Procedimientos y destrezas es una obra compacta, fácil de usar que sirve como recurso práctico para ayudarles a aprender de forma eficiente las destrezas clínicas necesarias para la atención diaria de los pacientes. Con instrucciones concisas paso a paso, así como ilustraciones complementarias, se detalla brevemente la información necesaria para una referencia rápida, y se acompaña de ideas y ejemplos profesionales que destacan la aplicación efectiva.La obra se divide en siete secciones: la primera cubre anamnesis, exploración física, notas de evolución, ingreso, remisión a otras especialidades o alta hospitalaria, entre otras cuestiones iniciales. La segunda sección se centra en la presentación oral de los casos clínicos o de una nota de evolución, con capítulos organizados por especialidades. La tercera sección se enfoca en el expediente médico electrónico, y la cuarta inicia con los procedimientos básicos requeridos en las diferentes rotaciones clínicas. Las dos siguientes secciones abordan destrezas de comunicación y cómo responder a preguntas clínicas. En la última sección se incluyen referencias rápidas con datos de consulta frecuente como signos vitales, ritmos cardiacos comunes, parámetros cardiopulmonares, evaluación del estado hídrico, y cifras y valores normales de laboratorio, entre otros.
Verlag Peter Lang Assessing English for Academic Purposes
Imperial College Press Strategic Technology Management: Building Bridges Between Sciences, Engineering And Business Management (2nd Edition)
Two recent major trends in today's complex and competitive high technology global society have underscored the importance for a textbook on strategic technology management. The first is the desire of major global corporations and high technology firms to hire graduates who are able to understand engineering and science, and make sound strategic business decisions. The second is the increasing interest among engineering and science students to take courses in business management.This invaluable book attempts to bridge business and scientific management practices so as to foster better understanding between the two entities. The second edition is updated with interesting case studies on biomedical and renewable technologies.
Royal Society of Chemistry Synthetic Glycomes
Glycans play essential roles in diverse biological and etiological processes and their structural complexity endow various functions. The glycome is the entire set of glycans produced by an individual organism. As the glycan microarray emerged, a good amount of knowledge has been obtained in understanding the functions of glycans. However, limited accessibility of glycans is a major obstacle to the functional glycomics study. Although isolation from biology samples provided some structures, the low abundance of glycans obtained and the difficulty in complete structural assignment restricted the subsequent assay. To circumvent this limitation, many synthetic strategies, including chemical, enzymatic and chemo-enzymatic ones have been developed to make libraries of structurally defined complex glycans available. The glycans provided by these techniques combined with high-throughput glycoarray techniques have broadened and deepened our understanding about functional glycomics. The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive review of the current state of the synthetic glycome and a brief introduction of the application of the synthetic glycome in glycoarray assay. Accordingly, synthetic strategies toward generating glycans with comprehensive structures as well as the glycoarrays to unveil the glycan functions are described in this book.