Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Ophthalmology Examinations Review, The (Third Edition)
Since the last Edition of Ophthalmology Examinations Review, there has been major new discovery in the understanding of common eye diseases, and new treatments and diagnostic procedures have been refined or newly developed.A revised Edition reflecting these changes is warranted at this time. The aim and scope of the book will be consistent with the previous two editions in that it will provide a broad review for the final year ophthalmology resident and trainees taking the specialist ophthalmology examinations. The book deals primarily with key facts and topics that are important from an examination perspective. Only information and facts that are considered relevant and critical to the exams are covered, with topics that may be of scientific interest, but are not common to exams specifically left out. This book will help the resident organize and synthesize knowledge acquired from various other sources or textbooks. While not meant to replace standard textbooks, enough information is contained within the book to serve as the main revision text nearer the exams.The style and format of this book is intentionally didactic, with questions and short answers. The answer includes a 'model opening statement,' followed by a classification system to aid organization of facts and then by the bulk of the answer in concise short notes. Exam Tips are inserted to provide an insight into how to answer different types of questions and when appropriate, a Clinical Approach section is also included.In the new edition, topics such as new understanding of disease mechanisms, new investigations (e.g. OCT), and new procedures and treatment (e.g. use of anti-vascular endothelial growth factors, new refractive surgical techniques, new corneal transplant) are covered.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Infinite Group Theory: From The Past To The Future
The development of algebraic geometry over groups, geometric group theory and group-based cryptography, has led to there being a tremendous recent interest in infinite group theory. This volume presents a good collection of papers detailing areas of current interest.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Science And Society
The latest advances and discoveries in science have made, and continue to make, a huge impact on our lives. This book is a history of the social impact of science and technology from the beginnings of civilization up to the present. The book explains how the key inventions: agriculture, writing and printing with movable type, initiated an explosive growth of knowledge and human power over the environment. It also shows how the Industrial Revolution changed the relationship between humans and nature, and initiated a massive use of fossil fuels. Problems related to nuclear power, nuclear weapons, genetic engineering, information technology, exhaustion of non-renewable resources, use of fossil fuels and climate change are examined in the later chapters of the book. Finally, the need for ethical maturity to match our scientific progress is discussed.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Combinatorial Problems In Mathematical Competitions
This book focuses on combinatorial problems in mathematical competitions. It provides basic knowledge on how to solve combinatorial problems in mathematical competitions, and also introduces important solutions to combinatorial problems and some typical problems with often-used solutions. Some enlightening and novel examples and exercises are well chosen in this book.With this book, readers can explore, analyze and summarize the ideas and methods of solving combinatorial problems. Their mathematical culture and ability will be improved remarkably after reading this book.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Thermodynamics Of Quantum Yang-mills Theory, The: Theory And Applications
This latest edition enhances the material of the first edition with a derivation of the value of the action for each of the Harrington-Shepard calorons/anticalorons that are relevant for the emergence of the thermal ground state. Also included are discussions of the caloron center versus its periphery, the role of the thermal ground state in U(1) wave propagation, photonic particle-wave duality, and calculational intricacies and book-keeping related to one-loop scattering of massless modes in the deconfining phase of an SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. Moreover, a derivation of the temperature-redshift relation of the CMB in deconfining SU(2) Yang-Mills thermodynamics and its application to explaining an apparent early re-ionization of the Universe are given. Finally, a mechanism of mass generation for cosmic neutrinos is proposed.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Virtuous Organization, The: Insights From Some Of The World's Leading Management Thinkers
This book focuses on a new and emerging, yet as old as recorded history, organizational concern: virtue. Virtue has recently become a topic of serious examination among organizational researchers and progressive companies who are exploring their role in creating new, more holistic, healthy, and humane work environments. With interdisciplinary insights by many of the world's leading management thinkers, the book includes conceptual treatments, empirical research, and actual cases concerning virtuous behavior and leadership under conditions of crises, and ordinary and exemplary times.Until recently, scholarly research paid scant attention to virtue, especially in organizations. The pursuit of virtue, as opposed to the bottom line, remained outside the acceptable domain of practising managers faced with economic pressures and stakeholder demands. Concepts such as efficiency, return on investment (ROI), and competitive advantage were emphasized over more virtuous concerns such as caring, compassion, integrity and wisdom. The Virtuous Organization fills this void by presenting paradigm-shifting insights of leading scholars that have the potential to change the face of management thinking and practice for both this and future generations.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Environmental Economics For Non-economists: Techniques And Policies For Sustainable Development (2nd Edition)
Environmental economics, which used to be on the periphery of the economics discipline, is fast becoming mainstream as concern for the environment grows. Practitioners in other disciplines (e.g. engineering, science, natural resource management, social sciences) are increasingly faced with environmental problems that have an economic component. This invaluable book fills an important gap in the literature by teaching both economists and non-economists how to use economic tools to address environmental problems.The book is divided into three parts. Part I introduces theoretical concepts, including chapters on ecological economics and basic microeconomics for the non-specialist. Part II introduces tools for environmental policy analysis, while Part III discusses global environmental issues. The material is presented in an engaging manner with extensive use of graphs and diagrams to explain the key concepts. Exercises and an extensive bibliography are provided at the end of each chapter.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Black Holes, Information And The String Theory Revolution, An: The Holographic Universe
Over the last decade the physics of black holes has been revolutionized by developments that grew out of Jacob Bekenstein's realization that black holes have entropy. Stephen Hawking raised profound issues concerning the loss of information in black hole evaporation and the consistency of quantum mechanics in a world with gravity. For two decades these questions puzzled theoretical physicists and eventually led to a revolution in the way we think about space, time, matter and information. This revolution has culminated in a remarkable principle called “The Holographic Principle”, which is now a major focus of attention in gravitational research, quantum field theory and elementary particle physics. Leonard Susskind, one of the co-inventors of the Holographic Principle as well as one of the founders of String theory, develops and explains these concepts.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Competitiveness Of Nations 1, The: Navigating The Us-china Trade War And The Covid-19 Global Pandemic
In the existing reports on national competitiveness and rankings such as IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook and WEF Global Competitiveness Report, there are sizable discrepancies in the ranking order for the same countries. As a result, the reader is often confused because such an outcome creates difficulties for government officials when translating these findings into real-world policies. These discrepancies are actually due to the differences in logic and analytical models used by IMD and WEF. Therefore, in recognizing the problems and limitations of these models, this book presents the IPS model as a new approach. As an extension of Michael Porter's diamond model, it demonstrates a robust set of methodologies as well as offers a number of key policy implications for countries around the world that wish to enhance their national competitiveness.The analytical tools used in this book can be further utilized for other units of analysis such as industries and firms. As this book provides a series of sophisticated methodologies and specific guidelines for enhancing national competitiveness, both academics and practitioners can derive useful implications from this research. Alongside the theoretical frameworks and methodologies for national competitiveness presented in this book, timely topics are included such as the COVID-19 global pandemic and the US-China trade war. This book also includes various country-specific real-world cases that are assessed from the perspective of both developed and developing countries.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Gradient Smoothing Methods With Programming: Applications To Fluids And Landslides
This unique compendium presents the Gradient Smoothing Methods (GSMs), as a general solver for linear and nonlinear PDEs (Partial Differential Equations) with a focus on fluids and flowing solids.The volume introduces the basic concepts and theories of the gradient smoothing technique used in the GSMs. Formulations for both Eulerian-GSM and Lagrangian-GSM are presented. The key ingredients of GSMs and its effectiveness in solving challenging fluid/solid flow problems with complex geometries are then discussed.Applications of GSM are highlighted, including compressible and incompressible flows, hydrodynamics with flexible free surface, and flowing solids with material strength and large deformation in geotechnical engineering, in particular, landslide simulations.In-house MATLAB codes are provided for both Eulerian and Lagrangian GSMs, along with detailed descriptions. More efficient FORTRAN source codes for solving complex engineering problems are also available on Github.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Hands-on Intermediate Econometrics Using R: Templates For Learning Quantitative Methods And R Software
How to learn both applied statistics (econometrics) and free, open-source software R? This book allows students to have a sense of accomplishment by copying and pasting many hands-on templates provided here.The textbook is essential for anyone wishing to have a practical understanding of an extensive range of topics in Econometrics. No other text provides software snippets to learn so many new statistical tools with hands-on examples. The explicit knowledge of inputs and outputs of each new method allows the student to know which algorithm is worth studying. The book offers sufficient theoretical and algorithmic details about a vast range of statistical techniques.The second edition's preface lists the following topics generally absent in other textbooks. (i) Iteratively reweighted least squares, (ii) Pillar charts to represent 3D data. (iii) Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) (iv) model selection with Mallows' Cp criterion. (v) Hodrick-Prescott (HP) filter. (vi) Automatic ARIMA models. (vi) Nonlinear Granger-causality using kernel regressions and bootstrap confidence intervals. (vii) new Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC). (viii) Market-neutral pairs trading using two cointegrated stocks. (ix) Artificial neural network (ANN) for product-specific forecasting. (x) Vector AR and VARMA models. (xi) New tools for diagnosing the endogeneity problem. (xii) The elegant set-up of k-class estimators and identification. (xiii) Probit-logit models and Heckman selection bias correction. (xiv) Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and areas under them. (xv) Confusion matrix. (xvi) Quantile regression (xvii) Elastic net estimator. (xviii) generalized Correlations (xix) maximum entropy bootstrap for time series. (xx) Convergence concepts quantified. (xxi) Generalized partial correlation coefficients (xxii) Panel data and duration (survival) models.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Research Methods: A Practical Guide For Students And Researchers
Research Methods: A Practical Guide for Students and Researchers is a practical guide on how to conduct research systematically and professionally. The book begins by distinguishing between causal and interpretive sciences. It then guides the reader on how to formulate the research question, review the literature, develop the hypothesis or framework, select a suitable research methodology, and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data.The book uses classic examples as exemplars. It also uses many examples from different disciplines and sectors to demonstrate and showcase the inter-connections and wider applications of research tools.The book emphasizes integration. It does not merely provide a smorgasbord of research designs, data collection methods, and ways to analyze data. Instead, it shows how one could formulate research strategies given the outcomes the researchers are required or tasked to deliver.The revised edition includes three new chapters on time series (including spatial models), machine learning, and meta-analysis. In addition, existing chapters have been expanded to include more examples, digital research, and new material.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Adventures With Technology And Gadgets
Adventures with Technology and Gadgets is an immersive encounter with more than 15 groundbreaking advances that have changed the way that we live, work and play. When were the first computers invented? How did fibre optic technology transform communications? What if you could protect your belongings with a real-life 'force field'? Scribble in a digital notebook. Pit your wits against robot friends. And walk around in GPS shoes! From the machines that clean our living spaces to the engines that move us from place to place, and from pocket-sized devices to vast hubs of information, grasp the astounding workings of tech and gadgets as never before!The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds.This book aligns with the following syllabi:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Computational Geometry With Independent And Dependent Uncertainties
This comprehensive compendium describes a parametric model and algorithmic theory to represent geometric entities with dependent uncertainties between them. The theory, named Linear Parametric Geometric Uncertainty Model (LPGUM), is an expressive and computationally efficient framework that allows to systematically study geometric uncertainty and its related algorithms in computer geometry.The self-contained monograph is of great scientific, technical, and economic importance as geometric uncertainty is ubiquitous in mechanical CAD/CAM, robotics, computer vision, wireless networks and many other fields. Geometric models, in contrast, are usually exact and do not account for these inaccuracies.This useful reference text benefits academics, researchers, and practitioners in computer science, robotics, mechanical engineering and related fields.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Adventures With More Land Animals
Adventures with More Land Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 20 residents of diverse habitats above and below ground. What's the difference between antlers and horns? Why does the sloth move so slowly? Can you spot the black panther's ... spots? March in an army of ants. Take a road trip to marvel at the moose. Wrestle with the coconut crab. And meet the unforgettable proboscis monkey! From the Arctic wilderness to the Andean Mountains, and from faraway grasslands to gardens next door, experience more land animals up closer than ever before!The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds.This book aligns with the following syllabi:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Transformation From Colonial Chemist To Global Health And Beauty Retailer: A.s. Watson
A S Watson Group (ASW), its health and beauty retail arm commonly known as 'Watsons' in Asia, traces its humble beginnings back to a matshed colonial apothecary shop called the Hong Kong Dispensary (the 'Dispensary') when it was set up back in 1841. This book unlocks the secrets and transformations of ASW from a colonial chemist to the number three global player in health and beauty retailing. How was ASW able to pull through each and every global or national crisis it faced in the 180 years to emerge more robust and vibrant?In Part One of this book, Patrick vividly describes Watson's globalization journey over the past 180 years. He details how Watsons survived the waves of social unrest, civil wars, global financial turmoil, political crisis, and pandemics that confronted the world. One of the most exciting developments in this history took place from 1999 to 2006 when ASW achieved quantum leaps and consolidated its position as a leading global drug store chain under Wade's leadership.In Part Two of this book, Patrick analyzes the corporate management practices of Watson. He articulates Andrew Chi-Fai Chan's 'Left-and-Right Circles' theory behind Ian Wade's branding strategy. He further draws upon Wade's other 'Prosperity Strategies' in parallel with the '4+2' Formula' advocated by Nitin Nohria et al. Over the past fourteen years, the global market has undergone tremendous changes in China, Asia, and Europe. And with it, ASW has undertaken a pragmatic growth approach to dodge the headwinds of the subprime mortgage crisis, the Eurozone crisis, China-US decoupling, Brexit, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Ordinary Differential Equations With Applications (Third Edition)
Written in a straightforward and easily accessible style, this volume is suitable as a textbook for advanced undergraduate or first-year graduate students in mathematics, physical sciences, and engineering. The aim is to provide students with a strong background in the theories of Ordinary Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Boundary Value Problems, including regular and singular perturbations. It is also a valuable resource for researchers.This volume presents an abundance of examples in physical and biological sciences, and engineering to illustrate the applications of the theorems in the text. Readers are introduced to some important theorems in Nonlinear Analysis, for example, Brouwer fixed point theorem and fundamental theorem of algebras. A chapter on Monotone Dynamical Systems takes care of the new developments in Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems.In this third edition, an introduction to Hamiltonian Systems is included to enhance and complete its coverage on Ordinary Differential Equations with applications in Mathematical Biology and Classical Mechanics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd O Mg! How Chemistry Came To Be
This book is a graphic introduction to how chemistry developed, from ancient times to now. Led by cartoon host, Ben Zene — with occasional interjections by eccentric Greek philosopher Democritus — readers learn about ancient Greek and Chinese elements, alchemists, and the development of chemistry as we know it today, from Robert Boyle and Antoine Lavoisier, from Elizabeth Fulhame and John Dalton, to Jöns Jakob Berzelius and Friedrich Wöhler, to Rosalind Franklin, Linus Pauling, and Mario Molina. The book delves into topics like nanochemistry, environmental chemistry, and how the structure of atoms and molecules was uncovered, all with good humor, bright colors, and lively drawings. There are occasional sidebars on chemical-related history and the arts, and factoids such as how President of the USA Herbert Hoover and President of Israel Chaim Weizmann influenced chemistry, how personal politics may have denied Gilbert Lewis the Nobel Prize, a Japanese tale of intrigue mingling with chemistry, and which chemist was the first living person to have an element named for him.Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Of 5g, The (In 5 Volumes)
5G is becoming a critically important supporting technology for industrial evolvement.The World of 5G series consists of five salient volumes — Internet of Everything, Intelligent Manufacturing, Intelligent Home, Intelligent Transportation, and Intelligent Medicine.Aim to capture new opportunities brought by 5G, this compendium set focuses on the key technologies, requirements, users' experiences, industry applications, and industrial reforms from the perspective of experts, and comprehensively introduces the related knowledge of 5G.These reference volumes inform readers the essences of 5G, potential changes to the development of public life and society brought by 5G, as well as the potential security and risks such as the legal, moral and ethical aspects.The set also prominently reflects the latest business status in different industrial and social fields, and the great changes that follow.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lectures On Quantum Mechanics And Attractors
This book gives a concise introduction to Quantum Mechanics with a systematic, coherent, and in-depth explanation of related mathematical methods from the scattering theory and the theory of Partial Differential Equations.The book is aimed at graduate and advanced undergraduate students in mathematics, physics, and chemistry, as well as at the readers specializing in quantum mechanics, theoretical physics and quantum chemistry, and applications to solid state physics, optics, superconductivity, and quantum and high-frequency electronic devices.The book utilizes elementary mathematical derivations. The presentation assumes only basic knowledge of the origin of Hamiltonian mechanics, Maxwell equations, calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations and basic PDEs. Key topics include the Schrödinger, Pauli, and Dirac equations, the corresponding conservation laws, spin, the hydrogen spectrum, and the Zeeman effect, scattering of light and particles, photoelectric effect, electron diffraction, and relations of quantum postulates with attractors of nonlinear Hamiltonian PDEs. Featuring problem sets and accompanied by extensive contemporary and historical references, this book could be used for the course on Quantum Mechanics and is also suitable for individual study.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Retrotransposons And Human Disease: L1 Retrotransposons As A Source Of Genetic Diversity
Thirty years ago we knew that retrotransposons made up at least half of our genomes, but little about their role in biology. The human genome has since been sequenced and the position of all retrotransposons in the reference sequence has been determined. However, as of today, the function of retrotransposons still remains elusive. We know much more about the diseases associated with their movement and the host defenses we all have against them.This volume explores an array of diseases in humans associated with L1 retrotransposon movement within the human genome, including some cancers such as colon cancer and neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia.The chapters explore the diversity of retrotransposons, their different biological mechanisms, the role of L1 in their movement, and their contribution to human diseases. This book posits that somatic events caused by retrotransposons have implications for mosaicism and are often associated with cancers. Germline events are common, occur quite early in development, and are a cause of single gene diseases. All in all, the authors implicate L1 retrotransposons as major sources of human diversity and advocate for their continued study.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Topics In Enantioselective Catalysis: Recent Achievements And Future Challenges
This book illustrates the broad field of enantioselective catalysis by highlighting a few topics, out of myriads, with the double aim to typify selected synthetic achievements and future challenges. Eleven research groups have highlighted topics of interest in either organo- or organometallic catalysis, related to their own expertise. For mature fields, these short chapters, far from being exhaustive, show updated overviews including major recent advances and disclose a few prospects. Other chapters focus on upcoming topics in enantioselective catalysis, i.e. on classes of reactions or families of catalysts that are expected to provide appealing synthetic tools when suitably mastered. For all these areas, recent studies demonstrate highly promising perspectives.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Elements Of Digital Geometry, Mathematical Morphology, And Discrete Optimization
The author presents three distinct but related branches of science in this book: digital geometry, mathematical morphology, and discrete optimization. They are united by a common mindset as well as by the many applications where they are useful. In addition to being useful, each of these relatively new branches of science is also intellectually challenging.The book contains a systematic study of inverses of mappings between ordered sets, and so offers a uniquely helpful organization in the approach to several phenomena related to duality.To prepare the ground for discrete convexity, there are chapters on convexity in real vector spaces in anticipation of the many challenging problems coming up in digital geometry. To prepare for the study of new topologies introduced to serve in discrete spaces, there is also a chapter on classical topology.The book is intended for general readers with a modest background in mathematics and for advanced undergraduate students as well as beginning graduate students.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Laboratory Scientific Glassblowing: Advanced Techniques And Glassblowing's Place In History
Related Title: Laboratory Scientific Glassblowing: A Practical Training MethodThis book pushes back the boundaries of Scientific Glassblowing, emphasizing the possibilities of the material.In addition to the author's own chapters, he has invited Scientific Glassblowers from around the world to describe advanced glassblowing techniques in addition to the historical background of its development.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Treating Eczema With Traditional Chinese Medicine
'It was August 1, a time when New York children are generally wearing shorts and short-sleeved shirts. My first patient was 18 months old and dressed more appropriately for late fall. When we took off his clothes I saw why. He was covered head-to-toe with oozing, staph-infected lesions, which he promptly began to scratch. That explained the overdressing — it was the only deterrent to scratching ... I had expected quick resolution using oral medication-teas — based on my experience in China. I wasn't prepared for this level of severity.'Dr Xiu-Min LiThus began Dr Li's journey into the treatment of eczema in the United States, which afflicts some 15-20% of children and 10% of adults. This book represents years of collaboration with patients, parents, pediatricians, allergists and dermatologists to treat disorders that resist standard intervention, and in some cases are caused by conventional treatment in the form of topical corticosteroids. Chronic use of steroids by patients desperate for relief from itching, oozing and scaling, and subsequent withdrawal can result in severe physical and psychological symptoms.'It wasn't just the extent of the disease. It was also the toll it took on family quality of life. Kids were crying. Mothers were crying. They were all sleeping badly. Most of these families also had bad food allergies, but food allergy is a silent disease. People worry about it, but with eczema they suffer every day.'Dr LiThis is a book of scholarship. Dr Li, explores the literature of traditional Chinese medicine, which has a long history of describing and treating skin disorders, to find therapies that might benefit current patients. It is a book of science as Dr Li and her team use state-of-the-art technology to explore the mechanisms of disease, the therapeutic effects of the herbs, and ways to make them more effective. But it is also a book of compassion as patients and their families recount their experience of illness and the road back, after working with Dr Li's private practice.Dr Li has dual professorships in Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology, and Otolaryngology at New York Medical College. Dr Li and her team have long devoted to themselves to developing novel therapies for food allergy, asthma, eczema, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, and Crohn's disease, among other inflammatory conditions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Studies On Chinese Modern History And Politics
Studies on Chinese Modern History and Politics collects important research findings of China's social sciences studies conducted by the academics at East China Normal University (ECNU) in recent years. The book covers topics including the studies of Chen Xulu (a famous Chinese historian), the institutional advantage and governance efficiency in China, latest research on western political science, etc.This book is the seventh volume of the WSPC-ECNU Series on China. This Series showcases the significant contributions to scholarship in social sciences and humanities studies about China. It is jointly launched by World Scientific Publishing, the most reputable English academic publisher in Asia, and ECNU, a top University in China with a long history of exchanges with the international academic community.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dialogue With China: Opportunities And Risks
This book is the first volume of a projected series of six handbooks on various aspects involved in contemporary encounters with China and her people. The book argues for a hands-on approach of dialogue with China, which seems to be crucial for business success in China. Bearing in mind the various present clashes with China and an increasing negative image of China internationally, the book is conceived as a handbook reflecting the experiences of observers who provide helpful hints to better understand and appreciate Chinese culture without being blindfolded by multiple traps and pitfalls.The book features a selection of articles published in the Macau Ricci Institute Journal (MRIJ) in its first six issues from 2017 through 2020. The essays featured in this book provide elements for a frank appraisal of China's Belt and Road Initiative, by highlighting the PRC government's aspirations for the project, while examining these in the light of the practical problems encountered by both hosts and representatives among the participants in BRI projects.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Probability, An: With Mathematica®
The main objective of this text is to facilitate a student's smooth learning transition from a course on probability to its applications in various areas. To achieve this goal, students are encouraged to experiment numerically with problems requiring computer solutions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Of Discovery Level C Set 1
The is a specially curated selection of children's books that focus on discovering Asia and discovering STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). Under the guidance of Dr Ruth Y L Wong, these books aim to promote reading for pleasure, while exciting kids through discovery. With 51 books in this inaugural batch, and with more to come, the books are divided into three levels depending on the child's reading ability: A (Achieving), B (Blooming) and C (Confident). Level C Set 1 features seven titles, exploring themes of science, imagination, nature and global stories.Intended outcomes of Level C include teaching children to be able to:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Of Discovery Level C Set 3
The is a specially curated selection of children's books that focus on discovering Asia and discovering STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). Under the guidance of Dr Ruth Y L Wong, these books aim to promote reading for pleasure, while exciting kids through discovery. With 51 books in this inaugural batch, and with more to come, the books are divided into three levels depending on the child's reading ability: A (Achieving), B (Blooming) and C (Confident). Level C Set 3 features seven titles, exploring themes of science, imagination, nature and global stories.Intended outcomes of Level C include teaching children to be able to:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Exploring Big Historical Data: The Historian's Macroscope
Every day, more and more kinds of historical data become available, opening exciting new avenues of inquiry but also new challenges. This updated and expanded book describes and demonstrates the ways these data can be explored to construct cultural heritage knowledge, for research and in teaching and learning. It helps humanities scholars to grasp Big Data in order to do their work, whether that means understanding the underlying algorithms at work in search engines or designing and using their own tools to process large amounts of information.Demonstrating what digital tools have to offer and also what 'digital' does to how we understand the past, the authors introduce the many different tools and developing approaches in Big Data for historical and humanistic scholarship, show how to use them, what to be wary of, and discuss the kinds of questions and new perspectives this new macroscopic perspective opens up. Originally authored 'live' online with ongoing feedback from the wider digital history community, Exploring Big Historical Data breaks new ground and sets the direction for the conversation into the future.Exploring Big Historical Data should be the go-to resource for undergraduate and graduate students confronted by a vast corpus of data, and researchers encountering these methods for the first time. It will also offer a helping hand to the interested individual seeking to make sense of genealogical data or digitized newspapers, and even the local historical society who are trying to see the value in digitizing their holdings.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Practical Guide To Scientific And Technical Translation, A: Publishing, Style And Terminology
Are you a non-native English speaker? Are you often confronted with manuscript rejections because of poor language impeding comprehension of your paper? A Practical Guide to Scientific and Technical Translation is your solution. In this one-stop guide, two authors with extensive experience as reviewers and translators in a vast medley of scientific fields assist you to produce professional quality documents, whether through direct authoring in a language foreign to you or translation from an existing text. The book is not intended as a text on English grammar but as a troubleshooting guide to linguistic and style errors. We will help you overcome at least the most common problems here. Technical terminology searching and choice will also be covered with examples from a number of scientific (physics, chemistry) and engineering disciplines (aviation, transport, nuclear, environment, etc.), with advice on how to choose the right term for the right job. While the emphasis is on producing documents in English (the lingua franca of modern scientific literature), general translation concepts are also discussed. Hence, this book will also be useful to translators, and scientists who need to present their work in languages other than English.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Hybrid Organic Inorganic Perovskites: Physical Properties And Applications (In 4 Volumes)
This four-volume handbook gives a state-of-the-art overview of hybrid organic inorganic perovskites, both two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D), from synthesis and characterization and simulation to optoelectronic devices (such as solar cells and light emitting diodes), spintronics devices and catalysis application. The editors, coming from academia and national laboratory, are known for their didactic skills as well as their technical expertise. Coordinating the efforts of 30 expert authors in 21 chapters, they construct the story of hybrid perovskite structural and optical properties, electronic and spintronic response, laser action, and catalysis from varied viewpoints: materials science, chemical engineering, and energy engineering. The four volumes are arranged according to the focus material properties. Volume 1 is focused on the material physical properties including structure, deposition characteristic and the structure of the electronic bands and excitons of these compounds. Volume 2 covers the hybrid perovskite optical properties including the ultrafast optical response, photoluminescence and laser action. Volume 3 contains the spin response of these compounds including application such as spin valves, photogalvanic effect, and magnetic response of light emitting diodes and solar cell devices. Finally, and highly relevant to tomorrow's energy challenges, volume 4 is focused on the physics and device properties of the most relevant applications of the hybrid perovskites, namely photovoltaic solar cells. The text contains many high-quality colorful illustrations and examples, as well as thousands of up-to-date references to peer-reviewed articles, reports and websites for further reading. This comprehensive and well-written handbook is a must-have reference for universities, research groups and companies working with the hybrid organic inorganic perovskites.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Rising Sons, The: China's Imperial Succession & The Art Of War
The Rising Sons: China's Imperial Succession & The Art of War recollects 2,000 years of China's history by examining how some of its most representative imperial rulers seized power by applying tactics and strategies from Sun Tzu's The Art of War. This volume brings together tales of the nine princes of the Qin to Qing dynasties who rose to power through their cunning wit and prowess at psychological warfare. Brimming in equal measure with narrative interest and analytical insight, this book is as much a page turner about human greed, ambition and its capacity for cruelty as it is a treatise on power dynamics and court politics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd East Asian Entrepreneurs: A Study Of State Role, Education And Mindsets
The publication started with a succinct and brief literature review of the different definitions of the term 'entrepreneurship'. After examining the different conceptual ideas of entrepreneurship, the ecological system of entrepreneurship was identified with a wide array and universe of stakeholders like the state, venture capitalists, non-profit organizations (NPOs), students, universities, instructors/trainers, educators, local communities, bureaucracy, and many other entities.In the East Asian region's desire to tap into entrepreneurship, the economies are also keen to tap on formerly marginalized groups to power up the entrepreneurship game like women, energetic youths and reskilled individuals. Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) teaches practical applied learning courses to students and arm them with the necessary skills to tackle the many challenges of being an entrepreneur.Both tangible and intangible barriers to entrepreneurship were discussed in the writing. One of the intangible barriers discussed was the element of mindset. In some of the case studies, it appeared fear of failure was a major mindset barrier to would-be entrepreneurs pursuing their business ideas to actualize them. Measures carried out to remove the stigmatization of failure are discussed in the volume.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd All About Eve: Your Women's Health Questions Answered
Over the years, the Association of Women Doctors Singapore (AWDS) has observed and keenly understands the myriad of responsibilities of a modern woman. Daughter, mother, wife, caregiver, career woman, volunteer, advocate; it is common for many women to be juggling multiple roles at any given time. While being the key in maintaining healthy families, they often overlook their own physical, mental and even emotional health.We produce this book 'All about Eve: Your Women's Health Questions Answered' so women can find comprehensive information about health issues they may have to navigate in every stage of life.We hope that this book will reach out to women of all backgrounds, and empower them to become healthier and better versions of themselves. Because only when women understand how and why they should put their needs first, can our community continue to benefit from all that they selflessly give.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Pop! Lit For Kids (Set 1)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Investment In Startups And Small Business Financing
Successful startups and small businesses can play a significant role in economic growth and job creation. They also contribute to economic dynamism by spurring innovation and injecting competition. Startups are known to introduce new products and services that can create new value in the economy. It is notable that most startups exit within their first ten years, and most surviving young businesses do not grow but remain small. Startups and small businesses face several obstacles to their development. Accessing capital is a crucial constraint on their growth. Most startups and small businesses have difficulties getting the funds they need because of their lack of a performance track record and lack of collateral, making it difficult for lenders or investors to assess their risk. Besides, they are in the early stages of development and face a very high possibility of failure, which significantly raises financing and investment risk.Investment in Startups and Small Business Financing provides 12 thematic and case studies on new methods for bringing private investment (loans or equity) to startups and easing small businesses' access to finance (debt and capital). The contributors are senior-level policy experts and researchers from governments, think tanks, academia, and international organizations. The chapters are authored in a policy-oriented way to be understandable for the readers with a different background. This book is a precious source for the governments for adopting the right policies to develop small businesses and startups and valuable for the researchers in economics, business, and finance.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Trilogy Of Numbers And Arithmetic - Book 1: History Of Numbers And Arithmetic: An Information Perspective
The book is the first in the trilogy which will bring you to the fascinating world of numbers and operations with them. Numbers provide information about myriads of things. Together with operations, numbers constitute arithmetic forming in basic intellectual instruments of theoretical and practical activity of people and offering powerful tools for representation, acquisition, transmission, processing, storage, and management of information about the world.The history of numbers and arithmetic is the topic of a variety of books and at the same time, it is extensively presented in many books on the history of mathematics. However, all of them, at best, bring the reader to the end of the 19th century without including the developments in these areas in the 20th century and later. Besides, such books consider and describe only the most popular classes of numbers, such as whole numbers or real numbers. At the same time, a diversity of new classes of numbers and arithmetic were introduced in the 20th century.This book looks into the chronicle of numbers and arithmetic from ancient times all the way to 21st century. It also includes the developments in these areas in the 20th century and later. A unique aspect of this book is its information orientation of the exposition of the history of numbers and arithmetic.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Practical Guide For Aspiring Ophthalmologists, A
If you are considering a career in ophthalmology, this book is for you. Ophthalmology is among the most popular and rewarding specialties in medicine. This book is packed full of useful strategies to maximise your chances of securing an ophthalmic specialist training (OST) post in the United Kingdom. Each step of the application process is covered, based on official guidance and the author's first-hand experience. An overview of the OST Person Specification and Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) is provided. The Evidence Folder (portfolio) is covered in detail, with targeted strategies for boosting scores across all sections. Interview preparation material is provided for the in-person interview format, including critical appraisal, improving patient care (audit and quality improvement), communication skills and clinical knowledge. Interview preparation material is also provided for the 2021 online interview (patient consultation). Three mock interviews with solutions/guidance are provided for both the in-person and online interview formats. The author also gives a candid account of his own journey in ophthalmic specialist training, plus "a week in the life of an ophthalmology trainee". This book is unique in its broad, easy-to-access approach to preparation strategies, theory and practice for aspiring ophthalmologists applying for OST posts in the UK.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lewis Carroll's Cats And Rats... And Other Puzzles With Interesting Tails
British-Israeli recreational mathematician, communicator and educator, Yossi Elran explores in-depth six of the most ingenious math puzzles, exposing their long 'tails': the stories, trivia, quirks and oddities of their history and, of course, the math and mathematicians behind them. In his unique 'talmudic', associative way, Elran shows the hidden connections between Lewis Carroll's 'Cats and Rats' puzzle and the math of taxi driving, a number pyramid magic trick and Hollywood movie fractals, and even how packing puzzles are related to COVID-19!Elran has a great talent for explaining difficult topics — including quantum mechanics, a topic he relates to some original 'operator' puzzles — making the book very accessible for all audiences.With over 40 additional, original puzzles, and touching on dozens of hot math topics, this is a perfect book for math lovers, educators, kids and adults, and anyone who loves a great read.Yossi Elran is co-author of our bestselling The Paper Puzzle Book, and heads the Innovation Center at the Davidson Institute of Science Education, the educational arm of the world-renowned Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Preventive Diplomacy, Peacebuilding And Security In The Asia-pacific: Evolving Norms, Agenda And Practices
Preventive diplomacy constitutes an important part of international conflict resolution mechanisms. This book presents the latest research trends in ideations, institutions and practices in preventive diplomacy and other peacebuilding measures of Asia-Pacific countries to ensure traditional and non-traditional security within and beyond the region. It studies peacebuilding issues range from North Korea nuclear issue in Northeast Asia, disputes in the South China Sea, Afghanistan peace process and China-India-Pakistan interaction in South Asia, UN peacebuilding in Central Asia, etc. It explores general security issues at the state, international, regional and global levels by experts from the Asia-Pacific. This book is a useful guide for those interested to know the security and preventive diplomacy status in the region's distinctive context.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Of Science (Set 1)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Of Science (Set 1)
Our close relationship with plants goes back hundreds of thousands of years -- plants give us food, in addition to countless materials useful for building, decorating, curing illnesses and keeping us clothed and protected. Which plants have tasty, edible leaves? Why do some plants adopt 'disguises'? And which ones set 'traps' for tiny animals? From the 'bearded' banyan to the African baobab, get ready to branch out into our eye-opening world of plants!
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Problems And Solutions In Mathematical Olympiad (Secondary 3)
The series is edited by the head coaches of China's IMO National Team. Each volume, catering to different grades, is contributed by the senior coaches of the IMO National Team. The Chinese edition has won the award of Top 50 most influential educational brand in China.The series is in line with the mathematics cognition and intellectual development level of the students in the corresponding grade. The volume lines up the topics in each chapter and introduces a variety of concepts and methods to provide with the knowledge, then gradually transitions to the competition level. The content covers all the hot topics of the competition.In each chapter, there are packed with many problems including some real competition questions which students can use to verify their abilities. Selected detailed answers are provided. Some of the solutions are from national training team and national team members, their wonderful solutions being the feature of this series.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advent Of Relativity, The
This popular book on special relativity was first published in Moscow back in 1961 under the Russian title 'Очевидное? Нет, ещё неизведанное', which can be roughly translated as 'Is it evident? No, it's unexplored yet!'This clear exposition of the history of the development of physical ideas which eventually led to the discovery of special relativity is a narration of how physicists, from Galileo, Newton to Lorentz, Poincare and Einstein were distracted in their reflections by numerous fallacies (like aether, dragged or not). Then by experiment, it was finally understood that the laws of cinematics and dynamics of the objects moving at high speed can only be formulated with physical definions for what is distance, time or force. After that and from the two basic Einstein postulates — the principle of relativity and the constancy of the speed of light — everything else followed.As the emphasis is on being exact from the scientific viewpoint, it is also accessible to any person with a high school background. The last chapter 'Photon dreams' is addressed to science fiction fans. However, the author proves to the disappointed reader that the laws of physics that we know do not allow the construction of spaceships that could reach even the nearest stars during the life span of the team.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Adventures In The Human Body
How do our bodies make sense of the world through the senses of sight, smell, taste and touch? Why do we have bones? What is the importance of eating well? From the secrets of the largest organ our skin, to the good and the bad about cholesterol, to what can go wrong with the tiny appendix, get ready for a journey of discovery into one of the most mysterious and fascinating realms known to science!The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds.This book aligns with the following syllabi:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Sustaining Tomorrow via Innovative Engineering
We cannot continue on a business-as-usual, carbon fuel dependent mode of operation, because the consequences of doing so are catching up with us. So, what must we do to ensure there is a tomorrow? In this book, experts from around the world come together to shed light on what we can do to preserve and expand resources key to the survival of human civilization - from the state-of-the-art of innovative engineering; to the latest status on energy, energy mix, and advancements in renewable energy - including the complementary energy storage using hydrogen; or innovative architecture for more sustainable buildings, including retrofitting of aging tall buildings; innovative ways to improve our air, water and coastline with nearshore biodiversity reclamation; to the subject of sustainable development through the water-energy-food nexus. This volume is recommended for research and graduate courses on energy and sustainability, and policymakers interested in the subjects.