Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Multiscale Global Monsoon System, The
The Multiscale Global Monsoon System is the 4th and most up-to-date edition of the global monsoon book series produced by a group of leading international experts invited by the World Meteorological Organization's Working Group on Tropical Meteorology Research. The contents reflect the state of the knowledge of all scales of monsoon in the world's monsoon regions. It includes 31 chapters in five parts: Regional Monsoons, Extreme Weather, Intraseasonal Variations, Climate Change, and Field Experiments.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Harmonic Analysis And Wave Equations
This book is a collection of lecture notes for the LIASFMA School and Workshop on 'Harmonic Analysis and Wave Equations' which was held on May 8-18, 2017 at Fudan University, in Shanghai, China. The aim of the LIASFMA School and Workshop is to bring together Chinese and French experts to discuss and dissect recent progress in these related fields; and to disseminate state of art, new knowledge and new concepts, to graduate students and junior researchers.The book provides the readers with a unique and valuable opportunity to learn from and communicate with leading experts in nonlinear wave-type equations. The readers will witness the major development with the introduction of modern harmonic analysis and related techniques.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Political Economy Of The Brics Countries, The (In 3 Volumes)
Over the past 20 years, social scientists, government officials, and investors have expressed mounting interest in the BRICS countries, which include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. These countries are widely viewed as both key actors in the global economy and important regional powers. The Political Economy of the BRICS Countries is a three-volume set that aims to address various crucial issues regarding these countries.Volume 1 analyzes whether economic growth in the BRICS countries has been broad-based and promoted equitable economic and social outcomes. The authors examine specific dimensions of growth in these five economies that constrain their ability to act effectively and cohesively in international affairs.Volume 2 considers how the BRICS have affected global economic governance and the international political economy.Volume 3 provides various approaches to economic informality in the BRICS. Moreover, the chapters deal with several connections between informality and important political, economic, and institutional phenomena such as economic globalization and international aid, economic development, political regimes, social capital, political networks and political participation, labor market rules, and social policy preferences.The BRICS countries have attracted rising attention over the past two decades. The volumes provide an in-depth analysis of various key issues regarding these countries and chart a course for future research.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook On Big Data And Machine Learning In The Physical Sciences (In 2 Volumes)
This compendium provides a comprehensive collection of the emergent applications of big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence technologies to present day physical sciences ranging from materials theory and imaging to predictive synthesis and automated research. This area of research is among the most rapidly developing in the last several years in areas spanning materials science, chemistry, and condensed matter physics.Written by world renowned researchers, the compilation of two authoritative volumes provides a distinct summary of the modern advances in instrument — driven data generation and analytics, establishing the links between the big data and predictive theories, and outlining the emerging field of data and physics-driven predictive and autonomous systems.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Design Of Coastal Hazard Mitigation Alternatives For Rising Seas
This timely book is about how to design alternatives to reduce coastal flood and wave damage, erosion, and loss of ecosystems facing an unknown future of sea level rise. The latest theories are interlaced with applied examples from the authors' 48 years of experience in teaching, research, and as a practicing, professional engineer in coastal engineering. The design process takes into consideration all the design constraints (scientific, engineering, economic, environmental, social/political/institutional, aesthetic, and media) to meet today's client needs, expectations, and budgets for an uncertain future.The book is organized as a textbook for graduate students. And, it is a self-contained reference for government and consulting engineers responsible for finding solutions to coastal hazards facing the world's coastal populations. New solutions are included in the book that help people of all socio-economic levels living at the coast. Both risk reduction metrics quantified in monetary terms, and increased resilience metrics quantified as vulnerability reduction must now be taken into consideration to make equitable design decisions on hazard mitigation alternatives.In the Anthropocene Era, under 'deep uncertainty' in global mean sea level predictions for the future, today's designs must mitigate today's storm damages, and be adaptable for the unpredictable water levels and storms of the future. This book includes a design 'philosophy' for water levels to year 2050 and for the long term from 2050 to 2100. Multiple spreadsheets are provided and organized to aid the design process.This is an exciting time to be 'thinkers' as Civil/Coastal engineers.Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Sound Of Memories, The: Recordings From The Oral History Centre, Singapore
The Sound of Memories: Recordings from the Oral History Centre, Singapore features the happy, funny, poignant and bittersweet — but always heartwarming and unforgettable — stories, memories and anecdotes of Singaporeans from all walks of life. Distilled from almost 5,000 interviews that the National Archives of Singapore's Oral History Centre has collected since 1979, these recordings describe the experiences of everyman, from tycoons and tailors to chief executive officers and chief cooks.Relive the significant moments that have unfolded in Singapore's history through the eyes of people who personally bore witness to these events. Their recollections are vividly captured in chapters on communities, schooldays, popular pastimes, the Japanese Occupation, food, national tragedies, medicine, economy, women, the performing arts and sports.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Telecommunications Engineering: Principles And Practice
This book covers basic principles of telecommunications and their applications in the design and analysis of modern networks and systems. Aimed to make telecommunications engineering easily accessible to students, this book contains numerous worked examples, case studies and review questions at the end of each section. Readers of the book can thus easily check their understanding of the topics progressively. To render the book more hands-on, MATLAB® software package is used to explain some of the concepts. Parts of this book are taught in undergraduate curriculum, while the rest is taught in graduate courses.Telecommunications Engineering: Theory and Practice treats both traditional and modern topics, such as blockchain, OFDM, OFDMA, SC-FDMA, LPDC codes, arithmetic coding, polar codes and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA).
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Prizes: Cancer, Vision And The Genetic Code
The present book discusses the Nobel Prizes in physiology or medicine 1966-68. The 1966 prize recognized that viruses may be involved in cancer formation. Later studies revealed that these kinds of infectious agents could pick up and transmit cellular genes of importance for regulation of cellular growth. It was then possible to recognize that many genes of this kind could be involved in the formation of cancer. The disease was found to represent the dark side of evolution. As a consequence of this insight new means of treatment fortunately have been developed.The rear parts of the eyes are extensions of the central nervous system. They have a fascinating intrinsic complexity, the neurophysiology and biochemistry of which has been progressively analyzed. These revealing studies concern both our capacity to distinguish different colors and also our possibility to see in the dark. The Prize in 1967 identified seminal contributions in this wide field by Ragnar Granit, Haldan Hartline and George Wald.The 1968 Prize is distinct in its recognition of Robert Holley, Ghobind Khorana and Marshall Nirenberg, who in different ways had contributed to the cracking of the genetic code. Insights into the language used by Nature, since the dawn of cellular life some 4.6 billion years ago, have completely revolutionized modern life sciences. The capacity to read and also to write the books of life has defined new kinds of science, deepening our understanding of the magic of evolution and opened the possibilities for molecular medicine by understanding the genetic background to diseases, not least cancer.Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Prizes 2017, The
The Nobel Prizes is the official yearbook of the Nobel Foundation. This edition provides extensive information about the 2017 laureates: their Nobel Prize lectures and their autobiographies, as well as presentation speeches and background about the Nobel festivities.Published on behalf of the Nobel Foundation.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Chemistry, Vol 8 (1996-2000)
This volume is a collection of the Nobel Lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies, portraits and the presentation speeches at the award ceremonies in Stockholm for the period 1996 - 2000. Each Nobel Lecture is based on the work for which the laureate was awarded the prize. New biographical data of the laureates, since they were awarded the Nobel Prize, are also included. These volumes of inspiring lectures by outstanding chemists and biochemists should be on the bookshelf of every keen student, teacher and professor of chemistry as well as of those in related fields.Below is a list of the prizewinners during the period 1996-2000 with a description of the works which won them their prizes.(1996) R F CURL, Jr, H W KROTO & R E SMALLEY — for their discovery of fullerenes; (1997) P D BOYER & J E WALKER — for their elucidation of the enzymatic mechanism underlying the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and; J C SKOU — for the first discovery of an ion-transporting enzyme, Na+, K+-ATPase; (1998) W KOHN — for his development of the density-functional theory and; J A POPLE — for his development of computational methods in quantum chemistry; (1999) A H ZEWAIL — for his studies of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy; (2000) A J HEEGER, A G MacDIARMID & H SHIRAKAWA — for the discovery and development of conductive polymers.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Oskar Klein Memorial Lectures, The (Volume 3)
This is an invaluable collection of colloquium-type lectures given by some of the most prominent theoretical physicists of today. In a form accessible to the interested general physicist, it covers topics ranging from the use of field-theoretical methods in different contexts via duality symmetries between various field theories, to the Ads/CFT correspondence and cosmology.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Critical Properties Of Phi4- Theories
This book explains in detail how to perform perturbation expansions in quantum field theory to high orders, and how to extract the critical properties of the theory from the resulting divergent power series. These properties are calculated for various second-order phase transitions of three-dimensional systems with high accuracy, in particular the critical exponents observable in experiments close to the phase transition.Beginning with an introduction to critical phenomena, this book develops the functional-integral description of quantum field theories, their perturbation expansions, and a method for finding recursively all Feynman diagrams to any order in the coupling strength. Algebraic computer programs are supplied on accompanying World Wide Web pages. The diagrams correspond to integrals in momentum space. They are evaluated in 4-ε dimensions, where they possess pole terms in 1/ε. The pole terms are collected into renormalization constants.The theory of the renormalization group is used to find the critical scaling laws. They contain critical exponents which are obtained from the renormalization constants in the form of power series. These are divergent, due to factorially growing expansion coefficients. The evaluation requires resummation procedures, which are performed in two ways: (1) using traditional methods based on Padé and Borel transformations, combined with analytic mappings; (2) using modern variational perturbation theory, where the results follow from a simple strong-coupling formula. As a crucial test of the accuracy of the methods, the critical exponent α governing the divergence of the specific heat of superfluid helium is shown to agree very well with the extremely precise experimental number found in the space shuttle orbiting the earth (whose data are displayed on the cover of the book).The phi4-theories investigated in this book contain any number N of fields in an O(N)-symmetric interaction, or in an interaction in which O(N)-symmetry is broken by a term of a cubic symmetry. The crossover behavior between the different symmetries is investigated. In addition, alternative ways of obtaining critical exponents of phi4-theories are sketched, such as variational perturbation expansions in three rather than 4-ε dimensions, and improved ratio tests in high-temperature expansions of lattice models.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Linear Models: An Integrated Approach
Linear Models: An Integrated Approach aims to provide a clear and deep understanding of the general linear model using simple statistical ideas. Elegant geometric arguments are also invoked as needed and a review of vector spaces and matrices is provided to make the treatment self-contained. Complex, matrix-algebraic methods, such as those used in the rank-deficient case, are replaced by statistical proofs that are more transparent and that show the parallels with the simple linear model.This book has the following special features:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Exotic Smoothness And Physics: Differential Topology And Spacetime Models
The recent revolution in differential topology related to the discovery of non-standard (”exotic”) smoothness structures on topologically trivial manifolds such as R4 suggests many exciting opportunities for applications of potentially deep importance for the spacetime models of theoretical physics, especially general relativity. This rich panoply of new differentiable structures lies in the previously unexplored region between topology and geometry. Just as physical geometry was thought to be trivial before Einstein, physicists have continued to work under the tacit — but now shown to be incorrect — assumption that differentiability is uniquely determined by topology for simple four-manifolds. Since diffeomorphisms are the mathematical models for physical coordinate transformations, Einstein's relativity principle requires that these models be physically inequivalent. This book provides an introductory survey of some of the relevant mathematics and presents preliminary results and suggestions for further applications to spacetime models.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Microcanonical Thermodynamics: Phase Transitions In "Small" Systems
Boltzmann's formula S = In[W(E)] defines the microcanonical ensemble. The usual textbooks on statistical mechanics start with the microensemble but rather quickly switch to the canonical ensemble introduced by Gibbs. This has the main advantage of easier analytical calculations, but there is a price to pay — for example, phase transitions can only be defined in the thermodynamic limit of infinite system size. The question how phase transitions show up from systems with, say, 100 particles with an increasing number towards the bulk can only be answered when one finds a way to define and classify phase transitions in small systems. This is all possible within Boltzmann's original definition of the microcanonical ensemble.Starting from Boltzmann's formula, the book formulates the microcanonical thermodynamics entirely within the frame of mechanics. This way the thermodynamic limit is avoided and the formalism applies to small as well to other nonextensive systems like gravitational ones. Phase transitions of first order, continuous transitions, critical lines and multicritical points can be unambiguously defined by the curvature of the entropy S(E,N). Special attention is given to the fragmentation of nuclei and atomic clusters as a peculiar phase transition of small systems controlled, among others, by angular momentum.The dependence of the liquid-gas transition of small atomic clusters under prescribed pressure is treated. Thus the analogue to the bulk transition can be studied. The book also describes the microcanonical statistics of the collapse of a self-gravitating system under large angular momentum.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Quantum Mechanics: A Modern Development
Although there are many textbooks that deal with the formal apparatus of quantum mechanics (QM) and its application to standard problems, none take into account the developments in the foundations of the subject which have taken place in the last few decades. There are specialized treatises on various aspects of the foundations of QM, but none that integrate those topics with the standard material. This book aims to remove that unfortunate dichotomy, which has divorced the practical aspects of the subject from the interpretation and broader implications of the theory.The book is intended primarily as a graduate level textbook, but it will also be of interest to physicists and philosophers who study the foundations of QM. Parts of it could be used by senior undergraduates too.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Countingbury Tales, The: Fun With Mathematics
Games and beauty are found in the origin of a major part of mathematics. If mathematicians throughout history have had such a good time playing and contemplating their games and their science, why not try to learn mathematics and pass it on through games and beauty?That is the fundamental idea which underlies the stories and games presented in this book. You will be surprised and enticed by the interesting concepts and the novelty of the book. The author has intended that you apply to it the same playful spirit with which he has written it. In fact, if you open the book, you will soon find that certain mathematical developments that may seem at first sight rather imposing can be presented in a way that anybody can understand and contemplate with pleasure. They may even act like a bridge in finding the same pleasure in other mathematical endeavors that may look more serious and complicated but, if we look carefully, display basically the same playful spirit.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Economics Of Information Technology And The Media
Interest in information technology and the media is growing apace. This book has been specially written to provide an economics framework for analysing the nature and scope, as well as issues, pertaining to the new information and communication technology and revolution. It also presents some trends and perspectives from the Asia-Pacific region. While the economic principles of efficiency and competition are the same everywhere, many socio-political issues with respect to information technology and the media are unique to some specific cultural contexts. The book will be useful to students, researchers and policymakers in mass communication, information technology and the media.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Topics In Bifurcation Theory And Applications (2nd Edition)
This textbook presents the most efficient analytical techniques in the local bifurcation theory of vector fields. It is centered on the theory of normal forms and its applications, including interaction with symmetries.The first part of the book reviews the center manifold reduction and introduces normal forms (with complete proofs). Basic bifurcations are studied together with bifurcations in the presence of symmetries. Special attention is given to examples with reversible vector fields, including the physical example given by the water waves. In this second edition, many problems with detailed solutions are added at the end of the first part (some systems being in infinite dimensions). The second part deals with the Couette-Taylor hydrodynamical stability problem, between concentric rotating cylinders. The spatial structure of various steady or unsteady solutions results directly from the analysis of the reduced system on a center manifold. In this part we also study bifurcations (simple here) from group orbits of solutions in an elementary way (avoiding heavy algebra). The third part analyzes bifurcations from time periodic solutions of autonomous vector fields. A normal form theory is developed, covering all cases, and emphasizing a partial Floquet reduction theory, which is applicable in infinite dimensions. Studies of period doubling as well as Arnold's resonance tongues are included in this part.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Differential Geometry For Physicists
This book is divided into fourteen chapters, with 18 appendices as introduction to prerequisite topological and algebraic knowledge, etc. The first seven chapters focus on local analysis. This part can be used as a fundamental textbook for graduate students of theoretical physics. Chapters 8-10 discuss geometry on fibre bundles, which facilitates further reference for researchers. The last four chapters deal with the Atiyah-Singer index theorem, its generalization and its application, quantum anomaly, cohomology field theory and noncommutative geometry, giving the reader a glimpse of the frontier of current research in theoretical physics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Flow Injection Analysis: Instrumentation And Applications
The concept of flow injection analysis (FIA) was introduced in the mid-seventies. It was preceded by the success of segmented flow analysis, mainly in clinical and environmental analysis. This advance, as well as the development of continuous monitors for process control and environmental monitors, ensured the success of the FIA methodology. As an exceptionally effective means of mechanization for various procedures of wet chemical analysis, the FIA methodology, in use with a whole arsenal of detection methods of modern analytical chemistry, proved to be of great interest to many.The fast and intensive development of the FIA methodology was due to several factors essential for routine analytical determinations, such as very limited sample consumption, the short analysis time based on a transient signal measurement in a flow-through detector and an on-line carrying out difficult operations of separation, preconcentration or physicochemical conversion of analytes into detectable species.Twenty-year studies by numerous research groups all over the world have provided significant progress in the theoretical description of dispersion phenomena in FIA and various operations of physicochemical treatment of the analyte. This volume is devoted to the presentation of the current status of development of the instrumentation for FIA and the many fields of its practical applications, based on an extensive bibliography of original research publications.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Aluminium Toxicity In Infants' Health And Disease
Aluminium is the most abundant metal ion in the biosphere and we are continuously exposed to it in our everyday life through food, beverages, pharmaceutical products, etc. This book is a current and comprehensive review of the biochemistry, metabolism and toxicity of aluminium undertaken by an international group of authors, many of whom are outstanding authorities in their respective fields. In contrast with previous books on this topic, much of the subject matter is unique, in that it is primarily directed at aluminium nutrition and toxicity in infants and children. This book covers many aspects of aluminium toxicity in infants including for instance the embryo-fetal as well as the neurodevelopmental effects of this element, contamination of pharmaceutical products, and individual sensitivity through vaccines using aluminium as an adjuvant.This book will be especially useful to paediatricians, paediatric nephrologists & neurologists, nutritionists, toxicologists, biochemical toxicologists and postgraduate students.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Global Dynamical Properties Of Lotka-volterra Systems
Mathematical ecology is a subject which recently attracts attentions of many mathematicians and biologists. One of the most important and fundamental mathematical models in ecology is of Lotka-Volterra type. This book gives global dynamical properties of L-V systems. The properties analyzed are global stability of the equilibria, persistence or permanence of the systems (which ensures the survival of all the biological-species composed of the systems for the long term) and the existence of periodic or chaotic solutions. The special subject of this book is to consider the effects of the systems structure, diffusion of the biological species and time delay on the global dynamical properties of the systems.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World At The Crossroads: New Conflicts, New Solutions, A: Annals Of Pugwash 1993
This book focuses on subjects of great topical interest, such as nuclear disarmament, trade in arms, peacekeeping and conflict resolution, environmental security and sustainability. Major themes include the elimination of nuclear weapons, control of the arms trade, the role of multinational and international organizations in peace-keeping, environmental sustainability and security in the Nordic/Baltic region.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Optimal Control Of Drug Administration In Cancer Chemotherapy
This monograph is a study of optimal control applied to cancer chemotherapy, the treatment of cancer using drugs that kill cancer cells. The aim is to determine whether current methods for the administration of chemotherapy are optimal, and if alternative regimens should be considered.The research utilizes the mathematical theory of optimal control, an active research area for many mathematicians, scientists, and engineers. It is of multidisciplinary nature, having been applied to areas ranging from engineering to biomedicine. The aim in optimal control is to achieve a given objective at minimum cost. A set of differential equations is used to describe the evolution in time of the process being modelled, and constraints limit the policies that can be used to attain the objective.In this monograph, mathematical models are used to construct optimal drug schedules. These are treatment guidelines specifying which drug to deliver, when, and at what dose. Many current drug schedules have been derived empirically, based upon “rules of thumb”.The monograph has been structured so that most of the high-level mathematics is introduced in a special appendix. In this way, a scientist can skip the more subtle aspects of the theory and still understand the biomedical applications that follow. However, the text is self-contained so that a deeper understanding of the mathematics of optimal control can be gained from the mathematical appendix.The mathematical models in this book and the associated computer simulations show that low intensity chemotherapy is a better choice of treatment than high intensity chemotherapy, under certain conditions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Many-body Problem, The: An Encyclopedia Of Exactly Solved Models In One Dimension (3rd Printing With Revisions And Corrections)
This book differs from its predecessor, Lieb & Mattis Mathematical Physics in One Dimension, in a number of important ways. Classic discoveries which once had to be omitted owing to lack of space — such as the seminal paper by Fermi, Pasta and Ulam on lack of ergodicity of the linear chain, or Bethe's original paper on the Bethe ansatz — can now be incorporated. Many applications which did not even exist in 1966 (some of which were originally spawned by the publication of Lieb & Mattis) are newly included. Among these, this new book contains critical surveys of a number of important developments: the exact solution of the Hubbard model, the concept of spinons, the Haldane gap in magnetic spin-one chains, bosonization and fermionization, solitions and the approach to thermodynamic equilibrium, quantum statistical mechanics, localization of normal modes and eigenstates in disordered chains, and a number of other contemporary concerns.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Physics Of Amorphous Semiconductors
This is a useful textbook for graduate students in the fields of solid state physics and chemistry as well as electronic engineering. Presenting the fundamentals of amorphous semiconductors clearly, it will be essential reading for young scientists intending to develop new preparation techniques for more ideal amorphous semiconductors e.g. a-Si:H, to fabricate stable and efficient solar cells and thin film transistors and new artificial amorphous materials such as multilayers for quantum devices.A large portion is devoted to the latest developments of amorphous semiconductors including electronic properties of a-Si:H, nature of weak bonds and gap states in a-Si:H, mechanisms for light-induced defect creation in a-Si:H and chalcogenides, quantum phenomena in multilayer films.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Chemistry, Vol 5 (1971-1980)
These volumes are collections of the Nobel Lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies, portraits and the presentation speeches for the period 1971 - 1990. Each Nobel Lecture is based on the work that won the laureate his prize. New biographical data of the laureates, since they were awarded the Nobel Prize, are also included. These volumes of inspiring lectures by outstanding chemists and biochemists should be on the bookshelf of every keen student, teacher and professor of chemistry as well as those in related fields.Below is a list of the prizewinners during the period 1971 - 1980 with a description of the works which won them their prizes:(1971) G HERZBERG — for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic structure and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals; (1972) C B ANFINSEN — for his work on ribonuclease, especially concerning the connection between the amino acid sequence and the biologically active confirmation; S MOORE & W H STEIN — for their contribution to the understanding of the connection between chemical structure and catalytic activity of the active centre of the ribonuclease molecule; (1973) E O FISCHER & G WILKINSON — for their pioneering work, performed independently, on the chemistry of the organometallic, so called sandwich compounds; (1974) P J FLORY — for his fundamental achievements, both theoretical and experimental, in the physical chemistry of macromolecules; (1975) J W CORNFORTH — for his work on the stereochemistry of enzyme-catalyzed reactions; V PRELOG — for his research into the stereochemistry of organic molecules and reactions; (1976) W N LIPSCOMB — for his studies on the structure of boranes, illuminating problems of chemical bonding; (1977) I PRIGOGINE — for his contributions to non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of dissipative structures; (1978) P MITCHELL — for his contribution to the understanding of biological energy transfer through the formulation of the chemiosmotic theory; (1979) H C BROWN & G WITTIG — for their development of the use of boron- and phosphorus-containing compounds, respectively into important reagents in organic synthesis; (1980) P BERG — for his fundamental studies of the biochemistry of nucleic acids, with particular regard to recombinant-DNA; W GILBERT and F SANGER — for their contributions concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Chemistry, Vol 6 (1981-1990)
Below is a list of the prizewinners during the period 1981 - 1990 with a description of the works which won them their prizes:(1981) K FUKUI & R HOFFMANN — for their theories, developed independently, concerning the course of chemical reactions; (1982) A KLUG — for his development of crystallographic electron microscopy and his structural elucidation of biologically important nuclei acid-protein complexes; (1983) H TAUBE — for his work on the mechanisms of electron transfer reactions, especially in metal complexes; (1984) R B MERRIFIELD — for his development of the methodology for chemical synthesis on a solid matrix; (1985) H A HAUPTMAN & J KARLE — for their outstanding achievements in the development of direct methods for the determination of crystal structures; (1986) D R HERSCHBACH, Y T LEE & J C POLANYI — for their contributions concerning the dynamics of chemical elementary processes; (1987) D J CRAM, J-M LEHN & C J PEDERSEN — for their development and use of molecules with structure-specific interactions of high selectivity; (1988) J DEISENHOFER, R HUBER & H MICHEL — for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of a photosynthetic reaction centre; (1989) S ALTMAN & T R CECH — for their discovery of catalytic properties of RNA; (1990) E J COREY — for his development of the theory and methodology of organic synthesis.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Treatment Of Collective Coordinates In Many-body Systems, The: An Application Of The Brst Invariance
These lecture notes deal with the problem of collective coordinates in many-body systems, which are treated as gauge systems in (0+1) dimensions. The resulting classical Dirac brackets are discussed, as well as the structure of the quantal space of wavefunctions. Emphasis is made on the application of the BRST formalism. Several systems displaying an approximate breakdown of symmetries are treated. Many-body physicists may find attractive both a rigorous formulation of the problem of collective coordinates and being introduced to the BRST formalism, which has become a fundamental tool in gauge theories. Field-theorists may find illuminating the applications to simpler mechanical examples. The notes are self-contained. In particular, they do not require a previous knowledge of either the BRST formalism or of collective transformations.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Large N Expansion In Quantum Field Theory And Statistical Physics, The: From Spin Systems To 2-dimensional Gravity
This book contains an edited comprehensive collection of reprints on the subject of the large N limit as applied to a wide spectrum of problems in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics. The topics include (1) Spin Systems; (2) Large N Limit of Gauge Theories; (3) Two-Dimensional QCD; (4) Exact Results on Planar Perturbation Series and the Nature of the 1/N Series; (5) Schwinger-Dyson Equations Approach; (6) QCD Phenomenological Lagrangians and the Large N Limit; (7) Other Approaches to Large N: Eguchi-Kawai Model, Collective Fields and Numerical Methods; (8) Matrix Models; (9) Two-Dimensional Gravity and String Theory.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lectures On Random Evolution
Random evolution denotes a class of stochastic processes which evolve according to a rule which varies in time according to jumps. This is in contrast to diffusion processes, which assume that the rule changes continuously with time. Random evolutions provide a very flexible language, having the advantage that they permit direct numerical simulation-which is not possible for a diffusion process. Furthermore, they allow connections with hyperbolic partial differential equations and the kinetic theory of gases, which is impossible within the domain of diffusion proceses. They also posses great geometric invariance, allowing formulation on an arbitrary Riemannian manifold. In the field of stochastic stability, random evolutions furnish some easily computable models in which to study the Lyapunov exponent and rotation numbers of oscillators under the influence of noise. This monograph presents the various aspects of random evolution in an accessible and interesting format which will appeal to a large scientific audience.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Essentials Of Hospital Medicine: A Practical Guide For Clinicians
Hospital Medicine is the fasting growing field of Medicine, and the importance of hospitalists in the delivery of care and success of hospitals continues to increase. The practice of hospital medicine is both rewarding and challenging: hospitalists need to provide high-quality care using the best available evidence in an efficient, cost-effective manner. In recognition of the need for rapid access to essential information, this text provides a concise yet comprehensive source for busy clinicians. Essentials of Hospital Medicine provides detailed reviews of all clinical topics in inpatient medicine, including common diagnoses, hospital-acquired conditions, medical consultation, and palliative care, as well as key non-clinical topics, such as quality improvement tools, approach to medical errors, the business of medicine, and teaching tips. It is the single source needed for hospitalists striving to deliver outstanding care and provide value to their patients and hospitals.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Drinking Water: Principles And Practices
This unique volume provides a comprehensive overview of all the major aspects of modern drinking water systems in the western European context. It not only covers the theoretical principles, but also the historical background and practical aspects of design and operation, legislation, planning and finance of drinking water supply in its social and economic context.The principles and practices are illustrated using experiences from The Netherlands. The Dutch drinking water supply is well known for its multiple barrier systems and high technical standards. The Dutch drinking water is of high quality and does not contain chlorine, and the Dutch therefore readily drink tap water and do not see the need to buy bottled water or in-house filters, with their drawbacks on national economics, public health and the environment. This illustrative overview can be used as a reference for other countries and regions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Rise Of The New Economic Powers And The Changing Global Landscape, The
This book explores the catching-up process of a group of large emerging markets: the New Economic Powers. This process is extremely robust and should be considered as the defining trend of our age, resulting in a pivotal change in world economics and politics. The outcome is that the West cannot dominate the world as it did in the previous 200 years. Today's world is pluralistic, and the larger emerging markets are becoming increasingly influential. That is the new reality, which at times caused, and will cause, further discomfort and uncertainty in the West. In the eight chapters, the viewpoints on globalization of nine New Economic Powers are discussed. Each chapter is an essential element in understanding the process of globalization and the role the New Economic Powers play in it. Essentially, their views are guided by a fundamental different look about the role of the market and the government in society, compared to what we see in the West. The New Economic Powers understand the power of the market to create prosperity, but at the same time emphasize the need for government interference. This delicate balance is particularly visible with respect to their international trade and investment policies, which bring them in conflict with Western countries and multilateral institutions such as the WTO and the IMF. The book helps the reader to understand the fundamental choices made by policymakers in the New Economic Powers.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, The
Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.Follow the world's most famous detective as he solves three of his greatest mysteries: The Adventure of the Speckled Band, The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, and A Scandal in Bohemia. In their efforts to uncover the truth, Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson encounter all kinds of mystery, murder, and impossible crimes.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd International Finance And Open-economy Macroeconomics: Theory, History, And Policy (2nd Edition)
International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics provides a complete theoretical, historical, and policy-focused account of the international financial system that covers all of the standard topics, such as foreign exchange markets, balance of payments accounting, macroeconomic policy in an open economy, exchange rate crises, multinational enterprises, and international financial markets. The book uses the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference as a unifying theme to relate the many controversial issue. It is written in a lively manner to bring real world events into the discussion of all of the concepts, topics, and policy issues. There is also emphasis on the history of economic thought in order to explain how economists in different time periods dealt with international financial issues.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Singularly Unfeminine Profession, A: One Woman's Journey In Physics
In 1981 Mary K Gaillard became the first woman on the physics faculty at the University of California at Berkeley. Her career as a theoretical physicist spanned the period from the inception — in the late 1960s and early 1970s — of what is now known as the Standard Model of particle physics and its experimental confirmation, culminating with the discovery of the Higgs particle in 2012. A Singularly Unfeminine Profession recounts Gaillard's experiences as a woman in a very male-dominated field, while tracing the development of the Standard Model as she witnessed it and participated in it. The generally nurturing environment of her childhood and college years, as well as experiences as an undergraduate in particle physics laboratories and as a graduate student at Columbia University — which cemented her passion for particle physics — left her unprepared for the difficulties that she confronted as a second year graduate student in Paris, and later at CERN, another particle physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland. The development of the Standard Model, as well as attempts to go beyond it and aspects of early universe physics, are described through the lens of Gaillard's own work, in a language written for a lay audience.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Course In Analysis, A - Volume I: Introductory Calculus, Analysis Of Functions Of One Real Variable
Part 1 begins with an overview of properties of the real numbers and starts to introduce the notions of set theory. The absolute value and in particular inequalities are considered in great detail before functions and their basic properties are handled. From this the authors move to differential and integral calculus. Many examples are discussed. Proofs not depending on a deeper understanding of the completeness of the real numbers are provided. As a typical calculus module, this part is thought as an interface from school to university analysis.Part 2 returns to the structure of the real numbers, most of all to the problem of their completeness which is discussed in great depth. Once the completeness of the real line is settled the authors revisit the main results of Part 1 and provide complete proofs. Moreover they develop differential and integral calculus on a rigorous basis much further by discussing uniform convergence and the interchanging of limits, infinite series (including Taylor series) and infinite products, improper integrals and the gamma function. In addition they discussed in more detail as usual monotone and convex functions.Finally, the authors supply a number of Appendices, among them Appendices on basic mathematical logic, more on set theory, the Peano axioms and mathematical induction, and on further discussions of the completeness of the real numbers. Remarkably, Volume I contains ca. 360 problems with complete, detailed solutions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Understanding And Preventing Sudden Death: Your Life Matters
Sudden death is an uncommon condition. But when it occurs, especially in a young person, the acute loss can generate a substantial amount of grief with a great sense of disbelief. This mysterious and dreadful condition instils much fear and anxiety into the living, and more specifically for family members and friends. Understandably, the apprehension is brought about by the unexpectedness of the event and uncertainty of the consequences. The feeling of uneasiness is largely attributed to the lack of information regarding this condition. However in recent years, several causes of sudden death have been clarified. Treatment modalities have improved and reduced the occurrence of dying suddenly.This book is meant for anyone who wants to know more about sudden death. It aims to diminish its terror by explaining the various conditions that predispose individuals to sudden death and ways which may prevent it from occurring.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Physics In A Mad World
This book tells captivating stories of misadventures of two renowned theoretical physicists in the Soviet Union. The first part is devoted to Friedrich (Fritz) Houtermans, an outstanding Dutch-Austrian-German physicist who was the first to suggest that the source of stars' energy is thermonuclear fusion, and also made a number of other important contributions to cosmochemistry and geochemistry. In 1935, Houtermans, a German communist, in an attempt to save his life from Hilter's Gestapo, fled to the Soviet Union. He took up an appointment at the Kharkov Physico-Technical Institute, working there for two years with the Russian physicist Valentin P Fomin. In the Great Purge of 1937, Houtermans was arrested in December by the NKVD (Soviet Secret Police, KGB's predecessor). He was tortured, and confessed to being a Trotskyist plotter and German spy, out of fear of threats against his wife Charlotte. However, Charlotte had already escaped from the Soviet Union to Denmark, after which she went to England and finally the USA. As a result of the Hilter-Stalin Pact of 1939, Houtermans was turned over to the Gestapo in May 1940 and imprisoned in Berlin.The second part consists of two essays that narrate the life story of Yuri Golfand, one of the codiscoverers of supersymmetry, a major discovery in theoretical physics in the 20th century. In 1973, just two years after the publication of his seminal paper, he was fired from the Lebedev Physics Institute in Moscow. Because of his Jewish origin he could find no job. Under such circumstances, he applied for an exit visa to Israel, but his application was denied. Yuri Golfand became a refusnik and joined the Human rights movement, along with two other prominent physicists, Andrei Sakharov and Yuri Orlov. To earn his living, he had to do manual work, repeatedly being intimidated by KGB. Only 18 years later, shortly before the demise of the Soviet Union, did he obtain permission to leave the country, emigrating to Israel in 1990.These personal life stories of two outstanding theorists are interwined with the tragedies of the 20th century and make for compelling reading.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Kelly Capital Growth Investment Criterion, The: Theory And Practice
This volume provides the definitive treatment of fortune's formula or the Kelly capital growth criterion as it is often called. The strategy is to maximize long run wealth of the investor by maximizing the period by period expected utility of wealth with a logarithmic utility function. Mathematical theorems show that only the log utility function maximizes asymptotic long run wealth and minimizes the expected time to arbitrary large goals. In general, the strategy is risky in the short term but as the number of bets increase, the Kelly bettor's wealth tends to be much larger than those with essentially different strategies. So most of the time, the Kelly bettor will have much more wealth than these other bettors but the Kelly strategy can lead to considerable losses a small percent of the time. There are ways to reduce this risk at the cost of lower expected final wealth using fractional Kelly strategies that blend the Kelly suggested wager with cash. The various classic reprinted papers and the new ones written specifically for this volume cover various aspects of the theory and practice of dynamic investing. Good and bad properties are discussed, as are fixed-mix and volatility induced growth strategies. The relationships with utility theory and the use of these ideas by great investors are featured.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Theories Of Integration: The Integrals Of Riemann, Lebesgue, Henstock-kurzweil, And Mcshane
The book uses classical problems to motivate a historical development of the integration theories of Riemann, Lebesgue, Henstock-Kurzweil and McShane, showing how new theories of integration were developed to solve problems that earlier integration theories could not handle. It develops the basic properties of each integral in detail and provides comparisons of the different integrals. The chapters covering each integral are essentially independent and could be used separately in teaching a portion of an introductory real analysis course. There is a sufficient supply of exercises to make this book useful as a textbook.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Kelly Capital Growth Investment Criterion, The: Theory And Practice
This volume provides the definitive treatment of fortune's formula or the Kelly capital growth criterion as it is often called. The strategy is to maximize long run wealth of the investor by maximizing the period by period expected utility of wealth with a logarithmic utility function. Mathematical theorems show that only the log utility function maximizes asymptotic long run wealth and minimizes the expected time to arbitrary large goals. In general, the strategy is risky in the short term but as the number of bets increase, the Kelly bettor's wealth tends to be much larger than those with essentially different strategies. So most of the time, the Kelly bettor will have much more wealth than these other bettors but the Kelly strategy can lead to considerable losses a small percent of the time. There are ways to reduce this risk at the cost of lower expected final wealth using fractional Kelly strategies that blend the Kelly suggested wager with cash. The various classic reprinted papers and the new ones written specifically for this volume cover various aspects of the theory and practice of dynamic investing. Good and bad properties are discussed, as are fixed-mix and volatility induced growth strategies. The relationships with utility theory and the use of these ideas by great investors are featured.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Problem-solving Approach To Supporting Mathematics Instruction In Elementary School, A: A Guide For Parents, Teachers, And Students
The book takes a problem-solving approach to learning elementary school mathematics and develops concepts by considering examples to uncover patterns. It includes both standard and non-standard problems and exercises, some of which are challenging while others are mainly for reinforcement.The book is written in a relaxed style and includes amusing quotations as well as brief biographies and fun facts about the people who made these quotes. Also included are interesting and surprising applications of mathematics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Mathematics Coach Handbook, The
Many schools throughout the United States are now employing coaches to support teachers in the teaching of mathematics. Very often, these are professionals selected from the current teaching ranks who did not receive any special training to serve as a coach. This book provides the skills, knowledge, and lessons from experience that lead such a mentor to function effectively. Aside from describing the basic duties of an effective math coach, we also provide a plethora of resources to enrich instruction, improve problem-solving direction, and provide teachers with a wide variety of techniques to enhance their teaching effectiveness.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Memorial Volume for Ludwig Faddeev
Both a theoretical physicist and mathematician, Ludwig Faddeev is best known for "the Faddeev equations", the first mathematically well-posed formulation of the quantum-mechanical three-body problem, which are foundational in few-body physics. Having made multiple seminal contributions to theoretical physics (Faddeev–Popov ghosts, Faddeev–Senjanovic quantization, Faddeev–Jackiw quantization among others), he was conferred numerous prizes and memberships of prestigious institutions in recognition of the importance of his work. These include the Dannie Heineman Prize, the Dirac Prize, the Max Planck Medal, the Shaw Prize and the Lomonosov Gold Medal among others. A gathering of contributions from some of the biggest names in physics and mathematics, this volume serves as a tribute to this legendary figure in mathematical physics. Volume contributors include: Fields medallist Sir Michael Atiyah, Jürg Fröhlich, Roman Jackiw, Louis Nirenberg, Samson Shatashvili, Vladimir Korepin as well as Nobel laureates Frank Wilczek, C N Yang and Gerard 't Hooft.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Research Methods: A Practical Guide For Students And Researchers
For many students, doing research is often a joyless struggle. This book provides practical advice on how to do research in a concise way. It uses classic examples to show how experts conduct their research in different fields, allowing this book to be used in different disciplines.Research Methods: A Practical Guide for Students and Researchers provides a practical guide to students and researchers on how to do their research systematically and professionally. The book begins by distinguishing between causal and interpretive sciences. It then guides the reader on how to formulate the research question, review the literature, develop the hypothesis or theoretical framework, select a suitable research methodology, and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data.The book emphasizes integration. It does not merely provide a smorgasbord of research designs, data collection methods, and ways to analyze data. Instead, it shows how one can integrate these elements into a coherent research strategy.