Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Bundle: 6 Book Set
Save 20% on the cost of purchasing these documents seperately. This special bundle contains everything needed to run a civil and building construction project. The Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) is the main construction contract within the NEC3 family, from which the options A-F are extracted. It contains all core clauses and secondary option clauses, together with the schedules of cost components and forms for contract data. The NEC3 ECC Subcontract (ECS) is intended for use in appointing a subcontractor where the contractor has been appointed under the NEC3 Engineering and construction options, the available secondary options, schedules of cost components and contract data. Accompanying both documents are the ECC Guidance Notes and ECC Flow Charts, which include commentary notes on the clauses contained within the contracts, and also set out the procedural logic of the contracts. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Supply Contract Flow Charts
These flow charts depict the procudures followed when using the NEC3 Supply Contract (SC). They are intended to help people using the SC to see how the various SC core clauses and Options come together to produce clear and precise sequences of action for the people involved. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited Graphics for Urban Design
Producing a graphical representation of an urban design, town planning or regeneration project is an essential aspect of the design process. How do practitioners use these graphics to best effect and how are created most effectively? Graphics for Urban Design provides guidance on how to use graphic techniques to stimulate and communicate ideas through the urban design process. Now fully updated in this second edition, the book will showcase methods for producing hand-rendered and computer-generated visuals as well as delivering information on drawing maps, collecting data and understanding build perspectives. The book will reveal the whole process and contains chapters that cover: an overview on the history and evolution of urban graphics characteristics of images producing drawings graphics in the urban design process showing technical expertise how to produce outputs managing all aspects of production. Packed with case studies and examples of best practice, this practical, full colour guide will be an must-have purchase for students of graphic design as well as practitioners, commissioners, graphic designers, 3D artists, cartographers and project managers.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Term Service Bundle: 7 book set
Save £90 when buying this bundle! The Term Service Contract is intended to be used for the appointment of a supplier for a period of time to manage and provide a service. This document contains the core clauses, the three main option clauses, secondary option clauses and contract data forms. The Guidance Notes place the new Term Service Contract into context with the rest of the NEC suite of documents. They then set out the background to the contract, its provisions and guidance on when and how to use it. The procedure for setting up a contract is covered and explanations are given on the meanings of individual clauses. Worked examples are provided of contract data. Finally appendices cover the clause numbering system, sample form of tender, sample form of agreement, use as a subcontract, form of performance bond and price list. To enable users to understand the operation of the Term Service Contract, this book contains Flow Charts which set out the procedural logic of the 57 clauses that can be presented with benefit by flow charting. ENDORSEMENTS Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction. Facilities Management Board support for the NEC3 Term Service Contracts The Facilities Management Board of the Cabinet Office UK recognises that the NEC3 Term Services Contracts support good practice in FM Procurement in the public sector. BIFM supports the NEC3 Term Service Contracts
Emerald Publishing Limited How to use the PSC communication forms
This guide is written to show users how to complete the simple communication forms provided for the NEC3 Professional Services Contract (PSC). Clarity of communications, in a form that can be read, copied and recorded, should assist compliance with the contract and reduce misunderstandings and disputes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Core Principles of Soil Mechanics
Core Principles of Soil Mechanics is a practical guide to the key concepts and latest developments in the field of soil mechanics. It explores the physical properties of soils and the behaviour of soil masses subjected to loads, as well as soil phases, classification and characteristics, stresses and fluid flow, consolidation, compressibility and compaction, shear strength, lateral earth pressure, slope stability and bearing capacity. These core principles can be applied to soil-like materials, such as coal ashes and mine tailings, and are explored using real-life scenarios and worked examples. Produced by the Institution of Civil Engineers, ICE Textbooks offer clear, concise and practical information on the major principles of civil and structural engineering. They are an indispensable companion to undergraduate audiences, providing students with: A comprehensive introduction to core engineering subjects Real-life case studies and worked examples Practice questions, exercises and supplementary online solutions available at: Key learning aims, revision points and chapter summaries Further reading suggestions
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Professional Services Contract (PSC)
The Professional Services Contract is intended for use in the appointment of a supplier to provide professional services. It can be used for appointing project managers, supervisors, designers, consultants or other suppliers under NEC contracts and can also be used for appointing supliers on non-NEC construction projects or for non-constructionprojects. This document contains the core clauses, the relevant main option clauses, the secondary option clauses and the contract data. Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction.
Emerald Publishing Limited Stadium and Arena Design (Stadium Engineering)
Stadium and Arena Design recognises the importance of the multidisciplinary approach required to design, build and run modern, international stadiums. Bringing together a broad range of knowledge from specialists in each of the key areas of stadium and arena design, this book provides up-to-date, practical guidance for professionals in the field, researchers and students. Building on the success of the award-winning Stadium Engineering, this second edition has been fully updated for the contemporary demands of the sporting facilities industry. Stadium and Arena Design begins with a tour through the evolution of stadium design from the Eighth Century BC to present-day achievements in sporting arenas, including the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup. Coverage includes in-depth analysis and explanation of all aspects of design and construction, from site appraisal and material technologies to crowd circulation and signage. New and updated chapters to this edition include topics such as sustainable design, artificial and natural turf and retractable roofs. Stadium and Arena Design: provides expanded guidance and detailed, technical information on all aspects of the planning, design, operation and maintenance of stadiums offers a range of global case studies and good practice focusing on innovation and emerging technologies delivers a truly cross-disciplinary perspective and promotes a collaborative approach through the design and construction processes includes bibliographies and links to a wealth of additional information in this exciting field. With contributions from across the industry and a wide range of case studies including Wimbledon Centre Court, UK, Beijing Olympic Stadium, China and Hazza Bin Zayed Stadium, UAE, Stadium and Arena Design is an essential reference for all construction professionals and practitioners involved in the design, construction and evaluation of stadiums internationally.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Professional Stranger: An Informal Introduction to Ethnography
This new edition of a classic introductory text opens with an extensive chapter that brings ethnography up-to-date and aims it toward the next century. At a time when numerous disciplines, organizations, and communities are discovering ethnography, Agar shows how the fundamentals endure even as they adapt to a world unimagined when the research perspective developed more than 100 years ago. Contemporary discussions of ethnography are loaded with choices, primarily "either-or" options. Just as the first edition crossed the qualitative-quantitative divide, the new edition integrates classical scientific notions with new concepts such as narrative and interpretation. Agar updates the contrast between the researcher's apprenticeship to knowledgeable informants and the hypothesis-testing mode that still dominates social science, while demonstrating the complementarity of the two. Drawing extensively from his own research experience, he illustrates the stages of the ethnographic process from inception through the emergence of a focus, and toward a subsequent formalization of methods and analysis. In the process, he illustrates several approaches designed to reconcile the contradictory demands of the scientific process and human behavior. It analyses the changes in ethnographic studies during the last fifteen years. It outlines the conflict between science and interpretation. It presents the politics of ethnography, both personal and global. It describes the 'new' participant observation. It sheds light on ethno-logic. It includes methods for the non-positive.
Emerald Publishing Limited Travel Behaviour Research: The Leading Edge
Developments in methodology and applications in travel behaviour research continue to diversify to capture the growing complexity of human travel activity and coping strategies. The random utility theory (RUM) paradigm on which many econometric and empirical studies have been based since the mid-1970's has been challenged by the bounded utility maximisation or satisficing paradigm. More recently, the rules-based paradigm from psychology has attracted considerable interest and shows signs of offering a serious 'alternative' paradigm to RUM. This book highlights the competition between these ideas and shows how the rules-based paradigm has opened up opportunities to reflect the activity-based decision-making process. In six specially commissioned resource papers - including one by Nobel laureate Daniel McFadden - it describes the state of the art in travel behaviour research, from the fundamentals of data collection to the frontiers of e-commerce. The next 14 chapters then set out a series of research directions for ongoing inquiry. Thirty-three further chapters then offer detailed leading edge contributions within seven themes: methodological developments in choice analysis; longitudinal perspectives in choice modelling; incorporating schedules, uncertainty and reliability; challenges facing micro-simulation; integrated transport planning models; driver information and route choice; and data structures. Based on research presented at the Ninth International Conference of the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), this volume captures major developments in the field since the publication of the last IATBR volume in 1998, and will therefore be of value to all researchers and practitioners needing to keep abreast of current work on travel behaviour.
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Detailing in Steel
Construction time constraints are partly responsible for the increasingly prevalent use of structural steel. The need for swift completed framework and fabrication is of paramount importance. This extensive manual looks at the various aspects of steel construction. It covers the full scope of structural steelwork detailing, including fundamentals, draughting practice and conventions, conventional methods of detailing components, full scale constructed facilities and computer aided practices. A number of codes have also been included for those engineers who wish to carryout in-depth study of practices where jobs are in progress. Both commercial and industrial buildings, bridges and offshore structures are represented in this publication. A necessary purchase for the designer or detailer who prepares the working drawings for the fabrication of steelwork. A definitive text, this book serves as a both a primer for trainee draughtsmen and a reference manual for more experienced engineers and personnel.
Emerald Publishing Limited Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction Volume 3
The construction of the Crossrail project began at North Dock in Canary Wharf in May 2009. Seven years on, it is the biggest railway construction project in Europe and is one of the largest single infrastructure investments undertaken in the UK. It consists of 21 km of new twin-bore tunnels under central London and 10 new world-class stations constructed under the largest city in the European Union. Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction (Volume 3) contains a collection of 34 papers submitted to Crossrail’s Technical Papers Competition between 2014 and 2015. Contributions have come from consultants, contractors, suppliers and third-party stakeholders involved in design and construction across the Crossrail project. The papers cover a multitude of disciplines including Ground Engineering, Sprayed Concrete Lining, Tunnel Boring Machine Tunnelling, Engineering Geology, Geotechnical Monitoring and Mitigation, Architectural Design, Operations and Logistics. As part of Crossrail’s legacy, it is incumbent upon the organisation to share its experiences and best practices with the rest of the industry and to showcase the skills of the personnel involved and the successful delivery of each phase of works. This third volume is the culmination of that experience. Crossrail Project: Infrastructure Design and Construction provides a valuable source of reference for current practices in design and construction of large-scale underground projects.
Emerald Publishing Limited Highway Maintenance Handbook
In recent years, highway maintenance has become a high profile topic, owning to the greater travel potential of the general public and to the impact of roadworks on commerce following the swing away from rail transport. Highway maintenance was once a low-key activity, but it is now being treated as an important consideration in the overall cost of providing the nation's infrastructure. Roads have assumed an increasingly important role in this process, particularly during the past 30 years as a result of the motorway building programme. This new edition of the popular Highway Maintenance Handbook has been thoroughly revised and updated to provide the very latest information on current regulations and technology, and concentrates on ‘general maintenance’, and area in which most money is commonly spent. The book deals with the huge and ongoing task on maintaining Britain’s vast network of roads in a safe and satisfactory condition. It gives an insight into some of the facets of highway maintenance which are either currently being practised or are under developments, to aid both the engineer engaged in the discipline and those needing to know more about this field. Vastly increased volumes of road traffic and constraints on local authority expenditure have intensified the need to find efficient and cost-effective methods of looking after our roads. This well illustrated book provides a lucid commentary on the wide range of methods and options that are available. Based on the various authors’ experience gained in local governments, contracting, academic research and consultancy, Highway maintenance handbook analyses both concrete and bituminous carriageways, highlighting the advantages or problems of each while explaining the repair methods and options available, together with the structures and facilities needed for modern highways and their management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Children and Youth Speak for Themselves
The theme of this volume is an outgrowth of one of the Section sponsored sessions at the 2006 ASA meetings in Montreal; 'Children and Youth Speak for Themselves'. The volume is a collection of articles from scholars who pay particular attention to children and/or adolescents' voices, interpretations, perspectives, and experiences within specific social and cultural contexts. Contributions include research stemming from a broad spectrum of methodological and theoretical orientations. This is a cutting-edge compilation of the most current child-centred scholarship on the sociology of children and childhood.
Emerald Publishing Limited Ethics, Equity, and Regulation
No greater issue than the relationship between ethics, equity, and regulation can be said to have emerged in these 'troubled times'. How can we account for continuing inequalities in an era promoting enlightened social and economic connections? What mechanisms of perceptions and politics will enable policy makers and scholars to advance significant progressive change? This volume offers diverse research examining accounting's contribution to these challenges given the profession's multifaceted roles. Authors scrutinize executive compensation packages to evaluate whether ideals of managerial power are consistent with the betterment of stakeholders. Others confront issue of gender stereotyping and describe attitudes fostering greater equality. How can US regulations improve auditor independence, enhance reporting quality, and augment responsibility are the aims of some authors, while accountability and public policy in a non-US setting is researched in another. Together, these articles work toward illuminating the role of the accounting profession as a potential change agent fostering public interest issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting
"Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting" is devoted to publishing high-quality research and cases that focus on the professional responsibilities of accountants and how they deal with the ethical issues they face. The series features articles on a broad range of important and timely topics, including professionalism, social responsibility, ethical judgment, and accountability. The professional responsibilities of accountants are broad-based; they must serve clients and user groups whose needs, incentives, and goals may be in conflict. Further, accountants must interpret and apply codes of conduct, accounting and auditing principles, and securities regulations. Compliance with professional guidelines is judgment-based, and characteristics of the individual, the culture, and situations affect how these guidelines are interpreted and applied, as well as when they might be violated. Interactions between accountants, regulators, standard setters, and industries also have ethical components. Research into the nature of these interactions, resulting dilemmas, and how and why accountants resolve them, is the focus of this journal.
Emerald Publishing Limited Pharmaceutical Markets and Insurance Worldwide
The fields of pharmaceutical economics and health economics/policy are reaching a point of convergence. This is due to both the widespread availability of pharmaceutical treatments, accompanied by broader insurance coverage, and the regulation of prescription drugs in both private and government plans. This book will bridge the gap. We will explore developments in both U.S. and International setting. The system of the U.S. is characterized by a mix of private and government insurance for prescription drugs with the expansion of Medicare Part D. Most other developed countries are characterized by social insurance with either the government as a single payer such as in Canada or Australia, or a national health service as in many other European countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
"Advances in Hospitality and Leisure (AHL)", a peer-review series published annually, is seeking to deliver refreshing insights from a host of scientific investigations pertaining to hospitality, leisure, and tourism while rendering an academic forum to stimulate discussion on current literature, contemporary issues and emerging trends essential to theory advancement as well as professional practices from a global perspective. The main focus of this series is to divulge the innovative methods of inquiry so as to inspire new research topics that are vital and have been in large neglected. "AHL" strives to address the needs of the populace willing to disseminate seminal ideas, concepts, and theories derived from scholarly inquiries. Potential readers may retrieve useful texts helping outline new research agendas, suggest viable topics for a dissertation work, and augment the knowledge of the new subjects of learning.
Emerald Publishing Limited Impact of Demographics on Health and Healthcare: Race, Ethnicity and Other Social Factors
This volume focuses on differences in health and health care as linked to important social factors. The first section reviews basic material on the topic. The second section on racial and ethnic factors in differences in health and health care is the largest section of the book, and includes six articles looking at racial disparities on a variety of topics such as: knowledge of hepatitis C Virus; health services received and patients' experiences in seeking health care; use of CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) services; and, the role of social capital in class and race health disparities in health information seeking behaviour. Further sections include articles focused on geographic and community factors, gender and age, gender and language, and lifecourse issues such as maternal depression and hospice care. "Research in the Sociology of Health Care, Volume 28" is essential reading for medical sociologists and people working in other social science disciplines studying health-related issues. It provides vital information for health services researchers, policy analysts and public health researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Nonparametric Econometric Methods
This Volume of "Advances in Econometrics" contains a selection of papers presented initially at the 7th Annual Advances in Econometrics Conference held on the LSU campus in Baton Rouge, Louisiana during November 14-16, 2008. The theme of the conference was 'Nonparametric Econometric Methods', and the papers selected for inclusion in this Volume span a range of nonparametric techniques including kernel smoothing, empirical copulas, series estimators, and smoothing splines along with a variety of semiparametric methods. The papers in this Volume cover topics of interest to those who wish to familiarize themselves with current nonparametric methodology. Many papers also identify areas deserving of future attention. There exist survey papers devoted to recent developments in nonparametric nance, constrained nonparametric regression, miparametric/nonparametric environmental econometrics and nonparametric models with non-stationary data. There exist theoretical papers dealing with novel approaches for partial identification of the distribution of treatment effects, xed effects semiparametric panel data models, functional coefficient models with time series data, exponential series estimators of empirical copulas, estimation of multivariate CDFs and bias-reduction methods for density estimation. There also exist a number of applications that analyze returns to education, the evolution of income and life expectancy, the role of governance in growth, farm production, city size and unemployment rates, derivative pricing, and environmental pollution and economic growth. In short, this Volume contains a range of theoretical developments, surveys, and applications that would be of interest to those who wish to keep abreast of some of the most important current developments in the field of nonparametric estimation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Black American Males in Higher Education: Diminishing Proportions
This is the first of two volumes that specifically addresses the subject of the disproportional decline of Black American Males in higher education. For too long, acknowledgment of this issue has been avoided for fear that it would be clearly and too painfully felt. It is apparent that this issue can no longer be ignored and the need to examine and widely address this situation is now so vivid. This volume, and the next, forthrightly discuss and address the conditions that can be observed today. Collectively, the contributing authors provide critical historical overviews and analyses pertaining to Black American males in higher education and Black Americans of both genders. The contributing authors provide data from which conclusions can be drawn, discussion of the effectiveness of programs, conceptual pieces that address the issue of the presence or lack thereof of Black American males in higher education from a range of perspectives, and the role of the community colleges.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society: Special Issue: Revisiting Rights
Rights and rights talk have a long and storied history and have occupied a crucial place in the ideology of liberal legalism. With the development of Critical Legal Studies in the 1970s and 80s, rights were subject to extensive critique. Yet not long after that critique rights were rehabilitated by feminists and Critical Race Theorists. Today, scholars are investigating the role of rights in social movements, in legal consciousness, in organizations, in the international arena, etc. This volume of "Studies in Law, Politics, and Society" contains a Special Issue on rights. It brings together the work of leading scholars to think about the nature, utility and limits of rights. This work takes stock of the field, charts its progress and points the way for its future development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Sources of Disparities in Health and Health Care and Linkages to Policy, Population Concerns and Providers of Care
"Volume 27, Research in the Sociology of Health Care" deals with Social Sources of Disparities in Health and Health Care. The first section, Disparities in Health and Health Care: Basic Perspectives, reviews basic material on the topic. The second section on Racial and Ethnic Factors in Disparities in Health and Health Care Utilization includes five articles, three focused on racial and ethnic factors in disparities and two on those factors and other social factors such as SES. The next section focuses on Income, SES, and Cultural Capital in Disparities in Health and Health Care Delivery and includes an article that focuses on the role of education, one on the impact of childhood poverty on later life health and one on the role of cultural capital in health outcomes. The fourth section includes two papers on Providers, Facilities and Health Disparities. The last section, Part 5, deals with Locally Oriented Studies in Health Disparities and includes three papers looking at community approaches for eliminating health disparities, the effects of household assets upon rural residents' self-reported physical and emotional well-being and disparities in health care among Vietnamese Americans in New Orleans and the impacts of Hurricane Katrina.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium: Production and Distribution of Knowledge
The research and policy evaluations presented in these papers represent a uniquely valuable evolving record of policy and research on high technology small firms through many changes in economic conditions and government policy approaches over more the a decade and a half. Specific issues in the book series cover many of the key industrial development policies adopted by developed, and developing, national governments since the early 1990's including, for example, writings on policy and practice concerning science parks, incubators, academic enterprise, industrial networking and the role of clusters in nurturing high technology small firms formation and growth. In particular, the on-going problem of early stage high technology funding has been a theme of constant concern since 1993, and because it remains resistant to amelioration, will endure into the future. Both the conference and the ensuing book series represent a pre-eminent vehicle for all the major international researchers concerned with high technology small firms to present their work to each other and the wider public.
Emerald Publishing Limited Henry George, The Transatlantic Irish, and their Times
The American political economist Henry George devoted his life to the single tax. Virtually forgotten today, his best seller "Progress and Poverty" influenced numerous people in the English-speaking world. His fame and fall were due to a temporary alliance with the American Irish Catholics who were agitating for the land war in Ireland and social change in their new homeland. So significant was this tidal wave of support that it swamped the American consciousness in the late 1870s and early 1880s including prelates of the Roman Catholic Church, some of whom were conservatively inclined. George astutely navigated the waters by working with the radical editor of "The Irish World", Patrick Ford. But then George made a politically awkward friendship with Father Edward McGlynn, an ardent supporter of modernism and the single tax, who was a constant irritant to the church hierarchy and subsequently excommunicated. The issues that McGlynn raised rocked the American Catholic Church and the Vatican itself. The counter-campaign waged by the church and devout Irish Catholics blocked McGlynn and put an end to George's fleeting success.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Economic History
Volume 26 of "Research in Economic History" includes six papers, evenly divided between European and North American topics. On the European side, Stefano Fenoaltea and Carlo Ciccarelli provide new regional estimates of social overhead investment in Italy. Markus Lampe reports data on bilateral trade flows in Europe between 1857 and 1875. And Bernard Harris surveys the literature on gender, wealth, and health in England and Wales since industrialization. Turning west, Mark Kanazawa studies conflicts between ranchers and miners over who should bear the burden of taxation in nineteenth century California. Jason Taylor and Peter Klein examine Depression era cartel behavior under the National Industrial Recovery Act. Finally, James Butkiewicz mines archival material to provide a new perspective on and some rehabilitation of Eugene Meyer's role as Governor of the Federal Reserve Board between 1930 and 1933.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
"Advances in Management Accounting" ("AIMA") publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. As one of the premier management accounting research books, "AIMA" is well poised to meet the needs of management accounting scholars.
Emerald Publishing Limited Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment
The volume is partitioned into five sub areas, addressing the process of dispute resolution and appeal under the DSU of the WTO; politics and disputes between sovereign nations; power inequities in access to the DSU; specific categories of disputes, such as in agriculture and in intellectual property; and issues pertaining to compliance, enforcement and remedies. In addition to the interdisciplinary focus, this volume showcases the thoughts of both established and emerging scholars, whilst highlighting perspectives from many different countries and regions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Putting Teeth in the Tiger: Improving the Effectiveness of Arms Embargoes
Foreign affairs practitioners and policy analysts claim that international arms embargoes usually fail due to the lack of political will among national governments to implement and enforce these restrictions. This volume confronts this critique directly, first by describing a more nuanced assessment of success, and then by presenting well-informed empirical and case-study chapters that reveal arms embargoes to be more effective than often understood. The chapters in this book examine some of the more complex cases of arms embargoes such as Iraq, Pakistan, Angola, Liberia and the Great Lakes region of Africa. Readers will find data and assessments not available in prior studies, as well as frameworks that can be replicated in future research. The book concludes with policy suggestions for how arms embargoes might be strengthened and their political objectives more readily attained.
Emerald Publishing Limited Patient Safety and Health Care Management
This volume on patient safety revolves around a central question: How can the increased emphasis on patient safety among healthcare managers be translated into better policy and reduced clinical risk? The twelve contributions in this volume are divided between four sections: theoretical perspectives on managing patient safety; top management perspectives on patient safety; health information technology perspectives on patient safety; and organizational behavior and change perspectives on patient safety. The issue of patient safety provides a fertile niche for management researchers to test existing theories and develop new ones. For example, the goal of reducing medical errors while maximizing patient health requires not only an awareness of the tenets of evidence-based medicine, but also the managerial theories of human relations, organizational culture, organizational development, organizational learning, organizational structure, quality improvement, and systems thinking. Indeed, these and other managerial theories are drawn upon and applied by the various contributors. Taken together, the thirty-five authors of this volume demonstrate that the future of patient safety requires healthcare professionals and managers who can successfully engage in multi-faceted projects that are socially and technically complex.
Emerald Publishing Limited Streaming Culture: Subscription Platforms And The Unending Consumption Of Culture
The explosion of services such as Netflix, Spotify, Disney+, Apple Music, Amazon Prime and YouTube, which allow us to access content at the click of a button, has turned the norms surrounding cultural consumption upside down. How has this shift to an apparently unending supply of content affected the way we consume our favourite binge-worthy show, blockbuster movie or hot new album release? Positioning streaming alongside a major shift to contemporary capitalism, David Arditi demonstrates that streaming platforms have created an economy where consumers pay more for the same amount of consumptive time. Encouraging us to look beyond the seemingly limitless supply of multimedia content, Arditi calls attention to the underlying dynamics of instant viewing – in which our access to content depends on any given service’s willingness, and ability, to license it.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Women’s Empowerment: Critical Insight from Asia, Africa and Latin America
The UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 5 has revealed the undeniable truth that women’s empowerment remains a critical challenge, and that gender inequality is an essential building block to a fair and prosperous society. But what progress has been made? This edited collection offers a critical insight and evaluation of the public policies targeted at improving the condition of women living in developing countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America. Utilizing new and existing data, as well as theoretical and practical insights which bridge the academic and policymaking spaces, the authors frame an essential discussion about women's empowerment and public policy. Viewing SDG5 as an ethical and political responsibility, they point out the advances, scope and limitations of this ambitious goal endorsed by the international community. Each chapter contains a public policy recommendation so that readers are set to develop and act upon a key understanding of how to create change. Crucially, this volume showcases that in order to have better policies, it is necessary to evaluate achievements and failures, and understand how different strategies have had diverse impacts on women's wellbeing and empowerment.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizing for Societal Grand Challenges
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Societal grand challenges have moved from a marginal concern to a mainstream issue within the field of organization and management studies. Organizing for Societal Grand Challenges unpacks how diverse forms of organizing help tackle - or reinforce - grand challenges, while emphasizing the need for researchers to expand their methodological repertoire and reflect upon scholarly practices. This edited collection offers an organizational perspective on societal grand challenges in three sections: Diverse Forms of Organizing and Societal Grand Challenges; Scholarship and Societal Grand Challenges; Reflections and Outlook. The articles offer empirical and conceptual work that focus on a wide variety of regions including Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America, and engage with multiple grand challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, decent work, hunger, inequality, and poverty. Drawing on varied theoretical lenses, the authors take stock of recent developments in the literature, present an overview of the current thinking, and set a foundation for future research on grand challenges in organization and management studies. The articles provide inspiration, insights, and instruments for developing timely and relevant knowledge to engage with the pressing societal grand challenges of our time.
Emerald Publishing Limited Storytelling
Exploring the potential for storytelling as a creative practice for health and well-being, Michael Wilson considers how the art form might help us reconsider the power relationships in healthcare contexts and restore agency to patients, in partnership with medical professionals. Storytelling is explored not simply as a means of conveying information and experience from one person to another but as an act of listening, a process for thinking, evaluating and understanding. Wilson reflects on his over thirty of years of researching and practising storytelling, and blends his experience with a collection of case studies representing diverse approaches to storytelling for health, including theatre, stand-up comedy, writing, visual arts and digital storytelling. Most importantly, storytelling is approached not from the point of view of the medical practitioner or educator, or even the patient, but through the lens of those who tell stories as a creative and everyday practice. It is a book with the storyteller at its core.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Guide to Zygmunt Bauman
The influential sociologist and social theorist Zygmunt Bauman was a prolific commentator on contemporary social life. The extent and range of his published work is so vast that it is easy for the uninitiated reader to feel daunted by the sheer scale of works and where to begin. That is, until now. The Emerald Guide to Zygmunt Bauman is the first introductory guide to the work of Zygmunt Bauman, designed specifically for students and those new to his work. It provides a clear, comprehensive and authoritative overview of the emergence and development of key themes and arguments across the whole body of Bauman’s work, from his early publications in Poland in relation to actually existing socialism, to his Marxist revisionism, his influential analysis of the Holocaust, and his contribution to ethics and critiques of modernity and liquid modern neoliberalism. Critically, the book also places Bauman’s work in context by discussing the influence of his personal biography on his ideas. This book provides a firm foundation for the independent reading of Bauman himself and for exploring the many discussions and interpretations of his influential ideas. It is essential reading for readers in sociology, politics, history, law, religion and other areas of the social sciences to which Bauman made a contribution.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gang Entry and Exit in Cape Town: Getting Beyond The Streets in Africa’s Deadliest City
Joint Winner of the 2023 ASSAf Humanities Book Award in the Emerging Researcher Category Gang violence is a concern being debated by academics, politicians, and communities around the world. Yet effective solutions are still in short supply, partly because too little research concentrates on understanding how people can escape the trap of violent street culture. Responding to that need, this book provides a detailed qualitative account of what it is like to join and then disengage from gangs in Africa’s deadliest city. Through the life histories of twenty-four former Capetonian gang members, alongside hundreds of hours of additional interviews and observation from five years of ethnographic research, Dariusz Dziewanski reimagines gangsterism in a way that pays heed to the overwhelming force of street culture, but also confirms the possibility of overcoming crime and violence amid disenfranchisement and disadvantage. Rather than simply reproducing the poverty-crime-violence narrative, this book demonstrates how gang members can – and have – transformed their lives, challenging the pessimistic conclusions commonly associated with gang entry; even gang scholars studying street culture usually portray the end point to gang life as either prison or a body bag. By presenting evidence about successful gang exit, Dziewanski showcases a practical starting point for changing how criminologists think about gangs and street culture – offering hope to those trying exit gang life, as well as those trying to help them do so.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Machine Age of Customer Insight
We are living in a new machine age offering unique opportunities, particularly for generating customer insights, which is radically transforming the way business value is created. Across industries, players are affected by the pace of progress of machine learning tools, novel technologies, and the abundance of data. These developments require mastering new capabilities. The Machine Age of Customer Insight explains the transformation of customer insights and demonstrates the growing impact of machine learning. Thought leaders from renowned universities in the US and Europe as well as from different industries provide a comprehensive overview. Addressing both academics and practitioners, they discuss the transformation, cutting edge tools, and success factors to thrive in the new age. The book shows how machine learning helps to understand customers better and faster. It supports everyone who considers the machine age a great opportunity to gain a competitive advantage by transforming customer insights into business value.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Perspectives on Critical Marketing and Consumer Society
Digital communication has altered the flow of global information, evolved consumer values and changed consumption practices worldwide. These challenges in the marketplace are being driven by international, social and technological advances. New Perspectives on Critical Marketing and Consumer Society is a groundbreaking textbook allowing readers to understand, critique and engage with this disrupted context. Editors Elaine L. Ritch and Julie McColl bring together a range of specialist contributors to identify and examine widespread social and technological disruptions in the marketplace, covering new topics that illustrate new consumer values, through chapters examining: disruptive innovation 'woke' branding data ethics social shopping inclusive identities retail spaces as examples of disruption innovation. The work presents an in-depth discussion of the newest social and technological developments around marketing and consumption across core three themes, 'Disruption and the digital landscape', 'Pseudo Modernity and co-creation of experiences', 'Evolutionary societies and woke branding'. Chapters illustrate how current advances in business and marketing are looking at different approaches for a radically new landscape in marketing and consumer behaviour. New Perspectives on Critical Marketing and Consumer Society provides an illuminating, challenging and thought-provoking guide through changing and fast moving business and retail contexts for all upper-level students of marketing, branding and consumer behaviour.
Emerald Publishing Limited Teacher Preparation in Scotland
This book charts the origins and development of teacher preparation in Scotland from 1872 onwards, covering key milestones in policy and practice, and looking ahead to the future. Rachel Shanks, in this edited collection, brings together a narrative of the drivers influencing teacher preparation in Scotland across the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries, answering fundamental questions: How has the role of universities in teacher preparation and the acceptance of education as an academic discipline changed over time? What have been the impact of policy changes such as Curriculum for Excellence and the Donaldson Report 'Teaching Scotland's Future'? What role does partnership-working play in the preparation of teachers in Scotland? The book includes contributions on the historical development of teacher preparation and the current pathways into teaching which include undergraduate degrees, the one year Professional Graduate Diploma in Education, Online and Distance Learning and Masters routes. There are individual chapters on the topics of school placement, teacher induction, Catholic teacher preparation, the Episcopal Teaching Training College, and the preparation of English language teachers. Concluding with suggestions on how teacher preparation may develop in the future, this book is a truly comprehensive record of the historic, current and potential evolution of teacher preparation in Scotland.
Emerald Publishing Limited Simplifying the Complex: A Guide to Transition and Activation Planning for Healthcare Construction Projects
Are you planning the Transition and Activation of a new healthcare project? This easy-to-use guide provides readers with the fundamentals of the transition, activation, and operational planning process and is essential for anyone involved in activating a new healthcare space. Developed by a highly experienced healthcare consulting company, Yellow Brick Consulting Inc., this straightforward planning roadmap tackles the high-risk and problem-prone strategic initiative of activating healthcare construction projects. Utilizing project management experience from healthcare projects of varying sizes, scopes and complexities, this book shares best practices and provides insight as to how to avoid common pitfalls through strategic planning. Simplifying the Complex provides the framework to establish a consistent process throughout the Transition and Activation Planning process, including project kickoff, budget development, building readiness, and people readiness. Each chapter guides the reader through the stages of the planning process and provides the tools necessary for implementing a successful project.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Housing and Urban Renewal: A Cross-National Perspective
This book offers a cross-national perspective on contemporary urban renewal in relation to social rental housing. Social housing estates – as developed either by governments (public housing) or not-for-profit agencies – became a prominent feature of the 20th century urban landscape in Northern European cities, but also in North America and Australia. Many estates were built as part of earlier urban renewal, ‘slum clearance’ programs especially in the post-World War 2 heyday of the Keynesian welfare state. During the last three decades, however, Western governments have launched high-profile ‘new urban renewal’ programs whose aim has been to change the image and status of social housing estates away from being zones of concentrated poverty, crime and other social problems. This latest phase of urban renewal – often called ‘regeneration’ – has involved widespread demolition of social housing estates and their replacement with mixed-tenure housing developments in which poverty deconcentration, reduced territorial stigmatization, and social mixing of poor tenants and wealthy homeowners are explicit policy goals. Academic critical urbanists, as well as housing activists, have however queried this dominant policy narrative regarding contemporary urban renewal, preferring instead to regard it as a key part of neoliberal urban restructuring and state-led gentrification which generate new socio-spatial inequalities and insecurities through displacement and exclusion processes. This book examines this debate through original, in-depth case study research on the processes and impacts of urban renewal on social housing in European, U.S. and Australian cities. The book also looks beyond the Western urban heartlands of social housing to consider how renewal is occurring, and with what effects, in countries with historically limited social housing sectors such as Japan, Chile, Turkey and South Africa.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Century of Science: The Global Triumph of the Research University
Winner of the 2017 Award for Significant Research on International Higher Education (CIHE/ASHE) Winner of the 2018 American Publishers Awards for Professional & Scholarly Excellence: Education Theory In The Century of Science, a multicultural, international team of authors examine the global rise of scholarly research in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and health (STEM+) fields. This insightful text provides historical and sociological understandings of the ways that higher education has become an institution that, more than ever before, shapes science and society. Case studies, supported by the most historically and spatially extensive database on STEM+ publications available, of selected countries in Europe, North America, East Asia, and the Middle East, emphasize recurring themes: the institutionalization and differentiation of higher education systems to the proliferation of university-based scientific research fostered by research policies that support continued university expansion leading to the knowledge society. Growing worldwide, research universities appear to be the most legitimate sites for knowledge production. The chapters offer new insights into how countries develop the university-based knowledge thought fundamental to meeting social needs and economic demands. Despite repeated warnings that universities would lose in relevance to other organizational forms in the production of knowledge, these findings demonstrate incontrovertibly that universities have become more—not less—important actors in the world of knowledge. The past hundred years have seen the worldwide triumph of the research university.
Emerald Publishing Limited Landscapes, Edges, and Identity-Making: Narrative Examinations of Teacher Knowledge
Featuring the work of Cindy L. Clarke and Derek A. Hutchinson, this volume explores experiences of narrative inquiry in order to make sense of research, identities, and the response community we have created through this process. Experts in the field bring together thinking and experiences in the current educational landscape to better understand the ways researchers have shaped and been shaped by their work. The process of collaboration on this volume has provided a deeper understanding of some of the ways in which narrative inquirers are able to establish and sustain relationships over time and distance. Narrative inquiry is inherently relational and this book deepens understanding regarding the ways in which academics working together enables, enhances, and animates individual research. The methodological approaches used are rooted in this relational ontology. Artistic methods that engage metaphor such as poetry and story are utilized in order to attend to the complexities of lives and the nuances of experience. Through this unique approach, this volume addresses the benefits of Researchers emphasizing relationships in their work and will prove an invaluable contribution for researchers and leaders in the field of Education and Teaching.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theatre
Humans have engaged in theatre for at least 50,000 years for good reason: it builds social connections, provides opportunities to learn, and creates meaning through storytelling. Perhaps most importantly, it is an enjoyable, and therefore self-reinforcing, activity. Theatre offers readers an introduction to the role that theatre plays in health and wellbeing, and provides guidance on how to incorporate it into professional health and social care environments, community spaces, and the family home. The book provides an overview of the current evidence demonstrating the effects of theatre on specific domains of health and wellbeing, including mental health, physical health, and public health, as well as its impacts on the education of health and social care professionals. Case studies illustrate the broad range of applied theatre methods currently in use across the human lifespan - from bedside theatre performed for children in hospital to theatre workshops for people living with dementia and theatre-based interpersonal communication training for medical students. Theatre also delivers plenty of practical advice on how to bring theatre into health and social care environments, including step-by-step instructions for specific activities, insights into potential barriers, and (most importantly) strategies needed to overcome them with empathy, collaboration, and creativity. This volume will be useful to professionals working in health and social care settings, as well as to theatre artists and educators who already are or who would like to work in health or social care settings with special populations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Reading
Can reading literature really help our mental health? This book shows how and why - not by instruction or prescription but by emotion and exploration. Offering case histories of individual readers and reading groups based on the work of The Reader, a charity dedicated to bringing serious literature to neglected communities, the authors showcase how a whole new demographic might get into reading, and in doing so unlock the emotional intelligence and benefits to health and wellbeing which come from our access to written human stories and imagined situations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Careers: Thinking, Strategising and Prototyping
Considering career development in the current and future work landscape, this book explores a leading-edge framework for careers, drawing on design thinking to apply career planning to a wide range of individual contexts. The book encompasses diverse stakeholders at various stages of the career process, including career seekers, employers, trainers and educators to demonstrate the creation and flow of value for effective careers in a fast-moving and dynamically altering labour market. Using a design thinking framework, Ann M. Brewer presents compelling evidence of the need for career strategising to assist all workers in achieving their career aspirations and goals. This hands-on approach addresses the emotional and cognitive investment of career thinking and planning from an early career stage to a late career stage perspective, while the key emphasis on prototyping provides an opportunity to change the way careers are created. This far-reaching, well-rounded, highly creative, solutions-oriented framework is a useful resource for professionals and students considering future career progression within any work context, and researchers of employability, career management and career thinking.
Emerald Publishing Limited Studies in Law, Politics, and Society
This volume of Studies in Law, Politics and Society examines the contribution of ethnography to our understanding of contemporary legal and political phenomena, with a particular focus on how it enables us to make sense of modern life under conditions of post-colonialism and globalization. Through the examination of case studies such as affirmative action at the University of Michigan, the US government and tribal consultations, the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem, and freedom of speech on campus, this edited volume demonstrates the value of ethnography as a method of scholarly investigation within law and politics. Written by an impressive group of interdisciplinary scholars, this book will prove invaluable to students and researchers in the fields of law and politics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Supervising Doctoral Candidates
Supervising Doctoral Candidates provides support for new and young academics who, from the beginning of their academic career, may be expected to support doctoral candidates with little or no prior training.