Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited The Entrepreneurial Dilemma in the Life Cycle of the Small Firm: How the firm and the entrepreneur change during the life cycle of the firm, or how they should change
Entrepreneurial dilemmas play an important, though heavily underexposed, role in the life cycle of the small firm. This book defines the entrepreneurial dilemma as a situation where entrepreneurs have to choose between multiple future courses of action concerning their firm, without sufficient information to make that choice. The Entrepreneurial Dilemma in the Life Cycle of the Small Firm enables lecturers, researchers and practitioners in the fields of entrepreneurship, small business development and business administration to understand these entrepreneurial dilemmas and ways to resolve them. This book presents an in-depth analysis of the modern theories in the field of entrepreneurship, including innovation, sustainable entrepreneurship, characteristics of small businesses, the life cycle of the firm, entrepreneurial behavior and small business finance. Enno Masurel provides a clear overview of the opportunities that teaching entrepreneurship in a higher education context offers, and embodies this teaching within ten universal cases that will help readers to further understand the the dilemmas faced by entrepreneurial activity in the development of small firms.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Taxation
In the latest volume of Advances in Taxation, editor John Hasseldine includes studies from expert contributors to explore topics such as earnings repatriation elections, corporates' uncertain tax positions reported on Schedule UTP, tax audits, voluntary and enforced tax compliance, and tax evasion. Reporting peer-reviewed research contributions from North America and also including international studies from Indonesia, Bangladesh and South Africa, this volume is essential reading for those looking to keep abreast of the most recent research. The empirical research published by the authors of this volume include archival, survey, and experimental methods that have been applied to challenges facing tax systems around the globe. These challenges affect tax administrators, large corporates, and small and medium-sized enterprises. The studies contained in this volume will be influential and help direct future research around the globe.
Emerald Publishing Limited Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Russia
Russia is one of the world's largest growing economies. With this exciting new growth and development, there is a wealth of knowledge to be discovered from the strategies and models being used and created throughout Russia’s economy. Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Russia portrays and sets pieces of Russia's growth strategies to produce an extraordinary record of economic analysis. A leading expert in emerging markets, editor Bruno S. Sergi and a cast of experienced Russian academics offer a wealth of questions and critical examples on Russia that are delivered through a sound framework and provide unique knowledgeable support and interdisciplinary research about modeling a sound growth strategy for Russia. Through various chapters on financial development and economic growth, Sergi explores the fascinating landscape of Russia's economy, including chapters on green investment; education and inclusive development; sustainability; smart cities; international cooperation; and innovation-based growth. For anyone interested in international economics, or students of emerging economies and markets, this is a fundamental study of an area that has never before been studied in such depth.
Emerald Publishing Limited SDG12 - Sustainable Consumption and Production: A Revolutionary Challenge for the 21st Century
This book takes a wide-ranging and non-dogmatic view of SDG12, tackling various approaches as to how production and consumption can provide for human well-being while minimizing destructive effects on the biophysical environment. With chapters focusing on circular economies, product accounting systems, and sustainable procurement, this volume presents technical information in an accessible way and provides a much-needed overview of activity and approaches to achieving the development goal. The authors provide a thorough understanding of the history and effectiveness of SDG 12 by juxtaposing competing theories of sustainable production and consumption, from critics who advocate a “degrowth” agenda to explicitly neo- liberal approaches. They also examine the underlying contradictions in these theories and the degree to which these competing approaches can complement one another.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emergence of Modern Hospital Management and Organisation in the World 1880s-1930s
The Emergence of Modern Hospital Management and Organisation in the World 1880s-1930s uses a range of empirical evidences and case studies drawn from previously unpublished archival sources to offer one of the first international comparative studies on the transformation and modernization of hospital management globally, a century ago. Focusing in the key years between the 1880s and the 1930s, when millions of people crossed the globe and created new large health care needs in the largest cities of the world, Paloma Fernández-Pérez analyzes core themes from a business history perspective, like organization, ownership and the professionalization of management, to reach a new understanding about the history of modern large scale healthcare institutions from the United States to China, with particular attention to Spain. The book analyses how varying institutional factors, as well as specific national elements, have influenced the application of Taylorist ideas about standardization, efficiency, and productivity, to large scale hospitals. It also demonstrates the complexities in the dissemination of Taylorist styles of management in large hospitals in the world, by presenting the diversity of situations and how they depended not just on national differences but also on the balance of power of interest groups in private and public hospitals.
Emerald Publishing Limited Applied Ethics in the Fractured State
This book brings together the refereed proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the Australian Association of Professional and Applied Ethics (AAPAE) 'Applied Ethics in the Fractured State', held at the Institute for Public Policy and Governance, University of Technology Sydney in June 2017. The book is eclectic, with chapters on health regulation in Australia, Eastern ethical theorising (Confucianism; Buddhism), euthanasia and community engagement, all of which are examined from the unique perspective that Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations affords its contributors.
Emerald Publishing Limited School Improvement Networks and Collaborative Inquiry: Fostering Systemic Change in Challenging Contexts
Existing research on Professional Learning Networks looks at experiences in Europe and North America, with very little attention focused on education systems in the Global South, such as Chile. In 2015 more than 500 School Improvement Networks were created to support state-funded schools across the country with the idea of promoting a culture of collaboration. Although schools are expected to work in networks, they are held to account individually through high-stakes standardized testing and external inspections.This book employs the theoretical framework of collaborative inquiry to guide a mixed method study of fifteen in-depth multi-site case studies and descriptive statistical analysis of a questionnaire answered by 400 networks. The analysis provides evidence of the depth and spread of the knowledge and collaborative practices of these networks. Linking with the literature on Professional Learning Networks, this study highlights how school improvement networks can support the professional capital of principals and curriculum coordinators. The findings of this study are discussed around the issue of network sustainability, stressing the importance of network leadership and conditions of system infrastructure to mobilize network knowledge to schools, increasing the potential impact of school networks to transform schools' practices. By providing a unique inquiry, into an under researched part of the globe in regards to school networks, this book will prove invaluable for academics and practitioners in the areas of mixed method research, educational leadership and comparative education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender and the Violence(s) of War and Armed Conflict: More Dangerous to be a Woman?
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access, thanks to Knowledge Unlatched funding, and freely available to read online. Drawing on historical and contemporary case studies, Gender and the Violence(s) of War and Armed Conflict delves into visual as well as text-based materials to unpack gender-based violence(s) perpetrated and experienced by both genders within and beyond the conflict zone. Considering examples of old and new wars ranging from the Holocaust, the 1971 Liberation War in Bangladesh; and the armed conflicts in the DRC, Iraq, Syria and Darfur, this book uncovers sexualised, genocidal and reproductive violence against both genders. Crucially, the author showcases examples of male victimisation, and thus redresses gaps within the literature. In particular, as part of an original gendered analysis of the war on terror, Banwell unpacks women’s involvement in sexual violence against male prisoners at Abu Ghraib. By going beyond instances of interpersonal violence, and looking additionally at structural forms of gender-based violence, state violence, institutional violence and climate variability, this book broadens our understanding of both the causes and consequences of modern conflicts. Through her critique of gender essentialism, the author challenges gendered notions of who ‘is dangerous’ and who is ‘in danger’ during war/armed conflict. Eclectic in its approach, and multi-disciplinary in scope, Banwell’s text is illuminating reading for academics, students and professionals working with war-affected populations.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Business Blunders: Lessons for Future Managers
Difference in the levels of progress between developed and developing countries poses significant challenges for firms from the developing world to operate successfully in markets in the developed world. However, as globalization deepens, firms in the developing world, like their counterparts in the developed world, are forced to look for markets outside of their domestic environment. Increasingly, firms in developing countries will have no choice but to look for markets in large and wealthy developed countries in addition to other similar developing countries. International Business Blunders will provide direct evidence from CEOs and international business managers within firms that have moved from their domestic market in the developing world to do business in the developed world. The insights from these cases will serve as invaluable lessons for other firms that are seeking to enter these physically and psychically distant markets. By highlighting the blunders that are made by firms that have braved entering markets in developed countries, this book will provide pedagogical examples of how to minimize the blunders that future managers might make. The book will serve as a valuable tool for international business managers, students in MBA programmes, and also scholars who are researching and writing in the area of business and management.
Emerald Publishing Limited Navigating the Investment Minefield: A Practical Guide to Avoiding Mistakes, Biases, and Traps
When you think about investing, what words come to mind? Overwhelming? Intimidating? Scary? Investors face a vast array of investment options vying for their business. They are aware that some of those providing these "opportunities" seek to take advantage of them. And although most investors realize they are fallible, they often have no clear idea why or what they can do about it. So what chance do less savvy investors have navigating the investment minefield and emerging unscathed? The answer is not much-unless they recognize the pitfalls along the way. In this book, H. Kent Baker and Vesa Puttonen show new investors how to avoid rash financial decisions and basic investing sins. They help them to recognize and avoid common investing mistakes, behavioral biases, and traps that can affect sound judgment and reduce wealth. Ultimately, they explain how to separate investment fads from time-tested investment principles-a task that is easier said than done, but that is well worth the effort. Navigating the Investment Minefield is essential reading for novice investors, and it is of keen interest to more seasoned investors seeking a refresher course on the most basic, time-honored truths of wealth management.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Meaningful Life at Work: The Paradox of Wellbeing
A Meaningful Life at Work addresses a range of contemporary issues that impact on an individual's experiences in the workplace, including those that may restrict opportunities for personal growth in a professional setting. Understanding an employee's values, their choices and the problems they face in the workplace may help organisations to better structure their human resource policies, compensation packages and working conditions. The authors explore employee wellbeing from a Malaysian perspective as a developing country, but they also reflect on the broader Asian and wider global context. The key themes analysed in this book include work addiction, cyber bullying, sexual harassment in the workplace and the ethics of workplace behaviour. The book contributes to the theoretical discourse around organisation studies and employee wellbeing, while also seeking to integrate academic concepts with practice. In this way, it offers practical steps towards promoting positivity and happiness in the workplace.
Emerald Publishing Limited The New Silk Road leads through the Arab Peninsula: Mastering Global Business and Innovation
Building on the tradition, promises and advances brought by the historical Silk Road, the Belt and Road Initiative launched by Chinese authorities in 2013 has the potential to re-draw the map of checks and balances in the global economy. The New Silk Road leads through the Arab Peninsula: Mastering Global Business and Innovation offers an in-depth inquiry into the origins, implications, opportunities and synergies that China’s Belt and Road Initiative creates for stakeholders in both Asia and the Arab World. Acclaimed academics, practitioners and experts contribute to a fascinating overview of critical issues that emerge along the New Silk Road. Chapters address issues such as dispute resolution, the geopolitics of international business, the enabling role of sophisticated technologies, approaches to innovation promotion and cross-cultural collaboration. Case-studies featuring specific businesses and industries operating in the Belt and Road context further add to the empirical focus that this book offers. An essential resource for graduate and executive education in a range of fields, including international business, international political economy, strategic management, and applied computer science, this volume will also serve as an illuminating study for anyone interested in contemporary global affairs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Managing Inter-Organizational Collaborations: Process Views
This volume contains two Open Access Chapters. Volume 64 of Research in the Sociology of Organizations takes stock of research on processes of inter-organizational collaboration and explores new topics that call for inquiry. It shows that inter-organizational collaboration is becoming more varied and fluid. Traditional strategic alliances and consortia are still around, but these are complemented with new forms of collaboration, often enabled by emerging digital technologies. The volume is organized in three parts. The first set of chapters focus on relational dynamics of inter-organizational collaboration. Process views of inter-organizational collaboration investigate the relational embeddedness of interactions, the development and change of relations, and how relationships are constituted as processual phenomena. The second part of this volume addresses organizational dynamics in collaboration processes. Organizations themselves are not stable in any collaboration: just as collaboration is fluid, also organizations continuously change, and intra-organizational dynamics are key to understand external collaboration. Third, this volume addresses new phenomena in the changing landscape of inter-organizational collaboration, thereby laying out directions for future inquiry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Traditions and Innovations in Research Methodology
The latest volume of the Research Methodology in Strategy and Management series uncovers theoretical developments in management and strategy, highlighting how firms succeed today, as well as offering cutting edge thinking on new and evolving research methods to study organizations. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Traditions and Innovations in Research Methodology collates a wide range of perspectives on strategy and management and introduces new approaches to researching organizations. Two retrospective accounts from Kathy Eisenhardt and Denny Gioia provide contextual balance to the subsequent chapters which explore various research methodologies, including: qualitative comparative analysis, videometric methods, modes of process research, visual research methods and qualitative research in strategy. This culminates in a useful how-to guide which builds on insights about teaching aspiring entrepreneurs with a "canvas" and provides researchers with a canvas to design and execute high quality projects. This is an illuminating guide book for all academics and researchers working in the fields of management, strategy, international business, entrepreneurship and organization theory, interested in starting research projects.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Business in the Information and Digital Age
This volume is dedicated to Lorraine Eden for her lifetime contributions to IB scholarship. Her research, spanning several decades, has addressed many interdisciplinary and societal themes at the heart of the IB field. The story of her intellectual journey -- strongly influenced by the coming of age of the fourth industrial revolution -- is shared in the opening chapter of this volume. This thirteenth volume in the PIBR series covers an increasingly important area of research for International Business (IB) scholars: the role of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the digital and information age. A limited number of MNEs now dominate the landscape of the digital age, but almost all internationally operating firms are being affected by prevailing trends. How to take stock of these trends? How to develop resilient international business models? How to regulate? The digital age presents new opportunities but also major challenges for established and emerging MNEs alike. This volume brings together papers from leading IB scholars and from academics in adjacent disciplines such as economic geography, international relations and political science, strategic management, and technology studies. Four dimensions of the information and digital age are analyzed using an IB angle: Trends and theories in the information age Entrepreneurial strategies in the information age Functional strategies in the information age Industry 4.0
Emerald Publishing Limited Teacher Preparation in Northern Ireland: History, Policy and Future Directions
The formation of Northern Ireland marked a sharp divergence in policy that had developed throughout the whole of Ireland in the preceding century. Local communal interests helped to drive and shape a unique model of teacher preparation. Teacher Preparation in Northern Ireland examines teacher education across the first century of Northern Ireland’s existence and contextualises this within an account of teacher preparation in pre-partition Ireland. This timely book also looks at the more recent history of the region, with a focus on how infrastructural arrangements have continued to reflect wider divisions in Northern Irish society, whilst also considering how these divisions have been counterbalanced by efforts to bridge the rifts through greater cooperation around both policy and practice. By looking at contemporary developments within the wider historical context, this book will not only be an invaluable text for educationalists, historians and policy makers in Northern Ireland, but also to counterparts internationally and comparative educationalists.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Business and Management Forecasting
Volume 13, Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, is a blind refereed serial publication. It presents state-of-the-art studies in the application of forecasting methodologies to such areas as sales forecasting, retailing, service contracts, bankruptcy prediction, executive compensation, and call center staffing. The orientation of this volume is for business applications for both the researcher and the practitioner of forecasting. Volume 13 is divided into three sections: Marketing, Sales and Service Forecasting; Economic, Financial and Insurance Forecasting; and, CEO Compensation and Operations Forecasting. An interdisciplinary group of experts explore wide-ranging topics including omnichannel retailing, growth business cycles, under-resampling methods to detect non-injured passengers within car accidents and regression modeling of CEO compensation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender, Athletes' Rights, and the Court of Arbitration for Sport
Disputes over gender, doping, and eligibility in Olympic sport are widely covered in sport studies and in the mainstream media. Less well known are the functions of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), and the threat it poses to athletes’ rights by depriving them of access to their own countries’ court systems. CAS loosely follows the model of international arbitration tribunals. As in forced arbitration outside of sport, employees – in this case, high performance athletes – sign contracts agreeing to arbitration rather than litigation as the sole means of dispute resolution. Promoting the concept of sport exceptionalism, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) justifies the power it exercises through CAS by claiming that sport must be autonomous and self-regulating, with disputes settled by specialist arbitrators. Arguments in support of this position point to lex sportiva (global sports law) as a valid legal principle in sport-related disputes, which, it is claimed, cannot be understood or resolved by non-specialists. Self-regulation works effectively to protect the Olympic industry brand by keeping disputes ‘in the family’. This critical analysis of CAS's history and functions demonstrates how athletes’ rights are threatened by the forced arbitration process at CAS. In particular, CAS decisions involving female and gender-variant athletes, and racialized men and women, reflect numerous injustices. As well as the chronic problem of CAS’s lack of independence, other issues examined here include confidentiality, lex sportiva, non-precedential awards, the closed list of specialist arbitrators, and, in doping cases, questions concerning strict liability and burden of proof.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Cultural and Economic Context of Maternal Infanticide: A Crying Baby and the Inability to Escape
Almost every story of maternal infanticide starts with 'the baby wouldn't stop crying'. But the story is more than' just bad or mentally ill mothers who lethally assault their baby. The story is about how hard it is to be a good mother in a society where women are expected to raise their children in their spare time and with their spare change. This expectation is grounded in a modern mothering ideology of unclear, overwhelming gender socialized expectations of what good mothers are supposed to be and do and assumes mothers have access to the economic and support resources necessary for this monumental job. The struggle of being a 'good mother' is common to all mothers and requires much more time and resources than most mothers have available to them. In today's society, almost all mothers must have a paying job just to make ends meet. Their job takes up most of their day and leaves little time for the demands of parenting. Gender segregated jobs and economic inequality of women leave mothers with pay checks that are insufficient for homecare, childcare, and healthcare and leaves them eking out basic goods such as food, diapers, and medicine. And they are powerless to change their situation. For some mothers, like the ones discussed in this book, the struggle overwhelms them and they commit a terrible, heavily-regretted act that costs them their child's life, their family, their freedom, and their piece of mind for the rest of their lives. This book examines the social, economic and cultural conditions and stressors under which mothers commit infanticide, and shows how these conditions affect the ability to meet societal and self-perceived expectations of 'good' mothering. As mothers perceive that they are failing to meet these expectations, the likelihood of violence toward the infant increases. This failure is the result of cultural and economic inequalities that are situated in the context of increasingly anomic, unrealistic expectations of mothering and decreasing social support and economic resources necessary for fulfilling the role identity of mother.
Emerald Publishing Limited Performance-Based Strategy: Tools and Techniques for Successful Decisions
Executives in today's business environment have never been busier. Time constraints are ever present. Resources are strained. Strategic planning constantly competes with the tactical demands of running an organization. To make matters worse, most organizational leaders, when confronted with the need for strategic planning, have no idea about how to go about it. They have plenty of knowledge and information about the organization and their situation, but no effective tools to analyze their thoughts, to make decisions that will lead to effective strategies, and most importantly, to create a plan of action. In Performance Based Strategy, Steve Fairbanks and Aaron Buchko offer a practical set of simple, productive tools that will enable leaders to develop effective strategies. The book offers tools that have been tested in small, medium, and Fortune 100 companies, with for profit and not-for-profit organizations, and across a breadth of industries, such as manufacturing, health care, banking, distribution, transportation, government, and charities, among others. The authors have used these tools as insiders to turn around companies, and as outsiders in advisory and board roles. When properly applied, the strategies offered here enable leaders to see their situations and organizations in new ways. Managers will be able to present information in a way that everyone in the organization will understand. Executives can provide a sense of direction that will provide a framework for decision making that will give guidance to people. Above all, applying these tools will enable managers to improve their firm's performance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mastering Brexits Through The Ages: Entrepreneurial Innovators and Small Firms - The Catalysts for Success
Brexit is arguably the most significant UK foreign and economic policy event since at least 1945. Opinion is bitterly divided between whether to leave, when to leave, how to leave and even on what Brexit is. Mastering Brexits Through the Ages: Entrepreneurial Innovators and Small Firms - The Catalysts for Success explores these dynamics through the lens of three previous 'Brexits' – the end of Roman Britain, the Henrician Reformation, and the Elizabethan age. Using multiple historical epithets, it illuminates insights into innovation needs, smaller firm growth, previous step change events and related economic understanding. This book paints a broad picture of possible UK post-Brexit landscapes. Echoing an earlier European Treaty (Versailles, 1919), fourteen action points that can contribute to mitigating downside risks and making post Brexit UK a leading force in the Global Economy are identified. At all times, dynamic entrepreneurs and small companies are at the centre of the narrative. This book is both a key contribution to understanding implementation risks and to identifying what a 'winning' post-Brexit UK economy should look like. Drawing on extensive research, the book identifies the strategic framework and associated practical measures needed to realise a positive outcome. It concurrently analyses Brexit mythology through carefully unpicking and demystifying complexities, anticipated Brexit risks, impacts, implications and unknowns. A book for academics, policy makers, advisers and interested bystanders alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Teacher Preparation in Australia: History, Policy and Future Directions
Teacher policy and practice in Australia has evolved substantially from the development of the first colony in 1788 to the present. This book traces the history of teacher preparation through five inter-related phases; the unregulated phase, the apprenticeship phase, the ascendancy of the Teachers Colleges, the ascendancy of the Colleges of Advanced Education, and the university dominated phase from 1989 to the present day. While the focus is primarily on preparation to teach in primary and secondary schools, this important text also sheds light on teacher preparation for vocational education and at kindergarten level. The rich historical overview explores both the state and private sector together with that of the Christian Churches. Furthermore, research is not merely restricted just to initial teacher preparation; continuing professional development is also considered.With its comparative outlook, this book will prove an invaluable resource for not only Australian educational leaders, historians and policy makers, but also their counterparts internationally. The authors provide an exposition which will be used by teacher educators in many parts of the world to sharpen their perceptions of their own situations through comparison and contrast, to provoke ideas for critical discussion, and to stimulate them to come to an understanding of the importance of considering contemporary developments within their wider historical contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Comparative and International Education: Survey of an Infinite Field
The scope and breadth of the field of comparative and international education is vast. In fact, there are few, if any, limitations on theme, method, or data in the field of comparative and international education. Every context or combination of contexts are available for comparative education scholars to scrutinise. The scope of this field brings both serious interest but also great challenges. This book explores the evolution and current state of the scholarly field of comparative and international education over 200 years of development. Experts in the field explore comparative and international education in each of the major world regions including Latin America, North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East-North Africa, Oceania, South Asia, South-East and East Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Illuminating studies conducted in the fields of higher education, teacher education, vocational education, and peace education shed light on the rise of global testing culture and take a closer look at the history of the region in relation to educational practice. This important text is the first to respond to the challenges currently facing comparative education on a multi-national scale and will prove invaluable for researchers in the field of global education.
Emerald Publishing Limited Breaking the Zero-Sum Game: Transforming Societies Through Inclusive Leadership
In a world plagued by wicked problems, escaping the win-lose dynamics of zero-sum game approaches is crucial for finding integrated, inclusive solutions to complex issues. In this book, the reader will uncover real-life examples of inclusive leaders that have broken the zero-sum game. From Ivy League colleges to African villages, from the very top of the Catholic Church to anarchist conferences and meetings, inclusive leadership can be applied – and the protagonists will tell you how. As the examples in the book demonstrate, inclusive leadership is not the privilege of a few gifted individuals with extraordinary human qualities. Inclusive leaders are not necessarily charismatic (like Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, or Martin Luther King, Jr). The vast majority of inclusive leaders are just regular everyday people. They only differ — and what a difference it makes! — in being able to turn what seem to be zero-sum problems into opportunities for inclusiveness. Including a foreword from Edwin Hollander, a pioneering visionary of inclusive leadership, you will find concrete examples and tools in this book that you can start using from day one (and in your own way) as an inclusive leader.
Emerald Publishing Limited Servitization Strategy and Managerial Control
Manufacturing firms are moving beyond manufacturing to offer services and solutions, often delivered through their products, or at least in association with them. This strategy is called “servitization” and these new business models are based on the Product-Service-System (PSS). This book, through both a theoretical and an empirical approach, intends to present and discuss the main challenges that companies interested in servitization strategies have to overcome, with a particular focus on the design of managerial control systems. This book can represent a useful tool for whose companies interested in the development of successful servitization strategies and for scholars involved in research on innovative business models. In particular, it may be of interest for top management and middle management in charge of strategic and organizational issues, as well organizational units, such as: supply chain, logistics, production, after sales and service, R&D, strategic planning and managerial control. Consultants and practitioners involved in strategy, organization, manufacturing, operations, supply chain and managerial control may be interested too.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Tensions in Financial Markets
Research in Finance seeks to provide a collection of quality research articles that reflect the current and primary issues in financial markets. Contributions include finance theory and financial practice, plus accounting issues such as reporting derivatives positions, reflecting intangible holdings, or predicting financial distress. The volume starts with empirical investigations of the impact from macroeconomic variables upon equity values in emerging economies compared with developed economies. Next is an empirical affirmation of the efficiency of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) electricity exchange. Next we find several investigations into the efficacy of efforts to stimulate the arousal of emerging nations around the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited Including a Symposium on the Historical Epistemology of Economics
Volume 35A of Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology features a symposium on historical epistemology, guest edited by Till Düppe and Harro Maas. The symposium includes new research from the guest editors, as well as from Loïc Charles and Christine Théré, Hsiang-Ke Chao, Tobias Vogelsang, and Thomas Stapleford. This internationally renowned cast of contributors offers a variety of perspectives on one of the major approaches in empirical philosophy of science and economic thought. Volume 35A also includes a new research paper by Cameron Weber on the paradoxical notion of value employed in the economics of art and culture. An archival piece by Marc Nerlove, winner of the John Bates Clark Medal in 1969, completes the volume. Originally written in the summer of 1953, when Nerlove was a 19-year-old graduate student serving as research assistant to Jacob Marschak and Tjalling Koopmans at the Cowles Commission, the paper relates the ideas of Cournot to the concept of Nash equilibrium. The paper was long-forgotten by Nerlove and has only recently been rediscovered among the Marschak Papers at UCLA. Olav Bjerkholt contributes a foreword to Nerlove’s archival piece.
Emerald Publishing Limited Researching Children and Youth: Methodological Issues, Strategies, and Innovations
Researching Children and Youth: Methodological Issues, Strategies, and Innovations, part of the Sociological Studies of Children and Youth series, seeks to fill a void in current publications directly addressing the problems and pitfalls that often accompany researching children and youth in today’s society. Sociologists face increasingly limited access to children and youth given their “vulnerable” status, growing requirements from Institutional Review Boards, and more restricted access from organizations and educational institutions. As a result, researchers must be creative in the pursuit of researching kids and teens. Chapters in this volume address such topics as participatory and feminist ethnographic approaches, digital mining, children’s agency, and navigating IRBs. The importance of contextualizing sociological research with children with special consideration of space, location, and identity thematically runs throughout all of the contributions to this volume.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mergers and Acquisitions, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
This volume of Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategy is devoted to research aimed at understanding success and failure factors of mergers and acquisitions in entrepreneurial firms. Research topics offer insights into the relationships of performance factors in all stage of M&As, such as planning, negotiation and post-merger integration. Contributions are multidisciplinary and cross-cultural, and tackle key issues from a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Spread of Financial Sophistication Through Emerging Markets Worldwide
The broad theme of Volume 32 of Research in Finance is “The Spread of Financial Sophistication Through Emerging Markets Worldwide.” Contributions assess the spread of Initial Public Offerings, the use of derivatives to provide stability, corporate governance in emerging markets, and the privatization of the Russian economy. We also gain new insights into applying financial modeling in emerging markets.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Entrepreneurs
The growing field of social entrepreneurship sits between purpose-built start-ups that pursue a traditional for-profit business model, and the conventional non-profit models that depend on grants, charity and public funding. Because of their position, social entrepreneurs face a unique challenge to balance social impact with financial returns, and must replicate and scale their business models when seeking to internationalize. This book, the fifth in the Actions and Insights series under the auspices of AIB-MENA, explores how various start-up models, whether private sector-led, private sector-incubated, or more traditional non-profit ventures, have built a business model and, in some cases, succeeded in scaling and internationalizing their businesses. Cases here reflect the challenges that social entrepreneurs face, both personal and organizational, and take a variety of perspectives, such as entrepreneurial motivation, ‘doing good well’, empowerment, funding, governance, impact measurement, and understanding the challenges and opportunities that go with scaling.
Emerald Publishing Limited Making Tough Decisions Well and Badly: Framing, Deciding, Implementing, Assessing
Where do brilliant executive wisdom and actions come from? Making Tough Decisions Well and Badly (MTDWB) assesses the literature that examines executives’ conscious and non-conscious actions in decision making, implementation and assessment of outcomes. MTDWB includes anecdotal histories of good and bad decisions and the executives who made them. This volume uncovers the common threads in framing, forecasting, decision making and actions, looking at Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, Jr, Senator Wayne Morris, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Sam Walton, Mahatma Gandhi, and Bill Gates. Authors discuss how common threads could be useful for achieving superior competences MTDWB assesses ten valuable decision making tools such as checklists and coaches; and tools to avoid such as use of product portfolio paradigms and use of fit-only regression analysis, that appear often in the popular business and academic literature on making tough decisions. MTDWB closes with ten recommendations for those responsible for making tough decisions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contributions from European Symbolic Interactionists: Conflict and Cooperation
The papers in this volume were presented at the third conference of the European Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction (SSSI). The theme of the 2012 conference was "Conflict, Cooperation and Transformation in Everyday Life". The fifteen papers presented across this volume and volume 45 cover a diverse range of topics, which are divided into two main categories: 'Reflections on Methods' and (interactions of) 'Conflict and Cooperation', this volume focuses on the latter.The papers in this volume present a wide variety of qualitative methods and themes, such as sex-work in Poland, urban public places in the Netherlands, dancing during lunch break in Sweden, self-change in Papua New Guinea, immigration in Malta and the body online.Contributing authors to this volume and the previous come from Belgium, Canada, Sweden, The US, The Netherlands, and Germany, suggesting the thriving diversity of European SSSI in terms of its research themes and methods.
Emerald Publishing Limited Globalization and the Environment of China
This book is timely in its investigation of the environmental influence of globalization and China. Volume 14 focusses on: Theoretic modeling of environmental impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on host countries, international openness and corporate environmental performance in China, environmental regulation and Chinese firm productivity, industrial sector data in China, environmental impact of foreign vs. domestic capital investment in China, globalization and climate change and new empirical panel data evidence This book answers the following questions: Does FDI affect the environment of host countries? How international openness influences China's corporate environmental performance? Is lax environmental regulation attractive for multinationals to invest in China? The impact of corporate social responsibility on multinationals? Does FDI play a role trade and ISO14001 certification? Can rigorous environmental regulation enhance Chinese firm productivity? Does FDI concentrate in pollution intensive sectors in China? Is globalization good or bad for climate change? How does FDI and social corporate responsibility stack up against the pollution haven hypothesis?
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Hospitality and Leisure
Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, a peer-review volume, delivers refreshing insights from a host of scientific studies in the domains of hospitality, leisure and tourism. It provides a platform to galvanize thoughts on contemporary issues and merging trends essential to theory advancement as well as professional practices from a global perspective. The main focus of this volume is to transcend the innovative methods of inquiry so as to inspire new research topics that are vital and have been in large neglected. This volume is keen to address the needs of the populace having interests in disseminating ideas, concepts and theories derived from scholarly investigations. Potential readers may retrieve useful texts to outline new research agendas, suggest viable topics for a dissertation work, and augment the knowledge of the subjects of interest.
Emerald Publishing Limited Collective Efficacy: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Leadership
Drawing from the works of renowned psychologist, Albert Bandura, an interdisciplinary and international group of collaborative and well-respected scholars demonstrate the positive impact of collective efficacy on an international scale. Bandura stated that "A group's attainments are the product not only of shared knowledge and skills of the different members, but also of the interactive, coordinative, and synergistic dynamics of their transactions" (Bandura, 2006, p. 316). In this book leaders from many professional disciplines and global cultures collectively shared research, understanding, and experiences about leadership development and growth. Disciplines include education, law, sociology, theology, psychology, law enforcement, aviation, corrections, criminal justice, military, peace and negotiation. Authors represent North America, Latin America, Asia, Middle East, Europe, and Africa. This book exemplifies the benefits of collective efficacy and bridging gaps among professions and scholars where there's often a tendency to work in silos and isolation. We share much that might benefit us and others when explored and discovered. Emergent themes include transformational leadership, servant leadership, service learning and community development, consciousness and emotional intelligence, leaders of the new millennium, and challenges for future collective efficacy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Identifying Leaders for Urban Charter, Autonomous and Independent Schools: Above and Beyond the Standards
A critical challenge for urban charter/autonomous/independent schools is finding educational leaders with the courage to lead with authenticity; integrity and ingenuity using standards based practices to effect transformational change within schools. Two decades after the first charter school opened, leaders still continue to face a range of challenges that traditional public school leaders do not face. Without the type of district support that traditional public school leaders benefit from, charter/autonomous leaders must be able to prepare themselves by tapping into alternative resources quickly and efficiently. This book begins by cultivating the balance of self, both personal and professional, that will guide leaders to manage the operational and educational demands of leading a charter/autonomous school. With a didactic approach identifying skills and capacities needed above and beyond the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium Standards (ISLLC), this book will give administrators the requisite skills and necessary tools to effectively manage the complexities of leadership in urban charter/autonomous schools.
Emerald Publishing Limited West Meets East: Building Theoretical Bridges
This book series' mission is to provide a forum for critique, commentary and discussion about key methodology issues in the strategic management field. Strategic management relies on an array of complex methods drawn from various allied disciplines to examine how managers attempt to lead their firms toward success. The eighth volume of the series is built around the theme of "West Meets East: Building Theoretical Bridges". Within this overarching theme, this volume consists of two parts. The first is "Methods for Discovery and Theory Building" and the second is "Western Theories and Concepts in the Eastern Context". While the contributors of this volume are from an array of country backgrounds including Australia, China, Denmark, Germany, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, the UK and the USA, the majority of the chapters refer to Asia, especially China, as the powerhouse of the global economic growth. We hope that the methodological insights offered in this volume will help build the theoretical bridges between the West and the East.
Emerald Publishing Limited Knowledge Management in Tourism: Policy and Governance Applications
Sixty years after its birth, contemporary tourism is at crossroads. It has grown to become a key element of economic well-being, but it is threatened and threatening. Its enemies are congestion, destruction of natural and cultural environments, and social unrest. However, it also contributes its fair share to these evils. How can tourism really become a fulcrum for development and sustainability in the 21st century? This is a matter of crucial importance for entrepreneurs, governments, and civil society stakeholders, and Knowledge Management in Tourism: Policy and Governance Applications provides these key players with answers and queries, and above all with the strategic tools to understand and act. Knowledge Management in Tourism: Policy and Governance Applications is an indispensable instrument for everyone interested in the theory and practice of this very important human pursuit: the quest for effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of tourism activities in helping build the future of mankind.
Emerald Publishing Limited Discretionary Behavior and Performance in Educational Organizations: The Missing Link in Educational Leadership and Management
This volume of "Advances in Educational Administration" examines discretionary behavior/performance, an emerging yet critical phenomenon for educational organizations to be effective in responding to the complex expectations of the 21st century. Discretionary behavior refers to the employee behavior that is not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and in the aggregate promotes the efficient and effective functioning of the organization. Discretionary behaviors of the educational workforce can contribute to maintenance and enhancement of the social and psychological organizational context which supports the task performance and organizational effectiveness.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Politics and the Crisis of the Peripheries: Ireland and Greece
This volume of the "Advances in Ecopolitics" examines the impact of the economic crisis on peripheral European states such as Ireland and Greece. Following an introductory chapter, it is divided into two geographically-focused sections, the first on Ireland, the second section on Greece. Specifically the book focuses on governance, sustainable politics and environmental policies, within the context of accelerated growth and the subsequent economic downturn. It also examines issues of governance and politics within these peripheral states, in addition to the development of policies within an EU/EC context. The book concludes with a discussion of the future for sustainable politics in the peripheral states of Europe, in the aftermath of the global downturn. "Advances in Ecopolitics" is essential reading for all academics, researchers and practitioners who are involved in the areas of environmentalism, providing insight and extending understanding of these issues.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Past, Present and Future of International Business and Management
This volume concentrates on the substantive gaps in the IB/IM field and addresses whether these gaps are resolvable with our current theoretical and methodological toolkit. This entails three specific queries about the past and present: Have our theories advanced some combination of explanation and prediction? Have our methods proven to be effective in providing rigorous, robust and consistent evidence with respect to the explanatory and predictive validity of our theories? Have we studied the right phenomena in the right way?
Emerald Publishing Limited Out of the Box Leadership: Transforming the Twenty-First Century Army and Other Top Performing Organizations
This volume addresses out-of-the-box leadership challenges for top-performing 21st century organizations. The topics include: self leadership, teleleadership, interorganizational leadership, leadership networks; cognitively complex, behaviorally complex, and socially complex leadership as well as training and development, strategy and policy, organizational structures and processes. Out-of-the-box leadership is especially important in highly flexible, high-tech, electronically networked global organizations operating in volatile and ambiguous environments. The US Army is a prototypical example of such top-performing organizations and is therefore a major focus in this monograph.
Emerald Publishing Limited Power and Status
"Advances in Group Processes" publishes theoretical analyses, reviews and theory based empirical chapters on group phenomena. Volume 20, the second volume of a five-series set, includes papers that address fundamental issues of power and status. Chapter one integrates social influence network theory with core ideas from affect control theory and the expectation states programme. The second chapter compares reciprocal exchange to negotiated exchange in terms of the power development, trust and perceptions of fairness. Chapter three examines the entire population of unique exchange networks up to size nine, giving predictions using power dependence theory and the resistance branch of network exchange theory. As a set, these chapters address major issues of power in social exchange relations. The next four chapters are aimed at important issues of status in groups. Chapter four theorizes the complex connection between power and status, showing that power can produce status only if negative emotional reactions are mitigated. This analysis sheds new light on theories of collective action. Chapter five extends reward expectations theory by offering a new model of allocative behaviour, and comparing that model to previously collected data. The sixth chapter extends status construction theory to incorporate the effect of social identification. This new formulation is then tested and supported with data from thirty five dot-com organizations. The final two chapters incorporate theories of legitimacy to provide insights into power and status. Chapter eight reviews and explicates the basic principles of legitimacy in the Zelditch and Walker research programme. This paper traces the successes and failures of two dozen studies across several decades. Finally, chapter nine uses legitimacy theory to resolve two anomalies in the status literature, one dealing with gender saliency and the other with the enactment of identity- versus status-related behaviours. Overall, the volume includes papers that reflect a wide range of theoretical approaches to power and status and contributions by major scholars that work in the general area of group processes.
Emerald Publishing Limited UK Specification for Ground Investigation
The UK Specification for Ground Investigation provides best practice guidance for designing and executing good-quality ground investigations that will allow clients and land developers to manage the risks and help to reduce project time and costs. Ground investigations are an essential part of the design process for any structure and land condition assessment. They are used to validate the ground model, assess ground risk, obtain geotechnical data for design and geoenvironmental data for the assessment of the risk to human health. This book will help to protect construction professionals and clients, from unexpected ground conditions during construction. Updates in this edition take account of changes to health, safety and environmental legislation, numerous new British Standards and industry guidance. The UK Specification for Ground Investigation is essential for all ground practitioners involved in ground investigation, including geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, environmental scientists, instrumentation and monitoring specialists, hydrogeologists and geophysicists, as well as specialists in other disciplines involved in specific investigations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Specification for Tunnelling
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Specification for Tunnelling, Fourth edition is a standard industry document for tunnelling contracts and forms the basis of tunnelling specifications for projects throughout the world. It reflects current industry best practice and considers technological advancements over the last ten years. It also investigates a range of new topics. Since the publication of the third edition in 2010, the British tunnelling industry has completed several major projects both domestic and abroad. This updated fourth edition captures the many advances made in the field of tunnelling and the lessons learned on these projects through a comprehensive review of all content by subject matter experts. The importance of sustainability and the increased market share of low CO2e materials have been reflected by removal of prescriptive requirements and a strong emphasis on performance-based specification. All references to codes, standards and other design documents have been comprehensively updated. Drafted by an expert editorial committee and supported by multiple rounds of industry-wide peer reviews, the Specification for Tunnelling in its fourth edition will continue to be the de facto standard reference work for tunnelling in the UK and worldwide.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Engineering and Construction Contract Option F: management contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2017
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Infrastructure: Principles into practice
Fully updated, this new edition of Sustainable Infrastructure: Principles into Practice is an essential practical handbook to help engineers deliver sustainable responses to the challenges the infrastructure sector faces. Covering each stage of the project lifecycle, from planning and development through to in-use and end-of-life phases, the book presents a set of fundamental principles and tools to guide sustainable decision making. This edition includes four entirely new chapters, including overcoming barriers to sustainability and practical solutions for effecting change, as well as five chapters on ways for engineers to respond extensively revised and updated coverage, including contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the circular economy in construction, the use of nature-based solutions and flexible design for adaptation key tools to help define, test and measure sustainability, including system dynamics and system thinking, carbon management, infrastructure resilience, measuring natural capital, valuing green infrastructure, and social value appraisal real-life case studies and practical examples for each delivery stage, across a range of sectors and project size. Sustainable Infrastructure: Principles into practice is designed to help infrastructure professionals embed sustainability concepts into all aspects of their projects and systems. It will also aid graduate students preparing to enter the industry.