Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Issue: Cultural Expert Witnessing
Studies in Law, Politics, and Society provides a vehicle for the publication of scholarly articles within the broad parameters of interdisciplinary legal scholarship. In this latest edition of this highly successful research series, chapters examine a diverse range of legal issues and their impact on and intersections with society. This volume is a collection of chapters exploring expert witnessing in Asylum Cases. Topics covered include: judicial ethnocentrism, political asylum, race identity and cultural defense. This volume brings together leading scholars and will be vital reading for all those researching in this subject area.
Emerald Publishing Limited How Do Leaders Make Decisions?: Evidence from the East and West, Part A
Understanding how leaders make foreign policy and national security decisions is of paramount importance for the policy community and academia. This book explores how leaders such as Trump, Obama, Netanyahu and others make decisions using the Applied Decision Analysis (ADA) method. The chapters gathered here analyse the decisions made by key political figures around the world, past and present, in order to shed light on how these decisions are made and what policy implications they have for their own and other nations. Several chapters also focus on military decision making, including around pivotal times in history including the second world war and the evolution of nuclear warfare.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Management Accounting (AIMA) is a publication of quality applied research in management accounting. The journal’s purpose is to publish thought-provoking articles that advance knowledge in the management accounting discipline and are of interest to both academics and practitioners. The journal seeks thoughtful, well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting, broadly defined. All research methods including survey research, field tests, corporate case studies, experiments, meta-analyses, and modeling are welcome. Some speculative articles, research notes, critiques, and survey pieces will be included where appropriate. Articles may range from purely empirical to purely theoretical, from practice-based applications to speculation on the development of new techniques and frameworks. Empirical articles must present sound research designs and well-explained execution. Theoretical arguments must present reasonable assumptions and logical development of ideas. All articles should include well-defined problems, concise presentations, and succinct conclusions that follow logically from the data.
Emerald Publishing Limited Genes, Climate, and Consumption Culture: Connecting the Dots
Drawing from decades of research, Genes, Climate, and Consumption Culture: Connecting the Dots demonstrates how climate dictates culture and consumption. The author shows that human genes are climatic adaptations over thousands of years of evolution, which has resulted in the dramatic differences between people’s food, clothing, and shelter choices. Most importantly, the book discusses how many of the fundamental differences between cultures, with respect to time, space, friendship, and technology, are responses to their particular climate. Readers will learn how to challenge their assumptions about what types of products and services foreign markets want. They will learn how to examine local markets vis-à-vis climate and culture, either changing their products accordingly or delivering entirely new offerings.
Emerald Publishing Limited Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Platforms
Technology-based industries have come to account for ever-greater shares of economic activity during the last 30 years. Recently, rapid, digitally-enabled technological change has generated new opportunities for value creation, enabled new ways of capturing value, and stimulated the emergence of new organizational forms such as platforms and ecosystems. Together with the development of supporting institutions, including incubators, accelerators, and increasingly creative ways of funding new ventures, this has led to an explosion of interest in entrepreneurial activity across industries and sectors. Scholars, policymakers and practitioners recognize the importance of technological innovation and entrepreneurship for competitive advantage, comparative advantage, and society’s economic well-being. There is tremendous academic and practical interest not only in how new ventures assemble resources necessary to deliver value, but also on how incumbent organizations may adapt to harness technological innovation, and on how industries evolve in the face of this pervasive technological change. Despite recent advances in our understanding of how innovation and entrepreneurship impact the creation and appropriation of value, numerous questions remain unanswered. This volume draws together scholars working at the forefront of entrepreneurship-, strategy-, and innovation-related domains to explore these questions. The volume makes particular contributions to the entrepreneurship, innovation, and platform literatures.
Emerald Publishing Limited Walking: Connecting Sustainable Transport with Health
This book combines core chapters on different aspects of sustainable transport and health, together with case studies of particular approaches to synthesise walking and health in cities around the globe. Walking as a research area is multifaceted and this book presents chapters which synthesise the current state of research and practice, which will be of interest to readers, both academic and professional, and point to areas that will feature prominently in future research domains. Although the links between transport and health have long been recognised in the transport and health disciplines separately, it is a fairly recent phenomenon that they have been seen as a legitimate inter- and multi-disciplinary area. The areas of intersection have become more obvious with better understanding between the different disciplines with mutual and explicit understanding that great benefits come from recognising synergies between disciplinary approaches to similar problems. The connections between walking and health have benefited from a better understanding of the contributions of different disciplines. This book exploits this multidisciplinary approach.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Stalled Revolution: Is Equality for Women an Impossible Dream?
100 years ago women in the UK won the vote and 50 years ago the Women’s Liberation Movement began a sustained campaign for equal rights. Eva Tutchell and John Edmonds draw upon historical perspectives and contemporary interviews to convey what it felt like to be in the heart of the campaigns—the excitement, the solidarity, the suffering and the humour. The tragedy is that, after hard-won successes, the revolution has stalled and equality for women is still a distant dream. Today, men are paid more and occupy nearly 80% of the most powerful jobs across society. The Stalled Revolution poses a vital question about the future: Are women ready to draw inspiration from past successes and take a third leap forward towards equality? The book’s three-part approach traces clear pathways through historical successes and disappointments, teaching a new generation of campaigners how to confront the many challenges that face women in the modern world. The Stalled Revolution showcases how the wisdom from our collective struggles can help form the bedrock of a new and successful liberation campaign today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Social Groups, Social Factors and Disparities in Health and Health Care
This volume features papers on the theme of issues in health and health care for special groups, social factors and disparities. This includes papers dealing with macro-level system issues and micro-level issues involving special groups, social factors and disparities linked to issues in health and health care. The volume also contains an examination of health and health care issues of patients and providers of care especially those related to special groups and social factors including education, family, income, government, neighborhoods, social networks, health beliefs and attitudes. This includes a focus on links to policy, population concerns and patients and providers of care as ways to meet health care needs of people both in the US and in other countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Issues in Applied and Professional Ethics
The latest volume of Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations addresses a range of contemporary issues in applied and professional ethics and explores the unique role of organizational ethics in creating and sustaining a pluralistic, free enterprise economy. It is ideally suited to researchers, postgraduates and professionals whose interests include such key issues as tax avoidance, global justice, information sharing and corporate privacy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Issue: Problematizing Prostitution: Critical Research and Scholarship
The scholars who contribute to this issue utilize diverse research methods to examine the lived experiences of people engaged in prostitution and the people and institutions that process them. They look at the production of knowledge about prostitution and trafficking by institutional stakeholders, and how legal responses to prostitution and trafficking are affected by class, race, ethnicity, and migration. Drawing on data derived from innovative research methods including auto-ethnography, re-calculation of historical data, and participatory methods, the authors challenge us to re-examine the pro-sex/abolitionist divide, the historical theories of prostitution and ethical concerns around research with people engaged in prostitution. Instead our authors offer new configurations of sex, gender, and prostitution to better inform future scholarship, policy, and programming.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Perspectives on Crowdfunding: Positive, Normative and Critical Theory
Crowdfunding as an entrepreneurial phenomenon substitutes traditional sources of finance (banks, financial markets, governments) for the crowd. Socially and economically, it is challenging the traditional boundaries that have been set for centuries between industry, the financial sector, and the public. Though its basic principle cannot be considered as a radical innovation, crowdfunding as a rapidly growing practice calls for renewed management, legal, and governance patterns. Descriptive inquiries on "how to do it" are multiplying but crowdfunding remains a fuzzy subject for research and reflexivity. This book gathers the best recent research outcomes on the managerial and social impact of this new practice. The need for theory is three-fold, for both scholars and practitioners. Positive theory is needed to understand how projects are organised, how (and why) they may succeed or fail and how governments consider this new practice and try to regulate it. Normative theory can provide templates and "recipes" to develop projects, and provide advice on which models are more efficient. Finally, critical theory is needed to consider the social and economic impact of crowdfunding.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Economic Welfare and Trade Relations Implications of the 2014 Farm Bill
Currently there is no comprehensive account accessible to undergraduate students, graduate students, economic researchers who are not specialists in the area of agricultural policy, of the economic welfare effects of the 2014 Farm Bill, passed by the US Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama on February 7, 2014. This edited collection consists of ten essays, each on the major areas of US farm programs that describes and assesses the economic welfare impacts of the programs in those areas. The chapters involve new research, but also heavily focus on providing assessments based on the current state of the art research. Each chapter is by distinguished scholars who are internationally recognized experts in the field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mitigating Inequality: Higher Education Research, Policy, and Practice in an Era of Massification and Stratification
Now more than ever, the issue of access to higher education for all is a matter of global importance. As colleges and universities worldwide increasingly extend their academic programs abroad, develop internationally mixed research teams and create international curricular initiatives, it is essential to ensure that equitable access to a high quality education remains a key component of the research and policy agenda transnationally. In this book, leading scholars from around the globe offer the most current knowledge about postsecondary access and success, offering fertile ground for new directions in higher education. A critical read for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers, this book offers interdisciplinary perspectives on key priorities and action steps for the higher education community to help mitigate economic, social, and political inequality.
Emerald Publishing Limited Overlaps of Private Sector with Public Sector Around the Globe
The volume starts with the trends in bank deposits (and hence available financial resources) in the region around North Dakota's Bakken Formation oil reserves. Then comes a contribution analyzing how various regulatory uncertainties are undermining real estate investment. We have a study of corporate governance and firm performance for companies listed on the Indian Exchange, plus an ex-dividend analysis of emerging country stocks listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), where the tax rate is higher on dividends than on capital gains. Further analysis of dividend policy includes a study of how executives manage dividend growth in companies included in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the NASDAQ Index (with data from 1989 into 2011). Also on the global stage we have analysis of systemic risk and financial contagion in Morocco. Then we also have an analysis of hedge fund performance. We also have analysis of share price response to operating cash flow in corporate bankruptcies. In the quantitative arena we have an application of the IZO Model (using a principal component approach), and improved empirical estimation of option volatility.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Pedagogical Practices of Teachers (Part 2)
This proposed volume will profile research projects and methods that are at the top of the innovation curve in terms of their implications for teaching and teacher education. Chapters included in this volume include profiles of cutting edge work on methodological possibilities of studying diversity in online settings, engaging diverse adolescents and their parents in online coursework, working effectively with adolescents in need of credit recovery, pre-empting failure with the practical use of blended coursework for young children, supporting students with various types of disabilities in online settings, problematizing and unpacking the work of teachers in online settings as they plan for and attend to the needs of students who have not succeeded in traditional school situations, examining issues of glocality and ecosophia as pedagogical stances, and framing the work of teacher educators as they conceptualize curriculum to meet the needs of diverse students in taking online courses and thriving in virtual learning environments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Special Education International Perspectives: Biopsychosocial, Cultural, and Disability Aspects
The volume will be divided into four parts. Part 1 will present an overview on disability that focuses on two major themes, namely, the biopsychosocial approaches to disability and cultural views of disability. Part 2 will examine five major areas of high incidence exceptionalities: cognitive impairment, learning disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity, autism spectrum disorders, behavioural/emotional disorders and speech and language disorders.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
What makes the ""Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions"" series stand out is its focus on all three characteristics that make up this research field - studies from scholars in different countries, with different research questions, relying on different theoretical perspectives. Such a broad, and inclusive, approach to mergers and acquisitions is not easily replicated in academic journals, with much narrower mandates and metrics. The collections published each year provide cutting edge ideas by leading scholars on a global scale. Doing so not only broadens the questions being studied, but also helps researchers consider the inter-relationships among different perspectives. In the final analysis, the best way to build understanding around a topic as diffuse as mergers and acquisitions is to be both integrative, and expansive, in choice of research questions and theoretical underpinnings. ""Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions"" offers this unique perspective, not easily found elsewhere, that will help scholars think about mergers and acquisitions in new ways, building our knowledge base on this critical topic.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations
Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations publishes both non-empirical and empirical articles dealing with accounting pedagogy. All articles explain how teaching methods or curricula/programs can be improved. Non-empirical papers are academically rigorous, and specifically discuss the institutional context of a course or program, as well as any relevant tradeoffs or policy issues. Empirical reports exhibit sound research design and execution, and develop a thorough motivation and literature review, including references from outside the accounting field, where appropriate. Volume 15 examines the following topics: ways to incorporate self-directed learning in managerial accounting courses, the intent of students to major in accounting during recessionary periods; and incorporating core competencies in the accounting curriculum. Volume 15 also includes a special section that examines efforts to integrate accounting with other core business disciplines in the curriculum. This section includes the experiences of two universities that successfully integrated introductory accounting material with other business courses.
Emerald Publishing Limited Management And Leadership Innovations
Management and Leadership Innovations, vol. 38 of Advances in Librarianship presents techniques, cases and theoretical papers on how libraries and other non-profit organizations can achieve sustainability through application of the UN's Agenda 21, how to interview candidates through non-traditional and interactive processes to assess 'soft skills' needed to join a team, how a model was developed to ensure successful school libraries, and how academic libraries can provide leadership in sustaining and preserving their surrounding communities' history and culture. It also offers chapters on the utility of gossip in management, how to provide mindful leadership within an organization, and how to identify and manage levels of stress and burnout. The volume presents a case study of how a library altered the skill sets of subject librarians to function in teams using a matrix approach in order to better serve clients. Another innovation is represented by a chapter on staff development and service through participation in a community of practice. Also included is a chapter on service design a relatively new concept of service design which is critical in improving user/customer satisfaction and patronage.
Emerald Publishing Limited Looking for Consensus: Civil Society, Social Movements and Crises for Public Management
This volume reflects on the global dimension of the 2008 banking and financial crisis and point to a bigger and deeper crisis of authority and legitimacy for public managers. The peak of the crisis might be passing but the crisis for civil society and civic institutions of governance and leadership is far from over. The long term implications of these crises for governance, political and civic institutions are hard to be precise about. However, we can observe how across a number of nation states and supra national relationships (from the European Union to the IMF) are institutions and those who lead, manage or hold them to account in crisis too. The broad group of scholars and academics examine key conceptual and theoretical ideas in contemporary international public management and explore: What are the implications of these developments for city managers and local political leaders (from elected mayors to NGO leaders and activists) ? Is coalition and consensus building possible in a time of uncertainty and change? And, finally, what are the implications for those who seek to manage or administer public services in this time of crisis?
Emerald Publishing Limited Cooperation for a Peaceful and Sustainable World
Over the last three decades, a considerable amount of work has been conducted in the field of peace studies, conflict management, peace science in economics, sociology, anthropology and management. This volume presents up-to-date, cutting-edge research by respected scholars with an emphasis on theoretical and mathematical constructs in the area of peace economics and peace science.
Emerald Publishing Limited Inequality, Mobility, and Segregation: Essays in Honor of Jacques Silber
This volume honors the lifetime and continuing contributions of Professor Jacques Silber. The book contains 15 papers, which were presented at the Fourth Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality, Catania, Sicily, July 2011. Theoretical topics covered in Volume 20 include measuring segregation, welfare and liberty, the use of influence functions in distributional analysis, and the axiomatic approach to multidimensional inequality. Empirical studies include occupational and residential segregation, regional convergence, impact of variable of equivalence scales on income inequality, earnings and educational inequality and mobility, poverty transitions, and welfare reform. These empirical studies examine a variety of countries and cultures: Afro-Latinos, Italian immigrants, and Indian states as well as the European Union and the United States.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contexts for Assessment and Outcome Evaluation in Librarianship
Assessment and outcomes evaluation have become increasingly important in librarianship. Although initially used in educational contexts to measure student learning, the strategy has migrated to other contexts such as hiring, employee development, overall organizational and institutional successes, measuring the outcomes of projects and operational changes, and self assessment at the personal level. This growing emphasis is partly due to increasingly stringent requirements that funds are used effectively to improve services and operations. The current economic climate and retrenchments in non-profit agencies, have raised the need for assessment and outcomes evaluation to a critical level. 'Contexts for Assessment and Outcome Evaluation in Librarianship' focuses not on the how of undertaking assessment and outcomes evaluation, but rather on their successes and failures in various contexts in which these tools have been and will be used.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theorizing Modern Society as a Dynamic Process
While it was evident to the classics of social theory that modern societies are highly dynamic forms of social organization, and that this dynamic nature must be reflected explicitly and confronted directly in modes of analysis across the social sciences, over the course of the twentieth century, the acknowledgement of this fact has been weakening. As the social sciences became increasingly concerned with issues of professionalization and standards of validity inspired by more established disciplines, especially the natural sciences and economics, the focus on dynamic processes gave way to efforts to illuminate structural (i.e., static) features of modern social life. In recent decades, however, this preoccupation with structure has begun to give way to more process-oriented research orientations. In part, this renewed interest in dynamics rather than statics is reflective of the growing influence of Continental European traditions, especially in Germany and France. In this follow-up volume to "Theorizing the Dynamics of Social Processes (vol. 27)", the emphasis is placed on recent trends in Continental European social theory, and on the importance of political analyses to theorizing modern societies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Organizational Learning Approach to Process Innovations: The Extent and Scope of Diffusion and Adoption in Management Accounting Systems
In times of economic turbulence, an organization's ability to learn from its environment and adopt innovations enhances its competitive advantage as well its ability to improve its performance. This book focuses specifically on the contribution learning and innovation in management accounting can contribute to the success of the organization. However, all management accounting innovations may not be successful. The success of an innovation is contingent upon whether the learning and implementation processes have been properly integrated. When they are not, an innovation that has been successful in one organization may fail in another. An integrative framework is developed for studying management accounting process innovations. The framework draws on theories from organizational sociology. It focuses on the impact of the innovation on the organization along two important dimensions. First, to what degree does the innovation alter the organization's management accounting system (labeled as extent)? Second, what portion of the organization is affected by the change (labeled as scope)? We classified these dimensions on a continuum ranging from high or low. This yields a 2x2 contingency framework. The book examines each of the resulting four situations using both Argyris's typology of single and double loop learning as well as the variety of theories used to explain the adoption, or failure to adopt, a particular innovation, e.g., Rogers, Sandberg, in an organization. Recent management accounting innovations such as Activity Based Costing (ABC) and Balanced Scorecard (BSC) are used to illustrate the concepts and examples drawn from organizational practices. ABC and BSC are used as examples of management accounting innovations to illustrate why they are more successful in some organizations but not in others.
Emerald Publishing Limited Negotiation in Groups
Negotiation is a process that permeates our everyday lives. From international conflicts to corporate mergers, from labor contracts to distribution agreements, and from one-time job offers to the day-to-day of relationships, negotiation is one of the most common ways to reach agreement on disputed issues and resources. Though negotiation is challenging in the simplest of circumstances, a group context can make it even more complex: groups negotiating with other groups may argue among themselves; factions and coalitions may develop, leading to side deals or the obstruction of deals in progress; and, the interests and preferences of all parties become much harder to identify, much less satisfy. In this fourteenth volume of the "Research on Managing Groups and Teams" series, nine chapters examine the particular challenges, opportunities, and dynamics that confront groups engaged in negotiation. The volume will be of particular interest to readers and scholars from management, psychology, sociology, communications, law, political science, and public policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Educating Educators with Social Media
Social media are increasingly popular platforms for collaboration and quick information sharing. This volume is a collection of reports on how these technologies are being used to educate educators with social media in creative and effective ways. Social networking technologies enable the integration of students and alumni in co-curricular activities in exciting and still evolving ways. The use of wikis, blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, text messaging, Flickr, Delicious, YouTube, Yahoo Pipes, Diigo, Second Life, Moodle, and other Web 2.0 technologies are shown in vivid examples and insightful critiques. The processes, design, delivery and evaluation of instruction using social media are examined in detail and include such topics as: the use of social media in developing countries for new approaches to teaching as support for individual and peer-based learning; new teaching orientations premised on social media such as focused distraction; enhancing in-class participation; how instructors are increasing the technical expertise that is needed by educators to develop their own 21st century curricula projects; and, creating an ecosystem for life-long learning through social media.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current Topics in Management
This fifth volume of "Current Topics" contains seventeen chapters divided into six sections. The editors contribute Chapters 1 and 17, and the remaining sixteen were selected from seventy-five competitive papers presented at the sixth annual International Conference on Advances in Management held at Baton Rouge, Lousiana, during July 1999. The major architecture for this book is divided into six sections. They are labelled: Organization Theory, Organizational Behavior, Trust, Morality, and Ethics, Organizational Development and Innovation, International Management, and Concluding Comments.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Trends in Educational Policy
This volume of "International Perspectives on Education and Society" highlights the valuable role that educational policy plays in the development of education and society around the world. The role of policy in the development of education is crucial. Much rests on the decisions, support, and most of all resources that policymakers can either give or withhold in any given situation. The eleven chapters in this volume present persuasive arguments that the internationalization of educational policy has a wide and irreversible effect on schooling and society around the world. Indeed, educational policy is intricately woven into the development of societies. Chapters range from empirical investigations of educational policies impact on national schooling trends to narrative histories of policy-important multilateral organizations and professional societies. In addition to the editors, the contributors include Sheng Y. Cheng, Holger Daun, Diane G. Gal, Stephen P. Heyneman, W. James Jacob, Nancy O. Kendall, Veronica Martini, Mary Ann Maslak, Diane B. Napier, Jordan Naidoo, and David N. Wilson.
Emerald Publishing Limited FIDIC 2017: A definitive guide to claims and disputes
FIDIC 2017: A definitive guide to claims and disputes is a practical legal guide for managing the procedures for claims and disputes within the 2017 FIDIC suite of contracts. It is the first book to present a comprehensive treatment of the multi-tiered dispute avoidance and resolution process within the 2017 FIDIC suite of contracts. Focused primarily on the 2017 Red, Yellow and Silver Forms, the book offers a step-by-step explanation of each stage of the process, with numerous flowcharts and diagrams to aid the understanding of more complex topic areas. Coverage in the book includes the distinct functions and powers of the Dispute Adjudication/Avoidance Board (DAAB) to avoid disputes techniques to achieve amicable resolution of claims and disputes full coverage of typical court enforcement powers and FIDIC’s preferred arbitral procedure the operation of FIDIC contract provisions under a variety of civil, common law and mixed legal systems, drawing on court decisions and arbitral awards worldwide. FIDIC 2017: A definitive guide to claims and disputes is an essential companion for professional users of the FIDIC books including engineers, surveyors, architects, consultants, and contractors, and it will also be a useful reference for legal professionals including lawyers, adjudicators and chartered arbitrators in this area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Conceptual Structural Design: Bridging the gap between architects and engineers
Conceptual Structural Design, Third edition addresses a topic that lies at the intersection of architecture and structural engineering. Within a building project, conceptual structural design, and how successfully it has been dealt with, impacts building performance as well as building appearance. Whilst engineers and architects are educated in different fields, the most rewarding projects are where their shared expertise can be utilised in full. This book illustrates how these two professions can be bridged. The first half of this book details the theory and investigates sources of inspiration for developing structural form. This includes what can be learnt from natural forms by using intuition; finding inspiration from precedents; applying understanding of structural principles; utilising physical models for design; as well as using new design tools, construction methods, emerging technology and materials to develop new structural forms. The second part presents real-life case studies showing projects in context and examples of best practice. Reflective of the changing times in which we live, Conceptual Structural Design demonstrates developments in digital tools that offer sharing possibilities and digital platforms for design, analysis and fabrication energy efficiency and effective resource utilisation to meet sustainability goals the latest developments in design tools, construction methods and materials architects’ experiences from real projects and how they collaborate with engineers from the early stages of design. This fully updated third edition of Conceptual Structural Design, addresses sustainable approaches and circular design. It also features additional online-only bonus material such as case studies about load-bearing glass structures and the Eden Project. The book is essential reading for architects and engineers, and for anyone interested in conceptual structural design.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Twins in the Built Environment: Fundamentals, principles and applications
Digital Twins in the Built Environment offers a new, comprehensive, systematic and clear view of digital twin development in the architecture, engineering, construction and facilities management sectors. It will help you to uncover the implementation and development of digital twins work and understand how to operate and maintain digital twin assets, buildings and cities. Using a structured approach, the book explains how to create and use digital twins effectively including principles, system architecture, data structure and creation methods for the five layers needed (data acquisition, data transmission, digital model, data/model integration, and services). This is underpinned with real life cases studies of digital twin implementation at asset, building and city levels, revealing every angle that a digital twin can take. This book will cover the definitions and principles of digital twins overviews of typical digital twin implementations system architecture of digital twins five layers of the developed architecture: data acquisition, transmission, digital modelling, data/model integration, and services extension with other technologies practical cases at asset, building and city levels. This book is an essential read for built environment professionals including asset owners, consultants, facility managers, contractors, designers, policymakers and researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Building Regulations, Codes and Standards: A guide for safe, sustainable and healthy development
Building Regulations, Codes and Standards is a practical guide to the requirements of the building regulations, explaining how to achieve compliance in order to secure safe, sustainable and healthy developments. Together, the book and supplementary digital checklists provide a practical resource for ensuring compliance across all technical areas, showing how requirements of safety, environmental performance and occupant wellbeing can become hand-in-hand considerations to be achieved as a coherent whole. Features include overview of basic definitions and requirements within the building regulations in England, including functional requirements and guidance contained in approved documents for domestic and commercial development supplementary digital checklists that provide a one stop aid to compliance with all technical requirements; coverage of changes to the building regulations introduced in 2022, including changes to Approved Document B as a result of the Hackitt Review comparison of building regulations and advanced codes and standards that are applied in Europe, North America, Australasia and Japan; overview of leading voluntary building rating schemes such as BREEAM New Construction, the Well Building Standard and Home Quality Mark blueprint for an internationally applicable regulatory framework as a means of tackling global challenges such as climate change, encompassing all relevant technical areas, design process considerations, and including digital tools that will make it easier to obtain, share, analyse and store data consistently from project to project. Building Regulations, Codes and Standards is an essential practical reference that is suitable for practitioners across a range of built environment disciplines, including engineers, architects, surveyors, building inspectors, and legal professionals, as well as researchers and students in this area.
Emerald Publishing Limited BIM for Project Managers: Digital Construction Management
BIM for Project Managers is a concise practical guide which shows how cutting-edge BIM related technologies can facilitate the successful management of construction and infrastructure projects. Focused specifically on core project management topic areas, the book shows how BIM can act as a catalyst for key project management functions in construction and lead to improved collaboration, communication and co-ordination. It also describes new skills and competencies which project managers need to acquire to work effectively on BIM projects, and important legal and contractual issues including dispute avoidance, copyright, liability and insurance. Covering the full project lifecycle from briefing, inception and pre-construction through to project closure or disposal, the book enables project managers to facilitate the use of BIM across the entire lifecycle. BIM for Project Managers is a core reference that empowers project managers to play a more proactive role in BIM implementation at both project and organisational levels. Students seeking to understand how to integrate the new technology and methodologies of BIM with established principles of planning and project management will also find this an indispensable reference.
Emerald Publishing Limited Port Designer's Handbook
Now in its fourth edition, Port Designer's Handbook is the definitive guide to the layout, design and construction of harbours and port structures. Fully in line with the latest PIANC recommendations, this book covers all aspects of port planning and design from the impact of natural conditions on harbours, to health and safety, and the maintenance and repair of port structures as well as channel and harbour basins. Particular attention is given to the impact from ships, including berthing requirements, ship dimension tables and container terminals. This fully revised edition has also seen the material updated to provide coverage of: new design and construction methods of the quay structures floating berth structures for large vessels detailed evaluation of the necessary mooring system evaluation of the bollard system and layout new design and evaluation of the fender system according to the new PIANC recommendation updating the design of the erosion problem in the front of the quay due to the ship propellers concrete in port structures With an intuitive layout where the reader can easily find information on practical construction methods, Carl A. Thoresen's guide is an essential purchase for all practicing port and harbour engineers, designers and contractors, as well as students new to this continually developing area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Nec/Nec4: Revised Box Set
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Preparing a Professional Service Short Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2029
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Managing a Supply Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2022
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Supply Short Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2043
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Handbook of Concrete Durability, Second edition: A practical guide to the design of durable concrete structures
ICE Handbook of Concrete Durability, Second edition is a comprehensive practical reference for professionals involved in design and maintenance of concrete structures of all types. With contributions from a range of international experts, the book combines a thorough but accessible exposition of the principles of durable concrete design with a hands-on approach to its application in construction projects. The handbook helps readers to understand the likely causes of deterioration in concrete structures, facilitates the selection of appropriate materials, and supports the development of designs that minimise the risks arising from deterioration mechanisms. Extensively revised and updated throughout, this edition includes four new chapters, including chapters on non-destructive testing and structural health monitoring, and lessons learnt by expert witnesses involved in construction disputes, as well as new case studies of durability problems and solutions Coverage includes: physical and chemical deterioration mechanisms; durability of concretes made with Portland and non-Portland cement-based binders and recycled demolition aggregates; alternative materials to improve concrete durability; performance based specifications; modelling the effects of deterioration mechanisms; improving construction processes for better durability; and repair methods. ICE Handbook of Concrete Durability is an invaluable guide for construction professionals, including design engineers, consultants, and contractors, as well as postgraduate students on courses in concrete technology and the design of concrete structures.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Dispute Resolution Service Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2017
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Preparing a Design Build and Operate Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2027
Emerald Publishing Limited ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering
The ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering is the industry's leading guide to the engineering of all types of bridges. This book has been written by a team of leading experts and contains all of the key topics that any bridge engineer needs to refer to. All aspects from bridge design, materials and management of bridges to loadings, construction and accessories such as expansion joints, parapets and bearings are covered in this manual. Bridge inspections and economic and sustainable maintenance are also included. Fully updated to a third edition, this book features new chapters on bridge aesthetics and temporary works. It is aligned with the guidance given in the Eurocodes and will become your go-to authority on all aspects of bridge design, construction and management. The ICE Manual of Bridge Engineering will be of interest to all practitioners involved in any aspect of the analysis, design, construction, repair, inspection, maintenance, and refurbishment of bridges. It will also appeal to students at university or college, contractors, government agencies and research centres.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC3 Term Service Contract (TSC)
The Term Service Contract is an entirely new NEC document and is intended to be used for the appointment of a supplier for a period of time to manage and provide a service. This document contains the core clauses, the three main option clauses, secondary option clauses and contract data forms. ENDORSEMENTS Construction Clients' Board endorsement of NEC3 The Construction Clients' Board (formerly Public Sector Clients' Forum) recommends that public sector organisations use the NEC3 contracts when procuring construction. Standardising use of this comprehensive suite of contracts should help to deliver efficiencies across the public sector and promote behaviours in line with the principles of Achieving Excellence in Construction. Facilities Management Board support for the NEC3 Term Service Contracts The Facilities Management Board of the Cabinet Office UK recognises that the NEC3 Term Services Contracts support good practice in FM Procurement in the public sector. BIFM supports the NEC3 Term Service Contracts
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Preparing and Managing a Framework Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2037
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Engineering and Construction Subcontract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2017
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Preparing a Term Service Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2032
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Professional Service Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2038