Search results for ""Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Chemical Risk Governance
This incisive volume of the Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law offers a broad analysis of the foundations, main concepts, and substantive and procedural requirements of selected chemical law regimes as they pertain to the environment. Featuring contributions from more than 40 expert scholars and practitioners in the field, the volume focuses on chemical regulatory systems from representative jurisdictions, including the EU and the US, to provide a coherent overview of this expansive and often fragmented area of law.Divided into five thematic parts, the volume first examines the fundamental concepts of chemical law, addressing topics including risk assessment, nomenclature, environmental justice and animal testing. Entries then discuss types of chemicals and exposures, regulation of chemicals in products and manufacturing, and waste and contamination, as well as covering liability rules as they apply to chemicals.This volume will be an essential resource for scholars and students looking for a clear understanding of chemicals regulation and governance from environmental and public health perspectives at both national and international levels. Its insights into policy developments and liability issues will also be of interest to policymakers and practitioners.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Should Britain Leave the EU?: An Economic Analysis of a Troubled Relationship, Second Edition
The policy framework advocated by Minford et al. . . . is grounded in economic theory and an incisive empirical analysis of the costs of UK's membership of the EU. Their thesis that the EU is a political union practising economic protectionism in the guise of gradualism towards free trade makes sense. . . . Minford and his associates' analysis suggests that the EU's policy framework of free trade for members but restrictions on trade of non-members with the EU countries is a second best policy adopted to promote political rather than economic objectives.'- V.N. Balasubramanyam, Lancaster University, UK'The EU got the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2012, but such an award is not forthcoming for economics. In fact, the EU faces a stern public discontent throughout Europe. For years EU leaders have been unable to agree on almost anything. The eurozone's toxic monetary embrace is a colossal failure that has provoked misery in most of the participating countries and, worst of all, suffocated the hopes of prosperity for many years to come. The EU is no longer a venture that inspires people to run on barricades to defend it. Should Britain be a part of the crumbling EU project? This book provides a timely and documented answer. It is highly recommended reading.'- Miroslav N. Jovanovi , University of Geneva, Switzerland'Much too much of the debate about the UK's relationship with the European Union relies upon general declarations unsupported by facts and assertions and claims not substantiated by evidence. This is why we need so badly the careful quantitative analysis provided by Patrick Minford and his colleagues. The UK electorate will have a momentous decision to take when the EU referendum takes place. History and emotions will be important, but getting the facts straight is even more vital.'- John Mills, Founder and Chairman of JML and Co-Chairman of Business for Britain'Patrick Minford and his team have performed a hugely valuable service by quantifying the costs of Britain's EU membership. In particular, they show that Britain pays too much for too high a proportion of its imports. The EU's protectionism in its trade with the rest of the world costs Britain a significant slice of its national output. Their demonstration of this vital point is thought-provoking and sophisticated, and greatly strengthens the case for the UK to leave the EU.'- Tim Congdon, CBE, International Monetary Research LtdPlaced in the context of the upcoming referendum, this second edition brings up to date a thorough review of all economic aspects of the UK's membership of the EU. It notes the intention of the EU to move to 'ever closer union' and the nature of the regulatory and general economic philosophy of its dominant members, whose position is enforced by qualified majority voting. The book highlights the UK s dilemma that, while extending free markets to its local region is attractive, this European philosophy and closer union are substantially at odds with the UK's traditions of free markets and freedom under the common law.This comprehensive examination of the economic costs and benefits of membership uses state-of-the-art modeling methods and includes estimates of its net costs as a percentage of GDP. The book explains how the decision to leave would follow from a judgement on the political economy of the EU as compared with that of the UK. It details the misconceptions involved in much of the debate about trade with the EU, and argues that the key issue is not access to markets but rather the prices at which trade takes place. Covered in careful detail is the economics of the UK's trade with the EU in the key sectors of agriculture, manufacturing, and services.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Climate-Resilient Development
'An extremely timely book. The Paris Climate Agreement establishes a global goal on adaptation of enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change. The book addresses the key question of how such a goal could be achieved by arguing that adaptation and resilience cannot be separated from ongoing and dynamic development processes. Its central theme is that more climate-resilient development pathways will only occur if climate risks are embedded into wider development, spatial planning, investment and poverty alleviation strategies. Although written from an economics perspective it draws on a wide range of literatures and experiences and is eminently readable. Indeed, it should be read not only by students of development and planning but also by practitioners, in both the public and private sectors, whose development choices will affect future vulnerabilities to climate change.'- Dame Judith Rees, London School of Economics, UK'The impacts of climate change can appear remote when compared with such immediate problems as poverty, disease and economic stagnation. Yet, climate change can directly affect the achievement of many development objectives. How development occurs also has implications for the vulnerability of societies to the impacts of climate change. In providing a ''deep dive'' into the nexus between adaptation to climate change and economic development this volume makes a valuable contribution to the literature. Furthermore, it also provides timely guidance to policy practitioners on how to make climate resilient development a reality.'- Shardul Agrawala, OECD, FranceSome climate change is now inevitable and strategies to adapt to these changes are quickly developing. The question is particularly paramount for low-income countries, which are likely to be most affected. This timely and unique book takes an integrated look at the twin challenges of climate change and development. The book treats adaptation to climate change as an issue of climate-resilient development, rather than as a bespoke set of activities (flood defences, drought plans, and so on), combining climate and development challenges into a single strategy. It asks how the standard approaches to development need to change, and what socio-economic trends and urbanisation mean for the vulnerability of developing countries to climate risks. Combining conceptual thinking with practical policy prescriptions and experience the contributors argue that, to address these questions, climate risk has to be embedded fully into wider development strategies. This point of view is gaining in prominence in the development community; however, the contributors assert that a comprehensive analytical treatment is so far lacking.This unique and innovative book will appeal to the development community, such as think tanks and aid agencies, as well as academics and those involved in climate change policy and development.Contributors include: M. Bangalore, M. Bezabih, L. Bonzanigo, D. Castells-Quintana, H. Costa, M. del Pilar Lopez-Uribe, S. Dietz, C. Dixon, S. Fankhauser, M. Fay, J. Finnegan, G. Floater, S. Hallegatte, A. Hunt, T. Kane, S. Lovo, T. McDermott, C. McLaren, U. Narloch, J. Rozenberg, S. Surminski, D. Treguer, A. Vogt-Schilb, G. Singer, M. Waldinger, J. Ward, P. Watkiss
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for Regeneration Economies: Reading City-Regions
Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. City-regions are regeneration economies, or in other words, places that are experiencing on-going processes of recovery, adaptation or transformation. This Research Agenda provides both a state-of-the-art review of existing research on city-regions, and expands on new research approaches. Expert contributors from across the globe explore key areas of research for reading city-regions, including: trade, services and people, regional differentiation, big data, global production networks, governance and policy, and regional development. The book focuses on developing a more integrated and systematic approach to reading city-regions as part of regeneration economics by identifying conceptual and methodological developments in this field of study. Students in geography, urban studies and city and regional planning will greatly benefit from reading this, as it provides a wealth of stimuli for essays and dissertation topics. Advanced business and public policy students will also benefit from the focus on translating research into practice, an approach that this Research Agenda takes in several chapters.Contributors include: L. Andres, J.R. Bryson, J. Clark, G.J.D. Hewings, N. Kreston, M. Nathan, P. Nijkamp, J. Steenbruggen, R.J. Stimson, E. Tranos, A. Weaver, D. Wójcik, G. Yeung
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Carbon Pricing: Design, Experiences and Issues
After the drop in the price of oil, the issue of a carbon tax to complement the EU emission trading scheme is coming back to the fore of political debate. In this volume on carbon pricing, the reader can find an excellent mix of economic theory and policy analysis. To anyone interested in this field, this collection of papers represents a very important contribution to an in-depth understanding of the main tools that can be used to successfully fight climate change.'- Alberto Majocchi, University of Pavia, ItalyCarbon Pricing reflects upon and further develops the ongoing and worthwhile global debate into how to design carbon pricing, as well as how to utilize the financial proceeds in the best possible way for society.The world has recently witnessed a significant downward adjustment in fossil fuel prices, which has negative implications for the future of our environment. In light of these negative developments, it is important to understand the benefits of environmental sustainability through well-documented research. This discerning book considers the design of carbon taxes and examines the consequential outcomes of different taxation compositions as regulatory instruments. Expert contributors assess a variety of national experiences to provide an empirical insight into the use of carbon taxes, emissions trading, energy taxes and excise taxes. The overarching discussion concludes that successful policies used by some countries can be implemented in other jurisdictions with minimum new research and experimentation.This astute work will benefit scholars, practitioners and policymakers alike with an interest in the fields of environmental law, environmental economics, sustainable development and taxation law.Contributors: B. Bahn-Walkowiak, J. Bruha, H. Bruhova-Foltýnovà, B. Butcher, M. Calaf Forn, N. Chalifour, S. Cheng, E. Croci, S. Elgie, E. Guglyuvatyy, M. Jofra Sora, C. Kettner, K. Kratena, E. Meyer, I. Meyer, S. Onoda, J. Papy, T.F. Pedersen, V. Pisa, I. Puig Ventosa, A. Ravazzi Douvan, M. Sargl, K. Schlegelmilch, M.W. Sommer, N.P. Stoianoff, P. ten Brink, W.E. Weishaar, H. Wilts, S. Withana, Sirini, G. Wittmann, A. Wolfsteiner
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Currency Risk: How Japanese Firms Choose Invoicing Currency
The yen is now one of the major currencies freely traded in the world, and yet, many Japanese exporters take on a currency risk by invoicing in US dollars. In this book, the authors examine why this is the case, particularly for those exporters who have a strong presence in global markets.Managing Currency Risk enhances our understanding of exporters? behaviour by analysing the key factors that influence their choice of invoice currency. Detailed research based on unique data sets is used to highlight how firm size, product competitiveness, intra/inter-firm trade and the geography of export destination impact this decision.This book is a valuable resource for international finance researchers and political economists wishing to discover up-to-date information regarding currency invoicing by multinational firms. It will also be a vital tool for financial and governmental practitioners to discover more about their competitors? behaviour.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Procedural Fairness in Competition Proceedings
How substantive competition rules are enforced plays a crucial role in achieving their goals. This thoughtful book examines procedural issues that have arisen from the increased enforcement of competition law worldwide.Such issues are reviewed by expert contributors in Europe and around the globe. Special attention is paid to certain rights including the right to be heard, the right to defence, the right to protection of business secrets and the right to judicial review. The overarching structure of the book proposes an agenda for the solution of procedural fairness within competition proceedings for the future.This astute work will be a useful point of reference for scholars, practitioners and policy makers alike, who will benefit from the critical insight into how best to attain procedural fairness in the enforcement of competition law.Contributors: A. Arena, C. Beaton-Wells, M. Bernatt, M. Botta, M. De Benedetto, G. Di Federico, A. Foer, C.A. Jones, K. Kowalik-Banczyk, F. Marcos, P. Nihoul, P.J. Pipková, A. Sanchez Graells, T. Skoczny, A. Svetlicinii, L. Tichý, P. Van Cleynenbreugel, D. Zimmer
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Ethical Innovation in Business and the Economy
One of the strengths of the book is that it combines a conceptual clarification of what ethical innovation means - and why it is needed - with discussions of actual ethical innovations at each of the different responsibility levels in business ethics (the individual, organizational and systemic level).'- Geert Demuijnck, EDHEC Business School, France'Innovation in business is not new. But innovation is new in the business ethics literature. This is the first book I know of that examines both innovation in business ethics and ethical aspects of innovation in business. New ways of doing business and many of the changes brought about by technology and globalization raise ethical issues too often ignored by those in business ethics until there is a crisis or scandal. This ground-breaking group of chapters opens up a new area for research and investigation by those in business ethics and those with an interest in ethics in business.'- Richard De George, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Kansas, USInnovation has become a buzzword that promises dramatic changes in almost every field of business. Absent from this attention is a serious discussion of the ethical sides of dramatic change. To address this, editors Georges Enderle and Patrick E. Murphy gather a team of experts to fully examine the ethics of innovation within business and the economy in this standout addition to the Studies in TransAtlantic Business Ethics series.The book opens with an exploration and clarification of several key concepts necessary for a thorough study of innovation such as business ethics, moral innovation, creativity, and wealth creation. The opening chapters also propose a novel theoretical foundation and methodological approach with which to address ethical innovation. Subsequently, the contributors discuss challenges and opportunities of innovation for individuals, organizations, and systems while zoning in on a wide range of specific examples, including but not limited to: managerial responsibilities, morality and imagination of leaders, as well as the ethics of the Maker Movement. This comprehensive book evaluates organizational innovations from diverse parts of the world including Egypt, India, Latin America, the UK, and the US. Ethical Innovation in Business and the Economy concludes with a presentation of methods for improving economic systems, such as tracing Adam Smith in emerging enterprises, developing a justice model of marketing to the poor, and bridging the formal and informal economies in an African context.This in-depth examination of innovation, and its involvement in the business and economic world, is an invaluable reference tool for students, teachers, and researchers in business and economic ethics, as well as executives in business and other organizations who search for new and more responsible ways to address globalization, sustainability, and financialization.Contributors: T. Beschorner, D. Bevan, G.G. Brenkert, J.B. Ciulla, G. Enderle, N.-h. Hsieh, K.J. Ims, D. Koehn, M. Kolmar, G.R. Laczniak, C. Luetge, P.E. Murphy, E. O'Higgins, P.J. Opio, M.A. Santoro, N.J.C. Santos, A. Tencati, M. Uhl, P.H. Werhane, L. Zsolnai
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Criminal Court in an Effective Global Justice System
This book analyzes the interactions of international criminal tribunals established since the 1990s with international, national and regional bodies, making recommendations for the International Criminal Court (ICC) as it goes forward. Placing the core issues within the statutory framework of the Rome Statute and major policy considerations, the authors examine ways in which the ICC can best coordinate with other accountability mechanisms on national and regional prosecutions, the UN Security Council, cooperation on the enforcement of arrest warrants, national non-judicial processes and amicus briefs from non-governmental organizations (NGOs).This timely evaluation of the experiences of the ad hoc international criminal tribunals spotlights the legal, political and coordination issues that will likely impact the ICC's current mandate to adjudicate core international crimes. It explores how governments, inter-governmental bodies and global civil society might best collaborate to strengthen national capacity to investigate and prosecute atrocity crimes in pursuit of global justice. The book also considers the challenge of state cooperation with international criminal tribunals, identifying lessons for the ICC, while emphasizing the need for positive complementarity between the emerging African Criminal Court and the ICC. Lawyers, judges, NGOs, government officials, academics, and policy makers at all levels will value this book as an important resource on transitional justice and the place of justice in the aftermath of conflict and mass atrocity.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Challenge of Economic Rebalancing in Europe: Perspectives for CESEE Countries
In the long aftermath of the acute global financial crisis of 2008/09, the need to get economies back on track and to handle high levels of public and private debt has created conflicting objectives. Challenges yet to be mastered are the need to avoid counterproductive measures of adjustment and the persistent need to 'rebalance' the economy with new sources of growth and productivity. Hence, there is an urgent requirement for policies to reverse the decline in public and private investment, and to fuel innovation.These needs, and the corresponding policy challenges, are especially prevalent in Europe, in particular Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. On this issue, this book contributes important lessons learned from earlier balance sheet recessions. It also addresses the often overlooked link between macroeconomic imbalances and economic inequality. A mix of contributions from academics and policy-makers focus on the interaction between monetary policy and financial stability, adding regional perspectives to the resulting dilemmas and trade-offs.This book is essential reading for the study of economics in emerging economies.Contributors: T. Beck, M. Belka, S. Chakrabarti, D. Daianu, J.B. DeLong, N. Fabris, M. Gächter, M. Geiger, F. Glotzl, D. Gros, M. Holzner, J. in 't Veld, R.C. Koo, R. Kuodis, E. Nowotny, P. Pontuch, R. Raciborski, L. Reichlin, D. Ritzberger-Grunwald, H. Schuberth, M. Singer, L.E.O. Svensson, T. van Treeck
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Human Resource Management in the Middle East
'The Editors have produced a tour de force on Middle Eastern human resource management (HRM). They brought together a vast array of regional and global experts to capture all that is worth knowing. The book has an innovative contextual-country-thematic structure. It sets the scene by laying out the cultural and societal issues that shape HRM in the Middle East. There is detailed and comparative coverage of eight of the major economies, followed by a superb set of discussions of thematic issues that range from localisation to expatriation, from public sector management to privatisation, and from employee relations to talent management.'- Paul Sparrow, Lancaster University Management School, UKThe Handbook of Human Resource Management in the Middle-East provides evidence-based information regarding the dynamics of HRM in this important region. The book is organized into three parts: contextual and functional issues such as societal and cultural perspectives, performance management and talent management; country specific HRM covering the GCC, Levant and North African nations; and emerging themes such as HR issues related to domestic workers, labour localisation, expatriate management, corporate social responsibility, wasta, foreign and public sector firms.This systematic analysis highlights the main forces determining HRM systems in the region. Its 23 chapters move from a general overview of HRM in the Middle-East to a research-based presentation and discussion on the current status, role and strategic importance of the HR function in a wide-range of settings, before highlighting emerging themes in HRM models and discussing future challenges for research, policy and practice. The Handbook of Human Resource Management is invaluable reading for academics and students alike, especially those interested in international and comparative human resource management. Practitioners with interest in the Middle East will appreciate its up-to-date analysis and contextualisation of HRM issues.Contributors include: F. Afiouni, K. Al-Ajmi, R. Al Amri, F.B. AL-Husan, M. Al-Jahwari, R.E. Bateman, P.S. Budhwar, N. Cornelius, B. Covarrubias Venegas, A. El Dirani, G. El-Kot, A. Elamin, A. Giangreco, A.J. Glaister, C. Guermat, E.C. Harrison, W. Harry, A. Haslberger, A. Hassi, M. Hirekhan, D. Jamali, R. Mahmoudi, K. Mellahi, D.R. Murtada, S. Nakhle, P. Namazie, Y.A. Nasief, A.M. Pahlavnejad, E. Pezet, S. Raheem, B. Ramdani, S. Sayce, S. Singh, D.P. Spicer, M. Ta Amnha, H.A. Tlaiss, O. Tregaskis, J. Vakkayil, M.F. Waxin
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regulation and Governance of Financial Institutions
This research review selects fifty influential articles published over the past four decades on the regulation and governance of financial institutions. Some contribute by making theoretical advances that enhance the conceptual framework through which economists view financial institutions, and others contribute by assembling data and evaluating the predictions of these different models. The papers provide a foundation for understanding and conducting additional research into the regulation and governance of financial institutions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Human Resource Management in the Middle East
'The Editors have produced a tour de force on Middle Eastern human resource management (HRM). They brought together a vast array of regional and global experts to capture all that is worth knowing. The book has an innovative contextual-country-thematic structure. It sets the scene by laying out the cultural and societal issues that shape HRM in the Middle East. There is detailed and comparative coverage of eight of the major economies, followed by a superb set of discussions of thematic issues that range from localisation to expatriation, from public sector management to privatisation, and from employee relations to talent management.'- Paul Sparrow, Lancaster University Management School, UKThe Handbook of Human Resource Management in the Middle-East provides evidence-based information regarding the dynamics of HRM in this important region. The book is organized into three parts: contextual and functional issues such as societal and cultural perspectives, performance management and talent management; country specific HRM covering the GCC, Levant and North African nations; and emerging themes such as HR issues related to domestic workers, labour localisation, expatriate management, corporate social responsibility, wasta, foreign and public sector firms.This systematic analysis highlights the main forces determining HRM systems in the region. Its 23 chapters move from a general overview of HRM in the Middle-East to a research-based presentation and discussion on the current status, role and strategic importance of the HR function in a wide-range of settings, before highlighting emerging themes in HRM models and discussing future challenges for research, policy and practice. The Handbook of Human Resource Management is invaluable reading for academics and students alike, especially those interested in international and comparative human resource management. Practitioners with interest in the Middle East will appreciate its up-to-date analysis and contextualisation of HRM issues.Contributors include: F. Afiouni, K. Al-Ajmi, R. Al Amri, F.B. AL-Husan, M. Al-Jahwari, R.E. Bateman, P.S. Budhwar, N. Cornelius, B. Covarrubias Venegas, A. El Dirani, G. El-Kot, A. Elamin, A. Giangreco, A.J. Glaister, C. Guermat, E.C. Harrison, W. Harry, A. Haslberger, A. Hassi, M. Hirekhan, D. Jamali, R. Mahmoudi, K. Mellahi, D.R. Murtada, S. Nakhle, P. Namazie, Y.A. Nasief, A.M. Pahlavnejad, E. Pezet, S. Raheem, B. Ramdani, S. Sayce, S. Singh, D.P. Spicer, M. Ta Amnha, H.A. Tlaiss, O. Tregaskis, J. Vakkayil, M.F. Waxin
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of European Policies: Interpretive Approaches to the EU
This definitive Handbook addresses the current lack of research into European policy-making and development using an interpretive perspective. Questioning areas that mainstream approaches tend to neglect, contributors target the ways in which ideas, arguments and discourses shape policies in the institutional context of the EU. The Handbook of European Policies provides an in-depth and comprehensive introduction for all significant policy areas in the EU, highlighting the theories of post-positivism and interpretivism. With rich explanations of different methodological and conceptual approaches to post-positivist research, key chapters consider the essential exchange between EU integration studies and EU policy studies, examining how both can benefit from this new and exciting approach. Offering theoretically grounded answers, this Handbook creates a dialogue between critical policy studies and European integration theory. Academics and practitioners concerned with the functioning of EU policies will benefit from the eminent contributors? insights into issues high on the institutional agenda of the EU and its member states. In addition, the Handbook is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate courses concerned with European integration and EU policies.Contributors include: R. Atkinson, P. Biegelbauer, Y. Bollen, D. Dakowska, F. Daviter, P.H. Feindt, H. Heinelt, J. Kantola, J.D. Kelstrup, M. Knodt, X. Kurowska, E. Lombardo, S. Münch, F. Nullmeier, J. Orbie, K.T. Paul, W. Petzold, C.M. Radaelli, D. Sack, E.K. Sarter, S. Saurugger, M.A. Schreurs, K. Serrano Velarde, V.A. Schmidt, M.A. Schreurs, H. Strassheim, M. Weber, K. Zimmermann
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cooperatives, Economic Democratization and Rural Development
This book is a must read for those interested in the role cooperatives play in fostering local rural development and alleviating rural poverty. Through conceptual pieces, case studies, essays and empirical work, the papers in this volume illustrate the complex challenges facing cooperatives as they attempt to address market failures, remain cost competitive vis-à-vis transnational agribusinesses, adopt good internal governance practices, navigate the political challenges in their local environments and adapt to and influence the institutional environment in which they operate.'- Murray Fulton, University of Saskatchewan, CanadaAgricultural cooperatives and producer organizations are institutional innovations which have the potential to reduce poverty and improve food security. This book presents a raft of international case studies, from developing and transition countries, to analyse the internal and external challenges that these complex organizations face and the solutions that they have developed.The contributors provide an increased understanding of the transformation of traditional community organizations into modern farmer-owned businesses. They cover issues including: the impact on rural development and inclusiveness, the role of social capital, formal versus informal organizations, democratic participation and member relations, and their role in value chains.Students and scholars will find the book's multidisciplinary approach useful in their research. It will also be of interest to policy-makers seeking to understand the wide diversity of organizational forms and functions. NGOs, donors and governments seeking to support rural developments will benefit from the discussions raised in this book.Contributors: J. Bijman, K. Blokland, M.L. Cook, J. Duncan, A.Groot Kormelinck, M. Hanisch, J. Hellin, G. Hendrikse, Y. Hu, X. Jia, B. Losch, R. Muradian, G. Muricho, D.J. O'Brien, S. Pascucci, D. Pesche, C. Plaisier, R. Ruben, J. Schuurman, B. Shiferaw, S. Singh, K. Wedig
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Life Cycle of Clusters: A Policy Perspective
One-size-fits-all cluster policies have been rightly criticized in the literature. One promising approach is to focus cluster policies on the specific needs of firms depending on the stage of development (emergence, growth, sustainment or decline) their cluster is in. In this highly insightful book, these stage-specific cluster policies are analysed and evaluated. Moreover, several chapters also focus on smart specialization policies to promote regional development by taking into account the emergence and adaptation of clusters and industries. In so doing, the book contributes to a newly emerging literature on how the cluster life cycle concept can inform policies and how these policies differ from static approaches that ignore the dynamism of clusters. The underlying idea is to foster the ability of clusters to renew themselves and to generate new developmental paths, thus preventing stagnation and decline. This state-of-the-art exploration of smart specialization from a cluster life cycle perspective is an invaluable book for academics in the fields of economic geography, entrepreneurship, innovation, industrial economics, regional studies and cluster research. It will also appeal to regional policy makers and practitioners dealing with public policy.Contributors include: Y. Al-Saleh, B.T. Asheim, A. Auer, M. Benner, P. Cooke, D. Fornahl, J.K. Fosse, M. Fromhold-Eisebith, M. Grillitsch, R. Hassink, A. Isaksen, K. Koschatzky, H. Kroll, T. Lämmer-Gamp, B. Lageman, S. Mahroum, R. Martin, G. Meier zu Köcker, J. Nordhause-Janz, R. Normann, R. Ramlogan, D. Rehfeld, M. Rothgang, E. Schnab, T. Stahlecker, F. Tödtling, M. Trippl, E. Uyarra, J. Vicente
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy – 2016
The second volume of the Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy provides entirely new insights into a number of the leading issues surrounding the teaching of entrepreneurship and the building of entrepreneurship programs. Prepared under the auspices of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), this book features fifteen scholarly perspectives on a range of entrepreneurship education issues.This 2016 edition spans topics ranging from methods for teaching creatively and the value of the lean startup methodology to empirical insights into whether or not entrepreneurship education changes minds. Five premier universities and the key aspects of their superlative entrepreneurship programs are reviewed. In addition, contributors highlight a number of individual innovations that have changed the way entrepreneurship is taught and the manner in which entrepreneurial behavior is facilitated. This book offers an introduction to innovative practices in facilitating entrepreneurial learning both inside and outside the classroom as it investigates critical issues in designing, implementing and assessing experiential learning techniques within entrepreneurship.This timely book uncovers new horizons in the development of entrepreneurship education for students, university campuses, communities and economies. Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy - 2016 is a must-have book for any entrepreneurship professor, scholar or program director across the US.Contributors include: C. Albornoz, K.R. Allen, J. Amoros, J. Aniello, K. Artz, A. Bruton, A. Caetano, M. Cichosz-Grzyb, R.W. Clouse, S.L. Cochran, S.F. Costa, B. Cowden, M. Croteau, C. Dibrell, D. Dill, T.N. Duening, N. Duval-Couetil, J.S. Engel, E. Fine, V. Fox, T. Goodin, E. Grossman, R.J. Gentry, E. Hamilton, J. Hart, J. Heacock, D.M. Hechevaria, G. Hertz, A. Ingram, K. Kern, E. Liguori, A. Markvoort, E. Markin, A. McKelvie, M.M. Metzger, S. Miller, K. Moore, L. Morland, M.H. Morris, H.M. Neck, X. Neumeyer, G. Poor, C. Pryor, D.W. Rosenthal, B. Rossi, M. Schindehutte, S.C. Santos, S. Scherreik, F. Schlosser, S.A. Schulman, R. Smilor, J. Stamp, K. Taylor, J. Thompson, J.M. Torrens, E.E. Troudt, J. Vanevenhoven, R. White, D. Winkel, C. Winkler
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy – 2016
The second volume of the Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy provides entirely new insights into a number of the leading issues surrounding the teaching of entrepreneurship and the building of entrepreneurship programs. Prepared under the auspices of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), this book features fifteen scholarly perspectives on a range of entrepreneurship education issues.This 2016 edition spans topics ranging from methods for teaching creatively and the value of the lean startup methodology to empirical insights into whether or not entrepreneurship education changes minds. Five premier universities and the key aspects of their superlative entrepreneurship programs are reviewed. In addition, contributors highlight a number of individual innovations that have changed the way entrepreneurship is taught and the manner in which entrepreneurial behavior is facilitated. This book offers an introduction to innovative practices in facilitating entrepreneurial learning both inside and outside the classroom as it investigates critical issues in designing, implementing and assessing experiential learning techniques within entrepreneurship.This timely book uncovers new horizons in the development of entrepreneurship education for students, university campuses, communities and economies. Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy - 2016 is a must-have book for any entrepreneurship professor, scholar or program director across the US.Contributors include: C. Albornoz, K.R. Allen, J. Amoros, J. Aniello, K. Artz, A. Bruton, A. Caetano, M. Cichosz-Grzyb, R.W. Clouse, S.L. Cochran, S.F. Costa, B. Cowden, M. Croteau, C. Dibrell, D. Dill, T.N. Duening, N. Duval-Couetil, J.S. Engel, E. Fine, V. Fox, T. Goodin, E. Grossman, R.J. Gentry, E. Hamilton, J. Hart, J. Heacock, D.M. Hechevaria, G. Hertz, A. Ingram, K. Kern, E. Liguori, A. Markvoort, E. Markin, A. McKelvie, M.M. Metzger, S. Miller, K. Moore, L. Morland, M.H. Morris, H.M. Neck, X. Neumeyer, G. Poor, C. Pryor, D.W. Rosenthal, B. Rossi, M. Schindehutte, S.C. Santos, S. Scherreik, F. Schlosser, S.A. Schulman, R. Smilor, J. Stamp, K. Taylor, J. Thompson, J.M. Torrens, E.E. Troudt, J. Vanevenhoven, R. White, D. Winkel, C. Winkler
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Monopolies and Underdevelopment: From Colonial Past to Global Reality
This extraordinary book proposes a new theory of colonization and of its economic effects in leading to continued underdevelopment of formerly colonized countries. It brilliantly attributes those effects to a simple source: colonial monopolization that systematically affected consumers, labor, and related industries, creating a structure of domination that continues today. The book is comparable to Thomas Piketty's best-selling Capital in the 21st Century, but substantially goes beyond and is deeper than Piketty because it explains the economic and structural forces leading to increasing inequality. The book also shows that these same forces are affecting modern economies which will inhibit development into the future. It should be read by all interested in the economic and social effects of colonialism as well as by all interested in the economic future of the world.'- George L. Priest, Yale Law School, US'This bold, original and learned book proposes what might be termed a global, interdisciplinary theory of poverty. It identifies the cause of under-development of impoverished economies in the structural concentration of economic power inherited from their colonial past, then goes on to show how various fields of knowledge (economics, but also law, philosophy and the social sciences) still work today to support the same monopolistic socio-economic structures. Drawing lessons from this analytical framework, it offers a series of ideas for transformative action. In this respect, it provides highly instructive - if sobering - reading while also offering a remarkable methodological model for future research on issues which might be described as global justice.'- Horatia Muir Watt, Sciences Po, Paris, FranceThis ambitious analysis is centered on the evolution of economic structures in colonized economies, showing the effects of these structures on today's global reality for all economies, whether they are considered 'developed or 'underdeveloped.'With a comprehensive scope encompassing economic structures and their influence on the growth of nations from past to present, Calixto Salomão Filho delves into issues of development, economic structures, social problems, monopolies, globalization, and poverty. This book features a unique combination of economic and legal analysis of development, including the examination of underdevelopment trends based on monopoly growth and the triple drain effects of monopolies on national economies. The result is an illuminating study of historical restriction and exploitation and its impact on present day markets around the world.Monopolies and Underdevelopment will capture the interest of scholars and readers of the economic theory of development, economic history of underdeveloped countries, and law and development; as well as those involved in Latin American and South Asian studies, international comparative law, and legal history.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Recent Developments in the Economics of Executive Compensation
This essential research review discusses the most important articles on executive compensation published in the twenty-first century. Beginning with an overview of executive compensation, this comprehensive review includes analyses of the growth and magnitude of executive compensation, its relationship with corporate governance, pay and performance, managing assets, and managing liabilities.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social and Economic Rights and Constitutional Law
Socio-economic rights raise many complex challenges to the traditional understanding of the nature of human rights, the role of courts in democratic society and the nature of remedies. This collection draws together the sophisticated and constructive solutions developed by the foremost thinkers to fully recognise socio-economic rights, demonstrating how traditional concepts and obstacles can be re-characterised and modified to ensure respect for the indivisibility of human rights.This important collection provides crucial insights into the emerging and perennial challenges to socio-economic rights. Including an original introduction, it is an ideal resource for those new to the study of socio-economic rights, academics, policy makers and all those interested in using human rights to achieve social justice.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Post Keynesian Theory and Policy: A Realistic Analysis of the Market Oriented Capitalist Economy
How did economic ''experts'' worldwide fail to predict the financial crisis of 2007-2008? Eminent economist Paul Davidson discusses how mainstream economic theory may not be applicable to the world of experience. Post Keynesian theory, on the other hand, is designed to be applicable to the real world, and this book shows how applying it to policy formulation could help practically resolve economic problems. Davidson goes on to show how many Post Keynesian economists warned of the crisis as early as 2002.Post Keynesian Theory and Policy challenges the axioms on which orthodox economic theory is based and argues against their applicability to a money-using, market-oriented economy. It explores the basis for Keynes's revolutionary general theory and seeks to dispel misconceptions often found in orthodox textbooks. This accessible and expertly constructed book explains why modern economies use money-denominated contracts to organize all market transactions for production and exchange and why the law of comparative advantage's argument for free trade is not applicable to mass production industries' exports and imports. This book is a valuable resource for professional economists as well as students and academics in economics, political Science, and history, who will appreciate its new perspective and analysis of global financial events.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook of Expatriates
'In the Research Handbook of Expatriates, Yvonne McNulty and Jan Selmer have created a seminal work that should be on the bookshelf of all social scientists who work in the field of expatriation. More senior scholars will appreciate the ''deep dive'' each chapter takes into the literature, each one acting as a reservoir they can draw from to powerfully inform their future research efforts. Doctoral students and newly minted PhDs will find this book to be especially valuable - the final chapter of the book alone provides inestimable career and ''how-to-publish'' guidance for them in the field of expatriation. The coverage of the history, construct, milieu, research methodologies, and issues is the best I have come across in a single volume in over 30 years of working in the field. In short, this is a monumental contribution to the study of expatriates and global mobility.'- Mark E. Mendenhall, University of Tennessee'McNulty and Selmer's edited volume does a wonderful job of consolidating and integrating everything we know about expatriates and their different types. This long-overdue Handbook, featuring chapters by top researchers, lays a trail for scholars to further advance the study of expatriates.'- Joyce Osland, San Jose State University'McNulty and Selmer's edited book of readings on virtually all aspects of expatriates deserves a prominent place in the library of researchers and practitioners interested in this subject. The Handbook provides a historical overview as well as the latest trends in expatriate studies and concludes with useful guidelines on how to conduct as well as improve the quality of research in this field.'- Rosalie L. Tung, Simon Fraser University, CanadaConstituting a comprehensive and carefully designed collection of contributions, the Research Handbook of Expatriates provides a nuanced and up-to-date discussion of expatriates. Theoretically broad and groundbreaking, it offers important and contemporary insights into emerging areas of research warranting future consideration.Drawing upon a range of perspectives from the field’s most distinguished academics, contributions review the history of the literature in relation to expatriates, from the development of the expatriate construct through to the current state of research on business expatriates. Subsequent chapters progress into detailed examinations of the various types of business expatriates including LGBT, self-initiated expatriates, female assignees, inpatriates, international business travellers and commuters, and millennials. Other themes include expatriate performance, adjustment, expatriates to and from developing countries, global talent management, and expatriates’ safety and security. The Research Handbook also covers expatriates in diverse communities such as education, military, missionary, sports and ‘Aidland’, and provides additional commentaries relating to methodological issues, research with practitioners, case studies, biculturals and ATCKs, and global families. The Research Handbook concludes with publishing advice for PhD and early career researchers.Stimulating insightful new areas of study, this collection is a must read for academics and scholars in the field of expatriate research, international management, global human resource management and business administration. It also offers a wealth of guidance for executives and recruiters along with expatriates and professionals who may expatriate.Contributors: M. Andresen, C. Brewster, L. Care, J.-L. Cerdin, L. Clarke, D.G. Collings, M. Collins, A. Corbin, M. Crowley-Henry, M. Dickmann, H. Dolles, R. Donohue, C. Doss, B. Egilsson, A. Fee, K.L. Fisher, K.J. Hanek, A. Haslberger, T. Hippler, K. Hutchings, M. Isichei, J. Lauring, L. Mäkelä, R. McPhail, S. Michailova, M. Moeller, B. Oberholster
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Regimes in Asian Subregions: China and the Third Pole
Informed by international law, international relations and environment management scholarship, this interdisciplinary analysis of environmental regimes in Asian subregions proposes a new regime for the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau based on China's cooperation with its south Asian neighbors. After evaluating the nine existing environmental regimes across the subregions of southwest, central, southeast and northeast Asia, Simon Marsden proposes a tenth regime for the cross subregion in south and east Asia known as the Third Pole. The role of China in connection with each of the existing agreements-as lender, dialogue partner or Party-is a key aspect of the analysis, considering it in developmental, legal and political contexts. Conclusions recommend future research to progress efforts in developing such a regime and caution the need for context in any legal transplant. This book will have a strong appeal for international environmental law and environmental planning and management researchers. Meanwhile those in international relations or international politics will find valuable insights in the book's exploration of relationships between the states of each subregion and China, whilst coverage of the regulation of oil and gas, hydroelectricity and exploitation of other resources will be of great interest to energy law scholars and practitioners.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Global Entrepreneurship, Institutions and Incentives: The Mason Years
This outstanding volume by Zoltán J. Ács, a leading expert on entrepreneurship and innovation, provides the perfect introduction to current thinking about entrepreneurship in the global economy. The topics are critical for people contemplating entrepreneurship and development; from knowledge diffusion to philanthropy, regional growth and the role of entrepreneurs in economic growth.'- Saul Estrin , London School of Economics and Political Science, UKThis book presents some of Zoltán J. Ács' most important contributions since the turn of the new millennium, with a particular intellectual focus on knowledge spillover entrepreneurship. It studies the evolution of global entrepreneurship and pays attention to the role of institutions and the incentives they create for economic agents who become either productive or unproductive entrepreneurs.For productive entrepreneurs, those that create wealth for themselves and for society, the author offers a knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship as a new way to help understand the entrepreneurial ecosystem. For those that create wealth only for themselves the author develops a theory of destructive entrepreneurship that undermines the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The book also presents an explanation of the role of philanthropy in reconstituting wealth to complete the circuits of capital in the theory of capitalist development. Finally, the author examines several public policy issues including immigration and technology transfer.This volume will be required reading for students and scholars of entrepreneurship, economics and public policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EU Value Added Tax Law
Fifty years on from the introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) across the European Union and its Member States, this comprehensive book provides a practical commentary on, and analysis of, the harmonised system of VAT in the EU. This meticulously researched reference work not only analyses legislation and case law, but also examines them in the broader context of the operation of EU law. Written by a team of expert practitioners led by KPE Lasok QC, an authority on European law with extensive practical experience of VAT and Customs cases, this book includes a detailed discussion of the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, considering cases critically with a view to identifying underlying trends and principles. Key features include: consideration of the broader context in which EU law operates comprehensive, simultaneous analysis of legislation and case law critical examination of principles underpinning relevant case law a definitive exposition of the present state of the harmonised EU VAT system. EU Value Added Tax Law will prove to be an indispensable source of practical knowledge and background information for tax practitioners advising clients and in-house tax advisers assisting their employers in relation to VAT in the EU, as well as officials of tax authorities in EU Member States. Academics researching or teaching VAT will also find this book's detailed and critical coverage invaluable. Contributors include: S. Black, E. Hellier, T. Lall, KPE Lasok, H.L. McCarthy
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Resource Economics: An Economic Approach to Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, Fourth Edition
'I joined this amazing journey about 30 years ago. I benefited from all the theories, principles, and approaches offered in this book to explore the natural resource and environmental issues on the other side of the world. It makes me an enthusiastic and pragmatic teacher and researcher. In addition to rearranging and rewriting certain chapters, the fourth edition comprises new chapters on climate change which reflect our future challenges. Such knowledge deserves continuously passing to our future generations and equipping more students as an effective doer in resolving complex natural resources issues.'- Pei-Ing Wu, National Taiwan University, TaiwanResource Economics engages students and practitioners in natural resource and environmental issues from both local and global standpoints. The Fourth edition of this approachable but rigorous text provides a new focus on risk and uncertainty as well as new applications that address the effect of new energy technologies on scarcity and climate change mitigation and adaptation, while preserving and systematically updating the approach and key features that drew many thousands of readers to the first three editions.More comprehensive than its competitors, this new edition frames issues and policies from resource scarcity and basic ecology to welfare criteria, property rights, and environmental ethics. Necessary economic, policy, and management concepts and tools are provided, along with applications to a variety of real-world problems. Also included are substantial treatments of new energy technologies, including fracking for oil and natural gas, solar and wind energy, and chapter length analyses of air quality, land markets and use, water resources, climate change, and sustainability.Primarily a textbook, this teaching tool is perfect for undergraduate and graduate students alike who are studying natural resource and environmental economics, as well as sustainability. Additionally, natural resource, environmental policy, and management decision-makers in the private and public sectors will find the content of this book useful for guiding real-world management and policy decisions. Academic, government, and NGO researchers will also find this to be a valuable resource.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Exploring the EU’s Legitimacy Crisis: The Dark Heart of Europe
Exploring the EU's Legitimacy Crisis provides a profound analysis of the causes and the consequences of the EU's growing legitimacy problem. Since the onset of the eurozone crisis the EU's governance has been narrowly driven by the semi-hegemonial leadership of Germany - manifesting itself in functionalist and technocratic policy reforms concentrated on strengthening economic governance coordination. Other crucial policy areas have been neglected as member states show decreasing solidarity and a growing emphasis on national interests in response to mounting external challenges. This book examines these developments in detail by scrutinising the EU's ability to maintain legitimacy through political leadership, democratic accountability and governance efficiency.This state-of-the-art exploration of the EU's internal and external challenges, including the eurozone and the migration crisis, provides critical analysis of the EU's leadership in the context of diverging national interests. The author outlines the essential background to understanding the rise in euroscepticism in the EU and provides an insightful analysis of the 2014 European Parliament election Spitzenkandidaten system.A comprehensive critical analysis of the latest developments in the EU's major policy areas in terms of their problem-solving capacity and democratic legitimacy is also included. This timely exploration of the reality of the EU's governance in light of persistent crises will appeal to students, academics and practitioners interested in the development of the EU, its member states and European politics more generally.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Civic University: The Policy and Leadership Challenges
'This book provides a welcome and highly relevant analysis of civic universities-academic institutions with particularly strong ties to their cities and regions in terms of research, teaching and civic engagement. These universities are especially relevant in the 21st century, and often forgotten by analysts and policy makers alike who are too busy chasing rankings. The conceptual framework as well as the case studies included in this book are equally valuable.'- Philip Altbach, Boston CollegeBy exploring a normative model of universities as institutions with a responsibility to contribute to the public good, this book addresses the leadership, management and public policy challenges of maximizing higher education's contribution to civil society. It codifies the extensive academic literature in this field and reviews higher education and other public policies that both drive and inhibit civic engagement both globally and locally.Comparing experiences and reports of an institutional developmental process undertaken in eight distinctive universities in four European countries and guided by the editors the book explores key questions such as: what is the Civic University, and how can we use this concept to understand higher education's engagement with the outside world in varying institutional and geographical contexts? What are the appropriate internal structures and mechanisms required for a university to effectively encourage and support civic engagement activity for the greatest societal impact?How can embedding civic engagement in individual institutions and wider systems be facilitated by changes in higher education and related policies at the sub-national, national and European level? Succinct and discerning, The Civic University will be of great interest to academics working in the fields of higher education, science and innovation studies and community and city development. It will also appeal to university leaders and organisers of institutional leadership development programmes along with city leaders and policy makers at national and international levels.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social Policies in an Age of Austerity: A Comparative Analysis of the US and Korea
South Korea is a recently rich country with dramatic demography - expensive children, very low fertility, long life and rapid population aging. Its policies and institutions must adjust rapidly to these new economic and demographic realities, and this excellent collection of studies of the welfare state in Korea, North America, and Europe will help guide Korean policy makers in this task.'- Ronald Lee, University of California, Berkeley, US'This book explores a highly topical issue which is of immense importance throughout the world, in both advanced and developing countries. While the demand for social policies has grown strongly in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the fiscal space required for such policies has shrunk. On the basis of rigorous analysis and evidence, the authors of this path-breaking work provide concrete and specific directions for fiscally sustainable yet effective social policies that empower and protect the common citizen.'- Donghyun Park, Asian Development Bank, PhilippinesIn response to the global financial crisis, many OECD countries reduced public spending on social policies, with economists now often referring to 'permanent austerity'. Long before the crisis, however, slow economic growth and population aging had already increased the need for rebalancing social expenditure and yet social protection was still far from adequate in many countries. Social Policies in an Age of Austerity is the first major publication on this important topic.The authors of the ten chapters in this book review recent developments in social policies in OECD countries, focusing on the United States and the Republic of Korea, and examining the use of program evaluation in social policies and drawing lessons for policymakers. The contributions cover social and fiscal policy and issues in labor market policy, in addition to the effectiveness of social insurance, education and antipoverty policy.The policies outlined and lessons provided in the book will continue to be valuable to governments, and scholars of advanced and developing countries for decades to come, and to research institutes involved in government and social policy.Contributors: D. Autor, B.-G. Chun, W. Chung, H. Kim, Y. Koh, A.B. Krueger, S.-H. Lee, H.-H. Li, H. Moon, D.W. Schanzenbach, J.K. Scholz, H. Yoo, J.P. Ziliak
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Behavioral and Cognitive Geography
This comprehensive Handbook summarizes existing work and presents new concepts and empirical results from leading scholars in the multidisciplinary field of behavioral and cognitive geography, the study of the human mind, and activity in and concerning space, place, and environment. It provides the broadest and most inclusive coverage of the field so far, including work relevant to human geography, cartography, and geographic information science.Behavioral and cognitive geography originated as a contrast to aggregate approaches to human geography that treat people as homogenous and interchangeable; to models of human activity based on simplistic and psychologically implausible assumptions; and to conceptualizations of humans as passive responders to their environment. This Handbook is highly multi- and interdisciplinary, featuring scholars from geography, geographic information science, and more than ten other academic disciplines; including: psychology, linguistics, computer science, engineering, architecture and planning, anthropology, and neuroscience. The contributors adhere to scientific rigor in their approach, while fully engaging with issues of emotion, subjectivity, consciousness, and human variability.Thoroughly informed by the history of geography and of the cognitive sciences but also providing guideposts for future research and application, this Handbook will be an essential resource for researchers, lecturers and students in geography, psychology, and other social, behavioral, cognitive, and design sciences.Contributors include: P. Agarwal, A.P. Boone, T.T. Brunyé, H. Burte, R.C. Dalton, C. Davies, R.M. Downs, S.I. Fabrikant, A.L. Gardony, N.A. Giudice, P. Gober, K.G. Goulias, S. Hadavi, M. Hegarty, S.C. Hirtle, C. Hölscher, T. Ishikawa, P. Jankowski, J. Krukar, C.A. Lawton, H.J. Miller, D.R. Montello, J. Portugali, M. Raubal, V.R. Schinazi, W.C. Sullivan, H.A. Taylor, T. Tenbrink, T. Thrash, P.M. Torrens, D.H. Uttal
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cities and the Urban Land Premium
This is an excellent book built around an analysis of uniquely detailed datasets and providing very clear empirical insights to a range of important analytical questions in urban economics. The relevance of the book goes well beyond Europe to the wider international arena and exposition is so clear that the book serves a dual purpose - it can be used both to throw light on the empirics of key issues while at the same time it can also serve as a teaching book. Highly recommended.'- Philip McCann, University of Groningen, the Netherlands'Cities are back and so is urban economics. This book documents and explains the resurgence of cities in general and Dutch cities in particular: this is refreshing given the almost total concentration of recent analysis on the US and to a lesser extent the UK. Not only is there a clear account of what agglomeration economies mean and how they reveal themselves in Dutch cities, particularly Amsterdam, but there is a proper emphasis on the consumption aspects of cities. People like them, they like living in them and they benefit from that. It is not all about cities making workers more productive. Another excellent feature of this book is that it gives proper emphasis to land markets and how the good things cities generate get reflected in the price of land and housing. Nor is it all about abstract models and the private sector - there is proper emphasis on the importance of good urban governance and how it can be effectively paid for. The book is accessible and illustrated with great diagrams and maps. It is a good read for all interested in modern urban development.'- Paul C. Cheshire, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK'Cities and the Urban Premium advances our understanding of urban phenomena through the detailed quantitative description of the characteristics and evolution of the urban system in the Netherlands. Its scope and use of the latest theories and ideas in urban economics, effectively translated to the practical concerns of policy makers in the specific context of the Netherlands, make it a unique book. One that should be an invaluable companion of everyone involved in urban policy.'- Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Princeton University, USAfter a long period of suburbanization, cities have been in vogue again since the 1980s. But why are people prepared to spend far more money on a small house in the city centre than on a large house in the countryside - and why doesn't this apply to all cities? The authors of this book argue that the appeal of the city in the 21st century is not only determined by the production side of the economy, but also by the consumption side: its array of shops, cultural activities and, for example, an historic city center.All these factors translate into a huge disparity in land prices as well as different wages for urban and rural citizens. This study maps out these variations, with an economic approach to spatial planning and an emphasis on land rents as a basis for cost-benefit analysis. The use of land prices as a reflection of the appreciation for urban amenities is an ideal measurement tool in the cost-benefit analyses for local investments and spatial planning policies, and sheds new light on the organization of public administration.This accessible book will be of interest to geographers, economists and social scientists, as well as policymakers involved in urban planning, seeking an in-depth understanding of land prices and the increasing importance of cities in the 21st century.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Modern Guide to Rethinking Economics
Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, there has been an unprecedented move towards 'rethinking economics' due to the damages generated by the global financial crisis that burst in 2007-2008. Almost a decade after this crisis, policy is still unable to provide all citizens greater wellbeing or at least an encouraging economic future. This book addresses the urgent need to rethink economics by providing readers at all levels with thoughtful chapters on a range of relevant economic topics. Editors Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi provide a first-class compilation of contemporary economic problems as well as a criticism of mainstream economics and economic policy, thereby offering a thorough investigation of these issues and policy solutions along alternative lines of thought. The book includes chapters on rethinking fiscal and monetary policies, international trade, the role of the State, money, banks, economic growth, the environment, development policies, energy, healthcare, and more. Special attention is paid to the importance of institutions and power relationships within the economic system. Written by top experts in their respective fields, this book will be useful to students and faculty who want to not only rethink economics, but also to offer an alternative and coherent economic analysis to the orthodoxy. Economists and policy-makers will also find this book to be of much interest.Contributors include: A. Asensio, J.-L. Bailly, H. Bougrine, L. Chester, C. Gnos, S. Greppi, O.F. Hamouda, M. Llorca, R. McMaster, V. Monvoisin, R. O'Donnell, S. Parsons, E. Pérez Caldentey, J.-F. Ponsot, S. Pressman, L.-P. Rochon, S. Rossi, R.H. Scott, F. Ülgen, G. Vallet, R. von Arnim
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The New Global Politics of Science: Knowledge, Markets and the State
Science has become a central political concern with massive increases in public investment, but resources are embedded in a complex web of expectations that vary between countries and regions. This book outlines an insightful understanding of science policy as both concerning the governance of science itself through priority-setting, funding, organization and articulation with polity, society and economy, and its extra-organizational connections in terms of higher education, innovation and national policy concerns.The New Global Politics of Science examines how science and innovation have become truly global, and the consequences of this for scientists, policymakers and citizens. This book provides an overview of how research policies have evolved in different countries and contexts. It also examines how science research has been aligned with nation-building and state-formation, enmeshed in meta-governance, and how this relates to economic growth.Analysing how knowledge policies have been forged in their specific historical and geographical settings, this book will be an invaluable tool for scholars and policymakers in the fields of science, innovation and public policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Institutional Evolution of China: Government vs Market
China's recent evolution is not only a story of extraordinary economic growth but also a story of great institutional change. Fan Zhang challenges traditional theory to explain the real origins of China's reform, the political and economic forces driving it, and the reasoning behind its stagnation. The institutional re-arrangement of government and market has been crucial in this marketization process.Using a wealth of documents and cases, Zhang provides a detailed analysis of China's institutional changes over the past 40 years, focusing on the government-market relationship. A theoretical framework is presented to explain the targets and incentives of government and business firms in a bureaucratic-market system, which promoted economic growth, but also fostered corruption and resulted in a re-centralisation of the system. Using an index of marketization in China since 1978, Zhang shows that overall, market expansion has continued but with diminishing marginal gains. The government control of financial resources that had previously been relaxed in the early years of reform has been enhanced to some extent as a result of the changing institutional environment. Policy makers dealing with China-related policies, researchers and postgraduate students in political science, economics and Chinese studies will find this book a compelling exploration of the current and constant cooperation and conflict between government and market.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Context
Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. There is growing recognition that entrepreneurship can be better understood within its context(s). This carefully designed book invites readers to take a journey: from reflecting critically on where the discussion on context and entrepreneurship stands today towards identifying future research questions and themes that deserve the attention of entrepreneurship scholars. This collection draws attention to the research challenges the entrepreneurship field faces by reviewing the many facets of contexts and by reflecting on methods and theoretical approaches that are required in order to contextualize entrepreneurship research.Written by renowned international scholars, the book's leading-edge contributions provide a thorough exploration of how to contextualize entrepreneurship research. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, comprehensive coverage of the entrepreneurship/contexts debate is included, in addition to reading lists and a chapter dedicated to advancing future research avenues. Students and academics interested in context and entrepreneurship will benefit from this far-reaching and forward-thinking book.Contributors: H.E. Aldrich, T. Baker, M. Brännback, A.L. Carsrud, S. Chlosta, S. Drakopoulou Dodd, D. Fletcher, W.B. Gartner, S. Lippmann, E.E. Powell, T. Pret, E. Shaw, P. Selden, E. Stam, C. Steyaert, R.D. Wadhwani, F. Welter, M. Wright
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Shadow Banking in China: Risk, Regulation and Policy
'Already an accomplished scholar Shen Wei offers a masterly study of the Chinese shadow banking sector in context. The book constitutes a thorough analysis of the nature of the Chinese shadow banking sector and of the political events, economic rationales and institutions that have shaped it. Beyond offering expert legal analysis this book is also very rich on information and research about the institutional and economic necessities that have shaped the Chinese financial system in its present form and gave rise to a mighty shadow banking sector. The book is very well organized and competently drafted, thus, it is easily accessible to both the expert and non-expert reader. I have no doubt that this is bound to become the standard reference work for everybody wishing to study the nature of the Chinese shadow banking sector and of the institutions underpinning it in context.'- Emilios Avgouleas, University of Edinburgh, UK'Shadow Banking in China: Risk, Regulation and Policy by Professor Shen Wei is a timely book, presenting readers with a comprehensive and coherent conceptualization of shadow banking in China. It systematically defines shadow banking, describes how the different types of shadow banking subsectors -- including wealth management products, peer-to-peer lending, local government financing vehicles, and underground lending -- are growing, and examines how Chinese regulators are responding. It also explains the risk-taking, economics, and behavioral aspects of each of these subsectors, revealing the endogenous market forces driving their expansion and describing how shadow banking is innovatively helping to channel funding to the cash-starved private sector and real economy.'- from the Foreword by Steven L. Schwarcz, Duke University, School of LawIn light of the current regulatory regime in China's banking sector, this book investigates the causes, key forms, potential risks and regulation of shadow banking in China.The first China-specific book of its kind, the author takes policy considerations into account whilst providing an analysis of the regulatory instruments tackling the systematic risks in its banking as well as shadow banking sectors. Key shadow banking subsectors discussed include P2P lending, wealth management products, local government debts, and the underground lending market. This book will be of interest to students and scholars in the legal field, as well as those from other disciplines including social science, business, and finance. It will also be of use to lawyers, policymakers and regulators looking for practical solutions in tackling the issues facing a rising shadow banking sector today.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Law and Ethics in Banking and Finance
The global financial crisis highlighted the corrosive effects of unethical behaviour within the banking industry. This edited collection focuses on the role that ethics, as well as the law, can play to prevent such behaviour from reoccurring. It also examines the effectiveness of newly introduced regulations and supervisory actions in fostering ethical conduct with the aim of realigning the interests of financiers with those of society as a whole. Featuring contributions from authors in academia, central banks, and professional practice, this Research Handbook presents a comprehensive assessment of law, regulation and professional and market standards in the financial industry. The chapters discuss the philosophical foundations of ethics in financial law, the existence of a social licence to operate and how to nudge banks to be more inclusive. They also critically evaluate some of the key topics in the debate, including fiduciary duties and enforcement measures. The Research Handbook will be of great interest to academics, policy makers and practitioners in financial law and banking law, as well as legal ethics. Those working within the financial industry with an interest in corporate conduct and culture, will find the Handbook to be an invaluable source of information.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Biotechnological Inventions and Patentability of Life: The US and European Experience
Professor Stazi's volume on biotechnological inventions is an excellent work that any scholar or practitioner in this complex area of law should not only read, but also frequently consult. This detailed, systematic and comprehensive explanation of the provisions on 'patentability of life' - both in the EU and the USA - is combined with the related theories and constructions as well as the relevant case law. In this regard, the author offers a balanced overview of the relevant provisions and their explicit or implied exceptions.'- Alberto Musso, University of Bologna, Italy'The appropriate protection of biotechnological inventions and the so-called 'patentability of life' are one of the most crucial questions of modern intellectual property. It is also one of the most debated, as it involves not only complex legal issues but raises high social, ethical and even sometimes religious concerns. Professor Stazi's book is thus a very timely contribution, managing the 'tour de force' of combining serious and comparative doctrinal analysis of the criteria (and the limits) of patentability, while at the same time offering a good overview of the challenges with regard to bioethics and fundamental rights. Without any doubt, this volume will enrich the already excellent series on New Directions in Patent Law.'- Christophe Geiger, CEIPI, University of Strasbourg, FranceIn today's technological world, biotechnology is one of the most innovative and highly invested-in industries for research, in the field of science. This book analyzes the forms and limitations of patent protection recognition for biotechnological inventions, with particular regard to patentability of life.The author expertly compares the United States model, traditionally based on technical evaluations, with the European model, inspired by fundamental rights and bioethics. He highlights how the regulation of biotechnological inventions should guarantee a fair balance between protection of investment and access to information, which is essential for further research and innovation.Academics and practitioners dealing with intellectual property, patent law and biotechnological inventions will find this book to be of interest. The topics discussed will also be useful for patent offices and medical institutions, as well as medical researchers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Renmin Chinese Law Review: Selected Papers of The Jurist (法学家), Volume 3
Renmin Chinese Law Review, Volume 3 is the third work in a series of annual volumes on contemporary Chinese law, which bring together the work of recognized scholars from China, offering a window on current legal research in China.This book reflects the study of Chinese law and the reality of Chinese legality and society. Chapters address the developments of the Committee of Politics and Law of the CPC, the new challenges China faces in anti-terrorism, the emerging P2P lending in China and the legislation of virtual property inheritance.This discerning and comprehensive study will appeal to scholars of Chinese law, society and politics, and members of diplomatic communities as well as legal and governmental professionals interested in China.Contributors: Z. Cheng, H. Deming, Y. Dengfeng, W. Dezhi, L. Dong, W. Guangrong, Y. Haifang, T. Hongjie, X. Jianguo, Z. Jianwei, T. Jieyin, W. Jun, X. Ke, S. Lihong, L. Renwen, M. Xiaying, S. Yahui, P. Yue, C. Yutong, L. Zhong
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of US–China Relations
This Handbook addresses the key questions surrounding US-China relations: What are the historical and contemporary contexts that underpin this complex relationship? How has the strategic rivalry between the two evolved? What are the key flashpoints in their relationship? What are the key security issues between the two powers? The international contributors explore the historical, political, economic, military, and international and regional spheres on the US-China relationship. The topics they discuss include human rights, Chinese public perception of the United States, US-China strategic rivalry, China's defence build-up and cyber war. Students and scholars will benefit from the accessible style of the book, particularly as it covers the key debates in the US-China relationship. Policy makers will also find the original analysis to be of interest.Contributors include: M. Beeson, A. Benvenuti, R.A. Bitzinger, K. Brown, C.-p. Chung, M. Davis, S. Fan, K. He, Y.-K. Heng, N. Kshetri, M. Li, A.M.Y. Poh, J. Reeves, T. Roehrig, B. Schreer, P.J. Smith, R. Sutter, A.T.H. Tan, D. Wang, R. Weixing Hu, J. Yua
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of International Climate Finance
The concept of international climate finance channelled from developed to developing countries through public interventions for mitigation and adaptation has been developed over the last decade, but its roots date back to the early 1990s. Despite the high relevance of the topic in the international climate negotiations, illustrated by the (missed) target to mobilise USD 100 billion by 2020, there is no book that provides an overview accessible to academics and practitioners alike.This comprehensive Handbook of International Climate Finance closes this gap, with contributions from expert researchers and practitioners involved in key climate finance institutions. Chapters assess past approaches to international climate finance, discuss the effectiveness of different channels for climate finance, debate challenges encountered and elucidate national strategies of donors and recipients. An important section elaborates perspectives for sources of international climate finance from multilateral channels, the private sector, and blending of finance including through international carbon markets. The Handbook further elaborates perspectives on ownership and accountability and the role of the private sector. Mapping out pathways for the future, it concludes by providing a vision for international climate finance after 2025.This forward-thinking Handbook will be a critical resource for scholars and students with an interest in climate change and related policies and environmental politics, policy, and economics more broadly. It provides key input for international climate negotiators, climate activists and international climate finance institutions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2015
A unique and comprehensive source of information, this book is the only international publication providing economists, planners, policymakers and business people with worldwide statistics on current performance and trends in the manufacturing sector.The Yearbook is designed to facilitate international comparisons relating to manufacturing activity and industrial development and performance. It provides data which can be used to analyze patterns of growth and related long term trends, structural change and industrial performance in individual industries. Statistics on employment patterns, wages, consumption and gross output and other key indicators are also presented.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Constitutionalism Across Borders in the Struggle Against Terrorism
This edited collection explores the topic of constitutionalism across borders in the struggle against terrorism, analyzing how constitutional rules and principles relevant in the field of counter-terrorism move across borders. Various chapters underline how constitution-like norms consolidate at the level of international and supranational organizations as a limit to the exercise of public power in the field of counter-terrorism policy, especially counter-terrorism financing. Other chapters examine the extraterritorial application of constitutional rights and the migration of constitutional norms - or anti-constitutional practices - from one state to another. Still others consider how transnational cooperation between states in areas such as intelligence gathering and data sharing may call for updating domestic constitutional law rules or for new international law compacts entrenching rights across borders. What emerges is a picture of the complex interplay of constitutional law, international law, criminal law and the law of war, creating webs of norms and regulations that apply in the struggle against terrorism conducted across increasingly porous borders.The book will be of particular interest to academics and graduate or post-graduate students working in the fields of constitutional law, international law, human rights, comparative law and national security law. It may also be of interest to practitioners concerned with national security, counterterrorism, and related questions of individual rights.Contributors: O. Bassok, D. Cole, K. Cooper, J. Daskal, E. de Wet, B. Dickson, A. Ejima, S. Ellmann, F. Fabbrini, L. Garlicki, J. Hafetz, V.J. Jackson, C.C. Murphy, M. Scheinin, K.L. Scheppele, A. Su, C. Walker
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Race, Ethnicity and Welfare States: An American Dilemma?
A hugely important contribution to one of the key questions of our time: how to combine, in a socially just way, the universalism embodied in national welfare states with the diversity and transnational mobility of populations. Using Myrdal's 1944 analysis, An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy, as a launch, the chapters circumnavigate this question 360 degrees across twentieth century history, across the Atlantic, and across the contemporary world, tracking the arguments this way and that. A must read.'- Fiona Williams, University of Leeds, UK'Gathering excellent contributors, this book explores the contested relationship between social policy and ethnic-racial diversity. Adopting an historical perspective and starting from Gunnar Myrdal's seminal book An America Dilemma, the volume compares the American experience with the European situation, where the implications of ethnic and racial diversity for social policy are now widely debated. Students of ethnic relations and of social policy from both sides of the Atlantic should read and engage with this unique and outstanding volume.'- Daniel Béland, University of Saskatchewan, Canada'Has racial and ethnic fragmentation undermined American social solidarity and undercut the US welfare state? Even more pertinently, now that we are all multiculturalists and every nation is a melting pot, do the formerly so-homogenous Europeans face similar dilemmas? Are they joining in a race to the social policy bottom, or have they found ways to overcome these divisions? Such questions are pursued by these fascinating essays that have relevance for both sides of the Atlantic, and for scholars and policy makers alike.'- Peter Baldwin, Global Distinguished Professor, New York University, USIn this interdisciplinary volume, leading and emerging scholars examine the relationship between homogeneity and welfare state development. They trace Gunnar Myrdal's influence on thinking about race in the US and explore current European states' approaches to the strangers in their midst, and what social citizenship looks like from a global perspective.Myrdal's An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy persuaded many scholars that the United States failed to develop a robust welfare state because of its ethnic and racial heterogeneity. Conversely, it argued that homogeneity was a precondition for the creation of strong welfare states in European, especially Nordic, countries. With increasing diversity now challenging these welfare states, the kind of 'dilemma' that Myrdal identified no longer appears to be solely an American one.Students and scholars of contemporary welfare states in the social sciences and policy studies will find this to be an insightful read, as the book challenges current perceptions. It will also be of interest to policy makers and practitioners looking to examine the historical context behind the politics of welfare states in the US and Scandinavia.Contributors: H. Blomberg-Kroll, G. Brochmann, R. Careja, P. Emmenegger, T. Faist, P. Kettunen, D. King, J. Kvist, S. Michel, M. Morey, H.B. Nassif, A. O'Connor, R.S. Parreñas, S. Pellander, K. Petersen, D. Roberts, A.V. Schwennicke, A.H. Sinno, E. Tatari, S. Williamson
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of International Security and Development
Providing a comprehensive introduction to the literature and approaches used in the field, this illustrious Handbook explores and interrogates the link between security and development at a global level whilst offering a broad survey of current thinking.With a mixture of approaches and methodologies, each chapter is written by an acknowledged expert and includes international contributions spanning six continents. The topics covered range from the politics of aid by remote control through to intervention and the post-conflict re-establishment of security and demobilization of combatants.This essential book will engage academics involved in research surrounding security and development, along with practitioners who are interested in the philosophy of their actions and their practical implications. Members of organizations such as policy institutes and NGOs will also find this to be a valuable read.Contributors: P. Albrecht, L.R. Andersen, B. Baker, D. Beswick, L. Cooley, L. Denney, T. Donais, M. Duffield, R. Freedman, H. Hudson, P. Jackson, H.M. Kyed, N. Lemay-Hébert, H. Marquette, N. Mlambo, L.W. Moe, R. Muggah, S.M. Murshed, A. Özerdem, A. Schnabel, M. Sedra, F. Stepputat, G.S. Wagle, N. Wilén, C. Wilkinson, S.A. Zyck
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Private Law
'A clear, accurate and extraordinary concise guide to the major doctrines of private law and current thought about what they mean.- James Gordley, Tulane University School of LawElgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. In this Advanced Introduction, one of the world's leading private law scholars takes the reader on an intellectual journey through the different facets and dimensions of the field, from the family home to Kuta Beach and from Thomas Piketty to Nina Hagen. This concise book provides an accessible and fresh introduction to private law, presenting the topic as a unified whole of which the main branches - on contract, tort, property, family and inheritance - are governed by conflicts between individual autonomy and countervailing principles. The book stands out as a unique account of how private law allows individuals to optimally flourish in matters of economy, work, leisure, family and life in general.Key features include:- succinct yet engaging and highly informative overview of private law, aimed at an audience of specialists and non-specialists alike- written in a clear and engaging style- ample attention to the policy choices behind the rules- examples from a wide range of jurisdictions in both Europe, the UK and the US- places private law in its larger economic and societal context- addresses the potential and the limits of private law in dealing with global societal challenges, such as economic inequality, the fair use of resources and protecting future generations- considers how the field could develop in the future. Engaging and wide-ranging, this is an excellent introduction for students and academics new to the field and allows practitioners to quickly master the core principles behind private law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Inequality, Growth and ‘Hot’ Money
The growing levels of income inequality, an explosion of global financial flows, and a worldwide decline of economic growth have combined to challenge accepted economic wisdom. Utilizing a heterodox approach, Pablo G. Bortz provides a fresh look for understanding the interaction between these three factors while identifying challenges and possible alternatives for an expansionary and progressive economic policy.Reviewing several schools of thought, Inequality, Growth and 'Hot' Money explores the risks generated by capital flows and the limitations they impose on progressive economic policies. Professor Bortz then provides instruments and alternatives to pursue an expansionary and equalitarian program, including theoretical contributions to enrich heterodox and progressive economics. Standout features of this book include a review of the challenges that financial flows pose for developing countries; a redefinition of the role of capital controls; a policy approach that separates interest rate policies from a broader credit policy; and a rejection of the negative relationship between a more egalitarian income distribution and sustained economic expansion.Expanding the Kaleckian approach to include financial flows, this accessible introduction to heterodox growth models will be appreciated by graduate students and committed heterodox economists. Research departments at official institutions such as central banks may also be interested, specifically in the book's models and policy prescription.