Search results for ""author marcus"
Fachm. Recht u.Wirtschaft Hinweisgeberschutz Textsammlung
Pustet, Friedrich GmbH Wirke in uns Heiliger Geist Firmvorbereitung kompakt
Pustet, Friedrich GmbH Tilly Der Katholische Feldherr
Pustet, Friedrich GmbH Erstkommunion miteinander vorbereiten Gottesdienste und Gruppenstunden
Hofmann GmbH & Co. KG Tennis 4ever
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Kafka
BoD - Books on Demand Rosenheim Wladiwostok Mit dem Motorrad 25000km quer durch Europa und Asien
Delius Klasing Vlg GmbH Radfahren im Triathlon und Einzelzeitfahren
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden SIR - Modell durch eine neue Dichte unterstützt: Handlungsdokument für ein angepasstes COVID – Management
Das durch eine neue Dichte unterstützte SIR – Modell und dessen Derivate erhalten einen statistischen Datenhintergrund aus Häufigkeitsverteilungen, aus deren Parameterwerten über die neue Dichteverteilung auf eine qualitätsorientierte Wahrscheinlichkeit des jeweiligen Infektionsprozesses und seiner Zukunft geschlossen werden kann. Dadurch erhält das COVID - Management eine funktionsgemäße modellhafte Grundlage zur vorbeugenden Steuerung der Komponenten Zeitplanung, Kostenentwicklung, Qualitätsmanagement und Personal- und Materialeinsatz.
Haufe Lexware GmbH Lösungsorientiert denken und handeln
Grin Verlag Gmbh Der Normative Ansatz in Der Stakeholder-Theorie
ecomed Einsatzhygiene
ecomed DGUV Vorschrift 1
Handwerk + Technik GmbH Lernsituations und Prüfungstrainer Erzieherinnen Elementarpädagogik
Handwerk + Technik GmbH eBook inside Buch und eBook Lernsituations und Prüfungstrainer Erzieherinnen Elementarpädagogik
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Mein Weg zu den Sternen für Dummies Junior
Mit diesem Buch lernst du den Sternenhimmel kennen. Tauche nach und nach immer tiefer in den Weltraum ein. Zunächst erfährst du, was unsere Jahreszeiten mit den Sternen zu tun haben. Dann lernst du, die Sternbilder sicher zu erkennen. Du bastelst eine Sternkarte und eine eigene Rotlichtlampe und reist zu den Planeten. Später geht es in den tiefen Himmel, zu den Deep-Sky-Objekten: Mit einem Fernglas oder einem Teleskop findest du Sternhaufen und beobachtest die Andromedagalaxie in 2,5 Millionen Lichtjahren Entfernung. Bestens geeignet für Kinder und Jugendliche ab 10 Jahren.
Deutsche Bibelges. Biblia Hebraica Quinta Ezra and Nehemiah
Duncker & Humblot GmbH Logistik und friderizianische Kriegsführung.
Julius Beltz GmbH Wut
NordSüd Verlag AG So oder so
Hueber Verlag GmbH Der Regenbogenfisch. Kinderbuch DeutschUkrainisch
Hueber Verlag GmbH Mats und die Wundersteine Kinderbuch DeutschSpanisch mit MP3Hrbuch zum Herunterladen Eine Geschichte zwei Enden
Rutgers University Press Simulating Good and Evil: The Morality and Politics of Videogames
Simulating Good and Evil shows that the moral panic surrounding violent videogames is deeply misguided, and often politically motivated, but that games are nevertheless morally important. Simulated actions are morally defensible because they take place outside the real world and do not inflict real harms. Decades of research purporting to show that videogames are immoral has failed to produce convincing evidence of this. However, games are morally important because they simulate decisions that would have moral weight if they were set in the real world. Videogames should be seen as spaces in which players may experiment with moral reasoning strategies without taking any actions that would themselves be subject to moral evaluation. Some videogame content may be upsetting or offensive, but mere offense does not necessarily indicate a moral problem. Upsetting content is best understood by applying existing theories for evaluating political ideologies and offensive speech.
Studio of Books LLC Opinions and Testimonies
Momentum Books Million-story City: Fiction and Screenplays
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd Food and Fire: Create Bold Dishes with 65 Recipes to Cook Outdoors
65 recipes for grilling, smoking and roasting with fire. Cooking with fire is primal. There is nothing simpler – no metalwork, no fancy gadgets, just food and flame – allowing you to take the most basic of ingredients and turn them into something special. Cultures across the globe have cooked in this way, developing their own innovative methods to combine heat and local flavours. Food and Fire takes the best of these global artisanal techniques – from searing directly on the coals to rotisserie, wood-fired ovens, cast-iron grilling, and plenty more – and creates 65 lip-smacking dishes to cook outdoors and share in front of the fire with family and friends.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Marketing Implant Dentistry: Attract and Influence Patients to Accept Your Dental Implant Treatment Plan
A large percentage of skilled dental professionals lack the tools and comfort level required to market themselves and their dental implant practices effectively As a consequence, these dental professionals miss several opportunities to help patients and grow their business. Even those who recognize the need for marketing often don’t have the experience or training to do so effectively. Marketing Implant Dentistry meets this need by giving dentists the tools to better market and promote their practices and to gain case acceptance.Marketing Implant Dentistry presents proven approaches for attracting dental implant patients and demonstrates the use of successful communication skills, including verbal and visual aids. This book details multiple examples of patient friendly and professional letters for use in targeting both new implant patients and professional referral sources. Readers will learn the benefits of adopting non-traditional approaches such as hosting patient education seminars, as well as cultivating professional relationships with the medical community (physicians) for the purposes of generating untapped referral relationships. Best practices in internet and social media marketing, specific to implant dentistry, are also demonstrated so practices can make the most out of these low-cost opportunities.
Edinburgh University Press The Dome of the Rock and its Umayyad Mosaic Inscriptions
When was the Dome of the Rock built and what meanings was the structure meant to convey to viewers at the time of its construction? These are questions that have preoccupied historians of Islamic art and architecture, and numerous interpretations of the Dome of the Rock have been proposed. This book returns to one of the most important pieces of evidence: the mosaic inscriptions running around the two faces of the octagonal arcade. Detailed examination of the physical characteristics, morphology and content of these inscriptions provides new evidence concerning: the chronology of the planning, construction, and decoration of the building; the iconography of the Dome of the Rock; the evolution of Arabic epigraphy in the early Islamic period; and the public expression of religious concepts under the Umayyad caliphs.
North-South Books Franz-Ferdinand The Dancing Walrus
Yale University Press What Nails It
From a celebrated critic, a heartfelt and adventurous reflection on the art of writing about art
Columbia University Press Representations: Essays on Literature and Society
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El método de las 3 R. Repara, regenera y resetea tu cuerpo y mente para lograr e l bienestar integral / The Triple R Method
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sociolinguistics: Past, Present and Future Perspectives
Copenhagen Business School Press Reflections on a Scientific Career
Cappelen Damm Akademisk Leadership Perspective on Decision-Making
Talon Books,Canada In-Between
Nova Science Publishers Inc Predicting & Controlling Disease
Nova Science Publishers Inc Collision and Lane Departure Warning Systems for the Trucking Industry: Cost-Benefit Analyses
Nova Science Publishers Inc Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
Mason Crest Publishers Puppies
Ziggurat Books International Portrait of the Artist's Wife: Photographs 1966-2011
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Requirements Engineering für Dummies
Für den Erfolg von Softwareprojekten ist es entscheidend, sich erstmal klar zu machen, wozu das System überhaupt dienen soll und wie es dafür beschaffen sein muss. Klingt eigentlich selbstverständlich, und doch scheitern Projekte oft gerade an der Anforderungsanalyse. Das Buch "Requirements Engineering für Dummies" beschreibt verständlich und pragmatisch, wie Sie vorgehen sollten - und zwar sowohl für klassische als auch für agile Projekte. Es liefert Ihnen Techniken, wie Sie Ziele bestimmen und Releases sinnvoll zusammenstellen, wie Sie Anforderungen erheben und verstehen, wie Sie mit Änderungen umgehen und wie Sie Fallstricke vermeiden. Das Buch ist auch geeignet zur Vorbereitung auf die CPRE-FL-Prüfung.
Inter-Varsity Press I Am: The Answers to Life's Biggest Questions
Bold claims. Answers which many are searching for today. This is Jesus in his own words, using metaphors and pictures which are concrete, simple and profound. Meaning: what is the meaning of life? I am the bread of life. Enlightenment: where can I find light? I am the light of the world. Freedom: how can I be truly free? I am the door, Evil: isn't religion evil? I am the good shepherd. Destiny: is this life all there is? I am the resurrection. Reality: what is ultimate reality? I am the way. Value: how can I make my life count? I am the vine. Time: how can we escape being finite? 'I am.' Bold claims - and they are also true. The 'I am' sayings of Jesus are highly relevant. Jesus is uniquely qualified to meet our deepest needs and answer our biggest questions. Find out for yourself.
North-South Books (Nord-Sud Verlag AG) Rainbow Fish