Search results for ""Collective""
Collective Ink Rainbow Way, The – Cultivating Creativity in the Midst of Motherhood
Visioned as the guide and mentor that most creative women yearn for, but never find in their daily lives, The Rainbow Way explores the depths of the creative urge, from psychological, biological, spiritual and cultural perspectives. This positive, nurturing and practical book will help to empower you to unlock your creative potential within the constraints of your demanding life as a mother. Featuring the wisdom of over fifty creative mothers: artists, writers, film-makers, performers and crafters, including: Jennifer Louden (multiple best-selling author), Pam England (author, artist and founder Birthing From Within), Julie Daley (writer, photographer, dancer and creator of Unabashedly Female), Indigo Bacal (founder of WILDE Tribe). Foreword by Leonie Dawson (author, artist, entrepreneur and women's business and creativity mentor).
Collective Ink Compass Points – A Practical Guide to Poetry For – How to find the perfect form for your poem
A Practical Guide to Poetry Forms is a practical handbook on poetry forms, giving informative details on the construction of the major set forms. It also includes exercises, all within the scope of the beginner, yet stimulating enough to engage the more experienced poet.
Collective Ink What Precision, Such Restraint
A young man seeking to hack into his own unconscious mind. An academic conference on the metaphysics of flies. An apocalyptic world where punctuation has been outlawed. An eating disorder that produces collectible antiques. A mix of allegory, satire, randomly generated numbers, spam messages rearranged into haiku form, plagiarism, and bad writing presented in the more sophisticated if still unpalatable guise of literary experimentation, Phil Jourdan's collection of stories is infuriating, challenging and other marketing buzzwords.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – Grimalkyn: The Witch`s Cat – Power Animals in Traditional Magic
There is no middle ground with cats - we either love them or loathe them - but the cat adopted as a power animal represents independence, cunning, dexterity, agility, sensuality, inscrutability and ferocity. And whether the great wild hunter of forests, deserts or grasslands, or an ordinary domestic tabby, they are beautiful creatures. Some would dismiss them as merely killing machines, but we only have to look at the history of their evolution alongside mankind to realise there is nothing on this planet quite like them.
Collective Ink Be a Travel Writer, Live your Dreams, Sell your – Travel Writing Step by Step
Break into Travel Writing, Make it Pay the Easy Way.
Collective Ink Sing Out for Justice: The Poetry and Passion of the Hebrew Prophets
The Old Testament prophets were not just predictors of things that would happen long after their time. Nor were they purveyors of religious platitudes. They were people with an urgent message for their own generation and a passion to declare it whatever the risk. They were singers, poets, demonstrators and protesters, radical critics of their own society and dreamers of a world that could be different.
Collective Ink Monster Hunter`s Manual, The
Gabriel is a boy who has just lost everything. His parents have died and he's forced to move to a strange country, France, to find a new home. He dislikes his crazy aunt, who he has to live with, he doesn't want to learn French, and to make matters worse, the only real family he has left is his whiny baby brother. Despite all this, as soon as Gabriel enters his aunt's ancient castle, he realizes that all these disasters might be the beginning of a grand adventure. In the castle of Chateau Larcher, the walls groan and the attic talks. Shadows take on strange shapes and Gabriel becomes convinced the castle is haunted. But the ghosts in Chateau Larcher aren't what Gabriel expects and he soon learns that skeletons aren't always scary and ghosts can tell the most interesting stories.
Collective Ink Parenting Steps – Understanding Your Child – An A–Z Psychological Handbook
Parenthood can be the most pleasurable and worthwhile task in the world. But how can we be sure we are doing it right? 'Understanding Your Child' is an A-Z guide to the psychology of parenting. It covers over 175 key topics, from adolescence and working mums to thumbsucking, dyslexia and discipline, in an easily accessible and reassuring way. Also included are overviews of the important issues for each developmental stage: birth to six months, six months to a year, one to three years, three to six, six to twelve, twelve to sixteen and over.
Collective Ink Facing the Darkness
Facing the Darkness aims to support those going through times of crisis and depression - primarily Pagan, but accessible to all. Utilizing Pagan spiritual imagery, skills and perspectives, a combination of inspirational text and easy exercises work with images and stories to distract and encourage for short-term relief and long-term healing. From the apparent hopelessness of deep night through to the inevitable return of sunrise, Nature imagery, tales of mythology and Deity combine in accessible meditations, activities and anecdotes to remind the reader that they are not alone on their path through the darkness. Cat Treadwell acts as a guide through the forest, working with the Druid skills of Bardic tales and Ovatic land/spirit connection. Darkness and despair can lead to peace and inspiration...through the simple bravery of stepping forward.
Collective Ink Surfing The Rainbow – visualisation and chakra balancing for writers
'Surfing the Rainbow' is for anyone who has tried and failed to create the novel of their dreams. If you have been held back by negative messages from the past, or feel your imagination has gone away, then the exercises in this book will help to guide you back to the path of creativity and exploration. Color code your writing - follow the rainbow until you find the gold.
Collective Ink Diving for Pearls – The Wise Woman`s Guide to Finding Love
Part true love story and part how-to guide, Maggie Kay's book Diving For Pearls takes the reader with her on the spiritual adventure of her life and shares how she eventually found what she was longing for - deep trust in her own inner wisdom and a soul mate life partner that meets her on all levels.
Collective Ink Without Fear of Falling – A Novel
Twenty-two-year-old Ellie Stewart would much rather forget that she can see into the past lives of those she meets, but when she crosses paths with Declan O Shea, an attractive yet troubled artist, flashes of 18th-century Britain begin to plague her mind and push Ellie to uncover the mystical connection that she and Declan share. Enlisting the help of her childhood mentor and psychic, Mrs. Dawes, Ellie is brought back to a time when she was Louisa, saintly and beautiful, and Declan was William, handsome and driven by a shameful past. Will Ellie be able to face the truth of all that happened so long ago? And if she can, will Declan believe her? Weaving between present-day Tobermory, Canada and 18th-century Tobermory, Scotland is a tale of love, loss and forgiveness across time.
Collective Ink Adventures of Pebble Beach, The
Attracted to the wrong men and don't understand why? Afraid of being alone, getting older and losing your sex appeal? A little sex crazed (or a lot)? And still dreaming of a man who can save you from your life? Chick Lit meets Self-Help in this high-spirited tale of a newly divorced, 40-something woman with two teenage sons who is trying to take control of her life, her sex-crazed body, and her new relationships with men - while struggling to build a career in advertising in the big city (plus going to quite a few therapy sessions). Until one day an unsavory business scandal threatens to ruin the burgeoning career of our brave heroine...
Collective Ink Circle of Light, A – Transform Grief into a Unique Opportunity for Guidance
A Circle of Light is a self-help book as much about redemption as it is about grief. In 11 steps, Adele teaches readers how to transform grief into a healing experience using easy-to-follow techniques and exercises. Each step empowers readers to take charge of not only their spirituality, but also their decisions.
Collective Ink Chewing the Page – The Mourning Goats Interviews
This is the first collection of creative writing-related interviews originally posted on Mourning Goats, a website founded by the mysterious Mr Goat. Over a year of mostly anonymous work, the Goat managed to interview some of the most exciting English-language authors around. Edited by Phil Jourdan and the Goat himself, and featuring expanded interviews not available online, Chewing the Page offers a series of weird and hilarious glimpses at the world of writing. Includes interviews with Stephen Graham Jones, Craig Clevenger, Paul Tremblay, Donald Ray Pollock, Stephen Elliott, Chad Kultgen, Chelsea Cain, Rick Moody, Christopher Moore and Nick Hornby, and others.
Collective Ink Productive Body, The
The Productive Body asks how the human body and its labor have been expropriated and re-engineered through successive stages of capitalism; and how capitalism's transformation of the body is related to the rise of scientific psychology and social science disciplines complicit with modern regimes of control. In Discipline and Punish, Foucault cited Guery and Deleule in order to link Marx's diagnosis of capitalism with his own critique of power/knowledge. The Productive Body brings together Marxism and theories of the body-machine for the goal of political revolution.
Collective Ink Why Religions Work – God`s Place in the World Today
God and religion come in for bad press these days. Is religion worth keeping? Are militant atheists misguided? Do religion and spirituality need each other? Is it possible to build tolerance and respect in a divided world? And can science play a role? Eleanor Stoneham explains why the answer to all these questions is a resounding 'yes'. It is true that religions need to change and become more relevant for today's needs. But supposing science also changed, shed its shackles of conventional materialistic dogma based on some shaky assumptions and looked with new eyes at religious beliefs such as prayer, distance healing and life after death? Is it possible that the latest ideas on empathy and consciousness could be narrowing the gulf between science and religion? In our quest for a more just and peaceful society, could these same ideas help us find stronger inter-religious bonds of respect and understanding at the level of heart and soul? This book will help lay persons and clergy alike relate church tradition to the wider world of science, spirituality and interfaith issues. It will challenge the 'spiritual but not religious.' It will make the faithful think. And it will test those convinced that their religion or faith is the only way to enlightenment, the only path to Truth.
Collective Ink What`s Still Right with the Church of England – A future for the Church of England
Can the Church of England survive the 21st century? What needs to change and what remains? How does the Church deal with contemporary challenges and how are these related to the situation it faced in 1966? This book is an evaluation of Bishop Ronald Williams' 1966 book What's Right with the Church of England identifying the issues of that time with reference to the issues still facing the Church of England today. These include perception and position, resources and finance, ethics, ecumenism, a liberal church in a liberal society, ministry for today, marketing, and a contemporary parochial ecclesiology. Many of the issues from 1966 have not changed but the context is significantly different requiring different responses.
Collective Ink Jacket Technique, The – Being free from your excess baggage, you can take the first step towards effortless living
The Jacket Technique is a professional holistic healing modality developed by Hans de Waard in 2002. Its technique allows us to remove and transform an enormous amount of unwanted blocks, such as patterns, fears, insecurities, and convictions out of our physical and energetic bodies in one session. Within the Jacket Technique our blocks are defined as jackets. For example, a fear jacket or cord jacket. When you wear too many jackets, you're no longer able to see who you really are, what fits you and what nourishes you in life. This book give you a wealth of knowledge and information about the jackets you wear and offers you original and helpful exercises allowing you to take off a great number of jackets yourself. This effective technique can help you if you are suffering from traumas, low energy, or feelings of being stuck in work or relationships. This Technique helps you if you find yourself swimming against your natural and creative flow in life. This technique is for you if YOU want to let go of your blocks quickly, effectively, and have the desire to experience a life that truly fits you. Already a great many people all over the world have experienced the positive effects of the Jacket Technique.
Collective Ink En Abime: Listening, Reading, Writing – An archival fiction
En Abime explores listening and reading as creative and critical activities driven by memory and return, reshaped into the present. It introduces an idea of aural landscape as a historically defined cultural experience, and contributes with previously unexplored references to the emerging area of listening as artistic practice, adopting an expansive approach across poetry, visual art and literature...poetic, incisive, grounded in politics and history yet continually pushing at the edges of what we now consider to be sound. She interrogates notions of music and the shifting experience that is silence with a freshness and coherence that is inspiring David Toop, Author of Ocean of Sound, Haunted Weather and Sinister Resonance ...compulsive and fast, rushing with you through textual territories that seem spoken, direct and contemporary while being nostalgic - invoking a past that creates the present tense. Salome Voegelin, author of Listening to Noise and Silence: Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – Hedge Witchcraft
This book will guide readers to read more about hedge witchcraft as a pathway, or are already following such a path and wish to progress. It only has a little about hedge riding as this book has too small a scope to include it. Please read the accompanying book in the Pagan Portal series, Hedge Riding.
Collective Ink Small Change, Big Deal – Money as if people mattered
As we consider the plight of our consumer-driven economy, it is easy to forget that money is about relationship: between individuals and between communities. In our current financial mess, it is worth reminding ourselves of community-based alternatives, and to look closely at microcredit, a model of peer lending to enable people to move out of poverty. From Bangladesh, from South Africa, from Ghana, and from the East End of London, we are given a worm's eye view of small scale work, of personal transformation, and the building of community. Small and local is still beautiful, and has much to teach us.
Collective Ink On the Unhappiness of Being Greek
If Noam Chomsky and Gore Vidal have a Greek analogue, it is Nikos Dimou, one of the most fertile minds of his generation. This book is a series of 193 mostly brief, often cutting and at times satirical aphorisms about Greece and Greeks. In the postscript, Dimou writes: I have tried, simply, to articulate my observations in such a way so that serious people will find them to be serious, while less serious ones will find them less serious. I am now tortured by the possibility that the exact opposite will occur. First published in 1975, this book has been translated into French, German, Turkish and Bulgarian, and is published in Germany and France in 2012. The English translation was done by esteemed Greek-English translator, David Connoly. This book has also earned Dimou the label anti-Hellene, and he came to be known as a gadfly at best and a traitor at worst. While he is at times viciously blunt, and while many of his observations are clearly debatable, Dimou always exudes a love for Greece in his text, a love more pure, many readers have observed, than that of the most ardent (self-proclaimed) patriots.
Collective Ink Georgia through Earth, Fire, Air and Water
Despite being located on the extreme eastern boundary of Europe, and having been frequently conquered by invading people from Asia, including Arabs, Turks, Persians, Mongols, and more recently Russians, Georgians still regard themselves very much as Europeans and it is to becoming a future member state of the EU that the majority of the people now aspire. As for the traditional folk-tales from the region, one of their main characteristics is that they are packed with action: Whilst a written, 'literary' novel or short story might devote paragraphs to descriptions of people or places, these tales usually settle for an adjective or two; 'a thick impassable forest', 'a handsome stately man', or a formula such as 'not-seen-beneath-the-sun beauty'. Many of the heroes and heroines do not even have names (Hunt, 1999, p.8). Safely cocooned, or so we like to kid ourselves, in our sanitised western urban environment, we tend to take the elements for granted. However, tales from a time when the Earth was new help to jolt us out of our daily lethargy, as do the stories in this collection - a number of which have never been translated from Georgian direct into English before.
Collective Ink Bridge to the Other Side, A
A Bridge to the Other Side is a collection of articles and traditional folk tales that deal with our feelings about and attitudes towards Death, both our own death and that of those nearest and dearest to us. A bridge between earth and heaven, this world and the next, features in the mythology of many different peoples. For example, in Norse legends, Bifrost or Bilrost is a burning rainbow bridge between Midgard, the world, and Asgard, the realm of the gods. The bridge is known as Bilrost in the Poetic Edda; compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and as Bifrost in the Prose Edda; written in the 13th century by Snorri Stureuson. Both the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda alternately refer to the bridge as Asbru (Old Norse Esirs means bridge). The Persians believed in a bridge between earth and paradise too. In his prayers the penitent in his confession would say: I am wholly without doubt in the existence of the Mazdayacnian faith; in the coming of the resurrection of the latter body; in the stepping over the bridge Chinvat; as well as in the continuance of paradise.
Collective Ink Praise of Motherhood
When Phil Jourdan's mother died suddenly in 2009, she left behind a legacy of kindness and charity - but she also left unanswered some troubling questions. Was she, as she once claimed, a spy? Had she suffered more profoundly as a woman and parent than she'd let on? Jourdan's recollections of his struggles with psychosis, and his reconstructions of conversations with his enigmatic mother, form the core of this memoir. Psychoanalysis, poetry and confession all merge to tell the story of an ordinary woman whose death turned her into a symbol for extraordinary motherhood.
Collective Ink Bard Song
Bard Song is a collection of poetry, mostly in medieval Welsh and Irish metres, and reflections on the nature of the Bard in early Celtic society and the role of poetry within modern Druidry and polytheism generally.
Collective Ink Sacred And The Profane, The – An Investigation Of Hipsters
The Sacred and the Profane is a work that combines local and global analysis to examine our age's often-talked about, but mostly misunderstood, 'mainstream subculture': the hipster. This book seeks to answer questions like, 'Why don't hipsters want to be called hipsters?' and 'Why do they act like they are different when they are just like all the other hipsters?' If you can't stand hipsters, are a hipster, or don't know what a hipster is, this book is for you.
Collective Ink Claude Cahun – The Soldier with No Name
Claude Cahun is the most important artist you've never heard of - until now. Writer, photographer, lesbian; revolutionary activist, surrealist, resistance fighter - Cahun witnessed the birth of the Paris avant-garde, lived through two World Wars and, as 'Der Soldat ohne Namen', risked death by inciting mutiny on Nazi-occupied Jersey. And yet, she's until recently been merely a peripheral figure in these world-shaping events, relegated by academics to the footnotes in the history of art, sexual politics and revolutionary movements of the last century. Now more so than ever, Cahun demands a significant presence in the history of surrealism and the avant-garde - even, in the literary canon of early twentieth-century literature. Indeed her one major book, Disavowals, is a masterpiece of anti-memoir writing. Much has been made of her as a photographer, but Claude Cahun 'the writer' was one of the most radical and prescient leftists of the century. At a time when her star is rising like never before Claude Cahun: The Soldier With No Name represents the first explicit attempt in English to posit Cahun as an important figure in her own right, and to popularise one of the most prescient and influential artists of her generation.
Collective Ink Deeper Quest, The
The Deeper Quest introduces us to philosophical concepts that were instrumental in developing our Western cultural background and deciding who we are as a people. Without knowing them we experience a personal and cultural deficit that is detrimental to present needs and those of the future. We feel lost, angry, incomplete. Regaining these concepts places us back on the path of our own evolution by giving us purpose and meaning. It also allows us to heal many of our social ills from the base up. Social problems are merely symptoms that point to our loss. As we correct who we are, they will naturally subside.
Collective Ink Infinite Music – Imagining the Next Millennium of Human Music–Making
In the last few decades, new technologies have brought composers and listeners to the brink of an era of limitless musical possibility. They stand before a vast ocean of creative potential, in which any sounds imaginable can be synthesised and pieced together into radical new styles and forms of music-making. But are musicians taking advantage of this potential? How could we go about creating and listening to new music, and why should we? Bringing the ideas of twentieth-century avant-garde composers Arnold Schoenberg and John Cage to their ultimate conclusion, Infinite Music proposes a system for imagining music based on its capacity for variation, redefining musical modernism and music itself in the process. It reveals the restrictive categories traditionally imposed on music-making, replaces them with a new vocabulary and offers new approaches to organising musical creativity. By detailing not just how music is composed but crucially how it's perceived, Infinite Music maps the future of music and the many paths towards it.
Collective Ink Four Guns The
Four guns. Four presidential assassinations. Four potential conspiracies. Four alternate histories. What are the four weapons that changed the course of American history?
Collective Ink Pagan Portals Mestra the Shapeshifter
Collective Ink An Angels` Guide to Working with the Power of Light
Born out of the author's cry for help, and the surprise at receiving an answer from angels, come these inspirational channelled messages giving guidance and answers to questions that are universal to all mankind. The angels made it clear that their words in print carry the essence of the divine, positively affecting all who read them. The methods and techniques given by the angels to heal physical and mental pain, in answers to the author's questions, are in fact answers to issues we all face at this time. The key theme throughout the angels' messages is Transformation. Transformation from Fear, Despair and Ill Health to Joy, Abundance, Happiness and Well-being by following the Truth of our Hearts, by the Power of our Minds, by Forgiveness (of ourselves and others), and through Gratitude and Trust. This book is not a story but a guide to self-empowerment through the power of light and love. A power which transforms, as it did for the author, all that is negative and dark to all that is positive and light.
Collective Ink Hidden Oracle of India, The – The Mystery of India`s Naadi Palm Leaf Readers
When the authors stumbled across the Naadi palm-leaf readers of India they were in India for a wedding. While there they found their destiny and made the shocking discovery that our lives have been determined and mapped out centuries before. This book covers the authors' revelatory journey to the Naadis, to be told the precise details of their past, present and predictions of their future, which had been recorded in Sanskrit on palm leaves millennia ago, passed down by initiates to await long-destined appointments with those who come to find them.How does it feel to find out your soul's true mission has been documented in detail on an ancient 'leaf' that relates to you alone, and then to learn your future? Angela Donovan found it a deeply uplifting experience, but for her husband Andrew it was a life-changing moment that left him reeling, his lifelong skepticism challenged and destroyed. The book speaks to both the spiritually minded and the skeptical. This book gives an inspiring look into one of the greatest mystical secrets of India - the hidden oracle. It tells readers how to find the Naadis for themselves.
Collective Ink Bog Witch
A semi-mystical immersion into wild wetland habitats: their myths, magic, and meaning
Collective Ink Resetting Our Future: Zero Waste Living, The 80/20 Way: The Busy Person’s Guide to a Lighter Footprint
Many of us feel powerless to solve the looming climate and waste crises. We have too much on our plates, and may think these problems are better solved by governments and businesses. This book unlocks the potential in each "too busy" individual to be a crucial part of the solution. Stephanie Miller combines her career focused on climate change with her own research and personal experience to show how a few, relatively easy lifestyle changes can create significant positive impact. Using the simplicity of the 80/20 rule, she shows us those things (the 20%) that we can do to make the biggest (80%) difference in reversing the climate and waste crises.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - What is Modern Witchcraft?: Contemporary developments in the ancient craft
It has been observed that the traditions, philosophies and beliefs that enjoy historical longevity are not those that remain static and unchanging, but rather those that evolve and adapt to meet the needs of different or changing societies. And that truth, of course, can be extended to religions and spiritualities that by necessity must remain relevant to peoples’ lives or become intellectual museum pieces. With topics ranging from CyberWitches to Activism, from Web Weaving to Urban Witchcraft, from the Arts to Kitchen and Solitary Witchcraft and more, What is Modern Witchcraft? considers contemporary developments in the ancient craft and discusses a number of questions and issues that are frequently raised today. What is Modern Witchcraft? is edited by Trevor Greenfield and features essays from Morgan Daimler, Annette George, Irisanya Moon, Rebecca Beattie, Philipp J. Kessler, Amie Ravenson, Rachel Patterson, Mélusine Draco, Dorothy Abrams, Arietta Bryant and Mabh Savage.
Collective Ink Shamanic Plant Medicine - Magic Mushrooms: The Holy Children
The Shamanic Plant Medicine series acts as an introduction to specific teacher plants used by shamans in a variety of cultures to facilitate spirit communion, healing, divination and personal discovery, and which are increasingly known, used and respected in Western society by modern shamans as a means of connecting to spirit. Other books in the Shamanic Plant Medicine series include Ayahuasca: The Vine of Souls, Salvia Divinorum: The Sage of the Seers and San Pedro: The Gateway to Wisdom.
Collective Ink Shamanic Plant Medicine - Salvia Divinorum: The Sage of the Seers
The Shamanic Plant Medicine series acts as an introduction to specific teacher plants used by shamans in a variety of cultures to facilitate spirit communion, healing, divination and personal discovery, and which are increasingly known, used and respected in Western society by modern shamans as a means of connecting to spirit. Salvia is the shamanic plant of Mexico. It is known particularly for its divinatory powers but it also has the ability to heal and, more extraordinarily, in modern usage it provides access to inter-dimensional travel and the ability to move through time. The shamanic applications of Salvia are currently little known outside of Mexico but, along with Ketamine and Ecstasy, it has become one of the most popular 'drugs' on the planet among teenagers who have little or no understanding of how to use its powers in a positive and effective way or the potential dangers of using it recreationally. This book therefore serves as a much-needed introduction to this powerful plant.
Collective Ink Anti–Matter – Michel Houellebecq and Depressive Realism
Michel Houellebecq, author of five novels including Atomised and Platform, has become possibly the world's most famous literary pessimist. His work declares that life is painful and disappointing, death is terrifying, and the human condition is a nasty sort of joke. He has been wildly successful - translated into over 25 different languages and hailed as the voice of a generation. Beginning with Houellebecq's novels, this book explores the concept of 'Depressive Realism' in literature and philosophy - the proposition that the facts of life are bleak and unkind. Ranging over work by David Foster Wallace, Susan Sontag, Fredric Jameson and Margaret Atwood, Anti-Matter surveys the case for pessimism, asks how a mass culture rooted in sentimentality and trivialisation manages to produce so much cynicism and apathy, and hunts for the space that remains for serious, life-affirming art.
Collective Ink Making a Massacre
Mission Impossible? A sideways take on one man's crusade to exonerate Oliver Cromwell of genocide in Ireland.
Collective Ink Ruling Ideas, The: How They Ruin Society and Make You Miserable
Ideas that are employed to legitimize and make us consent to authority and its hierarchies also disempower us, leaving us anxious, depressed, and discontent. They are constantly hammered into us by the media, by our friends and family, and by institutions. They also come to us by way of films, motivational speakers, business gurus, as well as in the actions we take in our everyday lives and in the experiences of who we are. In The Ruling Ideas: How They Ruin Society and Make You Miserable, Ari Ofengenden examines many of these ideas, such as the entrepreneurial-self, the utility-oriented economic man, technological progress, virtues and values, as well as family values, God, nation and race. Ofengenden provides a deft analysis, on the one hand, of the beliefs we hold, the ideas behind them that make us consent to the social order, and how we often fool ourselves into believing these ideas; on the other hand, the author proffers a way to combat these ideas, to live without them and develop alternatives.
Collective Ink Spiritual Awakening Made Simple: How to See Through the Mist of the Mind to the Peace of the Here and Now
In this inspiring and practical book, Andrew Seaton guides us to our true nature, the peace-filled observing awareness beyond the mind. The book explains how, beginning in our infancy, we experience a spiritual forgetting. The mind creates abstract interpretations of the world and who we are. These conditioned interpretations become self-fulfilling and create our life experience, our karma. Learn how to see the world as it is in reality, rather than through the distorting filters of the conditioned mind. Discover how simple it is to clear away the mist of the conditioned mind and instantly drop into the awareness Self, which is who you really are. Importantly, this book shows the reader how to avoid some of the common frustrations and traps in spiritual awakening. Perhaps best of all, it offers a simple strategy for holding in focus the ways of experiencing everyday life as the awareness Self: a simple strategy for spiritual awakening. Spiritual Awakening Made Simple offers a concise, unified and practical formulation that will help you to awaken to your own true nature as peace, contentment and connectedness with all life.
Collective Ink After The Apocalypse: Finding hope in organizing
Our times of crumbling structures and decaying social bonds are often depicted as apocalyptic. This book takes the apocalypse as a metaphor to help us in the search for meaning in our everyday realities. Yes, the apocalypse is when social structures and institutions fall apart and we are terrified and suffocated by the debris raining down upon us. But “apocalypse" also means “revelation”. The very collapse reveals what dissipating institutions were constructed upon: where there ought to have been foundational common values, most often there is violence and raw power. Yet the values are there, too, and they can be found. This book is a guide to these values, showing how they can be of help to organizers and organizational dreamers.
Collective Ink Enjoying It – Candy Crush and Capitalism
Using a range of 'case studies' from Critical Theory to Candy Crush, 'Gangnam Style' to Game of Thrones and Football Manager to Hieronymus Bosch, this book argues that we need to rethink our enjoyment. Inspired by psychoanalysis, the book offers a new way of thinking about how we talk about what we enjoy and how we enjoy what we talk about.
Collective Ink Gift of an Angel, The – A Journey to Integrating Spirituality Into Everyday Life
This is a book about angels and angelic verification. It contains a true story and a channelled vibration of comfort and love. It has been channelled and written to assist with the realignment and the post-2012 'great shift' we are currently undertaking. This is also a book about the process of being able to channel messages and verify them, to have faith and surrender. It is about being on a spiritual path, about finding your life's work, about being free but also having fun; it is about taking responsibility, to be able to laugh at absurdity and not taking all of this too seriously on the one hand and taking it very seriously indeed on the other. For being on a spiritual path is a journey to integration and joy, a journey in which we are the hero or heroine, however unlikely a label that may seem. And if it is as serious as that it is also as joyous and wild as that. The Gift of An Angel will inspire and assist anyone setting out on their own spiritual journey, especially if this includes the desire to connect to angelic realms.
Collective Ink Dead Man Working
Capitalism has become strange. Ironically, while the 'age of work' seems to have come to an end, working has assumed a total presence - a 'worker's society' in the worst sense of the term - where everyone finds themselves obsessed with it. So what does the worker tell us today? "I feel drained, empty - dead." This book tells the story of the dead man working. It follows this figure through the daily tedium of the office, to the humiliating mandatory team building exercise, to awkward encounters with the funky boss who pretends to hate capitalism and tells you to be authentic. In this society, the experience of work is not of dying...but neither of living. It is one of a living death. And yet, the dead man working is nevertheless compelled to wear the exterior signs of life, to throw a pretty smile, feign enthusiasm and make a half-baked joke. When the corporation has colonized life itself, even our dreams, the question of escape becomes ever more pressing, ever more desperate.