Search results for ""Collective""
Collective Ink Steal a Few Cents
Mpho Mamela, a young accountant at a coal mine in the Middelburg coalfields of South Africa is killed one night when he gets caught in the rollers of a conveyor belt. He is mangled beyond recognition. There will be an official State enquiry into his death, by the Inspectorate of Mining. Stephen Wakefield, the in-house lawyer and a director of the company, begins preparing for the enquiry, but he struggles to understand what happened - Mamela should not have been anywhere near the place he was killed. Bit by bit, Stephen's investigation uncovers a story far removed from a simple workplace accident. A web of deception and massive fraud is unveiled; fraud perpetrated by a person who publicly insists on high standards of morality and honesty. It becomes clear to Stephen that Mamela had tried to blackmail the guilty party to help his lover, who is in prison for attempting to steal a trifling amount from the mining company. When the killer learns that his actions are about to be exposed, Stephen realises that his own life is now in danger...
Collective Ink Other Paradises: Poetic approaches to thinking in a technological age
Why do people choose to play with ideas considered antiquated? Why do they elect to act in non-productive ways? Perhaps the question can be asked in reverse: What comes to mind when we think of technology? That which is practical, efficient, invisible, fast, optimistic, constantly updated. So how can one explain the search for the opposite, that which is useless, inefficient, physically present, slow, dystopian, obsolete and governed by chance? The matter of what motivates the search for `antiquated’ forms strikes deep into the heart of value. Are people simply following trends? Are they idiots? Are they sentimental? Are they artists? Are they interested in kitsch? Are they uninformed? Are they poets? Other Paradises is a collection of essays exploring imaginative responses to science and technology, and is about people who choose to build `other paradises’, fully conscious of the alternative they offer to the dominant paradigm of technological progress.
Collective Ink Next Step, The – Book Two of The Last Stop Series
It's been five years since Mickey passed the Europans' test, saving the Europans and planet Earth. Pam and David are living on Europa in a wondrous habitat where anything seems possible, and have twins with unusual abilities. Earth is transforming into a Utopian paradise thanks to the Sphere, an alien hard drive filled with advanced technology gifted to Earth by the Europans. But Mickey, who chose to remain on Earth, suspects the Europans of having a secret, more sinister agenda. When he severs his connection to the Sphere and begins to investigate, Mickey is captured by the Sphere Cult and put on trial for his life...The second book in the thrilling YA sci-fi series from Michael H. Burnam, The Next Step, asks what happens when Evolution progresses to immortality?
Collective Ink Every Day Magic – A Pagan Book of Days – 366 Magical Ways to Observe the Cycle of the Year
Every Day Magic - A Pagan Book of Days contains 366 spells, rituals, meditations, Pagan prayers, divinatory techniques, poems to read and recipes and craft projects to try out, along with the details of festivals that take place throughout the year. All the activities are intended to be easy to follow so you can pick up the book, open it to a day and find something you can do. There are festivals from the ancient world and modern Pagan celebrations as well.
Collective Ink Stillness on Shaking Ground – A Woman`s Himalayan Journey Through Love, Loss, and Letting Go
Determined to hang prayer flags at Mt. Everest Base Camp, Olivia trekked through Tibet while under the scrutiny of Communist China. She survived earthquakes, landslides, and a middle-of-the-night hijacking while enroute to a remote village in Nepal. Confronted with her own sense of meaning, she went toe-to-toe with the suffering, challenges, and decisions that all beings face, which included the capacity to love and let go.
Collective Ink Dangerous Pilgrims
Maitland Sutterfield is a San Francisco journalist who has just been through an exhausting divorce. He takes a writer's holiday, accepting an assignment as a reporter in Guatemala. In full flight from his personal demons, Sutterfield seeks peace in a beautiful land unlike his own - but this is Guatemala of the 1980s, and there is a brutal civil war underway. Instead of peace, Sutterfield finds the perils of love in a time of revolution, not to mention the moral quandaries of a country that is descending into madness. Maitland's main contact in Guatemala is Sofia Mendez, who takes him to a small Catholic mission in the highlands run by a Spanish-trained Jesuit priest. Maitland volunteers at the mission, convinced that the priest's ministry is a vivid example of the Liberation Theology movement about which he hopes to write the definitive book-length analysis. But complications abound when Sofia becomes Maitland's lover, before either he or Sofia have a chance to discuss the real nature of her previous vocation. Maitland is oppressively aware of the subtle but inevitable exploitation of third-world sources by first-world media, but the tables are turned as he finds himself trapped in a dangerous dilemma in which Sofia's needs dictate both their futures.
Collective Ink Zen for Druids – A Further Guide to Integration, Compassion and Harmony with Nature
The teachings of Zen Buddhism combined with the earth-based tradition of Druidry can create a holistic way of life that is deeply integrated with the seasons, the environment and the present moment. In soul-deep relationship we can use the techniques and wisdom from both traditions to find balance and harmony within our own lives. In this text we explore the concepts of the Dharma (the Buddha's teachings) and how they relate to the wisdom of the Druid tradition. We also look at the Wheel of the Year in modern Druidry with regards to the Dharma, incorporating the teachings into every seasonal festival in an all-encompassing celebration of nature. We explore meditation, mindfulness, animism and integration with nature, learning how to find sustainable relationship in the work that we do, opening our souls to the here and now and seeing the beauty and wonder that enchants our lives in every waking moment. Step into a new life, fully awake and aware to the beauty of the natural world.
Collective Ink In Just Three Years – Pentecost 1549 to All Saints` 1552 – A Tale of Two Prayer Books
Henry VIII's Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, is credited with a pivotal role in the English Reformation. As well as playing a leading part, together with Henry's Chancellor, Thomas Cromwell, in securing the separation of the Church in England from the authority of the Roman Church and the Pope enabling Henry both to marry his mistress, Anne Boleyn, and to become Supreme Head of the Church of England, he also began, prior to Henry's death in 1547, to introduce liturgical reforms into the Church. In the reign of Henry's son, Edward VI, Cranmer was considered the prime creator of the 1549 Prayer Book, the first all-English service book with reformed tendencies. Within three years, a more radical and reformed book was produced and authorised at the end of 1552. the question and issue is whether Cranmer was directly responsible for this second book which took the Church of England in a more overtly protestant direction. Many argue that he was. This book suggests that he was not.
Collective Ink Officious – Rise of the busybody state
In Anglo-Saxon countries there is a new and distinctive form of state: the busybody state. This state is defined by an attachment to bureaucratic procedures for their own sake: the rule for the sake of a rule; the form for the sake of a form. Its insignias are the badge, the policy, the code and the procedure. The logic of the regulation is neither to represent an elite class interest, nor to serve the public, nor even to organise social relations with the greatest efficiency as with classic bureaucracy, but rather to represent regulation itself. This book analyses the logic of the busybody state, explains its origins, and calls for a popular alliance defending the free realm of civil society.
Collective Ink High Love – Still Connected
High Love - Still Connected is a true account of the enduring love taken to new levels between the author and his wife. It elevates spiritual health and offers hope and strength principally to people who have lost loved ones, but also to anyone curious enough to discover an unusual story of love, life and beyond.
Collective Ink Vegan Ethic, A – Embracing a Life of Compassion Toward All
"If veganism is about doing your best to not harm any sentient life, we must logically extend that circle of compassion to human animals as well," writes Mark Hawthorne in this practical, engaging guide to veganism and animal rights. Along with proven advice for going and staying vegan, an overview of animal exploitation, and answers to common questions about ethical eating (such as "Isn't 'humane meat' a good option?" and "Don't plants feel pain?"), A Vegan Ethic draws on the work and experiences of intersectional activists to examine how all forms of oppression - including racism, sexism, ableism, and speciesism - are connected by privilege, control, and economic power. By recognizing how social justice issues overlap, we can develop collaborative strategies for finding solutions.
Collective Ink Defiance: Greece and Europe
This socialist history of modern Greece tells the story of its rebirth in struggle, the heroic resistance to Nazi occupation, the civil war and its aftermath, the colonels' dictatorship and its overthrow, the rise and fall of PASOK, the debt crisis, the popular uprising of 2010-12, the election of SYRIZA, the referendum and the subsequent capitulation. What lessons can Greece's experience teach those campaigning against austerity throughout Europe? This book includes an Appendix by Eric Toussaint.
Collective Ink Way of the Lover, The – Sufism, Shamanism and the Spiritual Art of Love
The latest from the Moon Books Classic series, The Way of The Lover combines medicine wheel teachings of 'The Path of The Heart', with the poetry and hidden teachings of illumination within the words of the great Sufi love poet, Rumi. It explores the questions that concern every man and woman: What is True love? How can I be more loving in my relationships? Why do I find it so hard to give, forgive, or receive love? How do I know that my relationship is taking me where I want to go? Can I learn from my experiences of love? How do I deal with the pain of a broken heart? Can love help me grow and find greater happiness and satisfaction in life? Who am I, really, and what do I mean when I say that I want love?
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – Australian Druidry – Connecting with the Sacred Landscape
Pagan Portals: Australian Druidry works as a supplement to the study of Druidry and other nature-based spiritual paths as practiced in Australia. The seasons, animals, plants and ancestral histories of the land in Australia are quite different from those of the Celtic lands where Druidry originates. Julie Brett discusses the difficulties of following a nature-based tradition in an environment wildly different from Druidism's place of origin, and offers practical information on how to adapt the practice of Druidry to suit the energy of the land and respect its spirits and ancestors.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – The Cailleach
The Cailleach - goddess of the ancestors, wisdom that comes with age, the weather, time, shape-shifting and winter. Within the pages of this book Rachel Patterson gives the reader an introduction to the mysteries, myths, legends and magic of the ancient hag goddess The Cailleach, drawing upon ancient legends, stories told and her own experiences.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – Celtic Witchcraft – Modern Witchcraft meets Celtic Ways
Learn how Celtic legend and mythology can bring magic into your daily life. Walk with the Tuatha De Danann and hear their wisdom on the wind. See colour as a doorway to a magical world. Speak to animals and become one with the turn of the seasons. Including practical exercises that can be performed by witches of all abilities, this book will teach you how your Celtic forebears are still alive, in the sorcery and skill of the magical practitioner
Collective Ink Lost Narrative of Jesus, The – deciphering the transfiguration
The greatest Christian mystery resolved! Of all the stories about Jesus, the transfiguration has been the most difficult to understand. It contains improbable, miraculous elements: a secret meeting on a mountain with Moses and Elijah - both long since dead, God speaking from a cloud, Jesus with his face and clothes transfigured by heavenly light. The story sits, with curious inconsistencies, uneasily in the gospels. There are two current theories: either that it is an allegory or a misplaced post-resurrection account. The author carefully analyses the text to show that neither is right and, in the course of his investigation, causes the pieces of the puzzle to fall dramatically back into place. The underlying Jewish narrative of the first of the four canonical gospels is once more revealed. The transfiguration story is part of the lost ending of Mark, displaced within the text and modified by later Christian editors. It tells of the awesome moment when Jesus, his body scarred through crucifixion by the Romans, came down from Mount Hermon to greet a waiting crowd.
Collective Ink Too Simple for Words – Reflections on Non–Duality
Are you interested in exploring who you really are? The answers are to be found in self-inquiry, the discovery of Reality that non-dual teachings offer. No prior knowledge of Eastern religion or spiritual practices is needed, as this book uses simple everyday language to investigate these issues through reflections, dialogues and poems.
Collective Ink Chinese Magus, The
Xiang Li is a cultured, rational Chinese Mandarin, Governor of Xinjiang Province. He sees a sign in the skies and falls under a compulsion to travel to the west in the depth of winter. Nothing is clear but that he must hurry. His journey takes him through the snow-choked passes of the Tian Shan mountains and the searing heat of the Syrian Desert, through ambush by evil tribesmen and the deadly court of King Herod, while ahead of him rises a light in the night sky...
Collective Ink Protector, The: The Fall and Rise Of Oliver Cromwell
A distinctively realistic 'all killer - no filler' fictional biography that bristles with controversy, sex, love, civil war, slaughter, intrigue, redemption and - perhaps the ultimate crime of all - regicide. Every effort has been made to accurately weave real people around a narrative of historical precision. Meticulously biographical in its substance, the plot is predetermined by a landscape of true events that both enthral and educate. Perhaps controversially, the subject is credibly portrayed as a tender father, an admirable man and a reluctant overachiever. The unrelenting pace of the action truly reflects Cromwell’s compelling life story. Think you know Oliver Cromwell? Think again.
Collective Ink Don`t Lose Track Vol. 1: 40 Selected Articles, Essays and Q&As
Don't Lose Track is a collection from the widely published arts and culture journalist, Jordannah Elizabeth. The book includes reviews, essays and interviews hand selected by Jordannah from a catalog of over 200 articles.
Collective Ink Hospital High – based on a true story
My life had been saved...and boy, was I annoyed. Humour and attitude keep Coco going when things get grim. Her relationships with her mother, hospital staff and other injured teens sustain her when her school friendships fall apart. But although everyone's working to give Coco a normal life, Coco doesn't think 'normal' is enough...When she was fourteen, the author Mimi Thebo died in a car accident. Hospital High is a young adult novel based on the day she died and the subsequent three years spent recovering from the accident.
Collective Ink Mistletoe Haunting, The – Legend of Minster Lovell
A Mistletoe Bride is murdered on Christmas Eve, 1893. Her ghost haunts the family stately home, Willow Manor, until her remains are discovered and the truth revealed. Set in the present day and Victorian England, the tragic young bride can at last share her story and put right the terrible injustice that destroyed her family and those she loved. The city of Oxford's Randolph Hotel, and the village of Minster Lovell, the site of the stately home, are the locations for this heartwrenching story of deceit, love and betrayal. The Mistletoe Bride, a local legend, was popularised in a poem by Thomas Haynes Bailey in 1884, and then set to music to become the popular song: The Mistletoe Bough!
Collective Ink Living Beyond Lyme: Reclaim Your Life From Lyme Disease and Chronic Illness
Living Beyond Lyme helps patients side-step the often frustrating controversy surrounding Lyme disease. This book instead focuses on living meaningfully, using mindfulness and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) approaches. Whether it is acute or chronic, Lyme disease causes suffering, and ACT, an evidence-based, scientifically driven approach, can help people change their experience of their illness.
Collective Ink What Dwells Within: A Study of Spirit Attachment
A book discussing the work of leading paranormal investigator Jayne Harris and her studies into haunted objects.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – Meditation
An introduction to the beautiful world of meditation...This book will take you on a journey giving hints and tips on how to meditate succesfully, breathing exercises, chants and visualisation tips. Also included are lovely meditation tea and incense blends, how to meditate with crystals, make meditation beads and a whole host of guided meditations for you to experience. Together with introducing you to other meditation skills such as pathworking, shape shifting, astral travel and working with meditation to cleanse your chakras. The ability to bend into a pretzel shape and chant 'om' optional...
Collective Ink How Finkelstein Broke the Trauma Bond, and Beat – Traumatic Memory and the Struggle Against Systemic Evil
Following on from the first two books in his 'Genesis Trilogy', Lawrence Swaim tells the amazing stories of people who broke the trauma bond, and created new lives for themselves. Including, among others: Norman Finkelstein (whose parents were both Holocaust survivors) who broke free from the inter-generational trauma in his family system by exposing extensive corruption in his community--and in American society--and by working for social justice in the Middle East; Eric Lomax, a former British soldier in the far east, who broke free from his haunting traumatic memories by meeting and reconciling with the Japanese man who had tortured him fifty years before, with the help of his brave and insightful wife; Gerry Adams who, together with his IRA and Sinn Fein comrades, broke free of the trauma of Northern Ireland's civil war, finally redeeming himself by questioning some of his own assumptions and then dedicating himself to achieving peace in the Good Friday (Peace) Agreement of 1998. This is a definitive book about personal struggle against traumatic memory, but also about how trauma bonding operates in society. It is the author's belief that unresolved feelings of psychological trauma are the wheelhouse of systemic evil, whether of the dictator, the demagogue or the criminal psychopath. It is by manipulating shared traumatic memories that tyrants control people, and get them to do terrible things they would never otherwise do.
Collective Ink Storyworks: A Handbook for Leaders, Writers and Speakers
StoryWorks is a practical handbook on how to tell stories. It ranges from classic tools like the `Rule of Threes’ to the new mnemonic `Five Finger Technique’. There are creative exercises, applied resources, and many stories to expand your narrative repertoire. When you have something to say, the best way to communicate is by telling a story. This book shows you how to do that effectively. Great writers know the power of narrative. Teachers and trainers use words as a tool for transformation. When you have a story to share or a novel to write, you’ll find material here to inspire, to inform and to entertain. If you’re a writer wanting to improve your skills, a coach or leader looking for new ideas, a teacher working with young people – this book will help you tell better stories.
Collective Ink Paths Between Head and Heart: Exploring the Harmonies of Science and Spirituality
Paths Between Head and Heart provides an accessible but comprehensive account of how science and spirituality relate, not as enemies, but as partners in the quest for a truth that is greater than either one can understand alone. While many books have been written on science and religion, not many have looked at how spirituality and science exist as complementary parts of a larger whole, and how they relate specifically to the transitional challenges that define our era. '...explains the paradox of the unity of science and spirituality. Oliver Robinson shows that these two ways of looking at the world, so often seen as opposing forces, actually come from the same source...' Jennifer Kavanagh, author of The World is Our Cloister
Collective Ink Queen`s Play, The
In the second age of the world, a time of prehistory, a time of myth, Mandodari, queen of the demon king Ravana, invents chess to carve out a role for herself in a world where male, martial virtues are paramount. As a chess player, she can play at warfare; as queen, she can be the most potent warrior on the battlefield. The Queen's Play attempts to write the origin of chess into the narrative cycles of the Ramayana, one of the two formative epics of ancient India.The cursory mention of a chess-like game in the Ramayana lore offers interesting parallels and openings between the game and the themes of the epic poem. At the centre of it is a queen, first entering and then growing from strength to strength to become the most powerful piece on the board, inventing a game which closely parallels the epic battle taking place not far from the royal palace, a battle which she is not permitted to join, a battle where she will lose her king. Foregrounding certain episodes from the vast tapestry of the epic, the novel develops new narrative variations that feed back into the classical text with freshly imagined material.
Collective Ink Hidden Valleys: Haunted by the Future
The future is alongside us, sometimes closer, sometimes further away. Hidden Valleys starts from the perception that the human world is an eerie place, particularly in relation to its stories and dreams. It also starts from events that took place in North Yorkshire, in 1978. A work of philosophy, an account of experiences, and a biography of a year, it is simultaneously a challenging cultural analysis, drawing on novels, songs and films. It argues for lucidity over reason, becomings over conventional gender and familialism, groups over state politics, and for an escape to wider realities in place of the delusions of religion. Most centrally it breaks open a view of a futural dimension that coexists with the present, and which intrinsically involves a heightened awareness and evaluation of the planet, of women, and of the abstract. Inseparably it is also a detective investigation into the causes of the eerie human predicament. The book reaches the planetary by starting from a singular place, it reaches reality by starting from dreams, and it reaches the future by finding a doorway in the past.
Collective Ink Crystal Prescriptions volume 3 – Crystal solutions to electromagnetic pollution and geopathic stress. An A–Z guide.
This third A-Z directory by the author of The Crystal Bibles explores the effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) pollution and geopathic stress (GS) on health and well-being, and the dis-eases and healing crystals associated with them. Including 20 crystal portraits, the directory assists in identifying the right crystal for your needs whether it is for personal energetic support and healing for EMF and GS effects, or environmental protection against electromagnetic and geopathic stress. With practical applications, the directory also includes essential information on keeping your crystals working for you.
Collective Ink May's Moon - Book I
Beating thousands of others, the geeky boy they call 'Micky Moon' at home, is one of ten children from around the world accepted onto the 'Children's Moon Program' in Florida. If he can survive the g-force of a space-shuttle launch, overcome his secret fear of water and pass the other battery of tests, he could win a place on the next mission to the moon!
Collective Ink Secrets of Creation: The Enigma of the Spiral Waves: Volume 2
The Enigma of the Spiral Waves delves further into the workings of the number system with an inventive, equation-free approach to communicating advanced mathematical ideas, including the notorious Riemann Hypothesis, widely recognised as the Holy Grail of mathematics.
Collective Ink Cancer Survivorship Coping Tools – We`ll get you – Tools for cancer`s emotional pain from a melanoma and breast cancer survivor
Hearing the words "You have cancer" can be devastating-some cancer patients even say that the emotional pain and loss of certainty from hearing this are worse than the pains from the cancer, surgeries, radiation, chemotherapy, and other treatments. This is the intimate journey of a melanoma and breast cancer survivor who honestly, and sometimes even humorously, shares her own story and offers supportive emotional tools to help people diagnosed with cancer, and their loved ones and caregivers, work through the emotional pain and upheaval of a cancer diagnosis. You will be supported in knowing what it feels like to hear you have cancer and be given a variety of helpful ideas to start feeling better whether you are newly diagnosed, in treatment, or months or years after treatment. If you are a caregiver, friend, or family member who wants to help, you will get a better understanding of the cancer experience as well as tools to help the person you care about.
Collective Ink Babbling Corpse – Vaporwave and the Commodification of Ghosts
In the age of global capitalism, vaporwave celebrates and undermines the electronic ghosts haunting the nostalgia industry. Ours is a time of ghosts in machines, killing meaning and exposing the gaps inherent in the electronic media that pervade our lives. Vaporwave is an infant musical micro-genre that foregrounds the horror of electronic media's ability to appear - as media theorist Jeffrey Sconce terms it - "haunted." Experimental musicians such as INTERNET CLUB and MACINTOSH PLUS manipulate Muzak and commercial music to undermine the commodification of nostalgia in the age of global capitalism while accentuating the uncanny properties of electronic music production. Babbling Corpse reveals vaporwave's many intersections with politics, media theory, and our present fascination with uncanny, co(s)mic horror. The book is aimed at those interested in global capitalism's effect on art, musical raids on mainstream "indie" and popular music, and anyone intrigued by the changing relationship between art and commerce.
Collective Ink Lead Yourself First! – Indispensable Lessons in Business and in Life
Are you ready to be the leader of your own life? We live in a time of unprecedented economic and social turmoil. In the face of uncertainty and fear, we look to our jobs for security and to our leaders for inspiration. We aspire to a prosperous, stable future and strive to remain optimistic, but the stress of simply surviving-financially, professionally, and emotionally-can seem a relentless struggle. Consequently, we doubt ourselves and our capacity to be the leaders of our own lives-often opting for the status quo-because staying stuck is easier than creating change. We overlook this simple truth: If we remain true to ourselves, we can control our own reality. Lead Yourself First! is filled with engaging stories and advice to help people everywhere live life to the fullest and take the lead in any work or personal challenge. By applying Michelle Ray's simple, powerful life-changing lessons, you will discover how to influence and improve the quality of all your choices. Michelle Ray's "One-Two Punch" approach will inspire you to: Address the fear of success and eliminate the fear of failure; Rise above toxic behavior and situations; Gain new insights into your values about money, opportunity, and success; Discover your dream career or business and live it!
Collective Ink Seen and Not Seen – Confessions of a Movie Autist
Popular culture mirrors the human soul and it can't lie about the state it is in-which is what makes it an essential guide on the quest for self-knowledge. Seen and Not Seen: Confessions of a Movie Autist is a series of autobiographical explorations which slowly uncover the author's secret life to himself. Revisiting his former writings on film and deconstructing old texts, he engages in a literary dialogue with his past as he struggles to bust open his fantasy life and reach the truth behind it. Moving into and through the cultural, social and political dimensions of movies, the book maps previously undiscovered psychological and spiritual realms of the movie-going experience to create an engaging, thought-provoking, utterly original narrative about the essential acts of movie-watching, writing, and self-examination.
Collective Ink Romeo and Juliet in Palestine – Teaching Under Occupation
Is 'Romeo and Juliet' really a love story, or is it a play about young people living in dangerous circumstances? How might life under occupation produce a new reading of 'Julius Caesar'? What choices must a group of Palestinian students make, when putting on a play which has Jewish protagonists? And why might a young Palestinian student refuse to read? For five months at the start of 2013, Tom Sperlinger taught English literature at the Abu Dis campus of Al-Quds University in the Occupied West Bank. In this account of the semester, Sperlinger explores his students' encounters with works from 'Hamlet' and 'The Yellow Wallpaper' to Kafka and Malcolm X. By placing stories from the classroom alongside anecdotes about life in the West Bank, Sperlinger shows how his own ideas about literature and teaching changed during his time in Palestine, and asks what such encounters might reveal about the nature of pedagogy and the role of a university under occupation.
Collective Ink Kitchen Witch`s World of Magical Herbs & Plants, A
Every plant, every flower, every herb and every tree has energy, and that energy has magical properties. This book is go-to guide on how to work with these magical herbs and plants, how to use them and what to do with them.
Collective Ink Lady Katherine Knollys: The Unacknowledged Daughter of King Henry VIII
Katherine Knollys was Mary Boleyn's first child, born in 1524 when Mary was having an affair with King Henry VIII. Katherine spent her life unacknowledged as the king's daughter, yet she was given prime appointments at court as maid of honour to both Anne of Cleves and Katherine Howard. She married Francis Knollys when she was 16 and went on to become mother to many successful men and women at court including Lettice Knollys who created a scandal when she married Sir Robert Dudley, the queen's favourite. This fascinating book studies Katherine's life and times, including her intriguing relationship with Elizabeth I.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – Sacred Sex and Magick
The members of the Web PATH Center, a pagan church and spiritual community in Lyons, NY, wondered what would happen if they wrote a book about sex. The book needed to be spiritual. It needed to be sexy. It needed to be explicit. Sacred Sex and Magick is the result. The group describes how ordinary ritual practices like grounding and creating a cone of power involve sensuality and rising kundalini energy. They explain how to use that power in making magick happen. Then they share secrets of the Great Rite and how to include the power of the sacred marriage at home. This book is for people who want a spiritual path that involves the physical ecstasy of sex and the dynamics of magick that works. Solitaries, pagan partners and spouses, and people with spirit lovers will all dance with the ecstasy found in this book.
Collective Ink Prisoner`s Dilemma, The
The Caithness coast. Winter 1745. Rebellion year. A half-mad earl witnesses a murder. But seeing the appalling decision the killer had taken leads him to invent his 'game of life' - The Prisoner's Dilemma - and he writes to his old friend, David Hume, inviting him to his ancient stronghold to explore its meaning. Hume is only too pleased to go. He has just met Adam Smith and the two of them have disagreed about man's instinct for survival - and how compassion can exist in a world driven by self-interest. But before Hume's discussions with the earl can begin, two strangers arrive from Prussia who will turn their lives upside down - and attract the attentions of the English army. As the pace of the story quickens to a claustrophobic climax, the greatest questions of the age sluice wildly about the action and people find themselves driven relentlessly towards their destinies in love and betrayal, ambition and failure and, eventually, in life and death. But as the secrets of game theory unfold the characters' motivations, and their deceits and feints are laid bare, a simpler story is exposed- it is the compelling tale of three utterly ruthless men, each of whom is determined to win for himself the love of an extraordinary woman. Who will win? And why?
Collective Ink Compass Points – Passionate Plots – A Brief Guide to Writing Erotic Stories and Scenes
New and emerging writers, existing writers looking to expand their skills and readers of erotic literature interested in writing their own stories will find this book a lively and informative 'how to' on writing erotica. Written by a published author, Passionate Plots focuses upon plot and crafting integral erotic scenes, with practical exercises for the reader.
Collective Ink Whispers from the Earth – Teaching stories from the ancestors, beautifully woven for today`s spiritual seekers
Ancient teaching stories from the earth, together with meditations and step-by-step guides to sourcing your own tales from the spirits of the ancestors. Throughout time, indigenous cultures have used storytelling as a way of spreading important teachings to the tribe. Much of our own rich, ancient heritage has been lost over the years, eroded with the coming of mainstream religions and new ideas, yet those teachings and stories are still there, waiting to be rediscovered and told. Through years of working with the spirits of the land, shamanic healer, crafter and teacher Taz Thornton has gathered together a bounty of beautifully crafted stories from our own forgotten past. These teaching stories have been shared directly by the spirits of our ancestors, who have long been waiting for new story weavers to carry these threads from the past into the future.
Collective Ink Long Road to Heaven, The – A Lent Course Based on the Film
This second Lent resource from the author of The Naturalist and the Christ explores Christian understandings of "salvation" in a five-part study course based on the film The Way. Starring Martin Sheen as a bereaved father, this soulful and uplifting film observes a group of pilgrims walking the Way of St James to Santiago de Compostela. As it follows their journey of inner transformation, the course examines biblical accounts and images of salvation - past, present and future - and addresses the questions: What are we saved from? What are we saved for? Who can be saved? What do we have to do to be saved? How are we saved?
Collective Ink Shamanic Plant Medicine - Ayahuasca: The Vine of Souls
The Shamanic Plant Medicine series acts as an introduction to specific teacher plants used by shamans in a variety of cultures to facilitate spirit communion, healing, divination and personal discovery, and which are increasingly known, used and respected in Western society by modern shamans as a means of connecting to spirit. Ayahuasca is the shamanic medicine of the Amazonian rainforest and has been used by shamans for millennia to induce visionary states wherein they astrally travel to other locations, see the future or carry out healings for others. It is increasingly used in the West and is perhaps the best known of shamanic plant teachers.
Collective Ink Earth Spirit: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Hope: Relearning Environmental Connectiveness
For 14,000 years, the Indigenous people of Southern New England survived and thrived despite experiencing extreme and dramatic climate and environmental changes. Like our present and near future, they faced dramatically warming temperatures that brought about a radical transformation in the climate, ecology, and biodiversity of their environment. Why were they successful? Despite enormous environmental challenges, they adapted and prospered because of their perception of and conscious relationship with every single living and non-animate element within their environment. Unlike our current society which views humanity as separate from nature and therefore free to exploit all of creation for our benefit, Indigenous people understood deeply that we humans are part of a web of interconnected and interdependent energy and consciousness within a Living Earth. They lived in spiritual harmony with all of creation honoring all its aspects with gratitude and a sense of reciprocity. If we embrace the perceptive and consciously interconnected view of all creation that has sustained Indigenous people for thousands of years, we can begin a transformation that will heal our relationship with the Living Earth for ourselves and future generations. The future of life on the planet is up to us.