Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Reputation Management: The Future of Corporate Communications and Public Relations
A good reputation is vital to success in business and in life. Organisations with the best reputations outperform rivals in a myriad of tangible ways; they recruit higher quality staff, succeed with smaller marketing budgets, and exert greater influence over Governments. Although in the long term reputation is based on reality and behaviour, short term examples of organisations and individuals building unfair advantage can be seen all around us. Despite this, reputation remains an often misunderstood and neglected asset. In Reputation Management: The Future of Corporate Communications and Public Relations, Tony Langham argues that reputation management is the future incarnation of public relations and corporate communications. Featuring specially commissioned essays, as well as exclusive interviews with leading CEOs, influencers and celebrities, the book covers issues as diverse as fake news, AI, James Bond, cyber security and internet bullying. Also included are contributions from thirty-nine of the world’s leading reputation managers who exclusively reveal the time they made the most difference to an organisation’s reputation. Reputation Management provides a complete blueprint and toolkit for reputation management and is essential reading for CEOs, Board Directors and shareholders in businesses who ultimately bear the responsibility and costs of reputation management. It will also prove indispensable to all professionals and students working in or studying business, marketing, corporate communications and public relations.
Emerald Publishing Limited Culture Your Culture: Innovating Experiences @Work
Organizational culture isn't just a hot topic--it's an untapped asset and potential liability for all businesses. And yet, for all its potential to make or break, few know how to manage cultures with proficiency. Culture Your Culture: Innovating Experiences @Work provides the much-needed "how-to" with Design of Work Experience (DOWE). Tapping into human-centered design, interdisciplinary innovation concepts, and other research, this leading edge approach partners employees and their employers in unprecedented ways to co-create solutions and differentiating experiences that are customized, relevant, and profoundly impactful to the organizations for which they are intended--all while building employee engagement, learning agility, and capability. Be open to changing mindsets, for this is not your typical business book. Part-business case, part-instructional, and part-commentary, the guidance offered here puts your organization--not some detached case studies--at the center to envision how DOWE can help you design solutions and experiences unique to your context. Culture will no longer be esoteric or intangible, but overt, meaningful, fully leveraged, and truly experienced. No more hacking through trial and error to a culture that lacks sustainability. We can practice the management of culture and organizational change through lived experiences, with intention, rigor, and discipline. Leaders, managers, teams, and employees alike will benefit from understanding the need for this approach, how it's defined, why it works, and what to do to successfully tackle business challenges and positively influence lives with this innovative model--if you are willing to do the work to get there.
Emerald Publishing Limited NEC4: Engineering and Construction Contract
New NEC4 Contract launched June 2017
Emerald Publishing Limited The Social Science of Hayek's The Sensory Order
"The Social Science of Hayek's 'The Sensory Order'" systematically examines the relevance and significance of Hayek's cognitive psychology for economics and social science, and is the only publication of its kind to do so. Sixteen original papers are divided into four parts in this volume: Hayek's Cognitive Psychology, Evolution, and Social Theory; Hayek's Cognitive Psychology and Economics; Hayek's Cognitive Psychology, Institutions, and Broader Social theory; and The Place of The Sensory Order in Hayek's Oeuvre: A Mini-Symposium. Papers examine Hayek's cognitive psychology from the perspective of evolutionary theory, economics, market and social institutions, and broader social theory. Part of "The Advances in Austrian Economics Series", this book will appeal to people working in a variety of traditions in economics and related disciplines. Although Austrian school economists are the primary audience, those working in public choice, new institutionalism, complexity theory, cognitive or behavior economics, entrepreneurship, and other areas will find great value in the series. This volume is edited by William Butos, Professor of Economics, Trinity College, Hartford and Visiting Research Fellow, New York University, Austrian Economics Program.
Emerald Publishing Limited Current Issues and Trends in Special Education.: Identification, Assessment and Instruction
This is the first of two themed volumes addressing the current issues and trends in Special Education. Volume 19 covers identification, assessment and instruction whilst volume 20 covers research, technology, and teacher preparation. The field of special education constantly changes as a result of legislation, new instructional formats and current research investigations. It can be difficult for general and special educators, school counselors and psychologists, administrators and practicing clinicians to keep up with these changes and be current in all areas relating to special education. The special education literature knowledge base should reflect these changes; however, there is no current resource that effectively and comprehensively does this. The purpose of "Current Issues and Trends in Special Education" is to fill this void, providing chapters written by active researchers and practitioners in their respective areas.
Emerald Publishing Limited Beyond Health Insurance: Public Policy to Improve Health
Much of the debate about health policy in the United States has focused on the availability of health insurance coverage and the relatively large number of individuals who are uninsured. While tackling the problem of the uninsured might improve access to and utilization of health care, it would likely have little effect on the health of the population, as there is only a weak connection between health insurance coverage and health. Expanding health insurance coverage alone is unlikely to significantly improve the health of the population or narrow health disparities within the population, given that many of the major causes of poor health such as smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity are largely unaffected by health insurance. The narrow focus on the uninsured in the health policy debate comes at the expense of other policies that could improve health faster and more significantly for every dollar spent. It is well known that the United States spends approximately twice as much per capita on health care as most other developed nations, but that there is little difference in population health between the United States and other developed nations. This suggests that we are on the 'flat part of the curve' of health care spending with respect to health and as a result need to pursue other approaches for improving population health. In light of the imbalance in the health policy debate in the US, in November 2007, the Institute of Government and Public Affairs and the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois sponsored a conference entitled, Beyond Health Insurance: Public Policy to Improve Health. The purpose of the conference was to make available to the public new research on policies that can significantly improve the health of the US population. The conference focused on four areas: reducing racial and ethnic health disparities, preventing disease and promoting health, developing and regulating pharmaceuticals, and improving consumer information.
Emerald Publishing Limited Care for Major Health Problems and Population Health Concerns: Impacts on Patients, Providers and Policy
This volume contains papers dealing with macro-level system issues and micro-level issues involving provision of health care as related to major health problems or population health concerns. In the first chapter, the topic of population health is reviewed and examined, looking at relationships between social structure, including socioeconomic status, and health. A number of papers examine social, demographic and structural problems, and a wide variety of major health problems including chronic illnesses, mental illness, serious acute health problems, and disabilities that require health care. Some of the specific health problems covered include major chronic health problems such as coronary heart diseases and arthritis, as well as HIV/AIDs and other sexually transmitted diseases, obesity and how to deal with obesity, mental health concerns, poverty, homelessness and health care problems with a focus on urban contexts within the United States. The last two papers in the volume extend the focus to look at more international concerns. One paper focuses on urban slum prevalence as a key factor in shaping population level rates of social well being in developing countries, and another on medical tourism. This volume includes papers that focus on the perspectives of patients, providers, and also the relevant links with health policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designing Public Space for an Ageing Population: Improving Pedestrian Mobility for Older People
Designing Public Space for an Ageing Population examines the barriers older people face by being a pedestrian in the built environment and demonstrates how to overcome them. Drawing on research carried out across the globe, and framed around Bourdieu's theory of capitals, this book establishes how to overcome restrictions and barriers to mobility including: - Infrastructure capital, such as technology, services, roads, pavements, finance and economics - Social capital, for example friends, family, neighbourhood and community - Cultural capital (norms, expectations, rules, laws) - Individual capital (skills, abilities, resilience, adaptation and desire and willingness to change) The book demonstrates that the public realm must be safe and accessible, but also attractive and desirable to an ageing population. The book includes case studies presenting solutions around CABE's objectives of urban design, notably: safe and accessible space including ease of movement; legible space, including adaptability, diversity and choice and; distinctive and aesthetically pleasing space, including character, continuity and quality.
Emerald Publishing Limited Gender Equity in the Boardroom: The Case of India
Since 2013, company boards in India have been legally required to have at least one female director. However, gender diversity in boardrooms across India remains below the global average, and a number of the women who do serve on boards were appointed largely because they are related to a founder or owner of a company. Since India is recognised as one of the world’s fastest growing emerging economies, it is important to study in detail why gender diversity at board level remains so low. Is this a result of workplace bias, a pipeline issue, or due to other reasons? Gender Equity in the Boardroom: The Case of India offers just this sorely needed study. Drawing upon interviews with board members and executives of both public and private companies, as well as with aspiring female leaders who are currently at mid-management level, and supplementing this with the authors’ own survey of the make-up of 305 Fortune India 500 companies, this book offers incisive insights into questions about board-level gender representation across industries. Offering both rigorous research and analysis as well as suggestions for practical policy changes, this book is essential reading for HRM and leadership scholars, and is also of keen interest to policymakers throughout the world.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Emerald Guide to Talcott Parsons
This book is an introductory guide to the work of Talcott Parsons, designed specifically for students and those new to his work. It offers a comprehensive guide to reading and understanding the development of Parsons' sociological ideas, placing them in the context of his life and his position in American sociology. Scott delves into crucial resources on Parsons, including a bibliography of key works and a guide to further reading. By equipping readers to understand Parsons, the author arms them to engage with Parsons' work for themselves and to come to their own, informed judgments about his contemporary relevance.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Reflective Leader: Reflexivity in Practice
The Reflective Leader brings together theory and core concepts through reflective practice, reflexivity, and experiential learning to crystallize current thinking regarding introspection and contextual intelligence in understanding and improving the effectiveness of leaders. Beginning with an understanding how leaders learn through reflection, researchers will be introduced to the philosophical and historical roots that underpin reflective learning. Chapters then examine the leadership journey, learning and un-learning through reflective practice, the reflexive practicum, practice and praxis, creativity and reflection, and action learning and reflection. Featuring interviews with a wide range of practitioners that present reflections on critical incidents and learning episodes, Robson provides a practical narrative to underpin theoretical discovery. “Reflexivity in practice” connects the experience of practitioners, synthesising theory, practice setting and personal experiential learning to support and inform researchers, students, and reflective professionals.
Emerald Publishing Limited Energy Security in Times of Economic Transition: Lessons from China
As China has shifted from a planned to a market-oriented economy, it has adjusted its energy policies accordingly. As a result, the Chinese energy industry has now gone through more than seventy years of transformation. Yet to date no single work has sought to assess the key factors driving these changes and their effects on China’s energy security, even though such questions have implications for assessments of the world’s energy security. Energy Security in Times of Economic Transition addresses this gap. Juxtaposing a domestic perspective with a wider, pan-energy-industry view, Yao Lixia explores trends in the evolution of China’s energy policy since its inception in 1949 and discusses the relations between policy changes and macroeconomic reforms. Then, by employing a new, ground-breaking quantitative framework for evaluating energy security, Yao crucially shows that macroeconomic reform did not improve China’s energy security over the first three decades of the reform period but in fact restricted China from developing more effective energy policies. This insight ultimately suggests lines of inquiry that can be extended to research in other countries, especially those in the midst of economic transition. For its detailed history of China’s energy policy and its novel, widely applicable methodology for evaluating energy security, this book is a must-read for researchers and postgraduate students in economics, security studies, political economy, and international political economy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Political Identification in Europe: Community in Crisis?
In recent years, Europe has been buffeted by a series of contested crises that seemingly undermine and overwhelm its institutions and ideals: the economic shocks of 2008, the open disputes over migration, the political uncertainty generated by Brexit and the inroads made by various populist and nationalist parties into government. These interconnected trends have exposed the myth of a cohesive European community. Instead, what can be witnessed is the polarization, fragmentation and displacement of the European public sphere. At the very least, both the perceptions and realities of these crises and the reactions to them have disrupted established patterns of identity and instituted new ones. The emergent discourses of austerity, security, populism and anti-populism, for example, are all rooted in a transforming political landscape. In this context, a re-examination of what it means to belong in and to Europe today is required. By presenting a rich and wide-ranging collection of the latest interdisciplinary scholarship that carefully unpacks the complex dimensions of European identification, this book considers the contemporary concerns and possibilities for political identification in Europe. Written by scholars from across the continent, this volume presents an enriching insight into the European socio-political condition. Each chapter offers a distinct perspective and detailed analysis of a different aspect of ‘identity’. Together, these chapters constitute an invaluable resource for approaching the challenges facing Europe today.
Emerald Publishing Limited Women Thriving in Academia
In a male-dominated higher education sector characterised by overt and subtle adversities for women, the path for women in academia is rarely a simple and easy one. This book sets out to empower women in academia to unite in sharing their stories, inspiring and encouraging one another. Providing international perspectives from Asia, Australia, South Africa and the United Kingdom, and packed with real examples, success stories and practical advice from academic women at all levels, this timely text equips readers to understand how we can move higher education institutions beyond the constraints that have held highly competent women back for far too long. Chronicling both the challenges and opportunities posed by the higher education sector, and cutting across the fields of leadership, management and gender studies, the contributors offer a finely curated collection which empowers women not only to better navigate the academic world, but thrive in it.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Migration, Entrepreneurship and Society
In the field of business and management, the core concept associated with migration sees “difference and distance” as liabilities, whether they are national, cultural, geographic, or semantic. While existing research is valuable, recently it has been suggested that an emphasis on liabilities and adverse outcomes associated with such differences may hinder our understanding of the conditions that help to leverage the value of diversity in a wide range of contexts. Global Migration, Entrepreneurship and Society seeks to explore these seemingly interconnected processes, offering a safe space to critically examine the specific political contexts of excluded groups and develop a much-needed theoretical and policy-related set of writings that can cast light on the workings and complexities of processes of global migration, entrepreneurship and societal integration.
Emerald Publishing Limited Men Writing Eating Disorders: Autobiographical Writing and Illness Experience in English and German Narratives
Eating disorders are situated at the complex interface of biology, medicine, culture, society, and politics, and are seen differently from each perspective. This book brings together discussions of eating, food, gender, sexuality and mental health through analysis of published autobiographical narratives authored by men with experience of living with one of the main eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder) as well as associated mental health problems such as body dysmorphic disorder and depression. Written by a literary scholar, the book speaks with authority on the value of literary narratives for much-needed qualitative research and training on the lived experience of eating disorders in men. With its transnational and comparative focus on texts from the US, UK, Germany, and Austria, Men Writing Eating Disorders will appeal to readers working across the arts and humanities and science disciplines. Its interdisciplinary approach offers new insights for readers interested in autobiography, illness narratives, Gender Studies and Critical Masculinity Studies; for scholars keen to explore the nexus of the arts, humanities and sciences within the emerging disciplines of Health Humanities and Medical Humanities; and for healthcare professionals and clinical researchers who recognize the importance of personal narratives in training and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Humanizing Higher Education through Innovative Approaches for Teaching and Learning
As the demand for quality education grows, whilst resources are limited, innovative pedagogy is the only solution that can bridge both scarcity and quality. This edited collection showcases how innovative approaches to teaching and learning have become the need of the hour in higher education. How might new technologies and a fresh take on curriculum design create a sufficient impact on learners? Pouring renewed emphasis onto the practice of innovative pedagogy, the authors chronicle the success stories of fresh interventions, and demonstrate the potential impact of re-inventing the learner-centered approach. With insight from academics around the world, including action-based models, the authors address the challenges which they faced while implementing new and sometimes radical methods, and provide a roadmap for future change. Pooling a wealth of experience on how to create an efficient learning environment in today’s competitive world, this book prepares educators, policymakers and other stakeholders to embrace transformational change within their institutions.
Emerald Publishing Limited Overtourism as Destination Risk: Impacts and Solutions
The tourism industry provides a vital lifeline in helping to develop and enhance the economic growth of cities, states, and nations, but there is growing concern internationally about how overtourism in certain regions is having an adverse impact on a number of tourist destinations. Overtourism as Destination Risk: Impacts and Solutions presents a range of researcher perspectives discussing current issues in the overtourism debate, including unplanned expansion and construction, environmental imbalance and damage, pollution and deforestation, as well as measures and possible solutions to tackle the problem of overtourism and its spread. This book specifically focuses on Coimbra in Portugal, Amsterdam in the Netherlands and Shimla in India. This book foregrounds the tourist's responsibility to respect destinations and provides an in-depth assessment of possible risk factors and the conflicted role of the media and marketing organizations as image-makers of tourist destinations. This book is essential reading for academics and researchers from the fields of tourism studies, social sciences, environmental sciences, humanities and relevant disciplines.
Emerald Publishing Limited Transformative Leadership in Action: Allyship, Advocacy & Activism
In a time when the world is facing significant challenges, leaders who work for justice and equity for all people are necessary. Transformative Leadership in Action: Allyship, Advocacy, and Activism challenges the reader to do the essential self-work required of a 21st century leader, and provides the road map to developing the skills necessary to take on increasing public leadership roles to support causes related to justice and equity. Shining a light on unexplored, yet crucial, components of the discussion around the apex of leadership and social justice, Bruce and McKee first investigate the tie between social justice work and leadership competencies grounded in theory. Second, they put forward a pedagogical guide in teaching at this apex—engaging both the instructor and student(s) in unique learning journeys. Offering insight for educators, current leaders, and future leaders, this book is a crucial resource – providing go-to support for engaging in allyship, advocacy, and activism for justice and equity. If you want your learners to be leaders and not just think about leadership, this is the book you need.
Emerald Publishing Limited Big Data Analytics and Intelligence: A Perspective for Health Care
Big data is a field of research that is growing rapidly, and as the Covid-19 crisis has shown, health care is an area that could benefit greatly from its increased use and application. Big data, as derived partly from the internet of things and analysed according to specific algorithms, has a large and beneficial role to play in preventative medicine, in monitoring the health of specific groups, and in improving diagnostics. Big Data Analytics and Intelligence: A Perspective for Health Care focuses on various areas of health care, ranging from nutrition to cancer, and providing diverse perspectives on all of them. This book explores the entire life-cycle of big data, from information retrieval to analysis, and it shows how big data’s applications can enhance, streamline and improve services for patients and health-care professionals. Each chapter focuses on a specific area of health care and how big data is applicable to it, with background and current examples provided.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mediated Millennials
Sponsored by the Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology section of the American Sociological Association (CITAMS), Volume 19 of Emerald Studies in Media and Communications draws on global case studies that examine media use by millennials. By bringing together contributors and case studies from four continents to examine millennial digital media practices, the volume charts out multiple dimensions of Gen Y’s digital media engagements: smartphone use among Israelis, the activities of Brazilian youths in LAN houses, selfies in the New Zealand context, and American millennials engaged in a variety of digital pursuits ranging from seeking employment, to content creation, to gaming, to consuming news and political content. Through these case studies we see parallels in the mediated millennial experience across key digital venues including Twitter and YouTube, and MMOs. None-the-less, contributors also prompt us to keep in mind the importance of those millennials without equal access to resources who must rely on public venues such as libraries and LAN Houses. Across these venues and arenas of practice, the research provides an important collection of research shedding important light on the first generation growing up with the normative expectation to perform digital identity work, create visual culture, and engage in the digital public sphere.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Origins of Social and Political Theory
This special issue is animated by the necessary entanglement of theory and history, the cortical relationship between theory and practice, and the transboundary (i.e. international) relations that help to constitute systems of thought and practice. We make three core arguments: first, all theory is situated knowledge, derived in and through history; second, theory-practice is a single field in which theory arises out of and acts upon historical experience; and third, both social and political theory have international origins -- theory is forged through ongoing encounters between 'here' and 'there', 'home' and 'abroad', and the 'domestic' and the 'foreign'.
Emerald Publishing Limited Why Do People Migrate?: Labour Market Security and Migration Decisions
Migration is presently a topic that arouses universal interest. Why people choose to migrate is a question that sparks great discussion. Both economic and non-economic factors contribute to this monumental decision. This book, written by experts in the field, focuses on the issue of impact of the expected labour market security on migration decision-making. The idea of push factors such as low levels of security in the state of origin and pull factors such as the expectations of financial security are explored in depth. Another layer of analysis is added as the authors explore how the expected labour market security level may be achieved in various ways. Some migrants may choose a state with a model characterised by extensive legislation related to labour market security, while others will be more willing to choose countries with greater flexibility, where it is as easy to lose a job as to find one and have greater employment security. By providing the most recent research on the impact of labour market security on migration-related decisions, this important text will help not only answer the question of why people decide to migrate, but also uncover the decision-making process in choosing a specific receiving state. By using case studies from around Europe, this book will prove invaluable for researchers, leaders and policy makers in the field of politics and migration studies.
Emerald Publishing Limited Curriculum Making in Europe: Policy and Practice Within and Across Diverse Contexts
Responding to profound social, political and technological changes, recent global trends in education have included the emergence of new forms of curriculum policy. Addressing a gap in the literature, this book investigates the ways in which curriculum policy is influenced, formulated, and enacted in a number of countries-cases in Europe. This important collection uses the concept of 'curriculum making' as an analytical tool to explore the processes and phases of curriculum policy reform experienced across countries. Drawing first on international perspectives and then presenting a series of country case studies, written by internationally recognised curriculum specialists, the chapters explore curriculum making as an activity that occurs across multiple layers of educational systems, through a continual interplay of the global and local. Concluding with a comparative analysis of the contextual factors that shape curricular practices in different contexts, this book is a must-have resource for educational policy makers, researchers, teachers and teacher educators across the globe.
Emerald Publishing Limited Energy Economics: Understanding Energy Security in China
As the largest energy consuming country and the second largest oil importing country, China has been the net importer of all fossil energy since 2009. With its increasing external energy dependence year by year, as well as frequent occurrences of oil, coal, and electricity shortages, the issue of energy security has been increasingly serious. What is the level of energy security in China? How might we improve national energy supply security and reduce energy trade risks? This book sets out a systematic piece of research which attempts to tackle these hot issues. It starts with the history of world energy geopolitics and domestic energy security, focusing on the hot issues of the complexity of the international energy market, and moves to domestic energy import trade risks, domestic strategic energy reserve strategies, and the impact of the energy crisis on domestic economy. Further insights include the environmental and health effects of energy consumption, the development potential of renewable energy, energy security early-warning and contingency plans, and an international comparison of energy security. The book will be an insightful resource for researchers and students of energy economics and energy management. It will also be a helpful support and reference tool for decision-makers in the energy industry.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Protest and Activism in Public Education: Reactions to Neoliberal Restructuring in Israel
Digital protest and activism in reaction to the consequences of neoliberalism in public education have become a global phenomenon in the second decade of the 21st century, emerging in countries such as the US, UK, France, and Israel. Teachers, parents, and other stakeholders in education are increasingly using digital media in their protest and activism efforts, yet these efforts have hardly been investigated to date.This book addresses this gap and employs an empirical exploration of the way in which Internet-based protest activity concerning public education issues is constructed, mobilised, and carried out. In doing so it provides key insights for the study of educational politics in the digital age. It shows how digital media is used by teachers and parents to create a bottom-up politics, spanning a common divide in the study of education politics between the macro (policymaking) and the micro (school) levels. The authors propose a novel taxonomy of uses of social media by digital activists, and argue that Internet-based social mobilisations develop different patterns of use of social media, based on the lived experience of their members and potential supporters. Finally, the book situates the rise of digital activism in education within the neoliberal restructuring of national education systems and the rise of neoliberal discourse of competition, budget discipline, and measurable achievements. The authors highlight three cases of Internet-based mobilisations in Israel, in which teachers and parents successfully affected public education policy. By providing a case-study driven analysis of digital protest and activism in education, this book will prove an invaluable text for researchers, leaders and practitioners in the field of education policy and comparative education.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Global Smart City: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age
The Global Smart City: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age is a ground-breaking exploration of the transformative impact of smart cities in today's urban landscape. Through a comprehensive analysis of smart city projects, this study sheds light on the urban, economic, and competitive outcomes of integrating new technologies. Divided into two parts, this in-depth study provides fresh insights into the ongoing smart city debate. In Part 1, author Filippo Marchesani explores the internal implementation of smart city projects, analyzing digital implementation, the dimensions of smart cities, and the geographic factors influencing their adoption. Drawing on international contributions and primary research across various disciplines, such as digital technologies, architecture, economics, regional studies, and innovation, this section fills a crucial gap in the academic debate, offering a comprehensive theoretical and analytical foundation. Part 2 shifts focus to the urban, economic, and competitive outcomes of smart city initiatives, employing a multidisciplinary approach. It examines the tangible effects of these projects on the urban environment, economic landscape, and overall city attractiveness, utilizing real-world examples and data-driven methodologies. The Global Smart City: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age is essential reading for policymakers, urban planners, technologists, academics, and anyone interested in the dynamic changes unfolding in our cities and society. With his unique interdisciplinary perspective and wealth of research, Marchesani offers a comprehensive exploration of smart cities, empowering readers to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Emerald Publishing Limited Constructing Realities: Identity, Discourse and Englishness
Dominant discursive representations of belonging and place have become ever-more politicized, led by narratives of fear, uncertainty and anxiety. Grounded in an interdisciplinary and intersectional perspective, Constructing Realities critically examines contemporary theoretical narratives around English national identity as mediated by place and experience. Providing clear links between politically driven portrayals and specific lived experiences, as well as theory and everyday life, Stuart Cartland unpacks contemporary examples of ongoing sociocultural processes. Using the English context as a case study, Cartland argues that discourses around national identity are dominated by a conservative approach characterised by a sense of defensive exclusivism and insecurity. Employing discourse analysis to critically investigate the characteristics and constructed nature of ideological articulations of identity within the English social and cultural context, the author seeks to empower marginalised experiences such as those of inner-city, working-class and ethnic minority populations while also undermining dominant narratives around Englishness. Situating the English context within a wider ‘culture war’, chapters identify patterns and processes that are applicable to a multitude of other nations within the contemporary era. Considering recent developments and ongoing processes such as globalisation, immigration and multiculturalism to offer a useful illustration of the ideological nature of identity formation, this body of work illuminates the intertwined construction of identity and place.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leading for Equity in Uncertain Times: A Regenerative Process
Leading for Equity in Uncertain Times outlines a regenerative process for educational leaders developed in response to the disruption and crises caused by the social happenings of the Covid-19 pandemic, the racial justice reckoning after the George Floyd murder, and the political polarization paralyzing the United States. Each of these significant occurrences has left a lasting impact on school leaders, their teachers, students, families, and school communities. Educational leaders and scholars are just beginning to unravel the effects of this social phenomena on themselves personally and professionally, and on those they lead, teach, and support. Inequities that existed before are now magnified and untenable. Using a classic grounded theory research approach, Candelarie explores the implementation of The Regenerative Process, and how educational leaders can use this process to identify needed actions to respond to crisis, disruption, and change within their schools and educational organizations. These actions will regenerate education to a better, higher, more worthy state that is equitable and socially just.
Emerald Publishing Limited Radical Environmental Resistance: Love, Rage and Hope in an Era of Climate and Biodiversity Breakdown
Acknowledging mounting socioeconomic inequality, a climate system in disarray, and a collapse of biodiversity that now threatens the very viability of life on earth for both present and future generations, Radical Environmental Resistance demystifies activists’ ecological worldviews, their tactical motivations, and their diagnostic and prognostic framings. Providing a succinct overview of key aspects of contemporary radical environmental movements, Heather Alberro offers a brief yet in-depth look into the poorly understood aims and motivations of radical environmental activists as increasingly salient actors within global environmental politics. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with activists from a range of environmental groups as well as analysis of activist websites and print materials, chapters feature a critical discussion of the ethics and salience of radical tactics and of attempts by state, media and corporate actors to criminalize and delegitimize environmental activism. Will mainstream policy and government approaches to addressing climate and biodiversity crises amount to too little, too late? At what point, if ever, do desperate times legitimize desperate actions? Exploring the role of direct action within times of severe social and ecological upheaval, Radical Environmental Resistance evokes the rich, diverse world that radical environmental activists and indigenous environmental protectors are fighting for.
Emerald Publishing Limited How to Sell Value – Demystified: A Practical Guide for Communications Agencies
The latest research from the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) demonstrates that 83% of agencies do not sell by value. This represents a significant threat to their future, especially during recessionary times, as it means there is unlikely to be the proof needed to sustain the budgets that clients currently allocate for their services. If agencies don’t start proving the business value of what they do, the consequences are likely to be a significant loss of income, with a dire impact on the future potential of the agency. In How to Sell Value – Demystified: A Practical Guide for Communications Agencies, acclaimed PR guru Crispin Manners explains how agencies can move quickly to a value-based, rather than time-based, agency model. The author addresses key issues such as: The power of a branded methodology that builds trust and confidence and sets client expectations correctly The tools that bring a branded method to life and give the team ways to reinforce it Examples of premium priced services that break the time-based pricing model How to set a value-based price The importance of client data in proving value and driving effective evaluation. This practical guide clearly outlines a route to a more profitable and fulfilling agency, one where everyone involved gets a true sense of achievement because of the value they know they deliver to their clients.
Emerald Publishing Limited Debt Crisis and Popular Social Protest in Sri Lanka: Citizenship, Development and Democracy Within Global North-South Dynamics
The first detailed account in English of an unprecedented moment in Sri Lanka’s history, Debt Crisis and Popular Social Protest in Sri Lanka chronicles the 2022 popular uprising where mass protests forced the country’s autocratic president to flee. Exploring how the uprising, triggered by a debt crisis, relates to deeper problems of democracy, civil war and development, Janaka Biyanwila challenges numerous misunderstandings about the protests and uncovers how global financial markets and platform economies contributed to the upheaval. Locating the crisis within Global North-South dynamics, Biyanwila outlines how market-driven economic growth strategies restrain public involvement in decision making while asserting ethno-centric collective identities and hypermasculine cultures. Framing citizenship as well as justice in terms of cultural recognition, economic redistribution and political representation, chapters foreground the role of democratic social movements that encourage artistic engagement and collective learning as central for renewing citizenship as well as democracy. Reimagining development that embeds Global Production Networks within local communities and rethinking democracy across multiple tiers of governance, Biyanwila concludes by shifting his narrative to a broader focus on the Global South, and South Asia specifically. Fusing the regional with the global, Debt Crisis and Popular Social Protest in Sri Lanka widens its perspective from a distinct, national moment to an international interdependency with the power to ripple across every corner of the globe.
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Resilience: Risk, Sustainability and Future Crises
The world has gone through profound change since 2019, which has impacted economies, organisations, societies, and ways of working. Now, more than ever, businesses need to be prepared and resilient to large-scale changes. Written by experts, the chapters collected here address various issues such as climate change and the pandemic, suggesting ways in which future crises can be managed successfully and sharing best practice from what we have learned from recent crises. The globally diverse authorship in Corporate Resilience brings together a range of perspectives on corporate resilience and crisis management from varying industries to explore this topic in great depth. Areas studied range from building global resilience through sustainable development and social responsibility, to corporate resilience, environmental investment, internet financial reporting and reporting on human rights. Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility offers the latest research on topical issues international experts and has practical relevance to business managers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Time Use in Economics
Beginning in 1965 Nobel Laureate Gary Becker realized that shadow prices, which reflect the value of one’s time, may be at least as important as money prices. Implications of his resulting theory of time allocation were not tested until much later when governments began to collect extensive data on how individuals utilized their time. Time Use in Economics contains original research on new aspects of time use compiled by Daniel S. Hamermesh, a long-time path-breaking labor economist leader in analyzing time use data, and Solomon W. Polachek, a pioneer in gender-related labor market research. Topics include how time is used by type of household, how time is used in particular jobs, how time is used in high versus low growth geographic areas, how time is used after a job loss, how time use affects individual wellbeing, as well as how to interpret the blurred boundaries of time use between leisure and work, a growing issue as more individuals, especially mothers, work from home.
Emerald Publishing Limited Festschrift in Honor of David R. Maines
David R. Maines (1940-2021), one of the most important sociological scholars of the 20th and 21st centuries, constructed a vast area of research to advance the field of symbolic interactionism during his career. Highlighting the significance of Maines’ works in symbolic interactionism, Festschrift in Honor of David R. Maines documents his most celebrated areas of scholarship, including social structure, narrative sociology, social interaction, dialectic perspective, temporality, and mesostructure. Including stories from individuals who knew Maines via kinship, friendship, or professional relationship, the chapters conclude with two new empirical studies to reflect Maines’ interest in continually advancing the field with cutting-edge research. The collection also features a list of Maines’ selected works for further reading to guide other symbolic interactionists in their research endeavors. Volume 57 of Studies in Symbolic Interaction is a source of both consolation and celebration for those who knew David R. Maines, as well as those who have just begun to discover his inspiring work.
Emerald Publishing Limited Financial Inclusion Across Asia: Bringing Opportunities for Businesses
The term financial inclusion describes an individual’s ability to obtain effective and inexpensive financial products and services that match their demands, whilst extending to include businesses access to finances to enable planning for long-term goals or unpredictable emergencies. This allows micro, small, and medium-sized businesses to access financial products on a sustainable basis for a reasonable price. Financial Inclusion Across Asia provides thought-provoking studies centred around Asia and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Some of the many topics discussed in this collection include financial inclusion in under-served markets, financial inclusion products and services, financial inclusion for sustainable and responsible business, micro, small, and medium-sized business practices. The chapter authors consider Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain and Robotics in financial inclusion for businesses, and financial inclusion in the Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0. This collection of studies is useful for social scientists, students, academicians, academic institutions, policymakers, and other related stakeholders. It is also appropriate for practitioners or financial sector stakeholders to discover potential business opportunities of financial inclusion products and services, allowing them to strategically incorporate the SDGs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovation Leadership in Practice: How Leaders Turn Ideas into Value in a Changing World
Innovation leadership is essential to survive in today's turbulent landscape. For many organisations, their environment is characterized by internationalization, customer centricity, digitalization, sustainability, and a call for greater diversity. In these volatile, uncertain, ambiguous, and complex (VUCA) settings, there is also the need to create new and sustainable sources of value. How are current-day leaders helping to turn ideas into value, whether that be through new products, services, markets, experiences, partnerships, processes, or business models? What are the new competencies and skills required in order to respond and effectively innovate in a changing environment? Innovation Leadership in Practice provides a unique source of new insights on the role of innovation leadership and effective practices through conceptual models, empirical case studies, development interventions, and tools.
Emerald Publishing Limited Applied Spirituality and Sustainable Development Policy
The fundamental cause of many of the global challenges we are currently facing is our disconnection from ourselves, our fellow humans, other beings, and our planet. We have consistently failed to recognize the inner consciousness that dictates our relationships and decisions, an awareness that could be the first step toward humanity’s quest to set civilization on a more sustainable trajectory. Rooted in both secular spirituality and scientific evidence, Applied Spirituality and Sustainable Development Policy articulates a new model of sustainable development that is not just based on narrow definitions of GDP and economic growth, but that includes and even forefronts social and environmental development and inner transformation of human beings. Drawing on fields from physics to public policy, 18 pioneering authors discuss: A distillation of the spiritual gems at the core of the world’s major religions, including Indic and Buddhist philosophy Root-cause analyses of major sustainable development policy challenges like climate change Connections between spirituality and law, and how our legal frameworks can reflect these values The need for leaders to understand their spiritual nature in order to be authentic and transformative in their leadership styles Recognizing a global need for healing, this book rejuvenates how we think about development and nurture our innate spirituality, and challenges us to shift our collective mindset from one of having to one of being.
Emerald Publishing Limited Social Management Responsiveness in Business
A lot of controversy exists around the contribution of the mining industry and the territorial development of the regions where it operates. Despite the boom in mineral prices, there are still many communities that do not show development. At the macroeconomic level, countries with a mining industry receive income from mining taxes and royalties, however, at the micro level this greater income is not reflected in the closing of socio-economic gaps and the well-being of the population. Cesar Saenz presents the Social Management Model Canvas (SMMC), describing the rationale of how an extractive company can create and deliver social value for communities around and beyond the sphere of influence. The SMMC can best be described through nine basic building blocks - the social value proposition; defining the community; social channels; relationship with the community; key social resources; key social activities; key social partners; social investment structure and social benefits. Companies can map the existing social management model to visualize, understand and communicate the level of responsiveness of the model, whilst using the canvas to explore new social management improvements to get a social license to operate. Communities require companies and governments to address their needs such as education, employment, health service, among others. Combining all these elements in a social management model helps companies consider all the variables when designing and implementing strategies that meet both business and community needs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Digital Technology and Changing Roles in Managerial and Financial Accounting: Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Application
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, technology has permeated every aspect of our lives, revolutionizing the way we communicate, work, and interact with the world around us. The field of accounting is no exception to this digital transformation, as new technologies continue to reshape the roles and responsibilities of professionals in both managerial and financial accounting. Digital Technology and Changing Roles in Managerial and Financial Accounting explores the profound impact of digital technology on the accounting profession. Each chapter provides a deep dive into specific aspects of digital technology and its impact on managerial and financial accounting. We examine case studies, real-world examples, and empirical research to illustrate the practical implications of these technological advancements with the hope that this book inspires readers to embrace the opportunities brought about by digital technology and equips them with the knowledge and insights needed to navigate this evolving landscape.
Emerald Publishing Limited Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Responsible Consumption and Production
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Responsible Consumption and Production focuses on Sustainable Development Goal number twelve (SDG#12): escaping the trap of excessive output and overconsumption. Examining family businesses in Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom, each case study presents a unique perspective from their respective country, analysing how SDG#12 reconsiders the unsustainable patterns of consumption and production that threaten both human and planetary wellbeing. The case studies presented generate insights and key takeaways into the role of family businesses in sustaining the livelihoods of current and future generations. The United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 Goals pledged by 193 nations in 2015 that would help engender an improved, fairer, and more sustainable world – one in which ‘no one is left behind’. The SDGs are a call to action, to develop innovative solutions to the most complex, societal, and environmental global challenges. In Family Businesses on a Mission, series editors Naomi Birdthistle and Rob Hales bring together international case studies to illustrate how family businesses can attain the UN 2030 SDGs. Accessible to those working in the field beyond academia – such as family business practitioners, family business owners, government and policymakers, members of NGOs, business associations, and philanthropic centres – this book series appeals equally to those with a general interest in entrepreneurship and business.
Emerald Publishing Limited Eating Disorders in a Capitalist World: Super Woman or a Super Failure?
Feminist critique has yet to deconstruct the new ‘superwoman’ ideal: the modern woman who can and must have everything, but who, in reality, is never good enough. This media myth is fertile ground for harmful practices that focus on a woman’s own body and of course for specific consumerist behaviours. Media equalization of success, self-control, and attractiveness with a thin, healthy body frame these achievements as individual responsibility. Thus, in a society where women can now do anything, only the woman herself can be blamed if she does not achieve her full potential. Combining scientific approach with personal voices, Eating Disorders in a Capitalist World presents a critical analysis of the social context of eating disorders based on in-depth interviews with women suffering from anorexia and bulimia. Employing a variety of influential socio-cultural theories, Jelena Balabanić Mavrović closely relates various environmental influences on the development of low self-esteem, poor self-image and body dissatisfaction to the shaping of normative femininity and the experience of gender socialization in Western society. Chapters also provide a detailed review of the socio-historical development of discourses and practices related to anorexia and bulimia, including ‘healthism’, the war on obesity, and other current trends. Providing a new perspective on female identity, Eating Disorders in a Capitalist World offers a complete insight into the world of eating disorders in today’s society, exposing how new forms of freedom for women have also become new forms of self-surveillance.
Emerald Publishing Limited University Collegiality and the Erosion of Faculty Authority
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. The higher education and research system faces a constant dilemma. On the one hand, research and higher education are run by autonomous, interrelated academic communities, often described as collegial governance. On the other hand, they are an instrument for the fulfillment of goals that are often external to the academic community. What, then, is the role of academics and academic knowledge in governance of higher education and research, and how does this reflect on and impact their aims and overall place in society? Fostered through joint workshops and an open dialogue, this double volume of Research in the Sociology of Organizations develops a deeper understanding of collegiality, examining through a unique comparative perspective how it is translated and practiced in different settings across the world. Concentrating on challenges to collegiality and the erosion of faculty governance, this first installment analyzes global waves of reforms, ways in which various kinds of managerial modes of organization and control come to reshape universities, and how this intersects with the evolving missions of universities as institutions. Revealing the globalization, homogenization and variation that have come to characterize the collegiate system, University Collegiality and the Erosion of Faculty Authority critically considers the state of and future of the higher education system, and how we can consciously shape it moving forward.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Notorious ESG: Business, Climate, and the Race to Save the Planet
Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) has become the noun, verb, and adjective of the modern business era. Faced with societal and regulatory pressure, big business in America, Asia, and Europe has been forced to define and articulate ESG goals to combat climate change and save the planet. The only problem is that ESG has been captured by the PR hype machine as a few prominent business leaders make bold promises to save the planet but are vague about how they propose to achieve this. Eager to showcase their green credentials, companies are making all kinds of promises to reduce their carbon footprint and to play their part in reducing global warming and improving social outcomes. How to separate fact from fiction and exaggerated commitments from realistic goals? Vasuki Shastry spent several years at the coal face itself – running ESG for a major international bank in the City of London – and argues that corporate cultures are too focused on the profit motive and quarterly business targets. Change can only really come through a paradigm shift for business which aligns business with social purpose. Getting there will require a corporate revolution which will disrupt and dislodge the ancien régime and usher in a new age of sustainable business. The author offers a solution in the form of a Climate Manifesto for Business that will Make Our Planet Great Again!
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Studies of Risks in Emerging Technology
With the rapid development of technologies, it becomes increasingly important for us to remain up-to-date on new and emerging technologies. This series, therefore, aims to deliver content on current and future technologies and how the young generation benefits from this. The global financial crisis has highlighted major weaknesses in financial records, information, and data. These weaknesses have led to inadequacies in the access to financial records and information, higher operational risks, flawed bankruptcies, and foreclosure proceedings. The Lockdown due to the ongoing pandemic COVID-19 has increased the scope for criminals to exploit vulnerabilities and commit financial crimes. The increased online presence and homeworking have significantly expanded the attack surface for cybercriminals. Criminals are exploiting vulnerabilities, increasing the risks of cyber-attacks, money laundering and terrorist financing. Research is therefore needed to identify trends, tools and applications that will provide the needed records, information, and data to support more effective financial analysis and risk management. Financial Technology (FinTech) has become one of the most pioneering and cost-effective disruptive technologies. Initial adaptation of FinTech solutions has permitted several start-ups, financial service providers, and other assorted sectors to accomplish an augmented pace of growth. Contemporary Studies of Risks in Emerging Technology: Part A also highlights how emerging technologies are altering the subtleties of doing business for financial services benefactors, possibility of emerging technologies, advantages and disadvantages, technology linked issues/challenges in financial services, and also highlights drivers of this revolution.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Spatial Grasp Model: Applications and Investigations of Distributed Dynamic Worlds
Born half a century ago, predating the internet and named WAVE in its infantry, the Spatial Grasp Model has been tested on numerous applications: graph and network theory, collective robotics, crisis management, security and defense, social systems, and space-based systems. The Spatial Grasp Model confirms the potential applicability of the developed paradigm, language, and technology for solving much broader classes of problems, especially those related to large and unknown worlds. Presenting the main ideas of the Spatial Grasp paradigm and details of its key Spatial Grasp Language (SGL) – including its philosophy, methodology, syntax, semantics, and interpretation in distributed systems – Sapaty explores extended technological applications of the approach. Allowing us to evaluate large, distributed phenomena by their physical or virtual coverage, The Spatial Grasp Model suggests uses beyond the theoretical, including the examination of hurricanes and forest fires. Investigating group behaviour of ocean animals, discovery of unknown terrain features, and path-findings in large transport networks truly demonstrates the real-world application of SGL. Applicable for high-level formulation of key problems and their solutions in the place of natural languages, The Spatial Grasp Model is crucial reading for researchers across multiple fields faced with developing global.
Emerald Publishing Limited ANTi-History: Theorization, Application, Critique and Dispersion
There has been a surge of ANTi-History research over the last 15 years. ANTi-History brings together the most impactful efforts to develop, apply and critique ANTi-History in one comprehensive book. Deal, Hartt and Mills make sense of and organize the ongoing conversation around ANTi-History, using it as a lens to assess both the future and the potential of the budding field of historical organization studies and business history. They offer a systematic close reading of ANTi-History through its introduction to the field nearly two decades ago; the literatures that theorize it as an approach for ‘doing history’ and how others have contributed to its usefulness to scholars, practitioners, and students. In addition, they offer an exploration of the empirical research areas, settings, and contexts – especially its position within an archival zeitgeist in critical management studies – that scholars have engaged in; and the international character that it has taken across numerous countries around the world. ANTi-History revisits the debates that concern ANTi-History and its theorization of the past, identifying potential future research and unique opportunities to further advance and refine ANTi-History and critical historiography scholarship.
Emerald Publishing Limited Approaches to Teaching and Teacher Education: ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook
This volume contains an Open Access Chapter Research on teacher education and classroom teaching has evolved significantly in recent decades, with more research taking an international or intersectional lens. The International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) has moved with the field, beginning as a predominantly white European and North American organization in 1983, it now has active membership from more than 60 countries across the globe. The ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook, presented over three volumes, reflects this growth through celebrating the contributions of ISATT members over time and offering current scholarly research to inform current and future teacher education and teaching. Bringing together top research from the Finnish Educational Research Association (FERA) and Taylor & Francis published over the past 10 years, plus cutting-edge new chapters, Approaches to Teaching and Teacher Education explores established and innovative approaches to teaching and teacher support. The chapters explore teacher development, identity, morals, ethics and politics and teaching and teacher education with vulnerable and marginalized populations. All three volumes that make up the ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook offer invaluable insights for teacher educators and educational researchers the world over, offering international perspectives from North America, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa, and Australasia.