Search results for ""author erik"
Briza Culinary herbs & spices of the world
Culinary Herbs & Spices of the World is a reference guide to more than 120 different culinary herbs, spices and flavourings from all the well-known culinary traditions of the world. It is a scientifically accurate and richly illustrated review of the physical appearance, correct names, botany, geographical origin, history, cultivation, harvesting, culinary uses and flavour ingredients of more than 120 different herbs and associated species. A new perspective on the botanical and chemical principles of tastes and flavours is presented, making it an interesting and colourful contribution to the culinary exploration of the world. A fully illustrated, scientifically accurate guide to practically all commercial herbs and spices, with more than 600 colour photographs. Written in an easy style with notes on propagation, cultivation and culinary uses, the book will appeal to a wide readership, from gardeners and food enthusiasts to botanists and academics. Some exotic herbs and spices - especially from Africa and China - are introduced for the first time to European and American readers. The best-known use or signature dish for each herb or spice is given, highlighting hitherto poorly known culinary traditions. Introductory chapters include a concise overview of the main culinary traditions of the world and a fascinating glimpse into the chemistry of taste and flavour. Includes a quick guide and checklist to the culinary herbs and spices of the world.
Universitatsverlag Winter Poetik Und Praxis Der Freundschaft (1800-1933)
Baylor University Press Gambling: Mapping the American Moral Landscape
Why has gambling become so accepted in the U.S. when other historical vices, like smoking and drinking, continue to evoke morality-based opposition? That simple but intriguing question guides this path-breaking volume, the first interdisciplinary academic study of gambling. Led by the renowned Alan Wolfe and with essays by experts at the country's premiere centers in public policy, clinical addiction, law, gaming, psychology, sociology, moral philosophy, theology, and the arts, Gambling: Mapping the American Moral Landscape is a tour de force of the booming cultural and moral phenomenon that has become woven into the fabric of American life. Both an attempt to understand and an effort to predict its future consequences, the book will prove evocative and critical reading for American civic and church leaders, activists, historians and government officials.
Centre for Strategic & International Studies,U.S. Water and Energy Futures in an Urbanized Asia: Sustaining the Tiger
Random House USA Inc No One Goes Alone: A Novel
Korero Press The Set Up
John Wiley & Sons Inc Profound Deafness and Speech Communication
Drawing together contributions from a broad selection of internationally recognized experts in the field, this book aims to provide an up-to-date summary of research concerned with speech perception and production in profoundly hearing-impaired children and adults. Following introductory chapters provided by Professor Gunnar Fant of the Department of Speech Communication and Music Acoustics in Stockholm, and Professor Harry Levitt of the City University of New York, the main body of the book is divided into four sections covering tactile aids, cochlear implants, speech perception and speech production.
Emerald Publishing Limited Labour Mobility in the Enlarged Single European Market
The 2004 reunification of Eastern and Western Europe and the subsequent economic crisis caused a surge in intra-European labour mobility and a profound shift in preceding patterns of migration in Europe. While previous decades of European integration brought very modest cross-border flows of labour, the past decade has engendered the largest European movements of labour in modern time – mostly from East to West, but eventually also from South to North. In a situation of record high European unemployment, this has sparked controversy about the very notion of free movement, one of the basic foundations of the European Community, and has unleashed heated debates about the conditions, causes, and consequences of large-scale labour migration for receiving as well as sending societies. Against this background, this volume of Comparative Social Research will contribute to improve our understanding of the drivers, mechanisms, and effects of the past decade’s surge in cross-border labour mobility and work related migration within Europe.
Africa World Press Through Fire With Water: The Roots of Division and the Potential for Reconciliation in Africa
Museum Tusculanum Press Engaging Spaces: Sites of Performance, Interaction, and Reflection
John Wiley & Sons Inc Success Made Simple: An Inside Look at Why Amish Businesses Thrive
The keys to better business from a thriving group of business owners-the Amish Business can be discouraging. According to US Department of Labor figures, only 44 percent of newly-opened firms will last four years. Amish firms, on the other hand, have registered a 95% survival rate over a five-year period. And in many cases, those businesses do remarkably well-as Donald Kraybill writes: "the phrase 'Amish millionaire' is no longer an oxymoron." Success Made Simple is the first practical book of Amish business success principles for the non-Amish reader. The work provides a platform of transferable principles--simple and universal enough to be applied in the non-Amish world, in a wide variety of business and management settings. Learn how to develop profitable and fulfilling enterprises as Amish explain how to build fruitful relationships with customers and employees, prosper by playing to strengths, and create an effective marketing story Includes interviews with over 50 Amish business owners outline the role of relationships in business and the importance of the big picture-taking in long-term goals, the welfare of others, and personal integrity Offers ideas on practical application of Amish business practices to non-Amish businesses, with bullet summaries at the end of each chapter reviewing the most important take-away points With a focus on relationship-building and the big picture, Success Made Simple offers business owners everywhere the tools for better, smarter, more successful enterprises.
Triumph Books Davey Johnson: My Wild Ride in Baseball and Beyond
Davey Johnson is best known for managing the New York Mets, Cincinnati Reds, and Baltimore Orioles—and taking all three clubs to their respective league championship series during his time at the helm. When teams needed to improve, they hired Johnson, and he delivered, memorably leading the Mets to the 1986 World Series title. Yet even as he raised the bar of their success, all three clubs parted ways with Johnson, a pattern that puzzles him to this day. A self-termed "army brat," Johnson kept moving, managing the Los Angeles Dodgers then the Washington Nationals before announcing his retirement in 2013. But managing baseball has been just one part of Johnson's fascinating life. A true Renaissance man, Johnson has also found incredible success as a land investor, pilot, scratch golfer, scuba diving teacher, and mathematician, pioneering the use of sabermetrics in the big leagues. Now, Johnson finally takes the time to meditate on his wild and remarkable journey, with reflections on not only his All-Star playing days and years of managerial success in New York, Cincinnati, and Baltimore, but on his entire career.
Charisma House Upended: How Following Jesus Remakes Your Words & World
PM Press Paths Toward Utopia
Capstone Press Insect Ninja: Tiger Moth (Graphic Sparks)
Alfred Music Gymnopedie #1: Score & Parts
Random House USA Inc Fast as the Flash! (DC Super Friends)
Speedy DC Super Friend The Flash(TM) races to the rescue in his first Step into Reading book--plus shiny stickers! The Flash(TM), Superman(TM), Batman(TM), and the rest of the DC Super Friends(TM) star in this all-new Step 2 Step into Reading leveled reader. Boys and girls ages 4 to 6 will love learning about the Fastest Man Alive in this Step 2 reader featuring a shiny foil cover and shiny stickers! Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. For children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.
Alfred Music Thriller: Conductor Score & Parts
George Braziller Grammar is A Gentle, Sweet Song
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Three Gymnopedies & Three Gnossiennes
Random House USA Inc The Secret of Shazam! (DC Super Friends)
Shazam(TM), the World's Mightiest Mortal, swoops in to save the day in this DC Super Friends Step into Reading book with shiny stickers! Shazam(TM), Wonder Woman(TM), Superman(TM), and the rest of the DC Super Friends(TM) star in this all-new Step 2 Step into Reading leveled reader that features a sheet of shiny stickers. Boys and girls ages 4 to 6 will love learning about the World's Mightiest Mortal in this fun reader with a shiny foil cover. Step 2 readers use basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories. Step 2 is for children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Organisationsberatung: Gestaltungshinweise zur Entwicklung einer produktiven Beratungsbeziehung
Klienten und Berater haben unterschiedliche Bilder und Vorstellungen über Beratungsprozesse. Diese unausgesprochenen Bilder sind handlungsleitend und damit von zentraler Bedeutung für die Arbeitsbeziehung und die Erfolgschancen in der Beratung. Aufgrund ihrer empirischen Forschung ermitteln die Autoren drei typische Bilder und die damit verbundenen Spiele in der Beratungspraxis und geben konkrete Empfehlungen, wie Praktiker ihre eigenen Bilder erkunden und damit ihre Beratungspraxis überprüfen und neu ausrichten können.
Verlag Herder Eine Kirche Fur Viele Statt Heiligem Rest
Emerald Publishing Limited Space Tourism: The Elusive Dream
There is an unbridged gap between human aspirations to travel into space and the barriers to realizing such dreams. Despite optimistic predictions, a viable space tourism industry has yet to emerge, with only a handful of 'millionaire' space tourists having experienced travel in outer space. Space tourism remains an elusive dream. This is the first comprehensive, multidisciplinary work on the emergent phenomenon of space tourism. Leading specialists from a range of fields cover a wide spectrum of topics including the space history and technology underpinning current developments; space tourists' motivations; and the environmental, social, and legal aspects concomitant with a space tourism industry. The book is unique in its focus on virtual forms of space travel, such as those manifesting in virtual reality, films, and games. The volume takes a nuanced and critical approach to the development of aspirations to leave Earth, stressing the far-reaching implications for the environment and for human life and society on Earth. The book is written in an approachable manner, making it accessible to both academics and the interested general reader. Owing to its interdisciplinary character, it should be of interest to practitioners and teachers across the sciences, humanities, and social sciences.
Verso Books Foucault's Analysis of Modern Governmentality: A Critique of Political Reason
Lemke offers the most comprehensive and systematic account of Michel Foucault's work on power and government from 1970 until his death in 1984. He convincingly argues, using material that has only partly been translated into English, that Foucault's concern with ethics and forms of subjectivation is always already integrated into his political concerns and his analytics of power. The book also shows how the concept of government was taken up in different lines of research in France before it gave rise to "governmentality studies" in the Anglophone world.A Critique of Political Reason: Foucault's Analysis of Modern Governmentality provides a clear and well-structured exposition that is theoretically challenging but also accessible for a wider audience. Thus, the book can be read both as an original examination of Foucault's concept of government and as a general introduction to his "genealogy of power".
Taylor & Francis Inc Evolutionary Biology of the Atlantic Salmon
Nanotechnology offers a revolutionary and definitive approach for the efficient delivery of drug molecules to non-healthy tissues and cells. This first volume of a series of two volumes analyzes the basics in the development of drug-loaded nanoplatforms, the so-called nanomedicines. Special attention is given to physicochemical engineering, pharmacokinetics, biocompatibility and biodegradability, representative nanoplatforms (based on lipids, polymers, cyclodextrins, metals, carbon, silica, iron oxides, etc.), and advanced nano-engineering strategies for passive, ligand-mediated, and/or stimuli-sensitive drug delivery and release.
Rangjung Yeshe Publications,Nepal Dakini Teachings: A Collectin of Padmasambhava's Advice to the Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal
Uitgeverij WBOOKS The Persecution of the Jews in Photographs: The Netherlands 1940-1945
The Persecution of the Jews in Photographs, the Netherlands 1940-1945 is the first book of its kind on the subject. Both the professional photographers commissioned by the occupying forces and amateurs took moving photographs. On 10 May 1940, the day of the German invasion, there were 140,000 Jewish inhabitants living in the Netherlands. The full extent of their terrible fate only became known after the war: at least 102,000 were murdered, died of mistreatment or were worked to death in the Nazi camps. This tragedy has had a profound effect on Dutch society. Photographic archives and private collections were consulted in the Netherlands and abroad. Extensive background data was researched, which means that the moving pictures have an even greater force of expression. The result is an overwhelming collection of almost 400 photographs, accompanied by detailed captions.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Falsifying Beckett: Essays on Archives, Philosophy & Methodology in Beckett Studies
The dozen essays brought together here, alongside a newly-written introduction, contextualise and exemplify the recent "empirical turn" in Beckett studies. Characterised, above all, by recourse to manuscript materials in constructing revisionist interpretations, this approach has helped to transform the study of Samuel Beckett over the past generation. In addition to focusing upon Beckett's early immersion in philosophy and psychology, other chapters similarly analyse his later collaboration with the BBC through the lens of literary history. The book thus offers new readings of Beckett by returning to his archive of notebooks, letters, and drafts. In reassessing key aspects of his development as one of the 20th century's leading artists, this collection is of interest to all students of Beckett's writing as well as "historicist" scholars and critics of modernism more generally.
Oro Editions Renovating Carbon: Re-imagining the Carbon Form
Carbon is everywhere — in the soil, in the air, in life. Carbon is the foundation of architecture and the built environment. Carbon is also infamous for intensifying the climate catastrophes around us. And architects — by the nature of their education and practice are transforming this carbon into the built environment. Twelve critical essays in this book present a constellation of voices surrounding carbon and its relationship with architecture, renovation, material, form, and design pedagogy. The renovation of two buildings on the Equator — at the School of Design and Environment (SDE), National University of Singapore — serve as the protagonists for these reflections. The essays raise key questions on the values embedded in the architecture of architecture schools. What principles might a low-carbon future embody? What do renovations mean for rapidly urbanising Asia? How can they transform the relationship between climate and architecture on the Equator? Do they demand new equatorial forms? How can material innovations influence their design? How can the design of architecture schools influence a new generation of architects towards a sustainable future? These and other questions are set forth within while illustrating the models of thought that have shaped the architecture of SDE 1 & 3, offering ways to sustainably transform carbon in the context of our warming world.
Insight Editions Ghostbusters: The Official Cookbook: (Ghostbusters Film, Original Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters Movie)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Secrets
Tips, tricks, and little-known methods used by professional SEO consultants to rank in some of the most competitive search phrases Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of creating, formatting and promoting web pages in a manner that ensures that they are ranked highly for chosen keyword phrases after a user performs a Web search. This unique book taps the relatively unknown market of advanced SEO knowledge, and reveals secrets used by only the best SEO consultants. You'll take your Internet marketing skills to the next level as you gain a thorough understanding of standard SEO techniques such as on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and link building. Packed with real-world examples, this essential guide demonstrates how real SEO consultants work with Fortune 500 companies to get the results they desire. Coverage includes: Understanding Search Engine Optimization Relearning How You See the Web Picking the Right SEO Tools Finding SEO Problems Solving SEO Problems SEO Best Practices The SEO Consulting Process Comprehensive Site Audit (Informational Website) Comprehensive Site Audit (E-Commerce Website) Understanding the SEO Industry Search Engine Verticals Optimizing for Alternative Search Engines Setting Up a Testing Platform SEO Resources Attending SEO Conferences
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Tech Stress: Living Smart with Screen-Dependence
Universitatsverlag Winter American Studies Today: New Research Agendas
Purple House Press The Diamond in the Window
Cantata Learning Brown
Cantata Learning Types of Precipitation (Water All Around Us)
Capstone Press Living Among Roberts Max Axiom Graphic
Princeton University Press The World's Rarest Birds
This illustrated book vividly depicts the most endangered birds in the world and provides the latest information on the threats each species faces and the measures being taken to save them. Today, 571 bird species are classified as critically endangered or endangered, and a further four now exist only in captivity. This landmark book features stunning photographs of 500 of these species--the results of a prestigious international photographic competition organized specifically for this book. It also showcases paintings by acclaimed wildlife artist Tomasz Cofta of the 75 species for which no photos are known to exist. The World's Rarest Birds has introductory chapters that explain the threats to birds, the ways threat categories are applied, and the distinction between threat and rarity. The book is divided into seven regional sections--Europe and the Middle East; Africa and Madagascar; Asia; Australasia; Oceanic Islands; North America, Central America, and the Caribbean; and South America. Each section includes an illustrated directory to the bird species under threat there, and gives a concise description of distribution, status, population, key threats, and conservation needs. This one-of-a-kind book also provides coverage of 62 data-deficient species.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Political Change through Social Innovation: A Debate
This book asks why socially innovative initiatives, including attempts to rejuvenate democracy by introducing new modes of participation, are not leading to a democratization of the State or overcoming the gap between political leaders and people. It offers a vivid and thought-provoking conversation on why we are at such an impasse and explores concrete possibilities for change. Offering insights on the failures of modern democracies from three leading voices of contemporary social science, the book interrogates the possibilities of progressive socio-political agendas, strategies, and movements seeking to overcome these failures. It highlights examples of bottom-linked forms of governance that provide signs of positive change and focuses on the essential role that progressive institutions play in enabling socio-political transformation. It also analyses how processes of self-emancipation driven by social innovation and political mobilization movements represent the most promising form of political engagement today. Students and scholars of social innovation and governance will find this to be an invigorating read. It will also be helpful to politicians and government officials seeking to understand, respond to, and explore efforts towards democratizing political change.
Amazon Publishing The Mongoliad: Book Two
This riveting second installment in Stephenson and company’s epic tale focuses on the aftermath of the world-shattering Mongolian invasion of 1241 and the difficult paths undertaken by its most resilient survivors. The Shield Brethren, an order of warrior monks, search for a way to overthrow the horde, even as the invaders take its members hostage. Forced to fight in the Mongols’ Circus of Swords, Haakon must prove his mettle or lose his life in the ring. His bravery may impress the enemy, but freedom remains a distant dream. Father Rodrigo receives a prophecy from God and believes it’s his mission to deliver the message to Rome. Though a peaceful man, he resigns himself to take up arms in the name of his Lord. Joining his fight to save Christendom are the hunter Ferenc, orphan Ocyrhoe, healer Raphael, and alchemist Yasper, each searching for his place in history. Deftly blending fact and fantasy, The Mongoliad: Book Two captures the indomitable will to survive against immense odds.